• XanaNews Statistic for soc.culture.canada. 7/1/2022 1:24:30 AM

    From The Doctor@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jul 1 07:24:42 2022
    XanaNews Statistic for soc.culture.canada. 7/1/2022 1:24:30 AM

    From article 354714 (1/1/2022 1:22:51 AM) to article 359341 (6/30/2022
    6:12:43 PM)

    Number of threads ................... 4378
    Number of articles .................. 4637
    Average articles per thread ......... 1.06
    Number of unanswered posts .......... 4305
    Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 8

    Top Threads

    Ranking Articles Subject
    ------- -------- ----------------------------------
    1 33 HUH? A Polish Nazi?? BUTT BUTT, Who ELSHE could have 'holocaushted'®™ Poland'sh ENTIRE pre-var jew infeshtation? MOSHT Of
    The Voild Var II jew theme parksh vere in Poland: Auschvitz-Birkenau®™, Majdanek®™, Treblinka®™. Shobibor®™, Belzec®™, Chelmno®™ Und LOTSH
    MORE!! <G<
    ever forget theshe famoush jew voidsh from grubby incajonic genitally
    mutilated neo kapo jew raghead non-white inferiorisht Klaun Scheisseziegelsteine? "I volunteer (OTHER(!) jew ragheadsh) to get 'holocaushted'®™" #me joo
    3 32 jews SHUCK SCHVARTZE SHITE & ANI! "Q: FOR VHY did
    jew, paedophile shpammer BARRY Z. SHEIN SHTAMPEDE acrossh the jew road?
    A: Becaushe shome other fucking jew dropped a penny!"... SHICK anti-jew
    joke FROM shick old yidoid paedophile, BARRY Z. SHEIN!
    ANI BIGTIME! YOU are my SHUN SHEIN My only SHUN SHEIN...It, makesh me, HAPPEEEEEEEE to shit on you (vhen shkiesh are grey) SHO! TAKE IT AVAY
    jew paedophile BARRY Z. SHUN SHEIN!! <RGB<
    5 16 Re: grubby incajonic anti-American
    6 9 ATT: Revd Terence Fformby-Smythe
    7 9 Surrey B.C. Pride 2022
    8 7 Saddledome aligned with Horse
    9 6 Turdeau has lost control of the situation
    10 5 Holocaust Remembrance Day 2022
    11 4 Montreal's Canada Day parade cancelled for third
    year in a row
    12 4 Surrey Pride history
    13 4 ‘Freedom Convoy’ protesters shut down third border
    crossing as Ottawa police warn of arrests ‘without a warrant’
    14 4 Re: Everyone KEEPS having Endless Fun Beating the
    Shit out of Poor Pedophilic Anal Razovic!
    15 4 Trudeau - From The Panic Bunker - Sez He'd Rather
    Party With BLM Than Talk To Truckers
    16 4 "first off, apologies for not posting any real data
    about me. I once got burned when I exchanged some emails with a poster (involved in litigation with a troll) whose computer was hacked and
    some private data about me leaked." DID it The[sic][SIC!!! LOL]
    Foreskin PEELER? Should we LOOK for it innit anus?
    17 3 Re: AY NOW do you RESENT being called Foreskin,
    PEELER The[sic][SIC!!! LOL] Foreskin PEELER??? Is THAT what all this
    CONSTANT Grik BITCHING and WHINING of yours is all about innit anus?
    18 3 Re: Everyone KEEPS having Endless Fun Beating the
    Shit out of Poor Pedophilic Anal Razovic!
    19 3 HILARIOUSH!!! Shleazy jew fraudshter BOINIE MADE
    OFF's (a"h. zt"l) shleazy coicumcished jew shubshishter and her shleazy coicumcised jew shubhusband in MOIDER/SHUICIDE in jew heaven,
    (Florida)! LOL <B<
    20 3 AY NOW Foreskin PEELER / THE Foreskin PEELER...now
    that your slant eyed mongoloid gook fiancee Miguel ("Michael"! LOL)
    Ejershito has been DEPORTED back to Manila, NOBODY butt NOBODY reads
    your inane banal repetitive pidgin English rants any more innit anus!
    21 3 Re: A Prominent Black Nationalist Makes it Clear:
