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"Text-drivers are psychopaths" wrote in message news:
Actually this has been going on for decades. Medical schools have always
had much much lower admission standards for blax. America is infested
with black doctors that can barely read.
Check this out, if you so dare: When Alan Bakke took his Medical School entrance exam, he scored a 92%. The AVERAGE score of the blacks taking the same test was an abysmal 36%! No doubt the curriculum had to dumbed-down to process them through. That was in 1978. I always wondered what the hell
kind of doctors they became. So far the wretched results are something the
PC press won't talk about. Has anything changed in the last 25 years? ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Patients Pay Price for Medical School Affirmative Action
by Jeff Jacoby
Copyright © 1997 Nando.net
Copyright © 1997 The Boston Globe
(August 15, 1997 01:40 a.m. EDT) -- On April 30, 1996, Senator Edward
Kennedy vigorously defended racial preferences in a statement to the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee.
"Affirmative action has paid enormous dividends in the medical context,"he declared, suggesting that the beneficiaries of race-conscious university admissions are "likely in later life to ... benefit their professions and
the communities in which they live."
He offered proof. "Dr. Bernard Chavis is a perfect example," Kennedy said.
"He is the supposedly less qualified African-American student who allegedly 'displaced' Allen Bakke at the University of California-Davis, and triggered the landmark case. Today, Dr. Chavis is a successful ob-gyn in central Los Angeles, serving a disadvantaged community and making a difference in the
lives of scores of poor families." (In fact, Chavis's first name is Patrick, and he lived not in central LA, but in Compton, a close suburb.)
Kennedy is not the only one to make Chavis a poster boy for affirmative
Anti-Proposition 209 activists in California, like student-radical-turned-politician Tom Hayden, and Connie Rice, counsel to
the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, frequently cited Chavis during last year's volatile campaign.
Writing in The Nation, Hayden and Rice noted that while Allen Bakke was now
an anesthesiologist in Minnesota, Chavis was "providing primary care to poor women" in a mostly black community. "Bakke's scores were higher," they admitted, "but who made the most of his medical school education? From whom
did California taxpayers benefit more?"
It's a question they now probably wish they hadn't asked.
Eight weeks ago, warning of Chavis's "inability to perform some of the most basic duties required of a physician," the Medical Board of California suspended his license. Administrative law Judge Samuel Reyes found Chavis guilty of gross negligence and incompetence in the treatment of three
patients -- one of whom died at his hands. Letting him "continue to engage
in the practice of medicine" the judge ruled, "will endanger the public
health, safety, and welfare."
The legal language of the judge's interim order barely conveys the horror of what Chavis inflicted last year on Yolanda Mukhalian, Valerie Lawrence, and Tammaria Cotton.
On May 11, 1996, just days after Kennedy sang his praises, Chavis performed
a simple liposuction on Mukhalian. (Though specializing in obstetrics,
Chavis's practice increasingly focused on liposuction. His training in the procedure was a four-day course at the Liposuction Institute of Beverly
Hills -- only half of which he completed.)
Mukhalian's surgery left her vomiting, sweating, and urinating helplessly
as, in the court's words, "blood gushed down her pants leg." But rather than get her to a hospital, Chavis took her to his home. She lay there bleeding
for 40 hours, yet Chavis provided virtually no supervision or medical care.
She returned to his office on May 14, still bleeding and in pain. Chavis prescribed heat packs and a massage. Two days later, she was worse -- still bleeding, in extreme pain, and growing delirious. He didn't return her
calls. Nor did he examine her when she returned once more on May 17.
By June 8, Mukhalian was in St. Francis Hospital with a severe abdominal infection. She was badly scarred, and had lost 70 percent of her blood. By
some miracle, she survived.
A similar miracle must have saved Valerie Lawrence, whose story is almost identical to Mukhalian's: a botched liposuction, massive bleeding, shocking postoperative neglect.
But Tammaria Cotton wasn't as lucky. When Chavis performed her liposuction
on June 22, her blood pressure plummeted and she complained of difficulty breathing. "If you can talk, you can breathe," Chavis reportedly told her.
As her frightened husband watched, "reddish fluid" leaked from her body for hours, pooling on the floor. Instead of administering emergency treatment, however, Chavis vanished. By early evening, Cotton was in cardiac arrest.
She died en route to the hospital.
This is Kennedy's "perfect example" of an affirmative action success.
By himself, Chavis isn't an argument against racial preferences. Single examples do not constitute data. He is, however, a reminder of something Kennedy and the others can't seem to grasp: Minority communities and poor families don't need black doctors. They need good doctors. And when universities admit medical students on grounds other than academic ability, they will turn out fewer doctors who are good.
