Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabato
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All on Fri Oct 2 22:50:18 2020
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff October 1st 2020 7:49 am 55,568 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy.
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
The Catholic fertility rites (which includes tree and penis worship) are being whole-heartedly adopted by aboriginals in and around the community of Saskatoon. At One-Arrow First Nation the native aboriginals placed a statue of their leader Chief One-
Arrow upon an Egyptian representation of a penis. They see how other communities in and outside of Canada honor their war dead by placing statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian dinks, so the ignorant aboriginal Indians similarly
adopted this Catholic ritual and hoisted a statue of their beloved ancestor upon a pagan penis as well. The aboriginal children faced a couple of hundred years of sodomy at the hands of the Catholic priests, and they incredibly respond by placing a
statue of Chief One-Arrow upon a pagan representation of a penis. The result of embracing Catholic fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments is that God withdraws His protection and allows Canada to be flooded with Islamists, Hindus and Sikhs, all
of whom similarly embrace pagan fertility rites including penis whoreship. Covering the many penises built into the Amritsar temple with gold doesn’t make the penises nor the Sikhs holy. Using a long row of obelisks (Egyptian penises) to mark our
southern border dothn’t make our southern border secure. Filling our cemetaries with obelisks (Egyptian penises) dothn’t mean our dead went to or are heading to heaven. Stealing an obelisk (a pagan penis) from Egypt and sticking it in the center of
Vatican Square dothn’t make that church holy. Placing a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian representation of a dink dothn’t bring fertility and abundance to that First Nation community. If there is some sort of historical evidence that
Chief One Arrow found his penis to be of tremendous importance and perhaps even played with it, then there might be some merit to the idea of placing a statue of him standing on top of an Egyptian dink. It was before my time, and there are two different
cultures here (North American Indian and Egyptian) which are both very dissimilar to my own culture, so I am not entirely qualified to comment further on the issue.
It matters little to God which particular group of pagan penis whoreshippers occupies any nation. Many of the aboriginal Indians flip-flop between “Catholicism” and “Traditional Native Spirituality” depending upon whom they are trying to get
into their beds and fuck on any particular day, rather indicating their true religion to be “sex”, they engage in a communal version of this sex and phallic worship that results in a decrease in their fertility and longevity. So as the native
aboriginals blindly engage in their phallic worship, members of alternative fertility cults invade Canada, and it just doesn’t matter to God which particular fertility cult occupies any nation.
Many native reserves are plagued with violent crimes, the young there failed to listen to the wisdom of their grandmothers and other elders, they failed to listen to and obey God. In most reserves the children flip-flop between Catholicism and Native
Spirituality depending upon whom they are trying to get into bed with on any particular day, resulting in them getting infected with HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Then these folks come to the city and continue with their criminal and
violent activities and spread their diseases here. The problem would be mitigated if the provincial government ceased giving rent money to people on welfare. Instead of the government handing over money for rental accommodations and benefitting landlords,
the provincial government should be handing out a few dollars worth of building material so people may construct their own tiny off grid homes away from the cities. The city can continue to expect violent crimes and the spread of diseases as long as
governments continue policies designed to bankrupt people and bankrupt communities, and as long as people dismiss God’s Commandments as being valid for our day. Children are taught to bow to trees turned into decorated idols rather than to attempt to
honor God’s Commandments. Veterans and others are being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, people think they unite against evil by turning trees into blinkin' idols (a Catholic fertility rite) and singing Jingle Bells, and by having people
arrested and tortured for daring to criticize the Catholic churches. What most Americans do for the veterans, is place decorated wreaths made from evergreen trees upon the veteran's grave stones... these war veterans never fought for your right to honor
Catholic fertility rites. Often a statue of a veteran is made and placed to stand next to or directly on top of an Egyptian penis, then people bow to this Egyptian penis by placing a decorated evergreen wreath at the base of the pagan dink. People think
themselves holy for honoring Catholic fertility rites, but by honoring these pagan fertility rites God allows their nations to be invaded by members of alternative fertility cults. In Canada people spent many millions of dollars to try to force me to
shut up about the Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, to shut up about how their "Christmas" celebrations are in violation of God's First Three Commandments, to try to force me to shut up about the churches censoring Scriptural
references to cannibalism. In 1988 proclaimed as loudly as I could that it is no surprise that the priests are ramming their penises up children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves by placing Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy
churches. I was arrested and given to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but I am not the one who thinks so highly of penises that I would place one on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus gain their spiritual bliss
via orgasm. Catholics employed Hindus to do their dirty work for them. I criticized the pedophilia in the Catholic Church, people responded by calling me a pedophile and having me tortured for years. When I complained I was being tortured by Hindus,
people laughed at me and assaulted me further, now they train Hindus, Islamists and Sikhs, people who are citizens of foreign nations, to become psychiatrists at our universities, and they are allowed to work in the field of psychiatry in Canada without
becoming Canadian citizens.
Saskatoon requires water and sewer upgrades, these repairs should be considered as of far greater importance than paving streets, clearing streets of snow, designating bike lanes or separating recyclables. Saskatoonians who drive cars should consider
driving trucks instead as we do not have the money to keep the roads in top condition, especially if we are digging up streets to replace water lines and bury the power lines. Most bicyclists in Saskatoon wish they owned cars or trucks, may they prosper
and purchase themselves some kind of warm vehicle. It will be pretty difficult for the poor to prosper now that the federal government allows non-Canadians to work in Canada, and because most any government aid goes to others now. The banks took so much
money from people in the communities, now they employ non-Canadians from Iran or other Islamic countries to work behind desks at bank branches and determine if you are worthy of a loan. There should be an end to the City of Saskatoon employing people who
are not Canadian citizens.
The Islamic federal government imposed a carbon tax upon Canadians, an Islamist spokesman said that the money raised is to be rebated back to Canadian families, with the largest of the families receiving the largest of the rebate cheques. Already
taxes are supporting Islamic families that have up to four wives, with each wife living in a separate residence. It costs a great deal of money to support these large Islamic families, and so hence the federal carbon tax, which is really a tax to help
raise large Islamic families. Islamists requires that non-Islamists pay an annual fee, called “jizya”, in order for the non-Islamists to retain their heads, but with the so-called “carbon tax”, Canadians are paying a “pre-jizya” tax.
Islamists require women to be sexually mutilated and separated from men, and they will demand that swimming pool time be allocated just for women, these are additional aspects of Sharia Law that I oppose. People advocating Sharia Law are clearly not
willing to integrate into our society and have no business being here. Sharia Law is a sexist attack against women and is an attack against anybody that doesn’t abide by Islamic teachings. Women should have the right to wear their own choice of clothes
without facing beatings, rape and beheadings. People should have the right to alternative beliefs without having their heads cut off.
Currently industrial trade programs in Saskatoon are racist and sexist, 20% of the seats are reserved for recently arrived immigrants (mainly Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for women (again many are recently arrived Asian
and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for handicapped (again, many are Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for natives (many are converting to Islam in the prisons), and then the remaining 20% of the seats are for
the other Islamists that never filled the other seats. White males are being shunted away from the paying professions and into poverty. White male youth should not have to wait to be brutalized by recent immigrants in order to qualify for a handicapped
seat at a trade school. Allowing any one single race in Canada the privilege of blocking roads or blocking rail lines or blocking pipe lines, amounts to racism. If I were to block a road in Saskatoon, I would be arrested and returned to the University of
Saskatchewan for another round of brutal horrid psychiatric torture. The police would deliver me to a judge, the judge will prevent me from speaking and send me in for “psychiatric evaluation”, but that is just a euphemism for years of brutal horrid
torture. Once the Brahmin Hindu psychiatrist gets his or her hands upon you, then you are their patient for life. The more patients they have, the more money they earn. When they started having me tortured in 1988 it was at the hands of Brahmin Hindus
psychiatrists, but now there are Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists torturing people to death in Canada as well. There are hundreds annually, and over the years thousands of Saudi Arabian students have been and are being trained to become “Doctors of
Medicine” by the University of Saskatchewan, some of whom specialize in psychiatry. And under Trudeau they may “work” in Canada without being Canadian citizens.
I was repeatedly arrested and tortured for criticizing Catholic fertility rites. The drugs made my skin hard and dry, my tongue turned to leather, my hair fell out, my head banged in pain, the nausea was overwhelming. Every three weeks I was wheeled
into a psychiatric appeal panel hearing and allowed to defend my sanity. There I would limit my defense by saying that the Bible repeatedly condemns the practice of turning trees into decorated idols and that people were inadvertently bowing to the trees
via placement and retrieval of presents at the base of the trees. I would keep my defense short as it was very difficult to talk. Normally I was tortured by Brahmin Hindus (a husband and wife team), but eventually white Catholic psychiatrist Dr. Gene
Marcoux took over the role, and when he heard my defense he smiled and said that I was religiously deluded because everybody does it (turn trees into decorated idols). The Catholics seated at the appeal panel hearing smiled and nodded in approval to Dr.
Marcoux’s words and gave him permission to continue to detain and torture me. Doctor Marcoux specializes in religious disorders... my criticism of the Catholic fertility rites was a disorder to him, and he warned me that if he ever heard of me
postering poles in Saskatoon again, that he would have me returned to him for another round of “treatment”. This is how people defend their Catholic fertility rites, with violence and threats of violence. Anybody criticizing the pagan practice of
turning trees into decorated idols is first mocked, then if that is ineffective the individual is shunned, then assaulted, and eventually arrested and tortured. Most people reading this were over the years provided with multiple testimonies from both
friends and strangers of how their evergreen tree whoreship is repeatedly condemned by Scripture, and they dealt with these testimonies by mocking and shunning the messengers, and doubling down in their apostate filth by getting bigger trees and
decorating them to even greater degrees.
The churches (and their media and their courts) that teach you to turn trees into blinkin’ idols, are the same churches that censor Scriptural passages referring to cannibalism. Both the decorated trees and the cannibalism are pagan fertility rites,
people worship the evergreen tree as a symbol of fertility due to it being green and fertile throughout the year, while evil doers consume other humans thinking that the practice grants them strength, fertility and longevity. Each winter the Vatican
places an idolized evergreen tree alongside the Egyptian obelisk (penis) they stole from Egypt, suitable as both are symbol of fertility. The churches teach you to turn trees into idols, many of these churches are capped with Egyptian obelisks (penises).
Some churches turn trees into blinkin’ idols and then caps the trees with Egyptian dinks. The Catholic priests still wear a fish-head hat, these priests of fish-god Dagon still pay homage to the fish, for it is a symbol of fertility in that most fish
lay enormous quantities of eggs. And the Catholics revere Mary, as another symbol of fertility. People embrace traditions that are in opposition to God’s Commandments, they insist that the sacrifices they make in their worship of God are acceptable to
I proclaimed in 1988 that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, the words upset Catholics in the community enough to have me removed from the streets and tortured by a female Hindu psychiatrist (Catholics employed Hindus to
do their dirty work). After years of the six-week sessions of brutal horrid psychiatric torture, the Hindu’s husband, who was also a psychiatrist, also began “treating” me. First the female Hindu psychiatrist said that I was schizophrenic, then
years later she claimed I was psychotic. But for her to change her diagnosis of me to psychotic, she needed a second opinion. Along comes her Hindu husband, he steps into my hospital room at Saskatoon City Hospital for all of three minutes to talk to me,
and then he signs off on his wife’s written declaration of me being psychotic rather than schizophrenic – I was not ranting when the Brahmin Hindu concurred with his Brahmin Hindu wife that I was psychotic, I sat in a drugged stupor on the edge of my
bed when he briefly entered the room to proclaim the new diagnosis.
The female Hindu psychiatrist only spoke to me for all of three minutes each week to begin with. She wanted me declared psychotic as this way I would be under her “care” permanently and she would make much more money off of the system, as opposed
to just having her way with me for the six-week sessions that the Saskatchewan government initially allowed. Or, the psychotic designation would allow her to poison me with other psychiatric medications, it was costing taxpayers many millions of dollars
for her to torture me over the years so killing me would make the bed available, and she may then torture some other poor individual and still make the money.
When the male Brahmin Hindu psychiatrist husband came to my room for the three minutes to confirm his wife’s diagnosis, he quoted his wife saying that all I do is talk about cannibals all the time, but I had not discussed the topic of cannibals in
the hospital for years. And each time the female Hindu sat in the psychiatric appeal panel hearings (conducted every three weeks), she proclaimed to the Catholics seated across the table in judgment against me, that I was always talking about cannibals (
but I had not discussed the topic of cannibals in the hospital for years). They used my proclamation in 1988 that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism as a reason to torture me year after year after year. I did not speak of
cannibals while being tortured over the years in the psychiatric wards, it was the female Brahmin Hindu psychiatrist (Dr. Thakur) who was weekly coming into my room and mentioning cannibals. In 1988 I proclaimed that it was no surprise that the priests
were ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches. I was arrested and given to that female Brahmin Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about
penises, but it is not me who thinks so highly of penises that I would place one on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus attain their spiritual bliss via orgasm.
I wasn’t ranting on about the existence of cannibals (or of the churches censoring Scriptural passages dealing with cannibalism) when I was under her “care”. She was the one that brought up the topic of cannibalism the few times she spoke to me,
and she was always the one who brought up the topic of cannibalism every three weeks at the psychiatric appeal panel hearings. She would tell the Catholics seated in judgment at the other side of the psychiatric appeal panel table that I rave on about
cannibals, and they would always grant her permission to continue to detain and torture me. In my defense (with my head banging in pain and my jaw sometimes locked open, with my tongue and mouth turned to leather), I would say that the Bible condemns
turning trees into decorated idols, and that people were inadvertently bowing to the trees when they placed and retrieved presents at the base of the tree. The Catholics seated in judgment against me always sided with the Hindu and gave her permission to
continue to detain and torture me.
The psychiatric medications made me nauseous and made my head bang in pain, made my hair dry and fall out, made my skin hard and dry, made my jaw lock open, made my mouth dry and made my lips and tongue turn to leather. When I complained to a nurse
she laughed at me and said it was my own fault for not drinking enough water. So I’d cry out (and I continue to cry out) to God for vengeance, and now when He floods or burns or blows away your communities I laugh and say it is your own damn fault for
not drinking enough water. Certainly ALL the fires in ALL of the United States of American, Canada, Australia and in any forest, are a result of people not drinking enough water. Earthquakes and insect plagues too are all a result of people not drinking
enough water. White people are being forced out of the Canadian military because they drank too much water. People spent millions of dollars having me tortured, then think themselves rich enough to spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into
decorated idols. They fly off to winter resorts and post pictures of themselves and their children posing next to trees turned into decorated idols, they use images of their own children to teach others to abide by Catholic fertility rites. Then they
spend billions more importing members of alternative fertility cults, and many of these Moslems, Hindus and Sikhs desire good paying unionized jobs helping to care for the white people being tortured in the psychiatric facilities, where they may either
serve food or sweep the floors, and they dream of becoming “doctors” so they may command that white people be drugged senseless. Or they don’t mind being trained here to become psychiatric nurses, so they may have the pleasure of sticking the
needle into some poor white person’s arse. The Catholics, Moslems, Hindus and Sikhs all incorporate penises into their church, temple and Mosque architecture, they are all pagan fertility cults, members are Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis worshippers.
I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country but people just laughed at me or assaulted me, or threatened to arrest me and return me to psychiatric torture when I informed them I was being tortured by Brahmin Hindus at the University of
Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital. Rather than be allowed to state a defense in a court of law, the legal system invoked the French “Law of 22 Prairial” against me and I was sent instead to psychiatric torture. In revolutionary France
during The Terror they invoked the “Law of 22 Prairial” and sent people to the guillotine, as people were executed those watching cheered in approval.
It started with the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix libeling me when they misrepresented my election platform when I previously ran for mayor. I wanted cars off the road that were defective and belching clouds of blue smoke, the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix instead
reported that I wanted to ban cars that burned an excessive quantity of gas, and the public lapped up the libel and laughed. Then in 1988 I proclaimed that the media was protecting the pedophile priests, adding that it was no surprise that the priests
were ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes as they already advertise themselves with Egyptian dinks on the roofs of their churches, but I was repeatedly arrested, given to Brahmin Hindu psychiatrist who told me that I think too much about
penises, who then tortured me, and was labeled as a pedophile when I publically complained of the “treatment” I received. Years later the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix ran three front page stories over a three day period libeling me and urging my arrest,
immediately Catholic radio host John Gormley took up the battle and used his thousands of watts to encourage people to assault me in order to shut me up. Gormley’s message was received by the people of Saskatoon, resulting in the theft of my property
and additional threats against my life. I was robbed, I complained to police officers who just laughed at me. Usenet trolls Don Ocean of South Dakota (Freemason) and James Takayama of Hawaii repeatedly and incessantly libeled me and called me a pedophile,
then the media quoted the libel from these usenet trolls and accused me of being a pedophile as well. Being repeatedly libeled and labeled as a pedophile by the usenet trolls and their sock puppets, and then by the media, made my life exceedingly
difficult. It is better to be libeled and be called a pedophile and then face assault and ultimately be murdered, than for me to kill these people and be labeled as both a pedophile and a murderer. It is better to hand the problem over to Jesus than
attempt to rectify it on my own.
Most citizens who hear of this are happy about it for they have a great love of Catholic fertility rites and don’t want these traditions criticized. I wanted to know more about who the hell you people were, so I interviewed people on the streets and
in coffee shops, and posted material attempting to show folks that their birthdays, names and children were all gifts from God. Radio host John Gormley did not appreciate the postings and did what he could to prevent additional material from being posted
on the usenet – he used his radio station to whip up a frenzy and urge my assault. None of my wealthy Adventist relatives nor my Doukhobor relatives would raise a finger in my defense as all were embracing Catholic fertility rites and did not require
any criticisms of their Catholic faith… one relative managed to reach under her lavish tree and give me a can of nuts every December 25th. Kindness was shown to me, on December 25th. For additional information on families persecuting their own children
for daring to speak out against their traditions, read “Frances Farmer: Shadowland”, by William Arnold. The book is difficult to both find and read, there is no space at all for such a book to be found in either our schools or libraries.
No public-private partnership construction, the end result is higher costs for citizens. If you can’t afford your project now, don’t build it now. Engaging in public-private partnership construction burdens the youth with the costs for decades to
come. Note that public-private partnership was used in the construction of new psychiatric torture facilities at North Battleford, if you can’t afford to build facilities to torture people with psychiatric drugs, don’t be getting the public taxpayers
and future taxpayers to assist you with such facilities. Vengeance is God’s (Romans 12:19, Hebrews 10:30), the corporate leaders who think they are set to profit from building torture facilities are going to be disappointed, I predict. Lives are being
lost and destroyed. There must be a special place in hell for people who profit on the torture of their fellow man, and who place the community in debt while doing so. Until then, there should be an end to the city utilizing Graham Construction for any
Check out the 16 Catholic hockey players that lost their lives when a Sikh rammed his truck into their bus near Humboldt. Evergreen trees obscured the vision of the drivers. Similarly today the evergreen trees are obscuring the vision and the common
sense of the people who should be thanking God for their lives, instead they idolize the trees, stick Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches and pray to Mary. I criticized your pagan practices and received many years of brutal horrid torture,
nobody would assist me to flee Canada, and no “free” country was about to give refugee status to any person from “free” Canada. I lost year after year to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years living in an utterly frantic state
wondering when the next arrest and round of torture would occur… it is fitting that God would withdraw His protection from your apostate children and send a few on holidays. The 16 Catholic hockey players were not the only children of yours that God
sent on holidays. People think it hilarious that I would be tortured by Brahmin Hindus for years, I in turn think it hilarious that the parents teach their children to pray to Mary and turn trees into idols, then claim that their smitten progeny are up
in heaven looking down upon us, and protecting us. Periodically God makes a clean sweep of your neighborhoods and removes roofs and destroys houses, this gives people an opportunity to build new houses with taller ceilings so they may get even taller
trees and decorate them to even greater degrees. People exchange God’s Commandments for man’s traditions then attribute their prayers to be full of power while ascribing my prayers as being of no effect. They have me tortured for years in an attempt
to shut me up about the pagan filth that they hold up as being Christianity, and when I complain, they claim that I am judging them. Better to give my problems to Jesus and have Him terminate your ignorant and compassionless children’s lives when He
feels the time is right. People are facing tremendous economic losses and the loss of many lives, through prayer, and they think they can get on God’s good side by praying to Mary, bowing to trees and allowing a flood of Catholics, Islamists, Hindus
and Sikhs into our nation. They faithfully prayed to Mary and faithfully tithed to their priests, the faithfully turned trees into blinkin’ idols, faithfully had me tortured for years for attempting to criticize their priests and fertility traditions,
people are full of faith. Just as the nurse laughed at me when I complained of the effects of the psychiatric drugs and said it was my own damn fault for not drinking enough water, similarly your Catholic hockey players are now dead because they too
never drank enough water. If they drank enough water the bus would have stopped and let them out to take a piss, or they would have delayed getting on that bus in the first place by stopping at the water fountain for another drink. The parents turn trees
into decorated idols, the kids abide by the traditions handed down by their parents, the children die and then the parents publish stories claiming their smitten children to be up in heaven with Mary, looking down and protecting their families and entire
communities from evil.
Public facilities, whether police stations, libraries, schools, zoos, city or fire halls, should not be annually turned into pagan temples glorifying evergreen tree whoreship. Should I be elected as mayor, the upper management of these facilities in
Saskatoon will be given notice that should they continue to use their office to teach pagan fertility rites or if they allow such practices to continue unabated, they will face termination from their jobs. Your job description does not include teaching
people to adopt Catholic fertility rites!!! Catholic schools will of course be allowed to continue to teach children to abide by Catholic fertility rites. And the Protestant schools may continue to teach the children to abide by Catholic fertility rites
as well because they too are actually Catholic schools, for when you adopt Catholic fertility rites then you become Catholics. Catholics have co-opted not just Protestant churches, but Protestant schools as well, and have co-opted the media, Hollywood,
police forces and courts of law, they infiltrate and use any and all institutions to help them teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. It is exceedingly important for the Catholic Church to get people to turn trees into decorated idols, for this
way they are able to get people to violate God’s first three Commandments in one fell swoop. I will do what I can to prevent any tax money from funding any Catholic (or so-called Protestant schools) and suggest parents homeschool their children or find
alternative ways to educate their children. Schools (and libraries) should not be used to teach traditions - I will not be party to this.
City owned transit buses are being used to proclaim Islamic holidays on illuminated signs on the outside of the buses. The practice must come to an end. Bus drivers who continue to allow religious proclamations to be displayed in or on their buses
should be terminated from their jobs. Doukhobors came to Canada with the message: “Toil and Peaceful Life”, they were persecuted in Canada and aren’t allowed to have this messages blinkin’ on the buses. But the Islamists come recently with a book
that repeatedly tells them to kill the non-believers, and you allow them to flash their messages on buses with blinkin’ lights.
[continued in next message]
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All on Fri Jan 22 00:23:07 2021
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff January 20th 2021 4:59 pm 65,558 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is going to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
The Catholics stole an Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) and placed it prominently in Vatican Square, then each winter turn an evergreen tree into a decorated idol and place it next to the pagan penis, suitable as both are symbols of
fertility… the penis is worshipped as a symbol of fertility due to its reproductive role, while the evergreen tree is worshipped as a symbol of fertility due to remaining green throughout the year. And fish are worshipped as a symbol of fertility due
to laying large numbers of eggs, so these priests of fish-god Dagon continue to wear their fish-head hats.
Catholics co-opted Protestant churches and use these churches to teach people to honor the pagan fertility rites, even many Seventh-day Adventist churches place Egyptian dinks on their roofs and place trees turned into decorated idols next to their
pulpits and in front of their churches. Different aspects of the pagan winter festival are in direct opposition to God’s first Three Commandments, the Seventh-day Adventists teach people to honor God’s Fourth Commandment while at the same time are
teaching people to violate God’s first Three Commandments via their winter celebrations, and then have the audacity to claim that their church is the bulwark of truth.
Seventh-day Adventist children, young adults, older adults and seniors all love to pose next to decorated evergreen tree idols and have their photos taken, which they then upload to Facebook and other social media. If the child is too young to post
the photo on social media, then the Seventh-day Adventist parents will post the photo for them, parents use their very own children to teach others to abide by Catholic fertility rites. Who teaches these Seventh-day Adventists to idolize trees and abide
by Catholic fertility rites? The Seventh-day Adventist Church models the behavior with the fertility idols standing next to their pulpits and outside in front of their churches, they display the Catholic idols because they too are a Catholic church.
Ellen G. White admonished her sheep to not use expensive decorations when idolizing the trees but to use cheap ribbons instead. Many of Ellen White’s SDA churches are capped with Egyptian penises, while she herself has a dink for a tombstone.
Moslems similarly embrace phallic worship, they build penises into their mosque architecture, including into their new mosque in Saskatoon. Should I be bothered to run for mayor of Saskatoon, and win, I would not spend people’s money on promoting
Catholic fertility rites, Islamic fertility rites, or on fertility rites espoused by any other religious group. If citizens want to turn their homes, churches, mosques and temples into pagan temples of fertility, let them, but it is wrong to spend tax
money on turning city schools and other buildings, streets and parks into blinking pagan temples of fertility.
The courts in Saskatoon and in other Canadian cities are citing the large number of black and aboriginal people languishing in jails as a reason to render softer sentences upon individuals from those racial backgrounds, which amounts to racism. This
racism conducted by the Catholic courts results in people happily violating laws as penalties are weak or non-existent.
I complained that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and were teaching people to embrace traditions that are in direct opposition to God’s Commandments and received many years of brutal horrid torture at the hands of
predominantly Hindu psychiatrists at the Royal University Hospital at the University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital. I would be detained and tortured for repeated 6-week periods, then injected with drugs on the final day of each 6-week
session that resulted in a couple of months of additional horror after each time I was released. Once I lightly punched a fellow who was censoring my posters and was rewarded by the judge with additional months of torture.
Once I was brutally beaten (I nearly died) at the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church (for daring to speak at a Wednesday night Bible study) and was again rewarded with an additional 6-week round of brutal horrid torture (and a couple months
additional torture resulting from the drugs injected into me on the last day of the “treatment”). I was brutally assaulted by James George De Witt (born May 8th 1953), and then arrested and tortured, for being brutally assaulted at the Mount Royal
Seventh-day Adventist Church was used as additional evidence that I was acting up and deserving of a needle in my arse. George James De Witt had arms that were much bigger than my legs, his brother was a national boxing champion - George De Witt grabbed
me at the Wednesday night SDA Bible study and flung me up the stairs and then punched me in the head as hard as he could. As I lay on the lawn next to the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church the Adventists departed their Bible study, I wasn’t able
to move and nobody came out to see how I was. These Adventists don’t like to hear that their church censors Scriptural references to cannibalism, don’t like to hear that they teach people to abide by Catholic fertility rites, they don’t like to
hear that many of their churches are capped with Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises). The following Saturday I stood outside the Seventh-day Adventist Central Church on Victoria Ave. and showed off my ripped clothes and injuries, one Adventist
told me not to come back or they would do worse to me. I attended that church hoping for assistance to flee many years of psychiatric horror, they instead beat me to the point of death and then had me arrested and tortured. George De Witt’s daughter
posted that she was so pleased that her dad beat the shit out of me, that I was deserving of the beating. I wanted help to flee Canada, instead the Adventists brutalized me further.
Soon after a drug-dealing immigrant from El Salvador (Manuel Oswaldo Chinchilla Morales, born February 8th 1977), who lived with his Seventh-day Adventist family, together with his friends, beat me in downtown Saskatoon. After returning home from the
hospital I continued to lay in bed for weeks, fearful that the police were going to come and arrest me again, for speaking again. So the worst two beatings I ever experienced in life were dealt to me at a Seventh-day Adventist Wednesday Night Bible Study
and then by a drug dealing immigrant from El Salvador who lived in Saskatoon with his Seventh-day Adventist immigrant family. I was already devastated by years of horror in psychiatric facilities in Saskatoon, these people must have seen me as an easy
conquest. George De Witt’s muscular arms were bigger than my thighs, the punch he gave me would likely have killed over 95% of the people on the planet, he is a soldier of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Ethnic diversity is negatively impacting poor whites and poor aboriginal natives, resources provided by governments have limits and are being provided to the newcomers at the expense of the poor. Years ago a group of Syrians arrived to the airport and
were welcomed by three levels of government - civil, provincial and federal government representatives welcomed these newcomers and provided homes and money for them, while at the same time many white and native people were sleeping in bushes along the
riverbank and under bridges. People could not find it in their hearts to provide a bed for the homeless in Saskatoon, yet when the Syrians and other Islamists were flown in they were provided with hotel rooms, hotel meals and swimming pools. The new
Islamist immigrants were provided for at great cost, multitudes more resources were provided for them than for our own, who struggle to live here in abject poverty.
Now we hear on a daily basis of Latin American, Asian and African immigrants committing murders and other serious crimes against white European people. White people in Canada signed treaties with native aboriginals to share this land, these treaties
do not give us permission to import many millions of brutal Latin American, Asian and African immigrants. And due to the high amount of gun violence committed by these new immigrants in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia, the Islamic federal
government now wants to remove our access to guns rather than punish the murderous and racist thugs. The Canadian Islamic federal government has an agenda that includes allowing white people (especially white males) to perish and this should have been a
civic issue long ago. They are housing foreign thugs in Toronto, allowing these thugs to commit repeated acts of violence without serious penalty, then these foreign thugs make excursions to western provinces and commit serious crimes here before
returning to Toronto… governments in other regions of Canada are acting as enemies to the citizens of Saskatoon, they should pay for the damages their negligent actions are causing us.
We need to place people on notice that these brutal assaults will be attended to. So, as mayor, I will instruct the police to arrest and detain the hockey players that assault fellow hockey players on the ice. The assaults would be witnessed by
thousands of people, there is no doubt of guilt, these hockey players should be immediately arrested and removed from the ice in handcuffs. The arena in Saskatoon should not be used as a platform to teach children to assault one another. Should the arena
continue to be used as a platform to teach people to assault one another, and if the perpetrators of the assaults are not brought to justice, then as mayor I will try to gain council support to limit or outright curtail activities at the arena. If people
abuse the arena, then they should lose access to the arena. If the Catholic judges decide to free the Catholic hockey players without sufficient penalty, then all the Catholic hockey teams can play their Catholic “games” elsewhere. Every time a major
event occurs at our northerly placed arena, the result is traffic jams that require multiple police offers to attend and untangle, one or two of those officers should instead be posted next to the ice and will be poised to arrest the perpetrators of the
on-ice assaults. On one hand there is additional costs due to the additional policing required for these traffic jams, on the other hand the police are being used to direct traffic rather than being used in more useful roles, such as arresting violence
wherever it occurs in the community. It is rather unfair that some people throw a punch and the result is a penalty of years of brutal horrid torture, other people throw a punch and the result is people cheer and give the perpetrator of the crime money.
The Catholic fertility rites (which includes tree and penis worship) are being whole-heartedly adopted by aboriginals in and around the community of Saskatoon. At One-Arrow First Nation the native aboriginals placed a statue of their leader Chief One-
Arrow upon an Egyptian representation of a penis. They see how other communities in and outside of Canada honor their war dead by placing statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian dinks, so the ignorant aboriginal Indians similarly
adopted this Catholic ritual and hoisted a statue of their beloved ancestor upon a pagan penis as well. The aboriginal children faced a couple of hundred years of sodomy at the hands of the Catholic priests, and they incredibly respond by placing a
statue of Chief One-Arrow upon a pagan representation of a penis. The result of embracing Catholic fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments is that God withdraws His protection and allows Canada to be flooded with Islamists, Hindus and Sikhs, all
of whom similarly embrace pagan fertility rites including penis whoreship. Covering the many penises built into the Amritsar temple with gold doesn’t make the penises nor the Sikhs holy. Using a long row of obelisks (Egyptian penises) to mark our
southern border dothn’t make our southern border secure. Filling our cemeteries with obelisks (Egyptian penises) dothn’t mean our dead went to or are heading to heaven. Stealing an obelisk (a pagan penis) from Egypt and sticking it in the center of
Vatican Square dothn’t make that church holy. Placing a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian representation of a dink dothn’t bring fertility and abundance to that First Nation community. If there is some sort of historical evidence that
Chief One Arrow found his penis to be of tremendous importance and perhaps even played with it, then there might be some merit to the idea of placing a statue of him standing on top of an Egyptian dink. It was before my time, and there are two different
cultures here (North American Indian and Egyptian) which are both very dissimilar to my own culture, so I am not entirely qualified to comment further on the issue.
It matters little to God which particular group of pagan penis whoreshippers occupies any nation. Many of the aboriginal Indians flip-flop between “Catholicism” and “Traditional Native Spirituality” depending upon whom they are trying to get
into their beds and fuck on any particular day, rather indicating their true religion to be “sex”, they engage in a communal version of this sex and phallic worship that results in a decrease in their fertility and longevity. So as the native
aboriginals blindly engage in their phallic worship, members of alternative fertility cults invade Canada, and it just doesn’t matter to God which particular fertility cult occupies any nation.
Many native reserves are plagued with violent crimes, the young there failed to listen to the wisdom of their grandmothers and other elders, they failed to listen to and obey God. In most reserves the children flip-flop between Catholicism and Native
Spirituality depending upon whom they are trying to get into bed with on any particular day, resulting in them getting infected with HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Then these folks come to the city and continue with their criminal and
violent activities and spread their diseases here. The problem would be mitigated if the provincial government ceased giving rent money to people on welfare. Instead of the government handing over money for rental accommodations and benefitting landlords,
the provincial government should be handing out a few dollars worth of building material so people may construct their own tiny off grid homes away from the cities. The city can continue to expect violent crimes and the spread of diseases as long as
governments continue policies designed to bankrupt people and bankrupt communities, and as long as people dismiss God’s Commandments as being valid for our day. Children are taught to bow to trees turned into decorated idols rather than to attempt to
honor God’s Commandments.
Veterans and others are being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, people think they unite against evil by turning trees into blinkin' idols (a Catholic fertility rite) and singing Jingle Bells, and by having people arrested and tortured for
daring to criticize the Catholic churches. What most Americans do for the veterans, is place decorated wreaths made from evergreen trees upon the veteran's grave stones... these war veterans never fought for your right to honor Catholic fertility rites.
