• More of my philosophy about humans.. (1/2)

    From World-News2100@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 6 19:32:53 2021

    More of my philosophy about humans..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am a wise type of person, and i think i am smart,
    i think that humans want to eat good things and humans
    want to have the much more perfect thing or "perfect" thing and
    they want to be happy or much more happy, this is why they are racists
    and hateful and discriminatory, so we have not to waste too much of our
    time, and we have to know how to behave with humans, so we have to
    become much more wise and wise so that to know how to be successful,
    and read my below thoughts so that to know how to be successful.

    More of my philosophy about perfections and imperfections of our world..

    I think i am smart, and i think that our physical world is far from
    being perfect, and it is full of imperfections, this is why i think
    that we can not be happy with the physical world, and i think that the
    best perfection comes from like the immaterial or from our imagination
    and it comes from the software or from digitalization of imagination
    etc., so this is why i am in my poem below saying that by perfecting
    much more imagination this permits us to become peace of the mind and to
    become much more happy, and i think that it is the key to happiness, but
    you have to understand the requirement, this you be a kind of
    detachment(and read about it in my below thoughts), so read my following thoughts so that to understand:

    More of my philosophy about my new poem..

    I think i am smart, and i will explain more my poem below,
    when you look at our world, it is full of imperfections,
    so when for example you think the problem between Israel and Palestine,
    so it is a multifactorial problem, so it is not only jews that are
    responsable of this problem, but it is also palestinians and syrians and
    white europeans etc. that are responsable of this problem, so when you
    become much more wise or wise, you will learn how to not be affected by
    this problem or other problems of the many imperfections of our world,
    so then you will become much more wise or wise and you will start to be
    peace of mind that will permit you to be much more happy.

    Here is my new poem called: "You speak to me about this so beautiful rain"


    You speak to me about this so beautiful rain

    Since it is like you are beautifully flying with an airplane

    You speak to me about this so beautiful rain

    Since it is like you are drinking a beautiful cup of champaign

    You speak to me about this so beautiful rain

    So then how can you flee this evil of pain ?

    Since it is like being again free from the evil chains !

    So how to be again free from the evil chains ?

    It is by fleeing with your imagination and being like the other humane

    So you have to know how to remain this "being" the beautiful thinking of
    the brain !

    So then speak to me again and again about this so beautiful rain !


    More of my philosophy about the gentle man and more..

    I am using the word "gentle" in my below thoughts and writing,
    and here is the definition of gentle man:

    "In absolute terms a gentle man or a gentleman is a man who acts with
    grace, a man of serene carriage, and of quiet noble spirit."

    More of my philosophy about my model of how to be successful..

    I think i am smart, and notice my model below of how to be successful,
    so as you are noticing i am not saying in my model below that you have
    to be smart, but the definition of forethought is: "thinking or planning
    out in advance", so the good forethought is good thinking or good
    planning out in advance, so it means that you have to be smart,
    and being smart is also being the creative that makes the tools that
    make you smart, since when you become rich by being creative you attract talents that are smart people and then you become smart, and notice that
    in my below model that being the average willpower and the average
    perseverance a
  • From World-News2100@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 7 20:29:10 2021

    More of my philosophy about humans..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think that there is in the population "more" than 33% of genetically
    abnormal people that don't know how to think correctly and how to behave correctly, so i think that we have to be aware of it and not accept
    there behavior, and i think that the West has given them rights, but i
    think that it is not acceptable since i don't think that it is a human
    right to give those rights to those abnormal people since they are too problematic.

    More of my philosophy about capitalism and Liberalism..

    I think i am smart and i invite you to look at the following interesting

    Woke, Cancel Culture, Gender studies… Assiste-t-on à une américanisation des idées ?


