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All on Fri May 3 16:54:53 2019
Sábado, 04 de Mayo, 2019 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Our heavenly Father needed to restart life upon the entire human race, and for this to happen, He needed to find a man worthy to believe in His living-words thus to grant unto him and his children His only Son Jesus Christ born in the midst of them, with
powers from His holy heart to restore His bloodline upon earth finally. For our heavenly Father needed to get to the heart of the earth thus to remove Lucifer and his fallen angels along with the angel of death, because of his kingdom of darkness had
been established there to send his lies, curses along with problems and difficulties to trouble the families of the nations, and so, He had to end sin.
Besides, our heavenly Father needed to get to the heart of the earth not only because Lucifer had established his kingdom of darkness to attack His families from the nations, but also, He needed to transform it into His perfect holy heart, because when
Adam and his children were dressed with the dust from it, then, the earth was perfectly holy. Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to get to the heart of the earth to resolve this problem with sin that it had contaminated it with the evils from the
fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that Eve ate to give to Adam and the children as well, thus contaminating the heart of the earth with evil forever.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to get to the heart of the earth, as soon as possible, so He may fix this problem with sin that it had turned it into Lucifer kingdom of darkness thus for him continually to send his lies, curses,
problems, conflicts, infirmities, poverty and death to the families of the nations. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father needed to fix the sin problem with the heart of the earth first before He can really begin to save His children from the
lies, curses, problems, conflicts, infirmities, poverty and death that Satan was continually sending to the families of the nations thus to cause them to die forever cursed.
Certainly, Lucifer had established his kingdom of darkness with his fallen angels and death, contaminating with his evils every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, thus by destroying them in his darkness then they will become his
children forever, because he was determined to fight against our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Besides, there was no way possible to remove Lucifer and his fallen angels from the heart of the earth unless our heavenly Father
will have His Son Jesus Christ born through a virgin womb in Canaan, then, after he had lived His eternal life successfully against Satan and death, then, shed his atoning-blood into the heart of the earth to destroy hell lastly.
Considering that, as Lucifer caused the old serpent from Eden to approach Eve with his lies thus to eat from the forbidden fruit, then, he did this evil to her along Adam and his children, because our heavenly Father had dressed them with the dust of the
earth, the day they were born in His image to live according to His likeness. Therefore, for Lucifer to have Adam and his children, beginning with Eve, coming towards him and into his kingdom of darkness then the only thing he needed to do, it was to
have Eve eat from the forbidden fruit so the dust from the earth will become contaminated with his lies, destroying its heart to turn it into his kingdom of darkness.
Understanding that, by Lucifer having the old serpent deceived Eve to eat from the forbidden fruit then he was able to contaminate Adam’s bloodline that runs through her and the children to live in generations ahead in paradise and upon earth, and so,
by having the heart of the earth contaminated then the children will be born automatically into his kingdom of darkness. Surely, Lucifer had managed to establish his kingdom of darkness at the heart of the earth by having Eve to disobey our heavenly
Father’s command never to eat from the forbidden fruit, then he turned it into a tormenting hell for the nations, because now he can contaminate them with his rebellious nature, destroying everything created by our Father initially in heaven.
Now, for Lucifer to contaminate every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations then he had to create idols becoming an altar in their homes, where they will worship him along with his fallen angels and death as well, so he may
contaminate them with his wicked nature even deeper, destroying continually everything created by our Father in heaven. That is why, that our heavenly Father searched for a man after his heart willing to obey His words of life, because He needed to take
His living-word natural from His holy heart to the families of the nations although many were in hell’s torment already, so they may receive His Ten Commandments, where He forbids the worship of idols throughout the earth.
These were very important commandments that every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations needed to receive, so they may know that worshipping and honoring an idol is to receive the wicked nature of His arch enemy, Satan, so they may
withdraw from him and his wicked nature that destroys them with the forbidden fruit and the spirit of error. Now, for our heavenly Father to have Abraham believing in His words of life personally spoken to him initially, as for example, that he needed to
become as perfect and holy as He is in heaven’s glory before His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit then he had to sit with Him at the Lord’s Table to eat the bread and wine.
Understanding that, by our heavenly Father eating the bread and wine with Abraham and his 318 adoptive children bought with money from foreigners thus to give them a home to live his family love, helping them like this to become men of good will, then,
they ate His divine nature for the first time to spread it throughout the earth with his children. For our heavenly Father certainly needed to take His divine nature throughout the families of the nations, but mainly to the heart of the earth, so He may
destroy Lucifer and his fallen angels along with the angel of death since they had caused much destruction already that had sent the entire human race into hell’s torment forever lost.
