From Jedi Master@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 25 23:25:39 2023
    Freedom to love God is a human right without which there can be no advancement of knowledge because only in freedom can people understand and determine what is truth and what is false in the world. A closed information society maintained by government
    results in a fascist police state that simply exists to enslave with a one party military dictatorship.

    People under such an evil empire are blind sided by their own lust and greed for political power and wealth which is often mistaken for religion and patriotism. Communism, socialism, atheism, and fascism practiced by Russia, China, North Korea, and
    Myanmar etc. are some of the governments maintaining these evils today.

    The delusions of all military dictatorships is that they to try to unite people through fascist slavery amd materialistic nationalism. That is a fool's paradise because material duality and extremism can never unite people because of being sectarian from
    the start.

    Pluralistic democracies avoid that abyss of tyranny and social chaos by understanding that what is good for individual freedom and open information is also good for the government. Government not subservient to individual freedom works against the very
    people they are supposed to serve and protect because dictatorships are blindsided by their own collective false ego and greed for political power and wealth.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ezimene nimi Teine nimi@21:1/5 to Jedi Master on Mon Feb 27 11:52:49 2023
    Come and invite all Your friendz too to:


    Zee You !!!!!!!!!!

    On Sunday, February 26, 2023 at 9:25:41 AM UTC+2, Jedi Master wrote:
    Freedom to love God is a human right without which there can be no advancement of knowledge because only in freedom can people understand and determine what is truth and what is false in the world. A closed information society maintained by government
    results in a fascist police state that simply exists to enslave with a one party military dictatorship.

    People under such an evil empire are blind sided by their own lust and greed for political power and wealth which is often mistaken for religion and patriotism. Communism, socialism, atheism, and fascism practiced by Russia, China, North Korea, and
    Myanmar etc. are some of the governments maintaining these evils today.

    The delusions of all military dictatorships is that they to try to unite people through fascist slavery amd materialistic nationalism. That is a fool's paradise because material duality and extremism can never unite people because of being sectarian
    from the start.

    Pluralistic democracies avoid that abyss of tyranny and social chaos by understanding that what is good for individual freedom and open information is also good for the government. Government not subservient to individual freedom works against the very
    people they are supposed to serve and protect because dictatorships are blindsided by their own collective false ego and greed for political power and wealth.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)