Often a statue of a veteran is made and placed to stand next to or directly on top of an Egyptian penis, then people bow to this Egyptian penis by placing a decorated evergreen wreath at the base of the pagan dink. People think themselves holy for
honoring Catholic fertility rites, but by honoring these pagan fertility rites God allows their nations to be invaded by members of alternative fertility cults. In Canada people spent many millions of dollars to try to force me to shut up about the
Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, to shut up about how their "Christmas" celebrations are in violation of God's First Three Commandments, to try to force me to shut up about the churches censoring Scriptural references to
cannibalism. In 1988 proclaimed as loudly as I could that it is no surprise that the priests are ramming their penises up children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves by placing Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. I
was arrested and given to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but I am not the one who thinks so highly of penises that I would place one on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm.
Catholics employed Hindus to do their dirty work for them. I criticized the pedophilia in the Catholic Church, people responded by calling me a pedophile and having me tortured for years. When I complained I was being tortured by Hindus, people laughed
at me and assaulted me further, now they train Hindus, Islamists and Sikhs, people who are citizens of foreign nations, to become psychiatrists at our universities, and they are allowed to work in the field of psychiatry in Canada without becoming
Canadian citizens.
Saskatoon requires water and sewer upgrades, these repairs should be considered as of far greater importance than paving streets, clearing streets of snow, designating bike lanes or separating recyclables. Saskatoonians who drive cars should consider
driving trucks instead as we do not have the money to keep the roads in top condition, especially if we are digging up streets to replace water lines and bury the power lines. Most bicyclists in Saskatoon wish they owned cars or trucks, may they prosper
and purchase themselves some kind of warm vehicle. It will be pretty difficult for the poor to prosper now that the federal government allows non-Canadians to work in Canada, and because most any government aid goes to others now. The banks took so much
money from people in the communities, now they employ non-Canadians from Iran or other Islamic countries to work behind desks at bank branches and determine if you are worthy of a loan. There should be an end to the City of Saskatoon employing people who
are not Canadian citizens.
The Islamic federal government imposed a carbon tax upon Canadians, an Islamist spokesman said that the money raised is to be rebated back to Canadian families, with the largest of the families receiving the largest of the rebate cheques. Already
taxes are supporting Islamic families that have up to four wives, with each wife living in a separate residence. It costs a great deal of money to support these large Islamic families, and so hence the federal carbon tax, which is really a tax to help
raise large Islamic families. Islamists requires that non-Islamists pay an annual fee, called “jizya”, in order for the non-Islamists to retain their heads, but with the so-called “carbon tax”, Canadians are paying a “pre-jizya” tax.
Islamists require women to be sexually mutilated and separated from men, and they will demand that swimming pool time be allocated just for women, these are additional aspects of Sharia Law that I oppose. People advocating Sharia Law are clearly not
willing to integrate into our society and have no business being here. Sharia Law is a sexist attack against women and is an attack against anybody that doesn’t abide by Islamic teachings. Women should have the right to wear their own choice of clothes
without facing beatings, rape and beheadings. People should have the right to alternative beliefs without having their heads cut off.
Currently industrial trade programs in Saskatoon are racist and sexist, 20% of the seats are reserved for recently arrived immigrants (mainly Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for women (again many are recently arrived Asian
and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for handicapped (again, many are Asian and African Islamists), 20% of the seats are reserved for natives (many are converting to Islam in the prisons), and then the remaining 20% of the seats are for
the other Islamists that never filled the other seats. White males are being shunted away from the paying professions and into poverty. White male youth should not have to wait to be brutalized by recent immigrants in order to qualify for a handicapped
seat at a trade school. Allowing any one single race in Canada the privilege of blocking roads or blocking rail lines or blocking pipe lines, amounts to racism. If I were to block a road in Saskatoon, I would be arrested and returned to the University of
Saskatchewan for another round of brutal horrid psychiatric torture. The police would deliver me to a judge, the judge will prevent me from speaking and send me in for “psychiatric evaluation”, but that is just a euphemism for years of brutal horrid
torture. Once the Brahmin Hindu psychiatrist gets his or her hands upon you, then you are their patient for life. The more patients they have, the more money they earn. When they started having me tortured in 1988 it was at the hands of Brahmin Hindus
psychiatrists, but now there are Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists torturing people to death in Canada as well. There are hundreds annually, and over the years thousands of Saudi Arabian students have been and are being trained to become “Doctors of
Medicine” by the University of Saskatchewan, some of whom specialize in psychiatry. And under Trudeau they may “work” in Canada without being Canadian citizens.
I was repeatedly arrested and tortured for criticizing Catholic fertility rites. The drugs made my skin hard and dry, my tongue turned to leather, my hair fell out, my head banged in pain, the nausea was overwhelming. Every three weeks I was wheeled
into a psychiatric appeal panel hearing and allowed to defend my sanity. There I would limit my defense by saying that the Bible repeatedly condemns the practice of turning trees into decorated idols and that people were inadvertently bowing to the trees
via placement and retrieval of presents at the base of the trees. I would keep my defense short as it was very difficult to talk. Normally I was tortured by Brahmin Hindus (a husband and wife team), but eventually white Catholic psychiatrist Dr. Gene
Marcoux took over the role, and when he heard my defense he smiled and said that I was religiously deluded because everybody does it (turn trees into decorated idols). The Catholics seated at the appeal panel hearing smiled and nodded in approval to Dr.
Marcoux’s words and gave him permission to continue to detain and torture me. Doctor Marcoux specializes in religious disorders... my criticism of the Catholic fertility rites was a disorder to him, and he warned me that if he ever heard of me
postering poles in Saskatoon again, that he would have me returned to him for another round of “treatment”. This is how people defend their Catholic fertility rites, with violence and threats of violence. Anybody criticizing the pagan practice of
turning trees into decorated idols is first mocked, then if that is ineffective the individual is shunned, then assaulted, and eventually arrested and tortured. Most people reading this were over the years provided with multiple testimonies from both
friends and strangers of how their evergreen tree whoreship is repeatedly condemned by Scripture, and they dealt with these testimonies by mocking and shunning the messengers, and doubling down in their apostate filth by getting bigger trees and
decorating them to even greater degrees.
The churches (and their media and their courts) that teach you to turn trees into blinkin’ idols, are the same churches that censor Scriptural passages referring to cannibalism. Both the decorated trees and the cannibalism are pagan fertility rites,
people worship the evergreen tree as a symbol of fertility due to it being green and fertile throughout the year, while evil doers consume other humans thinking that the practice grants them strength, fertility and longevity. Each winter the Vatican
places an idolized evergreen tree alongside the Egyptian obelisk (penis) they stole from Egypt, suitable as both are symbol of fertility. The churches teach you to turn trees into idols, many of these churches are capped with Egyptian obelisks (penises).
Some churches turn trees into blinkin’ idols and then caps the trees with Egyptian dinks. The Catholic priests still wear a fish-head hat, these priests of fish-god Dagon still pay homage to the fish, for it is a symbol of fertility in that most fish
lay enormous quantities of eggs. And the Catholics revere Mary, as another symbol of fertility. People embrace traditions that are in opposition to God’s Commandments, they insist that the sacrifices they make in their worship of God are acceptable to
I proclaimed in 1988 that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, the words upset Catholics in the community enough to have me removed from the streets and tortured by a female Hindu psychiatrist (Catholics employed Hindus to
do their dirty work). After years of the six-week sessions of brutal horrid psychiatric torture, the Hindu’s husband, who was also a psychiatrist, also began “treating” me. First the female Hindu psychiatrist said that I was schizophrenic, then
years later she claimed I was psychotic. But for her to change her diagnosis of me to psychotic, she needed a second opinion. Along comes her Hindu husband, he steps into my hospital room at Saskatoon City Hospital for all of three minutes to talk to me,
and then he signs off on his wife’s written declaration of me being psychotic rather than schizophrenic – I was not ranting when the Brahmin Hindu concurred with his Brahmin Hindu wife that I was psychotic, I sat in a drugged stupor on the edge of my
bed when he briefly entered the room to proclaim the new diagnosis.
The female Hindu psychiatrist only spoke to me for all of three minutes each week to begin with. She wanted me declared psychotic as this way I would be under her “care” permanently and she would make much more money off of the system, as opposed
to just having her way with me for the six-week sessions that the Saskatchewan government initially allowed. Or, the psychotic designation would allow her to poison me with other psychiatric medications, it was costing taxpayers many millions of dollars
for her to torture me over the years so killing me would make the bed available, and she may then torture some other poor individual and still make the money.
When the male Brahmin Hindu psychiatrist husband came to my room for the three minutes to confirm his wife’s diagnosis, he quoted his wife saying that all I do is talk about cannibals all the time, but I had not discussed the topic of cannibals in
the hospital for years. And each time the female Hindu sat in the psychiatric appeal panel hearings (conducted every three weeks), she proclaimed to the Catholics seated across the table in judgment against me, that I was always talking about cannibals (
but I had not discussed the topic of cannibals in the hospital for years). They used my proclamation in 1988 that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism as a reason to torture me year after year after year. I did not speak of
cannibals while being tortured over the years in the psychiatric wards, it was the female Brahmin Hindu psychiatrist (Dr. Thakur) who was weekly coming into my room and mentioning cannibals. In 1988 I proclaimed that it was no surprise that the priests
were ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches. I was arrested and given to that female Brahmin Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about
penises, but it is not me who thinks so highly of penises that I would place one on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus attain their spiritual bliss via orgasm.
I wasn’t ranting on about the existence of cannibals (or of the churches censoring Scriptural passages dealing with cannibalism) when I was under her “care”. She was the one that brought up the topic of cannibalism the few times she spoke to me,
and she was always the one who brought up the topic of cannibalism every three weeks at the psychiatric appeal panel hearings. She would tell the Catholics seated in judgment at the other side of the psychiatric appeal panel table that I rave on about
cannibals, and they would always grant her permission to continue to detain and torture me. In my defense (with my head banging in pain and my jaw sometimes locked open, with my tongue and mouth turned to leather), I would say that the Bible condemns
turning trees into decorated idols, and that people were inadvertently bowing to the trees when they placed and retrieved presents at the base of the tree. The Catholics seated in judgment against me always sided with the Hindu and gave her permission to
continue to detain and torture me.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff
July 9th 2021 2:13 pm 78,067 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
The city used to hold the immensely popular “Louis Riel Relay Race” in the 1980’s and 1990’s, the event drew great crowds to the center of the city. It was a way to bring together people of all cultures, not just Metis, but also Native
Aboriginals, Whites, Chinese and most of the rest of the diverse community. Then the city cancelled the event and put Chinese Dragon Boat Races in their place. About the same time the Chinese Dragon Boat Races began, the media stopped their campaign to
demonize the Chinese people, and instead ran “news” stories of how the Chinese were embracing “Christmas” (aka turning trees into decorated idols), saying “Look at their beautiful blinkin’ trees - the Chinese people are just the same as you
and me.” The media played upon people’s love of pagan fertility rites in order to push a pro-Chinese agenda. I support a return of the Louis Riel Relay Race to downtown Saskatoon. If Chinese people want to maintain their traditions they should do so
without cancelling our traditions.
Help lower taxes in the city by targeting high school students who litter the streets with cigarette butts, fines imposed upon the students can be directed towards lowering the property taxes of the homeowners who are negatively impacted by these self-
centered students. The schools should be teaching the students how to properly cross the streets and how to deal with their personal wastes, if they failed learn these skills in primary schools then they should spend time daily learning the subject in
high schools. We should assume that those high school students that litter the streets with cigarette butts similarly don’t know how to wipe their arses properly, provide them with remedial classes at the end of the school day and give them lessons on
many different aspects of waste management, including when it is appropriate to flush and the importance of properly wiping and washing their butt holes. If they are unable to attend such waste management classes at the end of the day, have them attend a
class in the morning before the start of the school day. Tossing their carcinogenic cigarette butts on the ground is far from being a joke. If the students continue to think that littering carcinogenic substances is a joke, then add a fee to their parent
s annual taxes so that money will be made available to clean up after their ignorant progeny, we can call in “Your ignorant progeny joke tax.” When submitting the annual tax bill to the parents, include a video of their ignorant child tossing a
cigarette butt on the ground.
High school students know how to smoke in large groups, resulting in clouds of carcinogenic toxins irritating the homeowners living close to the schools… if the students can afford drugs, tattoos, body piercings, designer clothes, automobiles and
smart phones, then they can also afford fines for littering and jaywalking. Sometimes the weather is such that the cigarette smoke hangs in the air, it makes life miserable for those residents who live adjacent to the high schools.
The federal government recently legalized marijuana, but renters have no place to smoke and can face fines for smoking in public places, it is a sorry state of affairs for the smokers who rent. It is also a sorry state for the renters who do not smoke
and have to tolerate the smoke from the other tenants. We should look at providing designated smoking areas for people that smoke tobacco or marijuana. Renters smoking inside non-smoking facilities should consider moving to a tiny house located outside
of the city before they are charged for administering noxious substances. Be aware that just a small amount of second hand smoke, or incense, will wake most non-smokers out of a deep sleep as the smoke makes hearts beat faster.
No tax money to be utilized for sports. Institute a program to help military cadets, sports groups and other clubs raise money for their organizations, where the members record bylaw violations and have the resulting fines shared between the city and
the organizations. Target the areas where bars are located and impose fines upon people for littering and for urinating in public. Submitting a 10 minute video of an unattached trailer on a city street can earn your organization cold hard cash. Get a
video identifying people exposing themselves and urinating in public. Military cadets are not receiving adequate funding and require additional time practicing marksmanship at gun ranges, it costs money.
Up until the mid 1960’s Saskatoon had a shooting range and an annual turkey shoot downtown at First Avenue and Twenty-Second Street where the Hilton Hotel now stands, adults and children alike would pay a very small fee to try to hit the target and
win a turkey. Children used to travel to the outskirts of the city carrying their rifles across the handlebars of their bicycles, where their recreation was to walk in the prairie wilderness and shoot gophers, sparrows and snakes with their BB guns and .
22 caliber rifles, if there was standing water nearby then the kids could always fill the tunnels with water and shoot the gophers when they came up for air. Kids had guns and had fun. Many half-ton trucks coming to the city from rural areas had rifles
visibly hanging in their back windows. Now we import people who want to slaughter us and we prevent our children from learning how to shoot and become responsible gun owners. Some of our immigrant invaders come from countries where all the males are
expected to carry machine guns or sniper rifles. All the Islamic invaders believe in the supremacy of their “Sharia Law” as dictated by the Koran, which contains instruction on acquiring land, wealth, sex slaves and virgins in heaven.
Freemason (Catholic) judges are allowing criminals to go free. And the judges that send people to “psychiatric evaluation” are very well aware that they have stripped the individual of their rights to defend themselves in a court of law, and the
individual will be tortured by psychiatrists for years to come. These judges are criminals, complicit in torture, who need to be themselves arrested, detained and “evaluated”. Although it is probably not possible to get the Catholic police to arrest
the Catholic judges, nor is it possible to get Catholic judges to render unbiased judgments against other Catholic judges, the city should monitor the proceedings in the courts and try to ensure that white people and native people receive similar
penalties as people of other races, ensure that males receive similar penalties as the females, ensure that the rich receive similar penalties as the poor, ensure that Christians receive similar penalties as people from other religions… anything less
is evil and directly leads to the downfall of civilization. Because Canadian children are literally getting away with murder, council should study the issue of expulsion of entire families from the city when their children are out of control. Homeowners
who are raising criminal children should at the very least face higher property taxes to help compensate their victims, and face penalties of even greater degrees if they are found to be systematically teaching their children to violate laws. Out of
control renters should become responsible small home owners, miles outside of the city.
Many years ago I ran for mayor, my literature pointed out that the city lowered taxes for banks. I also indicated that we should ban cars that burn excessive quantities of “oil” in their dilapidated vehicles, the media reported that I wanted to
ban vehicles that burned an excess quantity of “gas” (the Star-Phoenix refused to print a correction), and no mention was made of me pointing out that the city reduced taxes for banks. Opinions that are in opposition to those espoused by the media
should be allowed… people should be allowed to poster on all city poles and on city electrical/traffic boxes, and not face penalties for doing so. Because opinions in Saskatoon are censored, we must be diligent to allow opinions to be posted onto
street poles, allow people to speak their opinions on public streets, and allow people to distribute their newspapers on public sidewalks. Islamists should understand that this is supposedly a free country and their blasphemous-murdering-pedophile-
prophet may be openly mocked. Islam is not a race but an idea, in free countries ideas are open to debate, criticism and even laughter.
Placing an arena on the outskirts of the city resulted in a great financial loss to downtown businesses and to the city as a whole. Similarly placing a casino 15 miles outside of the city accomplished the same. Also the distant locations of the arena
and casino likely results in a daily loss of thousands of gallons of gasoline, the loss of thousands of hours spent driving and maintaining the vehicles. When I ran for mayor I supported the building of a centrally located arena, and continue to do so,
but I no longer support using money collected by taxes to do so.
An end to attempting to stop river banks from slumping. The costs involved in attempting to save a home or two located along the river bank far exceeds the value of the homes, and that cost should not be borne by taxpayers. The people who desire to
save their homes when the river banks start slumping should be free to attempt to stop the slumping on their own. Maybe dig a few deep holes and pour a few steel-reinforced concrete piles, don’t look for assistance from city engineers nor any other
city employee. Get some of them fancy blinkin’ lights to indicate that your property is slumping, make the best of your situation. You can’t be too safe, if your property is slumping then consider painting your house a bright yellow as a warning to
others. If your property is slumping during your pagan winter fertility festival, then get your inflatable Santa Claus to blink on and off as well.
Again and worth repeating, we should periodically run races around the city on Circle Drive, in order to allow normal traffic to continue to function during the races would require building both underpasses and overpasses. The races could generate
money that could be used to fund overpasses, underpasses, seating and washroom facilities. Many seniors don’t take walks downtown due to lack of adequate washroom facilities. If we had washrooms and seating for seniors, then the seniors would have
somewhere to go. Often the seniors have to go frequently and can’t easily walk the entire length of a downtown city block. We could have washrooms downtown specifically for seniors (perhaps people 60 or over) that open with a swipe of a card. The
cadets will get photographs of alcoholics exposing themselves and urinating near the bars, the fines get split between the cadets who need money to improve their shooting skills, and with the city who needs to make washrooms in downtown areas for seniors
and for others. The alcoholics need to be educated to urinate and defecate before they depart from a bar and should pay for the education on their own.
Rather than cater to the needs of the local citizens, the University of Saskatchewan trains foreign students, including Islamic students, to become medical doctors, dentists, chemists, engineers, and such. Islamists come to Saskatoon and earn doctoral
degrees by synthesizing new chemical compounds, and by researching properties of these new compounds such as the temperature at which these compounds explode. Islamists are trained to become psychiatrists and then under Trudeau are allowed to work in
Canada (torture Canadians) without they themselves being Canadian citizens. Some Islamists even come to the University of Saskatchewan and do dissertations on nosecone designs. The local students who desire admission to these programs are thwarted by the
seats being allocated to the foreigners, and are thwarted by being unable to sign up for desired classes because their student loans arrive after the classes are filled, and are shunted into the College of Arts and Sciences where the degree results in
debt, poverty and unemployment. Numerous studies have shown that as Islamists increase their overall percentages in communities throughout the world, that violent crimes committed by them increases, to the point when they are numerous enough that they
then act in unison to enslave women and slaughter their opponents. Because the University of Saskatchewan is instrumental in increasing the number of Islamists into Saskatchewan, which will inevitably result in increased crimes and higher taxes, the
university should face financial penalties to assist the communities deal with the increased tax burdens. Just like other communities throughout the world that face an invasion of Islamists, Saskatoon can expect infrastructure losses due to bombings…
we should start saving money to pay for the replacement of the bombed bridges and buildings, and force the University to post a $3 billion performance bond to help cover the future replacement costs (for the University teaches Islamists to synthesize
compounds that explode). The Islamists are being provided with higher education, resulting in higher incomes, and many have arrived to Saskatoon with money they stole from the Christians and the Catholics they killed in Africa, the Middle-East and Asia
before they arrived here, they should be taxed higher than average due to their increased costs they place upon the communities they invade. If the University of Saskatchewan fails to post a $3 billion performance bond to cover the future replacement
costs of destroyed infrastructure, then the city should immediately move to expropriate much of the university lands.
The Catholics stole an Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) and placed it prominently in Vatican Square, then each winter turn an evergreen tree into a decorated idol and place it next to the pagan penis, suitable as both are symbols of
fertility… the penis is worshipped as a symbol of fertility due to its reproductive role, while the evergreen tree is worshipped as a symbol of fertility due to remaining green throughout the year. And fish are worshipped as a symbol of fertility due
to laying large numbers of eggs, so these priests of fish-god Dagon continue to wear their fish-head hats.
Catholics co-opted Protestant churches and use these churches to teach people to honor the pagan fertility rites, even many Seventh-day Adventist churches place Egyptian dinks on their roofs and place trees turned into decorated idols next to their
pulpits and in front of their churches. Different aspects of the pagan winter festival are in direct opposition to God’s first Three Commandments, the Seventh-day Adventists teach people to honor God’s Fourth Commandment while at the same time are
teaching people to violate God’s first Three Commandments via their winter celebrations, and then have the audacity to claim that their church is the bulwark of truth.
Seventh-day Adventist children, young adults, older adults and seniors all love to pose next to decorated evergreen tree idols and have their photos taken, which they then upload to Facebook and other social media. If the child is too young to post
the photo on social media, then the Seventh-day Adventist parents will post the photo for them, parents use their very own children to teach others to abide by Catholic fertility rites. Who teaches these Seventh-day Adventists to idolize trees and abide
by Catholic fertility rites? The Seventh-day Adventist Church models the behavior with the fertility idols standing next to their pulpits and outside in front of their churches, they display the Catholic idols because they too are a Catholic church.
Ellen G. White admonished her sheep to not use expensive decorations when idolizing the trees but to use cheap ribbons instead. Many of Ellen White’s SDA churches are capped with Egyptian penises, while she herself has a dink for a tombstone.
Moslems similarly embrace phallic worship, they build penises into their mosque architecture, including into their new mosque in Saskatoon. Should I be bothered to run for mayor of Saskatoon, and win, I would not spend people’s money on promoting
Catholic fertility rites, Islamic fertility rites, or on fertility rites espoused by any other religious group. If citizens want to turn their homes, churches, mosques and temples into pagan temples of fertility, let them, but it is wrong to spend tax
money on turning city schools and other buildings, streets and parks into blinking pagan temples of fertility.
The courts in Saskatoon and in other Canadian cities are citing the large number of black and aboriginal people languishing in jails as a reason to render softer sentences upon individuals from those racial backgrounds, which amounts to racism. This
racism conducted by the Catholic courts results in people happily violating laws as penalties are weak or non-existent.
I complained that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and were teaching people to embrace traditions that are in direct opposition to God’s Commandments and received many years of brutal horrid torture at the hands of
predominantly Hindu psychiatrists at the Royal University Hospital at the University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital. I would be detained and tortured for repeated 6-week periods, then injected with drugs on the final day of each 6-week
session that resulted in a couple of months of additional horror after each time I was released. Once I lightly punched a fellow who was censoring my posters and was rewarded by the judge with additional months of torture.
Once I was brutally beaten (I nearly died) at the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church (for daring to speak at a Wednesday night Bible study) and was again rewarded with an additional 6-week round of brutal horrid torture (and a couple months
additional torture resulting from the drugs injected into me on the last day of the “treatment”). I was brutally assaulted by James George De Witt (born May 8th 1953), and then arrested and tortured, for being brutally assaulted at the Mount Royal
Seventh-day Adventist Church was used as additional evidence that I was acting up and deserving of a needle in my arse. George James De Witt had arms that were much bigger than my legs, his brother was a national boxing champion - George De Witt grabbed
me at the Wednesday night SDA Bible study and flung me up the stairs and then punched me in the head as hard as he could. As I lay on the lawn next to the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church the Adventists departed their Bible study, I wasn’t able
to move and nobody came out to see how I was. These Adventists don’t like to hear that their church censors Scriptural references to cannibalism, don’t like to hear that they teach people to abide by Catholic fertility rites, they don’t like to
hear that many of their churches are capped with Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises). The following Saturday I stood outside the Seventh-day Adventist Central Church on Victoria Ave. and showed off my ripped clothes and injuries, one Adventist
told me not to come back or they would do worse to me. I attended that church hoping for assistance to flee many years of psychiatric horror, they instead beat me to the point of death and then had me arrested and tortured. George De Witt’s daughter
posted that she was so pleased that her dad beat the shit out of me, that I was deserving of the beating. I wanted help to flee Canada, instead the Adventists brutalized me further.
Soon after a drug-dealing immigrant from El Salvador (Manuel Oswaldo Chinchilla Morales, born February 8th 1977), who lived with his Seventh-day Adventist family, together with his friends, beat me in downtown Saskatoon. After returning home from the
hospital I continued to lay in bed for weeks, fearful that the police were going to come and arrest me again, for speaking again. So the worst two beatings I ever experienced in life were dealt to me at a Seventh-day Adventist Wednesday Night Bible Study
and then by a drug dealing immigrant from El Salvador who lived in Saskatoon with his Seventh-day Adventist immigrant family. I was already devastated by years of horror in psychiatric facilities in Saskatoon, these people must have seen me as an easy
conquest. George De Witt’s muscular arms were bigger than my thighs, the punch he gave me would likely have killed over 95% of the people on the planet, he is a soldier of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Ethnic diversity is negatively impacting poor whites and poor aboriginal natives, resources provided by governments have limits and are being provided to the newcomers at the expense of the poor. Years ago a group of Syrians arrived to the airport and
were welcomed by three levels of government - civil, provincial and federal government representatives welcomed these newcomers and provided homes and money for them, while at the same time many white and native people were sleeping in bushes along the
riverbank and under bridges. People could not find it in their hearts to provide a bed for the homeless in Saskatoon, yet when the Syrians and other Islamists were flown in they were provided with hotel rooms, hotel meals and swimming pools. The new
Islamist immigrants were provided for at great cost, multitudes more resources were provided for them than for our own, who struggle to live here in abject poverty.
Now we hear on a daily basis of Latin American, Asian and African immigrants committing murders and other serious crimes against white European people. White people in Canada signed treaties with native aboriginals to share this land, these treaties
do not give us permission to import many millions of brutal Latin American, Asian and African immigrants. And due to the high amount of gun violence committed by these new immigrants in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia, the Islamic federal
government now wants to remove our access to guns rather than punish the murderous and racist thugs. The Canadian Islamic federal government has an agenda that includes allowing white people (especially white males) to perish and this should have been a
civic issue long ago. They are housing foreign thugs in Toronto, allowing these thugs to commit repeated acts of violence without serious penalty, then these foreign thugs make excursions to western provinces and commit serious crimes here before
returning to Toronto… governments in other regions of Canada are acting as enemies to the citizens of Saskatoon, they should pay for the damages their negligent actions are causing us.
We need to place people on notice that these brutal assaults will be attended to. So, as mayor, I will instruct the police to arrest and detain the hockey players that assault fellow hockey players on the ice. The assaults would be witnessed by
thousands of people, there is no doubt of guilt, these hockey players should be immediately arrested and removed from the ice in handcuffs. The arena in Saskatoon should not be used as a platform to teach children to assault one another. Should the arena
continue to be used as a platform to teach people to assault one another, and if the perpetrators of the assaults are not brought to justice, then as mayor I will try to gain council support to limit or outright curtail activities at the arena. If people
abuse the arena, then they should lose access to the arena. If the Catholic judges decide to free the Catholic hockey players without sufficient penalty, then all the Catholic hockey teams can play their Catholic “games” elsewhere. Every time a major
event occurs at our northerly placed arena, the result is traffic jams that require multiple police officers to attend and untangle, one or two of those officers should instead be posted next to the ice and will be poised to arrest the perpetrators of
the on-ice assaults. On one hand there is additional costs due to the additional policing required for these traffic jams, on the other hand the police are being used to direct traffic rather than being used in more useful roles, such as arresting
violence wherever it occurs in the community. It is rather unfair that some people throw a punch and the result is the victim receives a penalty of years of brutal horrid torture, other people throw a punch and the result is people cheer and give the
perpetrator of the crime money.
The Catholic fertility rites (which includes tree and penis worship) are being whole-heartedly adopted by aboriginals in and around the community of Saskatoon. At One-Arrow First Nation the native aboriginals placed a statue of their leader Chief One-
Arrow upon an Egyptian representation of a penis. They see how other communities in and outside of Canada honor their war dead by placing statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian dinks, so the ignorant aboriginal Indians similarly
adopted this Catholic ritual and hoisted a statue of their beloved ancestor upon a pagan penis as well. The aboriginal children faced a couple of hundred years of sodomy at the hands of the Catholic priests, and they incredibly respond by placing a
statue of Chief One-Arrow upon a pagan representation of a penis. The result of embracing Catholic fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments is that God withdraws His protection and allows Canada to be flooded with Islamists, Hindus and Sikhs, all
of whom similarly embrace pagan fertility rites including penis whoreship. Covering the many penises built into the Amritsar temple with gold doesn’t make the penises nor the Sikhs holy. Using a long row of obelisks (Egyptian penises) to mark our
southern border dothn’t make our southern border secure. Filling our cemeteries with obelisks (Egyptian penises) dothn’t mean our dead went to or are heading to heaven. Stealing an obelisk (a pagan penis) from Egypt and sticking it in the center of
Vatican Square dothn’t make that church holy. Placing a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian representation of a dink dothn’t bring fertility and abundance to that First Nation community. If there is some sort of historical evidence that
Chief One Arrow found his penis to be of tremendous importance and perhaps even played with it, then there might be some merit to the idea of placing a statue of him standing on top of an Egyptian dink. It was before my time, and there are two different
cultures here (North American Indian and Egyptian) which are both very dissimilar to my own culture, so I am not entirely qualified to comment further on the issue.
It matters little to God which particular group of pagan penis whoreshippers occupies any nation. Many of the aboriginal Indians flip-flop between “Catholicism” and “Traditional Native Spirituality” depending upon whom they are trying to get
into their beds and fuck on any particular day, rather indicating their true religion to be “sex”, they engage in a communal version of this sex and phallic worship that results in a decrease in their fertility and longevity. So as the native
aboriginals blindly engage in their phallic worship, members of alternative fertility cults invade Canada, and it just doesn’t matter to God which particular fertility cult occupies any nation.
Many native reserves are plagued with violent crimes, the young there failed to listen to the wisdom of their grandmothers and other elders, they failed to listen to and obey God. In most reserves the children flip-flop between Catholicism and Native
Spirituality depending upon whom they are trying to get into bed with on any particular day, resulting in them getting infected with HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Then these folks come to the city and continue with their criminal and
violent activities and spread their diseases here. The problem would be mitigated if the provincial government ceased giving rent money to people on welfare. Instead of the government handing over money for rental accommodations and benefitting landlords,
the provincial government should be handing out a few dollars worth of building material so people may construct their own tiny off grid homes away from the cities. The city can continue to expect violent crimes and the spread of diseases as long as
governments continue policies designed to bankrupt people and bankrupt communities, and as long as people dismiss God’s Commandments as being valid for our day. Children are taught to bow to trees turned into decorated idols rather than to attempt to
honor God’s Commandments.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff August 9th 2021 2:22 pm 87,604 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Multitudes of soldiers gave their lives for our freedom – our civic governments (and other governments) honors their sacrifices by erecting Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) and by placing statues of soldiers next to or on top of these
Egyptian penises, and by getting other soldiers to bow to the pagan penises by placing fertility tree wreaths at the base of the Egyptian dinks. These are traditions that have become so important that society is willing to have those who point out the
pagan filth be arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities. The city should demolish the cenotaph (an Egyptian dink), those citizens who oppose the demolition of this pagan phallus should be allowed to remove it from the city and erect the erection
elsewhere. There are more appropriate ways to thank service men and women for their service than to honor them with a pagan dink.
The city closed down the Mendel Art Gallery, it was a wonderful place that provided free access to art and to a conservatory full of plants. Only once I went to Saskatoon’s new art gallery, I was turned away as the entire facility was closed to the
general public, but other people were still being admitted, those being admitted were arriving in limousines and they were wearing outfits that exceed the cost of what I spend on clothes in three years. I did not return. One would think that with four
stories the new art gallery is large enough to always accommodate people of differing social-economic backgrounds at the same time. One would think that the old gallery would not be shuttered until the new gallery was ready for occupancy, but this was
not the case and the general public was left without a gallery for years – the wealthy among us cared little that the city was without a working gallery while the new gallery was being constructed as they could easily afford to frequently fly to other
communities and other countries to view the art there. I support the re-establishment of the Mendel Art Gallery and an end of cash transfers to the new gallery. A study should be done on the new gallery and determine how it can be repurposed, perhaps it
can be used to teach aviation or perhaps the space can even be used to build small airplanes. There is a much greater desire of city residents to own their own cars, motorcycles, boats, airplanes and helicopters than to spend money for admission into an
exclusive art gallery where people arrive in limousines.
The city used to hold the immensely popular “Louis Riel Relay Race” in the 1980’s and 1990’s, the event drew great crowds to the center of the city. It was a way to bring together people of all cultures, not just Metis, but also Native
Aboriginals, Whites, Chinese and most of the rest of the diverse community. Then the city cancelled the event and put Chinese Dragon Boat Races in their place. About the same time the Chinese Dragon Boat Races began, the media stopped their campaign to
demonize the Chinese people, and instead ran “news” stories of how the Chinese were embracing “Christmas” (aka turning trees into decorated idols), saying “Look at their beautiful blinkin’ trees - the Chinese people are just the same as you
and me.” The media played upon people’s love of pagan fertility rites in order to push a pro-Chinese agenda. I support a return of the Louis Riel Relay Race to downtown Saskatoon. If Chinese people want to maintain their traditions they should do so
without cancelling our traditions.
Help lower taxes in the city by targeting high school students who litter the streets with cigarette butts, fines imposed upon the students can be directed towards lowering the property taxes of the homeowners who are negatively impacted by these self-
centered students. The schools should be teaching the students how to properly cross the streets and how to deal with their personal wastes, if they failed learn these skills in primary schools then they should spend time daily learning the subject in
high schools. We should assume that those high school students that litter the streets with cigarette butts similarly don’t know how to wipe their arses properly, provide them with remedial classes at the end of the school day and give them lessons on
many different aspects of waste management, including when it is appropriate to flush and the importance of properly wiping and washing their butt holes. If they are unable to attend such waste management classes at the end of the day, have them attend a
class in the morning before the start of the school day. Tossing their carcinogenic cigarette butts on the ground is far from being a joke. If the students continue to think that littering carcinogenic substances is a joke, then add a fee to their parent
s annual taxes so that money will be made available to clean up after their ignorant progeny, we can call in “Your ignorant progeny joke tax.” When submitting the annual tax bill to the parents, include a video of their ignorant child tossing a
cigarette butt on the ground.
