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All on Fri Mar 22 18:16:00 2019
Sábado, 23 de Marzo, 2019 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Lawfully, our heavenly Father had been searching to convert one man from the entire human race into a just one in His holy presence, failing always to find that one worthy to stand in His presence as holy and just that He needed him to start an errand
converting the entire sinful earth into a holy one with his faith only. Surely, our heavenly Father searched through the earth, including under the waters of it, to see if He could find someone worthy in His holy presence as holy and just as He needed
him to be, turning the entire earth into His new kingdom, where sin fails to exist, so His living words natural from His holy heart may thrive throughout eternity finally.
Certainly, our heavenly Father needed someone to believe His words of life natural from His holy heart, so He may pour His divine nature entirely upon that one thus to bless not just every man, woman and child from the entire earth but also the ones from
hell’s torment, giving birth into humankind in His own eternal life throughout His coming new earth. This means that our heavenly Father wanted to pour upon that one that has believed His living-words natural from His holy heart to find, the way, the
truth and the life leading every soul from the entire human race to walk towards His glorious kingdom of eternal life that He has always enjoyed with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit only.
On this day, our heavenly Father opened the door of His holy heart, filled with His living-words of life, to return not only to Him, as the God and savior of humankind, but also, for every one of them from the families of the nations, into His new
kingdom of His perfect will, where sin fails to exist forever. In other words, our heavenly Father has made His holy heart the door, the way and the truth of His children from the families of the nations although they are already lying in their hell’s
holes to return to Him, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and His new glorious kingdom of His perfect will to manifest soon.
For our heavenly Father so-loved the world that He wanted to have His children from the entire human race to walk towards His glorious kingdom of perfect holiness that He has always enjoyed with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, He had to
open His holy heart for one just man believing in His living-words leading into it. Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to have His entire altar of His prehistoric love, to become His opened holy heart not only pouring His living-words natural from His
living-soul and Holy Spirit but also to become the only way, truth and life for everyone believing in His living-words just as Abraham had believed thus to declare him Righteous in His holy presence forever.
This is to say, also that our heavenly Father had to establish a covenant of life with Abraham, because he had believed His living-words natural from His holy heart that had declared to him that a servant of his, named Eliezer, will never inherit his
wealth, instead, one of his own will, descending from heaven above along with his brothers and sisters. This is His Son Jesus Christ, as the first one that our heavenly Father had promised to grant as his children countless as from the stars from heaven
above, because only His Son Jesus Christ was to be born from his wife Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, as the lamb that Abraham needed to become as holy and perfect as He is forever.
Meaning that, when our heavenly Father took Abraham outside his home to show him the stars from heaven above, then, He pointed towards heaven’s glory, showing His Son Jesus Christ ready to descend to become his only son Isaac born into his family thus
finally to take him to the altar, where our heavenly Father was to pour His entire holy heart. For our heavenly Father needed to turn His entire altar: granted to Abraham and Isaac his son into His holy heart, but filled with His eternal love for His
children born from the families of the nations, so they may return to their home-sweet-home in heaven’s glory immediately only by the way, truth and life that He has poured upon it for eternity.
This means that our heavenly Father needed His holy heart pouring natural words of life, for His children that had descended into the hell’s torment to receive Him with His holy heart filled with His eternal love for each of them, and the way to do it,
it was to have Abraham along with His children to take it to them immediately. In other words, our heavenly Father needed to turn the entire region of hell’s torments into His holy heart, filled with His amazing eternal love for each of them, but there
was no way possible to do it, unless He will get someone upon earth to believe His words of life emanating from His holy heart to take it to them immediately.
Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to start a covenant of life with Abraham, his faithful servant, by declaring him Righteous as He is in heaven’s glory before His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because he had believed His words of life
emanating from His holy heart for His children lying in hell’s torment, so He may save them eventually. This was something very important for our heavenly Father to have finally conquer upon earth with Abraham and his wife Sarah, so He may have His Son
Jesus Christ born from her barren-womb as Isaac: filled with His great Grace, His great Mercy, His great Truth and His great Divine Justice to be established in the earth’s heart ultimately for everyone’s lasting-salvation.
