IVANIVAN555@aol.com@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Apr 19 17:19:13 2019
Sábado, 20 de Abril, 2019 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Divinely, our heavenly Father had begun to give birth to His family upon earth, because He not only needed to establish His own family from heaven above upon earth, but also, He needed to start a new nation of His children that will obey and honor His
holy name fire throughout their days over Jerusalem’s holy hill. Indeed, our heavenly Father needed to defeat Satan and his fallen angels with His family from heaven above, but born from one of the families from the earth, especially chosen to execute
His perfect will by having His servant Abraham’s children to take his personal sacrifice to the heart of Canaan to be spilled with his son Isaac’s atoning-blood of eternal life.
Certainly, this was a sacrifice to be executed over the rock of salvation with one tree year-old hiefer, one three-year-old goat and one three-year-old ewe-lamb along with two uncut doves, spilled with the atoning-blood entirely, because: with this
sacrifice our heavenly Father was going to give birth to His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers. Besides, our heavenly Father needed His divine nature to be established first with His servant Abraham and
his son Isaac born by the Holy Spirit’s powers from Sarah’s barren-womb, because they will be the ones that will take Him along with Abraham’s sacrifice over the rock through the Sinai’s desert into the Valley of the dried bones thus to destroy
sin forever.
Furthermore, our heavenly Father was looking forward to create a nation of families that will bear His divine nature throughout the generations of the entire earth, because He was determined to bless every family from the nations, but, starting first
with the ones that had descended into hell’s torment, because they had failed to know Him as their own possible savior. These were to be especial people before His eyes, because they will be born through the generations, conveying His divine nature
along with very important powers that will never fail them thus to bless, protect and enrich them always, but also, they will convey with them His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit finally to destroy Satan, in Canaan.
Surely, our heavenly Father needed His children born through Abraham’s family to take not only His servant Abraham’s rock of salvation along with its three sacrifices through the Sani’s desert victorious over sin but also, finally descend into the
Valley of the bones, because Satan needed to be defeated at the entrance of hell’s torment with the rock spilled finally with Isaac’s atoning-blood. Indeed, our heavenly Father needed to defeat Satan along the angel of death and every fallen angel at
hell’s entrance with Abraham’s rock of salvation, spilled with the three lamb’s atoning-blood, so he will fail to feel at home in the heart of the earth, by turning it, in one day, into as holy and glorious as His own holy heart from His chest.
However, for this to be possible, then, our heavenly Father had to have had Abraham living with His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, so he may know the power of His divine love heartfelt for His children,
although they had sinned against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to descend into hell’s torment. Definitely, our heavenly Father needed to defeat Satan with His family from heaven above, and this is His Son and His Spirit, because he had
deceived Eve to destroy not only Adam but also the children living through the generations, thus, He needed them back home again but through paradise only, and this is Canaan, where His atoning-blood will spill finally with life.
Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed not only His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit living in his home along with the neighbors and friends from the surrounding area, but also, He needed Abraham to take that
love that he had acquired from his only son Isaac over the mountaintop at Moriah, for a final victorious-sacrifice. Further, our heavenly Father had told Abraham that he will go to a mountaintop that He will show him on a three day walk to it at Moriah,
so he may offer his only son Isaac with all the love that he had learned from him thus to make a glorious sacrifice to be remembered through the generations by his promised children.
Considering that, our heavenly Father needed not only Abraham and Sarah living this glorious love that had descended from heaven above with Isaac that will finally be manifested in its entire glory over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, but also, He
needed his children living it every day through generations that would eventually conquer the earth and heaven in one day for eternity. Surely, our heavenly Father needed to conquer again not only the entire earth but also heaven’s glory, as where
Lucifer along with his fallen angels tried to take control of His holy name fire by deceiving the rest of the angelical hosts to follow them, so Adam and Eve may return to eternal life again but also the children in paradise, Canaan.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have not only Abraham sacrificing his three lambs over the rock of salvation with two uncut doves, spilled with the atoning-blood entirely, but also, have Abraham’s children born in
captivity with the oath sworn poured upon Isaac thus they may carry it throughout life drawing abundantly His divine nature upon earth. Considering that, when our heavenly Father called Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac over Jerusalem’s holy hill,
resting at Moriah, then, it was to shed His entire heart over His Son Jesus Christ along with each of His children born through the generations, because He was going to expiate everyone’s sins with His natural living-words emerging from His holy heart
as always.
