Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff >July 3rd 2022 2:57 pm 127,224 words (143 pages)
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff >August 3rd 2022 9:58 pm 131,371 words (148 pages)
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff >November 14th 2022 4:33 am 152,642 words (173 pages)
=E2=80=9CThe very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offen= >sive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite fr= >ankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Ju= >stin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strateg= >y, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
=E2=80=9CChristians are the worst part of Canadian society.=E2=80=9D - Cana= >dian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without th= >e aid of a writer
=E2=80=9CHonour killings shouldn=E2=80=99t be called =E2=80=98barbaric.=E2= >=80=99=E2=80=9D - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without p= >reparation, without the aid of a writer
=E2=80=9CThey are not sexual assaults, but =E2=80=98honour=E2=80=99 rapes.= >=E2=80=9D - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without prepara= >tion, without the aid of a writer
=E2=80=9CIf you=E2=80=99re not willing to embrace Islam, you=E2=80=99re not=
a part of our society.=E2=80=9D - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau s=
peaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
=E2=80=9CWho remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can=E2=80=99t remembe= >r the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?=E2=80= >=9D - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writ= >er=09
=E2=80=9CWithout writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.=E2=80=9D - E= >ddie Izzard
Bring along excavators to help dig in for the winter. Each participant s=
hould bring along thousands of pounds of food, thousands of pounds of other=
supplies (tents, tarps, clothes, 24 volt or 48 volt off-grid electrical sy=
stems, lithium powered hand tools, stoves, screws, books, fuel=E2=80=A6.), = >much of the food and supplies brought along on small boats and rafts capabl= >e of navigating the Lena River. The Yakutians are fond of metal workers, ma= >ke sure to bring along your machine shops, portable lumber mills and road b= >uilding equipment when you emigrate. Prepare to pay taxes to Putin in the f= >orm of gold, so that he may keep his Russian Republic strong. Or stay and p= >ay taxes to Trudeau and have him raise your children=E2=80=A6 Trudeau uses = >the media and schools to teach your children to ram their penises up each o= >ther=E2=80=99s arseholes. Trudeau works at preventing white people from mee= >ting, uniting and forming families, and desires control over all the childr= >en, I suggest we take all the machining tools, also the children, and flee = >in well-equipped convoys to Yakutia, there we can build wealth, build guns = >and regroup. At the very least, each participant would be required to have = >a raft carrying 6,000 pounds of food and other supplies so they would stand=
a chance to survive the first winter, and the owner of the raft would requ=
ire a boat owner to tow said raft upriver. If you are bringing a vehicle on=
a boat or raft as well, still bring that 6000 pounds (or much more) of foo=
d and other supplies. Build the boats and rafts so they can be easily loade= >d onto and unloaded from the ships. Then build a community along the Lena R= >iver or nearby the Lena River, build it out of rocks and concrete on a sout= >h facing slope, build guns, mine gold, coal and other resources, regroup. A= >nother group can land at Magadan perhaps without rafts and boats and seek o= >ut a suitable site for a community along the Hiway of Bones or nearby that = >hiway either in Magadan or Yakutia. Canadians can sponsor other Canadians t= >o go on the expeditions, perhaps expecting to follow behind the following y= >ear and bringing additional resources when emigrating.
Should you find yourself landing at the Lena River Delta, travel up the =
Lena with a boat pulling your raft. I would suggest you also carry (or tow = >or use as outriggers) three or four smaller and light weight flat bottom bo= >ats so you may navigate into other rivers that you find along the way. You = >may need several small flat bottomed boats in order to transport your many = >thousands of pounds of tools and other supplies upstream an alternative riv= >er. People landing at Magadan and then travelling up the Kolyma Hiway shoul= >d consider towing or carrying boats with them. Go to the expense of making = >aluminum containers to haul your food and other goods, so they float and so=
the goods are secure in transit. The aluminum containers, when empty, can =
always be used at your chosen destination to assist in housing and mining.
