• "Moshiach" and the fable the Rabbis think is an off chance now

    From Jos Boersema@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 12 18:44:39 2023
    title: Mashiach will return ALL the Jews to Israel, return prophecy and
    rid the world of false religions.
    link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEKt_WktjI0
    source: Lawrence Hajioff

    Haha "once he reveals himself, we are all gonna know". In your
    dreams. It's going to be that easy, eh ? Nobody is going to put someone claiming to be "moshiach" in a psychiatric ward, first ?

    The Rabbis are going to cave in when "moshiach" shows where the Rabbis
    broke the Torah and put their own people in exile, as it says that
    Hashem will take away the tail and the head in one fell swoop - isn't
    that about the leaders of Israel, which include the Rabbis ? They all
    think they have it right, just like all the other religions, and they
    just can't bring themselves to admit it.

    Twice the Rabbis had it wrong at least, which makes for a strong element
    of fear to make another mistake, so what makes you think it will be this
    easy ? I think it won't be easy at all. You _thought_ you had everything figured out, that you are right about all these things and the Torah, and therefore on a good day, your moshiach will just open the door and say to someone "hey dude, I'm moshiach, let's crown be and Redeem Israel", then
    there will be consternation "oh my Gosh the moshiach _revealed himself_
    let's get the Sanhedrin together and test him!" - after a day and a half, moshiach is crowned after having been fully tested and everything was
    fine. Yeah, everything is fine at the mental hospital that is, where
    they have another costumer.

    Come on, you know that this is the way it would go, don't you. But my
    point is also: if the Rabbis where right about all this stuff, the Torah,
    then you cannot be in exile. The Torah is quite clear: if you keep to
    the Torah, your God will redeem you. While I agree that the Rabbis
    aren't the same as Israel, it is still a sizeable group of people,
    with a significant following. Why isn't this group Redeemed ? Why do
    they suffer in the exile ?

    Hence, it makes no sense really. The Rabbis are also breaking with the
    Torah, or I don't understand why you are not Redeemed already. Then it
    follows: if you are not following the Torah correctly and completely
    but have it broken down too much, watered it down I guess, then by
    stubbornness you will have an issue with "the moshiach" if he says "and
    Oh by the way, you Rabbis of Israel need to repent right now". Yeah,
    like you guys are going to accept that. Not.

    I could prove that myself. It is 100% crystal clear that the prosbul is
    a complete lie and a fraud and everything that is attached ot that will
    have to fall. Is that the entirety of Rabbinical Judaism ? Maybe so, we
    will have to see. The prosbul is theft. The Lamp of Helena is idolatry,
    worship of the Sun - totally prohibited, there is even a death penalty
    on it. The prosbul is so bad, that the Torah mentions the word "brother"
    in relation to these loans, and also mentions that Israel may ask
    interest from other Nations. Not from brothers, not from other people
    within the Nation of Israel. You could infer from this, that if you
    break these laws, you are no longer a brother.

    You are acting as the Nations toward your own people, or as a Jew may act toward the Nations. You could argue from that, that you have declared
    yourself to not be part of Israel anymore. You could make it that severe
    I guess. The exact opposite should have happened: the rich who refused
    to do their easy loans job according to the Torah, should for example
    have been thrown out of the Nation, after easier punishments failed to
    have an effect. Instead, Israel gets defiled by this greed, they start worshiping the Plutocracy, become just another failed gentile Nation,
    and get thrown out of their country according to the promises and their Covenant in the Torah.

    Hence, it is clear that the Rabbis refuse to acknowledge truth on such a seemingly small but abundantly obvious matter as the 7th year loan cancellation, then basically they have proven themselves to be beyond
    rebuke. No matter how obvious, they will refuse a "righteous rebuke"
    based on the Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu himself - the God of Israel. What a
    farce and what a joke, what a shame.

    If they cannot accept such a simple rebuke and return to the truth, they
    are stuck and if any "moshiach" comes with maybe different or even the
    same rebuke or many more rebukes than just this, they will also likely
    refuse it. Of course there is the off chance that they won't, or there
    is like incomprehensible miracles - but there are reasons I can see for
    why that is not supposed to happen. A person is supposed to be able to
    hear the crying of someone who looks like nothing, to raise them up and
    listen to their problems, to help them. If you cannot do that, I mean
    ... then is there a future ? Maybe not. Hence it can all be seen as a
    test, and this is certainly how I see it; explicitly so.

