• More about my professionalism and more about me.. (2/5)

    From World90@21:1/5 to All on Wed Apr 7 13:29:55 2021
    [continued from previous message]

    a question:

    From where comes violence between peoples and between individuals ?

    For example if a man has a big penis and another man has a small or
    average penis they can get in violent fight between them because of this inequality.

    Or if a man is rich and another man is not rich they can get into a
    violent fight between them because of this inequality.


    So now my philosophy is smart and it is saying that so that the rich
    and the not rich not get into a violent fight because of inequality of
    richness etc. we have to know from where "happiness" comes from and we
    have to know that we can be happy without being rich by doing the
    following, read my following thoughts to understand:

    More philosophy about being materialistic and not being materialistic..

    I will ask a smart question:

    Am i a philosopher that is a materialistic ?

    No, i am not materialistic , i am a philosopher that is seeking like a "balance" between being materialistic and not being materialistic , and
    i am pragmatic, i will give you an example so that you understand my philosophy:

    I think that looking at the videos of youtube is like being not
    materialistic, since a video on youtube is like the immaterial, so then
    you can enjoy those pleasures of life on internet by looking at the
    videos of youtube or by reading facebook etc. by being not
    materialistic, so then i am a philosopher that is convinced that we can
    be happy even if we are not "rich", since with the sophistication of
    internet and such tools, i say that we can be happy without being rich
    by accessing internet and enjoying pleasures of life of internet and
    such tools with a very low price, and what i predict that in about 10
    years from now, and with the exponential progress of our humanity, we
    will be happy and much more happy without being rich since this
    exponential progress will provide us with much more powerful tools that
    enhance much more the quality of our lives.

    Read all my following my previous thoughts to understand more:

    I think i am smart and i say that we have to be optimistic,
    because happiness comes from enjoying pleasures of life that we feel
    with our senses we humans, but my philosophy says that you can be happy
    by not being rich and you can be happy by being rich, since notice
    with me that today enjoying pleasures of life is also the fact that
    we are accessing internet and taking advantage of looking at youtube or
    reading facebook or searching and learning from Google etc. with a very
    low price, and computers today cost a low price too, so i think that
    we are being much more happy by enjoying those pleasures of life by
    accessing internet at a very low price, this is why i think that
    the exponential progress of our humanity will very soon, and in about 10
    years from now, enhance much much more our lives by providing us
    with very sophisticated tools, but we have to know how to manage this exponential progress of our humanity and we have also to be efficiently educated so that to be much better humans and so that Democracy works correctly, so this is why you have to take into account this exponential progress of our humanity, and read all my following thoughts to
    understand better:

    More of my philosophy about Eric Schmidt and about quantum computing and
    about Moore's law..

    I invite you to look carefully at this interesting Eric Schmidt's video:

    Read about Eric Schmidt here:


    So look at his following video:

    Eric Schmidt on the Early Strategic Decisions & Future of Quantum Computing


    But in the video above i don't agree with Eric Schmidt about the end of
    Moore's law, because look at the following discovery below that will
    permit computers and phones to run thousands of times faster, so read
    carefully my following thoughts to understand:

    More of my philosophy about the exponential progress of our humanity..

    I think that the white supremacists and neo-nazis and many humans are
    not understanding correctly the exponential progress of our
    humanity, so notice in my following news that the exponential progress
    of our humanity is now going much faster and faster, so look for example
    at the new discovery below that will permit computers and phones to run thousands of times faster, so you are noticing that it will make
    artificial intelligence and such be much more powerful, so i think we
    will soon be able to enhance much more our human genetics and we will
    be able to do much more than that because the exponential progress of
    our humanity will make us soon really much much more powerful, so we
    have to be much more optimistic, so you have to read my following
    thoughts below about the exponential progress of our humanity and you
    have to read my following news below:

    More political philosophy about: Are humans smart ?

    So are humans smart ?