Imagine perhaps as many as one million Canadians emigrating, leaving Can=
ada to greener pastures, each bringing with them a small fortune in dehydra= >ted foods, and bringing with them machining equipment, and construction equ= >ipment, portable lumber mills, metals, fuels, cement and glass, and establi= >shing new communities in places such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Yakutia, M= >agadan or Kamchatka. Whichever land we emigrate to would be blessed with an=
economic windfall. Canadians might be wise to build boats, rafts and aircr=
aft, in preparation of a future migration. I also imagine society will coll= >apse so very quickly that Canadians will not have a chance to flee the mess= >es that Biden and Trudeau are creating. In actuality America is being ruled=
by Obama, a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who whispers instructions into =
Biden=E2=80=99s ear, and his Queen Michelle wears size 12 men=E2=80=99s sho= >es and played football in college. It is very important to this homosexual = >Indonesian Islamist that Americans line up and take the jab. And Obama prob= >ably follows orders from Charles, who is an Islamist as well, while Trudeau=
certainly doths. Anyway, some people in Saskatoon may build Yaks and fly t=
o Yakutia. It would be helpful to those who embark upon an expedition to Ya= >kutia (or elsewhere) have support from airplane owners, and the airplane ow= >ners find support from those carrying supplies up roads and rivers. I image=
that we can establish several communities in the Russian far-east and have= these communities continuously linked by air and working together developi=
ng and manufacturing airplanes, food processing and mining equipment and su= >ch.
Those people emigrating away from Canada would of course benefit by havi=
ng sponsors to assist them with funds to make the boats, rafts, vehicles an= >d to obtain the supplies. Sponsors would of course benefit when they travel=
to the new communities, or move to the new communities=E2=80=A6 the sponso=
rs would have different levels of VIP status depending upon their input. I = >suggest the Aviation Department, which is in charge of the security of the = >boat building and most other build options (in charge of the secure lockers=
and buildings), utilize the funds in however way the board members see fit=
. We will need metal lathes and presses as well but I expect people would d= >onate some of their older and unwanted equipment, perhaps equipment in need=
of repair. And so likely we would be better off using any donated funds to= purchase aluminum in large quantities rather than invest in tools. Putin w=
ill charter us a freighter and carry us, our boats and rafts, our guns and = >other supplies, from Vancouver to the Lena River Delta or further upstream.=
Each person who constructed a raft and\or a boat would have a heated cabin= built into their rafts and boats that they could occupy during transport.=
Especially note that each person who built a raft or boat using donated =
supplies would be obligated to use a portion of their space to transport Av= >iation Department supplies and equipment or other members=E2=80=A6 and so t= >here may be a vehicle or other supplies on your raft that you do not own, i= >n addition to people, and you may be called upon to utilize your boat as a = >tugboat and help pull supplies down the Lena River.
Builders who draw upon such donated resources would have to agree to use= the finished boats, rafts, planes and vehicles to assist the emigration by= helping to move resources for the entire group, and would later have to pa=
y cash for any materials provided if they decide to keep the finished proje= >ct for their own private use. The donations would be used for emigration, t= >he builders drawing upon the donated materials would be beholden to the Avi= >ation Department and would be obligated to use the constructed vehicles, bo= >ats, rafts and aircraft to assist in moving supplies to Magadan or Yakutia = >(Sakha Republic) or Kamchatka or Chukotka, likely depending upon which of t= >hese locations would welcome us, and depending upon what Putin would prefer= >. Perhaps different Russian far eastern states and regions will compete and=
lobby for us to establish our presence and metal working facilities at the=
ir states and regions, I suggest that you establish a settlement near some = >coal reserves. The Aviation Department should assist people to move to eith= >er the Russian Far East or to a Scandinavian country, or perhaps to Greenla= >nd, and so people who built rafts and are beholden to the Aviation Departme= >nt would have the option to emigrate in an Aviation Department Convoy to th= >ese different locations if approved by the host country. The Aviation Depar= >tment hopes to establish communities in these foreign nations to assist Can= >adians to flee from Canada and continue to help train them in useful trades=
while assisting them to build themselves aircraft, boats and homes.
The raft you constructed by using materials owned and provided to you by= the Aviation Department, could be half occupied by materials and by wood-w=
orking and metal-working equipment the Aviation Department is transporting = >to the Russian far east. People making use of the Aviation Department facil= >ities to make rafts and other vehicles will of course be trained in some fo= >rm of metal working, and so will bring their skills with them to Yakutia (S= >akha Republic) should we emigrate there (more gold and diamonds and coal an= >d there than in Scandinavia, perhaps more freedom too). Some people will co= >nstruct their boats and planes with no intention of leaving the country, an= >d so will keep their skills in Saskatchewan or another Canadian province, a= >nd would be fully responsible in funding the construction of their own proj= >ects.
