Taken from:
Tons of Bestiality Pixxx and Stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sandy was the supreme bitch. She ran her household with an
iron fist, and her husband's sex life with an iron snatch. Little
did she know that she would soon be treated like the bitch she was.
Sandy was 34 years old, and came from the most strict bible belt
upbringing. A virgin till the day she married, she might as well still
be, for Tom's sake. When Tom and her got married, she immediately took
over all financial, social, and sexual activities, leaving Tom a quivering mass of his formal malehood. "Yes dear. No dear. You're right dear."
He was basicly just a servant who left to work, came home to do his wife's bidding, and wack off in the bathroom.
When they got married, all sex was immediately controlled by Sandy.
Becuase of her strict upbringing, she only believed in having sex for children.
Anything else was a sin. Period. Consequently they had two children, a
boy, 13, and a girl, 11.
It was a shame too. She was a beautiful creature on the outside.
Standing 5'4" tall with long curly dark blond hair, dark green eyes, and
the most lucious lips. Her figure was beautiful, apparently unaffecteed by her motherhood, being 38D-23-37. Her body was made for loving. Her mind
on the other hand was made for......being a bitch. She would fit in well
as a cross between Saddam Hussein and your average Southern Bible belt Preacher. If something didn't meet the "pure" standards in which she was raised, it was wrong and a sin.
Tom was quite successful in his engineering job, so they had a
big house in the suburbs. Two stories high, big garage, inground swimming pool, large backyard with a tall wooden fence surrounding it.
The kids were gone for the summer, attending a summerlong bible
retreat. Guess who's doing that was.....
Tom thought he'd be nice, and since his wife was lonely, get
her a companion. He stopped by the Humane Society pound to try and find
a dog that was somewhat cheap in price (considering his allowance was tight as it was). He finally decided on a big mut mix that was mostly doberman deciding that the big dog would be good for security too. The dog immediately took to Tom, licking his hand, wagging his tail, and being overly friendly.
Obviously the dog was happy to be leaving as he pounced around and
strained at the leash while Tom led him out to the car. The drive home was racking and at the same time happy for Tom, as the dog kept licking Tom's face
and jumping around the car. The dog was bringing a joy and happyness long missing in Tom's life. Tom remembered a neighbor's dog he used to play with as a kid, and decided to name this one after it. Randi.
Tom pulled into the driveway, and opened the door to his car. Randi
went bounding out, happy as could be. Tom went up his walk, opened the front door and let Randi and himself in. Randi was jumping all around Tom playfully,
and Tom was fully enjoying the attention. Suddenly Randi stopped and his
head quickly snapped to the side with a serious look on his face.
Tom turned and was faced with Sandy's normally beautiful face...now
fully contorted. Her face bright red, her eyes bugging out.
"I....I just brought him home to keep you company. With me being
away and all I.."
"But honey, I just thought..."
Randi has been sitting there next to Tom, panting slightly, and
staring at Sandy. Slowly, in the excitement, his dog cock had started to
grow and unsheath itself. It's pinkness slowly started to emerge from
it's hairy sheath, a glint of wetness to it to give it a slimy appearance.
Sandy looked down. Sandy looked up. Sandy turned a two shades
brighter red. Sandy lost it.
"But honey, they'll destroy him, and...."
Sandy went to slap Tom for talking back. Randi instinctively bared
his fangs and snapped at Sandi with a vicious growl.
Sandy jumped back in fear. She looked angrily at the dog and at
Tom, raised her fist in spite and said:
"I-I can't tonight honey, they're closed. I'll take him back
tomorrow afternoon first thing."
"I'll put him in the basement honey. He'll be out of your way
Sandy turned around and stormed upstairs to the bedrooms. Tom
bent down to pet the dog.
"I'm sorry boy...really."
Randi looked up at Tom, gleefully licking his hand, and wagging
his tail. Tom led Randi to the basement door, and after getting a bowl
with water, and another with table scraps, he led Randi downstairs, creating a small bed with a pile of sheets.
Randi sat there looking sadly at Tom as he went up the stairs. Tom
slowly shut the door, eyeing his would be "man's best friend" for a last moment.
Tom lived in a hell on earth the rest of the night.
The next morning Tom got a page on his beeper, and had to respond to
an urgent problem they were having at the offices. He told Sandy, who was
in a half sleep, that he probably wouldn't be back till late. Sandy responded with a half grunt in her sleep.
