• Tower of Babel

    From Lazarus Cain@21:1/5 to All on Fri Apr 15 04:59:09 2022
    Together, humanity has or had the ability to extend the population beyond this planet, but, (and that is a big but), that is difficult without full international cooperation and a universal faith of certainty and truth.

    Christ sacrificed himself vainly if the human population makes itself extinct or exists perpetually in endless warfare.

    US leads the way in the militarization of the heavens. We see that today as its military command in conjunction with Ukraine can transmit in a very timely fashion military intelligence gathered by optically active satellites to be used for targeting the
    motion of the "enemy" of interest.

    Such high value "spooky" information is central war intelligence, so we see the US is very much an active participant in the current war for the Crimea and control of the Black Sea.

    I do believe that both Russian warships were targeted by existing Ukrainian missiles, butt only after being given live satellite military intelligence concerning the target live coordinates. Both sides are mum for own reasons, but my observations seem
    to suggest this possibility as the reality.

    The science being used to conduct this warfare was meant by the engineers to be used for the advancement of mankind, survival of the species, and even colonization of worlds beyond. Instead we see the world's leaders, especially the US, use advanced
    electronic engineering and computer science to conduct military warfare. It becomes a competitive game with nationalistic policies strangling the advancement of human existence as a species.

    Whatever be the alleged crimes of Putin, Ukraine would not have been attacked if it were not for US efforts to gain Crimea as a port for NATO warships while disallowing Russia control of those waters.

    US has clearly forgotten the lessons of the Cuban missile Crisis, or is disregarding them.

    Give an apparent technological edge, US seems to be ramping up its efforts to finally defeat communist Russia after 100 years of cold war. China is the next target in this game of establishing US military might, but I think it all as vanity, and I want
    no part of this game and choose, as always, to voice a small objection.

    If US is right in all its might, why have I been deceived by this image of Christ and his message from a loving GOD, seems to be contradicted and minimalized as pie in the sky by Western world leaders who claim to be those who represent the interests of
    the "Christian West". It seems that all that Europe likes to really do is to fight each other over nationalistic interests. At the same time S borrows all it can so as to build a military infrastructure secccond to none so that it may extend the power
    of US national interests globally.

    Is this the lesson I learn from life as my body finishes this life on my cross of suffering of existence?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Raskolynikov@21:1/5 to All on Sat Apr 16 13:40:31 2022
    Christ had not died in vain if you and your nation use the power of the cross of Calvary (Golgotha).

    His sacrifice may not be effective if you do not choose him as Saviour. You might think that you never chose Satan
    or the Beast 666, but being descendant of Adam, you naturally belong in their power having Adam's original sin.

    This sin involved the Serpent's notion that Adam and his children will be able to govern their own destiny like gods
    if they only ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

    Under the influence of the evil lord of this world, the nations, religions and political groups are turned against each
    other, for Satan uses the rule "Divide et impera".

    As Isaiah says:

    "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground,
    which didst weaken the nations!" (Isaliah 14:12)

    And sin certainly weakens the nations. You must certainly discern that the oligarch system that destroyed the
    middle class, forced Russian girls to be Internet prostitutes and tycoon concubines, and ruined the industrial production,
    isn't really doing good to Russian strength and holiness while concentrating the national riches in the hands of
    the few.

    The way to return is to strengthen the little man, and when you return to God He will submit your enemies.
    This will not be done by tactical nuclear weapons. Those would only increase radioactive pollutants in the Earth's
    atmosphere, increase radiation and DNA damage, and shorten average lifespan. And a nasty genie would be out
    of the bottle, possibly without a chance to convince him to get back.

    You wonder about Christ and the West. But look the example of the conquistadors. They came to Latin America
    with greed for gold essentially. But they brought Christian ministers with them. If they haven't, Latin Americans
    would be sacrificed to Kukulkan to this day. So we cannot instruct the LORD which way He uses to spread the
    Gospel and the salvation of Christ.

