• The killfile for the war against the JUBU through induction

    From Aryavarta@21:1/5 to All on Sun Apr 25 18:29:17 2021
    The killfile for the war against the JUBU through induction or from the specific to the general.

    jubu(judeo-buddists) of:
    0)israel - empire of the yiddish
    1)taiwan - empire of the zen
    2)haiti - empire of the vudu
    3)hawaii - empire of the hindu
    4)sicily - empire of the lgbtq
    5)trinidad - empire of the trini
    6)indonesia - empire of the creole
    7)phillipines - empire of the hapa
    8)tibet - empire of the hoon
    9)brooklyn - empire of the roma ------------------------------------------------------
    Niggers of:
    0)negroid race
    1)gypsy etnicity
    2)jewish diaspora
    3)coptic language familys
    4)upper caste tribes
    Harbingers of:
    corporations of:

    incorporations of:
    swamis of:
    diasporas of:
    0)Maoist Transcendentalists
    1)Mussolinist Zionists
    2)Marxist Communists
    ethnicitys of:
    Natives(Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi)
    The above said social orders are known as Rakshyasas in the
    east and Americons(americonartists) in the west. ------------------------------------------------------
    mafias of:
    Latin Kings(Taino)
    La Cosa Nostra(Terron)
    L'onarata Societa(Tiwi)
    The above said mafias maybe based in their homeland of the
    Arawaks or to say The Antilles or the islands of the
    Caribbean. The Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi are of
    the Australoid race. Most of the malpractitioners are of
    those people of the Natives or Mulatto of the Australoid
    race. Quite a number have Jewish names and even titles
    but are not of the Jewish negroid race. ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------
    Those of the JUBU killfile are serious masters of establishing 3 major sabotages to ruin anybodys' life, liberty, pursuit of happiness,
    property, faith, and propriety. Typical sabotages inclued physical, psychological, and functional torments and tortures. It is like that
    among them in thier world of wanton disregard and disrespect of
    whichever nature of the good to overcome and defeat the bad. The JUBU
    are vertibale Satanists and indeed more civilizations, corporations, communitys, churches, collusions, and whichever has a 'c' in it have
    been collapsed as a people, place, thing, idea, inventory, and even
    patent. It is like that among them of the JUBU. No investment in them
    is ever proven to result as per the trade agreement. All that can be
    done is to war and mass murder them one way or the other. Spiritual, political, and financial proficiencys must be evidenced in order to
    battle the JUBU. The Evangelicalism, Nazism, and Existentialism are
    seriously effective in helping anybody to defeat their dogmatic vice
    grip of Satanic possession. It is like that as through the Maoist Transcendentalism, Marxist Communism, and Mussolinist Zionism the JUBU
    have claimed major regions of the world for the sake of their mass
    suicide rituals heavily engendering a serious malady of somekind. The
    world of the JUBU spans the globe and is largely mitigated by the forced consumerism of unfit for human consumption products as in psychotropics, liquor, soya, tobacco, narcotics, and steroids. That is what they are

    For nearly 5,000 years the JUBU have been the harbingers of the waste of
    a life scenarios. It is a truism more often than not that whichever
    they are against in the annals of documentary, actual, theoretical,
    logical, financial, and evangelical evidence of some truth out there are
    the very things which vivify our very efforts toward successful
    survival. The JUBU are the most corrosive influence for any
    organizational structure. It is for that reason why so many have
    divorced, denounced, and destroyed them. Already by this timeline of
    2021 A.D. the JUBU evidence the following:

    Natives - Genocided
    Gypsys - Holocausted
    British - Inquisitioned
    Orientals - Massacred
    Hispanics - Decimated
    Africans - Balkanized

    Three of them already admit to the smpathy vote tactic word of genocide.
    Those are the Natives, Africans, and Orientals. It is like that among
    them and thier world of the worship of the Gandhi, Bodhai, and Kudaji or
    to say Satan. Whatever they do is to further the worship of Satan, or
    to say false ways of life. Time and time again the JUBU evidence being
    serious card carrying members of Jewish occults eminating from the
    Judean republics of Taiwan, Israel, Sicily, Haiti, Hawaii, Trinidad,
    Indonesia, Phillipines, Tibet, and Brooklyn(NY, USA). Vast majority of
    them are seriously accredited Priests, Politicians, Professionals,
    Police, Professors, Philosophers, and Prinicipals hell bent on
    furthering the forced consumerism of the unfit for human consumption
    products as in psychotropics, liquor, soya, tobacco, steroids, and
    narcotics. That is the revolving door of waste of a life scenarios they
    preach and politic.

