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All on Fri Mar 8 15:32:59 2019
Sábado, 09 de Marzo, 2019 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Abraham believed our heavenly Father’s words that have been born natural from His holy heart, grieving greatly for the families of the nations already lying in their hell’s holes that needed to get to them at once with salvation, so He may speak life
thus to have them return to Him and His home-sweet-home in heaven’s glory soon. For this is the faith that our heavenly Father had been looking forward to find throughout the earth but to no avail until He met Abraham and his wife Sarah with her barren-
womb that He promised to grant him children as countless as from heaven above, so He may populate His new earth with the faith that He had found in him.
Besides, it was in this faith that our heavenly Father declared for the first time a man righteous upon earth, because Abraham had believed in His words of life born natural directly from His holy heart that He needed to populate His new earth with it,
and this is when Abraham was called to offer sacrifices onto Him. For our heavenly Father needed to cultivate this new faith that He had found in his servant Abraham, granting him to have the rock of salvation, so he may conduct a very important three
sacrifices thus strengthen this newfound faith that needed to spread throughout the earth immediately thus to remove evil and Satan along with fallen angels from humankind ultimately.
This is when, our heavenly Father told Abraham to sacrifice one three-year-old heifer, one three-year-old lamb and one three-year-old female goat with their halves facing each other along with two uncut birds, because this will be the foundation to the
new faith found in him, spilled with the atoning-blood, to be taken to the earth’s heart and finally into Canaan. For our heavenly Father needed to establish Abraham’s newfound faith in the earth’s heart, emerging into Canaan thus to enter into
tabernacle of reunion’s Holy of Holiest as his son Isaac born from Sarah’s barren-womb needed to become reborn from David’s virgin daughter in Canaan, as God’s Lamb, finally to spill his atoning-blood to remove sin from the world at last forever.
That is why, that Abraham was to conduct his three sacrifices over the rock of salvation with his newfound faith, then, granting him not only His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, but also, the children living
through the generations with His holy heart poured upon them over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan. Timely, Abraham executed the three sacrifices over the rock of salvation with the atoning-blood spilled over them along with the two uncut birds, at
night: our heavenly Father returned to him with the torch with His holy name fire burning over it thus to establish his newfound faith and righteousness upon earth, conquering the families of the nations finally with His lasting Righteousness.
However, for our heavenly Father to accomplish this awesome task then He had to grant Abraham the lamb that will be executed over His rock of salvation thus to spill the atoning-blood covering divinely to protect, bless and enrich the promised children
living in generations ahead, but also, provide the Lamb that will remove sin from the world forever in one day. That is why, that our heavenly Father returned to Abraham while he had established his three lambs sacrifice over the rock of salvation not
only granting him the promised children but also the one that will be the King Messiah conveying his atoning-blood that will grant abundant eternal life through eternity to all the families of the nations, starting with Israel.
Certainly, our heavenly Father returned to Abraham and the rock of salvation with the three sacrifices with their halves facing each other along with the two uncut birds, spilled with the atoning-blood, so He may walk through them with His torch burning
with His holy name fire, calling His Son Jesus Christ to shed his atoning-blood in Canaan to save humankind entirely at last. At night, our heavenly Father walked through the halves of the three sacrifices facing each other, because this is what He
needed to have done in the earth’s heart thus to destroy every sin born from Lucifer’s wicked heart, so He may finally turn it into eternal glory not only with His children but also in Canaan itself, flowing with milk and honey.
Now, our heavenly Father needed to walk during the night of the day of Abraham’s three sacrifices with their halves facing each other along with the two uncut birds, because the Valley of the dried bones is the door to hell’s torment, where the
families of the ancient nations are still lying in darkness and fires until sin is removed at last finally. In other words, our heavenly Father needed to walk through the three animal sacrifices with their halves facing each other along with the two
uncut birds only with His torch burning with His holy name fire, as He Himself had already planned to enter into the Valley of the dried bones to expiate the world’s sins for final eternal destruction in Canaan.