    Whites are Superior
    22 3 Newfoundland & Labrador Folk Festival main stage
    23 3 Toronto shorthanded goal
    24 3 For VHY the 'Israeelis' von't HELP fellow shemitic
    raghead jew comedian VOLLY ZELENSHKY? Is he not VOITH it? Or are they
    26 3 National Indigenous Peoples Day
    27 3 AY NOW Foreskin PEELER / THE Foreskin PEELER..aren't
    you MORTIFIED and EMBARRASSED to have been EMAILING ME when you thought
    you were EMAILING your jew pwner, jew paedophile BARRY Z. SHEIN - stddotcom@gmail.com?
    28 3 AY NOW... say hi to JESUS the JEW RABBI!
    Kerry's 100% UNHONORABLE discharge
    30 2 ALL GONE! Lisht of jews and ainlungual shabbosh goys
    who have departed from theshe newshgroupsh!
    31 2 YA'LL CONGRATULATE jew paedophile BARRY Z. SHEIN on
    the 70th ANNIVOISHARY of his EXCRETION from his coicumcished jew
    shubmum's ANUSH! LOLOK <G<
    33 2 AY NOW! HAVING another little online NUTSY
    The[sic][SIC!!! LOL] Foreskin PEELER? Seek[sic][SIC!!! LOL] HELP for
    your obsessive autistic demented behavioue innit anus!
    34 2 Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/Suzy/Shleazy"...), a
    deranged nazoid PAEDO, SPAMS from newsdemon.com 125
    35 2 Re: I, give you,........GOOKS! The subhuman slant
    eyed Asiatic subpeople who Gave the world...........AINLUNGUS!!
    36 2 YA'LL CONGRATULATE jew paedophile BARRY Z. SHEIN on
    the 70th ANNIVOISHARY of his EXCRETION from his coicumcished jew
    shubmum's ANUSH! LOLOK
    37 2 You must LOVE getting SHAT upon The[sic][SIC!!! LOL] Foreskin PEELER....you've ENDURED it on THE Usenet for the past
    38 2 Filthy nazoid PAEDO and KIDDIE PORN PEDDLER Andrew
    'Andrzej' Baron ("Roman") SPAMS from newsdemon.com 130
    39 2 COVID-19 pandemic has brought out the worst in
    people, pulled Canadians further apart, survey suggests
    40 2 BABI YAR is the BESHT AND ONLY place for jew
    ragheads like you, jew paedophile shpammer BARRY Z. SHEIN infeshting
    700 Washington St B'righton Mass...VACANCIES shtill AVAILABLE!
    41 2 SPAM alert: the old nazoid cockroach, PAEDO Andrew
    'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY"), SPAMS from newsdemon.com 127
    42 2 HAY raghead! Yes YOU jew paedophile shpammer BARRY
    Z. SHEIN infeshting 700 Washington St B'righton Mass...HOW many jew
    shubkiddies have you DIDDLED today? HOW many little jew shubcherries
    have you POPPED?
    43 2 SPAM ALERT: Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/Suzy/Shleazy"...), a truly sick nazoid PAEDO, SPAMS from
    newsdemon.com 127
    44 2 Before and after
    45 2 VELL, VOT can you do? RABBI Jesus VAS a jew! LOOK!
    Luke 4! SHEEEEEEESH!
    46 2 You don't MIND I call you FORESKIN PEELER do you
    Foreskin PEELER / THE Foreskin PEELER? After All you DO peel FORESKINS
    innit anus! LOL <GB<
    47 2 SPAM alert: the old nazoid cockroach, PAEDO Andrew
    'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY"), SPAMS from newsdemon.com 140
    48 2 SHEEMSH you're VERY RELUCTANT to forge, THISH nym
    jew paedophile shpammer BARRY Z. SHEIN infeshting 700 Washington St
    B'righton Mass,...how CUM jew paedo? VHASSHUP? <EGB<
    49 2 HUH? For VHY Does, EVERYONE shit on jews? Because
    jews behave jewish! Because shemitism inshpires 'anti-shemitism'®™ In
    Humans! Duh!! <B<
    50 2 Guy wiz
    51 2 "first off, apologies for not posting any real data
    about me. I once got burned when I exchanged some emails with a poster (involved in litigation with a troll) whose computer was hacked and