Really, our heavenly Father was determined to expiate every sin that every man, woman and child from the families of the nations may have committed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit from the past, the present and future generations,
so His only Son may born again but through a virgin womb to conquer the entire world finally. Unquestionably, our heavenly Father needed to conquer again the world from the heart of the earth, as from hell’s gate, where Abraham’s children were to
descend with the rock of salvation displaying his three sacrifices with the two uncut doves, spilled with the atoning-blood entirely, waiting for Isaac’s atoning-blood to spill from paradise above for everyone’s lasting-salvation instantly to enter
eternal life again forever.
That is to say, that Abraham’s children had to have had descended with the rock of salvation with the three sacrifices and their halves facing each other along with the two uncut doves, spilled with atoning-blood, so our heavenly Father will be with
His Son Jesus Christ at Jerusalem’s gate finally to spill the atoning-blood with His eternal life for everyone’s lasting-salvation. In other words, Abraham had to have had his children with the rock of salvation along with the three sacrifices with
their halves facing each other along with the two uncut birds at hell’s gate, and our heavenly Father with His Son Jesus Christ, as Isaac, at Jerusalem’s gate spilling his atoning-blood from paradise, destroying the world’s sin at last forever.
For this was the only way possible to destroy sin not only from the earth’s heart but also in paradise, where Lucifer sinned by deceiving the fallen angels to follow his wickedness against our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit,
so He may finally give birth to His new earth, where His perfect will is fulfilled continually forever. Timely, this was something that our heavenly Father needed to do only with His divine nature poured upon Abraham already thus to start His divine-
relationship that gave birth to His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb but also the children through the generation living every day throughout the nations His divine nature that blesses every family with perfect salvation as always.
Understanding that, it is our heavenly Father’s divine-nature removing Satan’s nature of evil from every man, woman and child from the families of the nations through the salvation work that His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit had started with
Abraham and Sarah’s barren-womb, so they may live blessed with His divine nature, enriching them always with powers from heaven above. What’s more, if our heavenly Father can truly bless Abraham’s family with His own divine family that is His Son
Jesus Christ born as Isaac in the midst of them along with the Holy Spirit’s powers and gifts, then, He can truly go forward to bless every family from around the world, starting with those already lying in the hell’s torment.
Given that, our heavenly Father had to begin to assist those men, women and children from the first families that started to descend into hell’s torment, because they failed to know His holy name fire along with His living words over Jerusalem’s holy
hill that could have saved them from their sins, curses and death, if they had received them timely. Considering that, our heavenly Father has the oath to Isaac’s power anytime not only to convert His children instantly as perfect and holy as He has
always been before His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit, but also, He can grand them powers to live His eternal life with Him in His new earth, where sin fails to exist throughout eternity forever.
Certainly, for our heavenly Father does not matter how sinful you are, but, if you become reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then He will receive you, as if you have never
sinned, thus making you as perfect and holy as He is to enter eternal life instantly. Truthfully, our heavenly Father is determined to see the father’s love return to the children’s love, and the children’s love to the father’s love, for this is
why that He had to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by His Spirit, because whatever is dead to Him then He can bring it back to life again instantly.
