Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabato
Squeakity Squeak@21:1/5 to
All on Sun Aug 8 06:57:18 2021
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff August 8th 2021 7:50 am 87,243 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Native women could consider buying rifles for their children and for their grandchildren, and for themselves, in .243 Winchester. This caliber is of adequate power to take down wild boar that exceed 1000 pounds in size, and the rifle doesn’t kick so
much and so is unlikely to break your shoulder. You can get a .243 Winchester as a semi-auto and this way the expended gasses are absorbed and used to eject and to cycle the next round and so it will kick even less, and this way the child will be better
protected against charging herds of wild boar. Furthermore the cartridges may be loaded with less powder and lighter bullets. Some of your sons and daughters may prefer to get rifles that shoot larger bullets than. 243 Winchester, if that is the case
then consider buying them a rifle calibrated to 7mm-08 Remington. Although .308 may be a better caliber for moose and bear (as opposed to .243 and 7mm-08), the children do not face too many threats from moose and bear, they require instead rifles to deal
with alternate threats (wild boar, cougars, dogs, coyotes, wolves, rabid animals, Islamists and Communists, and absolutely insane radical feminists). If the child desires to go hunting for moose or bear some day, then the child may borrow a larger
caliber rifle for that purpose. The .243, 7mm-08 and .308 all use the same brass (fabulous advantage), all are a good choice for use in the prairies. Kookums are not making a mistake if they buy a rifle in 7mm-08 or .308 instead of the recommended .243,
as the guns can be traded up and down, the important thing is to buy the .243, 7mm-08 or the .308 if it is offered to you used, as opposed to something like 6.5 Grendel (the 7mm-08 is superior, holds more powder and the brass is of a common variety), or
for example a .45 Colt, which doesn’t have the range offered by .243, 7mm-08 and .308. Some elderly native hunters prefer the 25-06 over any other, this is easier on the shoulder than the more massive .270 and 30-06, Kookums can buy used rifles in
these calibers as well, they can easily be traded for rifles of other calibers later.
When Islamists and Communists shoot at your children with far reaching calibers, it would be silly to fight back with rifles that can’t shoot that far back. There are calibers that shoot further than the .243, 25-06, .270, 7mm-08, .308 and 30-06, they
generally use longer brass resulting in a heavier gun, but the thought was to provide rifles for children and adults that are easier to carry and to shoot. Indians on reserves in Saskatchewan have the resources to manufacture high quality rifles and can
be known internationally as makers of quality firearms. Instead many Indians made a name for themselves as being violent thugs and end up in prisons, where most of these violent thugs belong.
Pigs, coyotes, wolves, cougars and bears, and Communists and Islamists, are all more likely to attack children and shorter men and women. The rich Indians flaunt their wealth and drive around in new trucks, the poor Indian women and children are left
without decent rifles to protect themselves from evil, many white women and children own even less. The wealthy Indian elite took the valuable boxes of bullets from the RCMP officers every treaty day, while the poor Indians never heard of the option and
instead each took a five dollar bill. The white kids and the native kids both gave up seats in trade schools and universities to Islamists, to African, Asian and Chinese immigrants and to people of other nations, generally it was the poorest of the white
kids that were placed into psychiatric “care”, and now all the white kids learn they are racists and also learn that many of the blacks and other recent immigrants want ALL the white people dead.
In the news (Tucker Carlson) on June 15th 2021 we learn that the FBI has been involved in orchestrating, encouraging and participating in criminal behavior, including the protest and the killing at the Capitol Building in Washington DC on January 6th
2021. The FBI is co-opted by communists, globalists, anarchists and Islamists, the FBI was likely involved in running a fraudulent election then orchestrated the attack on the Capitol Building in order to arrest and detain Trump supporters. Trump
supporters are being detained in solitary confinement for being near the Capitol on January 6th while the blacks who burned down some 300 cities and commit numerous murders are allowed to roam free. Not to worry, the Catholic church is about to hand it’
s authority over to Prince Charles who will save the day by making sure we don’t burn too much fossil fuels, and making sure that we accommodate the Islamists. Prince Charles has been building mosques and funding the spread of Islam for decades. It
takes a lot of oil and other resources to provide a home for each of the four Islamic wives. America began by rejecting the British Crown and ends with Prince Charles dictating environmental, religious and immigration laws. Americans cared little that
the CIA funded decades of research in psychiatric torture in Saskatoon (absolute horror) and come to Saskatoon in order to get a connecting flight north so they can go hunting and fishing. The FBI orchestrated a coup and Americans respond by getting a
death jab and are still wanting to go hunting and fishing in northern Saskatchewan, followed by singing Jingle Bells.
The communists/anarchists/fascists/satanists defunded the police, and so the murders, rapes and other crimes of course escalated. People will rise up and defend themselves, and then the United Nations (aka Prince Charles, aka The Anti-Christ) will patrol
North America to restore order. Expect a large increase of people being arrested under the Mental Health Act and sent to psychiatric wards in local hospitals for thinking too much about freedom and democracy. These people will be “treated” by Hindu,
Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists… all the drugs administered have “death” as a side effect. Then Doug Cuthand will continue to have his stories published in the newspapers, where he will praise Charles for his environmental policies. And
the churches will continue to display the appropriate behavior by erecting lavishly decorated evergreen trees (pagan idols) both inside and outside their churches. Then One Arrow First Nation, which placed a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an
Egyptian penis, will decorate the Egyptian penis with gold leaf and coloured lights, and get those lights to blink on and off, on and off, on and off... They found the remains of 215 Indian kids at a Catholic school in Kamloops, that means that the
Indians will now want to turn great multitudes (many thousands) of evergreen trees into God-damned Catholic decorated idols each with 215 blinkin’ lights. No matter how many times the Catholic priests sodomized the little Indian kids, the Indians still
adopt the Catholic fertility rite of turning evergreen trees into decorated idols, for it is tradition.
In the news hundreds of native skeletons were located at Catholic facilities in Saskatchewan. Many of these kids died from overcrowded conditions, they were crowded into small rooms like my dad and mom were when they were growing up in the dirty thirties.
There are lots of white people in the white people Saskatchewan cemeteries that died in 1918, similarly I expect a lot of native people succumbed to that flu in 1918, the main crime is that they do not have tombstones. So the natives are protesting by
not celebrating Canada Day this year, but watch, they will still abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols in December (actually during November, December, January and February). Many cancel a holiday that is celebrated on a
single day (Canada Day), but then they will continue in the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols and stretch the celebrations over a four month period. It is important to not only get your trees to blink, but to get them to blink
month after month after month after month. The more times the Catholic priests ram their penises up your children’s arseholes, the more the parents will get their Catholic evergreen idols to blink on and off, on and off, on and off… And the more the
children are sodomized by the Catholic priests, the more likely the parents are to stick an Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) on the very top of their blinkin’ tree, for it is tradition. I get tortured for years by predominantly Hindu
psychiatrists and all people could do for me is laugh at me, libel and slander me, assault and rob me, and then they went and built additional psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford with money borrowed from the children, they drugged their
own children with psychiatric drugs, and then they encouraged their own children to take the depopulation jab. The more people who roll over and die from the depopulation jab means that there will be less people to laugh at and further assault the
victims of psychiatric horror. People train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists in Canadian universities to become psychiatrists and torture people to death. And under Trudeau, these foreigners don’t have to be Canadian citizens to practice their “art” in
Canada. And all you pricks can do about it all is join protest marches with black Islamists and stick a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian penis while proclaiming that I am a white racist. Victims of psychiatric horror are likely to have
improved lives when the compassionless Catholic turds take the depopulation jabs and die, and when they are rendered infertile, the hope is that so many of you die that your medical system will utterly collapse and there will be nobody left to staff the
psychiatric torture centers.
The psychiatric drugs made my skin hard and dry, made my tongue and lips turn to hard leather, made my hair fall out, made my brain pound in pain, made me nauseous beyond belief, and all you filthy God-damned Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis
whoreshipping pricks could do is laugh at me (or assault me and rob me). I complained that the psychiatric drugs made it impossible for me to achieve an erection, then you laugh and you stick a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian penis. Most
people see the coming apocalypse as a bad thing, but if this is what is required to end psychiatry, then so be it. The normal (Catholic) people will faint in fear of the events on earth during the last days, while the victims of psychiatric horror will
finally be released from the ongoing brutal horrid torture and will hysterically laugh at you filthy Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers who are twitching and convulsing as a result of your favoured injections. Now that many hundreds of
Indian children’s skeletons were found without tombstones, expect people to now utilize more skeletons and possibly more tombstones when they annually celebrate death on October 31st. They celebrate death on October 31st then the following day (
November 1st) they turn their trees into blinkin’ idols in preparation for their December 25th worship of a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke the utter shit that pours out of their God-damned mouths. Now in Canada the Liberal
government officially celebrates sodomy for several months, and followed by that is the celebration of blinkin’ trees for the following four months. This is not the recipe for a coming blessing from God.
In the news the Australians invested billions of dollars into submarines that they will never build. Instead of investing in rifles, artillery, torpedoes, anti-tanks weapons and aircraft, they spent the money instead upon submarines that they will never
finish building, and are outmoded death-traps anyway. The small Sterling Engine driven submarines are silent, Australia didn’t strive for such simple, cheap and proven technology. Canada can’t help Australia, we can’t fuel the few ships we have and
our exorbitantly expensive used British submarines never worked and we don’t have the money nor skills to fix them. What Canada spent on used submarines that don’t work could easily have equipped our military with top quality rifles and artillery.
Nations are purposely bankrupted by foes working within. And our allies cancel our leading-edge technological innovations (see the BAC TSR-2 and the Avro Arrow). Australia would be wise to look at the Canadian model, we have an Islamic prime minister, a
Sikh runs our military and a Somali runs our department of immigration. Our ruling royalty is the richest in the history of mankind yet Australians and Canadians are both about to become extinct due to the flood of third world immigrants and evil in our
parliaments. Should China now invade Australia, they would kill all the Australians without Britain, Canada, New Zealand and almost every other nation being able to mount a defense. Already the Australians are not allowed to travel, and most don’t have
the money to travel anyway, the Australians are sitting at home without any guns to protect themselves from the coming genocide. Papuans were buying guns from Australians, sometime Papuans would travel to Australia in the hopes of purchasing guns, other
times Australians would travel to Papua New Guinea to sell guns. Now that the Australians gave up their guns, and now that the Australian government invested into fantasy submarines, and now that the Australians turn trees into blinkin’ idols,
Australians should be prepared for a very short war. When China invades Australia many people there will be praying to Mary and to angels for help, but Mary is asleep while the angels in the final days are not sent to help you but to smite you instead.
Good luck to Australia, and don’t count on America coming to your aid with Democrats in power, they are busy aiding China instead. It appears that America is now run by China, they are unlikely to help Australians. Unlike America, Canada is divided
between allegiance to China and to Islam, and relies upon America for its defense, and is hardly able to mount a defense for the Australian people.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in 2021, the jabs are designed by witches and contain a myriad of different toxins specifically designed to harm and kill. Children are not adversely affected by the Kung Flu, people who catch any flu in 2020 and
2021 have a 99.8% survival rate while many tens of thousands of people are suffering and dying as a result of getting the jabs. They forced psychiatric jabs upon me for years, it amounted to brutal horrid torture, I begged for assistance to flee the
country, all people could do is laugh at me, rob me, libel and slander me, and assault me further. Now these same compassionless arseholes are happily lining up to get the jab and are allowing their children to be jabbed as well. People gave many jabs to
their children over the last few decades, resulting in huge numbers of autistic children, cancers, other diseases and ultimately death. For several years until a couple of years ago the media was telling us that we required immigration to North America
because we were not reproducing fast enough, now these recent jabs will kill off millions of people, likely the media will soon be telling us we need millions of new immigrants to replace the white people who recently died off. Catholics will be
responding to it all by getting bigger trees and decorating them to greater degrees. They were compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, then they had their own children and their seniors drugged to keep them manageable in the hospitals,
nursing homes and schools. Then care givers allowed seniors to die from dehydration and blamed it on covid. Then the parents had their children injected with a death serum, developed by witches, and now as their children convulse, these parents are
making preparations for the final “Christmas” (use of God’s Name in vain, not His Mass) celebration, where the many trees in the home will blink. What a joy it will be for the convulsing and twitching children to see the trees blink on and off, on
and off, on and off, for the last time. On October 31st the convulsing and twitching children will celebrate death with their family members, then on the following day their tree will begin to blink and will blink in the home for up to the following four
In the news (not the mainstream news) in June 2021, many people in Britain are being arrested under the Mental Health Act, are imprisoned in psychiatric facilities and are having psychiatric drugs forced upon them. Britain recently altered their Mental
Health Act to make it easier to arrest and torture people who dare to complain about Islamic immigration. I imagine that if the British are able to expel all Islamists from their nation, they will still be arresting and torturing people under the Mental
Health Act for daring to criticize their Catholic churches. Similar to Canada, should the western provinces separate from Canada, this new nation will still employ psychiatrists and will still deny gun permits to those people who criticized some
injustice that resulted in them being tortured and then having a history of mental illness. Anthropologists should call the current western culture, “The People of The Jingle Bells.” The Jingle Bell leaders impose harsh judgments against those who do
not sing along and then ride upon one horse sleighs.
Kate Shemirani says regarding Britain, “They take over the health care system. The first thing they do is change the Mental Health Act, you need one doctor instead of three psychiatrists, and then you can’t be reassessed for six weeks. In 2019 I
believe there was 16,000 appeals against forced medication for those who were sectioned under the Mental Health Act, a third of those appeals were won. Now you cannot appeal. And this is what they do to get rid of the dissidents, the first thing they do
is change the Mental Health Act.” Queen Elizabeth II allows such behavior, eventually her son Charles will rule over the many tens of thousands of Catholic, Hindu, Islamic and Sikh psychiatrists in the British (Islamic) Empire.
In the news the Liberal (Communist and Islamic) Canadian government passed a new law (Bill C-36) making it illegal to harbor hate in your heart, making it illegal to post material on the internet that is critical of other cultures or religious groups,
and you can be arrested for statements you made on the internet, or elsewhere, years ago. And your accuser receives a payment of $20,000 and gets to remain anonymous. And so in 2021 it became illegal in Canada to criticize Islam. As their numbers
increase Islamists make increasing demands upon the locations they emigrate to, so now in Canada Islamists are present in sufficient quantities to demand that we shut up about the evils of their fertility cult. In Britain people are arrested and tortured
to death under their Mental Health Act for incorrect beliefs, as in Canada, and because people are more concerned about getting their trees to blink than about people who are tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, expect this to continue.
In the news the Canadian community of Lytton broke the Canadian temperature record for three days in a row and started to burn. Lytton is a six lettered name, 66.666…% of the letters are consonants and these consonants add to 66 (a=1, b=2, c=3…). And
90% of the buildings were destroyed by the fires, it is the 66th number that is not prime. Exodus with 1213 verses (the 198th or the 66+66+66th prime) terminates at Bible chapter 90 (the 66th non-prime). This means that the people of Lytton British
Columbia will now spend many more millions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols, they will get nicer and more expensive decorations for their tree idols, they will rebuild their destroyed homes with homes having taller ceilings so they may turn
even larger trees into decorated idols. Maybe spend sixty-six point six million dollars having a single individual in your community tortured in psychiatric facilities for daring to say that your churches are teaching traditions in place of God’s
Commandments. The priests of fish-god Dagon dressed up in full length fish costumes and fish-head hats, maybe the Lyttonites were failing to honour fish when they turned their trees into decorated idols. Both the evergreen tree and the fish are viewed as
symbols of fertility, maybe hang some fish heads on your decorated trees in order to placate your fertility gods.
In the news (not the mainstream news), Sanity for Sweden reports: The problems that we see now is because of all those who complied, yes. So they told you to wear the mask, right? And you did. And then they told you to isolate and you did this. And then
they told you to get the jab, and you did. And these guys who are doing this they said “Hooray, now let’s see what we can do next to these people.” Ya, it’s because you did what they told you to do, that’s why we are getting this shit now. If
you didn’t comply, none of this would happen. -Sanity For Sweden July 25th 2021.
People have such great compassion for their pagan fertility rites, they stick Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches and on the very top of their blinkin’ evergreen tree idols, in front of Saskatoon City Hall, at the entrance of the University
of Saskatchewan and at our cemeteries, and even use the pagan penises as war memorials for the soldiers that gave their lives for us (to keep us free), and they party and laugh. I said that it is no surprise that your priests and ministers are ramming
their penises up your children’s arseholes as they already advertise themselves with dinks on the roofs of their churches. They responded by repeatedly arresting me and driving me past the Egyptian obelisks (penises) at the front gates of the
University of Saskatchewan and delivering me to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but again, it is not me that thinks so highly of penises that I would place one on the roof of a church, and besides Hindus attain their
spiritual bliss via orgasm. The Indians at One Arrow First Nation responded to it all by placing a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian dink and by having their daughters sterilized with carcinogenic nasal swabs and so-called vaccines. Other
Indians responded by helping Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford. Happy families having their “Christmas” (use of God’s Name in vain, NOT His Mass) celebrations, united in pagan fertility whoreship. It
did not matter to the Indians whether they held traditional aboriginal beliefs, or if they were Catholics, Protestants or atheists, they all took part in the annual celebration where they get their trees to blink. Those upper caste Indians that obtained
free grants of reserve farm land at Muskoday First Nation and other reserves have among the nicest of the blinkin’ trees. They place their traditions, themselves and their family members above God. Even the atheists adopted the Catholic fertility rites
and so became Catholics. The Catholics not only like the evergreen tree as a symbol of fertility, they build penises into their church architecture, they place Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches, they have priests and ministers that ram
their penises up your children’s arseholes, and they have Hindu psychiatrists that proclaimed that it is I who thinks too much about penises, yet Hindus gain their spiritual bliss though orgasm.
Every three weeks I tried to defend my sanity by saying that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, once Dr. Gene Marcoux heard me say this at a psychiatric appeal panel hearing and said I was deluded because everybody does it.
The row of Catholics seated on the opposite side of the table smiled and gave Dr. Marcoux permission to continue torturing me with the brutal drugs. Dr. Marcoux once bluntly told me that my posters were crazy, and that if he ever heard of me putting up
posters again he would have me hauled back to him at the University of Saskatchewan where he would administer another round of “treatment” (brutal horrid torture that went on year after year after year). This is all after Crown Prosecutor Terry Hinz
and his friends maliciously prosecuted me, Terry Hinz was a close friend of my girlfriend’s family. She left her parent’s home and we lived in an apartment together, an acquaintance of mine raped her in our home while I was out working. The rape
traumatized her, she acted very strange and did not tell me she was raped, I got a psychologist professor from the U of S to come to our suite and see her, and shortly after he visited, Dr. Roger Martin blew his brains out with a shotgun (that didn’t
help my mental state). Very shortly after she was raped, my girlfriend was pushed into the psychiatric facilities for “treatment.” I began to stutter for awhile and it took me years to understand what happened to her. A subsequent girlfriend who
lived together with me in Montreal informed me that she was raped before she met me and I laughed uncomfortably, I did not know why. She asked me why I reacted in such a way to the news but I did not know, it would still be a few years before I
understood that my previous girlfriend was raped. Whether it was trauma from the rape and the subsequent loss of my lover that blocked my mind, or perhaps I am simply slow minded and stupid, I do not think I am deserving of years of psychiatric horror as
a reward for putting my posters up on city street poles, for criticizing the Catholic church, or for whatever reason. My girlfriend was traumatized by the rape, the parents blamed me for her downfall and were fortunate enough to have a close friend that
was a Crown Prosecutor. The magnitude of the horror of the psychiatric drugs is so enormous that nobody on this planet is deserving of such treatment. The horror of the psychiatric drugs is so overwhelming that all I can do is spend the rest of my life
trying to convince people to stop psychiatry, but instead they laughed at me and allowed their children to be injected as well. It wasn’t so bad that I was maliciously prosecuted, it wasn’t so bad that I received years of brutal horrid torture as a
result, the issue I have is with people’s compassionlessness. This coming “Christmas” (not His Mass, use of God’s Name in vain) will likely be the last one you will celebrate with your children, who are now rendered infertile and are twitching
and convulsing from the death jabs, and who are sure to be dead by the following pagan fertility tree holiday. Make sure this final blinkin’ tree (erected for four months from November 2021 through February 2022) is the best one ever. Put lots of
sparkles and blinkin’ lights on your God-damned decorated idol. Just be aware that I am crying out to God against you compassionless God-damned Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers, I am asking Him to honour His assorted promises in
Scripture and terminate your lives and the lives of your ignorant children. Consider not repeating internet libel and calling me a pedophile for I have not sexually abused anyone, all I do is cry out to God against you and pray for your deaths. Just as
you are ok with people being tortured in psychiatric facilities, I am ok praying for your deaths. Just as you are ok with laughing at me when I complain about years of brutal horrid torture, you can start being ok with me laughing at you when you lose a
child. You people are truly compassionless turds, the God-damned shit of the earth, I so desperately desire your deaths. Sometimes Jesus does remove His protection from your family members and you lose one or more, then you double down and get an even
bigger tree and decorate it to a greater degree.
[continued in next message]
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* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeakity Squeak@21:1/5 to
All on Thu Aug 19 14:49:11 2021
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff August 19th 2021 3:38 pm 90,893 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
In the news (Tucker Carlson) on June 15th 2021 we learn that the FBI has been involved in orchestrating, encouraging and participating in criminal behavior, including the protest and the killing at the Capitol Building in Washington DC on January 6th
2021. The FBI is co-opted by communists, globalists, anarchists and Islamists, the FBI was likely involved in running a fraudulent election then orchestrated the attack on the Capitol Building in order to arrest and detain Trump supporters. Trump
supporters are being detained in solitary confinement for being near the Capitol on January 6th while the blacks who burned down some 300 cities and commit numerous murders are allowed to roam free. Not to worry, the Catholic church is about to hand it’
s authority over to Prince Charles who will save the day by making sure we don’t burn too much fossil fuels, and making sure that we accommodate the Islamists. Prince Charles has been building mosques and funding the spread of Islam for decades. It
takes a lot of oil and other resources to provide a home for each of the four Islamic wives. America began by rejecting the British Crown and ends with Prince Charles dictating environmental, religious and immigration laws. Americans cared little that
the CIA funded decades of research in psychiatric torture in Saskatoon (absolute horror) and come to Saskatoon in order to get a connecting flight north so they can go hunting and fishing. The FBI orchestrated a coup and Americans respond by getting a
death jab and are still wanting to go hunting and fishing in northern Saskatchewan, followed by singing Jingle Bells.
The communists/anarchists/fascists/satanists defunded the police, and so the murders, rapes and other crimes of course escalated. People will rise up and defend themselves, and then the United Nations (aka Prince Charles, aka The Anti-Christ) will patrol
North America to restore order. Expect a large increase of people being arrested under the Mental Health Act and sent to psychiatric wards in local hospitals for thinking too much about freedom and democracy. These people will be “treated” by Hindu,
Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists… all the drugs administered have “death” as a side effect. Then Doug Cuthand will continue to have his stories published in the newspapers, where he will praise Charles for his environmental policies. And
the churches will continue to display the appropriate behavior by erecting lavishly decorated evergreen trees (pagan idols) both inside and outside their churches. Then One Arrow First Nation, which placed a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an
Egyptian penis, will decorate the Egyptian penis with gold leaf and coloured lights, and get those lights to blink on and off, on and off, on and off... They found the remains of 215 Indian kids at a Catholic school in Kamloops, that means that the
Indians will now want to turn great multitudes (many thousands) of evergreen trees into God-damned Catholic decorated idols each with 215 blinkin’ lights. No matter how many times the Catholic priests sodomized the little Indian kids, the Indians still
adopt the Catholic fertility rite of turning evergreen trees into decorated idols, for it is tradition.
In the news hundreds of native skeletons were located at Catholic facilities in Saskatchewan. Many of these kids died from overcrowded conditions, they were crowded into small rooms like my dad and mom were when they were growing up in the dirty thirties.
There are lots of white people in the white people Saskatchewan cemeteries that died in 1918, similarly I expect a lot of native people succumbed to that flu in 1918, the main crime is that they do not have tombstones. So the natives are protesting by
not celebrating Canada Day this year, but watch, they will still abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols in December (actually during November, December, January and February). Many cancel a holiday that is celebrated on a
single day (Canada Day), but then they will continue in the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols and stretch the celebrations over a four month period. It is important to not only get your trees to blink, but to get them to blink
month after month after month after month. The more times the Catholic priests ram their penises up your children’s arseholes, the more the parents will get their Catholic evergreen idols to blink on and off, on and off, on and off… And the more the
children are sodomized by the Catholic priests, the more likely the parents are to stick an Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) on the very top of their blinkin’ tree, for it is tradition. I get tortured for years by predominantly Hindu
psychiatrists and all people could do for me is laugh at me, libel and slander me, assault and rob me, and then they went and built additional psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford with money borrowed from the children, they drugged their
own children with psychiatric drugs, and then they encouraged their own children to take the depopulation jab. The more people who roll over and die from the depopulation jab means that there will be less people to laugh at and further assault the
victims of psychiatric horror. People train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists in Canadian universities to become psychiatrists and torture people to death. And under Trudeau, these foreigners don’t have to be Canadian citizens to practice their “art” in
Canada. And all you pricks can do about it all is join protest marches with black Islamists and stick a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian penis while proclaiming that I am a white racist. Victims of psychiatric horror are likely to have
improved lives when the compassionless Catholic turds take the depopulation jabs and die, and when they are rendered infertile, the hope is that so many of you die that your medical system will utterly collapse and there will be nobody left to staff the
psychiatric torture centers.
The psychiatric drugs made my skin hard and dry, made my tongue and lips turn to hard leather, made my hair fall out, made my brain pound in pain, made me nauseous beyond belief, and all you filthy God-damned Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis
whoreshipping pricks could do is laugh at me (or assault me and rob me). I complained that the psychiatric drugs made it impossible for me to achieve an erection, then you laugh and you stick a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian penis. Most
people see the coming apocalypse as a bad thing, but if this is what is required to end psychiatry, then so be it. The normal (Catholic) people will faint in fear of the events on earth during the last days, while the victims of psychiatric horror will
finally be released from the ongoing brutal horrid torture and will hysterically laugh at you filthy Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers who are twitching and convulsing as a result of your favoured injections. Now that many hundreds of
Indian children’s skeletons were found without tombstones, expect people to now utilize more skeletons and possibly more tombstones when they annually celebrate death on October 31st. They celebrate death on October 31st then the following day (
November 1st) they turn their trees into blinkin’ idols in preparation for their December 25th worship of a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke the utter shit that pours out of their God-damned mouths. Now in Canada the Liberal
government officially celebrates sodomy for several months, and followed by that is the celebration of blinkin’ trees for the following four months. This is not the recipe for a coming blessing from God.
In the news the Australians invested billions of dollars into submarines that they will never build. Instead of investing in rifles, artillery, torpedoes, anti-tanks weapons and aircraft, they spent the money instead upon submarines that they will never
finish building, and are outmoded death-traps anyway. The small Sterling Engine driven submarines are silent, Australia didn’t strive for such simple, cheap and proven technology. Canada can’t help Australia, we can’t fuel the few ships we have and
our exorbitantly expensive used British submarines never worked and we don’t have the money nor skills to fix them. What Canada spent on used submarines that don’t work could easily have equipped our military with top quality rifles and artillery.
Nations are purposely bankrupted by foes working within. And our allies cancel our leading-edge technological innovations (see the BAC TSR-2 and the Avro Arrow). Australia would be wise to look at the Canadian model, we have an Islamic prime minister, a
Sikh runs our military and a Somali runs our department of immigration. Our ruling royalty is the richest in the history of mankind yet Australians and Canadians are both about to become extinct due to the flood of third world immigrants and evil in our
parliaments. Should China now invade Australia, they would kill all the Australians without Britain, Canada, New Zealand and almost every other nation being able to mount a defense. Already the Australians are not allowed to travel, and most don’t have
the money to travel anyway, the Australians are sitting at home without any guns to protect themselves from the coming genocide. Papuans were buying guns from Australians, sometime Papuans would travel to Australia in the hopes of purchasing guns, other
times Australians would travel to Papua New Guinea to sell guns. Now that the Australians gave up their guns, and now that the Australian government invested into fantasy submarines, and now that the Australians turn trees into blinkin’ idols,
Australians should be prepared for a very short war. When China invades Australia many people there will be praying to Mary and to angels for help, but Mary is asleep and in the ground while the angels in the final days are not sent to help you but to
smite you instead. Good luck to Australia, and don’t count on America coming to your aid with Democrats in power, they are busy aiding China instead. It appears that America is now run by China, they are unlikely to help Australians. Unlike America,
Canada is divided between allegiance to China and to Islam, and relies upon America for its defense, and is hardly able to mount a defense for the Australian people.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in 2021, the jabs are designed by witches and contain a myriad of different toxins specifically designed to harm and kill. Children are not adversely affected by the Kung Flu, people who catch any flu in 2020 and
2021 have a 99.8% survival rate while many tens of thousands of people are suffering and dying as a result of getting the jabs. They forced psychiatric jabs upon me for years, it amounted to brutal horrid torture, I begged for assistance to flee the
country, all people could do is laugh at me, rob me, libel and slander me, and assault me further. Now these same compassionless arseholes are happily lining up to get the jab and are allowing their children to be jabbed as well. People gave many jabs to
their children over the last few decades, resulting in huge numbers of autistic children, cancers, other diseases and ultimately death. For several years until a couple of years ago the media was telling us that we required immigration to North America
because we were not reproducing fast enough, now these recent jabs will kill off millions of people, likely the media will soon be telling us we need millions of new immigrants to replace the white people who recently died off. Catholics (people who
abide by Catholic fertility rites, such as all forms of Protestants, Hutterites, Mennonites, Seventh-day Adventists and Doukhobors) will be responding to it all by getting bigger trees and decorating them to greater degrees. They were compassionless to
the victims of psychiatric horror, then they had their own children and their seniors drugged to keep them manageable in the hospitals, nursing homes and schools. Then care givers allowed seniors to die from dehydration and blamed it on covid. Then the
parents had their children injected with a death serum, developed by witches, and now as their children convulse, these parents are making preparations for the final “Christmas” (use of God’s Name in vain, not His Mass) celebration, where the many
trees in the home will blink. What a joy it will be for the convulsing and twitching children to see the trees blink on and off, on and off, on and off, for the last time. On October 31st the convulsing and twitching children will celebrate death with
their family members, then on the following day their tree will begin to blink and will blink in the home for up to the following four months.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in June 2021, many people in Britain are being arrested under the Mental Health Act, are imprisoned in psychiatric facilities and are having psychiatric drugs forced upon them. Britain recently altered their Mental
Health Act to make it easier to arrest and torture people who dare to complain about Islamic immigration. I imagine that if the British are able to expel all Islamists from their nation, they will still be arresting and torturing people under the Mental
Health Act for daring to criticize their Catholic churches. Similar to Canada, should the western provinces separate from Canada, this new nation will still employ psychiatrists and will still deny gun permits to those people who criticized some
injustice that resulted in them being tortured and then having a history of mental illness. Anthropologists should call the current western culture, “The People of The Jingle Bells.” The Jingle Bell leaders impose harsh judgments against those who do
not sing along and then ride upon one horse sleighs.
Kate Shemirani says regarding Britain, “They take over the health care system. The first thing they do is change the Mental Health Act, you need one doctor instead of three psychiatrists, and then you can’t be reassessed for six weeks. In 2019 I
believe there was 16,000 appeals against forced medication for those who were sectioned under the Mental Health Act, a third of those appeals were won. Now you cannot appeal. And this is what they do to get rid of the dissidents, the first thing they do
is change the Mental Health Act.” Queen Elizabeth II allows such behavior, eventually her son Charles will rule over the many tens of thousands of Catholic, Hindu, Islamic and Sikh psychiatrists in the British (Islamic) Empire.
In the news the Liberal (Communist and Islamic) Canadian government passed a new law (Bill C-36) making it illegal to harbor hate in your heart, making it illegal to post material on the internet that is critical of other cultures or religious groups,
and you can be arrested for statements you made on the internet, or elsewhere, years ago. And your accuser receives a payment of $20,000 and gets to remain anonymous. And so in 2021 it became illegal in Canada to criticize Islam. As their numbers
increase Islamists make increasing demands upon the locations they emigrate to, so now in Canada Islamists are present in sufficient quantities to demand that we shut up about the evils of their fertility cult. In Britain people are arrested and tortured
to death under their Mental Health Act for incorrect beliefs, as in Canada, and because people (including Adventists and Doukhobors) are more concerned about getting their trees to blink than about people who are tortured to death in psychiatric
facilities, expect this to continue.
In the news the Canadian community of Lytton broke the Canadian temperature record for three days in a row and started to burn. Lytton is a six lettered name, 66.666…% of the letters are consonants and these consonants add to 66 (a=1, b=2, c=3…). And
90% of the buildings were destroyed by the fires, it is the 66th number that is not prime. Exodus with 1213 verses (the 198th or the 66+66+66th prime) terminates at Bible chapter 90 (the 66th non-prime). This means that the people of Lytton British
Columbia will now spend many more millions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols, they will get nicer and more expensive decorations for their tree idols, they will rebuild their destroyed homes with homes having taller ceilings so they may turn
even larger trees into decorated idols. Maybe spend sixty-six point six million dollars having a single individual in your community tortured in psychiatric facilities for daring to say that your churches are teaching traditions in place of God’s
Commandments. The priests of fish-god Dagon dressed up in full length fish costumes and fish-head hats, maybe the Lyttonites were failing to honour fish when they turned their trees into decorated idols. Both the evergreen tree and the fish are viewed as
symbols of fertility, maybe hang some fish heads on your decorated trees in order to placate your fertility gods.
In the news in July 2021 a fellow from Edmonton (actually an immigrant from Sudan Africa), Kout David Buttic, aged 26, was caught and charged for dealing drugs (cocaine and meth) in Prince Albert Saskatchewan in 2018. While waiting for his court date he
was caught and charged for dealing fentanyl and cocaine in Saskatoon in 2019. So the judge, Doug Agnew, says that too many of his race are being charged for and doing time for their crimes, therefore a lighter sentence needs to be imposed. I got years of
brutal horrid torture for saying that it is no surprise that the priests and ministers are ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes because they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. This
guy deals in hard drugs that have killed many in Saskatchewan, and he will be free in under three years. There is no real penalty for this person, the message is sent over and over that those people dealing in fentanyl and other deadly drugs do not have
to fear the authorities. The authorities are doing all they can to destroy our nation, so they give the lightest possible sentence to Africans and Asians. This is yet another reason why I cry out to God against Canadians, they have many millions of
dollars to have me tortured for years, then they have billions of dollars to spend annually on blinkin’ trees. Again, all I can do is cry out to God against Canadian families, I pray for your deaths and for the deaths of your children. Trying to make
this clear, I tried to show people in the community that their traditions are in opposition to God’s Commandments, they had me brutally tortured for years and when I complained people started calling me a pedophile and then gave me a few brutal
beatings. Canadians are the shit of the earth and God now allows their nation to be taken over by alternative fertility cults (more God-damned shit of the earth to replace other God-damned shit of the earth). The authorities are here to punish the
righteous, you cannot build a nation upon such a foundation and so I say that it is time for many more of you to roll over a die. Maybe take a free injection. Pretty soon the Africans will be killing the white farmers on the Canadian prairies and the
judges will say this racialized ethnicity is overrepresented in prisons, therefore we have to give them lighter sentences. I received year after year after year after year of brutal horrid torture as a reward for speaking against Catholic fertility rites
while these Islamists get a slap on the wrist after they commit rapes and murders, and after killing children in our communities with their Chinese manufactured drugs.
In the news (not the mainstream news), Sanity for Sweden reports: The problems that we see now is because of all those who complied, yes. So they told you to wear the mask, right? And you did. And then they told you to isolate and you did this. And then
they told you to get the jab, and you did. And these guys who are doing this they said “Hooray, now let’s see what we can do next to these people.” Ya, it’s because you did what they told you to do, that’s why we are getting this shit now. If
you didn’t comply, none of this would happen. -Sanity For Sweden July 25th 2021.
People have such great compassion for their pagan fertility rites, they stick Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches and on the very top of their blinkin’ evergreen tree idols, in front of Saskatoon City Hall, at the entrance of the University
of Saskatchewan and at our cemeteries, and even use the pagan penises as war memorials for the soldiers that gave their lives for us (to keep us free), and they party and laugh. I said that it is no surprise that your priests and ministers are ramming
their penises up your children’s arseholes as they already advertise themselves with dinks on the roofs of their churches. They responded by repeatedly arresting me and driving me past the Egyptian obelisks (penises) at the front gates of the
University of Saskatchewan and delivering me to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but again, it is not me that thinks so highly of penises that I would place one on the roof of a church, and besides Hindus attain their
spiritual bliss via orgasm. The Indians at One Arrow First Nation responded to it all by placing a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian dink and by having their daughters sterilized with carcinogenic nasal swabs and so-called vaccines. Other
Indians responded by helping Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford. Happy families having their “Christmas” (use of God’s Name in vain, NOT His Mass) celebrations, united in pagan fertility whoreship. It
did not matter to the Indians whether they held traditional aboriginal beliefs, or if they were Catholics, Protestants or atheists, they all took part in the annual celebration where they get their trees to blink. Those upper caste Indians that obtained
free grants of reserve farm land at Muskoday First Nation and other reserves have among the nicest of the blinkin’ trees. They place their traditions, themselves and their family members above God. Even the atheists adopted the Catholic fertility rites
and so became Catholics. The Catholics not only like the evergreen tree as a symbol of fertility, they build penises into their church architecture, they place Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches, they have priests and ministers that ram
their penises up your children’s arseholes, and they have Hindu psychiatrists that proclaimed that it is I who thinks too much about penises, yet Hindus gain their spiritual bliss though orgasm. Anyway, in defense of the Doukhobors, they do not put
Egyptian penises on the roofs of their Doukhobor prayer homes, they only stick Egyptian penises on the very top of their blinkin’ trees, then sometimes place a pentagram on top of that Egyptian dink, and it was largely the Seventh-day Adventists who
taught them to adopt and embrace this pagan shit.
Every three weeks I tried to defend my sanity by saying that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, once Dr. Gene Marcoux heard me say this at a psychiatric appeal panel hearing and said I was deluded because everybody does it.
The row of Catholics seated on the opposite side of the table smiled and gave Dr. Marcoux permission to continue torturing me with the brutal drugs. Dr. Marcoux once bluntly told me that my posters were crazy, and that if he ever heard of me putting up
posters again he would have me hauled back to him at the University of Saskatchewan where he would administer another round of “treatment” (brutal horrid torture that went on year after year after year). This is all after Crown Prosecutor Terry Hinz
and his friends maliciously prosecuted me, Terry Hinz was a close friend of my girlfriend’s family. She left her parent’s home and we lived in a suite together, an acquaintance of mine raped her in our home while I was out working. The rape
traumatized her, she acted very strange and did not tell me she was raped, I got a psychologist professor from the U of S to come to our suite and see her, and shortly after he visited, Dr. Roger Martin blew his brains out with a shotgun (that didn’t
help my mental state). Very shortly after she was raped, my girlfriend was pushed into the psychiatric facilities for “treatment.” I began to stutter for awhile and it took me years to understand what happened to her. A subsequent girlfriend who
lived together with me in Montreal informed me that she was raped before she met me and I laughed uncomfortably, I did not know why. She asked me why I reacted in such a way to the news but I did not know, it would still be a few years before I
understood that my previous girlfriend was raped. Whether it was trauma from the rape and the subsequent loss of my lover that blocked my mind, or perhaps I am simply slow minded and stupid, I do not think I am deserving of years of psychiatric horror as
a reward for putting my posters up on city street poles, for criticizing the Catholic church, or for whatever reason. My girlfriend was traumatized by the rape, the parents blamed me for her downfall and were fortunate enough to have a close friend who
was a Crown Prosecutor. The magnitude of the horror of the psychiatric drugs is so enormous that nobody on this planet is deserving of such treatment. The horror of the psychiatric drugs is so overwhelming that all I can do is spend the rest of my life
trying to convince people to stop psychiatry, but instead they laughed at me (and libeled, assaulted and robbed me) and allowed their children to be injected as well. It wasn’t so bad that I was maliciously prosecuted, it wasn’t so bad that I
received years of brutal horrid torture as a result, the issue I have is with people’s compassionlessness. This coming “Christmas” (not His Mass, use of God’s Name in vain) will likely be the last one you will celebrate with your children, who
are now rendered infertile and are twitching and convulsing from the death jabs, and who are sure to be dead by the following pagan fertility tree holiday. Make sure this final blinkin’ tree (erected for four months from November 2021 through February
2022) is the best one ever. Put lots of sparkles and blinkin’ lights on your God-damned decorated idol. Just be aware that I am crying out to God against you compassionless God-damned Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers, I am asking Him to
honour His assorted promises in Scripture and terminate your lives and the lives of your ignorant children. Consider not repeating internet libel and calling me a pedophile for I have not sexually abused anyone, all I do is cry out to God against you and
pray for your deaths. Just as you are ok with people being tortured in psychiatric facilities, I am ok praying for your deaths. Just as you are ok with laughing at me when I complain about years of brutal horrid torture, you can start being ok with me
laughing at you when you lose a child. You people are truly compassionless turds, the God-damned shit of the earth, I so desperately desire your deaths. Sometimes Jesus does remove His protection from your family members and you lose one or more, then
you double down and get an even bigger tree and decorate it to a greater degree.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff November 2nd 2021 1:24 pm 99,966 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
The Catholic Church teaches you to abide by pagan fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments, this church owns and uses the media and other institutions to help teach you and your family members to abide by pagan crap. This same church uses their
media to cover up the ongoing sexual misconduct of their priests. This same church censors the existence of cannibals in western societies, censors Scriptural passages referring to cannibalism, and is actively engaged in importing the third world into
our communities to impoverish the masses. It is essential for this church to impoverish the masses as this way people become homeless and then can be devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14). The so-called Church of England is a branch of the
Catholic Church, as it and other Protestant churches (such as the Southern Missionary Baptists and other Baptist churches) systematically teaches people to abide by Catholic fertility rites. It is essential for the Catholic Church to teach you to turn
trees into decorated idols and abide by this pagan winter festival as different aspects of this winter festival are in opposition to God’s first Three Commandments, which they hate. And it is essential for this church to help kill off the white people,
as whites are the main group of people that abide by the Commandments of God and hold the faith of Jesus (Revelation 12:17). It is shameful for Christians in western countries to allow their fellow Christians to be tortured in psychiatric facilities.
Every three weeks I defended my sanity at psychiatric appeal panel hearings by stating that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, and that people are inadvertently bowing to trees when they place and retrieve presents from the
base of the tree. Catholics sat at these appeal panel hearings and repeatedly allowed predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me. Instead of aiding my escape, the Christians in Saskatoon spent billions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols,
and imported the third world. Importing the third world into Canada had a negative impact upon my life. The white Europeans think it funny that I get tortured for years by predominantly Hindu psychiatrists, I in turn think it hilarious when God
terminates your children’s lives. Filthy compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers. I get horrid injections forced upon me for years that amounted to brutal horrid torture and all people could do is laugh, decorate trees and sing
Jingle Bells. Good for you. Now God permits you and your Jingle Bell children to get a dose that will cause infertility, deaths and utter desolation. You ignore the plight of the victims of psychiatric horror… what comes around goes around.
Give testimony to your friends, relatives and fellow church members that the decorated evergreen tree is a pagan idol, then be mocked. If the mocking doesn’t shut you up, then expect to be slandered, libeled and be expelled (shunned) from the church
or family unit. If you are still squeaking, there is always the possibility that you will be assaulted, arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities, or simply murdered. So double down, get a bigger tree and decorate it to a greater degree.
Westerners are drunk and dazed, their borders are wide open, they should be building walls, multiplying like locusts and building their economies (Nahum 3:11-16). Western women will either help staffing borders, building walls and multiplying like
locusts or will end up as sex slaves in Islamic countries. Western women should consider taking the initiative to support western civilization by providing children in accordance to Isaiah 4:1 and form families of eight. Unite into family units of eight
individuals, seven women together with one man, work closely together to build yourselves a home in the country. It is shameful that the western women adopted the propaganda to end western families, now they can redeem themselves and provide our race
with children and a hope for the future. Those white women who remain fertile by not taking the jab, those white women who never removed their reproductive organs, those white women who are not busy raising black and Asian children, those white women who
are not brainwashed into hating men, those white women who were never raped and traumatized and who can still form meaningful relationships are required to save the white race from extinction. Women are married to their blinkin’ evergreen trees and
other fertility traditions pushed by the Catholic Church. Like the white men, the white women enthusiastically embrace Catholic fertility rites and then claim that the Jews control the world. The hugely obese white women regularly flew to third world
countries and had sex with the black men at the beach resorts over there, the fat asses paid the same amount for their airfares as the women who weighed one-sixth of their weight. The hugely obese women were seen as symbols of fertility in Africa, so the
huge white women went there for sex and to be idolized. White parents care little that their ignorant daughters quested after negro men due to them having large penises, what was important to those parents is that their daughters and their well-endowed
black boyfriends joined with them in turning trees into decorated idols and singing Jingle Bells, for it was tradition. The tradition of marrying into your own race was claimed to be racism while the tradition of turning trees into decorated idols was
claimed to be an essential part of family life. Even Cree women succumbed to the cancel-culture propaganda and bore black children, one would think that Cree women should instead show solidarity with their own people and help their Cree nation thrive.
Most everybody taught their daughters to embrace their pagan fertility idols and many of these daughters ended up fornicating with blacks due to the blacks having large penises, Cadillac cars, diamonds and gold chains. The Cree were united in their
adoption of Catholic fertility tree idols that had an Egyptian obelisk (penis) mounted on the very top of the blinkin’ tree. The Cree were divided due to corruption on the reserves where quarter sections of land were handed out to the children of the
corrupt leaders, a class division was established on the reserves where the Cree who benefitted from the corruption married into other Cree families who similarly benefitted from the corruption. Just like the white women, the Cree women sought out
marriage partners who had wealth, and that included violent black pimps who flashed their wealth. In a little over a hundred years white women went from driving birds into extinction and to near extinction by adorning their hats with fine feathers, to
driving the white race into extinction by fornicating with black men with their big penises, by sending money to Islamic nations, and by refusing to help form white families and raising white children. The white women did have sex but it was with other
women and with men who were not white. The Cree were decimated by disease and then in 2021 the assorted governments encouraged their band members to take injections that caused infertility and death. The white people and the Cree people were united in
pagan fertility whoreship, as are the Hindus, Islamists, Sikhs, Shintoists and Islamists, all groups are engaged in phallic whoreship. Many of the white women and Cree women found the time to unite and march together in support of the black Islamic and
Marxist invaders, they marched together and protested together and together they ignored the Catholic, Hindu, Sikh and Islamist doctors that were torturing people to death in psychiatric facilities. The blacks were burning cities in the USA and chanting
to kill the whites, so the women and the Cree in Canada marched in solidarity with these blacks and asked to defund the police.
Canadians were told to be proud of their multiculturalism and welcomed people of all colours to our nation, now in a space of a year we are told that we are all racists and these people we welcomed now want to kill us. The judges are giving a slap on
the wrist of those of colour who commit crimes, many times they don’t even have to spend any time in prisons because the reason provided by the judges is that there are already a disproportionate number of their kind in the prisons. Blacks are openly
calling for the deaths of white people while the judges are not punishing people for their crimes. For years white kids experienced huge hurdles trying to get into trade schools or into University degree programs that could result in financial gain, the
seats were provided to the immigrants instead, and now these unskilled and poorly skilled white kids learn that they are racists.
The white Canadian children are strongly encouraged to get “vaccinated” even now that many people are aware that the so called “vaccinations” are causing more deaths and disease than the supposed virus, which hasn’t even been proven to exist.
Canadians see themselves as “saved” because they embrace Catholic fertility rites (blinkin’ evergreen tree idols) and are so nice that they happily give their nation away to foreigners, and now in 2021 give their health and fertility away to a jab.
The entire world embraced pagan fertility rites and then the ruler of the world gave them a jab and removed their fertility. The people who fell for the deception of the blinkin’ fertility tree idols are the same group that lost their health and lives
and gave away their children’s fertility to the jab. The extremely overweight white women may be rendered infertile by the jab but will still be viewed as symbols of fertility when they fly to Africa and the Caribbean to have sex with the black men
there. I don’t think Stalin would have wanted to fornicate with the bulbous American and Canadian women. In his youth Hitler was an artist, he may have been traumatized by being forced in art school to draw obese women, then redirected this trauma and
his anger at the Jews. They don’t teach this stuff in school.
Rebel News reports in May 2021 that the Canadian government allows Chinese communist soldiers to train in military jets inside Canada.
Sanity for Sweden reports on June 14th 2021 that a 19-year-old German woman went to Italy and was enslaved by Pakistani men, they kept her prisoner and raped her continuously for two years. Traditionally it is the Turks that make raids into Europe and
enslave the white women, now Europe makes it easy for all kinds of Islamists to enslave women. The police in each European nation don’t go into Islamic no-go zones to find and release the captive women, and even if they did the judges will let the
criminals go free.
Probababbly Isaiah 4:1 is not intended to encourage groups of eight individuals to join together as families, it is more likely the passage refers to a single individual male who ends up with a gaggle of seven wives who concern themselves day and
night about their food and clothes. While eating breakfast the women are already planning dinner and supper and are endlessly wondering what they will be wearing for each and every meal. Yet a lawfully wedded family consisting of seven women and one man
should result in increased safety for the group as a whole, and of course the family would benefit economically by pooling resources, and the children would benefit by having more parents to watch over and guide them. And if it were the white women who
were uniting and forming families with a single white male, then perhaps the white race would have a chance of surviving as a race.
In the news in June 2021 Doug Cuthand continues to point out the raw deal native people received from some of the white settlers. Presently though and unheard in the media is that the native women are getting a raw deal from the males at the reserves,
the women have been stripped of their voices and power and are governed by all-knowing males. Some reserve land is being given away to a privileged elite resulting in a two class system being established on reserves, many people in reserves confine
themselves to their homes at night to avoid the native violence in the reserves… often Indians do brutal crimes to one another without penalty. Natives kill other natives, Sikhs kill other Sikhs, blacks kill other blacks (blacks also kill Asians and
whites). White people and police officers are generally not to blame for any of the violence in Canada and in the USA today, is how I see it. The Indians who grabbed reserve farming lands for themselves flaunt their wealth and drive around in new trucks,
but to Doug Cuthand the issue is a climate crisis and a white people crisis. Drug addicted and drug dealing Indians terrorize the reserves and Cuthand wants “harm reduction sites” in the province, the “harm reduction site” some Indians require
are actual prisons so they stop terrorizing their own people on the reserves and in the cities. People think that they are justified in committing brutal crimes because they are poor, or because they crave money, drugs or sex.
On one hand Doug Cuthand is condescending towards white people, but then on the other hand shows deference submission and respect to British Royalty, who are witches that are engaged in eating people. Prince Charles is by far the second wealthiest
person on the planet while his mother is far wealthier yet, and Prince Charles is about to inherit his mother’s wealth. If Biden and Trudeau are unable to shut down the oil and other industries in North America, my best guess is that Charles will help
bring about our sunny days solar-panel future. The workers in the Canadian oil industry will be calling in sick due to getting the jab, the oil refineries will shut down on their own due to lack of staff. So they will start training more people to build
and run oil refineries, maybe 20% of the seats in these schools will be reserved for recent immigrants (mostly Islamists), 20% of the seats will be reserved for women (many are recent immigrants and are Islamists), 20% of the seats will be reserved for
the handicapped (many are recent immigrants and are Islamists), 20% of the seats will be reserved for native Indians (many are converting to Islam in the prisons), and 20% will of course be black (Islamists) because black lives matter. For years white
people have been thwarted from gaining a seat in a trade school due to seats being reserved for these other people, people from other nations, Islamists who are instructed in the Koran to invade, murder and wage war.
Trudeau and Charles are both Islamists and are united in their desire to flood Canada with Islamists. Charles continually funds Islamic projects, Charles has the money to pay for the welfare for all the Islamists here collecting welfare. Presently
Saskatchewan taxpayers pay for a house for each Islamic wife, there are four Islamic wives to buy houses for, Charles has the money to buy these four houses, one for each Islamic wife. Not all, but many white people were prevented from gaining training
and employment and they do not have the money now to help buy these houses for each Islamic bride.
The white women should consider uniting in groups of seven and then together marry a single man (Isaiah 4:1). The seven women in Isaiah 4:1 have a say in their food and attire, and so a family unit as such can render the women with power as opposed to
being like the Islamic women (four wives) who are forced to cover their heads, confine themselves to their homes, and eat rotting food and bugs.
In accordance to Isaiah 4:1, your family which initially begins with eight individuals, will multiply in numbers. Buy a quarter section of land and go live in the country with your seven brides. I suggest the seven women unite and buy the quarter
section of farm land, perhaps obtaining a mortgage from a credit union or a bank in order to secure the property without the forthcoming male being present or yet chosen. I also wish the Kookums (the native grandmothers) would encourage their daughters
to join together in groups of seven with a suitable native spouse. Sadly many of the young fertile native and white women are no longer fertile due to taking the jab, and many are fornicating with members of other races.
Charles will soon own a great deal of Canadian land and is free to use his vast wealth to build more mosques and provide more homes for his favoured immigrants. There are thousands upon thousands of Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists torturing
white British people to death in psychiatric facilities in Britain. And there are many more of these Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists practicing their arts in Australia, Canada and the United States of America. Doug Cuthand and Charles are united in
agreement that they are the protectors of the forests and the lands and the mountains and the seas. Some Indians on the prairies inherited land and wealth from their corrupt parents and grandparents, other Indians have no voice and no money.
Native women could consider buying rifles for their children and for their grandchildren, and for themselves, in .243 Winchester. This caliber is of adequate power to take down wild boar that exceed 1000 pounds in size, and the rifle doesn’t kick so
much and so is unlikely to break your shoulder. You can get a .243 Winchester as a semi-auto and this way the expended gasses are absorbed and used to eject and to cycle the next round and so it will kick even less, and this way the child will be better
protected against charging herds of wild boar. Furthermore the cartridges may be loaded with less powder and lighter bullets. Some of your sons and daughters may prefer to get rifles that shoot larger bullets than. 243 Winchester, if that is the case
then consider buying them a rifle calibrated to 7mm-08 Remington. Although .308 may be a better caliber for moose and bear (as opposed to .243 and 7mm-08), the children do not face too many threats from moose and bear, they require instead rifles to deal
with alternate threats (wild boar, cougars, dogs, coyotes, wolves, rabid animals, Islamists and Communists, and absolutely insane radical feminists). If the child desires to go hunting for moose or bear some day, then the child may borrow a larger
caliber rifle for that purpose. The .243, 7mm-08 and .308 all use the same brass (fabulous advantage), all are a good choice for use in the prairies. Kookums are not making a mistake if they buy a rifle in 7mm-08 or .308 instead of the recommended .243,
as the guns can be traded up and down, the important thing is to buy the .243, 7mm-08 or the .308 if it is offered to you used, as opposed to something like 6.5 Grendel (the 7mm-08 is superior, holds more powder and the brass is of a common variety), or
for example a .45 Colt, which doesn’t have the range offered by .243, 7mm-08 and .308. Some elderly native hunters prefer the 25-06 over any other, this is easier on the shoulder than the more massive .270 and 30-06, Kookums can buy used rifles
specifically in these three (25-06, .270 and 30-06) calibers as well, they are good calibers that can easily be traded for rifles of other calibers later.
When Islamists and Communists shoot at your children with far reaching calibers, it would be silly to fight back with rifles that can’t shoot that far back. There are calibers that shoot further than the .243, 25-06, .270, 7mm-08, .308 and 30-06,
they generally use longer brass resulting in a heavier gun, but the thought was to provide rifles for children and adults that are easier to carry and to shoot. Indians on reserves in Saskatchewan have the resources to manufacture high quality rifles and
can be known internationally as makers of quality firearms. Instead many Indians made a name for themselves as being violent thugs and end up in prisons, where most of these violent thugs belong.
Listen women and grandmothers… I think in order of preference for children and small adults, get a .243 first choice then a 7mm-08 second choice. For somewhat stronger and larger people who may want more hitting power, there is the .308. Then we
have the 25-06, .270 and 30-06, these are larger brass resulting in heavier guns, while the 25-06 is easier on the shoulder than the .270 or 30-06, and the .270 is easier on the shoulder than the 30-06, all are generally unsuitable for smaller people.
Women and grandmothers should try to obtain rifles in .243 and 7mm-08 calibers as gifts for their smaller children and grandchildren. Adult males may also consider gifting rifles to their smaller children and grandchildren as well, consider getting them
rifles in .243 and 7mm-08. Anything smaller than .243 is inadequate for wolves and pigs. Maybe spend a bit more to get a higher quality rifle, maybe get the rifle with iron sites machined or screwed or fixed some way onto the barrel so the rifle may be
used without a scope, and consider spending the money on a quality scope. Your child will not need a scope if the purpose of the rifle is to defend him or herself from charging herds of pigs or packs of wolves and coyotes. A “scout” rifle in 7mm-08
would make a great gift for a child, it is short and light and has the iron sites built in. Savage made a cheaper “scout” rifle in 7mm-08 that is a great value. If the rifle is too heavy or hurts too much when the child shoots it, the child may not
have it when they need it. Maybe spend a bit more and purchase a quality mountain rifle in .243 for the child, these mountain rifles are very light weight. Elderly native hunters (native Indians with experience and wisdom) sometimes rave about the merits
of having a rifle calibrated to 25-06, again the child will be better off with a .243 or 7mm-08 as the rifle is lighter for them to carry, it will not break their shoulder, and the ammo is easier to obtain. Sure there are other good calibers such a 7mm
Remington Magnum or .338 Lapua, these may be a good choice for larger and stronger people rather than for your young son or daughter. And if you are buying your child a shotgun, get them a 12 gauge that is semi-auto as the semi-autos do not kick so much.
Try to insure that your child is mature enough before you provide him or her with a semi-automatic weapon. The western governments are doing all they can to provide Islamists with tons of weapons, don’t wait for western governments to provide a rifle
for your child. Under the J Treaty Indians in Canada may cross the Canadian-American border, maybe use the opportunity to get your children Third Generation night vision scopes and handguns.
Pigs, coyotes, wolves, cougars and bears, and Communists and Islamists, are all more likely to attack children and shorter men and women. The rich Indians flaunt their wealth and drive around in new trucks, the poor Indian women and children are left
without decent rifles to protect themselves from evil, many white women and children own even less. The wealthy Indian elite took the valuable boxes of bullets from the RCMP officers every Treaty Day, while the poor Indians never heard of the option and
instead each took a five dollar bill. The white kids and the native kids both gave up seats in trade schools and universities to Islamists, to African, Asian and Chinese immigrants, to people of other nations, generally it was the poorest of the white
kids that were placed into psychiatric “care”, and now all the white kids learn they are racists and also learn that many of the blacks and other recent immigrants want ALL the white people dead.
In the news (Tucker Carlson) on June 15th 2021 we learn that the FBI has been involved in orchestrating, encouraging and participating in criminal behavior, including the protest and the killing at the Capitol Building in Washington DC on January 6th
2021. The FBI is co-opted by communists, globalists, anarchists and Islamists, the FBI was likely involved in running a fraudulent election then orchestrated the attack on the Capitol Building in order to arrest and detain Trump supporters. Trump
supporters are being detained in solitary confinement for being near the Capitol on January 6th while the blacks who burned down some 300 cities and commit numerous murders are allowed to roam free. Not to worry, the Catholic church is about to hand it’
s authority over to Prince Charles who will save the day by making sure we don’t burn too much fossil fuels, and making sure that we accommodate the Islamists. Prince Charles has been building mosques and funding the spread of Islam for decades. It
takes a lot of oil and other resources to provide a home for each of the four Islamic wives. America began by rejecting the British Crown and ends with Prince Charles dictating environmental, religious and immigration laws. Americans cared little that
the CIA funded decades of research in psychiatric torture in Saskatoon (absolute horror) and come to Saskatoon in order to get a connecting flight north so they can go hunting and fishing. The FBI orchestrated a coup and Americans respond by getting a
death jab and are still wanting to go hunting and fishing in northern Saskatchewan, followed by singing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way.
The communists/anarchists/fascists/satanists defunded the police, and so the murders, rapes and other crimes of course escalated. People will rise up and defend themselves, and then the United Nations (aka Prince Charles, aka The Anti-Christ) will
patrol North America to restore order. Expect a large increase of people being arrested under the Mental Health Act and sent to psychiatric wards in local hospitals for thinking too much about freedom and democracy. These people will be “treated” by
Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists… all the drugs administered have “death” as a side effect. Then Doug Cuthand will continue to have his stories published in the newspapers, where he will praise Charles for his environmental policies.
And the churches will continue to display the appropriate behavior by erecting lavishly decorated evergreen trees (pagan idols) both inside and outside their churches. Then One Arrow First Nation, which placed a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an
Egyptian penis, will decorate the Egyptian penis with gold leaf and coloured lights, and get those lights to blink on and off, on and off, on and off... They found the remains of 215 Indian kids at a Catholic school in Kamloops, that means that the
Indians will now want to turn great multitudes (many thousands) of evergreen trees into Catholic decorated idols each with 215 blinkin’ lights. No matter how many times the Catholic priests sodomized the little Indian kids, the Indians still adopt the
Catholic fertility rite of turning evergreen trees into decorated idols, for it is tradition.
In the news hundreds of native skeletons were located at Catholic facilities in Saskatchewan. Many of these kids died from overcrowded conditions, they were crowded into small rooms like my dad and mom were when they were growing up in the dirty
thirties. There are lots of white people in the white people Saskatchewan cemeteries who died in 1918, similarly I expect a lot of native people succumbed to that flu in 1918, the main crime is that they do not have tombstones. So the natives are
protesting by not celebrating Canada Day this year, but watch, they will still abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols in December (actually during November, December, January and February). Many cancel a holiday that is
celebrated on a single day (Canada Day), but then they will continue in the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols and stretch the celebrations over a four month period. It is important to not only get your trees to blink, but to get
them to blink month after month after month after month. The more times the Catholic priests ram their penises up your children’s arseholes, the more the parents will get their Catholic evergreen idols to blink on and off, on and off, on and off… And
the more the children are sodomized by the Catholic priests, the more likely the parents are to stick an Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) on the very top of their blinkin’ tree, for it is tradition. I get tortured for years by
predominantly Hindu psychiatrists and all people could do for me is laugh at me, libel and slander me, assault and rob me, and then they went and built additional psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford with money borrowed from the children,
they drugged their own children with psychiatric drugs, and then they forced their own children to take the depopulation jab. The more people who roll over and die from the depopulation jab means that there will be less people to laugh at and further
assault the victims of psychiatric horror. People train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists in Canadian universities to become psychiatrists and torture people to death. And under Trudeau, these foreigners don’t have to be Canadian citizens to practice their
art” in Canada. And all you pricks can do about it all is join protest marches with black Islamists and stick a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian penis while proclaiming that I am a white racist. Victims of psychiatric horror are likely
to have improved lives when the compassionless Catholic turds take the depopulation jabs and die, and when they are rendered infertile, the hope is that so many of you die that your medical system will utterly collapse and there will be nobody left to
staff the psychiatric torture centers.
[continued in next message]
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All on Fri Nov 19 06:56:05 2021
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff November 18th 2021 11:31 pm 104,504 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“America is ruled by a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who demands that Americans take the death jab. Similarly Trudeau is an Islamist who demands that Canadians take the death jab.” -Squeakity Squeak
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Westerners are drunk and dazed, their borders are wide open, they should be building walls, multiplying like locusts and building their economies (Nahum 3:11-16). Western women will either help staffing borders, building walls and multiplying like
locusts or will end up as sex slaves in Islamic countries. Western women should consider taking the initiative to support western civilization by providing children in accordance to Isaiah 4:1 and form families of eight. Unite into family units of eight
individuals, seven women together with one man, work closely together to build yourselves a home in the country. It is shameful that the western women adopted the propaganda to end western families, now they can redeem themselves and provide our race
with children and a hope for the future. Those white women who remain fertile by not taking the jab, those white women who never removed their reproductive organs, those white women who are not busy raising black and Asian children, those white women who
are not brainwashed into hating men, those white women who were never raped and traumatized and who can still form meaningful relationships are required to save the white race from extinction. Women are married to their blinkin’ evergreen trees and
other fertility traditions pushed by the Catholic Church. Like the white men, the white women enthusiastically embrace Catholic fertility rites and then claim that the Jews control the world. The hugely obese white women regularly flew to third world
countries and had sex with the black men at the beach resorts over there, the fat asses paid the same amount for their airfares as the women who weighed one-sixth of their weight. The hugely obese women were seen as symbols of fertility in Africa, so the
huge white women went there for sex and to be idolized. White parents care little that their ignorant daughters quested after negro men due to them having large penises, what was important to those parents is that their daughters and their well-endowed
black boyfriends joined with them in turning trees into decorated idols and singing Jingle Bells, for it was tradition. The tradition of marrying into your own race was claimed to be racism while the tradition of turning trees into decorated idols was
claimed to be an essential part of family life. Even Cree women succumbed to the cancel-culture propaganda and bore black children, one would think that Cree women should instead show solidarity with their own people and help their Cree nation thrive.
Most everybody taught their daughters to embrace their pagan fertility idols and many of these daughters ended up fornicating with blacks due to the blacks having large penises, Cadillac cars, diamonds and gold chains. The Cree were united in their
adoption of Catholic fertility tree idols that had an Egyptian obelisk (penis) mounted on the very top of the blinkin’ tree. The Cree were divided due to corruption on the reserves where quarter sections of land were handed out to the children of the
corrupt leaders, a class division was established on the reserves where the Cree who benefitted from the corruption married into other Cree families who similarly benefitted from the corruption. Just like the white women, the Cree women sought out
marriage partners who had wealth, and that included violent black pimps who flashed their wealth. In a little over a hundred years white women went from driving birds into extinction and to near extinction by adorning their hats with fine feathers, to
driving the white race into extinction by fornicating with black men with their big penises, by sending money to Islamic nations, and by refusing to help form white families and raising white children. The white women did have sex but it was with other
women and with men who were not white. The Cree were decimated by disease and then in 2021 the assorted governments encouraged their band members to take injections that caused infertility and death. The white people and the Cree people were united in
pagan fertility whoreship, as are the Hindus, Islamists, Sikhs, Shintoists and Islamists, all groups are engaged in phallic whoreship. Many of the white women and Cree women found the time to unite and march together in support of the black Islamic and
Marxist invaders, they marched together and protested together and together they ignored the Catholic, Hindu, Sikh and Islamist doctors that were torturing people to death in psychiatric facilities. The blacks were burning cities in the USA and chanting
to kill the whites, so the women and the Cree in Canada marched in solidarity with these blacks and asked to defund the police.
Canadians were told to be proud of their multiculturalism and welcomed people of all colours to our nation, now in a space of a year we are told that we are all racists and these people we welcomed now want to kill us. The judges are giving a slap on
the wrist of those of colour who commit crimes, many times they don’t even have to spend any time in prisons because the reason provided by the judges is that there are already a disproportionate number of their kind in the prisons. Blacks are openly
calling for the deaths of white people while the judges are not punishing people for their crimes. For years white kids experienced huge hurdles trying to get into trade schools or into University degree programs that could result in financial gain, the
seats were provided to the immigrants instead, and now these unskilled and poorly skilled white kids learn that they are racists.
The white Canadian children are strongly encouraged to get “vaccinated” even now that many people are aware that the so called “vaccinations” are causing more deaths and disease than the supposed virus, which hasn’t even been proven to exist.
Canadians see themselves as “saved” because they embrace Catholic fertility rites (blinkin’ evergreen tree idols) and are so nice that they happily give their nation away to foreigners, and now in 2021 give their health and fertility away to a jab.
The entire world embraced pagan fertility rites and then the ruler of the world gave them a jab and removed their fertility. The people who fell for the deception of the blinkin’ fertility tree idols are the same group that lost their health and lives
and gave away their children’s fertility to the jab. The extremely overweight white women may be rendered infertile by the jab but will still be viewed as symbols of fertility when they fly to Africa and the Caribbean to have sex with the black men
there. I don’t think Stalin would have wanted to fornicate with the bulbous American and Canadian women. In his youth Hitler was an artist, he may have been traumatized by being forced in art school to draw obese women, then redirected this trauma and
his anger at the Jews. They don’t teach this stuff in school.
Rebel News reports in May 2021 that the Canadian government allows Chinese communist soldiers to train in military jets inside Canada.
Sanity for Sweden reports on June 14th 2021 that a 19-year-old German woman went to Italy and was enslaved by Pakistani men, they kept her prisoner and raped her continuously for two years. Traditionally it is the Turks that make raids into Europe and
enslave the white women, now Europe makes it easy for all kinds of Islamists to enslave women. The police in each European nation don’t go into Islamic no-go zones to find and release the captive women, and even if they did the judges will let the
criminals go free.
Probababbly Isaiah 4:1 is not intended to encourage groups of eight individuals to join together as families, it is more likely the passage refers to a single individual male who ends up with a gaggle of seven wives who concern themselves day and
night about their food and clothes. While eating breakfast the women are already planning dinner and supper and are endlessly wondering what they will be wearing for each and every meal. Yet a lawfully wedded family consisting of seven women and one man
should result in increased safety for the group as a whole, and of course the family would benefit economically by pooling resources, and the children would benefit by having more parents to watch over and guide them. And if it were the white women who
were uniting and forming families with a single white male, then perhaps the white race would have a chance of surviving as a race.
In the news in June 2021 Doug Cuthand continues to point out the raw deal native people received from some of the white settlers. Presently though and unheard in the media is that the native women are getting a raw deal from the males at the reserves,
the women have been stripped of their voices and power and are governed by all-knowing males. Some reserve land is being given away to a privileged elite resulting in a two class system being established on reserves, many people in reserves confine
themselves to their homes at night to avoid the native violence in the reserves… often Indians do brutal crimes to one another without penalty. Natives kill other natives, Sikhs kill other Sikhs, blacks kill other blacks (blacks also kill Asians and
whites). White people and police officers are generally not to blame for any of the violence in Canada and in the USA today, is how I see it. The Indians who grabbed reserve farming lands for themselves flaunt their wealth and drive around in new trucks,
but to Doug Cuthand the issue is a climate crisis and a white people crisis. Drug addicted and drug dealing Indians terrorize the reserves and Cuthand wants “harm reduction sites” in the province, the “harm reduction site” some Indians require
are actual prisons so they stop terrorizing their own people on the reserves and in the cities. People think that they are justified in committing brutal crimes because they are poor, or because they crave money, drugs or sex.
On one hand Doug Cuthand is condescending towards white people, but then on the other hand shows deference submission and respect to British Royalty, who are witches that are engaged in eating people. Prince Charles is by far the second wealthiest
person on the planet while his mother is far wealthier yet, and Prince Charles is about to inherit his mother’s wealth. If Biden and Trudeau are unable to shut down the oil and other industries in North America, my best guess is that Charles will help
bring about our sunny days solar-panel future. The workers in the Canadian oil industry will be calling in sick due to getting the jab, the oil refineries will shut down on their own due to lack of staff. So they will start training more people to build
and run oil refineries, maybe 20% of the seats in these schools will be reserved for recent immigrants (mostly Islamists), 20% of the seats will be reserved for women (many are recent immigrants and are Islamists), 20% of the seats will be reserved for
the handicapped (many are recent immigrants and are Islamists), 20% of the seats will be reserved for native Indians (many are converting to Islam in the prisons), and 20% will of course be black (Islamists) because black lives matter. For years white
people have been thwarted from gaining a seat in a trade school due to seats being reserved for these other people, people from other nations, Islamists who are instructed in the Koran to invade, murder and wage war.
Trudeau and Charles are both Islamists and are united in their desire to flood Canada with Islamists. Charles continually funds Islamic projects, Charles has the money to pay for the welfare for all the Islamists here collecting welfare. Presently
Saskatchewan taxpayers pay for a house for each Islamic wife, there are four Islamic wives to buy houses for, Charles has the money to buy these four houses, one for each Islamic wife. Not all, but many white people were prevented from gaining training
and employment and they do not have the money now to help buy these houses for each Islamic bride.
The white women should consider uniting in groups of seven and then together marry a single man (Isaiah 4:1). The seven women in Isaiah 4:1 have a say in their food and attire, and so a family unit as such can render the women with power as opposed to
being like the Islamic women (four wives) who are forced to cover their heads, confine themselves to their homes, and eat rotting food and bugs.
In accordance to Isaiah 4:1, your family which initially begins with eight individuals, will multiply in numbers. Buy a quarter section of land and go live in the country with your seven brides. I suggest the seven women unite and buy the quarter
section of farm land, perhaps obtaining a mortgage from a credit union or a bank in order to secure the property without the forthcoming male being present or yet chosen. I also wish the Kookums (the native grandmothers) would encourage their daughters
to join together in groups of seven with a suitable native spouse. Sadly many of the young fertile native and white women are no longer fertile due to taking the jab, and many are fornicating with members of other races.
Charles will soon own a great deal of Canadian land and is free to use his vast wealth to build more mosques and provide more homes for his favoured immigrants. There are thousands upon thousands of Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists torturing
white British people to death in psychiatric facilities in Britain. And there are many more of these Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists practicing their arts in Australia, Canada and the United States of America. Doug Cuthand and Charles are united in
agreement that they are the protectors of the forests and the lands and the mountains and the seas. Some Indians on the prairies inherited land and wealth from their corrupt parents and grandparents, other Indians have no voice and no money.
Native women could consider buying rifles for their children and for their grandchildren, and for themselves, in .243 Winchester. This caliber is of adequate power to take down wild boar that exceed 1000 pounds in size, and the rifle doesn’t kick so
much and so is unlikely to break your shoulder. You can get a .243 Winchester as a semi-auto and this way the expended gasses are absorbed and used to eject and to cycle the next round and so it will kick even less, and this way the child will be better
protected against charging herds of wild boar. Furthermore the cartridges may be loaded with less powder and lighter bullets. Some of your sons and daughters may prefer to get rifles that shoot larger bullets than. 243 Winchester, if that is the case
then consider buying them a rifle calibrated to 7mm-08 Remington. Although .308 may be a better caliber for moose and bear (as opposed to .243 and 7mm-08), the children do not face too many threats from moose and bear, they require instead rifles to deal
with alternate threats (wild boar, cougars, dogs, coyotes, wolves, rabid animals, Islamists and Communists, and absolutely insane radical feminists). If the child desires to go hunting for moose or bear some day, then the child may borrow a larger
caliber rifle for that purpose. The .243, 7mm-08 and .308 all use the same brass (fabulous advantage), all are a good choice for use in the prairies. Kookums are not making a mistake if they buy a rifle in 7mm-08 or .308 instead of the recommended .243,
as the guns can be traded up and down, the important thing is to buy the .243, 7mm-08 or the .308 if it is offered to you used, as opposed to something like 6.5 Grendel (the 7mm-08 is superior, holds more powder and the brass is of a common variety), or
for example a .45 Colt, which doesn’t have the range offered by .243, 7mm-08 and .308. Some elderly native hunters prefer the 25-06 over any other, this is easier on the shoulder than the more massive .270 and 30-06, Kookums can buy used rifles
specifically in these three (25-06, .270 and 30-06) calibers as well, they are good calibers that can easily be traded for rifles of other calibers later.