Before Tom left, he went downstairs to say hi to Randi, who was extremely happy to see him. Tom played with him for a little bit, looked at his watch, and realized he had better get going. Saying goodbye to Randi he sped
up the stairs. What he didn't realize was that in his hasty departure....
he hand't completely closed the door to the basement.
Tom sped out of the driveway as Randi slowly crept up the stairs.
Sandy was just waking up as she heard Tom speed out of the driveway. She slowly pulled back the covers, revealing her full length old maid nightgown, and decided to take a shower. She crept into the adjoinging bathroom, closing the door (even though no one was home), and slowly dissrobed to get into
the shower.
Randi reached the door of the basement, and cautiously opened the door with his snout. After seeing no one was around, he slowly entered the kitchen.
Sandy was finishing her shower as Randi found the stairs leading upstairs
to the bedrooms. Sandy towl dried in the shower, and immediately put on
her nightgown again upon leaving the shower.
Randi found the spare bedroom, explored it, and found nothing of interest.
He did the same with each of the children's rooms.
Sandy sat down at her dresser, and started to brush her long hair,
knocking over a can of Diet Pepsi she had left there the night before.
It splashed all over her nightgown, and the carpet, threatening to stain both. She immediately cursed Tom for not seeing the can and throwing it
away in the kitchen. Sandy rushed to the bathroom sink and took off her nightgown to let it soak in some soapy water. She grabbed a soapy washcloth and went to scrub the floor. Sandy fely awkard at first, walking around nude and "parading her blasphemy" as her parents used to say. But she cared
more about the stain.
Randi had been in the son's room when he heard Sandy's gasp and some muttering. His dog ears perked up, and he immediately left the room
looking for the source of the sound. He sound found it, along with something else he wasn't expecting.
Sandy was on her hands and knees, scrubbing the carpet with the washcloth. Her beautiful head covered with mop of long blond hair was bobbing up and down. Her beautiful ass was flexing and wavering back and forth, her delectable pussy lips protruding beautifuly.
Randi saw something that he hadn't seen in awhile, even if it was only
in his dog mind. A bitch in heat.
His dog cock immediately responded by expanding from it's sheath...1"... 2"...3"...4"...5"....6"...7"....8"...9", and there it finally stopped.
9 inches long, as easily as thick as Sandy's wrist.
Sandy hear a panting and turned her head to look over her shoulders.
Her face turned bright read in a mixture of fear and anger.
Randi started to growl when he saw Sandy's anger. Sandy immediately tried
to get up and run into the bathroom. Randi lept and bounded onto Sandy's back, leaving her back on her hands and knees, screaming from the now fresh claw marks.....or scratches if you will.
Sandy was affraid to move as Randi climed onto her back, slowly growling. Suddenly her eyes flew wide open and she gasped as she felt the enourmous head of the dog cock feel around her pussy.
"I-I-I'm about to be taken by a beast!" she gasped.
She gasped even louder when the cock found it's target and started to
force itself in. Randi was now going to maker her the bitch she was. His bitch.
Randi started to pump his eager dog cock in, growling everytime Sandy tried to move. Finally he slammed the entire shaft in. Sandy let out a scream
of pain....yet somewhere at the back of her mind...."Oh GOD, it's so BIG!".
Randi immediately started into a savage pumping, claiming his bitch
entirely. Sandy's breasts swung lewdly back and forth and her body
rocked under the weight of the beast.
"No, this can't be happening!", she thought. "I'm being taken by a dog!
a filthy beast!". As the savage fucking continued, her eyes rolled back,
and she started to feel a slight pleasure in being impaled on the dog's
huge cock. It was at least twice as big as her husbands.....and the
vicious way in which the dog pounded her....slowly started to turn her on. She sensed this, and was aghast at herself. "NO! The devil is trying for
me! This is wrong! So..oh..wrong..ah....I(uhh) must not succumb to the devil's grasp!"
Suddenly Sandy felt something huge starting to spread her allready
stretched to the limit pussy wider. Randi's root slowly started to
enter her. Sandy felt like she was being ripped apart. Her drooping
head shot up, her eyes rolled back, and her body tensed. The root
continued to enter her until she was fully impaled by Randi's dog cock,
root and all.