Positively, our heavenly Father had to have had His Son Jesus Christ ready to be sacrificed as Isaac by his earthly father Abraham, because he had to turn the earth’s heart into His heavenly Father’s holy heart, from where he was to return to Him in
heaven’s glory with his brothers and sisters to see eternal life again with him forever enriched. Understanding that, if our heavenly Father can have ancient Israel at hell’s gate return to life with the rock of salvation along with the three
sacrifices and their halves facing each other along with the two uncut birds, spilled with atoning-blood, then, by finally spilling His Son’s atoning-blood from the City of Jerusalem’s gate, instantly He can liberate nations from hell’s death soon.
However, for this to happen then our heavenly Father have to have had already the entire house of Israel baptized in water by invoking the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob that is perfect holiness, so they may undress from the sinful-
flesh and the spirit of error to dress the sacred-flesh with the Holy Spirit instantly for eternity. That is to say, that when the whole of Israel becomes baptized in water by invoking the name of the Father, the name of the Son and the name of the Holy
Spirit, then, they will have entered into the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers and gifts that will be equivalent to the earth’s new holy heart and the rock of salvation.
For sure, this is our heavenly Father’s holy heart in the earth’s center growing over the years as the new earth that will manifest with all its amazing glories in Canaan to be the joy of the eyes, heart, soul, body and human spirit of every man,
woman and child reborn from water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name. Considering that, the atoning-blood that our Lord Jesus Christ spilled over Jerusalem’s holy hill at the City of Jerusalem’s gate descended to the rock of
salvation at hell’s gate to become our heavenly Father’s eternal life in His new earth victorious over Satan’s sin, curses, wilds, death and the fallen angels, thus destroying finally every sin and its darkness from hell’s torment.
Accordingly, this new earth, where our heavenly Father’s holy heart is growing day by day as every man, woman and child are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name to access the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers that bless His
holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill and throughout His new heart is emerging into Canaan anyday now. This new heart that is perfect and holy as our heavenly Father’s holy heart is in His chest is growing daily as it receives glories, honors and
praises from those baptized in water and in the Holy Spirit thus destroying darkness from the face of the earth, so He may descend into Canaan to eat the milk and honey with His children finally.
Indeed, our heavenly Father needs His children eating from the milk and honey emanating from the rock of salvation at the holy heart of the earth, where once was the Valley of the dried bones of the house of Israel rising towards Canaan thus to honor Him
on in his final descend to live in His new earth with His nations forever divinely loved. Surely, it was important for our heavenly Father to grant to Abraham His rock of salvation, because with the three lamb sacrifices along with the two uncut birds,
spilled with the atoning-blood, then, He could have Abraham and his children taking His divine nature to the gate of hell: where Isaac needed to spill entirely his atoning-blood with His amazing divine nature.
Given that, our heavenly Father with His Son Jesus Christ spilling the atoning-blood filled with His divine nature at the gate of hell, then, He could not only destroy every darkness, sin, curses, infirmities, conflicts, problems, wars, poverty and death
from all the families of the nations: but also, He could fill them with His divine nature thus becoming perfectly holy for eternity. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have Abraham conducting his three lamb sacrifices with
their halves opposing each other along with the two uncut doves taken by his promised children through the Sinai’s desert thus to open the gate of hell for the nations to escape finally towards worshipping His holy name fire in Canaan, paradise.
Understanding that, our heavenly Father had the whole of Israel baptized in water thus to remove the sinful-flesh to dress the sacred-flesh, given that it was in it, that is Isaac, Abraham was told that his children will be called from it, and never from
a different flesh, for he had been also called to be the father of many nations, besides Israel. Therefore, once Israel was baptized at the Red Sea then they were dressed with the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, conducting immediately duties as rituals
and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac that only in this sacred-flesh could be executed successfully forever, for Satan’s sin, curses and wilds finally destroyed in hell entirely thus liberating forever the nations.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have them carry Him along with the Holy of Holiest that is His secret place, where He had placed His divine nature to be poured over Jerusalem’s holy hill, as His Son Jesus Christ nailed to
the wood shed His atoning-blood over the rock of salvation at the gate of hell. Understanding that, by our heavenly Father having Abraham’s three lamb sacrifices with their halves facing each other along with the two uncut doves, spilled with atoning-
blood entirely, then, He could have His Son Jesus Christ reborn again from David’s virgin daughter to spill his atoning-blood filled with His eternal life to open the gate of hell thus liberating His nations finally for His home-sweet-home.
