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    From ivanvalarezo@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Mon Apr 3 23:24:46 2017
    [continued from previous message]

    Empero, Satanás siempre seguirá los siete años de bendiciones y de abundancias de Israel y de las familias de todas las naciones con sus siete años de hambre, y que todos los pueden evitar con Israel y con cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña del mundo
    entero, siendo bautizados en agua y en el Espíritu Santo: porque el bautismo lo protege todo. Porque cuando eres bautizado en agua y en el Espíritu Santo, entonces Satanás no tiene poder para acercarse a ti ni a los tuyos ni menos (poder) para tocar
    lo tuyo, ya que tú no vives más en la carne pecadora obedeciendo mentiras, pero ahora vives en la carne sagrada que obedece toda palabra del Padre, para que riquezas insondables continúen descendiendo.

    Éste fue el secreto de José en Egipto, porque él amó, sirvió y alabó al Padre, al Hijo y al Espíritu Santo sobre el altar del amor prehistórico de sus abuelos Abraham e Isaac, descendido del cielo, inicialmente para bautizar a Abraham y a Jacobo
    junto con sus hijos por nacer como la arena del mar, para que todos ellos vivan enriquecidos, siempre. Es decir también de que cuando José interpretó los dos sueños de Faraón de las siete vacas gordas y hermosas junto con las siete que eran flacas y
    feas, y los granos muertos comiéndose todos los granos buenos, entonces el Padre le dio las interpretaciones, pero igualmente su Hijo Jesucristo con el Espíritu Santo administraban las riquezas que descendían sobre todo Egipto.

    Por ende, fue nuestro Padre celestial dándole los sueños, interpretándolos, regando desde el cielo abundante riquezas por toda la tierra por siete años, entonces fue José obediente siempre como su representante personal en Egipto, para que su Hijo
    Jesucristo junto con el Espíritu Santo administren cada bendición descendida del cielo, enriqueciendo así a todos continuamente en todas las naciones. Porque fielmente fue nuestro Padre celestial entregando su santo nombre fuego junto con las
    bendiciones y riquezas inagotables, cayendo sobre la tierra, para que Israel las administre así como José lo hizo sobre su altar del amor prehistórico, descendido del cielo como desde donde exactamente las riquezas llueven copiosamente sobre las
    naciones, para que Satanás sea derrotado en su hambruna mundial, siempre.

    Ciertamente, nuestro Señor Jesucristo les enseñó en Israel que ésta salvación, hablando de él mismo, pertenece al Israel antiguo que se había vuelto polvo, y luego árboles sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén y el altar del amor prehistórico, que
    Abraham e Isaac incendiaron, y en donde seria clavado finalmente, derramando así su sangre reparadora, para que su salvación sea posible universalmente. Ahora, cuandoquiera que tú llegues al altar del amor prehistórico, en donde Abraham ofreció a su
    hijo Isaac como la ofrenda encendida y últimamente nuestro Padre celestial ofreció a su Hijo Jesucristo asimismo, clavado al madero del Israel antiguo, convirtiéndose así todos en dioses, sacerdotes y templos a su santo nombre fuego, destruyendo todo
    pecado para salvación eterna, entonces tú conocerás riquezas interminables.

    Por ende, tú conocerás riquezas como jamás lo pensaste posible, entonces será porque aquí es en donde nuestro Padre celestial junto con su Hijo Jesucristo, clavado al Israel antiguo, convertido en madero, terminó con el pecado universalmente en un
    solo día, cuando la sangre reparadora corrió a tierra, enriqueciéndola grandemente, para que reciba siempre los siete años de tus abundantes riquezas. Indiscutible, tú necesitas ascender al altar del amor prehistórico, descendido del cielo con
    Isaac y el Espíritu Santo, para que te reencuentres con nuestro Padre celestial en persona, en donde tu pecado ya no existe más, y en donde finalmente tú renacerás de su imagen y de su alma viviente, únicamente conociendo riquezas prometidas a
    Abraham y a sus hijos incontables, perpetuamente.

