XPost: alt.journalism, talk.politics.guns, can.politics
XPost: roanoke.community-news
http://www.nationalenquirer.com/sites/nationalenquirer.com/files /imagecache/node_page_image/article_images/true-crime-portrait- of-evil-ne-short.jpg
Here’s deranged TV Shooter Vester Lee Flanagan’s final close-up!
In a bombshell world exclusive, The National ENQUIRER has
obtained the graphic last photo of the former WDBJ-TV reporter
who killed two of his colleagues on Aug. 26. The shootings were
seen live on the air and shocked the world.
The local news reporter, who had been fired from his station,
killed reporter Alison Parker and her cameraman, Adam Ward, in
an act of revenge.
Vicki Gardner, the woman they were interviewing, was shot but
Flanagan – who used the professional name “Bryce Williams” –
then led police on a chase before the 41-year-old madman shot
himself and crashed his car. He later died in a hospital.
A source who provided The ENQUIRER with the gruesome photo
explained: “I want the world to see what this b-----d looked
like after he killed those innocent people.
“The coward then took his own life rather than face the families
of his victims. I hope he rots in hell!”
Illegal alien muslim Barack Hussein Obama seizes on this tragedy
caused by one of his mentally ill homosexual, black racist nuts,
to wave the flags for more gun control.
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