    I am very positive about humans, and i think that humans are smart,
    since we are also advancing by the following process of Swarm
    Intelligence that is so efficient, read about it here:

    How Swarm Intelligence Is Making Simple Tech Much Smarter


    So i think that "collectively", we humans, we are smart, and i think
    that you will soon notice it by the following exponential progress of
    our humanity, read about in my following thoughts:

    More political philosophy about do we have to be pessimistic..

    I think it is a beautiful day in history, and how can you understand it ?

    First you will notice that the exponential progress of our humanity is
    going very fast and is going faster and faster , look at the following
    video to understand it:

    Exponential Progress: Can We Expect Mind-Blowing Changes In The Near Future


    So as you are noticing that you have to take this exponential progress
    of our humanity into account and be much more optimistic.

    And you have to know that this exponential progress of our humanity also
    comes from the following process:

    How Swarm Intelligence Is Making Simple Tech Much Smarter


    And here is my new poem called: "This beautiful exponential progress is
    not a distress"


    This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress

    Because it is a beautiful maturity but not the adolescence

    This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress

    And we have to beautifully tune it with the beautiful consensus

    This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress

    So let us not be just guesses but technicality and science

    This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress

    So let us be a beautiful expressiveness that is not helpless

    This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress

    So let us take together this beautiful breakfast

    This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress

    Since you are also like my so beautiful Princess

    This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress

    So let us be a beautiful presence for present and future acceptance


    Read my following news:

    With the following new discovery computers and phones could run
    thousands of times faster..

    Prof Alan Dalton in the School of Mathematical and Physics Sciences at
    the University of Sussex, said:

    "We're mechanically creating kinks in a layer of graphene. It's a bit
    like nano-origami.

    "Using these nanomaterials will make our computer chips smaller and
    faster. It is absolutely critical that this happens as computer
    manufacturers are now at the limit of what they can do with traditional semiconducting technology. Ultimately, this will make our computers and
    phones thousands of times faster in the future.

    "This kind of technology -- "straintronics" using nanomaterials as
    opposed to electronics -- allows space for more chips inside any device. Everything we want to do with computers -- to speed them up -- can be
    done by crinkling graphene like this."

    Dr Manoj Tripathi, Research Fellow in Nano-structured Materials at the University of Sussex and lead author on the paper, said:

    "Instead of having to add foreign materials into a device, we've shown
    we can create structures from graphene and other 2D materials simply by
    adding deliberate kinks into the structure. By making this sort of
    corrugation we can create a smart electronic component, like a
    transistor, or a logic gate."

    The development is a greener, more sustainable technology. Because no additional materials need to be added, and because this process works at
    room temperature rather than high temperature, it uses less energy to

    Read more here:


    Yet more about the good Entrepreneurial spirit and the good businessman spirit..

    As i said yesterday that what is making USA great is a good
    Entrepreneurial spirit and a good businessman spirit and what
    will make USA great again is a good Entrepreneurial spirit and a good businessman spirit, and here is more proof of it, read the following
    web page:

    "The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in the United States. A
    recent study revealed that the U.S. population is quite entrepreneurial
    when compared with that of other countries: More than 70 percent of
    Americans would prefer being an entrepreneur to working for someone
    else. This compares with 46 percent of adults in Western Europe and 58
    percent of adults in Canada.[1] Another study on entrepreneurial
    activity for 2002 found that, of 36 countries studied, the United States
    was in the top third in entrepreneurial activity and was the
    entrepreneurial leader when compared with Japan, Canada and Western Europe.

    One can argue that the desire of individuals to create new businesses,
    develop new technologies and venture into the unknown has propelled the
    United States from a small collection of colonies to one of the greatest economic powers in the world. Entrepreneurship means growth."

    Read more here:


    More about the USA good Entrepreneurial spirit and a good businessman

    I invite you to look at the following video from USA
    that talks about the good Entrepreneurial spirit and a good businessman

    Warren Buffett: How Most People Should Invest in 2021


    And notice in the above video that it says that emotional intelligence
    is an important thing to have so that to be a good investor..