    I think that the above guy that is talking in the video is not so smart,
    since he has to understand of why today we are giving too much rights to
    gay people and to other groups such as the more sadistic groups and more violent groups or more crazy groups and to other groups that are not
    morally acceptable, i think i am smart and i will say that it is because
    of "consumerism", since capitalism wants to optimize by selling the
    culture or products of those gay people and more sadistic groups or more
    crazy groups and such insane groups etc. and i will for example ask the following question:

    Is the culture of the songs of Micheal Jackson morally acceptable ?

    No, since i think that Micheal Jackson is a kind of "crazy" man that is
    not sane, and the singer Madonna is also a "crazy" women that is not
    sane, but consumerism of capitalism wants to sell the songs or culture
    or products of Micheal Jackson and such insane people so that to make
    much more money, so this is the way of consumerism of capitalism, it is
    also selling crazy things that are not morally acceptable. So as you are noticing that consumerism of capitalism is considering making much more
    money from those insane people a right since they are considering that
    making much more money is of great importance so that to adapt. So i
    think it is the way or tactics of capitalism and Liberalism.

    More of my philosophy about how i am more happy and more..

    I think that i am much more happy since i am understanding that being
    happy is like a lifestyle that is based on some efficient rules that
    permit the emergence of happiness, and i will talk about it more in my
    new philosophy, so i think that we even need some important rules so
    that to be a much more resilient civilization, since i think that there
    is the way of learning people how to become an engineer, but this way of
    doing is lacking very much, and there is also the way of learning people
    how to learn that also permits to efficiently take advantage of this sophisticated tool that we call internet, so i think that this way of
    learning how to learn to people does make our civilization much more
    resilient, since the way of "specialization" of our today civilization
    is also a "weakness" that has to be solved much more efficiently by the
    way of learning people how to learn on internet etc. and here is my
    new proverb that talks about it:

    "I think what is happening in the West and other parts of the world,
    it is that individuals are becoming too stupid, since it is the way of specialization that is required, since the individuals are specialized
    in there jobs so that to enhance much more the efficiency and
    productivity as a society or as group, but this specialization is a
    weakness that is making individuals too stupid, but we can become smart
    working as a group or as a society using the tools of internet etc."

    More of my philosophy about the good professionalism and the good business..

    I think i am a smart guy, and i think i am a wise type of person,
    and i say that there is the methodology of enhancing much more humans by
    making them much more wise or wise, but i think that this takes
    much more time, so i think that the best way and the quick way is to use
    some "mechanisms" to make humans much better, like the mechanism that i
    am using below by talking about how to be the good business or how to be
    the good professionalism, so we have to make people understand the way
    of being the good business and the good professionalism.

    More of my philosophy about the good business..

    I think i am smart, and i am "quickly" understanding that hate
    and negativity are not good for business and they are not good for
    adaptation, so you have to know how to play it "smartly", and here
    is my new proverb that will allow you to understand how you have
    to behave so that to be the good business:

    Here is my new proverb:

    "We can ask of from where comes the attachment of Love between
    a mother and her son ? so i think i am smart and i will say
    that it comes from the fact that it is like a reward, that the son
    is loving or is being the son and the mother is giving a good reward
    like giving him more security or giving him food to eat, so as you are
    noticing that this rule can be applied to consumerism, since
    you can use the same rule with your consumers in a smart
    way, for example by giving the impression to your consumers that
    you take care of there security by learning them with easy or the like,
    and then the consumers will love you much more and will be attracted by

    More of my philosophy about the gentle man and more..

    I am using the word "gentle" in my below thoughts and writing,
    and here is the definition of gentle man:

    "In absolute terms a gentle man or a gentleman is a man who acts with
    grace, a man of serene carriage, and of quiet noble spirit."

    More of my philosophy about my model of how to be successful..

