• Israel pretends to want Torah, so their God pretends to Redeem them ?

    From Jos Boersema@21:1/5 to All on Sun Dec 3 18:13:29 2023
    title: Don't Laugh! Make Sure You Are Waiting For Moshiach
    link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-Hbib7wz40
    source: Rabbi Daniel G

    Your God, HKB'H, the Creator, told you to forgive the loans tot the poor
    in the 7th year, and not to worship the Sun, and not to ask interest
    on loans from your brothers, and to keep the Shabbos as a day of rest,
    and not to sell the land in perpetuity. Did you hear his voice ? If you
    did not, then probably not "today". Right ? You see the logic I guess ?

    Redemption without the Torah, without the truth ? I was wondering
    if your God gave you the Zionist State, because the Rabbis _pretend_
    to listen to their God and His Torah, and therefore your God, HKB'H,
    _pretends_ to give you your Redemption. As you treat your God, so He
    treats you ? (I see a comment section so I use it, if that is ok with
    you. Have a great day.)


    P.S. They (you), you really don't get it, how serious it all is, and how
    deadly it also all is. Humans at work, remember ? Failure and suffering
    is probably guaranteed, and a whole load of it is coming down the way it
    is going. There they sit with their rituals and beliefs, and the world
    is lost to "morons" like Trump, lackeys for the super rich, same old
    same old as ever. The same old tricks, and still the populations do
    nothing. I'll also do nothing then, ride some bicycle and play some
    Castlevania 1. It's a tough game you know. I guess it's not exactly
    honorable or useful spending of your time, but with a world population, including Israel, not having any interest in peace, Justice or some
    truth (lots of topics need more truth), I guess I'll just join you all
    in doing nothing and waiting for some people who want to get serious.

    "But we first want to die by the millions and see open executions and
    murder in the street, also we need famine and diseases and a total loss
    of security in the streets, most of our people need to be on the run and
    dying from hardships if not their crying for the life and people they
    lost ... that's what we want first, and maybe then we will think of
    getting serious, okay". Okay dudes ok, I heard you. Have at it, start
    killing each other already, what are you waiting for ? Oh you started
    already, well, good luck then, you have what you want and you can stop complaining already.

    Such is the idiocy of mankind. Truly an idiot species without a future.
    No way this mess can be allowed into the Universe. These monkeys are
    monkeys. Let them play in the dirt, before they hurt themselves too
    much, let alone anyone else. Pathetic, and this after all the suffering
    already on Earth, as if it is never enough, as if they always have more appetite for misery, grief and death.

    I say you want it, because you create it. How stupid can you be ? Even
    if stupidity is the cause, then suffering is also the cure. "If you
    don't want to hear, then you will have to suffer" - a Dutch proverb.

    "Wie niet wil horen, moet voelen." "Als je niet wilt horen, dan moet je
    maar voelen."

    You don't seem to realize how serious it all is. Is anything serious to
    you people ? It looks like not. Is seeing our family get murdered in
    front of your eyes, is that serious enough for you, will that sober you
    up and make you serious ?! I hope you don't need that medicine, but I
    fear it is the only one that works on you all, Israel and goyim, all the
    same. Blind, deaf and not caring. Is seeing huge cities nuked out of
    existence, is that finally going to make you serious, is that finally
    going to make you think ?

    There is also the ultimate solution to the evil humanity is doing.
    The evil humanity is doing can be stopped in one rather simple way.
    Complete extinction, all dead to the last one. There is always a
    solution. If nothing else can make you serious, then perhaps the
    extinction of the human species is the best way forward. Will a near
    extinction make you serious ? Extinction is better than high
    technological permanent Tyrannical Dystopia, isn't it. The logic
    becomes: keep pushing them all into the ravine of death, and if they
    never get serious, the solution becomes extinction, which is simply to
    push them all in to the last person. If they get serious at any moment
    getting there, you can stop pushing and maybe there is some hope.

    They still don't get it. On the brink of global Nuclear World War 3, and
    still they act as if nothing is going to happen. Their biggest worry is
    how to get through the day easy. Mass death is staring them in the face,
    and their biggest worry is what pizza they want.

