If I Were Mayor of Saskatoon - Part C - By Dar S. Kabatoff (3/3)
Daryl Kabatoff@21:1/5 to
All on Sun May 10 23:44:15 2020
[continued from previous message]
Oh look, now Trudeau will buy your guns, he will borrow money made out of thin air by the banks, and will have Canadians pay back this money at compound interest. Trudeau makes you a slave by failing to pay you in real money (gold and silver coins)
then has you slave away to earn money so you can pay compound interest on paper “money” borrowed from the banks used to buy your guns. Slaves are paid in paper promises and not allowed to have guns, Canadians are ignorant slaves.
The unpleasant white British people (in England) are now being spied on with drones and reported if they dare walk outside (especially if they are walking dogs), while the Moslems are still allowed to congregate in large numbers. Brits have become
second class citizens in their own nation, just as Canadians have become. The Brits have an excuse though, as they gave up their guns and are nice. And the Canadians have an excuse as well, as they are too indebted to buy guns as the jobs and resources
are all directed to the invaders, and they too are nice. Being nice to invaders is more important than protecting your nation. In Canada the Islamists bought courier franchises and get further aid from Sikh truck drivers to help them move arms and drugs
across the nation. Some people (the Islamists and Sikhs) are on top of things and are actively preparing for a period of adversity, while the Canadian children are taught to ram their penises up each others arseholes.
Many of the unpleasant white European old stock Canadians desire to separate the western provinces from eastern Canada - should they get enough Islamic, Hindu, Sikh and Catholic votes they may succeed and separate, and then they would retain the use
of and continue to fund psychiatry, and they likely would also continue to pay people in inflationary paper promises instead of with real money, which is gold and silver coins, nor would not help the homeless get established in their own small country
homes. The wealthy farmers don’t want poor white people around unless to shovel grain. Everybody will be allowed to have guns in Alberta’s new western separation deal except those people who criticized the Catholic Church and faced psychiatric
torture as a result.
The laws in Saskatchewan allowed the psychiatrists to torture me for a three week period, then I would be wheeled into a psychiatric appeal panel hearing and allowed to appeal my sanity, which is very difficult when sleeping in the wheel chair or if
awake with my head banging in pain while undergoing the worst possible case of nauseous horror, my jaw would be locked open and my mouth and tongue have dried up and turned to leather. Because of my condition I would limit my appeal by stating that the
Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols and that people are in fact bowing to these trees when they place and retrieve presents at the base of the trees. After years of being tortured by Hindus, white Catholic psychiatrist Doctor
Gene Marcoux took over torturing me with drugs, and the horror he brought upon me with these drugs dwarfed by magnitudes what the Hindu psychiatrists did to me. Then eventually this white Catholic psychiatrist Gene Marcoux heard me state my defence at
one of these three-week appeal panel hearings, he smiled and said that I was deluded, because everybody does it (turn trees into decorated idols). The Catholics seated across the table from us at that psychiatric appeal panel hearing smiled together with
Marcoux and gave him permission to torture me for another three weeks. That was the law in Saskatchewan, they are allowed to torture you for a three-week period, then allow you to appeal your sanity, then they allow you to be tortured for a second three-
week period, then on the final day of the six-weeks of torture the victim will be given a depot drug (long lasting psychiatric drug) injection and sent on his or her way. The psychiatrists never torture people for a single three week period as they are
allowed to keep their victims for a second three week torture session, back to back, and earn twice the amount of money.
Then the New Democratic Party (NDP) came to power in Saskatchewan, and their first act of legislation was to allow the psychiatrists to force medication upon the victims after the initial six-weeks of confined horror. Normally they would release me
after six weeks of torture, then a few weeks later a police officer would approach me and say, “You have a long term history of mental illness, you are under arrest.” Generally some ignorant Catholic would be offended by my words, call the police and
I would be arrested for speaking, and returned to another six weeks of brutal horrid torture, and the pain and the nausea of the drugs would remain for weeks after the six weeks of confined torture. But then the communist New Democratic Party (NDP) came
to power and they legislated more of people’s rights away – they gave the Hindu and Catholic psychiatrists the right to torture people with drugs for the remainder of their lives, not just for the six week periods with a short interruption, but for
every week thereafter, people were forced to take psychiatric drugs after they were released from the six weeks of confined horror. The NDP came to power in Saskatchewan and removed additional rights from the people, then the people in British Columbia
and Alberta elected NDP provincial governments as well. Then after the NDP were voted out of power in Saskatchewan subsequent parties kept the NDP’s new 24/7 torture legislation on the books. The Canadian NDP went on to elect a Sikh to head their
communist party, and other left-wing Canadians appointed another Sikh to run the Canadian military. People laughed at me (and assaulted me, and robbed me, and libeled me) when I tried informing people in the community that I was being tortured by Hindus,
now they train Islamists and Sikhs to become psychiatrists in our universities, and allow these people to torture Canadians without they themselves being Canadian citizens.