The dog continued it's savage fucking of Sandy. Sandy was now gasping, panting, and moaning loudly. Her head rocked wildly, and she lewdly
started to pump back, savoring the fucking of a kind she had never experienced before.
"No!", she thought. "Musn't do this! I'm pure, I'm not a whore!
I don't fornicate with anyone, let alone a beast! Ughh...can't help myself....feels sooooooo good. No! The devil is in me! Ughhh... noooo....fuck....ohhh...ahhh...gahhhh...I will not be a slut!"
Sandy was now completely his. She was a dog's bitch and she knew it.
She didn't care about anything except the here and now. She just wanted
to be fucked. If this was sin, then let them set a place for her next
to the devil in hell. She was a slut, a whore now she thought. She was
a slut who liked getting raped and fucked by a dog. A big dog. A dog
with a huge cock....long....hard...thick. She looked down between her
legs and saw her pussy spread obscenely, the huge dog cock burried between her blond bush.
"Oh FUCK! Yes! Fuck me with that big dog cock! I'm you're whore,
you're slut.....YOU'RE BITCH!"
Sandy ground lewdly back and rocked wildly. Her orgasm was approaching.
Randi was in heaven himself. This was the best bitch he had ever had.
Nice, tight.....wild. He would enjoy fucking her many more times he thought.
Randi's huge dog cock started to swell with his approaching orgasm. Sandy
was in a daze now, and the expanding dog cock only served to put her into
a deeper daze....and a harder fuck frenzy.
Sandy started to orgasm almost immediately. She tensed and threw her
head back, mouth open wide, eyes at the back of her head. Her body was a tight mass of muscle and sinew. This finished triggering Randi's orgasm,
and he unleashed a huge flow of dog cum into Sandy's pussy. In her all-encompasing orgasm, she could feel the spurts of dog cum actually work their way up Randi's cock, into her pussy. If possible, this made her
orgasm in more intense.
Randi didn't finish pumping his seed into Sandy for almost a minute, unloading all the cum that had been stored in his huge dog balls for
a long time. Sandy finally started coming down about a minute after that.
Sandy, suddenly realizing where she was and what she had done, tried to
move forward and pull Randi out of her. She was shocked to find she
could not. Randi's huge dog cock was securely fastened into her.
Sandy freaked. "Oh no! What's going on?! He's stuck in me!" she thought. "This is it! This is my punishment for allowing a dog..a beast...to take me!" Sandy lowered her head in shame, and pondered the consquences of her actions. She allowed the dog to enter her, and after a time, willingly gave herself
to him. Now, here she was hunched over on her hands and knees. What would would her husband think? Here she was, just cheating on him..with a dog
no less. On her hands and knees in their bedroom...impaled by a huge dog cock....a cock twice the size of his....on her hands and knees like a dog's mate....a bitch......on her hands and knees....impaled by a huge........... It was this thought that started her second orgasm.
Tons of Bestiality Pixxx and Stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On Saturday, June 28, 1997 at 3:00:00 AM UTC-4, FARMSEX! wrote:
Taken from:
Tons of Bestiality Pixxx and Stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sandy was the supreme bitch. She ran her household with an
iron fist, and her husband's sex life with an iron snatch. Little
did she know that she would soon be treated like the bitch she was.
Sandy was 34 years old, and came from the most strict bible belt upbringing. A virgin till the day she married, she might as well still
be, for Tom's sake. When Tom and her got married, she immediately took over all financial, social, and sexual activities, leaving Tom a quivering mass of his formal malehood. "Yes dear. No dear. You're right dear."
He was basicly just a servant who left to work, came home to do his wife's bidding, and wack off in the bathroom.
When they got married, all sex was immediately controlled by Sandy. Becuase of her strict upbringing, she only believed in having sex for children.
Anything else was a sin. Period. Consequently they had two children, a boy, 13, and a girl, 11.
It was a shame too. She was a beautiful creature on the outside.
Standing 5'4" tall with long curly dark blond hair, dark green eyes, and the most lucious lips. Her figure was beautiful, apparently unaffecteed by her motherhood, being 38D-23-37. Her body was made for loving. Her mind
on the other hand was made for......being a bitch. She would fit in well as a cross between Saddam Hussein and your average Southern Bible belt Preacher. If something didn't meet the "pure" standards in which she was raised, it was wrong and a sin.