    Now I'm going to ask a smart question and it is the following:

    What is emotional intelligence and social intelligence (or interpersonal intelligence)?

    I answer this:

    When I give you 5 words which are the following:

    love, very, much, I, you

    So notice that for intelligence you need a plan
    to compose the following sentence from the above words:

    "I love you very much"

    So the intelligence of emotional intelligence and social intelligence is
    also "like" "management", since they make it possible to organize it and
    to make it order that is I believe the most "important" part of
    management, but to make it order or to organize it needs a "plan", but
    the plan to follow in order to be order (order in general or order in
    love to be able to to be love) is also intelligence including emotional intelligence and social intelligence, So emotional intelligence and
    social intelligence are also a plan that organize it or make it order,
    since they organize or regulate our behaviors so that to be order, and
    order is so important to achieve the necessary perfection.

    More philosophy on love.

    You have noticed that I am a white Arab, and you have also noticed that
    I have written several poems of Love in front of you, but now I am going
    to like to ask a smart question:

    What is love ?

    I think that expressing love is an intelligence like an emotional
    intelligence and social intelligence (or interpersonal intelligence)
    that I believe is so "important", because I believe that love is also
    emotional intelligence and social intelligence which organize or manage
    or regulate our behaviors so that to be order, and order is so important
    to achieve the necessary perfection.

    Here is more proof of what is a good Entrepreneurial spirit and a good businessman spirit..

    I just said the following:

    "I think that USA is great because it has a good Entrepreneurial spirit
    and a good businessman spirit, and notice that having a good
    Entrepreneurial spirit and a good businessman spirit means also that you
    are "optimistic", and i think that USA will be great again by having a
    good Entrepreneurial spirit and a good businessman spirit !"

    So i will give you more proof of it, so i invite you to look
    carefully at the following video to look at the good Entrepreneurial
    spirit and a good businessman spirit of USA, and notice carefully that
    it is optimistic as i have just said:


    More of my philosophy about USA..

    I think that USA is great because it has a good Entrepreneurial spirit
    and a good businessman spirit, and notice that having a good
    Entrepreneurial spirit and a good businessman spirit means also that you
    are "optimistic", and i think that USA will be great again by having a
    good Entrepreneurial spirit and a good businessman spirit !

    More of my philosophy about asians and math and more..

    Asians' practice of math equates to higher scores

    Why do Asians outperform non-Asians in math? A new study suggests Asians
    do better because they have memorized more basic math and relied less on calculators in elementary and high school.

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about fluid intelligence and more..

    Essentially, IQ tests measure our ability to recognize novel patterns in complex (highly entropic) data sets. This essentially boils down to the
    ability to process a lot of data simultaneously and rapidly.

    This perhaps offers our first clue as to why people with high IQ’s learn quickly. If you can examine a lot of information at once and recognize
    the patterns in it, it stands to reason that you can learn more quickly.

    Furthermore, this ability to recognize patterns, to abstract the
    principles behind the data, allows someone with a high IQ to master more
    with less rote learning.

    Consider this common arithmetic series:

    0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 . . .

    Fluid intelligence may recognize it as a Fibonacci series.

    So as you are noticing that fluid intelligence recognizes the pattern
    that is like a coherent system and it abstract it.

    So that you understand me more, let us say that you are measuring a
    human IQ, so if it is high human IQ , this value is a measure that is
    relative to the other human IQs, so you will say that this high IQ is
    much better at adaptability than the other humans, but it is not correct measure, because even science and technology have constraints that
    constrain(or limit greatly) the expressiveness of human IQs, so then we
    can not say that a high human IQ is better at adaptability than the
    other humans..

    More philosophy about how to measure human IQ or human smartness..