High school students know how to smoke in large groups, resulting in clouds of carcinogenic toxins irritating the homeowners living close to the schools… if the students can afford drugs, tattoos, body piercings, designer clothes, automobiles and
smart phones, then they can also afford fines for littering and jaywalking. Sometimes the weather is such that the cigarette smoke hangs in the air, it makes life miserable for those residents who live adjacent to the high schools.
The federal government recently legalized marijuana, but renters have no place to smoke and can face fines for smoking in public places, it is a sorry state of affairs for the smokers who rent. It is also a sorry state for the renters who do not smoke
and have to tolerate the smoke from the other tenants. We should look at providing designated smoking areas for people that smoke tobacco or marijuana. Renters smoking inside non-smoking facilities should consider moving to a tiny house located outside
of the city before they are charged for administering noxious substances. Be aware that just a small amount of second hand smoke, or incense, will wake most non-smokers out of a deep sleep as the smoke makes hearts beat faster.
No tax money to be utilized for sports. Institute a program to help military cadets, sports groups and other clubs raise money for their organizations, where the members record bylaw violations and have the resulting fines shared between the city and
the organizations. Target the areas where bars are located and impose fines upon people for littering and for urinating in public. Submitting a 10 minute video of an unattached trailer on a city street can earn your organization cold hard cash. Get a
video identifying people exposing themselves and urinating in public. Military cadets are not receiving adequate funding and require additional time practicing marksmanship at gun ranges, it costs money.
Up until the mid 1960’s Saskatoon had a shooting range and an annual turkey shoot downtown at First Avenue and Twenty-Second Street where the Hilton Hotel now stands, adults and children alike would pay a very small fee to try to hit the target and
win a turkey. Children used to travel to the outskirts of the city carrying their rifles across the handlebars of their bicycles, where their recreation was to walk in the prairie wilderness and shoot gophers, sparrows and snakes with their BB guns and .
22 caliber rifles, if there was standing water nearby then the kids could always fill the tunnels with water and shoot the gophers when they came up for air. Kids had guns and had fun. Many half-ton trucks coming to the city from rural areas had rifles
visibly hanging in their back windows. Now we import people who want to slaughter us and we prevent our children from learning how to shoot and become responsible gun owners. Some of our immigrant invaders come from countries where all the males are
expected to carry machine guns or sniper rifles. All the Islamic invaders believe in the supremacy of their “Sharia Law” as dictated by the Koran, which contains instruction on acquiring land, wealth, sex slaves and virgins in heaven.
Freemason (Catholic) judges are allowing criminals to go free. And the judges that send people to “psychiatric evaluation” are very well aware that they have stripped the individual of their rights to defend themselves in a court of law, and the
individual will be tortured by psychiatrists for years to come. These judges are criminals, complicit in torture, who need to be themselves arrested, detained and “evaluated”. Although it is probably not possible to get the Catholic police to arrest
the Catholic judges, nor is it possible to get Catholic judges to render unbiased judgments against other Catholic judges, the city should monitor the proceedings in the courts and try to ensure that white people and native people receive similar
penalties as people of other races, ensure that males receive similar penalties as the females, ensure that the rich receive similar penalties as the poor, ensure that Christians receive similar penalties as people from other religions… anything less
is evil and directly leads to the downfall of civilization. Because Canadian children are literally getting away with murder, council should study the issue of expulsion of entire families from the city when their children are out of control. Homeowners
who are raising criminal children should at the very least face higher property taxes to help compensate their victims, and face penalties of even greater degrees if they are found to be systematically teaching their children to violate laws. Out of
control renters should become responsible small home owners, miles outside of the city.
Many years ago I ran for mayor, my literature pointed out that the city lowered taxes for banks. I also indicated that we should ban cars that burn excessive quantities of “oil” in their dilapidated vehicles, the media reported that I wanted to
ban vehicles that burned an excess quantity of “gas” (the Star-Phoenix refused to print a correction), and no mention was made of me pointing out that the city reduced taxes for banks. Opinions that are in opposition to those espoused by the media
should be allowed… people should be allowed to poster on all city poles and on city electrical/traffic boxes, and not face penalties for doing so. Because opinions in Saskatoon are censored, we must be diligent to allow opinions to be posted onto
street poles, allow people to speak their opinions on public streets, and allow people to distribute their newspapers on public sidewalks. Islamists should understand that this is supposedly a free country and their blasphemous-murdering-pedophile-
prophet may be openly mocked. Islam is not a race but an idea, in free countries ideas are open to debate, criticism and even laughter.
Placing an arena on the outskirts of the city resulted in a great financial loss to downtown businesses and to the city as a whole. Similarly placing a casino 15 miles outside of the city accomplished the same. Also the distant locations of the arena
and casino likely results in a daily loss of thousands of gallons of gasoline, the loss of thousands of hours spent driving and maintaining the vehicles. When I ran for mayor I supported the building of a centrally located arena, and continue to do so,
but I no longer support using money collected by taxes to do so.
An end to attempting to stop river banks from slumping. The costs involved in attempting to save a home or two located along the river bank far exceeds the value of the homes, and that cost should not be borne by taxpayers. The people who desire to
save their homes when the river banks start slumping should be free to attempt to stop the slumping on their own. Maybe dig a few deep holes and pour a few steel-reinforced concrete piles, don’t look for assistance from city engineers nor any other
city employee. Get some of them fancy blinkin’ lights to indicate that your property is slumping, make the best of your situation. You can’t be too safe, if your property is slumping then consider painting your house a bright yellow as a warning to
others. If your property is slumping during your pagan winter fertility festival, then get your inflatable Santa Claus to blink on and off as well.
Again and worth repeating, we should periodically run races around the city on Circle Drive, in order to allow normal traffic to continue to function during the races would require building both underpasses and overpasses. The races could generate
money that could be used to fund overpasses, underpasses, seating and washroom facilities. Additional money can be manufactured specifically for City of Saskatoon infrastructure projects (see The Grip of Death by Rowbotham). Many seniors don’t take
walks downtown due to lack of adequate washroom facilities. If we had washrooms and seating for seniors, then the seniors would have somewhere to go. Often the seniors have to go frequently and can’t easily walk the entire length of a downtown city
block. We could have washrooms downtown specifically for seniors (perhaps people 60 or over) that open with a swipe of a card, other washrooms for younger people that are opened in the same fashion. The cadets will get photographs of alcoholics exposing
themselves and urinating near the bars, the fines get split between the cadets who need money to buy guns and ammo to improve their shooting skills, and with the city which needs to make washrooms in downtown areas for seniors and for others. The
alcoholics need to be educated to urinate and defecate before they depart from a bar and should pay for the education on their own. And we will need washrooms along Circle Drive to accommodate the spectators of the races, and of course, bleachers and
barricades, all funded by alcoholics who urinate in public places.
Rather than cater to the needs of the local citizens, the University of Saskatchewan trains foreign students, including Islamic students, to become medical doctors, dentists, chemists, engineers, and such. Islamists come to Saskatoon and earn doctoral
degrees by synthesizing new chemical compounds, and by researching properties of these new compounds such as the temperature at which these compounds explode. Islamists are trained to become psychiatrists and then under Trudeau are allowed to work in
Canada (torture Canadians) without they themselves being Canadian citizens. Some Islamists even come to the University of Saskatchewan and do dissertations on nosecone designs. The local students who desire admission to these programs are thwarted by the
seats being allocated to the foreigners, and are thwarted by being unable to sign up for desired classes because their student loans arrive after the classes are filled, and are shunted into the College of Arts and Sciences where the degree results in
debt, poverty and unemployment. Numerous studies have shown that as Islamists increase their overall percentages in communities throughout the world, that violent crimes committed by them increases, to the point when they are numerous enough that they
then act in unison to enslave women and slaughter their opponents. Because the University of Saskatchewan is instrumental in increasing the number of Islamists into Saskatchewan, which will inevitably result in increased crimes and higher taxes, the
university should face financial penalties to assist the communities deal with the increased tax burdens. Just like other communities throughout the world that face an invasion of Islamists, Saskatoon can expect infrastructure losses due to bombings…
we should start saving money to pay for the replacement of the bombed bridges and buildings, and force the University to post a $3 billion performance bond to help cover the future replacement costs (for the University teaches Islamists to synthesize
compounds that explode). The Islamists are being provided with higher education, resulting in higher incomes, and many have arrived to Saskatoon with money they stole from the Christians and the Catholics they killed in Africa, the Middle-East and Asia
before they arrived here, they should be taxed higher than average due to their increased costs they place upon the communities they invade. If the University of Saskatchewan fails to post a $3 billion performance bond to cover the future replacement
costs of destroyed infrastructure, then the city should immediately move to expropriate much of the university lands.
The Catholics stole an Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) and placed it prominently in Vatican Square, then each winter turn an evergreen tree into a decorated idol and place it next to the pagan penis, suitable as both are symbols of
fertility… the penis is worshipped as a symbol of fertility due to its reproductive role, while the evergreen tree is worshipped as a symbol of fertility due to remaining green throughout the year. And fish are worshipped as a symbol of fertility due
to laying large numbers of eggs, so these priests of fish-god Dagon continue to wear their fish-head hats.
Catholics co-opted Protestant churches and use these churches to teach people to honor the pagan fertility rites, even many Seventh-day Adventist churches place Egyptian dinks on their roofs and place trees turned into decorated idols next to their
pulpits and in front of their churches. Different aspects of the pagan winter festival are in direct opposition to God’s first Three Commandments, the Seventh-day Adventists teach people to honor God’s Fourth Commandment while at the same time are
teaching people to violate God’s first Three Commandments via their winter celebrations, and then have the audacity to claim that their church is the bulwark of truth.
Seventh-day Adventist children, young adults, older adults and seniors all love to pose next to decorated evergreen tree idols and have their photos taken, which they then upload to Facebook and other social media. If the child is too young to post
the photo on social media, then the Seventh-day Adventist parents will post the photo for them, parents use their very own children to teach others to abide by Catholic fertility rites. Who teaches these Seventh-day Adventists to idolize trees and abide
by Catholic fertility rites? The Seventh-day Adventist Church models the behavior with the fertility idols standing next to their pulpits and outside in front of their churches, they display the Catholic idols because they too are a Catholic church.
Ellen G. White admonished her sheep to not use expensive decorations when idolizing the trees but to use cheap ribbons instead. Many of Ellen White’s SDA churches are capped with Egyptian penises, while she herself has a dink for a tombstone.
Moslems similarly embrace phallic worship, they build penises into their mosque architecture, including into their new mosque in Saskatoon. Should I be bothered to run for mayor of Saskatoon, and win, I would not spend people’s money on promoting
Catholic fertility rites, Islamic fertility rites, or on fertility rites espoused by any other religious group. If citizens want to turn their homes, churches, mosques and temples into pagan temples of fertility, let them, but it is wrong to spend tax
money on turning city schools and other buildings, streets and parks into blinking pagan temples of fertility.
The courts in Saskatoon and in other Canadian cities are citing the large number of black and aboriginal people languishing in jails as a reason to render softer sentences upon individuals from those racial backgrounds, which amounts to racism. This
racism conducted by the Catholic courts results in people happily violating laws as penalties are weak or non-existent.
I complained that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and were teaching people to embrace traditions that are in direct opposition to God’s Commandments and received many years of brutal horrid torture at the hands of
predominantly Hindu psychiatrists at the Royal University Hospital at the University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital. I would be detained and tortured for repeated 6-week periods, then injected with drugs on the final day of each 6-week
session that resulted in a couple of months of additional horror after each time I was released. Once I lightly punched a fellow who was censoring my posters and was rewarded by the judge with additional months of torture.
Once I was brutally beaten (I nearly died) at the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church (for daring to speak at a Wednesday night Bible study) and was again rewarded with an additional 6-week round of brutal horrid torture (and a couple months
additional torture resulting from the drugs injected into me on the last day of the “treatment”). I was brutally assaulted by James George De Witt (born May 8th 1953), and then arrested and tortured, for being brutally assaulted at the Mount Royal
Seventh-day Adventist Church was used as additional evidence that I was acting up and deserving of a needle in my arse. George James De Witt had arms that were much bigger than my legs, his brother was a national boxing champion - George De Witt grabbed
me at the Wednesday night SDA Bible study and flung me up the stairs, through the door, and then punched me in the head as hard as he could. As I lay on the lawn next to the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church the Adventists departed their Bible
study, I wasn’t able to move and nobody came out to see how I was. These Adventists don’t like to hear that their church censors Scriptural references to cannibalism, don’t like to hear that they teach people to abide by Catholic fertility rites,
they don’t like to hear that many of their churches are capped with Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises). The following Saturday I stood outside the Seventh-day Adventist Central Church on Victoria Ave. and showed off my ripped clothes and
injuries, one Adventist told me not to come back or they would do worse to me. I attended that church hoping for assistance to flee many years of psychiatric horror, they instead beat me to the point of death and then had me arrested and tortured. George
De Witt’s daughter posted that she was so pleased that her dad beat the shit out of me, that I was deserving of the beating. I wanted help to flee Canada, instead the Adventists brutalized me further. I hope some day that I will be able to employ
George De Witt’s daughter, Jean Edna Anne De Witt (born August 15th 1984) and I would get her to laugh at people being brutalized wherever and whenever, as she does it very well.
Soon after a drug-dealing immigrant from El Salvador (Manuel Oswaldo Chinchilla Morales, born February 8th 1977), who lived with his Seventh-day Adventist family, together with his friends, beat me in downtown Saskatoon. After returning home from the
hospital I continued to lay in bed for weeks, fearful that the police were going to come and arrest me again, for speaking again. So the worst two beatings I ever experienced in life were dealt to me at a Seventh-day Adventist Wednesday Night Bible Study
and then by a drug dealing immigrant from El Salvador who lived in Saskatoon with his Seventh-day Adventist immigrant family. I was already devastated by years of horror in psychiatric facilities in Saskatoon, these people must have seen me as an easy
conquest. George De Witt’s muscular arms were bigger than my thighs, the punch he gave me would likely have killed over 95% of the people on the planet, he is a soldier of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (a branch of the Catholic Church).
Ethnic diversity is negatively impacting poor whites and poor aboriginal natives, resources provided by governments have limits and are being provided to the newcomers at the expense of the poor. Years ago a group of Syrians arrived to the airport and
were welcomed by three levels of government - civil, provincial and federal government representatives welcomed these newcomers and provided homes and money for them, while at the same time many white and native people were sleeping in bushes along the
riverbank and under bridges. People could not find it in their hearts to provide a bed for the homeless in Saskatoon, yet when the Syrians and other Islamists were flown in they were provided with hotel rooms, hotel meals and swimming pools. The new
Islamist immigrants were provided for at great cost, multitudes more resources were provided for them than for our own, who struggle to live here in abject poverty.
Now we hear on a daily basis of Latin American, Asian and African immigrants committing murders and other serious crimes against white European people. White people in Canada signed treaties with native aboriginals to share this land, these treaties
do not give us permission to import many millions of brutal Latin American, Asian and African immigrants. And due to the high amount of gun violence committed by these new immigrants in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia, the Islamic federal
government now wants to remove our access to guns rather than punish the murderous and racist thugs. The Canadian Islamic federal government has an agenda that includes allowing white people (especially white males) to perish and this should have been a
civic issue long ago. They are housing foreign thugs in Toronto, allowing these thugs to commit repeated acts of violence without serious penalty, then these foreign thugs make excursions to western provinces and commit serious crimes here before
returning to Toronto… governments in other regions of Canada are acting as enemies to the citizens of Saskatoon, they should pay for the damages their negligent actions are causing us.
We need to place people on notice that these brutal assaults will be attended to. So, as mayor, I will instruct the police to arrest and detain the hockey players that assault fellow hockey players on the ice. The assaults would be witnessed by
thousands of people, there is no doubt of guilt, these hockey players should be immediately arrested and removed from the ice in handcuffs. The arena in Saskatoon should not be used as a platform to teach children to assault one another. Should the arena
continue to be used as a platform to teach people to assault one another, and if the perpetrators of the assaults are not brought to justice, then as mayor I will try to gain council support to limit or outright curtail activities at the arena. If people
abuse the arena, then they should lose access to the arena. If the Catholic judges decide to free the Catholic hockey players without sufficient penalty, then all the Catholic hockey teams can play their Catholic “games” elsewhere. Every time a major
event occurs at our northerly placed arena, the result is traffic jams that require multiple police officers to attend and untangle, one or two of those officers should instead be posted next to the ice and will be poised to arrest the perpetrators of
the on-ice assaults. On one hand there is additional costs due to the additional policing required for these traffic jams, on the other hand the police are being used to direct traffic rather than being used in more useful roles, such as arresting
violence wherever it occurs in the community. It is rather unfair that some people throw a punch and the result is the victim receives a penalty of years of brutal horrid torture, other people throw a punch and the result is people cheer and give the
perpetrator of the crime money.
The Catholic fertility rites (which includes tree and penis worship) are being whole-heartedly adopted by aboriginals in and around the community of Saskatoon. At One-Arrow First Nation the native aboriginals placed a statue of their leader Chief One-
Arrow upon an Egyptian representation of a penis. They see how other communities in and outside of Canada honor their war dead by placing statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian dinks, so the ignorant aboriginal Indians similarly
adopted this Catholic ritual and hoisted a statue of their beloved ancestor upon a pagan penis as well. The aboriginal children faced a couple of hundred years of sodomy at the hands of the Catholic priests, and they incredibly respond by placing a
statue of Chief One-Arrow upon a pagan representation of a penis. The result of embracing Catholic fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments is that God withdraws His protection and allows Canada to be flooded with Islamists, Hindus and Sikhs, all
of whom similarly embrace pagan fertility rites including penis whoreship. Covering the many penises built into the Amritsar temple with gold doesn’t make the penises nor the Sikhs holy. Using a long row of obelisks (Egyptian penises) to mark our
southern border dothn’t make our southern border secure. Filling our cemeteries with obelisks (Egyptian penises) dothn’t mean our dead went to or are heading to heaven. Stealing an obelisk (a pagan penis) from Egypt and sticking it in the center of
Vatican Square dothn’t make that church holy. Placing a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian representation of a dink dothn’t bring fertility and abundance to that First Nation community. If there is some sort of historical evidence that
Chief One Arrow found his penis to be of tremendous importance and perhaps even played with it, then there might be some merit to the idea of placing a statue of him standing on top of an Egyptian dink. It was before my time, and there are two different
cultures here (North American Indian and Egyptian) which are both very dissimilar to my own culture, so I am not entirely qualified to comment further on the issue.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff August 31st 2021 5:57 pm 94,683 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Multitudes of soldiers gave their lives for our freedom – our civic governments (and other governments) honors their sacrifices by erecting Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) and by placing statues of soldiers next to or on top of these
Egyptian penises, and by getting other soldiers to bow to the pagan penises by placing fertility tree wreaths at the base of the Egyptian dinks. These are traditions that have become so important that society is willing to have those who point out the
pagan filth be arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities. The city should demolish the cenotaph (an Egyptian dink), those citizens who oppose the demolition of this pagan phallus should be allowed to remove it from the city and erect the erection
elsewhere. There are more appropriate ways to thank service men and women for their service than to honor them with a pagan dink.
The city closed down the Mendel Art Gallery, it was a wonderful place that provided free access to art and to a conservatory full of plants. Only once I went to Saskatoon’s new art gallery, I was turned away as the entire facility was closed to the
general public, but other people were still being admitted, those being admitted were arriving in limousines and they were wearing outfits that exceed the cost of what I spend on clothes in three years. I did not return. One would think that with four
stories the new art gallery is large enough to always accommodate people of differing social-economic backgrounds at the same time. One would think that the old gallery would not be shuttered until the new gallery was ready for occupancy, but this was
not the case and the general public was left without a gallery for years – the wealthy among us cared little that the city was without a working gallery while the new gallery was being constructed as they could easily afford to frequently fly to other
communities and other countries to view the art there. I support the re-establishment of the Mendel Art Gallery and an end of cash transfers to the new gallery. A study should be done on the new gallery and determine how it can be repurposed, perhaps it
can be used to teach aviation or perhaps the space can even be used to build small airplanes. There is a much greater desire of city residents to own their own cars, motorcycles, boats, airplanes and helicopters than to spend money for admission into an
exclusive art gallery where people arrive in limousines.
The city used to hold the immensely popular “Louis Riel Relay Race” in the 1980’s and 1990’s, the event drew great crowds to the center of the city. It was a way to bring together people of all cultures, not just Metis, but also Native
Aboriginals, Whites, Chinese and most of the rest of the diverse community. Then the city cancelled the event and put Chinese Dragon Boat Races in their place. About the same time the Chinese Dragon Boat Races began, the media stopped their campaign to
demonize the Chinese people, and instead ran “news” stories of how the Chinese were embracing “Christmas” (aka turning trees into decorated idols), saying “Look at their beautiful blinkin’ trees - the Chinese people are just the same as you
and me.” The media played upon people’s love of pagan fertility rites in order to push a pro-Chinese agenda. I support a return of the Louis Riel Relay Race to downtown Saskatoon. If Chinese people want to maintain their traditions they should do so
without cancelling our traditions.
Help lower taxes in the city by targeting high school students who litter the streets with cigarette butts, fines imposed upon the students can be directed towards lowering the property taxes of the homeowners who are negatively impacted by these self-
centered students. The schools should be teaching the students how to properly cross the streets and how to deal with their personal wastes, if they failed learn these skills in primary schools then they should spend time daily learning the subject in
high schools. We should assume that those high school students that litter the streets with cigarette butts similarly don’t know how to wipe their arses properly, provide them with remedial classes at the end of the school day and give them lessons on
many different aspects of waste management, including when it is appropriate to flush and the importance of properly wiping and washing their butt holes. If they are unable to attend such waste management classes at the end of the day, have them attend a
class in the morning before the start of the school day. Tossing their carcinogenic cigarette butts on the ground is far from being a joke. If the students continue to think that littering carcinogenic substances is a joke, then add a fee to their parent
s annual taxes so that money will be made available to clean up after their ignorant progeny, we can call in “Your ignorant progeny joke tax.” When submitting the annual tax bill to the parents, include a video of their ignorant child tossing a
cigarette butt on the ground.
High school students know how to smoke in large groups, resulting in clouds of carcinogenic toxins irritating the homeowners living close to the schools… if the students can afford drugs, tattoos, body piercings, designer clothes, automobiles and
smart phones, then they can also afford fines for littering and jaywalking. Sometimes the weather is such that the cigarette smoke hangs in the air, it makes life miserable for those residents who live adjacent to the high schools.
The federal government recently legalized marijuana, but renters have no place to smoke and can face fines for smoking in public places, it is a sorry state of affairs for the smokers who rent. It is also a sorry state for the renters who do not smoke
and have to tolerate the smoke from the other tenants. We should look at providing designated smoking areas for people that smoke tobacco or marijuana. Renters smoking inside non-smoking facilities should consider moving to a tiny house located outside
of the city, that they would become owners of, before they are charged for administering noxious substances. Be aware that just a small amount of second hand smoke, or incense, will wake most non-smokers out of a deep sleep as the smoke makes hearts beat
faster. Abused people, such as those coming out of psychiatric facilities, don’t sleep very soundly, they find themselves living in the worst possible housing scenarios where people smoke day and night. The abused people go from absolutely horrid
living accommodations in psychiatric facilities to the absolutely horrid living accommodations of smokey rental facilities in the city where people are literally bouncing up and down the hallways day and night.
No tax money to be utilized for sports. Institute a program to help military cadets, sports groups and other clubs raise money for their organizations, where the members record bylaw violations and have the resulting fines shared between the city and
the organizations. Target the areas where bars are located and impose fines upon people for littering and for urinating in public. Submitting a 10 minute video of an unattached trailer on a city street can earn your organization cold hard cash. Get a
video identifying people exposing themselves and urinating in public. Military cadets are not receiving adequate funding and require additional time practicing marksmanship at gun ranges, it costs money.
Up until the mid 1960’s Saskatoon had a shooting range and an annual turkey shoot downtown at First Avenue and Twenty-Second Street where the Hilton Hotel now stands, adults and children alike would pay a very small fee to try to hit the target and
win a turkey. Children used to travel to the outskirts of the city carrying their rifles across the handlebars of their bicycles, where their recreation was to walk in the prairie wilderness and shoot gophers, sparrows and snakes with their BB guns and .
22 caliber rifles, if there was standing water nearby then the kids could always fill the tunnels with water and shoot the gophers when they came up for air. Kids had guns and had fun. Many half-ton trucks coming to the city from rural areas had rifles
visibly hanging in their back windows. Now we import people who want to slaughter us and we prevent our children from learning how to shoot and become responsible gun owners. Some of our immigrant invaders come from countries where all the males are
expected to carry machine guns or sniper rifles. All the Islamic invaders believe in the supremacy of their “Sharia Law” as dictated by the Koran, which contains instruction on acquiring land, wealth, sex slaves and virgins in heaven.
Freemason (Catholic) judges are allowing criminals to go free. And the judges that send people to “psychiatric evaluation” are very well aware that they have stripped the individual of their rights to defend themselves in a court of law, and the
individual will be tortured by psychiatrists for years to come. These judges are criminals, complicit in torture, who need to be themselves arrested, detained and “evaluated”. Although it is probably not possible to get the Catholic police to arrest
the Catholic judges, nor is it possible to get Catholic judges to render unbiased judgments against other Catholic judges, the city should monitor the proceedings in the courts and try to ensure that white people and native people receive similar
penalties as people of other races, ensure that males receive similar penalties as the females, ensure that the rich receive similar penalties as the poor, ensure that Christians receive similar penalties as people from other religions… anything less
is evil and directly leads to the downfall of civilization. Because Canadian children are literally getting away with murder, council should study the issue of expulsion of entire families from the city when their children are out of control. Homeowners
who are raising criminal children should at the very least face higher property taxes to help compensate their victims, and face penalties of even greater degrees if they are found to be systematically teaching their children to violate laws. Out of
control renters should become responsible small home owners, miles outside of the city.
Many years ago I ran for mayor, my literature pointed out that the city lowered taxes for banks. I also indicated that we should ban cars that burn excessive quantities of “oil” in their dilapidated vehicles, the media reported that I wanted to
ban vehicles that burned an excess quantity of “gas” (the Star-Phoenix refused to print a correction), and no mention was made of me pointing out that the city reduced taxes for banks. Opinions that are in opposition to those espoused by the media
should be allowed… people should be allowed to poster on all city poles and on city electrical/traffic boxes, and not face penalties for doing so. Because opinions in Saskatoon are censored, we must be diligent to allow opinions to be posted onto
street poles, allow people to speak their opinions on public streets, and allow people to distribute their newspapers on public sidewalks. Islamists should understand that this is supposedly a free country and their blasphemous-murdering-pedophile-
prophet may be openly mocked. Islam is not a race but an idea, in free countries ideas are open to debate, criticism and even laughter.
Placing an arena on the outskirts of the city resulted in a great financial loss to downtown businesses and to the city as a whole. Similarly placing a casino 15 miles outside of the city accomplished the same. Also the distant locations of the arena
and casino likely results in a daily loss of thousands of gallons of gasoline, the loss of thousands of hours spent driving and maintaining the vehicles. When I ran for mayor I supported the building of a centrally located arena, and continue to do so,
but I no longer support using money collected by taxes to do so.
An end to attempting to stop river banks from slumping. The costs involved in attempting to save a home or two located along the river bank far exceeds the value of the homes, and that cost should not be borne by taxpayers. The people who desire to
save their homes when the river banks start slumping should be free to attempt to stop the slumping on their own. Maybe dig a few deep holes and pour a few steel-reinforced concrete piles, don’t look for assistance from city engineers nor any other
city employee. Get some of them fancy blinkin’ lights to indicate that your property is slumping, make the best of your situation. You can’t be too safe, if your property is slumping then consider painting your house a bright yellow as a warning to
others. If your property is slumping during your pagan winter fertility festival, then get your inflatable Santa Claus to blink on and off as well.
Again and worth repeating, we should periodically run races around the city on Circle Drive, in order to allow normal traffic to continue to function during the races would require building both underpasses and overpasses. The races could generate
money that could be used to fund overpasses, underpasses, seating and washroom facilities. Additional money can be manufactured specifically for City of Saskatoon infrastructure projects (see The Grip of Death by Rowbotham). Many seniors don’t take
walks downtown due to lack of adequate washroom facilities. If we had washrooms and seating for seniors, then the seniors would have somewhere to go. Often the seniors have to go frequently and can’t easily walk the entire length of a downtown city
block. We could have washrooms downtown specifically for seniors (perhaps people 60 or over) that open with a swipe of a card, other washrooms for younger people that are opened in the same fashion. The cadets will get photographs of alcoholics exposing
themselves and urinating near the bars, the fines get split between the cadets who need money to buy guns and ammo to improve their shooting skills, and with the city which needs to make washrooms in downtown areas for seniors and for others. The
alcoholics need to be educated to urinate and defecate before they depart from a bar and should pay for the education on their own. And we will need washrooms along Circle Drive to accommodate the spectators of the races, and of course, bleachers and
barricades, all funded by alcoholics who urinate in public places.
Rather than cater to the needs of the local citizens, the University of Saskatchewan trains foreign students, including Islamic students, to become medical doctors, dentists, chemists, engineers, and such. Islamists come to Saskatoon and earn doctoral
degrees by synthesizing new chemical compounds, and by researching properties of these new compounds such as the temperature at which these compounds explode. Islamists are trained to become psychiatrists and then under Trudeau are allowed to work in
Canada (torture Canadians) without they themselves being Canadian citizens. Some Islamists even come to the University of Saskatchewan and do dissertations on nosecone designs. The local students who desire admission to these programs are thwarted by the
seats being allocated to the foreigners, and are thwarted by being unable to sign up for desired classes because their student loans arrive after the classes are filled, and are shunted into the College of Arts and Sciences where the degree results in
debt, poverty and unemployment. Numerous studies have shown that as Islamists increase their overall percentages in communities throughout the world, that violent crimes committed by them increases, to the point when they are numerous enough that they
then act in unison to enslave women and slaughter their opponents. Because the University of Saskatchewan is instrumental in increasing the number of Islamists into Saskatchewan, which will inevitably result in increased crimes and higher taxes, the
university should face financial penalties to assist the communities deal with the increased tax burdens. Just like other communities throughout the world that face an invasion of Islamists, Saskatoon can expect infrastructure losses due to bombings…
we should start saving money to pay for the replacement of the bombed bridges and buildings, and force the University to post a $3 billion performance bond to help cover the future replacement costs (for the University teaches Islamists to synthesize
compounds that explode). The Islamists are being provided with higher education, resulting in higher incomes, and many have arrived to Saskatoon with money they stole from the Christians and the Catholics they killed in Africa, the Middle-East and Asia
before they arrived here, they should be taxed higher than average due to their increased costs they place upon the communities they invade. If the University of Saskatchewan fails to post a $3 billion performance bond to cover the future replacement
costs of destroyed infrastructure, then the city should immediately move to expropriate much of the university lands.
The Catholics stole an Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) and placed it prominently in Vatican Square, then each winter turn an evergreen tree into a decorated idol and place it next to the pagan penis, suitable as both are symbols of
fertility… the penis is worshipped as a symbol of fertility due to its reproductive role, while the evergreen tree is worshipped as a symbol of fertility due to remaining green throughout the year. And fish are worshipped as a symbol of fertility due
to laying large numbers of eggs, so these priests of fish-god Dagon continue to wear their fish-head hats.
Catholics co-opted Protestant churches and use these churches to teach people to honor the pagan fertility rites, even many Seventh-day Adventist churches place Egyptian dinks on their roofs and place trees turned into decorated idols next to their
pulpits and in front of their churches. Different aspects of the pagan winter festival are in direct opposition to God’s first Three Commandments, the Seventh-day Adventists teach people to honor God’s Fourth Commandment while at the same time are
teaching people to violate God’s first Three Commandments via their winter celebrations, and then have the audacity to claim that their church is the bulwark of truth.
Seventh-day Adventist children, young adults, older adults and seniors all love to pose next to decorated evergreen tree idols and have their photos taken, which they then upload to Facebook and other social media. If the child is too young to post
the photo on social media, then the Seventh-day Adventist parents will post the photo for them, parents use their very own children to teach others to abide by Catholic fertility rites. Who teaches these Seventh-day Adventists to idolize trees and abide
by Catholic fertility rites? The Seventh-day Adventist Church models the behavior with the fertility idols standing next to their pulpits and outside in front of their churches, they display the Catholic idols because they too are a Catholic church.
Ellen G. White admonished her sheep to not use expensive decorations when idolizing the trees but to use cheap ribbons instead. Many of Ellen White’s SDA churches are capped with Egyptian penises, while she herself has a dink for a tombstone.
Moslems similarly embrace phallic worship, they build penises into their mosque architecture, including into their new mosque in Saskatoon. Should I be bothered to run for mayor of Saskatoon, and win, I would not spend people’s money on promoting
Catholic fertility rites, Islamic fertility rites, or on fertility rites espoused by any other religious group. If citizens want to turn their homes, churches, mosques and temples into pagan temples of fertility, let them, but it is wrong to spend tax
money on turning city schools and other buildings, streets and parks into blinking pagan temples of fertility.
The courts in Saskatoon and in other Canadian cities are citing the large number of black and aboriginal people languishing in jails as a reason to render softer sentences upon individuals from those racial backgrounds, which amounts to racism. This
racism conducted by the Catholic courts results in people happily violating laws as penalties are weak or non-existent.
I complained that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and were teaching people to embrace traditions that are in direct opposition to God’s Commandments and received many years of brutal horrid torture at the hands of
predominantly Hindu psychiatrists at the Royal University Hospital at the University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital. I would be detained and tortured for repeated 6-week periods, then injected with drugs on the final day of each 6-week
session that resulted in a couple of months of additional horror after each time I was released. Once I lightly punched a fellow who was censoring my posters and was rewarded by the judge with additional months of torture.