    Éste es un lugar maravilloso de estar siempre y al menos una vez en tu vida, porque aquí es donde nuestro Padre celestial junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y el Espíritu Santo te bendicen con riquezas inmensas, prometidas a ti en el convenio de vida de
    Abraham, que realmente es el convenio de riquezas cotidianas para ti, los tuyos y amistades, perpetuamente. Sin duda, únicamente Israel es el madero antiguo levantando su santo nombre fuego con Yeshua (Jesucristo) sobre todo lo alto del mundo y del
    reino de los cielos: Enriqueciéndote todos los días de tu vida, en esta vida y en la venidera como en La Nueva Jerusalén celestial hacia toda la eternidad venidera. ¡Amén!


    Our heavenly Father needed to establish His holy name fire over the entire world, so He may rule over the families of the nations that He had created, beginning with Adam and Eve in paradise, and that is why that He had to strike a covenant of life with
    Abraham and Sarah his wife thus to bring in His divine family, finally. For this was the only way possible that He will not only be able to rule over the entire human race that He had created along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but also,
    He will be able to gain new glories of eternal sanctities for His holy name fire, burning passionately with eternal life over His ancient altar.

    This was something that our heavenly Father needed to do, because not only that He needed to gain new glories of honor and exaltation to His holy name over His ancient altar of His prehistoric love that will have to descend from heaven above with His Son
    Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but also defeat His main adversary Satan, forever. For our heavenly Father had many ways to destroy Satan along with his fallen angels, but He wanted to do it with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit over the
    burning fire of His altar of His eternal love, ruling over it with His holy name fire forever, so Satan and no one else will ever challenge His name again.

    That is why, that it was very important for our heavenly Father to establish a covenant of life with Abraham, so He may give birth on earth to His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s power, thus establishing
    the foundation for His holy name fire to burn on earth with everyone’s lasting-salvation, at last. Therefore, with His Son Jesus Christ born on earth, by the Holy Spirit’s amazing daily powers, from Sarah’s barren-womb as Abraham’s son thus to
    come to be known as his must beloved son, then it was to give birth to His prehistoric love on earth, where His holy name fire will be established over His ancient altar of love into all eternity.

    That is to say, also that our heavenly Father had finally managed to strike the fire of love from Abraham’s heart and from Sarah his wife also to begin to love not only His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac, by the Holy Spirit’s power, but also He had
    sparked His ancient love loving His holy name fire with humankind, at last. Provided that, as Abraham and Sarah began to learn about His Son Jesus Christ born from them as Isaac, by the Holy Spirit’s amazing daily powers, then they were really learning
    to love His holy name fire that will soon burn within their lives and their children’s lives over His ancient altar of love to rule over humankind with lasting salvation, into eternity.

    For the day that His Son Jesus Christ was born from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s powers, then not only the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood were born within the human family from Abraham, but also His holy name
    fire was born to rule over humankind with perfect salvation, for every one of His children heavenly bound eternally saved. For His Son Jesus Christ has always been the temple of His holy name fire in heaven’s glory within the angelical nations,
    therefore our heavenly Father needed to do the same within the families from humankind, thus it was important to have His covenant of life established with Abraham and Sarah’s barren-womb, for His holy name fire to conquer the world, finally.

    In other words, just when His Son Jesus Christ has always been His temple to His holy name fire in heaven’s glory in the midst of the angelical nations, then His only Son had also to be His temple to His holy name fire within every man, woman and child
    from all the families of the nations, ruling the world finally. Therefore, what really Sarah’s barren-womb gave birth the day that Isaac was born, by the Holy Spirit’s amazing powers, then it was our heavenly Father’s temple for His holy name fire
    that is His Son Jesus Christ dressed with the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood, ready to be Abraham and to his countless children’s temple to the holy name fire, everlastingly.

    That is correct: Our heavenly Father had Isaac born from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit, as His temple to His holy name fire that Abraham had to learn to love along with His wife and the adoptive children within his household and everyone else
    living close to them, so they may learn to love His holy name fire on earth, finally. On this day, our heavenly Father had given birth from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s powers, the first man on earth, bearing His holy name fire as His
    personal temple, and this was something that He never did for the angelical hosts, but He did it instead for humankind, because we were born from His image and living-soul as His children.