People are compassionless to me and to other victims of psychiatric horror, all sit back and allow psychiatry to not only continue, but to thrive. They train Islamists to become psychiatrists at Canadian universities, I sure hope that works out for
you people. I complained for years about being tortured by Hindu psychiatrists, people laughed and laughed. Now you also train Islamists and Sikhs to become psychiatrists, that should help matters even more. Borrowing money from your children so that you
may build new torture facilities in North Battleford was one of your finer moves. Look at the American experience in the matter, veterans are being tortured in psychiatric facilities in the USA while the educated talk. They talk and talk and talk, much
more talk than in this little book you are reading now. Americans allow their veterans to be tortured in psychiatric facilities and sleep on the streets, and then honor them by sticking statues of veterans next to or on top of Egyptian penises, which
they bow to when they place wreaths constructed out of evergreen trees at the base of these pagan dinks. The Americans annually turn their homes into blinkin’ temples of evergreen tree fertility, then they go to war cemeteries and decorate the
tombstones of the war dead with additional green symbols of fertility – these soldiers fought for your freedom, not for your Catholic fertility rituals. The Americans embrace pagan fertility rites, then God allows members of alternative fertility cults
to invade their country. Like the Canadians, the Australians, Americans and others reserve seats at universities to train foreigners from radically different cultures to become brutal psychiatrists.
Since 1988 I started talking about being tortured by Hindu psychiatrists, it is 32 years of talking and nobody cares, psychiatric torture is not an issue, all people want to do is turn trees into blinkin’ fertility tree idols and sing jingle Bells,
and laugh (and assault me and steal from me). When people embrace pagan fertility rites then God allows their nations to be ruled by members of alternative fertility cults. Canadians are compassionless to me and to other victims of psychiatric horror,
they deserve the loss of their nation to Islam.
The Chinese are isolating bat viruses, this latest onslaught was likely a test run and other bat viruses will soon be released upon the world. Trudeau allows the Chinese to fly in daily, directly from Wuhan where they develop the bat viruses, people
don’t really care and then sing Jingle Bells. Our native aboriginal Indians sell their grain to China and then block pipelines, rather than block airports and seek to maintain a seven year supply of food reserves – the Bible supports the idea that we
should save food in anticipation of a future period of adversity (Genesis 41). So, Canadians respond to criticisms of their Catholic fertility rituals by training and employing Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to torture the offending Canadians in psychiatric
facilities, and then when China launches viral warfare against Canadians, the Canadians respond by allowing infected foreigners a continued free pass into our nation while they shelter in their homes waiting for an appropriate time to bow to decorated
idols and to sing Jingle Bells. The Ukrainian community in Canada is certain to be using their free time to turn numerous eggs into lavishly decorated fertility idols. Nobody really cares what God says about embracing the pagan fertility rites, people
are sure that killing and decorating evergreen trees is an acceptable sacrifice to God.
Again, mock the individual if he or she criticizes your pagan fertility rituals. If that isn’t sufficient, shun the individual, then assault them, and if they still complain about your church exchanging God’s Commandments for pagan fertility rites,
then have them repeatedly arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities until they are no longer able to speak. If that still dothn’t work for you, libel the individual in the media and call him a pedophile, in the hopes that somebody on the street
will kill the individual and shut them up for good. Drug your own children and even drug the elderly in your families, and get ready for an influx of victims to the North Battleford torture facilities by borrowing money from your own children to build
larger torture facilities there. Prepare for a wave of anger and poverty in the community by reserving more seats in medical schools for Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus to be trained in the art of psychiatry. And remember to hunt down anybody that spent time
being tortured in the psychiatric facilities and then steal anything from them that they value, including pets. The secret here is not just to steal from those who have been beaten down over the years, make sure to take something from them that they
value, no matter how little it is. Fight the good fight, teach them a good lesson for daring to criticize your blinkin’ trees. Laugh and party.
Currently the single welfare recipients in Saskatoon are eligible for $459 per month for their rent, and $241 extra that can be used for food for the month. Sometimes they get an extra $40 for disability allowance, sometimes another $40 for a landline
phone, sometimes up to $40 is provided for electrical per month. That is what is given to the single old stock white Canadians who are an unpleasant relic. But note, now with this “Covid Crisis” Trudeau’s Islamic government hands out $2000 per
month for the Islamic and Chinese students who are visiting from foreign nations. I am not eligible for this $2000 per month assistance, but the foreign Chinese and Islamic students are.