Once I was brutally beaten (I nearly died) at the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church (for daring to speak at a Wednesday night Bible study) and was again rewarded with an additional 6-week round of brutal horrid torture (and a couple months
additional torture resulting from the drugs injected into me on the last day of the “treatment”). I was brutally assaulted by James George De Witt (born May 8th 1953), and then arrested and tortured, for being brutally assaulted at the Mount Royal
Seventh-day Adventist Church was used as additional evidence that I was acting up and deserving of a needle in my arse. George James De Witt had arms that were much bigger than my legs, his brother was a national boxing champion - George De Witt grabbed
me at the Wednesday night SDA Bible study and flung me up the stairs, through the door, and then punched me in the head as hard as he could. As I lay on the lawn next to the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church the Adventists departed their Bible
study, I wasn’t able to move and nobody came out to see how I was. These Adventists don’t like to hear that their church censors Scriptural references to cannibalism, don’t like to hear that they teach people to abide by Catholic fertility rites,
they don’t like to hear that many of their churches are capped with Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises). The following Saturday I stood outside the Seventh-day Adventist Central Church on Victoria Ave. and showed off my ripped clothes and
injuries, one Adventist told me not to come back or they would do worse to me. I attended that church hoping for assistance to flee many years of psychiatric horror, they instead beat me to the point of death and then had me arrested and tortured. George
De Witt’s daughter posted that she was so pleased that her dad beat the shit out of me, that I was deserving of the beating. I wanted help to flee Canada, instead the Adventists brutalized me further. I hope some day that I will be able to employ
George De Witt’s daughter, Jean Edna Anne De Witt (born August 15th 1984) and I would get her to laugh at people being brutalized wherever and whenever, as she does it very well.
Soon after a drug-dealing immigrant from El Salvador (Manuel Oswaldo Chinchilla Morales, born February 8th 1977), who lived with his Seventh-day Adventist family, together with his friends, beat me in downtown Saskatoon. After returning home from the
hospital I continued to lay in bed for weeks, fearful that the police were going to come and arrest me again, for speaking again. So the worst two beatings I ever experienced in life were dealt to me at a Seventh-day Adventist Wednesday Night Bible Study
and then by a drug dealing immigrant from El Salvador who lived in Saskatoon with his Seventh-day Adventist immigrant family. I was already devastated by years of horror in psychiatric facilities in Saskatoon, these people must have seen me as an easy
conquest. George De Witt’s muscular arms were bigger than my thighs, the punch he gave me would likely have killed over 95% of the people on the planet, he is a soldier of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (a branch of the Catholic Church).
Ethnic diversity is negatively impacting poor whites and poor aboriginal natives, resources provided by governments have limits and are being provided to the newcomers at the expense of the poor. Years ago a group of Syrians arrived to the airport and
were welcomed by three levels of government - civil, provincial and federal government representatives welcomed these newcomers and provided homes and money for them, while at the same time many white and native people were sleeping in bushes along the
riverbank and under bridges. People could not find it in their hearts to provide a bed for the homeless in Saskatoon, yet when the Syrians and other Islamists were flown in they were provided with hotel rooms, hotel meals and swimming pools. The new
Islamist immigrants were provided for at great cost, multitudes more resources were provided for them than for our own, who struggle to live here in abject poverty.
Now we hear on a daily basis of Latin American, Asian and African immigrants committing murders and other serious crimes against white European people. White people in Canada signed treaties with native aboriginals to share this land, these treaties
do not give us permission to import many millions of brutal Latin American, Asian and African immigrants. And due to the high amount of gun violence committed by these new immigrants in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia, the Islamic federal
government now wants to remove our access to guns rather than punish the murderous and racist thugs. The Canadian Islamic federal government has an agenda that includes allowing white people (especially white males) to perish and this should have been a
civic issue long ago. They are housing foreign thugs in Toronto, allowing these thugs to commit repeated acts of violence without serious penalty, then these foreign thugs make excursions to western provinces and commit serious crimes here before
returning to Toronto… governments in other regions of Canada are acting as enemies to the citizens of Saskatoon, they should pay for the damages their negligent actions are causing us.
We need to place people on notice that these brutal assaults will be attended to. So, as mayor, I will instruct the police to arrest and detain the hockey players that assault fellow hockey players on the ice. The assaults would be witnessed by
thousands of people, there is no doubt of guilt, these hockey players should be immediately arrested and removed from the ice in handcuffs. The arena in Saskatoon should not be used as a platform to teach children to assault one another. Should the arena
continue to be used as a platform to teach people to assault one another, and if the perpetrators of the assaults are not brought to justice, then as mayor I will try to gain council support to limit or outright curtail activities at the arena. If people
abuse the arena, then they should lose access to the arena. If the Catholic judges decide to free the Catholic hockey players without sufficient penalty, then all the Catholic hockey teams can play their Catholic “games” elsewhere. Every time a major
event occurs at our northerly placed arena, the result is traffic jams that require multiple police officers to attend and untangle, one or two of those officers should instead be posted next to the ice and will be poised to arrest the perpetrators of
the on-ice assaults. On one hand there is additional costs due to the additional policing required for these traffic jams, on the other hand the police are being used to direct traffic rather than being used in more useful roles, such as arresting
violence wherever it occurs in the community. It is rather unfair that some people throw a punch and the result is the victim receives a penalty of years of brutal horrid torture, other people throw a punch and the result is people cheer and give the
perpetrator of the crime money.
The Catholic fertility rites (which includes tree and penis worship) are being whole-heartedly adopted by aboriginals in and around the community of Saskatoon. At One-Arrow First Nation the native aboriginals placed a statue of their leader Chief One-
Arrow upon an Egyptian representation of a penis. They see how other communities in and outside of Canada honor their war dead by placing statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian dinks, so the ignorant aboriginal Indians similarly
adopted this Catholic ritual and hoisted a statue of their beloved ancestor upon a pagan penis as well. The aboriginal children faced a couple of hundred years of sodomy at the hands of the Catholic priests, and they incredibly respond by placing a
statue of Chief One-Arrow upon a pagan representation of a penis. The result of embracing Catholic fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments is that God withdraws His protection and allows Canada to be flooded with Islamists, Hindus and Sikhs, all
of whom similarly embrace pagan fertility rites including penis whoreship. Covering the many penises built into the Amritsar temple with gold doesn’t make the penises nor the Sikhs holy. Using a long row of obelisks (Egyptian penises) to mark our
southern border dothn’t make our southern border secure. Filling our cemeteries with obelisks (Egyptian penises) dothn’t mean our dead went to or are heading to heaven. Stealing an obelisk (a pagan penis) from Egypt and sticking it in the center of
Vatican Square dothn’t make that church holy. Placing a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian representation of a dink dothn’t bring fertility and abundance to that First Nation community. If there is some sort of historical evidence that
Chief One Arrow found his penis to be of tremendous importance and perhaps even played with it, then there might be some merit to the idea of placing a statue of him standing on top of an Egyptian dink. It was before my time, and there are two different
cultures here (North American Indian and Egyptian) which are both very dissimilar to my own culture, so I am not entirely qualified to comment further on the issue.
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeakity Squeak@21:1/5 to
All on Tue Oct 12 05:38:36 2021
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff October 10th 2021 7:59 pm 95,005 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
The city used to hold the immensely popular “Louis Riel Relay Race” in the 1980’s and 1990’s, the event drew great crowds to the center of the city. It was a way to bring together people of all cultures, not just Metis, but also Native
Aboriginals, Whites, Chinese and most of the rest of the diverse community. The relay race even involved people riding horses along the river bank, people racing canoes up and down the river, others running with heavy packs, it was truly exciting and
thousands upon thousands of people annually showed up to view the spectacle. Then the city cancelled the event and put Chinese Dragon Boat Races in their place. About the same time the Chinese Dragon Boat Races began, the media stopped their campaign to
demonize the Chinese people, and instead ran “news” stories of how the Chinese were embracing “Christmas” (aka turning trees into decorated idols), saying “Look at their beautiful blinkin’ trees - the Chinese people are just the same as you
and me.” The media played upon people’s love of pagan fertility rites in order to push a pro-Chinese agenda. I support a return of the Louis Riel Relay Race to downtown Saskatoon. If Chinese people want to maintain their traditions they should do so
without cancelling our traditions.
High school students know how to smoke in large groups, resulting in clouds of carcinogenic toxins irritating the homeowners living close to the schools… if the students can afford drugs, tattoos, body piercings, designer clothes, automobiles and
smart phones, then they can also afford fines for littering and jaywalking. Sometimes the weather is such that the cigarette smoke hangs in the air, it makes life miserable for those residents who live adjacent to the high schools.
The federal government recently legalized marijuana, but renters have no place to smoke and can face fines for smoking in public places, it is a sorry state of affairs for the smokers who rent. It is also a sorry state for the renters who do not smoke
and have to tolerate the smoke from the other tenants. We should look at providing designated smoking areas for people that smoke tobacco or marijuana. Renters smoking inside non-smoking facilities should consider moving to a tiny house located outside
of the city, which they would become owners of, before they are charged for administering noxious substances. Be aware that just a small amount of second hand smoke, or incense, will wake most non-smokers out of a deep sleep as the smoke makes hearts
beat faster. Abused people, such as those coming out of psychiatric facilities, don’t sleep very soundly, they find themselves living in the worst possible housing scenarios where people smoke and party day and night. The abused people go from
absolutely horrid living accommodations in psychiatric facilities to the absolutely horrid living accommodations of smokey rental facilities in the city where people are literally bouncing up and down the hallways day and night. People coming out of
psychiatric “care” facilities are very close to death and require adequate rest, which is not provided to them in the putrid dumps they end up in after their release. I pity the people who live in apartment buildings located next to the high schools,
where putrid tobacco clouds endlessly hang. Life is short for most people who end up getting “treated” by psychiatrists, and they don’t smile much before they die.
No tax money to be utilized for sports. Institute a program to help military cadets, sports groups and other clubs raise money for their organizations where the members record bylaw violations and have the resulting fines shared between the city and
the organizations. Target the areas where bars are located and impose fines upon people for littering and for urinating in public. Submitting a 5 minute video of an unattached trailer on a city street can earn your organization cold hard cash (it is
illegal to leave a trailer on the street unattached to a vehicle, people should be able to attach it within 5 minutes). Get a video identifying people exposing themselves and urinating in public and win money for your club. Military cadets are not
receiving adequate funding and require additional time practicing marksmanship at gun ranges, it costs money.
Up until the mid 1960’s Saskatoon had a shooting range and an annual turkey shoot downtown on the north-west corner of First Avenue and Twenty-Second Street where the Hilton Hotel now stands, adults and children alike would pay a very small fee to
try to hit the target with a .22 caliber rifle and win a turkey. Children used to travel to the outskirts of the city carrying their rifles across the handlebars of their bicycles, where their recreation was to walk in the prairie wilderness and shoot
gophers, sparrows and snakes with their BB guns and .22 caliber rifles, if there was standing water nearby then the kids could always fill the tunnels with water and shoot the gophers when they came up for air. Kids had guns and had fun. Many half-ton
trucks coming to the city from rural areas had rifles visibly hanging in their back windows. Now we import people who want to slaughter us and we prevent our children from learning how to shoot and become responsible gun owners. Some of our immigrant
invaders come from countries where all the males are expected to carry machine guns or sniper rifles or a rocket. All the Islamic invaders believe in the supremacy of their “Sharia Law” as dictated by the Koran, which contains instruction on
acquiring land, wealth, sex slaves and virgins in heaven.
Freemason (Catholic) judges are allowing criminals to go free. And the judges that send people to “psychiatric evaluation” are very well aware that they have stripped the individual of their rights to defend themselves in a court of law, and the
individual will be tortured by psychiatrists for years to come. These judges are criminals, complicit in torture, who need to be themselves arrested, detained and “evaluated”. Although it is probably not possible to get the Catholic police to arrest
the Catholic judges, nor is it possible to get Catholic judges to render unbiased judgments against other Catholic judges, the city should monitor the proceedings in the courts and try to ensure that white people and native people receive similar
penalties as people of other races, ensure that males receive similar penalties as the females, ensure that the rich receive similar penalties as the poor, ensure that Christians receive similar penalties as people from other religions… anything less
is evil and directly leads to the downfall of civilization. Because Canadian children are literally getting away with murder, council should study the issue of expulsion of entire families from the city when their children are out of control. Homeowners
who are raising criminal children should at the very least face higher property taxes to help compensate their victims, and face penalties of even greater degrees if they are found to be systematically teaching their children to violate laws. Out of
control renters should become responsible small home owners, miles outside of the city.
Many years ago I ran for mayor, my literature pointed out that the city lowered taxes for banks. I also indicated that we should ban cars that burn excessive quantities of “oil” in their dilapidated vehicles, the media reported that I wanted to
ban vehicles that burned an excess quantity of “gas” (the Star-Phoenix refused to print a correction), and no mention was made of me pointing out that the city reduced taxes for banks. Opinions that are in opposition to those espoused by the media
should be allowed… people should be allowed to poster on all city poles and on city electrical/traffic boxes, and not face penalties for doing so. Because opinions in Saskatoon are censored, we must be diligent to allow opinions to be posted onto
street poles, allow people to speak their opinions on public streets, and allow people to distribute their newspapers on public sidewalks. Islamists should understand that this is supposedly a free country and their blasphemous-murdering-pedophile-
prophet may be openly mocked. Islam is not a race but an idea, in free countries ideas are open to debate, criticism and even laughter. Placing an arena on the outskirts of the city resulted in a great financial loss to downtown businesses and to the
city as a whole. Similarly placing a casino 15 miles outside of the city accomplished the same. Also the distant locations of the arena and casino likely results in a daily loss of thousands of gallons of gasoline, the loss of thousands of hours spent
driving and maintaining the vehicles. When I ran for mayor I supported the building of a centrally located arena, and continue to do so, but I no longer support using money collected by taxes to do so.
An end to attempting to stop river banks from slumping. The costs involved in attempting to save a home or two located along the river bank far exceeds the value of the homes, and that cost should not be borne by taxpayers. The people who desire to
save their homes when the river banks start slumping should be free to attempt to stop the slumping on their own. Maybe dig a few deep holes and pour a few steel-reinforced concrete piles, don’t look for assistance from city engineers nor any other
city employee. Get some of them fancy blinkin’ lights to indicate that your property is slumping, make the best of your situation. You can’t be too safe, if your property is slumping then consider painting your house a bright yellow as a warning to
others. If your property is slumping during your pagan winter fertility festival, then get your inflatable Santa Claus to blink on and off as well.
We should periodically run races around the city on Circle Drive, in order to allow normal traffic to continue to function during the races would require building both underpasses and overpasses. The races could generate money that could be used to
fund overpasses, underpasses, seating and washroom facilities. Additional money can be manufactured specifically for City of Saskatoon infrastructure projects (see The Grip of Death by Rowbotham). Many seniors don’t take walks downtown due to lack of
adequate washroom facilities. If we had washrooms and seating for seniors, then the seniors would have somewhere to go. Often the seniors have to go frequently and can’t easily walk the entire length of a downtown city block. We could have washrooms
downtown specifically for seniors (perhaps people 60 or over) that open with a swipe of a card, other washrooms for younger people that are opened in the same fashion. The cadets will get photographs of alcoholics exposing themselves and urinating near
the bars, the fines get split between the cadets who need money to buy guns and ammo to improve their shooting skills, and with the city which needs to make washrooms in downtown areas for seniors and for others. The alcoholics need to be educated to
urinate and defecate before they depart from a bar and should pay for the education on their own. And we will need washrooms along Circle Drive to accommodate the spectators of the races, and of course, bleachers and barricades, some of it funded by
drunks who urinate in public places.
Rather than cater to the needs of the local citizens, the University of Saskatchewan trains foreign students, including Islamic students, to become medical doctors, dentists, chemists, engineers, and such. Islamists come to Saskatoon and earn doctoral
degrees by synthesizing new chemical compounds, and by researching properties of these new compounds such as the temperature at which these compounds explode. Islamists are trained to become psychiatrists and then under Trudeau are allowed to work in
Canada (torture Canadians) without they themselves being Canadian citizens. Some Islamists even come to the University of Saskatchewan and do dissertations on nosecone designs. The local students who desire admission to these programs are thwarted by the
seats being allocated to the foreigners, and are thwarted by being unable to sign up for desired classes because their student loans arrive after the classes are filled, and are shunted into the College of Arts and Sciences where the degree results in
debt, poverty and unemployment. Numerous studies have shown that as Islamists increase their overall percentages in communities throughout the world, that violent crimes committed by them increases, to the point when they are numerous enough that they
then act in unison to enslave women and slaughter their opponents. Because the University of Saskatchewan is instrumental in increasing the number of Islamists into Saskatchewan, which will inevitably result in increased crimes and higher taxes, the
university should face financial penalties to assist the communities deal with the increased tax burdens. Just like other communities throughout the world that face an invasion of Islamists, Saskatoon can expect infrastructure losses due to bombings…
we should start saving money to pay for the replacement of the bombed bridges and buildings, and force the University to post a $3 billion performance bond to help cover the future replacement costs (for the University teaches Islamists to synthesize
compounds that explode). The Islamists are being provided with higher education, resulting in higher incomes, and many have arrived to Saskatoon with money they stole from the Christians and the Catholics they killed in Africa, the Middle-East and Asia
before they arrived here, they should be taxed higher than average due to their increased costs they place upon the communities they invade. If the University of Saskatchewan fails to post a $3 billion performance bond to cover the future replacement
costs of destroyed infrastructure, then the city should immediately move to expropriate much of the university lands.
The Catholics stole an Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) and placed it prominently in Vatican Square, then each winter turn an evergreen tree into a decorated idol and place it next to the pagan penis, suitable as both are symbols of
fertility… the penis is worshipped as a symbol of fertility due to its reproductive role, while the evergreen tree is worshipped as a symbol of fertility due to remaining green throughout the year. And fish are worshipped as a symbol of fertility due
to laying large numbers of eggs, so these priests of fish-god Dagon continue to wear their fish-head hats.
Catholics co-opted Protestant churches and use these churches to teach people to honor the pagan fertility rites, even many Seventh-day Adventist churches place Egyptian dinks on their roofs and place trees turned into decorated idols next to their
pulpits and in front of their churches. Different aspects of the pagan winter festival are in direct opposition to God’s first Three Commandments, the Seventh-day Adventists teach people to honor God’s Fourth Commandment while at the same time are
teaching people to violate God’s first Three Commandments via their winter celebrations, and then have the audacity to claim that their church is the bulwark of truth.
Seventh-day Adventist children, young adults, older adults and seniors all love to pose next to decorated evergreen tree idols and have their photos taken, which they then upload to Facebook and other social media. If the child is too young to post
the photo on social media, then the Seventh-day Adventist parents will post the photo for them, parents use their very own children to teach others to abide by Catholic fertility rites. Who teaches these Seventh-day Adventists to idolize trees and abide
by Catholic fertility rites? The Seventh-day Adventist Church models the behavior with the fertility idols standing next to their pulpits and outside in front of their churches, they display the Catholic idols because they too are a Catholic church.
Ellen G. White admonished her sheep to not use expensive decorations when idolizing the trees but to use cheap ribbons instead. Many of Ellen White’s SDA churches are capped with Egyptian penises, while she herself has a dink for a tombstone.
Moslems similarly embrace phallic worship, they build penises into their mosque architecture, including into their new mosque in Saskatoon. Should I be bothered to run for mayor of Saskatoon, and win, I would not spend people’s money on promoting
Catholic fertility rites, Islamic fertility rites, or on fertility rites espoused by any other religious group. If citizens want to turn their homes, churches, mosques and temples into pagan temples of fertility, let them, but it is wrong to spend tax
money on turning city schools and other buildings, streets and parks into blinking pagan temples of fertility.
The courts in Saskatoon and in other Canadian cities are citing the large number of black and aboriginal people languishing in jails as a reason to render softer sentences upon individuals from those racial backgrounds, which amounts to racism. This
racism conducted by the Catholic courts results in people happily violating laws as penalties are weak or non-existent.
I complained that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and were teaching people to embrace traditions that are in direct opposition to God’s Commandments and received many years of brutal horrid torture at the hands of
predominantly Hindu psychiatrists at the Royal University Hospital at the University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital. I would be detained and tortured for repeated 6-week periods, then injected with drugs on the final day of each 6-week
session that resulted in a couple of months of additional horror after each time I was released. Once I lightly punched a fellow who was censoring my posters and was rewarded by the judge with additional months of torture.
Once I was brutally beaten (I nearly died) at the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church (for daring to speak at a Wednesday night Bible study) and was again rewarded with an additional 6-week round of brutal horrid torture (and a couple months
additional torture resulting from the drugs injected into me on the last day of the “treatment”). I was brutally assaulted by James George De Witt (born May 8th 1953), and then arrested and tortured, for being brutally assaulted at the Mount Royal
Seventh-day Adventist Church was used as additional evidence that I was acting up and deserving of a needle in my arse. George James De Witt had arms that were much bigger than my legs, his brother was a national boxing champion - George De Witt grabbed
me at the Wednesday night SDA Bible study and flung me up the stairs, through the door, and then punched me in the head as hard as he could. As I lay on the lawn next to the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church the Adventists departed their Bible
study, I wasn’t able to move and nobody came out to see how I was. These Adventists don’t like to hear that their church censors Scriptural references to cannibalism, don’t like to hear that they teach people to abide by Catholic fertility rites,
they don’t like to hear that many of their churches are capped with Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises). The following Saturday I stood outside the Seventh-day Adventist Central Church on Victoria Ave. and showed off my ripped clothes and
injuries, one Adventist told me not to come back or they would do worse to me. I attended that church hoping for assistance to flee many years of psychiatric horror, they instead beat me to the point of death and then had me arrested and tortured. George
De Witt’s daughter posted that she was so pleased that her dad beat the shit out of me, that I was deserving of the beating. I wanted help to flee Canada, instead the Adventists brutalized me further. I hope some day that I will be able to employ
George De Witt’s daughter, Jean Edna Anne De Witt (born August 15th 1984) and I would get her to laugh at people being brutalized wherever and whenever, as she does it very well.
Soon after a drug-dealing immigrant from El Salvador (Manuel Oswaldo Chinchilla Morales, born February 8th 1977), who lived with his Seventh-day Adventist family, together with his friends, beat me in downtown Saskatoon. After returning home from the
hospital I continued to lay in bed for weeks, fearful that the police were going to come and arrest me again, for speaking again. So the worst two beatings I ever experienced in life were dealt to me at a Seventh-day Adventist Wednesday Night Bible Study
and then by a drug dealing immigrant from El Salvador who lived in Saskatoon with his Seventh-day Adventist immigrant family. I was already devastated by years of horror in psychiatric facilities in Saskatoon, these people must have seen me as an easy
conquest. George De Witt’s muscular arms were bigger than my thighs, the punch he gave me would likely have killed over 95% of the people on the planet, he is a soldier of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (a branch of the Catholic Church).
Ethnic diversity is negatively impacting poor whites and poor aboriginal natives, resources provided by governments have limits and are being provided to the newcomers at the expense of the poor. Years ago a group of Syrians arrived to the airport and
were welcomed by three levels of government - civil, provincial and federal government representatives welcomed these newcomers and provided homes and money for them, while at the same time many white and native people were sleeping in bushes along the
riverbank and under bridges. People could not find it in their hearts to provide a bed for the homeless in Saskatoon, yet when the Syrians and other Islamists were flown in they were provided with hotel rooms, hotel meals and swimming pools. The new
Islamist immigrants were provided for at great cost, multitudes more resources were provided for them than for our own, who struggle to live here in abject poverty.
Now we hear on a daily basis of Latin American, Asian and African immigrants committing murders and other serious crimes against white European people. White people in Canada signed treaties with native aboriginals to share this land, these treaties
do not give us permission to import many millions of brutal Latin American, Asian and African immigrants. And due to the high amount of gun violence committed by these new immigrants in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia, the Islamic federal
government now wants to remove our access to guns rather than punish the murderous and racist thugs. The Canadian Islamic federal government has an agenda that includes allowing white people (especially white males) to perish and this should have been a
civic issue long ago. They are housing foreign thugs in Toronto, allowing these thugs to commit repeated acts of violence without serious penalty, then these foreign thugs make excursions to western provinces and commit serious crimes here before
returning to Toronto… governments in other regions of Canada are acting as enemies to the citizens of Saskatoon, they should pay for the damages their negligent actions are causing us.
We need to place people on notice that these brutal assaults will be attended to. So, as mayor, I will instruct the police to arrest and detain the hockey players that assault fellow hockey players on the ice. The assaults would be witnessed by
thousands of people, there is no doubt of guilt, these hockey players should be immediately arrested and removed from the ice in handcuffs. The arena in Saskatoon should not be used as a platform to teach children to assault one another. Should the arena
continue to be used as a platform to teach people to assault one another, and if the perpetrators of the assaults are not brought to justice, then as mayor I will try to gain council support to limit or outright curtail activities at the arena. If people
abuse the arena, then they should lose access to the arena. If the Catholic judges decide to free the Catholic hockey players without sufficient penalty, then all the Catholic hockey teams can play their Catholic “games” elsewhere. Every time a major
event occurs at our northerly placed arena, the result is traffic jams that require multiple police officers to attend and untangle, one or two of those officers should instead be posted next to the ice and will be poised to arrest the perpetrators of
the on-ice assaults. On one hand there is additional costs due to the additional policing required for these traffic jams, on the other hand the police are being used to direct traffic rather than being used in more useful roles, such as arresting
violence wherever it occurs in the community. It is rather unfair that some people throw a punch and the result is the victim receives a penalty of years of brutal horrid torture, other people throw a punch and the result is people cheer and give the
perpetrator of the crime money.
The Catholic fertility rites (which includes tree and penis worship) are being whole-heartedly adopted by aboriginals in and around the community of Saskatoon. At One-Arrow First Nation the native aboriginals placed a statue of their leader Chief One-
Arrow upon an Egyptian representation of a penis. They see how other communities in and outside of Canada honor their war dead by placing statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian dinks, so the ignorant aboriginal Indians similarly
adopted this Catholic ritual and hoisted a statue of their beloved ancestor upon a pagan penis as well. The aboriginal children faced a couple of hundred years of sodomy at the hands of the Catholic priests, and they incredibly respond by placing a
statue of Chief One-Arrow upon a pagan representation of a penis. The result of embracing Catholic fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments is that God withdraws His protection and allows Canada to be flooded with Islamists, Hindus and Sikhs, all
of whom similarly embrace pagan fertility rites including penis whoreship. Covering the many penises built into the Amritsar temple with gold doesn’t make the penises nor the Sikhs holy. Using a long row of obelisks (Egyptian penises) to mark our
southern border dothn’t make our southern border secure. Filling our cemeteries with obelisks (Egyptian penises) dothn’t mean our dead went to or are heading to heaven. Stealing an obelisk (a pagan penis) from Egypt and sticking it in the center of
Vatican Square dothn’t make that church holy. Placing a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian representation of a dink dothn’t bring fertility and abundance to that First Nation community. If there is some sort of historical evidence that
Chief One Arrow found his penis to be of tremendous importance and perhaps even played with it, then there might be some merit to the idea of placing a statue of him standing on top of an Egyptian dink. It was before my time, and there are two different
cultures here (North American Indian and Egyptian) which are both very dissimilar to my own culture, so I am not entirely qualified to comment further on the issue.
It matters little to God which particular group of pagan penis whoreshippers occupies any nation. Many of the aboriginal Indians flip-flop between “Catholicism” and “Traditional Native Spirituality” depending upon whom they are trying to get
into their beds and fuck on any particular day, rather indicating their true religion to be “sex”, they engage in a communal version of this sex and phallic worship that results in a decrease in their fertility and longevity. So as the native
aboriginals blindly engage in their phallic worship, members of alternative fertility cults invade Canada, and it just doesn’t matter to God which particular fertility cult occupies any nation.
Many native reserves are plagued with violent crimes, the young there failed to listen to the wisdom of their grandmothers and other elders, they failed to listen to and obey God. In most reserves the children flip-flop between Catholicism and Native
Spirituality depending upon whom they are trying to get into bed with on any particular day, resulting in them getting infected with HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Then these folks come to the city and continue with their criminal and
violent activities and spread their diseases here. The problem would be mitigated if the provincial government ceased giving rent money to people on welfare. Instead of the government handing over money for rental accommodations and benefitting landlords,
the provincial government should be handing out a few dollars worth of building material so people may construct their own tiny off grid homes away from the cities. The city can continue to expect violent crimes and the spread of diseases as long as
governments continue policies designed to bankrupt people and bankrupt communities, and as long as people dismiss God’s Commandments as being valid for our day. Children are taught to bow to trees turned into decorated idols rather than to attempt to
honor God’s Commandments.
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeakity Squeak@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Dec 3 05:14:49 2021
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff December 1st 2021 5:53 pm 106,466 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“America is ruled by a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who demands that Americans take the death jab. Similarly Trudeau is an Islamist who demands that Canadians take the death jab, squeak squeak.” -Squeakity Squeak
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
An end to Catholic (pagan) fertility rites on city property… no money spent on decorated evergreen trees, decorated evergreen tree wreaths and blinkin’ lights, on their purchase nor on their annual installation and removal. Removal of the pagan
representations of penises on Broadway Avenue. Removal of all Egyptian phalluses located on city owned properties (such as on the Broadway Bridge and at City Hall). An end to the arrest and psychiatric torture of those who criticize the Catholic (pagan)
phallic traditions. An end to psychiatric treatment (torture) within the city… it is the churches that are sick and not the people who criticize the pagan traditions taught by these churches. The city should look at not only ending torture in the
hospitals (a real mismanagement of tax money) but look at compensating people who suffered under the hands of psychiatry. There is a real risk that if we do not stop psychiatry, then increasing numbers of “normal” people across this nation will start
facing widespread torture.
The so-called “Christian” churches teach people to honor pagan fertility tree traditions that are in direct opposition to God’s First Three Commandments… people are taught to honor pagan fertility traditions in place of God’s Commandments
and then these people go on to commit violations of other of God’s Commandments, the resulting crime destroys lives and results in higher taxes for businesses and homeowners. The churches (and mosques and temples) should be taxed in order to alleviate
these higher taxes that they themselves are causing through their pagan teachings. The Doukhobors should pay increased taxes as they too have adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so have become Catholics, they claim to abide by God’s Commandments
but they honor Catholic fertility rites which are in violation of God’s First Four Commandments. Doukhobors used to be a benefit to Canadians, now they negligently teach people to abide by Catholic fertility rites. When people adopt Catholic fertility
rites then they become Catholics, and that includes Doukhobors. It will be difficult to collect increased taxes from the Zoroastrians as they are difficult to find… Zoroastrians faced tremendous persecution from Moslems over the centuries and now they
hide. The Doukhobors (the Old Believers) faced tremendous persecution from Christians over the last few centuries and now they avoid persecution by embracing Catholic fertility rites and by changing their Slavic names to Anglicized names. The Canadian
Ukrainians turn eggs and trees into decorated idols and actively help to teach my Doukhobor relatives to embrace the Catholic fertility rites. Now my Doukhobor relatives love Catholic fertility rites far more than Jesus. The Jehovah Witnesses are a
Catholic church as they embrace the Vatican’s Sunday Sabbath. The Jewish community will not face additional tax burdens because they do not systematically teach people to violate God’s Commandments but teach people to abide by God’s Commandments
instead. Please note that I never stated that one is saved by keeping God’s Commandments, nor do I hold such a view.
People are systematically taught to embrace traditions in place of God’s Commandments, their libraries are filled with books advocating witchcraft and homosexuality, and their media is but a mouthpiece for the Catholic Church that repeats the call
to turn trees into decorated idols and provides encouragement to violate additional Commandments, resulting in crime and higher taxes. So not only should the churches, mosques and pagan temples be taxed to help pay for the costs they impose upon society,
their media should be taxed as well.
Multitudes of soldiers gave their lives for our freedom – our civic governments (and other governments) honors their sacrifices by erecting Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) and by placing statues of soldiers next to or on top of these
Egyptian penises, and by getting other soldiers to bow to the pagan penises by placing fertility tree wreaths at the base of the Egyptian dinks. These are traditions that have become so important that society is willing to have those who point out the
pagan filth be arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities. The city should demolish the cenotaph (an Egyptian dink), those citizens who oppose the demolition of this pagan phallus should be allowed to remove it from the city and erect the erection
elsewhere. There are more appropriate ways to thank service men and women for their service than to honor them with a pagan dink.
The city closed down the Mendel Art Gallery, it was a wonderful place that provided free access to art and to a conservatory full of plants. Only once I went to Saskatoon’s new art gallery, I was turned away as the entire facility was closed to the
general public, but other people were still being admitted, those being admitted were arriving in limousines and they were wearing outfits that exceed the cost of what I spend on clothes in three years. I did not return. One would think that with four
stories the new art gallery is large enough to always accommodate people of differing social-economic backgrounds at the same time. One would think that the old gallery would not be shuttered until the new gallery was ready for occupancy, but this was
not the case and the general public was left without a gallery for years – the wealthy among us cared little that the city was without a working gallery while the new gallery was being constructed as they could easily afford to frequently fly to other
communities and other countries to view the art there. I support the re-establishment of the Mendel Art Gallery and an end of cash transfers to the new gallery. A study should be done on the new gallery and determine how it can be repurposed, perhaps it
can be used to teach aviation or perhaps the space can even be used to build small airplanes. There is a much greater desire of city residents to own their own cars, motorcycles, boats, airplanes and helicopters than to spend money for admission into an
exclusive art gallery where people arrive in limousines.
The city used to hold the immensely popular “Louis Riel Relay Race” in the 1980’s and 1990’s, the event drew great crowds to the center of the city. It was a way to bring together people of all cultures, not just Metis, but also Native
Aboriginals, Whites, Chinese and most of the rest of the diverse community. The relay race even involved people riding horses along the river bank, people racing canoes up and down the river, others running with heavy packs, it was truly exciting and
thousands upon thousands of people annually showed up to view the spectacle. Then the city cancelled the event and put Chinese Dragon Boat Races in their place. About the same time the Chinese Dragon Boat Races began, the media stopped their campaign to
demonize the Chinese people, and instead ran “news” stories of how the Chinese were embracing “Christmas” (aka turning trees into decorated idols), saying “Look at their beautiful blinkin’ trees - the Chinese people are just the same as you
and me.” The media played upon people’s love of pagan fertility rites in order to push a pro-Chinese agenda. I support a return of the Louis Riel Relay Race to downtown Saskatoon. If Chinese people want to maintain their traditions they should do so
without cancelling our traditions.