    I think i am smart, and notice my model below of how to be successful,
    so as you are noticing i am not saying in my model below that you have
    to be smart, but the definition of forethought is: "thinking or planning
    out in advance", so the good forethought is good thinking or good
    planning out in advance, so it means that you have to be smart,
    and being smart is also being the creative that makes the tools that
    make you smart, since when you become rich by being creative you attract talents that are smart people and then you become smart, and notice that
    in my below model that being the average willpower and the average
    perseverance and being the desire to excel make you well educated, so i
    think that my below model of how to be successful is a smart abstraction
    of how to be successful. Read again carefully my model of how to be
    successful so that you understand:

    More precision about more of my philosophy about what are my kind of

    I think i am smart, so my kind of people are humans that have a good
    character like having the desire to excel and being the right prudence
    and being the good forethought and being gentle and having an average
    willpower and an average perseverance, and i think that from those kind
    of characteristics we can easily evolve and become quickly much better
    humans, it is also my kind of women.

    More of my philosophy on how to be successful..

    So that to be successful as an individual we can say that we have to
    have the following:

    The right prudence(caution or circumspection as to danger or risk) and
    good forethought, willpower, perseverance, and the desire to excel.

    But i think that you can be successful as an individual by being prudent(caution or circumspection as to danger or risk) and by being a
    good forethought and by having the desire to excel and by having an
    average willpower and an average perseverance.

    And i think that my following proverbs will help you to understand it more:

    Here is my just new proverb and here is my other new proverbs:

    "Consumers are demanding high quality at low prices, so this is
    why you have to master the tools of adaptation, such as having
    a good education with a good education system, since getting
    rich quickly is not the wise thing to do, since mastering the
    tools of adaptation like having a good education will allow
    you to get rich and will allow you to keep you rich, so in this
    proverb of mine the kind of "adaptation" sets the kind of tools that you
    need, so if you need to adapt in internet, so it depends on your kind of adaptation of your kind of job that for example will set the size of
    knowledge about internet that you need so that to adapt efficiently in
    your kind of job, so you are understanding the idea, so this proverb of
    mine is efficient since it is adaptative to the contexts or situations,
    so then you have to be of this right perfection and you have to think
    Economies of scale since they also resulted in the most affordable price
    of any product for the consumer without the manufacturer having to
    sacrifice profits, and you have to be fast exponential growth by also
    using digitalization and you have to be exponential thinking."

    And you can read my new following Proverbs that i have just invented

    I have just invented the following two proverbs that also talks about
    the exponential impact of digital transformation on your business, so i
    invite you to read the following interesting article about it:


    And read my following proverbs about it:

    Here is my new proverb:

    "Being strong can become being weak by containing a small weak part that
    makes you weak, and being weak can become being strong by containing a
    small strong part of great weight of importance that makes you strong"

    Here is my other new proverb:

    "When you want to construct a much better version of yourself so
    that to become successful, there is the first way of the hard working
    way, but the hard working way is not the efficient and smart way, this
    is why you can construct a much better version of yourself
    by being some creative thinking and by being exponential thinking and by
    using the exponential progress and growth brought by digitalization to
    sell on internet your product or service from this some creative
    thinking so that to be successful, so as you notice that this shows that
    we have to be positive about our world, and this shows that my following proverb is truth that actually says the following: The being weak can
    become being strong by containing a small strong part of great weight of importance that makes you strong, since the some creative thinking is a
    small part of great weight of importance that makes you strong, since it
    is not only capital and talents that make you successful, but it is also
    some creative ideas that makes the great Capital that makes you
    successful and the great capital that attracts talents that makes you
    much more successful than successful."

    More philosophy about what does it mean to be mature and more..

    I invite you to read the following interesting article
    about what does it mean to be mature:

    What does it mean to be mature?


    More of my philosophy about can we trust the smartests in how they
    measure what is beauty and Love..

    There is still a philosophical question of:

    Can we trust the smartests among us in how they measure what is beauty
    and Love ?

