• USA & Vassals versus Russia & China ? (told you so)

    From Jos Boersema@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 12 17:12:51 2023
    Title: US must be ready for simultaneous wars with China, Russia,
    report says https://www.reuters.com/world/us-must-be-ready-simultaneous-wars-with-china-russia-report-says-2023-10-12/


    I wrote about the likelihood of this happening 10 or more years ago, and
    that was when "everyone" thought of Russia as just another place on the
    map, and nothing too much out of the ordinary, and for China the same.

    The reason for this possible war (which is World War 3), has nothing
    to do with Russia or China in the sense that they did anything wrong or
    out of the ordinary. The reason is the extreme corruption all over the
    world in the area of finance and monetary policy. They are printing the currencies into destruction, because they can. Nobody stops them, and this
    is profitable for the criminal bankers at the top.

    It is also a matter of the National Debt pyramid scam (paying for debt
    with more debt) imploding. These issues would create a severe economic problem, which in turn drives popular political resistance. When people
    have to pay too much for food, they start Revolutions. In order to
    control this problem, the enemy would use war on a bigger scale.

    The only sensible way I can see to have a large scale war which would
    scare the populations enough, is to have this war with Russia. There
    is also a reason to add China to the mix, because while Russia may
    seem scary, they are badly outnumbered by the USA and its conquests
    (mainly European Nations, subverted under the UN, EU and Nato, as well as infiltrated by the USA in countless way).

    Since China produces so much for the whole world, it could also be
    convenient to blame war for the cutting off of this trade. The game
    could be played in such a way that it could be war rethoric and political decisions cutting off this trade, while the people with the deeper understanding knew that China would soon have no reason to export to the
    west anymore anyway because western currencies may have become
    worthless. In any case, steering toward a confrontation with China puts
    cards like this on the table for the global criminal ruling class.
    Whether or not any of these cards will be played, I do of course not

    So the story becomes this:

    * 2008 was the central event. The banks where saved, and the world was
    destroyed to make that happen. The world sold it's "soul to the devil"
    for some short term gains and eventual World War 3 & Tyranny. It

    * 2001 9/11 was a preparadion of that event and what was to come later,
    because they knew they where going to be more or less turning the USA
    into a Tyranny to supress public anger over economic conditions.
    Here they prepared the domestic USA Tyranny in law, and they used the
    wars in the Middle East to strengthen the system by which they would
    put down this Tyranny: the US Army. The torturing of people, the
    lawless imprisonment, the attrocities and the bloodlust of the USA,
    was created out of this event "9/11". The event itself was done by the
    US ruling class themselves. It worked.

    * 2014, the bloody Obama-Nazi coup d'etat in Kiev Ukraine, was more or
    less the mechanism to create war with Russia. Again the USA puts the
    radical right in power in Europe, overthrows a democracy (while laying
    claim to it), and points this weapon against Russia. It worked.

    * Corona was also meant to pave the way for (global) Dictatorship and
    general subservience. The populations acted as true slaves. It seems
    proven that Tyranny will work on these people. It also centralized the
    economy further, and made the population have something to blame for
    economic problems - economic problems which where indeed also caused
    by the Corona policies.

    * 2022 Invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Not the fake one in 2014, but now
    it is real. Keep in mind that Putin is a friend with Kissinger, he
    plays "the game" according to Col. Al Martin (see his book), and came
    to power in conjunction with Yeltsin - who was a western stooge. I
    suspect the whole war is cooked up between the USA & Russian
    criminals, but this is not certain (backstabbing between Vassals and
    masters happens).

    * 2023.I guess it was a matter of time before something like the
    Israel-Hamas war was going to happen. It has been a while since Corona
    faded from attention, however the problem remains: massive insane
    Monetary and financial policies, destroying the world economy for the
    benefit of a sick clique of power hungry criminals.

    It looks like Israel will just keep bombing Gaza, until some of the
    Nations in the Middle East will join the war. Did Syria declare war on
    Israel ? There seem to be serious problems in the financial sector
    breaking out now. It is possible that the current military situation
    will be escalated step by step until we reach a nuclear war. It seems
    also possible that this could still be drawn out over many years. I
    neither have the financial information or expertise to know how long
    they can "kick the can down the road" some more.

    I note though, that what I was expecting to happen, could easily have
    been wrong due to the large uncertainties in what the criminals in
    power might decide. The uncertainties are large, but the criminal
    element is also relatively predictable I guess. You just imagine the
    worst possible kinds of people, and then what they would do to gain
    absolute power. Then what you expect start to match what you see
    happening. They will always try to pretend to be good people however,
    they need co-operation from lesser groups who are less evil, so they
    clothe everything in what seems to be moral (of course).

    Then when the war is over, they will parade themselves around as the
    peace makers and the saviors. Probably they will roll out a new set of
    heads to do that. This makes it seem more real to people. We can
    probably recognize them by a heavy handed propaganda around a One World Government, combined with a shallowness / meaninglessness of their
    program, an increase in central control, emotional and melodramatic, and
    the best propaganda. If the world breaks apart in a greater way, they
    could be beaten back and may put up a nationalist tone, if that gets
    them results. They will do whatever gets results. With "results" I mean:
    more money and power for them.

    You will not see them propose something like I am proposing, for
    example, because this is a system of power *distribution* rather than *centralization*. Notice that they can sell a program of power
    centralization as if it is power distribution, or moreover they can even
    sell an actual program of power distribution, and still get away with
    power centralization. This is how crazy this planet is, and how shallow
    it's people. In the end, the program proposed will simply not get done,
    but become a tool to gain power instead. Didn't Napoleon do that too ?
    It is already history that this happens on Earth.

    My program is designed to defeat these people, by giving good people the
    ideas - in detail - to set up a functioning and good system. It is a
    dynamic system of markets and democracy, and it is designed for a

    Humans chose to support evil and ignorance ever since 2001, the
    consequences will be horrific and historic. Prepare. Giving charity is
    probably the best way of preparing, by the way. Besides that I would
    invest in everything, especially food, water filtration, camping and
    survival. Also note that if you can take care of you, at least you don't
    burden someone. If you can take care of yourself well, you may be able
    to save people their lives. Don't give in to American dystopia and
    zombie propaganda, it's a lie designed to create atomization and disintegration, so that the criminals will be unoposed with their
    message of unity under their control.

    I also think: don't go to their camps, it may very well be a death trap. Remember how the death camps in Germany where supposed to be holiday destinations and places for good honest work and such ? Sending back
    postcards ? Don't go to their camps. If you are stocked you can avoid
    their traps. I don't know exactly what is going on of course, but these
    people are insane and deadly, and the more or less run the world. Not
    really of course ... the Creator does, but as a punishment system I
    guess. For now they are dangerous.

    Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
    with a multi-facetted implementation plan. http://market.socialism.nl

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