From ivanvalarezo@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 22 20:25:53 2019
    Sábado, 23 de Febrero, 2019 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

    (Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


    Our heavenly Father had descended with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and many angelical hosts within Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting over Mount Sinai, because Abraham’s children were ready to serve Him as His high priest to conquer the
    families of the nations throughout the earth at last with His own life shed at His altar of love, in Canaan. Considering that, the four-hundred years of captivity within Egypt had elapsed: therefore, the entire house of Israel had accumulated every sin
    from the past, the present and future generations thus to destroy them in one day with His holy name fire’s powers from the oath sworn to Isaac in a gigantic water baptism, never again to see a single upon earth forever.

    That is why, that our heavenly Father needed Pharaoh to release them to go to the Red Sea, because they were going to abandon every sin that they had accumulated with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers from the families of the nations, so they may
    finally serve Him (without sin), and this is with His Son’s sacred-flesh to conquer the earth’s heart. Understanding that, for our heavenly Father to really conquer the entire earth thus to turn it into His new kingdom of His perfect will, where His
    living words natural from His holy heart that He had to pour over Isaac lying over the wood from His altar of love, then, they had to descend into the earth’s heart lastly.

    For our heavenly Father needed His living-words natural from His holy heart, that is the oath sworn to Isaac, to descend into the earth’s heart thus to conquer it with His children lying in it for hundreds of years, so they may learn to love, serve,
    honor and glorify His holy name fire with perfect glories throughout the surface of earth forever. That is why, that our heavenly Father needed Israel abandoning Egypt’s captivity to become baptized in water thus exchanging the sinful-flesh for the
    sacred-flesh that needed to go through the Sinai’s desert shedding lambs’ atoning-blood, announcing to the families of the nations that a virgin womb would give birth to His eternal life at last in Canaan.

    For our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel not only baptized at the Red Sea to receive the sacred-flesh along with the Holy Spirit, so they may become His high priest throughout life upon earth but also within the heart of the earth, because they
    needed to destroy every sin from humankind in one day, but only with His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood. That is why, that our heavenly Father needed Israel baptized at the Red Sea but also going thirsty through the Sinai’s desert, because they
    needed to drink from the bitter waters of Marah but sweetened with the tree of life descending from Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, that is them, as the wood, serving Him always over His altar finally.

    In other words, our heavenly Father needed the entire house of Israel walking thirsty as they step into the Sinai’s desert, because they were the ones, as the tree from Jerusalem’s holy hill descending to sweetened not only the bitter waters of Marah
    but also the Valley of the dried bones, because this piece of wood is Abraham’s promised children. For our heavenly Father needed the children of Israel drinking from the bitter waters of Marah that they had sweetened as the wood from the altar
    themselves, without realizing it at that moment, because it was them always, as the wood from Jerusalem’s holy hill descending to them but also lastly descended to sweeten the Valley of the dried bones forever.

    Certainly, as ancient Israel finished serving our heavenly Father by drinking from the sweetened waters of Marah by the tree from Jerusalem’s holy hill that is them physically already over His altar of love, in Canaan, because this the torch that our
    heavenly Father brought to Abraham to walk through the lambs’ halves facing earth other expiating the world’s sin forever. Therefore, once they had drunk from the bitter waters of Marah, sweetened by themselves as the torch from Jerusalem’s Holy of
    Holiest, in Canaan, whether they knew it or not, then, they were ready to drink from the living-waters from heaven above, the new earth, and this is the rock of salvation, because by drinking from it, they would finally sweeten the earth’s heart.

    For our heavenly Father needed not only to conquer Egypt’s captivity of four centuries but also the Red Sea and its every baptism, the Sinai’s desert, the Valley of the dried bones by sweeten it with the rituals and ceremonies from the oath sworn to
    Isaac for one day soon conquer Canaan as His home-sweet-home for an eternity enjoying His wildest sweet-dreams. For our heavenly Father needed not only eradicating every sin from every man, woman and child from the families of the nations but also every
    darkness that has emanated from Lucifer’s heart and that of his fallen angels, as the angel of death, starting from the earth’s core thus for His living-word natural from His holy heart may flow freely throughout Creation finally.