If people are in the process of fleeing Canada (or the USA) and leaving i=
ndependently and without the assistance of Saskatoon=E2=80=99s Aviation Dep= >artment, I suggest you meet at Magadan and make arrangements in Magadan to = >travel inland and bolster an existing community, such as Atka (200 km north=
of Magadan), or Orotukan (300 km north of Magadan). Establish communities =
or bolster existing communities along the hiway running from Magadan to Yak= >ustk, perhaps space the communities roughly 100 to 200 kilometers apart. If=
we had communities spaced roughly every 100 to 200 kilometers along the hi=
way we could assist all who travel the hiway by offering fuel, food, clothe= >s, supplies, lodging, likely jobs and entertainment as well. If we had comm= >unities spread out along the hiway, each community could be constructing sp= >ecific parts required for our communally-built airplanes, which I suggest b= >e Short Take Off And Landing (STOL) aircraft. The parts can be delivered to=
Yakutsk and/or to Magadan and the aircraft can be assembled there. We can =
space out communities along the hiway, perhaps in or near the communities o= >f Atka, Orotukan, Susuman, and beyond all the way to Yakutsk in the Sakha R= >epublic, and manufacture components for our aircraft from different factori= >es along the hiway Aircraft can also be assembled in smaller towns located = >between Yakutsk and Magadan, parts that we manufacture would flow both dire= >ctions down the Hiway of Bones.
It makes sense to purchase land in The City of Magadan and use it to hel=
p Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigrating to the Russi= >an Far East. It also makes sense to purchase some land in the town of Atka = >to similarly assist those Americans and Canadians who are in the process of=
emigration, as the town is situated along the hiway and can provide lodgin=
g, meals, fuel and information to the travelers who are passing through, an= >d is attractive due to being located close to Magadan. Also Atka boasts som= >e nearby lakes (about five miles to the south east), making it ideal for ca= >noeing, fishing and camping while waiting for additional members of your pa= >rty to arrive from Canada or USA.
Establish communities that can serve as depots, where individual may dr=
op off thousands of pounds of supplies and then travel the region until mak= >ing a decision upon where to settle and move those supplies to. Then the Av= >iation Department, acting as an emigrant organization, would secure our sup= >plies in depots in our communities along the hiway, and use our trucks to m= >ove the supplies from Magadan to any location along the hiway to Yakutsk or=
beyond. We could purchase land in both Yakutsk and Nizhny Bestyakh (or ver=
y nearby each community) and build boats, small aircraft and homes there. I= >nstead of building aircraft in Saskatchewan, we can flee to Magadan and Yak= >utia and build them there.
Putin would be sure to issue us a general pass allowing everybody coming= on the excursion from Canada (everybody fleeing Canada for their very live=
s) to bring their guns along with them. I suggest that if Putin dothn=E2=80= >=99t allow us to bring our guns (both handguns and rifles) to the Russian f= >ar east, that we instead go with our guns (flee with our lives) to Finland = >instead. Sweden is out of the question, they allow the Islamic immigrants t= >o have guns and bombs and will prevent the immigration of white people, whe= >ther they have guns or not. Norway could open their doors to the Canadians = >who flee with their lives and who try to immigrate with their guns as they = >could use more soldiers for their army, navy and airforce, but since Canadi= >ans never fought in defense of Canada, they would be unlikely to fight in d= >efense of Norway either. If Putin dothn=E2=80=99t want Canadians immigratin= >g to the Russian far east with our guns and our metal working tools, then w= >e could go to Finland and make guns and airplanes there instead. The people=
of Finland would enter into a debate about why they would ever want a big =
bunch of Canadians immigrating to their nation again due to the question of=
those Canadians being unable to fight in defense of Canada, so why would t=
hey suddenly want to fight in defense of Finland???!!! In the end Finland w= >ould welcome the Canadians and also allow them to carry their guns with the= >m, but only because they would be bringing huge amounts of metal working ma= >chinery along with them and would help to create employment for the Finnish=
people. So the Canadians who land in Finland will adopt Finnish culture an=
d will have to learn to speak through their noses, and that is a good reaso= >n to go to Magadan instead.
