• Re: Treat blacks the same way Democrats treat gun owners.

    From Mr. B1ack@21:1/5 to pothead on Fri Oct 20 17:46:37 2023
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns, alt.society.liberalism

    [comp.os.linux.advocacy removed from cocksucker's abusive followups]

    On 10/20/2023 5:33 PM, pothead wrote:
    On 2023-10-21, Joel <joelcrump@gmail.com> wrote:
    pothead <pothead@snakebite.com> wrote:

    In NYS the stores are basically giving Bud Light away and still the shelves are full with the stuff
    because people ain't buying it.
    And pretty much the same thing has happened to companies that have gone woke etc.
    While the left has the loud voices because they control the media, the silent majority
    conservatives vote with their wallets.
    Harry's Razor is the latest example. They featured a trans man in their latest advertising blitz
    and now they are getting slammed with boycotts.
    Go woke....go broke.

    Imagine that, a razor company wants to sell its product to people who
    grow facial hair. God forbid they had no Y chromosome, and were
    taking testosterone to vastly increase quality of life, for
    themselves. You are defending *PIGS* who I always call phobes.

    I'm not attacking or defending anyone.
    I'm just stating the facts.

    Here's a big fact, in this boycott faggotism among faggoty-ass right-
    wing *FUCKFACE* Trump voting racist sexist homo/transphobic
    antiabortion people who should just join the Russian military and get
    it over with, they're perhaps arguing that it's the free market at
    work, and yet it's conveniently that it works *for them* to the
    exclusion of others, this is the stupidity of phobe-ism, this is why I
    refuse to be "moderate". Fuck moderate. I'm radical if radical means
    not afraid to be honest. Which is why they seem to think.

    I suck Trump's shriveled mushroom cock.

    Of course you do.

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