IVANIVAN555@aol.com@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Feb 8 16:22:05 2019
Sábado, 09 de Febrero, 2019 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Now, our heavenly Father had told Moses that if the entire house of Israel will listen to His voice, as He may speak to them with His perfect words natural from His holy heart, then, they will be especial people in the midst of the nations: because the
entire earth belongs to Him—and you must let them know, He said. For our heavenly Father was ready to bless the families of the nations with His living words emanating from His holy heart, because only His Holy Spirit’s powers and gifts flowing
through them as they are willing to listen to His word thus to bless them as He has always wanted to enrich them with His divine nature through eternity, starting now.
Considering that, these are the children that our heavenly Father had promised to Abraham that will be born in captivity to live there for four hundred years, living with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers and gifts thus to collect every sin from the
families of the nations, so they may serve Him as His high priests through their daily lives always. What’s more, our heavenly Father had established a very important covenant of life with Abraham, as He granted unto him His rock of salvation, where he
was to offer three sacrifices with two uncut doves, spilled with the atoning-blood, because He was returning to him with the burning torch from His altar of His eternal love for His children.
For these were the children that our heavenly Father needed to be born with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers and gifts within Egypt’s captivity collecting sin from every, woman and child from the families of the nations already in hell’s captivity,
so they may expiate for them until they are erased from the face of the earth forever. Given that, our heavenly Father had planned to start His perfect salvation born within His holy heart and natural words of life ready to bless them instantly thus to
become liberated from Satan’s strongholds but also from hell’s torment, so they may finally enter into His perfect will, where they will know the Father that they had always searched for through life.
For these are the high priests that our heavenly Father needed to conquer not only in Egypt’s captivity for four hundred years but also the Red Sea with every water baptism, the Sinai’s desert for forty years of service, finally descending to the
Valley of the dried bones’ captivity thus to take every hell’s captivity with them to the mountaintop with Moses. Understanding that, our heavenly Father had told Moses that he will return to the mountaintop along with entire house of Israel to serve
Him but victorious over Egypt’s captivity, the Red sea with every water baptism, the Sinai’s desert, the Valley of the dried bones, so they may finally conquer Canaan for His kingdom of His perfect will for His coming celestial eternity.
Given that, for our heavenly Father to conquer the entire earth then He had to lift captivity from Egypt, the Red sea water baptisms, the Sinai’s desert ministries of the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers and gifts, the Valley of the dried bones’
captivities of the nations, but only, with His children born in Israel, thus, destroying finally Lucifer’s wicked nature forever. Considering that, by our heavenly Father having the entire house of Israel capturing every captivity from sin found within
the families of the nations, as they were born in Egypt’s captivity for four centuries, later baptized entirely at the Red sea, walking through the Sinai’s desert: then, it was to turn the Valley of the dried bones in a fountain of life forever.
Provided that, our heavenly Father with His oath sworn to Isaac shed over Isaac, confirmed with Jacob at Jerusalem’s holy hill, established as a seal covenant of life within Israel for the nations forever, having gone through Egypt’s captivity, the
Red sea water baptisms, the Sinai’s desert captivities, the Valley of the dried bones’ captivities, then, He can save the entire earth at last. Lawfully, for our heavenly Father was easy to conquer Egypt’s captivity, the Red sea water baptisms
throughout the earth, the Sinai’s desert captivities, the Valley of the dried bones' captivities of the families of the nations thus converting it into a fountain of life, however, to conquer Canaan with Israel faithfully eating milk and honey has
taken longer and tough until now.
Given that, our heavenly Father needs to keep His promise granted not only to Abraham and his wife Sarah inheriting Canaan flowing with milk and honey but also for the children living through generations along with the families of the nations, so they
may eat daily throughout eternity from His divine nature that is the true milk and honey of life forever. For this is the manifestation of His new earth with glorious skies that our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit has
created already with His living-words natural from His holy heart poured over Isaac at Moriah, and later, at Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest again, in Canaan, spilling His Son’s atoning-blood of His virgin-birth for your eternal life now.
