• Re: (IVÁN): Israel and every nation tore the Father’s virgin Heart: bir

    From BIKMOQ@21:1/5 to valarezo on Mon Apr 11 20:41:27 2022
    On Fri, 1 Apr 2022 15:04:11 -0700 (PDT), valarezo <valarezo7@hotmail.com> wrote:

    Que bo é o porco e o seu rabo.

    Sábado, 02 de Abril, 2022 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

    (Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

    Israel and every nation tore the Father’s virgin Heart: birthing every one as Isaac as His permanent perfect will on earth:

    Caringly, our heavenly Father looked upon earth to see that not only His children were descending into the earth’s heart forever cursed by the sin that Adam and Eve committed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit by eating from the
    forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but also, the earth entirely was dying rapidly. For our heavenly Father had created heaven and earth with perfect richness that will enrich not only His children well into eternity but also
    His angelical kingdom that is to descend to Canaan to manifest Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that they love Him dearly forever thus to conquer new richness, powers and glories unseen before by anyone.

    Understanding that, our heavenly Father created heaven and earth with perfect richness because He not only needs to enrich His children but also the angelical kingdom from heaven above well into eternity, given that, they need to manifest love towards
    Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy from Canaan with His perfect holy richness untouched by sin throughout His new kingdom of love. Considering that, our heavenly Father is a Mighty God in need to be loved with perfect holiness and richness only found
    in His holy heart poured upon earth already as He created it along with heaven and with everything in them, thus starting His new kingdom to be loved with perfect holiness, powers and lasting-richness by His children and the angelical hosts through

    However, Lucifer along with death and fallen angels were destroying everything created in heaven and on earth by Him to establish His dream kingdom of love, powers and everlasting-richness, granting Him perfect love from His children born in His image
    and in His living-soul along with the angelical hosts created by His living-words to exalt His holy name fires with perfect holiness always forever. Certainly, our heavenly Father needed His earth along with heaven’s glory growing with His perfect
    richness born from His holy heart to be lived and enjoyed through life with His children and His angels faithful to Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because they really exalted His holy name when Lucifer needed to humiliate it thus starting
    his personal evil kingdom.

    Really, our heavenly Father can only be loved, exalted and glorified along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit with richness emanating from His holy heart, because it was from His heart: He dreamed of His new kingdom of love living it each day
    with His children, as you and I along with the angels upon His new earth—enriching progressively today. For the earth along with heaven’s glory will grow with our heavenly Father’s holy heart from richness to ever-increasing richness through the
    generations well into eternity, but if He could hold them intact with the richness that He created them initially never to be occupied by Lucifer and his fallen angels, giving that they are the ones that bring darkness upon earth always.

    That is why, that it was important for Lucifer to deceive not only the angelical hosts following him but also Adam and Eve in paradise, so he may have the earth entirely contaminated with his darkness that prevents heaven’s glory to fill it from north
    to south and from east to west, thus causing His dream kingdom of love and endless-richness to manifest finally. For Lucifer had contaminated our heavenly Father’s sacred-flesh and His life eternal granted to Adam and Eve along with the children for
    generations to come throughout paradise and the earth as well, understanding that, He had called them to fill His Creation with families that will come to love, serve and worship His holy name fires that Lucifer had attacked with darkness forever.

    Therefore, it was impossible for our heavenly Father to have His kingdom of love established upon earth much less to have His holy name fires loved, served and worshipped by His children as in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts through eternity,
    because Adam and Eve’s flesh had been contaminated with the forbidden fruit accepting darkness consequently Satan and his unclean spirits may thrive. However, our heavenly Father created heaven and earth but with Canaan so powerful that Satan and his
    fallen angels’ wickedness failed always to affect it with darkness, because with it He may start His dream kingdom of love and endless-richness with His children reborn from it along with the angelical hosts as well thus to be loved by them without sin
    and with perfect-richness forever.