    This is a really important question that follows from my explanation
    below of is Love and beauty subjective, i think i am smart
    and i will answer it as follows:

    I think we have discovered many sequences, patterns, or methods that
    permit to compose the actual pleasant beauty that we are defining as
    beauty, so then it logically follows that we can not say that beauty is subjective, since also we have not to be pessimistic, since the
    smartests among us that define what is beauty and Love will always
    enhance there intellectual taste and taste that make us adapt correctly
    in defining what is beauty and Love.

    More precision of my philosophy of what is beauty and more..

    Here is more precision of my definition of what is beauty, read it again:

    I think i am smart, and i think i can define beauty with my fluid
    intelligence as the following:

    Beauty comes from both order and harmony, and i think that beauty is
    "order" that is pleasant to the human senses, but this order that is
    pleasant of beauty is an arrangement or disposition according to a
    particular sequence, pattern, or method, and i think an order that is
    pleasant is an arrangement or disposition according to a particular
    sequence, pattern, or method that is more perfect or much more perfect
    or perfect, so when you have disorder that is unpleasant for the human
    senses, so it is not beautiful, so when you look at a circle it is an
    order that is pleasant to look at, this is why a circle is beautiful.

    More of my philosophy about universal Love and beauty..

    I think i am smart, and i think i am a wise type of person,

    Now i can ask the following philosophical questions:

    Does Love is subjective ?

    Does Beauty is subjective ?

    Here is my answer:

    I think i am smart, and i will say that you have to know how to measure
    it, so you have to know how to "prioritize" by weights of importance,
    i mean that that so that to know about beauty, there is two ways of
    doing it, first there is the inferior way of doing it by looking at
    beauty superficially , and it becomes an a not exact appearance and a
    not so good measure, and there is the second way that is like scientific
    and it is to measure beauty with our smartness, by prioritizing and say
    that the smartests and wise persons among us have to measure
    beauty and Love and know if we can calling them beauty and Love and if
    we can accept them as beauty and Love, so then by measuring it this way
    with smartness and wisdom we can then say that Love and beauty don't
    become subjective, and as you have just noticed yesterday i said that
    Love looks like artificial intelligence, since it needs an action that
    merits a reward (as Love), and you can know more about it by reading my following new proverb:

    Here is my new proverb:

    "We can ask of from where comes the attachment of Love between
    a mother and her son ? so i think i am smart and i will say
    that it comes from the fact that it is like a reward, that the son
    is loving or is being the son and the mother is giving a good reward
    like giving him more security or giving him food to eat, so as you are
    noticing that this rule can be applied to consumerism, since
    you can use the same rule with your consumers in a smart
    way, for example by giving the impression to your consumers that
    you take care of there security by learning them with easy or the like,
    and then the consumers will love you much more and will be attracted by

    So then we can say much more precisely that Love needs an action and
    its reward (as Love), but there is individual love that is like a
    process of local optimization and there is universal Love that is a
    process of global optimization in a society that also can comes with a
    "margin" that makes us also be a level of tolerance on this or that
    action. And notice with me that it looks like the optimization of
    particle swarm optimization (PSO) in artificial intelligence, since the
    local optimization of PSO is like the process of individual Love, and
    the global optimization of PSO is like the process of the global Love in
    a society, and of course particle swarm optimization (PSO) in artificial intelligence is like Reinforcement Learning in AI(artificial
    intelligence), since in PSO in artificial intelligence we have the
    actions of the members of the population of PSO that searches for the
    optimal value that are found that are then rewarded by making them the
    values that optimizes further and further towards the global optimum.

    And here is my thoughts about artificial intelligence:


    And speaking about beauty, here is my beautiful poems of Love, read them
    all carefully:


    More of my philosophy about scalability and Gödel's incompleteness
    theorem and more..

    Gödel's incompleteness theorem in mathematics only applies to
    sufficiently strong systems. It is not applicable to systems like
    Presburger arithmetic and first-order logic.