For this is where our heavenly Father had to have His Son Jesus Christ along with His holy name fire nailed to the wood that in life was the sacred-flesh born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, by the Holy Spirit’s powers, so they may enter into the
Holy of Holiest finally, becoming reborn from His virgin-womb spilling His atoning-blood with perfect eternal life. Indeed, our heavenly Father had to have ancient Israel not only born in Egypt’s captivity with the oath sworn collecting sins from the
world thus to abandon them at the Red sea, later to drink from the bitter waters of Marah, sweetened by the tree from Mount Zion, to drink from the rock of salvation abundant water of life to live forever blessed.
Because after the whole of Israel had finished their priesthood duties by conducting every ritual and ceremony of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac for our heavenly Father, then they had to be bitten by the poisonous snakes to descend to the
Valley of the dried bones to turn it into a fountain of sweetness, so they may become reborn again. For our heavenly Father needed just one from the earth’s many hells turned into a fountain of sweetness, healing, blessing, and life along with a new
birth causing every man, woman and child although they had become dried bones after centuries, then, they may become reborn over Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, that is, heaven’s glory virgin-womb spilling the atoning-blood of His divine nature.
In other words, our heavenly Father had worked through the generations with the entire house of Israel as they conveyed His holy heart, grieving with the Holy Spirit and the oath sworn to Isaac for His children final salvation by turning the Valley of
the dried bones as one with the Holy of Holiest to cause His children to live again. Surely, our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel born in Egypt’s captivity for four centuries, because with the oath sworn to Isaac every sin is removed from the
families of the nations and the earth’s insides, by turning hell into the womb giving life again to His lost children over Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest with the atoning-blood spilled already to destroy sins lastly.
That is why, that our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ along with His holy name fire nailed to the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill, spilling his atoning-blood filled with His personal eternal life defeating always Satan, his fallen angels along
with the angel of death, but also, he had eaten from the bread and wine with the families of Israel. That is why, that for our Lord Jesus Christ was important that he will leave Israel, because he needed to return to the Father in heaven’s glory thus
to pray to Him that He will send to Israel and the families of the nations the Holy Spirit that is the Spirit of truth, guiding them into all truth and justice throughout life.
Therefore, since our Lord Jesus Christ had not only destroyed every work from Satan, his fallen angels along with the angel of death moreover he had eaten the bread and wine with every Israeli family over the dining table in their homes, then, he was
ready to shed his atoning-blood over Jerusalem’s holy hill and its wood. Inasmuch as, our Lord Jesus Christ needed his victories sealed over the wood of ancient Israel over Jerusalem’s holy hill, but also, he needed to tear the curtain separating the
holy places from the Holy of Holiest, so he may finally be able to touch everyone from the house of Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones with his perfect-salvation.
Considering also, that our heavenly Father will only accept His Son Jesus Christ’s spilling his atoning-blood to tear the curtain from top to bottom thus to enter into the Holy of Holiest with the entire house of Israel, dressed in his perfect
victories over Satan and the angel of death, finally they may become accepted as His legitimate children forever. For sure, the moment that His Son Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood to the wood of ancient Israel over Jerusalem’s holy hill then the
entire holiness from the Holy of Holiest spilled to the ground and to every place around the world, searching for His lost-children, so they may have life again, and this time abundantly into all eternity to come.
Understanding that, with our heavenly Father divine nature enclosed in the Holy of Holiest from the tabernacle of reunion, resting over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, then, his divine nature can descend searching for His children until He finds them
through the families of the nations thus to dress them with His perfect holiness that He always spoke about to Abraham initially. That is why, that when our Lord Jesus Christ spilled his atoning-blood to the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill then he did
it through the wounds over his hands, feet and sides, because these were the main places where the ancient Israelis were bitten by the poisonous snakes before descending into the Valley of the dried bones.
