• XanaNews Statistic for soc.culture.canada. 10/1/2022 6:08:16 AM

    From The Doctor@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 1 12:08:20 2022
    XanaNews Statistic for soc.culture.canada. 10/1/2022 6:08:16 AM

    From article 363686 (9/1/2022 12:28:46 AM) to article 366109 (9/30/2022 11:09:16 PM)

    Number of threads ................... 2223
    Number of articles .................. 2435
    Average articles per thread ......... 1.10
    Number of unanswered posts .......... 2092
    Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 1

    Top Threads

    Ranking Articles Subject
    ------- -------- ----------------------------------
    1 11 Barbaric Brits WORSHIP a genocidal, nazi loving,
    filthy racist bloodthirsty CUNT BITCH WITCH Q Elizabeth
    2 6 Re: Poor Pedo Swine Razovic STILL Hurting and
    3 6 Filthy PAEDO PRIESTS! Nothing new there! (SHOOSH!
    The Vatican's new corruption scandal) (210)
    4 5 Re: HAVE ya'll NOTICED? We are Dealing here with a CLINICALLY INSANE ASSHOLE, PERVERT, PEDO and NAZITARD!
    5 5 Re: ATTENTION Humans! We are Dealing here with a
    6 5 SPAM from newsdemon.com and other IPs: all posted by
    that crazy cockroach, nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/Suzy/Shleazy"...) 2670
    7 5 Re: Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from
    8 5 Re: Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from
    9 5 Filthy PAEDO PRIESTS! Excellent Pope Cartoon, 1 (223)
    10 4 SPAM alert: yes, again, that filthy old nazoid
    cockroach, PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY"), SPAMS from
    newsdemon.com 2850
    11 4 Re: Experts fear 'more contagious' Covid variant
    will reach UK amid upcoming World Cup
    12 4 Filthy PAEDO PRIESTS! Meet the Rectum, err, Rector Christopher Basil Cunningham (210)
    14 4 Filthy PAEDO PRIESTS! BUGGER that, Father Eugene Fitzpatrick! LOMPO! (219)
    15 4 Re: YO! Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from newsdemon.com!
    16 4 Re: A curse on you
    18 4 Re: Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from
    STD.COM STD.COM: the jew, paedophile domain OWNED by jew paedophile
    BARRY Z. SHEIN that appears in the MESSAGE ID of every g-ddam "PAEDO
    PRIESTS" jew SPAM post!
    20 4 Re: HAVE ya'll NOTICED? You are Dealing here with a CLINICALLY INSANE ASSHOLE, PERVERT, PEDO and NAZITARD!
    21 3 SPAM from newsdemon.com and other IPs: all posted by
    Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/Suzy/Shleazy"...), a filthy nazoid PAEDO
    22 3 Re: Having Endless Fun Beating the Shit out of Poor Pedophilic Anal Razovic!
    23 3 Re: Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from
    STD.COM STD.COM: the jew paedophile domain OWNED by jew paedophile
    BARRY Z. SHEIN that appears in the MESSAGE ID of every g-ddam "PAEDO,
    PRIESTS" jew SPAM post!
    25 3 "BARRY Z" is nazoid PAEDO and KIDDIE PORN PEDDLER,
    ANDREW 'Andrzej' BARON, SPAMMING from newsdemon (21)
    26 3 Deranged PAEDO PRIESTS! More on NASSSHTY Polish
    paedo priests! Abuse reports about 382 priests were made to the Church!