When Islamists and Communists shoot at your children with far reaching calibers, it would be silly to fight back with rifles that can’t shoot that far back. There are calibers that shoot further than the .243, 25-06, .270, 7mm-08, .308 and 30-06,
they generally use longer brass resulting in a heavier gun, but the thought was to provide rifles for children and adults that are easier to carry and to shoot. Indians on reserves in Saskatchewan have the resources to manufacture high quality rifles and
can be known internationally as makers of quality firearms. Instead many Indians made a name for themselves as being violent thugs and end up in prisons, where most of these violent thugs belong.
Listen women and grandmothers… I think in order of preference for children and small adults, get a .243 first choice then a 7mm-08 second choice. For somewhat stronger and larger people who may want more hitting power, there is the .308. Then we
have the 25-06, .270 and 30-06, these are larger brass resulting in heavier guns, while the 25-06 is easier on the shoulder than the .270 or 30-06, and the .270 is easier on the shoulder than the 30-06, all are generally unsuitable for smaller people.
Women and grandmothers should try to obtain rifles in .243 and 7mm-08 calibers as gifts for their smaller children and grandchildren. Adult males may also consider gifting rifles to their smaller children and grandchildren as well, consider getting them
rifles in .243 and 7mm-08. Anything smaller than .243 is inadequate for wolves and pigs. Maybe spend a bit more to get a higher quality rifle, maybe get the rifle with iron sites machined or screwed or fixed some way onto the barrel so the rifle may be
used without a scope, and consider spending the money on a quality scope. Your child will not need a scope if the purpose of the rifle is to defend him or herself from charging herds of pigs or packs of wolves and coyotes. A “scout” rifle in 7mm-08
would make a great gift for a child, it is short and light and has the iron sites built in. Savage made a cheaper “scout” rifle in 7mm-08 that is a great value. If the rifle is too heavy or hurts too much when the child shoots it, the child may not
have it when they need it. Maybe spend a bit more and purchase a quality mountain rifle in .243 for the child, these mountain rifles are very light weight. Elderly native hunters (native Indians with experience and wisdom) sometimes rave about the merits
of having a rifle calibrated to 25-06, again the child will be better off with a .243 or 7mm-08 as the rifle is lighter for them to carry, it will not break their shoulder, and the ammo is easier to obtain. Sure there are other good calibers such a 7mm
Remington Magnum or .338 Lapua, these may be a good choice for larger and stronger people rather than for your young son or daughter. And if you are buying your child a shotgun, get them a 12 gauge that is semi-auto as the semi-autos do not kick so much.
Try to insure that your child is mature enough before you provide him or her with a semi-automatic weapon. The western governments are doing all they can to provide Islamists with tons of weapons, don’t wait for western governments to provide a rifle
for your child. Under the J Treaty Indians in Canada may cross the Canadian-American border, maybe use the opportunity to get your children Third Generation night vision scopes and handguns.
Pigs, coyotes, wolves, cougars and bears, and Communists and Islamists, are all more likely to attack children and shorter men and women. The rich Indians flaunt their wealth and drive around in new trucks, the poor Indian women and children are left
without decent rifles to protect themselves from evil, many white women and children own even less. The wealthy Indian elite took the valuable boxes of bullets from the RCMP officers every Treaty Day, while the poor Indians never heard of the option and
instead each took a five dollar bill. The white kids and the native kids both gave up seats in trade schools and universities to Islamists, to African, Asian and Chinese immigrants, to people of other nations, generally it was the poorest of the white
kids that were placed into psychiatric “care”, and now all the white kids learn they are racists and also learn that many of the blacks and other recent immigrants want ALL the white people dead.
In the news (Tucker Carlson) on June 15th 2021 we learn that the FBI has been involved in orchestrating, encouraging and participating in criminal behavior, including the protest and the killing at the Capitol Building in Washington DC on January 6th
2021. The FBI is co-opted by communists, globalists, anarchists and Islamists, the FBI was likely involved in running a fraudulent election then orchestrated the attack on the Capitol Building in order to arrest and detain Trump supporters. Trump
supporters are being detained in solitary confinement for being near the Capitol on January 6th while the blacks who burned down some 300 cities and commit numerous murders are allowed to roam free. Not to worry, the Catholic church is about to hand it’
s authority over to Prince Charles who will save the day by making sure we don’t burn too much fossil fuels, and making sure that we accommodate the Islamists. Prince Charles has been building mosques and funding the spread of Islam for decades. It
takes a lot of oil and other resources to provide a home for each of the four Islamic wives. America began by rejecting the British Crown and ends with Prince Charles dictating environmental, religious and immigration laws. Americans cared little that
the CIA funded decades of research in psychiatric torture in Saskatoon (absolute horror) and come to Saskatoon in order to get a connecting flight north so they can go hunting and fishing. The FBI orchestrated a coup and Americans respond by getting a
death jab and are still wanting to go hunting and fishing in northern Saskatchewan, followed by singing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way.
The communists/anarchists/fascists/satanists defunded the police, and so the murders, rapes and other crimes of course escalated. People will rise up and defend themselves, and then the United Nations (aka Prince Charles, aka The Anti-Christ) will
patrol North America to restore order. Expect a large increase of people being arrested under the Mental Health Act and sent to psychiatric wards in local hospitals for thinking too much about freedom and democracy. These people will be “treated” by
Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists… all the drugs administered have “death” as a side effect. Then Doug Cuthand will continue to have his stories published in the newspapers, where he will praise Charles for his environmental policies.
And the churches will continue to display the appropriate behavior by erecting lavishly decorated evergreen trees (pagan idols) both inside and outside their churches. Then One Arrow First Nation, which placed a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an
Egyptian penis, will decorate the Egyptian penis with gold leaf and coloured lights, and get those lights to blink on and off, on and off, on and off... They found the remains of 215 Indian kids at a Catholic school in Kamloops, that means that the
Indians will now want to turn great multitudes (many thousands) of evergreen trees into Catholic decorated idols each with 215 blinkin’ lights. No matter how many times the Catholic priests sodomized the little Indian kids, the Indians still adopt the
Catholic fertility rite of turning evergreen trees into decorated idols, for it is tradition.
In the news hundreds of native skeletons were located at Catholic facilities in Saskatchewan. Many of these kids died from overcrowded conditions, they were crowded into small rooms like my dad and mom were when they were growing up in the dirty
thirties. There are lots of white people in the white people Saskatchewan cemeteries who died in 1918, similarly I expect a lot of native people succumbed to that flu in 1918, the main crime is that they do not have tombstones. So the natives are
protesting by not celebrating Canada Day this year, but watch, they will still abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols in December (actually during November, December, January and February). Many cancel a holiday that is
celebrated on a single day (Canada Day), but then they will continue in the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols and stretch the celebrations over a four month period. It is important to not only get your trees to blink, but to get
them to blink month after month after month after month. The more times the Catholic priests ram their penises up your children’s arseholes, the more the parents will get their Catholic evergreen idols to blink on and off, on and off, on and off… And
the more the children are sodomized by the Catholic priests, the more likely the parents are to stick an Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) on the very top of their blinkin’ tree, for it is tradition. I get tortured for years by
predominantly Hindu psychiatrists and all people could do for me is laugh at me, libel and slander me, assault and rob me, and then they went and built additional psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford with money borrowed from the children,
they drugged their own children with psychiatric drugs, and then they forced their own children to take the depopulation jab. The more people who roll over and die from the depopulation jab means that there will be less people to laugh at and further
assault the victims of psychiatric horror. People train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists in Canadian universities to become psychiatrists and torture people to death. And under Trudeau, these foreigners don’t have to be Canadian citizens to practice their
art” in Canada. And all you pricks can do about it all is join protest marches with black Islamists and stick a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian penis while proclaiming that I am a white racist. Victims of psychiatric horror are likely
to have improved lives when the compassionless Catholic turds take the depopulation jabs and die, and when they are rendered infertile, the hope is that so many of you die that your medical system will utterly collapse and there will be nobody left to
staff the psychiatric torture centers.
The psychiatric drugs made my skin hard and dry, made my tongue and lips turn to hard leather, made my hair fall out, made my brain pound in pain, made me nauseous beyond belief, and all you filthy God-damned Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis
whoreshipping pricks could do is laugh at me (or assault me and rob me). I complained that the psychiatric drugs made it impossible for me to achieve an erection, then you laugh and you stick a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian penis. Most
people see the coming apocalypse as a bad thing, but if this is what is required to end psychiatry, then so be it. The normal (Catholic) people will faint in fear of the events on earth during the last days, while the victims of psychiatric horror will
finally be released from the ongoing brutal horrid torture and will hysterically laugh at you filthy Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers who are twitching and convulsing as a result of your favoured injections. Now that many hundreds of
Indian children’s skeletons were found without tombstones, expect people to now utilize more skeletons and possibly more tombstones when they annually celebrate death on October 31st. They celebrate death on October 31st then the following day (
November 1st) they turn their trees into blinkin’ idols in preparation for their December 25th worship of a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke the utter shit that pours out of their God-damned mouths. Now in Canada the Liberal
government under Justin Trudeau officially celebrates sodomy for three months, and followed by that is the celebration of blinkin’ trees for the following four months, that is seven months of sodomy and evergreen tree idol whoreship. Then in March and
April reverence is given to eggs and bunnies. This is not the recipe for a coming blessing from God.
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeakity Squeak@21:1/5 to
All on Sat Dec 11 18:46:57 2021
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff December 11th 2021 8:38 pm 108,248 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“America is ruled by a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who demands that Americans take the death jab. Similarly Trudeau is an Islamist who demands that Canadians take the death jab, squeak squeak.” -Squeakity Squeak
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
The communists/anarchists/fascists/satanists defunded the police, and so the murders, rapes and other crimes of course escalated. People will rise up and defend themselves, and then the United Nations (aka Prince Charles, aka The Anti-Christ) will
patrol North America to restore order. Expect a large increase of people being arrested under the Mental Health Act and sent to psychiatric wards in local hospitals for thinking too much about freedom and democracy. These people will be “treated” by
Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists… all the drugs administered have “death” as a side effect. Then Doug Cuthand will continue to have his stories published in the newspapers, where he will praise Charles for his environmental policies.
And the churches will continue to display the appropriate behavior by erecting lavishly decorated evergreen trees (pagan idols) both inside and outside their churches. Then One Arrow First Nation, which placed a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an
Egyptian penis, will decorate the Egyptian penis with gold leaf and coloured lights, and get those lights to blink on and off, on and off, on and off... They found the remains of 215 Indian kids at a Catholic school in Kamloops, that means that the
Indians will now want to turn great multitudes (many thousands) of evergreen trees into Catholic decorated idols each with 215 blinkin’ lights. No matter how many times the Catholic priests sodomized the little Indian kids, the Indians still adopt the
Catholic fertility rite of turning evergreen trees into decorated idols, for it is tradition.
In the news hundreds of native skeletons were located at Catholic facilities in Saskatchewan. Many of these kids died from overcrowded conditions, they were crowded into small rooms like my dad and mom were when they were growing up in the dirty
thirties. There are lots of white people in the white people Saskatchewan cemeteries who died in 1918, similarly I expect a lot of native people succumbed to that flu in 1918, the main crime is that they do not have tombstones. So the natives are
protesting by not celebrating Canada Day this year, but watch, they will still abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols in December (actually during November, December, January and February). Many cancel a holiday that is
celebrated on a single day (Canada Day), but then they will continue in the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols and stretch the celebrations over a four month period. It is important to not only get your trees to blink, but to get
them to blink month after month after month after month. The more times the Catholic priests ram their penises up your children’s arseholes, the more the parents will get their Catholic evergreen idols to blink on and off, on and off, on and off… And
the more the children are sodomized by the Catholic priests, the more likely the parents are to stick an Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) on the very top of their blinkin’ tree, for it is tradition. I get tortured for years by
predominantly Hindu psychiatrists and all people could do for me is laugh at me, libel and slander me, assault and rob me, and then they went and built additional psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford with money borrowed from the children,
they drugged their own children with psychiatric drugs, and then they forced their own children to take the depopulation jab. The more people who roll over and die from the depopulation jab means that there will be less people to laugh at and further
assault the victims of psychiatric horror. People train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists in Canadian universities to become psychiatrists and torture people to death. And under Trudeau, these foreigners don’t have to be Canadian citizens to practice their
art” in Canada. And all you pricks can do about it all is join protest marches with black Islamists and stick a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian penis while proclaiming that I am a white racist. Victims of psychiatric horror are likely
to have improved lives when the compassionless Catholic turds take the depopulation jabs and die, and when they are rendered infertile, the hope is that so many of you die that your medical system will utterly collapse and there will be nobody left to
staff the psychiatric torture centers.
The psychiatric drugs made my skin hard and dry, made my tongue and lips turn to hard leather, made my hair fall out, made my brain pound in pain, made me nauseous beyond belief, and all you filthy God-damned Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis
whoreshipping pricks could do is laugh at me (or assault me and rob me). I complained that the psychiatric drugs made it impossible for me to achieve an erection, then you laugh and you stick a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian penis. Most
people see the coming apocalypse as a bad thing, but if this is what is required to end psychiatry, then so be it. The normal (Catholic) people will faint in fear of the events on earth during the last days, while the victims of psychiatric horror will
finally be released from the ongoing brutal horrid torture and will hysterically laugh at you filthy Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers who are twitching and convulsing as a result of your favoured injections. Now that many hundreds of
Indian children’s skeletons were found without tombstones, expect people to now utilize more skeletons and possibly more tombstones when they annually celebrate death on October 31st. They celebrate death on October 31st then the following day (
November 1st) they turn their trees into blinkin’ idols in preparation for their December 25th worship of a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke the utter shit that pours out of their God-damned mouths. Now in Canada the Liberal
government under Justin Trudeau officially celebrates sodomy for three months, and followed by that is the celebration of blinkin’ trees for the following four months, that is seven months of sodomy and evergreen tree idol whoreship. Then in March and
April reverence is given to eggs and bunnies. This is not the recipe for a coming blessing from God.
In the news the Australians invested billions of dollars into submarines that they will never build. Instead of investing in rifles, artillery, torpedoes, anti-tanks weapons and aircraft, they spent the money instead upon submarines that they will
never finish building, and are outmoded death-traps anyway. The small Sterling Engine driven submarines are silent, Australia didn’t strive for such simple, cheap and proven technology. Canada can’t help Australia, we can’t fuel the few ships we
have and our exorbitantly expensive used British submarines never worked and we don’t have the money nor skills to fix them. What Canada spent on used submarines that don’t work could easily have equipped our military with top quality rifles and
artillery. Nations are purposely bankrupted by foes working within. And our allies cancel our leading-edge technological innovations (see the BAC TSR-2 and the Avro Arrow). Australia would be wise to look at the Canadian model, we have an Islamic prime
minister, a Sikh runs our military and a Somalian Islamist runs our department of immigration. Our ruling royalty is the richest in the history of mankind yet Australians and Canadians are both about to become extinct due to the flood of third world
immigrants and evil in our parliaments. Should China now invade Australia, they would kill all the Australians without Britain, Canada, New Zealand and almost every other nation being able to mount a defense. Already the Australians are not allowed to
travel, and most don’t have the money to travel anyway, the Australians are sitting at home without any guns to protect themselves from the coming genocide. Papuans were buying guns from Australians, sometime Papuans would travel to Australia in the
hopes of purchasing guns, other times Australians would travel to Papua New Guinea to sell guns. Now that the Australians gave up their guns, and now that the Australian government invested into fantasy submarines, and now that the Australians turn trees
into blinkin’ idols, Australians should be prepared for a very short war. When China invades Australia many people there will be praying to Mary and to angels for help, but Mary is asleep and in the ground while the angels in the final days are not
sent to help you but to smite you instead. Good luck to Australia, and don’t count on America coming to your aid with Democrats in power, they are busy aiding China instead. America is now run by China, they are unlikely to help Australians. Unlike
America, Canada is divided between allegiance to China and to Islam, and relies upon America for its defense, and is hardly able to mount a defense for the Australian people.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in 2021, the jabs are designed by witches and contain a myriad of different toxins specifically designed to harm and kill. Children are not adversely affected by the Kung Flu, people who catch any flu in 2020 and
2021 have a 99.8% survival rate, it is due to the immune system God provides us with, while many millions of people are suffering and dying as a result of getting the jabs. They forced psychiatric jabs upon me for years, it amounted to brutal horrid
torture, I begged for assistance to flee the country, all people could do is laugh at me, rob me, libel and slander me, and assault me further. Now these same compassionless arseholes are happily lining up to get the jab and are allowing their children
to be jabbed as well. People gave many jabs to their children over the last few decades, resulting in huge numbers of autistic children, cancers, other diseases and ultimately death. For several years until a couple of years ago the media was telling us
that we required immigration to North America because we were not reproducing fast enough, now these recent jabs will kill off millions of people and making the others infertile, likely the media will soon be telling us we need millions of new immigrants
to replace the white people who recently died off and who can no longer reproduce. Catholics (people who abide by Catholic fertility rites, such as all forms of Protestants, Hutterites, Mennonites, Seventh-day Adventists and Doukhobors) will be
responding to it all by getting bigger trees and decorating them to greater degrees. They were compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, then they had their own children and their seniors drugged to keep them manageable in the hospitals,
nursing homes and schools. Then care givers allowed seniors to die from dehydration and blamed it on Covid. Then the parents had their children injected with a death serum, developed by witches, and now as their children convulse, these parents are
making preparations for the final “Christmas” (use of God’s Name in vain, not His Mass) celebration, where the many trees in the home will blink. What a joy it will be for the convulsing and twitching children to see the trees blink on and off, on
and off, on and off, for the last time. On October 31st the convulsing and twitching children will celebrate death with their family members, then on the following day their tree will begin to blink and will blink in the home for up to the following four
In the news (not the mainstream news) in June 2021, many people in Britain are being arrested under the Mental Health Act, are imprisoned in psychiatric facilities and are having psychiatric drugs forced upon them. Britain recently altered their
Mental Health Act to make it easier to arrest and torture people who dare to complain about Islamic immigration. I imagine that if the British are able to expel all Islamists from their nation, they will still be arresting and torturing people under the
Mental Health Act for daring to criticize their Catholic churches. Similar to Canada, should the western provinces separate from Canada, this new nation will still employ psychiatrists and will still deny gun permits to those people who criticized some
injustice that resulted in them being tortured and then having a history of mental illness. Anthropologists should call the current western culture, “The People of The Jingle Bells.” The Jingle Bell leaders impose harsh judgments against those who do
not sing along and then ride upon one horse open sleighs.
Kate Shemirani says regarding Britain, “They take over the health care system. The first thing they do is change the Mental Health Act, you need one doctor instead of three psychiatrists, and then you can’t be reassessed for six weeks. In 2019 I
believe there was 16,000 appeals against forced medication for those who were sectioned under the Mental Health Act, a third of those appeals were won. Now you cannot appeal. And this is what they do to get rid of the dissidents, the first thing they do
is change the Mental Health Act.” Queen Elizabeth II allows such behavior, eventually her son Charles will rule over the many tens of thousands of Catholic, Hindu, Islamic and Sikh psychiatrists in the British (Islamic) Empire.
In the news the Liberal (Communist and Islamic) Canadian government passed a new law (Bill C-36) making it illegal to harbor hate in your heart, making it illegal to post material on the internet that is critical of other cultures or religious groups,
and you can be arrested for statements you made on the internet, or elsewhere, years ago. And your accuser receives a payment of $20,000 and gets to remain anonymous. And so in 2021 it became illegal in Canada to criticize Islam. As their numbers
increase Islamists make increasing demands in the locations they emigrate to, so now in Canada Islamists are present in sufficient quantities to demand that we shut up about the evils of their fertility cult. In Britain people are arrested and tortured
to death under their Mental Health Act for incorrect beliefs, as in Canada, and because people (including Adventists and Doukhobors) are more concerned about getting their trees to blink than about people who are tortured to death in psychiatric
facilities, expect this to continue.
In the news the Canadian community of Lytton broke the Canadian temperature record for three days in a row and started to burn. Lytton is a six lettered name, 66.666…% of the letters are consonants and these consonants add to 66 (a=1, b=2, c=3…).
And 90% of the buildings were destroyed by the fires, it is the 66th number that is not prime. Exodus with 1213 verses (the 198th or the 66+66+66th prime) terminates at Bible chapter 90 (the 66th non-prime). This means that the people of Lytton British
Columbia will now spend many more millions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols, they will get nicer and more expensive decorations for their tree idols, they will rebuild their destroyed homes with homes having taller ceilings so they may turn
even larger trees into decorated idols. Maybe spend sixty-six point six million dollars having a single individual in your community tortured in psychiatric facilities for daring to say that your churches are teaching traditions in place of God’s
Commandments. The priests of fish-god Dagon dressed up in full length fish costumes and fish-head hats, maybe the Lyttonites were failing to honour fish when they turned their trees into decorated idols. Both the evergreen tree and the fish are viewed as
symbols of fertility, maybe hang some fish heads on your blinkin’ trees in order to placate your fertility gods.
In the news in July 2021 a fellow from Edmonton (actually an immigrant from Sudan Africa), Kout David Buttic, aged 26, was caught and charged for dealing drugs (cocaine and meth) in Prince Albert Saskatchewan in 2018. While waiting for his court date
he was caught and charged for dealing fentanyl and cocaine in Saskatoon in 2019. So the judge, Doug Agnew, says that too many of his race are being charged for and doing time for their crimes, therefore a lighter sentence needs to be imposed. I got years
of brutal horrid torture for saying that it is no surprise that the priests and ministers are ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes because they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. This
guy deals in hard drugs that have killed many in Saskatchewan, and he will be free in under three years. There is no real penalty for this person, the message is sent over and over that those people dealing in fentanyl and other deadly drugs do not have
to fear the authorities, especially if the drug dealers are black. The authorities are doing all they can to destroy our nation, so they give the lightest possible sentence to Africans and Asians. I tried to show people in the community that their
traditions are in opposition to God’s Commandments, they had me brutally tortured for years and when I complained people started calling me a pedophile and then gave me a few brutal beatings. Canadians now allow their nation to be taken over by
alternative fertility cults, you cannot build a nation upon such a foundation, maybe take a free injection. Pretty soon the Africans will be killing the white farmers on the Canadian prairies and the judges will continue to say this ethnicity is
overrepresented in prisons, therefore we have to give them lighter sentences. These Islamists get a slap on the wrist after they commit rapes and murders, and after killing children in our communities with their Chinese manufactured drugs.
One Chinese feller came along and cut some poor Canadian white feller’s head off while they were riding on a Greyhound bus, the Chinese feller was given a few years of psychiatry and then told his psychiatric punishment was complete, and he was
released back into Canadian society. I assure you that the psychiatric drugs administered to that Chinese feller were not entirely the same and did not produce anything like the horror show done to me by the Hindus and Marcoux.
The Hindu psychiatrists who tortured me were a tag-team married couple, after years of torturing me the female Hindu decided that I was no longer “schizophrenic” but was now “psychotic” instead, but for her to change her diagnosis she required
the opinion of another psychiatrist. So along comes her Hindu husband who visited me in my prison-torture room in Saskatoon City Hospital, and after about a two minute visit he filled out the paperwork declaring that I was now psychotic (I was calm, sat
on the side of the bed and said nothing to indicate a mental illness), the declaration was made as the Hindu team did not want me to be set free after this most recent set of six weeks of confinement and torture. If they could keep me in the hospital
with a psychotic label then they would be able to bill the province for more than the repeated six week torture sessions as they had done to date. It was always three weeks of government legislated brutal horrid torture followed by a government
legislated appeal panel hearing, followed by the mandatory and government legislated second set of three weeks of brutal horrid torture, and on the last day another hearing and a depot drug injection, followed by my provincial government legislated
release and then a couple months of utter agony from the drugs. I and the other victims of psychiatric horror were always released at the end of the six week period of confinement as the government legislated that, then the NDP came to power provincially
and removed that right and gave more rights to the psychiatrists, who could then confine people endlessly and bill the province for the longer periods of “care”. The Saskatchewan NDP came to power in 1991, and their very first act of legislation was
to provide more rights to the psychiatrists and less rights to their victims, and then the NDP were elected provincially in both Alberta and British Columbia. Psychiatric horror was either not an issue or it was all very funny to the Catholics in the
Canadian prairies provinces and on the west coast, who scorned the victims of psychiatric horror and then voted this Marxist political party into office. Graham Construction and the Big-Nosed Cree swooped in to take advantage of the situation and built
new torture facilities in North Battleford. A subsequent provincial election saw the Saskatchewan Party defeat the NDP, but then they went and kept the NDP’s 24/7 torture legislation on the books. People don’t care that our political parties are
torturing people to death in psychiatric facilities, and then vote for them over and over and over… the only real issue is the Catholic evergreen tree idol, blinkin’ on off, on and off, on and off, it is really quite a show. I said it was no surprise
the priests are ramming their penises up your children’s aresholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches, I was arrested and given to a Hindu who said that I think too much about penises, but the
Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm, nevertheless the Big-Nosed Cree at One Arrow First Nation didn’t care anything about it at all and stuck a statue of their leader upon an Egyptian penis, other Big-Nosed Cree assisted Graham Construction to
build a psychiatric torture chamber in North Battleford, while all the happy children in Saskatchewan agreed to pay for it into the future, while being denied seats in medical school which were instead given to Islamists so they could train to be
psychiatrists, who under Trudeau and the Liberal Party (backed by the NDP) are allowed to work (torture people to death) in Canada without they themselves being Canadian citizens. You collectively spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into
decorated idols and then spend millions more to shut me up about this and other pagan fertility rites in your churches, and you don’t even know how to blush. At least some of the Big-Nosed Cree are getting something of real value out of this situation,
it’s the James Smith First Nation where each and every members of their Big-Nosed Band are set to receive handouts of approximately $46.89 annually for their diamonds ($160,000 annually spread over 3,412 members). Good for you.
Doctor Gene Marcoux is cited to be an expert in religious delusions. I repeatedly tried defending my sanity at the psychiatric appeal panel hearings that were held every three weeks by stating that the Bible condemns turning trees into decorated idols,
at one psychiatric appeal panel hearing Dr. Marcoux smiled and said that everybody doths it (turns trees into decorated idols). They kept on torturing me and releasing me and having me rearrested for speaking, and torturing me and releasing me, over and
over. They never told me that the last release would be the final one, after they were done with me I lived in utter fear of another impending arrest and round of brutal horrid torture. Between the six-week torture sessions I walked in back allies and
along the river to avoid detection and the police… and it took me weeks after the six-week torture sessions to recover adequately so that I was able to walk outside again. The Chinese Greyhound bus beheader feller, by contrast, was given mild drugs and
a holiday, and then told that his holiday was finished.
All the victims got three-week long government legislated torture sessions, followed by an unsuccessful appeal, so the psychiatrist could bill the province for six weeks of hard work instead of just three. Pretty much each and every victim of the
psychiatric horror wants to flee the country, which costs money, and the government passes out more money to psychiatrists, to the Islamic invaders, to the farmers and middle-class and upper-class homeowners, while promising to get clean water for the
Big-Nosed Cree.
People have such great compassion for their pagan fertility rites, they stick Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches and on the very top of their blinkin’ evergreen tree idols, in front of Saskatoon City Hall, at the entrance of the
University of Saskatchewan and at our cemeteries, and even use the pagan penises as war memorials for the soldiers that gave their lives for us (to keep us free), and they party and laugh. I said that it is no surprise that your priests and ministers are
ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with dinks on the roofs of their churches. They responded by repeatedly arresting me and driving me past the Egyptian obelisks (penises) at the front gates of the
University of Saskatchewan and delivering me to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but again, it is not me that thinks so highly of penises that I would place one on the roof of a church, and besides Hindus attain their
spiritual bliss via orgasm. The Indians at One Arrow First Nation responded to it all by placing a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian dink and by having their daughters sterilized with carcinogenic nasal swabs, deadly hand sanitizers, masks
contaminated with any variety of old or new pathogens and poisons, and so-called vaccines. Other Indians responded by helping Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford. Happy families having their “Christmas” (
use of God’s Name in vain, NOT His Mass) celebrations, united in pagan fertility whoreship. It did not matter to the Indians whether they held traditional aboriginal beliefs, or if they were Catholics, Protestants or atheists, they all took part in the
annual celebration where they get their trees to blink. Those upper caste Indians that obtained free grants of reserve farm land at Muskoday First Nation and other reserves have among the nicest of the blinkin’ trees. They place their traditions,
themselves and their family members above God. Even the atheists adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so became Catholics. The Catholics not only like the evergreen tree as a symbol of fertility, they build penises into their church architecture,
they place Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches, they have priests and ministers that ram their penises up your children’s arseholes, and they have Hindu psychiatrists that proclaimed that it is I who thinks too much about penises, yet
Hindus gain their spiritual bliss though orgasm. Anyway, in defense of the Doukhobors, they do not put Egyptian penises on the roofs of their Doukhobor prayer homes, they only stick Egyptian penises on the very top of their blinkin’ trees, then
sometimes place a pentagram on top of that Egyptian dink, and it was largely the Seventh-day Adventists who taught them to adopt and embrace this pagan shit, at least that is the experience with my Doukhobor and Adventist family and relatives.
Every three weeks I tried to defend my sanity by saying that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, once Dr. Gene Marcoux heard me say this at a psychiatric appeal panel hearing and said I was deluded because everybody does
it. The row of Catholics seated on the opposite side of the table smiled and gave Dr. Marcoux permission to continue torturing me with the brutal drugs. Dr. Marcoux once bluntly told me that my posters were crazy, and that if he ever heard of me putting
up posters again he would have me hauled back to him at the University of Saskatchewan where he would administer another round of “treatment” (brutal horrid torture that went on year after year after year). This is all after Crown Prosecutor Terry
Hinz and his friends maliciously prosecuted me, Terry Hinz was a close friend of my girlfriend’s family. She left her parent’s home and we lived in a suite together, an acquaintance of mine raped her in our home while I was out working. The rape
traumatized her, she acted very strange and did not tell me she was raped, I got a psychologist professor from the U of S to come to our suite and see her, and shortly after he visited, Dr. Roger Martin blew his brains out with a shotgun (that didn’t
help my mental state). More likely Dr. Roger Martin never blew his own brains out with a shotgun, he was telling stories to his students about how the CIA was funding torture research at the University of Saskatchewan, and likely the CIA decided to shut
him up.
Very shortly after she was raped, my girlfriend was pushed into the psychiatric facilities for “treatment.” I began to stutter for awhile and it took me years to understand what happened to her. A subsequent girlfriend who lived together with me
in Montreal informed me that she was raped before she met me and I responded by laughing uncomfortably, I did not know why. She asked me why I reacted in such a way to the news but I did not know, it would still be a few years before I understood that my
previous girlfriend was raped. Whether it was trauma from the rape and the subsequent loss of my lover that blocked my mind, or perhaps I am simply slow minded and stupid, I do not think I am deserving of years of psychiatric horror as a reward for
putting my posters up on city street poles, for criticizing the Catholic church, or for whatever reason. My girlfriend was traumatized by the rape, the parents blamed me for her downfall and were fortunate enough to have a close friend who was a Crown
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeakity Squeak@21:1/5 to
All on Sun Jan 2 05:45:58 2022
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff January 1st 2022 4:23 pm 109,693 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“America is ruled by a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who demands that Americans take the death jab. Similarly Trudeau is an Islamist who demands that Canadians take the death jab, squeak squeak.” -Squeakity Squeak
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
In the news hundreds of native skeletons were located at Catholic facilities in Saskatchewan. Many of these kids died from overcrowded conditions, they were crowded into small rooms like my dad and mom were when they were growing up in the dirty
thirties. There are lots of white people in the white people Saskatchewan cemeteries who died in 1918, similarly I expect a lot of native people succumbed to that flu in 1918, the main crime is that they do not have tombstones. So the natives are
protesting by not celebrating Canada Day this year, but watch, they will still abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols in December (actually during November, December, January and February). Many cancel a holiday that is
celebrated on a single day (Canada Day), but then they will continue in the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols and stretch the celebrations over a four month period. It is important to not only get your trees to blink, but to get
them to blink month after month after month after month. The more times the Catholic priests ram their penises up your children’s arseholes, the more the parents will get their Catholic evergreen idols to blink on and off, on and off, on and off… And
the more the children are sodomized by the Catholic priests, the more likely the parents are to stick an Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) on the very top of their blinkin’ tree, for it is tradition. I get tortured for years by
predominantly Hindu psychiatrists and all people could do for me is laugh at me, libel and slander me, assault and rob me, and then they went and built additional psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford with money borrowed from the children,
they drugged their own children with psychiatric drugs, and then they forced their own children to take the depopulation jab. The more people who roll over and die from the depopulation jab means that there will be less people to laugh at and further
assault the victims of psychiatric horror. People train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists in Canadian universities to become psychiatrists and torture people to death. And under Trudeau, these foreigners don’t have to be Canadian citizens to practice their
art” in Canada. And all you pricks can do about it all is join protest marches with black Islamists and stick a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian penis while proclaiming that I am a white racist. Victims of psychiatric horror are likely
to have improved lives when the compassionless Catholic turds take the depopulation jabs and die, and when they are rendered infertile, the hope is that so many of you die that your medical system will utterly collapse and there will be nobody left to
staff the psychiatric torture centers.
The psychiatric drugs made my skin hard and dry, made my tongue and lips turn to hard leather, made my hair fall out, made my brain pound in pain, made me nauseous beyond belief, and all you filthy God-damned Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis
whoreshipping pricks could do is laugh at me (or assault me and rob me). I complained that the psychiatric drugs made it impossible for me to achieve an erection, then you laugh and you stick a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian penis. Most
people see the coming apocalypse as a bad thing, but if this is what is required to end psychiatry, then so be it. The normal (Catholic) people will faint in fear of the events on earth during the last days, while the victims of psychiatric horror will
finally be released from the ongoing brutal horrid torture and will hysterically laugh at you filthy Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers who are twitching and convulsing as a result of your favoured injections. Now that many hundreds of
Indian children’s skeletons were found without tombstones, expect people to now utilize more skeletons and possibly more tombstones when they annually celebrate death on October 31st. They celebrate death on October 31st then the following day (
November 1st) they turn their trees into blinkin’ idols in preparation for their December 25th worship of a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke the utter shit that pours out of their God-damned mouths. Now in Canada the Liberal
government under Justin Trudeau officially celebrates sodomy for three months, and followed by that is the celebration of blinkin’ trees for the following four months, that is seven straight months of sodomy and evergreen tree idol whoreship. Then in
March and April reverence is given to eggs and bunnies. This is not the recipe for a coming blessing from God.
In the news the Australians invested billions of dollars into submarines that they will never build. Instead of investing in rifles, artillery, torpedoes, anti-tanks weapons and aircraft, they spent the money instead upon submarines that they will
never finish building, and are outmoded death-traps anyway. The small Sterling Engine driven submarines are silent, Australia didn’t strive for such simple, cheap and proven technology. Canada can’t help Australia, we can’t fuel the few ships we
have and our exorbitantly expensive used British submarines never worked and we don’t have the money nor skills to fix them. What Canada spent on used submarines that don’t work could easily have equipped our military with top quality rifles and
artillery. Nations are purposely bankrupted by foes working within. And our allies cancel our leading-edge technological innovations (see the BAC TSR-2 and the Avro Arrow). Australia would be wise to look at the Canadian model, we have an Islamic prime
minister, a Sikh runs our military and a Somalian Islamist runs our department of immigration. Our ruling royalty is the richest in the history of mankind yet Australians and Canadians are both about to become extinct due to the flood of third world
immigrants and evil in our parliaments. Should China now invade Australia, they would kill all the Australians without Britain, Canada, New Zealand and almost every other nation being able to mount a defense. Already the Australians are not allowed to
travel, and most don’t have the money to travel anyway, the Australians are sitting at home without any guns to protect themselves from the coming genocide. Papuans were buying guns from Australians, sometime Papuans would travel to Australia in the
hopes of purchasing guns, other times Australians would travel to Papua New Guinea to sell guns. Now that the Australians gave up their guns, and now that the Australian government invested into fantasy submarines, and now that the Australians turn trees
into blinkin’ idols, Australians should be prepared for a very short war. When China invades Australia many people there will be praying to Mary and to angels for help, but Mary is asleep and in the ground while the angels in the final days are not
sent to help you but to smite you instead. Good luck to Australia, and don’t count on America coming to your aid with Democrats in power, they are busy aiding China instead. America is now run by China, they are unlikely to help Australians. Unlike
America, Canada is divided between allegiance to China and to Islam, and relies upon America for its defense, and is hardly able to mount a defense for the Australian people.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in 2021, the jabs are designed by witches and contain a myriad of different toxins specifically designed to harm and kill. Children are not adversely affected by the Kung Flu, people who catch any flu in 2020 and
2021 have a 99.8% survival rate, it is due to the immune system God provides us with, while many millions of people are suffering and dying as a result of getting the jabs. They forced psychiatric jabs upon me for years, it amounted to brutal horrid
torture, I begged for assistance to flee the country, all people could do is laugh at me, rob me, libel and slander me, and assault me further. Now these same compassionless arseholes are happily lining up to get the jab and are allowing their children
to be jabbed as well. People gave many jabs to their children over the last few decades, resulting in huge numbers of autistic children, cancers, other diseases and ultimately death. For several years until a couple of years ago the media was telling us
that we required immigration to North America because we were not reproducing fast enough, now these recent jabs will kill off millions of people and making the others infertile, likely the media will soon be telling us we need millions of new immigrants
to replace the white people who recently died off and who can no longer reproduce. Catholics (people who abide by Catholic fertility rites, such as all forms of Protestants, Hutterites, Mennonites, Seventh-day Adventists and Doukhobors) will be
responding to it all by getting bigger trees and decorating them to greater degrees. They were compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, then they had their own children and their seniors drugged to keep them manageable in the hospitals,
nursing homes and schools. Then care givers allowed seniors to die from dehydration and blamed it on Covid. Then the parents had their children injected with a death serum, developed by witches, and now as their children convulse, these parents are
making preparations for the final “Christmas” (use of God’s Name in vain, not His Mass) celebration, where the many trees in the home will blink. What a joy it will be for the convulsing and twitching children to see the trees blink on and off, on
and off, on and off, for the last time. On October 31st the convulsing and twitching children will celebrate death with their family members, then on the following day their tree will begin to blink and will blink in the home for up to the following four
In the news (not the mainstream news) in June 2021, many people in Britain are being arrested under the Mental Health Act, are imprisoned in psychiatric facilities and are having psychiatric drugs forced upon them. Britain recently altered their
Mental Health Act to make it easier to arrest and torture people who dare to complain about Islamic immigration. I imagine that if the British are able to expel all Islamists from their nation, they will still be arresting and torturing people under the
Mental Health Act for daring to criticize their Catholic churches. Similar to Canada, should the western provinces separate from Canada, this new nation will still employ psychiatrists and will still deny gun permits to those people who criticized some
injustice that resulted in them being tortured and then having a history of mental illness. Anthropologists should call the current western culture, “The People of The Jingle Bells.” The Jingle Bell leaders impose harsh judgments against those who do
not sing along and then ride upon one horse open sleighs.
Kate Shemirani says regarding Britain, “They take over the health care system. The first thing they do is change the Mental Health Act, you need one doctor instead of three psychiatrists, and then you can’t be reassessed for six weeks. In 2019 I
believe there was 16,000 appeals against forced medication for those who were sectioned under the Mental Health Act, a third of those appeals were won. Now you cannot appeal. And this is what they do to get rid of the dissidents, the first thing they do
is change the Mental Health Act.” Queen Elizabeth II allows such behavior, eventually her son Charles will rule over the many tens of thousands of Catholic, Hindu, Islamic and Sikh psychiatrists in the British (Islamic) Empire.
In the news the Liberal (Communist and Islamic) Canadian government passed a new law (Bill C-36) making it illegal to harbor hate in your heart, making it illegal to post material on the internet that is critical of other cultures or religious groups,
and you can be arrested for statements you made on the internet, or elsewhere, years ago. And your accuser receives a payment of $20,000 and gets to remain anonymous. And so in 2021 it became illegal in Canada to criticize Islam. As their numbers
increase Islamists make increasing demands in the locations they emigrate to, so now in Canada Islamists are present in sufficient quantities to demand that we shut up about the evils of their fertility cult. In Britain people are arrested and tortured
to death under their Mental Health Act for incorrect beliefs, as in Canada, and because people (including Adventists and Doukhobors) are more concerned about getting their trees to blink than about people who are tortured to death in psychiatric
facilities, expect this to continue.
In the news the Canadian community of Lytton broke the Canadian temperature record for three days in a row and started to burn. Lytton is a six lettered name, 66.666…% of the letters are consonants and these consonants add to 66 (a=1, b=2, c=3…).
And 90% of the buildings were destroyed by the fires, it is the 66th number that is not prime. Exodus with 1213 verses (the 198th or the 66+66+66th prime) terminates at Bible chapter 90 (the 66th non-prime). This means that the people of Lytton British
Columbia will now spend many more millions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols, they will get nicer and more expensive decorations for their tree idols, they will rebuild their destroyed homes with homes having taller ceilings so they may turn
even larger trees into decorated idols. Maybe spend sixty-six point six million dollars having a single individual in your community tortured in psychiatric facilities for daring to say that your churches are teaching traditions in place of God’s
Commandments. The priests of fish-god Dagon dressed up in full length fish costumes and fish-head hats, maybe the Lyttonites were failing to honour fish when they turned their trees into decorated idols. Both the evergreen tree and the fish are viewed as
symbols of fertility, maybe hang some fish heads on your blinkin’ trees in order to placate your fertility gods.
In the news in July 2021 a fellow from Edmonton (actually an immigrant from Sudan Africa), Kout David Buttic, aged 26, was caught and charged for dealing drugs (cocaine and meth) in Prince Albert Saskatchewan in 2018. While waiting for his court date
he was caught and charged for dealing fentanyl and cocaine in Saskatoon in 2019. So the judge, Doug Agnew, says that too many of his race are being charged for and doing time for their crimes, therefore a lighter sentence needs to be imposed. I got years
of brutal horrid torture for saying that it is no surprise that the priests and ministers are ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes because they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. This
guy deals in hard drugs that have killed many in Saskatchewan, and he will be free in under three years. There is no real penalty for this person, the message is sent over and over that those people dealing in fentanyl and other deadly drugs do not have
to fear the authorities, especially if the drug dealers are black. The authorities are doing all they can to destroy our nation, so they give the lightest possible sentence to Africans and Asians. I tried to show people in the community that their
traditions are in opposition to God’s Commandments, they had me brutally tortured for years and when I complained people started calling me a pedophile and then gave me a few brutal beatings. Canadians now allow their nation to be taken over by
alternative fertility cults, you cannot build a nation upon such a foundation, maybe take a free injection. Pretty soon the Africans will be killing the white farmers on the Canadian prairies and the judges will continue to say this ethnicity is
overrepresented in prisons, therefore we have to give them lighter sentences. These Islamists get a slap on the wrist after they commit rapes and murders, and after killing children in our communities with their Chinese manufactured drugs.
One Chinese feller came along and cut some poor Canadian white feller’s head off while they were riding on a Greyhound bus, the Chinese feller was given a few years of psychiatry and then told his psychiatric punishment was complete, and he was
released back into Canadian society. I assure you that the psychiatric drugs administered to that Chinese feller were not entirely the same and did not produce anything like the horror show done to me by the Hindus and Marcoux.
The Hindu psychiatrists who tortured me were a tag-team married couple, after years of torturing me the female Hindu decided that I was no longer “schizophrenic” but was now “psychotic” instead, but for her to change her diagnosis she required
the opinion of another psychiatrist. So along comes her Hindu husband who visited me in my prison-torture room in Saskatoon City Hospital, and after about a two minute visit he filled out the paperwork declaring that I was now psychotic (I was calm, sat
on the side of the bed and said nothing to indicate a mental illness), the declaration was made as the Hindu team did not want me to be set free after this most recent set of six weeks of confinement and torture. If they could keep me in the hospital
with a psychotic label then they would be able to bill the province for more than the repeated six week torture sessions as they had done to date. It was always three weeks of government legislated brutal horrid torture followed by a government
legislated appeal panel hearing, followed by the mandatory and government legislated second set of three weeks of brutal horrid torture, and on the last day another hearing and a depot drug injection, followed by my provincial government legislated
release and then a couple months of utter agony from the drugs. I and the other victims of psychiatric horror were always released at the end of the six week period of confinement as the government legislated that, then the NDP came to power provincially
and removed that right and gave more rights to the psychiatrists, who could then confine people endlessly and bill the province for the longer periods of “care”. The Saskatchewan NDP came to power in 1991, and their very first act of legislation was
to provide more rights to the psychiatrists and less rights to their victims, and then the NDP were elected provincially in both Alberta and British Columbia. Psychiatric horror was either not an issue or it was all very funny to the Catholics in the
Canadian prairies provinces and on the west coast, who scorned the victims of psychiatric horror and then voted this Marxist political party into office. Graham Construction and the Big-Nosed Cree swooped in to take advantage of the situation and built
new torture facilities in North Battleford. A subsequent provincial election saw the Saskatchewan Party defeat the NDP, but then they went and kept the NDP’s 24/7 torture legislation on the books. People don’t care that our political parties are
torturing people to death in psychiatric facilities, and then vote for them over and over and over… the only real issue is the Catholic evergreen tree idol, blinkin’ on off, on and off, on and off, it is really quite a show. I said it was no surprise
the priests are ramming their penises up your children’s aresholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches, I was arrested and given to a Hindu who said that I think too much about penises, but the
Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm, nevertheless the Big-Nosed Cree at One Arrow First Nation didn’t care anything about it at all and stuck a statue of their leader upon an Egyptian penis, other Big-Nosed Cree assisted Graham Construction to
build a psychiatric torture chamber in North Battleford, while all the happy children in Saskatchewan agreed to pay for it into the future, while being denied seats in medical school which were instead given to Islamists so they could train to be
psychiatrists, who under Trudeau and the Liberal Party (backed by the NDP) are allowed to work (torture people to death) in Canada without they themselves being Canadian citizens. You collectively spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into
decorated idols and then spend millions more to shut me up about this and other pagan fertility rites in your churches, and you don’t even know how to blush. At least some of the Big-Nosed Cree are getting something of real value out of this situation,
it’s the James Smith First Nation where each and every members of their Big-Nosed Band are set to receive handouts of approximately $46.89 annually for their diamonds ($160,000 annually spread over 3,412 members). Good for you.
Doctor Gene Marcoux is cited to be an expert in religious delusions. I repeatedly tried defending my sanity at the psychiatric appeal panel hearings that were held every three weeks by stating that the Bible condemns turning trees into decorated idols,
at one psychiatric appeal panel hearing Dr. Marcoux smiled and said that everybody doths it (turns trees into decorated idols). They kept on torturing me and releasing me and having me rearrested for speaking, and torturing me and releasing me, over and
over. They never told me that the last release would be the final one, after they were done with me I lived in utter fear of another impending arrest and round of brutal horrid torture. Between the six-week torture sessions I walked in back allies and
along the river to avoid detection and the police… and it took me weeks after the six-week torture sessions to recover adequately so that I was able to walk outside again. The Chinese Greyhound bus beheader feller, by contrast, was given mild drugs and
a holiday, and then told that his holiday was finished.
All the victims got three-week long government legislated torture sessions, followed by an unsuccessful appeal, so the psychiatrist could bill the province for six weeks of hard work instead of just three. Pretty much each and every victim of the
psychiatric horror wants to flee the country, which costs money, and the government passes out more money to psychiatrists, to the Islamic invaders, to the farmers and middle-class and upper-class homeowners, while promising to get clean water for the
Big-Nosed Cree.
People have such great compassion for their pagan fertility rites, they stick Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches and on the very top of their blinkin’ evergreen tree idols, in front of Saskatoon City Hall, at the entrance of the
University of Saskatchewan and at our cemeteries, and even use the pagan penises as war memorials for the soldiers that gave their lives for us (to keep us free), and they party and laugh. I said that it is no surprise that your priests and ministers are
ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with dinks on the roofs of their churches. They responded by repeatedly arresting me and driving me past the Egyptian obelisks (penises) at the front gates of the
University of Saskatchewan and delivering me to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but again, it is not me that thinks so highly of penises that I would place one on the roof of a church, and besides Hindus attain their
spiritual bliss via orgasm. The Indians at One Arrow First Nation responded to it all by placing a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian dink and by having their daughters sterilized with carcinogenic nasal swabs, deadly hand sanitizers, masks
contaminated with any variety of old or new pathogens and poisons, and so-called vaccines. Other Indians responded by helping Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford. Happy families having their “Christmas” (
use of God’s Name in vain, NOT His Mass) celebrations, united in pagan fertility whoreship. It did not matter to the Indians whether they held traditional aboriginal beliefs, or if they were Catholics, Protestants or atheists, they all took part in the
annual celebration where they get their trees to blink. Those upper caste Indians that obtained free grants of reserve farm land at Muskoday First Nation and other reserves have among the nicest of the blinkin’ trees. They place their traditions,
themselves and their family members above God. Even the atheists adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so became Catholics. The Catholics not only like the evergreen tree as a symbol of fertility, they build penises into their church architecture,
they place Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches, they have priests and ministers that ram their penises up your children’s arseholes, and they have Hindu psychiatrists that proclaimed that it is I who thinks too much about penises, yet
Hindus gain their spiritual bliss though orgasm. Anyway, in defense of the Doukhobors, they do not put Egyptian penises on the roofs of their Doukhobor prayer homes, they only stick Egyptian penises on the very top of their blinkin’ trees, then
sometimes place a pentagram on top of that Egyptian dink, and it was largely the Seventh-day Adventists who taught them to adopt and embrace this pagan shit, at least that is the experience with my Doukhobor and Adventist family and relatives.
Every three weeks I tried to defend my sanity by saying that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, once Dr. Gene Marcoux heard me say this at a psychiatric appeal panel hearing and said I was deluded because everybody does
it. The row of Catholics seated on the opposite side of the table smiled and gave Dr. Marcoux permission to continue torturing me with the brutal drugs. Dr. Marcoux once bluntly told me that my posters were crazy, and that if he ever heard of me putting
up posters again he would have me hauled back to him at the University of Saskatchewan where he would administer another round of “treatment” (brutal horrid torture that went on year after year after year). This is all after Crown Prosecutor Terry
Hinz and his friends maliciously prosecuted me, Terry Hinz was a close friend of my girlfriend’s family. She left her parent’s home and we lived in a suite together, an acquaintance of mine raped her in our home while I was out working. The rape
traumatized her, she acted very strange and did not tell me she was raped, I got a psychologist professor from the U of S to come to our suite and see her, and shortly after he visited, Dr. Roger Martin blew his brains out with a shotgun (that didn’t
help my mental state). More likely Dr. Roger Martin never blew his own brains out with a shotgun, he was telling stories to his students about how the CIA was funding torture research at the University of Saskatchewan, and likely the CIA decided to shut
him up.
Very shortly after she was raped, my girlfriend was pushed into the psychiatric facilities for “treatment.” I began to stutter for awhile and it took me years to understand what happened to her. A subsequent girlfriend who lived together with me
in Montreal informed me that she was raped before she met me and I responded by laughing uncomfortably, I did not know why. She asked me why I reacted in such a way to the news but I did not know, it would still be a few years before I understood that my
previous girlfriend was raped. Whether it was trauma from the rape and the subsequent loss of my lover that blocked my mind, or perhaps I am simply slow minded and stupid, I do not think I am deserving of years of psychiatric horror as a reward for
putting my posters up on city street poles, for criticizing the Catholic church, or for whatever reason. My girlfriend was traumatized by the rape, the parents blamed me for her downfall and were fortunate enough to have a close friend who was a Crown
The magnitude of the horror of the psychiatric drugs is so enormous that nobody on this planet is deserving of such treatment. The horror of the psychiatric drugs is so overwhelming that all I can do is spend the rest of my life trying to convince
people to stop psychiatry, but instead they laughed at me (and libeled, assaulted and robbed me) and allowed their children to be injected as well. It wasn’t so bad that I was maliciously prosecuted, it wasn’t so bad that I received years of brutal
horrid torture as a result, the issue I have is with people’s compassionlessness. Some knew of or suspected the horror of the psychiatric drugs and ignored it, others laughed. Some downplayed the horror of the psychiatric drugs saying that they know of
some child receiving psychiatric care and said the drugs were helpful, they did not stop to think that the psychiatrists treat their patients differently, and sometimes brutally in order to stop unwanted behavior (such as postering city street poles or
saying that the churches were run by racists who proclaimed that they civilized the cannibals in the South Seas and Africa while ignoring the cannibalism conducted by Freemasons and other witches here in the west).
This coming “Christmas” (not His Mass, use of God’s Name in vain) will likely be the last one you will celebrate with your children, who are now rendered infertile and are twitching and convulsing from the depopulation jabs, and who are likely
to be dead by the following pagan fertility tree holiday. Make sure this final blinkin’ tree (erected for four months from November 2021 through February 2022) is the best one ever. Put lots of sparkles and blinkin’ lights on your God-damned
decorated idol. Sometimes Jesus removes His protection from your family members and you lose one or more (Hosea 4:6), then you double down and get an even bigger tree and decorate it to a greater degree.
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeakity Squeak@21:1/5 to
All on Sun Jan 30 00:22:45 2022
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff January 29th 2022 1:26 pm 111,214 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“America is ruled by a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who demands that Americans take the death jab. Similarly Trudeau is an Islamist who demands that Canadians take the death jab, squeak squeak.” -Squeakity Squeak
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
The psychiatric drugs made my skin hard and dry, made my tongue and lips turn to hard leather, made my hair fall out, made my brain pound in pain, made me nauseous beyond belief, and all you filthy God-damned Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis
whoreshipping pricks could do is laugh at me (or assault me and rob me). I complained that the psychiatric drugs made it impossible for me to achieve an erection, then you laugh and you stick a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian penis. Most
people see the coming apocalypse as a bad thing, but if this is what is required to end psychiatry, then so be it. The normal (Catholic) people will faint in fear of the events on earth during the last days, while the victims of psychiatric horror will
finally be released from the ongoing brutal horrid torture and will hysterically laugh at you filthy Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers who are twitching and convulsing as a result of your favoured injections. Now that many hundreds of
Indian children’s skeletons were found without tombstones, expect people to now utilize more skeletons and possibly more tombstones when they annually celebrate death on October 31st. They celebrate death on October 31st then the following day (
November 1st) they turn their trees into blinkin’ idols in preparation for their December 25th worship of a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke the utter shit that pours out of their God-damned mouths. Now in Canada the Liberal
government under Justin Trudeau officially celebrates sodomy for three months, and followed by that is the celebration of blinkin’ trees for the following four months, that is seven straight months of sodomy and evergreen tree idol whoreship. Then in
March and April reverence is given to eggs and bunnies. This is not the recipe for a coming blessing from God.
In the news the Australians invested billions of dollars into submarines that they will never build. Instead of investing in rifles, artillery, torpedoes, anti-tanks weapons and aircraft, they spent the money instead upon submarines that they will
never finish building, and are outmoded death-traps anyway. The small Sterling Engine driven submarines are silent, Australia didn’t strive for such simple, cheap and proven technology. Canada can’t help Australia, we can’t fuel the few ships we
have and our exorbitantly expensive used British submarines never worked and we don’t have the money nor skills to fix them. What Canada spent on used submarines that don’t work could easily have equipped our military with top quality rifles and
artillery. Nations are purposely bankrupted by foes working within. And our allies cancel our leading-edge technological innovations (see the BAC TSR-2 and the Avro Arrow). Australia would be wise to look at the Canadian model, we have an Islamic prime
minister, a Sikh runs our military and a Somalian Islamist runs our department of immigration. Our ruling royalty is the richest in the history of mankind yet Australians and Canadians are both about to become extinct due to the flood of third world
immigrants and evil in our parliaments. Should China now invade Australia, they would kill all the Australians without Britain, Canada, New Zealand and almost every other nation being able to mount a defense. Already the Australians are not allowed to
travel, and most don’t have the money to travel anyway, the Australians are sitting at home without any guns to protect themselves from the coming genocide. Papuans were buying guns from Australians, sometime Papuans would travel to Australia in the
hopes of purchasing guns, other times Australians would travel to Papua New Guinea to sell guns. Now that the Australians gave up their guns, and now that the Australian government invested into fantasy submarines, and now that the Australians turn trees
into blinkin’ idols, Australians should be prepared for a very short war. When China invades Australia many people there will be praying to Mary and to angels for help, but Mary is asleep and in the ground while the angels in the final days are not
sent to help you but to smite you instead. Good luck to Australia, and don’t count on America coming to your aid with Democrats in power, they are busy aiding China instead. America is now run by China, they are unlikely to help Australians. Unlike
America, Canada is divided between allegiance to China and to Islam, and relies upon America for its defense, and is hardly able to mount a defense for the Australian people.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in 2021, the jabs are designed by witches and contain a myriad of different toxins specifically designed to harm and kill. Children are not adversely affected by the Kung Flu, people who catch any flu in 2020 and
2021 have a 99.8% survival rate, it is due to the immune system God provides us with, while many millions of people are suffering and dying as a result of getting the jabs. They forced psychiatric jabs upon me for years, it amounted to brutal horrid
torture, I begged for assistance to flee the country, all people could do is laugh at me, rob me, libel and slander me, and assault me further. Now these same compassionless arseholes are happily lining up to get the jab and are allowing their children
to be jabbed as well. People gave many jabs to their children over the last few decades, resulting in huge numbers of autistic children, cancers, other diseases and ultimately death. For several years until a couple of years ago the media was telling us
that we required immigration to North America because we were not reproducing fast enough, now these recent jabs will kill off millions of people and making the others infertile, likely the media will soon be telling us we need millions of new immigrants
to replace the white people who recently died off and who can no longer reproduce. Catholics (people who abide by Catholic fertility rites, such as all forms of Protestants, Hutterites, Mennonites, Seventh-day Adventists and Doukhobors) will be
responding to it all by getting bigger trees and decorating them to greater degrees. They were compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, then they had their own children and their seniors drugged to keep them manageable in the hospitals,
nursing homes and schools. Then care givers allowed seniors to die from dehydration and blamed it on Covid. Then the parents had their children injected with a death serum, developed by witches, and now as their children convulse, these parents are
making preparations for the final “Christmas” (use of God’s Name in vain, not His Mass) celebration, where the many trees in the home will blink. What a joy it will be for the convulsing and twitching children to see the trees blink on and off, on
and off, on and off, for the last time. On October 31st the convulsing and twitching children will celebrate death with their family members, then on the following day their tree will begin to blink and will blink in the home for up to the following four
In the news (not the mainstream news) in June 2021, many people in Britain are being arrested under the Mental Health Act, are imprisoned in psychiatric facilities and are having psychiatric drugs forced upon them. Britain recently altered their
Mental Health Act to make it easier to arrest and torture people who dare to complain about Islamic immigration. I imagine that if the British are able to expel all Islamists from their nation, they will still be arresting and torturing people under the
Mental Health Act for daring to criticize their Catholic churches. Similar to Canada, should the western provinces separate from Canada, this new nation will still employ psychiatrists and will still deny gun permits to those people who criticized some
injustice that resulted in them being tortured and then having a history of mental illness. Anthropologists should call the current western culture, “The People of The Jingle Bells.” The Jingle Bell leaders impose harsh judgments against those who do
not sing along and then ride upon one horse open sleighs.
Kate Shemirani says regarding Britain, “They take over the health care system. The first thing they do is change the Mental Health Act, you need one doctor instead of three psychiatrists, and then you can’t be reassessed for six weeks. In 2019 I
believe there was 16,000 appeals against forced medication for those who were sectioned under the Mental Health Act, a third of those appeals were won. Now you cannot appeal. And this is what they do to get rid of the dissidents, the first thing they do
is change the Mental Health Act.” Queen Elizabeth II allows such behavior, eventually her son Charles will rule over the many tens of thousands of Catholic, Hindu, Islamic and Sikh psychiatrists in the British (Islamic) Empire.
In the news the Liberal (Communist and Islamic) Canadian government passed a new law (Bill C-36) making it illegal to harbor hate in your heart, making it illegal to post material on the internet that is critical of other cultures or religious groups,
and you can be arrested for statements you made on the internet, or elsewhere, years ago. And your accuser receives a payment of $20,000 and gets to remain anonymous. And so in 2021 it became illegal in Canada to criticize Islam. As their numbers
increase Islamists make increasing demands in the locations they emigrate to, so now in Canada Islamists are present in sufficient quantities to demand that we shut up about the evils of their fertility cult. In Britain people are arrested and tortured
to death under their Mental Health Act for incorrect beliefs, as in Canada, and because people (including Adventists and Doukhobors) are more concerned about getting their trees to blink than about people who are tortured to death in psychiatric
facilities, expect this to continue.
In the news the Canadian community of Lytton broke the Canadian temperature record for three days in a row and started to burn. Lytton is a six lettered name, 66.666…% of the letters are consonants and these consonants add to 66 (a=1, b=2, c=3…).
And 90% of the buildings were destroyed by the fires, it is the 66th number that is not prime. Exodus with 1213 verses (the 198th or the 66+66+66th prime) terminates at Bible chapter 90 (the 66th non-prime). This means that the people of Lytton British
Columbia will now spend many more millions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols, they will get nicer and more expensive decorations for their tree idols, they will rebuild their destroyed homes with homes having taller ceilings so they may turn
even larger trees into decorated idols. Maybe spend sixty-six point six million dollars having a single individual in your community tortured in psychiatric facilities for daring to say that your churches are teaching traditions in place of God’s
Commandments. The priests of fish-god Dagon dressed up in full length fish costumes and fish-head hats, maybe the Lyttonites were failing to honour fish when they turned their trees into decorated idols. Both the evergreen tree and the fish are viewed as
symbols of fertility, maybe hang some fish heads on your blinkin’ trees in order to placate your fertility gods.
In the news in July 2021 a fellow from Edmonton (actually an immigrant from Sudan Africa), Kout David Buttic, aged 26, was caught and charged for dealing drugs (cocaine and meth) in Prince Albert Saskatchewan in 2018. While waiting for his court date
he was caught and charged for dealing fentanyl and cocaine in Saskatoon in 2019. So the judge, Doug Agnew, says that too many of his race are being charged for and doing time for their crimes, therefore a lighter sentence needs to be imposed. I got years
of brutal horrid torture for saying that it is no surprise that the priests and ministers are ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes because they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. This
guy deals in hard drugs that have killed many in Saskatchewan, and he will be free in under three years. There is no real penalty for this person, the message is sent over and over that those people dealing in fentanyl and other deadly drugs do not have
to fear the authorities, especially if the drug dealers are black. The authorities are doing all they can to destroy our nation, so they give the lightest possible sentence to Africans and Asians. I tried to show people in the community that their
traditions are in opposition to God’s Commandments, they had me brutally tortured for years and when I complained people started calling me a pedophile and then gave me a few brutal beatings. Canadians now allow their nation to be taken over by
alternative fertility cults, you cannot build a nation upon such a foundation, maybe take a free injection. Pretty soon the Africans will be killing the white farmers on the Canadian prairies and the judges will continue to say this ethnicity is
overrepresented in prisons, therefore we have to give them lighter sentences. These Islamists get a slap on the wrist after they commit rapes and murders, and after killing children in our communities with their Chinese manufactured drugs.
One Chinese feller came along and cut some poor Canadian white feller’s head off while they were riding on a Greyhound bus, the Chinese feller was given a few years of psychiatry and then told his psychiatric punishment was complete, and he was
released back into Canadian society. I assure you that the psychiatric drugs administered to that Chinese feller were not entirely the same and did not produce anything like the horror show done to me by the Hindus and Marcoux.
The Hindu psychiatrists who tortured me were a tag-team married couple, after years of torturing me the female Hindu decided that I was no longer “schizophrenic” but was now “psychotic” instead, but for her to change her diagnosis she required
the opinion of another psychiatrist. So along comes her Hindu husband who visited me in my prison-torture room in Saskatoon City Hospital, and after about a two minute visit he filled out the paperwork declaring that I was now psychotic (I was calm, sat
on the side of the bed and said nothing to indicate a mental illness), the declaration was made as the Hindu team did not want me to be set free after this most recent set of six weeks of confinement and torture. If they could keep me in the hospital
with a psychotic label then they would be able to bill the province for more than the repeated six week torture sessions as they had done to date. It was always three weeks of government legislated brutal horrid torture followed by a government
legislated appeal panel hearing, followed by the mandatory and government legislated second set of three weeks of brutal horrid torture, and on the last day another hearing and a depot drug injection, followed by my provincial government legislated
release and then a couple months of utter agony from the drugs. I and the other victims of psychiatric horror were always released at the end of the six week period of confinement as the government legislated that, then the NDP came to power provincially
and removed that right and gave more rights to the psychiatrists, who could then confine people endlessly and bill the province for the longer periods of “care”. The Saskatchewan NDP came to power in 1991, and their very first act of legislation was
to provide more rights to the psychiatrists and less rights to their victims, and then the NDP were elected provincially in both Alberta and British Columbia. Psychiatric horror was either not an issue or it was all very funny to the Catholics in the
Canadian prairies provinces and on the west coast, who scorned the victims of psychiatric horror and then voted this Marxist political party into office. Graham Construction and the Big-Nosed Cree swooped in to take advantage of the situation and built
new torture facilities in North Battleford. A subsequent provincial election saw the Saskatchewan Party defeat the NDP, but then they went and kept the NDP’s 24/7 torture legislation on the books. People don’t care that our political parties are
torturing people to death in psychiatric facilities, and then vote for them over and over and over… the only real issue is the Catholic evergreen tree idol, blinkin’ on off, on and off, on and off, it is really quite a show. I said it was no surprise
the priests are ramming their penises up your children’s aresholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches, I was arrested and given to a Hindu who said that I think too much about penises, but the
Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm, nevertheless the Big-Nosed Cree at One Arrow First Nation didn’t care anything about it at all and stuck a statue of their leader upon an Egyptian penis, other Big-Nosed Cree assisted Graham Construction to
build a psychiatric torture chamber in North Battleford, while all the happy children in Saskatchewan agreed to pay for it into the future, while being denied seats in medical school which were instead given to Islamists so they could train to be
psychiatrists, who under Trudeau and the Liberal Party (backed by the NDP) are allowed to work (torture people to death) in Canada without they themselves being Canadian citizens. You collectively spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into
decorated idols and then spend millions more to shut me up about this and other pagan fertility rites in your churches, and you don’t even know how to blush. At least some of the Big-Nosed Cree are getting something of real value out of this situation,
it’s the James Smith First Nation where each and every members of their Big-Nosed Band are set to receive handouts of approximately $46.89 annually for their diamonds ($160,000 annually spread over 3,412 members). Good for you.
Doctor Gene Marcoux is cited to be an expert in religious delusions. I repeatedly tried defending my sanity at the psychiatric appeal panel hearings that were held every three weeks by stating that the Bible condemns turning trees into decorated idols,
at one psychiatric appeal panel hearing Dr. Marcoux smiled and said that everybody doths it (turns trees into decorated idols). They kept on torturing me and releasing me and having me rearrested for speaking, and torturing me and releasing me, over and
over. They never told me that the last release would be the final one, after they were done with me I lived in utter fear of another impending arrest and round of brutal horrid torture. Between the six-week torture sessions I walked in back allies and
along the river to avoid detection and the police… and it took me weeks after the six-week torture sessions to recover adequately so that I was able to walk outside again. The Chinese Greyhound bus beheader feller, by contrast, was given mild drugs and
a holiday, and then told that his holiday was finished.
All the victims got three-week long government legislated torture sessions, followed by an unsuccessful appeal, so the psychiatrist could bill the province for six weeks of hard work instead of just three. Pretty much each and every victim of the
psychiatric horror wants to flee the country, which costs money, and the government passes out more money to psychiatrists, to the Islamic invaders, to the farmers and middle-class and upper-class homeowners, while promising to get clean water for the
Big-Nosed Cree.
People have such great compassion for their pagan fertility rites, they stick Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches and on the very top of their blinkin’ evergreen tree idols, in front of Saskatoon City Hall, at the entrance of the
University of Saskatchewan and at our cemeteries, and even use the pagan penises as war memorials for the soldiers that gave their lives for us (to keep us free), and they party and laugh. I said that it is no surprise that your priests and ministers are
ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with dinks on the roofs of their churches. They responded by repeatedly arresting me and driving me past the Egyptian obelisks (penises) at the front gates of the
University of Saskatchewan and delivering me to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but again, it is not me that thinks so highly of penises that I would place one on the roof of a church, and besides Hindus attain their
spiritual bliss via orgasm. The Indians at One Arrow First Nation responded to it all by placing a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian dink and by having their daughters sterilized with carcinogenic nasal swabs, deadly hand sanitizers, masks
contaminated with any variety of old or new pathogens and poisons, and so-called vaccines. Other Indians responded by helping Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford. Happy families having their “Christmas” (
use of God’s Name in vain, NOT His Mass) celebrations, united in pagan fertility whoreship. It did not matter to the Indians whether they held traditional aboriginal beliefs, or if they were Catholics, Protestants or atheists, they all took part in the
annual celebration where they get their trees to blink. Those upper caste Indians that obtained free grants of reserve farm land at Muskoday First Nation and other reserves have among the nicest of the blinkin’ trees. They place their traditions,
themselves and their family members above God. Even the atheists adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so became Catholics. The Catholics not only like the evergreen tree as a symbol of fertility, they build penises into their church architecture,
they place Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches, they have priests and ministers that ram their penises up your children’s arseholes, and they have Hindu psychiatrists that proclaimed that it is I who thinks too much about penises, yet
Hindus gain their spiritual bliss though orgasm. Anyway, in defense of the Doukhobors, they do not put Egyptian penises on the roofs of their Doukhobor prayer homes, they only stick Egyptian penises on the very top of their blinkin’ trees, then
sometimes place a pentagram on top of that Egyptian dink, and it was largely the Seventh-day Adventists who taught them to adopt and embrace this pagan shit, at least that is the experience with my Doukhobor and Adventist family and relatives.
Every three weeks I tried to defend my sanity by saying that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, once Dr. Gene Marcoux heard me say this at a psychiatric appeal panel hearing and said I was deluded because everybody does
it. The row of Catholics seated on the opposite side of the table smiled and gave Dr. Marcoux permission to continue torturing me with the brutal drugs. Dr. Marcoux once bluntly told me that my posters were crazy, and that if he ever heard of me putting
up posters again he would have me hauled back to him at the University of Saskatchewan where he would administer another round of “treatment” (brutal horrid torture that went on year after year after year). This is all after Crown Prosecutor Terry
Hinz and his friends maliciously prosecuted me, Terry Hinz was a close friend of my girlfriend’s family. She left her parent’s home and we lived in a suite together, an acquaintance of mine raped her in our home while I was out working. The rape
traumatized her, she acted very strange and did not tell me she was raped, I got a psychologist professor from the U of S to come to our suite and see her, and shortly after he visited, Dr. Roger Martin blew his brains out with a shotgun (that didn’t
help my mental state). More likely Dr. Roger Martin never blew his own brains out with a shotgun, he was telling stories to his students about how the CIA was funding torture research at the University of Saskatchewan, and likely the CIA decided to shut
him up.
Very shortly after she was raped, my girlfriend was pushed into the psychiatric facilities for “treatment.” I began to stutter for awhile and it took me years to understand what happened to her. A subsequent girlfriend who lived together with me
in Montreal informed me that she was raped before she met me and I responded by laughing uncomfortably, I did not know why. She asked me why I reacted in such a way to the news but I did not know, it would still be a few years before I understood that my
previous girlfriend was raped. Whether it was trauma from the rape and the subsequent loss of my lover that blocked my mind, or perhaps I am simply slow minded and stupid, I do not think I am deserving of years of psychiatric horror as a reward for
putting my posters up on city street poles, for criticizing the Catholic church, or for whatever reason. My girlfriend was traumatized by the rape, the parents blamed me for her downfall and were fortunate enough to have a close friend who was a Crown
The magnitude of the horror of the psychiatric drugs is so enormous that nobody on this planet is deserving of such treatment. The horror of the psychiatric drugs is so overwhelming that all I can do is spend the rest of my life trying to convince
people to stop psychiatry, but instead they laughed at me (and libeled, assaulted and robbed me) and allowed their children to be injected as well. It wasn’t so bad that I was maliciously prosecuted, it wasn’t so bad that I received years of brutal
horrid torture as a result, the issue I have is with people’s compassionlessness. Some knew of or suspected the horror of the psychiatric drugs and ignored it, others laughed. Some downplayed the horror of the psychiatric drugs saying that they know of
some child receiving psychiatric care and said the drugs were helpful, they did not stop to think that the psychiatrists treat their patients differently, and sometimes brutally in order to stop unwanted behavior (such as postering city street poles or
saying that the churches were run by racists who proclaimed that they civilized the cannibals in the South Seas and Africa while ignoring the cannibalism conducted by Freemasons and other witches here in the west).
This coming “Christmas” (not His Mass, use of God’s Name in vain) will likely be the last one you will celebrate with your children, who are now rendered infertile and are twitching and convulsing from the depopulation jabs, and who are likely
to be dead by the following pagan fertility tree holiday. Make sure this final blinkin’ tree (erected for four months from November 2021 through February 2022) is the best one ever. Put lots of sparkles and blinkin’ lights on your God-damned
decorated idol. Sometimes Jesus removes His protection from your family members and you lose one or more (Hosea 4:6), then you double down and get an even bigger tree and decorate it to a greater degree.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff February 28th 2022 7:32 pm 115,712 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“America is ruled by a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who demands that Americans take the death jab. Similarly Trudeau is an Islamist who demands that Canadians take the death jab, squeak squeak.” -Squeakity Squeak
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
In the news in May 2021, 25 year old Dilshad Ali Zada from Afghanistan has been given no jail time for enslaving and sexually trafficking women in and around Saskatoon. Personally I feel that people who enslave other people into a life of sexual
service to others should face serious penalties. Providing Dilshad Ali Zada with no jail time for her many heinous crimes is a signal to others that such activity is allowed to be conducted in the community. The law comes down hard on people who dare to
open their stores… fines against people who violate quarantine laws, if unpaid, result in the loss of businesses, employment, land, homes and life savings. I received years of brutal horrid torture as a reward for criticizing your filthy churches,
people laugh at me, slander, libel, rob and assault me when I complain, and allow Dilshad Ali Zada to sexually enslave their children with no real penalty.