    Once of the common misconceptions is that Russia is the Gog of Magog, mostly because of Ezekiel inspired book
    citing the alliance with Persia (today's Iran). But in New Testament, Russian Christians are equally favoured with
    the American Christians, and God and Magog mean a sort of people coming from all nations of the world:

    Revelation 20:8
    And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather
    them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

    If you accept Jesus as Saviour, you will benefit from the sacrifice on the cross, confessing your sins by 1 John 1:9,
    James 5:16, Psalm 32:5. If entire nations did it, peace would overcome and we might see this future in which we
    conquer other worlds. But this future is now distant, and as for myself, I don't see the future for the next generation
    in which it would be worthy to have children that would not follow Antichrist and the Beast and be destroyed together
    with my name.

    If you do not accept Jesus as Saviour and confess your sins, the sacrifice of Christ will be in vain for you, but
    this will not be His fault.

    If you want to try how good is the LORD, try to pray a simple prayer like this one:

    Lord Jesus,
    I regret my past sins, errors, mistakes, evil and wrongs I've done.
    Please forgive me my sins.
    I deny Satan and the Beast and the evil system of this world.
    I am asking you to become my Lord and Saviour, and to guide me to eternal life (John 3:16)
    as the Author and the Finisher of my salvation (Hebrews 12:2).
    in Jesus name

    After this prayer, and if you really meant it not just said it, it is the Lord's responsibility to bring you to eternal
    life if you just do not deny him. If you will doubt, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny faith, that is himself.
    For it is written: "Whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved." (Joel 2:32, Romans 10:13).

    You may find blessing in confessing your sins and making amends.

    Then the LORD God Creator would help you overcome your true enemies, like He promised:

    Psalm 81
    13 Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways! 14 I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned my hand against their adversaries.

    The LORD speaks here to Israel, but in Christ this blessing of Abraham applies also to the Gentiles (the nations).

    If people in the world would turn to Jesus, he would bring peace to Earth. He is the prince of peace.

    The world is drowning, but just because it fears holding on to the rope of the coast guard's boat.
    This is probably because so many ships carried only the passengers who mocked the drowning men
    and/or tried to grab hold on their possessions as well.

    This is not what I'm preaching to you. God is free from any such thing done in His name.
    I am talking about the Creator of the Universe who is far above anything we can imagine or fathom.

    I am not talking about any god invented by humans, or nations, but of God Creator of the Universe,
    Maker of Adam and Eve, Who created mankind.

    This is not the "deceit for the end" as human religions and belief systems often are.

    This Creator spoke to us by His Spirit through prophets and apostles, so His inspired Word is
    in the Holy Bible you may now purchase in many shops. Now that it is no longer banned. I wonder
    what would communism look like if it did not ban God, Moses, Jesus and Ten Commandments.
    There was enough light in the Scriptures that many deliverances in the Old Testament were done
    to end the slavery and the oppression. It is pity that it wasn't regarded because of the marriage
    of the Harlot religion with the kings and Powers.

    The religion now tells you it is OK to kill brotherly nation because of the holiness of your own.
    But you know by heart that one does not become any holier by killing and slaying innocent
    unsuspecting civilians and destroying the cities by thermobaric bombs and advanced weaponry.

    The way to a holy nation is returning to God Creator and confessing sins. I know of no other.

    1 John 1:9
    If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all

    James 5:16
    Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual
    fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

    Psalm 32:5
    I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my
    transgressions unto the LORD; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah.

    Proverbs 28:13
    He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

    Whoever told you that you will become holier by using tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine
    and Norther Alliance is just as dead wrong as those who would nuke Iran or Mecca for Christ.
    No way, son.

    Those are blind leading the blind.

    One of the common perceptions of Russians is that they would rather die than admit they are wrong.
    Well, it is unwise to continue in the wrong direction just because it is awkward to admit one is wrong.
    No matter how great embarrassment of admitting the error is, hiding it makes it worse in the long
    run. People tend to choose the systems that admit their errors and fix them in the long run, even if
    those errors are considerable. Concealing the errors eventually makes one have to remove the ones
    that find out about them: then the system becomes paranoid, authoritarian and tyrannical.