Certainly, our heavenly Father needed to destroy every sin accumulated by the entire house of Israel through Egypt’s captivity, the Sinai’s desert and in the Valley of the dried bones, but it needed to be in Canaan, His modern paradise, because sin
was born in heaven’s glory and in paradise, for Adam and the children to return home with His Son Jesus Christ. For our heavenly Father with Abraham that He had declared him righteous, because he believed in His words of life natural from His holy
heart, grieving already for the families of the nations lying in hell’s torment, then, with His divine faith He turned it into one with Abraham’s, so He may have the powers to remove Lucifer from the earth finally.
This is when, our heavenly Father declared to Abraham that his children will live in captivity in a foreign country, collecting every sin that the families of ancient nations had descended into earth’s heart, so He may destroy them finally in a
gigantic water baptism, giving birth to His new earth filled with His children reborn from His divine faith that saves humankind. For our heavenly Father not only needed to destroy every sin, darkness, wickedness and death born from Lucifer’s heart,
but also, He needed to destroy Lucifer himself along with the fallen angels, but it had to begin with Abraham’s three sacrifices along with the two uncut birds over the rock of salvation bursting with its powers from the earth’s heart towards Canaan.
Moreover, this could only be possible as His Son Jesus Christ was born from David’s virgin daughter with the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood, because he needed to destroy every work from Lucifer, the fallen angels and lastly
death himself to claim eternal victory against evil forever, so we return to eternal life as we may confess his salvation-work. That is why, that our heavenly Father’s rock of salvation with the three sacrifices along with the two uncut doves at the
earth’s heart, spilled with the atoning-blood that Abraham was called to offer from his only son Isaac, but, this time, He was doing it in Canaan with His Son Jesus Christ thus finally destroying Lucifer, sin, curses and death forever.
This is the atoning-blood that our heavenly Father needed spilled first by David’s virgin daughter as the King Messiah was born, because Canaan itself needed to be anointed with it, as the modern paradise, ready to have His eternal life lived
victorious against Lucifer and the angel of death forever, so the atoning-blood finally will tear the veil of the Holy of Holiest. This was something important to have His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit executed in Canaan, so His divine faith
sealed over the rock of salvation with the three animal sacrifices along with the two uncut birds thus to make it into one with Abraham’s faith, giving Him powers to recover everything lost to Lucifer’s lies from the earth’s heart.
This combination of our heavenly Father’s divine-faith along with Abraham’s human-faith, because he was called Righteous over the rock of salvation with the three sacrifices separated by their halves facing each other along with the two uncut birds,
so His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood may seal them as one with the children’s thus to strip Lucifer from everything lost to his lies. This is something that our heavenly Father had to do with Abraham’s faith and His by combining them thus to
make them as one from the earth’s heart, and so, for the children to have His divine-faith operating in their lives with powers that will render Lucifer and his wicked-powers useless to harm anyone again throughout the earth forever.
Besides, our heavenly Father had to have ancient Israel not only born in Egypt’s captivity but also baptized at the Red sea thus to destroy every sin from the past, the present and future generations, so He may have the rock of salvation with the three
sacrifices descending into the Valley of the dried bones to destroy Lucifer’s home entirely forever. This was the only way possible for our heavenly Father to enter into the earth’s heart with the entire house of Israel carrying with them the rock of
salvation with the three sacrifices along with the two uncut doves, so He may establish His divine-faith along with Abraham’s finally to destroy Lucifer and the angel of death from the earth’s heart forever.
Furthermore, this was the only legal way to do it: because our heavenly Father needed to render every power from hell and eternal darkness useless with His divine-faith along with the human-faith from Abraham, His faithful servant, to recover the earth’
s heart into His new kingdom to come but also the families of the nations lying there until now. Surely, our heavenly Father not only accomplished to have His rock of salvation retaking its original place of eternal glory within the earth’s core,
stained with His Son’s atoning-blood, known as the Valley of the dried bones, thus, destroying sin, wickedness and darkness from Lucifer’s heart to eradicate him from the face of the earth forever, but also, save humankind entirely at last.
