• XanaNews Statistic for soc.culture.canada. 3/1/2021 12:28:29 AM

    From The Doctor@21:1/5 to All on Mon Mar 1 07:28:32 2021
    XanaNews Statistic for soc.culture.canada. 3/1/2021 12:28:29 AM

    From article 347407 (2/1/2021 12:49:02 AM) to article 348648 (2/28/2021
    8:45:30 PM)

    Number of threads ................... 1155
    Number of articles .................. 1248
    Average articles per thread ......... 1.08
    Number of unanswered posts .......... 1121
    Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 1

    Top Threads

    Ranking Articles Subject
    ------- -------- ----------------------------------
    1 24 Re: Loose Sphincter, every Gay Online nazi's Devoted
    Whore and Usenet's newest Laughing Stock! LOL
    2 22 Can the idiot jew paedophile poshter BARRY Z. SHEIN infeshting 700 Washington St B'righton Mass not be kept out?
    3 12 Shixteen year old jewboi Shmuel Boiman
    'holocaushtsh'®™ himshelf vith fatal concoction of Xanax laced vith
    Fentanyl, ordered on Shnapchat and delivered to houshe!
    4 3 Ve KNOW already, jew piece of shite paedophile BARRY
    Z. SHEIN (VAS Re: "As the entire jew 'religion' comes to reckoning vith
    endemic abushe")
    5 3 Re: VOTEVER You Do, Do NOT allow your jew
    shubchildren to get ANYVHERE near shick old STD.COM SHPAMMING yidoid
    paedophile BARRY Z. SHEIN infeshting 700 Washington St B'righton Mass!
    6 3 Re: And another jew ASSHOLE, Jeffrey EPSHTEEN, ish
    DEAD! Yesh, GOOD jew RIDDANCE! Thish lame poiv only damaged
    'holocausht'®™ marketing/promotion!
    7 3 Meh/Feh! REPENT and ATONE for all your jew
    paedophilia and shpamming, jew shitbag paedophile BARRY Z. SHEIN! (VAS
    Re: UMM, it'sh PALESHTINIAN JESUS, HeartQuack Andrew, you old gook
    8 3 Why are no men ever accused of sexual relations with
    Hillary Clinton?
    9 3 SHAY NOW jew paedophile BARRY Z. SHEIN infeshting
    700 Washington St B'righton Mass...For VHY you are VILLING to FORGE
    'jew oven dodger' and 'reparations@treblinka.jewthemepark.biz.pl) BUTT
    10 3 And 'leading' the Impeachment proshecution ve have
    another animated and emotional jewboi vith a high pitched marketing
    voice: 'represhentative' Hymie Rashkin!
    11 2 Ve KNOW already, jew piece of shite paedophile BARRY
    Z. SHEIN (VAS Re: Vindshor 'rabbis' Facing Shex Allegationsh)
    12 2 Ve KNOW already, jew piece of shite paedophile BARRY
    Z. SHEIN (VAS Re: shubchildren's jew pashtor, 35, 'raped two teenage
    jewgoils after grooming them on Faeceshbook but the hashidic order
    vanted to look after him')
    13 2 Re: SHAY now, shick old STD.COM SHPAMMING yidoid
    paedophile BARRY Z. SHEIN shpamming as 'Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron' et al:
    for vhy do you shuck off jew donkeysh?
    14 2 Ve KNOW already, jew piece of shite paedophile BARRY
    Z. SHEIN (VAS Re: Dishgraced jew Pashtor Shaysh He'sh "Grieved")
    15 2 Re: There goes Canada interfering in Chinese affairs again...
    16 2 Re: SHAY now, shick old STD.COM SHPAMMING yidoid
    paedophile BARRY Z. SHEIN shpamming as 'Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron' et al:
    for vhy do you drink schwartze pissh?
    17 2 Ve KNOW already, jew piece of shite paedophile BARRY
    Z. SHEIN (VAS Re: shynagogue Called 'Shynful' in Shexual Abushe Cashe)
    18 2 Oh shit. What did we Democrats do?
    19 2 Re: jew Preacher b'lashtsh shick old STD.COM
    SHPAMMING yidoid paedophile BARRY Z. SHEIN shpamming as 'Andrew
    'Andrzej' Baron' et al!
    20 2 Meh/Feh! REPENT and ATONE for all your jew
    paedophilia and shpamming, jew shitbag paedophile BARRY Z. SHEIN! (VAS
    Re: Excellent Chief 'rabbi' Cartoon, 1/2/3/4/5/6
    21 2 SHAY NOW shleazy shlimy shcummy jew paedophile BARRY
    Z. SHEIN infeshting 700 Washington St B'righton Mass...HAS your
    circumcished shitshke 'vife' Mary E. Riendeau Shein BOOTED your jew ass
    out yet?
    22 2 SHAY NOW shleazy shlimy shcummy jew paedophile BARRY
    Z. SHEIN infeshting 700 Washington St B'righton Mass...VOTEVER happened
    to Ron "I'm not jewish" Jacobsohn???
    23 2 Mia Farrow shaysh b'ringing shleazy little jew
    paedophile Voody Allen (né Konigsboig) into her family vas the "great
    regret of her life"
    24 2 Ve KNOW already, jew piece of shite paedophile BARRY
    Z. SHEIN (VAS Re: Longtime jew bishop'sh legacy tainted by shex abushe shcandalsh!)
    25 2 VOT, a g-ddam, COINCIDENCE! "BARRY Z. of MASS" ish
    NONE OTHER THAN jew paedophile STD.COM shpammer, BARRY Z, SHEIN <inge23mueller@aol.com> (LOL) infeshting 700 Washington St B'righton
    26 2 Re: Judge Jewdy shez: SHTOP SHPAMMING from STD.COM,
    shick old shiteating yidoid paedophile BARRY Z. SHEIN shpamming as
    'Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron' et al!
    27 2 Ve KNOW already, jew piece of shite paedophile BARRY
    Z. SHEIN (VAS Re: Excellent Chief 'rabbi' Cartoon, 1/2/3/4/5/6)
    28 2 REPENT and ATONE for your paedophilia, jew shcumbag paedophile BARRY Z. SHEIN! (VAS Re: Oushted PAEDO 'rabbis' Identified
    by London shyshter)
    29 2 evolution of SARS-CoV-2
    30 2 Re: 'German' neo-jew Heinz 'Henry' Kissinger Charged
    Vith shubchild Abushe
    31 2 Re: EH! And ANOTHER Anti Defecation League jew
    paedophile convicted!
    32 2 Gook warfare in 'elite' Great Satan universities!
    MIT graduate gook sought in connection with murder of Yale gook! May be
    in Georgia hiding out with gook quack Andrew B. Chung! <RGB<
    33 2 REPENT and ATONE for your paedophilia, jew shcumbag paedophile BARRY Z. SHEIN! (VAS Re: (repent) Gluttony is the 1st (aka
    Original) sin)
    34 2 Re: XanaNews Statistic for can.politics. 2/1/2021
    12:34:26 AM

