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All on Fri Jul 14 19:20:42 2017
Sábado, 15 de Julio, 2017 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
The time came, when our heavenly Father appeared to Abraham, and He said to your children I will grant the vastness of this land where you are standing this day; then, Abraham built his altar in honor to the God of life and of His holy presence for the
promises granted to him and the generations of his children to come. It is here, within the land of Canaan that Abraham really began to honor our heavenly Father by raising his prayers and worship towards Him that is in heaven, because He had just
promised to grant him and his children to possess forever the land to where he was called to travel with his wife Sara and his nephew Lot.
For this is the land that our heavenly Father had personally chosen, since even before the foundation of heaven and earth, to establish His holy name fire permanently, flaming over His altar of the prehistoric love, from where His children may be reborn
by the Holy Spirit’s amazing powers as Abraham did initially, then his promised children from every generation to come. This is the land that our heavenly Father had chosen to live with His children born from the entire house of Israel and from the
families of the nations, because He will establish forever His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so they may become born again by invoking the perfect holiness of His name given to Moses over Mount Sinai.
Therefore, it was very important for our heavenly Father to see Abraham along with his wife Sara and his nephew Lot along with everyone else worshipping Him and His holy name fire over the altar that was constructed on that day: commemorating His visit
with promises to him and his family to be born within Canaan eternally blessed, in the generations ahead. Certainly, it was a feast for our heavenly Father’s heart to see His children already through Abraham, obeying and worshipping Him and His holy
name fire over the first altar that was built in Canaan, by Abraham and his wife Sarah along with everyone else accompanying him, so the Holy Spirit may begin to pour upon His chosen land with mighty powers.
Inasmuch as, before Abraham walked into Canaan, then no one had ever given glory and honor to our heavenly Father and to His holy name fire as he was doing it on that memorable day before Sara his wife and His nephew Lot, that He really began to see the
wonderful and glorious days that were coming upon His land and altar. This was a moment of glory and celebration for our heavenly Father that He really began to celebrate it not only with Abraham over His ancient altar within Canaan along with Abraham
and his entire family, but also in heaven’s glory with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit began to pour His eternal life over it.
Our heavenly Father had really begun to take possession not only of the land of Canaan where He will finally live with His children loving, serving and worshipping Him and His holy name fire around His ancient altar of the prehistoric love, descended
from heaven above, but also His wonderful new coming kingdom over the nations of the entire earth was emerging. For our heavenly Father was looking forward not only to conquer Canaan for the glory of His holy name fire, so He may finally live with His
children reborn within it over the Jerusalem’s holy hill by invoking the powers of His great grace, of His great mercy, of His great truth and of His great divine justice but also conquer earth entirely.
These are amazing daily powers from His hot oven of grace, mercy, truth and divine justice from where every man, woman and child most become reborn from it, through the Holy Spirit’s mighty baptism, because through these amazing powers of fire then our
heavenly Father can clean their hearts, souls, minds, bodies and human spirit to become instantly His children forever blessed. However, to install this wonderful altar of His holy name fire, flaming over His angelical kingdom from heaven above upon
earth, then He had have had found someone that was willing to love, serve and glorify Him and His holy name on earth, and this was Abraham his servant, because he believed in Him to sit at the Lord’s Table.
Now, by our heavenly Father sitting with Abraham at the Lord’s Table to eat from His Son Jesus Christ as Melchizedek the Lord’s Righteousness and King of Salem (ancient Jerusalem) the bread and wine served daily to His holy angels, so they may love,
serve and worship His holy name fire in perfect holiness, then He could transfer His kingdom upon earth. For our heavenly Father only needed someone that would believe in Him and His mighty works that He will manifest through his entire life and the
children born from him in the generations ahead, so He may transfer His entire kingdom from heaven above to live with His children reborn from His ancient altar: loving Him as His angels do in heaven, perpetually.