    But FOL(First-order logic) in mathematics is not all-powerful by any
    means, and it has
    the following disadvantages:

    1- It has no concept of time
    2- hard to do arithmetic
    3- Can't do beliefs --"If he believes this then surely he must believe
    that" is often wrong in everyday life; also surprising mathematical
    4- Can't have variables with set values: "All functions are boring"
    turns out to be a 2nd-order, not 1st-order statement.

    So first-order logic is not scalable, so i think we can not avoid the
    problem of Gödel's incompleteness theorem in mathematics, but notice
    that the Gödel's incompleteness theorem in mathematics says the following:

    "For any such consistent formal system, there will always be statements
    about natural numbers that are true, but that are unprovable within the
    system. The second incompleteness theorem, an extension of the first,
    shows that the system cannot demonstrate its own consistency."

    So notice carefully that it says that there will always exist in those
    systems statements that are "true" that we can not prove, so then
    we can not demonstrate the consistency of those systems, but
    i think that those systems remain "really" "useful" for us.

    More of my philosophy about civilization and specialization of our today world..

    Here is my new proverb:

    "I think what is happening in the West and other parts of the world,
    it is that individuals are becoming too stupid, since it is the way of specialization that is required, since the individuals are specialized
    in there jobs so that to enhance much more the efficiency and
    productivity as a society or as group, but this specialization is a
    weakness that is making individuals too stupid, but we can become smart
    working as a group or as a society using the tools of internet etc."

    I think i am smart and here is my new proverb:

    "The most important disadvantage of education today, it is that we are
    learning the students, but we are neglecting to efficiently learn to
    students how to learn."

    This is one of the basis of my philosophy below, and read about it
    in my following thoughts:

    I think i am smart, and i think you can be more confident with me, since
    i think i am not too specialized(Since you have to read my below proverb
    about it), since here is what i have done:

    1- I have gotten my university level Diploma in Microelectronics and
    2- I have studied 1 year of applied mathematics at university of
    Montreal Canada and i have succeeded it.
    3- I have also studied operational research
    4- I have also studied network administration and i have worked
    as a network administrator
    5- I am also an inventor of many scalable algorithms and algorithms
    and i have invented some powerful software tools for parallelism.
    6- I have studied more web software development with Perl, Javascript
    and CGI and FCGI and ODBC using SQL etc. and i have worked in the
    past as a web software developer.
    7- I have worked as a software developer consultant
    etc. etc.

    You can read more about my education and my way of doing here:

    And here is more proof of the fact that i have invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms:


    I invite you to look at the following beautiful photo Gunnersbury
    Writing Desk in a beautiful wood:


    So i think i am smart, and when i look at the above photo of this
    beautiful Gunnersbury Writing Desk made of beautiful wood, it is
    like an efficient philosophy for me, since i am seeing the pattern with
    my fluid intelligence, since having this Gunnersbury Writing Desk in a beautiful wood, it is like living near the beautiful of the mother
    nature, and it is like an abstraction or it is like an efficient simple language, since it is like we are bringing the beautiful of mother
    nature like a beautiful tree made of beautiful wood into our house, so
    it makes our house really beautiful and it makes us more happy, here is
    some photos of them:


    So this kind of philosophy is like using smartly a "lever" to move a
    heavy or firmly fixed load, since as you notice that when you have this beautiful Gunnersbury Writing Desk made of beautiful wood, you are not
    bringing all a beautiful forest of beautiful trees made of wood or all a beautiful tree made of wood of mother into your house, so it permits you
    to like easily lift your problems and solve them and be much more happy,
    and i think it is the right philosophy, since so that to be much more
    happy you have to know how to efficiently find those kind of simple
    levers that permits you to be much more happy and use them smartly, and
    here is another lever that can be made simple that you can use smartly,
    read about it in my following proverb:

    "Resourcefulness is one of the most important things, and it is a skill,
    and the good news is: this skill can be learned and mastered, and resourcefulness is attained only when we combine the resourceful mindset
    and skills, so we have to filter out some of the most useful resources
    that help us, and resourcefulness is also to know who/what to look for
    and what to ask, and when ressourcefulness is attained this becomes an
    engine that permits you to have hope and to be energetic and to be
    positive in doing what you are doing, since resourcefulness also permits
    to easy the jobs for you."