    Eternity of happiness and adventure is also on the table, if humanity
    can get things right for once. Such are the choices, between hell,
    paradise, and extinction. This is clear from the position we are in with regards to modern technology. Pretty much everything can be solved, if
    not now then soon, including undeserved poverty and Dictatorship.
    However you have to *want* it, you have to want the good and defeat the
    evil. This huge issue is hanging over humanity like never before, and
    what do they do, with the world clearly starting to go to war on a
    bigger and bigger scale ? What do they do ? They go shopping to pass the
    time. Not that they need anything, but just to have some fun.

    I am not against having fun, mind you, on the contrary. I want to keep
    the fun going. I want to eat lots of pizzas in the future, all kinds,
    and do my share of shopping. For that to happen, the world needs to be peaceful, just and happy. The criminals need to be destroyed, certainly
    their power must be broken. The criminals are in near complete control
    right now, because they know how to control the minds of the masses
    like it is their piano. They don't have total control yet, but their
    plans are moving forward. They are driving their toy - humanity -
    into a Dystopian nightmare. I'm all for having fun, but with this mess
    going on, life can not *only* be about having fun for yourself. We need
    to take care of business, at least to a minimum. First the work, then
    the reward. First get your Nations in good order, then the party. If
    you first party, then you are drunk when serious issues need solving,
    laying in a puddle of your own vomit when you should have been part of
    a group effort (if possible) to restore some Justice and Truth.

    Sorry for complaining. You wanted to start killing each other, all these Nations who have no reason to kill each other, but they'll just invent something for the moment. Have at it then, and let me know once you have
    had enough misery and death. Idiot world, a totally idiot world this is.
    Some bizarre State debt, nothing too serious even, and they can't handle
    it. "Let organized crime figure it out !" Yeah, there is an idea. You
    are living it.

    A sick, very sick world. Seemingly serious people turn out to be
    mindless tools in the end. Too easy to control with some lies and their
    need to fall lockstep in with the rest.

    Just today even ... I'm riding my bicycle on the bicycle lane, and very
    slowly and nicely I try to pass some people with dogs. I think I was
    down to almost a standstill. Ah, but they thought it necessary to
    complain that I didn't ring my bell, suggesting that "his bell doesn't
    work". The pavement for pedestrians was right next to it, they wheren't
    even allowed to walk there. The mistake was fully on their side, and yet
    they need to complain about my bell, which was working fine (I rang it
    to proof it). Had I rung it in advance, when they had already seen me, I
    wonder if they would have complained about me causing a hurry because
    they had already seen me. There is always something to complain I guess,
    even when you are in the wrong. These are the things people busy
    themselves with, while the world is going headlong into global warfare,
    and the economy is falling badly. In the end though, we all laughed it
    off it seemed. I said "very nice pavement over there!", and there was no problem fortunately. Thankfully they wheren't really angry.

    I don't want people like this, just ordinary people it seemed, walking
    their dogs and living their lives, to die under the bombs of some
    maniacs who want a global dictatorship, or to become slaves to this sick people.

    "I can't do anything about that !" Always some variation of this. No,
    you don't *want* to do anything about that. The masses can do
    *everything* about that. The enemy cannot do anything if the masses
    don't approve of it ! It doesn't matter if we succeed, it matters that
    we tried hard enough. Nothing can withstand the force of the masses.

    People think that reading some crime owned newspaper is them trying hard
    for the public good. If they switch on the TV to the lies of the evening
    news, from some soccer game for example, they think they are doing good
    for the world. This is how low the standard is, when what is needed is
    to research what the news is lying about now, and force the whole
    propaganda machine to a stop, or at least support news that is a lot
    more sincere. News owned by super rich and their criminals is not
    sincere news. It is also necessary to follow news from different sides, especially if you are prone to get sucked into the propaganda from one

    If you want to learn about for example the Mafia, would you read a
    newspaper owned by the Mafia ?! Exactly. When you see a huge amount
    of private wealth centralized, you automatically know these are sick
    people without a heart. They use their money to get more money, and
    sometimes - example Bill Gates - they pretend to be generous, but that
    is nothing more than a show. He suddenly discovered he was generous,
    when the pressure came on and people knew what he was. They have the
    money to buy the mass media, and so they did. It is what they do. Good
    people don't have that need, and so they do not.