Tom was quite successful in his engineering job, so they had a
big house in the suburbs. Two stories high, big garage, inground swimming pool, large backyard with a tall wooden fence surrounding it.
The kids were gone for the summer, attending a summerlong bible
retreat. Guess who's doing that was.....
Tom thought he'd be nice, and since his wife was lonely, get
her a companion. He stopped by the Humane Society pound to try and find
a dog that was somewhat cheap in price (considering his allowance was tight
as it was). He finally decided on a big mut mix that was mostly doberman deciding that the big dog would be good for security too. The dog immediately
took to Tom, licking his hand, wagging his tail, and being overly friendly.
Obviously the dog was happy to be leaving as he pounced around and strained at the leash while Tom led him out to the car. The drive home was racking and at the same time happy for Tom, as the dog kept licking Tom's face
and jumping around the car. The dog was bringing a joy and happyness long missing in Tom's life. Tom remembered a neighbor's dog he used to play with
as a kid, and decided to name this one after it. Randi.
Tom pulled into the driveway, and opened the door to his car. Randi
went bounding out, happy as could be. Tom went up his walk, opened the front
door and let Randi and himself in. Randi was jumping all around Tom playfully,
and Tom was fully enjoying the attention. Suddenly Randi stopped and his head quickly snapped to the side with a serious look on his face.
Tom turned and was faced with Sandy's normally beautiful face...now
fully contorted. Her face bright red, her eyes bugging out.
"I....I just brought him home to keep you company. With me being
away and all I.."
"But honey, I just thought..."
Randi has been sitting there next to Tom, panting slightly, and
staring at Sandy. Slowly, in the excitement, his dog cock had started to grow and unsheath itself. It's pinkness slowly started to emerge from
it's hairy sheath, a glint of wetness to it to give it a slimy appearance.
Sandy looked down. Sandy looked up. Sandy turned a two shades
brighter red. Sandy lost it.
"But honey, they'll destroy him, and...."
Sandy went to slap Tom for talking back. Randi instinctively bared
his fangs and snapped at Sandi with a vicious growl.
Sandy jumped back in fear. She looked angrily at the dog and at
Tom, raised her fist in spite and said:
"I-I can't tonight honey, they're closed. I'll take him back
tomorrow afternoon first thing."
"I'll put him in the basement honey. He'll be out of your way
Sandy turned around and stormed upstairs to the bedrooms. Tom
bent down to pet the dog.
"I'm sorry boy...really."
Randi looked up at Tom, gleefully licking his hand, and wagging
his tail. Tom led Randi to the basement door, and after getting a bowl with water, and another with table scraps, he led Randi downstairs, creating
a small bed with a pile of sheets.
Randi sat there looking sadly at Tom as he went up the stairs. Tom
slowly shut the door, eyeing his would be "man's best friend" for a last moment.
Tom lived in a hell on earth the rest of the night.
The next morning Tom got a page on his beeper, and had to respond to
an urgent problem they were having at the offices. He told Sandy, who was in a half sleep, that he probably wouldn't be back till late. Sandy responded
with a half grunt in her sleep.
Before Tom left, he went downstairs to say hi to Randi, who was extremely happy to see him. Tom played with him for a little bit, looked at his watch,
and realized he had better get going. Saying goodbye to Randi he sped
up the stairs. What he didn't realize was that in his hasty departure.... he hand't completely closed the door to the basement.
Tom sped out of the driveway as Randi slowly crept up the stairs.
Sandy was just waking up as she heard Tom speed out of the driveway. She slowly pulled back the covers, revealing her full length old maid nightgown,
and decided to take a shower. She crept into the adjoinging bathroom, closing
the door (even though no one was home), and slowly dissrobed to get into the shower.
Randi reached the door of the basement, and cautiously opened the door with
his snout. After seeing no one was around, he slowly entered the kitchen.
Sandy was finishing her shower as Randi found the stairs leading upstairs to the bedrooms. Sandy towl dried in the shower, and immediately put on her nightgown again upon leaving the shower.
Randi found the spare bedroom, explored it, and found nothing of interest. He did the same with each of the children's rooms.
Sandy sat down at her dresser, and started to brush her long hair, knocking over a can of Diet Pepsi she had left there the night before.