Consider meeting in Sapporo Japan and make arrangement there to secure a=
dditional supplies before chartering ships and travelling onwards to Magada= >n. Winter weather conditions annually close the port of Magadan, while wait= >ing for the harbor to open you can use the opportunity to shop for and buy = >used Japanese mini-trucks, snow mobiles and such, secure all sorts of other=
supplies, and charter a suitable ship to take you and the other emigrants =
to Magadan. I imagine a tourist office or the main police station in Sappor= >o can assist you to get in contact with other westerners in Sapporo who are=
hoping to sail to Magadan in the spring or summer when the port is accessi=
ble. It is possible that Putin would send a ship to Sapporo to pick you emi= >grants up. If I was elected as Mayor of Saskatoon, I=E2=80=99d encourage pe= >ople to flee for their lives and go to Magadan, perhaps to first stop in Sa= >pporo and pick up supplies. With the present state of politics in Canada, i= >t may be wise to sell everything you have and fly to Japan where you will p= >urchase supplies, and then in the spring board a boat in Sapporo and sail t= >o Magadan, and then from there perhaps travel onwards to Yakutia.
People wanting to build aircraft, whether in the west or in the Russian =
far east, should consider making an assembly-line and rolling off copies of=
a commonly desired model, perhaps a flying boat that seats just four peopl=
e. Another group of people will be incessant that they will each have a Sho= >rt Takeoff And Landing (STOL) aircraft, and so that group would be best ser= >ved by building assembly-line copies of the same plane=E2=80=A6 One seater = >STOL? Two seater STOL? Four Seater STOL? There may be enough interest to wa= >rrant making single, two and four seater STOL=E2=80=99s and rolling these t= >hree models off assembly lines. If the majority wants a four-seater STOL, t= >he people who desire a one or two seater STOL may still manufacture what th= >ey desire, we should have the room available to accommodate people=E2=80=99= >s projects. If city has the ability to spend hundreds of millions of dollar= >s on assorted projects of very questionable worth, and more on projects tha= >t they have no business funding, then similarly the city should be able to = >spend a bit of money to construct space that is suitable for you to build a=
Put 100 people together each wanting to build the same aircraft, perhaps=
a one-seater STOL, this aircraft has a complex wing design. The 100 projec=
ts can be approached haphazardly with individuals constructing assorted par= >ts of their aircraft independently from one another. Or everybody could uni= >te and build the wings for their airplanes at the same time. Or everybody c= >ould unite and build 100 copies of the same set of wings to be drawn for af= >ter the aircraft are built. Or 20 people could unite and build the 100 sets=
of wings for the 100 aircraft while the other 80 people build different co=
mponents for these 100 airplanes. This latter scenario would likely speed u= >p the process of building the STOL aircraft, and 80% of the builders will n= >ot have to worry about building wings for their aircraft. Hopefully there w= >ould be enough interest to get a second set of 100 (or more) people togethe= >r to build a different aircraft, and perhaps get a third group of 100 peopl= >e united so they too may build 100 copies of some third style of aircraft f= >or themselves. If you wanted an airplane and had very limited wealth, you w= >ould likely choose to join the group that seeks to make extremely cheap air= >planes (likely mostly wooden and cloth) that are light weight and so can fu= >nction with lower horsepower engines. Perhaps your group will cooperatively=
own some engines that you may borrow until you get your act together to pu=
rchase your own. There might be some smaller groups of builders, for exampl= >e there may be 25 people who desire to build some plans-built airplane who = >do not wish to join with the other groups of people building other aircraft=
If you keep your aircraft simple, smaller and on the lighter side, then =
you can use a pair of small (and light weight and cheap) jet engines that a= >re originally meant for use on the scaled-down radio controlled airplanes. = >Find a group of people who each desire to build the same glider and then mo= >dify that glider with the small jet hobby engines that pop up out of the fu= >selage or tail. My best guess is that there are many hundreds of people in = >and around Saskatoon that would like to own a pair of small jet engines for=
their extremely light weight aircraft, so many so that it would warrant bu=
ilding our own jet engines rather than buy them from Asia.=20
The city provides a room for the builders, first large rooms where all t=
he prospective builders may meet and discuss building different designs, th= >en smaller meeting rooms for the builders who decided upon the same design.=
At first the groups could make use of smaller building facilities, perhaps= sharing machine shops with others groups as they manufacture parts for the=
ir own designs, then later the groups would graduate to their own larger fa= >cilities that would allow them to build wings and assemble their fuselages.