That is why, that our heavenly Father called Abraham to execute three sacrifices over the rock of salvation with two uncut doves, spilled with atoning-blood over them entirely, because He was not only granting him His Son Jesus Christ born as his lamb,
Isaac his only son, but also, granted him children through the generations conveying with them His holy heart to the nations. Besides, our heavenly Father was ready to grant Abraham and his children living through the generations His modern paradise that
is Canaan with a Valley of the dried bones, where they will finally descend to conquer the earth’s heart with his three sacrifices, so His children from the families of the nations may return to Him loving His holy heart that descended to save them.
Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to sit with Abraham and his 318 adoptive children, bought with money from foreigners, so he may give them a home filled with love, because they were destined to a sinful-life leading them into hell’s
torments, thus he rescued them to sit with the Lord and him to eat the bread and wine for eternal life. For this is the bread and wine that our heavenly Father will personally feed Abraham’s children as He will finally take them as His high priests
through the Sinai’s desert announcing to the families of the nations through rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac that His holy heart filled with words of life was descending to them soon.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to eat the bread and wine with Abraham and his adoptive children at the Lord’s Table, because by eating with Abraham, then He may continue to eat the bread and wine of the covenant with his
promised children and the families of the nations around the world, so they may live finally. Considering that, once Abraham had executed his three lambs over the rock of salvation along with the two uncut doves, spilled with atoning-blood entirely, then
He could walk in the midst of the halves facing each other to remove sin from the world but also to eat the bread and wine eventually with the families of the nations lying in the earth’s heart.
For our heavenly Father now could have Abraham’s children born in a foreign land with the oath sworn to Isaac that He was about to pour upon Isaac after he had lived few years with Abraham and his family, so He may take them with the sins accumulated
from the families of the world to abandon them in water baptism at the Red sea. Understanding that, after the Red sea’s baptism then our heavenly Father was able to walk with His children of the covenant of life, through the Sinai’s desert, by having
Israel first drink from the bitter-waters of Marah, sweetened with the tree descended from Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, but also, drink from the rock of salvation with the three sacrifices spilled with atoning-blood.
For our heavenly Father was ready not only to offer animal sacrifices continually through the Sinai’s desert by shedding the atoning-blood above the families of the nations lying in hell’s torment, so He may finally eat with them the bread and wine
of the covenant, eaten with Abraham already, but also announce of the coming of their savior with lasting-salvation. Besides, the first ones to eat from the bread and wine from the covenant of life will be His children born from Abraham’s family lying
in the Valley of the dried bones, with the rock of salvation anointed with the three sacrifices along with the two uncut birds to expire as finally Isaac shed his atoning-blood timely from Jerusalem’s holy hill.
Because once Isaac’s atoning-blood was finally spilled over the rock of salvation that the entire house of Israel had brought through the Sinai’s desert to descend with it into the Valley of the dried bones, then, it turned the entire earth’s heart
into His loving heart, loving His children that needed His perfect salvation to return to His home-sweet-home soon. For our heavenly Father needed to turn not only the Valley of the dried bones into His holy heart but also every nation’s hell into His
holy heart, because by the power of His living-word He is going to cause His children to become reborn by the power of the rock of salvation along with Isaac’s atoning-blood spilled over it.
Understanding that, this is how our heavenly Father is going to turn every suffering, affliction, pain and agony into a fountain of eternal love, joy, happiness, so they may return to life, but this time through Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest where His
Son Jesus Christ spilled his atoning-blood filled with perfect salvation for everyone forever. Given that, Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest is not only where our heavenly Father has always lived with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but also, it is
where His holy heart poured over Isaac thus to have His Son’s brothers carry it through the Sinai’s desert into the earth’s heart, for the families of the nations to become reborn into life again.
