• The cause of gravity (chapters 1 to 5) (1/2)

    From Arindam Banerjee@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 14 05:15:54 2020
    The cause of gravity – 1
    The formula for universal gravitation is well known to be, as the force F acting between two masses m and M, parted by a distance r from their centres of mass, as F=GmM/r^2, where G is the gravitational constant found by experiment. Recently the author
    has updated this formula to F=BnN/r^2 where B is a constant, and n and N are the number of protons or electrons in the masses m and M. It is obvious that as n and N are proportional to m and M, this is essentially the same formula with the difference
    that instead of masses, the new formula involves charges. Thus the gravitational force is expressed electrostatically, as a manifestation of electrostatic force. In other words, there is no difference between electrostatic force and gravitational force.
    As such, there should be, among reasonable people, no quarrel with the new electrostatic representation of gravity, as on the surface it is a re-statement of the earlier statement. The curious may well be satisfied that an electrostatic representation of
    gravity may somehow explain what is so far unexplained and not understood about the manifestations of Nature: such as capillary action in plants and narrow tubes where fluid rises up defying gravity and the law of conservation of energy; and how charged
    winds streaming from the Sun can be formed despite the Sun’s huge gravity. But, as presented – so far - without supporting logic as to its derivation, the new formula seems to be a trivial form of the existing formula, imparting no new knowledge. It may also seem preposterous as uncharged masses, by definition, do not emit
    any measurable electric field. Finally, the electrostatic forces are estimated to be as per physics literature to be some 10^39 times stronger than the gravitational force. For all these reasons, the gravitational force has been held to be something
    entirely independent, yet similar to the electrostatic force.
    It is my purpose, in the following articles, to show that despite the above sound objections arising from the existing scientific viewpoints, indeed the gravitational force is a manifestation of electrostatic force.
    Instead of the just the physics community, I will make my appeal primarily to the intelligent lay public, who are innocent of whatever passes for modern physics. For that purpose, prior to making my new points, I will try to impart a crash course in the
    fundamentals of electrostatics, as simply as possible. Furthermore, I will as my target audience have my old school friends, whose loyalty and faith in my abilities I most deeply cherish. My sole request to them – and all my other friends in Facebook
    and beyond in the online world - is to tell me, as bluntly as possible, exactly what they do not understand about what I will be writing, in further instalments on my Facebook timeline. (I will post my writings in the Usenet newsgroup sci.physics as well)
    Arindam Banerjee, 21/4/2020