Confidently, after Abraham along with his adoptive children had eaten from the bread and wine over the Lord’s Table, served daily by His Son Jesus Christ as the King of Salem and His Righteousness, then, the Holy Spirit could enter into Sarah’s
barren-womb for His Son to become Isaac, filled with divine nature to pour upon his brothers and sisters throughout the earth. Lawfully, our heavenly Father needed to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit,
because, He had already started pouring his divine nature upon Abraham and his adoptive children, however: now, He needed to move towards the heart of the earth finally to reach the families of the nations with His divine nature, as well.
Besides, our heavenly Father needed to descend to the earth’s heart that is the Valley of the dried bones from Canaan, where the whole of Israel was descending with the rock of salvation along with Abraham’s tree sacrifices with their halves facing
each other along with two uncut birds, for Isaac finally spilling his atoning-blood to turn it into His holy heart instantly. Understanding that, once our Lord Jesus Christ as Isaac was to spill his atoning-blood nailed to the wood of ancient Israel over
Jerusalem’s holy hill, then it was to spill it at the gate of the City of David but also at the gate of hell’s torments: thus to establish His holy heart at the center of Canaan, conquering everyone’s lasting-salvation at last.
Indeed, our heavenly Father needed to destroy Lucifer’s wicked words born from his rebellious heart along with every curse pronounced by his fallen angels and the angel of death towards the families of the nations, so He had to silence Lucifer and his
wicked ones with His living-words emanating natural always from His holy heart from under Canaan, His home-sweet-home. What’s more, our heavenly Father is intending to fill the earth with His divine nature emanating from His holy heart that sees these
days every man, woman and child reborn from water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism, so He may finally remove every lie, curse, conflict, infirmity, poverty and death from the entire human race at last forever.
Therefore, our heavenly Father has promised that in the last days His Holy Spirit will pour upon all flesh from all the families of the nations, because by doing so, then He is filling every spot from the face of the earth with His divine nature for
Lucifer’s rebellious nature to vanish at last forever never to come back again with its evils. However, for our heavenly Father finally to destroy Lucifer and his wicked nature from the earth then He needed to reach those families of the nations,
affected by it initially, then, He needed to go to the Sinai’s desert, expiating for sin over them while they were still lying in their hell’s holes, so He may finally remove Lucifer’s nature entirely forever.
In other words, without dealing first with the sins that the families of the nations have committed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit then it was almost impossible to attack Lucifer’s daily lies, curses, infirmities, poverty and
death much less He could be able to deal with his wicked nature properly thus to remove it from the earth finally. Truthfully, our heavenly Father needed Abraham, as His faithful servant sacrificing three lambs with their halves facing each other,
moreover had two uncut doves, spilled with atoning-blood, to be taken by his promised children through the Sinai’s desert, descending to the Valley of the dried bones, where He could have Isaac spill his atoning-blood over it and the gate of hell’s
torment lastly.
Understanding that, our heavenly Father by having Abraham with his three sacrifices over the rock of salvation along with the two uncut doves, spilled with atoning-blood, then He could go through the Sinai’s desert expiating every sin, finally to
descend into the Valley of the dried bones to spill the gate of hell thus opening it for the nations to escape soon. Given that, it was from eternal life that Adam and Eve were taken by surprise, as they both ate from the forbidden fruit, thus
contaminating their human bloodline filled with the Father’s eternal life, therefore, by restoring their bloodline as Isaac spilled it from Canaan towards them, then the gate of hell opened finally for the families of the nations to escape soon.
Undeniably, it was always the bloodline from Adam and Eve that needed to be restored through the sacrifices of lambs over the rock of salvation, walking towards Canaan, because once Isaac was born again, but, this time, from David’s virgin daughter,
then the bloodline restored will be the key opening hell’s gate for the families of the nations final escape from eternal perdition. Therefore, after Abraham had sacrificed his three lambs over the rock of salvation along with two uncut doves, spilled
with atoning-blood, then, He told him that his children will be born in a foreign nation, where they will become enslaved for four-hundred years.
However, first his promised son will be born that Abraham had waited with Sarah, because he will bring the rock of salvation emanating love, joy, happiness and other important blessings needed to learn to live by them continually, because Isaac is the
unique lamb always spilling atoning-blood to open-wide hell’s gate for the earth to become a new earth forever throughout eternity. Frankly, this was something that our heavenly Father could have only accomplished successful with one man from the
families of the nations believing in His words of life that was Abraham, so He may finally reverse all the evils that Lucifer had caused with the forbidden fruit as Adam and Eve ate from it, thus restoring eternal life at last with humankind forever.