For our heavenly Father needed to speak His words of life to the families of the nations lying the hell’s torment thus they may have power in the last day to return to life, because the earth is going to give out their dead finally, for the father’s
love returning to the children’s love, so His new earth may populate it without sin forever. That is why, that when our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the wood of ancient Israel over Jerusalem’s holy hill, it was not only to remove our sins by his
wounded face, hands, sides and feet with the nails from the bronze Roman Empire, but also, it was for His children to eat the bread and wine with His divine image restored to them.
Considering that, His Son Jesus Christ was born from David’s virgin daughter to restore the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones, the atoning-blood and eternal life: filled with every day blessing from heaven’s glory, but also, for him to be the bread
and wine to be eaten at the Lord’s Table by ancient Israel and the families of the nations to live again. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ used to say to the Israelis wherever he went through Israel that he alone is the true bread that has
descended from heaven above, as from the new earth where our heavenly Father’s perfect will is carry out daily to perfection that whoever may eat it will have life eternal never to hunger again.
Furthermore, our Lord Jesus Christ said that whoever may drink from his atoning-blood then that one will never thirst again in this life and in the next to come, because he is the rock of salvation where the first Israelis emerging from the Red sea’s
water baptism drank never to thirst again through the Sinai’s desert and the Valley of the dried bones. Thus, this is the bread and wine that ancient Israel lying dead had to eat to see life, but they had to eat it with our Father’s image restored in
them, as His Son Jesus Christ was nailed to them with his sacred-flesh torn because of sins, illnesses and death, shedding his atoning-blood to live again in heaven’s glory forever enriched finally.
Timely, the entire house of Israel had to eat with our heavenly Father’s image over the wood thus to intake from the bread from heaven above and from the wine of eternal life, so their bones may return to their bones, the organs to their places in the
glorified body, covered entirely with the sacred-flesh to see life on the Third Day finally. That is why, that every time that every man, woman and child part take from the bread and wine from the Lord’s Table, then, our heavenly Father eats with them
without fail, so they never again dress the sinful-flesh in His holy presence but, instead, dress the sacred-flesh that renders Him glory, majesty and honor continually throughout the earth until kingdom come.
This is when, our heavenly Father had finally the entire house of Israel worshipping His holy name fire from the earth’s heart, because it had been nailed to their wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill along with Abraham’s sacrifice lamb that was His Son
Jesus Christ reborn into Canaan finally to shed his atoning-blood finishing with the sacrifice forever. For our heavenly Father needed to start His children from the house of Israel to begin to love, serve, worship and exalt His holy name fire nailed
already to the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, so He may begin to claim powerful victorious not only against Satan and his fallen angels, including death, but also wicked people thus conquering the earth finally.
Besides, our heavenly Father needed to begin to have His holy name fire love, worship and exalt from over the rock of salvation, spilled with Isaac’s atoning-blood finally, so His children from the families of the nations around the world may see His
amazing glory to Israel already as an eternal covenant that is His divine nature entirely in them forever. For our heavenly Father has finally defeated Satan and his kingdom of darkness that he had always desired to establish throughout the earth,
starting from its heart, as the many hell’s holes that are there to this day, except the Valley of the dried bones, because His rock of salvation is spilled with Isaac’s atoning-blood claiming victory over evil throughout eternity.
For our heavenly Father needed to conquer the entire earth, starting with its heart, but it had to be with Abraham’s three sacrifices spilled with their atoning-blood over the rock of salvation, with his children around it, waiting for Isaac to spill
his atoning-blood from Canaan, so He may recover Adam and Eve along with the children and everything lost to his lies. Because once our heavenly Father had established Abraham’s three sacrifices with its two uncut birds spilled with the atoning-blood
with the children standing by it, waiting for Isaac finally to spill his atoning-blood from Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest thus lastly to restore every living-soul from His children into His new kingdom of a new earth born from the old one’s heart
towards eternity.
