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Next time Alex Jones broadcasts his hatred for innocent Muslims who love God and Justice, while advancing bankers should not have to pay any taxes.. we all should do something seriously about it.
Satanic Traitor to God and America, Alex Jones
stated for our records, on Nov. 15 2016,
"They keep saying Assad not stepping down is
what did it. He is ready to step down when ISIS
and al-Qeada pull out. THEN THEY'LL HAVE ELECTIONS.
We the People have elections, and Alex Jones as
Satanic, wars America to not know so.. Running cover
for Obama the war criminal, responsible with Clinton
for financing ISIS TERRORIST ATTACKS against the
freedom to be we the people as fairly civilized.
Alex Jones is here to kill you American loser
Next time Alex Jones broadcasts his hatred for innocent Muslims who love God and Justice, while advancing bankers should not have to pay any taxes.. we all should do something seriously about it. Next Rightard that advances no care for Trump now not
having a wall built, or Trump's apparent good woman friend Hitlery not being arrested for funding ISIS, or even for Justice on the main terror strikes here at 9/11, Sandy Hook, and the Boston bombings.. We should all ask ourselves, just who do these
demon false accusing enemies of civility take us for?
All Americans do with their rigged elections, is war Democracies for Saudi Arabia. They know now, that Trump lied about the wall, about repealing Obamacare, and about having Hitlery arrested for funding ISIS to mass murder the innocent poor in
Democracies. They know, Trump and Alex Jones are selling if the THIEVING bankers pay no taxes, the poorest of Americans will benefit handsomely.. And when Alex Jones says that, like two days ago with Ventura, they do not advance his arrest for high
treason as Satanic liar.. or campaign for a free fair word spoken.. No, toll roads are what America can look forward to, to put all Americans to work as Trump now dictates.
The elections were rigged in Nevada you cock suckers.. ..These Rightard whores are false accusing Bushite slaves.. who will Americans to die forsaken a fair say here on 9/11. Think of the trillions stolen, that these whores for evil, express zero care
to have returned plus interest. Instead, whores with Trump, who lied about building a wall, repealing Obamacare, and having Obama arrested for high treason for STILL warring with ISIS to kill freedom for our Humanity. Think this, they refuse to forward
any demands for Justice. No justice regarding the thieving of trillions, or on 9/11, Sandy Hook, or the Boston bombings.. No instead they war Democracies for Saudi Arabia..
Syria is a Democracy, Saudi Arabia is Dictatorship
Alex Jones and the Rightards tell religiously, that any that question Trump’s position on why he like Alex Jones lies as nakedly SATANIC about Syria, to run cover for Hitlery and Obama the war criminals.. are 'the left' to further war Democracies as ISIS
for Saudi Arabia.
Satanic Traitor to God and America, Alex Jones
stated for our records, on Nov. 15 2016,
"They keep saying Assad not stepping down is
what did it. He is ready to step down when ISIS
and al-Qeada pull out. THEN THEY'LL HAVE ELECTIONS.
We the People have elections, and Alex Jones as
Satanic, wars America to not know so.. Running cover
for Obama the war criminal, responsible with Clinton
for financing ISIS TERRORIST ATTACKS against the
freedom to be we the people as fairly civilized.
Alex Jones is here to kill you American loser
All Americans do with their rigged elections, is war Democracies for Saudi Arabia. They know now, that Trump lied about the wall, about repealing Obamacare, and about having Hitlery arrested for funding ISIS to mass murder the innocent poor in
Democracies. They know, Trump and Alex Jones are selling if the THIEVING bankers pay no taxes, the poorest of Americans will benefit handsomely.. And when Alex Jones says that, like two days ago with Ventura, they do not advance his arrest for high
treason as Satanic liar.. or campaign for a free fair word spoken.. No, toll roads are what America can look forward to, to put all Americans to work as Trump now dictates.