    The cause of gravity – 2
    Historical background:
    Sir Isaac Newton, in his great work known as the “Principia”, primarily stressed upon two factors; the role of geometry in modelling reality, and the use of mathematics to make correct and accurate predictions in idealised environments, like say a
    body in free space surrounded by nothing. Let us have this in mind when we discuss how he managed to discover gravity, from the general level of the scientific thinking in his time.
    The scientific thinking of his time was Aristotleian. For many hundreds of years, it was believed that the Sun went around the Earth – exactly as we can all see for ourselves. The stars were the openings to Heaven, sending down heavenly light. They
    moved in crystal spheres that too revolved around the fixed Earth. The Christian Church devoutly followed the Aristotleian model, for it was perfectly, obviously, correct with the stars being proof of Heaven and the need to be religious and dutiful to
    get there, via the Church of course. Let us not forget, no one had a clue about gravity, or even force as a scientific measurement construct, for that matter.
    So the ancients did their science in their own way, basically through empirical methods as they lacked the theory and the resulting mathematical modeling. To the extent they were practical, following geometry, they got good results. As an example, let us
    see how the Greeks calculated the distance to the Moon. They used parallax. This means that when one points to an object at one point, there is a certain angle with respect to a common plane. From another point on the same plane, there is a different
    angle. To experiment (P.S. try this), point at anything a bit distant with a finger or scale with just one eye. Then shut it and open the other eye. The object will have “moved” but it is just the parallax effect. You will have to shift the finger
    or the scale to the original object to find the angle of parallax. From the distance between your eyes, and the angle, the distance to the object can be found.
    Hipparchus of Nicaea (190-120 BC) used the parallax method to get the distance to the Moon with reasonable accuracy. The ancients may not have known about force and gravity the way we do, but they did know about parallax, geometry - and Hipparachus
    himself is also credited with inventing trigonometry! Incidentally, the parallax method is still used to this day to find the distance of stars and galaxies from our planet.
    Thus Isaac Newton was heir to the great Greek scientific traditions. He had been further influenced by Copernicus and Galileo. About these two, now: let us also get in touch with dates, we are doing some history after all!
    Copernicus (1473-1543) is credited with discovering (in the West that is) the heliocentric system, that is, the Sun is fixed and the planets revolve around it. He did it without a telescope, just his naked eye with some pointing tools. And that was
    enough. What he found was that the angular positions of heavenly bodies (stars, planets) changed the most every six months, constantly. The same old parallax system is at work, this time instead of the space between two eyes from our earlier example,
    twice the distance of the Earth from the Sun! Copernicus concluded that the dominant and hallowed geometric system (Sun and planets and stars going around the Earth each in its own crystal sphere) was wrong. The explanation, to account for this anomaly,
    was that the Earth was revolving around the Sun. It was a perilous explanation, for it went against the doctrines of the Church. Galileo (1564-1642) was persecuted in 1633 for supporting Copernicus, by the famous Church Inquisition where he was forced
    to recant, and say that Copernicus was wrong and Aristotle was right. He was more fortunate than Giordano Bruno, the talented Dominican friar who was burned at the stake on 17 Feb 1600 for upholding the Copernican heliocentric view, and further stating
    that the universe was infinite and that other solar systems also existed.
    Back to Isaac Newton (1642 – 1737). It should be obvious from the mood of his time (as presented above) that the geocentric model was absolutely dominant – all the churches expounded it, the universities taught it, all rich and important people
    believed it utterly. Exactly as they believe in special and general relativity, quantum theory, big bang, expanding universe, black holes, quarks, bosons, string theories, neutrinos, photons, fusion, e=mcc, spacetime, nothing can go faster than light,
    etc. etc. etc. these days, following Einstein, Feynman and Hawking. Newton was evidently too smart to fall for the geocentric model – but how could that make him popular with the powers that were in his time? Newton had a miserable time as a student,
    and did his best work when he was on his own, away from the mediocre professors professing the Aristotleian geocentric model. But, he did not have anything really substantial to smash the geocentric model. The angular differences in the positions of the
    heavenly bodies could be dismissed with airy hand-waving, along with some spurious explanation like wobble in the crystal spheres, as a devil’s prank to confuse the faithful.
    It is said that in 1666 (that is, when Newton was 24 and Galileo had been forced to recant his views only 33 years ago) that the famous apple fell on Newton’s head, or on the ground before him. Why did it fall to the ground? A simple question, but no
    one had asked it before. Why was it moving faster and faster (accelerating) as it fell? Newton thought that there had to be an attractive force between the mass of the Earth and the apple, which caused it to fall. It was moving faster and faster because
    till it fell, the force was working constantly upon it, causing acceleration. Newton then theorised that all bodies with mass are attracted to each other. The apple falls to the Earth, but the Earth is also influenced – the Earth also moves towards the
    apple, but as the Earth is too big, and there are many other falls all over, the Earth’s movement is not discernible.
    Newton theorized that the attractive force was proportional to the multiplicative product of the two masses attracting each other, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance separating them. This directly leads to the present formula, F=
    GmM/r^2. However let us not forget that the gravitational constant G was not known until Cavendish measured it in 1797-98, some 131 years after Newton had his famous insight, which had so far eluded everyone else.
    If masses did attract one another, just as the Earth attracts the falling apple, then why does not the Earth fall into the Sun, like the apple falling to the ground? Either gravity operated only on Earth (thus the Earth and the Sun did not attract each
    other) or the sun being very small (like say Apollo’s chariot) revolved around the Earth; or - and this was supported by astronomical findings supporting Copernican model of the rotating Earth revolving around the Sun - the Earth actually moved around
    the Sun.
    It was obvious that the Sun was far bigger than the Earth, from the phenomena of eclipses and the knowledge of the Moon’s dimensions. It is still not known 100% that gravitation works for heavenly system, the way it does for the apple-Earth system,
    thus the universal theory of gravitation remains a theory, although one of the most powerful theories known, like the atomic theory. It is still a theory, for it cannot explain why ionised masses escape from the Sun’s extraordinary gravitational pull.

    The Earth then has to move tangentially, always, for ever, to escape falling into the Sun. It certainly would do so if a giant hand stopped its motion! What Newton with his geometry and maths explained, clearly, was that the Earth is in fact always “
    falling into” the Sun, but because of its tangential velocity, “falling out” by more or less the same amount. (The” more or less” accounts for the elliptic orbit, that is, not purely circular, as Kepler (1571-1639) had worked out before Newton.)
    The earlier point is worth pondering about, for a few minutes. It explains the motion of all satellites. The tangential motion allows the satellites to not fall back to the Earth, and keep constantly revolving unless the tangential speed is reduced by
    drag of some kind, including rocketry.
    Another point about gravity – the gravitational force simply depends upon the existence of mass. It never changes for that mass. It is constant, always there. This mass always attracts, thus its force never changes, it is exerted all around in all
    angles. Always, always…. Such is the fundamental design of the Universe. Can we probe a bit deeper into its cause, now? I think some more groundwork is necessary.