    That is to say, also that by our heavenly Father having Isaac born from Sarah’s barren-womb to give Abraham his long-waited child Isaac, then He was giving birth on earth to His first temple within the families from humankind, so He may afterward make
    every man, woman and child His temple to His holy name fire over His altar of love, everlastingly. That is why, that His Son Jesus Christ had to be born from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s powers, as Isaac to be Abraham’s must beloved
    only son, but also to be the temple to His holy name fire, so Abraham along with Sarah and everyone else everywhere may become the temple to His holy name, by just believing in Him.

    Because within your heart you may believe for justice by confessing with your lips for salvation His Son Jesus Christ’s holy name fire that will enter into your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit thus to burn with passion the must powerful
    salvation that our heavenly Father had ever granted to humankind through his servant Abraham’s ever-increasing faithful and fruitful life. For this is why that our heavenly Father was able to count Abraham’s faith as justice, because his only beloved
    son Isaac had become his temple, where he learned to love Him and His holy name fire along with Sarah and the adoptive children within his household, thus granting glories and honors to His name on earth for the first time, everlastingly.

    Furthermore, because Abraham served, loved and worshipped Him and His holy name fire born to him as Isaac, became his only son that he had begun to love with a love that only our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit could transmit
    into him, then he really learned to live, love and glorify His holy name fire, finally. Moreover, because Abraham had learned to serve, love and worship His holy name fire within his household along with his wife Sarah and the adoptive children, then,
    our heavenly Father really began to speak to him real blessings that showed him every day richness that he never thought it possible to posses them much less to enjoy them with his loved ones.

    Certainly, Abraham began to enjoy richness that was too big to tell as how great they were, because he just failed to count his blessing every day that he was able to give to others abundantly, and as he did, then he was blessed even much more that he
    just failed to see that they were destined for his incoming promised children. These are amazing richness that will not only blessed Abraham’s children as they became a nation that was called by our heavenly Father to love, serve and glorify His holy
    name fire over His altar of His prehistoric love that had descended from heaven above to baptize them, but also to take His salvation to the ends of the world, forever.

    Inasmuch as, it is our heavenly Father’s will that not only Abraham’s children will learn to love, serve and glorify His holy name in the midst of the nations, but also He seeks the families of the nations to learn to love, serve and glorify His holy
    name as each one of them is baptized in water and in the Holy Spirit. Provided that, every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations that is willing to love, serve and glorify our heavenly Father and His holy name fire, then, he
    most do it through the finish work of His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit over His ancient altar of love, so they may know life, always.

    Given that, the same blessing to grant children that our heavenly Father promised initially to Abraham is also for the families of the nations that they may continue to have children through the generations, so they may come to know the glories of His
    holy name fire over His altar of His prehistoric love thus to love, serve and glorify Him, always. That is why, that our heavenly Father had to be always faithful to His covenant of life that He personally started with Abraham, and this is that He will
    do all the salvation work necessary not only for Abraham but also for his incoming promised children along with the children to be born from the families of the nations.

    Therefore, our heavenly Father continued to send upon earth His seven years of blessings that enriched the lands throughout the world not only for Israel but also for the families of the nations, so they may have abundance of everything to support a
    healthy and wealthy life, giving glory each day to His holy name fire over His altar of eternal love. Besides, these are very important richness that our heavenly Father has always sent upon the entire earth thus to bless the children of Israel but also
    the children from all the families of the nations that love, serve and glorify Him and His holy name fire through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit over His altar of His eternal love.

    This is the altar that our heavenly Father has prepared for you with Abraham along with his son Isaac that really is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit burning passionately with His prehistoric love of His great grace, His great mercy, His great
    truth and His great divine justice, so you may stand there to pray through life for blessings. These are richness that will not only keep everyone’s belly full but also the heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit, because along with every blessing
    sent from heaven above is saturated as always with the vitamins, minerals, enriched with the medicine such as vaccines and antibodies that are needed to shun deadly infections and diseases in the human body continuously.