It splashed all over her nightgown, and the carpet, threatening to stain both. She immediately cursed Tom for not seeing the can and throwing it away in the kitchen. Sandy rushed to the bathroom sink and took off her nightgown to let it soak in some soapy water. She grabbed a soapy washcloth
and went to scrub the floor. Sandy fely awkard at first, walking around nude
and "parading her blasphemy" as her parents used to say. But she cared more about the stain.
Randi had been in the son's room when he heard Sandy's gasp and some muttering. His dog ears perked up, and he immediately left the room looking for the source of the sound. He sound found it, along with something
else he wasn't expecting.
Sandy was on her hands and knees, scrubbing the carpet with the washcloth. Her beautiful head covered with mop of long blond hair was bobbing up and down. Her beautiful ass was flexing and wavering back and forth, her delectable pussy lips protruding beautifuly.
Randi saw something that he hadn't seen in awhile, even if it was only
in his dog mind. A bitch in heat.
His dog cock immediately responded by expanding from it's sheath...1"... 2"...3"...4"...5"....6"...7"....8"...9", and there it finally stopped.
9 inches long, as easily as thick as Sandy's wrist.
Sandy hear a panting and turned her head to look over her shoulders.
Her face turned bright read in a mixture of fear and anger.
Randi started to growl when he saw Sandy's anger. Sandy immediately tried to get up and run into the bathroom. Randi lept and bounded onto Sandy's back, leaving her back on her hands and knees, screaming from the now fresh
claw marks.....or scratches if you will.
Sandy was affraid to move as Randi climed onto her back, slowly growling. Suddenly her eyes flew wide open and she gasped as she felt the enourmous head of the dog cock feel around her pussy.
"I-I-I'm about to be taken by a beast!" she gasped.
She gasped even louder when the cock found it's target and started to force itself in. Randi was now going to maker her the bitch she was. His bitch.
Randi started to pump his eager dog cock in, growling everytime Sandy tried
to move. Finally he slammed the entire shaft in. Sandy let out a scream
of pain....yet somewhere at the back of her mind...."Oh GOD, it's so BIG!".
Randi immediately started into a savage pumping, claiming his bitch entirely. Sandy's breasts swung lewdly back and forth and her body
rocked under the weight of the beast.
"No, this can't be happening!", she thought. "I'm being taken by a dog!
a filthy beast!". As the savage fucking continued, her eyes rolled back, and she started to feel a slight pleasure in being impaled on the dog's huge cock. It was at least twice as big as her husbands.....and the vicious way in which the dog pounded her....slowly started to turn her on. She sensed this, and was aghast at herself. "NO! The devil is trying for me! This is wrong! So..oh..wrong..ah....I(uhh) must not succumb to the devil's grasp!"
Suddenly Sandy felt something huge starting to spread her allready stretched to the limit pussy wider. Randi's root slowly started to
enter her. Sandy felt like she was being ripped apart. Her drooping
head shot up, her eyes rolled back, and her body tensed. The root continued to enter her until she was fully impaled by Randi's dog cock, root and all.
The dog continued it's savage fucking of Sandy. Sandy was now gasping, panting, and moaning loudly. Her head rocked wildly, and she lewdly started to pump back, savoring the fucking of a kind she had never experienced before.
"No!", she thought. "Musn't do this! I'm pure, I'm not a whore!
I don't fornicate with anyone, let alone a beast! Ughh...can't help myself....feels sooooooo good. No! The devil is in me! Ughhh... noooo....fuck....ohhh...ahhh...gahhhh...I will not be a slut!"
Sandy was now completely his. She was a dog's bitch and she knew it.
She didn't care about anything except the here and now. She just wanted
to be fucked. If this was sin, then let them set a place for her next
to the devil in hell. She was a slut, a whore now she thought. She was
a slut who liked getting raped and fucked by a dog. A big dog. A dog
with a huge cock....long....hard...thick. She looked down between her
legs and saw her pussy spread obscenely, the huge dog cock burried between her blond bush.
"Oh FUCK! Yes! Fuck me with that big dog cock! I'm you're whore,
you're slut.....YOU'RE BITCH!"
Sandy ground lewdly back and rocked wildly. Her orgasm was approaching. Randi was in heaven himself. This was the best bitch he had ever had. Nice, tight.....wild. He would enjoy fucking her many more times he thought.
Randi's huge dog cock started to swell with his approaching orgasm. Sandy was in a daze now, and the expanding dog cock only served to put her into a deeper daze....and a harder fuck frenzy.
