• Ohio nursing assistant charged with sexually assaulting dementia patien

    From US Media Won't Publish A Photo@21:1/5 to All on Tue May 17 21:06:14 2022
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    But Canada will.

    <https://smartcdn.gprod.postmedia.digital/torontosun/wp- content/uploads/2022/03/Screen-Shot-2022-03-08-at-1.40.19-PM- e1646765319828.png?quality=90&strip=all&w=564&h=423&type=webp>

    An Ohio nursing assistant has been arrested and charged with rape
    and sexual imposition.

    Police say the woman filmed herself raping and sexually assaulting a
    number of elderly male dementia patients.

    Tiara Lynn Ford, 23, was arrested Thursday and charged with one
    count of rape, a first-degree felony, and two counts of gross sexual imposition, both fourth-degree felonies, court records show.

    Ford, who worked as a state-tested nurse’s aide at The Inn at
    University Village in Massillon, was arrested after authorities
    conducted a two-week investigation into the allegations, which
    included a number of “video recordings of Ms. Ford sexually
    assaulting elderly residents of the facility,” police said.

    “Some of them couldn’t even speak,” Massillon Police Detective David McConnell told WEWS. “You know, they’re elderly, didn’t know what
    was going on and she did it for her own personal gratification.”

    Ford reportedly used a cell phone to record herself committing
    multiple sexual assaults against men with dementia living at the

    She resigned from her role as a state-tested nurse’s aide in

    Ford allegedly began filming the sexual assaults on Dec. 1, 2019,
    and continued until Dec. 4, 2021, local newspaper the Repository

    She voluntarily confessed following her arrest.

    https://calgarysun.com/news/world/ohio-nursing-assistant-charged- with-sexually-assaulting-dementia-patients

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