Understanding that, our heavenly Father is determined to save every one of His children lost to Satan’s lies, curses, infirmities, poverty and death, because He has given birth to a new earth from the old one by having the entire house of Israel
descending into it with the rock of salvation finally to receive Isaac’s atoning-blood filled with everyone’s eternal life. For our heavenly Father needed to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb to spill his atoning-
blood over the rock of salvation with Abraham, but later, born from David’s virgin daughter then he finally did it from Canaan, as His modern paradise, where Satan needed to be defeated forever, so Adam and the children may return to His home-sweet-
home finally.
Now, our heavenly Father had to do it this way, because He needed Abraham’s son Isaac reborn from David’s virgin daughter to spill it as the same blood running through His children’s hearts and veins descending into the Valley of the dried bones,
and so, Isaac may finally spill it from Jerusalem down towards Abraham’s three sacrifices for final victory over Satan forever. In other words, our heavenly Father had Abraham executing his three sacrifices along with two uncut doves over the rock of
salvation, but his sacrifices needed to enter into the earth’s heart, so Isaac may be reborn within Bethlehem, in Canaan, living in His eternal life thus destroying Satan and death forever to spill his atoning-blood, healing the earth’s heart forever
Considering that, our heavenly Father could only heal the earth by first healing its heart, and this could only be done with Abraham’s three sacrifices over the rock of salvation with his children surrounded it for hundreds of years thus learning to
love, serve, trust and worship Him, so He may have His Son Jesus Christ spilling his atoning-blood for lasting-salvation over them finally. Meaning also, that only with His own bloodline that our heavenly Father had started with Abraham as they both ate
the bread and wine over the Lord’s Table, then, this atoning-blood born with Isaac could only be spilled over the rock of salvation, resting at the earth’s heart, but it needed to be from Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, in Canaan, His modern paradise.
Therefore, the bloodline that our heavenly Father had started with Abraham and his son Isaac had finally not only conquered the earth’s heart by turning it into His holy heart is forever in heaven’s glory throughout eternity, but also, He is causing
it to ascend into Canaan, thus to become the milk and honey for the families of the nations to enjoy forever. For this is the glory that our heavenly Father had always spoke to Abraham and Israel’s patriarchs through years, and this is that Canaan is a
land flowing with milk and honey, because with Isaac’s atoning-blood spilled over Abraham’s children over Jerusalem’s holy hill has touched the rock of salvation turning the earth’s heart into a glorious place to live forever enriched.
Indeed, our heavenly Father has begun to create His new kingdom of a new earth filled with glorious skies from the old earth’s heart, as the Valley of the dried bones, where Abraham’s children descended bitten by poisonous snakes with the rock of
salvation to be spilled with Isaac’s atoning-blood for His perfect will to manifest within humankind at last forever. However, our heavenly Father needed to be with His Son Jesus Christ over Jerusalem’s holy hill nailed to the wood of ancient Israel
along with two witnesses of that day’s event, so he may finally spill his atoning-blood drop-by-drop, filling His new earth with His eternal life that His children will finally receive to enter into heaven’s glory forever blessed and enriched.
For our heavenly Father with his rock of salvation spilled not only with Abraham’s three lambs along with the two uncut birds, but now, spilled entirely in the earth’ heart with His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood that is His own eternal life,
defeating Satan and his lies throughout eternity, so the families of the nations may return to life anyday now. This means that our heavenly Father is going to have the families of the nations to return to His eternal life, by the power of the oath sworn
to Isaac that has defeated Satan and his lies, curses, poverty and death forever, so the father’s love may return to the children’s love, and the children’s love to return to the father’s love finally.