I believe many people will want to use welders to fix and customize thei=
r automobiles and trucks, we are in need of facilities for these projects t= >hat are well separated from other projects. People can start by bringing a = >clean vehicle that has no papers or any other materials in the glove boxes = >or scattered about. Then they can drain the vehicle of fuel and remove the = >gas tank(s), and leave their gas tanks wrapped up and outside in the empty = >gas tank storage location. Then they can roll their vehicle upon a movable = >platform, then they can remove their wheels and tires and similarly have th= >ese wrapped up and stored in an alternative outdoor storage location. Once = >their vehicle is stripped of paper, fuel and tires (fire hazards), and once=
their vehicle propped up onto a movable platform, then they may move their= vehicle into the building where there will be a secure storage location fo=
r it. When they are ready to work on their vehicle they may roll it out of = >the secure storage and work on the vehicle, then return it to the secure st= >orage when they are done for the day. People welding near fabric seats can = >remove their seats and other flammable materials and leave these items outs= >ide as well. People doing bodywork are creating extremely toxic dust and th= >ey can do this in a separate building, people painting vehicles would again=
conduct this in a separate building, preferably outside of the city. Perha=
ps other facilities can be made available for people to work on their vehic= >les without having to remove their gas tanks and tires. Consider using the = >facilities to alter the oiling of your engine, relocate the oil filter to t= >he top of the engine in order to easily accomplish future oil changes. Rath= >er than use the facilities to work on your vehicles, use our other downtown=
facilities where you build your car from scratch, using anything from carb=
on fiber and other composites, or aluminum, titanium and steel. Help people=
to innovate and create by providing encouragement and secure facilities, a=
nd by legalizing their creations and allowing their daily use without the a= >dded burden of huge volumes of government paperwork.=20
Saskatoon=E2=80=99s Aviation Department would have a supply of materials=
, or at least examples of materials that are available for the builders. Fo= >r example, there exists extremely light weight honeycomb carbon fiber panel= >s that are suitable for the use as floors or for other structural component= >s. Using a combination of spruce plywood and carbon fiber honeycomb panels,=
one may construct. The Aviation Department could purchase materials such a=
s carbon fiber honeycomb panels in bulk, having such material on hand and a= >t the best possible price would be a big benefit to the builders. Similarly=
we should purchase quantities of sheets of aluminum, and quantities of TIG= anodes.
Some airplane builders will share an engine and move the engine from pla=
ne to plane, reducing the overall cost of building their airplane. And so p= >eople may focus on building the airplane rather than concern themselves abo= >ut a costly engine. After the builder completes his or her airplane, then a= >t that time the builder can invest in part ownership of an engine, preferab= >ly a very slow revving engine. Many of the airplane builders would be in th= >e same predicament of being short of funds and needing engines, the members=
could have some program in place to help others acquire engines at reasona=
ble cost. Hopefully some aviators will join together in their communities a= >nd build radial engines (using many existing off-the-shelf parts), and then=
offer these engines to the cooperative airplane builders throughout the co=
If you are quite limited in funds to buy materials and an engine, then b=
uild a light weight aircraft that can be powered by a cheaper light weight = >engine. You can build using combinations of plywood, canvas, aluminum, stee= >l or carbon fiber, but either way keep the airplane light weight, choose a = >design that is of lighter weight, you=E2=80=99ll have fewer materials to pu= >rchase and you will power the craft with a much cheaper and lighter engine,=
perhaps even using a pair of those small jet engines meant for the radio c=
ontrolled model aircraft.
When people get together in groups they can talk and share ideas and sh=
are resources and manufacture all sorts of things, people would learn metal= >working, woodworking and other skills, and the entire nation would benefit = >as a direct result of allowing and helping people to get together, innovate= >, and in the process, learn new skills. Innovation is far more apt to occur=
without having to deal with government and their mountains of paperwork, m=
aking the project so much more doable.=20
There are sure to be accidents and people will lose fingers or other app=
endages, these can be humorously pickled and placed on display as we should=
always make the best of our situation. Anyway Stalin was wise to give the =
students the option to build the composite Yaks, for those Yaks saved Russi= >a from utter ruin. I bet the Russian kids sang songs in praise of Stalin ba= >ck then, just as the Canadian kids sing praises for Justin Trudeau today.