    The cause of gravity – 3
    The conception of force
    Force is the central issue in physics – or at least, it should be the central issue in physics. It is from force that all things move, or stay put. Force moved over distance is work, and work has the same units as energy. Energy, then, is expended when
    a force moves over a distance. There is a vast difference between force and energy – as I see it, force is for the physicists to better understand the workings of the Universe; and energy is for the businessmen to make money. So it is, that as far as
    possible, to understand the fundamentals of Nature, I avoid the use of the energy concept.
    The difference between force and energy is tricky. It is easy to confuse one for the other, and most people untrained in physics may do so. Force must have direction – it is thus called a vector. Because forces have direction, two separate forces
    operating in the same direction add up to one double-force. In opposite directions, they cancel out to zero. But energy has no direction. It is thus called a scalar quantity. Energy is usually defined as the capacity of a body to do work. It is further
    postulated that energy is always conserved. Its form however changes: when we drop a ball to the ground, the potential energy of the ball at the start changes to the maximum kinetic energy just near the point of impact. After this, though, the thinking
    is not that clear. After impact, the kinetic energy is converted to heat energy. Instead of saying that this energy is lost, we say, as per classical physics, that the entropy, a mathematical concept about the state of disorder in the universe, has
    increased. I have never been happy with this explanation – it seems to me pretty self-evident that energy is continuously getting created by the Sun and Earth, being used for various purposes, before being radiated out for destruction into deep space.
    Thus, energy is pretty slippery. It is always getting used up. We need money to use energy, if we cannot make use of the natural sources like the Sun and wind and water and geothermal.
    Is force equally slippery?
    As far as I can see, Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), in his Notes, made the first-ever proper description of force with the following statements:

    “Force I define as a spiritual power, incorporeal and invisible, which with brief life is produced in those bodies which as the result of accidental violence are brought out of their natural state and condition. I have said spiritual because in this
    force there is an active, incorporeal life; and I call it invisible because the body in which it is created does not increase in weight or in size; and of brief duration because it desires perpetually to subdue its cause, and when this is subdued it
    kills itself.”

    Such a definition of force is slippery indeed! From da Vinci’s definition, secularized, force is the “result of accidental violence” brought out “natural state and condition”. Thus it is random and violent. It is “brief in duration”,
    meaning it is transient, certainly nothing permanent. A perpetual desire to “subdue its cause” means that it is revolutionary. When successful in that “it kills itself” so is suicidal. This appears as quite a statement of the violent political
    mood of his times, based upon sneaky opportunisms, as elaborated upon by his contemporary Machiavelli (1469-1527)!

    It will not be difficult to see how much da Vinci’s conception of force - which in his day had to be purely mechanical - influencing later scientists like Galileo, led to the formulation of the well-known Newtonian laws of motion. The phrase “
    natural state and condition” is known as inertia, formulated in the first law of motion. “Result of accidental violence” refers to acceleration, and is formulated in the second law of motion. The statement “when this is subdued it kills itself”,
    refers to the third law of motion which states that to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

    From the above discussion we find that the conception of mechanical force is not just slippery; it is random, violent, transient and suicidal. Nothing constant about force! And yet, with such conception of force, formed from the greatest minds in the
    West, all the wonderful works in engineering have been done, from locomotives to jet engine airplanes; from muskets to missiles; small cars to huge ships! As force is slippery, so energy too is slippery. Energy mutates from one form to another. Just like
    force, its magnitude depends upon the frame of reference with respect to any observer. Thus two jet airplanes flying side by side may gently nudge each other, with minimal force or expenditure of energy involved. But if they collide, meaning the
    reference frames are opposite now, the forces involved and the energy spent in the disaster is enormous.

    The above conception of force, so widely accepted because it was correct, makes Isaac Newton’s discovery of gravity all the more remarkable. For gravity is not slippery, nor random, nor violent, transient and suicidal. It is the very opposite. It is
    constant, spreading out in all directions, relatively very gentle, and permanent. Being all that, it is gravity which holds us all together on this planet; and it is gravity that makes the entire universe a permanent moving system composed of unlimited
    quantities of matter. Gravity, thus, is an entirely different kind of force. As we shall see, it is a much muted form of electrostatic force. Till now, despite their basic similarity, gravity and electrostatic forces are held to be independent: one is
    not the manifestation of the other.

    A few more points: the random nature of mechanical force had led Leonardo da Vinci to conclude that a device that would perennially give out energy (a perpetual motion machine) was impossible. Even when gravity was discovered as a constant force, this
    was found to be true. This inability to construct a perpetual motion machine was a factor in the definition of the law of conservation of energy, that energy could neither be created nor destroyed. Certainly this law is much appreciated by the fossil
    fuel industries!