The elections were rigged in Nevada you cock suckers.. ..These Rightard whores are false accusing Bushite slaves.. who will Americans to die forsaken a fair say here on 9/11. Think of the trillions stolen, that these whores for evil, express zero care
to have returned plus interest. Instead, whores with Trump, who lied about building a wall, repealing Obamacare, and having Obama arrested for high treason for STILL warring with ISIS to kill freedom for our Humanity. Think this, they refuse to forward
any demands for Justice. No justice regarding the thieving of trillions, or on 9/11, Sandy Hook, or the Boston bombings.. No instead they war Democracies for Saudi Arabia..
Syria is a Democracy, Saudi Arabia is Dictatorship
Alex Jones and the Rightards tell religiously, that any that question Trump’s position on why he like Alex Jones lies as nakedly SATANIC about Syria, to run cover for Hitlery and Obama the war criminals.. are 'the left' to further war Democracies as ISIS
for Saudi Arabia.
Trump, I want to be your friend.. Let us talk freely with the facts that count for everything. Alex Jones is here to trick you into not supporting fair say for everyone. Willing to con American GIs further for Obama’s lies.. A moderate terrorist, is a
terrorist that murders innocent people as apposing freedom to be we the people.
President Trump Must Be Made Aware: Trillions Have Been Embezzled
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2q3CFHVSfs&feature=share https://bitster.cz/file/a7c7bf
http://www.anafile.com/8me9v4xkb4ds.html http://www.basicupload.com/da5im2hqr2y7
http://www.thaicyberupload.com/get/kMJzdBf7eS http://www.rodfile.com/vbpke01hj5za
Alex Jones and the Rightards tell religiously, that any that question Trump’s position on why he like Alex Jones lies as nakedly SATANIC about Syria, to run cover for Hitlery and Obama the war criminals.. are 'the left' to further war Democracies as ISIS
for Saudi Arabia. Trump, I want to be your friend.. Let us talk freely with the facts that count for everything. Alex Jones is here to trick you into not supporting fair say for everyone. Willing to con American GIs further for Obama’s lies.. A
moderate terrorist, is a terrorist that murders innocent people as apposing freedom to be we the people.
Trillions have been stolen..
Trillions have been stolen through extortion and embezzlement.. All must be returned plus interest.. and people are going to prison for Sandy Hook and the Boston bombings too.. after fairly tried.. The evidence dictates what we find as reality.. No
evidence to form a conclusion for capital allegations, such as, "bin Laden did 9/11", has American soldiers dying with lies for the bad guys - cheating all of America of a better future by criminal sacrifice.. God wills justice, ask any Prophet.
American soldiers are dying at the hands of Hitlery and
Obama, financing ISIS to kill America - HIGH TREASON..
THINK MAN.. American soldiers are dying at the hands of Hitlery and Obama, financing ISIS. Let's impeach, and demand a real paper ballot election that is fair of our measure. Trump is speaking some crazy things. No repeal of Obamacare.. NO WALL.. He is
putting Jamie Dimon THE THIEF, in charge of the Treasury.. He is not demanding a return of all stolen funds, numbering in the trillions.. while advancing toll roads against the Public's interest.
Mr. Trump.. my name in John Kinal.. I need your help here in Canada to save countless lives, and you need my own, being a true wise guy. Let's talk freely about what we can do together to be fair to all here.. beyond bigotry.. What do you say? Check out
this video, regarding something truly horrific going on in Winnipeg Canada.. I tell no lies.. Our poor are being mass murdered, while the police have been made powerless..
Syria is a democracy, in where they mint their own money.. That is why these demons cheat us the facts that count for something. The reason being, that if Americans learned of what the founders were talking on.. they would demand it for themselves..
instead of blindly paying 'back' J.P. Morgan and Goldman for money they never covered.. TV America wars God and Humanity as evil false accusing bigot whores of Satan.
President Trump
- Defend Innocent Lives..
Take the Stand for our Fellow Man.
Who are you cheating as enemy cowards refusing to demand a defense for American rights not measured fair? Refusing to command yourselves with the self respect, as committed to freedom for the individual to be all we can be.. Not cheated a fair say openly,
as then told, we must try to compete in a criminal conspiracy... Oh surprise surprise.. we lose. Not so fast...