    What good people should do however, is prevent all mass media power to
    end up in a few super rich sick hands, and that is where they fail, as
    well as in many other areas of the economy and the State. The levels of
    failure of organization (State and economy, etc) is unacceptable and unsustainable. The levels of immorality in general in especially the
    USA, where the criminals seem to have disintegrated the family itself,
    is also unsustainable. It seems to me Hollywood has done that, by
    constantly giving the people a bad example to follow. In almost every
    movie they taught people bad manners, how to argue even though you
    should be a peaceful couple being happy with the children (and upset
    with them as needed I suppose, but like normal and healthy upbringing).

    It all comes down to the worship of rich people, which may be an
    ancient instinct from a time that it made sense. The best most capable hunter/gatherer might have the biggest pile of meat at his tent, and he
    might be able to trade for the best hides. He might look the best, the wealthiest, as he may actually have been the best. Living in bands and
    clans, hopefully without the possibility to make people slaves, living
    by their own hands, those who worked well may have had it well.

    These days things have changed somewhat, and sometimes a lot, but people
    didn't notice. You realize we are putting seeds in the ground now ? Plants
    and stuff ? Heard of it ? We put cattle within enclosures, rather than
    hunt them in the wild ? No, never noticed it ? I guess so ! Go educate
    yourself then, and do better becaues this mess you are living is coming
    down on you, and it will hurt. Wealth doesn't equal someone doing a good
    job. It is often just the opposite: they managed to control a lot of
    other people and own land in huge amounts, or they are even part of
    outright criminal networks and gangs, and this is how they heap their
    wealth. Basically, they steal it. They steal the land from under you,
    and they steal your hard work because you have nowhere else to go.

    Sorry to go on about it. Absolutely nothing is going to get through to
    these people, at least not in word. Maybe they will all start to be a
    bit different, once they have come face to face with death on an epic
    scale. They think it won't happen, and then when it gets close, they say
    it has become unavoidable. This is such a joke, I have seen it. First
    they pretend a problem doesn't exist, and then when it starts to blow up
    in their face, they say it is so big they cannot fix it anymore. The
    problem either doesn't exist, or is unfixable, this is how they worm
    themselves out of their own responsibility.

    They always have a reason to do nothing, or try something bizarrely
    ineffective making it worse such as now this Basic Income super communism
    idea - a massive centralization of power. Not "always" do things go
    bad, but often when things get really bad and the problems get serious,
    like war and economic/financial crises and hyper inflation, this is the reaction. Small problems seem solvable and often do get solved reasonably.
    Big problems they give up. However it is the big problems which cause
    many of the small problems. You have to solve the big problems also,
    sooner or later, and by this time we are plenty late, close to too late.

    Time for childish politics is over, time for fixing small problems while ignoring big problems is over. Big problems need solving. Without that
    this world and humanity will not stabilize itself and then it has no future.
    No going to the stars, no big adventure, no happiness, but right at the
    moment that anything was possible, the most retarded reasons for war and
    self annihilation. This is the behavior of humanity at large. Too much
    all for themselves, and then together to hell they go.

    There is some good, but it is not strong enough, not organized enough,
    and also far too confused. That is not acceptable. It has to change immediately. We are already thousands of years late. If anyone thinks
    this is about me wanting power:

    ... that is what they will think I guess, truly a baboon species without
    hope. Why not sink the whole mess back into the stone age from where
    they came. Hey, this whole technology thing, people flying on birds in
    the sky ? It was merely a dream ! It never happened. Go hunt some
    rabbits and dig some roots. Look over there, see that stick ? That's a
    very nice stick, isn't it. Go grab it while you can, hurry, you can dig
    for roots with it ! Good luck ! You wanted shopping and pizza ? Ah yes,
    but then you also have to get serious and keep things going right, don't
    you think ? You need to set up a society which can function correctly.
    You didn't want to do that so, choices are choices ... better start
    digging for those roots now, the night is coming in already. If you fail
    too often, you will be dead too, and maybe then you will learn.