    27 3 Re: GHISHLAINE MAXVELL = genitally mutilated jew, cunt....JUSHT like jew paedophile BARRY Z. SHEIN: shame defective
    shubhuman shemitic DNA shame g-ddam race shame jew behaviour! It'sh all
    about GENETICS folksh! <VGB<
    28 3 Re: HAVE, YA'LL NOTICED? Slant eyed gook Miguel
    ("Michael"! LOL) Ejershito got the SAME gormless mongoloid EXPRESSION
    on ALL his Instagram And Faecesbook Photos? <GB<
    29 3 Re: Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from
    30 3 Re: SEEMS [sic][SIC!!! LOL], The [sic][SIC!!! LOL]
    Foreskin PEELER. ...your gook fiancee Miguel ("Michael"! LOL )
    Ejershito has EITHER been rounded up by the ICE popo and DEPORTED back
    to the FLIPPINES or he simply couldn't TAKE any more ABUSE on these
    groups! <VGB<
    31 3 "Clement VII" = nazoid PAEDO, ANDREW 'Andrzej'
    BARON, SPAMMING from newsdemon (also as "BARRY Z" and dozens of other
    aliases) (970)
    32 3 Re: YUP! Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from newsdemon.com!
    33 3 Re: FOR VHY are, jews sho DISHONESHT SHLEAZY and
    34 3 ANDREW 'Andrzej' BARON ("Suzy/BARRY/..."), the
    nazoid PAEDO and KIDDIE PORN peddler, shares yet more PAEDO PRIESTS
    "fun": Excellent Pope Cartoon, 1 (158)
    35 3 Re: Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from
    36 3 Re: jew-paedophile BARRY Z. SHEIN SHUCKSH SCHVARTZE
    jew paedophile BARRY Z, SHEIN infeshting 700 Washington St B'righton
    Mass, forge her g-ddam NYM? <VGB<
    37 3 Sick PAEDO PRIESTS! TSSHK! Catholic Church "shocked
    to core by evil of clergy" (217)
    38 3 Filthy PAEDO PRIESTS: crazy, SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO
    Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron says: BUGGER that, Father Eugene Fitzpatrick!
    39 3 Filthy PAEDO PRIESTS: crazed, SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO
    Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron says: BUGGER that, Father Eugene Fitzpatrick!
    40 3 "BARRY Z" = nazoid PAEDO and KIDDIE PORN PEDDLER,
    ANDREW 'Andrzej' BARON, SPAMMING from newsdemon (1000)
    41 3 "The public discourses on Polish migration in the UK
    have rapidly turned hostile"... WHAAAAA!
    42 3 Re: HUH? A POLISH Nazi?? BUTT, BUTT WHO ELSHE could
    have 'holocaushted'®™ Poland'sh ENTIRE pre-var jew infeshtation? MOSHT
    Of The Voild Var II jew theme parksh vere in Poland:
    Auschvitz-Birkenau®™, Majdanek®™, Treblinka®™. Shobibor®™, Belzec®™,
    Chelmno®™ Und LOTSH MORE! <VGB<
    43 3 All SPAM here is from Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/Suzy/Shleazy"...), a very sick nazoid PAEDO SPAMMING from
    newsdemon.com 2900
    44 3 Re: HAY! Wanna read some of the Foreskin, PEELER'S
    inane banal emails when he thought he was emailing his jew pwner BARRY
    Z. SHEIN butt was emailing ME instead? READ ON, YA'LL!
    PHEW![sic][SIC!!! LOL] <G<
    45 2 Yes: Stinking, SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew
    'Andrzej' Baron reports: Altar boys were abused by priests at the
    Vatican (161)
    46 2 "BARRY Z" = nazoid PAEDO and KIDDIE PORN PEDDLER,
    ANDREW 'Andrzej' BARON, SPAMMING from newsdemon (507)
    47 2 Re: Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from
    48 2 Opinion: Draconian COVID measures were a mistake,
    let's not repeat them
    49 2 Crazy old nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron
    ("BARRY Z") SPAMS from newsdemon.com 272
    50 2 Filthy PAEDO PRIESTS! Joke about a British Catholic
    priest (217)
    51 2 Filthy PAEDO PRIESTS! Altar boys say they were
    abused by priests at the Vatican (222)
    52 2 All SPAM here is from Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/Suzy/Shleazy"...), a very sick nazoid PAEDO SPAMMING from
    newsdemon.com 2820
    53 2 SPAM from newsdemon.com and other IPs: all posted by
    insane nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/Suzy/Shleazy"...)