    Subsequently, our heavenly Father needed to have the entire human race reborn from Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus He may descend to live with His children from all the families of the ancient and modern nations upon His new earth,
    but for this to happen: He needed to remove sin along with the sinful-flesh as well forever. Considering that, Satan contaminated Adam and Eve for the children to be born with the sinful-flesh that brings darkness always upon earth thus making life to be
    impossible to live loving, serving and worshipping our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus to exalt His holy name fires over the earth as His new kingdom filled with glory everlastingly.

    Indeed, our heavenly Father was facing a great problem that only Him along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit could solve it, and this was to give life to His Son as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, for Israel to be
    born thus you may live again along with everyone else through the coming generations. Certainly, Lucifer was filling the earth with darkness by having Adam and Eve’s children born through the generations thus to establish finally his kingdom of darkness,
    where our heavenly Father with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will fail to see His holy name fires loved, served and exalted throughout humankind as in heaven with the angelical hosts.

    Surely, our heavenly Father needed to remove not only sin from the face of the earth but also sinful-flesh and its power to bring darkness from Lucifer and the fallen angels, causing destruction, famine, poverty and death throughout the earth thus all
    life will be impossible to live forever except the life of darkness emerging from hell’s torment each day through eternity. Really, it is the sinful-flesh that men, women and children are born with it that attracts sin, curses, witchcraft, famine,
    poverty and death in hell’s torment through ancient and modern families of the nations until they are born again from the water baptism by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob for sin to be washed away finally.

    That is why, that we will see families struggling through life, trying to obtain things for themselves and loved ones but failing always, because they were born in a sinful-flesh that they must abandon thus they may stop attracting sin, curses,
    witchcraft, famine, poverty and death that Lucifer will send their way with his unclean spirits until they are destroyed forever in hell’s torment. Therefore, it is important for you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends to become baptized in
    your home’s bathtub, pool, river or beach by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob: abandoning the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit’s richness flowing always through you until His
    kingdom comes lastly.

    It is as ancient Israel born in Egypt’s captivity collecting sin from ancient and modern families of the nations later after four-hundred years Moses was born without sin (because it had been collected by Israel already forever) to receive His holy name,
    as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob for the Red Sea baptism to abandon sin instantly finally forever. Otherwise, the families of the nations would have continued to collect sin as the ancients did to fill human life with Lucifer and his
    fallen angels’ evils that brings upon earth his kingdom of darkness, where sin, curses, sickness, famine, poverty and death will prevail from hell’s torment upon the entire earth making it impossible for all life to thrive in it through eternity.

    This is exactly what the families of the nations through the generations have suffered collecting sin, curses, infirmities, diseases, famine, poverty and finally death in hell, because they have failed to have a cleansing system, as the one that our
    heavenly Father has provided to Israel, as celebrating the Sabbath emptying them from darkness continually, thus they may be enriched through life always. Really, Israel has experienced through the generations many holocausts devastating them completely
    that they were left with nothing left, however, understanding that, they are born with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers then by celebrating Sabbath every seventh day faithfully: immediately, they have always recovered from devastations that you will see
    them as if these evils have always failed to affect them until now.

    Indeed, this is something always failing to work effectively in any other nation in earth’s history, except if every man, woman and child from the nations may become baptized in water by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob
    thus anointing them with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers always expelling wicked evils, as Israel’s holocausts through history. Now that the whole of Israel is baptized in water by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob then
    Satan with his wicked witchcraft families will always fail to deceive them into another holocaust, because in the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers there are no sin, curses, infirmities, famine, destruction, holocaust, poverty much less death from hell’s

    However, Satan may try to become one with them, as life goes on with them, to cause them to cease celebrating the Sabbath rest as they normally do for our heavenly Father to rest on this day for His work throughout Creation, because He is the force that
    causes the Universe as a whole to work marvelously according to His perfect will until now. Moreover, our heavenly Father still rules heaven with the angelical hosts and the earth with men, women and children from families of the nations baptized in
    water by invoking His name’s perfect holiness thus to bless, heal and enrich them in every way possible consequently they may love, serve and honor Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in their homelands forever.