Because by our heavenly Father having His Son Jesus Christ spilling his atoning-blood over Jerusalem’s holy hill wood that is ancient Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones, then, He could finally fill every hell from the earth’s heart with
His divine nature that destroys darkness to liberate His children to return to His home-sweet-home with His beloved Son Jesus Christ. Meaning that, as our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill, shedding his atoning-blood
filled with our heavenly Father’s divine nature that had destroyed every sin, curse, infirmity, poverty and death from Satan and hell as well, in Canaan, thus it was done all successfully for His children returning to His home-sweet-home forever
enriched with His divine nature.
For the reason that, it was always our heavenly Father’s divine nature that had not only blessed Abraham along with his household but also everyone else around him, as his neighbors and friends from near and far, because he was told that in his seed
the families of the nations will be blessed with His perfection and holiness that He had mentioned already. Understanding that, as our heavenly Father told Abraham that he has to become as perfect and holy, as He has always been before His Son Jesus
Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory thus to enter into eternal life forever enriched, then, He was talking about His family’s divine nature in the atoning-blood expiating sins forever successfully.
Therefore, it was our heavenly Father’s divine nature that not only Abraham had to carry with him along with his promised children living through the generations, as the house of Israel was born in Egypt’s captivity with His oath sworn to Isaac’s
powers, then, it was done to take Him with His divine nature to the families of the nations finally. Then, it was in our heavenly Father’s divine nature that Abraham along with his three lamb sacrifices and with the two uncut doves, walked through the
Sinai’s desert with his promised children that needed to represent, stand, mediate as legitimate priests for every man, woman and child lying in their hell’s holes thus expiating sins successfully forever within the Holy of Holiest.
For forty years our heavenly Father traveled through the entire Sinai’s desert with the Israelis expiating every sin from the past, the present and future generations, because His holy name fire was descending as His Son Jesus Christ was born from
David’s virgin daughter, spilling the atoning-blood for His eternal life on the ground to defeat Satan and death in Canaan forever. This was an important victory celebrated until now by our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the angelical hosts and
every man, woman and child saved by water baptism and the Holy Spirit through the generations by invoking the perfect holiness of His holy name fire, so they may become reborn within His divine nature to enter eternal life forever enriched.
Besides, our heavenly Father needed every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations lying in hell’s holes to see Him along with His children born by His divine nature powers from the oath sworn to Isaac that they were walking through
the Sinai’s desert above them, thus to minister unto them perfect holiness directly from His divine nature. This is how our heavenly Father wanted to remove every sin that they may have committed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit so
they may become liberated from their darkness at last soon, thus in Judgment Day, they will return to their homes in a new earth, where sin fails to exist again throughout eternity.
This is something that our heavenly Father has striven through generations for the whole of Israel to be an example of His divine nature before the nations, because this is an everlasting sealed covenant that He started with them, so the families of the
nations may also see His glory as the ancients from their hell’s holes saw it displayed entirely above them. For the whole of Israel was born in the world to be His divine nature for the families of the nations to receive their daily blessing, but this
could only be possible when each of them becomes reborn from the water baptism and from the Holy Spirit baptism, because it is only here where His divine nature is visible with its powerful enriching blessings.
Considering that, everything that our heavenly Father has accomplished with Israel’s children, as they are normally born through the generations of the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers, powers destined to bless every man, woman and child from the earth,
then, they descended to the Valley of the dried bones, turning it into a perfect holy heart emanating daily love towards the nations forever. Well, if the whole of Israel is obedient to our heavenly Father’s call to become reborn from the water baptism
and the Holy Spirit baptism then they will do it all over for His holy name fire’s eternal glories over Jerusalem’s holy hill, and this is to turn the entire old earth into a holy heart, blessing our Father in heaven throughout eternity.