    I think i am smart, and i will talk about how to measure human IQs or
    human smartness, first you have to know that you can measure relatively
    or absolutely, so if you measure the IQ of a human, you will give a
    value of IQ that is "relative" to the distribution of IQs of humans, so
    can we ask if it is the right way to measure human IQs? i think it is
    not, because there is a "very" important thing that is missing, and it
    is that you have to also measure IQ or smartness relatively to the "constraints" in our reality that constrain(or limit) human IQ or human smartness, and i think this will give a much more realistic measure of
    human IQs or human smartness, so if you are really smart you will start
    by searching what are those constraints in the reality that constrain
    human IQs or human smartness, because this way you will become really smart.

    Let me give an example about how to measure IQs or smartness..

    So if you are really smart you will give a smart example so that people
    can understand, so here it is:

    If i say: 2 + 2 = 4

    So you will notice that this equality is also constrained by constraints
    of reality, since for example you are noticing that it is not so
    mathematically expressive, so this not mathematically expressive is also constraining human IQ or human smartness, since if you understand and
    learn this mathematical equality, another person will quickly do the
    same, so the other person will adapt quickly to this level of smartness,
    so now you are noticing the smart idea, it is that even science and
    technology are constrained the same way, and this constraints on
    science and technology constrain or limit the expressiveness of high
    human IQs or high level of smartness so that other lower level human
    IQs or smartness can attain the level of adaptability of high human
    IQs, this is what is happening in our today world, and if you are smart
    you will notice that there is something else that is happening and it
    is that abstraction of complexity that reduce the complexity is making
    others not understanding the complexity behind the abstraction and this
    is not so efficient.

    Here is more about the constraints on science and technology:

    Is Science Going To End?

    Read more here:


    And read also the following

    The Industrial Era Ended, and So Will the Digital Era

    Read more here:


    More political philosophy about what is smartness..

    I give you an example so that you understand:

    If i give the following three words:

    I, love, you.

    It is not the same as if i give the following five words:

    I, love, you, very, much

    So you are noticing that the five words permit a more sophisticated expressiveness, and notice that i am saying more sophisticated, since
    the five words bring more efficiency, and this bringing more efficiency
    is also what we call smartness, but notice that this smartness is
    brought by using the "tool" that is composed of the five words, so the
    tool that is our english language brings smartness, so then we have to
    be convinced by the fact that the tool like internet brings a much more efficiency and this much more efficiency brings much more smartness, so
    now you are noticing that smartness is not only genetical or cultural,
    but it is also the smartness of using the tool, and this is a very
    important thing, since the tool can be powerful and it can advance very
    much a human and can make a human really smart. So you have to
    understand that we are also in an Era of powerful tools such as internet
    that can advance very much a human and that can make a human really smart.

    More about USA and adaptability..

    I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
    invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    Why i am talking as i am talking about USA? because i think
    that we have to be optimistic, since USA is still a powerful country
    that can adapt quickly, so i think that the best way is also to be
    proactive in making people of USA efficiently educated so that Democracy
    works much better and so that USA be much better. But i am very
    optimistic about USA, and look at how arabs are truly loving USA since
    they are making USA a much better country, read about them here to
    notice it:

    In fact, the U.S. is the main home for Arab inventors globally,
    distantly followed by France (513 patent applications), Canada (361),
    Germany (342), Saudi Arabia (307), Japan (279) and the United Kingdom (273)

    The Innovative Flair Arab Inventors Bring to America

    Read more here:


    And read the following about arabs:

    Arab Americans better educated than most in U.S

    Read more here to notice it:


    Also read the following about Arabs:

    Research: Arab Inventors Make the U.S. More Innovative

    It turns out that the U.S. is a major home for Arab inventors. In the
    five-year period from 2009 to 2013, there were 8,786 U.S. patent
    applications in our data set that had at least one Arab inventor. Of the
    total U.S. patent applications, 3.4% had at least one Arab inventor,
    despite the fact that Arab inventors represent only 0.3% of the total population.

    Read more here:


    Even Steve Jobs the founder of Apple had an arab Syrian immigrant father
    called Abdul Fattah Jandal.