    That is why, that our heavenly Father needed Abraham not only sacrificing his three lambs with their halves facing each other with two uncut pigeons lying over the rock of salvation that is the foundation of heaven’s glory but also it is the earth’s
    through the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers of His perfect will, so He may conquer it entirely, eventually. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father had to have had Abraham executing his three sacrifices over the rock of salvation along with the two
    uncut birds, because He was going to return with the torch with His holy name fire burning over it, so He may expiate for sin from the earth’s core finally with the promised children.

    In other words, by our heavenly Father having Abraham executing his three lambs with their halves facing each other over the rock of salvation, then, He returned with the torch burning with His holy name fire over it, because this wood was the promised
    children going through the earth’s heart destroying Satan from his foundation of darkness for evil to cease forever. Therefore, by our heavenly Father having had Abraham’s children as the burning torch in His hands along with His holy name fire
    burning wild over it, as He went through the lambs’ halves facing each other over the rock of salvation, then, He was removing Lucifer’s foundation of darkness from it to establish His rock as the foundation of the new earth forever.

    That is why, that when our heavenly Father finished expiating for the world’s sins, as He went through the lambs’ halves facing each other with the atoning-blood spilled over rock of salvation along with the two uncut birds, then, He had started to
    remove every darkness that is the foundation from Lucifer’s wicked heart to cause his lies to thrive throughout the earth. Surely, after our heavenly Father had finished going through the lambs’ halves facing each other with His torch burning with
    His holy name fire over it, then, He did it with Abraham’s children that He had granted unto him to be born through the generations thus to conquer finally Canaan along with the entire earth, but first, hell itself with especial powers.

    This is when, our heavenly Father assured Abraham that his promised children, as countless as the stars from heaven above, will live in a foreign land captivated for four-hundred years, because they will be there with powers conquered that night over the
    rock of salvation with the three lambs’ and the atoning-blood spilled over them along with the two uncut birds. Besides, our heavenly Father spoke to Abraham this way, because He needed him to understand that this rock of salvation that He had granted
    unto him to sacrifice his three lambs with their halves facing each along with the two uncut birds with the atoning-blood spilled over them, then, his children had been called to establish this sacrifice into the earth’s heart forever.

    Understanding that, for our heavenly Father to conquer Canaan along with the nations inhabiting it, then, He had to destroy the Valley of the bones that is the hell from Canaan with the rock of salvation and its three lambs sacrificed with the two uncut
    birds to match Jerusalem’s holy hill sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ in Canaan lastly. Therefore, our heavenly Father had established a covenant of life with Abraham and his wife Sarah’s barren-womb already, giving birth not only to His Son Jesus
    Christ as Isaac by the Holy Spirit’s powers but also the children needed to live in Egypt’s captivity thus to introduce into the earth’s captivity Abraham’s three lambs’ sacrifice with the atoning-blood spilled over it entirely.

    Because once our heavenly Father had managed to have Abraham’s children living in Egypt’s captivity for four-hundred years then He could descend with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit over the rock of salvation that is the altar of Abraham and
    Isaac as the burning-bush, where Moses was called to ascend thus to grant unto him His holy name fire. Inasmuch as, our heavenly Father needed to grant unto Moses and Israel His holy name fire that He has never granted to any one upon earth so they may
    have it, because they had finished collecting all the sins from the families of the nations from the past generations, present generation and for the ones ahead to destroy them at the Red Sea finally.

    For our heavenly Father needed to destroy every sin that the entire house of Israel had accumulated with the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers, because now He could take Abraham’s children purified and sanctified from the water baptism at the Red
    Sea towards Canaan, since they had begun to invoke His holy name fire that destroys sin forever throughout the earth. However, for our heavenly Father to take ancient Israel into Canaan then He had to ensure that they will become very thirsty once they
    started to walk through the Sinai’s desert, because He needed them to taste the bitter waters of Marah, sweetened by the tree from Jerusalem’s holy hill that is themselves conveying Abraham’s three sacrificed lambs into the earth’s heart.

