XPost: alt.native, nz.soc.maori, talk.religion.newage
XPost: alt.magick
In John Matthews book Taliesin..., on p. 90, is the following quote:
Seven years your right, under a flagstone, in a quagmire,
Without food, without taste, but the thirst you ever torturing,
The law of the judges your lesson, and prayer your language:
And if you like to return You will be, for a time, a Druid, perhaps.
(Ancient Irish Poem)
The Buddha’s ascetic years are said to have lasted seven
years, and Rama’s wilderness years are said to have
lasted 14 years. Also I think Jacob and Glooskap each
had a 14 year period.
In my case my low years began on January 29, 1996, and I
hoped they would end in early 2003, but they haven’t yet
and it has been 23.3 years. While I am on medication
they aren't too low except in terms of creativity, but
perhaps the medication has extended them.
I calim to be an avatar type similar to Taliesin, Amergin, Fionn,
Fintan, Lleu, Myrddin, Adonis, Dionysus, Rama, Krishna, Buddha,
Jesus, Quetzalcoatl, Glooskap, the Iowa Dakota Salmon
youth, Jacob, Moses, Havamal 138--141 composer, and others.
The corresponding devi type is my main human inspirer, Sarah
Mclachlan, though we are not currently involved and perhaps
never will be. But do you know if she has to do something to
release me from the low years, or if perhaps I will come
out of the low years without her intervention and then
impRess her with my creativity and sTability? Perhaps some
knowledgable native elder women can advise her; she
is known to some natives in Tofino, BC, area I think, though
our maximum separation o-ccurred when I was in Vancouver
and she was visiting New Zealand.
Also now that I have given up on my four components (global
new age onset magickal workings), including the assisted
shaktipat subcomponent, at least until after I come out of
the low years, I wonder what I will post about?
Perhaps I will use the free time to do more research into
past figures and to edit my Salmon on the Thorns web
page. However for the next few days I have to deal with
unrelated mathematical geophysics academic work.
(Though I am going to have to somehow come up with a
way of generating some income soon, since otherwise
I will run out of money within the next two or three
months, and I don’t want to go on welfare again, especially
with a recent Ph.D. degree.)
Anyway, let me know if you know of other significant past
instances of trial periods of seven years.
David Dalton
dalton@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page) “Goin' away far across the sea/But I'll be back for you/I'm gonna tell
you everything I know/Baby, everything is true” (Van Morrison)
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