    This is probaly better in the end: back to the stone age with this species.
    You agree ? Your inaction says: yes, I agree ! You think this is talk ?
    With nukes pointing in all directions, and a buch of psychos at the
    button, who seem hellbent on depopulating the planet except for a slaves
    caste they will use for their own future enjoyment ? You cannot believe
    it is this bad ? Then maybe you will learn how bad it is when you see
    the great dying with your own eyes - for as long as you can survive it
    yourself that is.

    Picture Nazi Germany with Hitler, but now it is as big as the USA,
    because it is the USA ... and then all the other psycho run Empires have
    their own crazy criminals in charge, and there are tens of thousands of
    nukes between them, while Hitler only had some early rockets like the
    V2. Now this whole mess is going to go to war on each other, to keep you
    busy and kill you off. World War 2 will probably look like fireworks
    compared to this. 2 nukes where dropped in World War 2, and perhaps
    there where only 3 of them in the world (I don't know). Today it is
    thousands and thousands of nukes, and much bigger than those. Then we have everything we don't know, with robotic weapons starting to be developed
    which may be used effectively for repression of the population. The
    whole infrastructure could be weaponized at some point.

    Are people worried, are they getting serious already ? Committees are
    formed, posters behind windows ? Only the rarest, the usual few who
    care. The rest is preoccupied about walking their dogs, and if their
    house is warm without it costing too much. The whole world is starting
    to go bad, and the biggest worry most people seem to have is if they
    have the latest and best shoes. I care about shoes too, but i also try
    to care a little about the Big Questions which need solving and above
    all: doing. What all that is I could write it down again, but this is
    already too long. I wrote it all down many times, but no answer, no
    rebuke either, just nothing - silence. Ah the weapon of silence, it
    always was among the most potent ones.

    How crazy this world is: many people see things aren't going well, and
    what do they do ? They ask their idol for help, but their idol doesn't
    even exist. This is how insane this world is.

    Hence it is critical for Israel to give the right example, or any other
    Nation but there doesn't seem to be any Nation willing. No example,
    then no understanding. They don't think, and it is also the case that uncertainties are great. There is nothing like seeing an example working
    fine. The world needs an example.

    For the first one to give the example, things are relatively hard and uncertain. They need to be smart enough to try it to see the future
    in it, brave enough to risk it, and competent enough to see it through
    and make it a success - if of course the thing they are trying has to
    be good enough to become successful. Israel was given the Torah, and
    although they asked for a King, it at least had important elements such
    as land for all as a right, and many other things. It didn't go great in absolute terms, but it did (I think) much better than all the other
    Nations, for as long as it was in operation.

    After asking for a King, at least they limited their King somewhat. Sadly
    it never became something really great and wholesome, something truly impressive, something that could go on forever. Their Kings did a lot of damage, although they had the good luck of having a few good ones too.
    Hence it became a dictatorship, once thy asked for a King and sidelined
    their wise men, the Prophets as they called them. It was limping,
    eventually it collapsed. From most tribes of this time we know next to
    nothing, and from those that we do know a lot because of their enormous Empires, it is clear that much of it is completely crazy. Israel
    however, their culture from those times is still existing. This is
    remarkable to say the least. This is epic. Their attempt was still so
    great, that their culture exists in an unbroken line until today, and it
    isn't even a crazy culture either - like the mad gods of Egypt or Rome.
    The Torah is very impressive. It is a sophisticated law system and
    correct economic model also. You don't see that a lot, do you !

    Perhaps it was good enough to make it to the end, or good enough of a
    start. I don't know, but what we see nowadays in the Nations and the
    Zionist rebel State is not going to be good enough. The ongoing war
    threat is proof of that, and that the rich get richer again, and the
    poor get poorer. The whole mess is still going on.

    We have not managed to make the difference with the Social Democrats,
    a Republic and a Capitalist system. It had it's points, it wasn't all
    bad, but it didn't make it stable. I think this was not only due to
    bad will. It is a system which is fundamentally unstable in mostly the
    economy. The Republic then gets dragged down by the centralizing
    economy, by the super rich (a Plutocracy, rule by the rich).