    Opening doesn't come without a price. But about confessing sins, the good news is that the price
    had already been paid on the cross.

    There is a way for a better world and I see it in my mind: It is returning to God, accepting Christ
    as the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world (John 1:29) and confessing first one's
    own sins, then the sin of the nations and the sin of the fathers. This would return mankind to God
    and to the lasting peace.

    But "the world won't listen".

    There were holier and better men telling this, and the world did not listen to them either.

    Somehow I see a tendency in Slavonic people to accept tyrannical and rude people over the
    democratic and empathic ones if they look like a firm hand.

    We already know what happened when one church believed that a single man will restore the
    honour of the nation and bring it to holiness and expansion of its power. It is simply not done by
    expansion, but by remedying its heart and core.

    There lies the greatness of Russian nation: in its Tolstoy, Dostoyevski, Mendeleev, ... countless
    list of poets, writers, scientists. Not in 6,000 nukes.

    You patriarch may be praying in the Plutonium Cathedral, not the one of Christ, and that may make
    the sacrifice of Christ in vain for Russians.

    in the Lord

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lazarus Cain@21:1/5 to Raskolynikov on Sun Apr 17 08:50:57 2022
    On Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 3:40:33 PM UTC-5, Raskolynikov wrote:
    Christ had not died in vain if you and your nation use the power of the cross of Calvary (Golgotha).

    His sacrifice may not be effective if you do not choose him as Saviour. You might think that you never chose Satan
    or the Beast 666, but being descendant of Adam, you naturally belong in their power having Adam's original sin.

    This sin involved the Serpent's notion that Adam and his children will be able to govern their own destiny like gods
    if they only ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

    Under the influence of the evil lord of this world, the nations, religions and political groups are turned against each
    other, for Satan uses the rule "Divide et impera".

    As Isaiah says:

    "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground,
    which didst weaken the nations!" (Isaliah 14:12)

    And sin certainly weakens the nations. You must certainly discern that the oligarch system that destroyed the
    middle class, forced Russian girls to be Internet prostitutes and tycoon concubines, and ruined the industrial production,
    isn't really doing good to Russian strength and holiness while concentrating the national riches in the hands of
    the few.

    The way to return is to strengthen the little man, and when you return to God He will submit your enemies.
    This will not be done by tactical nuclear weapons. Those would only increase radioactive pollutants in the Earth's
    atmosphere, increase radiation and DNA damage, and shorten average lifespan. And a nasty genie would be out
    of the bottle, possibly without a chance to convince him to get back.

    You wonder about Christ and the West. But look the example of the conquistadors. They came to Latin America
    with greed for gold essentially. But they brought Christian ministers with them. If they haven't, Latin Americans
    would be sacrificed to Kukulkan to this day. So we cannot instruct the LORD which way He uses to spread the
    Gospel and the salvation of Christ.

    Once of the common misconceptions is that Russia is the Gog of Magog, mostly because of Ezekiel inspired book
    citing the alliance with Persia (today's Iran). But in New Testament, Russian Christians are equally favoured with
    the American Christians, and God and Magog mean a sort of people coming from all nations of the world:

    Revelation 20:8
    And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather
    them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

    If you accept Jesus as Saviour, you will benefit from the sacrifice on the cross, confessing your sins by 1 John 1:9,
    James 5:16, Psalm 32:5. If entire nations did it, peace would overcome and we might see this future in which we
    conquer other worlds. But this future is now distant, and as for myself, I don't see the future for the next generation
    in which it would be worthy to have children that would not follow Antichrist and the Beast and be destroyed together
    with my name.

    If you do not accept Jesus as Saviour and confess your sins, the sacrifice of Christ will be in vain for you, but
    this will not be His fault.