That is why, that it was important that our heavenly Father will not only sit with Abraham and his family to eat with Him the bread and wine served daily by His Son as His perfect Righteousness and King of Salem, but also his children bought with money
to become adopted in his household as his children to start worshipping Him constantly. In other words, our heavenly Father needed to have Abraham over the Lord’s Table and His ancient altar of His prehistoric love already worshipping Him and His holy
name fire through his wife Sara and the adoptive children along with everyone else around, because this is the faith that He needed rising from earth into heaven’s glory to pour His Holy Spirit.
For this service of love and worship over the Lord’s Table as they will always eat the bread and wine that started His covenant of life upon earth not only for His only Son to be born as Isaac from Sara’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s power,
but also to bring into the world the mighty baptism of the Holy Spirit for lasting-salvation. This is the baptism of the Holy Spirit’s fire not only from His holy name fire that will enter into every one’s life as it did initially within Abraham and
his wife Sara, including everyone else around them as their adoptive children, but also for the children born in the generations ahead to enter instantly into His new kingdom from heaven above.
Furthermore, without this Holy Spirit’s mighty baptism no one can ever become reborn from our heaven’s image and His living-soul as from where every man, woman and child is born always, beginning with Adam and Eve, because to reenter into His holy
presence and into heaven’s glory then you must become born again from His Holy Spirit within His ancient altar of love. But, for our heavenly Father to have Abraham saved from sin and the curses of hell’s torment, then He had to sit with him and his
adoptive-children at the Lord’s Table to eat from His only Son the bread and wine to strike this covenant of life that saves every living-soul with the Holy Spirit’s baptism of fire over His ancient altar.
Because for Abraham as well for his children along with the children of the families of the nations to become saved and accepted in heaven’s glory and His eternal life, then, they had to have been baptized in water and in His Holy Spirit to receive His
eternal life that is divine-love and perfect salvation to every living-soul fulfilling His commandments, forever. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father that once that they have all eaten from the bread and wine served always over
Lord’s Table to grant Abraham the children initially promised to him, so His only Son may be born from Sara’s barren-womb as Isaac, by the Holy Spirit’s powers, filled with the love fire baptism into everlasting-salvation.
This baptism of fire is the baptism of salvation that Abraham had never experienced thus he had to have it, so he may become not only our heavenly Father’s child but also he may receive the fire of love that saves the living-souls of men over His
ancient altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and His Spirit. This is the baptism of fire, where our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit put their hands to work in that man, woman and child
thus they may become reborn from His image and living soul, filled with His amazing love, where His will be always fulfilled and glorified on earth as it is in heaven.
That is why, that when our heavenly Father was ready to bring into existence His first child, and this was Adam, then He told His only Son and the Holy Spirit to go down with Him on earth to create man on their likeness so he may be just as they are
perfect in holiness, in union and never-ending glory into eternity. Therefore, this is the same process that our heavenly Father continues to use along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to recreate every man, woman and child that has been
born from every woman’s womb stained with the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh that Adam and Eve became as they rebelliously ate from the forbidden fruit to die.
This is the fruit from the tree of knowledge, of good and evil that our heavenly Father warned them never to eat from it, because the day that they will eat it, then they will die, meaning that they have sinned, and so, they had to abandon the glorious
life of the sacred-flesh and of the Holy Spirit to live on earth. That is why, that Adam and Eve had to abandon paradise, because they had eaten from the forbidden fruit and they had begun to die already along with their children to be born in future
generations, moreover, the danger to eat from the tree of life was eminent that if they had eaten from it then they would have lived forever in sin.