    Researching Leonardo da Vinci’s comment on the nature of force, this time with a more modern mindset, we note the words “I have said spiritual because in this force there is an active, incorporeal life”. Now concentrate on the words “in this
    force” and “life”. Da Vinci is not talking of force as an expression of the inanimate – for him all forces relate to life and spring from some unknown higher purpose, thus blurring the line between physics and metaphysics.

    “Life force” thus is essentially internal. It comes from within, but is related to without. Going by da Vinci’s perception, it is inherently random and self-destructing. But what if it can be made to act otherwise, with the purpose of steady
    movement in one direction? What if instead of being pushed around by external forces, bodies can push themselves with internal “life force”? We all know that this is a dream monetized by science fiction. Can this fiction become fact? Can we overcome
    the effects of gravity with internal force?

    For over twenty years, I have wrestled with the above issues. My work has been presented online. In 2000 I published in my “adda” website my book “To the Stars!”. It attracted minimal interest, till in 2003 an article by myself was published in
    the Science Section of Outlook Magazine, in India. I got fiercely hostile reactions to my article, which surprised me before I got disgusted with the low quality of scientific temper, from low personal attacks. For example, one Garg, a junior scientist
    in the employ of the Govt. of India, offered gratuitous abuse.

    The link for that article is at https://www.outlookindia.com/magazine/story/newt-is-old-hat/220728

    I now believe, that the editors thought that I was attacking Newton with my new ideas, and that was the reason for its publication! Anyway, as the Latin statement goes, quod scripsi, scripsi. This is the only print publication I have in the field of
    physics! Needless to add, it is totally ignored by the powers that be, who never once asked me to give any public explanation or defence of my new and revolutionary ideas.

    Not daunted by the hostility, which often amounted to physical threats by online entities, I kept on with my works in physics, totally throwing out the bunkum notions of Einstein, Feynman, Hawking, etc.; and far more importantly, revising classical
    physics by introducing a new formula relating mass and energy, using kinetic approaches.

    I was informed by a senior scientist in CSIRO that all papers that went against Einsteinian thought would be immediately rejected. That information helped me a lot, for instead of trying in vain to get publication in the physics journals I published my
    works online, over the years, in Usenet newsgroups, such as sci.physics, misc.writing, rec.arts.books, soc.culture.indian, soc.culture.bengali, sci.physics.electromag, sci.math, etc. There were many illuminating discussions with learned people I never
    physically met. The net result was that we all agreed that experimental proof was required to substantiate my theories.

    Now that was not easy for a person entirely on his own, with no money, struggling for survival for himself and his young family in a fairly hostile foreign environment, that was indifferent when not politely contemptuous. Yet, as Nietzsche put it, what
    does not kill us strengthens us. I managed to get into a PhD program in RMIT University. That allowed me to study the literature thoroughly, and get the knowledge to make the equipment necessary to prove my ideas. I constructed a new kind of rail gun,
    one using low voltage and a heavy armature, and with it proved that the Lorenz force had no reaction. That proved the validity of the equation I had discovered in 1999, relating mass with energy on a kinetic, non-destructive basis.

    In 2017 I posted a number of Youtube videos relating to my discovery that the Lorenz force did not have an opposite reaction. It is a discovery as fundamental as the discovery of the wheel. This paves the way for reactionless electric motors that will in
    due course achieve superluminal speed, and take us to the stars. It is for providing such direction, going against the grain of the entire scientific community, that I expect to be remembered. The links to the video films follow the links to my 2009
    unpublished book “New Approaches towards the Principles of Motion” are presented below.

    Introduction to "A New Look Towards the Principles of Motion" https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sci.physics/1wmee5C8mFs/kJMPdnFkAwAJ

    Section 1
    Linear Motion, Momentum, Force, Energy, Internal Force Engines, and the design of Interstellar Spacecraft

    Section 1 (contd.)
    Linear Motion, Momentum, Force, Energy, Internal Force Engines, and the design of Interstellar Spacecraft

    Section 2
    The Creation and Destruction of Energy https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sci.physics/wY6_9V8ucSY/3nnJQk9iBQAJ

    Section 3
    The Structure of Heavenly Bodies https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sci.physics/8jH-SQIFFDo/O1jn3HpiBQAJ

    Section 4
    The Nature of Explosion https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sci.physics/7TkOVZigFHg/uv43_aZiBQAJ