    Besides, it is in our heavenly Father’s interest that not only His holy name fire is loved, honored, and worshipped through the heart, mind, soul, body and human spirit of every man, woman and child from Israel but also from the families of the nations:
    therefore, He has to provide the richness of food and medicine thus enriching everyone’s life and health progressively. Now, after every seven year of blessing Satan will send his seven years of famine eating up every blessing that has descended from
    heaven above but also consumed the beneficiaries of these blessings that are the children from the twelve tribes of Israel along with the families of the nations, because Satan is not willing to give up the earth without a fight.

    That is why, that it is important for everyone to get baptized in water by invoking His name’s perfect holiness along with His Son and His Spirit, by repenting from all your sins, including your loved ones, because as you may descend into the waters
    then the sinful-flesh will sink to take on the sacred-flesh filled with the seven years of richness. And this is something that you will only have to do once, because it only takes a moment descending into the waters by invoking His holy name along with
    His Son and His Spirit that will undress you from the sinful-flesh already sinking into hell’s torment never to rise to life again, while you are dressed now with the sacred-flesh that is blessed.

    For this is the sacred-flesh along with the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood that our heavenly Father wants to bless every day of your life on earth and in heaven’s glory forever into eternity, because it was born from David’s virgin daughter,
    by the Holy Spirit’s powers, to defeat Satan and kill the angel of death, so Israel may live again, forever. This is the sacred-flesh from His Son Jesus Christ that had to be nailed to the covenant-flesh that was born from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the
    Holy Spirit’s powers, giving birth to Isaac, so he may become Abraham’s lamb to ascend to Mount Zion with our heavenly Father’s love to give birth to the twelve tribes of Israel that will become His home-sweet-home, eventually.

    However, for Israel to become His home-sweet-home, where His divine family will continue to live as they have always lived with Him, and this is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then sin had to be eradicated from the face of the earth for His
    holy name fire to be lifted victorious over sin, death and Satan, at last, perpetually. That is why, that His Son Jesus Christ had to be born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, by the Holy Spirit’s powers, because he will give birth to Jacob that in
    turn he will become the entire nation of Israel thus fulfilling our heavenly Father’s promise to Abraham to give him children as countless from the stars from heaven above.

    These are the children to be born in captivity, for four hundred years, because they are the covenant-flesh that Sarah gave birth as Isaac, and then Jacob was born, for Abraham’s children to take on the sins from every man, woman and child that have
    lived, that are living, and that will live on earth, so He may destroy them in one day. Our heavenly Father had to wait for Israel to be born in captivity, suffering everyone’s sins from all the nations, so He may finally descend with His ancient altar
    of the prehistoric love finally to grant Jacob’s children His holy name fire that once he asked for it, but he was refused, because it was not the place and time to give it.

    Our heavenly Father had to give His holy name fire to Moses for Israel finally to possess it forever, because He needed to manifest the glories and wonders of His name, so the Egyptians may allow them to leave their land to live in a new land that had
    been waiting to rule over them with His holy name’s newly conquered glories. By our heavenly Father giving His holy name fire to Moses for Israel to possess it forever, then He was really granting powerful miracles that will change not only their lives
    but also the lives of the families of the nations, because He needed the entire world to know His holy name as an everlasting fire burning over His altar, blessing life everywhere.

    This is how our heavenly Father was able finally to get Israel to abandon Egypt under the cover of great miracles that not only the Egyptians along with the Israelites were able to witness but also the surrounding nations, because everyone from
    everywhere became informed of the events that took place as His holy name fire was invoked by Moses and Aaron. What’s more, our heavenly Father needed Israel finally to descend into the waters of the Red Sea, because He needed every sin that had been
    accumulated by the covenant-flesh that was born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s power, to sink into Hell’s torment with the sinful-flesh, so Israel may dress the sacred-flesh at last for everyone’s lasting-salvation throughout the

    For Israel was going to die in the Sinai’s desert because of disobedience to Him and to His holy name, given that after Israel had waited for Moses for more than forty days and forty nights then they said to Aaron that they just failed to find out the
    whereabouts of Moses and that they needed to worship God. This is when Aaron said to bring all the jewelry that they had received from the Egyptians, to throw them in to the furnace, to see what will come from the fire, and that wherever it will come out,
    then that is what they were going to worship, because Moses had failed to leave with them the gods that they must worship.