Sandy started to orgasm almost immediately. She tensed and threw her
head back, mouth open wide, eyes at the back of her head. Her body was a tight mass of muscle and sinew. This finished triggering Randi's orgasm, and he unleashed a huge flow of dog cum into Sandy's pussy. In her all-encompasing orgasm, she could feel the spurts of dog cum actually work their way up Randi's cock, into her pussy. If possible, this made her orgasm in more intense.
Randi didn't finish pumping his seed into Sandy for almost a minute, unloading all the cum that had been stored in his huge dog balls for
a long time. Sandy finally started coming down about a minute after that.
Sandy, suddenly realizing where she was and what she had done, tried to move forward and pull Randi out of her. She was shocked to find she
could not. Randi's huge dog cock was securely fastened into her.
Sandy freaked. "Oh no! What's going on?! He's stuck in me!" she thought. "This is it! This is my punishment for allowing a dog..a beast...to take me!"
Sandy lowered her head in shame, and pondered the consquences of her actions.
She allowed the dog to enter her, and after a time, willingly gave herself to him. Now, here she was hunched over on her hands and knees. What would would her husband think? Here she was, just cheating on him..with a dog
no less. On her hands and knees in their bedroom...impaled by a huge dog cock....a cock twice the size of his....on her hands and knees like a dog's
mate....a bitch......on her hands and knees....impaled by a huge...........
It was this thought that started her second orgasm.
Tons of Bestiality Pixxx and Stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On Saturday, June 28, 1997 at 3:00:00 AM UTC-4, FARMSEX! wrote:
Taken from:
Tons of Bestiality Pixxx and Stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sandy was the supreme bitch. She ran her household with an
iron fist, and her husband's sex life with an iron snatch. Little
did she know that she would soon be treated like the bitch she was.
Sandy was 34 years old, and came from the most strict bible belt upbringing. A virgin till the day she married, she might as well still
be, for Tom's sake. When Tom and her got married, she immediately took over all financial, social, and sexual activities, leaving Tom a quivering mass of his formal malehood. "Yes dear. No dear. You're right dear."
He was basicly just a servant who left to work, came home to do his wife's bidding, and wack off in the bathroom.
When they got married, all sex was immediately controlled by Sandy. Becuase of her strict upbringing, she only believed in having sex for children.
Anything else was a sin. Period. Consequently they had two children, a boy, 13, and a girl, 11.
It was a shame too. She was a beautiful creature on the outside.
Standing 5'4" tall with long curly dark blond hair, dark green eyes, and the most lucious lips. Her figure was beautiful, apparently unaffecteed by her motherhood, being 38D-23-37. Her body was made for loving. Her mind
on the other hand was made for......being a bitch. She would fit in well as a cross between Saddam Hussein and your average Southern Bible belt Preacher. If something didn't meet the "pure" standards in which she was raised, it was wrong and a sin.
Tom was quite successful in his engineering job, so they had a
big house in the suburbs. Two stories high, big garage, inground swimming pool, large backyard with a tall wooden fence surrounding it.
The kids were gone for the summer, attending a summerlong bible
retreat. Guess who's doing that was.....
Tom thought he'd be nice, and since his wife was lonely, get
her a companion. He stopped by the Humane Society pound to try and find
a dog that was somewhat cheap in price (considering his allowance was tight
as it was). He finally decided on a big mut mix that was mostly doberman deciding that the big dog would be good for security too. The dog immediately
took to Tom, licking his hand, wagging his tail, and being overly friendly.
Obviously the dog was happy to be leaving as he pounced around and strained at the leash while Tom led him out to the car. The drive home was racking and at the same time happy for Tom, as the dog kept licking Tom's face
and jumping around the car. The dog was bringing a joy and happyness long missing in Tom's life. Tom remembered a neighbor's dog he used to play with
as a kid, and decided to name this one after it. Randi.
Tom pulled into the driveway, and opened the door to his car. Randi
went bounding out, happy as could be. Tom went up his walk, opened the front
door and let Randi and himself in. Randi was jumping all around Tom playfully,
and Tom was fully enjoying the attention. Suddenly Randi stopped and his head quickly snapped to the side with a serious look on his face.
Tom turned and was faced with Sandy's normally beautiful face...now
fully contorted. Her face bright red, her eyes bugging out.
"I....I just brought him home to keep you company. With me being
away and all I.."