High school students know how to smoke in large groups, resulting in clouds of carcinogenic toxins irritating the homeowners living close to the schools… if the students can afford drugs, tattoos, body piercings, designer clothes, automobiles and
smart phones, then they can also afford fines for littering and jaywalking. Sometimes the weather is such that the cigarette smoke hangs in the air, it makes life miserable for those residents who live adjacent to the high schools.
The federal government recently legalized marijuana, but renters have no place to smoke and can face fines for smoking in public places, it is a sorry state of affairs for the smokers who rent. It is also a sorry state for the renters who do not smoke
and have to tolerate the smoke from the other tenants. We should look at providing designated smoking areas for people that smoke tobacco or marijuana. Renters smoking inside non-smoking facilities should consider moving to a tiny house located outside
of the city, which they would become owners of, before they are charged for administering noxious substances. Be aware that just a small amount of second hand smoke, or incense, will wake most non-smokers out of a deep sleep as the smoke makes hearts
beat faster. Abused people, such as those coming out of psychiatric facilities, don’t sleep very soundly, they find themselves living in the worst possible housing scenarios where people smoke and party day and night. The abused people go from
absolutely horrid living accommodations in psychiatric facilities to the absolutely horrid living accommodations of smokey rental facilities in the city where people are literally bouncing up and down the hallways day and night. People coming out of
psychiatric “care” facilities are very close to death and require adequate rest, which is not provided to them in the putrid dumps they end up in after their release. I pity the people who live in apartment buildings located next to the high schools,
where putrid tobacco clouds endlessly hang. Life is short for most people who end up getting “treated” by psychiatrists, and they don’t smile much before they die.
No tax money to be utilized for sports. Institute a program to help military cadets, sports groups and other clubs raise money for their organizations where the members record bylaw violations and have the resulting fines shared between the city and
the organizations. Target the areas where bars are located and impose fines upon people for littering and for urinating in public. Submitting a 5 minute video of an unattached trailer on a city street can earn your organization cold hard cash (it is
illegal to leave a trailer on the street unattached to a vehicle, people should be able to attach it within 5 minutes). Get a video identifying people exposing themselves and urinating in public and win money for your club. Military cadets are not
receiving adequate funding and require additional time practicing marksmanship at gun ranges, it costs money.
Up until the mid 1960’s Saskatoon had a shooting range and an annual turkey shoot downtown on the north-west corner of First Avenue and Twenty-Second Street where the Hilton Hotel now stands, adults and children alike would pay a very small fee to
try to hit the target with a .22 caliber rifle and win a turkey. Children used to travel to the outskirts of the city carrying their rifles across the handlebars of their bicycles, where their recreation was to walk in the prairie wilderness and shoot
gophers, sparrows and snakes with their BB guns and .22 caliber rifles, if there was standing water nearby then the kids could always fill the tunnels with water and shoot the gophers when they came up for air. Kids had guns and had fun. Many half-ton
trucks coming to the city from rural areas had rifles visibly hanging in their back windows. Now we import people who want to slaughter us and we prevent our children from learning how to shoot and become responsible gun owners. Some of our immigrant
invaders come from countries where all the males are expected to carry machine guns or sniper rifles or a rocket. All the Islamic invaders believe in the supremacy of their “Sharia Law” as dictated by the Koran, which contains instruction on
acquiring land, wealth, sex slaves and virgins in heaven.
Freemason (Catholic) judges are allowing criminals to go free. And the judges that send people to “psychiatric evaluation” are very well aware that they have stripped the individual of their rights to defend themselves in a court of law, and the
individual will be tortured by psychiatrists for years to come. These judges are criminals, complicit in torture, who need to be themselves arrested, detained and “evaluated”. Although it is probably not possible to get the Catholic police to arrest
the Catholic judges, nor is it possible to get Catholic judges to render unbiased judgments against other Catholic judges, the city should monitor the proceedings in the courts and try to ensure that white people and native people receive similar
penalties as people of other races, ensure that males receive similar penalties as the females, ensure that the rich receive similar penalties as the poor, ensure that Christians receive similar penalties as people from other religions… anything less
is evil and directly leads to the downfall of civilization. Because Canadian children are literally getting away with murder, council should study the issue of expulsion of entire families from the city when their children are out of control. Homeowners
who are raising criminal children should at the very least face higher property taxes to help compensate their victims, and face penalties of even greater degrees if they are found to be systematically teaching their children to violate laws. Out of
control renters should become responsible small home owners, miles outside of the city.
Many years ago I ran for mayor, my literature pointed out that the city lowered taxes for banks. I also indicated that we should ban cars that burn excessive quantities of “oil” in their dilapidated vehicles, the media reported that I wanted to
ban vehicles that burned an excess quantity of “gas” (the Star-Phoenix refused to print a correction), and no mention was made of me pointing out that the city reduced taxes for banks. Opinions that are in opposition to those espoused by the media
should be allowed… people should be allowed to poster on all city poles and on city electrical/traffic boxes, and not face penalties for doing so. Because opinions in Saskatoon are censored, we must be diligent to allow opinions to be posted onto
street poles, allow people to speak their opinions on public streets, and allow people to distribute their newspapers on public sidewalks. Islamists should understand that this is supposedly a free country and their blasphemous-murdering-pedophile-
prophet may be openly mocked. Islam is not a race but an idea, in free countries ideas are open to debate, criticism and even laughter. Placing an arena on the outskirts of the city resulted in a great financial loss to downtown businesses and to the
city as a whole. Similarly placing a casino 15 miles outside of the city accomplished the same. Also the distant locations of the arena and casino likely results in a daily loss of thousands of gallons of gasoline, the loss of thousands of hours spent
driving and maintaining the vehicles. When I ran for mayor I supported the building of a centrally located arena, and continue to do so, but I no longer support using money collected by taxes to do so.
An end to attempting to stop river banks from slumping. The costs involved in attempting to save a home or two located along the river bank far exceeds the value of the homes, and that cost should not be borne by taxpayers. The people who desire to
save their homes when the river banks start slumping should be free to attempt to stop the slumping on their own. Maybe dig a few deep holes and pour a few steel-reinforced concrete piles, don’t look for assistance from city engineers nor any other
city employee. Get some of them fancy blinkin’ lights to indicate that your property is slumping, make the best of your situation. You can’t be too safe, if your property is slumping then consider painting your house a bright yellow as a warning to
others. If your property is slumping during your pagan winter fertility festival, then get your inflatable Santa Claus to blink on and off as well.
We should periodically run races around the city on Circle Drive, in order to allow normal traffic to continue to function during the races would require building both underpasses and overpasses. The races could generate money that could be used to
fund overpasses, underpasses, seating and washroom facilities. Additional money can be manufactured specifically for City of Saskatoon infrastructure projects (see The Grip of Death by Rowbotham). Many seniors don’t take walks downtown due to lack of
adequate washroom facilities. If we had washrooms and seating for seniors, then the seniors would have somewhere to go. Often the seniors have to go frequently and can’t easily walk the entire length of a downtown city block. We could have washrooms
downtown specifically for seniors (perhaps people 60 or over) that open with a swipe of a card, other washrooms for younger people that are opened in the same fashion. The cadets will get photographs of alcoholics exposing themselves and urinating near
the bars, the fines get split between the cadets who need money to buy guns and ammo to improve their shooting skills, and with the city which needs to make washrooms in downtown areas for seniors and for others. The alcoholics need to be educated to
urinate and defecate before they depart from a bar and should pay for the education on their own. And we will need washrooms along Circle Drive to accommodate the spectators of the races, and of course, bleachers and barricades, some of it funded by
drunks who urinate in public places.
Rather than cater to the needs of the local citizens, the University of Saskatchewan trains foreign students, including Islamic students, to become medical doctors, dentists, chemists, engineers, and such. Islamists come to Saskatoon and earn doctoral
degrees by synthesizing new chemical compounds, and by researching properties of these new compounds such as the temperature at which these compounds explode. Islamists are trained to become psychiatrists and then under Trudeau are allowed to work in
Canada (torture Canadians) without they themselves being Canadian citizens. Some Islamists even come to the University of Saskatchewan and do dissertations on nosecone designs. The local students who desire admission to these programs are thwarted by the
seats being allocated to the foreigners, and are thwarted by being unable to sign up for desired classes because their student loans arrive after the classes are filled, and are shunted into the College of Arts and Sciences where the degree results in
debt, poverty and unemployment. Numerous studies have shown that as Islamists increase their overall percentages in communities throughout the world, that violent crimes committed by them increases, to the point when they are numerous enough that they
then act in unison to enslave women and slaughter their opponents. Because the University of Saskatchewan is instrumental in increasing the number of Islamists into Saskatchewan, which will inevitably result in increased crimes and higher taxes, the
university should face financial penalties to assist the communities deal with the increased tax burdens. Just like other communities throughout the world that face an invasion of Islamists, Saskatoon can expect infrastructure losses due to bombings…
we should start saving money to pay for the replacement of the bombed bridges and buildings, and force the University to post a $3 billion performance bond to help cover the future replacement costs (for the University teaches Islamists to synthesize
compounds that explode). The Islamists are being provided with higher education, resulting in higher incomes, and many have arrived to Saskatoon with money they stole from the Christians and the Catholics they killed in Africa, the Middle-East and Asia
before they arrived here, they should be taxed higher than average due to their increased costs they place upon the communities they invade. If the University of Saskatchewan fails to post a $3 billion performance bond to cover the future replacement
costs of destroyed infrastructure, then the city should immediately move to expropriate much of the university lands.
The Catholics stole an Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) and placed it prominently in Vatican Square, then each winter turn an evergreen tree into a decorated idol and place it next to the pagan penis, suitable as both are symbols of
fertility… the penis is worshipped as a symbol of fertility due to its reproductive role, while the evergreen tree is worshipped as a symbol of fertility due to remaining green throughout the year. And fish are worshipped as a symbol of fertility due
to laying large numbers of eggs, so these priests of fish-god Dagon continue to wear their fish-head hats.
Catholics co-opted Protestant churches and use these churches to teach people to honor the pagan fertility rites, even many Seventh-day Adventist churches place Egyptian dinks on their roofs and place trees turned into decorated idols next to their
pulpits and in front of their churches. Different aspects of the pagan winter festival are in direct opposition to God’s first Three Commandments, the Seventh-day Adventists teach people to honor God’s Fourth Commandment while at the same time are
teaching people to violate God’s first Three Commandments via their winter celebrations, and then have the audacity to claim that their church is the bulwark of truth.
Seventh-day Adventist children, young adults, older adults and seniors all love to pose next to decorated evergreen tree idols and have their photos taken, which they then upload to Facebook and other social media. If the child is too young to post
the photo on social media, then the Seventh-day Adventist parents will post the photo for them, parents use their very own children to teach others to abide by Catholic fertility rites. Who teaches these Seventh-day Adventists to idolize trees and abide
by Catholic fertility rites? The Seventh-day Adventist Church models the behavior with the fertility idols standing next to their pulpits and outside in front of their churches, they display the Catholic idols because they too are a Catholic church.
Ellen G. White admonished her sheep to not use expensive decorations when idolizing the trees but to use cheap ribbons instead. Many of Ellen White’s SDA churches are capped with Egyptian penises, while she herself has a dink for a tombstone.
Moslems similarly embrace phallic worship, they build penises into their mosque architecture, including into their new mosque in Saskatoon. Should I be bothered to run for mayor of Saskatoon, and win, I would not spend people’s money on promoting
Catholic fertility rites, Islamic fertility rites, or on fertility rites espoused by any other religious group. If citizens want to turn their homes, churches, mosques and temples into pagan temples of fertility, let them, but it is wrong to spend tax
money on turning city schools and other buildings, streets and parks into blinking pagan temples of fertility.
The courts in Saskatoon and in other Canadian cities are citing the large number of black and aboriginal people languishing in jails as a reason to render softer sentences upon individuals from those racial backgrounds, which amounts to racism. This
racism conducted by the Catholic courts results in people happily violating laws as penalties are weak or non-existent.
I complained that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and were teaching people to embrace traditions that are in direct opposition to God’s Commandments and received many years of brutal horrid torture at the hands of
predominantly Hindu psychiatrists at the Royal University Hospital at the University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital. I would be detained and tortured for repeated 6-week periods, then injected with drugs on the final day of each 6-week
session that resulted in a couple of months of additional horror after each time I was released. Saskatoon politician Bob Fink encouraged the community to speak and place posters, even though I was a little short of good material at the time I made and
placed a few posters. After a while my posters were not tolerated and then after the Hindu psychiatrists were almost done with me, I was given to Dr. Marcoux, who even later said that my posters were crazy and if he ever found out that I was postering
again, that he would have me returned to him and “treated” again. He brutally tortured me and then told me that, and released me with a depot drug injection on the final day of the six week horror show. That depot drug injection, together with the
previous six weeks of drugs, rendered me in the upmost degree of unconfort that continued for months after my release. They had to release me at the end of six weeks because the law demanded it, but then the NDP came to power provincially and immediately
passed legislation allowing for permanent psychiatric drugging… for six weeks and beyond. And then once during all of this I lightly punched a fellow who was censoring my posters and was rewarded by the judge with additional months of torture.
Once I was brutally beaten (I nearly died) at the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church (for daring to speak at a Wednesday night Bible study) and was again rewarded with an additional 6-week round of brutal horrid torture (and at least a couple
months additional torture resulting from the depot drug(s) injected into me on the last day of the “treatment”). I was brutally assaulted by James George De Witt (born May 8th 1953), and then arrested and tortured, for being brutally assaulted at the
Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church was used as additional evidence that I was acting up and deserving of a needle in my arse. George James De Witt had arms that were much bigger than my legs, his brother was a national boxing champion - George De
Witt grabbed me at the Wednesday night SDA Bible study and flung me up the stairs, through the door, and then punched me in the head as hard as he could. As I lay on the lawn next to the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church the Adventists departed
their Bible study, I wasn’t able to move and nobody came out to see how I was. These Adventists don’t like to hear that their church censors Scriptural references to cannibalism, don’t like to hear that they teach people to abide by Catholic
fertility rites, they don’t like to hear that many of their churches are capped with Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises). The following Saturday I stood outside the Seventh-day Adventist Central Church on Victoria Ave. and showed off my
ripped clothes and injuries, one Adventist told me not to come back or they would do worse to me, others heard this and agreed. I attended that church hoping for assistance to flee many years of psychiatric horror, they instead beat me to the point of
death and then had me arrested and tortured. George De Witt’s daughter posted that she was so pleased that her dad beat the shit out of me, that I was deserving of the beating. I wanted help to flee Canada, instead the Adventists brutalized me further.
I hope some day that I will be able to employ George De Witt’s daughter, Jean Edna Anne De Witt (born August 15th 1984) and I would get her to laugh at people being brutalized wherever and whenever, as she does it very well.
Soon after a drug-dealing immigrant from El Salvador (Manuel Oswaldo Chinchilla Morales, born February 8th 1977), who lived with his Seventh-day Adventist family, together with his friends, beat me in downtown Saskatoon. He was angry because he gave
me all his family members names and birthdays, which I used to try to show him harmony between his name and his birthday and the numbers in Scripture, tried to show him some mathematical evidence indicating that God provided him with his name, with his
birthday, with his life. Similarly James De Witt was angry with himself for providing me with the names and birthdays. I worked hard at developing interviewing skills so that I could obtain this information about them and their family members. After
returning home from the hospital I continued to lay in bed for weeks, fearful that the police were going to come and arrest me again, for speaking again. So the worst two beatings I ever experienced in life were dealt to me at a Seventh-day Adventist
Wednesday Night Bible Study and then by a drug dealing immigrant from El Salvador who lived in Saskatoon with his Seventh-day Adventist immigrant family. I was already devastated by years of horror in psychiatric facilities in Saskatoon, these people
must have seen me as an easy conquest. George De Witt’s muscular arms were bigger than my thighs, the punch he gave me would likely have killed over 95% of the people on the planet, he is a soldier of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (a branch of the
Catholic Church, that teaches you to get your Catholic tree to blink).
Ethnic diversity is negatively impacting poor whites and poor aboriginal natives, resources provided by governments have limits and are being provided to the newcomers at the expense of the poor. Years ago a group of Syrians arrived to the airport and
were welcomed by three levels of government - civil, provincial and federal government representatives welcomed these newcomers and provided homes and money for them, while at the same time many white and native people were sleeping in bushes along the
riverbank and under bridges. People could not find it in their hearts to provide a bed for the homeless in Saskatoon, yet when the Syrians and other Islamists were flown in they were provided with hotel rooms, hotel meals and swimming pools. The new
Islamist immigrants were provided for at great cost, multitudes more resources were provided for them than for our own, who struggle to live here in abject poverty.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff December 25th 2021 5:33 pm 109,033 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“America is ruled by a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who demands that Americans take the death jab. Similarly Trudeau is an Islamist who demands that Canadians take the death jab, squeak squeak.” -Squeakity Squeak
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
An end to Catholic (pagan) fertility rites on city property… no money spent on decorated evergreen trees, decorated evergreen tree wreaths and blinkin’ lights, on their purchase nor on their annual installation and removal. Removal of the pagan
representations of penises on Broadway Avenue. Removal of all Egyptian phalluses located on city owned properties (such as on the Broadway Bridge and at City Hall). An end to the arrest and psychiatric torture of those who criticize the Catholic (pagan)
phallic traditions. An end to psychiatric treatment (torture) within the city… it is the churches that are sick and not the people who criticize the pagan traditions taught by these churches. The city should look at not only ending torture in the
hospitals (a real mismanagement of tax money) but look at compensating people who suffered under the hands of psychiatry. There is a real risk that if we do not stop psychiatry, then increasing numbers of “normal” people across this nation will start
facing widespread torture.
The so-called “Christian” churches teach people to honor pagan fertility tree traditions that are in direct opposition to God’s First Three Commandments… people are taught to honor pagan fertility traditions in place of God’s Commandments
and then these people go on to commit violations of other of God’s Commandments, the resulting crime destroys lives and results in higher taxes for businesses and homeowners. The churches (and mosques and temples) should be taxed in order to alleviate
these higher taxes that they themselves are causing through their pagan teachings. The Doukhobors should pay increased taxes as they too have adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so have become Catholics, they claim to abide by God’s Commandments
but they honor Catholic fertility rites which are in violation of God’s First Four Commandments. Doukhobors used to be a benefit to Canadians, now they negligently teach people to abide by Catholic fertility rites. When people adopt Catholic fertility
rites then they become Catholics, and that includes Doukhobors. It will be difficult to collect increased taxes from the Zoroastrians as they are difficult to find… Zoroastrians faced tremendous persecution from Moslems over the centuries and now they
hide. The Doukhobors (the Old Believers) faced tremendous persecution from Christians over the last few centuries and now they avoid persecution by embracing Catholic fertility rites and by changing their Slavic names to Anglicized names. The Canadian
Ukrainians turn eggs and trees into decorated idols and actively help to teach my Doukhobor relatives to embrace the Catholic fertility rites. Now my Doukhobor relatives love Catholic fertility rites far more than Jesus. The Jehovah Witnesses are a
Catholic church as they embrace the Vatican’s Sunday Sabbath. The Jewish community will not face additional tax burdens because they do not systematically teach people to violate God’s Commandments but teach people to abide by God’s Commandments
instead. Please note that I never stated that one is saved by keeping God’s Commandments, nor do I hold such a view.
People are systematically taught to embrace traditions in place of God’s Commandments, their libraries are filled with books advocating witchcraft and homosexuality, and their media is but a mouthpiece for the Catholic Church that repeats the call
to turn trees into decorated idols and provides encouragement to violate additional Commandments, resulting in crime and higher taxes. So not only should the churches, mosques and pagan temples be taxed to help pay for the costs they impose upon society,
their media should be taxed as well.
Multitudes of soldiers gave their lives for our freedom, and our governments honor their sacrifices by erecting Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) for them, and by placing statues of soldiers next to or on top of these Egyptian penises.
And every winter the soldier’s tombstones are decorated with wreaths made from evergreen trees, which they also turn into decorated idols. Turning evergreen trees into decorated idols is an ancient fertility rite that is now religiously honored the
Catholic church. When Catholics decorate the graves of the war dead with their Catholic symbols of fertility, they are using the dead soldiers to push their Catholic beliefs upon others. These soldiers never fought for your Catholic fertility rites but
for your freedom. These are traditions that have become so important that society is willing to have those who point out the pagan filth be arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities. There are more appropriate ways to thank service men and women
for their service than to honor them with a pagan dink, or with a decorated fertility tree idol.
The city closed down the Mendel Art Gallery, it was a wonderful place that provided free access to art and to a conservatory full of plants. Only once I went to Saskatoon’s new art gallery, I was turned away as the entire facility was closed to the
general public, but other people were still being admitted, those being admitted were arriving in limousines and they were wearing outfits that exceed the cost of what I spend on clothes in three years. I did not return. One would think that with four
stories the new art gallery is large enough to always accommodate people of differing social-economic backgrounds at the same time. One would think that the old gallery would not be shuttered until the new gallery was ready for occupancy, but this was
not the case and the general public was left without a gallery for years – the wealthy among us cared little that the city was without a working gallery while the new gallery was being constructed as they could easily afford to frequently fly to other
communities and other countries to view the art there. I support the re-establishment of the Mendel Art Gallery and an end of cash transfers to the new gallery. A study should be done on the new gallery and determine how it can be repurposed, perhaps it
can be used to teach aviation or perhaps the space can even be used to build small airplanes. There is a much greater desire of city residents to own their own cars, motorcycles, boats, airplanes and helicopters than to spend money for admission into an
exclusive art gallery where people arrive in limousines.
The city used to hold the immensely popular “Louis Riel Relay Race” in the 1980’s and 1990’s, the event drew great crowds to the center of the city. It was a way to bring together people of all cultures, not just Metis, but also Native
Aboriginals, Whites, Chinese and most of the rest of the diverse community. The relay race even involved people riding horses along the river bank, people racing canoes up and down the river, others running with heavy packs, it was truly exciting and
thousands upon thousands of people annually showed up to view the spectacle. Then the city cancelled the event and put Chinese Dragon Boat Races in their place. About the same time the Chinese Dragon Boat Races began, the media stopped their campaign to
demonize the Chinese people, and instead ran “news” stories of how the Chinese were embracing “Christmas” (aka turning trees into decorated idols), saying “Look at their beautiful blinkin’ trees - the Chinese people are just the same as you
and me.” The media played upon people’s love of pagan fertility rites in order to push a pro-Chinese agenda. I support a return of the Louis Riel Relay Race to downtown Saskatoon. If Chinese people want to maintain their traditions they should do so
without cancelling our traditions.
High school students know how to smoke in large groups, resulting in clouds of carcinogenic toxins irritating the homeowners living close to the schools… if the students can afford drugs, tattoos, body piercings, designer clothes, automobiles and
smart phones, then they can also afford fines for littering and jaywalking. Sometimes the weather is such that the cigarette smoke hangs in the air, it makes life miserable for those residents who live adjacent to the high schools.
The federal government recently legalized marijuana, but renters have no place to smoke and can face fines for smoking in public places, it is a sorry state of affairs for the smokers who rent. It is also a sorry state for the renters who do not smoke
and have to tolerate the smoke from the other tenants. We should look at providing designated smoking areas for people that smoke tobacco or marijuana. Renters smoking inside non-smoking facilities should consider moving to a tiny house located outside
of the city, which they would become owners of, before they are charged for administering noxious substances. Be aware that just a small amount of second hand smoke, or incense, will wake most non-smokers out of a deep sleep as the smoke makes hearts
beat faster. Abused people, such as those coming out of psychiatric facilities, don’t sleep very soundly, they find themselves living in the worst possible housing scenarios where people smoke and party day and night. The abused people go from
absolutely horrid living accommodations in psychiatric facilities to the absolutely horrid living accommodations of smokey rental facilities in the city where people are literally bouncing up and down the hallways day and night. People coming out of
psychiatric “care” facilities are very close to death and require adequate rest, which is not provided to them in the putrid dumps they end up in after their release. I pity the people who live in apartment buildings located next to the high schools,
where putrid tobacco clouds endlessly hang. Life is short for most people who end up getting “treated” by psychiatrists, and they don’t smile much before they die.
No tax money to be utilized for sports. Institute a program to help military cadets, sports groups and other clubs raise money for their organizations where the members record bylaw violations and have the resulting fines shared between the city and
the organizations. Target the areas where bars are located and impose fines upon people for littering and for urinating in public. Submitting a 5 minute video of an unattached trailer on a city street can earn your organization cold hard cash (it is
illegal to leave a trailer on the street unattached to a vehicle, people should be able to attach it within 5 minutes). Get a video identifying people exposing themselves and urinating in public and win money for your club. Military cadets are not
receiving adequate funding and require additional time practicing marksmanship at gun ranges, it costs money.
Up until the mid 1960’s Saskatoon had a shooting range and an annual turkey shoot downtown on the north-west corner of First Avenue and Twenty-Second Street where the Hilton Hotel now stands, adults and children alike would pay a very small fee to
try to hit the target with a .22 caliber rifle and win a turkey. Children used to travel to the outskirts of the city carrying their rifles across the handlebars of their bicycles, where their recreation was to walk in the prairie wilderness and shoot
gophers, sparrows and snakes with their BB guns and .22 caliber rifles, if there was standing water nearby then the kids could always fill the tunnels with water and shoot the gophers when they came up for air. Kids had guns and had fun. Many half-ton
trucks coming to the city from rural areas had rifles visibly hanging in their back windows. Now we import people who want to slaughter us and we prevent our children from learning how to shoot and become responsible gun owners. Some of our immigrant
invaders come from countries where all the males are expected to carry machine guns or sniper rifles or a rocket. All the Islamic invaders believe in the supremacy of their “Sharia Law” as dictated by the Koran, which contains instruction on
acquiring land, wealth, sex slaves and virgins in heaven.
Freemason (Catholic) judges are allowing criminals to go free. And the judges that send people to “psychiatric evaluation” are very well aware that they have stripped the individual of their rights to defend themselves in a court of law, and the
individual will be tortured by psychiatrists for years to come. These judges are criminals, complicit in torture, who need to be themselves arrested, detained and “evaluated”. Although it is probably not possible to get the Catholic police to arrest
the Catholic judges, nor is it possible to get Catholic judges to render unbiased judgments against other Catholic judges, the city should monitor the proceedings in the courts and try to ensure that white people and native people receive similar
penalties as people of other races, ensure that males receive similar penalties as the females, ensure that the rich receive similar penalties as the poor, ensure that Christians receive similar penalties as people from other religions… anything less
is evil and directly leads to the downfall of civilization. Because Canadian children are literally getting away with murder, council should study the issue of expulsion of entire families from the city when their children are out of control. Homeowners
who are raising criminal children should at the very least face higher property taxes to help compensate their victims, and face penalties of even greater degrees if they are found to be systematically teaching their children to violate laws. Out of
control renters should become responsible small home owners, miles outside of the city.
Many years ago I ran for mayor, my literature pointed out that the city lowered taxes for banks. I also indicated that we should ban cars that burn excessive quantities of “oil” in their dilapidated vehicles, the media reported that I wanted to
ban vehicles that burned an excess quantity of “gas” (the Star-Phoenix refused to print a correction), and no mention was made of me pointing out that the city reduced taxes for banks. Opinions that are in opposition to those espoused by the media
should be allowed… people should be allowed to poster on all city poles and on city electrical/traffic boxes, and not face penalties for doing so. Because opinions in Saskatoon are censored, we must be diligent to allow opinions to be posted onto
street poles, allow people to speak their opinions on public streets, and allow people to distribute their newspapers on public sidewalks. Islamists should understand that this is supposedly a free country and their blasphemous-murdering-pedophile-
prophet may be openly mocked. Islam is not a race but an idea, in free countries ideas are open to debate, criticism and even laughter. Placing an arena on the outskirts of the city resulted in a great financial loss to downtown businesses and to the
city as a whole. Similarly placing a casino 15 miles outside of the city accomplished the same. Also the distant locations of the arena and casino likely results in a daily loss of thousands of gallons of gasoline, the loss of thousands of hours spent
driving and maintaining the vehicles. When I ran for mayor I supported the building of a centrally located arena, and continue to do so, but I no longer support using money collected by taxes to do so.
An end to attempting to stop river banks from slumping. The costs involved in attempting to save a home or two located along the river bank far exceeds the value of the homes, and that cost should not be borne by taxpayers. The people who desire to
save their homes when the river banks start slumping should be free to attempt to stop the slumping on their own. Maybe dig a few deep holes and pour a few steel-reinforced concrete piles, don’t look for assistance from city engineers nor any other
city employee. Get some of them fancy blinkin’ lights to indicate that your property is slumping, make the best of your situation. You can’t be too safe, if your property is slumping then consider painting your house a bright yellow as a warning to
others. If your property is slumping during your pagan winter fertility festival, then get your inflatable Santa Claus to blink on and off as well.
We should periodically run races around the city on Circle Drive, in order to allow normal traffic to continue to function during the races would require building both underpasses and overpasses. The races could generate money that could be used to
fund overpasses, underpasses, seating and washroom facilities. Additional money can be manufactured specifically for City of Saskatoon infrastructure projects (see The Grip of Death by Rowbotham). Many seniors don’t take walks downtown due to lack of
adequate washroom facilities. If we had washrooms and seating for seniors, then the seniors would have somewhere to go. Often the seniors have to go frequently and can’t easily walk the entire length of a downtown city block. We could have washrooms
downtown specifically for seniors (perhaps people 60 or over) that open with a swipe of a card, other washrooms for younger people that are opened in the same fashion. The cadets will get photographs of alcoholics exposing themselves and urinating near
the bars, the fines get split between the cadets who need money to buy guns and ammo to improve their shooting skills, and with the city which needs to make washrooms in downtown areas for seniors and for others. The alcoholics need to be educated to
urinate and defecate before they depart from a bar and should pay for the education on their own. And we will need washrooms along Circle Drive to accommodate the spectators of the races, and of course, bleachers and barricades, some of it funded by
drunks who urinate in public places.
Rather than cater to the needs of the local citizens, the University of Saskatchewan trains foreign students, including Islamic students, to become medical doctors, dentists, chemists, engineers, and such. Islamists come to Saskatoon and earn doctoral
degrees by synthesizing new chemical compounds, and by researching properties of these new compounds such as the temperature at which these compounds explode. Islamists are trained to become psychiatrists and then under Trudeau are allowed to work in
Canada (torture Canadians) without they themselves being Canadian citizens. Some Islamists even come to the University of Saskatchewan and do dissertations on nosecone designs. The local students who desire admission to these programs are thwarted by the
seats being allocated to the foreigners, and are thwarted by being unable to sign up for desired classes because their student loans arrive after the classes are filled, and are shunted into the College of Arts and Sciences where the degree results in
debt, poverty and unemployment. Numerous studies have shown that as Islamists increase their overall percentages in communities throughout the world, that violent crimes committed by them increases, to the point when they are numerous enough that they
then act in unison to enslave women and slaughter their opponents. Because the University of Saskatchewan is instrumental in increasing the number of Islamists into Saskatchewan, which will inevitably result in increased crimes and higher taxes, the
university should face financial penalties to assist the communities deal with the increased tax burdens. Just like other communities throughout the world that face an invasion of Islamists, Saskatoon can expect infrastructure losses due to bombings…
we should start saving money to pay for the replacement of the bombed bridges and buildings, and force the University to post a $3 billion performance bond to help cover the future replacement costs (for the University teaches Islamists to synthesize
compounds that explode). The Islamists are being provided with higher education, resulting in higher incomes, and many have arrived to Saskatoon with money they stole from the Christians and the Catholics they killed in Africa, the Middle-East and Asia
before they arrived here, they should be taxed higher than average due to their increased costs they place upon the communities they invade. If the University of Saskatchewan fails to post a $3 billion performance bond to cover the future replacement
costs of destroyed infrastructure, then the city should immediately move to expropriate much of the university lands.
The Catholics stole an Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) and placed it prominently in Vatican Square, then each winter turn an evergreen tree into a decorated idol and place it next to the pagan penis, suitable as both are symbols of
fertility… the penis is worshipped as a symbol of fertility due to its reproductive role, while the evergreen tree is worshipped as a symbol of fertility due to remaining green throughout the year. And fish are worshipped as a symbol of fertility due
to laying large numbers of eggs, so these priests of fish-god Dagon continue to wear their fish-head hats.
Catholics co-opted Protestant churches and use these churches to teach people to honor the pagan fertility rites, even many Seventh-day Adventist churches place Egyptian dinks on their roofs and place trees turned into decorated idols next to their
pulpits and in front of their churches. Different aspects of the pagan winter festival are in direct opposition to God’s first Three Commandments, the Seventh-day Adventists teach people to honor God’s Fourth Commandment while at the same time are
teaching people to violate God’s first Three Commandments via their winter celebrations, and then have the audacity to claim that their church is the bulwark of truth.
Seventh-day Adventist children, young adults, older adults and seniors all love to pose next to decorated evergreen tree idols and have their photos taken, which they then upload to Facebook and other social media. If the child is too young to post
the photo on social media, then the Seventh-day Adventist parents will post the photo for them, parents use their very own children to teach others to abide by Catholic fertility rites. Who teaches these Seventh-day Adventists to idolize trees and abide
by Catholic fertility rites? The Seventh-day Adventist Church models the behavior with the fertility idols standing next to their pulpits and outside in front of their churches, they display the Catholic idols because they too are a Catholic church.
Ellen G. White admonished her sheep to not use expensive decorations when idolizing the trees but to use cheap ribbons instead. Many of Ellen White’s SDA churches are capped with Egyptian penises, while she herself has a dink for a tombstone.
Moslems similarly embrace phallic worship, they build penises into their mosque architecture, including into their new mosque in Saskatoon. Should I be bothered to run for mayor of Saskatoon, and win, I would not spend people’s money on promoting
Catholic fertility rites, Islamic fertility rites, or on fertility rites espoused by any other religious group. If citizens want to turn their homes, churches, mosques and temples into pagan temples of fertility, let them, but it is wrong to spend tax
money on turning city schools and other buildings, streets and parks into blinking pagan temples of fertility.
The courts in Saskatoon and in other Canadian cities are citing the large number of black and aboriginal people languishing in jails as a reason to render softer sentences upon individuals from those racial backgrounds, which amounts to racism. This
racism conducted by the Catholic courts results in people happily violating laws as penalties are weak or non-existent.