    An example Nation is needed, doing enough things correctly. It can be
    any Nation, but the logical choice is ... Israel. Israel did it before,
    they are sworn to it, their Torah is great. Otherwise ... the Swiss ?
    You think they will at least distribute the land to all ? These people
    are historically idolators, to the western idol. They seem to have
    something to teach humanity about democracy, but is it enough ? Will the English do it, because they have jury justice ? Will they stabilize
    their Nation, with justice and peace for all, despite all their Imperial adventures, and the notorious City of London in their midst ? I doubt
    it. Will the Dutch do it, because they rebelled Catholicism and live on
    the sea bed, which is rather odd. What are the chances that they at
    least will engage in this one big missing element in modern societies,
    which is the right to free land for all ? How about miniscule to zero.
    I live here after all, so I guess I should know. I was even once told
    that "the people" are against this idea, even if they are poor. I think
    that is probably correct. The shallowness of mind is great, and it seems
    most people prefer to be well paid slaves rather than free people ?

    It looks like Israel is going to have to do it, again. Sorry, but you
    also benefit, and someone has to do it. Israel will save humanity. This
    is what we have all been told, because we can read your Prophets just as
    well as you can. You will give the lead, you are the right people for
    it. If you do it well enough, the other Nations will see and learn. By
    this, humanity might stabilize itself finally, and from there ...
    eternity might open for all of us. Finally the humans made it, from
    basically being an animal, to being a creative tool using species who
    has the power of farming and animal husbandry under it's belt and knows
    how to deal with these powers correctly. That was what it was all about
    I guess - a rather mundane and perhaps even simple job in the end. How
    to grow a plant. It has had more implications than anyone could have
    foreseen I suppose (well...), because it led to settled life, and that
    led to all the rest of the changes. The changes are major, from hunter
    gatherer to farming and settled life. This adaptation has not been made correctly, to this day.

    Stop grabbing land, stop being a hunter-gatherer wil the land itself.
    Humans are behaving themselves too much like wild animals, who fight for territory. This does not work anymore. Go on with it too long though,
    with the fighting, and you essentially make a choice to be animals. Then animals live as animals do, and you will likely return to a condition
    where you can safely live like animals - and that is in the stone age as
    hunter gatherer bands and clans. A very small population, maybe a couple
    of million on the whole Earth. If you cannot change your mind from this hunter-gatherer mindset, this need to get more and more of everything
    like it is a war of survival, more and more by stealing and denying
    other people what they need, then you live like an animal and you create
    the conditions for humanity to return to being just another mammel
    animal. Animals are also typically hunter-gatherers. They get what they
    can, fighting for dominance, etc.

    You don't fight for dominance with nukes, and you don't need to own half
    a Continent before you can have a good life, but still want more and
    more never ending more, never ending hunger for power. Humanity has to
    stop living like an animal, with high technological tools which belong
    in the more advanced age of farming and settled life. A farmer gives
    everything their place, and prevents one thing to dominate the others.
    Cabbages here, and grain over there, and all kept healthy for a balanced
    diet. This you should have learned, and also applied to yourselves. Flip
    (name) goes have his land over here, and Truusje over there, etc.
    Everyone gets their place and can have a life. If you don't need land,
    you can always rent it out and get it back later if you change your

    So simple, and still they don't seem to understand a thing. The cost of
    this feigned ignorance will be great, you have been warned, and all your killing and dying won't change a thing unless we are back in the Stone
    Age again I guess. You still have to do what is right, or you will wake
    up in this Stone Age and whine all day about how you lost your cozy bed.
    See, it is a big loss to go back to the Stone Age. Life will be harsh
    and short. You don't want that, do you. All our wishes are basically fullfilled, anything a stone age hunter gatherer could dream off exists,
    from warm caves and still look outside, to more you couldn't even
    imagine it back then at all ... and all we have to do in order to
    safeguard all these achievements is ... to be nice to each other, but seriously. Seriously nice, as in: afford each other a life and a voice,
    a life is land, and a voice is power. If we are nice to each other, this
    will stabilize everything.

    Such are the choices we face, I guess.
    Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
    with a multi-facetted implementation plan. http://market.socialism.nl

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