Definitely, our heavenly Father needed to have Abraham’s three sacrifices with their halves facing each other along with the two turtle doves over the rock of salvation, spilled with the atoning-blood, because He had to have Abraham as His first
righteous man upon earth, in Canaan, to receive finally his dear son’s Isaac shedding his atoning-blood thus sealing his sacrifice forever at last. Prophetically, when our heavenly Father called Abraham to offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering
at Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, shedding the atoning-blood entirely over the rock of salvation, but he was stopped from heaven above from hurting his kid, because he had to be at the earth’s heart with his children to receive it as
Canaan’s nonstop-sacrifice’s atoning-blood poured.
Given that, by our heavenly Father having Abraham as His first righteous man upon earth standing at the rock of salvation with the three sacrifices with their halves facing earth other and the two uncut pigeons, spilled with the atoning-blood, then he
had finally to receive his only son’s atoning-blood pouring over him and his children to end sin forever throughout the earth. Considering that, our heavenly Father needed to turn into one Abraham’s altar of the rock of salvation, with the three
sacrifices with their halves facing earth other along with the two uncut birds moreover with his only beloved son Isaac born from David’s virgin daughter as God’s Lamb shedding his atoning-blood finally over the rock of salvation at the earth’s
For this was the best way possible for our heavenly Father to unite Abraham’s three sacrifices with their halves facing each other along with the two uncut birds with his only son Isaac as God’s only begotten Son shedding his atoning-blood from
between two witnesses for his sacrifices to become one with Jerusalem’s holy hill in Canaan well into all eternity. For our heavenly Father needed Abraham’s three sacrifices with their halves facing each other along with the two uncut birds at the
earth’s heart finally for his son Isaac born as God’s Lamb in Canaan shedding his atoning-blood over Jerusalem’s holy hill finishing his sacrifice as his only son lied dead over the rock of salvation to rise on the Third Day.
This is how: our heavenly Father had not only turned Abraham’s three sacrifices over the rock of salvation lying at the earth’s heart into one with Jerusalem’s holy hill and Isaac as God’s Lamb nailed to the wood, as his children lied in the
Valley of the dried bones, to become one with the old earth and Canaan forever. This is how, our heavenly Father united into one Abraham’s three sacrifices at the earth’s heart with Jerusalem’s holy hill and his only beloved son Isaac finally
shedding his atoning-blood over the wood, removing sin from the world, thus making it into one with the world from heaven above with the one below, establishing His kingdom of His perfect will finally with humankind.
Just as our heavenly Father turned into one Abraham’s children born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers with His only Son Jesus Christ born from David’s virgin daughter nailed to the wood, thus becoming one sacred-flesh
victorious over Satan and the angel of death forever from the earth’s heart into heaven’s glory, with perfect salvation for humankind throughout eternity. What’s more, our heavenly Father had to do this with Abraham’s children born from Sarah’s
barren-womb along with his son Isaac born as the King Messiah from David’s virgin daughter, so they may become one in perfect holiness and eternal righteousness with every man, woman and child from the families of the nations, inhabiting the new earth,
where sin fails to exist always.
Understanding that, when our heavenly Father told Adam and Eve that from the dust they were taken as they were born from His image and living-soul, then, the sinful-flesh that ate from the forbidden fruit has to descend into hell, while our Lord Jesus
Christ’s sacred-flesh ascend into heaven’s glory to love, serve and worship Him and His holy name fire, forever. Surely, this is the new earth that our heavenly Father has created with Abraham as he obeyed him by sacrificing the three lambs along
with the two uncut birds over the rock of salvation, spilled with the atoning-blood, thus to descend into the earth’s heart to begin to liberate the families of the nations that are suffering eternal judgment.
For it is our heavenly Father’s perfect will not only to make the old earth one with Canaan, that is the modern paradise as the new earth, where His home-sweet-home will be established forever with His children, but also, He has made one sacred-flesh
for every man, woman and child to return to life without sin to love, serve and worship Him. Considering that, this is what our heavenly Father’s sacred-flesh originally convened with Abraham by assuring him that his children will be in Isaac’s
sacred-flesh only, for this is the sacred-flesh living His eternal life victorious over Satan, fallen angels and death in Canaan, but also, it was to resurrect from the earth’s heart for everyone’s final resurrection into eternal life in the last day.