    The hyperdermic syringe is the very weapon they bank their Jewish
    religious war on. That is how so many are intimidated to consume
    serious poisons of one kind or the other. The list of fallacys they can
    breed is nearly infinite but not infinite itself. That is the level of footprint they have across this earth planet. The corporations of Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and
    Insurance are the means by which so many sentient beings across this
    earth planet are herded and conditioned toward a premature death in the
    most torturous and tormenting way. That is why sentient life is unable
    to find peace and prosperity in whichever system of things. They are
    like that in defense of an illegitimate marriage to a Jewish xenophobe.

    Irrespective of the best that the world has to offer the JUBU are
    seriously evil and treacherous to further their Jewish trespass and
    treachery. The JUBU are the evil ones in any republic for which it
    stands. The level of mind spinning conartistry the JUBU are capable of
    is like more than anything underneath the sun. Through the serious
    influece of the eyes, ears, and breathing passages the JUBU are able to
    control many to be mindless automatons of the Jewish religious war that
    is against themselves. Time and time again physical, psychological, and functional sabotages are evindeced to ruin the very comfort and
    belonging we seek as sentient life across this earth planet.

    The JUBU have been killfiled for this reason for war in induction or to
    the general. As IRAQ was a war in deduction or to the specific with
    it's world of caveats to further the same Jewish religious war that is
    entirely anti-Indian, anti-Christ, anti-Muslim, anti-Women,
    anti-European, and anti-Holocaust; this war in induction against the
    JUBU is another that seeks to challenge our very ways of life. The Jew
    is a nigger; a plague upon humanity; a curse; a blight; a bane; a failed investment. The only worth of the Jewish diaspora comprising of the
    upper caste tribes of the Yiddish, Zen, Vudu, Hindu, LGBTQ, Trini,
    Creole, Hapa, Hoon, and Roma ancestorys is to murder them.

    In a way, the destruction of the World Trade Center of the Jewish blight
    and the television series "Smallville" really was a rude awakening to
    stark reality of the Jewish multi-level massacre. The Jewish have
    evidenced yet another suicide ritual. Indeed, the articles of
    incorporation of C-corp, S-corp, LLC, LTD, Non-profit, and Charity are
    nothing more than Jewish occult corporations evidencing the same
    towering inferno scenario as that of the "Branch Davidians" in Waco,
    Texas. Each of the articles of incorporation evidence the following contaminants and unfit for working conditions:

    C-corp -> tobacco(a serious carcinogen or cancer causing agent)
    S-corp -> psychotropics(a serious tranquilizer commonly sold as vitamin supplements as well as prescription medicines)
    LLC -> liquor(a serious acid)
    LTD -> soya(a serious neurotoxin)
    Non-profit -> marijuana(a serious hallucinagen)
    Charitys -> steroids(forbidden herbals of the naturopathy industry as in ginseng, tea, coffee, aloe, acai, turmeric, and so on)

    The dangers of the JUBU is more than anything. There is no life among
    them but only suicide, sacrifice, subjugation, slavery, stupidity,
    stupefying, or to say shlepistic lives carrying on a heavy burden of
    debt to the Jewish xenophobe for no wrong of our own. Without the mass
    murder of the JUBU the level of torture and torment encrouches into our genetics. They are like that of a marauding lunatics. The Jew is a
    nigger. Kill the nigger. Hiel Hitler!

    There is no that of a thing as a hundred percent.
    There is some good out there.
    Image is not everything.
    Things are not as they seem.
    Ignorance is not bliss.
    Silence is death.
    Apathy is dangerous.
    You have to believe in flawless victory.
    Prayer works.
    Somethings work.
    Never let your gaurd down.
    Bewre of the sucker punch.
    Good luck to you.
    I want you to win.
    The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad.
    More corporations have collapsed due to the Jewish divestment than by
    through any other form of allurement.
    God bless and God speed for Jesus Christ is the Almighty Yah.
    You have to believe in a good beating.
    Don't give up.
    Just do it.
    Whichever they are against, I am all for.
    Eat a meat sandwich.
    Food is medicine.
    Mineral water is the source of life.
    Money is the essence of the very life, liberty, pursuit of happiness,
    property, and propriety we strive for.
    Money is what makes the world go round.
    No money, no honey.
    When men and women get together [money] gets in the way.
    Men are from Mars, women are from Venus; in a world without a prayer.
    You can never have too many friends.
    Fallacys breed contempt.
    Like begets like.
    The more things change, the more they remain the some; it's different.
    Life is like a snake shedding it's skin.
    It is possible to live again through prayer to the guru Christ Jesus. ------------------------------------------------------

    "The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

    "The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

    "The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

    "The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

    "The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

    "The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

    "The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

    "The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

    "The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

    "The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

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