I demand a criminal investigation begin immediately, regarding the first degree murder of my mother, Jennie Kinal, murdered she was, by Dr. Colister and Dr. Chisic, at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center. Deprived care, while poisoned to die, in an
unelected mass murder program against the poor titled, "Comfort Care". The Winnipeg Police Department refuses to allow Homicide look at the case, as they do routinely, regarding all other victims denied the defense of our Laws in Canada apposing murder.
Evidence on the continuing mass
murders in Winnipeg by the complicit Police
I explain in detail, with recordings of me speaking with the
police, and the Chief Medical Examiner.. The city refuses to
allow me to submit a complaint of murder. Trouble yourself to
listen. Lives are still being stolen, simply for being poor.
Winnipeg Police state unlawfully, under no circumstances will
they allow a complaint of murder to be drawn and forwarded
to homicide - for those of Winnipeg who are chosen, AGAINST
OUR WILL, to be first degree murdered, at the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center. My mother was denied her needed medicines,
while punched out and suffocated. All evidence is freely
available. She nor I, did we will her to die murder victim..
We went to the hospital for help.. If others had warned
us, we wouldn't have sacrificed our lives to these mass
murderers. The Winnipeg police, as recorded several times,
OFFICIALLY claim they are to be left unaccountable as lawless.
There are many other victims here, denied our rules of law.
like anyone else would
Please support a criminal investigation on the recent
murder of Jennie Kinal in Winnipeg. The city forbids
all police agencies from enforcing OUR law against
premeditated murder.. at the Health Sciences Center
4th floor - "Comfort Care" ..mass murder in fact.
Being civilized, is naturally progressing in understanding.
All the prophets will justice as fair say here.. as too,
the astute Atheist. Willing to be free of tyranny.
The only power they have, is our indecision to do right for another.
The poor are clearly being mass murdered in Winnipeg Canada.. and we the People can't yet find the true care to demand Justice in our better names..
Who's with you? I am..
Let's do this thing..
Please support a criminal investigation on the recent
murder of Jennie Kinal in Winnipeg. The city forbids
all police agencies from enforcing OUR law against
premeditated murder.. at the Health Sciences Center
4th floor - "Comfort Care" ..mass murder in fact.
Being civilized, is naturally progressing in understanding.
All the prophets will justice as fair say here.. as too,
the astute Atheist. Willing to be free of tyranny.
They are mass murdering the poor in Winnipeg today..
The only power they have, is our indecision to do right for another.
Evidence on the continuing mass murders in
Winnipeg by the complicit Police - 220+meg file
https://www.europeup.com/rckvic0meqnx.html http://www.multiupfile.com/f/75de9078
"Making allegations of murder you can't prove" - Nonsense.. The recording of the Chief Medical Examiner is all you need listen to. It's like 4 megabytes.. and may give you two minutes of trouble to locate.. Or god, just simply read the post.. There is no
fraudulent allegations your supposing in blind faith.. while I have the recordings of the doctor stating no poisons would be given, while as recorded, he ordered the nurse secretly to do so.. Only possible in a conspiracy, as she could not have performed
the murderous act with me in the room..
Winnipeg Police state unlawfully, under no circumstances will they allow a complaint of murder to be drawn and forwarded to homicide - for those of Winnipeg who are chosen, AGAINST OUR WILL, to be first degree murdered, at the Winnipeg Health Sciences
Center. My mother was denied her needed medicines, while punched out and suffocated. All evidence is freely available. She nor I, did we will her to die murder victim as suicided.. We went to the hospital for help.. If others had warned us, we wouldn't
have sacrificed our lives to these mass murderers. The Winnipeg police, as recorded several times, OFFICIALLY claim they are to be left unaccountable as lawless. There are many other victims
here, denied our rules of law.