"But honey, I just thought..."
Randi has been sitting there next to Tom, panting slightly, and
staring at Sandy. Slowly, in the excitement, his dog cock had started to grow and unsheath itself. It's pinkness slowly started to emerge from
it's hairy sheath, a glint of wetness to it to give it a slimy appearance.
Sandy looked down. Sandy looked up. Sandy turned a two shades
brighter red. Sandy lost it.
"But honey, they'll destroy him, and...."
Sandy went to slap Tom for talking back. Randi instinctively bared
his fangs and snapped at Sandi with a vicious growl.
Sandy jumped back in fear. She looked angrily at the dog and at
Tom, raised her fist in spite and said:
"I-I can't tonight honey, they're closed. I'll take him back
tomorrow afternoon first thing."
"I'll put him in the basement honey. He'll be out of your way
Sandy turned around and stormed upstairs to the bedrooms. Tom
bent down to pet the dog.
"I'm sorry boy...really."
Randi looked up at Tom, gleefully licking his hand, and wagging
his tail. Tom led Randi to the basement door, and after getting a bowl with water, and another with table scraps, he led Randi downstairs, creating
a small bed with a pile of sheets.
Randi sat there looking sadly at Tom as he went up the stairs. Tom
slowly shut the door, eyeing his would be "man's best friend" for a last moment.
Tom lived in a hell on earth the rest of the night.
The next morning Tom got a page on his beeper, and had to respond to
an urgent problem they were having at the offices. He told Sandy, who was in a half sleep, that he probably wouldn't be back till late. Sandy responded
with a half grunt in her sleep.
Before Tom left, he went downstairs to say hi to Randi, who was extremely happy to see him. Tom played with him for a little bit, looked at his watch,
and realized he had better get going. Saying goodbye to Randi he sped
up the stairs. What he didn't realize was that in his hasty departure.... he hand't completely closed the door to the basement.
Tom sped out of the driveway as Randi slowly crept up the stairs.
Sandy was just waking up as she heard Tom speed out of the driveway. She slowly pulled back the covers, revealing her full length old maid nightgown,
and decided to take a shower. She crept into the adjoinging bathroom, closing
the door (even though no one was home), and slowly dissrobed to get into the shower.
Randi reached the door of the basement, and cautiously opened the door with
his snout. After seeing no one was around, he slowly entered the kitchen.
Sandy was finishing her shower as Randi found the stairs leading upstairs to the bedrooms. Sandy towl dried in the shower, and immediately put on her nightgown again upon leaving the shower.
Randi found the spare bedroom, explored it, and found nothing of interest. He did the same with each of the children's rooms.
Sandy sat down at her dresser, and started to brush her long hair, knocking over a can of Diet Pepsi she had left there the night before.
It splashed all over her nightgown, and the carpet, threatening to stain both. She immediately cursed Tom for not seeing the can and throwing it away in the kitchen. Sandy rushed to the bathroom sink and took off her nightgown to let it soak in some soapy water. She grabbed a soapy washcloth
and went to scrub the floor. Sandy fely awkard at first, walking around nude
and "parading her blasphemy" as her parents used to say. But she cared more about the stain.
Randi had been in the son's room when he heard Sandy's gasp and some muttering. His dog ears perked up, and he immediately left the room looking for the source of the sound. He sound found it, along with something
else he wasn't expecting.
Sandy was on her hands and knees, scrubbing the carpet with the washcloth. Her beautiful head covered with mop of long blond hair was bobbing up and down. Her beautiful ass was flexing and wavering back and forth, her delectable pussy lips protruding beautifuly.
Randi saw something that he hadn't seen in awhile, even if it was only
in his dog mind. A bitch in heat.
His dog cock immediately responded by expanding from it's sheath...1"... 2"...3"...4"...5"....6"...7"....8"...9", and there it finally stopped.
9 inches long, as easily as thick as Sandy's wrist.
Sandy hear a panting and turned her head to look over her shoulders.
Her face turned bright read in a mixture of fear and anger.
Randi started to growl when he saw Sandy's anger. Sandy immediately tried to get up and run into the bathroom. Randi lept and bounded onto Sandy's back, leaving her back on her hands and knees, screaming from the now fresh
claw marks.....or scratches if you will.