    Therefore, by our heavenly Father having had ancient Israel drinking from the bitter waters of Marah, sweetened by the tree that descended from Jerusalem’s holy hill to meet them in the desert, then, this was the last time that they will drink water
    from the earth, because now they were ready to drink from His rock of salvation never to thirst again. That is why, that ancient Israel after they drank abundantly from the rock of salvation gushing out living-water abundantly then they never complain of
    thirst again on their way towards Canaan, because they had become saturated with the waters from the new earth from heaven above finally to establish Abraham’s three sacrificed lambs into the earth’s core for final victory against every sin forever.

    However, before ancient Israel was to reach their final destination through the Sinai’s desert then they had to receive our heavenly Father’s two tablets of the Ten Commandments, for they needed to receive the tabernacle of reunion with the Holy of
    Holiest from heaven above in it, because they were to take His divine nature to the families of the nations. Definitely, our heavenly Father needed every man, woman and child from ancient Israel as part of this awesome task of taking His divine nature
    over the families of the nations lying in hell’s torment (because they failed to know His holy name fire, His Holy of Holiest and His divine nature enclosed in it), ready to pour over them, if it makes it safely into Canaan.

    Indeed, it was important for ancient Israel to escape from Egypt’s captivity baptized at the Red Sea, abandoning the life learned in captivity now to learn a new life that is to love, serve and honor Him through the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers
    poured over the altar already for them to live it to the full, as His tree of life. Understanding that, this is the life that it can only emanate every day naturally from our heavenly Father that needs to be taken with it into every man, woman and child
    His much-needed divine nature enclosed within the tabernacle’s Holy of Holiest ready to be poured over His lost children abundantly to return to life soon forever justified, blessed and enriched.

    For this is the life that our heavenly Father had granted not only to Israel but also the families of the nations thus to announce everyone else around the world of His divine nature pouring upon them, that is, if Israel makes finally into Canaan with
    David’s virgin daughter giving birth to the King Messiah shedding his atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest. However, this announcement could only be conveyed by ancient Israel first throughout the Sinai’s desert by conducting rituals and
    ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac that touches the living-soul of everyone in hell’s torments, so they may know that salvation is on the way because the Holy of Holiest was spilling atoning-blood over them continually.

    That is to say, also that everyone lying in hell from all the families of the nations, then, they had to see the Holy of Holiest, as the virgin womb from heaven’s glory, spilling the lambs’ atoning-blood as ancient Israel went through the desert, so
    they may know that the King Messiah was on his way to Canaan ready to spill his atoning-blood. In other words, everyone from the families of the nations lying in hell’s torments because they failed to become baptized in water to have their sins removed
    by the powers of the oath sworn to Isaac that is the Lamb of God’s atoning-blood cleansing them from all evils, then, they learned that that the cleansing atoning-blood was descending soon.

    Therefore, everyone from the families of the nations not only saw our heavenly Father’s high priest that was the entire house of Israel living the glorious life of the oath sworn to Isaac to let them know of the coming events but also along with every
    ritual and ceremony of perfect holiness they heard the voice of salvation coming to them soon. In other words, what our heavenly Father did with ancient Israel traveling through the Sinai’s desert with His tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest
    with Himself in it, displaying His divine nature to every one of the families of the nations lying in hell’s torment, it was to speak the words of life bringing them back to life again soon.

    For this was the only way possible that our heavenly Father can reach the lost families of the nations lying in hell’s torment already, for failing to become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the
    Holy Spirit, where He could have spoken to them thus to grant them forgiveness, love and lasting-salvation instantly. Now, our heavenly Father had to do it this way through Abraham’s children thus to rescue them from hell’s torment ascending into a
    new earth with glorious skies, where sin fails to exist forever, finally becoming one with their loved ones, because it has pleased His holy heart to grant them words of life, blessing them abundantly with amazing daily joys through eternity.

