• The Day It Rained Jigs on Jeddah

    From Byker@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jul 11 16:16:20 2023
    XPost: alt.disasters.aviation, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.religion.islam
    XPost: uk.religion.islam

    Dramatized on YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQhzEi2WAFg

    Thirty-two years ago today... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    I wonder if allah@mecca.net would be interested in the ballistic
    coefficients and terminal velocities of Allah-worshiping Niggerians doing
    swan dives from 2,000 feet?


    On July 11th, 1991, a Nationair DC-8 charter, flying hajj pilgrim kaffirs
    back to de mutha country from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on behalf of Niggeria Airways, departed the gate with underinflated tires. A long taxi, combined with a hot day, caused at least two tires to fail and one catch fire during
    the first 500 ft. of take-off roll. If the air traffic controllers saw it, they didn't say shit, probably because they knew what was going to happen
    and that would mean 250 fewer kaffir ragheads they'd ever have to fuck with again.

    Anyway, they lifted off, the gear was raised -- tire fire and all -- and at 2000-3000 ft. problems with the cabin pressure were reported, followed by a bursting tire and loss of hydraulics. No doubt the crew knew something was
    up when the passengers were bowing toward Mecca at a time not prescribed by
    the Koran. The pilot did a 180 when smoke started filling the cockpit, and flames were coming through the floor as he raced back for an emergency
    landing. All hell was breaking loose in the passenger cabin, and as they descended through 2,200 ft, the fuselage burned through and spearchuckers
    came pouring out as a long string of burrheaded bombs (rumors persist that "Allah Akbar" could be heard as they plunged into the city's souk).

    Those who stayed on board had a few seconds more to make peace with their Maker, because the fire burned through the control cables while their magic carpet was on its final landing approach, and the camel jocks on the ground were treated to the sight of the Ebo-Express doing its impersonation of a 150-ton napalm bomb...

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