Sandy was affraid to move as Randi climed onto her back, slowly growling. Suddenly her eyes flew wide open and she gasped as she felt the enourmous head of the dog cock feel around her pussy.
"I-I-I'm about to be taken by a beast!" she gasped.
She gasped even louder when the cock found it's target and started to force itself in. Randi was now going to maker her the bitch she was. His bitch.
Randi started to pump his eager dog cock in, growling everytime Sandy tried
to move. Finally he slammed the entire shaft in. Sandy let out a scream
of pain....yet somewhere at the back of her mind...."Oh GOD, it's so BIG!".
Randi immediately started into a savage pumping, claiming his bitch entirely. Sandy's breasts swung lewdly back and forth and her body
rocked under the weight of the beast.
"No, this can't be happening!", she thought. "I'm being taken by a dog!
a filthy beast!". As the savage fucking continued, her eyes rolled back, and she started to feel a slight pleasure in being impaled on the dog's huge cock. It was at least twice as big as her husbands.....and the vicious way in which the dog pounded her....slowly started to turn her on. She sensed this, and was aghast at herself. "NO! The devil is trying for me! This is wrong! So..oh..wrong..ah....I(uhh) must not succumb to the devil's grasp!"
Suddenly Sandy felt something huge starting to spread her allready stretched to the limit pussy wider. Randi's root slowly started to
enter her. Sandy felt like she was being ripped apart. Her drooping
head shot up, her eyes rolled back, and her body tensed. The root continued to enter her until she was fully impaled by Randi's dog cock, root and all.
The dog continued it's savage fucking of Sandy. Sandy was now gasping, panting, and moaning loudly. Her head rocked wildly, and she lewdly started to pump back, savoring the fucking of a kind she had never experienced before.
"No!", she thought. "Musn't do this! I'm pure, I'm not a whore!
I don't fornicate with anyone, let alone a beast! Ughh...can't help myself....feels sooooooo good. No! The devil is in me! Ughhh... noooo....fuck....ohhh...ahhh...gahhhh...I will not be a slut!"
Sandy was now completely his. She was a dog's bitch and she knew it.
She didn't care about anything except the here and now. She just wanted
to be fucked. If this was sin, then let them set a place for her next
to the devil in hell. She was a slut, a whore now she thought. She was
a slut who liked getting raped and fucked by a dog. A big dog. A dog
with a huge cock....long....hard...thick. She looked down between her
legs and saw her pussy spread obscenely, the huge dog cock burried between her blond bush.
"Oh FUCK! Yes! Fuck me with that big dog cock! I'm you're whore,
you're slut.....YOU'RE BITCH!"
Sandy ground lewdly back and rocked wildly. Her orgasm was approaching. Randi was in heaven himself. This was the best bitch he had ever had. Nice, tight.....wild. He would enjoy fucking her many more times he thought.
Randi's huge dog cock started to swell with his approaching orgasm. Sandy was in a daze now, and the expanding dog cock only served to put her into a deeper daze....and a harder fuck frenzy.
Sandy started to orgasm almost immediately. She tensed and threw her
head back, mouth open wide, eyes at the back of her head. Her body was a tight mass of muscle and sinew. This finished triggering Randi's orgasm, and he unleashed a huge flow of dog cum into Sandy's pussy. In her all-encompasing orgasm, she could feel the spurts of dog cum actually work their way up Randi's cock, into her pussy. If possible, this made her orgasm in more intense.
Randi didn't finish pumping his seed into Sandy for almost a minute, unloading all the cum that had been stored in his huge dog balls for
a long time. Sandy finally started coming down about a minute after that.
Sandy, suddenly realizing where she was and what she had done, tried to move forward and pull Randi out of her. She was shocked to find she
could not. Randi's huge dog cock was securely fastened into her.
Sandy freaked. "Oh no! What's going on?! He's stuck in me!" she thought. "This is it! This is my punishment for allowing a dog..a beast...to take me!"
Sandy lowered her head in shame, and pondered the consquences of her actions.
She allowed the dog to enter her, and after a time, willingly gave herself to him. Now, here she was hunched over on her hands and knees. What would would her husband think? Here she was, just cheating on him..with a dog
no less. On her hands and knees in their bedroom...impaled by a huge dog cock....a cock twice the size of his....on her hands and knees like a dog's
mate....a bitch......on her hands and knees....impaled by a huge...........
It was this thought that started her second orgasm.
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