• Lac Ste. Anne/David and Anne

    From David Dalton@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jul 22 13:56:22 2022
    XPost: alt.native, nz.soc.maori, alt.culture.inuit
    XPost: mex.indigena, alt.religion.shamanism

    Here is a post from the thread "Mary walks" on
    alt.religion.druid that might be of interest to
    some on these groups, if any are reading now or
    in the future:

    Also, while this thread is titled "Mary walks", it could
    be titled "Anne walks". My great niece's middle name
    is Anne, her mom's middle name is Anne, and the middle
    name (which she goes by) of her mom (my sister, who
    raised me after our parents died and was like a mother
    to me and was a virgin for the first while) is Anne,
    and we also had an Aunt Anne and have a first cousin Anne.
    Also Sarah McLachlan's middle name is Ann, and the second
    name of her daughter India is Ann. And Jesus's grandmother
    was named Anne or Anna. So this is for all the Annes.

    Also Pope Francis will visit Lac Ste. Anne on July 26,
    the feast day of St. Anne, who is a very important
    figure for indigenous Christians and for those who follow
    a fusion of traditional indigenous spirituality and Christianity.
    (There is a large annual pilgrimage to the lake during the
    week of July 26, and it will be even larger than usual
    this year.

    And probably my father, who played fiddle and mandolin,
    played St. Anne's Reel.

    So July 26 is the name day of all the Annes mentioned
    above, other than Jesus's grandmother for whom it was
    her death day or saint day. The name day is very important
    in European culture but is less celebrated in North America.

    Also, in the 1990s (maybe 1993?) I attended a movie double
    bill at The Ridge Theatre in Vancouver. One movie was
    about indigenous resistance to low-flying flights in
    Labrador. The other movie was about a People of the
    Orca, I think on Vancouver Island, and was hosted by
    their chief, who had two attractive daughters who handed
    out posters. And at one point the chief made a comment
    about David and Anne or Anne and David, and I thought he
    was referring to me and my sister but perhaps he was
    just referring to some children's books/school books
    that feature David and Anne. But perhaps the blocks
    have not been airtight.

    Also, at the same movie theatre I saw the Romany movie
    Latcho Drom and thought I heard my name at the end
    of the movie, but perhaps I was mistaken. But again
    perhaps the blocks have not been airtight (if they
    were I would have no readers).

    Another significant indigenous presence was the woman
    chief at a Friends of Clayoquot Sound benefit at
    The Commodore Ballroom in I think 1992, with headliners
    Sarah McLachlan backed by Ashwin Sood. Though Sarah
    had influenced me strongly before then, it was that
    night that I fell for her, so I think she had started
    having orgasms not long before then (I am not attracted
    to bifs who have not had an orgasm).

    And it could be that the old fisherman whose net I pulled
    on after my naked sun stare was (is?) Musqueam, though
    perhaps he was (is?) Greek Canadian and possibly pagan.
    Anywat it was on Tower Beach or perhaps between Spanish
    Banks West and Tower Beach, anyway a bit east of the
    easternmost of the two towers, on Sept. 5, 1991. And when
    I first arrived in Vancouver in early September, 1985 I
    thought I was walking from UBC to Safeway on West 10th
    but got lost and wandered all the way to the edge of
    the Musqueam reserve. First I saw the bright white
    clapboard houses that reminded me of rural Newfoundland
    and was going to proceed and ask for directions, but then
    I saw the no trespassing sign and turned around, and the
    feeling I was on stolen ground I think contributed some
    to my long mild depression of 1986. Other than that I
    think my only contact with Musqueams was with a woman
    selling bannock at the entrance to the Museum of Anthropology
    at UBC, though also there were indigenous people selling
    barbecued salmon at the full moon 1990 Celtica Festival,
    and I played softball with the W.I.S.E. Club
    team against the Hooligans (play on the fish oolichans)
    who had one attractive player who I think is indigenous,
    in 1994 and 1995. Also one extreme late night I had
    no money and was walking home to Kitsilano from the
    W.I.S.E. Club in East Van and an indigenous man asked
    me for change and I gave him my last dime (which has
    an image of the Bluenose on it, which represents Sarah
    for me).

    David Dalton dalton@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page) https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page) ³Mary walks down to the waterıs edge and there she hangs Her head to
    find herself faded a shadow of what she once was" (Sarah McLachlan)

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  • From David Dalton@21:1/5 to David Dalton on Sun Jul 24 00:58:58 2022
    XPost: alt.native, nz.soc.maori, alt.culture.inuit
    XPost: mex.indigena, alt.religion.shamanism

    In article
    David Dalton <dalton.nfld@gmail.com> wrote:

    Also Pope Francis will visit Lac Ste. Anne on July 26,
    the feast day of St. Anne, who is a very important
    figure for indigenous Christians and for those who follow
    a fusion of traditional indigenous spirituality and Christianity.
    (There is a large annual pilgrimage to the lake during the
    week of July 26, and it will be even larger than usual
    this year.

    Pope Francis will touch down in Edmonton at 11:20 a.m. local
    time, or 1720 UTC/GMT Sunday July 24, 2022.

    And probably my father, who played fiddle and mandolin,
    played St. Anne's Reel.

    For a video of a performance, basic lesson, and advanced
    lesson of St. Anne's Reel on fiddle in the key of D, see https://www.fiddlevideo.com/st-annes-reel/ .

    a D.

    David Dalton dalton@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page) https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page) ³Mary walks down to the waterıs edge and there she hangs Her head to
    find herself faded a shadow of what she once was" (Sarah McLachlan)

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)