That is why, that our heavenly Father has required every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations to become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so they may
receive this glorified-body that has resurrected from earth’s heart with everyone’s perfect salvation forever enriched. Certainly, this is the sacred-flesh, where our heavenly Father will finally unite the families of the nations, because He has the
oath sworn to Isaac’s powers to return them to life from their hell’s holes into the new earth, where sin fails to exist, so the fathers’ love will return to the children’s love, and the children’s love to the fathers’ love ultimately.
And this finally will happen upon earth, because our heavenly Father has combined into one the earth’s heart along with Canaan, where His Son Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood over the wood of ancient Israel, so he may descend victoriously against
Satan, sin and death over the rock of salvation for humankind to be liberated at last with eternal life forever. Understanding that, it was our heavenly Father’s atoning-blood filled with His eternal life lived in Canaan, as the modern paradise, where
He destroyed Satan, sin and death, speaking through His Son Jesus Christ’s mouth His words of life, spoken initially to Abraham and through the Sinai’s desert promising salvation to the families of the nations in the earth’s heart.
Because this was the only way possible that our heavenly Father was not only going to retake the earth’s heart thus to destroy Satan, sin and death but also save every man, woman and child from Israel and from the families of the nations thus they may
enter into His new earth filled with His words of life natural from His perfect will. This was a powerful victory that our heavenly Father needed against Satan, sin and death from the earth’s heart, and this was for Isaac born in Canaan from David’s
virgin daughter living eternal life victorious against hell’s torment finally to shed his atoning-blood descending over the rock of salvation, giving to drink water of life again to ancient Israel to see life lastly.
For this is was the only way as well for our heavenly Father not only to establish His personal eternal life over the rock of salvation that He had granted to Abraham to execute his three lamb sacrifices with the two uncut doves, so He may finally remove
the sinful-life from every man, woman and child throughout the earth. For this is what our heavenly Father called initially Abraham to do with his only son Isaac, and this was to shed his atoning-blood over the rock of salvation, but it had to be done
with his children lying in the Valley of the dried bones with Isaac born again in Canaan, shedding it from paradise, as from heaven above, for everyone’s lasting-salvation.
Besides, our heavenly Father had told Abraham that his promised children will be as countless as from the stars from heaven above that will be blessed with amazing richness, because he was called to be not only the father of one nation but of many—that
is why—that the rock of salvation had to land in the earth’s heart. Because with his three sacrifice lambs along with the two uncut birds spilled with the atoning-blood in the Valley of the dried bones, then, as his son Isaac reborn from David’s
virgin daughter to live eternal life victorious against Satan finally it was done to shed it over his brothers and sisters to see life again along with the nations ultimately.
This is how that Abraham could not only be the father of Israel reborn from the Valley of the dried bones as his son Isaac was reborn as our Lord Jesus Christ in Canaan, finally shedding his atoning-blood as from heaven above towards the rock of
salvation, giving life eternal to the new earth filled with his nations, where sin exists never again. This is to say, that when our heavenly Father called Abraham to be the father of not only one nation but of many, then He was telling him that he will
become the father of Israel reborn from the Valley of the dried bones along with the nations of the entire earth to be reborn from their hell’s holes in the last day.
This is why of his three sacrifice lambs over the rock of salvation along with two uncut birds, spilled with atoning-blood, expiring in the Valley of the dried bones with his children as countless as the stars from above, waiting for Isaac reborn in
Canaan as God’s Lamb to shed his atoning-blood to see life again with the nations in resurrection day. That is why, also that Abraham became the father of Israel initially later to be father of many nations, because the three sacrifice lambs along with
the two uncut birds had to be anointed with Isaac’s atoning-blood, but he had to shed it from Canaan, as the modern paradise, where Adam and Eve return to life with his children sinless again throughout eternity.