In other words, if the entire house of Israel was able to turn a hell hole, as the Valley of the dried bones into a fountain of love, joy, happiness and endless new glories to be manifested within Canaan soon, as the milk and honey, emanating daily from
the rock of salvation, then they can turn our sinful-word instantly into a glorious one. For this is why, that our heavenly Father had to have had His Son Jesus Christ born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, so He may not only pour His entire holy
heart upon him over Jerusalem’s ancient wood, resting at Moriah, but also, has them carry Him through the Sinai’s desert into the earth’s heart to turn it into His loving heart forever.
Understanding that, our heavenly Father needed to establish His holy heart in the earth’s heart, the Valley of the dried bones with the whole of Israel resting at the rock of salvation with Abraham’s three sacrifices along with the two uncut birds,
waiting for Canaan, paradise, to pour Isaac’s atoning-blood to restart eternal life again for His new earth and His home-sweet-home. Besides, our heavenly Father needed to birth His loving heart along with His new earth from Canaan’s core, where He
will live with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the angelical hosts and His children from Israel and the families of the nations, but reborn from the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name.
For our heavenly Father needed to conquer the earth with His holy heart that He had the entire house of Israel carrying within the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest that needed to be poured over the rock of salvation along with His children
at the earth’s core, but, this had to be from Canaan, paradise, destroying sin and hell forever. This was our heavenly Father’s secret that had to have had the entire house of Israel carrying with them within the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of
Holiest, this holy heart, sacrificing lambs for the atoning-blood to expiate and destroy every sin from the families of the nations, but with the Israelis’ sacred-flesh only, as His priests, for sin finally death.
Surely, this is our heavenly Father’s holy heart suffering and grieving thorough the generations as He saw Adam and Eve departing from His holy presence in paradise to descend to the earth, because they had sinned by eating from the forbidden fruit,
from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and so, His holy heart needed to descend to His children. That is why, that it was important that our heavenly Father would travel with the entire house of Israel expiating and destroying every sin that His
children may have committed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so His holy heart may finally descend to suffer and grieve with them in the earth’s core, at the gate of hell.
Indisputably, only ancient Israel could help Him to do this for His children from the families of the families lying in their hell’s holes, so He may speak to them not only throughout the Sinai’s desert but also at hell’s gate, thus to tell them
that it is time to return to His home-sweet-home, where His eternal love, sweetness and lasting-happiness wait abundantly. Meaning that, once ancient Israel finally descended to the Valley of the dried bones bitten by the Sinai’s desert poisonous
snakes, then, our heavenly Father descended with the rock of salvation along with Abraham’s three lamb sacrifices with their halves facing each other along with the two uncut birds, spilled with atoning-blood, thus to stand at the gate of hell for
Fatherly, there, our heavenly Father had stood for centuries along with the entire house of Israel turned into bones all over the Valley of the dried bones with His holy heart suffering and grieving as usual, for His children tormented day and night,
because they died without been baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name for lasting-salvation. For centuries our heavenly Father stood at hell’s gate, waiting somehow to save His children from daily torments that He had to wait
for the entire house of Israel to learn to love, serve, trust and worship Him through the generations, especially to believe in Him, so He may grant them His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit again, for final lasting-salvation.
This meant that now our heavenly Father had to let His Holy Spirit and His Son Jesus Christ to become reborn again, but from David’s virgin daughter in Canaan, thus granting us His atoning-blood, filled with His eternal life’s powers to defeat Satan
along with the fallen angels finally to destroy the angel of death and every hell from the earth’s core. Indeed, our Lord Jesus Christ ministering passionately within Canaan, then he assured to the Israeli families that for God so-loved the world that
He gave His only begotten Son that whoever may believe in him will never die but instead has everlasting life, for He did not send His Son to destroy the world but to turn it into His holy heart forever.