like anyone else would
Monica "You don't think there are clauses in Obamacare that do the same??? There ABSOLUTELY ARE"
You have it right.. and even more so... They don't need the death panel idea, instead they just just outright first degree murder. For all autopsies TO DETERMINE CAUSE OF DEATH are banned in Canada, for those who die victim this way.. While Police
headquarters refuse to take all complaints against Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center, 4th floor. I couldn't believe that the newspapers too, were so, a part of these continuing crimes - willing injustice as the most UNGODLY evil to witness yourself, the
silence of contempt for our lives as loved families.. For truly, if any think freely here, there is no phony doubt for lame defense on this, (NO TOXICOLOGY AUTOPSIES EVER?)as found the newspaper is,
an accessory to the continuing first degree mass murder. Get the archive of me speaking to numerous people telling just that.. including the head of pathology, and the Chief Medical Examiner.. How do they get away? They know the demonic newspaper and
magic TV are playing along to con us all. I was told the day before yesterday, of a father coming into the hospital, for a minor issue.. and when his son came back from coffee.. 15 minutes later.. he was notified of the death minutes prior. He has
nothing for evidence, but doesn't believe for a second what he was told. No TOXICOLOGY autopsies are ever allowed, unless ordered by the Chief, who say no every time, with the lamest excuse that
doesn't hold a drop of water.. ..While police too, will not allow any homicide investigators to be made aware.. All these things and more can be found in the evidence archive.. But too, peoples can just simply investigate for themselves, by picking up a
phone.. and calling everybody..
As publicly available recordings, seven separate times. Under no circumstances will the city 'police' allow a complaint of murder to be drawn and forwarded to homicide - regarding the continuing mass murder of the poor.. Many victims. I learned of yet
more murder just yesterday..
Terribly, my mother was recently murdered right in front of me for being poor, at Winnipeg's Health Science Center, 4th floor. Against her will, she was denied medical aid, beaten, and poisoned to die by suffocation.. Under an un-elected murder/suicide
program titled, "Comfort Care".. Recorded video and audio evidence of the crimes freely available with link provided below.. I am begging Humanity for help.. please be human..
This concern was emailed to all city of Winnipeg councilors along with the Mayor, and many provincial MPs.Including the WRHA, and the two Colleges. Including the local papers. Think now of this time going by already my friends, where innocent people are
still not being defended from being murdered by the clear enemies of everyone willing freedom from tyranny.. We need a formal criminal investigation to start immediately. They have so far, for many weeks, refused to do so, in contempt of God and mankind.
Warn others, save lives.
The Winnipeg police are made complicit in the
continuing mass murders of the poor in our city.
They deprive the patient the medicines they need, while poisoning the victim to stop them from breathing.. Please, be human.. please. Warn others.. save innocent lives..
We all need to ask ourselves, why the news media
doesn't think it prudent to defend our innocent lives
from murder in Syria as well.In all these months I've
begged them to help save our lives, the Free Press as
dishonorably to all human beings, has refused to warn
the public of how we are lawlessly taken against our
will to be murdered. Is this contempt for our innocent
lives held by all? I wouldn't think so, nor would any
that held an ounce of our humanity in the balance.
To whom this concerns.
All I demand is my rights defended, and the criminal
investigation get underway, on the recent murder of
my mother, at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center. But
the city and Police refuse to allow Justice to take
place, as clearly treasonous. Turns out, they are now
suspect for mass murdering a great many for seven years
hidden here from newspaper and TV view willfully.. No
longer.. Justice done is freedom won.
What is this world to not express a concern for innocent life
sacrificed? A world truly dying from self contempt. All I ask,
is for we the people to demand a formal criminal investigation,
Justice, of which the Winnipeg Police refuse to allow. Please,
support fair say, as the enforcement of our laws apposing mass
murder. Let us be civilized.
Remember.. Dr. Colister told my mother and I,
that he would not poison my mom with Devil's
Breath or anything else, then did so secretly
with fellow murderer, conspirator Nurse Colette.
I caught them at that, as too, when they attempted
murder in early February. Support a Public Inquest.
Mass Murdering the Poor
in Winnipeg Health Sciences Center
- Police Refusing to Investigate is Criminal
They refuse to make the arrests of those guilty
of premeditated mass murder, refusing all
investigations to transpire, as the most demonic
evil ever witnessed. Listen to the cops laugh in
our faces, to think they would allow OUR laws
be enforced.