Therefore, it was because of our heavenly Father’s grace, mercy, truth and divine justice that He had Adam and Eve abandon paradise immediately, because if they had stayed, enjoying the glory of His perfect holiness, then Lucifer as Satan would have
approached them again, and this time to eat from the tree of life to live forever cursed in hell’s torment. And so, to save them from this terrible danger that Satan presented against them and the children to be born in future generations, then He had
to have them move upon earth and away from the fruit of life, so they may not eat from it, deceived by Satan or by their own will: causing them to live in eternal sin, forever.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have Adam and Eve descended upon earth after they had both eaten from the forbidden fruit, so they may never eat from the tree of life without been baptized first in water by invoking His nameâ
€™s perfect holiness, and then, receive lastly the Holy Spirit’s mighty baptism to become liberated. For the reason, that it is only in water baptism as you may invoke His holy name and that of His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit, when
while under the water the living-soul of every, man, woman and child may become finally liberated from the spirit of error from the forbidden fruit, abandoning finally the sinful-flesh into hell’s torment.
Then, once any soul is baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son’s and the Holy Spirit’s as well, instantly that living-souls is liberated for the first time from the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh to receive the
Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh that makes them our heavenly Father’s children never to know sin again, forever. That is why, that the water baptism must take place on earth by descending into it, invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son’s
and the Holy Spirit’s that causes you to become liberated completely from the wicked powers from the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh to ascend finally over His ancient altar of love for the Holy Spirit’s baptism.
Now, on earth the water baptism is necessary and very important for everyone, because this is the place from where our heavenly Father took a handful of its dust to dress Adam’s living soul, then breathe into his living-soul his breath of life from His
Holy Spirit, so he may become a living human being knowing good and evil, always through eternity. However, Adam and his children, beginning with Eve, were never to eat from the forbidden fruit thus to sin against our heavenly Father’s word, but only
from the fruit from the tree of life that is His Son Jesus Christ’s bread and wine, for the bread is his flesh and the wine is his atoning-blood granting you in abundance eternal life, always.
But, Satan wanted Adam and his children, beginning with Eve first, to eat from the forbidden fruit then eat from the tree of life, so they may become his children never again to become our heavenly Father’s offspring through His only Son Jesus Christ
and the Holy Spirit thus becoming forever the wicked children of his endless kingdom of darkness on earth. For Satan was not only looking forward to conquer the earth with Adam and his children as they had eaten from the forbidden fruit and then from the
tree of life to live forever in sin without the hope of ever to become saved returning to our heavenly Father’s eternal life, but also, to conquer the universe and heaven’s glory eventually, forever.
That is why, that what our heavenly Father had started with Abraham and his adoptive children by eating from the bread and wine served daily by His Son in heaven’s glory so they may always be loveable, glorious and perfect to serve His holy name fire
over His ancient altar of love was necessary, so they may become reborn from the water baptism. And this water baptism must take place anywhere on earth, because as you are baptized in a large body of water (our heavenly Father calls it: the abundant
waters of Judea) then you are reborn from His Holy Spirit of sanctity and dressed with the sacred-flesh to ascend into His ancient altar of love, where you will receive the Holy Spirit’s baptism.
This Holy Spirit baptism has to take place right after you have become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name and that of His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit, because this water baptism prepares you to ascend into the
Holy of Holiest to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit for your final never-ending salvation. This is the baptism of the Holy Spirit that not only makes you again our heavenly Father’s son as Adam (and daughter as Eve) in the beginning in paradise,
but also gives your living soul to eat from the fruit from the tree of life, so you will live forever blessed on earth until you will finally return into heaven’s eternal life.
Therefore, the water baptism is to be executed on earth because you are submerging under water to abandon the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh to descend into hell’s torment never to return into your life, thus to take then on the Holy Spirit and
the sacred-flesh for the first time that is already available for you within the Holy of Holiest. Because, once you are liberated from the spirit of error that returns to the tree of knowledge of good and evil, moreover the sinful-flesh descends into the
dust from hell’s torment, then, you are already instantly into the Holy of Holiest with our heavenly Father embracing you as His child only to know His love, grace, mercy, truth and divine justice towards you.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to call Abraham to abandon his father and mother to live in His land that had been specially chosen as the best from the entire earth, where He will establish His altar of the prehistoric love to
cause His children to become reborn from His Holy Spirit to enter eternal life. Besides, this is an altar that Abraham had to start the fire burning worldwide for His Son Jesus Christ to be born in the later days from the woman’s virgin womb, by the
Holy Spirit’s power, so he may finally ascend to it shedding his atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest from heaven above for everyone’s Holy Spirit’s baptism for lasting-salvation, finally.