    Certainly, for our heavenly Father to make this possible then the sinful-flesh along with sin and the spirit of error needed to be replaced with His sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit filled with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers blessing, empowering and
    enriching your every day life, so you may always defeat Satan’s wilds along with his fallen angels of famine, poverty and death. For our heavenly Father needs to establish His sacred-flesh along with the Holy Spirit filled with the oath sworn to Isaac’s
    powers in every man, woman and child from ancient and modern families of the nations thus to bless, empower and enrich the earth entirely with richness, powers and glories unseen until now by anyone in heaven above and on earth below.

    Given that, the sinful-flesh along with the spirit of error born in the families of the nations destroys life, regardless of faith, except Hebrew families (for they are born with the oath sworn to Isaac) celebrating Sabbath blessing, empowering and
    enriching them but also the earth entirely for His kingdom of love filled with endless-richness, happiness and sweetness unseen before by humankind may come. In other words, our heavenly Father needs the sinful-flesh and spirit of error replaced with His
    sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit for His oath sworn to Isaac to work in men, women and children from ancient and modern nations thus to work in them as in the Hebrew families for His kingdom of love and endless-richness to descend in Canaan and on earth

    That is why, that our heavenly Father needed to intervene upon the earth by descending with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so He may destroy Satan’s works along with the fallen angels of famine, poverty and death in hell’s torment,
    understanding that, because He created Lucifer then He alone could destroy him along with his evils throughout the earth finally forever. Graciously, for our heavenly Father to descend upon earth to live with His children then the sinful-flesh along with
    the spirit of error needed to be replaced forever with His sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit emerging from Him, as perfect and holy as He is forever in eternity with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit before the angelical hosts throughout heaven’s

    Confidently, this was the only way possible that our heavenly Father could finally remove not only Satan along with the fallen angels and death but also He could destroy sin in every man, woman and child from ancient and modern families of the nations
    thus to fill them with His holy heart’s amazing-love that brings blessings, healing, peace and prosperity throughout the earth progressively. Indeed, our heavenly Father needed heaven and earth created by Him with perfect holiness, powers and amazing
    lasting-richness to be manifested in His Creation entirely, starting with Adam and Eve along with the children born from the families of the nations thus establishing finally His dream kingdom of love without end in eternity, knowing only love, peace,
    prosperity and everlasting-happiness through life always forever.

    This is when, our heavenly Father finally found Abraham and his wife Sarah with a barren-womb to sit at the Lord’s Table to eat the bread and wine with Him, served daily by His Son Jesus Christ as Melchizedek, king of Salem (ancient Jerusalem), that
    will give birth to His glorified-body within Canaan destroying Satan, sin, famine, poverty and death in everyone’s life forever. For our heavenly Father needed to start enriching the earth from Canaan, a land without sin (because it is impossible for it
    to exist there through eternity), and so, He may enrich Abraham along with His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac along with Adam and Eve’s children throughout families of ancient and modern nations until Satan, sin and death is removed lastly forever.

    Understanding that, our heavenly Father with sin prevailing throughout the earth within humankind then He will always fail to enrich it, given that, it is impossible for Him to enrich people living in sin born from Lucifer and the fallen angles, as
    death, for example that will bring darkness through the generations until the earth is lost finally forever in eternal famine endlessly. Therefore, it was important for His Son Jesus Christ to be Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers
    with you along with loved ones, neighbors and friends thus not only to liberate them from sin, because they were born with powers to collect their sins through Egypt’s captivity to abandon them at the Red Sea finally, but also to see life again.

    Considering that, you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends from the families of ancient and modern nations were already lying next to the bitter waters of Marah as the tree that needed to drink from it, however, since it was bitter to
    become baptized in it much less drink it, then, Moses came from the Lord to rescue you as Isaac. Consequently, Moses came with divine-powers to rescue you as Isaac because he was born with the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood
    pouring from our heavenly Father to take you into the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, as His home-sweet-home, where He will live with you along with your loved ones in perfect holiness through eternity, starting now baptized in water.

