• They sentenced me to 28 years of boredom

    From David Dalton@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 6 02:14:07 2023
    XPost: alt.religion.druid, alt.spirituality.druid, alt.traditional.witchcraft XPost: alt.magick, ie.general

    August 6, 2023. To get UTC add 2.5 hours.
    (Friendship Day/Gossip Day/Hiroshima Day/Psychic Day/Sister's Day)

    1:41 a.m. : no hits after 4 hours, which means that (J2) and
    (MJ) have not been in progress. And even [B] in general is
    not done, and induced belly pop test spell responses have
    not been delivered.

    FULL RESET, nothing is done/on/in-progress.

    I won't try again unless [B] is done up front.

    I won't try again unless I am released from the low years
    first (before [B]).

    My low years have lasted over 27.5 years now, which rounds
    up to 28, which is twice the less common 14 and four times
    the more common 7, which is referenced in

    Seven years your right, under a flagstone, in a quagmire,
    Without food, without taste, but the thirst you ever torturing,
    The law of the judges your lesson, and prayer your language:
    And if you like to return
    You will be, for a time, a Druid, perhaps.
    (Ancient Irish Poem)

    The ten judges (my eight main deities and pMars and pVenus)
    unanimously agree that I can come out of the low years now.

    Goddess released me from the low years 1:59 a.m. -->

    When I get a closure (P) for that I won't believe it unless
    I notice some significant changes, such as a return of my
    flowing creativity, perhaps centred clarity with +2 mood,
    and perhaps a return of my matchmaking ability.

    Followup-To set to alt.religion.druid , so check that
    group for further updates.

    https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page) "This could be the final breath; This is life and death;
    This is hard rock and water; Out here between wind and flame;
    Between tears and elation; Lies a secret nation" (Ron Hynes)

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