In its 1978 Bakke decision, the Supreme Court approved the system that put Patrick Chavis in medical school: lower academic standards for most black students in exchange for racial "diversity." The result is that black
students for 20 years have been failing the national medical boards -- the leading measure of medical school achievement -- far more often than their peers.
A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that while
88 percent of white students pass the exam, only 49 percent of black
students do. The disparity is caused almost entirely by lower admissions standards. Minority students admitted without regard to race rarely fail
their boards.
The cost of medical affirmative action isn't theoretical. It is paid in
human suffering -- sometimes in human lives. Maybe Kennedy and Hayden don't understand how. Tammaria Cotton's widower does.
As for "Dr." Chavis: At least this nigrow "doctor" who got his shit blown
away in the story below won't be butchering any more patients... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The deafening silence about the death of an affirmative action 'hero'
Michelle Malkin
August 7, 2002
Dr. Patrick Chavis is dead. Will the liberal politicians and gullible media
who made him a poster boy for government-imposed affirmative action shed a single tear, or will they continue to ignore what a shameful tragedy his
life became?
According to a Los Angeles County Sheriff's detective I spoke with last
week, Chavis was murdered on the night of July 23 in Hawthorne, an
economically depressed neighborhood on the southern edge of Los Angeles.
Three unknown assailants shot him during an alleged robbery at a Foster's Freeze. They remain on the loose. The news has yet to be reported anywhere else, but sources told me it was the buzz of the Los Angeles medical
community last week.
Seven years ago, Chavis became the toast of the media elite and the racial preference crowd when he was profiled lavishly by New York Times magazine writer Nicholas Lehmann. Chavis, who made the cover of the magazine, was a black physician admitted to the University of California-Davis medical
school under a special racial-preference quota. In 1978, the U.S. Supreme
Court later struck down the program after a landmark challenge by white applicant Allan Bakke. Lehmann contrasted what he considered Bakke's unremarkable career following the lawsuit with Chavis' noble and booming
ob-gyn practice in the ghetto of Compton.
Three months later, Jane Fonda's ex-husband, left-wing California politico
Tom Hayden, heaped praise on Chavis in defense of affirmative action.
"Bakke's scores were higher," Hayden wrote in an article for The Nation,
"but who made the most of his medical school education? From whom did California taxpayers benefit more?" Sen. Ted Kennedy picked up the banner a year later, calling Chavis "a perfect example" of the need for lowering admissions standards in the name of racial diversity. The doctor, Kennedy crowed, was "making a difference in the lives of scores of poor families."
What the New York Times never got around to reporting, as JWR columnist Jeff Jacoby first noted and journalist William McGowan later chronicled in his award-winning book Coloring the News, is that the "difference" Chavis made
in the lives of several young black women involved gruesome pain-and
death-as a result of botched "body sculpting" operations at his clinic.
An administrative law judge found Chavis guilty of gross negligence and incompetence in the treatment of three patients. Yolanda Mukhalian lost 70 percent of her blood after Chavis hid her in his home for 40 hours following
a bungled liposuction; she miraculously survived. The other survivor,
Valerie Lawrence, also experienced severe bleeding following the surgery;
after Lawrence's sister took her to a hospital emergency room, Chavis barged
in and discharged his suffering patient-still hooked up to her IV and catheter-and also stashed her in his home.
Tammaria Cotton bled to death and suffered full cardiac arrest after Chavis performed fly-by-night liposuction on her and then disappeared.
In 1998, the Medical Board of California suspended Chavis' license, warning
of his "inability to perform some of the most basic duties required of a physician." In a statement filed by a psychiatrist, the state demonstrated Chavis' "poor impulse control and insensitivity to patients' pain." A tape recording of "horrific screaming" by patients in Chavis' office revealed the doctor responding callously: "Don't talk to the doctor while he is working"
and "Liar, liar, pants on fire."
If Allan Bakke, the white doctor, had engaged in such disgraceful behavior
and met such an ignominious end, you can bet the Left would never let us
forget it.
But Ted Kennedy and Tom Hayden, who spoke so voluminously about the poor
black patients who supposedly benefited from medical affirmative action, had nothing to say about the poor black women who were brutally victimized by
the incompetent Chavis. As for the New York Times, Bill McGowan wrote: They "ran nothing to amend their false portrait of an affirmative action hero, or question the legitimacy of the race-conscious social policy that had made
him a doctor. A riveting, nationally newsworthy story central to the
country's discussion of racial preferences somehow ended up completely
falling through the cracks."
Will the Times editors bother to run an obituary about their fallen
affirmative action hero? Will Ted Kennedy send his condolences?
Don't hold your breath.
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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