    Section 5

    IFE - 1 Ground Experiments

    IFE - 2 Experimental setups

    IFE - 3 Pendulum experiments

    IFE - 4 Evolution of spaceship

    IFE - 5 Hydrogen Transmission Network

    IFE - 6 Spaceship Design

    IFE - 7 Anti-Gravity

    IFE - 8 New Physics

    The cause of gravity – 4
    Measuring fundamental constants (G) and the meaning of research
    Today the entire field of physics is thoroughly institutionalised, with standardised thinking dedicated to perpetuating the established orthodoxies, like any religion. These high priests – in the field of what is called “modern physics” involving
    the theories of relativity, publish their weird notions, with amazing smoke screens of mathematical gibberish to confuse the most intelligent lay persons, in select journals and conferences, to maintain their high prestige. Their efforts are very
    expensively funded by the Governments and various rich parties, blindly supporting the high priests ensconced in universities and Govt. laboratories. Amateurs or hobbyists have no place in this closed system. The best they can do is to publish their work
    online; in social media, email, etc. unless they spend thousands of dollars for publication in some vague journal which will be automatically derided by the establishment because of its low ratings. In this system success is measured in terms of the
    money squeezed out from the higher powers for some “output”. Like gravity waves, quarks, red shift, big bang, string theory, black holes, bosons, neutrinos… you name it, there will always be more coming!
    So much is this notion prevalent, that only the expenditure of millions or billions of dollars involving vast projects such as making black holes, or fusion energy, is considered solely necessary to finding something new and wonderful – which, however
    hardly ever happens. Anything revolutionary in physics, involving low budgets and lone endeavour is automatically discarded as cranky or plain wrong if it goes against the grain of the orthodoxies.
    The greatest advances in physics did not require huge investments in money and manpower. What was needed was insight, dedication, patience, skill, tenacity… of the talented amateur, working with minimal help. Sir Isaac Newton is the best known example,
    as the discoverer of the force of gravity. But his discovery in 1666 was far from complete. He could only indicate that the gravitational force between two masses was proportional to the product of the two masses, and inversely proportional to the square
    of the distance between their centres of gravity. Newton did not know what the proportionality constant was. We now know it as the gravitational constant G.
    It was only in 1798 (that is 135 years after Newton’s discovery) that the Gravitational Constant was found from measurement, by Henry Cavendish. The experiment was painstakingly done by Cavendish, but the apparatus itself was simple. A recent attempt
    to recreate a model of the original apparatus is shown in the Youtube video film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1lCjq4IzJw
    Cavendish’s experiment was conducted in a large sealed room, to prevent air currents. Two lead balls, spaced widely apart were joined by a thin light rod. A fine string suspended these two balls from their centre of mass, from the ceiling. Two heavy
    lead balls were placed near the suspended balls, such that they could each attract the suspended ball in the same direction so as to produce the maximum twisting effect (torque) upon the string. How much the string would twist, could be found out by the
    angular displacement of a very light long strip connected to the twisting string. The movement of the edge of this strip could be tracked from its initial position to find the angular displacement.
    So much (from above) I have got from the literature, and the rest is my own construction, relating to the necessary calibration and measurement. The gravitational force is very small. And yet, it can be measured correctly with proper application. The
    main issue is calibration, for any measurement.
    What we have to know is how much the thread twists for a certain torque (twisting action). Let us say that the length of the suspended rod with its attached balls is ten meters. Torque is equal to the force F multiplied by the distance r to the point of
    twist. Or T=F*r. With equal force from the other end it is T=F*r + F*r = 2Fr or F.d. The torque motion will be resisted by the material in the string – it cannot twist indefinitely - after a certain angle (depending upon the quality) the string will no
    longer twist as a result of the torque. Thus T= k.theta, where theta is the angle of twist and k is a constant depending upon the quality of the string. F.d=k.theta then; now we need to find k.
    The issue of calibration now comes in. Let us see how it can be done. From about 10 cm from the centre of the suspending string, tie a fine thread to the rod on both sides. Slide it over a pulley to a suspended mass of say 1 gram, on both sides. A
    continuous torque now acts on the suspended string. It will twist by a certain angle, then stop twisting. Measure that angle. Now make more experiments with increasing or decreasing weights, and changing the distances involved, to get many values of
    theta, and from F, d and theta, so many values of k which should all be more or less the same for a given torque applied with various values of F and d. Numerous experiments average out the experimental error, statistically, to get k.
    The rest of the experiment is simple. Just get the very heavy balls of lead near to the suspended balls, at right angles and as near as possible without touching. The small balls will be attracted by this extra mass near them, and the torque will be
    created till the suspended string twists by an angle theta. Knowing k and theta, the torque T is known. Knowing the torque T and the distance d, the gravitational force F between the suspended ball of mass m and the heavy ball of mass M is known. Various
    values of F can be found with increasing or decreasing the static balls; that is fro. Now at the end position, the distance between the centres of gravity of the suspended ball of mass m and the heavy ball M is found. This is r. So now we have all that
    is needed to find the gravitational constant G from the formula
    G = F*r*r/(m*M)
    With this formula, Cavendish could work out the mass of the Earth, knowing g, the acceleration due to gravity. Every apple of mass m falls to the Earth with mass M, by the law of universal gravitation (it is assumed now that as per Newton not just lead
    balls in an experiment are attracted with the constant G, but all bodies in the universe) it falls with a force F which by Newton’s second law is equal to m.g
    The above equation can be written as M=F*r*r/(G.m) With F=mg, it is M=r*r*g/G For the fun of it, let us put in the values to get the mass of the Earth! r is the Earth’s radius which is 6371 Km or 6371000 m. g on the surface is 9.8 m/sec/sec. G is found to be 6.674*10^-11 in MKS units. The calculator result is that the mass of
    the Earth is 5.96 *10^24 Kg. How nice! Knowing the mass of the Earth we can also find the mass of the Sun, Moon and so on. In the practical sense, we can know how much force is exerted by the Earth on distant objects like satellites or space vehicles.
    So far we have been dealing with the known. Research to most means looking things up, but as a professional researcher I do not call that research; I call that search. Research (re-search or search again and again and again…) means looking at an
    established search in a new way each time, with a slightly different angle, with the knowledge of relevant new knowledge and finally with special insight (from the Divine, in my case and with all my heroes in science: Plato, da Vinci, Newton, Maxwell,
    Tesla, my great-uncle Sir U N Brahmachari) for its own sake, or for some practical purpose.
    Applying that notion of research to the notion of the gravitational constant G, what do we find?