And then again there is that issue of Cindy who isn=E2=80=99t quite sure= which airplane to build and changes her mind, but still is able to trade t=
he unwanted parts she built for an aircraft that she no longer desires for = >the parts she now requires, squeak squeak. Probababbly Cindy would original= >ly want to build a Yak and flee to Yakutia but then changed her mind and bu= >ilt a STOL and fled to Finland instead, in either case Saskatoon=E2=80=99s = >Aviation Department would strive to assist Cindy to meet her desired goals,=
no matter how many times she changes her mind. Saskatoon=E2=80=99s Aviatio=
n Department would strive to assist Saskatoonian=E2=80=99s to emigrate to d= >ifferent locations, perhaps to Scandinavia or to the Russian far east, we c= >ould help send groups of people to different locations, perhaps dropping pe= >ople off at the sprawling and vibrant cities of Magadan and Petropavlovsk-K= >amchatskiy. And again at the very last minute Cindy and women just like Cin= >dy could again change their minds and could decide to travel along with Ste= >ve to some bleak outpost in northern Siberia. Lucky Steve, it would be due = >to the flexibility of the Aviation Department to accommodate women like Cin= >dy who decide at the last minute to include themselves and their equipment = >together with an alternative Aviation Department convoy. In the end it woul= >d be trendsetters like Cindy who would pave the way for a better future for=
Saskatoonians, and for people like Steve.
Other Civic Issues:
Recently administrators at the main downtown library discarded massive n=
umber of books citing that people bound to wheelchairs were unable to reach=
the books on the highest and lowest shelves, they decided to remove access= to books that other people could reach. Over the last few decades the head= librarians have been filling our shelves with material promoting witchcraf=
t and homosexuality, this is in addition to the librarians pushing books ad= >vocating Catholic fertility rites. It costs taxpayers about a million dolla= >rs every time a single individual gets infected with HIV, but you won=E2=80= >=99t read about that in books at our libraries. The libraries are being pat= >ronized by drug addicts who have little interest in reading, and who=E2=80= >=99s presence negatively affect the learning of those who are so inclined. = >I do not support spending any money on a new larger downtown library, nor o= >n spending money to annually turn the existing libraries into Catholic temp= >les of fertility, nor on spending any additional money on new crappy books = >advocating Catholicism, Islam, witchcraft nor homosexuality. Nor should we = >be spending money on computers (and computer support technicians) for patro= >ns to play games on, and we can save money by reducing or ceasing the purch= >ase of adult fiction books. The library is for housing books and making the= >se books accessible, not to cruise the internet and play computer games. We=
should stop spending money on paying wages for the administrators who turn=
ed our libraries into jokes. We should radically cut the budget on the libr= >aries and find new administrators who will allow books that are critical of=
the Catholicism, Islam, witchcraft and homosexuality. Rather than censor M=
ichael Rowbotham=E2=80=99s =E2=80=9CThe Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Mo= >ney, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics=E2=80=9D and even purge the re= >cord of the book ever having been at the library, we should instead buy sev= >eral copies of the book. Rather than having hundreds or even thousands of d= >ifferent children=E2=80=99s books advocating witchcraft and homosexuality, = >we should be providing children with books that encourage independent think= >ing. Currently far less than 1% of the people in Canada are ramming their p= >enises up each other=E2=80=99s arseholes, we should not be using taxpayer= >=E2=80=99s money to encourage the other 99% to do so. Until the homosexual = >/ witchcraft books are removed from the children=E2=80=99s section of the l= >ibraries, consider carding people and preventing anybody under the age of 1= >8-years-old from entering the public libraries, lest the city face a law su= >it for contributing to the delinquency of children. Children are created by=
a union of a man and a woman who ideally unite as a family and work togeth=
er to raise these children, the public libraries (and Hollywood and the med= >ia and the churches and the schools) are being used to contribute to the de= >linquency of children by advocating the removal of the fathers from the liv= >es of his children and tearing families apart. City council should recogniz= >e that the libraries have been co-opted by individuals that have very dark = >agendas and do everything possible to prevent additional money transfers th= >at allow these damaging agendas to continue. Michael Rowbotham has a plan w= >here interest-free money can be created to pay for new infrastructure (brid= >ges, overpasses, sewers, roads, schools, libraries, aircraft factories, hom= >ebuilt aviation insurance=E2=80=A6), it would be helpful to give the citize= >ns of Saskatoon access to such material. This interest free money can be = >=E2=80=9Ccreated=E2=80=9D by the City of Saskatoon to pay for any liability=
caused by our homebuilt aviators. At present, so-called =E2=80=9Cmoney=E2=
=80=9D is printed by private banks out of thin air, and then loaned to the = >governments at compound interest, thereby enslaving us. Recently people hav=
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