    Read more here about it:


    More of my philosophy about USA..

    I think USA is in a good shape, since the most important thing
    that has USA is that it can "adapt" "quickly" since USA is still
    powerful, so what has to do USA ? i think that USA has to have
    a good competitivity and this needs a good productivity and
    a good quality, so USA also needs a good Innovation and a good
    creativity, but so that to be a good innovation and a good creativity
    ideas must circulate and be combined across nations and industries,
    so this needs globalization, also USA needs a good education that
    makes people efficiently educated, this is also good for both
    productivity and quality.

    More of my philosophy about my human life..

    You have also to understand my way of doing, since as you have noticed i
    have invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms, and i am still
    inventing scalable algorithms and algorithms, and i have for example
    just invented two scalable algorithms today, so i think i am smart like
    a genius, and my way of doing is also that i am being like innovation of
    R&D (Research and development) and when i am reading on internet i am constantly like playing smartly at a game of chess, since i am also
    finding sophisticated patterns with my fluid intelligence that permit me
    to become much smarter, and i am doing the same in real life, so i think
    i am a special guy, and like in software refactoring where you have to
    fight back against accumulating unnecessary complexities and
    dependencies in your codebase, i am also doing the same with my
    smartness since i am also reducing at best complexity so that to be
    an efficient learning.

    More philosophy about innovation and more..

    Innovation and creativity depend on ideas circulating and combining
    across nations and industries(so they need globalization). And good
    innovation needs a good education and a good economy.

    Read the following interesting article on Forbes to notice it:

    Can Asians Innovate?


    And read my following thoughts of my philosophy to understand:

    More philosophy about economic growth..

    What factors contribute to economic growth?

    "Increases in "productivity" are the major factor responsible for per
    capita economic growth—this has been especially evident since the
    mid-19th century. Most of the economic growth in the 20th century was
    due to increased output per unit of labor, materials, energy, and land
    (less input per widget)."

    Read more here:


    So as you are noticing that increases in productivity are the major
    factor responsible for per capita economic growth, so it is a so
    important fact that you have to take into account, and economic growth
    is important because it is the means by which we can improve the quality
    of our standard of living. It also enables us to cater for any increases
    in our population without having to lower our standard of living, so
    then i have just given my thoughts about productivity, so here is my
    thoughts about productivity:

    I have also just posted about the following thoughts from the following
    PhD computer scientist:


    Read more here his thoughts about productivity:


    And i think he is making a mistake:

    Since we have that Productivity = Output/Input

    But better human training and/or better tools and/or better human
    smartness and/or better human capacity can make the Parallel
    productivity part much bigger that the Serial productivity part, so it
    can scale much more (it is like Gustafson's Law).

    And it looks like the following:

    About parallelism and about Gustafson’s Law..

    Gustafson’s Law:

    • If you increase the amount of work done by each parallel
    task then the serial component will not dominate
    • Increase the problem size to maintain scaling
    • Can do this by adding extra complexity or increasing the overall
    problem size

    Scaling is important, as the more a code scales the larger a machine it
    can take advantage of:

    • can consider weak and strong scaling
    • in practice, overheads limit the scalability of real parallel programs
    • Amdahl’s law models these in terms of serial and parallel fractions
    • larger problems generally scale better: Gustafson’s law

    Load balance is also a crucial factor.

    So as said above:

    Since we have that Productivity = Output/Input

    But better human training and/or better tools and/or better human
    smartness and/or better human capacity can make the Parallel
    productivity part much bigger that the Serial productivity part, so it
    can scale much more (it is like Gustafson's Law).

    Also Productivity focuses on quantity produced, created, or completed.
    but the Throughput is the rate of production or the rate at which
    something can be processed (throughput = output / duration). Throughput
    is a measure of comparative effectiveness of a process or an operation,
    e.g. a count of items completed per month.