I complained that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and were teaching people to embrace traditions that are in direct opposition to God’s Commandments and received many years of brutal horrid torture at the hands of
predominantly Hindu psychiatrists at the Royal University Hospital at the University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital. I would be detained and tortured for repeated 6-week periods, then injected with “depot” (long lasting) drugs on the
final day of each 6-week session that resulted in a couple of months of additional horror after each time I was released. Saskatoon activist Bob Fink encouraged me and others in the community to speak our minds and to place posters on city poles, even
though I was a little short of good material at the time I made and placed a few posters. After a while my posters were not tolerated. After the Hindu psychiatrists were almost done with me (they tortured me over and over for years), I was handed over to
Dr. Marcoux, who later said that my posters were crazy and if he ever found out that I was postering again, that he would have me returned to him and “treated” again. Dr. Marcoux brutally tortured me and then told me that he would do it again if I
dared to poster again, and he had a depot drug injection administered to me on the final day of the six week horror show, just as the Hindus had done. That depot drug injection, together with the previous six weeks of drugs, rendered me in the upmost
degree of nausea that continued for months after my release. They had to release me at the end of each six week torture session because the law demanded it, but then the NDP (New Democratic Party) came to power provincially and immediately passed
legislation allowing for permanent psychiatric drugging… for the six week period and beyond. And then once during all of this I lightly punched a fellow who was censoring my posters and was rewarded by the judge with additional months of torture. Bob
Fink is viewed as a hero for encouraging people to poster, I listened to Bob Fink’s advice, was tortured for postering and viewed as an utter shit. It was largely due to Bob Fink’s encouragement for people to poster that seven poster poles were
erected on Broadway Avenue in Saskatoon, and the Satanists who ran the show made sure that the poles were shaped like penises. Robert (Bob) Martin Fink was born in New York on December 29th 1935, he passed away in Saskatoon on September 8th 2016.
Once I was brutally beaten (I nearly died) at the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church (for daring to speak at a Wednesday night Bible study) and was again rewarded with an additional 6-week round of brutal horrid torture (and at least a couple
months additional torture resulting from the depot drug(s) injected into me on the last day of the “treatment”). I was brutally assaulted by James George De Witt (born May 8th 1953), and then arrested and tortured, for being brutally assaulted at the
Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church was used as additional evidence that I was acting up and deserving of a needle in my arse. George James De Witt had arms that were much bigger than my legs, his brother was a national boxing champion - George
James De Witt grabbed me at the Wednesday night SDA Bible study and flung me up the stairs, through the door, and then punched me in the head as hard as he could. As I lay on the lawn next to the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church the Adventists
departed their Bible study, I wasn’t able to move and nobody came out to see how I was. These Adventists don’t like to hear that their church censors Scriptural references to cannibalism, don’t like to hear that they teach people to abide by
Catholic fertility rites, they don’t like to hear that many of their churches are capped with Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises). The following Saturday I stood outside the Seventh-day Adventist Central Church on Victoria Ave. and showed
off my ripped clothes and injuries, one Adventist told me not to come back or they would do worse to me, others heard this and agreed. I attended that church hoping for assistance to flee many years of psychiatric horror, they instead beat me to the
point of death and then had me arrested and tortured. George De Witt’s daughter posted that she was so pleased that her dad beat the shit out of me, that I was deserving of the beating. I wanted help to flee Canada, instead the Adventists brutalized me
further. I hope some day that I will be able to employ George De Witt’s daughter, Jean Edna Anne De Witt (born August 15th 1984) and I would get her to laugh at people being brutalized wherever and whenever, as she does it very well. Christians are
supposed to rejoice in their own suffering, not rejoice when somebody else is beaten close to the point of death in one of their filthy Catholic churches.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff January 18th 2022 1:58 am 110,585 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“America is ruled by a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who demands that Americans take the death jab. Similarly Trudeau is an Islamist who demands that Canadians take the death jab, squeak squeak.” -Squeakity Squeak
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
An end to Catholic (pagan) fertility rites on city property… no money spent on decorated evergreen trees, decorated evergreen tree wreaths and blinkin’ lights, on their purchase nor on their annual installation and removal. Removal of the pagan
representations of penises on Broadway Avenue. Removal of all Egyptian phalluses located on city owned properties (such as on the Broadway Bridge and at City Hall). An end to the arrest and psychiatric torture of those who criticize the Catholic (pagan)
phallic traditions. An end to psychiatric treatment (torture) within the city… it is the churches that are sick and not the people who criticize the pagan traditions taught by these churches. The city should look at not only ending torture in the
hospitals (a real mismanagement of tax money) but look at compensating people who suffered under the hands of psychiatry. There is a real risk that if we do not stop psychiatry, then increasing numbers of “normal” people across this nation will start
facing widespread torture.
The so-called “Christian” churches teach people to honor pagan fertility tree traditions that are in direct opposition to God’s First Three Commandments… people are taught to honor pagan fertility traditions in place of God’s Commandments
and then these people go on to commit violations of other of God’s Commandments, the resulting crime destroys lives and results in higher taxes for businesses and homeowners. The churches (and mosques and temples) should be taxed in order to alleviate
these higher taxes that they themselves are causing through their pagan teachings. The Doukhobors should pay increased taxes as they too have adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so have become Catholics, they claim to abide by God’s Commandments
but they honor Catholic fertility rites which are in violation of God’s First Four Commandments. Doukhobors used to be a benefit to Canadians, now they negligently teach people to abide by Catholic fertility rites. When people adopt Catholic fertility
rites then they become Catholics, and that includes Doukhobors. It will be difficult to collect increased taxes from the Zoroastrians as they are difficult to find… Zoroastrians faced tremendous persecution from Moslems over the centuries and now they
hide. The Doukhobors (the Old Believers) faced tremendous persecution from Christians over the last few centuries and now they avoid persecution by embracing Catholic fertility rites and by changing their Slavic names to Anglicized names. The Canadian
Ukrainians turn eggs and trees into decorated idols and actively help to teach my Doukhobor relatives to embrace the Catholic fertility rites. Now my Doukhobor relatives love Catholic fertility rites far more than Jesus. The Jehovah Witnesses are a
Catholic church as they embrace the Vatican’s Sunday Sabbath. The Jewish community will not face additional tax burdens because they do not systematically teach people to violate God’s Commandments but teach people to abide by God’s Commandments
instead. Please note that I never stated that one is saved by keeping God’s Commandments, nor do I hold such a view.
People are systematically taught to embrace traditions in place of God’s Commandments, their libraries are filled with books advocating witchcraft and homosexuality, and their media is but a mouthpiece for the Catholic Church that repeats the call
to turn trees into decorated idols and provides encouragement to violate additional Commandments, resulting in crime and higher taxes. So not only should the churches, mosques and pagan temples be taxed to help pay for the costs they impose upon society,
their media should be taxed as well.
Multitudes of soldiers gave their lives for our freedom, and our governments honor their sacrifices by erecting Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) for them, and by placing statues of soldiers next to or on top of these Egyptian penises.
And every winter the soldier’s tombstones are decorated with wreaths made from evergreen trees, which they also turn into decorated idols. Turning evergreen trees into decorated idols is an ancient fertility rite that is now religiously honored the
Catholic church. When Catholics decorate the graves of the war dead with their Catholic symbols of fertility, they are using the dead soldiers to push their Catholic beliefs upon others. These soldiers never fought for your Catholic fertility rites but
for your freedom. These are traditions that have become so important that society is willing to have those who point out the pagan filth be arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities. There are more appropriate ways to thank service men and women
for their service than to honor them with a pagan dink, or with a decorated fertility tree idol.
The city closed down the Mendel Art Gallery, it was a wonderful place that provided free access to art and to a conservatory full of plants. Only once I went to Saskatoon’s new art gallery, I was turned away as the entire facility was closed to the
general public, but other people were still being admitted, those being admitted were arriving in limousines and they were wearing outfits that exceed the cost of what I spend on clothes in three years. I did not return. One would think that with four
stories the new art gallery is large enough to always accommodate people of differing social-economic backgrounds at the same time. One would think that the old gallery would not be shuttered until the new gallery was ready for occupancy, but this was
not the case and the general public was left without a gallery for years - the wealthy among us cared little that the city was without a working gallery while the new gallery was being constructed as they could easily afford to frequently fly to other
communities and other countries to view the art there. I support the re-establishment of the Mendel Art Gallery and an end of cash transfers to the new gallery. A study should be done on the new gallery and determine how it can be repurposed, perhaps it
can be used to teach aviation or perhaps the space can even be used to build small airplanes. There is a much greater desire of city residents to own their own cars, motorcycles, boats, airplanes and helicopters than to spend money for admission into an
exclusive art gallery where people arrive in limousines.
The city used to hold the immensely popular “Louis Riel Relay Race” in the 1980’s and 1990’s, the event drew great crowds to the center of the city. It was a way to bring together people of all cultures, not just Metis, but also Native
Aboriginals, Whites, Chinese and most of the rest of the diverse community. The relay race even involved people riding horses along the river bank, people racing canoes up and down the river, others running with heavy packs, it was truly exciting and
thousands upon thousands of people annually showed up to view the spectacle. Then the city cancelled the event and put Chinese Dragon Boat Races in their place. About the same time the Chinese Dragon Boat Races began, the media stopped their campaign to
demonize the Chinese people, and instead ran “news” stories of how the Chinese were embracing “Christmas” (aka turning trees into decorated idols), saying “Look at their beautiful blinkin’ trees - the Chinese people are just the same as you
and me.” The media played upon people’s love of pagan fertility rites in order to push a pro-Chinese agenda. I support a return of the Louis Riel Relay Race to downtown Saskatoon. If Chinese people want to maintain their traditions they should do so
without cancelling our traditions.
High school students know how to smoke in large groups, resulting in clouds of carcinogenic toxins irritating the homeowners living close to the schools… if the students can afford drugs, tattoos, body piercings, designer clothes, automobiles and
smart phones, then they can also afford fines for littering and jaywalking. Sometimes the weather is such that the cigarette smoke hangs in the air, it makes life miserable for those residents who live adjacent to the high schools.
The federal government recently legalized marijuana, but renters have no place to smoke and can face fines for smoking in public places, it is a sorry state of affairs for the smokers who rent. It is also a sorry state for the renters who do not smoke
and have to tolerate the smoke from the other tenants. We should look at providing designated smoking areas for people that smoke tobacco or marijuana. Renters smoking inside non-smoking facilities should consider moving to a tiny house located outside
of the city, which they would become owners of, before they are charged for administering noxious substances. Be aware that just a small amount of second hand smoke, or incense, will wake most non-smokers out of a deep sleep as the smoke makes hearts
beat faster. Abused people, such as those coming out of psychiatric facilities, don’t sleep very soundly, they find themselves living in the worst possible housing scenarios where people smoke and party day and night. The abused people go from
absolutely horrid living accommodations in psychiatric facilities to the absolutely horrid living accommodations of smokey rental facilities in the city where people are literally bouncing up and down the hallways day and night. People coming out of
psychiatric “care” facilities are very close to death and require adequate rest, which is not provided to them in the putrid dumps they end up in after their release. I pity the people who live in apartment buildings located next to the high schools,
where putrid tobacco clouds endlessly hang. Life is short for most people who end up getting “treated” by psychiatrists, and they don’t smile much before they die.
No tax money to be utilized for sports. Institute a program to help military cadets, sports groups and other clubs raise money for their organizations where the members record bylaw violations and have the resulting fines shared between the city and
the organizations. Target the areas where bars are located and impose fines upon people for littering and for urinating in public. Submitting a 5 minute video of an unattached trailer on a city street can earn your organization cold hard cash (it is
illegal to leave a trailer on the street unattached to a vehicle, people should be able to attach it within 5 minutes). Get a video identifying people exposing themselves and urinating in public and win money for your club. Military cadets are not
receiving adequate funding and require additional time practicing marksmanship at gun ranges, it costs money.
Up until the mid 1960’s Saskatoon had a shooting range and an annual turkey shoot downtown on the north-west corner of First Avenue and Twenty-Second Street where the Hilton Hotel now stands, adults and children alike would pay a very small fee to
try to hit the target with a .22 caliber rifle and win a turkey. Children used to travel to the outskirts of the city carrying their rifles across the handlebars of their bicycles, where their recreation was to walk in the prairie wilderness and shoot
gophers, sparrows and snakes with their BB guns and .22 caliber rifles, if there was standing water nearby then the kids could always fill the tunnels with water and shoot the gophers when they came up for air. Kids had guns and had fun. Many half-ton
trucks coming to the city from rural areas had rifles visibly hanging in their back windows. Now we import people who want to slaughter us and we prevent our children from learning how to shoot and become responsible gun owners. Some of our immigrant
invaders come from countries where all the males are expected to carry machine guns or sniper rifles or a rocket. All the Islamic invaders believe in the supremacy of their “Sharia Law” as dictated by the Koran, which contains instruction on
acquiring land, wealth, sex slaves and virgins in heaven.
Freemason (Catholic) judges are allowing criminals to go free. And the judges that send people to “psychiatric evaluation” are very well aware that they have stripped the individual of their rights to defend themselves in a court of law, and the
individual will be tortured by psychiatrists for years to come. These judges are criminals, complicit in torture, who need to be themselves arrested, detained and “evaluated”. Although it is probably not possible to get the Catholic police to arrest
the Catholic judges, nor is it possible to get Catholic judges to render unbiased judgments against other Catholic judges, the city should monitor the proceedings in the courts and try to ensure that white people and native people receive similar
penalties as people of other races, ensure that males receive similar penalties as the females, ensure that the rich receive similar penalties as the poor, ensure that Christians receive similar penalties as people from other religions… anything less
is evil and directly leads to the downfall of civilization. Because Canadian children are literally getting away with murder, council should study the issue of expulsion of entire families from the city when their children are out of control. Homeowners
who are raising criminal children should at the very least face higher property taxes to help compensate their victims, and face penalties of even greater degrees if they are found to be systematically teaching their children to violate laws. Out of
control renters should become responsible small home owners, miles outside of the city.
Many years ago I ran for mayor, my literature pointed out that the city lowered taxes for banks. I also indicated that we should ban cars that burn excessive quantities of “oil” in their dilapidated vehicles, the media reported that I wanted to
ban vehicles that burned an excess quantity of “gas” (the Star-Phoenix refused to print a correction), and no mention was made of me pointing out that the city reduced taxes for banks. Opinions that are in opposition to those espoused by the media
should be allowed… people should be allowed to poster on all city poles and on city electrical/traffic boxes, and not face penalties for doing so. Because opinions in Saskatoon are censored, we must be diligent to allow opinions to be posted onto
street poles, allow people to speak their opinions on public streets, and allow people to distribute their newspapers on public sidewalks. Islamists should understand that this is supposedly a free country and their blasphemous-murdering-pedophile-
prophet may be openly mocked. Islam is not a race but an idea, in free countries ideas are open to debate, criticism and even laughter. Placing an arena on the outskirts of the city resulted in a great financial loss to downtown businesses and to the
city as a whole. Similarly placing a casino 15 miles outside of the city accomplished the same. Also the distant locations of the arena and casino likely results in a daily loss of thousands of gallons of gasoline, the loss of thousands of hours spent
driving and maintaining the vehicles. When I ran for mayor I supported the building of a centrally located arena, and continue to do so, but I no longer support using money collected by taxes to do so.
An end to attempting to stop river banks from slumping. The costs involved in attempting to save a home or two located along the river bank far exceeds the value of the homes, and that cost should not be borne by taxpayers. The people who desire to
save their homes when the river banks start slumping should be free to attempt to stop the slumping on their own. Maybe dig a few deep holes and pour a few steel-reinforced concrete piles, don’t look for assistance from city engineers nor any other
city employee. Get some of them fancy blinkin’ lights to indicate that your property is slumping, make the best of your situation. You can’t be too safe, if your property is slumping then consider painting your house a bright yellow as a warning to
others. If your property is slumping during your pagan winter fertility festival, then get your inflatable Santa Claus to blink on and off as well.
We should periodically run races around the city on Circle Drive, in order to allow normal traffic to continue to function during the races would require building both underpasses and overpasses. The races could generate money that could be used to
fund overpasses, underpasses, seating and washroom facilities. Additional money can be manufactured specifically for City of Saskatoon infrastructure projects (see The Grip of Death by Rowbotham). Many seniors don’t take walks downtown due to lack of
adequate washroom facilities. If we had washrooms and seating for seniors, then the seniors would have somewhere to go. Often the seniors have to go frequently and can’t easily walk the entire length of a downtown city block. We could have washrooms
downtown specifically for seniors (perhaps people 60 or over) that open with a swipe of a card, other washrooms for younger people that are opened in the same fashion. The cadets will get photographs of alcoholics exposing themselves and urinating near
the bars, the fines get split between the cadets who need money to buy guns and ammo to improve their shooting skills, and with the city which needs to make washrooms in downtown areas for seniors and for others. The alcoholics need to be educated to
urinate and defecate before they depart from a bar and should pay for the education on their own. And we will need washrooms along Circle Drive to accommodate the spectators of the races, and of course, bleachers and barricades, some of it funded by
drunks who urinate in public places.
Rather than cater to the needs of the local citizens, the University of Saskatchewan trains foreign students, including Islamic students, to become medical doctors, dentists, chemists, engineers, and such. Islamists come to Saskatoon and earn doctoral
degrees by synthesizing new chemical compounds, and by researching properties of these new compounds such as the temperature at which these compounds explode. Islamists are trained to become psychiatrists and then under Trudeau are allowed to work in
Canada (torture Canadians) without they themselves being Canadian citizens. Some Islamists even come to the University of Saskatchewan and do dissertations on nosecone designs. The local students who desire admission to these programs are thwarted by the
seats being allocated to the foreigners, and are thwarted by being unable to sign up for desired classes because their student loans arrive after the classes are filled, and are shunted into the College of Arts and Sciences where the degree results in
debt, poverty and unemployment. Numerous studies have shown that as Islamists increase their overall percentages in communities throughout the world, that violent crimes committed by them increases, to the point when they are numerous enough that they
then act in unison to enslave women and slaughter their opponents. Because the University of Saskatchewan is instrumental in increasing the number of Islamists into Saskatchewan, which will inevitably result in increased crimes and higher taxes, the
university should face financial penalties to assist the communities deal with the increased tax burdens. Just like other communities throughout the world that face an invasion of Islamists, Saskatoon can expect infrastructure losses due to bombings…
we should start saving money to pay for the replacement of the bombed bridges and buildings, and force the University to post a $3 billion performance bond to help cover the future replacement costs (for the University teaches Islamists to synthesize
compounds that explode). The Islamists are being provided with higher education, resulting in higher incomes, and many have arrived to Saskatoon with money they stole from the Christians and the Catholics they killed in Africa, the Middle-East and Asia
before they arrived here, they should be taxed higher than average due to their increased costs they place upon the communities they invade. If the University of Saskatchewan fails to post a $3 billion performance bond to cover the future replacement
costs of destroyed infrastructure, then the city should immediately move to expropriate much of the university lands.
The Catholics stole an Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) and placed it prominently in Vatican Square, then each winter turn an evergreen tree into a decorated idol and place it next to the pagan penis, suitable as both are symbols of
fertility… the penis is worshipped as a symbol of fertility due to its reproductive role, while the evergreen tree is worshipped as a symbol of fertility due to remaining green throughout the year. And fish are worshipped as a symbol of fertility due
to laying large numbers of eggs, so these priests of fish-god Dagon continue to wear their fish-head hats.
Catholics co-opted Protestant churches and use these churches to teach people to honor the pagan fertility rites, even many Seventh-day Adventist churches place Egyptian dinks on their roofs and place trees turned into decorated idols next to their
pulpits and in front of their churches. Different aspects of the pagan winter festival are in direct opposition to God’s first Three Commandments, the Seventh-day Adventists teach people to honor God’s Fourth Commandment while at the same time are
teaching people to violate God’s first Three Commandments via their winter celebrations, and then have the audacity to claim that their church is the bulwark of truth.
Seventh-day Adventist children, young adults, older adults and seniors all love to pose next to decorated evergreen tree idols and have their photos taken, which they then upload to Facebook and other social media. If the child is too young to post
the photo on social media, then the Seventh-day Adventist parents will post the photo for them, parents use their very own children to teach others to abide by Catholic fertility rites. Who teaches these Seventh-day Adventists to idolize trees and abide
by Catholic fertility rites? The Seventh-day Adventist Church models the behavior with the fertility idols standing next to their pulpits and outside in front of their churches, they display the Catholic idols because they too are a Catholic church.
Ellen G. White admonished her sheep to not use expensive decorations when idolizing the trees but to use cheap ribbons instead. Many of Ellen White’s SDA churches are capped with Egyptian penises, while she herself has a dink for a tombstone.
Moslems similarly embrace phallic worship, they build penises into their mosque architecture, including into their new mosque in Saskatoon. Should I be bothered to run for mayor of Saskatoon, and win, I would not spend people’s money on promoting
Catholic fertility rites, Islamic fertility rites, or on fertility rites espoused by any other religious group. If citizens want to turn their homes, churches, mosques and temples into pagan temples of fertility, let them, but it is wrong to spend tax
money on turning city schools and other buildings, streets and parks into blinking pagan temples of fertility.
The courts in Saskatoon and in other Canadian cities are citing the large number of black and aboriginal people languishing in jails as a reason to render softer sentences upon individuals from those racial backgrounds, which amounts to racism. This
racism conducted by the Catholic courts results in people happily violating laws as penalties are weak or non-existent.
I complained that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and were teaching people to embrace traditions that are in direct opposition to God’s Commandments and received many years of brutal horrid torture at the hands of
predominantly Hindu psychiatrists at the Royal University Hospital at the University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital. I would be detained and tortured for repeated 6-week periods, then injected with “depot” (long lasting) drugs on the
final day of each 6-week session that resulted in a couple of months of additional horror after each time I was released. Saskatoon activist Bob Fink encouraged me and others in the community to speak our minds and to place posters on city poles, even
though I was a little short of good material at the time I made and placed a few posters. After a while my posters were not tolerated. After the Hindu psychiatrists were almost done with me (they tortured me over and over for years), I was handed over to
Dr. Marcoux, who later said that my posters were crazy and if he ever found out that I was postering again, that he would have me returned to him and “treated” again. Dr. Marcoux brutally tortured me and then told me that he would do it again if I
dared to poster again, and he had a depot drug injection administered to me on the final day of the six week horror show, just as the Hindus had done. That depot drug injection, together with the previous six weeks of drugs, rendered me in the upmost
degree of nausea that continued for months after my release. They had to release me at the end of each six week torture session because the law demanded it, but then the NDP (New Democratic Party) came to power provincially and immediately passed
legislation allowing for permanent psychiatric drugging… for the six week period and beyond. And then once during all of this I lightly punched a fellow who was censoring my posters and was rewarded by the judge with additional months of torture. Bob
Fink is viewed as a hero for encouraging people to poster, I listened to Bob Fink’s advice, was tortured for postering and viewed as an utter shit. It was largely due to Bob Fink’s encouragement for people to poster that seven poster poles were
erected on Broadway Avenue in Saskatoon, and the Satanists who ran the show made sure that the poles were shaped like penises. Robert (Bob) Martin Fink was born in New York on December 29th 1935, he passed away in Saskatoon on September 8th 2016.
Once I was brutally beaten (I nearly died) at the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church (for daring to speak at a Wednesday night Bible study) and was again rewarded with an additional 6-week round of brutal horrid torture (and at least a couple
months additional torture resulting from the depot drug(s) injected into me on the last day of the “treatment”). I was brutally assaulted by James George De Witt (born May 8th 1953), and then arrested and tortured, for being brutally assaulted at the
Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church was used as additional evidence that I was acting up and deserving of a needle in my arse. George James De Witt had arms that were much bigger than my legs, his brother was a national boxing champion - George
James De Witt grabbed me at the Wednesday night SDA Bible study and flung me up the stairs, through the door, and then punched me in the head as hard as he could. As I lay on the lawn next to the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church the Adventists
departed their Bible study, I wasn’t able to move and nobody came out to see how I was. These Adventists don’t like to hear that their church censors Scriptural references to cannibalism, don’t like to hear that they teach people to abide by
Catholic fertility rites, they don’t like to hear that many of their churches are capped with Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises). The following Saturday I stood outside the Seventh-day Adventist Central Church on Victoria Ave. and showed
off my ripped clothes and injuries, one Adventist told me not to come back or they would do worse to me, others heard this and agreed. I attended that church hoping for assistance to flee many years of psychiatric horror, they instead beat me to the
point of death and then had me arrested and tortured. George De Witt’s daughter posted that she was so pleased that her dad beat the shit out of me, that I was deserving of the beating. I wanted help to flee Canada, instead the Adventists brutalized me
further. I hope some day that I will be able to employ George De Witt’s daughter, Jean Edna Anne De Witt (born August 15th 1984) and I would get her to laugh at people being brutalized wherever and whenever, as she does it very well. Christians are
supposed to rejoice in their own suffering, not rejoice when somebody else is beaten close to the point of death in one of their filthy Catholic churches.
Soon after a drug-dealing immigrant from El Salvador (Manuel Oswaldo Chinchilla Morales, born February 8th 1977), who lived with his Seventh-day Adventist family, together with his friends, beat me in downtown Saskatoon. He was angry because he gave
me all his family member’s names and birthdays, which I used to try to show him harmony between his name and his birthday and the numbers in Scripture, tried to show him some mathematical evidence indicating that God provided him with his name, with
his birthday, with his life. Similarly James De Witt was angry with himself for providing me with the names and birthdays. I worked hard at developing interviewing skills so that I could obtain this information about them and their family members. After
returning home from the hospital I continued to lay in bed for weeks, fearful that the police were going to come and arrest me again, for speaking again. So the worst two beatings I ever experienced in life were dealt to me at a Seventh-day Adventist
Wednesday Night Bible Study and then by a drug dealing immigrant from El Salvador who lived in Saskatoon with his Seventh-day Adventist immigrant family. I was already devastated by years of horror in psychiatric facilities in Saskatoon, these people
must have seen me as an easy conquest. George De Witt’s muscular arms were bigger than my thighs, the punch he gave me would likely have killed over 95% of the people on the planet, he is a soldier of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (a branch of the
Catholic Church, that teaches you to get your Catholic tree to blink).
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff
March 1st 2022 5:15 pm 115,700 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“America is ruled by a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who demands that Americans take the death jab. Similarly Trudeau is an Islamist who demands that Canadians take the death jab, squeak squeak.” -Squeakity Squeak
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I would pay my employees in real money, which is gold and silver coins. The City of Saskatoon could strike its own gold coins to pay their employees. As mayor of The City of Saskatoon I’d give the average worker a 0.06
troy ounce (0.06 AGW), gold coin for eight hours work. This will reduce taxes to homeowners and to business owners considerably. Workers wanting more than a 0.06 Troy Ounce gold coin for their work per eight hour work day can go west or to the North
Saskatchewan River and mine more gold for themselves, there. Free people are allowed to have guns, land, and are paid in gold and silver coins, back in the day when people were free Mexico made a 2.5 Peso (.0603 oz) gold coin from 1918-1948, and the coin
was alloyed at 90% gold to 10% copper, it was alloyed in order to make the coin harder and more durable to survive circulation. We should have a small gold coin that is similar to that Mexican coin, but containing 0.06 ounces of gold instead, or less, it
would be a savings of at least .0003 ounces of gold per coin, again saving money for the home and business owners by reducing taxes, perhaps. We’ll be rich. And the supposed poor among us would have concrete homes in the country - they get their own
concrete homes and a garden, they can work towards gaining wealth with their gardens and taxpayers wouldn’t have to give money to landlords. City homeowners would not pay taxes for landlords, and would obtain access to locally grown produce.
We may alloy the gold with either copper, nickel or silver or combinations thereof, to make the coins harder and more durable to the wear that results from the circulation of the coins. We should determine, using “science”, which particular alloy
of gold we should be using in our coins. We can use “science” to determine which alloy works best. We can try using “science” from time to time, at city hall, if I were mayor.
The City of Saskatoon may strike coins containing the “alloys” of precious metals, we should make gold, silver, platinum and palladium coins, and using “science” we will harden these coins by adding small amounts of either base or precious
metals in a mixture or “alloy”. Whenever the city strikes and sells coins containing a majority of silver, platinum or palladium, the city should strive to always profit from the manufacturing and sale of these white coins and save money for the
taxpayers. But when we manufacture gold coins it is because we require the coins to pay our workers in gold, so “they” may profit. For example we could use combinations of platinum, palladium and silver, and perhaps hardened with small amounts of
copper or nickel or gold, and manufacture commemorative coins, which The City of Saskatoon would sell at a profit, to reduce taxes. I’m sure that a lot of guys and even gals would be more likely to invest in these silver, platinum and palladium alloyed
commemorative coins if they depicted a woman showing off her breasts. It is certainly something to think about.
The City of Saskatoon could seek to manufacture alloys of precious metals (in order to obtain hardness and durability) without the addition of small percentages of copper or nickel added to the mix, but instead make the alloy using small amounts of
alternative precious metals. Perhaps more city employees would opt to be paid with gold coins that were alloyed with small amounts of platinum, palladium or some other precious metal, as opposed to being paid in gold coins that were alloyed with copper
or nickel instead.
The copper, nickel and chromium coins are all known or suspected carcinogens while the gold, silver, platinum and palladium coins are not. If the city is selling commemorative coinage, we would be on better ground by offering coins that are not toxic.
Similarly if the city is paying workers their wages, we would be on better ground by paying our workers in gold coins, which is real money. Some workers will opt to be paid in commemorative silver, platinum and palladium coinage instead of the gold coin,
the city will do the math and benefit on the short term with the exchange, allowing it to lower taxes, while the worker who chooses to be paid with the silver, platinum and palladium coins in place of a gold coin, may profit over time due to the rising
market value of the silver, platinum and palladium. We can start by lowering taxes (stop paying compound interest on our bogus national debt) by paying a small gold coin (maybe 0.0404 Troy Ounces AGW, or perhaps 0.0357 Troy Ounces AGW) to most city
employees for a day’s work, I propose that we call this gold coin a “Namur”, and we can even put the image of my cat Namur on one side. People will wonder why they are not being paid with gold coins containing 0.0603 or perhaps 0.0600 Troy ounces
of gold instead, it would remain a mystery. When I am deceased or defeated, the following mayors may be free to decorate their coins with Mary, whichever pope, Charles, the Easter Bunny, an Egyptian obelisk, or perhaps even Santa Clause and a blinkin’
tree. People like blinkin’ trees, a coin depicting a blinkin’ evergreen tree may prove so very popular among the peasants, the city may rake in a fortune in coin sales and then cease collecting taxes from homeowners. Using metallurgy, “science”
and tasteful art, we would strike coins and thereby reduce or even eliminate property taxes for the home and business owners, maybe even provide rebates. Everybody will be very happy and will break into dance and song. Using “science” we have
determined that chromium, nickel and copper are all known or suspected carcinogens, so why circulate coins containing such toxins? Some people may rejoice when they are paid in a gold coin that is alloyed with silver instead of copper or nickel, others
may rejoice that the gold coin has an image of my Siamese cat on it, others may rejoice in being paid with a gold coin that depicts a woman tastefully showing off her breasts. Our governments teach us that diversity is good, so I would think it would be
equally good to have a variety of images on the coins the City of Saskatoon strikes.
Anticipate a new provincial government that will not pay rent for welfare recipients but will instead help the former renters become homeowners. Home ownership, even if the home is tiny, will go a long way to improve the lives of people. The tiny
homes should have concrete floors, concrete walls and a flat concrete roof to lessen the build time and provide shelters of substance that cannot easily be destroyed. Provide tiny homes (approximately 200 square feet per adult, 100 square feet per child),
eventually the new home owner may get their act together to upgrade the cheap windows and stove provided, add insulation and drywall or some other wall covering, expand the first floor or add a second story to the structure, make an outhouse, add solar
panels or a windmill for electric lighting, or even dig a water well. Provide each new residence with a heavy steel door that cannot be easily kicked in. Rather than giving away tax money monthly to pay rent to a landlord, instead provide some building
materials and kick-start home ownership. Place leans upon each property so that the houses may not be sold without the taxpayers recouping their investments. The City of Saskatoon should not wait for provincial nor federal government assistance with our
homeless crisis, we should purchase a block of four or six sections of land several miles away from the city for the new small homes. The land can be fenced and shared with bison, the houses need to be concrete as the bison would rub against them on
occasion. Some new homeowners would opt to live in bison-free areas - people should have options in life - governments should be providing options for people rather than taking options away. Governments removed building options from people and forced
them to use construction techniques that result in rotting homes of limited life spans… it is likely better to live in a concrete home surrounded with bison than live in the basement of a rotting home surrounded by discarded needles while having your
privacy and the sanctity of your home repeatedly violated by your landlord who refuses to give tenants the legally required 24-hour notice before barging into the premises. The concrete houses should be spaced adequately to allow for bison to walk
between, people who want to fence their gardens off from the deer, moose and bison should be allowed to do so but not in such a large amount to prevent the passage of animals. The automobiles can be left at one of the parking lots and people can walk to
their concrete houses, some people will want their concrete house to be located close to one of the parking lots, bringing automobiles into the housing/bison reserve would be sure to disrupt the bison and moose. Smart automatic fences can be made that
will confine the bison and horses while allowing the passage of moose, deer and antelope. The presence of bison or horses in an area would close the fences in that area.
Stop funding the downtown Lighthouse shelter and instead provide the impoverished with small homes in the countryside, and find other ways to build confidence in consumers so they will return to the downtown core and patronize the stores. Saskatoon
should use its downtown core for the advancement of commerce rather than showing off impoverished and often dirty and lazy individuals. The Russian peasants living under the Russian Tsars had the right to live in small shacks in the countryside and were
allowed to have gardens or small crops, while the Canadian slaves living at the Lighthouse are fed grossly substandard meals. I’ve seen grown men cry at the Lighthouse, as they were made to wait over an hour for their dinners to arrive, and when the
dinner finally arrives the food provided is unpalatable and the portion insufficient to sustain life. People come out of a six-week psychiatric torture session at the University of Saskatchewan, or at Saskatoon City Hospital, and their Brahmin
psychiatrist has them injected with a long lasting CIA inspired “depot” drug on the final day of that horror, leaving them in utter nauseous misery and horror for another couple of months after they are released. Then they end up at the Lighthouse
and continue to be mistreated, it’s no wonder that grown men cry. Management at the Lighthouse benefits from the donations and are widely known to take food home for themselves while their inmates suffer. Many people who are repeatedly “treated” to
the six-week long psychiatric sessions end up in Filipino (Catholic) run group homes where the food provided consists mainly of starches (bread and potatoes) and minimal fruits and vegetables. The Filipino Catholics don’t open group homes to provide
loving care for the disenfranchised, they open the group homes in order to profit from their misery. What taxpayers pay to keep the poor in group homes, and in homeless facilities such as the Lighthouse can easily buy concrete homes for these people in
the countryside. And what taxpayers pay to keep people in prisons and psychiatric torture centers could instead easily buy those people multi-million dollar mansions, and for each and every one of them.