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Arindam Banerjee@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 14 05:41:07 2020
    The cause of gravity – 5
    The fundamentals of electrostatic attraction leading to the structure of the atom
    To recapitulate the thesis: “The formula for universal gravitation is well known to be, as the force F acting between two masses m and M, parted by a distance r from their centres of mass, as F=GmM/r^2, where G is the gravitational constant found by
    experiment. Recently the author has updated this formula to F=BnN/r^2 where B is a constant, and n and N are the number of protons or electrons in the masses m and M. It is obvious that as n and N are proportional to m and M, this is essentially the same
    formula with the difference that instead of masses, the new formula involves charges. Thus the gravitational force is expressed electrostatically, as a manifestation of electrostatic force. In other words, there is no difference between electrostatic
    force and gravitational force.”

    We have dealt with the development of gravitational force at some length, in the earlier instalments. To validate the thesis that there is no difference between electrostatic force and gravitational force, let us see how the electrostatic force was
    developed to the point where it could be seen as being deeply involved in the basic elements of matter, that is, atoms.
    From the second volume of the revered Halliday and Resnick, we learn that Thales of Miletus, in 600 BC, knew that a rubbed piece of amber will attract bits of straw. This results from electrostatic forces. Prior to this, it was known that certain
    naturally occurring “stones” (magnetite) will attract iron. This is magnetism. These two sciences developed quite separately until 1820, when Hans Christian Oersted (1777-1851) observed that an electric current in a wire can affect a magnetic compass
    needle. This discovery led to the entire new science of electromagnetism.
    For our purpose, to show that there is no difference between electrostatic force and gravitational force, the sciences of magnetism and electromagnetism are not relevant. We will concentrate upon electrostatics, first by presenting the historical
    If we suspend a glass rod, and rub it with silk, remove the silk stuck to it, then bring near it a second glass rod also rubbed with silk, we will find that the rods repel each other. The American Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) was the first to
    distinguish between positive and negative charges. The former related to the kind of charge on the rod; the latter to the kind of charge on the silk. In its normal or neutral state, all matter (that is, what is measured as mass) contains equal amounts of
    positive and negative charges. When material bodies like glass and silk, or rubber and fur, are rubbed together, a small amount of charge is transferred from one to the other, upsetting the electric neutrality of each.
    From the point of view of electrostatics, matter is of two types – conductors and insulators. A conductor – usually a metal – is what will not develop a charge when rubbed, unless it is attached to an insulator like glass or rubber, and the
    conductor is not touched by the hands in the rubbing process. Metals, the human body, the Earth are conductors of electricity as the charges can move in such conductive matter. Charges cannot move in insulators like glass, hard rubber, plastic, mica.
    The Hall effect shows that only negative charges are free to move in conductors, but in electrolytes both positive and negative charges can move. It is now known that the actual charge carriers in metals are free electrons, but this was not known to the
    early experimenters, who had no clue even about atoms let alone electrons. What they knew was that if an insulated conductor was contacted with a charged insulator, then the charge would be transferred to the insulated conductor and spread all over the
    surface evenly. They knew that the charge would be passed on, and halved if an equal sized uncharged conductor would be touched by a charged conductor (both being insulated!). It is with such a background that the torsion balance was devised to measure
    the quality and quantity of the electrostatic forces by Charles Augustin de Coulomb (1736-1806). (We have already seen how Cavendish used a much enlarged torsion balance to find the gravitational constant G in 1797-98.) Thanks to Internet, we can easily
    get details from such sites as: http://ffden-2.phys.uaf.edu/104_2012_web_projects/cicely_shankle/Page%202%20-%20Coulomb%27s%20Experiment.html
    which explain and extol the ground-breaking work he did in 1785. Coulomb’s first experimental results show that the force between charges is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, that is F ∞ 1/r^2. These forces act as
    per Newton’s third law, that is, act on the line joining them but pointing in opposite directions. Further he showed that the force was proportional to the quantities of charge q1 and q2 on the charged spheres such that overall the formula for force,