    Therefore, our heavenly Father had ancient Israel going through the Sinai’s desert with His tabernacle and its Holy of Holiest with Himself in it, filling the families of the nations lost to sin and eternal damnation with living-words from the oath
    sworn to Isaac that soon will grant them the perfect salvation that they had longed to obtain at last. However, as our heavenly Father will speak to the families of the nations lying in hell’s torment already words from the rituals and ceremonies of
    perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac, as the Holy of Holiest will be spilled with the lambs’ atoning-blood, then, He told them that His Jesus Christ, as the savior, would soon rescue them from eternal perdition.

    Besides, this announcement of eternal redemption could only be announced by our heavenly Father from within the Holy of Holiest just as He would normally speak to Moses, for example, but with the Israelis acting as His high priests, conducting continuous
    sacrifices for the atoning-blood to spill, then, He was able to speak to them words of love to save them soon. Definitely, this is how our heavenly Father was going to speak to the whole of Israel within Canaan, and this is through the perfect sacred-
    flesh, the atoning-blood, the unbreakable bones and His amazing Grace, His amazing Mercy, His amazing Truth and His amazing Divine Justice from His Son Jesus Christ, so he may finally tear open the veil from the Holy of Holiest.

    For the Holy of Holiest veil could never be torn open by anyone through the Sinai’s desert for our heavenly Father to pour His divine nature: granting forgiveness, healing, love, peace and lasting-salvation, for no one was found worthy to tear it until
    His Son Jesus Christ was born from David’s virgin daughter to defeat Satan and his wilds forever in Canaan. Nonetheless, until someone was found within Israel and in Canaan worthy to tear the veil open from the Holy of Holiest then our heavenly Father
    had to go on working with every Israeli man, woman and child taking His divine nature to the lost souls lying in hell’s torment thus to let them know that their salvation is on their way soon anyway.

    Considering that, our heavenly Father had to defeat Satan and his wilds by destroying every sin, darkness, infirmity, poverty and death from the earth’s core, moreover, He had to defeat nations loyal to death to Satan and his altars that had sent
    already the entire human race into the pits of hell, and so, He needed to stop them with His divine powers. Meaning that, our heavenly Father needed to destroy every one of these wicked kingdoms that were found on the way to Canaan with the entire house
    of Israel conducting rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac not only to speak life to the lost-souls from hell but also defeat the enemy nations that had sent them there.

    Understanding that, if our heavenly Father had failed to cope with them while He had the power to do it along with ancient Israel on the way to Canaan, then, these kingdoms along with their powerful armies would have become, if not already, a serious
    threat to the existence of Canaan and His altar of love over Jerusalem’s holy hill, and so, He had to deal with them immediately. Meaning that, they had to be destroyed just as Sodom and Gomorra along with their adjacent cities were initially, because
    their influence towards Abraham’s promised child Isaac could have been devastating, that really, was our Lord Jesus Christ born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, by the Holy Spirit, granting us the pristine-life that we needed to meet our Father in
    person soon.

    Moreover, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit to live His glorious life with Abraham that He has always lived through eternity with him, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts, so
    we may learn to live with His divine nature on earth, pleasing Him in all truth and divine justice continually. For this is the only life that can glorify His holy name fire in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts over Jerusalem’s holy hill and
    the same is true with every man, woman and child within the house of Israel and the families of the nations, thus, to enter into it now, then you must become baptized in water, by invoking it instantly.

    Given that, only by you invoking His name perfect holiness, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as you may be ready to descend into the body of water, where you are about to become baptized, then, this glorious life from our heavenly Father will
    descend upon you as His divine nature thus to live it to the fullest always, starting now. This is our heavenly Father’s personal life, indeed, becoming part of you just as you are part of His image and living-soul since the day you were born from Him
    in heaven’s glory thus to love, serve and glorify Him and His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill with it, so you may now know how much He really loves you throughout eternity.