    Besides that, lovingly our heavenly Father told Abraham that in Isaac families of ancient and modern nations will be blessed by Him and His Holy Spirit from heaven’s glory that is the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, where He defeated Satan,
    sin, fallen angels, death, witchcraft families and hell’s torment, as His perfect will was done on earth as in heaven lastly forever. For our heavenly Father’s perfect will was done upon earth as in heaven that is the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of
    Holiest, in Israel, as His Son Jesus Christ was nailed to Adam and Eve along with the children from families of ancient and modern nations to receive His glorified-body that had defeated Satan, sin and death finally forever on that memorable eternal

    Therefore, it was on Sabbath that our heavenly Father’s perfect will was done upon earth as in heaven that is the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, where His atoning-blood spilled tearing the blue, purple and scarlet curtain to the floor for His
    perfect will, glory and powers to become one with you as Isaac in your homeland and in heaven’s glory forever finally. Accordingly, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac with you, loved ones, neighbors and
    friends from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, pulling you from the Sinai’s desert, assimilating hell’s torment upon earth, destroying you with famine, poverty and death: thus, you may finally become reborn in Canaan’s endless-richness to
    enrich your nation forever.

    Now, our heavenly Father baptized ancient Israel at the Red Sea with you to abandon your sins to become reborn with Moses and Israel in Canaan’s richness, so they may drink you along with your loved ones as they sweetened Marah’s bitter waters, thus you
    may finally may sweeten our heavenly Father’s holy heart reborn as in Isaac’s sacred-flesh perfect and holy forever finally. Understanding that, when our heavenly Father had Moses lifting you as the tree lying next to Marah’s bitter waters then it was to
    throw you into it, thus sweetening them to become drinkable but also to baptize His children from ancient and modern nations, for His holy heart to become sweet again to see sin remove from you and the earth entirely forever.

    This is when, our heavenly Father had Moses fastening for forty days and forty nights to receive His Tables of the Ten Commandments over Mount Sinai that every man, woman and child from ancient and modern nations needed to fulfill, starting with ancient
    Israel, so they may escape hell’s curses fulfilling them with His glorified-body loving, serving and honoring His holy name fires finally forever. Certainly, our heavenly Father needed to see Marah’s bitter waters sweetened by you as the tree lying next
    to it that you needed to drink from it but also to become baptized in it, however, it was impossible to fulfill these events until Isaac’s sacred-flesh with the Holy Spirit were brought by Moses and ancient Israel into the wilderness, rescuing you from
    Satan’s famine.

    Considering that, our heavenly Father needed to see you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends fulfilling His commandments through the Sinai’s desert to love, serve and honor His holy name fires finally escaping Satan’s poisonous snakes
    waiting to bite you again in the last day thus you will always fail to escape sin, death and hell to return to paradise forever enriched. Given that, it is when Satan’s poisonous snakes bite you with sin, curses, witchcraft, infirmities, death and hell’s
    torment that will not only impoverish you but also your family along with your entire nation, because the poison from Satan’s serpents is in you to destroy you along with everything surrounding you until you are reborn from water baptism by invoking His
    name’s perfect holiness.

    Provided that, our heavenly Father had Moses returning to Mount Sinai to see the tabernacle of reunion with its Holy of Holiest: given that, he needed to build it within ancient Israel’s encampment, so He may expiate, judge and cover your sins along
    with others with lambs' atoning-blood always shed at the tabernacle’s entrance, thus, preparing you to become reborn in Canaan eternally justified. Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed every man, woman and child from ancient and modern families of the
    nations becoming one with Moses and early Israel through the desert to eat His manna descending from heaven above every morning to drink from the rock of salvation thus to love, serve and honor His holy name fires forever in Canaan’s daily richness

    Understanding that, our heavenly Father had Moses and ancient Israel that had taken from Marah’s bitter waters, sweetened by the tree that is you but also the Messiah with his brother and sisters from families of ancient and modern nations to become one
    with him as Isaac to descend to hell’s gate bitten by Satan’s poisonous snakes to wait for our Father’s lasting-salvation finally. Really, our heavenly Father needed to see His children reborn from His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac bleeding profusely at hell’
    s posts to defeat Satan, sin, curses, infirmities, witchcraft families, fallen angels, famine, poverty, problems, conflicts, death and the kingdom of darkness to see life again on the Third Day in Canaan with the Father’s perfect-salvation, within the
    Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest.