This is when our Lord Jesus Christ asked his apostles for the people’s thoughts about him, and they said that some people believed that he was one of the prophets returning to life to teach Israel the ways of the Lord, but then, he said, what do you
think of me, who am I for you today? This is when Peter said, you are the Son of the Highest God; instantly, he replied by assuring to Peter that he had been blessed, because for what he just said was not revealed to him by flesh and blood, but from our
Father that is in heaven’s glory, so he may finally establish his kingdom in Canaan, beginning in its core.
It is here. Where our Lord Jesus Christ said to Peter, I will build my temple upon this rock—and this is in the core of Canaan, His chosen most beautiful land from all the lands of the entire earth, where He will finally establish His home-sweet-home
with His children from Israel and the nations, where there is no more sin throughout eternity forever. Thus, this did not mean that he had called Peter to be the rock—but instead, what he was referring to, it was the rock of salvation with our heavenly
Father standing at the gate of hell to turn the earth’s core into His holy heart, giving us the milk and honey, sustaining His life eternal within His children upon earth forever.
This is where our heavenly Father was standing at the gate of hell with the rock of salvation along with the entire house of Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones, waiting for His Son Jesus Christ finally to be nailed over Jerusalem’s ancient
wood of Israel at the gate of the City of David, spilling his atoning-blood as Isaac, finally. Understanding that, this is Isaac’s atoning-blood spilled entirely over the rock of salvation but with our heavenly Father standing at the gate of hell along
with Abraham’s three sacrifices and with the two uncut birds, in needed to receive His eternal life from paradise, for Israel to see life again on the Third Day finally.
This is when that not only our heavenly Father witnessed how His children became reborn in one day, as His Son Jesus Christ was nailed to the wood of ancient Israel over Jerusalem’s holy hill at the gate of the City of David, but also, the earth’s
core became as holy and perfect as His holy heart from His chest in heaven’s glory. For this is our heavenly Father establishing an open door at earth’s core by turning it into His holy heart the entire Valley of the dried bones, where He still
stands at the gate of hell, calling for His children from the families of the nations to His home-sweet-home, where they will enjoy His unfailing-love, peace, glory and endless-happiness throughout eternity.
Therefore, as the whole of Israel became reborn from the rock of salvation as Isaac’s atoning-blood finally spilled it from Canaan, God’s modern paradise, nailed to the wood of Jerusalem’s holy hill as God’s Son, Jesus Christ, at the gate of the
City of David opened with lasting-salvation, since then, His holy name is been worshipped with powerful endless-glories from the earth’s heart. Presently, our heavenly Father has families from the house of Israel along with countless holy angels loving,
serving and worshipping His holy name fire nailed to the wood of ancient Israel, written in Greek, Latin and Aramaic, over Jerusalem’s holy hill at the gate of the City of David opened-wide with perfect lasting-salvation, for His children to return to
His home-sweet-home now.
That is to say, also that as our heavenly Father suffers and grieves still at the gate of hell, for His children from the families of the nations that had descended eternally condemned, because they had failed to receive His divine nature from the oath
sworn to Isaac only by being baptized in water, invoking the perfect holiness of His salvation name fire. Then, our Lord Jesus Christ, as His Son born from David’s virgin daughter, he also was at the gate of the City of David suffering and grieving for
the sins of Israel and the families of the nations, so he may destroy them from the entire earth as he finally spilled his atoning-blood, touching hell’s gate with lasting-salvation for God’s children at last.
In those days, our heavenly Father was suffering and grieving for His children by standing at the gate of hell, looking for ways to get them out from those terrible places with His rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac
that the entire house of Israel had executed for Him through the Sinai’s desert. Moreover, at the same time, His Son Jesus Christ was also suffering and grieving, nailed to the wood of ancient Israel over Jerusalem’s holy hill, because he needed to
stand at the gate of the City of David thus to open it wide for the children to enter into it to live in the new earth, where sin fails to exist forever.
[continued in next message]
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