    Otherwise, you will always fail to know Him as your heavenly Father from whom you were born from His image and His living-soul, because it is only in His personal life that you can finally come to know Him as His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit know
    Him personally from eternity into eternity. This is our heavenly Father’s personal life personally granted unto each of His children already, as they were born individually from His image and from His living-soul in heaven’s glory before His Son
    Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, as His personal witnesses that you were indeed born from Him and from His divine nature, so you may live again today forever enriched.

    This is our heavenly Father’s life reserved for you within the Holy of Holiest, where you needed to enter into it to receive it from Him, but this was impossible to accomplish because of the forbidden fruit within you along with Lucifer’s wicked
    nature, however, since His Son Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood the veil was torn to access into it now. Surely, once you are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, His divine
    nature that is His personal life for you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends, descends into your heart, mind, body and human spirit, becoming part of you forever never to know sin again but only richness.

    For this is a real life that is lived in heaven’s glory by our heavenly Father, because it emanates from Him by default, but also, by His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so you may live it with your loved ones, neighbors and friends, because it
    is constantly receiving new daily blessing that you need to live eternally enriched. Truthfully, an amazing pristine-life loving you as much as it loves our heavenly Father, the giver of it, thus continuing to love His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit
    and the angelical hosts along with every man, woman and child redeemed through generations until now upon earth and in heaven, so you may only know love, peace and endless-richness throughout eternity, starting today.

    This is a beautiful life loving our heavenly Father with perfect holiness through eternity until now and forevermore that He has sent His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, letting you know that His own life loves you as much as it loves Him always,
    so you may return to it, because it misses you ever since you became lost to sin. Words of life, natural from our heavenly Father, poured upon Isaac and the children living in the generations ahead but also for the families of the nations already lying
    in hell’s torment, and He needed to go to them with His oath sworn to Isaac thus to let them know how much they are loved still in heaven’s glory, despite their sins and rebellions.

    Due to the fact, that our heavenly Father will never again see sin in you once you are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because He only sees sin in the sinful-flesh, stained with
    the forbidden, but never from the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit throughout eternity, starting now. Consequently, it was important for our heavenly Father to have ancient Israel escaping Egypt’s captivity to go through the Sinai’s desert, conveying
    His Holy of Holiest, filled with His personal life that is His divine nature pouring upon His lost children with words of life to see life again instantly, but only in His new earth, where sin fails to exist forever.

    Through the Sinai’s desert: our heavenly Father went with ancient Israel taking the Holy of Holiest to the families of the nations already lying in hell’s torment but also into Canaan, so His Son Jesus Christ may shed his atoning-blood over Jerusalemâ
    €™s holy hill, thus removing its veil, but also open wide the Valley of the dried bones for Israel to live gain. Besides, our heavenly Father needed to go through the Sinai’s desert with ancient Israel conveying Him with His personal divine nature
    within the Holy of Holiest to pour upon His lost children to hell’s torment, but also, for Him finally to have ancient Israel descend into the Valley of the dried bones with the rock of salvation’s living waters that they drank.

    For our heavenly Father needed to establish His rock of salvation within the Valley of the dried bones as ancient Israel descended into it with the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac, and so, as His Son Jesus Christ
    may shed his atoning-blood then touch it to burst with everyone’s unfailing-love, joys, happiness and lasting sweet-salvation finally. Lawfully, our heavenly Father needed to turn the Valley of the dried bones into a very holy place, as holy and
    perfect as He is with His holy heart, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts, because sweetness emanating throughout the earth’s heart will soon ascend into Canaan, flowing milk and honey abundantly, blessing the nations forever.

    That is why, that went ancient Israel became reborn by the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers pouring upon them from Jerusalem’s holy hill, as our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed with the holy name fire to the wood, then the Holy of Holiest’ divine nature
    poured upon them to see life again on the Third Day, but with perfect eternal glories forever. On this Sabbath day, when our heavenly Father finally saw His Son Jesus Christ shedding his atoning-blood over His children lying in the Valley of the dried
    bones then He stood within the Holy of Holiest with the veil torn finally to destroy all darkness in three hours, so Israel may see life again but also the families of the nations soon.