    Consequently, once our heavenly Father had seen His children bleeding at hell’s posts bitten by Satan’s poisonous snakes, then, His holy-seed as Isaac’s sacred-flesh with His Holy Spirit was planted in Canaan for His children to be reborn as the tree,
    His cross-defeating Satan, sin, death, witchcraft families and hell’s torment to liberate the earth as His new kingdom of love through eternity. Lovingly, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ reborn from one of His daughters with Adam and Eve
    along with the children from ancient and modern families of the nations to live in Canaan His eternal life that needed to become baptized at the Jordan River by John the Baptize to defeat with you: Satan, sin and death on the cross lastly forever.

    Truthfully, our heavenly Father has seen you already along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends at hell’s gate bleeding profusely, because Satan’s poisonous snakes of sin, curses, infirmities, famine and poverty had bitten you to death, thus, you
    will always fail to fulfill His commandments and love His holy name fires in your living-soul for richness to come your way through life permanently. Therefore, our heavenly Father needed you already reborn with His Son Jesus Christ from David’s virgin
    daughter in Canaan, otherwise, it would have been impossible for you to be there, where He will live forever loved by His children reborn in His sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit baptized already at the Jordan, thus finally every one became perfect and
    holy as He is everlastingly.

    Moreover, our heavenly Father needed you reborn from the Jordan, because with this water baptism then His oath sworn to Isaac’s powers works with you each day without ever ceasing, understanding that, this power is bigger than the earth moreover it is
    impossible to fail you, for it is constant, thus you may live victoriously against evil wherever you may live on earth nowadays. It is this oath sworn to Isaac’s daily power that is constant and that it will never fail you, whether you are a Muslim,
    Bubbliest, Hindu, Taoist, Shinto, Hebrew, Christian and others, because our heavenly Father has pulled you from hell’s gate to enter into the Holy of Holiest with Son Jesus Christ thus you may be always Isaac for Him on earth persistently.

    Really, our heavenly Father only knows His Son Jesus Christ and the Son knows Him, therefore, baptized in water by invoking His name’s perfect holiness then you will be reborn from Him as Isaac, and so, He may know you through His Spirit as He knows His
    Son through eternity thus you may enrich your homeland along with everyone else around you, as always. This means that our heavenly Father knows only you as Isaac in your homeland not only to bless you by washing you clean progressively thus sanctifying
    you with perfect holiness around the clock to execute His perfect will blessing others as your loved ones, neighbors and friends to clear your way from unclean spirits for His richness to flow greatly through you permanently always.

    Understanding that, our heavenly Father needs to enrich the earth entirely with you, starting within your homeland along with loved ones, neighbors and friends, because His kingdom of love and endless-richness will flow with great richness abundantly in
    every flesh throughout the families of the nations, so Satan with fallen angels and death will fail to find a place to stay upon earth forever. Given that, our heavenly Father has cleansed the earth along with humankind through the generation as He
    celebrated each week’s Sabbath rest with Israelis and Jewish families throughout the nations, so He may remove evil but also Satan and unclean spirits bringing darkness thus blocking His richness from reaching His children that will enrich His coming
    kingdom of love on earth at last forever.

    Consequently, it is important for our heavenly Father that you will become baptized in water by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob to abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the Holy
    Spirit, where He has cleansed, blessed and enriched you powerfully already, thus He may start His kingdom of love with you. Understanding that, you are the one that our heavenly Father was speaking about to Samuel as He said that He had found that one
    after His heart to do His will not only within Canaan but also through families of the nations bringing His kingdom of love upon earth, where He will live forever loved, glorified and enriched by you and your loved ones.