    So i think when you understand this smart philosophy you will understand
    that using an efficient simple language is also very efficient.

    More of my philosophy about technology and mother nature..

    I think i am a philosopher that is smart, and i think that i am also an
    smart artist, and i invite you to look and listen at the following video
    of a music of Jean-Michel Jarre:


    So i think i am a smart artist, and i am noticing a smart pattern with
    my fluid intelligence in the above music and video of Jean-Michel Jarre,
    so the pattern is that the above music of Jean-Michel Jarre is not
    complete detachment from the beauty of mother nature, since he is using
    a mixture of the beautiful of mother nature(like the wind or the water
    as electronic sounds) and the beautiful of electronic music that is
    detached from the mother nature, and i think that humans needs and
    require the two, the beautifulness of mother nature and the
    beautifulness of electronic music or digital photos and such that are
    detached from the beautiful of mother nature, so the beautiful of mother
    nature is essential for humans, i will give you a quick example so that
    to notice it:

    I invite you to listen at the following beautiful arab song from Algeria:

    Ch'hal aâyit mesbar


    And notice how in this beautiful arab music they are using old
    music instruments that give beautiful sounds and music that comes from
    the beautiful of mother nature or that are much nearer from the mother
    nature than electronic music sounds, so then i think that this arab
    music and song is like the beautiful of mother nature. And as
    i have just said that the beautiful of mother nature is essential for
    humans, so i think that there is a difference between my following poems
    of Love and mathematics, since mathematics is like far away from the
    beautiful of mother nature, it is like robots, but my poems of Love are
    like the beautiful of mother nature, here they are, read them all carefully:


    And about extremist ideologies like white supremacism, i invite you to
    read my following thoughts about them:


    More of philosophy about Democracy and the Evolutionary Design methodology..

    I will make a logical analogy between software projects and Democracy,
    first i will say that because of the today big complexity of software
    projects, so the "requirements" of those complex software projects are
    not clear and a lot could change in them, so this is
    why we are using an Evolutionary Design methodology with different tools
    such as Unit Testing, Test Driven Development, Design Patterns,
    Continuous Integration, Domain Driven Design, but we have to notice
    carefully that an important thing in Evolutionary Design methodology is
    that when those complex software projects grow, we have first to
    normalize there growth by ensuring that the complex software projects
    grow "nicely" and "balanced" by using standards, and second we have to
    optimize growth of the complex software projects by balancing between
    the criteria of the easy to change the complex software projects and the performance of the complex software projects, and third you have to
    maximize the growth of the complex software projects by making the most
    out of each optimization, and i think that by logical analogy we can
    notice that in Democracy we have also to normalize the growth by not
    allowing "extremism" or extremist ideologies that hurt Democracy, and we
    have also to optimize Democracy by for example well balancing between "performance" of the society and in the Democracy and the "reliability"
    of helping others like the weakest members of the society among the
    people that of course respect the laws, and so that to understand more
    my thoughts of my philosophy about Democracy, i invite you to read them


    And about extremist ideologies like white supremacism, i invite you to
    read my following thoughts about them:


    More of my philosophy about entropy and about how morality is universal..

    I think i am smart, and i am explaining below why morality is universal,
    but as you have just noticed i have just said that so that to say
    that morality is universal, it requires from us to know about the
    requirements such as why to be a global world etc., so there must be a
    level of consciousness, other than that i will make you feel and see
    much more that morality is universal since i am seeing it:

    So take for example the human imperfections or world imperfections,
    i say that it is because we have those imperfections that also we have morality, and those imperfections causes entropy(A state of disorder and disorganization), this is why we have to be more and more perfection so
    that to maintain order and so that to attain perfection of being much
    more perfect or perfect, for example humans are working in there
    everyday life so that to also maintain order or so that to become
    perfection or much more perfection, and maintaining order is also that
    we are perfectioning so that to not to become disorder.

