• Was James Earl Ray Martin Luther King's Killer? Doubts Remain

    From Ronny Koch@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jan 16 04:15:36 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.conservative, alt.politics.democrats, alt.business
    XPost: dc.politics

    Civil rights leader Martin Luther King was assassinated in
    Memphis, Tennessee, 40 years ago on 4 April 1968.

    A year later, James Earl Ray admitted to being the assassin.
    Because of that guilty plea there was no full trial. But Ray
    changed his story almost at once and until his death in 1998
    insisted he did not murder Dr King. So was he the killer? And if
    so, did he work alone?

    Who was James Earl Ray? When he died in 1998, CNN posted a
    series of biographical information and interviews with Ray's
    attorney William Pepper.

    He died of liver failure at 10:36 a.m. CDT (11:36 a.m. EDT) at
    Columbia Nashville Memorial Hospital, a statement from the
    Tennessee Department of Correction said.

    Ray, who fought without success to have his name cleared, spent
    his last days in a coma at a Nashville hospital. He had been in
    and out of intensive care for more than a year with cirrhosis, a
    chronic liver disease.

    Martin Luther King's family believed Ray was not the killer. In
    1997 Ray met with King's son, Dexter to talk about the murder:

    Ray came as close as he ever would to being absolved in King's
    assassination in a March 1997 meeting with one of the civil
    rights leader's sons, Dexter King.

    "I had nothing to do with shooting your father," Ray told King.

    Later, King asked Ray directly, "I want to ask for the record:
    did you kill my father?"

    "No, I didn't, no, no," Ray said.

    "I believe you, and my family believes you, and we will do
    everything in our power to see you prevail," King replied.
    Many believe King's assassination was a government conspiracy.
    Crime Library collects the theories.

    The Rev. Jesse Jackson says it's a plot: "I have always believed
    that the government was part of a conspiracy, either directly or
    indirectly, to assassinate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.," he wrote
    in the forward to James Earl Ray's autobiography Who Killed
    Martin Luther King Jr.? Former U.S. Ambassador to the United
    Nations and Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young believes the government
    was responsible for King's death, as well.

    "I've always thought the FBI might be involved in some way," he
    said. "You have to remember this was a time when the politics of
    assassination was acceptable in this country. It was during the
    period just before Allende's murder. I think it's naïve to
    assume these institutions were not capable of doing the same
    thing at home or to say each of these deaths (King and the two
    Kennedys) was an isolated incident by 'a single assassin.' It
    was government policy."

    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/04/04/was-james-earl-ray- martin_n_95030.html

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