    Besides that, our heavenly Father had you reborn from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac with His Son Jesus Christ, so you may take your sin from Egypt’s captivity to abandon them at the Red Sea baptism later to take you from the Sinai’s desert to fulfill His
    holy commandments finally to honor His holy name fires within His Holy of Holiest in Canaan with lasting-richness. Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ reborn with you again from David’s virgin daughter to live His life in Canaan
    finally baptized at the Jordan, so you may destroy Satan, sin, fallen angels, witchcraft families, death and hell’s torment, conquering the earth entirely to start His new kingdom of love within the Holy of Holiest in Canaan with you enriched eternally.

    Lovingly, our heavenly Father had you nailed to His Son Jesus Christ’s hands and feet to enter the Holy of Holiest spilling His atoning-blood tearing the blue, scarlet and purple curtain to the floor separating holy places from the Holy of Holiest, so
    you may become reborn from His holy heart as the one after His heart doing His will finally upon earth: Isaac. For our heavenly Father had you reborn with His Son Jesus Christ from David’s virgin daughter to tear open her womb, so you may enter Canaan to
    live His holy life with Him and the Holy Spirit finally to be baptized at the Jordan to destroy Satan, sin, death to conquer the earth for His coming kingdom of love at last forever into everlasting.

    Surely, our heavenly Father needed you reborn with His Son Jesus Christ from David’s virgin daughter, tearing open her womb in Canaan, thus, for you to live His eternal life in need to be baptized at the Jordan, so you may destroy Satan, death and hell’
    s torment by conquering the earth for the Holy of Holiest to start His kingdom of love into eternity. Therefore, now our heavenly Father needed you tearing His curtain separating holy places from the Holy of Holiest by spilling His personal atoning-blood,
    so you may become reborn as the one that He had found after His heart to execute His perfect will within your homeland thus to obtain His richness that enriches His coming kingdom of love upon earth finally for eternity.

    This is when: Our heavenly Father had His holy commandments finally fulfilled by you to love, serve and honor His holy name fires within the Holy of Holiest to pass the curtain torn to the floor, thus, for you to build His home-sweet-home throughout the
    earth, for His coming kingdom of love blessing ancient and modern families of the nations finally into everlasting. Surely, our heavenly Father had you initially born from Sarah’s barren-womb with His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac later to pull you out from
    the Sinai’s desert with His glorified-body to be reborn from David’s daughter by tearing her virgin womb finally to tear the Holy of Holiest curtain for you to be His Son Isaac building His home-sweet-home on earth finally for eternity.

    Well-timed, our heavenly Father needed you reborn from His Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, in Canaan, with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to you spilling His atoning-blood thus tearing His virgin Holy Heart: birthing you as His Son Isaac in your
    homeland to build His home-sweet-home for His coming kingdom of love to enjoy richness with you and loved ones through life always. For our heavenly Father has done His perfect will through the Sinai’s desert with you, because He had Moses building the
    tabernacle of reunion’s Holy of Holiest searching for you through the sand until He found you to expiate, judge and cover your sins with lambs atoning-blood, so you may live His holy commandments successfully to honor His holy name fires in Canaan lastly.

    Consequently, our heavenly Father was able finally to fulfill His perfect will with you completely within the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, in Canaan as in heaven, because you entered His world by tearing His virgin heart as His Son Isaac to
    execute His perfect will in your homeland and families of the nations, for His coming kingdom of love upon earth finally. Indeed, once baptized by invoking Him, as The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, then you will abandon the sinful-flesh and the
    spirit of error for Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, so His perfect will may be with you progressively, given that, He fulfilled it in you forever within the Holy of Holiest with His Messiah’s glory on that Eternal Sabbath, in Canaan.

    This is when, our heavenly Father will begin to do His perfect will with you in your homeland and wherever you may go in life, because He had you honoring, fulfilling and exalting His holy commandments and His holy name fires within the Holy of Holiest
    in Isaac’s sacred-flesh and His atoning-blood, and so, you will always be His perfect will throughout the earth. Furthermore, you need to eat the bread and wine with Him at your home’s dinner table along with loved ones finally to read His living-words
    from the bible, because every word that has come out His mouth given to Abraham, Moses, the prophets, the Messiah and his apostles, is His voice that will make things happen your life and other’s as well.

    [continued in next message]

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