Therefore, water baptism may take place anywhere on earth for any man, woman and child to become washed clean, sanctified and finally purified by the invocating powers of His holy name, His Son’s and the Holy Spirit’s, to ascend His mountaintop and
the Holy of Holiest for the final baptism of the Holy Spirit that puts them back into paradise perpetually justified. Surely, as you are baptized in water anywhere around the world by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son’s and the Holy
Spirit’s, then you are returning to the dust the spirit of error along with the sinful-flesh, to take on instantly the Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh installed already within the Holy of Holiest to become accept in paradise.
Otherwise, if you fail to become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son along with His Spirit, then you are still in the sinful spirit of error from the forbidden fruit and the sinful-flesh that emerged from the dust that
dressed your living-soul with our heavenly Father breathe-of-life, then you will fail to become Holy Spirit baptized. Meaning that, you will fail not only to return to our heavenly Father’s bosom to become nourished by His amazing daily goodness from
heaven above and eternal life, but also you will fail to return to the amazing life that you were born initially from His image and living soul to enjoy with your loved ones and the angelical hosts, forever into eternity.
That is why, that our heavenly Father has made it necessary the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, so you may detach completely from the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh that are taking into
problems, difficulties, infirmities, poverty and death on earth and in hell’s torment into eternal perdition. However, once you are baptized in water anywhere around the world then you are ready not only to receive all the benefits from the Red Sea’s
mighty baptism, but also you are clean and ready to ascend to the mountaintop to become baptized within the Holy of Holiest that is established forever with His holy name fire within Jerusalem’s celestial skies.
What's more, no one can ever access this altar suspended between heaven and earth over the skies of Jerusalem unless that one is baptized first in any body of water available as your home’s bathtub, pool, river, so that one may finally become accepted
within the Holy of Holiest where that one will become Holy Spirit baptized as in paradise for lasting-salvation. That is to say, that our heavenly Father is expecting everyone on earth to believe in His holy name fire already nailed to the wood of the
house of Israel that once was lying at the Valley of dried bones, but now it has been lifted to the Holy of Holiest to exalt His salvation name for humankind lasting-salvation to be possible universally.
For our heavenly Father’s personal promise to the entire house of Israel was that He will lift them over the nations to receive honor, glory and fame because now every man, woman and child have been baptized in water and in the Holy Spirit, receiving
the sacred-flesh with His eternal life, to be accepted within the Holy of Holiest with lasting-salvation, forever. This is why, that our heavenly Father had chosen initially the land of Canaan to live with His children born, by the power of the Holy
Spirit, under the holy fire of His name burning within the heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit of every one of them, so He may finally live united with His children in perfect holiness, perpetually.
Given that, this was the only way that our heavenly Father could ensure that every man, woman and child not only from Israel but the nations also will become reborn by the Holy Spirit, over the altar of the prehistoric love of His holy name fire, burning
mightily in perfect holiness within every one of His chosen children living His eternal life already. Provided that, only in His eternal life our heavenly Father knows how to live in perfect harmony with His only Son, the Holy Spirit, the angelical hosts,
and now, every man, woman and child that has believed in His holy name fire to become reborn from the water and the Holy Spirit baptisms as His legitimate child, enjoying holiness to please Him, always.