I wish to clarify my position. Just because the media is united with Hollywood, schools and the churches (the Catholic Church owns it all) and teaching you people to ram your penises up each others arseholes, and just because the Indians at One Arrow
First Nation stuck a statue of their ancestor One Arrow on top of an Egyptian representation of a penis, dothn’t mean that the Indians at One Arrow First Nation are all ramming their penises up each others arseholes. And just because the Indians in
western Canada flip flop between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are trying to fuck on any particular day similarly dothn’t mean they are all goink around ramming their penises up each others arseholes either.
Nevertheless the Indians and the whites are together taught to engage in sexual activities that are leading to their utter destruction, and then on top of that their favorite activity is to idolize trees. Sometimes they stick an Egyptian obelisk (a
representation of a penis) on the very top of their blinkin’ tree.
The story went, I said that it is no surprise that the priests are ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches. I was arrested and given to a Hindu
psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but it is not me who thinks so highly of penises that I would stick one on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. Then people laughed at me, assaulted me
further and called me a pedophile. Then they allowed Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to be trained as psychiatrists at the University of Saskatchewan, then they allowed them to work (torture Canadians) without they themselves being Canadians citizens. Then
they allowed the government to pay foreigners residing in Canada $500 each week to help support themselves (they get the $2000 every four weeks if they were in Canada in 2019 and received a small allowance from their parents in China or Saudi Arabia, or
wherever). And they allowed Saskatoon City Hall to employ non-Canadians, and no mayoralty candidate complained, and even if they did, the media would remain silent, just as the media is silent on the non-Canadians receiving $2000 every four weeks, it is
more than $2000 monthly. European immigrants removed billions of dollars worth of land from Doukhobor families and now see themselves as rich enough to hand out $500 each week to non-Canadians to help them through the fear flu. Strip the Doukhobors of
any land they still manage to possess and hand it over to the Chinese, Islamist, Sikh, Hindu and Catholic invaders and call the Doukhobors racists. You are compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, your compassion is limited to your pagan
evergreen tree rituals and to Egyptian penises on your church roofs (and spread across the nation in almost every place imaginable, even on the very tops of the blinkin’ trees in the homes of Doukhobors, Mennonites, Hutterites and Adventists). You
unrepentantly continue to employ Hindu, Islamic, Sikh and Catholic (likely Chinese as well) psychiatrists to torture those who don’t appreciate your blinkin’ trees, you absolutely MUST lose your nation to alternative fertility cults as a result. Go
give a few million dollars to Omar’s sister and put her image on our paper money. In Saskatchewan the wealthy are allowed to sell you oatmeal that contains no more than “three” mouse turds per cup, but should they find “two” mouse turds in
their Class A motorhome, Saskatchewan Government Insurance will provide them with a new Class A motorhome. All I can do is laugh at you while crying out to God against you. You have me brutally tortured for years and think it funny, you can’t raise a
finger in my defense, you don’t even have a kind word for me. God is about to spread you compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers out like dung over the surface of the earth and I think it is absolutely hilarious!!! Send your kid
to school to learn to become a transsexual communist. Go ejaculate upon your blinkin’ fertility tree idol. Have me arrested and tortured again at the University of Saskatchewan for daring to quote from Aleister Crowley’s book “White Stains” (he
wrote poetry about raping and killing children and then eating their testicles and nipples), which was housed at the main University of Saskatchewan library, then libel, slander and assault me further and steal from me some more. Go to hell.
The elections for Saskatoon city council in 2020 and beyond should all prove to be exciting events, my hope is that residents will get out and vote as decisions made by City Council have always had great impact upon the citizens of the city. Whether
you are a compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree or penis whoreshipper, should I become mayor of Saskatoon I vow to allow your pagan practices to continue unabated but I will not be using the public purse to pay for them, nor will I allow the practices
to take place on city-owned properties, neither on nor in city-owned equipment. Anyway, if I were mayor of the city of Saskatoon, that’s what I’d do.
Be aware that Ducks Unlimited and the Canadian Wildlife Federation are allowing farmers to cut the grass on their reserves in as early as June, thereby killing off the nesting songbirds and depriving them of nesting cover, and depriving them of
habitat used by insects which some birds eat and use to feed their young, and deprives the seedeaters of seeds. The farmers like to get onto the wildlife lands and cut the grass in June lest another farmer come along and cuts that grass for themselves at
the beginning of July. The land around Blaine Lake is used for agriculture, the few spots that are designated for wildlife get cut and made into straw bales in June and July, it makes life particularly hard for the seedeaters like the Bobolinks who
depend upon the plants and seeds to raise their batches of young into September. Even the ducks and geese suffer as grasses from the previous year’s growth are used by the ducks and geese in the following year for concealing themselves and their nests
and for eating the seeds. And there is the issue of trees, the young trees are annually cut down at the same time the grass is cut, depriving the tree-nesting birds of the trees and depriving other animals of concealment and shelter. By cutting and
removing the grass and the trees, the land becomes unsuitable for nesting as food, shelter and concealment cover has been removed. In place of a healthy environment full of a myriad of species including moose are instead large round bales of hay,
sometimes a hawk sits upon one of the round hay bales waiting for a mouse to scurry by, which is now easy to see as the grass is cut. The more coyotes the farmers shoot, the more mice there are scurrying about. The farmers shoot the coyotes, potentially
resulting in a plague of rats and mice, then they spread poison to kill the rodents, which results in the deaths of myriads of other animals. The farmers spread pesticides and herbicides, then they shoot the coyotes and spread additional poisons to deal
with the resulting impending plagues of rats and mice, and care little when they see their neighbours cut the grass on Ducks Unlimited / Canadian Wildlife Federation reserve lands. It is of upmost importance for the farmers to maintain friendly relations
with their neighbours, they find common ground by decimating the wildlife, by abiding by the Catholic fertility rites, by proclaiming their hatred of aboriginal Indians, and by proclaiming an utter and complete hatred of people who speak in defense of
coyotes. I faced threats to my life from western Canadian farmers several years ago when I posted a few sentences on Facebook that were in defense of coyotes.
Go for coffee at a rural Saskatchewan restaurant and hear the farmers say… “The grass will simply go to waste if the farmers do not take it, and besides, our cows and horses need it, and besides the ducks have hatched and are swimming, can’t you
see the baby ducks swimming, are you stupid?!!!” Or when the farmers are questioned about stripping the grass cover on Ducks Unlimited lands, they will invert the response to “The ducks have hatched and are swimming, can’t you see the baby ducks
swimming, are you stupid?!!! The grass will simply go to waste if us farmers do not take it, and besides, the cows and horses need it.” Or, “Are you stupid?!!! The cows and horses need it, the grass will simply go to waste if they can’t have it,
can’t you see the baby ducks have hatched and are swimming?!!!” Often the issue of “Have you ever held a job?” is tossed into the argument by the farmer, adding great complexity to the permutations and combinations of their responses and
exceeding the scope of this essay. The biggest losers are the wildlife, those people who donated the land to Ducks Unlimited and the Canadian Wildlife Federation, and those people who do not care that they never saw a Bobolink.
In Canada the forests are sprayed with herbicides in order to kill off the deciduous trees, leaving the forests to be covered with coniferous (evergreen) trees, which are later harvested for money. When the forests are kept as a mixture of deciduous
and coniferous trees, as God intended, the result is a healthy ecosystem and a great variety of life. A myriad of problem result from spraying and killing off the deciduous trees, including wildfires that rage unchecked over huge mountain ranges. Without
the existence of deciduous trees in a forest, fires in the coniferous forests spread rapidly and rage unchecked. The general pubic has no idea that the forests are being sprayed in order to kill off the deciduous trees, and when the resulting forest
fires destroy lives and communities these ignorant dupes cry out that the climate is warming and ignorantly back legislation that removes our industries, our wealth and our freedoms. The general pubic cares little about deciduous trees, they instead want
coniferous trees to decorate and make them blink on and off, on and off, on and off, just like Hitler’s and Obama’s and the Queen’s and the pope’s blinkin’ trees. Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Australians and Papuans are all willing to
ignore an invasion of Chinese and Islamists, thinking that by annually turning trees into decorated idols and singing Jingle Bells, that national security, heaven and salvation are all assured.
Both the Sunday and Sabbath keepers are turning trees into decorated idols and are getting their trees to blink. In ancient times the priests of fish-god Dagon dressed up in full length fish outfits, turned trees into decorated idols and left presents
for the tree at the base of the tree. Over time the full-length fish outfits that Dagon’s clergy wore evolved so that just the fish-head hat remains, but still to this day these fished-headed priests of Dagon turn trees into decorated idols. And now
with advanced technology they get their trees to blink!!! Several centuries ago Dagon’s priests stole an obelisk (a representation of a penis) from Egypt and erected it in the center of Vatican Square, and each winter place a tree turned into a
decorated idol next to the stolen Egyptian dink. Both the Egyptian penis and the decorated evergreen tree are symbols of fertility, they place their symbols of fertility side by side. Then they make miniature representations of the stolen Egyptian penis
and place them on the roofs of their filthy churches. Some Sunday (Catholic) and Sabbath (Adventist) keepers place a miniature Egyptian penis on the very top of their blinkin’ tree, sometimes they place a little star on the top of the obelisk (the
pagan penis). The only real difference between the Catholics and the Adventists is that sometimes the Adventists turn their trees into decorated idols with cheap ribbons instead of with the expensive ornaments and blinkin’ lights. The Adventists pride
themselves in keeping God’s Fourth Commandment but different aspects of their pagan winter mass together violate God’s First Three Commandments. The Americans saw the homosexual Indonesian Islamist posing with the blinkin’ trees and thought he
shared their values, so they elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist to the presidency of the Unites States of America. The Bible is packed full of examples… when people adopt pagan fertility rites then they lose their nations to
members of alternative fertility cults. Everybody gets their trees blink on and off, on and off, on and off, it is really quite a show. Many of you arseholes tithe to cannibals that teach you to turn your homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility, you
have zero compassion for the victims of psychiatric horror, you are smug about your future and giggle with glee.
The Bible is packed full of examples of people failing to honor God and then losing their lives and their entire nations to members of alternative fertility cults. In place of teaching Biblical truths, your priests and ministers teach you to adopt
pagan fertility rites, to ram your penises up each other’s arseholes, and to whoreship a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke the utter crap that pours out of your God-damned mouths. Canadians and Americans are soldiers of the gods of
fertility, they have great compassion for their pagan fertility rites while being utterly compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror. Starting in 1988 people gleefully employed Hindus to torture me when I criticized their pagan fertility rites,
now all I can do is cry out to God against you and against your family members. Santa Claus and Disneyland, the Easter Bunny too, and lavishly decorated trees that blink, nothing but the best for your kids.
I received years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture and managed to physically survive. It wasn’t the horror of what the drugs did to me that affected me so much, it was the people who either ignored or who laughed at me when I complained and
requested assistance to flee the country, it was the people who libeled me, slandered me, brutally assaulted and robbed me. Now it is my turn to laugh at you Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers, go ahead, take the injection (it is not a
That serum is not a vaccination as it does not vaccinate, people still catch the Chinese (Wuhan) Bat Flu after receiving multiple injections, if there is a flu (probably microwaves reducing people’s respiratory and immune systems). Even after
receiving the injections you still are ordered to wear a mask, you are confined and isolated, your economic engine is removed from you, you are not even allowed to go horse racing or play golf. None of the children are seriously affected by the China Bat
Flu yet you cancel their schools and inject them with an abomination that causes desolation, many children have died and are maimed by the injections. Parents have been delivering their children up to brutal psychiatrists and their brutal psychiatric
drugs for decades, and now they have their children maimed and killed by a new series of injections. Then you fund Islam with your Covid relief packages and even turn military bases into camps for Islamists, and you allow an uninterrupted flow of Chinese
to fly in directly from Wuhan while they continue to work on attempting to weaponize the bat viruses. People are being injected with serums made from numerous monkeys and are willing to risk getting sexually transmitted monkey diseases, infertility,
blood clots and death in order to combat a bat virus that sometimes results in flu-like symptoms.
As Sanity For Sweden states, the injection is no more effective in combating the virus than wearing yellow pants. Go ahead and hand your nations over to the Islamists and to the Chinese while singing Jingle Bells and bowing to blinkin’ trees. Many
of you will faint in the face of adversity while I am simply going to laugh at your calamity. I already had my brutal shots, now it is your turn. It was so very hilarious to you people when I complained of being tortured by Hindu psychiatrists, you
ignored mine and other people’s complaints about being tortured in psychiatric facilities, and you continued to annually spend billions of dollars turning trees into blinkin’ idols. Simply put, you God-damned pieces of shit, I am begging God to
terminate your lives and the lives of your children.
Check out “The Final Refutation of Virology” By Dr. Stefan Lanka, narrated in English by Heather Bruno (I saw the video on Bitchute.com), there is no scientific evidence that Kung Flu is caused by a virus, and furthermore virology is not a
scientific discipline. See also “Understanding How Covid-19 Was Made Up” by Dr. Sam. Bailey. People are falling for a myriad of hoaxes, it started with the hoax of abiding by pagan fertility rites and tithing to churches that teach the pagan rituals,
and it ends with the Chinese providing chemical laden nasal swabs to Canadians and Americans that results in infertility, cancer and death.
The Catholic Church teaches you to abide by pagan fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments, this church owns and uses the media and other institutions to help teach you and your family members to abide by pagan crap. This same church uses
their media to cover up the ongoing sexual misconduct of their priests. This same church censors the existence of cannibals in western societies, censors Scriptural passages referring to cannibalism, and is actively engaged in importing the third world
into our communities to impoverish the masses. It is essential for this church to impoverish the masses as this way people become homeless and then can be devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14). The so-called Church of England is a branch of the
Catholic Church, as it and other Protestant churches (such as the Southern Missionary Baptists and other Baptist churches) systematically teaches people to abide by Catholic fertility rites. It is essential for the Catholic Church to teach you to turn
trees into decorated idols and abide by this pagan winter festival as different aspects of this winter festival are in opposition to God’s first Three Commandments, which they hate. And it is essential for this church to help kill off the white people,
as whites are the main group of people that abide by the Commandments of God and hold the faith of Jesus (Revelation 12:17). It is shameful for Christians in western countries to allow their fellow Christians to be tortured in psychiatric facilities.
Every three weeks I defended my sanity at psychiatric appeal panel hearings by stating that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, and that people are inadvertently bowing to trees when they place and retrieve presents from the
base of the tree. Catholics sat at these appeal panel hearings and repeatedly allowed predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me. Instead of aiding my escape, the Christians in Saskatoon spent billions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols,
and imported the third world. Importing the third world into Canada had a negative impact upon my life. The white Europeans think it funny that I get tortured for years by predominantly Hindu psychiatrists, I in turn think it hilarious when God
terminates your children’s lives. Filthy compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers. I get horrid injections forced upon me for years that amounted to brutal horrid torture and all people could do is laugh, decorate trees and sing
Jingle Bells. Good for you. Now God permits you and your Jingle Bell children to get a dose that will cause infertility, deaths and utter desolation. You ignore the plight of the victims of psychiatric horror… what comes around goes around.
Give testimony to your friends, relatives and fellow church members that the decorated evergreen tree is a pagan idol, then be mocked. If the mocking doesn’t shut you up, then expect to be slandered, libeled and be expelled (shunned) from the church
or family unit. If you are still squeaking, there is always the possibility that you will be assaulted, arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities, or simply murdered. So double down, get a bigger tree and decorate it to a greater degree.
Westerners are drunk and dazed, their borders are wide open, they should be building walls, multiplying like locusts and building their economies (Nahum 3:11-16). Western women will either help staffing borders, building walls and multiplying like
locusts or will end up as sex slaves in Islamic countries. Western women should consider taking the initiative to support western civilization by providing children in accordance to Isaiah 4:1 and form families of eight. Unite into family units of eight
individuals, seven women together with one man, work closely together to build yourselves a home in the country. It is shameful that the western women adopted the propaganda to end western families, now they can redeem themselves and provide our race
with children and a hope for the future. Those white women who remain fertile by not taking the jab, those white women who never removed their reproductive organs, those white women who are not busy raising black and Asian children, those white women who
are not brainwashed into hating men, those white women who were never raped and traumatized and who can still form meaningful relationships are required to save the white race from extinction. Women are married to their blinkin’ evergreen trees and
other fertility traditions pushed by the Catholic Church. Like the white men, the white women enthusiastically embrace Catholic fertility rites and then claim that the Jews control the world. The hugely obese white women regularly flew to third world
countries and had sex with the black men at the beach resorts over there, the fat asses paid the same amount for their airfares as the women who weighed one-sixth of their weight. The hugely obese women were seen as symbols of fertility in Africa, so the
huge white women went there for sex and to be idolized. White parents care little that their ignorant daughters quested after negro men due to them having large penises, what was important to those parents is that their daughters and their well-endowed
black boyfriends joined with them in turning trees into decorated idols and singing Jingle Bells, for it was tradition. The tradition of marrying into your own race was claimed to be racism while the tradition of turning trees into decorated idols was
claimed to be an essential part of family life. Even Cree women succumbed to the cancel-culture propaganda and bore black children, one would think that Cree women should instead show solidarity with their own people and help their Cree nation thrive.
Most everybody taught their daughters to embrace their pagan fertility idols and many of these daughters ended up fornicating with blacks due to the blacks having large penises, Cadillac cars, diamonds and gold chains. The Cree were united in their
adoption of Catholic fertility tree idols that had Egyptian obelisks (penises) mounted on the very top of the blinkin’ trees. The Cree were divided due to corruption on the reserves where quarter sections of land were handed out to the children of the
corrupt leaders, a class division was established on the reserves where the Cree who benefitted from the corruption married into other Cree families who similarly benefitted from the corruption. Just like the white women, the Cree women sought out
marriage partners who had wealth, and that included violent black pimps who flashed their wealth. In a little over a hundred years white women went from driving birds into extinction and to near extinction by adorning their hats with fine feathers, to
driving the white race into extinction by fornicating with black men with their big penises, by sending money to Islamic nations, and by refusing to help form white families and raising white children. The white women did have sex but it was with other
women and with men who were not white. The Cree were decimated by disease and then in 2021 the assorted governments encouraged their band members to take injections that caused infertility and death. The white people and the Cree people were united in
pagan fertility whoreship, as are the Hindus, Islamists, Sikhs, Shintoists and Islamists, all groups are engaged in phallic whoreship. Many of the white women and Cree women found the time to unite and march together in support of the black Islamic and
Marxist invaders, they marched together and protested together and together they ignored the Catholic, Hindu, Sikh and Islamist doctors that were torturing people to death in psychiatric facilities. The blacks were burning cities in the USA and chanting
to kill the whites, so the women and the Cree in Canada marched in solidarity with these blacks and asked to defund the police.
Canadians were told to be proud of their multiculturalism and welcomed people of all colours to our nation, now in a space of a year we are told that we are all racists and these people we welcomed now want to kill us. The judges are giving a slap on
the wrist of those of colour who commit crimes, many times they don’t even have to spend any time in prisons because the reason provided by the judges is that there are already a disproportionate number of their kind in the prisons. Blacks are openly
calling for the deaths of white people while the judges are not punishing people for their crimes. For years white kids experienced huge hurdles trying to get into trade schools or into University degree programs that could result in financial gain, the
seats were provided to the immigrants instead, and now these unskilled and poorly skilled white kids learn that they are racists.
The white Canadian children are strongly encouraged to get “vaccinated” even now that many people are aware that the so called “vaccinations” are causing more deaths and disease than the supposed virus, which hasn’t even been proven to exist.
Canadians see themselves as “saved” because they embrace Catholic fertility rites (blinkin’ evergreen tree idols) and are so nice that they happily give their nation away to foreigners, and now in 2021 give their health and fertility away to a jab.
The entire world embraced pagan fertility rites and then the ruler of the world gave them a jab and removed their fertility. The people who fell for the deception of the blinkin’ fertility tree idols are the same group that lost their health and lives
and gave away their children’s fertility to the jab. The extremely overweight white women may be rendered infertile by the jab but will still be viewed as symbols of fertility when they fly to Africa and the Caribbean to have sex with the black men
there. I don’t think Stalin would have wanted to fornicate with the bulbous American and Canadian women. In his youth Hitler was an artist, he may have been traumatized by being forced in art school to draw obese women, then redirected this trauma and
his anger at the Jews. They don’t teach this stuff in school.
Rebel News reports in May 2021 that the Canadian government allows Chinese communist soldiers to train in military jets inside Canada.
Sanity for Sweden reports on June 14th 2021 that a 19-year-old German woman went to Italy and was enslaved by Pakistani men, they kept her prisoner and raped her continuously for two years. Traditionally it is the Turks that make raids into Europe and
enslave the white women, now Europe makes it easy for all kinds of Islamists to enslave women. The police in each European nation don’t go into Islamic no-go zones to find and release the captive women, and even if they did the judges will let the
criminals go free.
Probababbly Isaiah 4:1 is not intended to encourage groups of eight individuals to join together as families, it is more likely the passage refers to a single individual male who ends up with a gaggle of seven wives who concern themselves day and
night about their food and clothes. While eating breakfast the women are already planning dinner and supper and are endlessly wondering what they will be wearing for each and every meal. Yet a lawfully wedded family consisting of seven women and one man
should result in increased safety for the group as a whole, and of course the family would benefit economically by pooling resources, and the children would benefit by having more parents to watch over and guide them. And if it were the white women who
were uniting and forming families with a single white male, then perhaps the white race would have a chance of surviving as a race.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff
April 1st 2022 6:25 pm 119,241 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“America is ruled by a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who demands that Americans take the death jab. Similarly Trudeau is an Islamist who demands that Canadians take the death jab, squeak squeak.” -Squeakity Squeak
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Be aware that Ducks Unlimited and the Canadian Wildlife Federation are allowing farmers to cut the grass on their reserves in as early as June, thereby killing off the nesting songbirds and depriving them of nesting cover, and depriving them of
habitat used by insects which some birds eat and use to feed their young, and deprives the seedeaters of seeds. The farmers like to get onto the wildlife lands and cut the grass in June lest another farmer come along and cuts that grass for themselves at
the beginning of July. The land around Blaine Lake is used for agriculture, the few spots that are designated for wildlife get cut and made into straw bales in June and July, it makes life particularly hard for the seedeaters like the Bobolinks who
depend upon the plants and seeds to raise their batches of young into September. Even the ducks and geese suffer as grasses from the previous year’s growth are used by the ducks and geese in the following year for concealing themselves and their nests
and for eating the seeds. And there is the issue of trees, the young trees are annually cut down at the same time the grass is cut, depriving the tree-nesting birds of the trees and depriving other animals of concealment and shelter. By cutting and
removing the grass and the trees, the land becomes unsuitable for nesting as food, shelter and concealment cover has been removed. In place of a healthy environment full of a myriad of species including moose are instead large round bales of hay,
sometimes a hawk sits upon one of the round hay bales waiting for a mouse to scurry by, which is now easy to see as the grass is cut. The more coyotes the farmers shoot, the more mice there are scurrying about. The farmers shoot the coyotes, potentially
resulting in a plague of rats and mice, then they spread poison to kill the rodents, which results in the deaths of myriads of other animals. The farmers spread pesticides and herbicides, then they shoot the coyotes and spread additional poisons to deal
with the resulting impending plagues of rats and mice, and care little when they see their neighbours cut the grass on Ducks Unlimited / Canadian Wildlife Federation reserve lands. It is of upmost importance for the farmers to maintain friendly relations
with their neighbours, they find common ground by decimating the wildlife, by abiding by the Catholic fertility rites, by proclaiming their hatred of aboriginal Indians, and by proclaiming an utter and complete hatred of people who speak in defense of
coyotes. I faced threats to my life from western Canadian farmers several years ago when I posted a few sentences on Facebook that were in defense of coyotes.
Go for coffee at a rural Saskatchewan restaurant and hear the farmers say… “The grass will simply go to waste if the farmers do not take it, and besides, our cows and horses need it, and besides the ducks have hatched and are swimming, can’t you
see the baby ducks swimming, are you stupid?!!!” Or when the farmers are questioned about stripping the grass cover on Ducks Unlimited lands, they will invert the response to “The ducks have hatched and are swimming, can’t you see the baby ducks
swimming, are you stupid?!!! The grass will simply go to waste if us farmers do not take it, and besides, the cows and horses need it.” Or, “Are you stupid?!!! The cows and horses need it, the grass will simply go to waste if they can’t have it,
can’t you see the baby ducks have hatched and are swimming?!!!” Often the issue of “Have you ever held a job?” is tossed into the argument by the farmer, adding great complexity to the permutations and combinations of their responses and
exceeding the scope of this essay. The biggest losers are the wildlife, those people who donated the land to Ducks Unlimited and the Canadian Wildlife Federation, and those people who do not care that they never saw a Bobolink.
In Canada the forests are sprayed with herbicides in order to kill off the deciduous trees, leaving the forests to be covered with coniferous (evergreen) trees, which are later harvested for money. When the forests are kept as a mixture of deciduous
and coniferous trees, as God intended, the result is a healthy ecosystem and a great variety of life. A myriad of problem result from spraying and killing off the deciduous trees, including wildfires that rage unchecked over huge mountain ranges. Without
the existence of deciduous trees in a forest, fires in the coniferous forests spread rapidly and rage unchecked. The general pubic has no idea that the forests are being sprayed in order to kill off the deciduous trees, and when the resulting forest
fires destroy lives and communities these ignorant dupes cry out that the climate is warming and ignorantly back legislation that removes our industries, our wealth and our freedoms. The general pubic cares little about deciduous trees, they instead want
coniferous trees to decorate and make them blink on and off, on and off, on and off, just like Hitler’s and Obama’s and the Queen’s and the pope’s blinkin’ trees. Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Australians and Papuans are all willing to
ignore an invasion of Chinese and Islamists, thinking that by annually turning trees into decorated idols and singing Jingle Bells, that national security, heaven and salvation are all assured.
Both the Sunday and Sabbath keepers are turning trees into decorated idols and are getting their trees to blink. In ancient times the priests of fish-god Dagon dressed up in full length fish outfits, turned trees into decorated idols and left presents
for the tree at the base of the tree. Over time the full-length fish outfits that Dagon’s clergy wore evolved so that just the fish-head hat remains, but still to this day these fished-headed priests of Dagon turn trees into decorated idols. And now
with advanced technology they get their trees to blink!!! Several centuries ago Dagon’s priests stole an obelisk (a representation of a penis) from Egypt and erected it in the center of Vatican Square, and each winter place a tree turned into a
decorated idol next to the stolen Egyptian dink. Both the Egyptian penis and the decorated evergreen tree are symbols of fertility, they place their symbols of fertility side by side. Then they make miniature representations of the stolen Egyptian penis
and place them on the roofs of their filthy churches. Some Sunday (Catholic) and Sabbath (Adventist) keepers place a miniature Egyptian penis on the very top of their blinkin’ tree, sometimes they place a little star on the top of the obelisk (the
pagan penis). The only real difference between the Catholics and the Adventists is that sometimes the Adventists turn their trees into decorated idols with cheap ribbons instead of with the expensive ornaments and blinkin’ lights. The Adventists pride
themselves in keeping God’s Fourth Commandment but different aspects of their pagan winter mass together violate God’s First Three Commandments. The Americans saw the homosexual Indonesian Islamist posing with the blinkin’ trees and thought he
shared their values, so they elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist to the presidency of the Unites States of America. The Bible is packed full of examples… when people adopt pagan fertility rites then they lose their nations to
members of alternative fertility cults. Everybody gets their trees blink on and off, on and off, on and off, it is really quite a show. Many of you arseholes tithe to cannibals that teach you to turn your homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility, you
have zero compassion for the victims of psychiatric horror, you are smug about your future and giggle with glee.
The Bible is packed full of examples of people failing to honor God and then losing their lives and their entire nations to members of alternative fertility cults. In place of teaching Biblical truths, your priests and ministers teach you to adopt
pagan fertility rites, to ram your penises up each other’s arseholes, and to whoreship a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke the utter crap that pours out of your God-damned mouths. Canadians and Americans are soldiers of the gods of
fertility, they have great compassion for their pagan fertility rites while being utterly compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror. Starting in 1988 people gleefully employed Hindus to torture me when I criticized their pagan fertility rites,
now all I can do is cry out to God against you and against your family members. Santa Claus and Disneyland, the Easter Bunny too, and lavishly decorated trees that blink, nothing but the best for your kids.
I received years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture and managed to physically survive. It wasn’t the horror of what the drugs did to me that affected me so much, it was the people who either ignored or who laughed at me when I complained and
requested assistance to flee the country, it was the people who libeled me, slandered me, brutally assaulted and robbed me. Now it is my turn to laugh at you Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers, go ahead, take the injection (it is not a
That serum is not a vaccination as it does not vaccinate, people still catch the Chinese (Wuhan) Bat Flu after receiving multiple injections, if there is a flu (probably microwaves reducing people’s respiratory and immune systems). Even after
receiving the injections you still are ordered to wear a mask, you are confined and isolated, your economic engine is removed from you, you are not even allowed to go horse racing or play golf. None of the children are seriously affected by the China Bat
Flu yet you cancel their schools and inject them with an abomination that causes desolation, many children have died and are maimed by the injections. Parents have been delivering their children up to brutal psychiatrists and their brutal psychiatric
drugs for decades, and now they have their children maimed and killed by a new series of injections. Then you fund Islam with your Covid relief packages and even turn military bases into camps for Islamists, and you allow an uninterrupted flow of Chinese
to fly in directly from Wuhan while they continue to work on attempting to weaponize the bat viruses. People are being injected with serums made from numerous monkeys and are willing to risk getting sexually transmitted monkey diseases, infertility,
blood clots and death in order to combat a bat virus that sometimes results in flu-like symptoms.
As Sanity For Sweden states, the injection is no more effective in combating the virus than wearing yellow pants. Go ahead and hand your nations over to the Islamists and to the Chinese while singing Jingle Bells and bowing to blinkin’ trees. Many
of you will faint in the face of adversity while I am simply going to laugh at your calamity. I already had my brutal shots, now it is your turn. It was so very hilarious to you people when I complained of being tortured by Hindu psychiatrists, you
ignored mine and other people’s complaints about being tortured in psychiatric facilities, and you continued to annually spend billions of dollars turning trees into blinkin’ idols. Simply put, you God-damned pieces of shit, I am begging God to
terminate your lives and the lives of your children.
Check out “The Final Refutation of Virology” By Dr. Stefan Lanka, narrated in English by Heather Bruno (I saw the video on Bitchute.com), there is no scientific evidence that Kung Flu is caused by a virus, and furthermore virology is not a
scientific discipline. See also “Understanding How Covid-19 Was Made Up” by Dr. Sam. Bailey. People are falling for a myriad of hoaxes, it started with the hoax of abiding by pagan fertility rites and tithing to churches that teach the pagan rituals,
and it ends with the Chinese providing chemical laden nasal swabs to Canadians and Americans that results in infertility, cancer and death.
The Catholic Church teaches you to abide by pagan fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments, this church owns and uses the media and other institutions to help teach you and your family members to abide by pagan crap. This same church uses
their media to cover up the ongoing sexual misconduct of their priests. This same church censors the existence of cannibals in western societies, censors Scriptural passages referring to cannibalism, and is actively engaged in importing the third world
into our communities to impoverish the masses. It is essential for this church to impoverish the masses as this way people become homeless and then can be devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14). The so-called Church of England is a branch of the
Catholic Church, as it and other Protestant churches (such as the Southern Missionary Baptists and other Baptist churches) systematically teaches people to abide by Catholic fertility rites. It is essential for the Catholic Church to teach you to turn
trees into decorated idols and abide by this pagan winter festival as different aspects of this winter festival are in opposition to God’s first Three Commandments, which they hate. And it is essential for this church to help kill off the white people,
as whites are the main group of people that abide by the Commandments of God and hold the faith of Jesus (Revelation 12:17). It is shameful for Christians in western countries to allow their fellow Christians to be tortured in psychiatric facilities.
Every three weeks I defended my sanity at psychiatric appeal panel hearings by stating that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, and that people are inadvertently bowing to trees when they place and retrieve presents from the
base of the tree. Catholics sat at these appeal panel hearings and repeatedly allowed predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me. Instead of aiding my escape, the Christians in Saskatoon spent billions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols,
and imported the third world. Importing the third world into Canada had a negative impact upon my life. The white Europeans think it funny that I get tortured for years by predominantly Hindu psychiatrists, I in turn think it hilarious when God
terminates your children’s lives. Filthy compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers. I get horrid injections forced upon me for years that amounted to brutal horrid torture and all people could do is laugh, decorate trees and sing
Jingle Bells. Good for you. Now God permits you and your Jingle Bell children to get a dose that will cause infertility, deaths and utter desolation. You ignore the plight of the victims of psychiatric horror… what comes around goes around.
Give testimony to your friends, relatives and fellow church members that the decorated evergreen tree is a pagan idol, then be mocked. If the mocking doesn’t shut you up, then expect to be slandered, libeled and be expelled (shunned) from the church
or family unit. If you are still squeaking, there is always the possibility that you will be assaulted, arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities, or simply murdered. So double down, get a bigger tree and decorate it to a greater degree.
Westerners are drunk and dazed, their borders are wide open, they should be building walls, multiplying like locusts and building their economies (Nahum 3:11-16). Western women will either help staffing borders, building walls and multiplying like
locusts or will end up as sex slaves in Islamic countries. Western women should consider taking the initiative to support western civilization by providing children in accordance to Isaiah 4:1 and form families of eight. Unite into family units of eight
individuals, seven women together with one man, work closely together to build yourselves a home in the country. It is shameful that the western women adopted the propaganda to end western families, now they can redeem themselves and provide our race
with children and a hope for the future. Those white women who remain fertile by not taking the jab, those white women who never removed their reproductive organs, those white women who are not busy raising black and Asian children, those white women who
are not brainwashed into hating men, those white women who were never raped and traumatized and who can still form meaningful relationships are required to save the white race from extinction. Women are married to their blinkin’ evergreen trees and
other fertility traditions pushed by the Catholic Church. Like the white men, the white women enthusiastically embrace Catholic fertility rites and then claim that the Jews control the world. The hugely obese white women regularly flew to third world
countries and had sex with the black men at the beach resorts over there, the fat asses paid the same amount for their airfares as the women who weighed one-sixth of their weight. The hugely obese women were seen as symbols of fertility in Africa, so the
huge white women went there for sex and to be idolized. White parents care little that their ignorant daughters quested after negro men due to them having large penises, what was important to those parents is that their daughters and their well-endowed
black boyfriends joined with them in turning trees into decorated idols and singing Jingle Bells, for it was tradition. The tradition of marrying into your own race was claimed to be racism while the tradition of turning trees into decorated idols was
claimed to be an essential part of family life. Even Cree women succumbed to the cancel-culture propaganda and bore black children, one would think that Cree women should instead show solidarity with their own people and help their Cree nation thrive.
Most everybody taught their daughters to embrace their pagan fertility idols and many of these daughters ended up fornicating with blacks due to the blacks having large penises, Cadillac cars, diamonds and gold chains. The Cree were united in their
adoption of Catholic fertility tree idols that had Egyptian obelisks (penises) mounted on the very top of the blinkin’ trees. The Cree were divided due to corruption on the reserves where quarter sections of land were handed out to the children of the
corrupt leaders, a class division was established on the reserves where the Cree who benefitted from the corruption married into other Cree families who similarly benefitted from the corruption. Just like the white women, the Cree women sought out
marriage partners who had wealth, and that included violent black pimps who flashed their wealth. In a little over a hundred years white women went from driving birds into extinction and to near extinction by adorning their hats with fine feathers, to
driving the white race into extinction by fornicating with black men with their big penises, by sending money to Islamic nations, and by refusing to help form white families and raising white children. The white women did have sex but it was with other
women and with men who were not white. The Cree were decimated by disease and then in 2021 the assorted governments encouraged their band members to take injections that caused infertility and death. The white people and the Cree people were united in
pagan fertility whoreship, as are the Hindus, Islamists, Sikhs, Shintoists and Islamists, all groups are engaged in phallic whoreship. Many of the white women and Cree women found the time to unite and march together in support of the black Islamic and
Marxist invaders, they marched together and protested together and together they ignored the Catholic, Hindu, Sikh and Islamist doctors that were torturing people to death in psychiatric facilities. The blacks were burning cities in the USA and chanting
to kill the whites, so the women and the Cree in Canada marched in solidarity with these blacks and asked to defund the police.
Canadians were told to be proud of their multiculturalism and welcomed people of all colours to our nation, now in a space of a year we are told that we are all racists and these people we welcomed now want to kill us. The judges are giving a slap on
the wrist of those of colour who commit crimes, many times they don’t even have to spend any time in prisons because the reason provided by the judges is that there are already a disproportionate number of their kind in the prisons. Blacks are openly
calling for the deaths of white people while the judges are not punishing people for their crimes. For years white kids experienced huge hurdles trying to get into trade schools or into University degree programs that could result in financial gain, the
seats were provided to the immigrants instead, and now these unskilled and poorly skilled white kids learn that they are racists.
The white Canadian children are strongly encouraged to get “vaccinated” even now that many people are aware that the so called “vaccinations” are causing more deaths and disease than the supposed virus, which hasn’t even been proven to exist.
Canadians see themselves as “saved” because they embrace Catholic fertility rites (blinkin’ evergreen tree idols) and are so nice that they happily give their nation away to foreigners, and now in 2021 give their health and fertility away to a jab.
The entire world embraced pagan fertility rites and then the ruler of the world gave them a jab and removed their fertility. The people who fell for the deception of the blinkin’ fertility tree idols are the same group that lost their health and lives
and gave away their children’s fertility to the jab. The extremely overweight white women may be rendered infertile by the jab but will still be viewed as symbols of fertility when they fly to Africa and the Caribbean to have sex with the black men
Rebel News reports in May 2021 that the Canadian government allows Chinese communist soldiers to train in military jets inside Canada.
Sanity for Sweden reports on June 14th 2021 that a 19-year-old German woman went to Italy and was enslaved by Pakistani men, they kept her prisoner and raped her continuously for two years. Traditionally it is the Turks that make raids into Europe and
enslave the white women, now Europe makes it easy for all kinds of Islamists to enslave women. The police in each European nation don’t go into Islamic no-go zones to find and release the captive women, and even if they did the judges will let the
criminals go free.
Probababbly Isaiah 4:1 is not intended to encourage groups of eight individuals to join together as families, it is more likely the passage refers to a single individual male who ends up with a gaggle of seven wives who concern themselves day and
night about their food and clothes. While eating breakfast the women are already planning dinner and supper and are endlessly wondering what they will be wearing for each and every meal. Yet a lawfully wedded family consisting of seven women and one man
should result in increased safety for the group as a whole, and of course the family would benefit economically by pooling resources, and the children would benefit by having more parents to watch over and guide them. And if it were the white women who
were uniting and forming families with a single white male, then perhaps the white race would have a chance of surviving as a race.
In the news in June 2021 Doug Cuthand continues to point out the raw deal native people received from some of the white settlers. Presently though and unheard in the media is that the native women are getting a raw deal from the males at the reserves,
the women have been stripped of their voices and power and are governed by all-knowing males. Some reserve land is being given away to a privileged elite resulting in a two class system being established on reserves, many people in reserves confine
themselves to their homes at night to avoid the native violence in the reserves… often Indians do brutal crimes to one another without penalty. Natives kill other natives, Sikhs kill other Sikhs, blacks kill other blacks (blacks also kill Asians and
whites). White people and police officers are generally not to blame for any of the violence in Canada and in the USA today, is how I see it. The Indians who grabbed reserve farming lands for themselves flaunt their wealth and drive around in new trucks,
but to Doug Cuthand the issue is a climate crisis and a white people crisis. Drug addicted and drug dealing Indians terrorize the reserves and Cuthand wants “harm reduction sites” in the province, the “harm reduction site” some Indians require
are actual prisons so they stop terrorizing their own people on the reserves and in the cities. People think that they are justified in committing brutal crimes because they are poor, or because they crave money, drugs or sex. These violent people should
go into prisons that are constructed in such a way so that they are not able to commit additional violent crimes while they are incarcerated there. They shoot, stab and kill, they act like soldiers, so train them in the art of warfare and then parachute
them into Bosnia or northern Nigeria or West Papua to fight against the Islamists there.
On one hand Doug Cuthand is condescending towards white people, but then on the other hand shows deference submission and respect to British Royalty, who are witches that are engaged in eating people. Prince Charles is by far the second wealthiest
person on the planet while his mother is far wealthier yet, and Prince Charles is about to inherit his mother’s wealth. If Biden and Trudeau are unable to shut down the oil and other industries in North America, my best guess is that Charles will help
bring about our sunny days solar-panel future. The workers in the Canadian oil industry will be calling in sick due to getting the jab, the oil refineries will shut down on their own due to lack of staff. So they will start training more people to build
and run oil refineries, maybe 20% of the seats in these schools will be reserved for recent immigrants (mostly Islamists), 20% of the seats will be reserved for women (many are recent immigrants and are Islamists), 20% of the seats will be reserved for
the handicapped (many are recent immigrants and are Islamists), 20% of the seats will be reserved for native Indians (many are converting to Islam in the prisons), and 20% will of course be black (Islamists) because black lives matter. For years white
people have been thwarted from gaining a seat in a trade school due to seats being reserved for these other people, people from other nations, Islamists who are instructed in the Koran to invade, murder and wage war.
Trudeau and Charles are both Islamists and are united in their desire to flood Canada with Islamists. Charles continually funds Islamic projects, Charles has the money to pay for the welfare for all the Islamists here collecting welfare. Presently
Saskatchewan taxpayers pay for a house for each Islamic wife, there are four Islamic wives to buy houses for, Charles has the money to buy these four houses, one for each Islamic wife. Not all, but many white people were prevented from gaining training
and employment and they do not have the money now to help buy these houses for each Islamic bride.
The white women should consider uniting in groups of seven and then together marry a single man (Isaiah 4:1). The seven women in Isaiah 4:1 have a say in their food and attire, and so a family unit as such can render the women with power as opposed to
being like the Islamic women (four wives) who are forced to cover their heads, confine themselves to their homes, and eat rotting food and bugs.
In accordance to Isaiah 4:1, your family which initially begins with eight individuals, will multiply in numbers. Buy a quarter section of land and go live in the country with your seven brides. I suggest the seven women unite and buy the quarter
section of farm land, perhaps obtaining a mortgage from a credit union or a bank in order to secure the property without the forthcoming male being present or yet chosen. I also wish the Kookums (the native grandmothers) would encourage their daughters
to join together in groups of seven with a suitable native spouse. Sadly many of the young fertile native and white women are no longer fertile due to taking the jab, and many are fornicating with members or marrying members of other races.
Charles will soon own a great deal of Canadian land and is free to use his vast wealth to build more mosques and provide more homes for his favoured immigrants. There are thousands upon thousands of Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists torturing
white British people to death in psychiatric facilities in Britain. And there are many more of these Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists practicing their arts in Australia, Canada and the United States of America. Doug Cuthand and Charles are united in
agreement that they are the protectors of the forests and the lands and the mountains and the seas. Some Indians on the prairies inherited land and wealth from their corrupt parents and grandparents, other Indians have no voice and no money and no land.
[continued in next message]
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All on Tue May 3 08:30:27 2022
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff
May 2nd 2022 2:31 pm 121,299 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“America is ruled by a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who demands that Americans take the death jab. Similarly Trudeau is an Islamist who demands that Canadians take the death jab, squeak squeak.” -Squeaky Squeaky
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Both the Sunday and Sabbath keepers are turning trees into decorated idols and are getting their trees to blink. In ancient times the priests of fish-god Dagon dressed up in full length fish outfits, turned trees into decorated idols and left presents
for the tree at the base of the tree. Over time the full-length fish outfits that Dagon’s clergy wore evolved so that just the fish-head hat remains, but still to this day these fished-headed priests of Dagon turn trees into decorated idols. And now
with advanced technology they get their trees to blink!!! Several centuries ago Dagon’s priests stole an obelisk (a representation of a penis) from Egypt and erected it in the center of Vatican Square, and each winter place a tree turned into a
decorated idol next to the stolen Egyptian dink. Both the Egyptian penis and the decorated evergreen tree are symbols of fertility, they place their symbols of fertility side by side. Then they make miniature representations of the stolen Egyptian penis
and place them on the roofs of their filthy churches. Some Sunday (Catholic) and Sabbath (Adventist) keepers place a miniature Egyptian penis on the very top of their blinkin’ tree, sometimes they place a little star on the top of the obelisk (the
pagan penis). The only real difference between the Catholics and the Adventists is that sometimes the Adventists turn their trees into decorated idols with cheap ribbons instead of with the expensive ornaments and blinkin’ lights. The Adventists pride
themselves in keeping God’s Fourth Commandment but different aspects of their pagan winter mass together violate God’s First Three Commandments. The Americans saw the homosexual Indonesian Islamist posing with the blinkin’ trees and thought he
shared their values, so they elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist to the presidency of the Unites States of America. The Bible is packed full of examples… when people adopt pagan fertility rites then they lose their nations to
members of alternative fertility cults. Everybody gets their trees blink on and off, on and off, on and off, it is really quite a show. Many of you arseholes tithe to cannibals that teach you to turn your homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility, you
have zero compassion for the victims of psychiatric horror, you are smug about your future and giggle with glee.
The Bible is packed full of examples of people failing to honor God and then losing their lives and their entire nations to members of alternative fertility cults. In place of teaching Biblical truths, your priests and ministers teach you to adopt
pagan fertility rites, to ram your penises up each other’s arseholes, and to whoreship a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke the utter crap that pours out of your God-damned mouths. Canadians and Americans are soldiers of the gods of
fertility, they have great compassion for their pagan fertility rites while being utterly compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror. Starting in 1988 people gleefully employed Hindus to torture me when I criticized their pagan fertility rites,
now all I can do is cry out to God against you and against your family members. Santa Claus and Disneyland, the Easter Bunny too, and lavishly decorated trees that blink, nothing but the best for your kids.
I received years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture and managed to physically survive. It wasn’t the horror of what the drugs did to me that affected me so much, it was the people who either ignored or who laughed at me when I complained and
requested assistance to flee the country, it was the people who libeled me, slandered me, brutally assaulted and robbed me. Now it is my turn to laugh at you Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers, go ahead, take the injection (it is not a
That serum is not a vaccination as it does not vaccinate, people still catch the Chinese (Wuhan) Bat Flu after receiving multiple injections, if there is a flu (probably microwaves reducing people’s respiratory and immune systems). Even after
receiving the injections you still are ordered to wear a mask, you are confined and isolated, your economic engine is removed from you, you are not even allowed to go horse racing or play golf. None of the children are seriously affected by the China Bat
Flu yet you cancel their schools and inject them with an abomination that causes desolation, many children have died and are maimed by the injections. Parents have been delivering their children up to brutal psychiatrists and their brutal psychiatric
drugs for decades, and now they have their children maimed and killed by a new series of injections. Then you fund Islam with your Covid relief packages and even turn military bases into camps for Islamists, and you allow an uninterrupted flow of Chinese
to fly in directly from Wuhan while they continue to work on attempting to weaponize the bat viruses. People are being injected with serums made from numerous monkeys and are willing to risk getting sexually transmitted monkey diseases, infertility,
blood clots and death in order to combat a bat virus that sometimes results in flu-like symptoms.
As Sanity For Sweden states, the injection is no more effective in combating the virus than wearing yellow pants. Go ahead and hand your nations over to the Islamists and to the Chinese while singing Jingle Bells and bowing to blinkin’ trees. Many
of you will faint in the face of adversity while I am simply going to laugh at your calamity. I already had my brutal shots, now it is your turn. It was so very hilarious to you people when I complained of being tortured by Hindu psychiatrists, you
ignored mine and other people’s complaints about being tortured in psychiatric facilities, and you continued to annually spend billions of dollars turning trees into blinkin’ idols. Simply put, you God-damned pieces of shit, I am begging God to
terminate your lives and the lives of your children.
Check out “The Final Refutation of Virology” By Dr. Stefan Lanka, narrated in English by Heather Bruno (I saw the video on Bitchute.com), there is no scientific evidence that Kung Flu is caused by a virus, and furthermore virology is not a
scientific discipline. See also “Understanding How Covid-19 Was Made Up” by Dr. Sam. Bailey. People are falling for a myriad of hoaxes, it started with the hoax of abiding by pagan fertility rites and tithing to churches that teach the pagan rituals,
and it ends with the Chinese providing chemical laden nasal swabs to Canadians and Americans that results in infertility, cancer and death.
The Catholic Church teaches you to abide by pagan fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments, this church owns and uses the media and other institutions to help teach you and your family members to abide by pagan crap. This same church uses
their media to cover up the ongoing sexual misconduct of their priests. This same church censors the existence of cannibals in western societies, censors Scriptural passages referring to cannibalism, and is actively engaged in importing the third world
into our communities to impoverish the masses. It is essential for this church to impoverish the masses as this way people become homeless and then can be devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14). The so-called Church of England is a branch of the
Catholic Church, as it and other Protestant churches systematically teaches people to abide by Catholic fertility rites. It is essential for the Catholic Church to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols and abide by this pagan winter festival as
different aspects of this winter festival are in opposition to God’s first Three Commandments, which they hate. And it is essential for this church to help kill off the white people, as whites are the main group of people that abide by the Commandments
of God and hold the faith of Jesus (Revelation 12:17). It is shameful for Christians in western countries to allow their fellow Christians to be tortured in psychiatric facilities. Every three weeks I defended my sanity at psychiatric appeal panel
hearings by stating that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, and that people are inadvertently bowing to trees when they place and retrieve presents from the base of the tree. Catholics sat at these appeal panel hearings and
repeatedly allowed predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me. Instead of aiding my escape, the Christians in Saskatoon and in other Canadian communities spent billions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols and imported the third world.
Importing the third world into Canada had a negative impact upon my life. The white Europeans think it funny that I get tortured for years by predominantly Hindu psychiatrists, I in turn think it hilarious when God terminates your children’s lives.
Filthy compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers. I get horrid injections forced upon me for years that amounted to brutal horrid torture and all people could do is laugh, decorate trees and sing Jingle Bells. Good for you. Now God
permits you and your Jingle Bell children to get a dose that will cause infertility, deaths and utter desolation. You ignore the plight of the victims of psychiatric horror… what comes around goes around.
Give testimony to your friends, relatives and fellow church members that the decorated evergreen tree is a pagan idol, then be mocked. If the mocking doesn’t shut you up, then expect to be slandered, libeled and be expelled (shunned) from the church
or family unit. If you are still squeaking, there is always the possibility that you will be assaulted, arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities, or simply murdered. So double down, get a bigger tree and decorate it to a greater degree.
Westerners are drunk and dazed, their borders are wide open, they should be building walls, multiplying like locusts and building their economies (Nahum 3:11-16). Western women will either help staffing borders, building walls and multiplying like
locusts or will end up as sex slaves in Islamic countries. Western women should consider taking the initiative to support western civilization by providing children in accordance to Isaiah 4:1 and form families of eight. Unite into family units of eight
individuals, seven women together with one man, work closely together to build yourselves a home in the country. It is shameful that the western women adopted the propaganda to end western families, now they can redeem themselves and provide our race
with children and a hope for the future. Those white women who remain fertile by not taking the jab, those white women who never removed their reproductive organs, those white women who are not busy raising black and Asian children, those white women who
are not brainwashed into hating men, those white women who were never raped and traumatized and who can still form meaningful relationships are required to save the white race from extinction. Women are married to their blinkin’ evergreen trees and
other fertility traditions pushed by the Catholic Church. Like the white men, the white women enthusiastically embrace Catholic fertility rites and then claim that the Jews control the world. The hugely obese white women regularly flew to third world
countries and had sex with the black men at the beach resorts over there, the fat asses paid the same amount for their airfares as the women who weighed one-sixth of their weight. The hugely obese women were seen as symbols of fertility in Africa, so the
huge white women went there for sex and to be idolized. White parents care little that their ignorant daughters quested after negro men due to them having large penises, what was important to those parents is that their daughters and their well-endowed
black boyfriends joined with them in turning trees into decorated idols and singing Jingle Bells, for it was tradition. The tradition of marrying into your own race was claimed to be racism while the tradition of turning trees into decorated idols was
claimed to be an essential part of family life. Even Cree women succumbed to the cancel-culture propaganda and bore black children, one would think that Cree women should instead show solidarity with their own people and help their Cree nation thrive.
Most everybody taught their daughters to embrace their pagan fertility idols and many of these daughters ended up fornicating with blacks due to the blacks having large penises, Cadillac cars, diamonds and gold chains. The Cree were united in their
adoption of Catholic fertility tree idols that had Egyptian obelisks (penises) mounted on the very top of the blinkin’ trees. The Cree were divided due to corruption on the reserves where quarter sections of land were handed out to the children of the
corrupt leaders, a class division was established on the reserves where the Cree who benefitted from the corruption married into other Cree families who similarly benefitted from the corruption. Just like the white women, the Cree women sought out
marriage partners who had wealth, and that included violent black pimps who flashed their wealth. In a little over a hundred years white women went from driving birds into extinction and to near extinction by adorning their hats with fine feathers, to
driving the white race into extinction by fornicating with black men with their big penises, by sending money to Islamic nations, and by refusing to help form white families and raising white children. The white women did have sex but it was with other
women and with men who were not white. The Cree were decimated by disease and then in 2021 the assorted governments encouraged their band members to take injections that caused infertility and death. The white people and the Cree people were united in
pagan fertility whoreship, as are the Hindus, Islamists, Sikhs, Shintoists and Islamists, all groups are engaged in phallic whoreship. Many of the white women and Cree women found the time to unite and march together in support of the black Islamic and
Marxist invaders, they marched together and protested together and together they ignored the Catholic, Hindu, Sikh and Islamist doctors that were torturing people to death in psychiatric facilities. The blacks were burning cities in the USA and chanting
to kill the whites, so the women and the Cree in Canada marched in solidarity with these blacks and asked to defund the police.
Canadians were told to be proud of their multiculturalism and welcomed people of all colours to our nation, now in a space of a year we are told that we are all racists and these people we welcomed now want to kill us. The judges are giving a slap on
the wrist of those of colour who commit crimes, many times they don’t even have to spend any time in prisons because the reason provided by the judges is that there are already a disproportionate number of their kind in the prisons. Blacks are openly
calling for the deaths of white people while the judges are not punishing people for their crimes. For years white kids experienced huge hurdles trying to get into trade schools or into University degree programs that could result in financial gain, the
seats were provided to the immigrants instead, and now these unskilled and poorly skilled white kids learn that they are racists.
The white Canadian children are strongly encouraged to get “vaccinated” even now that many people are aware that the so called “vaccinations” are causing more deaths and disease than the supposed virus, which hasn’t even been proven to exist.
Canadians see themselves as “saved” because they embrace Catholic fertility rites (blinkin’ evergreen tree idols) and are so nice that they happily give their nation away to foreigners, and now in 2021 give their health and fertility away to a jab.
The entire world embraced pagan fertility rites and then the ruler of the world gave them a jab and removed their fertility. The people who fell for the deception of the blinkin’ fertility tree idols are the same group that lost their health and lives
and gave away their children’s fertility to the jab. The extremely overweight white women may be rendered infertile by the jab but will still be viewed as symbols of fertility when they fly to Africa and the Caribbean to have sex with the black men
Rebel News reports in May 2021 that the Canadian government allows Chinese communist soldiers to train in military jets inside Canada.
Sanity for Sweden reports on June 14th 2021 that a 19-year-old German woman went to Italy and was enslaved by Pakistani men, they kept her prisoner and raped her continuously for two years. Traditionally it is the Turks that make raids into Europe and
enslave the white women, now Europe makes it easy for all kinds of Islamists to enslave women. The police in each European nation don’t go into Islamic no-go zones to find and release the captive women, and even if they did the judges will let the
criminals go free.
Probababbly Isaiah 4:1 is not intended to encourage groups of eight individuals to join together as families, it is more likely the passage refers to a single individual male who ends up with a gaggle of seven wives who concern themselves day and
night about their food and clothes. While eating breakfast the women are already planning dinner and supper and are endlessly wondering what they will be wearing for each and every meal. Yet a lawfully wedded family consisting of seven women and one man
should result in increased safety for the group as a whole, and of course the family would benefit economically by pooling resources, and the children would benefit by having more parents to watch over and guide them. And if it were the white women who
were uniting and forming families with a single white male, then perhaps the white race would have a chance of surviving as a race.
In the news in June 2021 Doug Cuthand continues to point out the raw deal native people received from some of the white settlers. Presently though and unheard in the media is that the native women are getting a raw deal from the males at the reserves,
the women have been stripped of their voices and power and are governed by all-knowing males. Some reserve land is being given away to a privileged elite resulting in a two class system being established on reserves, many people in reserves confine
themselves to their homes at night to avoid the native violence in the reserves… often Indians do brutal crimes to one another without penalty. Natives kill other natives, Sikhs kill other Sikhs, blacks kill other blacks (blacks also kill Asians and
whites). White people and police officers are generally not to blame for any of the violence in Canada and in the USA today, is how I see it. The Indians who grabbed reserve farming lands for themselves flaunt their wealth and drive around in new trucks,
but to Doug Cuthand the issue is a climate crisis and a white people crisis. Drug addicted and drug dealing Indians terrorize the reserves and Cuthand wants “harm reduction sites” in the province, the “harm reduction site” some Indians require
are actual prisons so they stop terrorizing their own people on the reserves and in the cities. People think that they are justified in committing brutal crimes because they are poor, or because they crave money, drugs or sex. These violent people should
go into prisons that are constructed in such a way so that they are not able to commit additional violent crimes while they are incarcerated there. They shoot, stab and kill, they act like soldiers, so train them in the art of warfare and then parachute
them into Bosnia or northern Nigeria or West Papua to fight against the Islamists there.
On one hand Doug Cuthand is condescending towards white people, but then on the other hand shows deference submission and respect to British Royalty, who are witches that are engaged in eating people. Prince Charles is by far the second wealthiest
person on the planet while his mother is far wealthier yet, and Prince Charles is about to inherit his mother’s wealth. If Biden and Trudeau are unable to shut down the oil and other industries in North America, my best guess is that Charles will help
bring about our sunny days solar-panel future. The workers in the Canadian oil industry will be calling in sick due to getting the jab, the oil refineries will shut down on their own due to lack of staff. So they will start training more people to build
and run oil refineries, maybe 20% of the seats in these schools will be reserved for recent immigrants (mostly Islamists), 20% of the seats will be reserved for women (many are recent immigrants and are Islamists), 20% of the seats will be reserved for
the handicapped (many are recent immigrants and are Islamists), 20% of the seats will be reserved for native Indians (many are converting to Islam in the prisons), and 20% will of course be black (Islamists) because black lives matter. For years white
people have been thwarted from gaining a seat in a trade school due to seats being reserved for these other people, people from other nations, Islamists who are instructed in the Koran to invade, murder and wage war.
Trudeau and Charles are both Islamists and are united in their desire to flood Canada with Islamists. Charles continually funds Islamic projects, Charles has the money to pay for the welfare for all the Islamists here collecting welfare. Presently
Saskatchewan taxpayers pay for a house for each Islamic wife, there are four Islamic wives to buy houses for, Charles has the money to buy these four houses, one for each Islamic wife. Not all, but many white people were prevented from gaining training
and employment and they do not have the money now to help buy these houses for each Islamic bride.
The white women should consider uniting in groups of seven and then together marry a single man (Isaiah 4:1). The seven women in Isaiah 4:1 have a say in their food and attire, and so a family unit as such can render the women with power as opposed to
being like the Islamic women (four wives) who are forced to cover their heads, confine themselves to their homes, and eat rotting food and bugs.
In accordance to Isaiah 4:1, your family which initially begins with eight individuals, will multiply in numbers. Buy a quarter section of land and go live in the country with your seven brides. I suggest the seven women unite and buy the quarter
section of farm land, perhaps obtaining a mortgage from a credit union or a bank in order to secure the property without the forthcoming male being present or yet chosen. I also wish the Kookums (the native grandmothers) would encourage their daughters
to join together in groups of seven with a suitable native spouse. Sadly many of the young fertile native and white women are no longer fertile due to taking the jab, and many are fornicating with members or marrying members of other races.
Charles will soon own a great deal of Canadian land and is free to use his vast wealth to build more mosques and provide more homes for his favoured immigrants. There are thousands upon thousands of Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists torturing
white British people to death in psychiatric facilities in Britain. And there are many more of these Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists practicing their arts in Australia, Canada and the United States of America. Doug Cuthand and Charles are united in
agreement that they are the protectors of the forests and the lands and the mountains and the seas. Some Indians on the prairies inherited land and wealth from their corrupt parents and grandparents, other Indians have no voice and no money and no land.
Native women could consider buying rifles for their children and for their grandchildren, and for themselves, in .243 Winchester. This caliber is of adequate power to take down wild boar that exceed 1000 pounds in size, and the rifle doesn’t kick so
much and so is unlikely to break your shoulder. You can get a .243 Winchester as a semi-auto and this way the expended gasses are absorbed and used to eject and to cycle the next round and so it will kick even less, and this way the child will be better
protected against charging herds of wild boar. Furthermore the cartridges may be loaded with less powder and lighter bullets. Some of your sons and daughters may prefer to get rifles that shoot larger bullets than. 243 Winchester, if that is the case
then consider buying them a rifle calibrated to 7mm-08 Remington. Although .308 may be a better caliber for moose and bear (as opposed to .243 and 7mm-08), the children do not face too many threats from moose and bear, they require instead rifles to deal
with alternate threats (wild boar, cougars, dogs, coyotes, wolves, rabid animals, Islamists and Communists, and absolutely insane radical feminists). If the child desires to go hunting for moose or bear some day, then the child may borrow a larger
caliber rifle for that purpose. The .243, 7mm-08 and .308 all use the same brass (fabulous advantage), all are a good choice for use in the prairies. Kookums are not making a mistake if they buy a rifle in 7mm-08 or .308 instead of the recommended .243,
as the guns can be traded up and down, the important thing is to buy the .243, 7mm-08 or the .308 if it is offered to you used, as opposed to something like 6.5 Grendel (the 7mm-08 is superior, holds more powder and the brass is of a common variety), or
for example a .45 Colt, which doesn’t have the range offered by .243, 7mm-08 and .308. Some elderly native hunters prefer the 25-06 over any other, this is easier on the shoulder than the more massive .270 and 30-06, Kookums can buy used rifles
specifically in these three (25-06, .270 and 30-06) calibers as well, they are good calibers that can easily be traded for rifles of other calibers later.
When Islamists and Communists shoot at your children with far reaching calibers, it would be silly to fight back with rifles that can’t shoot that far back. There are calibers that shoot further than the .243, 25-06, .270, 7mm-08, .308 and 30-06,
they generally use longer brass resulting in a heavier gun, but the thought was to provide rifles for children and adults that are easier to carry and to shoot. Indians on reserves in Saskatchewan have the resources to manufacture high quality rifles and
can be known internationally as makers of quality firearms. Instead many Indians made a name for themselves as being violent thugs and end up in prisons, where most of these violent thugs belong.
I think in order of preference for children and small adults, get a .243 first choice then a 7mm-08 second choice. For somewhat stronger and larger people who may want more hitting power, there is the .308. Then we have the 25-06, .270 and 30-06,
these are larger brass resulting in heavier guns, while the 25-06 is easier on the shoulder than the .270 or 30-06, and the .270 is easier on the shoulder than the 30-06, all are generally unsuitable for smaller people. Women and grandmothers should try
to obtain rifles in .243 and 7mm-08 calibers as gifts for their smaller children and grandchildren. Adult males may also consider gifting rifles to their smaller children and grandchildren as well, consider getting them rifles in .243 and 7mm-08.
Anything smaller than .243 is inadequate for wolves and pigs. Maybe spend a bit more to get a higher quality rifle, maybe get the rifle with iron sites machined or screwed or fixed some way onto the barrel so the rifle may be used without a scope, and
consider spending the money on a quality scope. Your child will not need a scope if the purpose of the rifle is to defend him or herself from charging herds of pigs or packs of wolves and coyotes. A “scout” rifle in 7mm-08 would make a great gift for
a child, it is short and light and has the iron sites built in. Savage made a cheaper “scout” rifle in 7mm-08 that is a great value. If the rifle is too heavy or hurts too much when the child shoots it, the child may not have it when they need it.
Maybe spend a bit more and purchase a quality mountain rifle in .243 for the child, these mountain rifles are very light weight. Elderly native hunters (native Indians with experience and wisdom) sometimes rave about the merits of having a rifle
calibrated to 25-06, again the child will be better off with a .243 or 7mm-08 as the rifle is lighter for them to carry, it will not break their shoulder, and the ammo is easier to obtain. Sure there are other good calibers such a 7mm Remington Magnum or
.338 Lapua, these may be a good choice for larger and stronger people rather than for your young son or daughter. And if you are buying your child a shotgun, get them a 12 gauge that is semi-auto as the semi-autos do not kick so much. Try to insure that
your child is mature enough before you provide him or her with a semi-automatic weapon. The western governments are doing all they can to provide Islamists with tons of weapons, don’t wait for western governments to provide a rifle for your child.
Under the J Treaty Indians in Canada may cross the Canadian-American border, maybe use the opportunity to get your children Third Generation night vision scopes and handguns.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff
May 31st 2022 10:30 pm 123,795 words (149 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“America is ruled by a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who demands that Americans take the death jab. Similarly Trudeau is an Islamist who demands that Canadians take the death jab, squeak squeak.” -Squeaky Squeaky
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
The Catholic Church teaches you to abide by pagan fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments, this church owns and uses the media and other institutions to help teach you and your family members to abide by pagan crap. This same church uses
their media to cover up the ongoing sexual misconduct of their priests. This same church censors the existence of cannibals in western societies, censors Scriptural passages referring to cannibalism, and is actively engaged in importing the third world
into our communities to impoverish the masses. It is essential for this church to impoverish the masses as this way people become homeless and then can be devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14). The so-called Church of England is a branch of the
Catholic Church, as it and other Protestant churches systematically teaches people to abide by Catholic fertility rites. It is essential for the Catholic Church to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols and abide by this pagan winter festival as
different aspects of this winter festival are in opposition to God’s first Three Commandments, which they hate. And it is essential for this church to help kill off the white people, as whites are the main group of people that abide by the Commandments
of God and hold the faith of Jesus (Revelation 12:17). It is shameful for Christians in western countries to allow their fellow Christians to be tortured in psychiatric facilities. Every three weeks I defended my sanity at psychiatric appeal panel
hearings by stating that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, and that people are inadvertently bowing to trees when they place and retrieve presents from the base of the tree. Catholics sat at these appeal panel hearings and
repeatedly allowed predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me. Instead of aiding my escape, the Christians in Saskatoon and in other Canadian communities spent billions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols and imported the third world.
Importing the third world into Canada had a negative impact upon my life. The white Europeans think it funny that I get tortured for years by predominantly Hindu psychiatrists, I in turn think it hilarious when God terminates your children’s lives.
Filthy compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers. I get horrid injections forced upon me for years that amounted to brutal horrid torture and all people could do is laugh, decorate trees and sing Jingle Bells. Good for you. Now God
permits you and your Jingle Bell children to get a dose that will cause infertility, deaths and utter desolation. You ignore the plight of the victims of psychiatric horror… what comes around goes around.
Give testimony to your friends, relatives and fellow church members that the decorated evergreen tree is a pagan idol, then be mocked. If the mocking doesn’t shut you up, then expect to be slandered, libeled and be expelled (shunned) from the church
or family unit. If you are still squeaking, there is always the possibility that you will be assaulted, arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities, or simply murdered. So double down, get a bigger tree and decorate it to a greater degree.
Westerners are drunk and dazed, their borders are wide open, they should be building walls, multiplying like locusts and building their economies (Nahum 3:11-16). Western women will either help staffing borders, building walls and multiplying like
locusts or will end up as sex slaves in Islamic countries. Western women should consider taking the initiative to support western civilization by providing children in accordance to Isaiah 4:1 and form families of eight. Unite into family units of eight
individuals, seven women together with one man, work closely together to build yourselves a home in the country. It is shameful that the western women adopted the propaganda to end western families, now they can redeem themselves and provide our race
with children and a hope for the future. Those white women who remain fertile by not taking the jab, those white women who never removed their reproductive organs, those white women who are not busy raising black and Asian children, those white women who
are not brainwashed into hating men, those white women who were never raped and traumatized and who can still form meaningful relationships are required to save the white race from extinction. Women are married to their blinkin’ evergreen trees and
other fertility traditions pushed by the Catholic Church. Like the white men, the white women enthusiastically embrace Catholic fertility rites and then claim that the Jews control the world. The hugely obese white women regularly flew to third world
countries and had sex with the black men at the beach resorts over there, the fat asses paid the same amount for their airfares as the women who weighed one-sixth of their weight. The hugely obese women were seen as symbols of fertility in Africa, so the
huge white women went there for sex and to be idolized. White parents care little that their ignorant daughters quested after negro men due to them having large penises, what was important to those parents is that their daughters and their well-endowed
black boyfriends joined with them in turning trees into decorated idols and singing Jingle Bells, for it was tradition. The tradition of marrying into your own race was claimed to be racism while the tradition of turning trees into decorated idols was
claimed to be an essential part of family life. Even Cree women succumbed to the cancel-culture propaganda and bore black children, one would think that Cree women should instead show solidarity with their own people and help their Cree nation thrive.
Most everybody taught their daughters to embrace their pagan fertility idols and many of these daughters ended up fornicating with blacks due to the blacks having large penises, Cadillac cars, diamonds and gold chains. The Cree were united in their
adoption of Catholic fertility tree idols that had Egyptian obelisks (penises) mounted on the very top of the blinkin’ trees. The Cree were divided due to corruption on the reserves where quarter sections of land were handed out to the children of the
corrupt leaders, a class division was established on the reserves where the Cree who benefitted from the corruption married into other Cree families who similarly benefitted from the corruption. Just like the white women, the Cree women sought out
marriage partners who had wealth, and that included violent black pimps who flashed their wealth. In a little over a hundred years white women went from driving birds into extinction and to near extinction by adorning their hats with fine feathers, to
driving the white race into extinction by fornicating with black men with their big penises, by sending money to Islamic nations, and by refusing to help form white families and raising white children. The white women did have sex but it was with other
women and with men who were not white. The Cree were decimated by disease and then in 2021 the assorted governments encouraged their band members to take injections that caused infertility and death. The white people and the Cree people were united in
pagan fertility whoreship, as are the Hindus, Islamists, Sikhs, Shintoists and Islamists, all groups are engaged in phallic whoreship. Many of the white women and Cree women found the time to unite and march together in support of the black Islamic and
Marxist invaders, they marched together and protested together and together they ignored the Catholic, Hindu, Sikh and Islamist doctors that were torturing people to death in psychiatric facilities. The blacks were burning cities in the USA and chanting
to kill the whites, so the women and the Cree in Canada marched in solidarity with these blacks and asked to defund the police.
Canadians were told to be proud of their multiculturalism and welcomed people of all colours to our nation, now in a space of a year we are told that we are all racists and these people we welcomed now want to kill us. The judges are giving a slap on
the wrist of those of colour who commit crimes, many times they don’t even have to spend any time in prisons because the reason provided by the judges is that there are already a disproportionate number of their kind in the prisons. Blacks are openly
calling for the deaths of white people while the judges are not punishing people for their crimes. For years white kids experienced huge hurdles trying to get into trade schools or into University degree programs that could result in financial gain, the
seats were provided to the immigrants instead, and now these unskilled and poorly skilled white kids learn that they are racists.
The white Canadian children are strongly encouraged to get “vaccinated” even now that many people are aware that the so called “vaccinations” are causing more deaths and disease than the supposed virus, which hasn’t even been proven to exist.
Canadians see themselves as “saved” because they embrace Catholic fertility rites (blinkin’ evergreen tree idols) and are so nice that they happily give their nation away to foreigners, and now in 2021 give their health and fertility away to a jab.
The entire world embraced pagan fertility rites and then the ruler of the world gave them a jab and removed their fertility. The people who fell for the deception of the blinkin’ fertility tree idols are the same group that lost their health and lives
and gave away their children’s fertility to the jab. The extremely overweight white women may be rendered infertile by the jab but will still be viewed as symbols of fertility when they fly to Africa and the Caribbean to have sex with the black men
Rebel News reports in May 2021 that the Canadian government allows Chinese communist soldiers to train in military jets inside Canada.
Sanity for Sweden reports on June 14th 2021 that a 19-year-old German woman went to Italy and was enslaved by Pakistani men, they kept her prisoner and raped her continuously for two years. Traditionally it is the Turks that make raids into Europe and
enslave the white women, now Europe makes it easy for all kinds of Islamists to enslave women. The police in each European nation don’t go into Islamic no-go zones to find and release the captive women, and even if they did the judges will let the
criminals go free.
Probababbly Isaiah 4:1 is not intended to encourage groups of eight individuals to join together as families, it is more likely the passage refers to a single individual male who ends up with a gaggle of seven wives who concern themselves day and
night about their food and clothes. While eating breakfast the women are already planning dinner and supper and are endlessly wondering what they will be wearing for each and every meal. Yet a lawfully wedded family consisting of seven women and one man
should result in increased safety for the group as a whole, and of course the family would benefit economically by pooling resources, and the children would benefit by having more parents to watch over and guide them. And if it were the white women who
were uniting and forming families with a single white male, then perhaps the white race would have a chance of surviving as a race.
In the news in June 2021 Doug Cuthand continues to point out the raw deal native people received from some of the white settlers. Presently though and unheard in the media is that the native women are getting a raw deal from the males at the reserves,
the women have been stripped of their voices and power and are governed by all-knowing males. Some reserve land is being given away to a privileged elite resulting in a two class system being established on reserves, many people in reserves confine
themselves to their homes at night to avoid the native violence in the reserves… often Indians do brutal crimes to one another without penalty. Natives kill other natives, Sikhs kill other Sikhs, blacks kill other blacks (blacks also kill Asians and
whites). White people and police officers are generally not to blame for any of the violence in Canada and in the USA today, is how I see it. The Indians who grabbed reserve farming lands for themselves flaunt their wealth and drive around in new trucks,
but to Doug Cuthand the issue is a climate crisis and a white people crisis. Drug addicted and drug dealing Indians terrorize the reserves and Cuthand wants “harm reduction sites” in the province, the “harm reduction site” some Indians require
are actual prisons so they stop terrorizing their own people on the reserves and in the cities. People think that they are justified in committing brutal crimes because they are poor, or because they crave money, drugs or sex. These violent people should
go into prisons that are constructed in such a way so that they are not able to commit additional violent crimes while they are incarcerated there. They shoot, stab and kill, they act like soldiers, so train them in the art of warfare and then parachute
them into Bosnia or northern Nigeria or West Papua to fight against the Islamists there.