I believe we should not provide welfare rent cheques to people, but only provide money, if required, to help people meet their payments towards their monthly mortgages for their small homes. And we shouldn’t be providing food money for able-bodied
people on assistance unless they are paying mortgage on their small houses, where the need will be reduced as they would have space for their own gardens anyway. Welfare recipients may leave Saskatchewan to other provinces if they want welfare money to
pay landlords. If I ran the provincial government I wouldn’t give people on assistance any money for a phone, they would have to take money out of their food allowance if they want a phone. The able-bodied who are unable to find employment should be
selling some of the vegetable they grow in order to raise money for a phone. Those who work should not have to spend half their earnings on taxes so that people who do not work can buy themselves luxuries.
Saskatoon should invest in several contiguous sections of land and provide concrete houses (200 square feet per adult, 100 square feet per child) for the welfare recipients, who would then use their $459/month for a payment on their mortgage rather
than on rent. The houses have to be concrete because the residents will be sharing the land with bison who will rub against the houses. With flat concrete roofs, additional stories may be added. Each concrete house would be provided with a small
surrounding lot, and each lot would have perhaps 50 to 150 feet between them to allow the bison and deer to roam. Some people may try to protect their lots and gardens with fences, and additional gardens may be grown in the spaces between the lots, where
the animals wander and are free to destroy these additional unprotected gardens.
Some people may be killed by the bison and their house will of course become available to others, name a street after them. Some people may desire plumbing, they will be encouraged to dig a hole and build an outhouse or build a chemical toilet for
themselves. So we can get $459 from their former welfare rent, plus $40 for the electrical, and perhaps $40 for the plumbing and laundry, so the city would collect a monthly mortgage payment of $539 from the single welfare recipients ($459+40+40=$539)
which would be applied to their mortgage payment for their small concrete homes, which the city builds for them. Lenin ordered Stalin to shoot the landlords, I wouldn’t be having any landlords shot, if I was mayor. I’d be viewed as a beloved ruler
rather than a brutal despot. Stalin overcame the trauma of Lenin’s strict iron rule and went on to get Russian children to build composite Yaks that out-performed and easily shot the invading German planes out of the sky… why God leaves me to explain
this all to you is beyond me. Stalin exiled my Doukhobour ancestors to Yakutia (beyond Siberia), perhaps that was due to God’s Holy Spirit working in Stalin’s heart to guide his people to the chosen land, where they were put to work in gold mines. My
advice is to get a rifle calibrated to at least .243 Winchester and emigrate to Yakutia. If the Canadians of red and white can united and close the airports, seaports and borders, and deport the Asian, African and Latin American invaders, then perhaps we
can make a last stand here in Canada instead. Many jets are parked on runways and waiting to be used to transport the invasion force back to their home continents.
The election for Saskatoon city council in 2020 should prove to be an exciting event, my hope is that residents will get out and vote as decisions made by City Council have always had great impact upon the citizens of the city. Whether you are a
compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree or penis whoreshipper, as mayor of Saskatoon I vow to allow your pagan practices to continue unabated but I will not be using the public purse to pay for them, nor will I allow the practices to take place on city-
owned properties, neither on nor in city-owned equipment. Anyway, if I were mayor of the city of Saskatoon, that’s what I’d do.