For this is the only way that our heavenly Father is going to live enjoying His perfect eternal life and never-ending holiness with every one of His children from Israel and the families of the nations, so He may enjoy the daily happiness always to eat
from the milk and honey that Canaan produces within His altar of love into eternity. Because, it is the altar of the eternal love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit, where our heavenly Father is well pleased with perfect holiness
to His holy name fire, as the Holy Spirit of His commandments is fulfilled and glorified to grant Him His milk and honey that He has always enjoyed with His divine family through eternity.
That is why, that our heavenly Father needed to establish His altar of the prehistoric love, in the midst of the families of humankind, and He found Abraham along with his wife Sara’s barren-womb finally to do it, thus starting the fire of love that
baptizes with perfect salvation those that love Him in Spirit and in truth, always. For it is in this rebirth of His hot oven fire of His great grace, His great mercy, His great truth and His great divine justice where He meets His children within Israel
and the families of the nations, returning into His eternal life, where sin is dead before the Spirit of His commandments for justice and truth to thrive everlastingly through eternity.
Therefore, it is only within Canaan that our heavenly Father has chosen not only to marry Israel but also the families of the nations that love Him and His holy name fire through the baptisms and fires of water and the Holy Spirit, and so, everyone
reborn then that one is born already into His eternal life to know Him through eternity, everlastingly. And to know our heavenly Father as His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit know Him and His holy name fire means to know perfect divine-love and
never-ending holiness that enriches the heart, soul, mind, body and spirit of His only Son, the Holy Spirit along with every man, woman and child that has become reborn from His baptisms of fire.
For it was John the Baptize that once said to everyone coming to him to the Jordan river to become baptized as the ancients were as they left Egypt to cross the Red sea in a mighty baptism that not only dumped into hell’s fire the sins of the world but
also every known enemy threatening the existence of His children. And John said: I baptize you in water in the perfect holiness, of the name of the Father, in the name of the Son and in the name of the Holy Spirit, so you may become washed clean from
every sin that has ever invaded your life whether you know it or not thus to escape hell’s fire and Judgment Day.
However, there is One greater than I am that has been born in the midst of you, and I am not worthy to untie his shoelaces, for he will baptize you with fire and the Holy Spirit, so you may become reborn from the holy name fire that he brought into
Israel for everyone to receive our heavenly Father’s eternal life, finally. This is our heavenly Father’s holy name fire over His altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit that has never been into
Canaan, because the atoning-blood was missing: however as His only Son was born from his mother’s virgin womb bathed in the blood of the covenant of life, then salvation entered humankind to stay.
This is the perfect salvation that our heavenly Father has granted to His children from His own perfect eternal life that has always existed with His holy name fire, enjoying perfect holiness with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and lately with
His angelical hosts that He has created to love, serve and worship Him over His ancient altar of love. For this is the place, where our heavenly Father now eats from His ancient altar of love and from His tabernacle of reunion where He sits over His
Mercy Seat to receive everyone that comes into His holy presence, dressed with His Holy Spirit and His Son Jesus Christ’s sacred-flesh that has overcome the world for His children to return home anyday.
For it is here, where our heavenly Father may eat with you and your loved ones just as He has always eaten from His Son the bread and wine that he serves always to the angelical hosts thus for them to have the love, grace, mercy, truth and divine justice
to serve His holy name fire over His altar of love. This is the place of the Holy of Holiest, where our heavenly Father can always eat with you the bread and wine of the milk and honey that grants Him and His holy name fire glories that the angelical
hosts have never seen before, because these are glories of love that can only grow within the hearts of His children honoring Him.
Besides, when our heavenly Father is loved because new glories are emanating from the heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit of every one of His children from Israel and the families of the nations, then He is eating the milk and honey that His altar
can only produce within Canaan, where He chose to live forever with His loved ones. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to call Abraham to abandon his father and mother along with everything that he had possessed in those days to
the land that He had chosen to establish His covenant of life over His ancient altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above to baptize His dead children into life again.
