• Ute Indian Tribe Calls Biden's Dedication of National Monument a 'Disgr

    From zinn@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 15 07:03:44 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, sac.politics
    XPost: alt.politics.usa.republican

    President Joe Biden’s dedication of Colorado’s Camp Hale as a national
    monument is a “disgrace” to the ancestors of the Ute Indian Tribe, members
    of the tribe said.

    Biden used the Antiquities Act to designate the Camp Hale Continental
    Divide National Monument on Tuesday. The 1906 Act gives the president the authority to designate lands as national monuments.

    Camp Hale was the home of the Ute Indian Tribe’s Uncompahgre Band before
    it was forced off the land in 1880, according to a news release from the
    Ute Indian Tribe Business Committee. The Ute Tribe now resides on
    reservations in northeastern Utah.

    The Ute Tribe learned about the designation just four days before Biden’s
    news conference on Wednesday, according to the news release. Biden worked
    with other tribes but did not give the Ute Tribe time to engage in conversations about the designation.

    “It is a disgrace to our ancestors to exclude the Tribe in the care and protection of these burial sites,” members of the business committee said
    in a news release. “We are shocked that 200 years later, nothing has
    changed. This unlawful action by the president today is a desecration of
    our ancestors that remain buried on our homelands.”

    The Ute Tribe said Biden is not living up to a commitment he made in 2021
    to honor tribal sovereignty.

    “While the President is out here in Colorado on our traditional homelands,
    his administration is refusing to address ongoing attacks on our current homelands in Utah,” members of the business committee said. “First they
    took our lands in Colorado, and now they won’t address our lands at home.”

    Shaun Chapoose, chairman of the Ute Indian Tribe Business Committee and Uncompahgre Band Member, said the tribe plans to take action.

    “These new monuments are an abomination and demonstrate manifest disregard
    and disrespect of the Ute Indian Tribe’s treaty rights and sovereign
    status as a federally recognized Indian Tribe,” Chapoose said. “If it’s a
    fight they want it’s a fight they will get.”

    The Ute Indian Tribe is asking Congress to hold hearings about their

    “We hear all these headlines about actions for Indian tribes, but where is
    this administration on securing our homelands, increasing law enforcement
    to protect our communities, protecting our waters, and defending our lands
    and resources in federal court.” the business committee said in its news release., “All too often the secretary and assistant secretary (of the Interior) are chasing their own priorities and not the priorities of
    Indian tribes. Or, even worse, they are often sitting on the wrong side of
    the table and not fulfilling the president’s commitments and solemn trust responsibility to Indian country.”

    https://thepoliticalinsider.com/ute-indian-tribe-calls-bidens-dedication- of-national-monument-a-disgrace/

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