    If you want to try how good is the LORD, try to pray a simple prayer like this one:

    Lord Jesus,
    I regret my past sins, errors, mistakes, evil and wrongs I've done.
    Please forgive me my sins.
    I deny Satan and the Beast and the evil system of this world.
    I am asking you to become my Lord and Saviour, and to guide me to eternal life (John 3:16)
    as the Author and the Finisher of my salvation (Hebrews 12:2).
    in Jesus name

    After this prayer, and if you really meant it not just said it, it is the Lord's responsibility to bring you to eternal
    life if you just do not deny him. If you will doubt, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny faith, that is himself.
    For it is written: "Whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved." (Joel 2:32, Romans 10:13).

    You may find blessing in confessing your sins and making amends.

    Then the LORD God Creator would help you overcome your true enemies, like He promised:

    Psalm 81
    13 Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways!
    14 I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned my hand against their adversaries.

    The LORD speaks here to Israel, but in Christ this blessing of Abraham applies also to the Gentiles (the nations).

    If people in the world would turn to Jesus, he would bring peace to Earth. He is the prince of peace.

    The world is drowning, but just because it fears holding on to the rope of the coast guard's boat.
    This is probably because so many ships carried only the passengers who mocked the drowning men
    and/or tried to grab hold on their possessions as well.

    This is not what I'm preaching to you. God is free from any such thing done in His name.
    I am talking about the Creator of the Universe who is far above anything we can imagine or fathom.

    I am not talking about any god invented by humans, or nations, but of God Creator of the Universe,
    Maker of Adam and Eve, Who created mankind.

    This is not the "deceit for the end" as human religions and belief systems often are.

    This Creator spoke to us by His Spirit through prophets and apostles, so His inspired Word is
    in the Holy Bible you may now purchase in many shops. Now that it is no longer banned. I wonder
    what would communism look like if it did not ban God, Moses, Jesus and Ten Commandments.
    There was enough light in the Scriptures that many deliverances in the Old Testament were done
    to end the slavery and the oppression. It is pity that it wasn't regarded because of the marriage
    of the Harlot religion with the kings and Powers.

    The religion now tells you it is OK to kill brotherly nation because of the holiness of your own.
    But you know by heart that one does not become any holier by killing and slaying innocent
    unsuspecting civilians and destroying the cities by thermobaric bombs and advanced weaponry.

    The way to a holy nation is returning to God Creator and confessing sins. I know of no other.

    1 John 1:9
    If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all

    James 5:16
    Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual
    fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

    Psalm 32:5
    I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my
    transgressions unto the LORD; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah.

    Proverbs 28:13
    He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

    Whoever told you that you will become holier by using tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine
    and Norther Alliance is just as dead wrong as those who would nuke Iran or Mecca for Christ.
    No way, son.

    Those are blind leading the blind.

    One of the common perceptions of Russians is that they would rather die than admit they are wrong.
    Well, it is unwise to continue in the wrong direction just because it is awkward to admit one is wrong.
    No matter how great embarrassment of admitting the error is, hiding it makes it worse in the long
    run. People tend to choose the systems that admit their errors and fix them in the long run, even if
    those errors are considerable. Concealing the errors eventually makes one have to remove the ones
    that find out about them: then the system becomes paranoid, authoritarian and tyrannical.

    Opening doesn't come without a price. But about confessing sins, the good news is that the price
    had already been paid on the cross.

    There is a way for a better world and I see it in my mind: It is returning to God, accepting Christ
    as the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world (John 1:29) and confessing first one's
    own sins, then the sin of the nations and the sin of the fathers. This would return mankind to God
    and to the lasting peace.

    But "the world won't listen".

    There were holier and better men telling this, and the world did not listen to them either.

    Somehow I see a tendency in Slavonic people to accept tyrannical and rude people over the
    democratic and empathic ones if they look like a firm hand.

    We already know what happened when one church believed that a single man will restore the
    honour of the nation and bring it to holiness and expansion of its power. It is simply not done by
    expansion, but by remedying its heart and core.