However, our Lord Jesus Christ was wounded with the bronze nails, crown of thorns, and the spear of the Roman soldiers, because he needed to the descend to his brothers and sisters with victories of the oath sworn to Isaac against Satan and the angel of
death, but also, later for him to ascend to the highest heaven with ancient Israel sanctified. That is why, that it was important for our Lord Jesus Christ to return to heaven’s glory to seat next to our heavenly Father, because, by shedding his
atoning-blood victorious over Satan and the angel of death thus to destroy ever sin from the world finally, then, the Father’s divine nature from the Holy of Holiest may spill abundantly throughout Canaan.
This was something very important to take place over Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, as our Lord Jesus Christ ripped the veil from top to bottom, thus to spill our heavenly Father’s divine nature over the entire site of the Valley of the dried bones,
destroying darkness throughout the earth forever, but also, spilled over Canaan entirely without stopping ever until now. Considering that, it is only in this divine nature pouring from Him over His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit but also over the
whole of Israel, regardless of their condition in life, because He can redo them anytime, as when ancient Israel was dried bones in the Valley of death, so they may live again, but in His glorified-body forever.
Therefore, when our Lord Jesus Christ spilled his atoning-blood to the wood of ancient Israel, resting over Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, then, our heavenly Father poured His Holy Spirit that really is His divine nature descending upon you continually,
where sin will fail to harm you again as before water baptism, so you may live forever blessed enjoying life eternally now. In other words, if our Lord Jesus Christ had not died nailed along with the holy name fire over the wood of ancient Israel at
Jerusalem’s holy hill, then, the veil from the Holy of Holiest will still remain separating us from heaven’s glory and its daily blessing, but also, the Holy Spirit would have failed to descend progressively towards us.
However, since our Lord Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood from his wounds in his hands, feet, and sides, then, the Holy Spirit poured upon over Jerusalem’s holy hill moreover descended into the Valley of the dried bones, turning it into a fountain of
sweetness, life, healing, peace, blessing, prosperity and endless-richness, so the families of the nations may know life and richness now. That is to say, that ever since our Lord Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood entirely to the wood over Jerusalem’
s holy hill, then, our heavenly Father not only came out from the Holy of Holiest to pour His divine nature over His children lying in the Valley of the dried bones but also over you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends.
Considering that, our heavenly Father said that He will pour the Holy Spirit upon all flesh from the families of the nations from around the world, starting in Israel, and this is possible nowadays and in the coming days: because His Son Jesus Christ
shed his atoning-blood entirely over Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, so His virgin-holiness may pour upon you today abundantly. For this is the virgin-holiness that the entire house Israel could have acquired earlier, only reborn from the water baptism by
invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because it is here where you will enter into the Holy of Holiest to be bathed with His perfection, unfailing-love and lasting-holiness never to know sin again.
For this is the only virgin-holiness spilling from the Holy of Holiest over the wood at Jerusalem, in Canaan, descending to the Valley of the dried bones, converting it into a fountain of sweetness, where sin causing you poverty by invading your life was
destroyed in one day, so you may enjoy every blessing from His abundant virgin-holiness nowadays throughout the earth. That is why, that our heavenly Father has promised for the last days to pour from His holy presence His divine-holiness that began to
pour over Jerusalem’s holy hill, because His Son Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood abundantly, so you may receive it these days along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends thus to live an enriched daily life, starting now.
Considering that, when you will begin to receive from our heavenly Father’s His divine nature pouring upon you, because you have become reborn from the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and
the Holy Spirit, then, you will be dressed with His divine nature entirely only to receive daily blessing nonstop. Given that, every blessing that has ever descended from our heavenly Father’s holy heart, then, it has been because of His Son Jesus
Christ and the Holy Spirit, so you may receive each one of them without ever failing you thus to enrich your living-soul, heart, mind, body and human spirit, dressed now entirely with the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit’s powers.