Because this is the altar where our heavenly Father will accept you, if you become baptized in water first by invoking His name’s perfect holiness and that of His Son along with the Holy Spirit, so you may become reborn as you abandon underwater the
spirit of error and the sinful-flesh, for the Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh to stay with you, forever. For it is here, within His ancient altar of His love for you, where He will finally cause you to become reborn from His hot oven fires of His
abundant grace, mercy, truth and divine justice so you may abandon forever the spirit of error that returns to the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
For the spirit of error must return to the forbidden fruit, rejected from out your inner heart, mind, body and human spirit never to return to you again, finally to receive the Holy Spirit from the tree of life, dressing you with the sacred-flesh that
has conquered the world, forever, because it loves our heavenly Father granting Him more glories through eternity. For this is the food that our heavenly Father will eat from every man, woman and child that was born first from the womb of women to become
reborn from His hot oven fires of His abundant grace, mercy, truth and divine justice only to grant Him new glories that truly are the milk and honey that nourishes His divine greatness into everlasting.
That is to say, also that if you feed our heavenly Father the glories that He has always expected to receive from you as you are reborn from the water baptism first by invoking His holy name fire’s perfect holiness, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit, then He is eating gladly each day the food that He loves from you. And if our heavenly Father is eating the food that blesses His very holy demanding heart for perfect holiness and everlasting righteousness, then He will open His heaven’s
windows to tell the world that you are His beloved son in whom He is well pleased that He will then begin to pour abundant blessings upon you until you are amazingly rich, perpetually.
This means that our heavenly Father will continue to bless your entire life on earth because now He is eating the glories of His milk and honey that He not only promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but also the children along with the children of the
families of the nations, so He may give you to eat from His personal richness abundantly. Surely, is important for you to become reborn as you are baptized underwater in His holy name’s perfect holiness, His Son and the Holy Spirit, because as you are
reborn from water, abandoning the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh to the forbidden fruit, instantly you will become a fountain of milk and honey that feeds our heavenly Father always in heaven.
What’s more, if you feed our heavenly Father the bread and wine that is the glory that He has always worked through the years finally to receive it from you, because you have been reborn from the water and the Holy Spirit to abandon the sinful-life for
the sacred-flesh’s righteous, then He will give you to eat from His Table’s abundance, always. For this is the food that really enriches your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit because you are now eating from the right table and its divine-food,
so you may eat that that not only keeps you healthy, happy and filled with eternal life every day, but also enriches you with amazing richness from heaven above only known by our heavenly Father.
This is how you finally have found the fountain of life, moreover its amazing daily richness over His altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit, so you may become reborn within Canaan to enter eternal life
on earth and in heaven’s glory always eating from the best of the best from the Lord’s Table. Because if you really feed our heavenly Father from your table of glory that He has already given to you, and the only way that you are going to feed Him
from over your table filled with the glories of milk and honey that pleases Him, it is to become reborn from His Holy Spirit baptism over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Israel.
For you must become born again within His altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit that is stationed permanently over Jerusalem’s blue skies, suspended between heaven and earth, so you may become a
citizen of heaven living His eternal life already filled with daily glories that nourishes His heart demanding for truth and justice, always. And if you really feed our heavenly Father the milk and honey that He has always looked forward to eat from you,
because you have been reborn from His ancient altar of love within the city of Jerusalem, then you have become a citizen from the New Jerusalem from heaven above and filled with His eternal life that feeds you His daily divine-food.
Because if you feed Him and His holy name fire over the altar of love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit, then He is a very happy God in heaven’s glory and on earth with you, regardless where you may be living with your loved
ones that He will feed you His personal daily milk and honey, always. Thus, you must feed our heavenly Father the milk and honey that He personally promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob along with the children (and, in our days, you along with your loved
ones, including your friends from everywhere around the world), so He may feed you His daily milk and honey that makes you the must happy soul on earth, everlastingly.
[continued in next message]
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