    Understanding that, with our heavenly Father having His Son Jesus Christ shedding his atoning-blood over the wood of ancient Israel then He now has the rock of salvation pouring love, joys, happiness and many other blessings along with the Sabbath rest
    and finally peace, so the rest of the hells from the earth’ heart may be destroyed forever at last. Considering that, when ancient Israel abandoned the Valley of the dried bones, because it became the sweetest place upon earth, as it became as holy and
    as perfect, as the Holy of Holiest is forever in heaven’s glory and over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, so His holy name fire may receive glory and honor from the earth’s heart progressively into everlasting.

    This is indeed the land of milk and honey that our heavenly Father spoke about to Abraham and his wife Sarah, because the oath sworn to Isaac that he poured over his only beloved Isaac, as he lied over the wood at Jerusalem’s holly hill, resting in
    Canaan, then soon, Israel will descend to eat from it, ascending sweetness from the earth’s heart. Indeed, this is what our heavenly Father will finally do with every nation, because with ancient Israel through the Sinai’s desert descending bitten by
    poisonous snake into the earth’s heart, then He established His salvation rock with the three sacrifices over it, spilled by the atoning-blood from Canaan, causing their individual hell someday to burst with love, joys and endless-sweet-happiness
    towards their homelands.

    In other words, our heavenly Father will do with every nation as He did with ancient Israel lying in the Valley of the dried, by turning into it a fountain of eternal sweetness emerging towards the surface, as in Canaan for the whole of Israel, and for
    the nations towards their homeland, so they may enjoy finally abundant daily sweet-happiness through eternity, starting now. Considering that, if sin caused every man, woman and child to descend into their individual hells from under the country where
    they were born, then, with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers conquered by His Son Jesus Christ shedding his atoning-blood at Jerusalem’s holy hill wood, then He will turn them lastly into a fountain of everlasting-sweetness, loving His holy name in
    their homelands perpetually.

    Inasmuch as, our heavenly Father has determined that on Judgment Day coming soon upon earth then He will judge every sin failing to sink into His water baptism, because people neglected His baptism, where they could have invoked His holy name, His Son
    Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus to submerge in His forgiving unfailing-love to emerge into His divine nature forever justified. However, this Judgment Day that is coming upon earth will be to judge every sin emanated from Lucifer’s wicked heart
    and that of his fallen angels with their cronies, because our heavenly Father will try His best with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers to rescue the families of the nations for His kingdom of His perfect will that is the new earth.

    This new earth is the old one with its hells turned into fountains of everlasting-sweetness eventually, as He has already done it with the Valley of the dried bones as hell under Canaan for ancient Israel failing to become baptized by invoking the
    perfect holiness of His name to escape it, thus ascending instead towards His altar of love finally forever enriched. Understanding that, when our heavenly Father finally descends into Canaan then it will be because Israel has been baptized in water by
    invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, giving Him great honors, as they speak in tongues, causing the earth’s heart sweetness to manifest in Canaan entirely to receive Him in His descend.

    This means that the entire land of Canaan will be finally bursting with the promised milk and honey thus to bless not only Israel but also the families of the nations by eating from its sweetness abundantly, because the day of our heavenly Father’s
    descends has finally come to live with His children forever blessed into all eternity to come. Considering that, this is the glory that most appear within Canaan for our heavenly Father finally to descend into His chosen land that is His home-sweet-home,
    where He will live His sweet-dream and glorious life that He has always known with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but, this time with each of us as His legitimate children.

    This is the glory that most appear within Canaan as Israel is finally baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to abandon the sinful-flesh along with the spirit of error to dress the sacred-
    flesh and His Holy Spirit, filled with His eternal life never to know sin again through eternity. Evidently, our heavenly Father through the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers has converted every suffering, pain and agony from the earth’s heart as the
    Valley of the dried bones with Israel and the families of the nations in their respective hells into bursting of joys and endless happiness, worshipping His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, forever.

    [continued in next message]

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