This is when, you will really live the life that our heavenly Father has granted unto you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends, to live it every day of your entire of life on earth and in heaven’s glory, so you will always be enriched with
His living-words natural from His holy heart born to bless you these days with great powers. For this is the life that really loves you every step of your way into heaven’s glory to see our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
blessing you always with His living-words, originally from His holy heart, just for you to have your needs met continually without every failing you and your loved ones, including your friends.
Understanding that, the life that you have received by default from Adam and Eve that both ate from the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil will never learn to love you as our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit along with the angelical hosts have learned to love you from heaven’s eternal life. However, when you receive our heavenly Father’s divine nature, as His oath sworn to Isaac’s living-words, pouring upon your entire heart, soul, mind, body
and human spirit, because His Son Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood over the Holy of Holiest to destroy your sins forever, then, you will live His own life that loves you with an amazing daily passion into everlasting.
It is here, where you will finally begin to see life upon earth as it is seen by our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the angelical hosts and every living-soul saved through the generations until now, so you may live your daily
life with His abundant richness given to Abraham and to Isaac, starting now. For it is our heavenly Father’s divine nature in you making you the perfect happy person living His life to the fullness upon earth always enjoying amazing richness granted
unto Abraham and Isaac, but also, you will be able to bring into existence this great richness to others around you until they learn to love Him on their way to heaven’s glory.
Graciously, our heavenly Father has purposely poured His entire holy heart over Isaac lying over the wood of Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, because it is His perfect will each day for you along your loved ones, neighbors and friends, to
start living His personal eternal life already pouring nonstop from Him to become part of you throughout the earth. This eternal life has been established forever successfully within Canaan already, because our Lord Jesus Christ was born with it from
David’s virgin daughter thus to implant it not only throughout Israel but also upon you these days, so you may live a great life, loving you passionately, reborn from the water baptism first, by invoking the perfect holiness of His name.
For this is the holy life that our heavenly Father has installed within Canaan, as His Son Jesus Christ was born from David’s virgin daughter to live it for ancient Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones and for the families of the nations, so
His holy name fire may be exalted by you these days over Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest. That is to say, also that without this glorious life that our heavenly Father had granted unto you already you will always fail not only to love Him through His Son
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but also, you will fail really to worship, serve and exalt His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, finally to conquer the earth.
Consequently, it is important that you may become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so you may abandon the sinful-flesh of the wicked life thus to receive the sacred-flesh with the
eternal life already established in Canaan, where you will finally serve Him and His holy name fire forever. It is here, where our heavenly Father will know you just as He knew you always born from His image and living-soul initially, so you may become
His legitimate child, inheriting His perfect holiness and the amazing richness that He enjoy daily with His Son, the Holy Spirit, the angelical hosts and everyone else saved through the generations on earth until now.
Besides, our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit has conquered the entire earth, beginning from hell itself, because when the atoning-blood victorious over Satan and death was spilled then the veil tore at Holy of Holiest for
our heavenly Father to step out with His divine nature pouring upon His children instantly, and you too these days. Miraculously, it has been our heavenly Father’s divine nature that was enclosed in the tabernacle of reunion’s Holy of Holiest always,
where the Levitical high priest could enter once a year, after conducting rituals of perfect sanctification to be accepted by in His pristine divine nature, and this was always impossible to accomplish, thus, they were pulled dead from it.
Because for anyone entering the Holy of Holiest to meet our heavenly Father in His perfect holiness, then, this meant that the Levitical priest had to have had the Angel of the Lord with him, and this is His Son Jesus Christ bearing His holy name in
perfect holiness to become accepted along with Israel, so they may enjoy blessings through the year. However, when Israel sinned then the Levitical high priest during that year was usually rejected, because the Angel of the Lord will fail to go in with
him to meet our heavenly Father in His divine nature for blessings to continue to pour upon Israel, and so, he had to be pulled out dead with a rope tied to his waistline.