Legally, our heavenly Father with the whole of Israel acting as His priests with the powers of the oath sworn to Isaac, because ever since that our heavenly Father poured His holy heart upon Isaac then his brothers and sisters are born with these powers
that will never fail them thus to destroy sin forever throughout humankind and the earth as well. Considering that, after the entire house of Israel had been born in Egypt’s captivity with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers then they were able to
collect every sin without missing a single one from past, present and future generations thus to take them to the massive water baptism of the Red sea never to see them again in life throughout eternity.
This is water baptism that our heavenly Father had been waiting to take place with the entire house of Israel at the Red sea that He had waited with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through eternity, so He may finally honor, glorify and exalt His
holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill in Canaan, His only home-sweet-home forever. Moreover, after the entire house of Israel had received His holy name fire from Mount Sinai, because Moses was born with this purpose to receive the God of Abraham’
s name, the God of Isaac’s name and the God of the Holy Spirit’s name, then, Israel may escape Egypt towards Canaan finally thus to establish His home-sweet-home to live with them, His children, forever joyful.
Then, first our heavenly Father had to have had every Israel man, woman and child not only constructing the tabernacle of reunion with the Holy of Holiest but also minister for the sins of the families of the nations lying in their hell’s holes, so in
Judgment Day there will be no sin against them thus to punish them forever for their guilt. That is to say, that our heavenly Father used the entire house of Israel as one man, ministering as His high priest, throughout the Sinai’s desert thus to
expiate every sin miraculously collected from Egypt’s captivity and as well mediate for the sinners lying in their hell’s holes, finally to remove every sin from the face of the earth forever.
In other words, our heavenly Father with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers was able to use the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood within Israel’s families to expiate for every sin from the past, the present and the future generations through the Sinaiâ
€™s desert, so He may remove them before descending with the rock of salvation to the Valley of the dried bones. Graciously, for our heavenly Father was important to have Isaac spilling his atoning-blood from Canaan, paradise, towards the gate of hell,
where the rock of salvation was with Abraham’s three sacrifices with their halves facing each other along with two uncut doves, spilled with expired atoning-blood; therefore, Isaac’s atoning-blood was needed spilling from above immediately, opening
the gate of hell forever finally.
This was something very important for our heavenly Father to accomplish with His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac within Canaan, nailed to the wood of ancient Israel and shedding his atoning-blood finally, so He may have the atoning-blood that had been
victorious over Satan and the angel of death to rest upon the rock of salvation entirely for everyone’s today lasting-salvation finally. This is the moment that our heavenly Father had been waiting for, and this was to spill Isaac’s atoning-blood
thus to allow His eternal life that had been victorious over Satan and his fallen angel thus to destroy them forever along with the angel of death, and so, for His eternal life to spread worldwide for His children to live forever blessed.
Lawfully, this is the eternal life that our heavenly Father needed to establish upon the entire earth with the Valley of the dried bones turned into His holy heart along with His eternal life emanating victoriously against Satan and his fallen angels
from Isaac’s atoning-blood, for His children never to live again a defeated life but only His victorious life born in Canaan. However, this eternal life that our heavenly Father had entrusted to His Son Jesus Christ to live it within Canaan as Isaac,
then, it was to be shed victoriously over the entire world from the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill thus to stain the doorposts of hell’s gate, for His children to escape death at last.
Given that, our heavenly Father needed not only to turn the Valley of the dried bones into His holy heart under Canaan as Isaac’s atoning-blood was finally shed, as from paradise, because it was in heaven where sin began, then, it had to be from Canaan
where He needed to destroy sin, but at the gate of hell first, stained with His Son’s atoning-blood. Therefore, by our heavenly Father having conquer the Valley of the dried, turning it into His Holy heart entirely with Isaac’s atoning-blood over the
rock of salvation and the gate of hell’s posts stained, then, He could have Israel not only returned to life in one day by been reborn, but also, the families of the nations soon, in due time.
Considering that, our heavenly Father has not only opened the gates of hell with Isaac’s atoning-blood stained from top to bottom, but also, He has His holy heart as the entrance into His new earth, His new kingdom forever, where His perfect will is
constantly honored by His children, so we may live with Him in it as in His eternal lovely family-home. Therefore, it was from the Valley of the dried bones that is now His holy heart entirely with the rock of salvation at its center, emanating not only
His words of life towards the families of the nations baptized in water and baptized in the Holy Spirit, so they may receive His daily blessing filled with His divine nature without failing them ever.