    54 2 The Queen is dead -- Long live King Charles III
    55 2 Again... Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron
    ("BARRY/Suzy/Shleazy"...), a filthy nazoid PAEDO, SPAMS from
    newsdemon.com 2820
    56 2 From the desk of nazoid PAEDO ANDREW 'ANDRZEJ' BARON ("Suzy/BARRY..."): Polish Catholic priests rape kiddies (155)
    57 2 From that shite filled gob of nazoid PAEDO ANDREW
    'ANDRZEJ' BARON ("Suzy/BARRY..."): PAEDO PRIEST report! BUGGER that,
    Father Eugene Fitzpatrick! (155)
    58 2 Elizabeth and Philip
    59 2 Re: Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from
    60 2 Re: Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from
    61 2 SPAM from newsdemon.com and other IPs: all posted by
    that crazy cockroach, nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/Suzy/Shleazy"...) 2620
    62 2 Deranged PAEDO PRIESTS! Heart-wrenching testimony by
    victims of PAEDO PRIEST! (211)
    63 2 Re: August 3 2105: "Is your computer, hacked? He
    (referring to Heinrich) obviously knows what only you could know.
    Looking forward to an explanation." NO The[sic][SIC!!! LOL] Foreskin
    PEELER my computer was NOT, hacked. Heinrich knew what only I could
    know because I fucking TOLD him! LOL <VGB<
    64 2 Deranged, old nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron
    ("Suzy") SPAMS from newsdemon.com 287
    65 2 Sick PAEDO PRIESTS! Retired priest in UK sentenced
    to 9 1/2 years for sex abuse (210)
    66 2 Re: Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from
    67 2 Re: Yet MORE Idiotic Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from newsdemon.com!
    68 2 SPAM from newsdemon.com and other IPs: all posted by
    that crazy cockroach, nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/Suzy/Shleazy"...) 2750
    69 2 "Tall Henry" = another alias of nazoid PAEDO, ANDREW 'Andrzej' BARON, SPAMMING from newsdemon (60)
    70 2 Excellent Pope Cartoon, 1, courtesy of the insane,
    SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/SHPAMMER") (155)
    71 2 Re: NO shit! Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic
    from newsdemon.com!
    72 2 Re: Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from
    73 2 All SPAM here is from Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/Suzy/Shleazy"...), a very sick nazoid PAEDO SPAMMING from
    newsdemon.com 2680
    74 2 From the inferior cockroach, nazoid PAEDO ANDREW
    'ANDRZEJ' BARON ("Suzy/BARRY..."): PAEDO PRIEST report! Vatican's new corruption scandal (159)
    75 2 SPAM alert: yes, again, that filthy old nazoid
    cockroach, PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY"), SPAMS from
    newsdemon.com 2690
    76 2 "Shleazy" = nazoid PAEDO, ANDREW 'Andrzej' BARON,
    SPAMMING from newsdemon (also as "BARRY Z" and dozens of other aliases)
    77 2 Filthy PAEDO PRIESTS! SHOOSH! The Vatican's new
    corruption scandal (214)
    78 2 Yes indeed, "SAY NOW", sick old nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron... WTF is it with your "PAEDO PRIESTS" SPAM attacks!?