The disenfranchised living in the Filipino group homes and at the downtown Lighthouse are mainly white people who did not get the opportunities to advance in society, and were instead actively prevented from attending trade schools, and/or who were
directed into attending non-productive classes at the University of Saskatchewan College of Arts and Sciences. Many of the people living in the Filipino owned group homes are forced to leave the homes during the day (even in 40 degree below weather),
many of the poor would go to the McDonald’s Restaurant on the corner of 22nd Street and 2nd Avenue in downtown Saskatoon, there the coffee refills were 30 cents, there was always a large group of impoverished who would help each other out to scrape up
enough money for a cup of coffee. People running the city of Saskatoon decided it was wrong to provide a place for these impoverished people to meet and drink coffee together and they had that McDonald’s restaurant demolished and turned into a parking
lot. Around the same time the authorities of morality decided to close the Mendal Art Gallery, which was another place the impoverished could freely attend. A couple decades earlier the City of Saskatoon similarly decided to demolish the Barry Hotel as
this was a place that the impoverished Indians and white people got together for an evening of fun. The reason for the destruction of the Barry Hotel was that people were meeting there and having fun. Now the authorities of morality are getting the
residents to pay over a hundred million dollars for the Remai Modern Art Gallery, and none of impoverished ever enter.
Saskatoon needs to provide places to park horse-drawn carriages. If I bothered to run for mayor and if I was elected the mayor of Saskatoon I would seek to reserve appropriate locations for tying up and corralling horses, as some visitors from out of
town will arrive on horses or in horse driven carriages. People on bicycles will likely come along and pick up the horse shit for free, they will take it back to their gardens in the city, or next to their concrete homes in the country, where they will
fail to compost the material adequately and then spread weeds throughout their communities and neighborhoods.
I believe we should allocate Yorath Island to this purpose of stabling horses and parking carriages, and name the area Matthew Hardy Park and name the future bridge to Yorath Island “Matthew Hardy Bridge”. Matthew Hardy liked the testimony of
Jesus that I gave him, and he visited me while I was being tortured by Hindus at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, his enthusiasm of my testimony got him killed, his remains were found years later on Yorath Island, and so the Hardy family was
denied a son and a brother and I was denied the visitor and was left with parents who demanded that I take a pill (Catholics lobbied my parents to shut me up). Matthew Hardy was thrilled to see the math I showed him, it linked his name to his birthday
and to numbers in the Bible, it provided evidence that his name and birthday were both gifts from God, and the God was the God of the Bible. All of Matthew’s friends saw themselves as some type of witches, they dressed and talked in darkness and were
not happy to hear any testimony of God’s Word. The psychiatrists who were torturing me cited my interest in numbers as a reason to torture me further, the people I showed evidence that their names were in harmony with their birthdays and with the
numbers in the Bible all chuckled, one or two gave me a few coins for my work. Far more people laughed at me, libeled, slandered and assaulted me than those who tossed me a few coins for my work. My Doukhobor relatives only cared about their Catholic
evergreen tree traditions, none had an ounce of compassion for me… all the Doukhobors had become Catholics who did not say anything to jeopardize their peaceful and toiling lives.
Free people are paid in gold and silver coins and are allowed to own land and guns… allowing some Canadians to possess land and possess guns, and allowing them to buy commemorative gold or silver coins at the post offices and banks at greatly
inflated prices, is just a show. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms foisted upon us by Trudeau Senior doth not recognize our right to own neither land nor guns. Those that have gun licenses should be aware that the license is just a temporary permit to
possess a gun and the gun may be removed from them at any time, and similarly those that have land risk similar loss. In some regards the Russian peasants had more freedom than the Canadian slaves. Both the Russian peasants and the Canadian slaves are
provided with priests that wave smoke and splash some water around. The Russian peasants were made to fight for their country while the Canadian slaves are made to eat substandard food while their nation is handed over to Chinese and Islamists. The
Russian Tsars defended their nation while Ottawa strikes secret deals with both the Chinese and the Islamists, and even allows the Chinese to launch legal suits against us in secret courts should we hamper their unfettered access to Canadian resources.
In Russia the Tsar would have people exiled to Siberia if they dared to criticize the priests who claimed to be the sole authority on Scripture, in Canada they had me repeatedly arrested and tortured for daring to speak out against their pagan evergreen
tree idols and their censorship of cannibalism. I said they have Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches, they called me a pedophile and employed Hindus to tortured me, I requested assistance and people laughed at me and called me a pedophile,
the more I cried out against the system, the more the Canadians laughed at me. The churches in both Russia and Canada incorporate phalluses built into their church architecture, not unlike the Moslems, Sikhs and Hindus with their mosque and temple
architectures, but to say that Christians are capping their churches with penises results in their church members and the general pubic laughing at me, libeling me (calling me a pedophile), assaulting me, and ultimately torturing me. Stop psychiatry, it
is so horrible.
An end to Catholic (pagan) fertility rites on city property… no money spent on decorated evergreen trees, decorated evergreen tree wreaths and blinkin’ lights, on their purchase nor on their annual installation and removal. Removal of the pagan
representations of penises on Broadway Avenue. Removal of all Egyptian phalluses located on city owned properties (such as on the Broadway Bridge and at City Hall). An end to the arrest and psychiatric torture of those who criticize the Catholic (pagan)
phallic traditions. An end to psychiatric treatment (torture) within the city… it is the churches that are sick and not the people who criticize the pagan traditions taught by these churches. The city should look at not only ending torture in the
hospitals (a real mismanagement of tax money) but look at compensating people who suffered under the hands of psychiatry. There is a real risk that if we do not stop psychiatry, then increasing numbers of “normal” people across this nation will start
facing widespread torture.
The so-called “Christian” churches teach people to honor pagan fertility tree traditions that are in direct opposition to God’s First Three Commandments… people are taught to honor pagan fertility traditions in place of God’s Commandments
and then these people go on to commit violations of other of God’s Commandments, the resulting crime destroys lives and results in higher taxes for businesses and homeowners. The churches (and mosques and temples) should be taxed in order to alleviate
these higher taxes that they themselves are causing through their pagan teachings. The Doukhobors should pay increased taxes as they too have adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so have become Catholics, they claim to abide by God’s Commandments
but they honor Catholic fertility rites which are in violation of God’s First Four Commandments. Doukhobors used to be a benefit to Canadians, now they negligently teach people to abide by Catholic fertility rites. When people adopt Catholic fertility
rites then they become Catholics, and that includes Doukhobors. It will be difficult to collect increased taxes from the Zoroastrians as they are difficult to find… Zoroastrians faced tremendous persecution from Moslems over the centuries and now they
hide. The Doukhobors (the Old Believers) faced tremendous persecution from Christians over the last few centuries and now they avoid persecution by embracing Catholic fertility rites and by changing their Slavic names to Anglicized names. The Canadian
Ukrainians turn eggs and trees into decorated idols and actively help to teach my Doukhobor relatives to embrace the Catholic fertility rites. Now my Doukhobor relatives love Catholic fertility rites far more than Jesus. The Jehovah Witnesses are a
Catholic church as they embrace the Vatican’s Sunday Sabbath. The Jewish community will not face additional tax burdens because they do not systematically teach people to violate God’s Commandments but teach people to abide by God’s Commandments
instead. Please note that I never stated that one is saved by keeping God’s Commandments, nor do I hold such a view.
People are systematically taught to embrace traditions in place of God’s Commandments, their libraries are filled with books advocating witchcraft and homosexuality, and their media is but a mouthpiece for the Catholic Church that repeats the call
to turn trees into decorated idols and provides encouragement to violate additional Commandments, resulting in crime and higher taxes. So not only should the churches, mosques and pagan temples be taxed to help pay for the costs they impose upon society,
their media should be taxed as well.
Multitudes of soldiers gave their lives for our freedom, and our governments honor their sacrifices by erecting Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) for them, and by placing statues of soldiers next to or on top of these Egyptian penises.
And every winter the soldier’s tombstones are decorated with wreaths made from evergreen trees, which they also turn into decorated idols. Turning evergreen trees into decorated idols is an ancient fertility rite that is now religiously honored the
Catholic church. When Catholics decorate the graves of the war dead with their Catholic symbols of fertility, they are using the dead soldiers to push their Catholic beliefs upon others. These soldiers never fought for your Catholic fertility rites but
for your freedom. These are traditions that have become so important that society is willing to have those who point out the pagan filth be arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities. There are more appropriate ways to thank service men and women
for their service than to honor them with a pagan dink, or with a decorated fertility tree idol.
The city closed down the Mendel Art Gallery, it was a wonderful place that provided free access to art and to a conservatory full of plants. Only once I went to Saskatoon’s new art gallery, I was turned away as the entire facility was closed to the
general public, but other people were still being admitted, those being admitted were arriving in limousines and they were wearing outfits that exceed the cost of what I spend on clothes in three years. I did not return. One would think that with four
stories the new art gallery is large enough to always accommodate people of differing social-economic backgrounds at the same time. One would think that the old gallery would not be shuttered until the new gallery was ready for occupancy, but this was
not the case and the general public was left without a gallery for years - the wealthy among us cared little that the city was without a working gallery while the new gallery was being constructed as they could easily afford to frequently fly to other
communities and other countries to view the art there. I support the re-establishment of the Mendel Art Gallery and an end of cash transfers to the new gallery. A study should be done on the new gallery and determine how it can be repurposed, perhaps it
can be used to teach aviation or perhaps the space can even be used to build small airplanes. There is a much greater desire of city residents to own their own cars, motorcycles, boats, airplanes and helicopters than to spend money for admission into an
exclusive art gallery where people arrive in limousines.
The city used to hold the immensely popular “Louis Riel Relay Race” in the 1980’s and 1990’s, the event drew great crowds to the center of the city. It was a way to bring together people of all cultures, not just Metis, but also Native
Aboriginals, Whites, Chinese and most of the rest of the diverse community. The relay race even involved people riding horses along the river bank, people racing canoes up and down the river, others running with heavy packs, it was truly exciting and
thousands upon thousands of people annually showed up to view the spectacle. Then the city cancelled the event and put Chinese Dragon Boat Races in their place. About the same time the Chinese Dragon Boat Races began, the media stopped their campaign to
demonize the Chinese people, and instead ran “news” stories of how the Chinese were embracing “Christmas” (aka turning trees into decorated idols), saying “Look at their beautiful blinkin’ trees - the Chinese people are just the same as you
and me.” The media played upon people’s love of pagan fertility rites in order to push a pro-Chinese agenda. I support a return of the Louis Riel Relay Race to downtown Saskatoon. If Chinese people want to maintain their traditions they should do so
without cancelling our traditions.
High school students know how to smoke in large groups, resulting in clouds of carcinogenic toxins irritating the homeowners living close to the schools… if the students can afford drugs, tattoos, body piercings, designer clothes, automobiles and
smart phones, then they can also afford fines for littering and jaywalking. Sometimes the weather is such that the cigarette smoke hangs in the air, it makes life miserable for those residents who live adjacent to the high schools.
The federal government recently legalized marijuana, but renters have no place to smoke and can face fines for smoking in public places, it is a sorry state of affairs for the smokers who rent. It is also a sorry state for the renters who do not smoke
and have to tolerate the smoke from the other tenants. We should look at providing designated smoking areas for people that smoke tobacco or marijuana. Renters smoking inside non-smoking facilities should consider moving to a tiny house located outside
of the city, which they would become owners of, before they are charged for administering noxious substances. Be aware that just a small amount of second hand smoke, or incense, will wake most non-smokers out of a deep sleep as the smoke makes hearts
beat faster. Abused people, such as those coming out of psychiatric facilities, don’t sleep very soundly, they find themselves living in the worst possible housing scenarios where people smoke and party day and night. The abused people go from
absolutely horrid living accommodations in psychiatric facilities to the absolutely horrid living accommodations of smokey rental facilities in the city where people are literally bouncing up and down the hallways day and night. People coming out of
psychiatric “care” facilities are very close to death and require adequate rest, which is not provided to them in the putrid dumps they end up in after their release. I pity the people who live in apartment buildings located next to the high schools,
where putrid tobacco clouds endlessly hang. Life is short for most people who end up getting “treated” by psychiatrists, and they don’t smile much before they die.
No tax money to be utilized for sports. Institute a program to help military cadets, sports groups and other clubs raise money for their organizations where the members record bylaw violations and have the resulting fines shared between the city and
the organizations. Target the areas where bars are located and impose fines upon people for littering and for urinating in public. Submitting a 5 minute video of an unattached trailer on a city street can earn your organization cold hard cash (it is
illegal to leave a trailer on the street unattached to a vehicle, people should be able to attach it within 5 minutes). Get a video identifying people exposing themselves and urinating in public and win money for your club. Military cadets are not
receiving adequate funding and require additional time practicing marksmanship at gun ranges, it costs money.
Up until the mid 1960’s Saskatoon had a shooting range and an annual turkey shoot downtown on the north-west corner of First Avenue and Twenty-Second Street where the Hilton Hotel now stands, adults and children alike would pay a very small fee to
try to hit the target with a .22 caliber rifle and win a turkey. Children used to travel to the outskirts of the city carrying their rifles across the handlebars of their bicycles, where their recreation was to walk in the prairie wilderness and shoot
gophers, sparrows and snakes with their BB guns and .22 caliber rifles, if there was standing water nearby then the kids could always fill the tunnels with water and shoot the gophers when they came up for air. Kids had guns and had fun. Many half-ton
trucks coming to the city from rural areas had rifles visibly hanging in their back windows. Now we import people who want to slaughter us and we prevent our children from learning how to shoot and become responsible gun owners. Some of our immigrant
invaders come from countries where all the males are expected to carry machine guns or sniper rifles or a rocket. All the Islamic invaders believe in the supremacy of their “Sharia Law” as dictated by the Koran, which contains instruction on
acquiring land, wealth, sex slaves and virgins in heaven.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff
April 5th 2022 4:10 pm 119,439 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“America is ruled by a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who demands that Americans take the death jab. Similarly Trudeau is an Islamist who demands that Canadians take the death jab, squeak squeak.” -Squeakity Squeak
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I would pay my employees in real money, which is gold and silver coins. The City of Saskatoon could strike its own gold coins to pay their employees. As mayor of The City of Saskatoon I’d give the average worker a 0.06
troy ounce (0.06 AGW), gold coin for eight hours work. This will reduce taxes to homeowners and to business owners considerably. Workers wanting more than a 0.06 Troy Ounce gold coin for their work per eight hour work day can go west or to the North
Saskatchewan River and mine more gold for themselves, there. Free people are allowed to have guns, land, and are paid in gold and silver coins, back in the day when people were free Mexico made a 2.5 Peso (.0603 oz) gold coin from 1918-1948, and the coin
was alloyed at 90% gold to 10% copper, it was alloyed in order to make the coin harder and more durable to survive circulation. We should have a small gold coin that is similar to that Mexican coin, but containing 0.06 ounces of gold instead, or less, it
would be a savings of at least .0003 ounces of gold per coin, again saving money for the home and business owners by reducing taxes, perhaps. We’ll be rich. And the supposed poor among us would have small concrete homes in the country - they get their
own concrete homes (and pay the city mortgage on the tiny house) and a garden, they can work towards gaining wealth with their gardens and taxpayers wouldn’t have to give money to landlords. City homeowners would not pay taxes for landlords, and would
obtain access to locally grown produce.
We may alloy the gold with either copper, nickel or silver or combinations thereof, to make the coins harder and more durable to the wear that results from the circulation of the coins. We should determine, using “science”, which particular alloy
of gold we should be using in our coins. We can use “science” to determine which alloy works best. We can try using “science” from time to time, at city hall, if I were mayor.
The City of Saskatoon may strike coins containing the “alloys” of precious metals, we should make gold, silver, platinum and palladium coins, and using “science” we will harden these coins by adding small amounts of either base or precious
metals in a mixture or “alloy”. Whenever the city strikes and sells coins containing a majority of silver, platinum or palladium, the city should strive to always profit from the manufacturing and sale of these white coins and save money for the
taxpayers. But when we manufacture gold coins it is because we require the coins to pay our workers in gold, so “they” may profit. For example we could use combinations of platinum, palladium and silver, and perhaps hardened with small amounts of
copper or nickel or gold, and manufacture commemorative coins, which The City of Saskatoon would sell at a profit, to reduce taxes. I’m sure that a lot of guys and even gals would be more likely to invest in these silver, platinum and palladium alloyed
commemorative coins if they depicted a woman showing off her breasts. It is certainly something to think about.
The City of Saskatoon could seek to manufacture alloys of precious metals (in order to obtain hardness and durability) without the addition of small percentages of copper or nickel added to the mix, but instead make the alloy using small amounts of
alternative precious metals. Perhaps more city employees would opt to be paid with gold coins that were alloyed with small amounts of platinum, palladium or some other precious metal, as opposed to being paid in gold coins that were alloyed with copper
or nickel instead.
The copper, nickel and chromium coins are all known or suspected carcinogens while the gold, silver, platinum and palladium coins are not. If the city is selling commemorative coinage, we would be on better ground by offering coins that are not toxic.
Similarly if the city is paying workers their wages, we would be on better ground by paying our workers in gold coins, which is real money. Some workers will opt to be paid in commemorative silver, platinum and palladium coinage instead of the gold coin,
the city will do the math and benefit on the short term with the exchange, allowing it to lower taxes, while the worker who chooses to be paid with the silver, platinum and palladium coins in place of a gold coin, may profit over time due to the rising
market value of the silver, platinum and palladium. We can start by lowering taxes (stop paying compound interest on our bogus national debt) by paying a small gold coin (maybe 0.0404 Troy Ounces AGW, or perhaps 0.0357 Troy Ounces AGW) to most city
employees for a day’s work, I propose that we call this gold coin a “Namur”, and we can even put the image of my cat Namur on one side. People will wonder why they are not being paid with gold coins containing 0.0603 or perhaps 0.0600 Troy ounces
of gold instead, it would remain a mystery. When I am deceased or defeated, the following mayors may be free to decorate their coins with Mary, whichever pope, Charles, the Easter Bunny, an Egyptian obelisk, or perhaps even Santa Clause and a blinkin’
tree. People like blinkin’ trees, a coin depicting a blinkin’ evergreen tree may prove so very popular among the peasants, the city may rake in a fortune in coin sales and then cease collecting taxes from homeowners. Using metallurgy, “science”
and tasteful art, we would strike coins and thereby reduce or even eliminate property taxes for the home and business owners, maybe even provide rebates. Everybody will be very happy and will break into dance and song. Using “science” we have
determined that chromium, nickel and copper are all known or suspected carcinogens, so why circulate coins containing such toxins? Some people may rejoice when they are paid in a gold coin that is alloyed with silver instead of copper or nickel, others
may rejoice that the gold coin has an image of my Siamese cat on it, others may rejoice in being paid with a gold coin that depicts a woman tastefully showing off her breasts. Our governments teach us that diversity is good, so I would think it would be
equally good to have a variety of images on the coins the City of Saskatoon strikes.
Anticipate a new provincial government that will not pay rent for welfare recipients but will instead help the former renters become homeowners. Home ownership, even if the home is tiny, will go a long way to improve the lives of people. The tiny
homes should have concrete floors, concrete walls and a flat concrete roof to lessen the build time and provide shelters of substance that cannot easily be destroyed. Provide tiny homes (approximately 200 square feet per adult, 100 square feet per child),
eventually the new home owner may get their act together to upgrade the cheap windows and stove provided, add insulation and drywall or some other wall covering, expand the first floor or add a second story to the structure, make an outhouse, add solar
panels or a windmill for electric lighting, or even dig a water well. Provide each new residence with a heavy steel door that cannot be easily kicked in. Rather than giving away tax money monthly to pay rent to a landlord, instead provide some building
materials and kick-start home ownership. Place leans upon each property so that the houses may not be sold without the taxpayers recouping their investments. The City of Saskatoon should not wait for provincial nor federal government assistance with our
homeless crisis, we should purchase a block of four or six sections of land several miles away from the city for the new small homes. The land can be fenced and shared with bison, the houses need to be concrete as the bison would rub against them on
occasion. Some new homeowners would opt to live in bison-free areas - people should have options in life - governments should be providing options for people rather than taking options away. Governments removed building options from people and forced
them to use construction techniques that result in rotting homes of limited life spans… it is likely better to live in a concrete home surrounded with bison than live in the basement of a rotting home surrounded by discarded needles while having your
privacy and the sanctity of your home repeatedly violated by your landlord who refuses to give tenants the legally required 24-hour notice before barging into the premises. The concrete houses should be spaced adequately to allow for bison, moose, deer
and coyotes to walk between, people who want to fence their gardens off from the deer, moose and bison should be allowed to do so but not in such a large amount to prevent the passage of animals, Perhaps allow people to fence off a maximum of 800 square
feet for their personal garden space, and only if they use the space for vegetable garden, otherwise leave the area unimpeded for animal traffic. The automobiles can be left at one of the parking lots at the outer edge of the sanctuary and people can
walk to their concrete houses, some people will want their concrete house to be located close to one of the parking lots. Bringing automobiles into the housing/bison reserve would be sure to disrupt the bison and moose so the vehicles are best left in
parking lots at one of the entrances. Smart automatic fences can be made that will confine the bison and horses while allowing the passage of moose, deer and antelope. The presence of bison or horses in an area would close the fences in that area.
Stop funding the downtown Lighthouse shelter and instead provide the impoverished with small homes in the countryside, and find other ways to build confidence in consumers so they will return to the downtown core and patronize the stores. Saskatoon
should use its downtown core for the advancement of commerce rather than showing off impoverished and often dirty and lazy individuals. The Russian peasants living under the Russian Tsars had the right to live in small shacks in the countryside and were
allowed to have gardens or small crops, while the Canadian slaves living at the Lighthouse are fed grossly substandard meals. I’ve seen grown men cry at the Lighthouse, as they were made to wait over an hour for their dinners to arrive, and when the
dinner finally arrives the food provided is unpalatable and the portion insufficient to sustain life. People come out of a six-week psychiatric torture session at the University of Saskatchewan, or at Saskatoon City Hospital, and their Brahmin
psychiatrist has them injected with a long lasting CIA inspired “depot” drug on the final day of that horror, leaving them in utter nauseous misery and horror for another couple of months after they are released. Then they end up at the Lighthouse
and continue to be mistreated, it’s no wonder that grown men cry. Management at the Lighthouse benefits from the donations and are widely known to take food home for themselves while their inmates suffer. Many people who are repeatedly “treated” to
the six-week long psychiatric sessions end up in Filipino (Catholic) run group homes where the food provided consists mainly of starches (bread and potatoes) and minimal fruits and vegetables. The Filipino Catholics don’t open group homes to provide
loving care for the disenfranchised, they open the group homes in order to profit from their misery. What taxpayers pay to keep the poor in group homes, and in homeless facilities such as the Lighthouse can easily buy concrete homes for these people in
the countryside. And what taxpayers pay to keep people in prisons and psychiatric torture centers could instead easily buy those people multi-million dollar mansions, and for each and every one of them.
The disenfranchised living in the Filipino group homes and at the downtown Lighthouse are mainly white people who did not get the opportunities to advance in society, and were instead actively prevented from attending trade schools, and/or who were
directed into attending non-productive classes at the University of Saskatchewan College of Arts and Sciences. Many of the people living in the Filipino owned group homes are forced to leave the homes during the day (even in 40 degree below weather),
many of the poor would go to the McDonald’s Restaurant on the corner of 22nd Street and 2nd Avenue in downtown Saskatoon, there the coffee refills were 30 cents, there was always a large group of impoverished who would help each other out to scrape up
enough money for a cup of coffee. People running the city of Saskatoon decided it was wrong to provide a place for these impoverished people to meet and drink coffee together and they had that McDonald’s restaurant demolished and turned into a parking
lot. Around the same time the authorities of morality decided to close the Mendal Art Gallery, which was another place the impoverished could freely attend. A couple decades earlier the City of Saskatoon similarly decided to demolish the Barry Hotel as
this was a place that the impoverished Indians and white people got together for an evening of fun. The reason for the destruction of the Barry Hotel was that people were meeting there and having fun. Now the authorities of morality are getting the
residents to pay over a hundred million dollars for the Remai Modern Art Gallery, and none of impoverished ever enter.
Saskatoon needs to provide places to park horse-drawn carriages. If I bothered to run for mayor and if I was elected the mayor of Saskatoon I would seek to reserve appropriate locations for tying up and corralling horses, as some visitors from out of
town will arrive on horses or in horse driven carriages. People on bicycles will likely come along and pick up the horse shit for free, they will take it back to their gardens in the city, or next to their concrete homes in the country, where they will
fail to compost the material adequately and then spread weeds throughout their communities and neighborhoods.
I believe we should allocate Yorath Island to this purpose of stabling horses and parking carriages, and name the area Matthew Hardy Park and name the future bridge to Yorath Island “Matthew Hardy Bridge”. Matthew Hardy liked the testimony of
Jesus that I gave him, and he visited me while I was being tortured by Hindus at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, his enthusiasm of my testimony got him killed, his remains were found years later on Yorath Island, and so the Hardy family was
denied a son and a brother and I was denied the visitor and was left with parents who demanded that I take a pill (Catholics lobbied my parents to shut me up). Matthew Hardy was thrilled to see the math I showed him, it linked his name to his birthday
and to numbers in the Bible, it provided evidence that his name and birthday were both gifts from God, and the God was the God of the Bible. All of Matthew’s friends saw themselves as some type of witches, they dressed and talked in darkness and were
not happy to hear any testimony of God’s Word. The psychiatrists who were torturing me cited my interest in numbers as a reason to torture me further, the people I showed evidence that their names were in harmony with their birthdays and with the
numbers in the Bible all chuckled, one or two gave me a few coins for my work. Far more people laughed at me, libeled, slandered and assaulted me than those who tossed me a few coins for my work. My Doukhobor relatives only cared about their Catholic
evergreen tree traditions, none had an ounce of compassion for me… all the Doukhobors had become Catholics who did not say anything to jeopardize their peaceful and toiling lives.
Free people are paid in gold and silver coins and are allowed to own land and guns… allowing some Canadians to possess land and possess guns, and allowing them to buy commemorative gold or silver coins at the post offices and banks at greatly
inflated prices, is just a show. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms foisted upon us by Trudeau Senior doth not recognize our right to own neither land nor guns. Those that have gun licenses should be aware that the license is just a temporary permit to
possess a gun and the gun may be removed from them at any time, and similarly those that have land risk similar loss. In some regards the Russian peasants had more freedom than the Canadian slaves. Both the Russian peasants and the Canadian slaves are
provided with priests that wave smoke and splash some water around. The Russian peasants were made to fight for their country while the Canadian slaves are made to eat substandard food while their nation is handed over to Chinese and Islamists. The
Russian Tsars defended their nation while Ottawa strikes secret deals with both the Chinese and the Islamists, and even allows the Chinese to launch legal suits against us in secret courts should we hamper their unfettered access to Canadian resources.
In Russia the Tsar would have people exiled to Siberia if they dared to criticize the priests who claimed to be the sole authority on Scripture, in Canada they had me repeatedly arrested and tortured for daring to speak out against their pagan evergreen
tree idols and their censorship of cannibalism. I said they have Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches, they called me a pedophile and employed Hindus to tortured me, I requested assistance and people laughed at me and called me a pedophile,
the more I cried out against the system, the more the Canadians laughed at me. The churches in both Russia and Canada incorporate phalluses built into their church architecture, not unlike the Moslems, Sikhs and Hindus with their mosque and temple
architectures, but to say that Christians are capping their churches with penises results in their church members and the general pubic laughing at me, libeling me (calling me a pedophile), assaulting me, and ultimately torturing me. Stop psychiatry, it
is so horrible.
An end to Catholic (pagan) fertility rites on city property… no money spent on decorated evergreen trees, decorated evergreen tree wreaths and blinkin’ lights, on their purchase nor on their annual installation and removal. Removal of the pagan
representations of penises on Broadway Avenue. Removal of all Egyptian phalluses located on city owned properties (such as on the Broadway Bridge and at City Hall). An end to the arrest and psychiatric torture of those who criticize the Catholic (pagan)
phallic traditions. An end to psychiatric treatment (torture) within the city… it is the churches that are sick and not the people who criticize the pagan traditions taught by these churches. The city should look at not only ending torture in the
hospitals (a real mismanagement of tax money) but look at compensating people who suffered under the hands of psychiatry. There is a real risk that if we do not stop psychiatry, then increasing numbers of “normal” people across this nation will start
facing widespread torture.
The so-called “Christian” churches teach people to honor pagan fertility tree traditions that are in direct opposition to God’s First Three Commandments… people are taught to honor pagan fertility traditions in place of God’s Commandments
and then these people go on to commit violations of other of God’s Commandments, the resulting crime destroys lives and results in higher taxes for businesses and homeowners. The churches (and mosques and temples) should be taxed in order to alleviate
these higher taxes that they themselves are causing through their pagan teachings. The Doukhobors should pay increased taxes as they too have adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so have become Catholics, they claim to abide by God’s Commandments
but they honor Catholic fertility rites which are in violation of God’s First Four Commandments. Doukhobors used to be a benefit to Canadians, now they negligently teach people to abide by Catholic fertility rites. When people adopt Catholic fertility
rites then they become Catholics, and that includes Doukhobors. It will be difficult to collect increased taxes from the Zoroastrians as they are difficult to find… Zoroastrians faced tremendous persecution from Moslems over the centuries and now they
hide. The Doukhobors (the Old Believers) faced tremendous persecution from Christians over the last few centuries and now they avoid persecution by embracing Catholic fertility rites and by changing their Slavic names to Anglicized names. The Canadian
Ukrainians turn eggs and trees into decorated idols and actively help to teach my Doukhobor relatives to embrace the Catholic fertility rites. Now my Doukhobor relatives love Catholic fertility rites far more than Jesus. The Jehovah Witnesses are a
Catholic church as they embrace the Vatican’s Sunday Sabbath. The Jewish community will not face additional tax burdens because they do not systematically teach people to violate God’s Commandments but teach people to abide by God’s Commandments
instead. Please note that I never stated that one is saved by keeping God’s Commandments, nor do I hold such a view.
People are systematically taught to embrace traditions in place of God’s Commandments, their libraries are filled with books advocating witchcraft and homosexuality, and their media is but a mouthpiece for the Catholic Church that repeats the call
to turn trees into decorated idols and provides encouragement to violate additional Commandments, resulting in crime and higher taxes. So not only should the churches, mosques and pagan temples be taxed to help pay for the costs they impose upon society,
their media should be taxed as well.
Multitudes of soldiers gave their lives for our freedom, and our governments honor their sacrifices by erecting Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) for them, and by placing statues of soldiers next to or on top of these Egyptian penises.
And every winter the soldier’s tombstones are decorated with wreaths made from evergreen trees, which they also turn into decorated idols. Turning evergreen trees into decorated idols is an ancient fertility rite that is now religiously honored the
Catholic church. When Catholics decorate the graves of the war dead with their Catholic symbols of fertility, they are using the dead soldiers to push their Catholic beliefs upon others. These soldiers never fought for your Catholic fertility rites but
for your freedom. These are traditions that have become so important that society is willing to have those who point out the pagan filth be arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities. There are more appropriate ways to thank service men and women
for their service than to honor them with a pagan dink, or with a decorated fertility tree idol.
The city closed down the Mendel Art Gallery, it was a wonderful place that provided free access to art and to a conservatory full of plants. Only once I went to Saskatoon’s new art gallery, I was turned away as the entire facility was closed to the
general public, but other people were still being admitted, those being admitted were arriving in limousines and they were wearing outfits that exceed the cost of what I spend on clothes in three years. I did not return. One would think that with four
stories the new art gallery is large enough to always accommodate people of differing social-economic backgrounds at the same time. One would think that the old gallery would not be shuttered until the new gallery was ready for occupancy, but this was
not the case and the general public was left without a gallery for years - the wealthy among us cared little that the city was without a working gallery while the new gallery was being constructed as they could easily afford to frequently fly to other
communities and other countries to view the art there. I support the re-establishment of the Mendel Art Gallery and an end of cash transfers to the new gallery. A study should be done on the new gallery and determine how it can be repurposed, perhaps it
can be used to teach aviation or perhaps the space can even be used to build small airplanes. There is a much greater desire of city residents to own their own cars, motorcycles, boats, airplanes and helicopters than to spend money for admission into an
exclusive art gallery where people arrive in limousines.
The city used to hold the immensely popular “Louis Riel Relay Race” in the 1980’s and 1990’s, the event drew great crowds to the center of the city. It was a way to bring together people of all cultures, not just Metis, but also Native
Aboriginals, Whites, Chinese and most of the rest of the diverse community. The relay race even involved people riding horses along the river bank, people racing canoes up and down the river, others running with heavy packs, it was truly exciting and
thousands upon thousands of people annually showed up to view the spectacle. Then the city cancelled the event and put Chinese Dragon Boat Races in their place. About the same time the Chinese Dragon Boat Races began, the media stopped their campaign to
demonize the Chinese people, and instead ran “news” stories of how the Chinese were embracing “Christmas” (aka turning trees into decorated idols), saying “Look at their beautiful blinkin’ trees - the Chinese people are just the same as you
and me.” The media played upon people’s love of pagan fertility rites in order to push a pro-Chinese agenda. I support a return of the Louis Riel Relay Race to downtown Saskatoon. If Chinese people want to maintain their traditions they should do so
without cancelling our traditions.
High school students know how to smoke in large groups, resulting in clouds of carcinogenic toxins irritating the homeowners living close to the schools… if the students can afford drugs, tattoos, body piercings, designer clothes, automobiles and
smart phones, then they can also afford fines for littering and jaywalking. Sometimes the weather is such that the cigarette smoke hangs in the air, it makes life miserable for those residents who live adjacent to the high schools.