The Winnipeg police are complicit in the
continuing mass murders of the poor in our city.
AUDIO of Chief Medical Examiner of Manitoba
TheTruth - (eleven megabyte audio file)
No_police_investigations_allowed_for_murder_in_Manitoba___The_Kinal_Matter. (tiny 4 meg file of police claiming no investigations allowed.)
My mother and I, did not sign up for Comfort Care,
My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we
willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort
Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die.
Open Letter to Canada’s Governor General of Canada,
His Excellency, the Right Honorable David Johnson.
Hello. My name Is John Kinal, and I am a citizen of Canada living in Winnipeg. Terribly, my mother was recently murdered right in front of me at Winnipeg's Health Science Center. Against her will, she was denied medical aid, and poisoned to die under an
un-elected murder/suicide program titled, "Comfort Care". The moment the hospital told me they were poisoning her to die, because she was at "end of life" I demanded they stop immediately - that the allegation was obviously false.. Her doctor for that
week, known as “Dr. T” (something like, Tazarasing) , agreed, and ordered the nurses stop poisoning Jennie Kinal. The head Nurse told AS RECORDED, that Nurse Delaney decided to disobey the
doctor, and went ahead suffocating my mother, with an overdose of hydromorphone, along with an overdose of a diuretic. My mother was pronounced dead the next day from the lie she had, “multiple organ failure”. I was capable of reviving her from her
poisoning, and I ran to the police, and spoke with the college of physicians and surgeons, begging to save my mother from these then caught, attempting first degree murder. The College's spokesperson Irene McDonald told, that they can not get involved in
any criminal allegations, and that the police must be called in, while the police, told eventually, they never had one minute to give the allegation of attempted murder, because Mike at the
Winnipeg Police's, Public Safety Building tells, they never allow capital crime investigations to happen at a hospital, because the doctor is always right, when it goes to court. RECORDED. I went to the police a total of seven times, trying to seek a
defender of the criminal code of Canada's opposition to murder.. Never happened, but for laughs in my face, that my mother being tortured, being punched in the face by the nurse, was not something they would EVER get involved with. My mother was finally
murdered right in front of me 30 days later, by Dr. Colister with Fentanyl and “Devil’s Breathe” in a conspiracy with Nurse Collette.. AS RECORDED..
This is an abbreviated synopsis, with all the evidence recorded, of the most serious of crimes. The day my mother was finally done in, her doctor from the week before, Dr. Semus, told me as recorded, that the first time they tried to have her murdered,
had been expunged from her medical record. Despite my many hours of video recorded, documented the event with several nurses, and doctors.. And my recorded visits to the police.
The Winnipeg Police are complicit in the continuing murders of the poor in our city.
All I ask, is a criminal investigation of my allegations be sought. I have several talks with nurses recorded.. One where nurse Charlene tells, of no one ever escaping their death sentences in seven years, given against our wills, on the hellish, 4th
floor, Health Sciences Center.. Thousands of victims, who’s sin, seems to be, being poor. Please, don’t forsaken the value of my innocent mother’s life, Jennie Kinal. Demand a criminal investigation.. as the Chief Medical Examiner for our province tells
me, he is forbidden to look at patients medical records. RECORDED. Refusing to allow an autopsy too, or to ask my mother’s doctor if she had ordered the stopping of the poisoning.. He is found
complicit, by simply listening to the recorded phone calls yourself, or as a crime scene investigator.. I beg the Queen to intervene, to demand a fair measuring on this continuing crime scene.
Contact me at your earliest opportunity, with any further follow up questions.. so we can get started on freeing ourselves of this dreadful tyranny, that apposes God and our Humanity. What I request, as a sovereign citizen, is my Right, a preliminary
criminal investigation regarding this alleged murder scene, that will easily find these murderers in serious violations, of many laws designed to defend our liberties..
I too, wish this wasn’t so.. The evidence speaks for ourselves..