    Rabbis: fail. Humanity: fail. Israel in general: fail. Israel is still
    the closest to the truth though, probably in the whole world - even so,
    not good enough yet. This whole mess, and we see it in the Zionist rebel
    state, cannot continue. Back to the Stone age is better than this mess continuing, because it will probably become an incredibly harsh high technological Dystopian nightmare, and then what. I could be wrong but I seriously worry about that. Perhaps I watched too many science fiction
    movies. ;-)

    I think that the mistake in the thinking of a lot of people is, that
    they think that there can be like a magical solution for once, and then everything will be fine for everyone, even for people who are not
    willing to listen to someone who is hurt badly and seems like nothing,
    someone who needs an easy loan for example. However the thing that they
    are missing is: these people with a failing social side, aren't they
    just going to recreate problems all around them all over again ? Isn't
    that what they are doing now, and so that will continue ? If there is
    some kind of magical setting everything right, for people who cannot
    operate that kind of a society under the laws of nature and their own decisions, then by the time the "magic wears off" and centuries tick by,
    who is there to keep things straight ? How can those who want to keep
    things straight win against the pressure of the lesser social element,
    the greed and the decadence these people represent, the moral weight of
    them. These lesser moral people might be impressed for once, maybe out
    of fear, act nice for a while, but what happens on the long term, what
    happens on the infinite term.

    Therefore it makes sense to me that as a test also, as the proof in the
    pudding if you will: this "moshiach" in Israel or whereever, will indeed
    one day open the door and say to someone "hey dude, I'm moshiach, how
    about some Redemption today?", and if that person doesn't have the
    integrity to look at that seriously at least for a bit until a fair
    conclusion can be made, than that might be the end of the Redemption at
    least for that day already. It gets stuck, because an ordinary person
    couldn't get himself to listen carefully to another ordinary person.
    That ends it all, doesn't it. If they can though, everything changes,
    the future is bright: the people care for each other ! The sky isn't
    even the limit. Redemption today !


    Of course, everything purely hypothetically.

    Then ... some dark conclusions and futures start to emerge, because if
    Israel is stuck, the Rabbis refuse to be rectified and for all these
    reasons the "moshiach" ends up rejected (might literally be sitting in a psychiatric institution in Yerushalayim, who knows) ... then how does
    Israel get unstuck ? What happens when Israel refuses to do the Torah ?
    The Torah has the answer. It is in the punishment section. Every
    punishment gets 7 times worse. Last punishment was the holocaust,
    therefore the next one will be 7 holocausts into one event.

    Amazing isn't it, such catastrophic consequences from a seemingly minor mistake. It is like it is almost a toss up, it could both ways. However, probably not, as the Rabbis have been hard necked since many centuries.
    For many times already, they have held fast to lies such as the prosbul.
    It was unlikely to change. Hence the future could well be, that Israel
    and it's Rabbis will end up being wiped out in the coming years; right
    at a time when it was perfect for the Redemption to happen with a
    minimum of trouble.

    Choices choices I guess ... Israel has made her choices, and so has the
    world. It looks to me like bad choices, and you will regret it - if you survive, which is not that good a chance. Perhaps they will still start repenting on the last moment, do what is right, when not too many have
    died. Maybe everything will go different and much better, but I doubt it.
    There are also far too many who non-act, like "the public". They just
    sit and watch, try to follow the herd, and that's that. Most people
    probably are that way, they will follow the herd, and the herd follows
    it's usual leaders, and this often involves following the rich.

    Then in these ways, it will come true that the coming of "moshiach" and
    the final Redemption, will be a series of horrific and deadly events.
    If you had admitted to the prosbul being a fraud 10 years ago, who knows
    that it might have triggered the moshiach revealing himself as you seem
    to want, and everything going much better. You couldn't do it, so then
    you will die with the lie I guess, die with the fraud.

    There is no discussion possible on the prosbul. It is a lie and a fraud.
    You know this. If you go on with it, you become fraudulent and a liar,
    if you pretend to care for the Torah - and you are the people of Israel
    who are sworn to it. If you accept that, then stop lying about it. If
    you want to continue with those lies, how can there be a Redemption. You
    mess it up right away or later. There has to be a people willing to be
    good, to live in a Redeemed Israel. If it was possible to have bad or
    not so good people do it, it could have been done ages ago, right ? It
    wasn't, so there seems to be the proof: it remains a requirenment that
    the people make their own choices to be good, and it all hinges upon
    that. They are allowed to choose bad, and then bad consequences come,
    but they are still allowed to make their own choices.

    This is how I see it. I could be wrong, but we shall see. Israel seems
    to be going into World War 3, on the side of Buddha (Super nova dance
    festival celebrated Buddah, big statue there), and with the thievery of
    the prosbul on their law books, and with the Lamp of Helena idol remade
    right now and waiting in Yerushalayim to be revered once again on the
    Temple Mount - Sun worship by Israel on the Temple Mount for the 3rd
    Temple. That is their plan.

    If you are in any way Jewishly religious, you should be afraid.

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    with a multi-facetted implementation plan. http://market.socialism.nl

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