..concerning fact & opinon, inference & presuposition, ...
=?UTF-8?B?c3lzdGVtQMOOwrwuYmVzdA==?@21:1/5 to
All on Sun Dec 6 03:09:17 2020
XPost: alt.religion.wicca, alt.military.police
..No, we don't shout 'Westside Vigilante Patriots' when boarding the boat, we say, 'This is the United States, prepare to be boarded', while already boarding.
..also pointing out, japan, the longest running idiot, could give you education, which should work but would fail for reasons I already pointed out alot, but if afterwords/or/before they gave it to themselves exactly as much the same way, could/should
have promise,;;.., but god might be exactly a zues/zues unconsiderate, porky, when going to work, already did it, teaches fear, pain, pause, before squishing them, unless acted upon by a greater force or somebuy equivilant, as they stated, and please
read more or the rest of my self evident presuposition while rereading enough, looper. ~, HRB
and if matt daemon or courtney love outperfom ron howard, they get two bonuses plus disney gets one, if ron howard outperforms himself, one bonus for each of you.
(P.s.. Please refrain from continuing to try to jerk off japan for rice cakes, thank you, thank you.)
..and the only problem I have with the bible, is you all still don't know it as is, didn't have answers for me, and cruxes god for saints for 1-3 decades, plus, doesn't have obviously god as god, and has no comedy, but, if any of you, of my comedy, while
I'm using any of the bible.as a material, pukes, chokes, spits out drink, sh'ts pants, pis'es self or literally dies laughing, you get a bonus, so does the bible, and does japan. ~,
..also, I'll take this time to mention / point out the obvious self evidence concerning if your being anybody's bitch, your literally being anybodies bitch, and are probably already dead, and that I'm not lying to you about that you fagg'ts.
Visit Mount Shasta!
..but don't visit Hunter Reon Barnes {or even a U.S. mailman, stupid..} if your definetly not gonna be perceived producing desirable effect and loyalty, thinking it's o.k. to get yourself noticed trying to sh't in america without having ANY rights here.
No, illegal foreign pirate illegal aliens trying to sh't in the united states have absolutly NO rights here, or in their homelands.
..kinda notice even a slaved foodtaster of any value would mention most poison designed to get past a foodtester, is detectable and not instant, the rest are designed to unstantly kill the foodtester.. which I'm obviously not, retarded japanese
subculture and japan, which I don't believe can or will get liked by me, obviously wouldn't, etc..
..understand, I don't like you because you don't have a soul, can't even slightly twice, have false hopes / self evident donkeywish and are getting noticed by me.
..and if telling you that doesn't work enough,..
Stare at God
..might/should. {Real hope has an 80% fail rate, false hope moreso, and irrelivant to this conversation, Actual Science has far lower fail rate.
Don't roll continuously 37 on a {set of cron~die 19-360} 1d6x10, 3d4x10xMatch, 1d8x10, & 2d20x10xMatch, /2d4x3.
..and don't argue anything called base is a message to gimpy retard no matter which / who's.
..god bless eisenhouer though lincoln was my favorite president, only slightly more damned, and washington my second favorite.
I could restate my favorite presidents and why, but that would exactly be trying to be jesus, about an otter named john, playing telephone, maybe.
I will bother to mention that occasionally, when a soviet, formidable to do such or otherwise, tells me they are going to kill the president {which is technically legal to do if the president is ineligible}, with intention, knowing damn well it's nothing
but me that can stop or not stop them if formidable, ocassionaly, that they would need to not just assasinate the president, but 36 levels down progressively worse, ie.. after the president, the rebuilding contractor, the guy hardwired, placed in the
seat of defence, and 34 more, at the same time or quickly, as they harden fast, and then what,?, cause the best you could be was the first shooter with a second shooter and a bagman of them in the window of the motel with a rifle that didn't fire his
shot.. ..and possibly putting in an eisenhour. [o;-)
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