    More of my philosophy about why morality is universal..

    I think i am a smart philosopher, and i will now explain why
    morality is universal:

    So take a look at the thing that we call "time", so you can naively look
    at our everyday life and say that time is not relative, but
    you can like Einstein analyse it and prove that time is relative,
    and morality is the same, so when you naively look at it you will
    think that morality is relative, since you can notice that for example
    there is many countries with many laws and rules, but when you analyse
    it you will notice that the goal of morality that we become perfect or
    much more perfect pushes us forward towards more and more perfection
    since we have to solve our problems such as our many imperfections, it
    is also why morality is "progressive", so then the essence of morality
    become that morality is progressing towards the goal that is that we
    become perfect or much more perfect, so then the other details of
    morality are abstracted, so then those acts of humans perfectioning or perfecting towards a much more perfect world or perfect world and that
    are also codified as morality become that morality is universal, since
    also we can take this essence of morality as the most important thing.

    More of my philosophy about the superhuman of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche..

    I think i am smart philosopher, and i will be more precise in my logical
    proof of why the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche believed, like the
    philosopher Spinoza, that morality is not universal, so notice carefully
    how the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche has wanted to construct a new
    type of man that is a superhuman in his view and this superhuman in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche is a superhuman that has mastery over
    his emotions and it is a superhuman who takes joy in simply existing, so
    as you are noticing that the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche is an
    inferior philosopher since he wanted to apply the morality of the strong
    to the morality of the weak in not wise manner, also you can
    notice it more by him saying the following and recognizing that
    there is different types of morals, and here is his saying:

    "It is the will to power that must be expressed, not the morals of the
    slaves or the weak."

    That means in french:

    "C'est la volonté de puissance qui doit s'exprimer, non
    pas la morale des esclaves ou des faibles.",

    So the above saying of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche is a proof
    that he recognized that there is different kinds of morals like the
    morals of the slaves or the weak and morals of the strong humans or the
    strong. Read more my following thoughts about it and about Stoicism and existentialism and about how i am explaining that the essence of
    morality is universal:

    More of my philosophy about the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and more..

    I have just looked at the following video about:

    NIETZSCHE - L'exaltation de la vie


    I think i am a philosopher that is smart, and i think that the
    philosophy of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche is not good, since
    he says that: "C'est la volonté de puissance qui doit s'exprimer, non
    pas la morale des esclaves ou des faibles.", that means in english: "It
    is the will to power that must be expressed, not the morals of the
    slaves or the weak.", and he said that it needs to construct a new man
    that we call the superhuman, but I think that i am a philosopher that is
    smart and i am understanding the philosophy of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, and i think that it is an inferior philosophy, because it
    seeks to construct the superhumans from humans and this superhuman in
    the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche is a superhuman that has mastery
    over his emotions and it is a superhuman who takes joy in simply
    existing, so as you are noticing that it is an inferior philosophy,
    because how can you be able to take joy in simply existing ? so as you
    are noticing it is illogical and it is as illogical as Stoicism(read my
    below thoughts about Stoicism) and i think that it is a violent
    philosophy as Stoicism, this is why the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsch
    is a failure as Stoicism, and here is what i said about Stoicism:

    More of my philosophy about my philosophy and about Stoicism and Existentialism..

    I invite you to read this very interesting article about philosophy:

    Why philosophers could be the ones to transform your 2020


    And notice that it says the following:

    “The Stoics suggest that what’s most important in order to lead a good
    life is internal rather than external. It’s about developing the right character, the right state of mind,”

    I think i am a philosopher that is "smart", so i make you notice the
    logical bug in the above saying about Stoicism, and it is that

    [continued in next message]

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