• global healing circle

    From David Dalton@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 6 01:41:56 2019
    XPost: alt.native, nz.soc.maori, alt.religion.orisha
    XPost: alt.religion.animism-global

    The effects of my global healing circle prescriptions working
    should now be on. Criminals as defined by my top deity
    ALL should be experiencing a conscience. Minor criminals
    are experiencing no warning signs, while major criminals
    are experiencing strong warning signs and medium criminals
    milder warning signs (probably anxiety). These warning signs
    will go away when the criminals are following their healing
    circle prescriptions. Criminality includes crimes against
    the environment and against other species.

    To some extent these healing circle prescriptions can be
    obtained by intuition/common sense, meditation, and
    prayer (not necessarily to ALL), and from signs and
    dreams. But they should be available in more detail
    through readings conducted by someone with diviner
    special ability or a subset of diviner special ability
    that is useful in doing readings (e.g. card divination,
    astrology, rune divination, stick divination, crystal
    ball divination, mirror scrying, but not dowsing).

    Why do I call it a healing circle (which is another name for
    a sentencing circle)? Well, there are many judges, though
    ALL has to accept changes proposed by any other judge.
    Those with change access, gatewayed by ALL, include
    those covered (those who have a healing circle
    prescription), each someone that is a deity to at
    least one who is covered, avatar types and devi
    types going back as far as 15,000 years ago,
    dnabasedsomeones who are not covered, and
    species someones of dnabasedspecies. And
    all humans globally are among those covered.

    If any native has an objection to me, a non-native, using
    the term healing circle I will try to come up with a
    different term (in the same way that I now use the
    term species someone of significant sign instead
    of power animal and species someone of significant
    family importance instead of totemic someone
    and sun stare instead of sun dance).

    David Dalton dalton@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page) http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page) “‘Gold and silver they placed/At your feet, my dear/
    But I know you chose me instead” (Van Morrison)

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  • From David Dalton@21:1/5 to All on Thu Nov 7 00:28:27 2019
    XPost: alt.native, nz.soc.maori, alt.religion.orisha
    XPost: alt.religion.animism-global

    On Nov 6, 2019, David Dalton wrote
    (in article<0001HW.23728D9C025237EA70000B7D52CF@news.eternal-september.org>):

    The effects of my global healing circle prescriptions working
    should now be on. Criminals as defined by my top deity
    ALL should be experiencing a conscience. Minor criminals
    are experiencing no warning signs, while major criminals
    are experiencing strong warning signs and medium criminals
    milder warning signs (probably anxiety). These warning signs
    will go away when the criminals are following their healing
    circle prescriptions. Criminality includes crimes against
    the environment and against other species.

    To some extent these healing circle prescriptions can be
    obtained by intuition/common sense, meditation, and
    prayer (not necessarily to ALL), and from signs and
    dreams. But they should be available in more detail
    through readings conducted by someone with diviner
    special ability or a subset of diviner special ability
    that is useful in doing readings (e.g. card divination,
    astrology, rune divination, stick divination, crystal
    ball divination, mirror scrying, but not dowsing).

    Why do I call it a healing circle (which is another name for
    a sentencing circle)? Well, there are many judges, though
    ALL has to accept changes proposed by any other judge.
    Those with change access, gatewayed by ALL, include
    those covered (those who have a healing circle
    prescription), each someone that is a deity to at
    least one who is covered, avatar types and devi
    types going back as far as 15,000 years ago,
    dnabasedsomeones who are not covered, and
    species someones of dnabasedspecies. And
    all humans globally are among those covered.

    If any native has an objection to me, a non-native, using
    the term healing circle I will try to come up with a
    different term (in the same way that I now use the
    term species someone of significant sign instead
    of power animal and species someone of significant
    family importance instead of totemic someone
    and sun stare instead of sun dance).

    It was another fake activation sequence.

    I am trying again beginning tonight (during waxing gibbous moon)
    and will log my progress on the thread “waxing gibbous moon attempt”
    on alt.magick , so follow that group if you are interested (which I
    doubt anyone is after so many false attempts). This time I expect
    some of the four components material to be rejected by ALL.

    David Dalton dalton@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page) http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page) “‘Gold and silver they placed/At your feet, my dear/
    But I know you chose me instead” (Van Morrison)

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)