    79 2 Sick PAEDO PRIESTS! TSSHK! Catholic Church "shocked
    to core by evil of clergy" (213)
    80 2 ANDREW 'Andrzej' BARON ("Suzy/BARRY/..."), the
    nazoid PAEDO and KIDDIE PORN peddler, shares yet more PAEDO PRIESTS
    "fun": Excellent Pope Cartoon, 1 (155)
    81 2 SPAM from newsdemon.com and other IPs: all posted by
    Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/Suzy/Shleazy...), a filthy nazoid PAEDO
    82 2 All SPAM here is from Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/Suzy/Shleazy"...), a very sick nazoid PAEDO SPAMMING from
    newsdemon.com 2750
    83 2 From the desk of nazoid PAEDO ANDREW 'ANDRZEJ' BARON ("Suzy/BARRY...): PAEDO PRIESTS went as far as LIMPOPO to find kiddies
    to rape! LOMPO! (156)
    84 2 Re: Everyone KEEPS having Endless Fun Beating the
    Shit out of Poor Pedophilic Anal Razovic!
    85 2 Filthy PAEDO PRIESTS! Priest who sexually abused
    boys at London school jailed for 18 years (213)
    86 2 AY NOW, Hypocritical Foreskin PEELER! Deranged PAEDO PRIESTS! Benedictines are ALSHO NASHTY! (Downside School) (LOMPO!) (217)
    87 2 POLISH PAEDO PRIESTS report, from the shite covered
    desk of nazoid PAEDO ANDREW 'ANDRZEJ' BARON ("Suzy/BARRY...") (156)
    88 2 Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/Suzy/Shleazy"...), a
    deranged nazoid PAEDO, SPAMS from newsdemon.com 2860
    89 2 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
    90 2 Filthy PAEDO PRIESTS! Documentary about pedophile
    priests shakes up Poland (223)
    91 2 "BARRY Z" = nazoid PAEDO and KIDDIE PORN PEDDLER,
    ANDREW 'Andrzej' BARON, SPAMMING from newsdemon (950)
    92 2 Filthy nazoid PAEDO and KIDDIE PORN PEDDLER Andrew
    'Andrzej' Baron ("Shleazy") SPAMS from newsdemon.com 2860
    93 2 Re: Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from
    94 2 Re: Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from
    95 2 Re: Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from
    96 2 ANDREW 'Andrzej' BARON ("Suzy/BARRY/..."), the
    nazoid PAEDO and KIDDIE PORN peddler, shares yet more PAEDO PRIESTS
    "fun": Excellent Pope Cartoon, 1 (161)
    97 2 Filthy PAEDO PRIESTS! Excellent Pope Cartoon, 1 (219)
    98 2 Re: Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from
    99 2 "AY NOW"... Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron
    ("BARRY/Suzy/Shleazy...), a filthy nazoid PAEDO, SPAMS from
    newsdemon.com 298
    100 2 "BARRY Z" = nazoid PAEDO and KIDDIE PORN PEDDLER,
    ANDREW 'Andrzej' BARON, SPAMMING from newsdemon (805)
    101 2 From the desk of nazoid PAEDO ANDREW 'ANDRZEJ' BARON ("Suzy/BARRY...): PAEDO PRIESTS went as far as LIMPOPO to find kiddies
    to rape! LOMPO! (157)
    102 2 Umm, sick old nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron...
    WTF is it with your "PAEDO PRIESTS" SPAM?
    103 2 Filthy nazoid PAEDO and KIDDIE PORN PEDDLER Andrew
    'Andrzej' Baron ("Shleazy") SPAMS from newsdemon.com 2710
    STD.COM STD.COM: the jew paedophile domain OWNED by jew paedophile
    BARRY Z. SHEIN that appears in the MESSAGE ID of every, g-ddam "PAEDO
    PRIESTS" jew SPAM post!
    105 2 Re: August 4 2015: FINALLY the Foreskin, PEELER
    realises that something is not quite right! "But please from, now on
    post ONLY to that other email address mentioned before." WHY anus? Has stddotcom@gmail.com been, 'hacked'? It COULD have been! You never know!