    This is when our heavenly Father told Moses to descend to Israel from Mount Sinai, because the people that he had brought out from Egypt’s slavery with great displays of His holy name fire, then, now they had corrupted themselves and that he needed to
    go and see what they had done, so he may stop this evil from spreading all over. As Moses descended from Mount Sinai he had the two tablets of the Ten Commandments with him that as he approached the Israeli camp then he began to hear people celebrating
    and dancing that someone next to him said: it sounds as war cry, something has happened within the Israeli camp while we were away.

    However, Moses said: Negative, it is not a cry for war, but they are celebrating and dancing about something that has taking place with them, and this is what the Lord told me about—that as he said those words, then the tablets of the commandments fell
    to the foot of Mount Sinai, because great judgment was on the way against Israel’s idol-worship. Our heavenly Father said to Moses: What the Israelis had done is wicked and I was not expecting this evil from the at all. For sure, I am ready to kill
    every one of them today for what they have done against me, my Son and my Holy Spirit, but from you I will give birth to new people that will be much better than what they will ever be before you.

    However, Moses prayed to our heavenly Father by saying: Please Lord, do not kill the Israelis today, because if you do, then what the Egyptians and the rest of the nations will say about you and your great holy name fire? They will probably say that you
    took them out from Egypt to kill them in the desert, because you failed to cope with them. And then, what will you do to your great and awesome holy name fire that you are ready to establish over your ancient altar over Jerusalem’s holy hill forever
    into eternity ruling the nations from the entire world at last.

    For you have taken Israel from Egypt’s captivity to exalt your holy name fire over your ancient altar of the prehistoric love that descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit, to be established in Canaan forever, so you may give birth
    and baptize your children with your fire of great grace, great mercy, great truth and great divine justice. Then, our heavenly Father said to Moses: I will not kill Israel today and I will not make a new nation from you as I have said, but the soul that
    sins against my holy name fire, I will blot out his name from my book, so he will fail to sin against my will for humankind again, forever.

    On this day, our heavenly Father decided to listen to Moses’ prayer for Israel to live, but only until they will give birth to their children that He had promised to Abraham through the covenant of life that He had establish with him, so His blessings
    may continue to pour upon Israel and the families of the nations, as well. Certainly, as time went by ancient Israel was dying in the Sinai’s desert as they gave birth to a new nation that could cross the Jordan to possess the land of Canaan, for our
    heavenly Father finally to lift His holy name fire over His ancient altar of His prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit.

    Timely, ancient Israel died to descend into the Valley of the dries bones, because the sinful-flesh could never enter into the promised land except as ashes, because of the sin against the golden calf that they received, worshipped and danced by
    accepting it as the gods that liberated them from Egypt’s captivity, causing our heavenly Father’s wrath to rise against them furiously. Our heavenly Father needed to take Israel into Canaan, because they were the only ones that could really exalt
    His holy name fire not only over Satan and his fallen angels that had tried to exalt themselves over it in heaven’s glory, but, however, He had given it to Moses and to Israel to possess and exalt it over the world, forever.

    For example, as Lucifer tried to exalt our heavenly Father’s holy name fire in heaven’s glory with one-third of the angels then he end up trying to exalt himself about it, because he failed to understand it, then he decided that he should exalt
    himself over it, and he was finally cast into hell by our Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit. Surely, when anyone is baptized in water by invoking our heavenly Father’s holy name and that of His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit, Satan fears
    are incredible, and he has to depart from the person been baptized with the sinful-flesh descending into hell, for the newly reborn to dress the sacred-flesh that said: Satan, death, I am your death.

    In heaven, Satan was trying something that was never called by our heavenly Father or His Son Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit to do with the holy name fire, because this was something exclusively reserved for the children born from His image and living-
    soul through His Son, by the Holy Spirit’s power, finally to manifest over His altar of love, in Canaan. And this is Israel, because Israel was born from our heavenly Father’s Son Jesus Christ as the Holy Spirit gave birth to Abraham’s only son
    Isaac, so he may live within Abraham’s family as the temple for His holy name that Lucifer with his angels failed to exalt, but end up trying to exalt themselves over it instead, then rebellion was born.