An Open Letter to Winnipeg's Mayor Brian Bowman:
Under no circumstances will the city allow a
complaint of murder to be drawn and forwarded
to homicide regarding the mass murdering of the poor..
This was emailed to all city of Winnipeg councilors
along with the Mayor, and many provincial MPs.
Including the WRHA, and the two Colleges.
Including the local papers. Think now of this
time going by already, where innocent people are
still not being defended from being murdered by
the clear enemies of being fair as we free of
their ungodly tyranny. We need a formal criminal
investigation to start immediately.
To All Concerned..
An Open Letter to Winnipeg's Mayor Brian Bowman
After talking with the RCMP, I am told that our honorable
Mayor, has the right to ask for a preliminary criminal
investigation, as to whether our laws have been broken,
in respect to my recently murdered mother. Denied health
care, while poisoned to die against her will and my own as
wilful first degree murder. Understand it isn't that any
officer of law in Winnipeg, has in anyway disagreed with
this fair assessment - documented with evidenced video,
and audio recordings included..But to blindly deny all
rights to be defended, because Mike, at the front desk of
the PSB states".. a judge always sides with the Doctor
on criminal matters" - as the reason he gives for why all
are forbidden to be defended by Law equally. He refuses
to allow me file a formal complaint repeatedly. The
recordings with Manitoba's Chief Medical Examiner,
suggest there could be thousands of victims here.. The
Chief apparently can't tell precisely, claiming, he too is
forbidden from reviewing the provably doctored medical
records, of all those alleged murdered, denied
formal investigating.
I, John Kinal, am available for any questions or interview.
Winnipeg Police state unlawfully, under no circumstances will
they allow a complaint of murder to be drawn and forwarded
to homicide - for those of Winnipeg who are chosen, AGAINST
OUR WILL, to be first degree murdered, at the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center.
The Winnipeg police are complicit in the
continuing murders of the poor in our city.
I am begging Humanity for help.. please be human..
My mother Jennie Kinal was taken against her will and my own, and put into the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center mass murder program titled, "Comfort Care". Where my mother's medications as effective health treatment, was denied, while being poisoned with
agents that suffocate and paralyze. We were told we could not leave, or stop them from poisoning her. When asked on March 8th, whether my mother could receive some help with her newly acquired chest infection - I had suggested penicillin or maybe a
antibiotic.. Dr. Chisic told me as recorded, "we don't do that here in Comfort Care" SHE KNOWS she is committing murder with Dr. Colister, by denying my mother the care she deserves, while being
Jennie Kinal was finally murdered at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center by Dr. Collister and Nurse Collette. Earlier in the day that they committed this murder, my mother and I meet with Dr. Collister, that I have recorded - of Dr. Collister, talking to
me and my mother, of how he wants to give my mother 'Devil's Breath'.. (the worst thing imaginable - as it stops the lungs from expelling phlegm.) I say no, because it will only exacerbate her newly acquired chest infection. He can only agree.. and ends
our conversation stating, no new poisons will be prescribed.. (as too we received promise from Dr. Chisic) But Dr. Collister, the murderer, arranges with Nurse Collette to give 'devil's
breath', mixed with her fentanyl when I am absent the room.. of which my mother soon succumbs during the next shift, at the cruel hands of night Nurse, Charlene. Who when I briefly rushed home, thinking she was someone I could trust, she phones me to
tell, my mother will "not be walking out the front doors". And no, she will not revive.. "We don't do that here."
My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we
willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort
Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die.
Did not sign anything to agree to 'Comfort Care'.
Justice done is freedom won.
Who cares for Winnipeg murder victims?
THE CITY REFUSES TO ALLOW A COMPLAINT OF MURDER MADE - My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort Care" - depriving her medicines, while
poisoned to die. Did not sign anything to agree to 'Comfort Care'. All Winnipeg police officers clearly wouldn't support this wicked criminality continuing, but they are not made aware, as the complaints are not allowed to be filed. LISTEN TO THE COPS
TELL ME SO AS RECORDED. We can't remain silenced on this matter of our families being first degree murdered at the lawless hospitals. It's justice for us or further we go bust. All invites for
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