    LOL! <VGB<
    106 2 Re: YO! "BARRY Z" = BARRY Z jew of Mass = genitally mutilated jew yidoid PAEDOPHILE and jew SUBKIDDIE, PORN PEDDLER, BARRY
    ZACHARY SHEIN, SPAMMING about "PAEDO PRIESTS" from his jew paedophile
    domain STD.COM (1015)
    107 2 Filthy PAEDO PRIESTS! Documentary about pedophile
    priests shakes up Poland (219)
    108 2 The 'PAEDO PRIESTS' spammer is none other than
    Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY Z" etc.), the crazy old nazoid PAEDO,
    SPAMMING from newsdemon.com! "AY NOW"... Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/Suzy/Shleazy...), a deranged nazoid PAEDO, SPAMS from
    newsdemon.com 271
    109 2 Re: August 3 2015: "Thanks for this! Ah well, let
    him have fun with it (referring to Foreskin PEELER'S IP address being
    leaked by mixmin) if he should find it! *I* have nothing to worry
    about" We DID find it, innit anus! We're the ones who TOLD you about it
    you silly little cunt! <EGB<
    110 2 Re: Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from
    111 2 Sick PAEDO PRIESTS! Archdiocese of Southwark, 1 (SHO
    NASHTY, FOLKSH!) (215)
    112 2 Do Canuckistanis need a "knife control act" too?
    113 2 Re: Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from
    114 2 Re: YO! "BARRY Z" = BARRY Z jew of Mass = genitally mutilated jew yidoid PAEDOPHILE and jew SUBKIDDIE PORN PEDDLER, BARRY
    ZACHARY SHEIN, SPAMMING about "PAEDO, PRIESTS" from his jew paedophile
    domain STD.COM (1015)
    STD.COM, STD.COM: the jew paedophile domain OWNED by jew paedophile
    BARRY Z. SHEIN that appears in the MESSAGE ID of every g-ddam "PAEDO
    PRIESTS" jew SPAM post!
    116 2 Re: Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from
    117 2 HUH? Is THAT why they call themselves "GRAND
    Dragon", folks!?
    118 2 Re: Everyone KEEPS having Endless Fun Beating the
    Shit out of Poor Pedophilic Anal Razovic!
    119 2 From the inferior cockroach, nazoid PAEDO ANDREW
    'ANDRZEJ' BARON ("Suzy/BARRY..."): PAEDO PRIEST report! Vatican's new corruption scandal (161)
    120 2 ANDREW 'Andrzej' BARON ("Suzy/BARRY/..."), the
    nazoid PAEDO and KIDDIE PORN peddler, shares yet more PAEDO PRIESTS
    "fun": Excellent Pope Cartoon, 1 (160)
    121 2 Sick PAEDO PRIESTS! TSSHK! Catholic Church "shocked
    to core by evil of clergy" (223)
    122 2 PAEDO PRIESTS SPAM -- it's just Andrew 'Andrzej'
    Baron ("BARRY Z" etc.), the crazy old nazoid PAEDO, SPAMMING from newsdemon.com! Deranged, old nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron
    ("Suzy") SPAMS from newsdemon.com 281
    123 2 Re: YO! "BARRY Z" = BARRY Z jew of Mass = genitally mutilated jew yidoid PAEDOPHILE, and jew SUBKIDDIE PORN PEDDLER, BARRY
    ZACHARY SHEIN, SPAMMING about "PAEDO PRIESTS" from his jew paedophile
    domain STD.COM (1015)
    124 2 All SPAM here is from Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/Suzy/Shleazy"...), a very sick nazoid PAEDO SPAMMING from
    newsdemon.com 2860
    125 2 Deranged PAEDO PRIESTS! More on NASSSHTY Polish
    paedo priests! Abuse reports about 382 priests were made to the Church!