Nonetheless, our heavenly Father is going to have every family returning to their homeland to enjoy the family love with their children that they had while they lived on earth, but also, enjoy finally the children’s children born through the
generations thus to live in His new earth abundantly enriched with abundant family love, where sin fails to exist again throughout eternity. This is the new earth with glorious skies where truly everyone’s love will finally begin to grow naturally
before our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, since this is His new kingdom where His perfect will is fulfilled continually, given that His living-words natural from His holy heart fills everyone’s heart always throughout
For our heavenly Father’s perfect will emanates from the new earth’s heart today since Isaac descended over it as our Lord Jesus Christ from Canaan, then the rock of salvation emanates constantly words of life for every man, woman and child from
Israel and the families of the nations thus to love our God Almighty as He ought to be loved throughout eternity always. In other words, our heavenly Father has not only turned the Valley of dried bones into the earth’s heart as holy and perfect as His
holy heart in his chest, so it may yield with words of life conveying His perfect will to the families of the nations that will become reborn to return to life in His new earth, where sin fails to exist in any one of them forever into eternity.
These are the words of life born already every day from the rock of salvation in the earth’s heart rising towards the families of the nations that have been baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit, so they will never again be invaded by Lucifer’s wicked words emanating from his heart. For these are our heavenly Father’s living-words replacing words of darkness emanating from Satan’s heart and his fallen angels so you along with
your loved ones, neighbors and friends, will never again suffer problems, conflicts, sickness, diseases, poverty and death, because now His holy heart pours nonstop His words of life and from the earth’s new heart below ascends towards you.
This is something that our heavenly Father began to do as Abraham’s only son Isaac finally shed his atoning-blood as God’s Lamb from Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, so His living-words that He spoke through His Son’s mouth to the Israelis then
descended victoriously against Satan and death thus rising on Third Day blessing the nations with perfect victories over all evil always. Therefore, nowadays you may truly live a blessed life because the words spoken by our heavenly Father and His Holy
Spirit through His Son Jesus Christ’s mouth throughout his messianic days in Israel, then they descended with him over the rock of salvation to rise on the Third Day nonstop to touch your life with great victories against Satan and his wilds.
That is why, that nowadays you may live a wonderful life along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends, because our heavenly Father’s words, spoken to the Israelis’ families throughout Israel through His Son Jesus Christ’s mouth and the Holy
Spirit are just available to you as they were in the ancient days to be victorious always against Satan and his lies. Because our heavenly Father’s attack against every wicked-word emanating from Lucifer’s heart and his fallen angels, will be
overwhelmed by His living-words arising from the earth’s new heart as holy and perfect as the one in His chest pouring His living-words from heaven above, so you will be always victorious against Satan and his fallen angels throughout your life and
until kingdom come.
This is truly a beautiful life that loves you dearly since the day you were born from our heavenly Father’s image and living-soul, so you may live in His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness and eternally filled with His Holy Spirit’s powers and gifts known
in heaven’s glory by the angelical hosts and Israel in Canaan, as the oath sworn to Isaac. For our heavenly Father has provided unto you His holy heart through the oath sworn to Isaac’s living-words of life so it may not only become part of the earthâ
€™s heart thus to change it into a new one with you living it along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends, but also, He has granted it unto you to possess forever.
Understanding that, this is the only way possible that you will not only return to our heavenly Father’s eternal life that loves you beyond all human understanding, because it cherishes you to have you already walking towards heaven’s glory, but also,
it has become your way, truth and life leading to the door entering into this new earth filled with daily blessing always. These are daily blessing that you are missing always that rightfully belong to you, because in the life that you were born has
been contaminated with the forbidden fruit that only knows the way into hell’s torment, where you will descend to a place already with your name on it, since you are not saved unless you become reborn from this earth.
That is why, that you need to become baptized by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, where you will submerge into the water abandoning your sins to emerge with the oath sworn to Isaac’s words of life
filling you with richness from our heavenly Father’s holy heart continually until kingdom comes. Because once you have become reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then,
you have opened your mouth wide towards heaven’s glory forever filling it daily with His divine nature, where you will live the Ten Commandments fulfilled with His eternal life victorious over Satan’s sins and wilds always.