For this is the resurrection that our heavenly Father needed to see accomplished not only by His Son Jesus Christ but also by the entire house of Israel, because in the Third Day, after they had received their glorified bodies with nails to their hands,
feet and sides from Canaan, then they saw life with joyful hearts, after centuries of being dead. Besides, this is the same resurrection with its eternal life that our heavenly Father has granted already to every man, woman and child lying in their hellâ€
™s holes that they will come out from them in the Day of Judgment, because our heavenly Father with the Israeli’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood He has expiated their sins forever into all eternity to come.
Accordingly, in Judgment Day, every family of the nations that had had their sins expiated by the entire house of Israel that went through the Sinai’s desert with the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest, shedding lambs’ atoning-blood to
cover their sinful-lives forever, then they will be acquitted, because their sins have been erased from the world already forever. Definitely, our heavenly Father had had the entire house of Israel expiating for every one’s sin lying in hell’s
torment with the ritual and ceremonies of perfect holiness that had all the powers necessary not only to cover them temporarily until Isaac will spill his atoning-blood, but also, He erased them forever from the face of the earth and from Judgment Day
Graciously, our heavenly Father will finally have all the families of the nations returning to life but not to the old earth, where they will sin again against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but instead, they will return to His Holy heart
first then to the new earth filled with His divine nature, where sin fails to exist forever. Indeed, this is His own life that not only His Son Jesus Christ has lived it in Canaan but also His Holy Spirit along with every man, woman and child baptized in
water and in His Holy Spirit, so they may enter into His holy habitation never to abandon Him again, because now we will be One with Him in His divine nature perpetually.
Given that, we will be finally restored into His divine family that has descended from heaven above to save us from the powers of Lucifer and his forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, so we may see life again that has always loved
us as we emerged from our Father’s image only to love Him throughout eternity. Here is when, our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will experience the greatest love that has always existed deep in His holy heart, and
this is to see His children born from His image to live according to His perfect likeness that is His divine nature, loving Him throughout eternity thus conquering new glories unseen before.
These are amazing days from eternity, as from the new earth with His perfect will that is His words of life thriving within every heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit from every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations
baptized in water and His Holy Spirit that our heavenly Father enjoys, seeing each day from heaven above. This is what our heavenly Father sees as He sits from His Mercy Seat or from anywhere from heaven’s glory, He enjoys already eternal glories and
great honors that can only belong to Him, because they were born naturally from His holy heart after suffering and grieving for His children that were deceived by Lucifer’s lies to descend into hell’s torment forever lost.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father has turned His grieving holy heart that has suffered and cried through generations before starting His covenant of life with Abraham and Sarah’s barren-womb to give birth to His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac,
so he will be always His Lamb receiving His divine nature for the entire human race into everlasting upon earth. Therefore, through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit then He has expressed His amazing unfailing-love along with His suffering and
grieving for His children from the families of the nations lost in hell’s torment, but now, He has powers turning every hell into His joyful heart, so His grieving and suffering have become our eternal joy with glories unseen before until now.
Nowadays, this is what our heavenly Father sees from heaven’s glory as His eyes searches for His children throughout His joyful holy heart of the earth, because He sees them from Israel and the families of the nations, enjoying powerfully with their
loved ones what was once His holy heart’s suffering and grieving for them, turned into amazing new happiness unknown even to angels. For sure, this is the eternal life that our heavenly Father needed to live with His children even before the angelical
rebellion from Lucifer and his fallen angels against His holy name fire, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and finally He is about to live it with you entirely in Canaan and throughout the new earth into everlasting.
That is why, that these days our heavenly Father is ready to descend with the entire house of Israel that managed to escape the Valley of the dried bones, as the gate of hell was spilled with Isaac’s atoning-blood from Canaan above, so they may receive
their glorified-body to love His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill forever into eternity. Soon, our heavenly Father is going to have all the families of the nations emerging from their hell’s holes from under their countries, because the gate
of hell is stained with Isaac’s atoning-blood, moreover all the hells have been destroyed already forever: given that, darkness no longer exists much less sin, curses, infirmity, poverty and death, for the atoning-blood has destroyed them forever.
That is why, that our heavenly Father can see each day His holy heart of the new earth, emerging from the old one, you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends, enjoying His ancient suffering and grieving for you, because He has turned them into
eternal joys for your heart, filled with His divine nature, ever since you becoming baptized in water. However, every Sabbath established as an eternal covenant with Israel is to become one with the Father on this day, where sin fails to exist throughout
the earth because of powers from the oath sworn to Isaac, therefore, He can enjoy already His suffering, pain and grieving of His holy heart for you, since they are eternal glories now growing forevermore with you always.