On one hand Doug Cuthand is condescending towards white people, but then on the other hand shows deference submission and respect to British Royalty, who are witches that are engaged in eating people. Prince Charles is by far the second wealthiest
person on the planet while his mother is far wealthier yet, and Prince Charles is about to inherit his mother’s wealth. If Biden and Trudeau are unable to shut down the oil and other industries in North America, my best guess is that Charles will help
bring about our sunny days solar-panel future. The workers in the Canadian oil industry will be calling in sick due to getting the jab, the oil refineries will shut down on their own due to lack of staff. So they will start training more people to build
and run oil refineries, maybe 20% of the seats in these schools will be reserved for recent immigrants (mostly Islamists), 20% of the seats will be reserved for women (many are recent immigrants and are Islamists), 20% of the seats will be reserved for
the handicapped (many are recent immigrants and are Islamists), 20% of the seats will be reserved for native Indians (many are converting to Islam in the prisons), and 20% will of course be black (Islamists) because black lives matter. For years white
people have been thwarted from gaining a seat in a trade school due to seats being reserved for these other people, people from other nations, Islamists who are instructed in the Koran to invade, murder and wage war.
Trudeau and Charles are both Islamists and are united in their desire to flood Canada with Islamists. Charles continually funds Islamic projects, Charles has the money to pay for the welfare for all the Islamists here collecting welfare. Presently
Saskatchewan taxpayers pay for a house for each Islamic wife, there are four Islamic wives to buy houses for, Charles has the money to buy these four houses, one for each Islamic wife. Not all, but many white people were prevented from gaining training
and employment and they do not have the money now to help buy these houses for each Islamic bride.
The white women should consider uniting in groups of seven and then together marry a single man (Isaiah 4:1). The seven women in Isaiah 4:1 have a say in their food and attire, and so a family unit as such can render the women with power as opposed to
being like the Islamic women (four wives) who are forced to cover their heads, confine themselves to their homes, and eat rotting food and bugs.
In accordance to Isaiah 4:1, your family which initially begins with eight individuals, will multiply in numbers. Buy a quarter section of land and go live in the country with your seven brides. I suggest the seven women unite and buy the quarter
section of farm land, perhaps obtaining a mortgage from a credit union or a bank in order to secure the property without the forthcoming male being present or yet chosen. I also wish the Kookums (the native grandmothers) would encourage their daughters
to join together in groups of seven with a suitable native spouse. Sadly many of the young fertile native and white women are no longer fertile due to taking the jab, and many are fornicating with members or marrying members of other races.
Charles will soon own a great deal of Canadian land and is free to use his vast wealth to build more mosques and provide more homes for his favoured immigrants. There are thousands upon thousands of Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists torturing
white British people to death in psychiatric facilities in Britain. And there are many more of these Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists practicing their arts in Australia, Canada and the United States of America. Doug Cuthand and Charles are united in
agreement that they are the protectors of the forests and the lands and the mountains and the seas. Some Indians on the prairies inherited land and wealth from their corrupt parents and grandparents, other Indians have no voice and no money and no land.
Native women could consider buying rifles for their children and for their grandchildren, and for themselves, in .243 Winchester. This caliber is of adequate power to take down wild boar that exceed 1000 pounds in size, and the rifle doesn’t kick so
much and so is unlikely to break your shoulder. You can get a .243 Winchester as a semi-auto and this way the expended gasses are absorbed and used to eject and to cycle the next round and so it will kick even less, and this way the child will be better
protected against charging herds of wild boar. Furthermore the cartridges may be loaded with less powder and lighter bullets. Some of your sons and daughters may prefer to get rifles that shoot larger bullets than. 243 Winchester, if that is the case
then consider buying them a rifle calibrated to 7mm-08 Remington. Although .308 may be a better caliber for moose and bear (as opposed to .243 and 7mm-08), the children do not face too many threats from moose and bear, they require instead rifles to deal
with alternate threats (wild boar, cougars, dogs, coyotes, wolves, rabid animals, Islamists and Communists, and absolutely insane radical feminists). If the child desires to go hunting for moose or bear some day, then the child may borrow a larger
caliber rifle for that purpose. The .243, 7mm-08 and .308 all use the same brass (fabulous advantage), all are a good choice for use in the prairies. Kookums are not making a mistake if they buy a rifle in 7mm-08 or .308 instead of the recommended .243,
as the guns can be traded up and down, the important thing is to buy the .243, 7mm-08 or the .308 if it is offered to you used, as opposed to something like 6.5 Grendel (the 7mm-08 is superior, holds more powder and the brass is of a common variety), or
for example a .45 Colt, which doesn’t have the range offered by .243, 7mm-08 and .308. Some elderly native hunters prefer the 25-06 over any other, this is easier on the shoulder than the more massive .270 and 30-06, Kookums can buy used rifles
specifically in these three (25-06, .270 and 30-06) calibers as well, they are good calibers that can easily be traded for rifles of other calibers later.
When Islamists and Communists shoot at your children with far reaching calibers, it would be silly to fight back with rifles that can’t shoot that far back. There are calibers that shoot further than the .243, 25-06, .270, 7mm-08, .308 and 30-06,
they generally use longer brass resulting in a heavier gun, but the thought was to provide rifles for children and adults that are easier to carry and to shoot. Indians on reserves in Saskatchewan have the resources to manufacture high quality rifles and
can be known internationally as makers of quality firearms. Instead many Indians made a name for themselves as being violent thugs and end up in prisons, where most of these violent thugs belong.
I think in order of preference for children and small adults, get a .243 first choice then a 7mm-08 second choice. For somewhat stronger and larger people who may want more hitting power, there is the .308. Then we have the 25-06, .270 and 30-06,
these are larger brass resulting in heavier guns, while the 25-06 is easier on the shoulder than the .270 or 30-06, and the .270 is easier on the shoulder than the 30-06, all are generally unsuitable for smaller people. Women and grandmothers should try
to obtain rifles in .243 and 7mm-08 calibers as gifts for their smaller children and grandchildren. Adult males may also consider gifting rifles to their smaller children and grandchildren as well, consider getting them rifles in .243 and 7mm-08.
Anything smaller than .243 is inadequate for wolves and pigs. Maybe spend a bit more to get a higher quality rifle, maybe get the rifle with iron sites machined or screwed or fixed some way onto the barrel so the rifle may be used without a scope, and
consider spending the money on a quality scope. Your child will not need a scope if the purpose of the rifle is to defend him or herself from charging herds of pigs or packs of wolves and coyotes. A “scout” rifle in 7mm-08 would make a great gift for
a child, it is short and light and has the iron sites built in. Savage made a cheaper “scout” rifle in 7mm-08 that is a great value. If the rifle is too heavy or hurts too much when the child shoots it, the child may not have it when they need it.
Maybe spend a bit more and purchase a quality mountain rifle in .243 for the child, these mountain rifles are very light weight. Elderly native hunters (native Indians with experience and wisdom) sometimes rave about the merits of having a rifle
calibrated to 25-06, again the child will be better off with a .243 or 7mm-08 as the rifle is lighter for them to carry, it will not break their shoulder, and the ammo is easier to obtain. Sure there are other good calibers such a 7mm Remington Magnum or
.338 Lapua, these may be a good choice for larger and stronger people rather than for your young son or daughter. And if you are buying your child a shotgun, get them a 12 gauge that is semi-auto as the semi-autos do not kick so much. Try to insure that
your child is mature enough before you provide him or her with a semi-automatic weapon. The western governments are doing all they can to provide Islamists with tons of weapons, don’t wait for western governments to provide a rifle for your child.
Under the J Treaty Indians in Canada may cross the Canadian-American border, maybe use the opportunity to get your children Third Generation night vision scopes and handguns.
Pigs, coyotes, wolves, cougars and bears, and Communists and Islamists, are all more likely to attack children and shorter men and women. The rich Indians flaunt their wealth and drive around in new trucks, the poor Indian women and children are left
without decent rifles to protect themselves from evil, many white women and children own even less. The wealthy Indian elite took the valuable boxes of bullets from the RCMP officers every Treaty Day, while the poor Indians never heard of the option and
instead each took a five dollar bill. The white kids and the native kids both gave up seats in trade schools and universities to Islamists, to African, Asian and Chinese immigrants, to people of other nations, generally it was the poorest of the white
kids that were placed into psychiatric “care”, and now all the white kids learn they are racists and also learn that many of the blacks and other recent immigrants want ALL the white people dead.
In the news (Tucker Carlson) on June 15th 2021 we learn that the FBI has been involved in orchestrating, encouraging and participating in criminal behavior, including the protest and the killing at the Capitol Building in Washington DC on January 6th
2021. The FBI is co-opted by communists, globalists, anarchists and Islamists, the FBI was likely involved in running a fraudulent election then orchestrated the attack on the Capitol Building in order to arrest and detain Trump supporters. Trump
supporters are being detained in solitary confinement for being near the Capitol on January 6th while the blacks who burned down some 300 cities and commit numerous murders are allowed to roam free. Not to worry, the Catholic church is about to hand it’
s authority over to Prince Charles who will save the day by making sure we don’t burn too much fossil fuels, and making sure that we accommodate the Islamists. Prince Charles has been building mosques and funding the spread of Islam for decades. It
takes a lot of oil and other resources to provide a home for each of the four Islamic wives. America began by rejecting the British Crown and ends with Prince Charles dictating environmental, religious and immigration laws. Americans cared little that
the CIA funded decades of research in psychiatric torture in Saskatoon (absolute horror) and come to Saskatoon in order to get a connecting flight north so they can go hunting and fishing. The FBI orchestrated a coup and Americans respond by getting a
death jab and are still wanting to go hunting and fishing in northern Saskatchewan, followed by singing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way.
The communists/anarchists/fascists/satanists defunded the police, and so the murders, rapes and other crimes of course escalated. People will rise up and defend themselves, and then the United Nations (aka Prince Charles, aka The Anti-Christ) will
patrol North America to restore order. Expect a large increase of people being arrested under the Mental Health Act and sent to psychiatric wards in local hospitals for thinking too much about freedom and democracy. These people will be “treated” by
Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists… all the drugs administered have “death” as a side effect. Then Doug Cuthand will continue to have his stories published in the newspapers, where he will praise Charles for his environmental policies.
And the churches will continue to display the appropriate behavior by erecting lavishly decorated evergreen trees (pagan idols) both inside and outside their churches. Then One Arrow First Nation, which placed a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an
Egyptian penis, will decorate the Egyptian penis with gold leaf and coloured lights, and get those lights to blink on and off, on and off, on and off... They found the remains of 215 Indian kids at a Catholic school in Kamloops, that means that the
Indians will now want to turn great multitudes (many thousands) of evergreen trees into Catholic decorated idols each with 215 blinkin’ lights. No matter how many times the Catholic priests sodomized the little Indian kids, the Indians still adopt the
Catholic fertility rite of turning evergreen trees into decorated idols, for it is tradition.
In the news hundreds of native skeletons were located at Catholic facilities in Saskatchewan. Many of these kids died from overcrowded conditions, they were crowded into small rooms like my dad and mom were when they were growing up in the dirty
thirties. There are lots of white people in the white people Saskatchewan cemeteries who died in 1918, similarly I expect a lot of native people succumbed to that flu in 1918, the main crime is that they do not have tombstones. So the natives are
protesting by not celebrating Canada Day this year, but watch, they will still abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols in December (actually during November, December, January and February). Many cancel a holiday that is
celebrated on a single day (Canada Day), but then they will continue in the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols and stretch the celebrations over a four month period. It is important to not only get your trees to blink, but to get
them to blink month after month after month after month. The more times the Catholic priests ram their penises up your children’s arseholes, the more the parents will get their Catholic evergreen idols to blink on and off, on and off, on and off… And
the more the children are sodomized by the Catholic priests, the more likely the parents are to stick an Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) on the very top of their blinkin’ tree, for it is tradition. I get tortured for years by
predominantly Hindu psychiatrists and all people could do for me is laugh at me, libel and slander me, assault and rob me, and then they went and built additional psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford with money borrowed from the children,
they drugged their own children with psychiatric drugs, and then they forced their own children to take the depopulation jab. The more people who roll over and die from the depopulation jab means that there will be less people to laugh at and further
assault the victims of psychiatric horror. People train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists in Canadian universities to become psychiatrists and torture people to death. And under Trudeau, these foreigners don’t have to be Canadian citizens to practice their
art” in Canada. And all you pricks can do about it all is join protest marches with black Islamists and stick a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian penis while proclaiming that I am a white racist. Victims of psychiatric horror are likely
to have improved lives when the compassionless Catholic turds take the depopulation jabs and die, and when they are rendered infertile, the hope is that so many of you die that your medical system will utterly collapse and there will be nobody left to
staff the psychiatric torture centers.
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeaky Squeaky@21:1/5 to
All on Sun Jul 3 07:58:41 2022
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff
June 30th 2022 1:51 pm 126,696 words (143 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“America is ruled by a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who demands that Americans take the death jab. Similarly Trudeau is an Islamist who demands that Canadians take the death jab, squeak squeak.” -Squeak
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
In the news in June 2021 Doug Cuthand continues to point out the raw deal native people received from some of the white settlers. Presently though and unheard in the media is that the native women are getting a raw deal from the males at the reserves,
the women have been stripped of their voices and power and are governed by all-knowing males. Some reserve land is being given away to a privileged elite resulting in a two class system being established on reserves, many people in reserves confine
themselves to their homes at night to avoid the native violence in the reserves… often Indians do brutal crimes to one another without penalty. Natives kill other natives, Sikhs kill other Sikhs, blacks kill other blacks (blacks also kill Asians and
whites). White people and police officers are generally not to blame for any of the violence in Canada and in the USA today, is how I see it. The Indians who grabbed reserve farming lands for themselves flaunt their wealth and drive around in new trucks,
but to Doug Cuthand the issue is a climate crisis and a white people crisis. Drug addicted and drug dealing Indians terrorize the reserves and Cuthand wants “harm reduction sites” in the province, the “harm reduction site” some Indians require
are actual prisons so they stop terrorizing their own people on the reserves and in the cities. People think that they are justified in committing brutal crimes because they are poor, or because they crave money, drugs or sex. These violent people should
go into prisons that are constructed in such a way so that they are not able to commit additional violent crimes while they are incarcerated there. They shoot, stab and kill, they act like soldiers, so train them in the art of warfare and then parachute
them into Bosnia or northern Nigeria or West Papua to fight against the Islamists there.
On one hand Doug Cuthand is condescending towards white people, but then on the other hand shows deference submission and respect to British Royalty, who are witches that are engaged in eating people. Prince Charles is by far the second wealthiest
person on the planet while his mother is far wealthier yet, and Prince Charles is about to inherit his mother’s wealth. If Biden and Trudeau are unable to shut down the oil and other industries in North America, my best guess is that Charles will help
bring about our sunny days solar-panel future. The workers in the Canadian oil industry will be calling in sick due to getting the jab, the oil refineries will shut down on their own due to lack of staff. So they will start training more people to build
and run oil refineries, maybe 20% of the seats in these schools will be reserved for recent immigrants (mostly Islamists), 20% of the seats will be reserved for women (many are recent immigrants and are Islamists), 20% of the seats will be reserved for
the handicapped (many are recent immigrants and are Islamists), 20% of the seats will be reserved for native Indians (many are converting to Islam in the prisons), and 20% will of course be black (Islamists) because black lives matter. For years white
people have been thwarted from gaining a seat in a trade school due to seats being reserved for these other people, people from other nations, Islamists who are instructed in the Koran to invade, murder and wage war.
Trudeau and Charles are both Islamists and are united in their desire to flood Canada with Islamists. Charles continually funds Islamic projects, Charles has the money to pay for the welfare for all the Islamists here collecting welfare. Presently
Saskatchewan taxpayers pay for a house for each Islamic wife, there are four Islamic wives to buy houses for, Charles has the money to buy these four houses, one for each Islamic wife. Not all, but many white people were prevented from gaining training
and employment and they do not have the money now to help buy these houses for each Islamic bride.
The white women should consider uniting in groups of seven and then together marry a single man (Isaiah 4:1). The seven women in Isaiah 4:1 have a say in their food and attire, and so a family unit as such can render the women with power as opposed to
being like the Islamic women (four wives) who are forced to cover their heads, confine themselves to their homes, and eat rotting food and bugs.
In accordance to Isaiah 4:1, your family which initially begins with eight individuals, will multiply in numbers. Buy a quarter section of land and go live in the country with your seven brides. I suggest the seven women unite and buy the quarter
section of farm land, perhaps obtaining a mortgage from a credit union or a bank in order to secure the property without the forthcoming male being present or yet chosen. I also wish the Kookums (the native grandmothers) would encourage their daughters
to join together in groups of seven with a suitable native spouse. Sadly many of the young fertile native and white women are no longer fertile due to taking the jab, and many are fornicating with members or marrying members of other races.
Charles will soon own a great deal of Canadian land and is free to use his vast wealth to build more mosques and provide more homes for his favoured immigrants. There are thousands upon thousands of Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists torturing
white British people to death in psychiatric facilities in Britain. And there are many more of these Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists practicing their arts in Australia, Canada and the United States of America. Doug Cuthand and Charles are united in
agreement that they are the protectors of the forests and the lands and the mountains and the seas. Some Indians on the prairies inherited land and wealth from their corrupt parents and grandparents, other Indians have no voice and no money and no land.
Native women could consider buying rifles for their children and for their grandchildren, and for themselves, in .243 Winchester. This caliber is of adequate power to take down wild boar that exceed 1000 pounds in size, and the rifle doesn’t kick so
much and so is unlikely to break your shoulder. You can get a .243 Winchester as a semi-auto and this way the expended gasses are absorbed and used to eject and to cycle the next round and so it will kick even less, and this way the child will be better
protected against charging herds of wild boar. Furthermore the cartridges may be loaded with less powder and lighter bullets. Some of your sons and daughters may prefer to get rifles that shoot larger bullets than. 243 Winchester, if that is the case
then consider buying them a rifle calibrated to 7mm-08 Remington. Although .308 may be a better caliber for moose and bear (as opposed to .243 and 7mm-08), the children do not face too many threats from moose and bear, they require instead rifles to deal
with alternate threats (wild boar, cougars, dogs, coyotes, wolves, rabid animals, Islamists and Communists, and absolutely insane radical feminists). If the child desires to go hunting for moose or bear some day, then the child may borrow a larger
caliber rifle for that purpose. The .243, 7mm-08 and .308 all use the same brass (fabulous advantage), all are a good choice for use in the prairies. Kookums are not making a mistake if they buy a rifle in 7mm-08 or .308 instead of the recommended .243,
as the guns can be traded up and down, the important thing is to buy the .243, 7mm-08 or the .308 if it is offered to you used, as opposed to something like 6.5 Grendel (the 7mm-08 is superior, holds more powder and the brass is of a common variety), or
for example a .45 Colt, which doesn’t have the range offered by .243, 7mm-08 and .308. Some elderly native hunters prefer the 25-06 over any other, this is easier on the shoulder than the more massive .270 and 30-06, Kookums can buy used rifles
specifically in these three (25-06, .270 and 30-06) calibers as well, they are good calibers that can easily be traded for rifles of other calibers later.
When Islamists and Communists shoot at your children with far reaching calibers, it would be silly to fight back with rifles that can’t shoot that far back. There are calibers that shoot further than the .243, 25-06, .270, 7mm-08, .308 and 30-06,
they generally use longer brass resulting in a heavier gun, but the thought was to provide rifles for children and adults that are easier to carry and to shoot. Indians on reserves in Saskatchewan have the resources to manufacture high quality rifles and
can be known internationally as makers of quality firearms. Instead many Indians made a name for themselves as being violent thugs and end up in prisons, where most of these violent thugs belong.
I think in order of preference for children and small adults, get a .243 first choice then a 7mm-08 second choice. For somewhat stronger and larger people who may want more hitting power, there is the .308. Then we have the 25-06, .270 and 30-06,
these are larger brass resulting in heavier guns, while the 25-06 is easier on the shoulder than the .270 or 30-06, and the .270 is easier on the shoulder than the 30-06, all are generally unsuitable for smaller people. Women and grandmothers should try
to obtain rifles in .243 and 7mm-08 calibers as gifts for their smaller children and grandchildren. Adult males may also consider gifting rifles to their smaller children and grandchildren as well, consider getting them rifles in .243 and 7mm-08.
Anything smaller than .243 is inadequate for wolves and pigs. Maybe spend a bit more to get a higher quality rifle, maybe get the rifle with iron sites machined or screwed or fixed some way onto the barrel so the rifle may be used without a scope, and
consider spending the money on a quality scope. Your child will not need a scope if the purpose of the rifle is to defend him or herself from charging herds of pigs or packs of wolves and coyotes. A “scout” rifle in 7mm-08 would make a great gift for
a child, it is short and light and has the iron sites built in. Savage made a cheaper “scout” rifle in 7mm-08 that is a great value. If the rifle is too heavy or hurts too much when the child shoots it, the child may not have it when they need it.
Maybe spend a bit more and purchase a quality mountain rifle in .243 for the child, these mountain rifles are very light weight. Elderly native hunters (native Indians with experience and wisdom) sometimes rave about the merits of having a rifle
calibrated to 25-06, again the child will be better off with a .243 or 7mm-08 as the rifle is lighter for them to carry, it will not break their shoulder, and the ammo is easier to obtain. Sure there are other good calibers such a 7mm Remington Magnum or
.338 Lapua, these may be a good choice for larger and stronger people rather than for your young son or daughter. And if you are buying your child a shotgun, get them a 12 gauge that is semi-auto as the semi-autos do not kick so much. Try to insure that
your child is mature enough before you provide him or her with a semi-automatic weapon. The western governments are doing all they can to provide Islamists with tons of weapons, don’t wait for western governments to provide a rifle for your child.
Under the J Treaty Indians in Canada may cross the Canadian-American border, maybe use the opportunity to get your children Third Generation night vision scopes and handguns.
Pigs, coyotes, wolves, cougars and bears, and Communists and Islamists, are all more likely to attack children and shorter men and women. The rich Indians flaunt their wealth and drive around in new trucks, the poor Indian women and children are left
without decent rifles to protect themselves from evil, many white women and children own even less. The wealthy Indian elite took the valuable boxes of bullets from the RCMP officers every Treaty Day, while the poor Indians never heard of the option and
instead each took a five dollar bill. The white kids and the native kids both gave up seats in trade schools and universities to Islamists, to African, Asian and Chinese immigrants, to people of other nations, generally it was the poorest of the white
kids that were placed into psychiatric “care”, and now all the white kids learn they are racists and also learn that many of the blacks and other recent immigrants want ALL the white people dead.
In the news (Tucker Carlson) on June 15th 2021 we learn that the FBI has been involved in orchestrating, encouraging and participating in criminal behavior, including the protest and the killing at the Capitol Building in Washington DC on January 6th
2021. The FBI is co-opted by communists, globalists, anarchists and Islamists, the FBI was likely involved in running a fraudulent election then orchestrated the attack on the Capitol Building in order to arrest and detain Trump supporters. Trump
supporters are being detained in solitary confinement for being near the Capitol on January 6th while the blacks who burned down some 300 cities and commit numerous murders are allowed to roam free. Not to worry, the Catholic church is about to hand it’
s authority over to Prince Charles who will save the day by making sure we don’t burn too much fossil fuels, and making sure that we accommodate the Islamists. Prince Charles has been building mosques and funding the spread of Islam for decades. It
takes a lot of oil and other resources to provide a home for each of the four Islamic wives. America began by rejecting the British Crown and ends with Prince Charles dictating environmental, religious and immigration laws. Americans cared little that
the CIA funded decades of research in psychiatric torture in Saskatoon (absolute horror) and come to Saskatoon in order to get a connecting flight north so they can go hunting and fishing. The FBI orchestrated a coup and Americans respond by getting a
death jab and are still wanting to go hunting and fishing in northern Saskatchewan, followed by singing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way.
The communists/anarchists/fascists/satanists defunded the police, and so the murders, rapes and other crimes of course escalated. People will rise up and defend themselves, and then the United Nations (aka Prince Charles, aka The Anti-Christ) will
patrol North America to restore order. Expect a large increase of people being arrested under the Mental Health Act and sent to psychiatric wards in local hospitals for thinking too much about freedom and democracy. These people will be “treated” by
Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists… all the drugs administered have “death” as a side effect. Then Doug Cuthand will continue to have his stories published in the newspapers, where he will praise Charles for his environmental policies.
And the churches will continue to display the appropriate behavior by erecting lavishly decorated evergreen trees (pagan idols) both inside and outside their churches. Then One Arrow First Nation, which placed a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an
Egyptian penis, will decorate the Egyptian penis with gold leaf and coloured lights, and get those lights to blink on and off, on and off, on and off... They found the remains of 215 Indian kids at a Catholic school in Kamloops, that means that the
Indians will now want to turn great multitudes (many thousands) of evergreen trees into Catholic decorated idols each with 215 blinkin’ lights. No matter how many times the Catholic priests sodomized the little Indian kids, the Indians still adopt the
Catholic fertility rite of turning evergreen trees into decorated idols, for it is tradition.
In the news hundreds of native skeletons were located at Catholic facilities in Saskatchewan. Many of these kids died from overcrowded conditions, they were crowded into small rooms like my dad and mom were when they were growing up in the dirty
thirties. There are lots of white people in the white people Saskatchewan cemeteries who died in 1918, similarly I expect a lot of native people succumbed to that flu in 1918, the main crime is that they do not have tombstones. So the natives are
protesting by not celebrating Canada Day this year, but watch, they will still abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols in December (actually during November, December, January and February). Many cancel a holiday that is
celebrated on a single day (Canada Day), but then they will continue in the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols and stretch the celebrations over a four month period. It is important to not only get your trees to blink, but to get
them to blink month after month after month after month. The more times the Catholic priests ram their penises up your children’s arseholes, the more the parents will get their Catholic evergreen idols to blink on and off, on and off, on and off… And
the more the children are sodomized by the Catholic priests, the more likely the parents are to stick an Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) on the very top of their blinkin’ tree, for it is tradition. I get tortured for years by
predominantly Hindu psychiatrists and all people could do for me is laugh at me, libel and slander me, assault and rob me, and then they went and built additional psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford with money borrowed from the children,
they drugged their own children with psychiatric drugs, and then they forced their own children to take the depopulation jab. The more people who roll over and die from the depopulation jab means that there will be less people to laugh at and further
assault the victims of psychiatric horror. People train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists in Canadian universities to become psychiatrists and torture people to death. And under Trudeau, these foreigners don’t have to be Canadian citizens to practice their
art” in Canada. And all you pricks can do about it all is join protest marches with black Islamists and stick a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian penis while proclaiming that I am a white racist. Victims of psychiatric horror are likely
to have improved lives when the compassionless Catholic turds take the depopulation jabs and die, and when they are rendered infertile, the hope is that so many of you die that your medical system will utterly collapse and there will be nobody left to
staff the psychiatric torture centers.
The psychiatric drugs made my skin hard and dry, made my tongue and lips turn to hard leather, made my hair fall out, made my brain pound in pain, made me nauseous beyond belief, and all you filthy God-damned Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis
whoreshipping pricks could do is laugh at me (or assault me and rob me). I complained that the psychiatric drugs made it impossible for me to achieve an erection, then you laugh and you stick a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian penis. Most
people see the coming apocalypse as a bad thing, but if this is what is required to end psychiatry, then so be it. The normal (Catholic) people will faint in fear of the events on earth during the last days, while the victims of psychiatric horror will
finally be released from the ongoing brutal horrid torture and will hysterically laugh at you filthy Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers who are twitching and convulsing as a result of your favoured injections. Now that many hundreds of
Indian children’s skeletons were found without tombstones, expect people to now utilize more skeletons and possibly more tombstones when they annually celebrate death on October 31st. They celebrate death on October 31st then the following day (
November 1st) they turn their trees into blinkin’ idols in preparation for their December 25th worship of a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke the utter shit that pours out of their God-damned mouths. Now in Canada the Liberal
government under Justin Trudeau officially celebrates sodomy for three months, and followed by that is the celebration of blinkin’ trees for the following four months, that is seven straight months of sodomy and evergreen tree idol whoreship. Then in
March and April reverence is given to eggs and bunnies. This is not the recipe for a coming blessing from God.
In the news the Australians invested billions of dollars into submarines that they will never build. Instead of investing in rifles, artillery, torpedoes, anti-tanks weapons and aircraft, they spent the money instead upon submarines that they will
never finish building, and are outmoded death-traps anyway. The small Sterling Engine driven submarines are silent, Australia didn’t strive for such simple, cheap and proven technology. Canada can’t help Australia, we can’t fuel the few ships we
have and our exorbitantly expensive used British submarines never worked and we don’t have the money nor skills to fix them. What Canada spent on used submarines that don’t work could easily have equipped our military with top quality rifles and
artillery. Nations are purposely bankrupted by foes working within. And our allies cancel our leading-edge technological innovations (see the BAC TSR-2 and the Avro Arrow). Australia would be wise to look at the Canadian model, we have an Islamic prime
minister, a Sikh runs our military and a Somalian Islamist runs our department of immigration. Our ruling royalty is the richest in the history of mankind yet Australians and Canadians are both about to become extinct due to the flood of third world
immigrants and evil in our parliaments. Should China now invade Australia, they would kill all the Australians without Britain, Canada, New Zealand and almost every other nation being able to mount a defense. Already the Australians are not allowed to
travel, and most don’t have the money to travel anyway, the Australians are sitting at home without any guns to protect themselves from the coming genocide. Papuans were buying guns from Australians, sometime Papuans would travel to Australia in the
hopes of purchasing guns, other times Australians would travel to Papua New Guinea to sell guns. Now that the Australians gave up their guns, and now that the Australian government invested into fantasy submarines, and now that the Australians turn trees
into blinkin’ idols, Australians should be prepared for a very short war. When China invades Australia many people there will be praying to Mary and to angels for help, but Mary is asleep and in the ground while the angels in the final days are not
sent to help you but to smite you instead. Good luck to Australia, and don’t count on America coming to your aid with Democrats in power, they are busy aiding China instead. America is now run by China, they are unlikely to help Australians. Unlike
America, Canada is divided between allegiance to China and to Islam, and relies upon America for its defense, and is hardly able to mount a defense for the Australian people.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in 2021, the jabs are designed by witches and contain a myriad of different toxins specifically designed to harm and kill. Children are not adversely affected by the Kung Flu, people who catch any flu in 2020 and
2021 have a 99.8% survival rate, it is due to the immune system God provides us with, while many millions of people are suffering and dying as a result of getting the jabs. They forced psychiatric jabs upon me for years, it amounted to brutal horrid
torture, I begged for assistance to flee the country, all people could do is laugh at me, rob me, libel and slander me, and assault me further. Now these same compassionless arseholes are happily lining up to get the jab and are allowing their children
to be jabbed as well. People gave many jabs to their children over the last few decades, resulting in huge numbers of autistic children, cancers, other diseases and ultimately death. For several years until a couple of years ago the media was telling us
that we required immigration to North America because we were not reproducing fast enough, now these recent jabs will kill off millions of people and making the others infertile, likely the media will soon be telling us we need millions of new immigrants
to replace the white people who recently died off and who can no longer reproduce. Catholics (people who abide by Catholic fertility rites, such as all forms of Protestants, Hutterites, Mennonites, Seventh-day Adventists and Doukhobors) will be
responding to it all by getting bigger trees and decorating them to greater degrees. They were compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, then they had their own children and their seniors drugged to keep them manageable in the hospitals,
nursing homes and schools. Then care givers allowed seniors to die from dehydration and blamed it on Covid. Then the parents had their children injected with a death serum, developed by witches, and now as their children convulse, these parents are
making preparations for the final “Christmas” (use of God’s Name in vain, not His Mass) celebration, where the many trees in the home will blink. What a joy it will be for the convulsing and twitching children to see the trees blink on and off, on
and off, on and off, for the last time. On October 31st the convulsing and twitching children will celebrate death with their family members, then on the following day their tree will begin to blink and will blink in the home for up to the following four
In the news (not the mainstream news) in June 2021, many people in Britain are being arrested under the Mental Health Act, are imprisoned in psychiatric facilities and are having psychiatric drugs forced upon them. Britain recently altered their
Mental Health Act to make it easier to arrest and torture people who dare to complain about Islamic immigration. I imagine that if the British are able to expel all Islamists from their nation, they will still be arresting and torturing people under the
Mental Health Act for daring to criticize their Catholic churches. Similar to Canada, should the western provinces separate from Canada, this new nation will still employ psychiatrists and will still deny gun permits to those people who criticized some
injustice that resulted in them being tortured and then having a history of mental illness. Anthropologists should call the current western culture, “The People of The Jingle Bells.” The Jingle Bell leaders impose harsh judgments against those who do
not sing along and then ride upon one horse open sleighs.
Kate Shemirani says regarding Britain, “They take over the health care system. The first thing they do is change the Mental Health Act, you need one doctor instead of three psychiatrists, and then you can’t be reassessed for six weeks. In 2019 I
believe there was 16,000 appeals against forced medication for those who were sectioned under the Mental Health Act, a third of those appeals were won. Now you cannot appeal. And this is what they do to get rid of the dissidents, the first thing they do
is change the Mental Health Act.” Queen Elizabeth II allows such behavior, eventually her son Charles will rule over the many tens of thousands of Catholic, Hindu, Islamic and Sikh psychiatrists in the British (Islamic) Empire.
In the news the Liberal (Communist and Islamic) Canadian government passed a new law (Bill C-36) making it illegal to harbor hate in your heart, making it illegal to post material on the internet that is critical of other cultures or religious groups,
and you can be arrested for statements you made on the internet, or elsewhere, years ago. And your accuser receives a payment of $20,000 and gets to remain anonymous. And so in 2021 it became illegal in Canada to criticize Islam. As their numbers
increase Islamists make increasing demands in the locations they emigrate to, so now in Canada Islamists are present in sufficient quantities to demand that we shut up about the evils of their fertility cult. In Britain people are arrested and tortured
to death under their Mental Health Act for incorrect beliefs, as in Canada, and because people (including Adventists and Doukhobors) are more concerned about getting their trees to blink than about people who are tortured to death in psychiatric
facilities, expect this to continue.
In the news the Canadian community of Lytton broke the Canadian temperature record for three days in a row and started to burn. Lytton is a six lettered name, 66.666…% of the letters are consonants and these consonants add to 66 (a=1, b=2, c=3…).
And 90% of the buildings were destroyed by the fires, it is the 66th number that is not prime. Exodus with 1213 verses (the 198th or the 66+66+66th prime) terminates at Bible chapter 90 (the 66th non-prime). This means that the people of Lytton British
Columbia will now spend many more millions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols, they will get nicer and more expensive decorations for their tree idols, they will rebuild their destroyed homes with homes having taller ceilings so they may turn
even larger trees into decorated idols. Maybe spend sixty-six point six million dollars having a single individual in your community tortured in psychiatric facilities for daring to say that your churches are teaching traditions in place of God’s
Commandments. The priests of fish-god Dagon dressed up in full length fish costumes and fish-head hats, maybe the Lyttonites were failing to honour fish when they turned their trees into decorated idols. Both the evergreen tree and the fish are viewed as
symbols of fertility, maybe hang some fish heads on your blinkin’ trees in order to placate your fertility gods.
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeaky Squeaky@21:1/5 to
All on Tue Aug 2 06:34:45 2022
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff
July 31st 2022 7:53 pm 131,081 words (148 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Tucker Carlson reports on February 24th 2021 that there may be 30 million or more people living in the States that are about to be granted citizenship by Biden’s communist party, and since Biden has thrown the borders wide open (as Trudeau has done
recently), there can be additionally tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people soon to arrive. And almost every one will vote Democrat and thereby cement the United States of America as a communist nation. All the work and savings made by
Americans to build their nation is to be handed to others. Murders and other crimes are escalating dramatically, more and more women are being turned into sex slaves, many are shipped in containers with the stolen vehicles to Moslem nations (capturing
and shipping women to Moslem nations has been going on for centuries). The increasing numbers of homeless will be easy prey for the witches, who sexually abuse and then devour their victims (eating the testicles of little boys is another fertility rite,
similar to killing trees and turning them into decorated idols). Many of the people who arrive to the United States will continue on to Canada and will be an ever increasing burden upon Canadians who are similarly giving away their nation. The citizens
of Canada and the United States have their businesses shut down and are told to stay home while tens of millions or perhaps hundreds of millions of people are allowed to flood into North America from foreign lands. The blacks burned over 300 American
cities in 2020, over and over the blacks rioted and chanted that they were going to kill the whites, and Trudeau welcomes them with open arms, borrows money made out of thin air and hands it over to them, and charges the white people compound interest on
this borrowed money. The communists ended capitalist society not by war, but simply by telling people to stay home and wear a mask. People are asleep, they think they are worshipping God, but they demand that their churches, homes and entire cities are
turned into blinkin’ temples of fertility, they continue to have people tortured in psychiatric facilities when those people point out the filth in their churches, saying that their sacrifice to God is acceptable.
In the news in May 2021, 25 year old Dilshad Ali Zada from Afghanistan has been given no jail time for enslaving and sexually trafficking women in and around Saskatoon. Personally I feel that people who enslave other people into a life of sexual
service to others should face serious penalties. Providing Dilshad Ali Zada with no jail time for her many heinous crimes is a signal to others that such activity is allowed to be conducted in the community. The law comes down hard on people who dare to
open their stores… fines against people who violate quarantine laws, if unpaid, result in the loss of businesses, employment, land, homes and life savings. I received years of brutal horrid torture as a reward for criticizing your filthy churches,
people laugh at me, slander, libel, rob and assault me when I complain, and allow Dilshad Ali Zada to sexually enslave their children with no real penalty.
I wish to clarify my position. Just because the media is united with Hollywood, schools and the churches (the Catholic Church owns it all) and teaching you people to ram your penises up each others arseholes, and just because the Indians at One Arrow
First Nation stuck a statue of their ancestor One Arrow on top of an Egyptian representation of a penis, dothn’t mean that the Indians at One Arrow First Nation are all ramming their penises up each others arseholes. And just because the Indians in
western Canada flip flop between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are trying to fuck on any particular day similarly dothn’t mean they are all goink around ramming their penises up each others arseholes either.
Nevertheless the Indians and the whites are together taught to engage in sexual activities that are leading to their utter destruction, and then on top of that their favorite activity is to idolize trees. Sometimes they stick an Egyptian obelisk (a
representation of a penis) on the very top of their blinkin’ tree.
The story went, I said that it is no surprise that the priests are ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches. I was arrested and given to a Hindu
psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but it is not me who thinks so highly of penises that I would stick one on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. Then people laughed at me, assaulted me
further and called me a pedophile. Then they allowed Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to be trained as psychiatrists at the University of Saskatchewan, then they allowed them to work (torture Canadians) without they themselves being Canadians citizens. Then
they allowed the government to pay foreigners residing in Canada $500 each week to help support themselves (they get the $2000 every four weeks if they were in Canada in 2019 and received a small allowance from their parents in China or Saudi Arabia, or
wherever). And they allowed Saskatoon City Hall to employ non-Canadians, and no mayoralty candidate complained, and even if they did, the media would remain silent, just as the media is silent on the non-Canadians receiving $2000 every four weeks, it is
more than $2000 monthly. European immigrants removed billions of dollars worth of land from Doukhobor families and now see themselves as rich enough to hand out $500 each week to non-Canadians to help them through the fear flu. Strip the Doukhobors of
any land they still manage to possess and hand it over to the Chinese, Islamist, Sikh, Hindu and Catholic invaders and call the Doukhobors racists. You are compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, your compassion is limited to your pagan
evergreen tree rituals and to Egyptian penises on your church roofs (and spread across the nation in almost every place imaginable, even on the very tops of the blinkin’ trees in the homes of Doukhobors, Mennonites, Hutterites and Adventists). You
unrepentantly continue to employ Hindu, Islamic, Sikh and Catholic (likely Chinese as well) psychiatrists to torture those who don’t appreciate your blinkin’ trees, you absolutely MUST lose your nation to alternative fertility cults as a result. Go
give a few million dollars to Omar’s sister and put her image on our paper money. In Saskatchewan the wealthy are allowed to sell you oatmeal that contains no more than “three” mouse turds per cup, but should they find “two” mouse turds in
their Class A motorhome, Saskatchewan Government Insurance will provide them with a new Class A motorhome. All I can do is laugh at you while crying out to God against you. You have me brutally tortured for years and think it funny, you can’t raise a
finger in my defense, you don’t even have a kind word for me. God is about to spread you compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers out like dung over the surface of the earth and I think it is absolutely hilarious!!! Send your kid
to school to learn to become a transsexual communist. Go ejaculate upon your blinkin’ fertility tree idol. Have me arrested and tortured again at the University of Saskatchewan for daring to quote from Aleister Crowley’s book “White Stains” (he
wrote poetry about raping and killing children and then eating their testicles and nipples), which was housed at the main University of Saskatchewan library, then libel, slander and assault me further and steal from me some more. Good for you, I sure
hope you win.
The elections for Saskatoon city council in 2020 and beyond should all prove to be exciting events, my hope is that residents will get out and vote as decisions made by City Council have always had great impact upon the citizens of the city. Whether
you are a compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree or penis whoreshipper, should I become mayor of Saskatoon I vow to allow your pagan practices to continue unabated but I will not be using the public purse to pay for them, nor will I allow the practices
to take place on city-owned properties, neither on nor in city-owned equipment. Anyway, if I were mayor of the city of Saskatoon, that’s what I’d do. Actually I’m not really running in any election, the thought was if I made this book look like
election litrature then it would be more difficult to censor.
Be aware that Ducks Unlimited and the Canadian Wildlife Federation are allowing farmers to cut the grass on their reserves in as early as June, thereby killing off the nesting songbirds and depriving them of nesting cover, and depriving them of habitat
used by insects which some birds eat and use to feed their young, and deprives the seedeaters of seeds. The farmers like to get onto the wildlife lands and cut the grass in June lest another farmer come along and cuts that grass for themselves at the
beginning of July. The land around Blaine Lake is used for agriculture, the few spots that are designated for wildlife get cut and made into straw bales in June and July, it makes life particularly hard for the seedeaters like the Bobolinks who depend
upon the plants and seeds to raise their batches of young into September. Even the ducks and geese suffer as grasses from the previous year’s growth are used by the ducks and geese in the following year for concealing themselves and their nests and for
eating the seeds. And there is the issue of trees, the young trees are annually cut down at the same time the grass is cut, depriving the tree-nesting birds of the trees and depriving other animals of concealment and shelter. By cutting and removing the
grass and the trees, the land becomes unsuitable for nesting as food, shelter and concealment cover has been removed. In place of a healthy environment full of a myriad of species including moose are instead large round bales of hay, sometimes a hawk
sits upon one of the round hay bales waiting for a mouse to scurry by, which is now easy to see as the grass is cut. The more coyotes the farmers shoot, the more mice there are scurrying about. The farmers shoot the coyotes, potentially resulting in a
plague of rats and mice, then they spread poison to kill the rodents, which results in the deaths of myriads of other animals. The farmers spread pesticides and herbicides, then they shoot the coyotes and spread additional poisons to deal with the
resulting impending plagues of rats and mice, and care little when they see their neighbours cut the grass on Ducks Unlimited / Canadian Wildlife Federation reserve lands. It is of upmost importance for the farmers to maintain friendly relations with
their neighbours, they find common ground by decimating the wildlife, by abiding by the Catholic fertility rites, by proclaiming their hatred of aboriginal Indians, and by proclaiming an utter and complete hatred of people who speak in defense of coyotes.
I faced threats to my life from western Canadian farmers several years ago when I posted a few sentences on Facebook that were in defense of coyotes.
Go for coffee at a rural Saskatchewan restaurant and hear the farmers say… “The grass will simply go to waste if the farmers do not take it, and besides, our cows and horses need it, and besides the ducks have hatched and are swimming, can’t you
see the baby ducks swimming, are you stupid?!!!” Or when the farmers are questioned about stripping the grass cover on Ducks Unlimited lands, they will invert the response to “The ducks have hatched and are swimming, can’t you see the baby ducks
swimming, are you stupid?!!! The grass will simply go to waste if us farmers do not take it, and besides, the cows and horses need it.” Or, “Are you stupid?!!! The cows and horses need it, the grass will simply go to waste if they can’t have it,
can’t you see the baby ducks have hatched and are swimming?!!!” Often the issue of “Have you ever held a job?” is tossed into the argument by the farmer, adding great complexity to the permutations and combinations of their responses and
exceeding the scope of this essay. The biggest losers are the wildlife, those people who donated the land to Ducks Unlimited and the Canadian Wildlife Federation, and those people who do not care that they never saw a Bobolink.
In Canada the forests are sprayed with herbicides in order to kill off the deciduous trees, leaving the forests to be covered with coniferous (evergreen) trees, which are later harvested for money. When the forests are kept as a mixture of deciduous
and coniferous trees, as God intended, the result is a healthy ecosystem and a great variety of life. A myriad of problems result from spraying and killing off the deciduous trees, including wildfires that rage unchecked over huge mountain ranges.
Without the existence of deciduous trees in a forest, fires in the coniferous forests spread rapidly and rage unchecked. The general pubic has no idea that the forests are being sprayed in order to kill off the deciduous trees, and when the resulting
forest fires destroy lives and communities these ignorant dupes cry out that the climate is warming and ignorantly back legislation that removes our industries, our wealth and our freedoms. The general pubic cares little about deciduous trees, they
instead want coniferous trees to decorate and make them blink on and off, on and off, on and off, just like Hitler’s and Obama’s and the Queen’s and the pope’s and Trump’s blinkin’ trees. Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Australians and
Papuans are all willing to ignore an invasion of Chinese and Islamists, thinking that by annually turning trees into decorated idols and singing Jingle Bells, that national security, heaven and salvation are all assured.
Both the Sunday and Sabbath keepers are turning trees into decorated idols and are getting their trees to blink. In ancient times the priests of fish-god Dagon dressed up in full length fish outfits, turned trees into decorated idols and left presents
for the tree at the base of the tree. Over time the full-length fish outfits that Dagon’s clergy wore evolved so that just the fish-head hat remains, but still to this day these fished-headed priests of Dagon turn trees into decorated idols. And now
with advanced technology they get their trees to blink!!! Several centuries ago Dagon’s priests stole an obelisk (a representation of a penis) from Egypt and erected it in the center of Vatican Square, and each winter place a tree turned into a
decorated idol next to the stolen Egyptian dink. Both the Egyptian penis and the decorated evergreen tree are symbols of fertility, they place their symbols of fertility side by side. Then they make miniature representations of the stolen Egyptian penis
and place them on the roofs of their filthy churches. Some Sunday (Catholic) and Sabbath (Adventist) keepers place a miniature Egyptian penis on the very top of their blinkin’ tree, sometimes they place a little star on the top of the obelisk (the
pagan penis). The only real difference between the Catholics and the Adventists is that sometimes the Adventists turn their trees into decorated idols with cheap ribbons instead of with the expensive ornaments and blinkin’ lights. The Adventists pride
themselves in keeping God’s Fourth Commandment but different aspects of their pagan winter mass together violate God’s First Three Commandments. The Americans saw the homosexual Indonesian Islamist posing with the blinkin’ trees and thought he
shared their values, so they elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist to the presidency of the Unites States of America. The Bible is packed full of examples… when people adopt pagan fertility rites then they lose their nations to
members of alternative fertility cults. Everybody gets their trees blink on and off, on and off, on and off, it is really quite a show. Many of you arseholes tithe to cannibals that teach you to turn your homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility, you
have zero compassion for the victims of psychiatric horror, you are smug about your future and giggle with glee.
The Bible is packed full of examples of people failing to honor God and then losing their lives and their entire nations to members of alternative fertility cults. In place of teaching Biblical truths, your priests and ministers teach you to adopt
pagan fertility rites, to ram your penises up each other’s arseholes, and to whoreship a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke the utter crap that pours out of your God-damned mouths. Canadians and Americans are soldiers of the gods of
fertility, they have great compassion for their pagan fertility rites while being utterly compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror. Starting in 1988 people gleefully employed Hindus to torture me when I criticized their pagan fertility rites,
now all I can do is cry out to God against you and against your family members. Santa Claus and Disneyland, the Easter Bunny too, and lavishly decorated trees that blink, nothing but the best for your kids.
I received years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture and managed to physically survive. It wasn’t the horror of what the drugs did to me that affected me so much, it was the people who either ignored or who laughed at me when I complained and
requested assistance to flee the country, it was the people who libeled me, slandered me, brutally assaulted and robbed me. Now it is my turn to laugh at you Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers, go ahead, take the injection (it is not a
That serum is not a vaccination as it does not vaccinate, people still catch the Chinese (Wuhan) Bat Flu after receiving multiple injections, if there is a flu (probably microwaves reducing people’s respiratory and immune systems). Even after
receiving the injections you still are ordered to wear a mask, you are confined and isolated, your economic engine is removed from you, you are not even allowed to go horse racing or play golf. None of the children are seriously affected by the China Bat
Flu yet you cancel their schools and inject them with an abomination that causes desolation, many children have died and are maimed by the injections. Parents have been delivering their children up to brutal psychiatrists and their brutal psychiatric
drugs for decades, and now they have their children maimed and killed by a new series of injections. Then you fund Islam with your Covid relief packages and even turn military bases into camps for Islamists, and you allow an uninterrupted flow of Chinese
to fly in directly from Wuhan while they continue to work on attempting to weaponize the bat viruses. People are being injected with serums made from numerous monkeys and are willing to risk getting sexually transmitted monkey diseases, infertility,
blood clots and death in order to combat a bat virus that sometimes results in flu-like symptoms.
As Sanity For Sweden states, the injection is no more effective in combating the virus than wearing yellow pants. Go ahead and hand your nations over to the Islamists and to the Chinese while singing Jingle Bells and bowing to blinkin’ trees. Many
of you will faint in the face of adversity while I am simply going to laugh at your calamity. I already had my brutal shots, now it is your turn. It was so very hilarious to you people when I complained of being tortured by Hindu psychiatrists, you
ignored mine and other people’s complaints about being tortured in psychiatric facilities, and you continued to annually spend billions of dollars turning trees into blinkin’ idols. Simply put, you God-damned pieces of shit, I am begging God to
terminate your lives and the lives of your children.
Check out “The Final Refutation of Virology” By Dr. Stefan Lanka, narrated in English by Heather Bruno (I saw the video on Bitchute.com), there is no scientific evidence that Kung Flu is caused by a virus, and furthermore virology is not a
scientific discipline. See also “Understanding How Covid-19 Was Made Up” by Dr. Sam. Bailey. People are falling for a myriad of hoaxes, it started with the hoax of abiding by pagan fertility rites and tithing to churches that teach the pagan rituals,
and it ends with the Chinese providing chemical laden nasal swabs to Canadians and Americans that results in infertility, cancer and death.
The Catholic Church teaches you to abide by pagan fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments, this church owns and uses the media and other institutions to help teach you and your family members to abide by pagan crap. This same church uses
their media to cover up the ongoing sexual misconduct of their priests. This same church censors the existence of cannibals in western societies, censors Scriptural passages referring to cannibalism, and is actively engaged in importing the third world
into our communities to impoverish the masses. It is essential for this church to impoverish the masses as this way people become homeless and then can be devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14). The so-called Church of England is a branch of the
Catholic Church, as it and other Protestant churches systematically teaches people to abide by Catholic fertility rites. It is essential for the Catholic Church to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols and abide by this pagan winter festival as
different aspects of this winter festival are in opposition to God’s first Three Commandments, which they hate. And it is essential for this church to help kill off the white people, as whites are the main group of people that abide by the Commandments
of God and hold the faith of Jesus (Revelation 12:17). It is shameful for Christians in western countries to allow their fellow Christians to be tortured in psychiatric facilities. Every three weeks I defended my sanity at psychiatric appeal panel
hearings by stating that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, and that people are inadvertently bowing to trees when they place and retrieve presents from the base of the tree. Catholics sat at these appeal panel hearings and
repeatedly allowed predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me. Instead of aiding my escape, the Christians in Saskatoon and in other Canadian communities spent billions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols and imported the third world.
Importing the third world into Canada had a negative impact upon my life. The white Europeans think it funny that I get tortured for years by predominantly Hindu psychiatrists, I in turn think it hilarious when God terminates your children’s lives.
Filthy compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers. I get horrid injections forced upon me for years that amounted to brutal horrid torture and all people could do is laugh, decorate trees and sing Jingle Bells. Good for you. Now God
permits you and your Jingle Bell children to get a dose that will cause infertility, deaths and utter desolation. You ignore the plight of the victims of psychiatric horror… what comes around goes around.
Give testimony to your friends, relatives and fellow church members that the decorated evergreen tree is a pagan idol, then be mocked. If the mocking doesn’t shut you up, then expect to be slandered, libeled and be expelled (shunned) from the church
or family unit. If you are still squeaking, there is always the possibility that you will be assaulted, arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities, or simply murdered. So double down, get a bigger tree and decorate it to a greater degree.
Westerners are drunk and dazed, their borders are wide open, they should be building walls, multiplying like locusts and building their economies (Nahum 3:11-16). Western women will either help staffing borders, building walls and multiplying like
locusts or will end up as sex slaves in Islamic countries. Western women should consider taking the initiative to support western civilization by providing children in accordance to Isaiah 4:1 and form families of eight. Unite into family units of eight
individuals, seven women together with one man, work closely together to build yourselves a home in the country. It is shameful that the western women adopted the propaganda to end western families, now they can redeem themselves and provide our race
with children and a hope for the future. Those white women who remain fertile by not taking the jab, those white women who never removed their reproductive organs, those white women who are not busy raising black and Asian children, those white women who
are not brainwashed into hating men, those white women who were never raped and traumatized and who can still form meaningful relationships are required to save the white race from extinction. Women are married to their blinkin’ evergreen trees and
other fertility traditions pushed by the Catholic Church. Like the white men, the white women enthusiastically embrace Catholic fertility rites and then claim that the Jews control the world. The hugely obese white women regularly flew to third world
countries and had sex with the black men at the beach resorts over there, the fat asses paid the same amount for their airfares as the women who weighed one-sixth of their weight. The hugely obese women were seen as symbols of fertility in Africa, so the
huge white women went there for sex and to be idolized. White parents care little that their ignorant daughters quested after negro men due to them having large penises, what was important to those parents is that their daughters and their well-endowed
black boyfriends joined with them in turning trees into decorated idols and singing Jingle Bells, for it was tradition. The tradition of marrying into your own race was claimed to be racism while the tradition of turning trees into decorated idols was
claimed to be an essential part of family life.
Even Cree women succumbed to the cancel-culture propaganda and bore black children, one would think that Cree women should instead show solidarity with their own people and help their Cree nation thrive. Most everybody taught their daughters to
embrace their pagan fertility idols and many of these daughters ended up fornicating with blacks due to the blacks having large penises, Cadillac cars, diamonds and gold chains. The Cree were united in their adoption of Catholic fertility tree idols that
had Egyptian obelisks (penises) mounted on the very top of the blinkin’ trees.
The Cree were divided due to corruption on the reserves where quarter sections of land were handed out to the children of the corrupt leaders, a class division was established on the reserves where the Cree who benefitted from the corruption married
into other Cree families who similarly benefitted from the corruption. Just like the white women, the Cree women sought out marriage partners who had wealth, and that included violent black pimps who flashed their wealth. In a little over a hundred years
white women went from driving birds into extinction and to near extinction by adorning their hats with fine feathers, to driving the white race into extinction by fornicating with black men with their big penises, by sending money to Islamic nations, and
by refusing to help form white families and raising white children. The white women did have sex but it was with other women and with men who were not white. The Cree were decimated by disease and then in 2021 the assorted governments encouraged their
band members to take injections that caused infertility and death. The white people and the Cree people were united in pagan fertility whoreship, as are the Hindus, Islamists, Sikhs, Shintoists and Islamists, all groups are engaged in phallic whoreship.
Many of the white women and Cree women found the time to unite and march together in support of the black Islamic and Marxist invaders, they marched together and protested together and together they ignored the Catholic, Hindu, Sikh and Islamist doctors
that were torturing people to death in psychiatric facilities. The blacks were burning cities in the USA and chanting to kill the whites, so the women and the Cree in Canada marched in solidarity with these blacks and asked to defund the police.
Canadians were told to be proud of their multiculturalism and welcomed people of all colours to our nation, now in a space of a year we are told that we are all racists and these people we welcomed now want to kill us. The judges are giving a slap on
the wrist of those of colour who commit crimes, many times they don’t even have to spend any time in prisons because the reason provided by the judges is that there are already a disproportionate number of their kind in the prisons. Blacks are openly
calling for the deaths of white people while the judges are not punishing people for their crimes. For years white kids experienced huge hurdles trying to get into trade schools or into university degree programs that could result in financial gain, the
seats were provided to the immigrants instead, and now these unskilled and poorly skilled white kids learn that they are racists.
The white Canadian children are strongly encouraged to get “vaccinated” even now that many people are aware that the so called “vaccinations” are causing more deaths and disease than the supposed virus, which hasn’t even been proven to exist.
Canadians see themselves as “saved” because they embrace Catholic fertility rites (blinkin’ evergreen tree idols) and are so nice that they happily give their nation away to foreigners, and now in 2021 give their health and fertility away to a jab.
The entire world embraced pagan fertility rites and then the ruler of the world gave them a jab and removed their fertility. The people who fell for the deception of the blinkin’ fertility tree idols are the same group that lost their health and lives
and gave away their children’s fertility to the jab. The extremely overweight white women may be rendered infertile by the jab but will still be viewed as symbols of fertility when they fly to Africa and the Caribbean to have sex with the black men
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff August 31st 2022 4:54 pm 137,346 words (155 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
In the news on February 24th 2021, the communist leader of the New Democratic Party, Jagmeet Singh, announced that he will continue to prop up the communist Liberal party as long as the pandemic continues. The people who voted for these communist
parties are the same people who turn trees into decorated idols and sing Jingle Bells. Canadians collectively spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols, and had collectively spent many millions of dollars having me tortured in
psychiatric facilities for criticizing their fertility traditions, and are now very pleased with themselves as they are “freely” given over $2,000 per month in Covid relief funds. Even non-Canadians are given over $2,000 per month in so-called virus
relief. Canadians who were not employed or only found minimal work in 2019 are not eligible for the $2,000 per month Covid relief funds that the non-Canadians are receiving. Again, 20% of the seats in the trade schools are reserved for recently arrived
immigrants (mainly Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for women (again many are recently arrived Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for handicapped (again, many are Asian and African Islamists), 20% of
the seats are reserved for natives (many are converting to Islam in the prisons), and then the remaining 20% of the seats are for the other Islamists that never filled the other seats. The Canadian government made it difficult for white people to receive
training and jobs, the white people were left unemployed and underemployed in 2019, the lack of money they earned in 2019 resulted in them being ineligible to receive the $2,000 per month in Covid relief funds in 2020 and 2021, which were freely given to
the foreign students who received adequate allowances from their Chinese and Saudi Arabian parents in 2019. They stripped Doukhobors of billions of dollars of land, removed Doukhobor children from their families, denied most Doukhobors training and good
paying jobs, had some Doukhobors tortured in psychiatric facilities when they dared to speak publically about corrupt Christian churches, later they began to treat the other white people in a similar fashion as they were treating the Doukhobors. The
white Europeans lined up to receive the land stolen from the Doukhobor families, the white Canadians stole Doukhobor land and then laughed at Doukhobors for an entire century, then the Canadian government lumped all the white people in together and
called them all white racists and instead imported Moslems from Africa, Asia and the Middle-East to take their place. The Doukhobors tried to fit into Canadian society, many Anglicized their names (they changed their names to names that sounded British),
almost all followed after the Roman Catholic Church and adopted the Catholic fertility rites. Almost all the Doukhobors adopted pagan fertility rites and sang Jingle Bells in the hopes they would have stable homes in Canada. Even the Doukhobors would end
up laughing at me when I complained that I was being tortured by primarily Hindu psychiatrists when I dared to state that their churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and when I dared to say that they were adopting pagan fertility
rites in place of God’s Commandments.
And Rebel News reports on February 24th 2021 that Justin Trudeau strips Canadians of their rights and forces them to stay quarantined in hotels, where he has the locks removed from the doors resulting in security guards raping the white women staying
within. Several people commenting on this news say that the security guards at these Covid hotels are Moslems.
Tucker Carlson reports on February 24th 2021 that there may be 30 million or more people living in the States that are about to be granted citizenship by Biden’s communist party, and since Biden has thrown the borders wide open (as Trudeau has done
recently), there can be additionally tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people soon to arrive. And almost every one will vote Democrat and thereby cement the United States of America as a communist nation. All the work and savings made by
Americans to build their nation is to be handed to others. Murders and other crimes are escalating dramatically, more and more women are being turned into sex slaves, many are shipped in containers with the stolen vehicles to Moslem nations (capturing
and shipping women to Moslem nations has been going on for centuries). The increasing numbers of homeless will be easy prey for the witches, who sexually abuse and then devour their victims (eating the testicles of little boys is another fertility rite,
similar to killing trees and turning them into decorated idols). Many of the people who arrive to the United States will continue on to Canada and will be an ever increasing burden upon Canadians who are similarly giving away their nation. The citizens
of Canada and the United States have their businesses shut down and are told to stay home while tens of millions or perhaps hundreds of millions of people are allowed to flood into North America from foreign lands. The blacks burned over 300 American
cities in 2020, over and over the blacks rioted and chanted that they were going to kill the whites, and Trudeau welcomes them with open arms, borrows money made out of thin air and hands it over to them, and charges the white people compound interest on
this borrowed money. The communists ended capitalist society not by war, but simply by telling people to stay home and wear a mask. People are asleep, they think they are worshipping God, but they demand that their churches, homes and entire cities are
turned into blinkin’ temples of fertility, they continue to have people tortured in psychiatric facilities when those people point out the filth in their churches, saying that their sacrifice to God is acceptable.
In the news in May 2021, 25 year old Dilshad Ali Zada from Afghanistan has been given no jail time for enslaving and sexually trafficking women in and around Saskatoon. Personally I feel that people who enslave other people into a life of sexual
service to others should face serious penalties. Providing Dilshad Ali Zada with no jail time for her many heinous crimes is a signal to others that such activity is allowed to be conducted in the community. The law comes down hard on people who dare to
open their stores… fines against people who violate quarantine laws, if unpaid, result in the loss of businesses, employment, land, homes and life savings. I received years of brutal horrid torture as a reward for criticizing your filthy churches,
people laugh at me, slander, libel, rob and assault me when I complain, and allow Dilshad Ali Zada to sexually enslave their children with no real penalty.
I wish to clarify my position. Just because the media is united with Hollywood, schools and the churches (the Catholic Church owns it all) and teaching you people to ram your penises up each others arseholes, and just because the Indians at One Arrow
First Nation stuck a statue of their ancestor One Arrow on top of an Egyptian representation of a penis, dothn’t mean that the Indians at One Arrow First Nation are all ramming their penises up each others arseholes. And just because the Indians in
western Canada flip flop between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are trying to fuck on any particular day similarly dothn’t mean they are all goink around ramming their penises up each others arseholes either.
Nevertheless the Indians and the whites are together taught to engage in sexual activities that are leading to their utter destruction, and then on top of that their favorite activity is to idolize trees. Sometimes they stick an Egyptian obelisk (a
representation of a penis) on the very top of their blinkin’ tree.
The story went, I said that it is no surprise that the priests are ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches. I was arrested and given to a Hindu
psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but it is not me who thinks so highly of penises that I would stick one on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. Then people laughed at me, assaulted me
further and called me a pedophile. Then they allowed Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to be trained as psychiatrists at the University of Saskatchewan, then they allowed them to work (torture Canadians) without they themselves being Canadians citizens. Then
they allowed the government to pay foreigners residing in Canada $500 each week to help support themselves (they get the $2000 every four weeks if they were in Canada in 2019 and received a small allowance from their parents in China or Saudi Arabia, or
wherever). And they allowed Saskatoon City Hall to employ non-Canadians, and no mayoralty candidate complained, and even if they did, the media would remain silent, just as the media is silent on the non-Canadians receiving $2000 every four weeks, it is
more than $2000 monthly. European immigrants removed billions of dollars worth of land from Doukhobor families and now see themselves as rich enough to hand out $500 each week to non-Canadians to help them through the fear flu. Strip the Doukhobors of
any land they still manage to possess and hand it over to the Chinese, Islamist, Sikh, Hindu and Catholic invaders and call the Doukhobors racists.
You are compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, your compassion is limited to your pagan evergreen tree rituals and to Egyptian penises on your church roofs (and spread across the nation in almost every place imaginable, even on the very
tops of the blinkin’ trees in the homes of Doukhobors, Mennonites, Hutterites and Adventists). You unrepentantly continue to employ Hindu, Islamic, Sikh and Catholic (likely Chinese as well) psychiatrists to torture those who don’t appreciate your
blinkin’ trees, you absolutely MUST lose your nation to alternative fertility cults as a result. Go give a few million dollars to Omar’s sister and put her image on our paper money. In Saskatchewan the wealthy are allowed to sell you oatmeal that
contains no more than “three” mouse turds per cup, but should they find “two” mouse turds in their Class A motorhome, Saskatchewan Government Insurance will provide them with a new Class A motorhome. All I can do is laugh at you while crying out
to God against you. You have me brutally tortured for years and think it funny, you can’t raise a finger in my defense, you don’t even have a kind word for me. God is about to spread you compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers
out like dung over the surface of the earth and I think it is absolutely hilarious!!! Send your kid to school to learn to become a transsexual communist. Go ejaculate upon your blinkin’ fertility tree idol. Have me arrested and tortured again at the
University of Saskatchewan for daring to quote from Aleister Crowley’s book “White Stains” (he wrote poetry about raping and killing children and then eating their testicles and nipples), which was housed at the main University of Saskatchewan
library, then libel, slander and assault me further and steal from me some more. Good for you, I sure hope you win.
The elections for Saskatoon city council in 2020 and beyond should all prove to be exciting events, my hope is that residents will get out and vote as decisions made by City Council have always had great impact upon the citizens of the city. Whether
you are a compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree or penis whoreshipper, should I become mayor of Saskatoon I vow to allow your pagan practices to continue unabated but I will not be using the public purse to pay for them, nor will I allow the practices
to take place on city-owned properties, neither on nor in city-owned equipment. Anyway, if I were mayor of the city of Saskatoon, that’s what I’d do. Actually I’m not really running in any election, the thought was if I made this book look like
election litrature then it would be more difficult to censor.
Be aware that Ducks Unlimited and the Canadian Wildlife Federation are allowing farmers to cut the grass on their reserves in as early as June, thereby killing off the nesting songbirds and depriving them of nesting cover, and depriving them of habitat
used by insects which some birds eat and use to feed their young, and deprives the seedeaters of seeds. The farmers like to get onto the wildlife lands and cut the grass in June lest another farmer come along and cuts that grass for themselves at the
beginning of July. The land around Blaine Lake is used for agriculture, the few spots that are designated for wildlife get cut and made into straw bales in June and July, it makes life particularly hard for the seedeaters like the Bobolinks who depend
upon the plants and seeds to raise their batches of young into September. Even the ducks and geese suffer as grasses from the previous year’s growth are used by the ducks and geese in the following year for concealing themselves and their nests and for
eating the seeds. And there is the issue of trees, the young trees are annually cut down at the same time the grass is cut, depriving the tree-nesting birds of the trees and depriving other animals of concealment and shelter. By cutting and removing the
grass and the trees, the land becomes unsuitable for nesting as food, shelter and concealment cover has been removed. In place of a healthy environment full of a myriad of species including moose are instead large round bales of hay, sometimes a hawk
sits upon one of the round hay bales waiting for a mouse to scurry by, which is now easy to see as the grass is cut. The more coyotes the farmers shoot, the more mice there are scurrying about. The farmers shoot the coyotes, potentially resulting in a
plague of rats and mice, then they spread poison to kill the rodents, which results in the deaths of myriads of other animals. The farmers spread pesticides and herbicides, then they shoot the coyotes and spread additional poisons to deal with the
resulting impending plagues of rats and mice, and care little when they see their neighbours cut the grass on Ducks Unlimited / Canadian Wildlife Federation reserve lands. It is of upmost importance for the farmers to maintain friendly relations with
their neighbours, they find common ground by decimating the wildlife, by abiding by the Catholic fertility rites, by proclaiming their hatred of aboriginal Indians, and by proclaiming an utter and complete hatred of people who speak in defense of coyotes.
I faced threats to my life from western Canadian farmers several years ago when I posted a few sentences on Facebook that were in defense of coyotes.
Go for coffee at a rural Saskatchewan restaurant and hear the farmers say… “The grass will simply go to waste if the farmers do not take it, and besides, our cows and horses need it, and besides the ducks have hatched and are swimming, can’t you
see the baby ducks swimming, are you stupid?!!!” Or when the farmers are questioned about stripping the grass cover on Ducks Unlimited lands, they will invert the response to “The ducks have hatched and are swimming, can’t you see the baby ducks
swimming, are you stupid?!!! The grass will simply go to waste if us farmers do not take it, and besides, the cows and horses need it.” Or, “Are you stupid?!!! The cows and horses need it, the grass will simply go to waste if they can’t have it,
can’t you see the baby ducks have hatched and are swimming?!!!” Often the issue of “Have you ever held a job?” is tossed into the argument by the farmer, adding great complexity to the permutations and combinations of their responses and
exceeding the scope of this essay. The biggest losers are the wildlife, those people who donated the land to Ducks Unlimited and the Canadian Wildlife Federation, and those people who do not care that they never saw a Bobolink.
In Canada the forests are sprayed with herbicides in order to kill off the deciduous trees, leaving the forests to be covered with coniferous (evergreen) trees, which are later harvested for money. When the forests are kept as a mixture of deciduous
and coniferous trees, as God intended, the result is a healthy ecosystem and a great variety of life. A myriad of problems result from spraying and killing off the deciduous trees, including wildfires that rage unchecked over huge mountain ranges.
Without the existence of deciduous trees in a forest, fires in the coniferous forests spread rapidly and rage unchecked. The general pubic has no idea that the forests are being sprayed in order to kill off the deciduous trees, and when the resulting
forest fires destroy lives and communities these ignorant dupes cry out that the climate is warming and ignorantly back legislation that removes our industries, our wealth and our freedoms. The general pubic cares little about deciduous trees, they
instead want coniferous trees to decorate and make them blink on and off, on and off, on and off, just like Hitler’s and Obama’s and the Queen’s and the pope’s and Trump’s blinkin’ trees. Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Australians and
Papuans are all willing to ignore an invasion of Chinese and Islamists, thinking that by annually turning trees into decorated idols and singing Jingle Bells, that national security, heaven and salvation are all assured.
Both the Sunday and Sabbath keepers are turning trees into decorated idols and are getting their trees to blink. In ancient times the priests of fish-god Dagon dressed up in full length fish outfits, turned trees into decorated idols and left presents
for the tree at the base of the tree. Over time the full-length fish outfits that Dagon’s clergy wore evolved so that just the fish-head hat remains, but still to this day these fished-headed priests of Dagon turn trees into decorated idols. And now
with advanced technology they get their trees to blink!!! Several centuries ago Dagon’s priests stole an obelisk (a representation of a penis) from Egypt and erected it in the center of Vatican Square, and each winter place a tree turned into a
decorated idol next to the stolen Egyptian dink. Both the Egyptian penis and the decorated evergreen tree are symbols of fertility, they place their symbols of fertility side by side. Then they make miniature representations of the stolen Egyptian penis
and place them on the roofs of their filthy churches. Some Sunday (Catholic) and Sabbath (Adventist) keepers place a miniature Egyptian penis on the very top of their blinkin’ tree, sometimes they place a little star on the top of the obelisk (the
pagan penis). The only real difference between the Catholics and the Adventists is that sometimes the Adventists turn their trees into decorated idols with cheap ribbons instead of with the expensive ornaments and blinkin’ lights. The Adventists pride
themselves in keeping God’s Fourth Commandment but different aspects of their pagan winter mass together violate God’s First Three Commandments. The Americans saw the homosexual Indonesian Islamist posing with the blinkin’ trees and thought he
shared their values, so they elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist to the presidency of the Unites States of America. The Bible is packed full of examples… when people adopt pagan fertility rites then they lose their nations to
members of alternative fertility cults. Everybody gets their trees blink on and off, on and off, on and off, it is really quite a show. Many of you arseholes tithe to cannibals that teach you to turn your homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility, you
have zero compassion for the victims of psychiatric horror, you are smug about your future and giggle with glee.
The Bible is packed full of examples of people failing to honor God and then losing their lives and their entire nations to members of alternative fertility cults. In place of teaching Biblical truths, your priests and ministers teach you to adopt
pagan fertility rites, to ram your penises up each other’s arseholes, and to whoreship a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke the utter crap that pours out of your God-damned mouths. Canadians and Americans are soldiers of the gods of
fertility, they have great compassion for their pagan fertility rites while being utterly compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror. Starting in 1988 people gleefully employed Hindus to torture me when I criticized their pagan fertility rites,
now all I can do is cry out to God against you and against your family members. Santa Claus and Disneyland, the Easter Bunny too, and lavishly decorated trees that blink, nothing but the best for your kids.
I received years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture and managed to physically survive. It wasn’t the horror of what the drugs did to me that affected me so much, it was the people who either ignored or who laughed at me when I complained and
requested assistance to flee the country, it was the people who libeled me, slandered me, brutally assaulted and robbed me. Now it is my turn to laugh at you Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers, go ahead, take the injection (it is not a
That serum is not a vaccination as it does not vaccinate, people still catch the Chinese (Wuhan) Bat Flu after receiving multiple injections, if there is a flu (probably microwaves reducing people’s respiratory and immune systems). Even after
receiving the injections you still are ordered to wear a mask, you are confined and isolated, your economic engine is removed from you, you are not even allowed to go horse racing or play golf. None of the children are seriously affected by the China Bat
Flu yet you cancel their schools and inject them with an abomination that causes desolation, many children have died and are maimed by the injections. Parents have been delivering their children up to brutal psychiatrists and their brutal psychiatric
drugs for decades, and now they have their children maimed and killed by a new series of injections. Then you fund Islam with your Covid relief packages and even turn military bases into camps for Islamists, and you allow an uninterrupted flow of Chinese
to fly in directly from Wuhan while they continue to work on attempting to weaponize the bat viruses. People are being injected with serums made from numerous monkeys and are willing to risk getting sexually transmitted monkey diseases, infertility,
blood clots and death in order to combat a bat virus that sometimes results in flu-like symptoms.