In other words, it was Abraham’s three sacrifice lambs along with the two uncut birds that needed to be spilled with Isaac’s atoning-blood, but this needed to be with his children lying in the Valley of the dried along with the families of the
nations, finally to receive salvation as our Lord Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood over the rock of salvation. Meaning that, only with our heavenly Father’s rock of salvation granted to Abraham to execute his three lambs along with the two uncut
birds, spilled with atoning-blood to be expired in the Valley of the dried bones, but with Isaac reborn as our Lord Jesus Christ in Canaan finally spilling his atoning-blood towards them that Abraham became father of many nations lastly.
That is to say, also that Abraham became the father of Israel and of many nations from the Valley of the dried bones, by the powers of the rock of salvation with the three lamb sacrifices, assimilating Jerusalem’s holy hill in Canaan, for our heavenly
Father to become the Father of every nation finally in paradise. Legally, Abraham is the father of Israel and many nations from the Valley of the dried bones with his three lambs sacrificed along with the two uncut birds, spilled with atoning-blood to be
expired, however, with Isaac reborn as His Son Jesus Christ spilling his atoning-blood never expiring then He is the Father of every nation throughout eternity in Canaan.
Moreover, our heavenly Father had finally become not only the Father of Israel but also of the nations, because when Abraham’s three sacrifices over the rock of salvation received his son Isaac’s atoning-blood born as Jesus Christ in Canaan, only
then, everyone from Israel entered the Holy of Holiest to become accepted in His new earth, where sin exists never again forever. Indeed, Abraham could only be the father of Israel and the nations upon earth with his three sacrificed lambs along with the
two uncut birds with the atoning-blood to be expired soon, however, when Isaac became reborn as Jesus Christ in Canaan, spilling his atoning-blood never to expire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, then our heavenly Father is the Father of every nation
Considering that, our heavenly Father could only be the Father of every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations as they are reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit to go through the Holy of Holiest as His legitimate child into eternity, starting now. Understanding that, it is from the earth’s heart that our heavenly Father needs to have every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the
nations reborn through the oath sworn to Isaac’s words of life natural from His holy heart, ascending through the Holy of Holiest, spilled with Isaac’s atoning-blood lastly, as His modern paradise, virgin-womb with eternal life.
Because by our heavenly Father turning the Valley of the dried bones as perfect and holy as His holy heart is, giving birth to His natural words of life, then He can have not only Satan, sin and death removed from humankind but also transform them into
His legitimate children to live with Him forever loved, honored and exalted by them throughout eternity. Therefore, everyone baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then the sinful-flesh
along with the spirit of error are replaced with the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, ascending from the earth’s heart towards Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest with Isaac’s pristine atoning-blood (as Jesus, Yeshua) finally spilled for everyone’s
This is something that our heavenly Father needed to do from the beginning of time to have His Son Jesus Christ shedding his atoning-blood over the rock of salvation but it had to be under Canaan, His modern paradise, where its hell is based, so He may
have His living-words of life ascending throughout the earth blessing everyone and everything as well. Because our heavenly Father needed to destroy every lie from Lucifer’s heart and his fallen angels along with death from the earth’s heart under
Canaan, so He may not only eradicate Satan and his kingdom of darkness but also save every man, woman and child that have been affected by his many evils, rebellions and death with His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood spilled.
However, this was something that our heavenly Father could do with the rock of salvation established in the earth’s heart under Canaan as it is in heaven’s glory along with the angelical hosts that love, serve and worship Him and His holy name fire
over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so He may conquer the families of the nations with His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood. Considering that, ever since that His Son shed his atoning-blood over the wood of ancient Israel at Jerusalem’s holy hill, in
Canaan, pouring over the rock of salvation in the earth’s heart thus saving lost souls to Satan’s lie but also the earth itself, therefore, since then this is the holiest place to love, serve and worship our heavenly Father from heaven above.