Restoring The American Republic, excerpts:
“We are all losing control of our possessions with each passing day as the dollar continues to be devalued through inflation. When the American economy collapses millions of us will lose everything despite our best efforts to retain it. Those whose
highest priority was to the preservation of their possessions instead of liberty will find they have lost both in a day… there are times when we must let go of unessential possessions in order to preserve our lives.” –Thomas Mick, Restoring the
American Republic, September 29th 2013
“America was created through an armed revolt against tyranny and to remain free we must be willing to do it again. Arm yourselves, read the Constitution, and stop complying with any action of government that contravenes it. The sole legitimate purpose
of American government is to secure our rights, anything they do other than that is usurpation and a violation of their oath and must be stopped at all costs if we’re to regain our lost liberty.” –Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic,
January 25th 2014
“When a superior officer issues a command to wage war against the natural rights of the American people, that officer identifies himself as the domestic enemy you swore to defend against. The Constitution for the United States of America grants only
those powers necessary to secure our rights, which is their lawful duty… Every officer, civilian and military, has taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, not the demands or orders of the chain of
command in defiance of the Constitution. When the chain of command defies the oath it becomes the duty of the soldier to defy the chain of command…” –Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, February 20 2014
“I believe that all of those forces within our country are there to distract us and prevent us from removing the prime threat, which is globalist control of our governments. In our effort to restore the American Republic, our first priority must be
regaining command and control; routing out the globalist infiltrators and their infrastructure from our land. Once we have accomplished that task and restored American command over our governments, then we can turn our undivided attention to the Mexican
invasion and Islam, as well as any other force seeking our destruction.” –Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, March 31 2014
“The plan of action I have proposed removes all oath breakers, starting at the local level, in order to restore our rights and liberty; returning government to the limitations the Constitution imposed on them… This plan doesn’t plead with them to
stop their usurpation, nor does it seek to impeach them through the corrupt system they’ve establish that protects them; it simply calls for their removal and replacement with people who understand what the oath is and will perform their duties
consistent with it. –Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, April 22 2014
“When they are allowed to cross our borders in violation of our laws infected with deadly diseases, forced into crowded facilities that enable the contagions to further spread in their numbers, and then bused and flown to cities and towns across the
republic, those people are weapons being used against us… America is no longer sheltered from battlefields abroad, the enemy is within and the battlefield is America. –Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, August 10 2014
“There are many people with the attitude of surrender, thinking their deaths will put them at the marriage supper of the Lamb. They seem to forget the people they’re allowing to be brutally murdered and raped by their inaction and submission to evil
in my opinion the followers of Jesus should be fighting evil, not succumbing to it. The oligarchy that runs our corporate government today has left us with no choice but to fight or die; they have imported drug cartels, Central American gangs, and
Moslems by the hundreds of thousands into our communities, subsidized them with our tax dollars, and allow them uncontrolled access through our borders… From the lessons of the past it is clear that Islam must be opposed with ferocious brutality or
they will conquer you with force and guile.” –Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, April 29 2015
“Now I understand why the Militia of Northern Texas and other units are NOT opposing an invasion of the republic, they’re obeying the orders of the people facilitating the invasion! Americans have become so brainwashed and conditioned to be “law
abiding” they don’t even think about the laws they’re being told to obey and the principles behind them. Like drones that have no ethics or morality, they blindly do as they’re told and obey orders… The organized Militias that are exercising
inaction today are not cowards and traitors as I originally thought, but loyal officers of the oligarchy who are in position, like Islam, to put down our efforts to destroy the oligarchy and restore the American Republic.” –Thomas Mick, Restoring the
American Republic, June 30 2015
“Stand out from the crowd and demand the truth, especially when the truth challenges you to think.” –Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, September 28 2015
“I mean no disrespect to honorable veterans and members of the Armed Forces of the United States but I have no respect for oath-breakers… nor does the God I worship. The Constitution is under the most intense attack in the history of the republic and
every damn one of you is sworn to defend it. Your oath is to the Constitution, not the President, Congress, the Court or any subdivision thereof… If you don’t agree with that, you shouldn’t have taken the oath.” -Thomas Mick, Restoring the
American Republic, November 8 2015
“Remember, our states are nation states. The United States of America is a constitutional republic, composed of nations that agreed to delegate certain enumerated powers to a limited central government; an agreement entered into by the member States
and abrogated over 154 years ago. Today, we have no lawful Constitution and our governments are corporations imposing policies through statutes, corporate rules, and regulations; not bound by a Constitution or the will of the People. Even if Donald Trump
wins the appointment to the White House, he will only be the CEO of the United States of America, Inc.; not the President of the United States of America.” -Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, March 20 2016
“Unknown to most Americans, we’re under attack every day by the corporations posing as our governments today. Every time you’re told to ask permission to exercise what is a natural right and you obey, you’re converting that right into a privilege
and enslaving yourself to usurpers. When you apply for a permit to improve your own property, you’re handing over your property rights to bureaucrats and showing that you truly do not own it. In America, free men hold their property in allodial and are
literally kings on that land. Most people today are tenants on the land they spend a fortune on; paying rent to the true owners in the form of property tax. When you apply for a permit to own or carry a firearm, you’re asking permission from your
master. Free men do not ask permission to be armed, slaves do. Free men would shoot the servant that attempted to disarm him, because allowing the usurpation is not only stripping you of your right to defend yourself from bodily harm, but also the
ability to defend everything you possess. When you ask permission to travel by obtaining a license to drive, you’re allowing others to regulate that travel and restrict your ability to do so. The ability to travel from place to place is a Natural Right,
not subject to the edicts of government.” -Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, August 24 2016
“If you wish to be free you MUST be willing to fight and die for it; cowards who shirk from that duty will never be free.” -Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, October 15 2016
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