As Sanity For Sweden states, the injection is no more effective in combating the virus than wearing yellow pants. Go ahead and hand your nations over to the Islamists and to the Chinese while singing Jingle Bells and bowing to blinkin’ trees. Many
of you will faint in the face of adversity while I am simply going to laugh at your calamity. I already had my brutal shots, now it is your turn. It was so very hilarious to you people when I complained of being tortured by Hindu psychiatrists, you
ignored mine and other people’s complaints about being tortured in psychiatric facilities, and you continued to annually spend billions of dollars turning trees into blinkin’ idols. Simply put, you God-damned pieces of shit, I am begging God to
terminate your lives and the lives of your children.
Check out “The Final Refutation of Virology” By Dr. Stefan Lanka, narrated in English by Heather Bruno (I saw the video on Bitchute.com), there is no scientific evidence that Kung Flu is caused by a virus, and furthermore virology is not a
scientific discipline. See also “Understanding How Covid-19 Was Made Up” by Dr. Sam. Bailey. People are falling for a myriad of hoaxes, it started with the hoax of abiding by pagan fertility rites and tithing to churches that teach the pagan rituals,
and it ends with the Chinese providing chemical laden nasal swabs to Canadians and Americans that results in infertility, cancer and death.
The Catholic Church teaches you to abide by pagan fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments, this church owns and uses the media and other institutions to help teach you and your family members to abide by pagan crap. This same church uses
their media to cover up the ongoing sexual misconduct of their priests. This same church censors the existence of cannibals in western societies, censors Scriptural passages referring to cannibalism, and is actively engaged in importing the third world
into our communities to impoverish the masses. It is essential for this church to impoverish the masses as this way people become homeless and then can be devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14). The so-called Church of England is a branch of the
Catholic Church, as it and other Protestant churches systematically teaches people to abide by Catholic fertility rites. It is essential for the Catholic Church to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols and abide by this pagan winter festival as
different aspects of this winter festival are in opposition to God’s first Three Commandments, which they hate. And it is essential for this church to help kill off the white people, as whites are the main group of people that abide by the Commandments
of God and hold the faith of Jesus (Revelation 12:17). It is shameful for Christians in western countries to allow their fellow Christians to be tortured in psychiatric facilities. Every three weeks I defended my sanity at psychiatric appeal panel
hearings by stating that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, and that people are inadvertently bowing to trees when they place and retrieve presents from the base of the tree. Catholics sat at these appeal panel hearings and
repeatedly allowed predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me. Instead of aiding my escape, the Christians in Saskatoon and in other Canadian communities spent billions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols and imported the third world.
Importing the third world into Canada had a negative impact upon my life. The white Europeans think it funny that I get tortured for years by predominantly Hindu psychiatrists, I in turn think it hilarious when God terminates your children’s lives.
Filthy compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers. I get horrid injections forced upon me for years that amounted to brutal horrid torture and all people could do is laugh, decorate trees and sing Jingle Bells. Good for you. Now God
permits you and your Jingle Bell children to get a dose that will cause infertility, deaths and utter desolation. You ignore the plight of the victims of psychiatric horror… what comes around goes around.
Give testimony to your friends, relatives and fellow church members that the decorated evergreen tree is a pagan idol, then be mocked. If the mocking doesn’t shut you up, then expect to be slandered, libeled and be expelled (shunned) from the church
or family unit. If you are still squeaking, there is always the possibility that you will be assaulted, arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities, or simply murdered. So double down, get a bigger tree and decorate it to a greater degree.
Westerners are drunk and dazed, their borders are wide open, they should be building walls, multiplying like locusts and building their economies (Nahum 3:11-16). Western women will either help staffing borders, building walls and multiplying like
locusts or will end up as sex slaves in Islamic countries. Western women should consider taking the initiative to support western civilization by providing children in accordance to Isaiah 4:1 and form families of eight. Unite into family units of eight
individuals, seven women together with one man, work closely together to build yourselves a home in the country. It is shameful that the western women adopted the propaganda to end western families, now they can redeem themselves and provide our race
with children and a hope for the future. Those white women who remain fertile by not taking the jab, those white women who never removed their reproductive organs, those white women who are not busy raising black and Asian children, those white women who
are not brainwashed into hating men, those white women who were never raped and traumatized and who can still form meaningful relationships are required to save the white race from extinction. Women are married to their blinkin’ evergreen trees and
other fertility traditions pushed by the Catholic Church. Like the white men, the white women enthusiastically embrace Catholic fertility rites and then claim that the Jews control the world. The hugely obese white women regularly flew to third world
countries and had sex with the black men at the beach resorts over there, the fat asses paid the same amount for their airfares as the women who weighed one-sixth of their weight. The hugely obese women were seen as symbols of fertility in Africa, so the
huge white women went there for sex and to be idolized. White parents care little that their ignorant daughters quested after negro men due to them having large penises, what was important to those parents is that their daughters and their well-endowed
black boyfriends joined with them in turning trees into decorated idols and singing Jingle Bells, for it was tradition. The tradition of marrying into your own race was claimed to be racism while the tradition of turning trees into decorated idols was
claimed to be an essential part of family life.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff September 28th 2022 3:53 pm 140,154 words (158 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
In the news in May 2021, 25 year old Dilshad Ali Zada from Afghanistan has been given no jail time for enslaving and sexually trafficking women in and around Saskatoon. Personally I feel that people who enslave other people into a life of sexual
service to others should face serious penalties. Providing Dilshad Ali Zada with no jail time for her many heinous crimes is a signal to others that such activity is allowed to be conducted in the community. The law comes down hard on people who dare to
open their stores… fines against people who violate quarantine laws, if unpaid, result in the loss of businesses, employment, land, homes and life savings. I received years of brutal horrid torture as a reward for criticizing your filthy churches,
people laugh at me, slander, libel, rob and assault me when I complain, and allow Dilshad Ali Zada to sexually enslave their children with no real penalty.
I wish to clarify my position. Just because the media is united with Hollywood, schools and the churches (the Catholic Church owns it all) and teaching you people to ram your penises up each others arseholes, and just because the Indians at One Arrow
First Nation stuck a statue of their ancestor One Arrow on top of an Egyptian representation of a penis, dothn’t mean that the Indians at One Arrow First Nation are all ramming their penises up each others arseholes. And just because the Indians in
western Canada flip flop between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are trying to fuck on any particular day similarly dothn’t mean they are all goink around ramming their penises up each others arseholes either.
Nevertheless the Indians and the whites are together taught to engage in sexual activities that are leading to their utter destruction, and then on top of that their favorite activity is to idolize trees. Sometimes they stick an Egyptian obelisk (a
representation of a penis) on the very top of their blinkin’ tree.
The story went, I said that it is no surprise that the priests are ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches. I was arrested and given to a Hindu
psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but it is not me who thinks so highly of penises that I would stick one on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. Then people laughed at me, assaulted me
further and called me a pedophile. Then they allowed Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to be trained as psychiatrists at the University of Saskatchewan, then they allowed them to work (torture Canadians) without they themselves being Canadians citizens. Then
they allowed the government to pay foreigners residing in Canada $500 each week to help support themselves (they get the $2000 every four weeks if they were in Canada in 2019 and received a small allowance from their parents in China or Saudi Arabia, or
wherever). And they allowed Saskatoon City Hall to employ non-Canadians, and no mayoralty candidate complained, and even if they did, the media would remain silent, just as the media is silent on the non-Canadians receiving $2000 every four weeks, it is
more than $2000 monthly. European immigrants removed billions of dollars worth of land from Doukhobor families and now see themselves as rich enough to hand out $500 each week to non-Canadians to help them through the fear flu. Strip the Doukhobors of
any land they still manage to possess and hand it over to the Chinese, Islamist, Sikh, Hindu and Catholic invaders and call the Doukhobors racists.
You are compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, your compassion is limited to your pagan evergreen tree rituals and to Egyptian penises on your church roofs (and spread across the nation in almost every place imaginable, even on the very
tops of the blinkin’ trees in the homes of Doukhobors, Mennonites, Hutterites and Adventists). You unrepentantly continue to employ Hindu, Islamic, Sikh and Catholic (likely Chinese as well) psychiatrists to torture those who don’t appreciate your
blinkin’ trees, you absolutely MUST lose your nation to alternative fertility cults as a result. Go give a few million dollars to Omar’s sister and put her image on our paper money. In Saskatchewan the wealthy are allowed to sell you oatmeal that
contains no more than “three” mouse turds per cup, but should they find “two” mouse turds in their Class A motorhome, Saskatchewan Government Insurance will provide them with a new Class A motorhome. All I can do is laugh at you while crying out
to God against you. You have me brutally tortured for years and think it funny, you can’t raise a finger in my defense, you don’t even have a kind word for me. God is about to spread you compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers
out like dung over the surface of the earth and I think it is absolutely hilarious!!! Send your kid to school to learn to become a transsexual communist. Go ejaculate upon your blinkin’ fertility tree idol. Have me arrested and tortured again at the
University of Saskatchewan for daring to quote from Aleister Crowley’s book “White Stains” (he wrote poetry about raping and killing children and then eating their testicles and nipples), which was housed at the main University of Saskatchewan
library, then libel, slander and assault me further and steal from me some more. Good for you, I sure hope you win.
The elections for Saskatoon city council in 2020 and beyond should all prove to be exciting events, my hope is that residents will get out and vote as decisions made by City Council have always had great impact upon the citizens of the city. Whether
you are a compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree or penis whoreshipper, should I become mayor of Saskatoon I vow to allow your pagan practices to continue unabated but I will not be using the public purse to pay for them, nor will I allow the practices
to take place on city-owned properties, neither on nor in city-owned equipment. Anyway, if I were mayor of the city of Saskatoon, that’s what I’d do. Actually I’m not really running in any election, the thought was if I made this book look like
election litrature then it would be more difficult to censor.
Be aware that Ducks Unlimited and the Canadian Wildlife Federation are allowing farmers to cut the grass on their reserves in as early as June, thereby killing off the nesting songbirds and depriving them of nesting cover, and depriving them of habitat
used by insects which some birds eat and use to feed their young, and deprives the seedeaters of seeds. The farmers like to get onto the wildlife lands and cut the grass in June lest another farmer come along and cuts that grass for themselves at the
beginning of July. The land around Blaine Lake is used for agriculture, the few spots that are designated for wildlife get cut and made into straw bales in June and July, it makes life particularly hard for the seedeaters like the Bobolinks who depend
upon the plants and seeds to raise their batches of young into September. Even the ducks and geese suffer as grasses from the previous year’s growth are used by the ducks and geese in the following year for concealing themselves and their nests and for
eating the seeds. And there is the issue of trees, the young trees are annually cut down at the same time the grass is cut, depriving the tree-nesting birds of the trees and depriving other animals of concealment and shelter. By cutting and removing the
grass and the trees, the land becomes unsuitable for nesting as food, shelter and concealment cover has been removed. In place of a healthy environment full of a myriad of species including moose are instead large round bales of hay, sometimes a hawk
sits upon one of the round hay bales waiting for a mouse to scurry by, which is now easy to see as the grass is cut. The more coyotes the farmers shoot, the more mice there are scurrying about. The farmers shoot the coyotes, potentially resulting in a
plague of rats and mice, then they spread poison to kill the rodents, which results in the deaths of myriads of other animals. The farmers spread pesticides and herbicides, then they shoot the coyotes and spread additional poisons to deal with the
resulting impending plagues of rats and mice, and care little when they see their neighbours cut the grass on Ducks Unlimited / Canadian Wildlife Federation reserve lands. It is of upmost importance for the farmers to maintain friendly relations with
their neighbours, they find common ground by decimating the wildlife, by abiding by the Catholic fertility rites, by proclaiming their hatred of aboriginal Indians, and by proclaiming an utter and complete hatred of people who speak in defense of coyotes.
I faced threats to my life from western Canadian farmers several years ago when I posted a few sentences on Facebook that were in defense of coyotes.
Go for coffee at a rural Saskatchewan restaurant and hear the farmers say… “The grass will simply go to waste if the farmers do not take it, and besides, our cows and horses need it, and besides the ducks have hatched and are swimming, can’t you
see the baby ducks swimming, are you stupid?!!!” Or when the farmers are questioned about stripping the grass cover on Ducks Unlimited lands, they will invert the response to “The ducks have hatched and are swimming, can’t you see the baby ducks
swimming, are you stupid?!!! The grass will simply go to waste if us farmers do not take it, and besides, the cows and horses need it.” Or, “Are you stupid?!!! The cows and horses need it, the grass will simply go to waste if they can’t have it,
can’t you see the baby ducks have hatched and are swimming?!!!” Often the issue of “Have you ever held a job?” is tossed into the argument by the farmer, adding great complexity to the permutations and combinations of their responses and
exceeding the scope of this essay. The biggest losers are the wildlife, those people who donated the land to Ducks Unlimited and the Canadian Wildlife Federation, and those people who do not care that they never saw a Bobolink.
In Canada the forests are sprayed with herbicides in order to kill off the deciduous trees, leaving the forests to be covered with coniferous (evergreen) trees, which are later harvested for money. When the forests are kept as a mixture of deciduous
and coniferous trees, as God intended, the result is a healthy ecosystem and a great variety of life. A myriad of problems result from spraying and killing off the deciduous trees, including wildfires that rage unchecked over huge mountain ranges.
Without the existence of deciduous trees in a forest, fires in the coniferous forests spread rapidly and rage unchecked. The general pubic has no idea that the forests are being sprayed in order to kill off the deciduous trees, and when the resulting
forest fires destroy lives and communities these ignorant dupes cry out that the climate is warming and ignorantly back legislation that removes our industries, our wealth and our freedoms. The general pubic cares little about deciduous trees, they
instead want coniferous trees to decorate and make them blink on and off, on and off, on and off, just like Hitler’s and Obama’s and the Queen’s and the pope’s and Trump’s blinkin’ trees. Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Australians and
Papuans are all willing to ignore an invasion of Chinese and Islamists, thinking that by annually turning trees into decorated idols and singing Jingle Bells, that national security, heaven and salvation are all assured. And so they support churches that
teach them to turn trees into decorated idols. And so they voted for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist (who is also a pedophile and a cannibal) to rule over America because they assumed he shared their values when he posed beside the blinkin' idols.
In places God’s forests are composed of entirely one species of tree, then a few acres over the forest is dominated by an alternative species, the different species of plants are naturally competing with one another,. A forest may naturally change
from species to species, one type of evergreen tree may be naturally replaced over time with an alternative species of evergreen tree, or with some other tree, naturally improving the soil over time. It is harmony, and it is not what our governments are
promoting. Trees should be selectively harvested leaving most of the old growth trees intact, and doing it in such a way to limit the damage to the undergrowth. Both forestry and gold mining operations can function in ways that greatly limit the impact
upon the ecosystem. On one hand the government allows the clear cutting of forests (the utter destruction of the ecosystem), on the other hand it limits your ability to mine gold in a responsible manner by creating national parks, wildlife zones,
provincial parks, regional parks, furthermore there are the Crown lands (which is land belonging to King Charles), and then there are the vast Indian reservations that also limit your access to running a small gold operation. It amounts to a limit of
your access to make a camp and mine gold, a limit on you, preventing you from making money, for gold is money. It all amounts to an utter destruction of many forests while limiting your freedom.
Both the Sunday and Sabbath keepers are turning trees into decorated idols and are getting their trees to blink. In ancient times the priests of fish-god Dagon dressed up in full length fish outfits, turned trees into decorated idols and left presents
for the tree at the base of the tree. Over time the full-length fish outfits that Dagon’s clergy wore evolved so that just the fish-head hat remains, but still to this day these fished-headed priests of Dagon turn trees into decorated idols. And now
with advanced technology they get their trees to blink!!! Several centuries ago Dagon’s priests stole an obelisk (a representation of a penis) from Egypt and erected it in the center of Vatican Square, and each winter place a tree turned into a
decorated idol next to the stolen Egyptian dink. Both the Egyptian penis and the decorated evergreen tree are symbols of fertility, they place their symbols of fertility side by side. Then they make miniature representations of the stolen Egyptian penis
and place them on the roofs of their filthy churches. Some Sunday (Catholic) and Sabbath (Adventist) keepers place a miniature Egyptian penis on the very top of their blinkin’ tree, sometimes they place a little star on the top of the obelisk (the
pagan penis). The only real difference between the Catholics and the Adventists is that sometimes the Adventists turn their trees into decorated idols with cheap ribbons instead of with the expensive ornaments and blinkin’ lights. The Adventists pride
themselves in keeping God’s Fourth Commandment but different aspects of their pagan winter mass together violate God’s First Three Commandments. The Americans saw the homosexual Indonesian Islamist posing with the blinkin’ trees and thought he
shared their values, so they elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist to the presidency of the Unites States of America. The Bible is packed full of examples… when people adopt pagan fertility rites then they lose their nations to
members of alternative fertility cults. Everybody gets their trees blink on and off, on and off, on and off, it is really quite a show. Many of you arseholes tithe to cannibals that teach you to turn your homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility, you
have zero compassion for the victims of psychiatric horror, you are smug about your future and giggle with glee.
The Bible is packed full of examples of people failing to honor God and then losing their lives and their entire nations to members of alternative fertility cults. In place of teaching Biblical truths, your priests and ministers teach you to adopt
pagan fertility rites, to ram your penises up each other’s arseholes, and to whoreship a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke the utter crap that pours out of your God-damned mouths. Canadians and Americans are soldiers of the gods of
fertility, they have great compassion for their pagan fertility rites while being utterly compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror. Starting in 1988 people gleefully employed Hindus to torture me when I criticized their pagan fertility rites,
now all I can do is cry out to God against you and against your family members. Santa Claus and Disneyland, the Easter Bunny too, and lavishly decorated trees that blink, nothing but the best for your kids.
I received years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture and managed to physically survive. It wasn’t the horror of what the drugs did to me that affected me so much, it was the people who either ignored or who laughed at me when I complained and
requested assistance to flee the country, it was the people who libeled me, slandered me, brutally assaulted and robbed me. Now it is my turn to laugh at you Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers, go ahead, take the injection (it is not a
That serum is not a vaccination as it does not vaccinate, people still catch the Chinese (Wuhan) Bat Flu after receiving multiple injections, if there is a flu (probably microwaves reducing people’s respiratory and immune systems). Even after
receiving the injections you still are ordered to wear a mask, you are confined and isolated, your economic engine is removed from you, you are not even allowed to go horse racing or play golf. None of the children are seriously affected by the China Bat
Flu yet you cancel their schools and inject them with an abomination that causes desolation, many children have died and are maimed by the injections. Parents have been delivering their children up to brutal psychiatrists and their brutal psychiatric
drugs for decades, and now they have their children maimed and killed by a new series of injections. Then you fund Islam with your Covid relief packages and even turn military bases into camps for Islamists, and you allow an uninterrupted flow of Chinese
to fly in directly from Wuhan while they continue to work on attempting to weaponize the bat viruses. People are being injected with serums made from numerous monkeys and are willing to risk getting sexually transmitted monkey diseases, infertility,
blood clots and death in order to combat a bat virus that sometimes results in flu-like symptoms.
As Sanity For Sweden states, the injection is no more effective in combating the virus than wearing yellow pants. Go ahead and hand your nations over to the Islamists and to the Chinese while singing Jingle Bells and bowing to blinkin’ trees. Many
of you will faint in the face of adversity while I am simply going to laugh at your calamity. I already had my brutal shots, now it is your turn. It was so very hilarious to you people when I complained of being tortured by Hindu psychiatrists, you
ignored mine and other people’s complaints about being tortured in psychiatric facilities, and you continued to annually spend billions of dollars turning trees into blinkin’ idols. Simply put, you God-damned pieces of shit, I am begging God to
terminate your lives and the lives of your children.
Check out “The Final Refutation of Virology” By Dr. Stefan Lanka, narrated in English by Heather Bruno (I saw the video on Bitchute.com), there is no scientific evidence that Kung Flu is caused by a virus, and furthermore virology is not a
scientific discipline. See also “Understanding How Covid-19 Was Made Up” by Dr. Sam. Bailey. People are falling for a myriad of hoaxes, it started with the hoax of abiding by pagan fertility rites and tithing to churches that teach the pagan rituals,
and it ends with the Chinese providing chemical laden nasal swabs to Canadians and Americans that results in infertility, cancer and death.
The Catholic Church teaches you to abide by pagan fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments, this church owns and uses the media and other institutions to help teach you and your family members to abide by pagan crap. This same church uses
their media to cover up the ongoing sexual misconduct of their priests. This same church censors the existence of cannibals in western societies, censors Scriptural passages referring to cannibalism, and is actively engaged in importing the third world
into our communities to impoverish the masses. It is essential for this church to impoverish the masses as this way people become homeless and then can be devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14). The so-called Church of England is a branch of the
Catholic Church, as it and other Protestant churches systematically teaches people to abide by Catholic fertility rites. It is essential for the Catholic Church to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols and abide by this pagan winter festival as
different aspects of this winter festival are in opposition to God’s first Three Commandments, which they hate. And it is essential for this church to help kill off the white people, as whites are the main group of people that abide by the Commandments
of God and hold the faith of Jesus (Revelation 12:17). It is shameful for Christians in western countries to allow their fellow Christians to be tortured in psychiatric facilities. Every three weeks I defended my sanity at psychiatric appeal panel
hearings by stating that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, and that people are inadvertently bowing to trees when they place and retrieve presents from the base of the tree. Catholics sat at these appeal panel hearings and
repeatedly allowed predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me. Instead of aiding my escape, the Christians in Saskatoon and in other Canadian communities spent billions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols and imported the third world.
Importing the third world into Canada had a negative impact upon my life. The white Europeans think it funny that I get tortured for years by predominantly Hindu psychiatrists, I in turn think it hilarious when God terminates your children’s lives.
Filthy compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers. I get horrid injections forced upon me for years that amounted to brutal horrid torture and all people could do is laugh, decorate trees and sing Jingle Bells. Good for you. Now God
permits you and your Jingle Bell children to get a dose that will cause infertility, deaths and utter desolation. You ignore the plight of the victims of psychiatric horror… what comes around goes around.
Give testimony to your friends, relatives and fellow church members that the decorated evergreen tree is a pagan idol, then be mocked. If the mocking doesn’t shut you up, then expect to be slandered, libeled and be expelled (shunned) from the church
or family unit. If you are still squeaking, there is always the possibility that you will be assaulted, arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities, or simply murdered. So double down, get a bigger tree and decorate it to a greater degree.
Westerners are drunk and dazed, their borders are wide open, they should be building walls, multiplying like locusts and building their economies (Nahum 3:11-16). Western women will either help staffing borders, building walls and multiplying like
locusts or will end up as sex slaves in Islamic countries. Western women should consider taking the initiative to support western civilization by providing children in accordance to Isaiah 4:1 and form families of eight. Unite into family units of eight
individuals, seven women together with one man, work closely together to build yourselves a home in the country. It is shameful that the western women adopted the propaganda to end western families, now they can redeem themselves and provide our race
with children and a hope for the future. Those white women who remain fertile by not taking the jab, those white women who never removed their reproductive organs, those white women who are not busy raising black and Asian children, those white women who
are not brainwashed into hating men, those white women who were never raped and traumatized and who can still form meaningful relationships are required to save the white race from extinction. Women are married to their blinkin’ evergreen trees and
other fertility traditions pushed by the Catholic Church. Like the white men, the white women enthusiastically embrace Catholic fertility rites and then claim that the Jews control the world. The hugely obese white women regularly flew to third world
countries and had sex with the black men at the beach resorts over there, the fat asses paid the same amount for their airfares as the women who weighed one-sixth of their weight. The hugely obese women were seen as symbols of fertility in Africa, so the
huge white women went there for sex and to be idolized. White parents care little that their ignorant daughters quested after negro men due to them having large penises, what was important to those parents is that their daughters and their well-endowed
black boyfriends joined with them in turning trees into decorated idols and singing Jingle Bells, for it was tradition. The tradition of marrying into your own race was claimed to be racism while the tradition of turning trees into decorated idols was
claimed to be an essential part of family life.
Even Cree women succumbed to the cancel-culture propaganda and bore black children, one would think that Cree women should instead show solidarity with their own people and help their Cree nation thrive. Most everybody taught their daughters to
embrace their pagan fertility idols and many of these daughters ended up fornicating with blacks due to the blacks having large penises, Cadillac cars, diamonds and gold chains. The Cree were united in their adoption of Catholic fertility tree idols that
had Egyptian obelisks (penises) mounted on the very top of the blinkin’ trees.
The Cree were divided due to corruption on the reserves where quarter sections of land were handed out to the children of the corrupt leaders, a class division was established on the reserves where the Cree who benefitted from the corruption married
into other Cree families who similarly benefitted from the corruption. Just like the white women, the Cree women sought out marriage partners who had wealth, and that included violent black pimps who flashed their wealth. In a little over a hundred years
white women went from driving birds into extinction and to near extinction by adorning their hats with fine feathers, to driving the white race into extinction by fornicating with black men with their big penises, by sending money to Islamic nations, and
by refusing to help form white families and raising white children. The white women did have sex but it was with other women and with men who were not white. The Cree were decimated by disease and then in 2021 the assorted governments encouraged their
band members to take injections that caused infertility and death. The white people and the Cree people were united in pagan fertility whoreship, as are the Hindus, Islamists, Sikhs, Shintoists and Islamists, all groups are engaged in phallic whoreship.
Many of the white women and Cree women found the time to unite and march together in support of the black Islamic and Marxist invaders, they marched together and protested together and together they ignored the Catholic, Hindu, Sikh and Islamist doctors
that were torturing people to death in psychiatric facilities. The blacks were burning cities in the USA and chanting to kill the whites, so the women and the Cree in Canada marched in solidarity with these blacks and asked to defund the police.
Canadians were told to be proud of their multiculturalism and welcomed people of all colours to our nation, now in a space of a year we are told that we are all racists and these people we welcomed now want to kill us. The judges are giving a slap on
the wrist of those of colour who commit crimes, many times they don’t even have to spend any time in prisons because the reason provided by the judges is that there are already a disproportionate number of their kind in the prisons. Blacks are openly
calling for the deaths of white people while the judges are not punishing people for their crimes. For years white kids experienced huge hurdles trying to get into trade schools or into university degree programs that could result in financial gain, the
seats were provided to the immigrants instead, and now these unskilled and poorly skilled white kids learn that they are racists.
The white Canadian children are strongly encouraged to get “vaccinated” even now that many people are aware that the so called “vaccinations” are causing more deaths and disease than the supposed virus, which hasn’t even been proven to exist.
Canadians see themselves as “saved” because they embrace Catholic fertility rites (blinkin’ evergreen tree idols) and are so nice that they happily give their nation away to foreigners, and now in 2021 give their health and fertility away to a jab.
The entire world embraced pagan fertility rites and then the ruler of the world gave them a jab and removed their fertility. The people who fell for the deception of the blinkin’ fertility tree idols are the same group that lost their health and lives
and gave away their children’s fertility to the jab. The extremely overweight white women may be rendered infertile by the jab but will still be viewed as symbols of fertility when they fly to Africa and the Caribbean to have sex with the black men
Rebel News reports in May 2021 that the Canadian government allows Chinese communist soldiers to train in military jets inside Canada.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff October 23rd 2022 7:00 pm 148,052 words (167 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
I was stripped of my rights in 1988 and brutally tortured for years, I begged in vain for assistance to flee Canada and all the Canadians of white European descent could do for me is laugh at me, libel me, rob me and brutally assault me further, for
they did not appreciate it when I criticized their most beloved pagan traditions. Now in 2020 they lose their jobs and businesses, now they lose their nation to members of alternative fertility cults, and they continue to publish obituaries claiming that
their smitten children and otherwise deceased family members are up in heaven with Mary, for they abided by traditions (traditions that are in opposition to God’s Commandments). Jesus never supported the idea that His mother was in heaven, nor did He
agree that His mother is blessed. “...a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts that you sucked!” But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”” -
Luke 11:28-29 RSV
The way I see it, is that the white Canadians of European descent (including the Doukhobors and Adventists) are compassionless to me and to other victims of psychiatric horror and deserve the loss of their nation to Islam. Laugh and sing Jingle Bells,
post photos on social media of your children and family members posing next to the pagan idols. You have Egyptian penises on the roofs of your churches, you place Egyptian penises on the tops of evergreen trees that you turn into blinkin’ idols, you
support media, schools and churches that censor Scriptural references to cannibalism, you train and employ Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists to torture people to death, you are absolutely compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror… Lose
your businesses, lose your homes, pay compound interest on the “money” Trudeau hands out to foreigners living in Canada, laugh at me and have me tortured for criticizing your churches. Canadians spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured
for years, they made me a home in a psychiatric ward now consider themselves rich enough to give $500 each week to non-Canadians who are unable to find employment here in Canada. Sing Jingle Bells, turn trees into decorated idols and proclaim that you
are saved regardless of what the Bible instructs. Keep voting for the communists who hand over your nation to Chinese, Islamists or any other foreigner. Beat me to the point of death at your Seventh-day Adventist Church for daring to proclaim that your
church is united with the Catholic churches in teaching traditions in place of God’s Commandments.
In the news on October 19th 2020, the Trudeau Liberals (backed by the NDP) extend the border closure with the USA. And for a few days previous to this there have also been reports on how the Liberals (backed by the NDP, both are communist parties) are
making it easier for the Chinese to fly into Canada. The government shut down the economy, now there are millions of unemployed in Canada and the federal government is seeking to bring in more foreigners, and are paying many of these foreigners $500 each
week because these non-Canadians were unable to find adequate employment in Canada. They made me a home in a psychiatric ward, they spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured for years, and now hand out over $2000 per month to foreigners,
which is enough for them to make payments on new homes, or the foreigners can use that $500 each week and buy a rifle.
Or these foreigners may purchase two quite nice rifles costing $1,000.00 each month, or one exceedingly nice rifle costing $2000.00 each month. The Canadians of white European descent (most are denied training and denied jobs, some are tortured in
psychiatric facilities) did not work and earn money in 2019 so are not eligible to receive the $500/week the Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese are getting. The white-Europeans and native aboriginals living in poverty in Saskatchewan received $50 for
their Covid relief funds from the provincial government in April 2020, so they could buy some masks and hand sanitizer, back then, and may use the money to purchase a used BB gun or perhaps a nice sling shot.
On page A2 of the October 20th 2020 Saskatoon Star-Phoenix we read that 45-year-old Mohamed Hassan Omer slashed the throat and severed the spine of a 29-year-old woman in Saskatoon in the morning of May 27th 2020, then he stabbed her in the arm and in
the back and stole the vehicle she was sitting in. And on page A4 we learn that an autopsy was unable to determine the cause of a psychiatric inmate’s death. James Leo Short was being forced to take “antipsychotic” medications, which all have “
death” as a known side-effect.
Female Islamists don’t have to show their faces in Canada in order to buy rifles and ammunition, and since males in Saskatchewan are allowed to claim on their birth certificates that they are females (and without any changes being made to their
sexual organs), then the male Islamists in Saskatchewan too are not required to show their faces when they purchase the rifles and ammunition for our government provides them with identification purporting they are females.
In 2020 our Islamic government forced millions of white people into unemployment, then on October 30th 2020 announced that it would obtain economic recovery by importing well over a million new immigrants to Canada over the next three years. This is a
direct result of whoreshipping trees and praying to Mary and shitting upon God’s Commandments, people ignore God’s Laws and then God allows their nations to be taken over by members of alternative fertility cults. The Canadians have no shame, they do
not even know how to blush. The Canadians are looking forward to “Christmas” (the use of God’s Name in vain) where they will have trees that blink. The Koran commands their followers to behead the unbelievers and NOT to cover their heads and faces,
yet they cover their heads and faces, and then are able to buy guns and ammo in Canada without showing their faces. Canadians do not care to get involved in the matter, except to vote for the politicians that allow the murderers entry and who give the
murderers money, and who give the murderers free accommodations, and who give the murderers educational opportunities that are not offered to Canadians of European or aboriginal descent. They stole the homes and money and exterminated the Christians in
the middle-east and much of Africa, then they came (and continue to come) to Canada with the stolen money, and are allowed to keep “their” money for their own discretionary purposes while starting new lives here. Trudeau forced millions out of work,
now will import millions more. The Africans he will bring here will be nearly entirely Moslem. Moslems united with anarchists and communists have been burning down buildings, raping and killing, and marching and chanting to kill the whites, who would
have ever thought they would also stuff ballot boxes??? In Saskatchewan the Moslems get a home paid for each of four wives, so if they do not cut your head off, your life will still be negatively affected by their presence (they are bankrupting your
nation). And even with the Chinese attempting to manipulate bat viruses in the city of Wuhan, Trudeau still allows the Chinese, and even the Chinese living in Wuhan, to fly to Canada… while preventing Americans to visit here.
Environmental laws will be strengthened to prevent you from going to gold bearing regions in Canada and mining the gold. Slaves are paid in paper promises and are not allowed to have guns, Canadians are slaves who are slowly having their guns taken
away from them. Half the Canadians who desire to get a gun are Moslem, many of the other half are kids who want to get a new lever action Winchester repeating rifle under their blinkin’ tree or for their birthday. Consider getting that lever action in .
243 Winchester. Or get a bolt action in .243 or 7mm-08, or .270 Winchester, or 7mm Remington Magnum, or .338 Lapua, I think you need a rifle. Get a rifle and then post on the internet and on the usenet, and in letters to the editor, that people who faced
brutal horrid torture for daring to criticize the mainstream churches and people living in utter poverty should not be allowed to have guns. Once you legally have a rifle you may speak all kinds of shit against the people who spoke out against your
blinkin’ tree and against your pedophile priests. Islamists who have four wives and are collecting welfare for each of the four wives, are allowed to have guns, for they do not live in utter poverty and unprotected, as Trudeau insures that they are
well cared for. Perhaps Trudeau will change our dollars into dinars, instead of Laurier on our Five Dollar Bill we will end up with Omar Khadr on a Five Dinar Bill.
Adolph Eichmann was in charge of moving the Jews to slaughter via the railways, his trains had priority over the trains that were bringing war supplies to the eastern front. German soldiers on the eastern front went without adequate supplies as trains
carrying the war supplies were sidelined in order to allow Eichmann to transport the Jews to the death camps. Hitler knew that his attack against the Soviet Union would be in vain, but his main concern was to kill Jews and make sure that his tree
continued to blink. Hitler had trees that blinked on and off, on and off, on and off, it was really quite a show. Canadian Liberal leader Mackenzie King regularly sought advice from demons, who were active in advising King to not allow Jewish refugees
entry to Canada. Now today the demons are advising the Liberals to import people who desire to cut our heads off, and to not provide sanctuary to the Christians facing genocide in South Africa or elsewhere. Demons are real and they are wanting to replace
white Christians and black Christians with black Islamists, or with any other Islamist. Hitler sought out alliances with Islamists and killed Christians and Jews. Canadians want a tree that blinks on and off, on and off, on and off, just like Hitler’s
Making rounds around the internet mid-November 2020 is that the last Canadian election was fraudulent as corrupted computers were used to tabulate and change votes, as was recently done in the United States. And in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix on
November 19th 2020 Chris Selley reminds us “The really salient point, surely, was that the Aga Khan (Islamic) Foundation lobbies for and receives hundreds of millions of dollars from the Canadian government.” Canadians still are not moved, they
continue to wait for “Christmas” (the use of God’s Name in vain) and now their major hope to be able to fly to winter resorts so they may sing Jingle Bells and bow to blinkin’ trees there. No matter the cost, Canadians must photograph themselves
and their children engaged in honoring the pagan holiday, and the more ornate and the more distant the setting in the photographs, the better. Make sure to post the celebratory and festive photos on your Facebook page while making disparaging comments
against some poor psychiatric abuse victim who lives in perpetual shock. Now you have to stay home, stay home while the Chinese and Islamists arrive at our airports, seaports and borders. Go get a flu shot and make yourself infertile.
See Rebel News on November 21st 2020… “Suicide in long term care: Canadian senior chooses death over living through a second lockdown” regarding the survival rate of Covid -19:
COVID-19 Survival Rates:
Under 20: 99.997%
Under 50: 99.98%
Under 70: 99.5%
Islam is a fertility cult that seeks to increase its numbers through imprisoning women in homes and forcing them to become wives and mothers. The Islamists pride themselves in knowledge of and in the use of herbs and have published copious quantities
of books over the centuries that include instruction on what herbs to use to reduce fertility and induce abortions of people that do not belong to their fertility cult. Now we have an Islamic government that will force injections upon people that will
make them infertile. It is all a part of Trudeau’s plan to replace the European population with non-Europeans (with Islamists). The fear flu has a survival rate of over 99.5% for people under 70 years of age, likely 99% of the women of child-bearing
age will become infertile should they take the two injections the government is mandating.
People stay home and allow thousands of the Chinese and the Islamists to fly in daily, then they pay the mortgage for the four homes for each of the four Islamic wives. The aboriginal Indians stay confined to their tiny rotting homes on the reserves
and are instructed to ram their penises up each others arseholes while the government hands out billions of dollars to Islamists so they can start new lives here in new homes here. All the children are taught to hate Christianity and the idea of
Canadians and Americans having our own oil self-sufficiency, the oil industry is forced into shutdown while the Canadian lumber is required for new homes for the “immigrants” or exported to Asia, and the white children are taught to hate the colour
of their skin and to ram their penises up each others arseholes. White Europeans didn’t like criticisms of their blinkin’ trees and spent many millions of dollars having me tortured for years in psychiatric facilities, they made me a home in a
psychiatric ward and now buy new homes for Islamists. You torture me and laugh at me and rob me and slander and libel me, then seek to gain annual redemption by singing Jingle Bells and by proving you are not a racist by handing your nation over to
Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese. Your forefathers somehow proved that they were not racists by stealing Doukhobor land, now the Doukhobors wallow in filth as they join with you in decorating and bowing to trees. The wealthiest of the Doukhobors are
always turning their homes into lavish temples of evergreen tree fertility, they have the tallest of trees and the nicest of the blinkin’ lights, and they have the most friends who all join with them in honoring their fertility tree idols. It used to
be that the Doukhobors fled from idolatry, now they embrace it and shit upon me for daring to attempt to warn them of the dangers involved.
Turkey slaughtered an estimated two million Armenian Christians between 1914 and 1923, now Canada sells Turkey and Azerbaijan advanced drone weaponry that is used in 2020 to slaughter the Armenians yet again. Canadians politely stay at home and watch
the news telling them to stay home, and are not provided with news stories about how their Islamic government is providing advanced weapon systems to other Islamic governments. See the video on YouTube “What Azerbaijan’s spectacular victory over
Armenia tells us about the future of modern warfare.”
The Islamists pride themselves in their knowledge of herbs and published copious quantities of litrature, over the centuries they amassed knowledge of what herbs can be used to induce fertility and cause abortions. They imbed themselves into our food
supply, the food you eat may have been dosed at repeated times during its transit to your table. Islamists are a fertility cult, they increase their numbers with multiple wives and with rape and coercion, and reduce the numbers of the alternative
fertility cults with herbs, swords and bombs. And they seek to reduce your fertility with inoculations against common colds. And more recently they instigated a transgender fantasy world and are coercing your daughters to cut their own breasts off and
sterilize themselves. The parents hope these kids would come home at “Christmas” and join together with them and the blinkin’ tree, and together they would go and make a pilgrimage to the local Catholic Church and tithe, regardless of how many
times Catholic priests rammed their penises up your children’s arseholes. The priests purposely traumatize the children and render them unable to form meaningful attachments and families, it works as well as rendering them infertile. Then they
destroyed the economy so the males didn’t have a pot to piss in, let alone go on a date. All the while the carbon tax in Canada continues to be rebated back to the large Islamic families (the carbon tax mainly gets rebated back to the largest of the
families, which are Islamic). The greater the number of Islamists, the greater amount of taxes will be collected and handed over to the invading Islamists.
Over the last few decades assorted Islamists, many acting as lone wolves, contaminated food and water supplies with herbs that reduced fertility and induced abortions. Then they indoctrinated children to a transgender world and coerced the daughters
to put rings in their noses, colour their hair with cool-aid and render themselves infertile. During which time they have been refining their inoculations, which are again designed to render infertility, and often result in autism, heart attacks and
death. The white race is first and foremost hated due to the many Christians in our midst.
The CIA funded the psychiatric torture facilities in Saskatoon, and now the general pubic learns that the CIA imbeds itself into the mainstream media and uses the media to conduct a coup against President Trump (it is a coup funded in part by American
taxpayers). Our Canadian Islamic prime minister is quick to congratulate Biden with a win. Canadians are happy that Trump is being defeated for all they heard for the last five years is how horrible Trump is. Canada has absolutely the worst prime
minister and the worst government ever in its history (a Somali heads the department of immigration, a Sikh heads the military, the prime minister is an Islamist) and all we hear in the Canadian media is how horrible Trump and the Republican party is.
Canadians may rise up but can expect to be slaughtered with Canadian, Chinese and Islamic drones, Islamic beheading swords and with so-called “vaccinations” (the injections are not immunizing people, only harming them further). Canadians are
compassionless and still think it is hilarious that I get stripped of my rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities for years, and then borrow money from their children to build new psychiatric torture facilities. The Canadian Christians are smug
about their future, they think they know the truth, the truth of the matter is that their churches have been co-opted by Catholics who teach them to turn trees into decorated idols. The truth of the matter is that the churches are censoring Scriptural
references to cannibalism and employed predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me in an attempt to shut me up about their lies and pagan filth they teach in place of God’s Commandments.
The last Canadian federal election was rigged, all laws passed by the Islamic Liberals (with the support of the Sikh NDP) are void. Due to the fraudulent election all the new gun laws are void. The Islamists have co-opted our government and the
Canadian people respond by staying home and are preparing to sing Jingle Bells. Don’t hold it back, shout it out with udder glee. Abiding by the Catholic fertility rites is the most important thing on planet earth. Find somebody that was tortured by
Hindus for daring to speak out against your Catholic fertility rites and send them a box of nuts and a “Christmas” (use of God’s name in vain) card.
I wasn’t allowed to go out, and when they allowed me to go out I did so in utter poverty. And when out and about (utterly nauseous, my head banging in pain, my lips and tongue hard and turned to leather…) people laughed or fled or beat me or
robbed me of the little I had. Now you are not allowed to go out. And economic opportunities are being removed from you and given to newly arrived invaders (mainly Chinese and Islamists). I criticized your churches and your pagan traditions and had to
stay confined, and now you have to stay home due to some invented pandemic. Hollywood and the media largely ignores the real pandemic of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases and instead actively teaches you to ram your penises up each other’s
arseholes. Hollywood, the media, the schools and the churches (the Catholic church owns it all) are teaching you to ram your penises up each other’s arseholes, while ignoring the resulting diseases, and are now legislating that you stay home lest you
catch a cold. And I think it is absolutely hilarious as you filthy Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers have zero compassion for me or for any other victim of psychiatric horror. Stay home while Islamists and Chinese arrive at our airports and
borders daily, support them all and pay each one an extra $500 every week, even if they are not Canadian citizens. Send your tax dollars to Islamic nations around the world then stay home and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way.
In the news on January 7th 2021, the province of Quebec is starting to impose a curfew, the slaves will have to stay off the streets from 8 pm to 5 am, but Quebec is a Catholic province and these people will enjoy the extra time at their disposal so
they can continue their prayers to Mary. Some twenty thousand Chinese and Islamists are arriving at our airports daily, so stay home. When the Canadian slaves learn that I was tortured for years for daring to speak out against their traditions, they will
insist on their freedom and will fly once again to resorts in Hawaii, Florida, Europe, Australia and Asia, while continuing to issue condescending remarks against me and other psychiatric abuse victims on social media from those locations. More and more
psychiatrists speak Arabic and Chinese, it may be helpful to you in the future to be able to converse with your psychiatrists. Stay home and learn to speak Arabic and Chinese before you get arrested and detained (tortured to death with psychiatric drugs)
under the Mental Health Act. Remember to sing Jingle Bells and vote for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist when you see him posing next to a blinkin’ tree (together with Mike and the adopted kids). Your love of Catholic fertility rites destroyed western
In the news in January 2021 I hear that more people died of the flu in 1993 than in 2020. The news for me and for many others has become Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Judge Jeanine Piro, Katie Hopkins, Lisa Haven, Sanity for Sweden, Salty Cracker,
Rebel News and Dr. Vernon Coleman. Check out “Laura Ingraham Full Speech at RNC”, it still might be viewed on YouTube.
In the news on February 24th 2021, the communist leader of the New Democratic Party, Jagmeet Singh, announced that he will continue to prop up the communist Liberal party as long as the pandemic continues. The people who voted for these communist
parties are the same people who turn trees into decorated idols and sing Jingle Bells. Canadians collectively spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols, and had collectively spent many millions of dollars having me tortured in
psychiatric facilities for criticizing their fertility traditions, and are now very pleased with themselves as they are “freely” given over $2,000 per month in Covid relief funds. Even non-Canadians are given over $2,000 per month in so-called virus
relief. Canadians who were not employed or only found minimal work in 2019 are not eligible for the $2,000 per month Covid relief funds that the non-Canadians are receiving. Again, 20% of the seats in the trade schools are reserved for recently arrived
immigrants (mainly Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for women (again many are recently arrived Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for handicapped (again, many are Asian and African Islamists), 20% of
the seats are reserved for natives (many are converting to Islam in the prisons), and then the remaining 20% of the seats are for the other Islamists that never filled the other seats. The Canadian government made it difficult for white people to receive
training and jobs, the white people were left unemployed and underemployed in 2019, the lack of money they earned in 2019 resulted in them being ineligible to receive the $2,000 per month in Covid relief funds in 2020 and 2021, which were freely given to
the foreign students who received adequate allowances from their Chinese and Saudi Arabian parents in 2019. They stripped Doukhobors of billions of dollars of land, removed Doukhobor children from their families, denied most Doukhobors training and good
paying jobs, had some Doukhobors tortured in psychiatric facilities when they dared to speak publically about corrupt Christian churches, later they began to treat the other white people in a similar fashion as they were treating the Doukhobors. The
white Europeans lined up to receive the land stolen from the Doukhobor families, the white Canadians stole Doukhobor land and then laughed at Doukhobors for an entire century, then the Canadian government lumped all the white people in together and
called them all white racists and instead imported Moslems from Africa, Asia and the Middle-East to take their place. The Doukhobors tried to fit into Canadian society, many Anglicized their names (they changed their names to names that sounded British),
almost all followed after the Roman Catholic Church and adopted the Catholic fertility rites. Almost all the Doukhobors adopted pagan fertility rites and sang Jingle Bells in the hopes they would have stable homes in Canada. Even the Doukhobors would end
up laughing at me when I complained that I was being tortured by primarily Hindu psychiatrists when I dared to state that their churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and when I dared to say that they were adopting pagan fertility
rites in place of God’s Commandments.
And Rebel News reports on February 24th 2021 that Justin Trudeau strips Canadians of their rights and forces them to stay quarantined in hotels, where he has the locks removed from the doors resulting in security guards raping the white women staying
within. Several people commenting on this news say that the security guards at these Covid hotels are Moslems.
Tucker Carlson reports on February 24th 2021 that there may be 30 million or more people living in the States that are about to be granted citizenship by Biden’s communist party, and since Biden has thrown the borders wide open (as Trudeau has done
recently), there can be additionally tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people soon to arrive. And almost every one will vote Democrat and thereby cement the United States of America as a communist nation. All the work and savings made by
Americans to build their nation is to be handed to others. Murders and other crimes are escalating dramatically, more and more women are being turned into sex slaves, many are shipped in containers with the stolen vehicles to Moslem nations (capturing
and shipping women to Moslem nations has been going on for centuries). The increasing numbers of homeless will be easy prey for the witches, who sexually abuse and then devour their victims (eating the testicles of little boys is another fertility rite,
similar to killing trees and turning them into decorated idols). Many of the people who arrive to the United States will continue on to Canada and will be an ever increasing burden upon Canadians who are similarly giving away their nation. The citizens
of Canada and the United States have their businesses shut down and are told to stay home while tens of millions or perhaps hundreds of millions of people are allowed to flood into North America from foreign lands. The blacks burned over 300 American
cities in 2020, over and over the blacks rioted and chanted that they were going to kill the whites, and Trudeau welcomes them with open arms, borrows money made out of thin air and hands it over to them, and charges the white people compound interest on
this borrowed money. The communists ended capitalist society not by war, but simply by telling people to stay home and wear a mask. People are asleep, they think they are worshipping God, but they demand that their churches, homes and entire cities are
turned into blinkin’ temples of fertility, they continue to have people tortured in psychiatric facilities when those people point out the filth in their churches, saying that their sacrifice to God is acceptable.
In the news in May 2021, 25 year old Dilshad Ali Zada from Afghanistan has been given no jail time for enslaving and sexually trafficking women in and around Saskatoon. Personally I feel that people who enslave other people into a life of sexual
service to others should face serious penalties. Providing Dilshad Ali Zada with no jail time for her many heinous crimes is a signal to others that such activity is allowed to be conducted in the community. The law comes down hard on people who dare to
open their stores… fines against people who violate quarantine laws, if unpaid, result in the loss of businesses, employment, land, homes and life savings. I received years of brutal horrid torture as a reward for criticizing your filthy churches,
people laugh at me, slander, libel, rob and assault me when I complain, and allow Dilshad Ali Zada to sexually enslave their children with no real penalty.
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeaky Squeaky@21:1/5 to
All on Wed Nov 16 08:15:51 2022
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff November 15th 2022 11:55 pm 153,109 words (173 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Turkey slaughtered an estimated two million Armenian Christians between 1914 and 1923, now Canada sells Turkey and Azerbaijan advanced drone weaponry that is used in 2020 to slaughter the Armenians yet again. Canadians politely stay at home and watch
the news telling them to stay home, and are not provided with news stories about how their Islamic government is providing advanced weapon systems to other Islamic governments. See the video on YouTube “What Azerbaijan’s spectacular victory over
Armenia tells us about the future of modern warfare.”
The Islamists pride themselves in their knowledge of herbs and published copious quantities of litrature, over the centuries they amassed knowledge of what herbs can be used to induce fertility and cause abortions. They imbed themselves into our food
supply, the food you eat may have been dosed at repeated times during its transit to your table. Islamists are a fertility cult, they increase their numbers with multiple wives and with rape and coercion, and reduce the numbers of the alternative
fertility cults with herbs, swords and bombs. And they seek to reduce your fertility with inoculations against common colds. And more recently they instigated a transgender fantasy world and are coercing your daughters to cut their own breasts off and
sterilize themselves. The parents hope these kids would come home at “Christmas” and join together with them and the blinkin’ tree, and together they would go and make a pilgrimage to the local Catholic Church and tithe, regardless of how many
times Catholic priests rammed their penises up your children’s arseholes. The priests purposely traumatize the children and render them unable to form meaningful attachments and families, it works as well as rendering them infertile. Then they
destroyed the economy so the males didn’t have a pot to piss in, let alone go on a date. All the while the carbon tax in Canada continues to be rebated back to the large Islamic families (the carbon tax mainly gets rebated back to the largest of the
families, which are Islamic). The greater the number of Islamists, the greater amount of taxes will be collected and handed over to the invading Islamists.
Over the last few decades assorted Islamists, many acting as lone wolves, contaminated food and water supplies with herbs that reduced fertility and induced abortions. Then they indoctrinated children to a transgender world and coerced the daughters
to put rings in their noses, colour their hair with cool-aid and render themselves infertile. During which time they have been refining their inoculations, which are again designed to render infertility, and often result in autism, heart attacks and
death. The white race is first and foremost hated due to the many Christians in our midst.
The CIA funded the psychiatric torture facilities in Saskatoon, and now the general pubic learns that the CIA imbeds itself into the mainstream media and uses the media to conduct a coup against President Trump (it is a coup funded in part by American
taxpayers). Our Canadian Islamic prime minister is quick to congratulate Biden with a win. Canadians are happy that Trump is being defeated for all they heard for the last five years is how horrible Trump is. Canada has absolutely the worst prime
minister and the worst government ever in its history (a Somali heads the department of immigration, a Sikh heads the military, the prime minister is an Islamist) and all we hear in the Canadian media is how horrible Trump and the Republican party is.
Canadians may rise up but can expect to be slaughtered with Canadian, Chinese and Islamic drones, Islamic beheading swords and with so-called “vaccinations” (the injections are not immunizing people, only harming them further). Canadians are
compassionless and still think it is hilarious that I get stripped of my rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities for years, and then borrow money from their children to build new psychiatric torture facilities. The Canadian Christians are smug
about their future, they think they know the truth, the truth of the matter is that their churches have been co-opted by Catholics who teach them to turn trees into decorated idols. The truth of the matter is that the churches are censoring Scriptural
references to cannibalism and employed predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me in an attempt to shut me up about their lies and pagan filth they teach in place of God’s Commandments.
The last Canadian federal election was rigged, all laws passed by the Islamic Liberals (with the support of the Sikh NDP) are void. Due to the fraudulent election all the new gun laws are void. The Islamists have co-opted our government and the
Canadian people respond by staying home and are preparing to sing Jingle Bells. Don’t hold it back, shout it out with udder glee. Abiding by the Catholic fertility rites is the most important thing on planet earth. Find somebody that was tortured by
Hindus for daring to speak out against your Catholic fertility rites and send them a box of nuts and a “Christmas” (use of God’s name in vain) card.
I wasn’t allowed to go out, and when they allowed me to go out I did so in utter poverty. And when out and about (utterly nauseous, my head banging in pain, my lips and tongue hard and turned to leather…) people laughed or fled or beat me or
robbed me of the little I had. Now you are not allowed to go out. And economic opportunities are being removed from you and given to newly arrived invaders (mainly Chinese and Islamists). I criticized your churches and your pagan traditions and had to
stay confined, and now you have to stay home due to some invented pandemic. Hollywood and the media largely ignores the real pandemic of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases and instead actively teaches you to ram your penises up each other’s
arseholes. Hollywood, the media, the schools and the churches (the Catholic church owns it all) are teaching you to ram your penises up each other’s arseholes, while ignoring the resulting diseases, and are now legislating that you stay home lest you
catch a cold. And I think it is absolutely hilarious as you filthy Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers have zero compassion for me or for any other victim of psychiatric horror. Stay home while Islamists and Chinese arrive at our airports and
borders daily, support them all and pay each one an extra $500 every week, even if they are not Canadian citizens. Send your tax dollars to Islamic nations around the world then stay home and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way.
In the news on January 7th 2021, the province of Quebec is starting to impose a curfew, the slaves will have to stay off the streets from 8 pm to 5 am, but Quebec is a Catholic province and these people will enjoy the extra time at their disposal so
they can continue their prayers to Mary. Some twenty thousand Chinese and Islamists are arriving at our airports daily, so stay home. When the Canadian slaves learn that I was tortured for years for daring to speak out against their traditions, they will
insist on their freedom and will fly once again to resorts in Hawaii, Florida, Europe, Australia and Asia, while continuing to issue condescending remarks against me and other psychiatric abuse victims on social media from those locations. More and more
psychiatrists speak Arabic and Chinese, it may be helpful to you in the future to be able to converse with your psychiatrists. Stay home and learn to speak Arabic and Chinese before you get arrested and detained (tortured to death with psychiatric drugs)
under the Mental Health Act. Remember to sing Jingle Bells and vote for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist when you see him posing next to a blinkin’ tree (together with Mike and the adopted kids). Your love of Catholic fertility rites destroyed western
In the news in January 2021 I hear that more people died of the flu in 1993 than in 2020. The news for me and for many others has become Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Judge Jeanine Piro, Katie Hopkins, Lisa Haven, Sanity for Sweden, Salty Cracker,
Rebel News and Dr. Vernon Coleman. Check out “Laura Ingraham Full Speech at RNC”, it still might be viewed on YouTube.
In the news on February 24th 2021, the communist leader of the New Democratic Party, Jagmeet Singh, announced that he will continue to prop up the communist Liberal party as long as the pandemic continues. The people who voted for these communist
parties are the same people who turn trees into decorated idols and sing Jingle Bells. Canadians collectively spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols, and had collectively spent many millions of dollars having me tortured in
psychiatric facilities for criticizing their fertility traditions, and are now very pleased with themselves as they are “freely” given over $2,000 per month in Covid relief funds. Even non-Canadians are given over $2,000 per month in so-called virus
relief. Canadians who were not employed or only found minimal work in 2019 are not eligible for the $2,000 per month Covid relief funds that the non-Canadians are receiving. Again, 20% of the seats in the trade schools are reserved for recently arrived
immigrants (mainly Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for women (again many are recently arrived Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for handicapped (again, many are Asian and African Islamists), 20% of
the seats are reserved for natives (many are converting to Islam in the prisons), and then the remaining 20% of the seats are for the other Islamists that never filled the other seats. The Canadian government made it difficult for white people to receive
training and jobs, the white people were left unemployed and underemployed in 2019, the lack of money they earned in 2019 resulted in them being ineligible to receive the $2,000 per month in Covid relief funds in 2020 and 2021, which were freely given to
the foreign students who received adequate allowances from their Chinese and Saudi Arabian parents in 2019. They stripped Doukhobors of billions of dollars of land, removed Doukhobor children from their families, denied most Doukhobors training and good
paying jobs, had some Doukhobors tortured in psychiatric facilities when they dared to speak publically about corrupt Christian churches, later they began to treat the other white people in a similar fashion as they were treating the Doukhobors. The
white Europeans lined up to receive the land stolen from the Doukhobor families, the white Canadians stole Doukhobor land and then laughed at Doukhobors for an entire century, then the Canadian government lumped all the white people in together and
called them all white racists and instead imported Moslems from Africa, Asia and the Middle-East to take their place. The Doukhobors tried to fit into Canadian society, many Anglicized their names (they changed their names to names that sounded British),
almost all followed after the Roman Catholic Church and adopted the Catholic fertility rites. Almost all the Doukhobors adopted pagan fertility rites and sang Jingle Bells in the hopes they would have stable homes in Canada. Even the Doukhobors would end
up laughing at me when I complained that I was being tortured by primarily Hindu psychiatrists when I dared to state that their churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and when I dared to say that they were adopting pagan fertility
rites in place of God’s Commandments.
And Rebel News reports on February 24th 2021 that Justin Trudeau strips Canadians of their rights and forces them to stay quarantined in hotels, where he has the locks removed from the doors resulting in security guards raping the white women staying
within. Several people commenting on this news say that the security guards at these Covid hotels are Moslems.
Tucker Carlson reports on February 24th 2021 that there may be 30 million or more people living in the States that are about to be granted citizenship by Biden’s communist party, and since Biden has thrown the borders wide open (as Trudeau has done
recently), there can be additionally tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people soon to arrive. And almost every one will vote Democrat and thereby cement the United States of America as a communist nation. All the work and savings made by
Americans to build their nation is to be handed to others. Murders and other crimes are escalating dramatically, more and more women are being turned into sex slaves, many are shipped in containers with the stolen vehicles to Moslem nations (capturing
and shipping women to Moslem nations has been going on for centuries). The increasing numbers of homeless will be easy prey for the witches, who sexually abuse and then devour their victims (eating the testicles of little boys is another fertility rite,
similar to killing trees and turning them into decorated idols). Many of the people who arrive to the United States will continue on to Canada and will be an ever increasing burden upon Canadians who are similarly giving away their nation. The citizens
of Canada and the United States have their businesses shut down and are told to stay home while tens of millions or perhaps hundreds of millions of people are allowed to flood into North America from foreign lands. The blacks burned over 300 American
cities in 2020, over and over the blacks rioted and chanted that they were going to kill the whites, and Trudeau welcomes them with open arms, borrows money made out of thin air and hands it over to them, and charges the white people compound interest on
this borrowed money. The communists ended capitalist society not by war, but simply by telling people to stay home and wear a mask. People are asleep, they think they are worshipping God, but they demand that their churches, homes and entire cities are
turned into blinkin’ temples of fertility, they continue to have people tortured in psychiatric facilities when those people point out the filth in their churches, saying that their sacrifice to God is acceptable.
In the news in May 2021, 25 year old Dilshad Ali Zada from Afghanistan has been given no jail time for enslaving and sexually trafficking women in and around Saskatoon. Personally I feel that people who enslave other people into a life of sexual
service to others should face serious penalties. Providing Dilshad Ali Zada with no jail time for her many heinous crimes is a signal to others that such activity is allowed to be conducted in the community. The law comes down hard on people who dare to
open their stores… fines against people who violate quarantine laws, if unpaid, result in the loss of businesses, employment, land, homes and life savings. I received years of brutal horrid torture as a reward for criticizing your filthy churches,
people laugh at me, slander, libel, rob and assault me when I complain, and allow Dilshad Ali Zada to sexually enslave their children with no real penalty.
I wish to clarify my position. Just because the media is united with Hollywood, schools and the churches (the Catholic Church owns it all) and teaching you people to ram your penises up each others arseholes, and just because the Indians at One Arrow
First Nation stuck a statue of their ancestor One Arrow on top of an Egyptian representation of a penis, dothn’t mean that the Indians at One Arrow First Nation are all ramming their penises up each others arseholes. And just because the Indians in
western Canada flip flop between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are trying to fuck on any particular day similarly dothn’t mean they are all goink around ramming their penises up each others arseholes either.
Nevertheless the Indians and the whites are together taught to engage in sexual activities that are leading to their utter destruction, and then on top of that their favorite activity is to idolize trees. Sometimes they stick an Egyptian obelisk (a
representation of a penis) on the very top of their blinkin’ tree.
The story went, I said that it is no surprise that the priests are ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches. I was arrested and given to a Hindu
psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but it is not me who thinks so highly of penises that I would stick one on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. Then people laughed at me, assaulted me
further and called me a pedophile. Then they allowed Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to be trained as psychiatrists at the University of Saskatchewan, then they allowed them to work (torture Canadians) without they themselves being Canadians citizens. Then
they allowed the government to pay foreigners residing in Canada $500 each week to help support themselves (they get the $2000 every four weeks if they were in Canada in 2019 and received a small allowance from their parents in China or Saudi Arabia, or
wherever). And they allowed Saskatoon City Hall to employ non-Canadians, and no mayoralty candidate complained, and even if they did, the media would remain silent, just as the media is silent on the non-Canadians receiving $2000 every four weeks, it is
more than $2000 monthly. European immigrants removed billions of dollars worth of land from Doukhobor families and now see themselves as rich enough to hand out $500 each week to non-Canadians to help them through the fear flu. Strip the Doukhobors of
any land they still manage to possess and hand it over to the Chinese, Islamist, Sikh, Hindu and Catholic invaders and call the Doukhobors racists.
You are compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, your compassion is limited to your pagan evergreen tree rituals and to Egyptian penises on your church roofs (and spread across the nation in almost every place imaginable, even on the very
tops of the blinkin’ trees in the homes of Doukhobors, Mennonites, Hutterites and Adventists). You unrepentantly continue to employ Hindu, Islamic, Sikh and Catholic (likely Chinese as well) psychiatrists to torture those who don’t appreciate your
blinkin’ trees, you absolutely MUST lose your nation to alternative fertility cults as a result. Go give a few million dollars to Omar’s sister and put her image on our paper money. In Saskatchewan the wealthy are allowed to sell you oatmeal that
contains no more than “three” mouse turds per cup, but should they find “two” mouse turds in their Class A motorhome, Saskatchewan Government Insurance will provide them with a new Class A motorhome. All I can do is laugh at you while crying out
to God against you. You have me brutally tortured for years and think it funny, you can’t raise a finger in my defense, you don’t even have a kind word for me. God is about to spread you compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers
out like dung over the surface of the earth and I think it is absolutely hilarious!!! Send your kid to school to learn to become a transsexual communist. Go ejaculate upon your blinkin’ fertility tree idol. Have me arrested and tortured again at the
University of Saskatchewan for daring to quote from Aleister Crowley’s book “White Stains” (he wrote poetry about raping and killing children and then eating their testicles and nipples), which was housed at the main University of Saskatchewan
library, then libel, slander and assault me further and steal from me some more. Good for you, I sure hope you win.
The elections for Saskatoon city council in 2020 and beyond should all prove to be exciting events, my hope is that residents will get out and vote as decisions made by City Council have always had great impact upon the citizens of the city. Whether
you are a compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree or penis whoreshipper, should I become mayor of Saskatoon I vow to allow your pagan practices to continue unabated but I will not be using the public purse to pay for them, nor will I allow the practices
to take place on city-owned properties, neither on nor in city-owned equipment. Anyway, if I were mayor of the city of Saskatoon, that’s what I’d do. Actually I’m not really running in any election, the thought was if I made this book look like
election litrature then it would be more difficult to censor.
Be aware that Ducks Unlimited and the Canadian Wildlife Federation are allowing farmers to cut the grass on their reserves in as early as June, thereby killing off the nesting songbirds and depriving them of nesting cover, and depriving them of habitat
used by insects which some birds eat and use to feed their young, and deprives the seedeaters of seeds. The farmers like to get onto the wildlife lands and cut the grass in June lest another farmer come along and cuts that grass for themselves at the
beginning of July. The land around Blaine Lake is used for agriculture, the few spots that are designated for wildlife get cut and made into straw bales in June and July, it makes life particularly hard for the seedeaters like the Bobolinks who depend
upon the plants and seeds to raise their batches of young into September. Even the ducks and geese suffer as grasses from the previous year’s growth are used by the ducks and geese in the following year for concealing themselves and their nests and for
eating the seeds. And there is the issue of trees, the young trees are annually cut down at the same time the grass is cut, depriving the tree-nesting birds of the trees and depriving other animals of concealment and shelter. By cutting and removing the
grass and the trees, the land becomes unsuitable for nesting as food, shelter and concealment cover has been removed. In place of a healthy environment full of a myriad of species including moose are instead large round bales of hay, sometimes a hawk
sits upon one of the round hay bales waiting for a mouse to scurry by, which is now easy to see as the grass is cut. The more coyotes the farmers shoot, the more mice there are scurrying about. The farmers shoot the coyotes, potentially resulting in a
plague of rats and mice, then they spread poison to kill the rodents, which results in the deaths of myriads of other animals. The farmers spread pesticides and herbicides, then they shoot the coyotes and spread additional poisons to deal with the
resulting impending plagues of rats and mice, and care little when they see their neighbours cut the grass on Ducks Unlimited / Canadian Wildlife Federation reserve lands. It is of upmost importance for the farmers to maintain friendly relations with
their neighbours, they find common ground by decimating the wildlife, by abiding by the Catholic fertility rites, by proclaiming their hatred of aboriginal Indians, and by proclaiming an utter and complete hatred of people who speak in defense of coyotes.
I faced threats to my life from western Canadian farmers several years ago when I posted a few sentences on Facebook that were in defense of coyotes.
Go for coffee at a rural Saskatchewan restaurant and hear the farmers say… “The grass will simply go to waste if the farmers do not take it, and besides, our cows and horses need it, and besides the ducks have hatched and are swimming, can’t you
see the baby ducks swimming, are you stupid?!!!” Or when the farmers are questioned about stripping the grass cover on Ducks Unlimited lands, they will invert the response to “The ducks have hatched and are swimming, can’t you see the baby ducks
swimming, are you stupid?!!! The grass will simply go to waste if us farmers do not take it, and besides, the cows and horses need it.” Or, “Are you stupid?!!! The cows and horses need it, the grass will simply go to waste if they can’t have it,
can’t you see the baby ducks have hatched and are swimming?!!!” Often the issue of “Have you ever held a job?” is tossed into the argument by the farmer, adding great complexity to the permutations and combinations of their responses and
exceeding the scope of this essay. The biggest losers are the wildlife, those people who donated the land to Ducks Unlimited and the Canadian Wildlife Federation, and those people who do not care that they never saw a Bobolink.
In Canada the forests are sprayed with herbicides in order to kill off the deciduous trees, leaving the forests to be covered with coniferous (evergreen) trees, which are later harvested for money. When the forests are kept as a mixture of deciduous
and coniferous trees, as God intended, the result is a healthy ecosystem and a great variety of life. A myriad of problems result from spraying and killing off the deciduous trees, including wildfires that rage unchecked over huge mountain ranges.
Without the existence of deciduous trees in a forest, fires in the coniferous forests spread rapidly and rage unchecked. The general pubic has no idea that the forests are being sprayed in order to kill off the deciduous trees, and when the resulting
forest fires destroy lives and communities these ignorant dupes cry out that the climate is warming and ignorantly back legislation that removes our industries, our wealth and our freedoms. The general pubic cares little about deciduous trees, they
instead want coniferous trees to decorate and make them blink on and off, on and off, on and off, just like Hitler’s and Obama’s and the Queen’s and the pope’s and Trump’s blinkin’ trees. Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Australians and
Papuans are all willing to ignore an invasion of Chinese and Islamists, thinking that by annually turning trees into decorated idols and singing Jingle Bells, that national security, heaven and salvation are all assured. And so they support churches that
teach them to turn trees into decorated idols. And so they voted for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist (who is also a pedophile and a cannibal) to rule over America because they assumed he shared their values when he posed beside the blinkin' idols.
In places God’s forests are composed of entirely one species of tree, then a few acres over the forest is dominated by an alternative species, the different species of plants are naturally competing with one another,. A forest may naturally change
from species to species, one type of evergreen tree may be naturally replaced over time with an alternative species of evergreen tree, or with some other tree, naturally improving the soil over time. It is harmony, and it is not what our governments are
promoting. Trees should be selectively harvested leaving most of the old growth trees intact, and doing it in such a way to limit the damage to the undergrowth. Both forestry and gold mining operations can function in ways that greatly limit the impact
upon the ecosystem. On one hand the government allows the clear cutting of forests (the utter destruction of the ecosystem), on the other hand it limits your ability to mine gold in a responsible manner by creating national parks, wildlife zones,
provincial parks, regional parks, furthermore there are the Crown lands (which is land belonging to King Charles), and then there are the vast Indian reservations that also limit your access to running a small gold operation. It amounts to a limit of
your access to make a camp and mine gold, a limit on you, preventing you from making money, for gold is money. It all amounts to an utter destruction of many forests while limiting your freedom.
Both the Sunday and Sabbath keepers are turning trees into decorated idols and are getting their trees to blink. In ancient times the priests of fish-god Dagon dressed up in full length fish outfits, turned trees into decorated idols and left presents
for the tree at the base of the tree. Over time the full-length fish outfits that Dagon’s clergy wore evolved so that just the fish-head hat remains, but still to this day these fished-headed priests of Dagon turn trees into decorated idols. And now
with advanced technology they get their trees to blink!!! Several centuries ago Dagon’s priests stole an obelisk (a representation of a penis) from Egypt and erected it in the center of Vatican Square, and each winter place a tree turned into a
decorated idol next to the stolen Egyptian dink. Both the Egyptian penis and the decorated evergreen tree are symbols of fertility, they place their symbols of fertility side by side. Then they make miniature representations of the stolen Egyptian penis
and place them on the roofs of their filthy churches. Some Sunday (Catholic) and Sabbath (Adventist) keepers place a miniature Egyptian penis on the very top of their blinkin’ tree, sometimes they place a little star on the top of the obelisk (the
pagan penis). The only real difference between the Catholics and the Adventists is that sometimes the Adventists turn their trees into decorated idols with cheap ribbons instead of with the expensive ornaments and blinkin’ lights. The Adventists pride
themselves in keeping God’s Fourth Commandment but different aspects of their pagan winter mass together violate God’s First Three Commandments. The Americans saw the homosexual Indonesian Islamist posing with the blinkin’ trees and thought he
shared their values, so they elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist to the presidency of the Unites States of America. The Bible is packed full of examples… when people adopt pagan fertility rites then they lose their nations to
members of alternative fertility cults. Everybody gets their trees blink on and off, on and off, on and off, it is really quite a show. Many of you arseholes tithe to cannibals that teach you to turn your homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility, you
have zero compassion for the victims of psychiatric horror, you are smug about your future and giggle with glee.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff December 16th 2022 6:15 pm 166,890 words (189 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
In the news on October 19th 2020, the Trudeau Liberals (backed by the NDP) extend the border closure with the USA. And for a few days previous to this there have also been reports on how the Liberals (backed by the NDP, both are communist parties) are
making it easier for the Chinese to fly into Canada. The government shut down the economy, now there are millions of unemployed in Canada and the federal government is seeking to bring in more foreigners, and are paying many of these foreigners $500 each
week because these non-Canadians were unable to find adequate employment in Canada. They made me a home in a psychiatric ward, they spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured for years, and now hand out over $2000 per month to foreigners,
which is enough for them to make payments on new homes, or the foreigners can use that $500 each week and buy a rifle.
Or these foreigners may purchase two quite nice rifles costing $1,000.00 each month, or one exceedingly nice rifle costing $2000.00 each month. The Canadians of white European descent (most are denied training and denied jobs, some are tortured in
psychiatric facilities) did not work and earn money in 2019 so are not eligible to receive the $500/week the Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese are getting. The white-Europeans and native aboriginals living in poverty in Saskatchewan received $50 for
their Covid relief funds from the provincial government in April 2020, so they could buy some masks and hand sanitizer, back then, and may use the money to purchase a used BB gun or perhaps a nice sling shot.
On page A2 of the October 20th 2020 Saskatoon Star-Phoenix we read that 45-year-old Mohamed Hassan Omer slashed the throat and severed the spine of a 29-year-old woman in Saskatoon in the morning of May 27th 2020, then he stabbed her in the arm and in
the back and stole the vehicle she was sitting in. And on page A4 we learn that an autopsy was unable to determine the cause of a psychiatric inmate’s death. James Leo Short was being forced to take “antipsychotic” medications, which all have “
death” as a known side-effect.
Female Islamists don’t have to show their faces in Canada in order to buy rifles and ammunition, and since males in Saskatchewan are allowed to claim on their birth certificates that they are females (and without any changes being made to their
sexual organs), then the male Islamists in Saskatchewan too are not required to show their faces when they purchase the rifles and ammunition for our government provides them with identification purporting they are females.