    There lies the greatness of Russian nation: in its Tolstoy, Dostoyevski, Mendeleev, ... countless
    list of poets, writers, scientists. Not in 6,000 nukes.

    You patriarch may be praying in the Plutonium Cathedral, not the one of Christ, and that may make
    the sacrifice of Christ in vain for Russians.

    in the Lord
    I recognize US propaganda as it vainly tries to interpret scripture.
    I also recognize false prophets too
    Some assume me as a Russian friendly voice, but I only am pointing to the hypocrisy of my own people.
    Moscow has made mistakes, and I am aware of them.
    I also am aware of how the US media is exacerbating the war. and how capitalism is fueling the conflict.
    Apparently you didn't get my reference to the Tower of Babel;
    The US is promoting this new conflict instead of seeking global cooperation. Biden made an error by aggravating the Chinese instead of seeking economic cooperation. Instead he fingerpointed the Chinese telling them to get their act together before he
    would make importation of Chinese semiconductors easier. Similarly, the war with the Ukraine was triggered simply by sanctioning the commissioning of the Nord Stream II pipeline.
    Now, your hero Zelensky has swore on Easter Sunday never to end the war if the right wing militia sworn not to surrender are all killed. Or how about your abuse of the definition of genocide so as to apply it to the collateral damage of civilian
    casualties which occur when an insufficiently strong enough army loses in a siege.
    I wanted this war to be avoided much more than the US, Russia or the Ukraine and I saw it coming, just as I see the threat of an all out nuclear conflict if US does not rein in Zelensky and the Ukraine, but it can't as the US wants this war and to defeat
    I do not buy the Western use of the Christian religion now to justify its position in this war. If the West were truly following the lead of Christ, which it doesn't, it would quit practicing blatant hypocrisy.

    I know some of those who use the words of Christ mean well, but the devil also knows how to use religious quotes to tempt us to stray. Christ encountered much temptation of such kind during his life as he spoke up against even the Temple establishment,
    who were his greatest enemies.

    Now, I would encourage the holdouts to surrender and Zelensky would obviously then be willing to work out an exchange deal, but they, under his direction, want to be like the Alamo so as to impress his friends in Texas and all die. Then Zelensky, as he
    is promising, will claim that no peace deal is possible.

    Some see Zelensky's military genius is quite similar to Hitler's as he orders all his troops to hold out to the last man until they all die, and then he will turn around to accuse the other of war crimes.

    I mix in some religious references of prophecy, true, I hear the call of GOD also, but I cannot vouch for the sincerity of others who would proclaim the gospel, but I do avoid churches in which an American flag flies. If I go to church, it is NOT to
    pay my respects to America nor pray to Washington. Certainly the other attendees are also most likely American, but they can leave their American guns at the front door.

    It is appropriate to teach the truth and to unify mankind through our mutual understanding of Earth and its natural laws of science rather than to divide our interests among national lines and fight each other over the scarce and limited resources.
    Mankind is not going to leave this Earth and explore space if US, China and Russia all can't learn to get along. The Tower of Babel is what we get if US aims to defeat communism in its new Cold War against both Russia and China. Communism has its
    problems too, and it is easier to use my tactics to combat communism as well than against US. All sides are at fault and no one knows how to back off. US has no monopoly on the truth, far from it. Western Christianity with its history of inquisitions
    has already made a nationalistic mess out of Europe. Originally freedom of religion was eant to keep US out of European annd other foreign squabbles which were easily ignited by arguments based on difference in religion or faith?

    What does Christ teach us all concerning that common problem. Certainly you know? Turn the other cheek? The WATCHERS and 666 do not find such advice practical, hence the devil may just plunge this world into nuclear holocaust since current world
    leadership just does not get it. Is that what we should instead of turning the other cheek and make a proper example? The devil does not know how to turn the other cheek.
    Turning the cheek here could mean to disregard past accusations as we try to establish some form of compromise where both sides need to turn their cheek and accept undesirable terms. I believe in this case, US is totally unwilling to compromise as is
    Ukraine, so we have a war now and as a result GOD will punish mankind by confining us all to planet Earth. If we wish to pollute it with our warfare, then we can all go extinct and Christ will have suffered on the cross in vain.