These new eternal days from the new earth that began to grow towards Canaan as His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac finally spilled his atoning-blood from Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, thus He savors them completely as He has His eyes over His holy heart
growing steadily with Israelis families and countless angels: worshipping and exalting His holy name fire without ceasing ever. That is why, that our heavenly Father still waits patiently for every man, woman and child from Israel and from the families
of the nations to become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so they may become reborn into His new earth forever enriched with perfect holiness into everlasting.
For this is precisely the eternal life that has already lived in Canaan, as our heavenly Father perfect paradise, victorious over Lucifer and his wicked schemes along with the fallen angels and death, so you may start to live it these days until kingdom
come, because our heavenly Father loves the idea to see you victorious over every enemy always. However, you will always fail to live this glorious life, if you are not reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son
and the Holy Spirit, because the rock of salvation and soil, blessing it is Canaan, requiring that you must be reborn to live it thus to enjoy it daily to its fullness forever.
Seriously, this is the life that our heavenly Father has worked-hard with the house of Israel baptized in water at the Red sea that they became His priests, dressed with the glorified-body of the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit to conduct rituals and
ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac that granted Him legal powers to change the world forever. That is to say, that after the entire house of Israel was bitten by the poisonous snakes, emerging from the Valley of the dried bones,
then, they descended with the rock of salvation to their eternal graveyards, for they had received a golden calf that stopped them from entering into Canaan to conquer and possess it at last forever.
Therefore, this golden calf that they had made with the golden jewelry received from the Egyptians, as they finally abandoned captivity, then it impeded them from entering to possess Canaan, as promised by our heavenly Father for them and their children,
and so, they needed to be bitten again, but with the King of Jews’ wounds to conquer Canaan finally anyday now. However, for this to happen then the entire house of Israel had to become dust, because after they descended into the Valley of the dried
bones, their sacred-flesh that had conducted all the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac needed to ascend to Jerusalem’s holy hill finally thus to have the sins of the world erased forever.
Given that, when the Israelis’ bodies returned to the dust from where the Father took a hand full covering Adam’s image and living-soul along with his children, beginning with Eve, then, it became the seed from the Sinai’s desert that His right-arm
needed to plant in Canaan, because it hold the sins of the world to be destroyed with His Son’s atoning-blood lastly. This is the tree that our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ to be born this time as a carpenter in Canaan to cut it in due
time, and this is when he had finished destroying every work from Satan and his fallen angels along with the angel of death, so he may be nailed to it that is ancient Israel forever.
Considering that, our heavenly Father through the Israelis’ sacred-flesh expiated every sin that the families of the nations lying in hell’s torment had committed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so He may finally remove them
entirely from the world forever thus establishing His holy heart under Canaan perpetually, for His soon descends to His home-sweet-home finally. For this is the wood of ancient Israel that not only holds the entire divine nature from the oath sworn to
Isaac that everyone from Israel was born with it initially, but it also holds every ritual and ceremony of perfect holiness that expiated every sin from the past, present and future generations thus to destroy them forever by His Son’s atoning-blood.
That is to say, also that the wood of ancient Israel still holds to this day the divine nature, from where everyone from Israel was born initially, conveying every sin from Egypt’s captivity, the Sinai’s desert and the Valley of the dried bones thus
to destroy them over Jerusalem’s holy hill finally with His Son Jesus Christ’s shedding his atoning-blood. For this was the only way possible that our heavenly Father could not only introduce into Canaan the entire house of Israel’s divine nature
in which they were born with the oath sworn to Isaac thus to perform as priests: rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness to expiate every sin from the entire world, finally to destroy them forever over Jerusalem’s holy hill.
That is why, that this wood of ancient Israel, where our heavenly Father’s holy name fire was nailed to it along with His Son Jesus Christ victorious over Satan, his fallen angels and the angel of death throughout Canaan and the families of the nations
can really intercede, expiate, mediate with divine-powers before His Throne in heaven, so you may live forever enriched. Considering that, our heavenly Father was able to nail His Son Jesus Christ along with His holy name fire, then the sins of the world
were removed forever along with every hell, so His children from the families of the nations may escape Judgment Day thus to enter into His new earth, where sin no longer is a problem forever.
That is to say, also that whoever blesses the wood of ancient Israel that is filled with the divine nature from the oath sworn to Isaac that the entire house of Israel has received, as it was born on earth to become our heavenly Father’s priests to
expiate the sins of the world to destroy them in Canaan, then they are blessed instantly. However, whoever curses the wood of ancient Israel that is still filled with the entire divine nature from our heavenly Father that was poured upon Isaac over
Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Mount Moriah, then, that one is in danger of a great curse, because that one is cursing what has failed to understand before our Father’s suffered unfailing-love from heaven above.
[continued in next message]
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