• Re: White Supremacy Is Not A Problem

    From %@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 17 13:55:41 2023
    XPost: alt.atheism, alt.slack, alt.sixtyplus

    In article <XnsB0447D77B9978noemailcomcastnet@>, noemail@verizon.net says...

    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in news:MPG.3f1ef20eaa9efdc298de16 @usnews.blocknews.net:

    In article <XnsB0444D7BCB983noemailcomcastnet@>, noemail@verizon.net says...

    Viktor Tandofsky <vtandofsky@gmail.com> wrote in

    On Sunday, July 16, 2023 at 6:18:47â?¯PM UTC-7, Ron.Dean wrote:
    On 5/14/23 11:17 PM, Skeeter wrote:
    In article <XnsB004D859D5EE8...@>,
    noe...@verizon.net says...

    Viktor Tandofsky <vtand...@gmail.com> wrote in

    Uncle Jojo Biden is living proof Whites are not superior to

    So is Merrick Garland.

    But the "Jews Will Not Replace Us"
    white-pride Trump supporters are just
    "very fine people" as he called them,


    I didn't like Trump, but life was better under his presidency.

    was low, under Biden Inflation has sky rocked. Under Trump gasoline

    under $2.00 a gallon. Cost of groceries were much less, for example

    under Trump were less than $1.00 per dozen under Biden prices
    and tripled. Under Trump there was no war in Europe with threats of
    nuclear war by Russia's President Putin against NATO including the
    US. Under Trump, for the first time in decades the US was not
    importing fuel, but exporting it. First thing Biden did was to cut
    production by closing down pumps. The US had a better grip on
    pollution because of the

    machinery designed to reduce pollution. Under other countries where
    we are buying fuel there are no such concern regarding pollution
    producing Gasoline etc. And there is much more, but time not

    I don't like Trump as a person but I support his presidency because
    does good things for the country'. He is honest about important
    things, too.

    Ever see what his own appointees think about him?

    "Trump sounds like a 12-year-old - a wilful
    and abusive braggart. He is remarkably
    ignorant and uneducated about the world"
    Barry McCaffrey, 4 Star General, US Army.

    "I didn't say he is an idiot, I said he
    is a fucking idiot"
    Rex Tillerson, Trump's own Sec of State

    "Trump has the understanding of 5th or 6th grader"
    Trump's own Sec of Defense James Mattis

    "He is an idiot. We're in Crazytown"
    Trump's own Chief of Staff John Kelly

    "A goddamn dumbbell. A fucking liar"
    Trump's own defense lawyer John Dowd.

    Did Trump tell the world that we were low on ammo?

    Did Trump tell the world where US
    submarines were being stationed?

    Trump reveals location of 2 nuclear submarines



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