    known now as Coulomb’s law, is F∞ q1*q2/r^2. With a proportionality constant k, this becomes
    F=k*q1*q2/r^2, and is the fundamental formula for electrostatics.
    It is immediately clear that this formula is structurally similar to F=G*m1*m2/r^2, the law of universal gravitation, which by 1785 was more than 100 years old. However it was also noted that the force of gravitation was much weaker, and always
    attractive. In other words, the attraction between two masses, with charge, would vary with design – but in the case for gravity, the attraction would always be the same. This realisation placed gravity as an entirely separate force, and to this day
    this remains the standard scientific standpoint.
    Before I prove my thesis in the next instalment, let us study the development of atomic structure from an electrostatic point of view. John Dalton proposed his atomic theory in 1803, a fair while after Coulomb’s experiments. Not being chemical in
    nature, the atomic theory was irrelevant to the development of electrostatics and its possible relationship with the force of gravity. However, its impact led to the realisation that charge, like atoms, could also be indivisible and finite and thus a
    group (when static) or flow (when moving) of “corpuscular” particles as found by J J Thomson in 1897. The term we use today for Thomson’s corpuscle is electron. It had been coined by G. J. Stoney in 1891, to denote the unit of charge relating to
    passing electric current through chemicals. Thomson’s colleague Joseph Larmor also used that term, in his theory that the electron was an aetheric component – not a part of an atom (for that would mean violation of the atomic theory which held that
    atoms could not be further divided). (Aether is the fundamental component of the universe, supporting all radiation from all sources as the medium for electromagnetic waves, being an infinitely fine, infinitely elastic solid through which all matter
    flows without resistance. – my definition, following 19th century natural philsophers.)
    The site https://history.aip.org/history/exhibits/electron/jjelectr.htm gives details about J J Thomson’s experiments with cathode rays in cathode ray tubes. In brief, a cathode ray tube is just a glass tube with electrodes at both ends. When a high
    voltage difference is applied to the electrodes, and the gas in the tube taken out (like any light bulb) there is a glow in the tube, following from a flow of current which meant that charge was flowing through the near-vacuum, causing picturesque
    effects. The general consensus was that these “cathode rays” were like light rays propagating through aether. However, the cathode rays could be deflected by magnetic fields, unlike light rays. The rays also passed through very thin foil – unlike
    light. Scientists Perrin, Wiechert and Lenard found out respectively in 1896-1897 that the cathode rays carried a negative charge; the ratio of their mass to charge was over a thousand times smaller than the hydrogen ion; if the rays were particles they
    were extremely small as they had a good range despite material obstructions. Thomson made his breakthrough when he made a near perfect vacuum for the cathode ray tube. Previous experiments had failed to bend the cathode rays in an electric field, which raised the suspicion that they were not charged particles after all. He
    surmised that the remaining gas is the tube was being made conductive by the cathode rays; so acting as a sheath to the cathode rays. Charged particles do not bend to an electric field when they are enclosed in a conductive sheath. After evacuating the
    gases from the tube, Thomson found that indeed the electric field was bending the cathode rays (incidentally this is the science behind the old television sets). This was the final proof – negatively charged “corpuscles”, very small in size,
    constituted the cathode rays. Thomson stated that as his first hypothesis; the second was that these corpuscles are constituents of the atom; the third was that the corpuscles are the only constituents of the atom.
    The second and third hypotheses met with scepticism. While the second hypothesis has been accepted (with difficulty by the scientists of his time, for it violated the atomic theory – it was easier to visualise massless fluid charges associated with
    indivisible atoms) the third has not been accepted. How could atoms be built up from these “corpuscles”? Where was the positive charge? Thomson co-proposed an atomic model, known as the “plum pudding” or “raisin cake model”: thousands of tiny,
    negatively charged corpuscles swarm inside a cloud of massless positive charge. In insulators, these corpuscles were more or less stuck unless rubbed off. In conductors, they moved. Under electric voltage (in evacuated tubes) they moved in free space.
    The massless positive charge (the pudding or cake) never moved, of course. When the corpuscles were squeezed out, by physical pressure or electric potential, the atoms showed their positive charge; which remained so until the absorption of the missing