    So then Throughput is important for Productivity, so then i am a white
    arab and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable
    algorithms that enhance much parallelism that is so important for

    Here is some of my scalable algorithms that i have invented:







    Also i have decided to not share others of my scalable algorithms and it
    is competition, so i am seeking like a balance between collaboration and competition.

    Also an important factor in economic growth comes from the following:

    "Heiner Rindermann and James Thompson uncovered that the “smart
    fraction” of a country is quite influential in impacting the performance
    of that country, for example, its GDP."

    Read the following to notice it:

    Let's look for example at USA, so read the following from Jonathan Wai
    that is a Ph.D., it says:

    "Heiner Rindermann and James Thompson uncovered that the “smart
    fraction” of a country is quite influential in impacting the performance
    of that country, for example, its GDP."

    And it also says the following:

    "“According to recent population estimates, there are about eight
    Chinese and Indians for every American in the top 1 percent in brains.”
    But consider that the U.S. benefits from the smart fractions of every
    other country in the world because it continues to serve as a magnet for brainpower, something that is not even factored into these rankings.

    What these rankings clearly show is America is likely still in the lead
    in terms of brainpower. And this is despite the fact federal funding for educating our smart fraction is currently zero. Everyone seems worried Americans are falling behind, but this is because everyone is focusing
    on average and below average people. Maybe it’s time we started taking a closer look at the smartest people of our own country."

    Read more here:


    So as you are noticing it's immigrants(and there are about eight Chinese
    and Indians for every American in the top 1 percent in brains) that are
    making USA a rich country.

    And read also the following to understand more:

    Why Silicon Valley Wouldn’t Work Without Immigrants

    There are many theories for why immigrants find so much success in tech.
    Many American-born tech workers point out that there is no shortage of American-born employees to fill the roles at many tech companies.
    Researchers have found that more than enough students graduate from
    American colleges to fill available tech jobs. Critics of the industry’s friendliness toward immigrants say it comes down to money — that
    technology companies take advantage of visa programs, like the H-1B
    system, to get foreign workers at lower prices than they would pay American-born ones.

    But if that criticism rings true in some parts of the tech industry, it
    misses the picture among Silicon Valley’s top companies. One common misperception of Silicon Valley is that it operates like a factory; in
    that view, tech companies can hire just about anyone from anywhere in
    the world to fill a particular role.

    But today’s most ambitious tech companies are not like factories.
    They’re more like athletic teams. They’re looking for the LeBrons and Bradys — the best people in the world to come up with some brand-new, never-before-seen widget, to completely reimagine what widgets should do
    in the first place.

    “It’s not about adding tens or hundreds of thousands of people into manufacturing plants,” said Aaron Levie, the co-founder and chief
    executive of the cloud-storage company Box. “It’s about the couple ideas that are going to be invented that are going to change everything.”

    Why do tech honchos believe that immigrants are better at coming up with
    those inventions? It’s partly a numbers thing. As the tech venture
    capitalist Paul Graham has pointed out, the United States has only 5
    percent of the world’s population; it stands to reason that most of the world’s best new ideas will be thought up by people who weren’t born here.

    If you look at some of the most consequential ideas in tech, you find an unusual number that were developed by immigrants. For instance, Google’s entire advertising business — that is, the basis for the vast majority
    of its revenues and profits, the engine that allows it to hire thousands
    of people in the United States — was created by three immigrants: Salar Kamangar and Omid Kordestani, who came to the United States from Iran,
    and Eric Veach, from Canada.

    But it’s not just a numbers thing. Another reason immigrants do so well
    in tech is that people from outside bring new perspectives that lead to
    new ideas.

    Read more here:


    So the tools that permit to make the parallel Productivity part bigger
    is also automation and robots and parallelism and artificial
    intelligence.. read my following thoughts about automation and
    about artificial intelligence etc.:

    More precision about capitalism and about National Vanguard..

    I have just read the following article from a white supremacist website
    called National Vanguard:

    Why Capitalism Fails

    [continued in next message]

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