    For starters, efforts to combat global warming are now on hold until this new Cold War is settled. The four horsemen of the apocalypse have been summoned by Western interests so as to control oil and gas and defeat Russia in the process. The "heathen
    Chinese" are next in the Western crosshairs for all the obvious worldly reasons. Some people may read the Revelation of St John and interpret its meaning one way while another will read it and find a contradictory meaning.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Raskolynikov@21:1/5 to All on Mon Apr 18 11:42:21 2022
    Which one of the words "You may find blessing in confessing your sins and making amends."
    sound false to you?

    I convince you that I am not on their payroll, I preach without reward in money giving the witnessing
    of Christ for free. While I may be many bad things, I am not a Western sock puppet. I value my independence
    very highly.

    To be frank, I do not know how will Christ save mankind from the nuclear holocaust. It does not compute.

    But it will certainly be much harder for him no doubt if there will be no revivals of the Spirit, conversions and salvations of soul.
    Perhaps only the "residue" that did not bow their knees to Baal shall be saved like in the times of Elijah ...

    You may be more comfortable with the Religion in which salvation is never denied if you can afford the monetary cost of the
    sacraments. That religion might seem true one to you.

    You can also buy the Christmas tree and Easter ham, eggs and onion, and you will be a good believer.

    Truly, I don't know a solution for nuclear disarmament, for it had not been given to me yet. And it does not compute.
    Surely, you admit Moscow has made mistakes. That's a start.

    To us it looks like Tsar and his silovniki attacking a country lead by a Servant of people.

    I think Mr. Putin isn't aware of the scientific fact that it takes 192 years for Strontium-90 fallout to drop to 1% by natural
    decay. I think he is not given right information, he might think that it is yet another thermobaric bomb of greater strength.
    Or he wouldn't plan to use it on Ukrainian and so close to Russian wheat "fields of gold". Remember Chernobyl fallout
    in 1986? And your generals sent the conscripts to dig in at the Chernobyl site ... Well, I hope it is propaganda. But we also
    have a system that selects the people who should not command by nepotism and political selection.

    What if the world accepts the Gospel? Let us ask the opposite question: What if communism succeeded globally and the
    Name of God was erased from the Earth? People would stop going to Heaven, and eventually lose ancestors too (some
    have by selling them in Tito's communism in Socialist Yugoslavia). Eventually, human race would degrade into satisfying
    immediate need and impulses, more than animals.

    The Earth itself would fill with dead souls and ghosts, like a cemetery of the doomed from a horror film.

    Tyrants would eventually grow stronger and stronger, and some of the probably immortal, sacrificing the poor of the flock
    for wealth and extension of life.

    Eventually, one would come and claim that he is God, and demand that all worship him or be killed. And to receive his mark.
    This is, of course, the Armageddon.

    What if the "tactical nuclear weapon" use becomes widespread in a global conflict?

    Needless to say, by 192 years needed for Strontium-90 fallout to drop to 1% by natural radioactive decay, most of the species
    who depend on DNA to procreate would suffer mutations beyond repair. Life span and fertile age would drastically decrease.
    Girls might have to give birth at 13 because at 18 it would be too late and cummulative DNA damage would be too high for
    them to procreate. People would die at 25, and 30 would be considered a "good old age".

    Surely, that would make Christ die in vain for many. But God would preserve His "remnant". That is enough for Him to get rid
    of the nuclear weapons once for all times, heal the Earth and repopulate it. The loss of technically advanced nations may not
    be such a bad news for the Nature and the mother Earth.

    It is a pity that some of us never Lived in this Plutonium world of sheer force and not justice and righteousness, but we also
    came from nothing as they say. So, nothing is lost.

    in the Lord

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)