Surely, only when the Levitical high priest will enter the Holy of Holiest to meet our heavenly Father in His divine nature to pour it upon Israel, then, he will be accepted, because the Angel of the Lord bearing His holy name fire with him in perfect
holiness for blessings to be possible finally for Israel for one year only. Obviously, this was a problem that our heavenly Father had to fix not only for Israel but also for the families of the nations by having His Son Jesus Christ born from David’s
virgin daughter spilling the atoning-blood for eternal life to be possible, in Canaan, defeating Satan, lies, curses, poverty and death finally, from the Valley of death to Jerusalem’s holy hill.
Considering that, when our Lord Jesus Christ ascended Jerusalem’s holy hill with the wood of ancient Israel filled with the worlds’ sin, then, he entered into the Holy of Holiest by tearing the veil to the ground not only as Israel’s high priest
but also with every man, woman and child from Israel, so they may become accepted in His divine nature forever. This means that our heavenly Father had conquered the entire earth by destroying every sin, curse, infirmity, poverty, conflict and death that
had been born from Satan’s wicked heart from hell itself by turning it into a fountain of sweetness for Israel to live, but also for the fathers to return to the children, and the children to return to the fathers.
Divinely, our heavenly Father has created the earth with water bodies everywhere for His children to become baptized by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, so you may finally abandon the sinful-life for the sacred-life
granted unto you from the Holy of Holiest that is our Father’s divine nature pouring upon you continually throughout eternity. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have the veil separating the holy places from the Holy of Holiest so
He may step out with His divine nature pouring into the Valley of the dried bones to turn it into a fountain of sweetness for His children to live again, so you may live today with His divine nature too.
For our heavenly Father has certainly destroyed every darkness from every hell from the earth’s core with His divine nature, starting with the Valley of the dried bones, so His children may live along with you and the families of the nations, because
He is ready to live with them in His new earth, where sin fails to exist forever through eternity. Indeed, our heavenly Father needed His holy name fire worshipped, loved and exalted from the Valley of the dried bones itself as His children were reborn
when the Holy of Holiest veil ripped for Him to step out from it, releasing His divine nature making the earth sinless, so He may inherit the nations to live with Him in His new earth.
Given that, our Lord Jesus Christ declared finally unto His disciples everywhere by saying, all power has been given to me in heaven’s glory along with the angelical hosts, upon earth with the families of the nations thus blessing them with perfect
salvation, and the earth’s heart mainly, thus filling it entirely with the Father’s divine nature pouring from the Holy of Holiest continuously. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father has finally filled the entire earth, starting from the
Valley of the dried bones, with sweetness from the Holy of Holiest as the veil was torn by His Son Jesus Christ shedding the atoning-blood, so the Holy Spirit may descend upon you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends, with daily richness throughout
That is why, that as you may become reborn from the water baptism, abandoning this sinful world for the new earth that it is filled entirely with His divine nature, then, you will start living His own life, loving you really with a wild passion that is
beyond all human understanding, because He loves the idea to have you next to Him now. Surely, our heavenly Father has granted us a great salvation by saving the entire house of Israel from the Valley of the dried first, by turning it into a fountain of
sweetness just as Canaan is to become sweet as milk and honey soon, because of the veil torn to the ground and His divine nature pouring upon everywhere until it finds you.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to nail His Son Jesus Christ to the wood of ancient Israel lying in the Valley of the dried, waiting for salvation finally to arrive until they saw him victorious over the sins that caused them
to die, because he really destroyed Satan with the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers. The entire house of Israel saw not only our Lord Jesus Christ born from David’s virgin womb, as the atoning-blood spilled victoriously in Canaan: however, they
also saw him speaking the oath sworn to Isaac’s living-word, destroying mercilessly Satan’s every wicked work and finally the angel of death, by healing the sick, blessing the needed and raising the dead to life again.