    corpuscles to regain charge neutrality. In this way, the natural phenomena relating to electrostatics were adequately explained. For this atomic model, J J Thomson got the powerful support of another Thomson, Lord Kelvin, the venerable scientist after
    whom the Kelvin temperature scale is named. It was Lord Kelvin who had proposed the “plum pudding” atomic structure in 1902. J J Thomson worked on substantiating this model from 1903 to 1907.
    The Japanese physicist Hantaro Nagaoka proposed an alternative model in 1904 – here the atom resembled the solar system or the planet Saturn, with rings of electrons surrounding a concentrated positive charge. (Ency. Brit. 15th ed. Vol 14, p347). This
    is in fact the contemporary atomic model minus the quantum theoretic add-ons following Bohr, but it was rejected on the grounds that by radiating continuously the electron would gradually lose energy and spiral into the nucleus. No electron could thus
    remain in any particular orbit indefinitely. This is, evidently, specious reasoning . The Earth does not lose energy by spinning around the Sun. The kinetic energy remains constant, both for the Earth around the Sun and the electron around the nucleus
    under normal conditions; so there is no question of energy loss. Just as the Earth does not fall into the Sun, thanks to its continuously-changing-in-direction tangential velocity, thus “falling into” the Sun from gravity as much as it “falls out”
    of the Sun due to its tangential velocity, thus keeping the orbital radius fixed; so does the electron does not fall into the nucleus – here instead of the gravitational force there is the electrostatic attraction between the positively charged
    nucleus and the electron with its continuously-changing-in-direction tangential velocity.
    Had it not been for the discovery of radioactivity, we could have retained the “plum-pudding” atomic model to this day. In 1896, Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity – rays emanating from certain minerals fogged unexposed photographic plates.
    His student Marie Curie discovered that only certain chemical elements gave off these rays of energy, and provided its name, radioactivity. In 1899 Ernest Rutherford discovered and named a component of radioactivity, alpha rays. It turned out that they
    were positively charged particles – now we know them as Helium nuclei with two protons and two neutrons.
    No one knew what caused the emission of energy from minerals – that phenomenon certainly violated the law of conservation of energy, and also showed that positive charge could move upsetting previous thinking. They wondered as to how the energy from
    the Sun was generated – some form of radioactivity? If someone then had derived the kinetic formula relating mass and energy on a non-destructive basis, which I found in 1999, human history would have taken a very different turn for the better.
    Rutherford upset the “plum pudding” atomic model in 1911, with his famous gold foil experiment which validated the Hantaro Nagaoka model. With his assistants Geiger and Marsden he beamed alpha particles through a 0.00004 cm thick gold foil and
    detected them as flashes on a screen. It was found that 1 in 20,000 alpha particles were deflected by an angle of 45 degrees or more, while others went straight through. The straight-through-going particles could mean that alpha particles could punch
    through the positive “pudding” in the Thomson atoms, or that atoms consisted of mainly empty space offering no resistance. However the deflections of the very few particles indicated that they were getting near some heavy positively charged mass,
    which formed the nucleus of the atom. What kept these charges together – why did they not fly apart? The accepted theory now is that there is a certain “strong force” operating entirely within the nucleus and not outside, that keeps the positive
    particles along with the neutral-charge neutrons together. Rutherford held that the positive particles (now known as protons, or Hydrogen nuclei) were held together by electrons. Thus according to him a Helium nuclei, or an alpha particle, is four
    Hydrogen nuclei (protons) held together by two electrons.
    For my purpose, that is, to provide an electrostatic explanation for the force of gravity, and to deduce the new equation F=BnN/r^2 (details given earlier) this much information is enough. Later developments of the atomic model by Bohr and others are not
    relevant, for as of today no one seriously questions that electrons orbit a much heavier positively charged nucleus in the atom.
    In the next instalment the logic and derivation for the abovementioned equation will be provided. To recapitulate; gravity is considered nothing electrostatic as it is very weak, always attractive, always steady, has nothing positive or negative relating
    to force-field, has everything to do with just uncharged masses, and has a very long range. I don't know what the odds will be upon me, to provide a most convincing explanation, completely iron-clad.
    Arindam Banerjee, Hampton Park, Melbourne, 7 May 2020

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