That is why, that the angelical hosts have never stopped loving, serving and worshipping our heavenly Father and His holy name fire nailed to the wood of ancient Israel over Jerusalem’s holy hill, spilled with the atoning-blood, in Canaan, because this
is the holiest place upon earth and in heaven’s glory that everyone is ready to descend into it soon. Given that, every angel loves, serves and worships our heavenly Father and His holy name fire nailed to the wood of ancient Israel over Jerusalem’s
hill, because it is the holiest place, where to conquer new glories for the new earth with glorious skies that is about to appear, beginning in Canaan, as our heavenly Father along with Israel descends to stay forever.
That is why, that our heavenly Father needed to transform the Valley of the dried bones into the holiest place upon earth, because it is based directly under Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, and so, when His Son Jesus Christ descended to the rock of
salvation then his atoning-blood touched it for His words of life to ascend blessings the families of the nations. That is to say, also that now our heavenly Father has His living-words of life emerging naturally not only from heaven above as initially
but also from the earth’s heart nowadays, because His Son Jesus Christ was born from David’s virgin daughter to pour His eternal life’s amazing love for the families of the nations to return to His home-sweet-home soon.
This is something that our heavenly Father needed done with Abraham and his children living through generations as Isaac was born by the Holy Spirit’s powers along with oath sworn to Isaac’s word of life natural from His holy heart, establishing His
rock of salvation at earth’s core, waiting for Isaac’s atoning-blood spilling for His living-words to fill the earth entirely finally. Therefore, ever since that our heavenly Father had finally established His rock of salvation at earth’s core with
His Son Jesus Christ spilling his atoning-blood over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, then, He had conquered all powers in heaven, upon earth and under the earth thus to send His prophets, families and ministers to give the words of life to everyone
lost to sin.
For our heavenly Father needed His rock of salvation spilled with His Son Jesus Christ atoning-blood in the earth’s heart not only to give life again to the entire house of Israel but also to the families of the nations—and for this to be possible—
then He had to have His living-words of life emanating from under Canaan blessing the nations progressively. For our heavenly Father needed to bomb Satan’s lies, curses, poverty, sickness and death from heaven above as from His holy heart filled with
natural words of life pouring upon every man, woman and child baptized in water by invoking His holy name, but also, attack him from the earth’s core, so he may fail to find a safe place to escape and rest.
That is why, that nowadays we have received our heavenly Father’s words of life emanating from the earth’s core and descending from heaven’s glory, as from His holy heart, because these are words of life that will grant us not only His amazing
unfailing love for us to enjoy but also His faith, turning the impossible into possible every step into heaven’s glory. As the Scriptures states, faith comes by hearing our heavenly Father’s words, and so, He has turned the Valley of dried bones into
His sweet holy heart emanating natural words of life ascending towards the families of the nations with fresh blessings along with the ones descending from heaven above, causing the earth to be filled with faith finally.
For our heavenly Father needs to continue to pour from His holy heart natural words of life blessing His children that have been baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because as you may
open your mouth this way then He can fill it with His divine nature continually, forever. For this is the only time that you will truly open your mouth in our heavenly Father’s presence as you may invoke the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus
Christ and the Holy Spirit, so He may fill your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit with His divine nature that is filled with His words of life and faith.
Understanding that, as you are reborn from the water baptism then you have abandoned the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, where our heavenly Father will pour into your mouth, heart, soul, mind, body and human
spirit His living-words from heaven above and from the earth below thus increasing your faith powerfully always. Meaning that, once you are baptized in water then our heavenly Father will be waiting for your ascends into His altar of His prehistoric love,
where you will see the tabernacle of reunion and the Holy of Holiest, so you may receive your fill from the rock of salvation that is love, joys, happiness and other blessings as the Sabbath rest and finally peace.
Because no one in heaven’s glory as the angelical hosts can love, serve and worship our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit without the rock of salvation’s infilling, given that to serve Him, then you must become as holy and
pure as He is eternally, and this is when you are helped by His rock forever throughout eternity. That is why, that it is important for every man, woman and child to become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the
Holy Spirit, regardless of any religious faith, because sin has been removed from the earth forever, so you may enter instantly into His altar of eternal love to enjoy His rock of salvation.
[continued in next message]
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