    126 2 POLISH PAEDO PRIESTS report, from the shite covered
    desk of nazoid PAEDO ANDREW 'ANDRZEJ' BARON ("Suzy/BARRY...") (157)
    127 2 Old, stinking, SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew
    'Andrzej' Baron reports: Altar boys were abused by priests at the
    Vatican (155)
    128 2 Re: Yet MORE Spam by Pedo Swine Razovic from
    129 2 Sick PAEDO PRIESTS! Retired priest in UK sentenced
    to 9 1/2 years for sex abuse (220)
    130 2 Re: YO! "BARRY Z" = BARRY Z jew of Mass = genitally mutilated, jew yidoid PAEDOPHILE and jew SUBKIDDIE PORN PEDDLER, BARRY
    ZACHARY SHEIN, SPAMMING about "PAEDO PRIESTS" from his jew paedophile
    domain STD.COM (1015)
    131 2 Insane, SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron
    reports on POLISH PAEDO PRIESTS (155)

    Top Posters

    Ranking Articles Name Most Used Newsreader
    ------- -------- -------------------------- --------------------
    1 416 Peeler Pan
    2 266 Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron trn
    3 221 Seanie O'Kilfoyle trn
    4 218 Revd Terence Fformby-Smyth trn
    5 210 Sick old donkeydicksucking trn
    6 177 Suzy KKKohen trn
    7 142 Roman the demented illiter trn
    8 109 Andrzej rapes kiddies SPAM trn
    9 87 Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("B trn
    10 71 BARRY Z is sick old nazoid trn
    11 53 FORGEPROOF shick old jew-w trn
    12 51 PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Bar trn
    13 47 The SHPAMMER ish sick old trn
    14 33 Ed Debevic ForteAgent
    15 27 The SHPAMMER ish jew wanna trn
    16 25 anti-defecation league of trn
    17 22 Bozena and Wojciech trn
    18 22 Bin-Yamin Nathan Yahoo trn
    19 18 Costas Skatadopoulopoulos trn
    20 17 a little shanitary towel, trn
    21 15 Ariel Sharon a"h zt"l trn
    22 13 † Clement VII trn
    23 13 FBInCIAnNSATerroristSlayer Mozilla
    24 12 Grikkbassturddo® trn
    25 12 binzi kramer trn
    26 10 Shitshack Rabin a"h zt"l trn
    27 10 Exocet_misshile trn
    28 10 Inge Mueller trn
    29 10 Loose Cannon trn
    30 9 NoShpamAtAll trn
    31 9 Freedom for Gaza trn
    32 8 jew oven dodger trn
    33 7 KKKernal Corn trn
    34 6 David Dalton Hogwasher
    35 5 Tall Henry trn
    36 5 HQ trn
    37 5 reparationsh trn
    38 5 The Doctor trn
    39 4 Byker Microsoft Windows Live Ma
    40 3 NoSpamAtAll trn
    41 3 Indira Gandhi
    42 3 Andrzej rapes kiddies trn
    43 2 jusht-a-goy trn
    44 1 dolf Mozilla
    45 1 HeartDoc Andrew Forte Agent
    46 1 kensi NewsTap
    47 1 NefeshBarYochai ForteAgent
    48 1 Professeur de merde, Mikha trn
    49 1 jew kike SHEINIE is really trn
    50 1 NEMO trn
    51 1 The Hanging Baskets of Bab Mozilla
    52 1 Grikkbassturder® trn
    53 1 A Friend Thoth
    54 1 Michael Ejercito Mozilla
    55 1 jew kike sheenie yidoid pa trn
    56 1 The Jews ForteAgent

    Top Newsreaders

    Ranking Articles Newsreader Users
    ------- -------- -------------------------------------------- -----
    1 1943 trn 43
    2 416 Pan 1
    3 31 ForteAgent 4
    4 16 Mozilla 4
    5 4 Microsoft Windows Live Mail 1
    6 4 Hogwasher 1
    7 3 <unknown> 1
    8 2 MT-NewsWatcher 1
    9 1 Thoth 1
    10 1 NewsTap 1
    11 1 Forte Agent 1
    12 1 XanaNews 1
    13 1 MesNews 1

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