In 2020 our Islamic government forced millions of white people into unemployment, then on October 30th 2020 announced that it would obtain economic recovery by importing well over a million new immigrants to Canada over the next three years. This is a
direct result of whoreshipping trees and praying to Mary and shitting upon God’s Commandments, people ignore God’s Laws and then God allows their nations to be taken over by members of alternative fertility cults. The Canadians have no shame, they do
not even know how to blush. The Canadians are looking forward to “Christmas” (the use of God’s Name in vain) where they will have trees that blink. The Koran commands their followers to behead the unbelievers and NOT to cover their heads and faces,
yet they cover their heads and faces, and then are able to buy guns and ammo in Canada without showing their faces. Canadians do not care to get involved in the matter, except to vote for the politicians that allow the murderers entry and who give the
murderers money, and who give the murderers free accommodations, and who give the murderers educational opportunities that are not offered to Canadians of European or aboriginal descent. They stole the homes and money and exterminated the Christians in
the middle-east and much of Africa, then they came (and continue to come) to Canada with the stolen money, and are allowed to keep “their” money for their own discretionary purposes while starting new lives here. Trudeau forced millions out of work,
now will import millions more. The Africans he will bring here will be nearly entirely Moslem. Moslems united with anarchists and communists have been burning down buildings, raping and killing, and marching and chanting to kill the whites, who would
have ever thought they would also stuff ballot boxes??? In Saskatchewan the Moslems get a home paid for each of four wives, so if they do not cut your head off, your life will still be negatively affected by their presence (they are bankrupting your
nation). And even with the Chinese attempting to manipulate bat viruses in the city of Wuhan, Trudeau still allows the Chinese, and even the Chinese living in Wuhan, to fly to Canada… while preventing Americans to visit here.
Environmental laws will be strengthened to prevent you from going to gold bearing regions in Canada and mining the gold. Slaves are paid in paper promises and are not allowed to have guns, Canadians are slaves who are slowly having their guns taken
away from them. Half the Canadians who desire to get a gun are Moslem, many of the other half are kids who want to get a new lever action Winchester repeating rifle under their blinkin’ tree or for their birthday. Consider getting that lever action in .
243 Winchester. Or get a bolt action in .243 or 7mm-08, or .270 Winchester, or 7mm Remington Magnum, or .338 Lapua, I think you need a rifle. Get a rifle and then post on the internet and on the usenet, and in letters to the editor, that people who faced
brutal horrid torture for daring to criticize the mainstream churches and people living in utter poverty should not be allowed to have guns. Once you legally have a rifle you may speak all kinds of shit against the people who spoke out against your
blinkin’ tree and against your pedophile priests. Islamists who have four wives and are collecting welfare for each of the four wives, are allowed to have guns, for they do not live in utter poverty and unprotected, as Trudeau insures that they are
well cared for. Perhaps Trudeau will change our dollars into dinars, instead of Laurier on our Five Dollar Bill we will end up with Omar Khadr on a Five Dinar Bill.
Adolph Eichmann was in charge of moving the Jews to slaughter via the railways, his trains had priority over the trains that were bringing war supplies to the eastern front. German soldiers on the eastern front went without adequate supplies as trains
carrying the war supplies were sidelined in order to allow Eichmann to transport the Jews to the death camps. Hitler knew that his attack against the Soviet Union would be in vain, but his main concern was to kill Jews and make sure that his tree
continued to blink. Hitler had trees that blinked on and off, on and off, on and off, it was really quite a show. Canadian Liberal leader Mackenzie King regularly sought advice from demons, who were active in advising King to not allow Jewish refugees
entry to Canada. Now today the demons are advising the Liberals to import people who desire to cut our heads off, and to not provide sanctuary to the Christians facing genocide in South Africa or elsewhere. Demons are real and they are wanting to replace
white Christians and black Christians with black Islamists, or with any other Islamist. Hitler sought out alliances with Islamists and killed Christians and Jews. Canadians want a tree that blinks on and off, on and off, on and off, just like Hitler’s
Making rounds around the internet mid-November 2020 is that the last Canadian election was fraudulent as corrupted computers were used to tabulate and change votes, as was recently done in the United States. And in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix on
November 19th 2020 Chris Selley reminds us “The really salient point, surely, was that the Aga Khan (Islamic) Foundation lobbies for and receives hundreds of millions of dollars from the Canadian government.” Canadians still are not moved, they
continue to wait for “Christmas” (the use of God’s Name in vain) and now their major hope to be able to fly to winter resorts so they may sing Jingle Bells and bow to blinkin’ trees there. No matter the cost, Canadians must photograph themselves
and their children engaged in honoring the pagan holiday, and the more ornate and the more distant the setting in the photographs, the better. Make sure to post the celebratory and festive photos on your Facebook page while making disparaging comments
against some poor psychiatric abuse victim who lives in perpetual shock. Now you have to stay home, stay home while the Chinese and Islamists arrive at our airports, seaports and borders. Go get a flu shot and make yourself infertile.
See Rebel News on November 21st 2020… “Suicide in long term care: Canadian senior chooses death over living through a second lockdown” regarding the survival rate of Covid -19:
COVID-19 Survival Rates:
Under 20: 99.997%
Under 50: 99.98%
Under 70: 99.5%
Islam is a fertility cult that seeks to increase its numbers through imprisoning women in homes and forcing them to become wives and mothers. The Islamists pride themselves in knowledge of and in the use of herbs and have published copious quantities
of books over the centuries that include instruction on what herbs to use to reduce fertility and induce abortions of people that do not belong to their fertility cult. Now we have an Islamic government that will force injections upon people that will
make them infertile. It is all a part of Trudeau’s plan to replace the European population with non-Europeans (with Islamists). The fear flu has a survival rate of over 99.5% for people under 70 years of age, likely 99% of the women of child-bearing
age will become infertile should they take the two injections the government is mandating.
People stay home and allow thousands of the Chinese and the Islamists to fly in daily, then they pay the mortgage for the four homes for each of the four Islamic wives. The aboriginal Indians stay confined to their tiny rotting homes on the reserves
and are instructed to ram their penises up each others arseholes while the government hands out billions of dollars to Islamists so they can start new lives here in new homes here. All the children are taught to hate Christianity and the idea of
Canadians and Americans having our own oil self-sufficiency, the oil industry is forced into shutdown while the Canadian lumber is required for new homes for the “immigrants” or exported to Asia, and the white children are taught to hate the colour
of their skin and to ram their penises up each others arseholes. White Europeans didn’t like criticisms of their blinkin’ trees and spent many millions of dollars having me tortured for years in psychiatric facilities, they made me a home in a
psychiatric ward and now buy new homes for Islamists. You torture me and laugh at me and rob me and slander and libel me, then seek to gain annual redemption by singing Jingle Bells and by proving you are not a racist by handing your nation over to
Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese. Your forefathers somehow proved that they were not racists by stealing Doukhobor land, now the Doukhobors wallow in filth as they join with you in decorating and bowing to trees. The wealthiest of the Doukhobors are
always turning their homes into lavish temples of evergreen tree fertility, they have the tallest of trees and the nicest of the blinkin’ lights, and they have the most friends who all join with them in honoring their fertility tree idols. It used to
be that the Doukhobors fled from idolatry, now they embrace it and shit upon me for daring to attempt to warn them of the dangers involved.
Turkey slaughtered an estimated two million Armenian Christians between 1914 and 1923, now Canada sells Turkey and Azerbaijan advanced drone weaponry that is used in 2020 to slaughter the Armenians yet again. Canadians politely stay at home and watch
the news telling them to stay home, and are not provided with news stories about how their Islamic government is providing advanced weapon systems to other Islamic governments. See the video on YouTube “What Azerbaijan’s spectacular victory over
Armenia tells us about the future of modern warfare.”
The Islamists pride themselves in their knowledge of herbs and published copious quantities of litrature, over the centuries they amassed knowledge of what herbs can be used to induce fertility and cause abortions. They imbed themselves into our food
supply, the food you eat may have been dosed at repeated times during its transit to your table. Islamists are a fertility cult, they increase their numbers with multiple wives and with rape and coercion, and reduce the numbers of the alternative
fertility cults with herbs, swords and bombs. And they seek to reduce your fertility with inoculations against common colds. And more recently they instigated a transgender fantasy world and are coercing your daughters to cut their own breasts off and
sterilize themselves. The parents hope these kids would come home at “Christmas” and join together with them and the blinkin’ tree, and together they would go and make a pilgrimage to the local Catholic Church and tithe, regardless of how many
times Catholic priests rammed their penises up your children’s arseholes. The priests purposely traumatize the children and render them unable to form meaningful attachments and families, it works as well as rendering them infertile. Then they
destroyed the economy so the males didn’t have a pot to piss in, let alone go on a date. All the while the carbon tax in Canada continues to be rebated back to the large Islamic families (the carbon tax mainly gets rebated back to the largest of the
families, which are Islamic). The greater the number of Islamists, the greater amount of taxes will be collected and handed over to the invading Islamists.
Over the last few decades assorted Islamists, many acting as lone wolves, contaminated food and water supplies with herbs that reduced fertility and induced abortions. Then they indoctrinated children to a transgender world and coerced the daughters
to put rings in their noses, colour their hair with cool-aid and render themselves infertile. During which time they have been refining their inoculations, which are again designed to render infertility, and often result in autism, heart attacks and
death. The white race is first and foremost hated due to the many Christians in our midst.
The CIA funded the psychiatric torture facilities in Saskatoon, and now the general pubic learns that the CIA imbeds itself into the mainstream media and uses the media to conduct a coup against President Trump (it is a coup funded in part by American
taxpayers). Our Canadian Islamic prime minister is quick to congratulate Biden with a win. Canadians are happy that Trump is being defeated for all they heard for the last five years is how horrible Trump is. Canada has absolutely the worst prime
minister and the worst government ever in its history (a Somali heads the department of immigration, a Sikh heads the military, the prime minister is an Islamist) and all we hear in the Canadian media is how horrible Trump and the Republican party is.
Canadians may rise up but can expect to be slaughtered with Canadian, Chinese and Islamic drones, Islamic beheading swords and with so-called “vaccinations” (the injections are not immunizing people, only harming them further). Canadians are
compassionless and still think it is hilarious that I get stripped of my rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities for years, and then borrow money from their children to build new psychiatric torture facilities. The Canadian Christians are smug
about their future, they think they know the truth, the truth of the matter is that their churches have been co-opted by Catholics who teach them to turn trees into decorated idols. The truth of the matter is that the churches are censoring Scriptural
references to cannibalism and employed predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me in an attempt to shut me up about their lies and pagan filth they teach in place of God’s Commandments.
The last Canadian federal election was rigged, all laws passed by the Islamic Liberals (with the support of the Sikh NDP) are void. Due to the fraudulent election all the new gun laws are void. The Islamists have co-opted our government and the
Canadian people respond by staying home and are preparing to sing Jingle Bells. Don’t hold it back, shout it out with udder glee. Abiding by the Catholic fertility rites is the most important thing on planet earth. Find somebody that was tortured by
Hindus for daring to speak out against your Catholic fertility rites and send them a box of nuts and a “Christmas” (use of God’s name in vain) card.
I wasn’t allowed to go out, and when they allowed me to go out I did so in utter poverty. And when out and about (utterly nauseous, my head banging in pain, my lips and tongue hard and turned to leather…) people laughed or fled or beat me or
robbed me of the little I had. Now you are not allowed to go out. And economic opportunities are being removed from you and given to newly arrived invaders (mainly Chinese and Islamists). I criticized your churches and your pagan traditions and had to
stay confined, and now you have to stay home due to some invented pandemic. Hollywood and the media largely ignores the real pandemic of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases and instead actively teaches you to ram your penises up each other’s
arseholes. Hollywood, the media, the schools and the churches (the Catholic church owns it all) are teaching you to ram your penises up each other’s arseholes, while ignoring the resulting diseases, and are now legislating that you stay home lest you
catch a cold. And I think it is absolutely hilarious as you filthy Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers have zero compassion for me or for any other victim of psychiatric horror. Stay home while Islamists and Chinese arrive at our airports and
borders daily, support them all and pay each one an extra $500 every week, even if they are not Canadian citizens. Send your tax dollars to Islamic nations around the world then stay home and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way.
In the news on January 7th 2021, the province of Quebec is starting to impose a curfew, the slaves will have to stay off the streets from 8 pm to 5 am, but Quebec is a Catholic province and these people will enjoy the extra time at their disposal so
they can continue their prayers to Mary. Some twenty thousand Chinese and Islamists are arriving at our airports daily, so stay home. When the Canadian slaves learn that I was tortured for years for daring to speak out against their traditions, they will
insist on their freedom and will fly once again to resorts in Hawaii, Florida, Europe, Australia and Asia, while continuing to issue condescending remarks against me and other psychiatric abuse victims on social media from those locations. More and more
psychiatrists speak Arabic and Chinese, it may be helpful to you in the future to be able to converse with your psychiatrists. Stay home and learn to speak Arabic and Chinese before you get arrested and detained (tortured to death with psychiatric drugs)
under the Mental Health Act. Remember to sing Jingle Bells and vote for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist when you see him posing next to a blinkin’ tree (together with Mike and the adopted kids). Your love of Catholic fertility rites destroyed western
In the news in January 2021 I hear that more people died of the flu in 1993 than in 2020. The news for me and for many others has become Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Judge Jeanine Piro, Katie Hopkins, Lisa Haven, Sanity for Sweden, Salty Cracker,
Rebel News and Dr. Vernon Coleman. Check out “Laura Ingraham Full Speech at RNC”, it still might be viewed on YouTube.
In the news on February 24th 2021, the communist leader of the New Democratic Party, Jagmeet Singh, announced that he will continue to prop up the communist Liberal party as long as the pandemic continues. The people who voted for these communist
parties are the same people who turn trees into decorated idols and sing Jingle Bells. Canadians collectively spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols, and had collectively spent many millions of dollars having me tortured in
psychiatric facilities for criticizing their fertility traditions, and are now very pleased with themselves as they are “freely” given over $2,000 per month in Covid relief funds. Even non-Canadians are given over $2,000 per month in so-called virus
relief. Canadians who were not employed or only found minimal work in 2019 are not eligible for the $2,000 per month Covid relief funds that the non-Canadians are receiving. Again, 20% of the seats in the trade schools are reserved for recently arrived
immigrants (mainly Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for women (again many are recently arrived Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for handicapped (again, many are Asian and African Islamists), 20% of
the seats are reserved for natives (many are converting to Islam in the prisons), and then the remaining 20% of the seats are for the other Islamists that never filled the other seats. The Canadian government made it difficult for white people to receive
training and jobs, the white people were left unemployed and underemployed in 2019, the lack of money they earned in 2019 resulted in them being ineligible to receive the $2,000 per month in Covid relief funds in 2020 and 2021, which were freely given to
the foreign students who received adequate allowances from their Chinese and Saudi Arabian parents in 2019. They stripped Doukhobors of billions of dollars of land, removed Doukhobor children from their families, denied most Doukhobors training and good
paying jobs, had some Doukhobors tortured in psychiatric facilities when they dared to speak publically about corrupt Christian churches, later they began to treat the other white people in a similar fashion as they were treating the Doukhobors. The
white Europeans lined up to receive the land stolen from the Doukhobor families, the white Canadians stole Doukhobor land and then laughed at Doukhobors for an entire century, then the Canadian government lumped all the white people in together and
called them all white racists and instead imported Moslems from Africa, Asia and the Middle-East to take their place. The Doukhobors tried to fit into Canadian society, many Anglicized their names (they changed their names to names that sounded British),
almost all followed after the Roman Catholic Church and adopted the Catholic fertility rites. Almost all the Doukhobors adopted pagan fertility rites and sang Jingle Bells in the hopes they would have stable homes in Canada. Even the Doukhobors would end
up laughing at me when I complained that I was being tortured by primarily Hindu psychiatrists when I dared to state that their churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and when I dared to say that they were adopting pagan fertility
rites in place of God’s Commandments.
And Rebel News reports on February 24th 2021 that Justin Trudeau strips Canadians of their rights and forces them to stay quarantined in hotels, where he has the locks removed from the doors resulting in security guards raping the white women staying
within. Several people commenting on this news say that the security guards at these Covid hotels are Moslems.
Tucker Carlson reports on February 24th 2021 that there may be 30 million or more people living in the States that are about to be granted citizenship by Biden’s communist party, and since Biden has thrown the borders wide open (as Trudeau has done
recently), there can be additionally tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people soon to arrive. And almost every one will vote Democrat and thereby cement the United States of America as a communist nation. All the work and savings made by
Americans to build their nation is to be handed to others. Murders and other crimes are escalating dramatically, more and more women are being turned into sex slaves, many are shipped in containers with the stolen vehicles to Moslem nations (capturing
and shipping women to Moslem nations has been going on for centuries). The increasing numbers of homeless will be easy prey for the witches, who sexually abuse and then devour their victims (eating the testicles of little boys is another fertility rite,
similar to killing trees and turning them into decorated idols). Many of the people who arrive to the United States will continue on to Canada and will be an ever increasing burden upon Canadians who are similarly giving away their nation. The citizens
of Canada and the United States have their businesses shut down and are told to stay home while tens of millions or perhaps hundreds of millions of people are allowed to flood into North America from foreign lands. The blacks burned over 300 American
cities in 2020, over and over the blacks rioted and chanted that they were going to kill the whites, and Trudeau welcomes them with open arms, borrows money made out of thin air and hands it over to them, and charges the white people compound interest on
this borrowed money. The communists ended capitalist society not by war, but simply by telling people to stay home and wear a mask. People are asleep, they think they are worshipping God, but they demand that their churches, homes and entire cities are
turned into blinkin’ temples of fertility, they continue to have people tortured in psychiatric facilities when those people point out the filth in their churches, saying that their sacrifice to God is acceptable.
In the news in May 2021, 25 year old Dilshad Ali Zada from Afghanistan has been given no jail time for enslaving and sexually trafficking women in and around Saskatoon. Personally I feel that people who enslave other people into a life of sexual
service to others should face serious penalties. Providing Dilshad Ali Zada with no jail time for her many heinous crimes is a signal to others that such activity is allowed to be conducted in the community. The law comes down hard on people who dare to
open their stores… fines against people who violate quarantine laws, if unpaid, result in the loss of businesses, employment, land, homes and life savings. I received years of brutal horrid torture as a reward for criticizing your filthy churches,
people laugh at me, slander, libel, rob and assault me when I complain, and allow Dilshad Ali Zada to sexually enslave their children with no real penalty.
I wish to clarify my position. Just because the media is united with Hollywood, schools and the churches (the Catholic Church owns it all) and teaching you people to ram your penises up each others arseholes, and just because the Indians at One Arrow
First Nation stuck a statue of their ancestor One Arrow on top of an Egyptian representation of a penis, dothn’t mean that the Indians at One Arrow First Nation are all ramming their penises up each others arseholes. And just because the Indians in
western Canada flip flop between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are trying to fuck on any particular day similarly dothn’t mean they are all goink around ramming their penises up each others arseholes either.
Nevertheless the Indians and the whites are together taught to engage in sexual activities that are leading to their utter destruction, and then on top of that their favorite activity is to idolize trees. Sometimes they stick an Egyptian obelisk (a
representation of a penis) on the very top of their blinkin’ tree.
The story went, I said that it is no surprise that the priests are ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches. I was arrested and given to a Hindu
psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but it is not me who thinks so highly of penises that I would stick one on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. Then people laughed at me, assaulted me
further and called me a pedophile. Then they allowed Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to be trained as psychiatrists at the University of Saskatchewan, then they allowed them to work (torture Canadians) without they themselves being Canadians citizens. Then
they allowed the government to pay foreigners residing in Canada $500 each week to help support themselves (they get the $2000 every four weeks if they were in Canada in 2019 and received a small allowance from their parents in China or Saudi Arabia, or
wherever). And they allowed Saskatoon City Hall to employ non-Canadians, and no mayoralty candidate complained, and even if they did, the media would remain silent, just as the media is silent on the non-Canadians receiving $2000 every four weeks, it is
more than $2000 monthly. European immigrants removed billions of dollars worth of land from Doukhobor families and now see themselves as rich enough to hand out $500 each week to non-Canadians to help them through the fear flu. Strip the Doukhobors of
any land they still manage to possess and hand it over to the Chinese, Islamist, Sikh, Hindu and Catholic invaders and call the Doukhobors racists.
[continued in next message]
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* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeaky Squeaky@21:1/5 to
All on Sat Jan 14 10:15:15 2023
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff January 13th 2023 9:24 pm 171,711 words (196 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
See Rebel News on November 21st 2020… “Suicide in long term care: Canadian senior chooses death over living through a second lockdown” regarding the survival rate of Covid -19:
COVID-19 Survival Rates:
Under 20: 99.997%
Under 50: 99.98%
Under 70: 99.5%
Islam is a fertility cult that seeks to increase its numbers through imprisoning women in homes and forcing them to become wives and mothers. The Islamists pride themselves in knowledge of and in the use of herbs and have published copious quantities
of books over the centuries that include instruction on what herbs to use to reduce fertility and induce abortions of people that do not belong to their fertility cult. Now we have an Islamic government that will force injections upon people that will
make them infertile. It is all a part of Trudeau’s plan to replace the European population with non-Europeans (with Islamists). The fear flu has a survival rate of over 99.5% for people under 70 years of age, likely 99% of the women of child-bearing
age will become infertile should they take the two injections the government is mandating.
People stay home and allow thousands of the Chinese and the Islamists to fly in daily, then they pay the mortgage for the four homes for each of the four Islamic wives. The aboriginal Indians stay confined to their tiny rotting homes on the reserves
and are instructed to ram their penises up each others arseholes while the government hands out billions of dollars to Islamists so they can start new lives here in new homes here. All the children are taught to hate Christianity and the idea of
Canadians and Americans having our own oil self-sufficiency, the oil industry is forced into shutdown while the Canadian lumber is required for new homes for the “immigrants” or exported to Asia, and the white children are taught to hate the colour
of their skin and to ram their penises up each others arseholes. White Europeans didn’t like criticisms of their blinkin’ trees and spent many millions of dollars having me tortured for years in psychiatric facilities, they made me a home in a
psychiatric ward and now buy new homes for Islamists. You torture me and laugh at me and rob me and slander and libel me, then seek to gain annual redemption by singing Jingle Bells and by proving you are not a racist by handing your nation over to
Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese. Your forefathers somehow proved that they were not racists by stealing Doukhobor land, now the Doukhobors wallow in filth as they join with you in decorating and bowing to trees. The wealthiest of the Doukhobors are
always turning their homes into lavish temples of evergreen tree fertility, they have the tallest of trees and the nicest of the blinkin’ lights, and they have the most friends who all join with them in honoring their fertility tree idols. It used to
be that the Doukhobors fled from idolatry, now they embrace it and shit upon me for daring to attempt to warn them of the dangers involved.
Turkey slaughtered an estimated two million Armenian Christians between 1914 and 1923, now Canada sells Turkey and Azerbaijan advanced drone weaponry that is used in 2020 to slaughter the Armenians yet again. Canadians politely stay at home and watch
the news telling them to stay home, and are not provided with news stories about how their Islamic government is providing advanced weapon systems to other Islamic governments. See the video on YouTube “What Azerbaijan’s spectacular victory over
Armenia tells us about the future of modern warfare.”
The Islamists pride themselves in their knowledge of herbs and published copious quantities of litrature, over the centuries they amassed knowledge of what herbs can be used to induce fertility and cause abortions. They imbed themselves into our food
supply, the food you eat may have been dosed at repeated times during its transit to your table. Islamists are a fertility cult, they increase their numbers with multiple wives and with rape and coercion, and reduce the numbers of the alternative
fertility cults with herbs, swords and bombs. And they seek to reduce your fertility with inoculations against common colds. And more recently they instigated a transgender fantasy world and are coercing your daughters to cut their own breasts off and
sterilize themselves. The parents hope these kids would come home at “Christmas” and join together with them and the blinkin’ tree, and together they would go and make a pilgrimage to the local Catholic Church and tithe, regardless of how many
times Catholic priests rammed their penises up your children’s arseholes. The priests purposely traumatize the children and render them unable to form meaningful attachments and families, it works as well as rendering them infertile. Then they
destroyed the economy so the males didn’t have a pot to piss in, let alone go on a date. All the while the carbon tax in Canada continues to be rebated back to the large Islamic families (the carbon tax mainly gets rebated back to the largest of the
families, which are Islamic). The greater the number of Islamists, the greater amount of taxes will be collected and handed over to the invading Islamists.
Over the last few decades assorted Islamists, many acting as lone wolves, contaminated food and water supplies with herbs that reduced fertility and induced abortions. Then they indoctrinated children to a transgender world and coerced the daughters
to put rings in their noses, colour their hair with cool-aid and render themselves infertile. During which time they have been refining their inoculations, which are again designed to render infertility, and often result in autism, heart attacks and
death. The white race is first and foremost hated due to the many Christians in our midst.
The CIA funded the psychiatric torture facilities in Saskatoon, and now the general pubic learns that the CIA imbeds itself into the mainstream media and uses the media to conduct a coup against President Trump (it is a coup funded in part by American
taxpayers). Our Canadian Islamic prime minister is quick to congratulate Biden with a win. Canadians are happy that Trump is being defeated for all they heard for the last five years is how horrible Trump is. Canada has absolutely the worst prime
minister and the worst government ever in its history (a Somali heads the department of immigration, a Sikh heads the military, the prime minister is an Islamist) and all we hear in the Canadian media is how horrible Trump and the Republican party is.
Canadians may rise up but can expect to be slaughtered with Canadian, Chinese and Islamic drones, Islamic beheading swords and with so-called “vaccinations” (the injections are not immunizing people, only harming them further). Canadians are
compassionless and still think it is hilarious that I get stripped of my rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities for years, and then borrow money from their children to build new psychiatric torture facilities. The Canadian Christians are smug
about their future, they think they know the truth, the truth of the matter is that their churches have been co-opted by Catholics who teach them to turn trees into decorated idols. The truth of the matter is that the churches are censoring Scriptural
references to cannibalism and employed predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me in an attempt to shut me up about their lies and pagan filth they teach in place of God’s Commandments.
The last Canadian federal election was rigged, all laws passed by the Islamic Liberals (with the support of the Sikh NDP) are void. Due to the fraudulent election all the new gun laws are void. The Islamists have co-opted our government and the
Canadian people respond by staying home and are preparing to sing Jingle Bells. Don’t hold it back, shout it out with udder glee. Abiding by the Catholic fertility rites is the most important thing on planet earth. Find somebody that was tortured by
Hindus for daring to speak out against your Catholic fertility rites and send them a box of nuts and a “Christmas” (use of God’s name in vain) card.
I wasn’t allowed to go out, and when they allowed me to go out I did so in utter poverty. And when out and about (utterly nauseous, my head banging in pain, my lips and tongue hard and turned to leather…) people laughed or fled or beat me or
robbed me of the little I had. Now you are not allowed to go out. And economic opportunities are being removed from you and given to newly arrived invaders (mainly Chinese and Islamists). I criticized your churches and your pagan traditions and had to
stay confined, and now you have to stay home due to some invented pandemic. Hollywood and the media largely ignores the real pandemic of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases and instead actively teaches you to ram your penises up each other’s
arseholes. Hollywood, the media, the schools and the churches (the Catholic church owns it all) are teaching you to ram your penises up each other’s arseholes, while ignoring the resulting diseases, and are now legislating that you stay home lest you
catch a cold. And I think it is absolutely hilarious as you filthy Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers have zero compassion for me or for any other victim of psychiatric horror. Stay home while Islamists and Chinese arrive at our airports and
borders daily, support them all and pay each one an extra $500 every week, even if they are not Canadian citizens. Send your tax dollars to Islamic nations around the world then stay home and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way.
In the news on January 7th 2021, the province of Quebec is starting to impose a curfew, the slaves will have to stay off the streets from 8 pm to 5 am, but Quebec is a Catholic province and these people will enjoy the extra time at their disposal so
they can continue their prayers to Mary. Some twenty thousand Chinese and Islamists are arriving at our airports daily, so stay home. When the Canadian slaves learn that I was tortured for years for daring to speak out against their traditions, they will
insist on their freedom and will fly once again to resorts in Hawaii, Florida, Europe, Australia and Asia, while continuing to issue condescending remarks against me and other psychiatric abuse victims on social media from those locations. More and more
psychiatrists speak Arabic and Chinese, it may be helpful to you in the future to be able to converse with your psychiatrists. Stay home and learn to speak Arabic and Chinese before you get arrested and detained (tortured to death with psychiatric drugs)
under the Mental Health Act. Remember to sing Jingle Bells and vote for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist when you see him posing next to a blinkin’ tree (together with Mike and the adopted kids). Your love of Catholic fertility rites destroyed western
In the news in January 2021 I hear that more people died of the flu in 1993 than in 2020. The news for me and for many others has become Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Judge Jeanine Piro, Katie Hopkins, Lisa Haven, Sanity for Sweden, Salty Cracker,
Rebel News and Dr. Vernon Coleman. Check out “Laura Ingraham Full Speech at RNC”, it still might be viewed on YouTube.
In the news on February 24th 2021, the communist leader of the New Democratic Party, Jagmeet Singh, announced that he will continue to prop up the communist Liberal party as long as the pandemic continues. The people who voted for these communist
parties are the same people who turn trees into decorated idols and sing Jingle Bells. Canadians collectively spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols, and had collectively spent many millions of dollars having me tortured in
psychiatric facilities for criticizing their fertility traditions, and are now very pleased with themselves as they are “freely” given over $2,000 per month in Covid relief funds. Even non-Canadians are given over $2,000 per month in so-called virus
relief. Canadians who were not employed or only found minimal work in 2019 are not eligible for the $2,000 per month Covid relief funds that the non-Canadians are receiving. Again, 20% of the seats in the trade schools are reserved for recently arrived
immigrants (mainly Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for women (again many are recently arrived Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for handicapped (again, many are Asian and African Islamists), 20% of
the seats are reserved for natives (many are converting to Islam in the prisons), and then the remaining 20% of the seats are for the other Islamists that never filled the other seats. The Canadian government made it difficult for white people to receive
training and jobs, the white people were left unemployed and underemployed in 2019, the lack of money they earned in 2019 resulted in them being ineligible to receive the $2,000 per month in Covid relief funds in 2020 and 2021, which were freely given to
the foreign students who received adequate allowances from their Chinese and Saudi Arabian parents in 2019. They stripped Doukhobors of billions of dollars of land, removed Doukhobor children from their families, denied most Doukhobors training and good
paying jobs, had some Doukhobors tortured in psychiatric facilities when they dared to speak publically about corrupt Christian churches, later they began to treat the other white people in a similar fashion as they were treating the Doukhobors. The
white Europeans lined up to receive the land stolen from the Doukhobor families, the white Canadians stole Doukhobor land and then laughed at Doukhobors for an entire century, then the Canadian government lumped all the white people in together and
called them all white racists and instead imported Moslems from Africa, Asia and the Middle-East to take their place. The Doukhobors tried to fit into Canadian society, many Anglicized their names (they changed their names to names that sounded British),
almost all followed after the Roman Catholic Church and adopted the Catholic fertility rites. Almost all the Doukhobors adopted pagan fertility rites and sang Jingle Bells in the hopes they would have stable homes in Canada. Even the Doukhobors would end
up laughing at me when I complained that I was being tortured by primarily Hindu psychiatrists when I dared to state that their churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and when I dared to say that they were adopting pagan fertility
rites in place of God’s Commandments.
And Rebel News reports on February 24th 2021 that Justin Trudeau strips Canadians of their rights and forces them to stay quarantined in hotels, where he has the locks removed from the doors resulting in security guards raping the white women staying
within. Several people commenting on this news say that the security guards at these Covid hotels are Moslems.
Tucker Carlson reports on February 24th 2021 that there may be 30 million or more people living in the States that are about to be granted citizenship by Biden’s communist party, and since Biden has thrown the borders wide open (as Trudeau has done
recently), there can be additionally tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people soon to arrive. And almost every one will vote Democrat and thereby cement the United States of America as a communist nation. All the work and savings made by
Americans to build their nation is to be handed to others. Murders and other crimes are escalating dramatically, more and more women are being turned into sex slaves, many are shipped in containers with the stolen vehicles to Moslem nations (capturing
and shipping women to Moslem nations has been going on for centuries). The increasing numbers of homeless will be easy prey for the witches, who sexually abuse and then devour their victims (eating the testicles of little boys is another fertility rite,
similar to killing trees and turning them into decorated idols). Many of the people who arrive to the United States will continue on to Canada and will be an ever increasing burden upon Canadians who are similarly giving away their nation. The citizens
of Canada and the United States have their businesses shut down and are told to stay home while tens of millions or perhaps hundreds of millions of people are allowed to flood into North America from foreign lands. The blacks burned over 300 American
cities in 2020, over and over the blacks rioted and chanted that they were going to kill the whites, and Trudeau welcomes them with open arms, borrows money made out of thin air and hands it over to them, and charges the white people compound interest on
this borrowed money. The communists ended capitalist society not by war, but simply by telling people to stay home and wear a mask. People are asleep, they think they are worshipping God, but they demand that their churches, homes and entire cities are
turned into blinkin’ temples of fertility, they continue to have people tortured in psychiatric facilities when those people point out the filth in their churches, saying that their sacrifice to God is acceptable.
In the news in May 2021, 25 year old Dilshad Ali Zada from Afghanistan has been given no jail time for enslaving and sexually trafficking women in and around Saskatoon. Personally I feel that people who enslave other people into a life of sexual
service to others should face serious penalties. Providing Dilshad Ali Zada with no jail time for her many heinous crimes is a signal to others that such activity is allowed to be conducted in the community. The law comes down hard on people who dare to
open their stores… fines against people who violate quarantine laws, if unpaid, result in the loss of businesses, employment, land, homes and life savings. I received years of brutal horrid torture as a reward for criticizing your filthy churches,
people laugh at me, slander, libel, rob and assault me when I complain, and allow Dilshad Ali Zada to sexually enslave their children with no real penalty.
I wish to clarify my position. Just because the media is united with Hollywood, schools and the churches (the Catholic Church owns it all) and teaching you people to ram your penises up each others arseholes, and just because the Indians at One Arrow
First Nation stuck a statue of their ancestor One Arrow on top of an Egyptian representation of a penis, dothn’t mean that the Indians at One Arrow First Nation are all ramming their penises up each others arseholes. And just because the Indians in
western Canada flip flop between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are trying to fuck on any particular day similarly dothn’t mean they are all goink around ramming their penises up each others arseholes either.
Nevertheless the Indians and the whites are together taught to engage in sexual activities that are leading to their utter destruction, and then on top of that their favorite activity is to idolize trees. Sometimes they stick an Egyptian obelisk (a
representation of a penis) on the very top of their blinkin’ tree.
The story went, I said that it is no surprise that the priests are ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches. I was arrested and given to a Hindu
psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but it is not me who thinks so highly of penises that I would stick one on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. Then people laughed at me, assaulted me
further and called me a pedophile. Then they allowed Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to be trained as psychiatrists at the University of Saskatchewan, then they allowed them to work (torture Canadians) without they themselves being Canadians citizens. Then
they allowed the government to pay foreigners residing in Canada $500 each week to help support themselves (they get the $2000 every four weeks if they were in Canada in 2019 and received a small allowance from their parents in China or Saudi Arabia, or
wherever). And they allowed Saskatoon City Hall to employ non-Canadians, and no mayoralty candidate complained, and even if they did, the media would remain silent, just as the media is silent on the non-Canadians receiving $2000 every four weeks, it is
more than $2000 monthly. European immigrants removed billions of dollars worth of land from Doukhobor families and now see themselves as rich enough to hand out $500 each week to non-Canadians to help them through the fear flu. Strip the Doukhobors of
any land they still manage to possess and hand it over to the Chinese, Islamist, Sikh, Hindu and Catholic invaders and call the Doukhobors racists.
You are compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, your compassion is limited to your pagan evergreen tree rituals and to Egyptian penises on your church roofs (and spread across the nation in almost every place imaginable, even on the very
tops of the blinkin’ trees in the homes of Doukhobors, Mennonites, Hutterites and Adventists). You unrepentantly continue to employ Hindu, Islamic, Sikh and Catholic (likely Chinese as well) psychiatrists to torture those who don’t appreciate your
blinkin’ trees, you absolutely MUST lose your nation to alternative fertility cults as a result. Go give a few million dollars to Omar’s sister and put her image on our paper money. In Saskatchewan the wealthy are allowed to sell you oatmeal that
contains no more than “three” mouse turds per cup, but should they find “two” mouse turds in their Class A motorhome, Saskatchewan Government Insurance will provide them with a new Class A motorhome. All I can do is laugh at you while crying out
to God against you. You have me brutally tortured for years and think it funny, you can’t raise a finger in my defense, you don’t even have a kind word for me. God is about to spread you compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers
out like dung over the surface of the earth and I think it is absolutely hilarious!!! Send your kid to school to learn to become a transsexual communist. Go ejaculate upon your blinkin’ fertility tree idol. Have me arrested and tortured again at the
University of Saskatchewan for daring to quote from Aleister Crowley’s book “White Stains” (he wrote poetry about raping and killing children and then eating their testicles and nipples), which was housed at the main University of Saskatchewan
library, then libel, slander and assault me further and steal from me some more. Good for you, I sure hope you win.
The elections for Saskatoon city council in 2020 and beyond should all prove to be exciting events, my hope is that residents will get out and vote as decisions made by City Council have always had great impact upon the citizens of the city. Whether
you are a compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree or penis whoreshipper, should I become mayor of Saskatoon I vow to allow your pagan practices to continue unabated but I will not be using the public purse to pay for them, nor will I allow the practices
to take place on city-owned properties, neither on nor in city-owned equipment. Anyway, if I were mayor of the city of Saskatoon, that’s what I’d do. Actually I’m not really running in any election, the thought was if I made this book look like
election litrature then it would be more difficult to censor.
Be aware that Ducks Unlimited and the Canadian Wildlife Federation are allowing farmers to cut the grass on their reserves in as early as June, thereby killing off the nesting songbirds and depriving them of nesting cover, and depriving them of habitat
used by insects which some birds eat and use to feed their young, and deprives the seedeaters of seeds. The farmers like to get onto the wildlife lands and cut the grass in June lest another farmer come along and cuts that grass for themselves at the
beginning of July. The land around Blaine Lake is used for agriculture, the few spots that are designated for wildlife get cut and made into straw bales in June and July, it makes life particularly hard for the seedeaters like the Bobolinks who depend
upon the plants and seeds to raise their batches of young into September. Even the ducks and geese suffer as grasses from the previous year’s growth are used by the ducks and geese in the following year for concealing themselves and their nests and for
eating the seeds. And there is the issue of trees, the young trees are annually cut down at the same time the grass is cut, depriving the tree-nesting birds of the trees and depriving other animals of concealment and shelter. By cutting and removing the
grass and the trees, the land becomes unsuitable for nesting as food, shelter and concealment cover has been removed. In place of a healthy environment full of a myriad of species including moose are instead large round bales of hay, sometimes a hawk
sits upon one of the round hay bales waiting for a mouse to scurry by, which is now easy to see as the grass is cut. The more coyotes the farmers shoot, the more mice there are scurrying about. The farmers shoot the coyotes, potentially resulting in a
plague of rats and mice, then they spread poison to kill the rodents, which results in the deaths of myriads of other animals. The farmers spread pesticides and herbicides, then they shoot the coyotes and spread additional poisons to deal with the
resulting impending plagues of rats and mice, and care little when they see their neighbours cut the grass on Ducks Unlimited / Canadian Wildlife Federation reserve lands. It is of upmost importance for the farmers to maintain friendly relations with
their neighbours, they find common ground by decimating the wildlife, by abiding by the Catholic fertility rites, by proclaiming their hatred of aboriginal Indians, and by proclaiming an utter and complete hatred of people who speak in defense of coyotes.
I faced threats to my life from western Canadian farmers several years ago when I posted a few sentences on Facebook that were in defense of coyotes.
Go for coffee at a rural Saskatchewan restaurant and hear the farmers say… “The grass will simply go to waste if the farmers do not take it, and besides, our cows and horses need it, and besides the ducks have hatched and are swimming, can’t you
see the baby ducks swimming, are you stupid?!!!” Or when the farmers are questioned about stripping the grass cover on Ducks Unlimited lands, they will invert the response to “The ducks have hatched and are swimming, can’t you see the baby ducks
swimming, are you stupid?!!! The grass will simply go to waste if us farmers do not take it, and besides, the cows and horses need it.” Or, “Are you stupid?!!! The cows and horses need it, the grass will simply go to waste if they can’t have it,
can’t you see the baby ducks have hatched and are swimming?!!!” Often the issue of “Have you ever held a job?” is tossed into the argument by the farmer, adding great complexity to the permutations and combinations of their responses and
exceeding the scope of this essay. The biggest losers are the wildlife, those people who donated the land to Ducks Unlimited and the Canadian Wildlife Federation, and those people who do not care that they never saw a Bobolink.
In Canada the forests are sprayed with herbicides in order to kill off the deciduous trees, leaving the forests to be covered with coniferous (evergreen) trees, which are later harvested for money. When the forests are kept as a mixture of deciduous
and coniferous trees, as God intended, the result is a healthy ecosystem and a great variety of life. A myriad of problems result from spraying and killing off the deciduous trees, including wildfires that rage unchecked over huge mountain ranges.
Without the existence of deciduous trees in a forest, fires in the coniferous forests spread rapidly and rage unchecked. The general pubic has no idea that the forests are being sprayed in order to kill off the deciduous trees, and when the resulting
forest fires destroy lives and communities these ignorant dupes cry out that the climate is warming and ignorantly back legislation that removes our industries, our wealth and our freedoms. The general pubic cares little about deciduous trees, they
instead want coniferous trees to decorate and make them blink on and off, on and off, on and off, just like Hitler’s and Obama’s and the Queen’s and the pope’s and Trump’s blinkin’ trees. Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Australians and
Papuans are all willing to ignore an invasion of Chinese and Islamists, thinking that by annually turning trees into decorated idols and singing Jingle Bells, that national security, heaven and salvation are all assured. And so they support churches that
teach them to turn trees into decorated idols. And so they voted for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist (who is also a pedophile and a cannibal) to rule over America because they assumed he shared their values when he posed beside the blinkin' idols.
In places God’s forests are composed of entirely one species of tree, then a few acres over the forest is dominated by an alternative species, the different species of plants are naturally competing with one another,. A forest may naturally change
from species to species, one type of evergreen tree may be naturally replaced over time with an alternative species of evergreen tree, or with some other tree, naturally improving the soil over time. It is harmony, and it is not what our governments are
promoting. Trees should be selectively harvested leaving most of the old growth trees intact, and doing it in such a way to limit the damage to the undergrowth. Both forestry and gold mining operations can function in ways that greatly limit the impact
upon the ecosystem. On one hand the government allows the clear cutting of forests (the utter destruction of the ecosystem), on the other hand it limits your ability to mine gold in a responsible manner by creating national parks, wildlife zones,
provincial parks, regional parks, furthermore there are the Crown lands (which is land belonging to King Charles), and then there are the vast Indian reservations that also limit your access to running a small gold operation. It amounts to a limit of
your access to make a camp and mine gold, a limit on you, preventing you from making money, for gold is money. It all amounts to an utter destruction of many forests while limiting your freedom.
[continued in next message]
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All on Mon Feb 13 19:29:35 2023
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff February 13th 2023 12:56 pm 184,417 words (214 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
In 2020 our Islamic government forced millions of white people into unemployment, then on October 30th 2020 announced that it would obtain economic recovery by importing well over a million new immigrants to Canada over the next three years. This is a
direct result of whoreshipping trees and praying to Mary and shitting upon God’s Commandments, people ignore God’s Laws and then God allows their nations to be taken over by members of alternative fertility cults. The Canadians have no shame, they do
not even know how to blush. The Canadians are looking forward to “Christmas” (the use of God’s Name in vain) where they will have trees that blink. The Koran commands their followers to behead the unbelievers and NOT to cover their heads and faces,
yet they cover their heads and faces, and then are able to buy guns and ammo in Canada without showing their faces. Canadians do not care to get involved in the matter, except to vote for the politicians that allow the murderers entry and who give the
murderers money, and who give the murderers free accommodations, and who give the murderers educational opportunities that are not offered to Canadians of European or aboriginal descent. They stole the homes and money and exterminated the Christians in
the middle-east and much of Africa, then they came (and continue to come) to Canada with the stolen money, and are allowed to keep “their” money for their own discretionary purposes while starting new lives here. Trudeau forced millions out of work,
now will import millions more. The Africans he will bring here will be nearly entirely Moslem. Moslems united with anarchists and communists have been burning down buildings, raping and killing, and marching and chanting to kill the whites, who would
have ever thought they would also stuff ballot boxes??? In Saskatchewan the Moslems get a home paid for each of four wives, so if they do not cut your head off, your life will still be negatively affected by their presence (they are bankrupting your
nation). And even with the Chinese attempting to manipulate bat viruses in the city of Wuhan, Trudeau still allows the Chinese, and even the Chinese living in Wuhan, to fly to Canada… while preventing Americans to visit here.
Environmental laws will be strengthened to prevent you from going to gold bearing regions in Canada and mining the gold. Slaves are paid in paper promises and are not allowed to have guns, Canadians are slaves who are slowly having their guns taken
away from them. Half the Canadians who desire to get a gun are Moslem, many of the other half are kids who want to get a new lever action Winchester repeating rifle under their blinkin’ tree or for their birthday. Consider getting that lever action in .
243 Winchester. Or get a bolt action in .243 or 7mm-08, or .270 Winchester, or 7mm Remington Magnum, or .338 Lapua, I think you need a rifle. Get a rifle and then post on the internet and on the usenet, and in letters to the editor, that people who faced
brutal horrid torture for daring to criticize the mainstream churches and people living in utter poverty should not be allowed to have guns. Once you legally have a rifle you may speak all kinds of shit against the people who spoke out against your
blinkin’ tree and against your pedophile priests. Islamists who have four wives and are collecting welfare for each of the four wives, are allowed to have guns, for they do not live in utter poverty and unprotected, as Trudeau insures that they are
well cared for. Perhaps Trudeau will change our dollars into dinars, instead of Laurier on our Five Dollar Bill we will end up with Omar Khadr on a Five Dinar Bill.
Adolph Eichmann was in charge of moving the Jews to slaughter via the railways, his trains had priority over the trains that were bringing war supplies to the eastern front. German soldiers on the eastern front went without adequate supplies as trains
carrying the war supplies were sidelined in order to allow Eichmann to transport the Jews to the death camps. Hitler knew that his attack against the Soviet Union would be in vain, but his main concern was to kill Jews and make sure that his tree
continued to blink. Hitler had trees that blinked on and off, on and off, on and off, it was really quite a show. Canadian Liberal leader Mackenzie King regularly sought advice from demons, who were active in advising King to not allow Jewish refugees
entry to Canada. Now today the demons are advising the Liberals to import people who desire to cut our heads off, and to not provide sanctuary to the Christians facing genocide in South Africa or elsewhere. Demons are real and they are wanting to replace
white Christians and black Christians with black Islamists, or with any other Islamist. Hitler sought out alliances with Islamists and killed Christians and Jews. Canadians want a tree that blinks on and off, on and off, on and off, just like Hitler’s
Making rounds around the internet mid-November 2020 is that the last Canadian election was fraudulent as corrupted computers were used to tabulate and change votes, as was recently done in the United States. And in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix on
November 19th 2020 Chris Selley reminds us “The really salient point, surely, was that the Aga Khan (Islamic) Foundation lobbies for and receives hundreds of millions of dollars from the Canadian government.” Canadians still are not moved, they
continue to wait for “Christmas” (the use of God’s Name in vain) and now their major hope to be able to fly to winter resorts so they may sing Jingle Bells and bow to blinkin’ trees there. No matter the cost, Canadians must photograph themselves
and their children engaged in honoring the pagan holiday, and the more ornate and the more distant the setting in the photographs, the better. Make sure to post the celebratory and festive photos on your Facebook page while making disparaging comments
against some poor psychiatric abuse victim who lives in perpetual shock. Now you have to stay home, stay home while the Chinese and Islamists arrive at our airports, seaports and borders. Go get a flu shot and make yourself infertile.
See Rebel News on November 21st 2020… “Suicide in long term care: Canadian senior chooses death over living through a second lockdown” regarding the survival rate of Covid -19:
COVID-19 Survival Rates:
Under 20: 99.997%
Under 50: 99.98%
Under 70: 99.5%
Islam is a fertility cult that seeks to increase its numbers through imprisoning women in homes and forcing them to become wives and mothers. The Islamists pride themselves in knowledge of and in the use of herbs and have published copious quantities
of books over the centuries that include instruction on what herbs to use to reduce fertility and induce abortions of people that do not belong to their fertility cult. Now we have an Islamic government that will force injections upon people that will
make them infertile. It is all a part of Trudeau’s plan to replace the European population with non-Europeans (with Islamists). The fear flu has a survival rate of over 99.5% for people under 70 years of age, likely 99% of the women of child-bearing
age will become infertile should they take the two injections the government is mandating.
People stay home and allow thousands of the Chinese and the Islamists to fly in daily, then they pay the mortgage for the four homes for each of the four Islamic wives. The aboriginal Indians stay confined to their tiny rotting homes on the reserves
and are instructed to ram their penises up each others arseholes while the government hands out billions of dollars to Islamists so they can start new lives here in new homes here. All the children are taught to hate Christianity and the idea of
Canadians and Americans having our own oil self-sufficiency, the oil industry is forced into shutdown while the Canadian lumber is required for new homes for the “immigrants” or exported to Asia, and the white children are taught to hate the colour
of their skin and to ram their penises up each others arseholes. White Europeans didn’t like criticisms of their blinkin’ trees and spent many millions of dollars having me tortured for years in psychiatric facilities, they made me a home in a
psychiatric ward and now buy new homes for Islamists. You torture me and laugh at me and rob me and slander and libel me, then seek to gain annual redemption by singing Jingle Bells and by proving you are not a racist by handing your nation over to
Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese. Your forefathers somehow proved that they were not racists by stealing Doukhobor land, now the Doukhobors wallow in filth as they join with you in decorating and bowing to trees. The wealthiest of the Doukhobors are
always turning their homes into lavish temples of evergreen tree fertility, they have the tallest of trees and the nicest of the blinkin’ lights, and they have the most friends who all join with them in honoring their fertility tree idols. It used to
be that the Doukhobors fled from idolatry, now they embrace it and shit upon me for daring to attempt to warn them of the dangers involved.
Turkey slaughtered an estimated two million Armenian Christians between 1914 and 1923, now Canada sells Turkey and Azerbaijan advanced drone weaponry that is used in 2020 to slaughter the Armenians yet again. Canadians politely stay at home and watch
the news telling them to stay home, and are not provided with news stories about how their Islamic government is providing advanced weapon systems to other Islamic governments. See the video on YouTube “What Azerbaijan’s spectacular victory over
Armenia tells us about the future of modern warfare.”
The Islamists pride themselves in their knowledge of herbs and published copious quantities of litrature, over the centuries they amassed knowledge of what herbs can be used to induce fertility and cause abortions. They imbed themselves into our food
supply, the food you eat may have been dosed at repeated times during its transit to your table. Islamists are a fertility cult, they increase their numbers with multiple wives and with rape and coercion, and reduce the numbers of the alternative
fertility cults with herbs, swords and bombs. And they seek to reduce your fertility with inoculations against common colds. And more recently they instigated a transgender fantasy world and are coercing your daughters to cut their own breasts off and
sterilize themselves. The parents hope these kids would come home at “Christmas” and join together with them and the blinkin’ tree, and together they would go and make a pilgrimage to the local Catholic Church and tithe, regardless of how many
times Catholic priests rammed their penises up your children’s arseholes. The priests purposely traumatize the children and render them unable to form meaningful attachments and families, it works as well as rendering them infertile. Then they
destroyed the economy so the males didn’t have a pot to piss in, let alone go on a date. All the while the carbon tax in Canada continues to be rebated back to the large Islamic families (the carbon tax mainly gets rebated back to the largest of the
families, which are Islamic). The greater the number of Islamists, the greater amount of taxes will be collected and handed over to the invading Islamists.
Over the last few decades assorted Islamists, many acting as lone wolves, contaminated food and water supplies with herbs that reduced fertility and induced abortions. Then they indoctrinated children to a transgender world and coerced the daughters
to put rings in their noses, colour their hair with cool-aid and render themselves infertile. During which time they have been refining their inoculations, which are again designed to render infertility, and often result in autism, heart attacks and
death. The white race is first and foremost hated due to the many Christians in our midst, and the red race is hated, perhaps even more, as the Big Nosed Cree and other Indians traditionally recognize the power of women and treat them with respect.
The CIA funded the psychiatric torture facilities in Saskatoon, and now the general pubic learns that the CIA imbeds itself into the mainstream media and uses the media to conduct a coup against President Trump (it is a coup funded in part by American
taxpayers). Our Canadian Islamic prime minister is quick to congratulate Biden with a win. Canadians are happy that Trump is being defeated for all they heard for the last five years is how horrible Trump is. Canada has absolutely the worst prime
minister and the worst government ever in its history (a Somali heads the department of immigration, a Sikh heads the military, the prime minister is an Islamist) and all we hear in the Canadian media is how horrible Trump and the Republican party is.
Canadians may rise up but can expect to be slaughtered with Canadian, Chinese and Islamic drones, Islamic beheading swords and with so-called “vaccinations” (the injections are not immunizing people, only harming them further). Canadians are
compassionless and still think it is hilarious that I get stripped of my rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities for years, and then borrow money from their children to build new psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford. The Canadian
Christians are smug about their future, they think they know the truth, the truth of the matter is that their churches have been co-opted by Catholics who teach them to turn trees into decorated idols. The truth of the matter is that the churches are
censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism.
The last Canadian federal election was rigged, all laws passed by the Islamic Liberals (with the support of the Sikh NDP) are void. Due to the fraudulent election all the new gun laws are void. The Islamists have co-opted our government and the
Canadian people respond by staying home and are preparing to sing Jingle Bells. Don’t hold it back, shout it out with udder glee. Abiding by the Catholic fertility rites is the most important thing on planet earth. Find somebody that was tortured by
Hindus for daring to speak out against your Catholic fertility rites and send them a box of nuts and a “Christmas” (use of God’s name in vain) card.
I wasn’t allowed to go out, and when they allowed me to go out I did so in utter poverty. And when out and about (utterly nauseous, my head banging in pain, my jaw locked open, my lips and tongue hard and turned to leather…) people laughed or fled
or beat me or robbed me of the little I had. Now you are not allowed to go out. And economic opportunities are being removed from you and given to newly arrived invaders (mainly Chinese and Islamists). I criticized your churches and your pagan traditions
and had to stay confined, and now you have to stay home due to some invented pandemic. Hollywood and the media largely ignores the real pandemic of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases and instead actively teaches you to ram your penises up each
other’s arseholes. Hollywood, the media, the schools and the churches (the Catholic church owns it all) are teaching you to ram your penises up each other’s arseholes, while ignoring the resulting diseases, and are now legislating that you stay home
lest you catch a cold. And I think it is absolutely hilarious as you filthy Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers have zero compassion for me or for any other victim of psychiatric horror. Stay home while Islamists and Chinese arrive at our
airports and borders daily, support them all and pay each one an extra $500 every week, even if they are not Canadian citizens. Send your tax dollars to Islamic nations around the world then stay home and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way.
In the news on January 7th 2021, the province of Quebec is starting to impose a curfew, the slaves will have to stay off the streets from 8 pm to 5 am, but Quebec is a Catholic province and these people will enjoy the extra time at their disposal so
they can continue their prayers to Mary. Some twenty thousand Chinese and Islamists are arriving at our airports daily, so stay home. When the Canadian slaves learn that I was tortured for years for daring to speak out against their traditions, they will
insist on their freedom and will fly once again to resorts in Hawaii, Florida, Europe, Australia and Asia, while continuing to issue condescending remarks against me and other psychiatric abuse victims on social media from those locations. More and more
psychiatrists speak Arabic and Chinese, it may be helpful to you in the future to be able to converse with your psychiatrists. Stay home and learn to speak Arabic and Chinese before you get arrested and detained (tortured to death with psychiatric drugs)
under the Mental Health Act. Remember to sing Jingle Bells and vote for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist when you see him posing next to a blinkin’ tree (together with Mike and the adopted kids). Your love of Catholic fertility rites destroyed western
In the news in January 2021 I hear that more people died of the flu in 1993 than in 2020. The news for me and for many others has become Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Judge Jeanine Piro, Katie Hopkins, Lisa Haven, Sanity for Sweden, Salty Cracker,
Rebel News and Dr. Vernon Coleman. Check out “Laura Ingraham Full Speech at RNC”, it still might be viewed on YouTube.
In the news on February 24th 2021, the communist leader of the New Democratic Party, Jagmeet Singh, announced that he will continue to prop up the communist Liberal party as long as the pandemic continues. The people who voted for these communist
parties are the same people who turn trees into decorated idols and sing Jingle Bells. Canadians collectively spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols, and had collectively spent many millions of dollars having me tortured in
psychiatric facilities for criticizing their fertility traditions, and are now very pleased with themselves as they are “freely” given over $2,000 per month in Covid relief funds. Even non-Canadians are given over $2,000 per month in so-called virus
relief. Canadians who were not employed or only found minimal work in 2019 are not eligible for the $2,000 per month Covid relief funds that the non-Canadians are receiving. Again, 20% of the seats in the trade schools are reserved for recently arrived
immigrants (mainly Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for women (again many are recently arrived Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for handicapped (again, many are Asian and African Islamists), 20% of
the seats are reserved for natives (many are converting to Islam in the prisons), and then the remaining 20% of the seats are for the other Islamists that never filled the other seats. The Canadian government made it difficult for white people to receive
training and jobs, the white people were left unemployed and underemployed in 2019, the lack of money they earned in 2019 resulted in them being ineligible to receive the $2,000 per month in Covid relief funds in 2020 and 2021, which were freely given to
the foreign students who received adequate allowances from their Chinese and Saudi Arabian parents in 2019. They stripped Doukhobors of billions of dollars of land, removed Doukhobor children from their families, denied most Doukhobors training and good
paying jobs, had some Doukhobors tortured in psychiatric facilities when they dared to speak publically about corrupt Christian churches, later they began to treat the other white people in a similar fashion as they were treating the Doukhobors. The
white Europeans lined up to receive the land stolen from the Doukhobor families, the white Canadians stole Doukhobor land and then laughed at Doukhobors for an entire century, then the Canadian government lumped all the white people in together and
called them all white racists and instead imported Moslems from Africa, Asia and the Middle-East to take their place. The Doukhobors tried to fit into Canadian society, many Anglicized their names (they changed their names to names that sounded British),
almost all followed after the Roman Catholic Church and adopted the Catholic fertility rites. Almost all the Doukhobors adopted pagan fertility rites and sang Jingle Bells in the hopes they would have stable homes in Canada. Even the Doukhobors would end
up laughing at me when I complained that I was being tortured by primarily Hindu psychiatrists when I dared to state that their churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and when I dared to say that they were adopting pagan fertility
rites in place of God’s Commandments.
And Rebel News reports on February 24th 2021 that Justin Trudeau strips Canadians of their rights and forces them to stay quarantined in hotels, where he has the locks removed from the doors resulting in security guards raping the white women staying
within. Several people commenting on this news say that the security guards at these Covid hotels are Moslems.
Tucker Carlson reports on February 24th 2021 that there may be 30 million or more people living in the States that are about to be granted citizenship by Biden’s communist party, and since Biden has thrown the borders wide open (as Trudeau has done
recently), there can be additionally tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people soon to arrive. And almost every one will vote Democrat and thereby cement the United States of America as a communist nation. All the work and savings made by
Americans to build their nation is to be handed to others. Murders and other crimes are escalating dramatically, more and more women are being turned into sex slaves, many are shipped in containers with the stolen vehicles to Moslem nations (capturing
and shipping women to Moslem nations has been going on for centuries). The increasing numbers of homeless will be easy prey for the witches, who sexually abuse and then devour their victims (eating the testicles of little boys is another fertility rite,
similar to killing trees and turning them into decorated idols). Many of the people who arrive to the United States will continue on to Canada and will be an ever increasing burden upon Canadians who are similarly giving away their nation. The citizens
of Canada and the United States have their businesses shut down and are told to stay home while tens of millions or perhaps hundreds of millions of people are allowed to flood into North America from foreign lands. The blacks burned over 300 American
cities in 2020, over and over the blacks rioted and chanted that they were going to kill the whites, and Trudeau welcomes them with open arms, borrows money made out of thin air and hands it over to them, and charges the white people compound interest on
this borrowed money. The communists ended capitalist society not by war, but simply by telling people to stay home and wear a mask. People are asleep, they think they are worshipping God, but they demand that their churches, homes and entire cities are
turned into blinkin’ temples of fertility, they continue to have people tortured in psychiatric facilities when those people point out the filth in their churches, saying that their sacrifice to God is acceptable.
In the news in May 2021, 25 year old Dilshad Ali Zada from Afghanistan has been given no jail time for enslaving and sexually trafficking women in and around Saskatoon. Personally I feel that people who enslave other people into a life of sexual
service to others should face serious penalties. Providing Dilshad Ali Zada with no jail time for her many heinous crimes is a signal to others that such activity is allowed to be conducted in the community. The law comes down hard on people who dare to
open their stores… fines against people who violate quarantine laws, if unpaid, result in the loss of businesses, employment, land, homes and life savings. I received years of brutal horrid torture as a reward for criticizing your filthy churches,
people laugh at me, slander, libel, rob and assault me when I complain, and allow Dilshad Ali Zada to sexually enslave their children with no real penalty.
I wish to clarify my position. Just because the media is united with Hollywood, schools and the churches (the Catholic Church owns it all) and teaching you people to ram your penises up each others arseholes, and just because the Indians at One Arrow
First Nation stuck a statue of their ancestor One Arrow on top of an Egyptian representation of a penis, dothn’t mean that the Indians at One Arrow First Nation are all ramming their penises up each others arseholes. And just because the Indians in
western Canada flip flop between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are trying to fuck on any particular day similarly dothn’t mean they are all goink around ramming their penises up each others arseholes either.
Nevertheless the Indians and the whites are together taught to engage in sexual activities that are leading to their utter destruction, and then on top of that their favorite activity is to idolize trees. Sometimes they stick an Egyptian obelisk (a
representation of a penis) on the very top of their blinkin’ tree.
The story went, I said that it is no surprise that the priests are ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches. I was arrested and given to a Hindu
psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but it is not me who thinks so highly of penises that I would stick one on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. Then people laughed at me, assaulted me
further and called me a pedophile. Then they allowed Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to be trained as psychiatrists at the University of Saskatchewan, then they allowed them to work (torture Canadians) without they themselves being Canadians citizens. Then
they allowed the government to pay foreigners residing in Canada $500 each week to help support themselves (they get the $2000 every four weeks if they were in Canada in 2019 and received a small allowance from their parents in China or Saudi Arabia, or
wherever). And they allowed Saskatoon City Hall to employ non-Canadians, and no mayoralty candidate complained, and even if they did, the media would remain silent, just as the media is silent on the non-Canadians receiving $2000 every four weeks, it is
more than $2000 monthly. European immigrants removed billions of dollars worth of land from Doukhobor families and now see themselves as rich enough to hand out $500 each week to non-Canadians to help them through the fear flu. Strip the Doukhobors of
any land they still manage to possess and hand it over to the Chinese, Islamist, Sikh, Hindu and Catholic invaders and call the Doukhobors racists.
You are compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, your compassion is limited to your pagan evergreen tree rituals and to Egyptian penises on your church roofs (and spread across the nation in almost every place imaginable, even on the very
tops of the blinkin’ trees in the homes of Doukhobors, Mennonites, Hutterites and Adventists). You unrepentantly continue to employ Hindu, Islamic, Sikh and Catholic (likely Chinese as well) psychiatrists to torture those who don’t appreciate your
blinkin’ trees, you absolutely MUST lose your nation to alternative fertility cults as a result. Go give a few million dollars to Omar’s sister and put her image on our paper money. In Saskatchewan the wealthy are allowed to sell you oatmeal that
contains no more than “three” mouse turds per cup, but should they find “two” mouse turds in their Class A motorhome, Saskatchewan Government Insurance will provide them with a new Class A motorhome. All I can do is laugh at you while crying out
to God against you. You have me brutally tortured for years and think it funny, you can’t raise a finger in my defense, you don’t even have a kind word for me. God is about to spread you compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers
out like dung over the surface of the earth and I think it is absolutely hilarious!!! Send your kid to school to learn to become a transsexual communist. Go ejaculate upon your blinkin’ fertility tree idol. Have me arrested and tortured again at the
University of Saskatchewan for daring to quote from Aleister Crowley’s book “White Stains” (he wrote poetry about raping and killing children and then eating their testicles and nipples), which was housed at the main University of Saskatchewan
library, then libel, slander and assault me further and steal from me some more. Good for you, I sure hope you win.
The elections for Saskatoon city council in 2020 and beyond should all prove to be exciting events, my hope is that residents will get out and vote as decisions made by City Council have always had great impact upon the citizens of the city. Whether
you are a compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree or penis whoreshipper, should I become mayor of Saskatoon I vow to allow your pagan practices to continue unabated but I will not be using the public purse to pay for them, nor will I allow the practices
to take place on city-owned properties, neither on nor in city-owned equipment. Anyway, if I were mayor of the city of Saskatoon, that’s what I’d do. Actually I’m not really running in any election, the thought was if I made this book look like
election litrature then it would be more difficult to censor.
[continued in next message]
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All on Fri Mar 31 06:28:31 2023
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff
March 30th 2023 9:32 am 191,473 words (222 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Justin Trudeau said “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them.” There is a greater proportion of
Islamists and black people committing serious crimes and now the legal system sets these prisoners free citing the reason being that there is a preponderance of them serving time. Three or so years ago I read in a news report that Edmonton and some other
Canadian communities were not informing the community when a murder or other serious assault takes place if the perpetrator has been apprehended. In Algeria, the Islamists came at night and cut the throats of the people sleeping in their homes and the
media was silent about it. In England the Islamists rape white women and the police will respond hours or days later, if at all, but speaking out against Islam immediately gets you police officers at your door. In Australia the Somalian gangs run rampant
and commit atrocities daily, but to complain about a viral lockdown gets you immediately arrested for “incitement.” In Canada the children may murder you and serve no serious amount of time. Already there are women in chains in Canada, working as sex
slaves, Trudeau brings in violent gangs into our country who enslave women and commit other serious crimes. This is a required process to replace the unpleasant relic whom Justin Trudeau speaks of. Hitler was a Catholic who turned trees into decorated
idols, then murdered millions of people who did not abide by the blinkin’ Catholic fertility rite. It is really important to turn trees into decorated idols, sing Jingle Bells and kiss under the mistletoe, make offerings to the tree by bowing to the
base of the tree, and make offerings to Santa, then call the whole affair “Christmas” as this way Satan gets you to violate God’s First Three Commandments in one foul swoop. Just remember to cap your blinkin’ tree with a miniature Egyptian
obelisk (a representation of a penis). The forests and grasslands in the western American states are now on fire because people are getting their trees to blink at the incorrect frequency, because they decorated their trees with too many blinkin’ blue
lights and not enough blinking yellow lights, because they are failing to cap their tree with Egyptian dinks, and because they are not drinking enough water.
While the Islamists invade Canada, there are still Catholics in charge of the medical and educational systems who train and employ Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists in Canada and allow them to “work” in Canada without being Canadian
citizens. Some citizens were too vocal against the fertility rites being taught by the Catholic Church and were tortured in psychiatric facilities by Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists. Those citizens who sang Jingle Bells laughed at the citizens who
were stripped of their human rights, some assaulted the psychiatric abuse victims (people who were stripped of their rights) because they were free to do so without consequence. Others freely stole from the victims of horror, for often the drugs made the
victim unable to form sentences anyway. While I complain of being tortured by predominantly Hindu psychiatrists, people assault and rob me, others laugh at me, while they import members of alternative fertility cults, who are now marching and chanting
that they want to kill the white people. They made me a home in a psychiatric ward and now give free homes to members of alternative fertility cults while singing Jingle Bells. They hated my Doukhobors ancestors, stole the Doukhobor lands and locked up
the Doukhobor children, but they also hated the Eastern Europeans including the Russians as well, so the Doukhobors were hated for being Eastern European, for being Russian and for being Doukhobor, now they are hated because they are white. Strip them of
their rights and laugh at them and sing Jingle Bells. The Doukhobors don’t really care about the injustices of the past and have joined with the Catholics in turning trees into blinkin’ idols, and in singing Jingle Bells. All the churches joined with
the Catholic Church and adopted her glitter, and then the sheep went home and turned their homes into Catholic temples of evergreen tree fertility as well, and continued singing Jingle Bells. The Reformation was replaced by the Counter Reformation, and
the Doukhobors adopted the Catholic glitter, turned their homes into pagan temples of fertility, and sang Jingle Bells.
People laughed at me when I complained of being tortured by Hindus at the University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital. I was locked up and lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years
living in utter fear of another arrest and round of brutal horrid torture. People didn't care, or they were happy because I criticized their churches, then they trained Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become psychiatrists at Canadians and other western
universities, and allowed them to "work" in Canada without being Canadian citizens. So I pray to God for vengeance, and you know, He went and appointed a Prime Minister of Canada who locks you all up and then allows Chinese, Sikhs, Hindus and Islamists
unfettered access to Canada. The Chinese fly in directly from Wuhan, where they attempt to weaponize bat and other viruses… Trudeau doth what he can to prevent Canadians from traveling, and from arming themselves while traveling, while allowing the
Chinese to fly in daily from Wuhan.
God Almighty just dothn’t care which particular fertility cult occupies any nation. Canadians spent millions of dollars making me a home in a psychiatric ward, they stole billions of dollars of Doukhobor land and drove many Doukhobor families to
utter poverty, now they think themselves rich enough to give free houses to Islamists. Canadians adopt Catholic traditions that are in opposition to several of God’s Commandments, they insist that their blinkin’ trees and other Catholic fertility
rites are acceptable sacrifices to God. They are unrepentant of their ongoing filth and do not know how to blush, they deserve the loss of their nation to members of alternative fertility cults. Similarly the Americans funded the torture research at the
University of Saskatchewan, billions upon billions of dollars was spent on developing and administering utterly nauseous drugs. American people allow their own veterans to be drugged and tortured in American psychiatric facilities. They drug their
children, they drug their seniors, and some people they provide “special treatment” to, which amounts to brutal horrid torture that goes on year after year after year, or a fairly quick death. It dothn’t really matter if the system is owned by and
run by the Catholic Church or some other entity, the issue to me is that people are absolutely compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror. People spent billions of dollars to make me and others homes in psychiatric facilities while they fill
their homes with blinkin’ Catholic idols at a cost of billions of dollars annually, and then think themselves rich enough to give free houses to Islamists. The Doukhobor community sure wasn’t going to assist me, they now instead proudly embrace
Catholic fertility rites and get their trees to blink. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and all people could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further, then they sing Jingle Bells and get their trees to blink. Hitler killed many
millions who did not share in his desire to get trees to blink. Hitler’s trees blinked on and off, on and off, on and off, it was really quite a show.
Also worth mentioning is Saskatchewan farmer Gerald Stanley, who’s handgun accidentally discharged and killed Colten Boushie when Colten Boushie and his drunk native friends came to rob Stanley’s farm. Colten Boushie and his drunken friends
arrived in a vehicle they stole from another farm earlier that same day… Stanley’s farm was the third one the drunkards went to rob that day. One of the drunks broke the stock of the rifle when using that rifle to attempt to break in and steal a
vehicle, then they soon showed up at the Boushie farm with that damaged yet fully functioning rifle. When Gerald Stanley was found not-guilty for murder then the aboriginal Indians hilariously appealed to the United Nations for support, hilarious as the
United Nations is an Islamic organization seeking to remove both aboriginal Indians and Whites from North America and replace them with Islamists. Now lawyer Tony Merchant is attempting to launch a legal suit against the police for failing to find the
murdered and missing aboriginal women, but it appears that nearly all of them are being killed off by violent aboriginal men (true some are slaving away in Africa and Asia). Judges are handing out light sentences to the natives when they commit violent
crimes, claiming that there is a disproportionate number of them in jails… there would be far fewer murdered and missing aboriginal women if the violent natives who committed these crimes served their time. I get years of brutal horrid torture as a
reward for criticizing churches, natives get a slap on the wrist when they act with utter brutality. The reason why the natives act with utter brutality is because the churches are teaching people to abide by pagan fertility rites rather than God’s
Commandments, and because the legal system sets the violent people free. The native Indians want to get out of jail and go home to their parents, family and friends, get drunk and sing Jingle Bells. While the natives flip-flop between Catholicism and
traditional native beliefs (depending upon whom they are trying to get into their beds and fuck on any particular day), the Catholic media and Saskatoon’s libraries are working overtime trying to teach the natives to start ramming their penises up each
other’s arseholes. Now they want to sue the police for failing to find the aboriginal women that the aboriginal men killed. Many large, strong and able bodied native men don’t venture much around their reserves at night (if at all) due to the violent
youth and gangs running rampant on reserves. And now lawyer Tony Merchant hopes to make many millions of dollars out of the situation. The violence and the drunkenness and the thievery in the reserves came to visit Gerald Stanley’s farm.
In the news a provincial election has been called in Saskatchewan. Handicapped people are calling for an increase in their monthly benefits and the provincial NDP (New Democratic Party) are defending and promising that increase (Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
October 3rd 2020). The federal NDP united with the federal Liberal Party and hands out over $2000 per month to Chinese, Saudi Arabian, Pakistani and other foreign (mostly Islamic) students, and now the NDP seeks votes from the handicapped poor in
Saskatchewan by promising an increase in their monthly allowance, maybe increase it enough so it is equivalent to what the foreigners attending school in Canada are getting from the federal government (a Liberal / NDP communist coalition government).
The so-called right wing Saskatchewan Party and the NDP are united in maintaining psychiatric torture facilities, and are united in allowing seats at the universities be used to train the foreign Islamists to become medical doctors, including
psychiatrists. There is no recent mention in the news media that Trudeau allows foreigners to work in Canada without being Canadian citizens, still no recent mention that jobs can be handed out to foreigners without first advertising the opening to
Canadians. The only possible outcome of this situation is outright war and a subsequent invasion of United Nation troops led by King Charles, who is an Islamist. Canadians will defend the invasion of the United Nations troops because they will be lead by
Charles, who like his mother, will teach people to maintain their Catholic fertility tree traditions, for nothing on planet earth is more important than tradition, and particularly that tradition. Again, Queen Elizabeth heads a supposedly “Protestant”
church and then uses that office to teach people to abide by “Catholic” fertility rites. She is by far the wealthiest person on the planet while her son Charles is himself exceedingly wealthy and has been using this wealth over the last few decades
to build mosques and spread Islam across the planet (see “The Anti-Christ and a Cup of Tea”). Once Charles inherits his mother’s wealth the Catholic Church will hand over all authority to him and then all hell will break loose. Then Doug Cuthand
will likely continue to encourage the native aboriginal Indians to break treaties with the white people and make new treaties with the black Islamists, and the media in the province will continue to give him a voice.