    some private data about me leaked." DID it The[sic][SIC!!! LOL]
    Foreskin PEELER? Should we LOOK for it innit anus? <B<
    52 2 BABI YAR is OPEN for BUSINESS! For VOT are you
    VAITING jew paedophile BARRY Z. SHEIN infeshting 700 Washington St
    B'righton Mass? NO reservation REQUIRED!
    53 2 Still BLEATING PATHETICALLY The[sic][SIC!!! LOL]
    Foreskin PEELER? You've been GREEKED on these groups and you can't be UNGREEKED!
    54 2 POOR The[sic][SIC!!! LOL] Foreskin
    PEELER...ABANDONED by his slant eyed mongoloid gook fiancee and fellow ainlunguist Miguel ("Michael"! LOL) Ejershito!
    55 2 Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/Suzy/Shleazy"...), a
    deranged nazoid PAEDO, SPAMS from newsdemon.com 142
    56 2 Filthy nazoid PAEDO and KIDDIE PORN PEDDLER Andrew
    'Andrzej' Baron ("Shleazy") SPAMS from newsdemon.com 144
    57 2 HI! My Name Is Roman, And I'm A Grik Gastarbeiter
    infesting the Munich area in Germany and wiping senile Germans' bums in
    an old people's home. I PEEL foreskins And I get GREEKED and I also
    STALK humans ON THE Usenet! <G<
    58 2 The insane, SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej'
    Baron ("BARRY/Roman/Suzy/Revd/Seanie/...") is TOTALLY obsessed with the
    fact that Jesus was Jewish (Re: AY NOW! Even MORE mentions of RABBI
    JESUSH in the NT! SHEEEESH!)
    59 2 AY NOW Foreskin PEELER / THE Foreskin
    PEELER...what's it LIKE sucking jew ANI...MONTH after MONTH, YEAR after
    YEAR, DECADE after DECADE??? Compare NOTES with your gook fiancee
    Miguel ("Michael"! LOL) Ejershito!
    61 2 SPAM alert: the old nazoid cockroach, PAEDO Andrew
    'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY"), SPAMS from newsdemon.com 143
    62 2 HUH? For VHY Does EVERYONE shit on jews? Because
    jews, behave jewish! Because shemitism inshpires 'anti-shemitism'®™ In
    Humans! Duh!! <RGB<
    63 2 jew paedophile BARRY Z. SHEIN ------> BABI YAR!!!
    Depraved jew paedophile piece of shit BARRY Z. SHEIN shpamsh: YET MKORE
    jew paedophile SHENANIGANSH in the jew ARCHDIOCESHE of CROWN HEIGHTSH (B'ROOKLYN)....jew Ob/Gyn ARRESHTED by FBI after having SHEX vith
    15-year old jewboi!
    64 2 Reclaimed, indigenous music on CBC Radio
    65 2 John 1-49: "Nathanael answered him, 'Rabbi, you are
    the Son of God! You are the king of Israel!'"
    66 2 jew paedophile BARRY Z. SHEIN ------> BABI YAR!!!
    Depraved jew paedophile piece of shit BARRY Z. SHEIN shpamsh: BUTT,
    VAIT! There's EVEN YET MKORE ALREADY from the jew Archdioceshe of
    67 2 poo falling from the sky
    68 2 BABI YAR is the BESHT place for jew ragheads like
    you, jew paedophile shpammer BARRY Z. SHEIN infeshting 700 Washington
    St B'righton Mass...VACANCIES shtill AVAILABLE!
    69 2 Still BLEATING PATHETICALLY The[sic][SIC!!! LOL]
    Foreskin PEELER? You've been GREEKED on these groups and you can't be UNGREEKED! <B<
    70 2 Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("BARRY/Suzy/Shleazy/..."),
    the SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO, is now obsessed with Jesus (Re: Poor The [sic][SIC!!! LOL] Christians... do they know JESUS was (SHORRY, VAS) a
    71 2 Toronto arena and Maple soul alignment
    72 2 Poor The [sic][SIC!!! LOL] Christians... do they
    73 2 Jesus was a Jew. He was born a Jew, brought up a
    Jew, was steeped in the Jewish Scriptures: Father Kenneth Doyle answers
    a believer from Afton, Iowa

