[continued from previous message]
USA FBI and military as necessary basic requirements for a country, and
a country can become a more global world like European union or such.
More political philosophy about the mechanisms of Democracy..
I think that we have to be smart, since i have just written the
following about China and Russia of year 2010 and 2012:
More about China and Russia and other such countries education system..
I am a white arab and i think i am smart since i have invented many
scalable algorithms, read the following:
“Corruption is pervasive in every part of Chinese society, and education
is no exception,” Mr. Li said.
A Chinese Education, for a Price
Read more here:
I think we can not be confident with the Chinese education system, and i
don't think it is meritocratic !
It is the same problem in Russia, read the following to notice it:
Mark Levin, a professor at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow who
has studied the issue, said corruption in universities took place not
only during the entrance examinations but also those at the end of
semesters. Levin said some students preferred to pay money to pass
examinations and obtain a diploma.
RUSSIA: Rising corruption threatens universities
Read more here:
And also i have just posted about the today China after the
anti-corruption compaign in China, read the following:
I invite you to read the following interesting article:
China’s Anti-Corruption Campaign and the Challenges of Political Meritocracy
So as you are noticing from my above writing that corruption can corrupt
the education system and when education system is corrupt then the
Meritocratic system is corrupt and this is dangerous. So even after the anti-corruption compaign in China , i think that Dictatorship of China
is not so efficient at fighting corruption, because Democracy is much
better at fighting corruption by competitive elections and free press,
read my following thoughts to understand more:
From where people get a correct judgment in Democracy ?
So you are noticing that to be able to be good judgment in Democracy,
you have to be correct "Elitism" that guides people, and you have to be Meritocracy to be able to be the necessary quali