    Top Posters

    Ranking Articles Name Most Used Newsreader
    ------- -------- -------------------------- --------------------
    1 503 The SHPAMMER ish jew paedo Forte Agent
    2 224 BARRY ish shick old jew pa Forte Free Agent
    3 119 jew kike SHEINIE paedophil Forte Agent
    4 84 STD.COM ish jew kike paedo Forte Agent
    5 61 NEMO Forte Free Agent
    6 51 Yankel Zitronenbum Forte Free Agent
    7 35 Dishgushted of Tunbridge V Forte Free Agent
    8 28 Peeler Pan
    9 20 Tall Henry Forte Free Agent
    10 18 Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron Forte Free Agent
    11 10 Ron I'm not jewish Jacobso Forte Free Agent
    12 10 Inge Mueller Forte Free Agent
    13 9 Michael Ejercito Mozilla
    14 7 Susan Cohen ForteAgent
    15 7 The Peeler
    16 6 hamilton
    17 6 anti-defecation league of Forte Free Agent
    18 5 Ras Microsoft Windows Live Ma
    19 3 Byker Microsoft Windows Live Ma
    20 3 Aryavarta Pan
    21 3 Bradley K. Sherman
    22 2 Klaus Schadenfreude ForteAgent
    23 2 Yankel Zitronenbaum Forte Free Agent
    24 2 David Dalton Hogwasher
    25 2 jew oven dodger Forte Free Agent
    26 2 The Doctor trn
    27 1 SF Libertarian
    28 1 Alfie Feinstein
    29 1 B1ackwater Forte Agent
    30 1 Disgusted of Tunbridge Wel Forte Free Agent
    31 1 Schumer Sucks Wang
    32 1 Budweiser says FU kneelers
    33 1 Just Wondering Mozilla
    34 1 Biden is hidin'
    35 1 † Yankel Zitronenbaum Forte Free Agent
    36 1 Greta Assburgers
    37 1 Exocet_misshile Forte Free Agent
    38 1 Ron "I'm not jewish" Jacob Forte Free Agent
    39 1 jusht-a-goy Forte Free Agent
    40 1 Ron I'm not jewish Jacobso Forte Free Agent
    41 1 BARRY Z. SHEIN jew paedoph Forte Free Agent
    42 1 AlleyCat Xnews
    43 1 Aryavartan Riekh Pan
    44 1 Mohammed Al-Qudsi Forte Free Agent
    45 1 binzi kramer Forte Free Agent
    46 1 The Jews ForteAgent

    Top Newsreaders

    Ranking Articles Newsreader Users
    ------- -------- -------------------------------------------- -----
    1 707 Forte Agent 4
    2 447 Forte Free Agent 20
    3 32 Pan 3
    4 22 <unknown> 9
    5 10 Mozilla 2
    6 8 Microsoft Windows Live Mail 2
    7 7 ForteAgent 3
    8 5 trn 3
    9 2 Hogwasher 1
    10 1 Xnews 1
    11 1 XanaNews 1

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