    That is why, that when His Son Jesus Christ was born from David’s virgin daughter then he came to exalt our heavenly Father’s holy name fire through ancient Israel that was lying at the Valley of the dried bones, but first he had to destroy Satan’s
    kingdom and the angel of death, so our Father’s holy name may rule the world lastly. Besides, this was something that only Israel could do it, but they had to be lifted from the Valley of the dries bones by our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and
    the Holy Spirit’s power of resurrection, so Israel may lift finally His holy name fire above the world and victorious over evil, everlastingly.

    That is why, that when our Lord Jesus Christ was about to give his messianic life for Israel to live over Mount Zion forever blessed, then he approached the Sanhedrin, to tell Caiaphas the Levite High Priest: Destroy this temple (by pointing at himself)
    and in three days I will lift it back to life, and never to die again into eternity. Now, our Lord Jesus Christ was ready to tell the Levite priest to kill him, then it was because he had destroyed Satan’s work against Israel by the power of the holy
    name given to him by heavenly Father, because wherever he went through Israel, sin was dead, for the holy name to be lifted victoriously high over the world, at last.

    Besides, the only ones that could do this for our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ’s sacred-flesh that had defeated Satan and his wild evils throughout Israel, it was only Israel but filled with His Spirit this time, rising from the Valley
    of the dried bones to be finally established over Abraham and Isaac’s altar of love burning with everyone’s salvation. For our heavenly Father had said: I will make you a light to the nations with the end that you will take my salvation with my holy
    name fire into outer most corners of the world, so every man, woman and child may find life abundantly in this life and in the next one to come in heaven’s glory forever into eternity.

    Therefore, as soon as the Sanhedrin received the power to kill our heavenly Father’s only beloved Son Jesus Christ, then they did it without delay, because he had to take ancient Israel’s flesh filled with all the sins of the families of the nations,
    to Mount Zion, as the wood to be nailed to his sacred-flesh for sin to die at once. As our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the wood that once in life was ancient Israel that had been born in Egypt’s captivity to live there, for four hundred years,
    suffering the sins of the entire world, then, as our heavenly Father shed his seed that is in His Son’s atoning-blood then sin ceased to exist in Israel, His home-sweet-home, forever.

    This is when, our heavenly Father was finally fulfilling His call upon Israel as He said to them: You are gods, priests and temples to the holy name fire burning wildly at last over the top of the world victorious against Satan and his wicked lies that
    had created much confusion and havoc in the midst of the people of the nations. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ approached the Levite priests to let them know that they had the power to kill him, because he needed to be nailed to the wood that
    once was ancient Israel filled with the sins of the world to be destroyed immediately, so they may become gods, priests and temple to the holy name, forever.

    For as our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the wood that once was the sacred-flesh of the families of ancient Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones, then they became alive to our Father in heaven, because every sin had died in the world finally,
    so they may lift His holy name fire burning over His altar of love. And, this is the place where they are these days over Mount Zion upholding our heavenly Father’s holy name fire victorious over sin, Satan, death and hell, because of what our Lord
    Jesus Christ did for Israel by lying his very holy life at the wood that is the house of Israel returning to life victorious over evil, forever.

    Ancient Israel could have never abandoned the Valley of dried bones much less rise to Mount Zion and become established at Abraham and Isaac’s altar of the prehistoric fire of love that they ignited not only for Abraham’s rebirth from the fire of
    grace, mercy, truth and divine justice but also for his children and the nations, if Jesus Christ had failed them. Inasmuch as, this is the only place where our heavenly Father had promised not only Abraham’s children to meet them again but also every
    man, woman and child from all the families of the nations as they are baptized in water, invoking His holy name’s perfect holiness and that of His Son along with the Holy Spirit thus becoming His legitimate children, finally.

    That is why, that when you are baptized in water invoking the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit’s name, then the sinful-flesh will descend into hell’s torment where it belongs forever along with Satan and the fallen angels with their illnesses,
    problems and curses, to dress the sacred-flesh that is filled with the seven years of blessings pouring upon people everywhere. These are the blessings of endless richness that our heavenly Father has to send upon the entire earth because of the covenant
    that He established with Abraham, so he may receive his children as countless as the stars from heaven above, but also, the children from the families of the nations: because He needs to enrich His holy name through them always.

    [continued in next message]

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