The male native aboriginal Indians worked hand in hand with the federal and provincial governments and took away any power native women traditionally held, and now they seek to make new alliances and give power to black Islamists, while shipping the
grain grown on reserves to China. And there are good paying jobs for the native Indians helping Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities in Western Canada (with money borrowed from future generations). They stick Egyptian penises on
the roofs of their filthy churches at the Indian reservations as well, and then defend the traditions by singing Jingle Bells and having people arrested under the Mental Health Act for daring to speak out against the Catholic traditions. The Protestants
on the reserves don’t care, for they embrace the Catholic fertility rites, and at One Arrow Reserve they even stuck a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian penis. At all native reservations they flip-flop between Catholicism, Protestantism
and traditional aboriginal beliefs depending upon whom they want to fuck on any particular day. As Dr. Gene Marcoux said before he resumed torturing me with psychiatric drugs “Everybody does it” (everybody turns trees into decorated idols). It is far
far far more important to maintain Catholic fertility rites and hand your nation over to Chinese and Islamists than to end psychiatry and psychiatric torture. People are absolutely compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror. Go get your God-
damned trees to blink then hand over your nation to members of alternative fertility cults.
Annually they spend many millions of dollars turning evergreen trees into lavishly decorated blinkin' idols, then the trees caught fire in California, Oregon and Washington State and burned their homes down. Why? Maybe they decorated their trees with
blinkin' lights of the wrong color, maybe they got their trees to blink at the wrong frequency, or maybe they failed to put enough tinfoil on their blinkin' trees. Or maybe their homes didn't have tall enough ceilings, preventing them from getting and
decorating tall enough trees. Or maybe they imported alternative fertility cult members who lit the forests on fire. Sure the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, but what doth God know?
Saskatoon’s immensely popular Louis Riel Day which included the Louis Riel relay race was a celebration recognizing the co-operation between natives and Europeans and the building of our nation. There were horses, canoes and runners involved in the
relay race, people really liked watching the event and lined both sides of the riverbank to view the spectacle. Saskatoon City Council cancelled the Louis Riel Day and the Riel relay race and replaced the event with Chinese Dragon Boat races, and at
about this same time the media made a flip… on the evening news rather than demonizing the Chinese as they had for the previous decades, they said that the Chinese people were just like you and me, see they have blinkin’ trees and are celebrating “
Christmas” (which is actually the use of God’s Name in vain and is a Catholic fertility rite). The media made another flip around that time... for years the media was publishing stories of La Nina and El Nino weather oscillations causing periodic
drought and famine to some continents while leaving the other continents either unscathed or with abundant rain, suddenly those stories ceased and were replaced by a new anti-industrial narrative. In reality famine is due to the El Nino-Southern
Oscillation combined with a lack of compassion (see Late Victorian Holocausts: El Nino Famines and the Making of the Third Word, by Mike Davis). It is imperative to our enemies that North American industry is destroyed for this will make many people
homeless and more easily consumed by the witches. Forcing people to become homeless makes it easier for the witches to get away with eating people… their delight is to devour people without anybody being aware of what is goink on (Habakkuk 3:14), and
churches keep people ignorant of the cannibalism being conducted by censoring Scriptural references to the act. There is enough wealth in North America (and Australia and New Guinea…) to insure everyone has a home and is well fed, and this can be
accomplished without benefitting landlords and lawyers. Remove the industry and you will remove jobs, the wealth and even the homes, and make it easier to consume the growing numbers of impoverished without raising alarm. And without any coal and oil and
industries, we would of course have no ability to equip an army to defend our sorry asses from the Chinese soldiers, who are landing here daily. We should be making anti-tank guns and sending the Chinese soldiers back home.
Do not be alarmed, cannibals will not be breaking into your home and devouring you as their delight is to devour people without anybody being aware of what is going on (Habakkuk 3:14). The cannibals will instead enact legislation to bankrupt you and
make you homeless, this way when they eat you, it will not be apparent that you are missing and so there will be no cause for alarm. The cannibals don’t care if the Chinese or the Islamists rule our nations.
And on page C3 in the Saskatoon-Star Phoenix on October 17th 2020, there is an article on the Liberal government’s new CRB (Canada Recovery Benefit) program, which replaces the CERB (Canadian Emergency Response Benefit). Both the old CERB (Canadian
Emergency Response Benefit) program and the new CRB (Canada Recovery Benefit) program have provided and are now providing $500 per week to non-Canadians living in Canada. The Canadians of white European descent who failed to obtain jobs before the Fear
Flu broke out remain impoverished and often homeless. Keep in mind that Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus that are not Canadian citizens are being trained as medical doctors including as psychiatrists in Canadian Universities, and are allowed to “work” in
Canada without being Canadian citizens. It is the Canadians of white European descent that comprise the vast bulk of the people who are stripped of their rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities… complain about the mismanagement of Canada in an
inappropriate manner and expect to be arrested under the Mental Health Act and begin your “treatment”. And keep in mind that most of the Christians in the middle-east were recently slaughtered by Islamists, and that these Islamists who murdered them
and stole their savings were allowed to come to Canada and keep these savings and were provided with taxpayer funds to start new lives here.
I was stripped of my rights in 1988 and brutally tortured for years, I begged in vain for assistance to flee Canada and all the Canadians of white European descent could do for me is laugh at me, libel me, rob me and brutally assault me further, for
they did not appreciate it when I criticized their most beloved pagan traditions. Now in 2020 they lose their jobs and businesses, now they lose their nation to members of alternative fertility cults, and they continue to publish obituaries claiming that
their smitten children and otherwise deceased family members are up in heaven with Mary, for they abided by traditions (traditions that are in opposition to God’s Commandments). Jesus never supported the idea that His mother was in heaven, nor did He
agree that His mother is blessed. “...a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts that you sucked!” But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”” -
Luke 11:28-29 RSV
The way I see it, is that the white Canadians of European descent (including the Doukhobors and Adventists) are compassionless to me and to other victims of psychiatric horror and deserve the loss of their nation to Islam. Laugh and sing Jingle Bells,
post photos on social media of your children and family members posing next to the pagan idols. You have Egyptian penises on the roofs of your churches, you place Egyptian penises on the tops of evergreen trees that you turn into blinkin’ idols, you
support media, schools and churches that censor Scriptural references to cannibalism, you train and employ Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists to torture people to death, you are absolutely compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror… Lose
your businesses, lose your homes, pay compound interest on the “money” Trudeau hands out to foreigners living in Canada, laugh at me and have me tortured for criticizing your churches. Canadians spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured
for years, they made me a home in a psychiatric ward now consider themselves rich enough to give $500 each week to non-Canadians who are unable to find employment here in Canada. Sing Jingle Bells, turn trees into decorated idols and proclaim that you
are saved regardless of what the Bible instructs. Keep voting for the communists who hand over your nation to Chinese, Islamists or any other foreigner. Beat me to the point of death at your Seventh-day Adventist Church for daring to proclaim that your
church is united with the Catholic churches in teaching traditions in place of God’s Commandments.
In the news on October 19th 2020, the Trudeau Liberals (backed by the NDP) extend the border closure with the USA. And for a few days previous to this there have also been reports on how the Liberals (backed by the NDP, both are communist parties) are
making it easier for the Chinese to fly into Canada. The government shut down the economy, now there are millions of unemployed in Canada and the federal government is seeking to bring in more foreigners, and are paying many of these foreigners $500 each
week because these non-Canadians were unable to find adequate employment in Canada. They made me a home in a psychiatric ward, they spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured for years, and now hand out over $2000 per month to foreigners,
which is enough for them to make payments on new homes, or the foreigners can use that $500 each week and buy a rifle.
Or these foreigners may purchase two quite nice rifles costing $1,000.00 each month, or one exceedingly nice rifle costing $2000.00 each month. The Canadians of white European descent (most are denied training and denied jobs, some are tortured in
psychiatric facilities) did not work and earn money in 2019 so are not eligible to receive the $500/week the Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese are getting. The white-Europeans and native aboriginals living in poverty in Saskatchewan received $50 for
their Covid relief funds from the provincial government in April 2020, so they could buy some masks and hand sanitizer, back then, and may use the money to purchase a used BB gun or perhaps a nice sling shot.
On page A2 of the October 20th 2020 Saskatoon Star-Phoenix we read that 45-year-old Mohamed Hassan Omer slashed the throat and severed the spine of a 29-year-old woman in Saskatoon in the morning of May 27th 2020, he stabbed her in the arm and in the
back and stole the vehicle she was sitting in. And on page A4 we learn that an autopsy was unable to determine the cause of a psychiatric inmate’s death. James Leo Short was being forced to take “antipsychotic” medications, which all have “death
as a known side-effect.
Female Islamists don’t have to show their faces in Canada in order to buy rifles and ammunition, and since males in Saskatchewan are allowed to claim on their birth certificates that they are females (and without any changes being made to their
sexual organs), then the male Islamists in Saskatchewan too are not required to show their faces when they purchase the rifles and ammunition for our government provides them with identification purporting they are females.
In 2020 our Islamic government forced millions of white people into unemployment, then on October 30th 2020 announced that it would obtain economic recovery by importing well over a million new immigrants to Canada over the next three years. This is a
direct result of whoreshipping trees and praying to Mary and shitting upon God’s Commandments, people ignore God’s Laws and then God allows their nations to be taken over by members of alternative fertility cults. The Canadians have no shame, they do
not even know how to blush. The Canadians are looking forward to “Christmas” (the use of God’s Name in vain) where they will have trees that blink. The Koran commands their followers to behead the unbelievers and NOT to cover their heads and faces,
yet they cover their heads and faces, and then are able to buy guns and ammo in Canada without showing their faces. Canadians do not care to get involved in the matter, except to vote for the politicians that allow the murderers entry and who give the
murderers money, and who give the murderers free accommodations, and who give the murderers educational opportunities that are not offered to Canadians of European or aboriginal descent. They stole the homes and money and exterminated the Christians in
the middle-east and much of Africa, then they came (and continue to come) to Canada with the stolen money, and are allowed to keep “their” money for their own discretionary purposes while starting new lives here. Trudeau forced millions out of work,
now will import millions more. The Africans he will bring here will be nearly entirely Moslem. Moslems united with anarchists and communists have been burning down buildings, raping and killing, and marching and chanting to kill the whites, who would
have ever thought they would also stuff ballot boxes??? In Saskatchewan the Moslems get a home paid for each of four wives, so if they do not cut your head off, your life will still be negatively affected by their presence (they are bankrupting your
nation). And even with the Chinese attempting to manipulate bat viruses in the city of Wuhan, Trudeau still allows the Chinese, and even the Chinese living in Wuhan, to fly to Canada… while preventing Americans to visit here.
Environmental laws will be strengthened to prevent you from going to gold bearing regions in Canada and mining the gold. Slaves are paid in paper promises and are not allowed to have guns, Canadians are slaves who are slowly having their guns taken
away from them. Half the Canadians who desire to get a gun are Moslem, many of the other half are kids who want to get a new lever action Winchester repeating rifle under their blinkin’ tree or for their birthday. Consider getting that lever action in .
243 Winchester. Or get a bolt action in .243 or 7mm-08, or .270 Winchester, or 7mm Remington Magnum, or .338 Lapua, I think you need a rifle. Get a rifle and then post on the internet and on the usenet, and in letters to the editor, that people who faced
brutal horrid torture for daring to criticize the mainstream churches and people living in utter poverty should not be allowed to have guns. Once you legally have a rifle you may speak all kinds of shit against the people who spoke out against your
blinkin’ tree and against your pedophile priests. Islamists who have four wives and are collecting welfare for each of the four wives, are allowed to have guns, for they do not live in utter poverty and unprotected, as Trudeau insures that they are
well cared for. Perhaps Trudeau will change our dollars into dinars, instead of Laurier on our Five Dollar Bill we will end up with Omar Khadr on a Five Dinar Bill.
Adolph Eichmann was in charge of moving the Jews to slaughter via the railways, his trains had priority over the trains that were bringing war supplies to the eastern front. German soldiers on the eastern front went without adequate supplies as trains
carrying the war supplies were sidelined in order to allow Eichmann to transport the Jews to the death camps. Hitler knew that his attack against the Soviet Union would be in vain, but his main concern was to kill Jews and make sure that his tree
continued to blink. Hitler had trees that blinked on and off, on and off, on and off, it was really quite a show. Canadian Liberal leader Mackenzie King regularly sought advice from demons, who were active in advising King to not allow Jewish refugees
entry to Canada. Now today the demons are advising the Liberals to import people who desire to cut our heads off, and to not provide sanctuary to the Christians facing genocide in South Africa or elsewhere. Demons are real and they are wanting to replace
white Christians and black Christians with black Islamists, or with any other Islamist. Hitler sought out alliances with Islamists and killed Christians and Jews. Canadians want a tree that blinks on and off, on and off, on and off, just like Hitler’s
[continued in next message]
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All on Wed Apr 26 12:28:09 2023
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff
April 22nd 2023 11:49 am 198,406 words (230 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Also worth mentioning is Saskatchewan farmer Gerald Stanley, who’s handgun accidentally discharged and killed Colten Boushie when Colten Boushie and his drunk native friends came to rob Stanley’s farm. Colten Boushie and his drunken friends
arrived in a vehicle they stole from another farm earlier that same day… Stanley’s farm was the third one the drunkards went to rob that day. One of the drunks broke the stock of the rifle when using that rifle to attempt to break in and steal a
vehicle, then they soon showed up at the Boushie farm with that damaged yet fully functioning rifle. When Gerald Stanley was found not-guilty for murder then the aboriginal Indians hilariously appealed to the United Nations for support, hilarious as the
United Nations is an Islamic organization seeking to remove both aboriginal Indians and Whites from North America and replace them with Islamists. Now lawyer Tony Merchant is attempting to launch a legal suit against the police for failing to find the
murdered and missing aboriginal women, but it appears that nearly all of them are being killed off by violent aboriginal men (true some are slaving away in Africa and Asia). Judges are handing out light sentences to the natives when they commit violent
crimes, claiming that there is a disproportionate number of them in jails… there would be far fewer murdered and missing aboriginal women if the violent natives who committed these crimes served their time. I get years of brutal horrid torture as a
reward for criticizing churches, natives get a slap on the wrist when they act with utter brutality. The reason why the natives act with utter brutality is because the churches are teaching people to abide by pagan fertility rites rather than God’s
Commandments, and because the legal system sets the violent people free. The native Indians want to get out of jail and go home to their parents, family and friends, get drunk and sing Jingle Bells. While the natives flip-flop between Catholicism and
traditional native beliefs (depending upon whom they are trying to get into their beds and fuck on any particular day), the Catholic media and Saskatoon’s libraries are working overtime trying to teach the natives to start ramming their penises up each
other’s arseholes. Now they want to sue the police for failing to find the aboriginal women that the aboriginal men killed. Many large, strong and able bodied native men don’t venture much around their reserves at night (if at all) due to the violent
youth and gangs running rampant on reserves. And now lawyer Tony Merchant hopes to make many millions of dollars out of the situation. The violence and the drunkenness and the thievery in the reserves came to visit Gerald Stanley’s farm.
In the news a provincial election has been called in Saskatchewan. Handicapped people are calling for an increase in their monthly benefits and the provincial NDP (New Democratic Party) are defending and promising that increase (Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
October 3rd 2020). The federal NDP united with the federal Liberal Party and hands out over $2000 per month to Chinese, Saudi Arabian, Pakistani and other foreign (mostly Islamic) students, and now the NDP seeks votes from the handicapped poor in
Saskatchewan by promising an increase in their monthly allowance, maybe increase it enough so it is equivalent to what the foreigners attending school in Canada are getting from the federal government (a Liberal / NDP communist coalition government).
The so-called right wing Saskatchewan Party and the NDP are united in maintaining psychiatric torture facilities, and are united in allowing seats at the universities be used to train the foreign Islamists to become medical doctors, including
psychiatrists. There is no recent mention in the news media that Trudeau allows foreigners to work in Canada without being Canadian citizens, still no recent mention that jobs can be handed out to foreigners without first advertising the opening to
Canadians. The only possible outcome of this situation is outright war and a subsequent invasion of United Nation troops led by King Charles, who is an Islamist. Canadians will defend the invasion of the United Nations troops because they will be lead by
Charles, who like his mother, will teach people to maintain their Catholic fertility tree traditions, for nothing on planet earth is more important than tradition, and particularly that tradition. Again, Queen Elizabeth heads a supposedly “Protestant”
church and then uses that office to teach people to abide by “Catholic” fertility rites. She is by far the wealthiest person on the planet while her son Charles is himself exceedingly wealthy and has been using this wealth over the last few decades
to build mosques and spread Islam across the planet (see “The Anti-Christ and a Cup of Tea”). Once Charles inherits his mother’s wealth the Catholic Church will hand over all authority to him and then all hell will break loose. Then Doug Cuthand
will likely continue to encourage the native aboriginal Indians to break treaties with the white people and make new treaties with the black Islamists, and the media in the province will continue to give him a voice.
The male native aboriginal Indians worked hand in hand with the federal and provincial governments and took away any power native women traditionally held, and now they seek to make new alliances and give power to black Islamists, while shipping the
grain grown on reserves to China. And there are good paying jobs for the native Indians helping Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities in Western Canada (with money borrowed from future generations). They stick Egyptian penises on
the roofs of their filthy churches at the Indian reservations as well, and then defend the traditions by singing Jingle Bells and having people arrested under the Mental Health Act for daring to speak out against the Catholic traditions. The Protestants
on the reserves don’t care, for they embrace the Catholic fertility rites, and at One Arrow Reserve they even stuck a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian penis. At all native reservations they flip-flop between Catholicism, Protestantism
and traditional aboriginal beliefs depending upon whom they want to fuck on any particular day. As Dr. Gene Marcoux said before he resumed torturing me with psychiatric drugs “Everybody does it” (everybody turns trees into decorated idols). It is far
far far more important to maintain Catholic fertility rites and hand your nation over to Chinese and Islamists than to end psychiatry and psychiatric torture. People are absolutely compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror. Go get your God-
damned trees to blink then hand over your nation to members of alternative fertility cults.
Annually they spend many millions of dollars turning evergreen trees into lavishly decorated blinkin' idols, then the trees caught fire in California, Oregon and Washington State and burned their homes down. Why? Maybe they decorated their trees with
blinkin' lights of the wrong color, maybe they got their trees to blink at the wrong frequency, or maybe they failed to put enough tinfoil on their blinkin' trees. Or maybe their homes didn't have tall enough ceilings, preventing them from getting and
decorating tall enough trees. Or maybe they imported alternative fertility cult members who lit the forests on fire. Sure the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, but what doth God know?
Saskatoon’s immensely popular Louis Riel Day which included the Louis Riel relay race was a celebration recognizing the co-operation between natives and Europeans and the building of our nation. There were horses, canoes and runners involved in the
relay race, people really liked watching the event and lined both sides of the riverbank to view the spectacle. Saskatoon City Council cancelled the Louis Riel Day and the Riel relay race and replaced the event with Chinese Dragon Boat races, and at
about this same time the media made a flip… on the evening news rather than demonizing the Chinese as they had for the previous decades, they said that the Chinese people were just like you and me, see they have blinkin’ trees and are celebrating “
Christmas” (which is actually the use of God’s Name in vain and is a Catholic fertility rite). The media made another flip around that time... for years the media was publishing stories of La Nina and El Nino weather oscillations causing periodic
drought and famine to some continents while leaving the other continents either unscathed or with abundant rain, suddenly those stories ceased and were replaced by a new anti-industrial narrative. In reality famine is due to the El Nino-Southern
Oscillation combined with a lack of compassion (see Late Victorian Holocausts: El Nino Famines and the Making of the Third Word, by Mike Davis). It is imperative to our enemies that North American industry is destroyed for this will make many people
homeless and more easily consumed by the witches. Forcing people to become homeless makes it easier for the witches to get away with eating people… their delight is to devour people without anybody being aware of what is goink on (Habakkuk 3:14), and
churches keep people ignorant of the cannibalism being conducted by censoring Scriptural references to the act. There is enough wealth in North America (and Australia and New Guinea…) to insure everyone has a home and is well fed, and this can be
accomplished without benefitting landlords and lawyers. Remove the industry and you will remove jobs, the wealth and even the homes, and make it easier to consume the growing numbers of impoverished without raising alarm. And without any coal and oil and
industries, we would of course have no ability to equip an army to defend our sorry asses from the Chinese soldiers, who are landing here daily. We should be making anti-tank guns and sending the Chinese soldiers back home. And there is also the issue of
Charles the Islamic Anti-Christ, and his Islamic United Nations army, and air force and navy, Charles has been funding the spread of Islam for decades.
Do not be alarmed, cannibals will not be breaking into your home and devouring you as their delight is to devour people without anybody being aware of what is going on (Habakkuk 3:14). The cannibals will instead enact legislation to bankrupt you and
make you homeless, this way when they eat you, it will not be apparent that you are missing and so there will be no cause for alarm. The cannibals don’t care if the Chinese or the Islamists rule our nations.
And on page C3 in the Saskatoon-Star Phoenix on October 17th 2020, there is an article on the Liberal government’s new CRB (Canada Recovery Benefit) program, which replaces the CERB (Canadian Emergency Response Benefit). Both the old CERB (Canadian
Emergency Response Benefit) program and the new CRB (Canada Recovery Benefit) program have provided and are now providing $500 per week to non-Canadians living in Canada. The Canadians of white European descent who failed to obtain jobs before the Fear
Flu broke out remain impoverished and often homeless, because they were not employed the previous year they are ineligible to participate in the program. Keep in mind that Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus that are not Canadian citizens are being trained as
medical doctors including as psychiatrists in Canadian Universities, and are allowed to “work” in Canada without being Canadian citizens. It is the Canadians of white European descent that comprise the vast bulk of the people who are stripped of
their rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities… complain about the mismanagement of Canada in an inappropriate manner and expect to be arrested under the Mental Health Act and begin your “treatment”. And keep in mind that most of the
Christians in the middle-east were recently slaughtered by Islamists, and that these Islamists who murdered them and stole their savings were allowed to come to Canada and keep these savings and were provided with taxpayer funds to start new lives here.
I was stripped of my rights in 1988 and brutally tortured for years, I begged in vain for assistance to flee Canada and all the Canadians of white European descent could do for me is laugh at me, libel me, rob me and brutally assault me further, for
they did not appreciate it when I criticized their most beloved pagan traditions. Now in 2020 they lose their jobs and businesses, now they lose their nation to members of alternative fertility cults, and they continue to publish obituaries claiming that
their smitten children and otherwise deceased family members are up in heaven with Mary, for they abided by traditions (traditions that are in opposition to God’s Commandments). Jesus never supported the idea that His mother was in heaven, nor did He
agree that His mother is blessed. “...a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts that you sucked!” But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”” -
Luke 11:28-29 RSV
The way I see it, is that the white Canadians of European descent (including the Doukhobors and Adventists) are compassionless to me and to other victims of psychiatric horror and deserve the loss of their nation to Islam. Laugh and sing Jingle Bells,
post photos on social media of your children and family members posing next to the pagan idols. You have Egyptian penises on the roofs of your churches, you place Egyptian penises on the tops of evergreen trees that you turn into blinkin’ idols, you
support media, schools and churches that censor Scriptural references to cannibalism, you train and employ Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists to torture people to death, you are absolutely compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror… Lose
your businesses, lose your homes, pay compound interest on the “money” Trudeau hands out to foreigners living in Canada, laugh at me and have me tortured for criticizing your churches. Canadians spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured
for years, they made me a home in a psychiatric ward now consider themselves rich enough to give $500 each week to non-Canadians who are unable to find employment here in Canada. Sing Jingle Bells, turn trees into decorated idols and proclaim that you
are saved regardless of what the Bible instructs. Keep voting for the communists who hand over your nation to Chinese, Islamists or any other foreigner. Beat me to the point of death at your Seventh-day Adventist Church for daring to proclaim that your
church is united with the Catholic churches in teaching traditions in place of God’s Commandments.
In the news on October 19th 2020, the Trudeau Liberals (backed by the NDP) extend the border closure with the USA. And for a few days previous to this there have also been reports on how the Liberals (backed by the NDP, both are communist parties) are
making it easier for the Chinese to fly into Canada. The government shut down the economy, now there are millions of unemployed in Canada and the federal government is seeking to bring in more foreigners, and are paying many of these foreigners $500 each
week because these non-Canadians were unable to find adequate employment in Canada. They made me a home in a psychiatric ward, they spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured for years, and now hand out over $2000 per month to foreigners,
which is enough for them to make payments on new homes, or the foreigners can use that $500 each week and buy a rifle.
Or these foreigners may purchase two quite nice rifles costing $1,000.00 each month, or one exceedingly nice rifle costing $2000.00 each month. The Canadians of white European descent (most are denied training and denied jobs, some are tortured in
psychiatric facilities) did not work and earn money in 2019 so are not eligible to receive the $500/week the Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese are getting. The white-Europeans and native aboriginals living in poverty in Saskatchewan received $50 for
their Covid relief funds from the provincial government in April 2020, so they could buy some masks and hand sanitizer, back then, and may use the money to purchase a used BB gun or perhaps a nice sling shot.
On page A2 of the October 20th 2020 Saskatoon Star-Phoenix we read that 45-year-old Mohamed Hassan Omer slashed the throat and severed the spine of a 29-year-old woman in Saskatoon in the morning of May 27th 2020, he stabbed her in the arm and in the
back and stole the vehicle she was sitting in. And on page A4 we learn that an autopsy was unable to determine the cause of a psychiatric inmate’s death. James Leo Short was being forced to take “antipsychotic” medications, which all have “death
as a known side-effect.
Female Islamists don’t have to show their faces in Canada in order to buy rifles and ammunition, and since males in Saskatchewan are allowed to claim on their birth certificates that they are females (and without any changes being made to their
sexual organs), then the male Islamists in Saskatchewan too are not required to show their faces when they purchase the rifles and ammunition for our government provides them with identification purporting they are females.
In 2020 our Islamic government forced millions of white people into unemployment, then on October 30th 2020 announced that it would obtain economic recovery by importing well over a million new immigrants to Canada over the next three years. This is a
direct result of whoreshipping trees and praying to Mary and shitting upon God’s Commandments, people ignore God’s Laws and then God allows their nations to be taken over by members of alternative fertility cults. The Canadians have no shame, they do
not even know how to blush. The Canadians are looking forward to “Christmas” (the use of God’s Name in vain) where they will have trees that blink. The Koran commands their followers to behead the unbelievers and NOT to cover their heads and faces,
yet they cover their heads and faces, and then are able to buy guns and ammo in Canada without showing their faces. Canadians do not care to get involved in the matter, except to vote for the politicians that allow the murderers entry and who give the
murderers money, and who give the murderers free accommodations, and who give the murderers educational opportunities that are not offered to Canadians of European or aboriginal descent. They stole the homes and money and exterminated the Christians in
the middle-east and much of Africa, then they came (and continue to come) to Canada with the stolen money, and are allowed to keep “their” money for their own discretionary purposes while starting new lives here. Trudeau forced millions out of work,
now will import millions more. The Africans he will bring here will be nearly entirely Moslem. Moslems united with anarchists and communists have been burning down buildings, raping and killing, and marching and chanting to kill the whites, who would
have ever thought they would also stuff ballot boxes??? In Saskatchewan the Moslems get a home paid for each of four wives, so if they do not cut your head off, your life will still be negatively affected by their presence (they are bankrupting your
nation). And even with the Chinese attempting to manipulate bat viruses in the city of Wuhan, Trudeau still allows the Chinese, and even the Chinese living in Wuhan, to fly to Canada… while preventing Americans to visit here.
Environmental laws will be strengthened to prevent you from going to gold bearing regions in Canada and mining the gold. Slaves are paid in paper promises and are not allowed to have guns, Canadians are slaves who are slowly having their guns taken
away from them. Half the Canadians who desire to get a gun are Moslem, many of the other half are kids who want to get a new lever action Winchester repeating rifle under their blinkin’ tree or for their birthday. Consider getting that lever action in .
243 Winchester. Or get a bolt action in .243 or 7mm-08, or .270 Winchester, or 7mm Remington Magnum, or .338 Lapua, I think you need a rifle. Get a rifle and then post on the internet and on the usenet, and in letters to the editor, that people who faced
brutal horrid torture for daring to criticize the mainstream churches and people living in utter poverty should not be allowed to have guns. Once you legally have a rifle you may speak all kinds of shit against the people who spoke out against your
blinkin’ tree and against your pedophile priests. Islamists who have four wives and are collecting welfare for each of the four wives, are allowed to have guns, for they do not live in utter poverty and unprotected, as Trudeau insures that they are
well cared for. Perhaps Trudeau will change our dollars into dinars, instead of Laurier on our Five Dollar Bill we will end up with Omar Khadr on a Five Dinar Bill.
Adolph Eichmann was in charge of moving the Jews to slaughter via the railways, his trains had priority over the trains that were bringing war supplies to the eastern front. German soldiers on the eastern front went without adequate supplies as trains
carrying the war supplies were sidelined in order to allow Eichmann to transport the Jews to the death camps. Hitler knew that his attack against the Soviet Union would be in vain, but his main concern was to kill Jews and make sure that his tree
continued to blink. Hitler had trees that blinked on and off, on and off, on and off, it was really quite a show. Canadian Liberal leader Mackenzie King regularly sought advice from demons, who were active in advising King to not allow Jewish refugees
entry to Canada. Now today the demons are advising the Liberals to import people who desire to cut our heads off, and to not provide sanctuary to the Christians facing genocide in South Africa or elsewhere. Demons are real and they are wanting to replace
white Christians and black Christians with black Islamists, or with any other Islamist. Hitler sought out alliances with Islamists and killed Christians and Jews. Canadians want a tree that blinks on and off, on and off, on and off, just like Hitler’s
Making rounds around the internet mid-November 2020 is that the last Canadian election was fraudulent as corrupted computers were used to tabulate and change votes, as was recently done in the United States. And in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix on
November 19th 2020 Chris Selley reminds us “The really salient point, surely, was that the Aga Khan (Islamic) Foundation lobbies for and receives hundreds of millions of dollars from the Canadian government.” Canadians still are not moved, they
continue to wait for “Christmas” (the use of God’s Name in vain) and now their major hope to be able to fly to winter resorts so they may sing Jingle Bells and bow to blinkin’ trees there. No matter the cost, Canadians must photograph themselves
and their children engaged in honoring the pagan holiday, and the more ornate and the more distant the setting in the photographs, the better. Make sure to post the celebratory and festive photos on your Facebook page while making disparaging comments
against some poor psychiatric abuse victim who lives in perpetual shock. Now you have to stay home, stay home while the Chinese and Islamists arrive at our airports, seaports and borders. Go get a flu shot and make yourself infertile.
See Rebel News on November 21st 2020… “Suicide in long term care: Canadian senior chooses death over living through a second lockdown” regarding the survival rate of Covid -19:
COVID-19 Survival Rates:
Under 20: 99.997%
Under 50: 99.98%
Under 70: 99.5%
Islam is a fertility cult that seeks to increase its numbers through imprisoning women in homes and forcing them to become wives and mothers. The Islamists pride themselves in knowledge of and in the use of herbs and have published copious quantities
of books over the centuries that include instruction on what herbs to use to reduce fertility and induce abortions of people that do not belong to their fertility cult. Now we have an Islamic government that will force injections upon people that will
make them infertile. It is all a part of Trudeau’s plan to replace the European population with non-Europeans (with Islamists). The fear flu has a survival rate of over 99.5% for people under 70 years of age, likely 99% of the women of child-bearing
age will become infertile should they take even one of the two injections the government is mandating.
People stay home and allow thousands of the Chinese and the Islamists to fly in daily, then they pay the mortgage for the four homes for each of the four Islamic wives. The aboriginal Indians stay confined to their tiny rotting homes on the reserves
and are instructed to ram their penises up each others arseholes while the government hands out billions of dollars to Islamists so they can start new lives here in new homes here. All the children are taught to hate Christianity and the idea of
Canadians and Americans having our own oil self-sufficiency, the oil industry is forced into shutdown while the Canadian lumber is required for new homes for the “immigrants” or exported to Asia, and the white children are taught to hate the colour
of their skin and to ram their penises up each others arseholes. White Europeans didn’t like criticisms of their blinkin’ trees and spent many millions of dollars having me tortured for years in psychiatric facilities, they made me a home in a
psychiatric ward and now buy new homes for Islamists. You torture me and laugh at me and rob me and slander and libel me, then seek to gain annual redemption by singing Jingle Bells and by proving you are not a racist by handing your nation over to
Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese. Your forefathers somehow proved that they were not racists by stealing Doukhobor land, now the Doukhobors wallow in filth as they join with you in decorating and bowing to trees. The wealthiest of the Doukhobors are
always turning their homes into lavish temples of evergreen tree fertility, they have the tallest of trees and the nicest of the blinkin’ lights, and they have the most friends who all join with them in honoring their fertility tree idols. It used to
be that the Doukhobors fled from idolatry, now they embrace it and shit upon me for daring to attempt to warn them of the dangers involved.
Turkey slaughtered an estimated two million Armenian Christians between 1914 and 1923, now Canada sells Turkey and Azerbaijan advanced drone weaponry that is used in 2020 to slaughter the Armenians yet again. Canadians politely stay at home and watch
the news telling them to stay home, and are not provided with news stories about how their Islamic government is providing advanced weapon systems to other Islamic governments. See the video on YouTube “What Azerbaijan’s spectacular victory over
Armenia tells us about the future of modern warfare.”
The Islamists pride themselves in their knowledge of herbs and published copious quantities of litrature, over the centuries they amassed knowledge of what herbs can be used to induce fertility and cause abortions. They imbed themselves into our food
supply, the food you eat may have been dosed at repeated times during its transit to your table. Islamists are a fertility cult, they increase their numbers with multiple wives and with rape and coercion, and reduce the numbers of the alternative
fertility cults with herbs, swords and bombs. And they seek to reduce your fertility with inoculations against common colds. And more recently they instigated a transgender fantasy world and are coercing your daughters to cut their own breasts off and
sterilize themselves. The parents hope these kids would come home at “Christmas” and join together with them and the blinkin’ tree, and together they would go and make a pilgrimage to the local Catholic Church and tithe, regardless of how many
times Catholic priests rammed their penises up your children’s arseholes. The priests purposely traumatize the children and render them unable to form meaningful attachments and families, it works as well as rendering them infertile. Then they
destroyed the economy so the males didn’t have a pot to piss in, let alone go on a date. All the while the carbon tax in Canada continues to be rebated back to the large Islamic families (the carbon tax mainly gets rebated back to the largest of the
families, which are Islamic). The greater the number of Islamists, the greater amount of taxes will be collected and handed over to the invading Islamists.
Over the last few decades assorted Islamists, many acting as lone wolves, contaminated food and water supplies with herbs that reduced fertility and induced abortions. Then they indoctrinated children to a transgender world and coerced the daughters
to put rings in their noses, colour their hair with cool-aid and render themselves infertile. During which time they have been refining their inoculations, which are again designed to render infertility, and often result in autism, heart attacks and
death. The white race is first and foremost hated due to the many Christians in our midst, and the red race is hated, perhaps even more, as the Big-Nosed Cree and other Indians traditionally recognize the power of women and treat them with respect.
[continued in next message]
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* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeaky Squeaky@21:1/5 to
All on Mon May 22 16:31:03 2023
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff
May 22nd 2023 11:57 am 200,496 words (233 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Saskatoon’s immensely popular Louis Riel Day which included the Louis Riel relay race was a celebration recognizing the co-operation between natives and Europeans and the building of our nation. There were horses, canoes and runners involved in the
relay race, people really liked watching the event and lined both sides of the riverbank to view the spectacle. Saskatoon City Council cancelled the Louis Riel Day and the Riel relay race and replaced the event with Chinese Dragon Boat races, and at
about this same time the media made a flip… on the evening news rather than demonizing the Chinese as they had for the previous decades, they said that the Chinese people were just like you and me, see they have blinkin’ trees and are celebrating “
Christmas” (which is actually the use of God’s Name in vain and is a Catholic fertility rite). The media made another flip around that time... for years the media was publishing stories of La Nina and El Nino weather oscillations causing periodic
drought and famine to some continents while leaving the other continents either unscathed or with abundant rain, suddenly those stories ceased and were replaced by a new anti-industrial narrative. In reality famine is due to the El Nino-Southern
Oscillation combined with a lack of compassion (see Late Victorian Holocausts: El Nino Famines and the Making of the Third Word, by Mike Davis). It is imperative to our enemies that North American industry is destroyed for this will make many people
homeless and more easily consumed by the witches. Forcing people to become homeless makes it easier for the witches to get away with eating people… their delight is to devour people without anybody being aware of what is goink on (Habakkuk 3:14), and
churches keep people ignorant of the cannibalism being conducted by censoring Scriptural references to the act. There is enough wealth in North America (and Australia and New Guinea…) to insure everyone has a home and is well fed, and this can be
accomplished without benefitting landlords and lawyers. Remove the industry and you will remove jobs, the wealth and even the homes, and make it easier to consume the growing numbers of impoverished without raising alarm. And without any coal and oil and
industries, we would of course have no ability to equip an army to defend our sorry asses from the Chinese soldiers, who are landing here daily. We should be making anti-tank guns and sending the Chinese soldiers back home. And there is also the issue of
Charles the Islamic Anti-Christ, and his Islamic United Nations army, and air force and navy, Charles has been funding the spread of Islam for decades.
Do not be alarmed, cannibals will not be breaking into your home and devouring you as their delight is to devour people without anybody being aware of what is going on (Habakkuk 3:14). The cannibals will instead enact legislation to bankrupt you and
make you homeless, this way when they eat you, it will not be apparent that you are missing and so there will be no cause for alarm. The cannibals don’t care if the Chinese or the Islamists rule our nations.
And on page C3 in the Saskatoon-Star Phoenix on October 17th 2020, there is an article on the Liberal government’s new CRB (Canada Recovery Benefit) program, which replaces the CERB (Canadian Emergency Response Benefit). Both the old CERB (Canadian
Emergency Response Benefit) program and the new CRB (Canada Recovery Benefit) program have provided and are now providing $500 per week to non-Canadians living in Canada. The Canadians of white European descent who failed to obtain jobs before the Fear
Flu broke out remain impoverished and often homeless, because they were not employed the previous year they are ineligible to participate in the program. Keep in mind that Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus that are not Canadian citizens are being trained as
medical doctors including as psychiatrists in Canadian Universities, and are allowed to “work” in Canada without being Canadian citizens. It is the Canadians of white European descent that comprise the vast bulk of the people who are stripped of
their rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities… complain about the mismanagement of Canada in an inappropriate manner and expect to be arrested under the Mental Health Act and begin your “treatment”. And keep in mind that most of the
Christians in the middle-east were recently slaughtered by Islamists, and that these Islamists who murdered them and stole their savings were allowed to come to Canada and keep these savings and were provided with taxpayer funds to start new lives here.
I was stripped of my rights in 1988 and brutally tortured for years, I begged in vain for assistance to flee Canada and all the Canadians of white European descent could do for me is laugh at me, libel me, rob me and brutally assault me further, for
they did not appreciate it when I criticized their most beloved pagan traditions. Now in 2020 they lose their jobs and businesses, now they lose their nation to members of alternative fertility cults, and they continue to publish obituaries claiming that
their smitten children and otherwise deceased family members are up in heaven with Mary, for they abided by traditions (traditions that are in opposition to God’s Commandments). Jesus never supported the idea that His mother was in heaven, nor did He
agree that His mother is blessed. “...a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts that you sucked!” But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”” -
Luke 11:28-29 RSV
The way I see it, is that the white Canadians of European descent (including the Doukhobors and Adventists) are compassionless to me and to other victims of psychiatric horror and deserve the loss of their nation to Islam. Laugh and sing Jingle Bells,
post photos on social media of your children and family members posing next to the pagan idols. You have Egyptian penises on the roofs of your churches, you place Egyptian penises on the tops of evergreen trees that you turn into blinkin’ idols, you
support media, schools and churches that censor Scriptural references to cannibalism, you train and employ Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists to torture people to death, you are absolutely compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror… Lose
your businesses, lose your homes, pay compound interest on the “money” Trudeau hands out to foreigners living in Canada, laugh at me and have me tortured for criticizing your churches. Canadians spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured
for years, they made me a home in a psychiatric ward now consider themselves rich enough to give $500 each week to non-Canadians who are unable to find employment here in Canada. Sing Jingle Bells, turn trees into decorated idols and proclaim that you
are saved regardless of what the Bible instructs. Keep voting for the communists who hand over your nation to Chinese, Islamists or any other foreigner. Beat me to the point of death at your Seventh-day Adventist Church for daring to proclaim that your
church is united with the Catholic churches in teaching traditions in place of God’s Commandments.
In the news on October 19th 2020, the Trudeau Liberals (backed by the NDP) extend the border closure with the USA. And for a few days previous to this there have also been reports on how the Liberals (backed by the NDP, both are communist parties) are
making it easier for the Chinese to fly into Canada. The government shut down the economy, now there are millions of unemployed in Canada and the federal government is seeking to bring in more foreigners, and are paying many of these foreigners $500 each
week because these non-Canadians were unable to find adequate employment in Canada. They made me a home in a psychiatric ward, they spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured for years, and now hand out over $2000 per month to foreigners,
which is enough for them to make payments on new homes, or the foreigners can use that $500 each week and buy a rifle.
Or these foreigners may purchase two quite nice rifles costing $1,000.00 each month, or one exceedingly nice rifle costing $2000.00 each month. The Canadians of white European descent (most are denied training and denied jobs, some are tortured in
psychiatric facilities) did not work and earn money in 2019 so are not eligible to receive the $500/week the Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese are getting. The white-Europeans and native aboriginals living in poverty in Saskatchewan received $50 for
their Covid relief funds from the provincial government in April 2020, so they could buy some masks and hand sanitizer, back then, and may use the money to purchase a used BB gun or perhaps a nice sling shot.
On page A2 of the October 20th 2020 Saskatoon Star-Phoenix we read that 45-year-old Mohamed Hassan Omer slashed the throat and severed the spine of a 29-year-old woman in Saskatoon in the morning of May 27th 2020, he stabbed her in the arm and in the
back and stole the vehicle she was sitting in. And on page A4 we learn that an autopsy was unable to determine the cause of a psychiatric inmate’s death. James Leo Short was being forced to take “antipsychotic” medications, which all have “death
as a known side-effect.
Female Islamists don’t have to show their faces in Canada in order to buy rifles and ammunition, and since males in Saskatchewan are allowed to claim on their birth certificates that they are females (and without any changes being made to their
sexual organs), then the male Islamists in Saskatchewan too are not required to show their faces when they purchase the rifles and ammunition for our government provides them with identification purporting they are females.
In 2020 our Islamic government forced millions of white people into unemployment, then on October 30th 2020 announced that it would obtain economic recovery by importing well over a million new immigrants to Canada over the next three years. This is a
direct result of whoreshipping trees and praying to Mary and shitting upon God’s Commandments, people ignore God’s Laws and then God allows their nations to be taken over by members of alternative fertility cults. The Canadians have no shame, they do
not even know how to blush. The Canadians are looking forward to “Christmas” (the use of God’s Name in vain) where they will have trees that blink. The Koran commands their followers to behead the unbelievers and NOT to cover their heads and faces,
yet they cover their heads and faces, and then are able to buy guns and ammo in Canada without showing their faces. Canadians do not care to get involved in the matter, except to vote for the politicians that allow the murderers entry and who give the
murderers money, and who give the murderers free accommodations, and who give the murderers educational opportunities that are not offered to Canadians of European or aboriginal descent. They stole the homes and money and exterminated the Christians in
the middle-east and much of Africa, then they came (and continue to come) to Canada with the stolen money, and are allowed to keep “their” money for their own discretionary purposes while starting new lives here. Trudeau forced millions out of work,
now will import millions more. The Africans he will bring here will be nearly entirely Moslem. Moslems united with anarchists and communists have been burning down buildings, raping and killing, and marching and chanting to kill the whites, who would
have ever thought they would also stuff ballot boxes??? In Saskatchewan the Moslems get a home paid for each of four wives, so if they do not cut your head off, your life will still be negatively affected by their presence (they are bankrupting your
nation). And even with the Chinese attempting to manipulate bat viruses in the city of Wuhan, Trudeau still allows the Chinese, and even the Chinese living in Wuhan, to fly to Canada… while preventing Americans to visit here.
Environmental laws will be strengthened to prevent you from going to gold bearing regions in Canada and mining the gold. Slaves are paid in paper promises and are not allowed to have guns, Canadians are slaves who are slowly having their guns taken
away from them. Half the Canadians who desire to get a gun are Moslem, many of the other half are kids who want to get a new lever action Winchester repeating rifle under their blinkin’ tree or for their birthday. Consider getting that lever action in .
243 Winchester. Or get a bolt action in .243 or 7mm-08, or .270 Winchester, or 7mm Remington Magnum, or .338 Lapua, I think you need a rifle. Get a rifle and then post on the internet and on the usenet, and in letters to the editor, that people who faced
brutal horrid torture for daring to criticize the mainstream churches and people living in utter poverty should not be allowed to have guns. Once you legally have a rifle you may speak all kinds of shit against the people who spoke out against your
blinkin’ tree and against your pedophile priests. Islamists who have four wives and are collecting welfare for each of the four wives, are allowed to have guns, for they do not live in utter poverty and unprotected, as Trudeau insures that they are
well cared for. Perhaps Trudeau will change our dollars into dinars, instead of Laurier on our Five Dollar Bill we will end up with Omar Khadr on a Five Dinar Bill.
Adolph Eichmann was in charge of moving the Jews to slaughter via the railways, his trains had priority over the trains that were bringing war supplies to the eastern front. German soldiers on the eastern front went without adequate supplies as trains
carrying the war supplies were sidelined in order to allow Eichmann to transport the Jews to the death camps. Hitler knew that his attack against the Soviet Union would be in vain, but his main concern was to kill Jews and make sure that his tree
continued to blink. Hitler had trees that blinked on and off, on and off, on and off, it was really quite a show. Canadian Liberal leader Mackenzie King regularly sought advice from demons, who were active in advising King to not allow Jewish refugees
entry to Canada. Now today the demons are advising the Liberals to import people who desire to cut our heads off, and to not provide sanctuary to the Christians facing genocide in South Africa or elsewhere. Demons are real and they are wanting to replace
white Christians and black Christians with black Islamists, or with any other Islamist. Hitler sought out alliances with Islamists and killed Christians and Jews. Canadians want a tree that blinks on and off, on and off, on and off, just like Hitler’s
Making rounds around the internet mid-November 2020 is that the last Canadian election was fraudulent as corrupted computers were used to tabulate and change votes, as was recently done in the United States. And in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix on
November 19th 2020 Chris Selley reminds us “The really salient point, surely, was that the Aga Khan (Islamic) Foundation lobbies for and receives hundreds of millions of dollars from the Canadian government.” Canadians still are not moved, they
continue to wait for “Christmas” (the use of God’s Name in vain) and now their major hope to be able to fly to winter resorts so they may sing Jingle Bells and bow to blinkin’ trees there. No matter the cost, Canadians must photograph themselves
and their children engaged in honoring the pagan holiday, and the more ornate and the more distant the setting in the photographs, the better. Make sure to post the celebratory and festive photos on your Facebook page while making disparaging comments
against some poor psychiatric abuse victim who lives in perpetual shock. Now you have to stay home, stay home while the Chinese and Islamists arrive at our airports, seaports and borders. Go get a flu shot and make yourself infertile.
See Rebel News on November 21st 2020… “Suicide in long term care: Canadian senior chooses death over living through a second lockdown” regarding the survival rate of Covid -19:
COVID-19 Survival Rates:
Under 20: 99.997%
Under 50: 99.98%
Under 70: 99.5%
Islam is a fertility cult that seeks to increase its numbers through imprisoning women in homes and forcing them to become wives and mothers. The Islamists pride themselves in knowledge of and in the use of herbs and have published copious quantities
of books over the centuries that include instruction on what herbs to use to reduce fertility and induce abortions of people that do not belong to their fertility cult. Now we have an Islamic government that will force injections upon people that will
make them infertile. It is all a part of Trudeau’s plan to replace the European population with non-Europeans (with Islamists). The fear flu has a survival rate of over 99.5% for people under 70 years of age, likely 99% of the women of child-bearing
age will become infertile should they take even one of the two injections the government is mandating.
People stay home and allow thousands of the Chinese and the Islamists to fly in daily, then they pay the mortgage for the four homes for each of the four Islamic wives. The aboriginal Indians stay confined to their tiny rotting homes on the reserves
and are instructed to ram their penises up each others arseholes while the government hands out billions of dollars to Islamists so they can start new lives here in new homes here. All the children are taught to hate Christianity and the idea of
Canadians and Americans having our own oil self-sufficiency, the oil industry is forced into shutdown while the Canadian lumber is required for new homes for the “immigrants” or exported to Asia, and the white children are taught to hate the colour
of their skin and to ram their penises up each others arseholes. White Europeans didn’t like criticisms of their blinkin’ trees and spent many millions of dollars having me tortured for years in psychiatric facilities, they made me a home in a
psychiatric ward and now buy new homes for Islamists. You torture me and laugh at me and rob me and slander and libel me, then seek to gain annual redemption by singing Jingle Bells and by proving you are not a racist by handing your nation over to
Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese. Your forefathers somehow proved that they were not racists by stealing Doukhobor land, now the Doukhobors wallow in filth as they join with you in decorating and bowing to trees. The wealthiest of the Doukhobors are
always turning their homes into lavish temples of evergreen tree fertility, they have the tallest of trees and the nicest of the blinkin’ lights, and they have the most friends who all join with them in honoring their fertility tree idols. It used to
be that the Doukhobors fled from idolatry, now they embrace it and shit upon me for daring to attempt to warn them of the dangers involved.
Turkey slaughtered an estimated two million Armenian Christians between 1914 and 1923, now Canada sells Turkey and Azerbaijan advanced drone weaponry that is used in 2020 to slaughter the Armenians yet again. Canadians politely stay at home and watch
the news telling them to stay home, and are not provided with news stories about how their Islamic government is providing advanced weapon systems to other Islamic governments. See the video on YouTube “What Azerbaijan’s spectacular victory over
Armenia tells us about the future of modern warfare.”
The Islamists pride themselves in their knowledge of herbs and published copious quantities of litrature, over the centuries they amassed knowledge of what herbs can be used to induce fertility and cause abortions. They imbed themselves into our food
supply, the food you eat may have been dosed at repeated times during its transit to your table. Islamists are a fertility cult, they increase their numbers with multiple wives and with rape and coercion, and reduce the numbers of the alternative
fertility cults with herbs, swords and bombs. And they seek to reduce your fertility with inoculations against common colds. And more recently they instigated a transgender fantasy world and are coercing your daughters to cut their own breasts off and
sterilize themselves. The parents hope these kids would come home at “Christmas” and join together with them and the blinkin’ tree, and together they would go and make a pilgrimage to the local Catholic Church and tithe, regardless of how many
times Catholic priests rammed their penises up your children’s arseholes. The priests purposely traumatize the children and render them unable to form meaningful attachments and families, it works as well as rendering them infertile. Then they
destroyed the economy so the males didn’t have a pot to piss in, let alone go on a date. All the while the carbon tax in Canada continues to be rebated back to the large Islamic families (the carbon tax mainly gets rebated back to the largest of the
families, which are Islamic). The greater the number of Islamists, the greater amount of taxes will be collected and handed over to the invading Islamists.
Over the last few decades assorted Islamists, many acting as lone wolves, contaminated food and water supplies with herbs that reduced fertility and induced abortions. Then they indoctrinated children to a transgender world and coerced the daughters
to put rings in their noses, colour their hair with cool-aid and render themselves infertile. During which time they have been refining their inoculations, which are again designed to render infertility, and often result in autism, heart attacks and
death. The white race is first and foremost hated due to the many Christians in our midst, and the red race is hated, perhaps even more, as the Big-Nosed Cree and other Indians traditionally recognize the power of women and treat them with respect.
The CIA funded the psychiatric torture facilities in Saskatoon, and now the general pubic learns that the CIA imbeds itself into the mainstream media and uses the media to conduct a coup against President Trump (it is a coup funded in part by American
taxpayers). Our Canadian Islamic prime minister is quick to congratulate Biden with a win. Canadians are happy that Trump is being defeated for all they heard for the last five years is how horrible Trump is. Canada has absolutely the worst prime
minister and the worst government ever in its history (a Somali heads the department of immigration, a Sikh heads the military, the prime minister is an Islamist) and all we hear in the Canadian media is how horrible Trump and the Republican party is.
Canadians may rise up but can expect to be slaughtered with Canadian, Chinese and Islamic drones, Islamic beheading swords and with so-called “vaccinations” (the injections are not immunizing people, only harming them further). Canadians are
compassionless and still think it is hilarious that I get stripped of my rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities for years, and then borrow money from their children to build new psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford. The Canadian
Christians are smug about their future, they think they know the truth, the truth of the matter is that their churches have been co-opted by Catholics who teach them to turn trees into decorated idols. The truth of the matter is that the churches are
censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism.
The last Canadian federal election was rigged, all laws passed by the Islamic Liberals (with the support of the Sikh NDP) are void. Due to the fraudulent election all the new gun laws are void. The Islamists have co-opted our government and the
Canadian people respond by staying home and are preparing to sing Jingle Bells. Don’t hold it back, shout it out with udder glee. Abiding by the Catholic fertility rites is the most important thing on planet earth. Find somebody that was tortured by
Hindus for daring to speak out against your Catholic fertility rites and send them a box of nuts and a “Christmas” (use of God’s name in vain) card.
I wasn’t allowed to go out, and when they allowed me to go out I did so in utter poverty. And when out and about (utterly nauseous, my head banging in pain, my jaw locked open, my lips and tongue hard and turned to leather…) people laughed or fled
or beat me or robbed me of the little I had. Now you are not allowed to go out. And economic opportunities are being removed from you and given to newly arrived invaders (mainly Chinese and Islamists). I criticized your churches and your pagan traditions
and had to stay confined, and now you have to stay home due to some invented pandemic. Hollywood and the media largely ignores the real pandemic of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases and instead actively teaches you to ram your penises up each
other’s arseholes. Hollywood, the media, the schools and the churches (the Catholic church owns it all) are teaching you to ram your penises up each other’s arseholes, while ignoring the resulting diseases, and are now legislating that you stay home
lest you catch a cold. And I think it is absolutely hilarious as you filthy Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers have zero compassion for me or for any other victim of psychiatric horror. Stay home while Islamists and Chinese arrive at our
airports and borders daily, support them all and pay each one an extra $500 every week, even if they are not Canadian citizens. Send your tax dollars to Islamic nations around the world then stay home and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way.
In the news on January 7th 2021, the province of Quebec is starting to impose a curfew, the slaves will have to stay off the streets from 8 pm to 5 am, but Quebec is a Catholic province and these people will enjoy the extra time at their disposal so
they can continue their prayers to Mary. Some twenty thousand Chinese and Islamists are arriving at our airports daily, so stay home. When the Canadian slaves learn that I was tortured for years for daring to speak out against their traditions, they will
insist on their freedom and will fly once again to resorts in Hawaii, Florida, Europe, Australia and Asia, while continuing to issue condescending remarks against me and other psychiatric abuse victims on social media from those locations. More and more
psychiatrists speak Arabic and Chinese, it may be helpful to you in the future to be able to converse with your psychiatrists. Stay home and learn to speak Arabic and Chinese before you get arrested and detained (tortured to death with psychiatric drugs)
under the Mental Health Act. Remember to sing Jingle Bells and vote for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist when you see him posing next to a blinkin’ tree (together with Mike and the adopted kids). Your love of Catholic fertility rites destroyed western
In the news in January 2021 I hear that more people died of the flu in 1993 than in 2020. The news for me and for many others has become Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Judge Jeanine Piro, Katie Hopkins, Lisa Haven, Sanity for Sweden, Salty Cracker,
Rebel News and Dr. Vernon Coleman. Check out “Laura Ingraham Full Speech at RNC”, it still might be viewed on YouTube.
In the news on February 24th 2021, the communist leader of the New Democratic Party, Jagmeet Singh, announced that he will continue to prop up the communist Liberal party as long as the pandemic continues. The people who voted for these communist
parties are the same people who turn trees into decorated idols and sing Jingle Bells. Canadians collectively spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols, and had collectively spent many millions of dollars having me tortured in
psychiatric facilities for criticizing their fertility traditions, and are now very pleased with themselves as they are “freely” given over $2,000 per month in Covid relief funds. Even non-Canadians are given over $2,000 per month in so-called virus
relief. Canadians who were not employed or only found minimal work in 2019 are not eligible for the $2,000 per month Covid relief funds that the non-Canadians are receiving. Again, 20% of the seats in the trade schools are reserved for recently arrived
immigrants (mainly Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for women (again many are recently arrived Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for handicapped (again, many are Asian and African Islamists), 20% of
the seats are reserved for natives (many are converting to Islam in the prisons), and then the remaining 20% of the seats are for the other Islamists that never filled the other seats. The Canadian government made it difficult for white people to receive
training and jobs, the white people were left unemployed and underemployed in 2019, the lack of money they earned in 2019 resulted in them being ineligible to receive the $2,000 per month in Covid relief funds in 2020 and 2021, which were freely given to
the foreign students who received adequate allowances from their Chinese and Saudi Arabian parents in 2019. They stripped Doukhobors of billions of dollars of land, removed Doukhobor children from their families, denied most Doukhobors training and good
paying jobs, had some Doukhobors tortured in psychiatric facilities when they dared to speak publically about corrupt Christian churches, later they began to treat the other white people in a similar fashion as they were treating the Doukhobors. The
white Europeans lined up to receive the land stolen from the Doukhobor families, the white Canadians stole Doukhobor land and then laughed at Doukhobors for an entire century, then the Canadian government lumped all the white people in together and
called them all white racists and instead imported Moslems from Africa, Asia and the Middle-East to take their place. The Doukhobors tried to fit into Canadian society, many Anglicized their names (they changed their names to names that sounded British),
almost all followed after the Roman Catholic Church and adopted the Catholic fertility rites. Almost all the Doukhobors adopted pagan fertility rites and sang Jingle Bells in the hopes they would have stable homes in Canada. Even the Doukhobors would end
up laughing at me when I complained that I was being tortured by primarily Hindu psychiatrists when I dared to state that their churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and when I dared to say that they were adopting pagan fertility
rites in place of God’s Commandments.
[continued in next message]
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All on Sun Jun 25 10:34:40 2023
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff
June 24th 2023 8:14 pm 208,439 words (243 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
The way I see it, is that the white Canadians of European descent (including the Doukhobors and Adventists) are compassionless to me and to other victims of psychiatric horror and deserve the loss of their nation to Islam. Laugh and sing Jingle Bells,
post photos on social media of your children and family members posing next to the pagan idols. You have Egyptian penises on the roofs of your churches, you place Egyptian penises on the tops of evergreen trees that you turn into blinkin’ idols, you
support media, schools and churches that censor Scriptural references to cannibalism, you train and employ Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists to torture people to death, you are absolutely compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror… Lose
your businesses, lose your homes, pay compound interest on the “money” Trudeau hands out to foreigners living in Canada, laugh at me and have me tortured for criticizing your churches. Canadians spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured
for years, they made me a home in a psychiatric ward now consider themselves rich enough to give $500 each week to non-Canadians who are unable to find employment here in Canada. Sing Jingle Bells, turn trees into decorated idols and proclaim that you
are saved regardless of what the Bible instructs. Keep voting for the communists who hand over your nation to Chinese, Islamists or any other foreigner. Beat me to the point of death at your Seventh-day Adventist Church for daring to proclaim that your
church is united with the Catholic churches in teaching traditions in place of God’s Commandments.
In the news on October 19th 2020, the Trudeau Liberals (backed by the NDP) extend the border closure with the USA. And for a few days previous to this there have also been reports on how the Liberals (backed by the NDP, both are communist parties) are
making it easier for the Chinese to fly into Canada. The government shut down the economy, now there are millions of unemployed in Canada and the federal government is seeking to bring in more foreigners, and are paying many of these foreigners $500 each
week because these non-Canadians were unable to find adequate employment in Canada. They made me a home in a psychiatric ward, they spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured for years, and now hand out over $2000 per month to foreigners,
which is enough for them to make payments on new homes, or the foreigners can use that $500 each week and buy a rifle.
Or these foreigners may purchase two quite nice rifles costing $1,000.00 each month, or one exceedingly nice rifle costing $2000.00 each month. The Canadians of white European descent (most are denied training and denied jobs, some are tortured in
psychiatric facilities) did not work and earn money in 2019 so are not eligible to receive the $500/week the Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese are getting. The white-Europeans and native aboriginals living in poverty in Saskatchewan received $50 for
their Covid relief funds from the provincial government in April 2020, so they could buy some masks and hand sanitizer, back then, and may use the money to purchase a used BB gun or perhaps a nice sling shot.
On page A2 of the October 20th 2020 Saskatoon Star-Phoenix we read that 45-year-old Mohamed Hassan Omer slashed the throat and severed the spine of a 29-year-old woman in Saskatoon in the morning of May 27th 2020, he stabbed her in the arm and in the
back and stole the vehicle she was sitting in. And on page A4 we learn that an autopsy was unable to determine the cause of a psychiatric inmate’s death. James Leo Short was being forced to take “antipsychotic” medications, which all have “death
as a known side-effect.
Female Islamists don’t have to show their faces in Canada in order to buy rifles and ammunition, and since males in Saskatchewan are allowed to claim on their birth certificates that they are females (and without any changes being made to their
sexual organs), then the male Islamists in Saskatchewan too are not required to show their faces when they purchase the rifles and ammunition for our government provides them with identification purporting they are females.
In 2020 our Islamic government forced millions of white people into unemployment, then on October 30th 2020 announced that it would obtain economic recovery by importing well over a million new immigrants to Canada over the next three years. This is a
direct result of whoreshipping trees and praying to Mary and shitting upon God’s Commandments, people ignore God’s Laws and then God allows their nations to be taken over by members of alternative fertility cults. The Canadians have no shame, they do
not even know how to blush. The Canadians are looking forward to “Christmas” (the use of God’s Name in vain) where they will have trees that blink. The Koran commands their followers to behead the unbelievers and NOT to cover their heads and faces,
yet they cover their heads and faces, and then are able to buy guns and ammo in Canada without showing their faces. Canadians do not care to get involved in the matter, except to vote for the politicians that allow the murderers entry and who give the
murderers money, and who give the murderers free accommodations, and who give the murderers educational opportunities that are not offered to Canadians of European or aboriginal descent. They stole the homes and money and exterminated the Christians in
the middle-east and much of Africa, then they came (and continue to come) to Canada with the stolen money, and are allowed to keep “their” money for their own discretionary purposes while starting new lives here. Trudeau forced millions out of work,
now will import millions more. The Africans he will bring here will be nearly entirely Moslem. Moslems united with anarchists and communists have been burning down buildings, raping and killing, and marching and chanting to kill the whites, who would
have ever thought they would also stuff ballot boxes??? In Saskatchewan the Moslems get a home paid for each of four wives, so if they do not cut your head off, your life will still be negatively affected by their presence (they are bankrupting your
nation). And even with the Chinese attempting to manipulate bat viruses in the city of Wuhan, Trudeau still allows the Chinese, and even the Chinese living in Wuhan, to fly to Canada… while preventing Americans to visit here.
Environmental laws will be strengthened to prevent you from going to gold bearing regions in Canada and mining the gold. Slaves are paid in paper promises and are not allowed to have guns, Canadians are slaves who are slowly having their guns taken
away from them. Half the Canadians who desire to get a gun are Moslem, many of the other half are kids who want to get a new lever action Winchester repeating rifle under their blinkin’ tree or for their birthday. Consider getting that lever action in .
243 Winchester. Or get a bolt action in .243 or 7mm-08, or .270 Winchester, or 7mm Remington Magnum, or .338 Lapua, I think you need a rifle. Get a rifle and then post on the internet and on the usenet, and in letters to the editor, that people who faced
brutal horrid torture for daring to criticize the mainstream churches and people living in utter poverty should not be allowed to have guns. Once you legally have a rifle you may speak all kinds of shit against the people who spoke out against your
blinkin’ tree and against your pedophile priests. Islamists who have four wives and are collecting welfare for each of the four wives, are allowed to have guns, for they do not live in utter poverty and unprotected, as Trudeau insures that they are
well cared for. Perhaps Trudeau will change our dollars into dinars, instead of Laurier on our Five Dollar Bill we will end up with Omar Khadr on a Five Dinar Bill.
Adolph Eichmann was in charge of moving the Jews to slaughter via the railways, his trains had priority over the trains that were bringing war supplies to the eastern front. German soldiers on the eastern front went without adequate supplies as trains
carrying the war supplies were sidelined in order to allow Eichmann to transport the Jews to the death camps. Hitler knew that his attack against the Soviet Union would be in vain, but his main concern was to kill Jews and make sure that his tree
continued to blink. Hitler had trees that blinked on and off, on and off, on and off, it was really quite a show. Canadian Liberal leader Mackenzie King regularly sought advice from demons, who were active in advising King to not allow Jewish refugees
entry to Canada. Now today the demons are advising the Liberals to import people who desire to cut our heads off, and to not provide sanctuary to the Christians facing genocide in South Africa or elsewhere. Demons are real and they are wanting to replace
white Christians and black Christians with black Islamists, or with any other Islamist. Hitler sought out alliances with Islamists and killed Christians and Jews. Canadians want a tree that blinks on and off, on and off, on and off, just like Hitler’s
Making rounds around the internet mid-November 2020 is that the last Canadian election was fraudulent as corrupted computers were used to tabulate and change votes, as was recently done in the United States. And in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix on
November 19th 2020 Chris Selley reminds us “The really salient point, surely, was that the Aga Khan (Islamic) Foundation lobbies for and receives hundreds of millions of dollars from the Canadian government.” Canadians still are not moved, they
continue to wait for “Christmas” (the use of God’s Name in vain) and now their major hope to be able to fly to winter resorts so they may sing Jingle Bells and bow to blinkin’ trees there. No matter the cost, Canadians must photograph themselves
and their children engaged in honoring the pagan holiday, and the more ornate and the more distant the setting in the photographs, the better. Make sure to post the celebratory and festive photos on your Facebook page while making disparaging comments
against some poor psychiatric abuse victim who lives in perpetual shock. Now you have to stay home, stay home while the Chinese and Islamists arrive at our airports, seaports and borders. Go get a flu shot and make yourself infertile.
Islam is a fertility cult that seeks to increase its numbers through imprisoning women in homes and forcing them to become wives and mothers. The Islamists pride themselves in knowledge of and in the use of herbs and have published copious quantities
of books over the centuries that include instruction on what herbs to use to reduce fertility and induce abortions of people that do not belong to their fertility cult. Now we have an Islamic government that will force injections upon people that will
make them infertile. It is all a part of Trudeau’s plan to replace the European population with non-Europeans (with Islamists).
It is said that Covid has a survival rate of over 99.5% for people under 70 years of age, but nobody ever got Covid, nobody ever died from Covid, as Covid is not real. People are taking injections because they listened to the propaganda and then
believe in the existence of Covid (see Dr. Amandha Vollmer: Stop saying you had it, that you know somebody who had it, Covid is a HOAX, find the short video on Bitchute). They told you to believe in Covid so you would take injections that removed your
fertility and your lives. bitchute.com/video/bIwb9jmdSMUG/
People stay home and allow thousands of the Chinese and the Islamists to fly in daily, then they pay the mortgage for the four homes for each of the four Islamic wives. The aboriginal Indians stay confined to their tiny rotting homes on the reserves
and are instructed to ram their penises up each others arseholes while the government hands out billions of dollars to Islamists so they can start new lives here in new homes here. All the children are taught to hate Christianity and the idea of
Canadians and Americans having our own oil self-sufficiency, the oil industry is forced into shutdown while the Canadian lumber is required for new homes for the “immigrants” or exported to Asia, and the white children are taught to hate the colour
of their skin and to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes.
White Europeans didn’t like criticisms of their blinkin’ trees and spent many millions of dollars having me tortured for years in psychiatric facilities, they made me a home in a psychiatric ward and now buy new homes for Islamists. You torture me
and laugh at me and rob me and slander and libel me, then seek to gain annual redemption by singing Jingle Bells and by proving you are not a racist by handing your nation over to Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese. Your forefathers somehow proved that
they were not racists by stealing Doukhobor land, now the Doukhobors wallow in filth as they join with you in decorating and bowing to trees. The wealthiest of the Doukhobors are always turning their homes into lavish temples of evergreen tree fertility,
they have the tallest of trees and the nicest of the blinkin’ lights, and they have the most friends who all join with them in honoring their fertility tree idols. It used to be that the Doukhobors fled from idolatry, now they embrace it and shit upon
me for daring to attempt to warn them of the dangers involved.
Turkey slaughtered an estimated two million Armenian Christians between 1914 and 1923, now Canada sells Turkey and Azerbaijan advanced drone weaponry that is used in 2020 to slaughter the Armenians yet again. Canadians politely stay at home and watch
the news telling them to stay home, and are not provided with news stories about how their Islamic government is providing advanced weapon systems to other Islamic governments. See the video on YouTube “What Azerbaijan’s spectacular victory over
Armenia tells us about the future of modern warfare.”
The Islamists pride themselves in their knowledge of herbs and published copious quantities of litrature, over the centuries they amassed knowledge of what herbs can be used to induce fertility and cause abortions. They imbed themselves into our food
supply, the food you eat may have been dosed at repeated times during its transit to your table. Islamists are a fertility cult, they increase their numbers with multiple wives and with rape and coercion, and reduce the numbers of the alternative
fertility cults with herbs, swords and bombs. And they seek to reduce your fertility with inoculations against common colds. And more recently they instigated a transgender fantasy world and are coercing your daughters to cut their own breasts off and
sterilize themselves. The parents hope these kids would come home at “Christmas” and join together with them and the blinkin’ tree, and together they would go and make a pilgrimage to the local Catholic Church and tithe, regardless of how many
times Catholic priests rammed their penises up your children’s arseholes. The priests purposely traumatize the children and render them unable to form meaningful attachments and families, it works as well as rendering them infertile. Then they
destroyed the economy so the males didn’t have a pot to piss in, let alone go on a date. All the while the carbon tax in Canada continues to be rebated back to the large Islamic families (the carbon tax mainly gets rebated back to the largest of the
families, which are Islamic). The greater the number of Islamists, the greater amount of taxes will be collected and handed over to the invading Islamists.
Over the last few decades assorted Islamists, many acting as lone wolves, contaminated food and water supplies with herbs that reduced fertility and induced abortions. Then they indoctrinated children to a transgender world and coerced the daughters
to put rings in their noses, colour their hair with cool-aid and render themselves infertile. During which time they have been refining their inoculations, which are again designed to render infertility, and often result in autism, heart attacks and
death. The white race is first and foremost hated due to the many Christians in our midst, and the red race is hated, perhaps even more, as the Big-Nosed Cree and other Indians traditionally recognize the power of women and treat them with respect.
The CIA funded the psychiatric torture facilities in Saskatoon, and now the general pubic learns that the CIA imbeds itself into the mainstream media and uses the media to conduct a coup against President Trump (it is a coup funded in part by American
taxpayers). Our Canadian Islamic prime minister is quick to congratulate Biden with a win. Canadians are happy that Trump is being defeated for all they heard for the last five years is how horrible Trump is. Canada has absolutely the worst prime
minister and the worst government ever in its history (a Somali heads the department of immigration, a Sikh heads the military, the prime minister is an Islamist) and all we hear in the Canadian media is how horrible Trump and the Republican party is.
Canadians may rise up but can expect to be slaughtered with Canadian, Chinese and Islamic drones, Islamic beheading swords and with so-called “vaccinations” (the injections are not immunizing people, only harming them further). Canadians are
compassionless and still think it is hilarious that I get stripped of my rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities for years, and then borrow money from their children to build new psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford. The Canadian
Christians are smug about their future, they think they know the truth, the truth of the matter is that their churches have been co-opted by Catholics who teach them to turn trees into decorated idols. The truth of the matter is that the churches are
censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism.
The last Canadian federal election was rigged, all laws passed by the Islamic Liberals (with the support of the Sikh NDP) are void. Due to the fraudulent election all the new gun laws are void. The Islamists have co-opted our government and the
Canadian people respond by staying home and are preparing to sing Jingle Bells. Don’t hold it back, shout it out with udder glee. Abiding by the Catholic fertility rites is the most important thing on planet earth. Find somebody that was tortured by
Hindus for daring to speak out against your Catholic fertility rites and send them a box of nuts and a “Christmas” (use of God’s name in vain) card.
I wasn’t allowed to go out, and when they allowed me to go out I did so in utter poverty. And when out and about (utterly nauseous, my head banging in pain, my jaw locked open, my lips and tongue hard and turned to leather…) people laughed or fled
or beat me or robbed me of the little I had. Now you are not allowed to go out. And economic opportunities are being removed from you and given to newly arrived invaders (mainly Chinese and Islamists). I criticized your churches and your pagan traditions
and had to stay confined, and now you have to stay home due to some invented pandemic. Hollywood and the media largely ignores the real pandemic of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases and instead actively teaches you to ram your penises up each
other’s arseholes. Hollywood, the media, the schools and the churches (the Catholic church owns it all) are teaching you to ram your penises up each other’s arseholes, while ignoring the resulting diseases, and are now legislating that you stay home
lest you catch a cold. And I think it is absolutely hilarious as you filthy Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers have zero compassion for me or for any other victim of psychiatric horror. Stay home while Islamists and Chinese arrive at our
airports and borders daily, support them all and pay each one an extra $500 every week, even if they are not Canadian citizens. Send your tax dollars to Islamic nations around the world then stay home and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way.