    Top Posters

    Ranking Articles Name Most Used Newsreader
    ------- -------- -------------------------- --------------------
    1 836 Suzy KKKohen Forte Agent
    2 787 Shleazy jew paedophile BAR Forte Agent
    3 558 The SHPAMMER ish jew paedo Forte Agent
    4 434 Seanie O'Killfoyle Forte Agent
    5 426 Roman the demented illiter Forte Agent
    6 371 Seanie O'Kilfoyle Forte Agent
    7 151 Revd Terence Fformby-Smyth Forte Agent
    8 139 Andrzej rapes kiddies SPAM trn
    9 128 KWills Forte Agent
    10 126 Ras Tafarian Microsoft Windows Live Ma
    11 103 Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron trn
    12 55 Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron ("B trn
    13 54 STD.COM ish jew kike paedo Forte Agent
    14 52 Peeler Pan
    15 38 Disgusted of Tunbridge Wel Forte Agent
    16 33 Roman the Foreskin PEELER Forte Agent
    17 32 jew kike SHEINIE paedophil Forte Agent
    18 27 Loose Cannon Forte Free Agent
    19 24 PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Bar trn
    20 23 David Dalton MT-NewsWatcher
    21 23 EJECT VICTORINO Microsoft Windows Live Ma
    22 22 The Doctor trn
    23 17 me@privacy.net Mozilla
    24 15 jew paedophile BARRY Z. SH Forte Agent
    25 15 William Grosvenor Xnews
    26 15 Sick old donkeydicksucking trn
    27 9 Susan Cohen ForteAgent
    28 8 Michael Ejercito Mozilla
    29 7 BARRY Z. SHEIN'sh circumci Forte Free Agent
    30 6 Hawaii Lt. Gov. 'Soylent G Microsoft Windows Live Ma
    31 6 Tall Henry Forte Free Agent
    32 6 Byker Microsoft Windows Live Ma
    33 5 HeartDoc Andrew Forte Agent
    34 5 The SHPAMMER ish sick old trn
    35 4 BARRY Z. SHEIN'sh circumci Forte Free Agent
    36 4 FBInCIAnNSATerroristSlayer Mozilla
    37 4 % Mozilla
    38 4 The Horny Goat ForteAgent
    39 3 HQ trn
    40 3 NEMO ForteAgent
    41 3 Andrew "Andrzej" Baron trn
    42 3 flaviaR trn
    43 2 Skeeter Forte Agent
    44 2 dolf Mozilla
    45 2 RECALLVICTORINO.ORG Microsoft Windows Live Ma
    46 2 Oleg Smirnov Microsoft Outlook Express
    47 2 NoSpamAtAll trn
    48 2 lordofal...@gmail.com ForteAgent
    49 1 Shleazy jew-wannabe paedop trn
    50 1 Freedom for Gaza trn
    51 1 Sharx335 Mozilla
    52 1 Parsifal ForteAgent
    53 1 NefeshBarYochai ForteAgent
    54 1 Checkmate MicroPlanet-Gravity
    55 1 KWillls trn
    56 1 Eric Frederick Berg ForteAgent
    57 1 SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andr trn
    58 1 Bill Allen ForteAgent
    59 1 PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Bar trn
    60 1 Blue Lives Matter Mozilla
    61 1 BeamMeUpScotty Mozilla
    62 1 25.BX943 Mozilla
    63 1 Nomen Nescio
    64 1 Calamity Jade Microsoft Windows Live Ma
    65 1 3.BB963 Mozilla
    66 1 Dhu on Gate Pan
    67 1 25.BZ942 Mozilla
    68 1 Clarence Xnews
    69 1 Kneel Jung Mozilla
    70 1 BARRY Z. SHEIN jew paedoph Forte Free Agent
    71 1 TROUBLE Microsoft Windows Live Ma
    72 1 Michael Trew ForteAgent
    73 1 jew wannabe paedophile And trn
    74 1 Commander Kinsey Opera Mail
    75 1 HAWAII LT. GOV. SOYLENT GR Microsoft Windows Live Ma
    76 1 Jade Helm Mozilla
    77 1 BARRY Z. SHEIN'sh shenile Forte Free Agent
    78 1 binzi kramer Forte Free Agent
    79 1 NoShpamAtAll trn
    80 1 KKKernal Corn Forte Free Agent

    Top Newsreaders

    Ranking Articles Newsreader Users
    ------- -------- -------------------------------------------- -----
    1 3627 Forte Agent 15
    2 596 trn 26
    3 166 Microsoft Windows Live Mail 8
    4 57 Forte Free Agent 11
    5 53 Pan 2
    6 44 Mozilla 14
    7 27 ForteAgent 10
    8 16 Xnews 2
    9 12 MT-NewsWatcher 1
    10 11 Hogwasher 1
    11 8 XanaNews 1
    12 5 MesNews 1
    13 2 Microsoft Outlook Express 1
    14 2 MicroPlanet-Gravity 2
    15 1 <unknown> 1
    16 1 Opera Mail 1

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