The whole of Israel saw our Lord Jesus Christ speak the oath sworn to Isaac’s words of life that blessed not only every man, woman and child from the families of Israel but also the entirety of Canaan, because it was ready to receive the down pouring
from our heavenly Father’s divine nature, escaping the Holy of Holiest to turn everything into everlasting-sweetness. However, for this to happen our heavenly Father had to ensure that after His Son Jesus Christ had spoken the oath sworn to Isaac’s
every living-word of amazing powers, by healing every family throughout the land, then, Israel was ready to speak from the oath sworn to Isaac’s words that will nail God’s Lamb to the wood of ancient Israel for lasting-salvation.
That is to say, also that as every Israeli shouting to Pontius Pilate that he had to crucify God’s Lamb to the wood of ancient over Jerusalem’s holy hill, then, they did it not only fulfilling the oath sworn to Isaac’s prophetic words, but also,
finally to stop Satan from nailing Barabbas to it, because he would have had sealed Israel death forever. Understanding that, Satan was looking forward to find the ten lost tribes of Israel in the midst of the nations, then, by having Barabbas nailed to
the ancient Israelis lying in the Valley of the dried bones, he could see finally where our heavenly Father hid them in the nations, so he may finally send his altars and Satanists to kill them.
Nonetheless, thanks to our heavenly Father for His oath sworn to Isaac’s word of life that has not only blessed Israel through the generations until our days, but also, He was able to have Aaron’s children along with every Israeli shouting for the
Lord Jesus Christ to be nailed to wood instead of Barabbas, so we may have life in abundance always. That is why, also that it was important that our heavenly Father after He had destroyed Satan’s lies, curses, wicked works, poverty, conflicts,
sickness, diseases and finally death needed to be destroyed by the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers, so the angel of death will fail to have Barabbas nailed to the wood of ancient Israel over Jerusalem’s holy hill.
Certainly, with the angel of death sentenced to death, as our heavenly Father said through His Son Jesus Christ, death, I am your death, then, with these words of eternal judgment the true Lamb of God, descended from heaven’s glory, could be finally
nailed to the wood of ancient Israel thus granting unto us the sacred-flesh victorious over Satan and evils forever. For our heavenly Father needed to kill not only Satan’s every wicked lie, curses, infirmities, diseases, poverty, conflicts, wars but
also the angel of death, because once death had been sentenced to death, then Satan will fail to have Barabbas nail to the wood but also, He could turn every hell into a fountain of sweetness at last for humankind forever enrichment.
Therefore, once our heavenly Father poured His divine nature from the Holy of Holiest over the entire house of Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones, then, it became the sweetest place to be on earth these days and ready to turn Canaan into the
modern paradise that our heavenly Father needs it to be thus to make His final descend. However, for this to happen within Canaan and the nations, then, Israel has to become baptized in water to ascend into the Holy of Holiest, where our heavenly Father
will accept them finally but also fill them with His divine nature thus to speak words of life blessing progressively the families of the entire world for His new kingdom to manifest lastly.
Considering that, by the entire house of Israel being baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, the oath sworn to Isaac’s every word of life born from our heavenly Father’s holy
heart will go directly to bless every man, woman and child from the families of the nations instantly. Because these are promises that our heavenly Father spoke to Abraham, by assuring him that in his seed the families of the nations will be blessed by
his children speaking His words of life born from His holy heart to give us the oath sworn to Isaac thus to enrich Israel through the generations but also everyone else around the world finally.
For these are powerful words of life written in every man, woman and child from the entire house of Israel but also in those that are reborn from the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism from the families of the nations thus to love, serve and
worship Him and His holy name fire nailed to the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill. Because these words of life are our heavenly Father’s perfect will for every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations that they most be received
by them through water baptism by invoking first the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so His new kingdom may finally manifest into the entire earth.
[continued in next message]
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