In the news on January 7th 2021, the province of Quebec is starting to impose a curfew, the slaves will have to stay off the streets from 8 pm to 5 am, but Quebec is a Catholic province and these people will enjoy the extra time at their disposal so
they can continue their prayers to Mary. Some twenty thousand Chinese and Islamists are arriving at our airports daily, so stay home. When the Canadian slaves learn that I was tortured for years for daring to speak out against their traditions, they will
insist on their freedom and will fly once again to resorts in Hawaii, Florida, Europe, Australia and Asia, while continuing to issue condescending remarks against me and other psychiatric abuse victims on social media from those locations. More and more
psychiatrists speak Arabic and Chinese, it may be helpful to you in the future to be able to converse with your psychiatrists. Stay home and learn to speak Arabic and Chinese before you get arrested and detained (tortured to death with psychiatric drugs)
under the Mental Health Act. Remember to sing Jingle Bells and vote for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist when you see him posing next to a blinkin’ tree (together with Mike and the adopted kids). Your love of Catholic fertility rites destroyed western
In the news in January 2021 I hear that more people died of the flu in 1993 than in 2020. The news for me and for many others has become Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Judge Jeanine Piro, Katie Hopkins, Lisa Haven, Sanity for Sweden, Salty Cracker,
Rebel News and Dr. Vernon Coleman. Check out “Laura Ingraham Full Speech at RNC”, it still might be viewed on YouTube.
In the news on February 24th 2021, the communist leader of the New Democratic Party, Jagmeet Singh, announced that he will continue to prop up the communist Liberal party as long as the pandemic continues. The people who voted for these communist
parties are the same people who turn trees into decorated idols and sing Jingle Bells. Canadians collectively spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols, and had collectively spent many millions of dollars having me tortured in
psychiatric facilities for criticizing their fertility traditions, and are now very pleased with themselves as they are “freely” given over $2,000 per month in Covid relief funds. Even non-Canadians are given over $2,000 per month in so-called virus
relief. Canadians who were not employed or only found minimal work in 2019 are not eligible for the $2,000 per month Covid relief funds that the non-Canadians are receiving. Again, 20% of the seats in the trade schools are reserved for recently arrived
immigrants (mainly Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for women (again many are recently arrived Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for handicapped (again, many are Asian and African Islamists), 20% of
the seats are reserved for natives (many are converting to Islam in the prisons), and then the remaining 20% of the seats are for the other Islamists that never filled the other seats. The Canadian government made it difficult for white people to receive
training and jobs, the white people were left unemployed and underemployed in 2019, the lack of money they earned in 2019 resulted in them being ineligible to receive the $2,000 per month in Covid relief funds in 2020 and 2021, which were freely given to
the foreign students who received adequate allowances from their Chinese and Saudi Arabian parents in 2019. They stripped Doukhobors of billions of dollars of land, removed Doukhobor children from their families, denied most Doukhobors training and good
paying jobs, had some Doukhobors tortured in psychiatric facilities when they dared to speak publically about corrupt Christian churches, later they began to treat the other white people in a similar fashion as they were treating the Doukhobors. The
white Europeans lined up to receive the land stolen from the Doukhobor families, the white Canadians stole Doukhobor land and then laughed at Doukhobors for an entire century, then the Canadian government lumped all the white people in together and
called them all white racists and instead imported Moslems from Africa, Asia and the Middle-East to take their place. The Doukhobors tried to fit into Canadian society, many Anglicized their names (they changed their names to names that sounded British),
almost all followed after the Roman Catholic Church and adopted the Catholic fertility rites. Almost all the Doukhobors adopted pagan fertility rites and sang Jingle Bells in the hopes they would have stable homes in Canada. Even the Doukhobors would end
up laughing at me when I complained that I was being tortured by primarily Hindu psychiatrists when I dared to state that their churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and when I dared to say that they were adopting pagan fertility
rites in place of God’s Commandments.
And Rebel News reports on February 24th 2021 that Justin Trudeau strips Canadians of their rights and forces them to stay quarantined in hotels, where he has the locks removed from the doors resulting in security guards raping the white women staying
within. Several people commenting on this news say that the security guards at these Covid hotels are Moslems.
Tucker Carlson reports on February 24th 2021 that there may be 30 million or more people living in the States that are about to be granted citizenship by Biden’s communist party, and since Biden has thrown the borders wide open (as Trudeau has done
recently), there can be additionally tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people soon to arrive. And almost every one will vote Democrat and thereby cement the United States of America as a communist nation. All the work and savings made by
Americans to build their nation is to be handed to others. Murders and other crimes are escalating dramatically, more and more women are being turned into sex slaves, many are shipped in containers with the stolen vehicles to Moslem nations (capturing
and shipping women to Moslem nations has been going on for centuries). The increasing numbers of homeless will be easy prey for the witches, who sexually abuse and then devour their victims (eating the testicles of little boys is another fertility rite,
similar to killing trees and turning them into decorated idols). Many of the people who arrive to the United States will continue on to Canada and will be an ever increasing burden upon Canadians who are similarly giving away their nation. The citizens
of Canada and the United States have their businesses shut down and are told to stay home while tens of millions or perhaps hundreds of millions of people are allowed to flood into North America from foreign lands. The blacks burned over 300 American
cities in 2020, over and over the blacks rioted and chanted that they were going to kill the whites, and Trudeau welcomes them with open arms, borrows money made out of thin air and hands it over to them, and charges the white people compound interest on
this borrowed money. The communists ended capitalist society not by war, but simply by telling people to stay home and wear a mask. People are asleep, they think they are worshipping God, but they demand that their churches, homes and entire cities are
turned into blinkin’ temples of fertility, they continue to have people tortured in psychiatric facilities when those people point out the filth in their churches, saying that their sacrifice to God is acceptable.
In the news in May 2021, 25 year old Dilshad Ali Zada from Afghanistan has been given no jail time for enslaving and sexually trafficking women in and around Saskatoon. Personally I feel that people who enslave other people into a life of sexual
service to others should face serious penalties. Providing Dilshad Ali Zada with no jail time for her many heinous crimes is a signal to others that such activity is allowed to be conducted in the community. The law comes down hard on people who dare to
open their stores… fines against people who violate quarantine laws, if unpaid, result in the loss of businesses, employment, land, homes and life savings. I received years of brutal horrid torture as a reward for criticizing your filthy churches,
people laugh at me, slander, libel, rob and assault me when I complain, and allow Dilshad Ali Zada to sexually enslave their children with no real penalty.
I wish to clarify my position. Just because the media is united with Hollywood, schools and the churches (the Catholic Church owns it all) and teaching you people to ram your penises up each others arseholes, and just because the Indians at One Arrow
First Nation stuck a statue of their ancestor One Arrow on top of an Egyptian representation of a penis, dothn’t mean that the Indians at One Arrow First Nation are all ramming their penises up each others arseholes. And just because the Indians in
western Canada flip flop between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are trying to fuck on any particular day similarly dothn’t mean they are all goink around ramming their penises up each others arseholes either.
Nevertheless the Indians and the whites are together taught to engage in sexual activities that are leading to their utter destruction, and then on top of that their favorite activity is to idolize trees. Sometimes they stick an Egyptian obelisk (a
representation of a penis) on the very top of their blinkin’ tree.
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeaky Squeaky@21:1/5 to
All on Wed Jul 26 03:43:47 2023
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff
July 24th 2023 7:52 pm 213,072 words (249 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Saskatoon’s immensely popular Louis Riel Day which included the Louis Riel relay race was a celebration recognizing the co-operation between natives and Europeans and the building of our nation. There were horses, canoes and runners involved in the
relay race, people really liked watching the event and lined both sides of the riverbank to view the spectacle. Saskatoon City Council cancelled the Louis Riel Day and the Riel relay race and replaced the event with Chinese Dragon Boat races, and at
about this same time the media made a flip… on the evening news rather than demonizing the Chinese as they had for the previous decades, they said that the Chinese people were just like you and me, see they have blinkin’ trees and are celebrating “
Christmas” (which is actually the use of God’s Name in vain and is a Catholic fertility rite). The media made another flip around that time... for years the media was publishing stories of La Nina and El Nino weather oscillations causing periodic
drought and famine to some continents while leaving the other continents either unscathed or with abundant rain, suddenly those stories ceased and were replaced by a new anti-industrial narrative. In reality famine is due to the El Nino-Southern
Oscillation combined with a lack of compassion (see Late Victorian Holocausts: El Nino Famines and the Making of the Third Word, by Mike Davis). It is imperative to our enemies that North American industry is destroyed for this will make many people
homeless and more easily consumed by the witches. Forcing people to become homeless makes it easier for the witches to get away with eating people… their delight is to devour people without anybody being aware of what is goink on (Habakkuk 3:14), and
churches keep people ignorant of the cannibalism being conducted by censoring Scriptural references to the act. There is enough wealth in North America (and Australia and New Guinea…) to insure everyone has a home and is well fed, and this can be
accomplished without benefitting landlords and lawyers. Remove the industry and you will remove jobs, the wealth and even the homes, and make it easier to consume the growing numbers of impoverished without raising alarm. And without any coal and oil and
industries, we would of course have no ability to equip an army to defend our sorry asses from the Chinese soldiers, who are landing here daily. We should be making anti-tank guns and sending the Chinese soldiers back home. And there is also the issue of
Charles the Islamic Anti-Christ, and his Islamic United Nations army, and air force and navy, Charles has been funding the spread of Islam for decades.
Do not be alarmed, cannibals will not be breaking into your home and devouring you as their delight is to devour people without anybody being aware of what is going on (Habakkuk 3:14). The cannibals will instead enact legislation to bankrupt you and
make you homeless, this way when they eat you, it will not be apparent that you are missing and so there will be no cause for alarm. The cannibals don’t care if the Chinese or the Islamists rule our nations.
And on page C3 in the Saskatoon-Star Phoenix on October 17th 2020, there is an article on the Liberal government’s new CRB (Canada Recovery Benefit) program, which replaces the CERB (Canadian Emergency Response Benefit). Both the old CERB (Canadian
Emergency Response Benefit) program and the new CRB (Canada Recovery Benefit) program have provided and are now providing $500 per week to non-Canadians living in Canada. The Canadians of white European descent who failed to obtain jobs before the Fear
Flu broke out remain impoverished and often homeless, because they were not employed the previous year they are ineligible to participate in the program. Keep in mind that Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus that are not Canadian citizens are being trained as
medical doctors including as psychiatrists in Canadian Universities, and are allowed to “work” in Canada without being Canadian citizens. It is the Canadians of white European descent that comprise the vast bulk of the people who are stripped of
their rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities… complain about the mismanagement of Canada in an inappropriate manner and expect to be arrested under the Mental Health Act and begin your “treatment”. And keep in mind that most of the
Christians in the middle-east were recently slaughtered by Islamists, and that these Islamists who murdered them and stole their savings were allowed to come to Canada and keep these savings and were provided with taxpayer funds to start new lives here.
I was stripped of my rights in 1988 and brutally tortured for years, I begged in vain for assistance to flee Canada and all the Canadians of white European descent could do for me is laugh at me, libel me, rob me and brutally assault me further, for
they did not appreciate it when I criticized their most beloved pagan traditions. Now in 2020 they lose their jobs and businesses, now they lose their nation to members of alternative fertility cults, and they continue to publish obituaries claiming that
their smitten children and otherwise deceased family members are up in heaven with Mary, for they abided by traditions (traditions that are in opposition to God’s Commandments). Jesus never supported the idea that His mother was in heaven, nor did He
agree that His mother is blessed. “...a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts that you sucked!” But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”” -
Luke 11:28-29 RSV
The way I see it, is that the white Canadians of European descent (including the Doukhobors and Adventists) are compassionless to me and to other victims of psychiatric horror and deserve the loss of their nation to Islam. Laugh and sing Jingle Bells,
post photos on social media of your children and family members posing next to the pagan idols. You have Egyptian penises on the roofs of your churches, you place Egyptian penises on the tops of evergreen trees that you turn into blinkin’ idols, you
support media, schools and churches that censor Scriptural references to cannibalism, you train and employ Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists to torture people to death, you are absolutely compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror… Lose
your businesses, lose your homes, pay compound interest on the “money” Trudeau hands out to foreigners living in Canada, laugh at me and have me tortured for criticizing your churches. Canadians spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured
for years, they made me a home in a psychiatric ward now consider themselves rich enough to give $500 each week to non-Canadians who are unable to find employment here in Canada. Sing Jingle Bells, turn trees into decorated idols and proclaim that you
are saved regardless of what the Bible instructs. Keep voting for the communists who hand over your nation to Chinese, Islamists or any other foreigner. Beat me to the point of death at your Seventh-day Adventist Church for daring to proclaim that your
church is united with the Catholic churches in teaching traditions in place of God’s Commandments.
In the news on October 19th 2020, the Trudeau Liberals (backed by the NDP) extend the border closure with the USA. And for a few days previous to this there have also been reports on how the Liberals (backed by the NDP, both are communist parties) are
making it easier for the Chinese to fly into Canada. The government shut down the economy, now there are millions of unemployed in Canada and the federal government is seeking to bring in more foreigners, and are paying many of these foreigners $500 each
week because these non-Canadians were unable to find adequate employment in Canada. They made me a home in a psychiatric ward, they spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured for years, and now hand out over $2000 per month to foreigners,
which is enough for them to make payments on new homes, or the foreigners can use that $500 each week and buy a rifle.
Or these foreigners may purchase two quite nice rifles costing $1,000.00 each month, or one exceedingly nice rifle costing $2000.00 each month. The Canadians of white European descent (most are denied training and denied jobs, some are tortured in
psychiatric facilities) did not work and earn money in 2019 so are not eligible to receive the $500/week the Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese are getting. The white-Europeans and native aboriginals living in poverty in Saskatchewan received $50 for
their Covid relief funds from the provincial government in April 2020, so they could buy some masks and hand sanitizer, back then, and may use the money to purchase a used BB gun or perhaps a nice sling shot.
On page A2 of the October 20th 2020 Saskatoon Star-Phoenix we read that 45-year-old Mohamed Hassan Omer slashed the throat and severed the spine of a 29-year-old woman in Saskatoon in the morning of May 27th 2020, he stabbed her in the arm and in the
back and stole the vehicle she was sitting in. And on page A4 we learn that an autopsy was unable to determine the cause of a psychiatric inmate’s death. James Leo Short was being forced to take “antipsychotic” medications, which all have “death
as a known side-effect.
Female Islamists don’t have to show their faces in Canada in order to buy rifles and ammunition, and since males in Saskatchewan are allowed to claim on their birth certificates that they are females (and without any changes being made to their
sexual organs), then the male Islamists in Saskatchewan too are not required to show their faces when they purchase the rifles and ammunition for our government provides them with identification purporting they are females.
In 2020 our Islamic government forced millions of white people into unemployment, then on October 30th 2020 announced that it would obtain economic recovery by importing well over a million new immigrants to Canada over the next three years. This is a
direct result of whoreshipping trees and praying to Mary and shitting upon God’s Commandments, people ignore God’s Laws and then God allows their nations to be taken over by members of alternative fertility cults. The Canadians have no shame, they do
not even know how to blush. The Canadians are looking forward to “Christmas” (the use of God’s Name in vain) where they will have trees that blink. The Koran commands their followers to behead the unbelievers and NOT to cover their heads and faces,
yet they cover their heads and faces, and then are able to buy guns and ammo in Canada without showing their faces. Canadians do not care to get involved in the matter, except to vote for the politicians that allow the murderers entry and who give the
murderers money, and who give the murderers free accommodations, and who give the murderers educational opportunities that are not offered to Canadians of European or aboriginal descent. They stole the homes and money and exterminated the Christians in
the middle-east and much of Africa, then they came (and continue to come) to Canada with the stolen money, and are allowed to keep “their” money for their own discretionary purposes while starting new lives here. Trudeau forced millions out of work,
now will import millions more. The Africans he will bring here will be nearly entirely Moslem. Moslems united with anarchists and communists have been burning down buildings, raping and killing, and marching and chanting to kill the whites, who would
have ever thought they would also stuff ballot boxes??? In Saskatchewan the Moslems get a home paid for each of four wives, so if they do not cut your head off, your life will still be negatively affected by their presence (they are bankrupting your
nation). And even with the Chinese attempting to manipulate bat viruses in the city of Wuhan, Trudeau still allows the Chinese, and even the Chinese living in Wuhan, to fly to Canada… while preventing Americans to visit here.
Environmental laws will be strengthened to prevent you from going to gold bearing regions in Canada and mining the gold. Slaves are paid in paper promises and are not allowed to have guns, Canadians are slaves who are slowly having their guns taken
away from them. Half the Canadians who desire to get a gun are Moslem, many of the other half are kids who want to get a new lever action Winchester repeating rifle under their blinkin’ tree or for their birthday. Consider getting that lever action in .
243 Winchester. Or get a bolt action in .243 or 7mm-08, or .270 Winchester, or 7mm Remington Magnum, or .338 Lapua, I think you need a rifle. Get a rifle and then post on the internet and on the usenet, and in letters to the editor, that people who faced
brutal horrid torture for daring to criticize the mainstream churches and people living in utter poverty should not be allowed to have guns. Once you legally have a rifle you may speak all kinds of shit against the people who spoke out against your
blinkin’ tree and against your pedophile priests. Islamists who have four wives and are collecting welfare for each of the four wives, are allowed to have guns, for they do not live in utter poverty and unprotected, as Trudeau insures that they are
well cared for. Perhaps Trudeau will change our dollars into dinars, instead of Laurier on our Five Dollar Bill we will end up with Omar Khadr on a Five Dinar Bill.
Adolph Eichmann was in charge of moving the Jews to slaughter via the railways, his trains had priority over the trains that were bringing war supplies to the eastern front. German soldiers on the eastern front went without adequate supplies as trains
carrying the war supplies were sidelined in order to allow Eichmann to transport the Jews to the death camps. Hitler knew that his attack against the Soviet Union would be in vain, but his main concern was to kill Jews and make sure that his tree
continued to blink. Hitler had trees that blinked on and off, on and off, on and off, it was really quite a show. Canadian Liberal leader Mackenzie King regularly sought advice from demons, who were active in advising King to not allow Jewish refugees
entry to Canada. Now today the demons are advising the Liberals to import people who desire to cut our heads off, and to not provide sanctuary to the Christians facing genocide in South Africa or elsewhere. Demons are real and they are wanting to replace
white Christians and black Christians with black Islamists, or with any other Islamist. Hitler sought out alliances with Islamists and killed Christians and Jews. Canadians want a tree that blinks on and off, on and off, on and off, just like Hitler’s
Making rounds around the internet mid-November 2020 is that the last Canadian election was fraudulent as corrupted computers were used to tabulate and change votes, as was recently done in the United States. And in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix on
November 19th 2020 Chris Selley reminds us “The really salient point, surely, was that the Aga Khan (Islamic) Foundation lobbies for and receives hundreds of millions of dollars from the Canadian government.” Canadians still are not moved, they
continue to wait for “Christmas” (the use of God’s Name in vain) and now their major hope to be able to fly to winter resorts so they may sing Jingle Bells and bow to blinkin’ trees there. No matter the cost, Canadians must photograph themselves
and their children engaged in honoring the pagan holiday, and the more ornate and the more distant the setting in the photographs, the better. Make sure to post the celebratory and festive photos on your Facebook page while making disparaging comments
against some poor psychiatric abuse victim who lives in perpetual shock. Now you have to stay home, stay home while the Chinese and Islamists arrive at our airports, seaports and borders. Go get a flu shot and make yourself infertile.
Islam is a fertility cult that seeks to increase its numbers through imprisoning women in homes and forcing them to become wives and mothers. The Islamists pride themselves in knowledge of and in the use of herbs and have published copious quantities
of books over the centuries that include instruction on what herbs to use to reduce fertility and induce abortions of people that do not belong to their fertility cult. Now we have an Islamic government that will force injections upon people that will
make them infertile. It is all a part of Trudeau’s plan to replace the European population with non-Europeans (with Islamists).
It is said that Covid has a survival rate of over 99.5% for people under 70 years of age, but nobody ever got Covid, nobody ever died from Covid, as Covid is not real. People are taking injections because they listened to the propaganda and then
believe in the existence of Covid (see Dr. Amandha Vollmer: Stop saying you had it, that you know somebody who had it, Covid is a HOAX, find the short video on Bitchute). They told you to believe in Covid so you would take injections that removed your
fertility and your lives. bitchute.com/video/bIwb9jmdSMUG/
People stay home and allow thousands of the Chinese and the Islamists to fly in daily, then they pay the mortgage for the four homes for each of the four Islamic wives. The aboriginal Indians stay confined to their tiny rotting homes on the reserves
and are instructed to ram their penises up each others arseholes while the government hands out billions of dollars to Islamists so they can start new lives here in new homes here. All the children are taught to hate Christianity and the idea of
Canadians and Americans having our own oil self-sufficiency, the oil industry is forced into shutdown while the Canadian lumber is required for new homes for the “immigrants” or exported to Asia, and the white children are taught to hate the colour
of their skin and to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes.
White Europeans didn’t like criticisms of their blinkin’ trees and spent many millions of dollars having me tortured for years in psychiatric facilities, they made me a home in a psychiatric ward and now buy new homes for Islamists. You torture me
and laugh at me and rob me and slander and libel me, then seek to gain annual redemption by singing Jingle Bells and by proving you are not a racist by handing your nation over to Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese. Your forefathers somehow proved that
they were not racists by stealing Doukhobor land, now the Doukhobors wallow in filth as they join with you in decorating and bowing to trees. The wealthiest of the Doukhobors are always turning their homes into lavish temples of evergreen tree fertility,
they have the tallest of trees and the nicest of the blinkin’ lights, and they have the most friends who all join with them in honoring their fertility tree idols. It used to be that the Doukhobors fled from idolatry, now they embrace it and shit upon
me for daring to attempt to warn them of the dangers involved.
Turkey slaughtered an estimated two million Armenian Christians between 1914 and 1923, now Canada sells Turkey and Azerbaijan advanced drone weaponry that is used in 2020 to slaughter the Armenians yet again. Canadians politely stay at home and watch
the news telling them to stay home, and are not provided with news stories about how their Islamic government is providing advanced weapon systems to other Islamic governments. See the video on YouTube “What Azerbaijan’s spectacular victory over
Armenia tells us about the future of modern warfare.”
The Islamists pride themselves in their knowledge of herbs and published copious quantities of litrature, over the centuries they amassed knowledge of what herbs can be used to induce fertility and cause abortions. They imbed themselves into our food
supply, the food you eat may have been dosed at repeated times during its transit to your table. Islamists are a fertility cult, they increase their numbers with multiple wives and with rape and coercion, and reduce the numbers of the alternative
fertility cults with herbs, swords and bombs. And they seek to reduce your fertility with inoculations against common colds. And more recently they instigated a transgender fantasy world and are coercing your daughters to cut their own breasts off and
sterilize themselves. The parents hope these kids would come home at “Christmas” and join together with them and the blinkin’ tree, and together they would go and make a pilgrimage to the local Catholic Church and tithe, regardless of how many
times Catholic priests rammed their penises up your children’s arseholes. The priests purposely traumatize the children and render them unable to form meaningful attachments and families, it works as well as rendering them infertile. Then they
destroyed the economy so the males didn’t have a pot to piss in, let alone go on a date. All the while the carbon tax in Canada continues to be rebated back to the large Islamic families (the carbon tax mainly gets rebated back to the largest of the
families, which are Islamic). The greater the number of Islamists, the greater amount of taxes will be collected and handed over to the invading Islamists.
Over the last few decades assorted Islamists, many acting as lone wolves, contaminated food and water supplies with herbs that reduced fertility and induced abortions. Then they indoctrinated children to a transgender world and coerced the daughters
to put rings in their noses, colour their hair with cool-aid and render themselves infertile. During which time they have been refining their inoculations, which are again designed to render infertility, and often result in autism, heart attacks and
death. The white race is first and foremost hated due to the many Christians in our midst, and the red race is hated, perhaps even more, as the Big-Nosed Cree and other Indians traditionally recognize the power of women and treat them with respect.
The CIA funded the psychiatric torture facilities in Saskatoon, and now the general pubic learns that the CIA imbeds itself into the mainstream media and uses the media to conduct a coup against President Trump (it is a coup funded in part by American
taxpayers). Our Canadian Islamic prime minister is quick to congratulate Biden with a win. Canadians are happy that Trump is being defeated for all they heard for the last five years is how horrible Trump is. Canada has absolutely the worst prime
minister and the worst government ever in its history (a Somali heads the department of immigration, a Sikh heads the military, the prime minister is an Islamist) and all we hear in the Canadian media is how horrible Trump and the Republican party is.
Canadians may rise up but can expect to be slaughtered with Canadian, Chinese and Islamic drones, Islamic beheading swords and with so-called “vaccinations” (the injections are not immunizing people, only harming them further). Canadians are
compassionless and still think it is hilarious that I get stripped of my rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities for years, and then borrow money from their children to build new psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford. The Canadian
Christians are smug about their future, they think they know the truth, the truth of the matter is that their churches have been co-opted by Catholics who teach them to turn trees into decorated idols. The truth of the matter is that the churches are
censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism.
The last Canadian federal election was rigged, all laws passed by the Islamic Liberals (with the support of the Sikh NDP) are void. Due to the fraudulent election all the new gun laws are void. The Islamists have co-opted our government and the
Canadian people respond by staying home and are preparing to sing Jingle Bells. Don’t hold it back, shout it out with udder glee. Abiding by the Catholic fertility rites is the most important thing on planet earth. Find somebody that was tortured by
Hindus for daring to speak out against your Catholic fertility rites and send them a box of nuts and a “Christmas” (use of God’s name in vain) card.
I wasn’t allowed to go out, and when they allowed me to go out I did so in utter poverty. And when out and about (utterly nauseous, my head banging in pain, my jaw locked open, my lips and tongue hard and turned to leather…) people laughed or fled
or beat me or robbed me of the little I had. Now you are not allowed to go out. And economic opportunities are being removed from you and given to newly arrived invaders (mainly Chinese and Islamists). I criticized your churches and your pagan traditions
and had to stay confined, and now you have to stay home due to some invented pandemic. Hollywood and the media largely ignores the real pandemic of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases and instead actively teaches you to ram your penises up each
other’s arseholes. Hollywood, the media, the schools and the churches (the Catholic church owns it all) are teaching you to ram your penises up each other’s arseholes, while ignoring the resulting diseases, and are now legislating that you stay home
lest you catch a cold. And I think it is absolutely hilarious as you filthy Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers have zero compassion for me or for any other victim of psychiatric horror. Stay home while Islamists and Chinese arrive at our
airports and borders daily, support them all and pay each one an extra $500 every week, even if they are not Canadian citizens. Send your tax dollars to Islamic nations around the world then stay home and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way.
In the news on January 7th 2021, the province of Quebec is starting to impose a curfew, the slaves will have to stay off the streets from 8 pm to 5 am, but Quebec is a Catholic province and these people will enjoy the extra time at their disposal so
they can continue their prayers to Mary. Some twenty thousand Chinese and Islamists are arriving at our airports daily, so stay home. When the Canadian slaves learn that I was tortured for years for daring to speak out against their traditions, they will
insist on their freedom and will fly once again to resorts in Hawaii, Florida, Europe, Australia and Asia, while continuing to issue condescending remarks against me and other psychiatric abuse victims on social media from those locations. More and more
psychiatrists speak Arabic and Chinese, it may be helpful to you in the future to be able to converse with your psychiatrists. Stay home and learn to speak Arabic and Chinese before you get arrested and detained (tortured to death with psychiatric drugs)
under the Mental Health Act. Remember to sing Jingle Bells and vote for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist when you see him posing next to a blinkin’ tree (together with Mike and the adopted kids). Your love of Catholic fertility rites destroyed western
In the news in January 2021 I hear that more people died of the flu in 1993 than in 2020. The news for me and for many others has become Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Judge Jeanine Piro, Katie Hopkins, Lisa Haven, Sanity for Sweden, Salty Cracker,
Rebel News and Dr. Vernon Coleman. Check out “Laura Ingraham Full Speech at RNC”, it still might be viewed on YouTube.
In the news on February 24th 2021, the communist leader of the New Democratic Party, Jagmeet Singh, announced that he will continue to prop up the communist Liberal party as long as the pandemic continues. The people who voted for these communist
parties are the same people who turn trees into decorated idols and sing Jingle Bells. Canadians collectively spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols, and had collectively spent many millions of dollars having me tortured in
psychiatric facilities for criticizing their fertility traditions, and are now very pleased with themselves as they are “freely” given over $2,000 per month in Covid relief funds. Even non-Canadians are given over $2,000 per month in so-called virus
relief. Canadians who were not employed or only found minimal work in 2019 are not eligible for the $2,000 per month Covid relief funds that the non-Canadians are receiving. Again, 20% of the seats in the trade schools are reserved for recently arrived
immigrants (mainly Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for women (again many are recently arrived Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for handicapped (again, many are Asian and African Islamists), 20% of
the seats are reserved for natives (many are converting to Islam in the prisons), and then the remaining 20% of the seats are for the other Islamists that never filled the other seats. The Canadian government made it difficult for white people to receive
training and jobs, the white people were left unemployed and underemployed in 2019, the lack of money they earned in 2019 resulted in them being ineligible to receive the $2,000 per month in Covid relief funds in 2020 and 2021, which were freely given to
the foreign students who received adequate allowances from their Chinese and Saudi Arabian parents in 2019. They stripped Doukhobors of billions of dollars of land, removed Doukhobor children from their families, denied most Doukhobors training and good
paying jobs, had some Doukhobors tortured in psychiatric facilities when they dared to speak publically about corrupt Christian churches, later they began to treat the other white people in a similar fashion as they were treating the Doukhobors. The
white Europeans lined up to receive the land stolen from the Doukhobor families, the white Canadians stole Doukhobor land and then laughed at Doukhobors for an entire century, then the Canadian government lumped all the white people in together and
called them all white racists and instead imported Moslems from Africa, Asia and the Middle-East to take their place. The Doukhobors tried to fit into Canadian society, many Anglicized their names (they changed their names to names that sounded British),
almost all followed after the Roman Catholic Church and adopted the Catholic fertility rites. Almost all the Doukhobors adopted pagan fertility rites and sang Jingle Bells in the hopes they would have stable homes in Canada. Even the Doukhobors would end
up laughing at me when I complained that I was being tortured by primarily Hindu psychiatrists when I dared to state that their churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and when I dared to say that they were adopting pagan fertility
rites in place of God’s Commandments.
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeaky Squeaky@21:1/5 to
All on Sun Aug 27 17:58:31 2023
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff August 27th 2023 6:53 pm 220,292 words (258 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
The male native aboriginal Indians worked hand in hand with the federal and provincial governments and took away any power native women traditionally held, and now they seek to make new alliances and give power to black Islamists, while shipping the
grain grown on reserves to China. And there are good paying jobs for the native Indians helping Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities in Western Canada (with money borrowed from future generations). They stick Egyptian penises on
the roofs of their filthy churches at the Indian reservations as well, and then defend the traditions by singing Jingle Bells and having people arrested under the Mental Health Act for daring to speak out against the Catholic traditions. The Protestants
on the reserves don’t care, for they embrace the Catholic fertility rites, and at One Arrow Reserve they even stuck a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian penis. At all native reservations they flip-flop between Catholicism, Protestantism
and traditional aboriginal beliefs depending upon whom they want to fuck on any particular day. As Dr. Gene Marcoux said before he resumed torturing me with psychiatric drugs “Everybody does it” (everybody turns trees into decorated idols). It is far
far far more important to maintain Catholic fertility rites and hand your nation over to Chinese and Islamists than to end psychiatry and psychiatric torture. People are absolutely compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror. Go get your God-
damned trees to blink then hand over your nation to members of alternative fertility cults.
Annually they spend many millions of dollars turning evergreen trees into lavishly decorated blinkin' idols, then the trees caught fire in California, Oregon and Washington State and burned their homes down. Why? Maybe they decorated their trees with
blinkin' lights of the wrong color, maybe they got their trees to blink at the wrong frequency, or maybe they failed to put enough tinfoil on their blinkin' trees. Or maybe their homes didn't have tall enough ceilings, preventing them from getting and
decorating tall enough trees. Or maybe they imported alternative fertility cult members who lit the forests on fire. Sure the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, but what doth God know?
Saskatoon’s immensely popular Louis Riel Day which included the Louis Riel relay race was a celebration recognizing the co-operation between natives and Europeans and the building of our nation. There were horses, canoes and runners involved in the
relay race, people really liked watching the event and lined both sides of the riverbank to view the spectacle. Saskatoon City Council cancelled the Louis Riel Day and the Riel relay race and replaced the event with Chinese Dragon Boat races, and at
about this same time the media made a flip… on the evening news rather than demonizing the Chinese as they had for the previous decades, they said that the Chinese people were just like you and me, see they have blinkin’ trees and are celebrating “
Christmas” (which is actually the use of God’s Name in vain and is a Catholic fertility rite). The media made another flip around that time... for years the media was publishing stories of La Nina and El Nino weather oscillations causing periodic
drought and famine to some continents while leaving the other continents either unscathed or with abundant rain, suddenly those stories ceased and were replaced by a new anti-industrial narrative. In reality famine is due to the El Nino-Southern
Oscillation combined with a lack of compassion (see Late Victorian Holocausts: El Nino Famines and the Making of the Third Word, by Mike Davis). It is imperative to our enemies that North American industry is destroyed for this will make many people
homeless and more easily consumed by the witches. Forcing people to become homeless makes it easier for the witches to get away with eating people… their delight is to devour people without anybody being aware of what is goink on (Habakkuk 3:14), and
churches keep people ignorant of the cannibalism being conducted by censoring Scriptural references to the act. There is enough wealth in North America (and Australia and New Guinea…) to insure everyone has a home and is well fed, and this can be
accomplished without benefitting landlords and lawyers. Remove the industry and you will remove jobs, the wealth and even the homes, and make it easier to consume the growing numbers of impoverished without raising alarm. And without any coal and oil and
industries, we would of course have no ability to equip an army to defend our sorry asses from the Chinese soldiers, who are landing here daily. We should be making anti-tank guns and sending the Chinese soldiers back home. And there is also the issue of
Charles the Islamic Anti-Christ, and his Islamic United Nations army, and air force and navy, Charles has been funding the spread of Islam for decades.
Do not be alarmed, cannibals will not be breaking into your home and devouring you as their delight is to devour people without anybody being aware of what is going on (Habakkuk 3:14). The cannibals will instead enact legislation to bankrupt you and
make you homeless, this way when they eat you, it will not be apparent that you are missing and so there will be no cause for alarm. The cannibals don’t care if the Chinese or the Islamists rule our nations. The only people breaking into your homes
presently are the drug fueled people, but eventually it will be the Islamists who will arrive to cut your heads off.
And on page C3 in the Saskatoon-Star Phoenix on October 17th 2020, there is an article on the Liberal government’s new CRB (Canada Recovery Benefit) program, which replaces the CERB (Canadian Emergency Response Benefit). Both the old CERB (Canadian
Emergency Response Benefit) program and the new CRB (Canada Recovery Benefit) program have provided and are now providing $500 per week to non-Canadians living in Canada. The Canadians of white European descent who failed to obtain jobs before the Fear
Flu broke out remain impoverished and often homeless, because they were not employed the previous year they are ineligible to participate in the program. Keep in mind that Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus that are not Canadian citizens are being trained as
medical doctors including as psychiatrists in Canadian Universities, and are allowed to “work” in Canada without being Canadian citizens. And also under Trudeau, jobs such as these are handed out to people of foreign nationalities without having to
offer the job first to Canadian citizens. It is the Canadians of white European descent that comprise the vast bulk of the people who are stripped of their rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities… complain about the mismanagement of Canada in an
inappropriate manner and expect to be arrested under the Mental Health Act and begin your “treatment”. And keep in mind that most of the Christians in the middle-east were recently slaughtered by Islamists, and that these Islamists who murdered them
and stole their savings were allowed to come to Canada and keep these savings and were provided with taxpayer funds to start new lives here.
I was stripped of my rights in 1988 and brutally tortured for years, I begged in vain for assistance to flee Canada and all the Canadians of white European descent could do for me is laugh at me, libel me, rob me and brutally assault me further, for
they did not appreciate it when I criticized their most beloved pagan traditions. Now in 2020 they lose their jobs and businesses, now they lose their nation to members of alternative fertility cults, and they continue to publish obituaries claiming that
their smitten children and otherwise deceased family members are up in heaven with Mary, for they abided by traditions (traditions that are in opposition to God’s Commandments). Jesus never supported the idea that His mother was in heaven, nor did He
agree that His mother is blessed. “...a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts that you sucked!” But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”” -
Luke 11:28-29 RSV
The way I see it, is that the white Canadians of European descent (including the Doukhobors and Adventists) are compassionless to me and to other victims of psychiatric horror and deserve the loss of their nation to Islam. Laugh and sing Jingle Bells,
post photos on social media of your children and family members posing next to the pagan idols. You have Egyptian penises on the roofs of your churches, you place Egyptian penises on the tops of evergreen trees that you turn into blinkin’ idols, you
support media, schools and churches that censor Scriptural references to cannibalism, you train and employ Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists to torture people to death, you are absolutely compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror… Lose
your businesses, lose your homes, pay compound interest on the “money” Trudeau hands out to foreigners living in Canada, laugh at me and have me tortured for criticizing your churches. Canadians spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured
for years, they made me a home in a psychiatric ward now consider themselves rich enough to give $500 each week to non-Canadians who are unable to find employment here in Canada. Sing Jingle Bells, turn trees into decorated idols and proclaim that you
are saved regardless of what the Bible instructs. Keep voting for the communists who hand over your nation to Chinese, Islamists or any other foreigner. Beat me to the point of death at your Seventh-day Adventist Church for daring to proclaim that your
church is united with the Catholic churches in teaching traditions in place of God’s Commandments.
In the news on October 19th 2020, the Trudeau Liberals (backed by the NDP) extend the border closure with the USA. And for a few days previous to this there have also been reports on how the Liberals (backed by the NDP, both are communist parties) are
making it easier for the Chinese to fly into Canada. The government shut down the economy, now there are millions of unemployed in Canada and the federal government is seeking to bring in more foreigners, and are paying many of these foreigners $500 each
week because these non-Canadians were unable to find adequate employment in Canada. They made me a home in a psychiatric ward, they spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured for years, and now hand out over $2000 per month to foreigners,
which is enough for them to make payments on new homes, or the foreigners can use that $500 each week and buy a rifle.
Or these foreigners may purchase two quite nice rifles costing $1,000.00 each month, or one exceedingly nice rifle costing $2000.00 each month. The Canadians of white European descent (most are denied training and denied jobs, some are tortured in
psychiatric facilities) did not work and earn money in 2019 so are not eligible to receive the $500/week the Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese are getting. The white-Europeans and native aboriginals living in poverty in Saskatchewan received $50 for
their Covid relief funds from the provincial government in April 2020, so they could buy some masks and hand sanitizer, back then, and may use the money to purchase a used BB gun or perhaps a nice sling shot.
On page A2 of the October 20th 2020 Saskatoon Star-Phoenix we read that 45-year-old Mohamed Hassan Omer slashed the throat and severed the spine of a 29-year-old woman in Saskatoon in the morning of May 27th 2020, he stabbed her in the arm and in the
back and stole the vehicle she was sitting in. And on page A4 we learn that an autopsy was unable to determine the cause of a psychiatric inmate’s death. James Leo Short was being forced to take “antipsychotic” medications, which all have “death
as a known side-effect.
Female Islamists don’t have to show their faces in Canada in order to buy rifles and ammunition, and since males in Saskatchewan are allowed to claim on their birth certificates that they are females (and without any changes being made to their
sexual organs), then the male Islamists in Saskatchewan too are not required to show their faces when they purchase the rifles and ammunition for our government provides them with identification purporting they are females.
In 2020 our Islamic government forced millions of white people into unemployment, then on October 30th 2020 announced that it would obtain economic recovery by importing well over a million new immigrants to Canada over the next three years. This is a
direct result of whoreshipping trees and praying to Mary and shitting upon God’s Commandments, people ignore God’s Laws and then God allows their nations to be taken over by members of alternative fertility cults. The Canadians have no shame, they do
not even know how to blush. The Canadians are looking forward to “Christmas” (the use of God’s Name in vain) where they will have trees that blink. The Koran commands their followers to behead the unbelievers and NOT to cover their heads and faces,
yet they cover their heads and faces, and then are able to buy guns and ammo in Canada without showing their faces. Canadians do not care to get involved in the matter, except to vote for the politicians that allow the murderers entry and who give the
murderers money, and who give the murderers free accommodations, and who give the murderers educational opportunities that are not offered to Canadians of European or aboriginal descent. They stole the homes and money and exterminated the Christians in
the middle-east and much of Africa, then they came (and continue to come) to Canada with the stolen money, and are allowed to keep “their” money for their own discretionary purposes while starting new lives here. Trudeau forced millions out of work,
now will import millions more. The Africans he will bring here will be nearly entirely Moslem. Moslems united with anarchists and communists have been burning down buildings, raping and killing, and marching and chanting to kill the whites, who would
have ever thought they would also stuff ballot boxes??? In Saskatchewan the Moslems get a home paid for each of four wives, before they cut your heads off your lives will still be negatively affected by their presence. They have bankrupted your nation,
you are paying compound interest on the unnecessary debt, you are slaves who are getting very close to getting your heads cut off. This is a direct result of whoreshipping trees and praying to Mary and shitting upon God’s Commandments, and having
Christians tortured to death in psychiatric facilities when they attempt to warn you of your ways. America’s CIA spent billions developing the horrid drugs, and did so at the University of Saskatchewan and at other western universities.
Environmental laws will be strengthened to prevent you from going to gold bearing regions in Canada and mining the gold. Slaves are paid in paper promises and are not allowed to have guns, Canadians are slaves who are slowly having their guns taken
away from them. Half the Canadians who desire to get a gun are Moslem, many of the other half are kids who want to get a new lever action Winchester repeating rifle under their blinkin’ tree or for their birthday. Consider getting that lever action in .
243 Winchester. Or get a bolt action in .243 or 7mm-08, or .270 Winchester, or 7mm Remington Magnum, or .338 Lapua, I think you need a rifle. Get a rifle and then post on the internet and on the usenet, and in letters to the editor, that people who faced
brutal horrid torture for daring to criticize the mainstream churches and people living in utter poverty should not be allowed to have guns. Once you legally have a rifle you may speak all kinds of shit against the people who spoke out against your
blinkin’ tree and against your pedophile priests. Islamists who have four wives and are collecting welfare for each of the four wives, are allowed to have guns, for they do not live in utter poverty and unprotected, as Trudeau insures that they are
well cared for. Perhaps Trudeau will change our dollars into dinars, instead of Laurier on our Five Dollar Bill we will end up with Omar Khadr on a Five Dinar Bill.
Adolph Eichmann was in charge of moving the Jews to slaughter via the railways, his trains had priority over the trains that were bringing war supplies to the eastern front. German soldiers on the eastern front went without adequate supplies as trains
carrying the war supplies were sidelined in order to allow Eichmann to transport the Jews to the death camps. Hitler knew that his attack against the Soviet Union would be in vain, but his main concern was to kill Jews and make sure that his tree
continued to blink. Hitler had trees that blinked on and off, on and off, on and off, it was really quite a show. Canadian Liberal leader Mackenzie King regularly sought advice from demons, who were active in advising King to not allow Jewish refugees
entry to Canada. Now today the demons are advising the Liberals to import people who desire to cut our heads off, and to not provide sanctuary to the Christians facing genocide in South Africa or elsewhere. Demons are real and they are wanting to replace
white Christians and black Christians with black Islamists, or with any other Islamist. Hitler sought out alliances with Islamists and killed Christians and Jews. Canadians want a tree that blinks on and off, on and off, on and off, just like Hitler’s
Making rounds around the internet mid-November 2020 is that the last Canadian election was fraudulent as corrupted computers were used to tabulate and change votes, as was recently done in the United States. And in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix on
November 19th 2020 Chris Selley reminds us “The really salient point, surely, was that the Aga Khan (Islamic) Foundation lobbies for and receives hundreds of millions of dollars from the Canadian government.” Canadians still are not moved, they
continue to wait for “Christmas” (the use of God’s Name in vain) and now their major hope to be able to fly to winter resorts so they may sing Jingle Bells and bow to blinkin’ trees there. No matter the cost, Canadians must photograph themselves
and their children engaged in honoring the pagan holiday, and the more ornate and the more distant the setting in the photographs, the better. Make sure to post the celebratory and festive photos on your Facebook page while making disparaging comments
against some poor psychiatric abuse victim who lives in perpetual shock. Now you have to stay home, stay home while the Chinese and Islamists arrive at our airports, seaports and borders. Go get a flu shot and make yourself infertile.
Islam is a fertility cult that seeks to increase its numbers through imprisoning women in homes and forcing them to become wives and mothers. The Islamists pride themselves in knowledge of and in the use of herbs and have published copious quantities
of books over the centuries that include instruction on what herbs to use to reduce fertility and induce abortions of people that do not belong to their fertility cult. Now we have an Islamic government that will force injections upon people that will
make them infertile. It is all a part of Trudeau’s plan to replace the European population with non-Europeans (with Islamists).
It is said that Covid has a survival rate of over 99.5% for people under 70 years of age, but nobody ever got Covid, nobody ever died from Covid, as Covid is not real. People are taking injections because they listened to the propaganda and then
believe in the existence of Covid (see Dr. Amandha Vollmer: Stop saying you had it, that you know somebody who had it, Covid is a HOAX, find the short video on Bitchute). They told you to believe in Covid so you would take injections that removed your
fertility and your lives. bitchute.com/video/bIwb9jmdSMUG/
People stay home and allow thousands of the Chinese and the Islamists to fly in daily, then they pay the mortgage for the four homes for each of the four Islamic wives. The aboriginal Indians stay confined to their tiny rotting homes on the reserves
and are instructed to ram their penises up each others arseholes while the government hands out billions of dollars to Islamists so they can start new lives here in new homes here. All the children are taught to hate Christianity and the idea of
Canadians and Americans having our own oil self-sufficiency, the oil industry is forced into shutdown while the Canadian lumber is required for new homes for the “immigrants” or exported to Asia, and the white children are taught to hate the colour
of their skin and to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes.
White Europeans didn’t like criticisms of their blinkin’ trees and spent many millions of dollars having me tortured for years in psychiatric facilities, they made me a home in a psychiatric ward and now buy new homes for Islamists. You torture me
and laugh at me and rob me and slander and libel me, then seek to gain annual redemption by singing Jingle Bells and by proving you are not a racist by handing your nation over to Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese. Your forefathers somehow proved that
they were not racists by stealing Doukhobor land, now the Doukhobors wallow in filth as they join with you in decorating and bowing to trees. The wealthiest of the Doukhobors are always turning their homes into lavish temples of evergreen tree fertility,
they have the tallest of trees and the nicest of the blinkin’ lights, and they have the most friends who all join with them in honoring their fertility tree idols. It used to be that the Doukhobors fled from idolatry, now they embrace it and shit upon
me for daring to attempt to warn them of the dangers involved.
Turkey slaughtered an estimated two million Armenian Christians between 1914 and 1923, now Canada sells Turkey and Azerbaijan advanced drone weaponry that is used in 2020 to slaughter the Armenians yet again. Canadians politely stay at home and watch
the news telling them to stay home, and are not provided with news stories about how their Islamic government is providing advanced weapon systems to other Islamic governments. See the video on YouTube “What Azerbaijan’s spectacular victory over
Armenia tells us about the future of modern warfare.”
The Islamists pride themselves in their knowledge of herbs and published copious quantities of litrature, over the centuries they amassed knowledge of what herbs can be used to induce fertility and cause abortions. They imbed themselves into our food
supply, the food you eat may have been dosed at repeated times during its transit to your table. Islamists are a fertility cult, they increase their numbers with multiple wives and with rape and coercion, and reduce the numbers of the alternative
fertility cults with herbs, swords and bombs. And they seek to reduce your fertility with inoculations against common colds. And more recently they instigated a transgender fantasy world and are coercing your daughters to cut their own breasts off and
sterilize themselves. The parents hope these kids would come home at “Christmas” and join together with them and the blinkin’ tree, and together they would go and make a pilgrimage to the local Catholic Church and tithe, regardless of how many
times Catholic priests rammed their penises up your children’s arseholes. The priests purposely traumatize the children and render them unable to form meaningful attachments and families, it works as well as rendering them infertile. Then they
destroyed the economy so the males didn’t have a pot to piss in, let alone go on a date. All the while the carbon tax in Canada continues to be rebated back to the large Islamic families (the carbon tax mainly gets rebated back to the largest of the
families, which are Islamic). The greater the number of Islamists, the greater amount of taxes will be collected and handed over to the invading Islamists.
Over the last few decades assorted Islamists, many acting as lone wolves, contaminated food and water supplies with herbs that reduced fertility and induced abortions. Then they indoctrinated children to a transgender world and coerced the daughters
to put rings in their noses, colour their hair with cool-aid and render themselves infertile. During which time they have been refining their inoculations, which are again designed to render infertility, and often result in autism, heart attacks and
death. The white race is first and foremost hated due to the many Christians in our midst, and the red race is hated, perhaps even more, as the Big-Nosed Cree and other Indians traditionally recognize the power of women and treat them with respect.
The CIA funded the psychiatric torture facilities in Saskatoon, and now the general pubic learns that the CIA imbeds itself into the mainstream media and uses the media to conduct a coup against President Trump (it is a coup funded in part by American
taxpayers). Our Canadian Islamic prime minister is quick to congratulate Biden with a win. Canadians are happy that Trump is being defeated for all they heard for the last five years is how horrible Trump is. Canada has absolutely the worst prime
minister and the worst government ever in its history (a Somali heads the department of immigration, a Sikh heads the military, the prime minister is an Islamist) and all we hear in the Canadian media is how horrible Trump and the Republican party is.
Canadians may rise up but can expect to be slaughtered with Canadian, Chinese and Islamic drones, Islamic beheading swords and with so-called “vaccinations” (the injections are not immunizing people, only harming them further). Canadians are
compassionless and still think it is hilarious that I get stripped of my rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities for years, and then borrow money from their children to build new psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford. The Canadian
Christians are smug about their future, they think they know the truth, the truth of the matter is that their churches have been co-opted by Catholics who teach them to turn trees into decorated idols. The truth of the matter is that the churches are
censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism.
The last Canadian federal election was rigged, all laws passed by the Islamic Liberals (with the support of the Sikh NDP) are void. Due to the fraudulent election all the new gun laws are void. The Islamists have co-opted our government and the
Canadian people respond by staying home and are preparing to sing Jingle Bells. Don’t hold it back, shout it out with udder glee. Abiding by the Catholic fertility rites is the most important thing on planet earth. Find somebody that was tortured by
Hindus for daring to speak out against your Catholic fertility rites and send them a box of nuts and a “Christmas” (use of God’s name in vain) card.
I wasn’t allowed to go out, and when they allowed me to go out I did so in utter poverty. And when out and about (utterly nauseous, my head banging in pain, my jaw locked open, my lips and tongue hard and turned to leather…) people laughed or fled
or beat me or robbed me of the little I had. Now you are not allowed to go out. And economic opportunities are being removed from you and given to newly arrived invaders (mainly Chinese and Islamists). I criticized your churches and your pagan traditions
and had to stay confined, and now you have to stay home due to some invented pandemic. Hollywood and the media largely ignores the real pandemic of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases and instead actively teaches you to ram your penises up each
other’s arseholes. Hollywood, the media, the schools and the churches (the Catholic church owns it all) are teaching you to ram your penises up each other’s arseholes, while ignoring the resulting diseases, and are now legislating that you stay home
lest you catch a cold. And I think it is absolutely hilarious as you filthy Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers have zero compassion for me or for any other victim of psychiatric horror. Stay home while Islamists and Chinese arrive at our
airports and borders daily, support them all and pay each one an extra $500 every week, even if they are not Canadian citizens. Send your tax dollars to Islamic nations around the world then stay home and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way.
In the news on January 7th 2021, the province of Quebec is starting to impose a curfew, the slaves will have to stay off the streets from 8 pm to 5 am, but Quebec is a Catholic province and these people will enjoy the extra time at their disposal so
they can continue their prayers to Mary. Some twenty thousand Chinese and Islamists are arriving at our airports daily, so stay home. When the Canadian slaves learn that I was tortured for years for daring to speak out against their traditions, they will
insist on their freedom and will fly once again to resorts in Hawaii, Florida, Europe, Australia and Asia, while continuing to issue condescending remarks against me and other psychiatric abuse victims on social media from those locations. More and more
psychiatrists speak Arabic and Chinese, it may be helpful to you in the future to be able to converse with your psychiatrists. Stay home and learn to speak Arabic and Chinese before you get arrested and detained (tortured to death with psychiatric drugs)
under the Mental Health Act. Remember to sing Jingle Bells and vote for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist when you see him posing next to a blinkin’ tree (together with Mike and the adopted kids). Your love of Catholic fertility rites destroyed western
In the news in January 2021 I hear that more people died of the flu in 1993 than in 2020. The news for me and for many others has become Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Judge Jeanine Piro, Katie Hopkins, Lisa Haven, Sanity for Sweden, Salty Cracker,
Rebel News and Dr. Vernon Coleman. Check out “Laura Ingraham Full Speech at RNC”, it still might be viewed on YouTube.
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff October 30th 2023 12:55 pm 233,538 words (272 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Many of the Catholic and Protestant (Catholic) churches actively recruit sodomites to lead their flocks, some paint their steps in rainbow colors and actively encourage their members to start ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes, again
falsely claiming the practice aids in the fertility and longevity of the participants. People respond by giving the churches money and turning their homes into pagan temples of fertility as well. People respond by posting photos of their children posing
with the Catholic idols on social media, people respond by using their very own children as tools to teach others to abide by Catholic fertility rites. The churches teach pagan traditions that are in direct conflict with God’s Commandments, people
respond by having me repeatedly arrested and tortured for saying so, and when they hear me complain of the treatment I received, they say I am judging them and call me a pedophile, they laugh at me, they shake their heads and say they sure are happy they
are not me, they double down on their traditions and get a bigger tree and decorate it to a greater degree. Instead of flying to a winter resort and posing next to a single blinkin’ tree, they instead pose in front of three or more blinkin’ trees.
They employed predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to do their dirty work for them, when I complain of the torture they say that I am judging them. Truly, God is about to spread you Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers out like dung over the
surface of the earth, it is entirely necessary. I lost year after year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, I lost subsequent years living in utter frantic fear of another arrest and round of torture, I begged in vain for assistance
to flee the country, and there isn’t a single one of you that has so much compassion in your hearts that you would even attempt to try to make up the loss of years of my life by buying me a simple single holiday to anywhere. The sheep bow to lavishly
decorated blinkin’ trees, claim to know Jesus, and are too cheap and compassionless to buy me or any other psychiatric abuse victim a cookie. Starting in 1988 I complained of being tortured by Hindus, rather than be moved to end psychiatry, now you
train Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus to become brutal psychiatrists at the University of Saskatchewan and at other universities in the western nations. People spent millions of dollars in an attempt to shut me up about their filthy churches, they annually
spend billions of dollars turning their homes and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility, they have no shame, they do not know how to blush. Many seek to profit from psychiatry by gaining well paid unionized employment serving meals or
sweeping the psychiatric ward floors, or by helping to build even larger psychiatric jail facilities. Sing Jingle Bells and give your nations away to members of alternative fertility cults.
In the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix in July 2020 Doug Cuthand urges the Canadian Indians to ally with blacks (Islamists, Anarchists and Marxists) in their war against the white man. Doug Cuthand did not consult the grandmothers, he speaks for all the
grandmothers and dothn’t require their blessings to rally troops to war. If Cuthand gets his way Indians will be going to war in Canada without consulting neither God nor grandmothers. The aboriginal Indians in Canada flip flop between traditional
native beliefs and Catholicism, depending upon whom they want to have sex with on any particular day (not all of them of course but many of them, one is too many). But then in winter they all embrace the Catholic fertility rites, they join with the pope
in turning a tree into a decorated idol. It must be pretty difficult for an aboriginal Indian who honors his or her traditional beliefs to obtain sexual gratification with another who shares similar beliefs in the month of December, as pretty much
everybody on the reserve is decorating and bowing to the Catholic evergreen trees during this time. They complain that they were abused in Catholic schools yet they continue to annually embrace the Catholic fertility rites and turn trees into blinkin’
idols. No matter how many times the Catholic priests ram their penises up your children’s arseholes, you still desire to have a blinkin’ tree just like the pope.
In early August 2020 I saw young kids at a Co-op grocery store in Saskatoon, they were continually touching their faces and masks, then touching the floor, the touching the items on the shelves, then touching their faces and masks. The mask is such a
nice warm and moist environment, a great place to grow. Before the introduction of the masks, the children never continually touched their faces, and few played with the items on the shelves. About the same time I observed a cashier at this same Co-op
grocery store, after every customer she wiped the moving conveyor belt with a dirty rag. She never washed her rag, she never manipulated the rag to expose a clean area of the rag, she always dragged the same part of her filthy rag over the conveyor belt.
Total and complete ignorance, absolute insanity, and protected by a union. Thanks Co-op foods, you made your stores so safe.
In the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix on August 19th 2020 we learn that the Sikh militant heading the New Democratic Party is dismayed by the corruption in the Liberal government, but the NDP and Liberals are both communist political parties, the Islamic/
Communist Liberals are allowed to rule because the communists in the NDP are keeping them in power. Canada handed over her military to a Sikh, handed the department of immigration over to a Somali, and voted for an Islamist to become Prime Minister. When
Justin Trudeau was on the campaign trail in 2015 his first stop in Saskatchewan was to attend a mosque in Regina and swear allegiance to Islam, then as an afterthought he traveled north and met with some Aboriginal Indians. Then in August 2021 Trudeau
made a campaign promise to import over 20,000 Afghani’s (Afghanistani males of fighting age, either Taliban fighters or Afghanistani’s males who don’t desire to fight for their freedom).
The Australians gave up their guns and now the Australians are locked up at home, the entire nation has become one big prison. Universities in Canada, England, United States, and Australia all train Islamists, Hindus and Sikhs to become brutal
psychiatrists. Starting in 1988 I complained on the usenet (see Google Groups) of being tortured by Hindu psychiatrists at the University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital, people around the world laughed at me and told me to take a pill.
Canadians and people from other nations laughed at me and called me a pedophile. What I said was that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers are ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with
Egyptian dinks on the roofs of their churches. They called me a pedophile and delivered me to a Hindu psychiatrist. The Brahmin Hindu psychiatrist said that I think too much about penises, but it is the Hindus who gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm.
Islamists, Hindus and Sikhs all incorporate phallic structures into their mosque and temple architecture. Even many Seventh-day Adventist churches cap their churches with Egyptian obelisks (penises), for traditions are more important than God’s
Commandments. I complained of being tortured by Hindus, but rather than end psychiatry, now the Canadians allow Islamists and Sikhs to torture people to death as well. Canadians have yet to give up their guns like the Australians did, but they continue
to embrace Catholic fertility rites and train Islamists, Hindus and Sikhs to become brutal psychiatrists at our Canadian universities.
Thanks to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau people may work in Canada without being Canadian citizens… so we not only train the pagans to be brutal psychiatrists, we allow them to practice their “art” here in Canada without them being Canadian
citizens. At least in Australia, when you have Islamists, Hindus and Sikhs torturing your citizens to death in psychiatric facilities, you can be confident they are all indeed Australian citizens, unless of course they have some kind of work permit. Good
for you Australia, well done. Help the Indonesians and Chinese get more gold from the Papuans. Remember them? The Papuans saved the lives of your Australian soldiers in WWII and now for the last 60 years the Papuans face genocide at the hands of
Indonesian soldiers. Australians are like everybody else, they train Islamists, Hindus and Sikhs to become brutal psychiatrists and then turn their backs to the brutal suffering the psychiatrists impose upon some of their special chosen victims. I
complain of the brutal horrid torture I was subjected to and people laugh at me and tell me to take a pill, some just assault me, all are compassionless to me and to the other victims of psychiatric horror, you deserve the loss of your nations to Islam.
I begged in vain for assistance to flee the years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture and the Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers can’t even offer to buy me a cookie. Get a bigger tree and decorate it to a greater degree. Put bigger
Egyptian obelisks (penises) on the roofs of your filthy churches, put bigger Egyptian obelisks (dinks) on the very tops of your blinkin’ trees, laugh at me and call me a pedophile with even greater zeal. All I can do is cry out to God and pray for Him
to honor His promises in Scripture and terminate your lives. Nobody cares, they are all sure their own prayers have great power even though they honor pagan traditions that are in direct opposition to God’s Commandments, they are self-assured that
their prayers have great power and that my prayers are of no effect, they smugly tell me that I should welcome Jesus into my heart. Many tithe to cannibals, their churches teach pagan fertility rites while cannibalism is just another pagan fertility rite.
People are compassionless turds, they have not an ounce of compassion for the victims of psychiatric horror and then have their own children and parents drugged. The Canadians and Americans turn trees into decorated idols, laugh at me and have me
tortured for saying so, then they fly off to Australia or some other resort and get their photos taken while posing next to blinkin’ trees there. The Australians fly to Canada and work here in their temporary jobs, many desiring to gain well paid
unionized employment in the psychiatric facilities, cleaning floors or serving food to the dangerous people who dared to speak out against either churches or their parents, they too find it necessary to sing Jingle Bells and pose by the blinkin’
Catholic trees, and that is even if the Australian is an atheist. Indeed, pretty much all atheists are really Catholics as they all adopt Catholic fertility rites, when one adopts God-damned Catholic fertility rites, then one becomes a God-damned
Catholic. There is so much glitter in the Catholic Church that even the atheists desire to adopt some of the Catholic fertility rites and sing Jingle Bells. Some don’t care for the well paid unionized employment and instead volunteer their time and go
to Africa, there they will find blinkin’ trees in the shopping malls where they may pose for photos and send “Christmas” (use of God’s name in vain) greetings to their Catholic friends back home. The trees may be lavishly decorated and blinking
from as early as October to as late as March, so if you go to Africa and want to pose in front of a tree turned into a decorated idol, you will have many opportunities to do so. If you miss the blinkin’ tree season (October through March), some store
owners will put up blinkin’ trees in June and July to encourage people to buy gifts throughout the year.
It is always good to have options in life, governments should be providing people with options rather than taking options away. The Africans are same as the Australians, they want to come to Canada and get good paying unionized employment sweeping the
psychiatric ward floors or serving food to those who are locked up and tortured with the psychiatric drugs. Our Canadian government is providing options in life, we are provided with either Africans or Australians or Filipinos to sweep the psychiatric
ward floors and serve the food to the “dangerous” white Canadians. The Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers give nice houses to Islamists and then give their own children, parents, evangelists and veterans homes in psychiatric facilities,
and they even stick statues of military veterans next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises. “Obama” turned trees into decorated idols with the medals of the American war dead, the Americans were happy about that as it became a new way to turn
trees into decorated idols, which is the most important tradition on planet earth. Australians, Americans, Canadians, Brits and others train Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus to be brutal psychiatrists at their universities. And the western nations sell or
freely gift arms to Islamic nations. Often the Islamic nation dothn’t pay for the shipment of weapons and then the taxpayers cover the loss, the taxpayers pay the bill plus pay the compound interest on the shipment of weapons that the Islamic nation
failed to pay for. Getting tortured with psychiatric drugs at the University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital was a real horror show, but the greater horror was meeting you and your children either in person or on the usenet and the
internet. Like everybody else, Australians are waiting patiently for “Christmas” (the use of God’s Name in vain) so they may sing Jingle Bells. Those who scored unionized jobs in psychiatric facilities will be paid double-time if they work on the
Canadians laughed at me (and libeled and assaulted and robbed me) when I complained that I was being tortured by Hindus, now they train and employ Islamists and Sikhs to be psychiatrists as well. Perhaps some day your compassionless arse will be
arrested and you will be forcibly taken to a Saudi Arabian psychiatrist who will tell you that you think too much about Western Canadian oil and western democracy, or you think too much about Sharia Law. Indicating a preference for a Republican form of
government over Sharia Law could possibly earn one a chemical or a physical lobotomy, certainly castration, possibly a beheading. They will come into your homes in the night, night after night after night, and cut your heads off, and the media will be
silent on that issue. If you complain, then you will see the inside of a psychiatric facility built by Graham Construction that you are making your children pay for, for decades to come. The psychiatric facilities are built using public-private
partnership, you are partners in crime.
The vaccinations that were developed to combat polio were made from monkeys and were contaminated with an assortment of simian (monkey) viruses, the resulting disease that the humans contracted became known as AIDS (see The River: A Journey into The
Source of HIV and AIDS by Edward Hooper). Good luck with the upcoming mandatory inoculations that you with be required to take for the Chinese Fear Flu, getting a shot in the arm will allow you access into public buildings and allow you to continue your
schooling and employment. Canadians are under attack and most are eager to take a vaccination that could very well result in their deaths. People have no faith in Jesus and the immune system He provided us with, and whatever faith they do have seems to
make them want to violate God’s First Three Commandments and embrace pagan fertility rites.
Oh look. First Trudeau shuts down businesses in the oil patch and western Canada, and now in September 2020 sets aside $221 million dollars for black people to start businesses. His carbon tax started in 2018 is designed to provide rebates to the
biggest families (to the Islamic families with 4 wives), then in 2020 he started providing $2000/month to Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese regardless if they are Canadian citizens or not. The disenfranchised white people who did not have paid
employment in 2019 are not eligible to receive the $2000 per month, they instead subsist on welfare and receive about a third of the amount given to the newly arrived Islamists, Chinese, Africans, Asians and others (and most of what they are given is
then handed over to landlords). This $2000 per month payment is designed to assist Islamists, just as the carbon tax is designed to be rebated back to the large Islamist families (a house for each wife). Now in September 2020 Trudeau hands out funds to
black people, again it is a program designed to funnel money to the Islamic community. White farmers in South Africa are facing genocide while Trudeau pays for the flights and brings Islamic Africans to Canadian hotels equipped with fine restaurants and
swimming pools. Trudeau borrows “money” that the banks make out of thin air, hands it over to his Islamic buddies, then saddles the white European Canadians with not only the enormous debt, but compound interest on this debt as well. Trudeau makes
Canadians slaves by failing to pay them in real money (gold and silver coins), by removing their guns, by making them slave away to pay taxes in an effort to repay the “money” handed out to the Islamists and otherwise squandered. Trudeau knows that
he can get away with handing the nation over to Islamists because Canadians are spineless people who only know how to bow to blinkin’ trees and laugh at, libel and assault me when I criticize the false traditions in their churches and complain that I
was tortured for years by predominantly Hindu psychiatrists. I lost year after year after year after year to brutal horrid torture and these compassionless Canadians can’t find it in their hearts to buy me, or any other victim of psychiatric horror, a
cookie. They are waiting for “Christmas” (the use of God’s Name in vain) before they bring out the cookies, and will offer the cookies to Santa, on a table with a cup of milk, next to their blinkin’ Catholic tree.
Justin Trudeau said “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them.” There is a greater proportion of
Islamists and black people committing serious crimes and now the legal system sets these prisoners free citing the reason being that there is a preponderance of them serving time. Three or so years ago I read in a news report that Edmonton and some other
Canadian communities were not informing the community when a murder or other serious assault takes place if the perpetrator has been apprehended. In Algeria, the Islamists came at night and cut the throats of the people sleeping in their homes and the
media was silent about it. In England the Islamists rape white women and the police will respond hours or days later, if at all, but speaking out against Islam immediately gets you police officers at your door. In Australia the Somalian gangs run rampant
and commit atrocities daily, but to complain about a viral lockdown gets you immediately arrested for “incitement.” In Canada the children may murder you and serve no serious amount of time. Already there are women in chains in Canada, working as sex
slaves, Trudeau brings in violent gangs into our country who enslave women and commit other serious crimes. This is a required process to replace the unpleasant relic whom Justin Trudeau speaks of. Hitler was a Catholic who turned trees into decorated
idols, then murdered millions of people who did not abide by the blinkin’ Catholic fertility rite. It is really important to turn trees into decorated idols, sing Jingle Bells and kiss under the mistletoe, make offerings to the tree by bowing to the
base of the tree, and make offerings to Santa, then call the whole affair “Christmas” as this way Satan gets you to violate God’s First Three Commandments in one foul swoop. Just remember to cap your blinkin’ tree with a miniature Egyptian
obelisk (a representation of a penis). The forests and grasslands in the western American states are now on fire because people are getting their trees to blink at the incorrect frequency, because they decorated their trees with too many blinkin’ blue
lights and not enough blinking yellow lights, because they are failing to cap their tree with Egyptian dinks, and because they are not drinking enough water.
While the Islamists invade Canada, there are still Catholics in charge of the medical and educational systems who train and employ Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists in Canada and allow them to “work” in Canada without being Canadian
citizens. Some citizens were too vocal against the fertility rites being taught by the Catholic Church and were tortured in psychiatric facilities by Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists. Those citizens who sang Jingle Bells laughed at the citizens who
were stripped of their human rights, some assaulted the psychiatric abuse victims (people who were stripped of their rights) because they were free to do so without consequence. Others freely stole from the victims of horror, for often the drugs made the
victim unable to form sentences anyway. While I complain of being tortured by predominantly Hindu psychiatrists, people assault and rob me, others laugh at me, while they import members of alternative fertility cults, who are now marching and chanting
that they want to kill the white people. They made me a home in a psychiatric ward and now give free homes to members of alternative fertility cults while singing Jingle Bells. They hated my Doukhobors ancestors, stole the Doukhobor lands and locked up
the Doukhobor children, but they also hated the Eastern Europeans including the Russians as well, so the Doukhobors were hated for being Eastern European, for being Russian and for being Doukhobor, now they are hated because they are white. Strip them of
their rights and laugh at them and sing Jingle Bells. The Doukhobors don’t really care about the injustices of the past and have joined with the Catholics in turning trees into blinkin’ idols, and in singing Jingle Bells. All the churches joined with
the Catholic Church and adopted her glitter, and then the sheep went home and turned their homes into Catholic temples of evergreen tree fertility as well, and continued singing Jingle Bells. The Reformation was replaced by the Counter Reformation, and
the Doukhobors adopted the Catholic glitter, turned their homes into pagan temples of fertility, and sang Jingle Bells.
People laughed at me when I complained of being tortured by Hindus at the University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital. I was locked up and lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years
living in utter fear of another arrest and round of brutal horrid torture. People didn't care, or they were happy because I criticized their churches, then they trained Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become psychiatrists at Canadians and other western
universities, and allowed them to "work" in Canada without being Canadian citizens. So I pray to God for vengeance, and you know, He went and appointed a Prime Minister of Canada who locks you all up and then allows Chinese, Sikhs, Hindus and Islamists
unfettered access to Canada. The Chinese fly in directly from Wuhan, where they attempt to weaponize bat and other viruses… Trudeau doth what he can to prevent Canadians from traveling, and from arming themselves while traveling, while allowing the
Chinese to fly in daily from Wuhan.
God Almighty just dothn’t care which particular fertility cult occupies any nation. Canadians spent millions of dollars making me a home in a psychiatric ward, they stole billions of dollars of Doukhobor land and drove many Doukhobor families to
utter poverty, now they think themselves rich enough to give free houses to Islamists. Canadians adopt Catholic traditions that are in opposition to several of God’s Commandments, they insist that their blinkin’ trees and other Catholic fertility
rites are acceptable sacrifices to God. They are unrepentant of their ongoing filth and do not know how to blush, they deserve the loss of their nation to members of alternative fertility cults. Similarly the Americans funded the torture research at the
University of Saskatchewan, billions upon billions of dollars was spent on developing and administering utterly nauseous drugs. American people allow their own veterans to be drugged and tortured in American psychiatric facilities. They drug their
children, they drug their seniors, and some people they provide “special treatment” to, which amounts to brutal horrid torture that goes on year after year after year, or a fairly quick death. It dothn’t really matter if the system is owned by and
run by the Catholic Church or some other entity, the issue to me is that people are absolutely compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror. People spent billions of dollars to make me and others homes in psychiatric facilities while they fill
their homes with blinkin’ Catholic idols at a cost of billions of dollars annually, and then think themselves rich enough to give free houses to Islamists. The Doukhobor community sure wasn’t going to assist me, they now instead proudly embrace
Catholic fertility rites and get their trees to blink. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and all people could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further, then they sing Jingle Bells and get their trees to blink. Hitler killed many
millions who did not share in his desire to get trees to blink. Hitler’s trees blinked on and off, on and off, on and off, it was really quite a show.
Also worth mentioning is Saskatchewan farmer Gerald Stanley, who’s handgun accidentally discharged and killed Colten Boushie when Colten Boushie and his drunk native friends came to rob Stanley’s farm. Colten Boushie and his drunken friends
arrived in a vehicle they stole from another farm earlier that same day… Stanley’s farm was the third one the drunkards went to rob that day. One of the drunks broke the stock of the rifle when using that rifle to attempt to break in and steal a
vehicle, then they soon showed up at the Boushie farm with that damaged yet fully functioning rifle. When Gerald Stanley was found not-guilty for murder then the aboriginal Indians hilariously appealed to the United Nations for support, hilarious as the
United Nations is an Islamic organization seeking to remove both aboriginal Indians and Whites from North America and replace them with Islamists. Now lawyer Tony Merchant is attempting to launch a legal suit against the police for failing to find the
murdered and missing aboriginal women, but it appears that nearly all of them are being killed off by violent aboriginal men (true some are slaving away in Africa and Asia). Judges are handing out light sentences to the natives when they commit violent
crimes, claiming that there is a disproportionate number of them in jails… there would be far fewer murdered and missing aboriginal women if the violent natives who committed these crimes served their time. I get years of brutal horrid torture as a
reward for criticizing churches, natives get a slap on the wrist when they act with utter brutality. The reason why the natives act with utter brutality is because the churches are teaching people to abide by pagan fertility rites rather than God’s
Commandments, and because the legal system sets the violent people free. The native Indians want to get out of jail and go home to their parents, family and friends, get drunk and sing Jingle Bells. While the natives flip-flop between Catholicism and
traditional native beliefs (depending upon whom they are trying to get into their beds and have sex with on any particular day), the Catholic media and Saskatoon’s libraries are working overtime trying to teach the natives to start ramming their
penises up each other’s arseholes. Now they want to sue the police for failing to find the aboriginal women that the aboriginal men killed. Many large, strong and able bodied native men don’t venture much around their reserves at night (if at all)
due to the violent youth and gangs running rampant on reserves. And now lawyer Tony Merchant hopes to make many millions of dollars out of the situation. The violence and the drunkenness and the thievery in the reserves came to visit Gerald Stanley’s
In the news a provincial election has been called in Saskatchewan. Handicapped people are calling for an increase in their monthly benefits and the provincial NDP (New Democratic Party) are defending and promising that increase (Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
October 3rd 2020). The federal NDP united with the federal Liberal Party and hands out over $2000 per month to Chinese, Saudi Arabian, Pakistani and other foreign (mostly Islamic) students, and now the NDP seeks votes from the handicapped poor in
Saskatchewan by promising an increase in their monthly allowance, maybe increase it enough so it is equivalent to what the foreigners attending school in Canada are getting from the federal government (a Liberal / NDP communist coalition government).
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