For our heavenly Father has blessed the earth’s heart with His rock of salvation finally spilled with Isaac’s atoning-blood so you may rip blessings for you and your loved ones, neighbors and friends, so you may live an enrich life, because His
living-words will enter into your life to heal you always in every aspect of your life never to miss a blessing again. Considering that, our heavenly Father is determined to bless you not only from His holy heart pouring His living-words from heaven’s
glory but also from the earth’s heart that is His own holy heart that He poured over Isaac initially, at Moriah, for Jacob and his children to take it into the Valley of the dried bones, blessing you from under the earth always.
For it is our heavenly Father’s will to unite His holy heart already emanating living-words from the rock of salvation, spilled with Isaac’s atoning-blood from Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, along with His holy heart from His chest thus making
the new earth with glorious skies for you to know love, happiness and endless-joys you will fail to know exists until you get there. For this is the love, grace, mercy, truth and divine justice that is ascending from the rock of salvation from the earthâ€
™s heart that will finally manifest within Canaan as the milk and honey that the entire house of Israel will enjoy always but also the families of the nations, because to worship His holy name fire then one must eat this food.
For the reason that, by only eating this food from the earth’s holy heart that descended from our heavenly Father is the proper food for every man, woman and child to become fully nourish to love, serve, glorify and exalt His holy name fire over
Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, just as it is done in heaven’s glory by the angelical hosts. It is as when ancient Israel walked through the Sinai’s desert then they not only drank from the rock of salvation the living-water that they needed
never to thirst again through the desert, the Valley of the dried and over Jerusalem’s holy hill with the holy name fire nailed to them to conquer new glories forever but also, they ate manna.
This is our heavenly Father’s food given to the Israelis to eat through the Sinai’s desert to conquer Canaan, but first they needed to descend into the Valley of the dried bones with the rock of salvation, eventually turned it into a place of worship
for His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, so everyone may eat milk and honey lastly. For this is the food promised by our heavenly Father for Abraham to eat soon in Canaan but also to the Israelis patriarchs through the generations,
so they may live His eternal life enriched with milk and honey emanating from the new earth’s heart, as the rock of salvation is anointed with Isaac’s atoning-blood for His holy name fire worship worldwide finally forever.
Considering that, as our heavenly Father’s holy name fire is properly loved, served and worshipped throughout the old earth with His holy heart installed in it already, as the new earth, then, it is to conquer new glories by His children from Israel
and the families of the nations, blessing those that still need to escape from darkness destroying them progressively. Because our heavenly Father has made it possible that every one of His children from throughout the earth, regardless of their
religious belief and faith, then, He can help them instantly to escape that darkness from Satan and his fallen angels destroying them with lies and terrible deceptions, as they may believe in His living-words ascending and descending from His holy heart.
Understanding that, our heavenly Father has worked so-hard through the years with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the angelical hosts and the families of Israel to make His Plan of Salvation possible not only descending from His holy heart from
heaven’s glory but also ascending from the earth’s heart words of life that liberate them to know the truth always. For our heavenly Father so-loved the world by giving His only Son Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit’s powers, born from David’s
virgin daughter, in Canaan, to become one with Israel’s children lying in the Valley of the dried bones as he was nailed to the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill thus retaining them in the eternal life that defeated Satan and death forever.
For this is the way, the truth and the life that our heavenly Father had established with Isaac as he was lying over the wood of Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, by pouring His divine-words as the oath sworn to Isaac that only took ancient
from the Valley of the dried bones, but also, He will do the same with the nations. Surely, this is that they will be lifted one by one from their hell’s holes with great love, joys and care just as He did with ancient Israel by going through Canaan
and Jerusalem’s holy hill with Isaac as our Lord Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood shed to descend into the earth’s heart granting a powerful lasting-salvation never thought possible before.
[continued in next message]
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