The federal government recently legalized marijuana, but renters have no place to smoke and can face fines for smoking in public places, it is a sorry state of affairs for the smokers who rent. It is also a sorry state for the renters who do not smoke
and have to tolerate the smoke from the other tenants. We should look at providing designated smoking areas for people that smoke tobacco or marijuana. Renters smoking inside non-smoking facilities should consider moving to a tiny house located outside
of the city, which they would become owners of, before they are charged for administering noxious substances. Be aware that just a small amount of second hand smoke, or incense, will wake most non-smokers out of a deep sleep as the smoke makes hearts
beat faster. Abused people, such as those coming out of psychiatric facilities, don’t sleep very soundly, they find themselves living in the worst possible housing scenarios where people smoke and party day and night. The abused people go from
absolutely horrid living accommodations in psychiatric facilities to the absolutely horrid living accommodations of smokey rental facilities in the city where people are literally bouncing up and down the hallways day and night. People coming out of
psychiatric “care” facilities are very close to death and require adequate rest, which is not provided to them in the putrid dumps they end up in after their release. I pity the people who live in apartment buildings located next to the high schools,
where putrid tobacco clouds endlessly hang. Life is short for most people who end up getting “treated” by psychiatrists, and they don’t smile much before they die.
No tax money to be utilized for sports. Institute a program to help military cadets, sports groups and other clubs raise money for their organizations where the members record bylaw violations and have the resulting fines shared between the city and
the organizations. Target the areas where bars are located and impose fines upon people for littering and for urinating in public. Submitting a 5 minute video of an unattached trailer on a city street can earn your organization cold hard cash (it is
illegal to leave a trailer on the street unattached to a vehicle, people should be able to attach it within 5 minutes). Get a video identifying people exposing themselves and urinating in public and win money for your club. Military cadets are not
receiving adequate funding and require additional time practicing marksmanship at gun ranges, it costs money.
Up until the mid 1960’s Saskatoon had a shooting range and an annual turkey shoot downtown on the north-west corner of First Avenue and Twenty-Second Street where the Hilton Hotel now stands, adults and children alike would pay a very small fee to
try to hit the target with a .22 caliber rifle and win a turkey. Children used to travel to the outskirts of the city carrying their rifles across the handlebars of their bicycles, where their recreation was to walk in the prairie wilderness and shoot
gophers, sparrows and snakes with their BB guns and .22 caliber rifles, if there was standing water nearby then the kids could always fill the tunnels with water and shoot the gophers when they came up for air. Kids had guns and had fun. Many half-ton
trucks coming to the city from rural areas had rifles visibly hanging in their back windows. Now we import people who want to slaughter us and we prevent our children from learning how to shoot and become responsible gun owners. Some of our immigrant
invaders come from countries where all the males are expected to carry machine guns or sniper rifles or a rocket. All the Islamic invaders believe in the supremacy of their “Sharia Law” as dictated by the Koran, which contains instruction on
acquiring land, wealth, sex slaves and virgins in heaven.
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeakity Squeak@21:1/5 to
All on Fri May 6 09:12:21 2022
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff
May 4th 2022 6:16 pm 121,595 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“America is ruled by a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who demands that Americans take the death jab. Similarly Trudeau is an Islamist who demands that Canadians take the death jab, squeak squeak.” -Squeaky Squeaky
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I would pay my employees in real money, which is gold and silver coins. The City of Saskatoon could strike its own gold coins to pay their employees. As mayor of The City of Saskatoon I’d give the average worker a 0.06
troy ounce (0.06 AGW), gold coin for eight hours work. This will reduce taxes to homeowners and to business owners considerably. Workers wanting more than a 0.06 Troy Ounce gold coin for a eight hour work day can seek out work elsewhere, they may go mine
gold for themselves or work at alternative businesses, or create their own businesses. Free people are allowed to have guns, land, and are paid in gold and silver coins, back in the day when people were free Mexico made a 2.5 Peso (.0603 oz) gold coin
from 1918-1948, and the coin was alloyed at 90% gold to 10% copper, it was alloyed in order to make the coin harder and more durable to survive circulation. We should have a small gold coin that is similar to that Mexican coin, but containing 0.06 ounces
of gold instead, or less, it would be a savings of at least .0003 ounces of gold per coin, again saving money for the home and business owners by reducing taxes, perhaps. We’ll be rich. And the supposed poor among us would have small concrete homes in
the country - they get their own concrete homes (and pay the city mortgage on the tiny house) and a garden, they can work towards gaining wealth with their gardens and taxpayers wouldn’t have to give money to landlords. People would not pay taxes for
landlords to house the poor, and would obtain access to locally grown produce.
We may alloy the gold with either copper, nickel or silver or combinations thereof, to make the coins harder and more durable to the wear that results from the circulation of the coins. We should determine, using “science”, which particular alloy
of gold we should be using in our coins. We can use “science” to determine which alloy works best. We can try using “science” from time to time, at city hall, if I were mayor.
The City of Saskatoon may strike coins containing the “alloys” of precious metals, we should make gold, silver, platinum and palladium coins, and using “science” we will harden these coins by adding small amounts of either base or precious
metals in a mixture or “alloy”. Whenever the city strikes and sells coins containing a majority of silver, platinum or palladium, the city should strive to always profit from the manufacturing and sale of these white coins and save money for the
taxpayers. But when we manufacture gold coins it is because we require the coins to pay our workers in gold, so “they” may profit. For example we could use combinations of platinum, palladium and silver, and perhaps hardened with small amounts of
copper or nickel or gold, and manufacture commemorative coins, which The City of Saskatoon would sell at a profit, to reduce taxes. I’m sure that a lot of guys and even gals would be more likely to invest in these silver, platinum and palladium alloyed
commemorative coins if they depicted a woman showing off her breasts. It is certainly something to think about.
The City of Saskatoon could seek to manufacture alloys of precious metals (in order to obtain hardness and durability) without the addition of small percentages of copper or nickel added to the mix, but instead make the alloy using small amounts of
alternative precious metals. Perhaps more city employees would opt to be paid with gold coins that were alloyed with small amounts of platinum, palladium or some other precious metal, as opposed to being paid in gold coins that were alloyed with copper
or nickel instead.
The copper, nickel and chromium coins are all known or suspected carcinogens while the gold, silver, platinum and palladium coins are not. If the city is selling commemorative coinage, we would be on better ground by offering coins that are not toxic.
Similarly if the city is paying workers their wages, we would be on better ground by paying our workers in gold coins, which is real money. Some workers will opt to be paid in commemorative silver, platinum and palladium coinage instead of the gold coin,
the city will do the math and benefit on the short term with the exchange, allowing it to lower taxes, while the worker who chooses to be paid with the silver, platinum and palladium coins in place of a gold coin, may profit over time due to the rising
market value of the silver, platinum and palladium. We can start by lowering taxes (stop paying compound interest on our bogus national debt) by paying a small gold coin (maybe 0.0404 Troy Ounces AGW, or perhaps 0.0357 Troy Ounces AGW) to most city
employees for a day’s work, I propose that we call this gold coin a “Namur”, and we can even put the image of my cat Namur on one side. People will wonder why they are not being paid with gold coins containing 0.0603 or perhaps 0.0600 Troy ounces
of gold instead, it would remain a mystery. When I am deceased or defeated, the following mayors may be free to decorate their coins with Mary, whichever pope, Charles, the Easter Bunny, an Egyptian obelisk, or perhaps even Santa Clause and a blinkin’
tree. People like blinkin’ trees, a coin depicting a blinkin’ evergreen tree may prove so very popular among the peasants, the city may rake in a fortune in coin sales and then cease collecting taxes from homeowners. Using metallurgy, “science”
and tasteful art, we would strike coins and thereby reduce or even eliminate property taxes for the home and business owners, maybe even provide rebates. Everybody will be very happy and will break into dance and song. Using “science” we have
determined that chromium, nickel and copper are all known or suspected carcinogens, so why circulate coins containing such toxins? Some people may rejoice when they are paid in a gold coin that is alloyed with silver instead of copper or nickel, others
may rejoice that the gold coin has an image of my Siamese cat on it, others may rejoice in being paid with a gold coin that depicts a woman tastefully showing off her breasts. Our governments teach us that diversity is good, so I would think it would be
equally good to have a variety of images on the coins the City of Saskatoon strikes.
Anticipate a new provincial government that will not pay rent for welfare recipients but will instead help the former renters become homeowners. Home ownership, even if the home is tiny, will go a long way to improve the lives of people. The tiny
homes should have concrete floors, concrete walls and a flat concrete roof to lessen the build time and provide shelters of substance that cannot easily be destroyed. Provide tiny homes (approximately 200 square feet per adult, 100 square feet per child),
eventually the new home owner may get their act together to upgrade the cheap windows and stove provided, add insulation and drywall or some other wall covering, expand the first floor or add a second story to the structure, make an outhouse, add solar
panels or a windmill for electric lighting, or even dig a water well. Provide each new residence with a heavy steel door that cannot be easily kicked in. Rather than giving away tax money monthly to pay rent to a landlord, instead provide some building
materials and kick-start home ownership. Place leans upon each property so that the houses may not be sold without the taxpayers recouping their investments. The City of Saskatoon should not wait for provincial nor federal government assistance with our
homeless crisis, we should purchase a block of four or six sections of land several miles away from the city for the new small homes. The land can be fenced and shared with bison, the houses need to be concrete as the bison would rub against them on
occasion. Some new homeowners would opt to live in bison-free areas - people should have options in life - governments should be providing options for people rather than taking options away. Governments removed building options from people and forced
them to use construction techniques that result in rotting homes of limited life spans… it is likely better to live in a concrete home surrounded with bison than live in the basement of a rotting home surrounded by discarded needles while having your
privacy and the sanctity of your home repeatedly violated by your landlord who refuses to give tenants the legally required 24-hour notice before barging into the premises. The concrete houses should be spaced adequately to allow for bison, moose, deer
and coyotes to walk between, people who want to fence their gardens off from the deer, moose and bison should be allowed to do so but not in such a large amount to prevent the passage of animals, Perhaps allow people to fence off a maximum of 800 square
feet for their personal garden space, and only if they use the space for vegetable or flower garden, otherwise leave the area unimpeded for animal traffic. The automobiles can be left at one of the parking lots at the outer edge of the sanctuary and
people can walk to their concrete houses, some people will want their concrete house to be located close to one of the parking lots. Bringing automobiles into the housing/bison reserve would be sure to disrupt the bison and moose so the vehicles are best
left in parking lots at one of the entrances. Smart automatic fences can be made that will confine the bison and horses while allowing the passage of moose, deer and antelope. The presence of bison or horses in an area would close the fences in that area
to prevent their escape.
Stop funding the downtown Lighthouse shelter and instead provide the impoverished with small homes in the countryside, and find other ways to build confidence in consumers so they will return to the downtown core and patronize the stores. Saskatoon
should use its downtown core for the advancement of commerce rather than showing off impoverished and often dirty and lazy individuals. The Russian peasants living under the Russian Tsars had the right to live in small shacks in the countryside and were
allowed to have gardens or small crops, while the Canadian slaves living at the Lighthouse are fed grossly substandard meals. I’ve seen grown men cry at the Lighthouse, as they were made to wait over an hour for their dinners to arrive, and when the
dinner finally arrives the food provided is unpalatable and the portion insufficient to sustain life. People come out of a six-week psychiatric torture session at the University of Saskatchewan, or at Saskatoon City Hospital, and their Brahmin
psychiatrist has them injected with a long lasting CIA inspired “depot” drug on the final day of that horror, leaving them in utter nauseous misery and horror for another couple of months after they are released. Then they end up at the Lighthouse
and continue to be mistreated, it’s no wonder that grown men cry. Management at the Lighthouse benefits from the donations and are widely known to take food home for themselves while their inmates suffer. Many people who are repeatedly “treated” to
the six-week long psychiatric sessions end up in Filipino (Catholic) run group homes where the food provided consists mainly of starches (bread and potatoes) and minimal fruits and vegetables. The Filipino Catholics don’t open group homes to provide
loving care for the disenfranchised, they open the group homes in order to profit from their misery. What taxpayers pay to keep the poor in group homes, and in homeless facilities such as the Lighthouse, can easily buy concrete homes for these people in
the countryside. And what taxpayers pay to keep people in prisons and psychiatric torture centers could instead easily buy those people multi-million dollar mansions, and for each and every one of them.
The disenfranchised living in the Filipino group homes and at the downtown Lighthouse are mainly white people who did not get the opportunities to advance in society, and were instead actively prevented from attending trade schools, and/or who were
directed into attending non-productive classes at the University of Saskatchewan College of Arts and Sciences. Many of the people living in the Filipino owned group homes are forced to leave the homes during the day (even in 40 degree below weather),
many of the poor would go to the McDonald’s Restaurant on the corner of 22nd Street and 2nd Avenue in downtown Saskatoon, there the coffee refills were 30 cents, there was always a large group of impoverished who would help each other out to scrape up
enough money for a cup of coffee. People running the city of Saskatoon decided it was wrong to provide a place for these impoverished people to meet and drink coffee together and they had that McDonald’s restaurant demolished and turned into a parking
lot. Around the same time the authorities of morality decided to close the Mendal Art Gallery, which was another place the impoverished could freely attend. A couple decades earlier the City of Saskatoon similarly decided to demolish the Barry Hotel as
this was a place that the impoverished Indians and white people got together for an evening of fun. The reason for the destruction of the Barry Hotel was that people were meeting there and having fun. Now the authorities of morality are getting the
residents to pay over a hundred million dollars for the Remai Modern Art Gallery, and none of impoverished ever enter.
Saskatoon needs to provide places to park horse-drawn carriages. If I bothered to run for mayor and if I was elected the mayor of Saskatoon I would seek to reserve appropriate locations for tying up and corralling horses, as some visitors from out of
town will arrive on horses or in horse driven carriages. People on bicycles will likely come along and pick up the horse shit for free, they will take it back to their gardens in the city, or next to their concrete homes in the country, where they will
fail to compost the material adequately and then spread weeds throughout their communities and neighborhoods.
I believe we should allocate Yorath Island to this purpose of stabling horses and parking carriages, and name the area Matthew Hardy Park and name the future bridge to Yorath Island “Matthew Hardy Bridge”. Matthew Hardy liked the testimony of
Jesus that I gave him, and he visited me while I was being tortured by Hindus at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, his enthusiasm of my testimony got him killed, his remains were found years later on Yorath Island, and so the Hardy family was
denied a son and a brother and I was denied the visitor and was left with parents who demanded that I take a pill (Catholics lobbied my parents to shut me up). Matthew Hardy was thrilled to see the math I showed him, it linked his name to his birthday
and to numbers in the Bible, it provided evidence that his name and birthday were both gifts from God, and the God was the God of the Bible. All of Matthew’s friends saw themselves as some type of witches, they dressed and talked in darkness and were
not happy to hear any testimony of God’s Word. The psychiatrists who were torturing me cited my interest in numbers as a reason to torture me further, the people I showed evidence that their names were in harmony with their birthdays and with the
numbers in the Bible all chuckled, one or two gave me a few coins for my work. Far more people laughed at me, libeled, slandered and assaulted me than those who tossed me a few coins for my work. My Doukhobor relatives only cared about their Catholic
evergreen tree traditions, none had an ounce of compassion for me… all the Doukhobors had become Catholics who did not say anything to jeopardize their peaceful and toiling lives.
Free people are paid in gold and silver coins and are allowed to own land and guns… allowing some Canadians to possess land and possess guns, and allowing them to buy commemorative gold or silver coins at the post offices and banks at greatly
inflated prices, is just a show. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms foisted upon us by Trudeau Senior doth not recognize our right to own neither land nor guns. Those that have gun licenses should be aware that the license is just a temporary permit to
possess a gun and the gun may be removed from them at any time, and similarly those that have land risk similar loss. In some regards the Russian peasants had more freedom than the Canadian slaves. Both the Russian peasants and the Canadian slaves are
provided with priests that wave smoke and splash some water around. The Russian peasants were made to fight for their country while the Canadian slaves are made to eat substandard food while their nation is handed over to Chinese and Islamists. The
Russian Tsars defended their nation while Ottawa strikes secret deals with both the Chinese and the Islamists, and even allows the Chinese to launch legal suits against us in secret courts should we hamper their unfettered access to Canadian resources.
In Russia the Tsar would have people exiled to Siberia if they dared to criticize the priests who claimed to be the sole authority on Scripture, in Canada they had me repeatedly arrested and tortured for daring to speak out against their pagan evergreen
tree idols and their censorship of cannibalism. I said they have Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches, they called me a pedophile and employed Hindus to tortured me, I requested assistance and people laughed at me and called me a pedophile,
the more I cried out against the system, the more the Canadians laughed at me. The churches in both Russia and Canada incorporate phalluses built into their church architecture, not unlike the Moslems, Sikhs and Hindus with their mosque and temple
architectures, but to say that Christians are capping their churches with penises results in their church members and the general pubic laughing at me, libeling me (calling me a pedophile), assaulting me, and ultimately torturing me. Stop psychiatry, it
is so horrible.
An end to Catholic (pagan) fertility rites on city property… no money spent on decorated evergreen trees, decorated evergreen tree wreaths and blinkin’ lights, on their purchase nor on their annual installation and removal. Removal of the pagan
representations of penises on Broadway Avenue. Removal of all Egyptian phalluses located on city owned properties (such as on the Broadway Bridge and at City Hall). An end to the arrest and psychiatric torture of those who criticize the Catholic (pagan)
phallic traditions. An end to psychiatric treatment (torture) within the city… it is the churches that are sick and not the people who criticize the pagan traditions taught by these churches. The city should look at not only ending torture in the
hospitals (a real mismanagement of tax money) but look at compensating people who suffered under the hands of psychiatry. There is a real risk that if we do not stop psychiatry, then increasing numbers of “normal” people across this nation will start
facing widespread torture.
The so-called “Christian” churches teach people to honor pagan fertility tree traditions that are in direct opposition to God’s First Three Commandments… people are taught to honor pagan fertility traditions in place of God’s Commandments
and then these people go on to commit violations of other of God’s Commandments, the resulting crime destroys lives and results in higher taxes for businesses and homeowners. The churches (and mosques and temples) should be taxed in order to alleviate
these higher taxes that they themselves are causing through their pagan teachings. The Doukhobors should pay increased taxes as they too have adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so have become Catholics, they claim to abide by God’s Commandments
but they honor Catholic fertility rites which are in violation of God’s First Four Commandments. Doukhobors used to be a benefit to Canadians, now they negligently teach people to abide by Catholic fertility rites. When people adopt Catholic fertility
rites then they become Catholics, and that includes Doukhobors. It will be difficult to collect increased taxes from the Zoroastrians as they are difficult to find… Zoroastrians faced tremendous persecution from Moslems over the centuries and now they
hide. The Doukhobors (the Old Believers) faced tremendous persecution from Christians over the last few centuries and now they avoid persecution by embracing Catholic fertility rites and by changing their Slavic names to Anglicized names. The Canadian
Ukrainians turn eggs and trees into decorated idols and actively help to teach my Doukhobor relatives to embrace the Catholic fertility rites. Now my Doukhobor relatives love Catholic fertility rites far more than Jesus. The Jehovah Witnesses are a
Catholic church as they embrace the Vatican’s Sunday Sabbath. The Jewish community will not face additional tax burdens because they do not systematically teach people to violate God’s Commandments but teach people to abide by God’s Commandments
instead. Please note that I never stated that one is saved by keeping God’s Commandments, nor do I hold such a view.
People are systematically taught to embrace traditions in place of God’s Commandments, their libraries are filled with books advocating witchcraft and homosexuality, and their media is but a mouthpiece for the Catholic Church that repeats the call
to turn trees into decorated idols and provides encouragement to violate additional Commandments, resulting in crime and higher taxes. So not only should the churches, mosques and pagan temples be taxed to help pay for the costs they impose upon society,
their media should be taxed as well.
Multitudes of soldiers gave their lives for our freedom, and our governments honor their sacrifices by erecting Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) for them, and by placing statues of soldiers next to or on top of these Egyptian penises.
And every winter the soldier’s tombstones are decorated with wreaths made from evergreen trees, which they also turn into decorated idols. Turning evergreen trees into decorated idols is an ancient fertility rite that is now religiously honored the
Catholic church. When Catholics decorate the graves of the war dead with their Catholic symbols of fertility, they are using the dead soldiers to push their Catholic beliefs upon others. These soldiers never fought for your Catholic fertility rites but
for your freedom. These are traditions that have become so important that society is willing to have those who point out the pagan filth be arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities. There are more appropriate ways to thank service men and women
for their service than to honor them with a pagan dink, or with a decorated fertility tree idol.
The city closed down the Mendel Art Gallery, it was a wonderful place that provided free access to art and to a conservatory full of plants. Only once I went to Saskatoon’s new art gallery, I was turned away as the entire facility was closed to the
general public, but other people were still being admitted, those being admitted were arriving in limousines and they were wearing outfits that exceed the cost of what I spend on clothes in three years. I did not return. One would think that with four
stories the new art gallery is large enough to always accommodate people of differing social-economic backgrounds at the same time. One would think that the old gallery would not be shuttered until the new gallery was ready for occupancy, but this was
not the case and the general public was left without a gallery for years - the wealthy among us cared little that the city was without a working gallery while the new gallery was being constructed as they could easily afford to frequently fly to other
communities and other countries to view the art there. I support the re-establishment of the Mendel Art Gallery and an end of cash transfers to the new gallery. A study should be done on the new gallery and determine how it can be repurposed, perhaps it
can be used to teach aviation or perhaps the space can even be used to build small airplanes. There is a much greater desire of city residents to own their own cars, motorcycles, boats, airplanes and helicopters than to spend money for admission into an
exclusive art gallery where people arrive in limousines.
The city used to hold the immensely popular “Louis Riel Relay Race” in the 1980’s and 1990’s, the event drew great crowds to the center of the city. It was a way to bring together people of all cultures, not just Metis, but also Native
Aboriginals, Whites, Chinese and most of the rest of the diverse community. The relay race even involved people riding horses along the river bank, people racing canoes up and down the river, others running with heavy packs, it was truly exciting and
thousands upon thousands of people annually showed up to view the spectacle. Then the city cancelled the event and put Chinese Dragon Boat Races in their place. About the same time the Chinese Dragon Boat Races began, the media stopped their campaign to
demonize the Chinese people, and instead ran “news” stories of how the Chinese were embracing “Christmas” (aka turning trees into decorated idols), saying “Look at their beautiful blinkin’ trees - the Chinese people are just the same as you
and me.” The media played upon people’s love of pagan fertility rites in order to push a pro-Chinese agenda. I support a return of the Louis Riel Relay Race to downtown Saskatoon. If Chinese people want to maintain their traditions they should do so
without cancelling our traditions.
High school students know how to smoke in large groups, resulting in clouds of carcinogenic toxins irritating the homeowners living close to the schools… if the students can afford drugs, tattoos, body piercings, designer clothes, automobiles and
smart phones, then they can also afford fines for littering and jaywalking. Sometimes the weather is such that the cigarette smoke hangs in the air, it makes life miserable for those residents who live adjacent to the high schools. When sleeping people
smell tobacco smoke their hearts speed up and they wake up, people living in apartments suffer and die early deaths, the age quickly because they are unable to sleep soundly due to their hearts racing from the second-hand smoke.
The federal government recently legalized marijuana, but renters have no place to smoke and can face fines for smoking in public places, it is a sorry state of affairs for the smokers who rent. It is also a sorry state for the renters who do not smoke
and have to tolerate the smoke from the other tenants. We should look at providing designated smoking areas for people that smoke tobacco or marijuana. Renters smoking inside non-smoking facilities should consider moving to a tiny house located outside
of the city, which they would become owners of, before they are charged for administering noxious substances. Be aware that just a small amount of second hand smoke, or incense, will wake most non-smokers out of a deep sleep as the smoke makes hearts
beat faster. Abused people, such as those coming out of psychiatric facilities, don’t sleep very soundly, they find themselves living in the worst possible housing scenarios where people smoke and party day and night. The abused people go from
absolutely horrid living accommodations in psychiatric facilities to the absolutely horrid living accommodations of smokey rental facilities in the city where people are literally bouncing up and down the hallways day and night. People coming out of
psychiatric “care” facilities are very close to death and require adequate rest, which is not provided to them in the putrid dumps they end up in after their release. I pity the people who live in apartment buildings located next to the high schools,
where putrid tobacco clouds endlessly hang. Life is short for most people who end up getting “treated” by psychiatrists, and they don’t smile much before they die.
No tax money to be utilized for sports. Institute a program to help military cadets, sports groups and other clubs raise money for their organizations where the members record bylaw violations and have the resulting fines shared between the city and
the organizations. Target the areas where bars are located and impose fines upon people for littering and for urinating in public. Submitting a 5 minute video of an unattached trailer on a city street can earn your organization cold hard cash (it is
illegal to leave a trailer on the street unattached to a vehicle, people should be able to attach it within 5 minutes). Get a video identifying people exposing themselves and urinating in public and win money for your club. Military cadets are not
receiving adequate funding and require additional time practicing marksmanship at gun ranges, it costs money.
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeak Squeak@21:1/5 to
All on Sun Jun 5 09:56:49 2022
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff
June 4th 2022 6:05 pm 123,947 words (149 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“America is ruled by a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who demands that Americans take the death jab. Similarly Trudeau is an Islamist who demands that Canadians take the death jab, squeak squeak.” -Squeaky Squeaky
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I would pay my employees in real money, which is gold and silver coins. The City of Saskatoon could strike its own gold coins to pay their employees. As mayor of The City of Saskatoon I’d give the average worker a 0.06
troy ounce (0.06 AGW), gold coin for eight hours work. This will reduce taxes to homeowners and to business owners considerably. Workers wanting more than a 0.06 Troy Ounce gold coin for a eight hour work day can seek out work elsewhere, they may go mine
gold for themselves or work at alternative businesses, or create their own businesses. Free people are allowed to have guns, land, and are paid in gold and silver coins, back in the day when people were free Mexico made a 2.5 Peso (.0603 oz) gold coin
from 1918-1948, and the coin was alloyed at 90% gold to 10% copper, it was alloyed in order to make the coin harder and more durable to survive circulation. We should have a small gold coin that is similar to that Mexican coin, but containing 0.06 ounces
of gold instead, or less, it would be a savings of at least .0003 ounces of gold per coin, again saving money for the home and business owners by reducing taxes, perhaps. We’ll be rich. And the supposed poor among us would have small concrete homes in
the country - they get their own concrete homes (and pay the city mortgage on the tiny house) and a garden, they can work towards gaining wealth with their gardens and taxpayers wouldn’t have to give money to landlords. People would not pay taxes for
landlords to house the poor, and would obtain access to locally grown produce.
We may alloy the gold with either copper, nickel or silver or combinations thereof, to make the coins harder and more durable to the wear that results from the circulation of the coins. We should determine, using “science”, which particular alloy
of gold we should be using in our coins. We can use “science” to determine which alloy works best. We can try using “science” from time to time, at city hall, if I were mayor.
The City of Saskatoon may strike coins containing the “alloys” of precious metals, we should make gold, silver, platinum and palladium coins, and using “science” we will harden these coins by adding small amounts of either base or precious
metals in a mixture or “alloy”. Whenever the city strikes and sells coins containing a majority of silver, platinum or palladium, the city should strive to always profit from the manufacturing and sale of these white coins and save money for the
taxpayers. But when we manufacture gold coins it is because we require the coins to pay our workers in gold, so “they” may profit. For example we could use combinations of platinum, palladium and silver, and perhaps hardened with small amounts of
copper or nickel or gold, and manufacture commemorative coins, which The City of Saskatoon would sell at a profit, to reduce taxes. I’m sure that a lot of guys and even gals would be more likely to invest in these silver, platinum and palladium alloyed
commemorative coins if they depicted a woman showing off her breasts. It is certainly something to think about.
The City of Saskatoon could seek to manufacture alloys of precious metals (in order to obtain hardness and durability) without the addition of small percentages of copper or nickel added to the mix, but instead make the alloy using small amounts of
alternative precious metals. Perhaps more city employees would opt to be paid with gold coins that were alloyed with small amounts of platinum, palladium or some other precious metal, as opposed to being paid in gold coins that were alloyed with copper
or nickel instead.
The copper, nickel and chromium coins are all known or suspected carcinogens while the gold, silver, platinum and palladium coins are not. If the city is selling commemorative coinage, we would be on better ground by offering coins that are not toxic.
Similarly if the city is paying workers their wages, we would be on better ground by paying our workers in gold coins, which is real money. Some workers will opt to be paid in commemorative silver, platinum and palladium coinage instead of the gold coin,
the city will do the math and benefit on the short term with the exchange, allowing it to lower taxes, while the worker who chooses to be paid with the silver, platinum and palladium coins in place of a gold coin, may profit over time due to the rising
market value of the silver, platinum and palladium. We can start by lowering taxes (stop paying compound interest on our bogus national debt) by paying a small gold coin (maybe 0.0404 Troy Ounces AGW, or perhaps 0.0357 Troy Ounces AGW) to most city
employees for a day’s work, I propose that we call this gold coin a “Namur”, and we can even put the image of my cat Namur on one side. People will wonder why they are not being paid with gold coins containing 0.0603 or perhaps 0.0600 Troy ounces
of gold instead, it would remain a mystery. When I am deceased or defeated, the following mayors may be free to decorate their coins with Mary, whichever pope, Charles, the Easter Bunny, an Egyptian obelisk, or perhaps even Santa Clause and a blinkin’
tree. People like blinkin’ trees, a coin depicting a blinkin’ evergreen tree may prove so very popular among the peasants, the city may rake in a fortune in coin sales and then cease collecting taxes from homeowners. Using metallurgy, “science”
and tasteful art, we would strike coins and thereby reduce or even eliminate property taxes for the home and business owners, maybe even provide rebates. Everybody will be very happy and will break into dance and song. Using “science” we have
determined that chromium, nickel and copper are all known or suspected carcinogens, so why circulate coins containing such toxins? Some people may rejoice when they are paid in a gold coin that is alloyed with silver instead of copper or nickel, others
may rejoice that the gold coin has an image of my Siamese cat on it, others may rejoice in being paid with a gold coin that depicts a woman tastefully showing off her breasts. Our governments teach us that diversity is good, so I would think it would be
equally good to have a variety of images on the coins the City of Saskatoon strikes.
Anticipate a new provincial government that will not pay rent for welfare recipients but will instead help the former renters become homeowners. Home ownership, even if the home is tiny, will go a long way to improve the lives of people. The tiny
homes should have concrete floors, concrete walls and a flat concrete roof to lessen the build time and provide shelters of substance that cannot easily be destroyed. Provide tiny homes (approximately 200 square feet per adult, 100 square feet per child),
eventually the new home owner may get their act together to upgrade the cheap windows and stove provided, add insulation and drywall or some other wall covering, expand the first floor or add a second story to the structure, make an outhouse, add solar
panels or a windmill for electric lighting, or even dig a water well. Provide each new residence with a heavy steel door that cannot be easily kicked in. Rather than giving away tax money monthly to pay rent to a landlord, instead provide some building
materials and kick-start home ownership. Place leans upon each property so that the houses may not be sold without the taxpayers recouping their investments. The City of Saskatoon should not wait for provincial nor federal government assistance with our
homeless crisis, we should purchase a block of four or six sections of land several miles away from the city for the new small homes. The land can be fenced and shared with bison, the houses need to be concrete as the bison would rub against them on
occasion. Some new homeowners would opt to live in bison-free areas - people should have options in life - governments should be providing options for people rather than taking options away. Governments removed building options from people and forced
them to use construction techniques that result in rotting homes of limited life spans… it is likely better to live in a concrete home surrounded with bison than live in the basement of a rotting home surrounded by discarded needles while having your
privacy and the sanctity of your home repeatedly violated by your landlord who refuses to give tenants the legally required 24-hour notice before barging into the premises. The concrete houses should be spaced adequately to allow for bison, moose, deer
and coyotes to walk between, people who want to fence their gardens off from the deer, moose and bison should be allowed to do so but not in such a large amount to prevent the passage of animals, Perhaps allow people to fence off a maximum of 800 square
feet for their personal garden space, and only if they use the space for vegetable or flower garden, otherwise leave the area unimpeded for animal traffic. The automobiles can be left at one of the parking lots at the outer edge of the sanctuary and
people can walk to their concrete houses, some people will want their concrete house to be located close to one of the parking lots. Bringing automobiles into the housing/bison reserve would be sure to disrupt the bison and moose so the vehicles are best
left in parking lots at one of the entrances. Smart automatic fences can be made that will confine the bison and horses while allowing the passage of moose, deer and antelope. The presence of bison or horses in an area would close the fences in that area
to prevent their escape.
Stop funding the downtown Lighthouse shelter and instead provide the impoverished with small homes in the countryside, and find other ways to build confidence in consumers so they will return to the downtown core and patronize the stores. Saskatoon
should use its downtown core for the advancement of commerce rather than showing off impoverished and often dirty and lazy individuals. The Russian peasants living under the Russian Tsars had the right to live in small shacks in the countryside and were
allowed to have gardens or small crops, while the Canadian slaves living at the Lighthouse are fed grossly substandard meals. I’ve seen grown men cry at the Lighthouse, as they were made to wait over an hour for their dinners to arrive, and when the
dinner finally arrives the food provided is unpalatable and the portion insufficient to sustain life. People come out of a six-week psychiatric torture session at the University of Saskatchewan, or at Saskatoon City Hospital, and their Brahmin
psychiatrist has them injected with a long lasting CIA inspired “depot” drug on the final day of that horror, leaving them in utter nauseous misery and horror for another couple of months after they are released. Then they end up at the Lighthouse
and continue to be mistreated, it’s no wonder that grown men cry. Management at the Lighthouse benefits from the donations and are widely known to take food home for themselves while their inmates suffer. Many people who are repeatedly “treated” to
the six-week long psychiatric sessions end up in Filipino (Catholic) run group homes where the food provided consists mainly of starches (bread and potatoes) and minimal fruits and vegetables. The Filipino Catholics don’t open group homes to provide
loving care for the disenfranchised, they open the group homes in order to profit from their misery. What taxpayers pay to keep the poor in group homes, and in homeless facilities such as the Lighthouse, can easily buy concrete homes for these people in
the countryside. And what taxpayers pay to keep people in prisons and psychiatric torture centers could instead easily buy those people multi-million dollar mansions, and for each and every one of them.
The disenfranchised living in the Filipino group homes and at the downtown Lighthouse are mainly white people who did not get the opportunities to advance in society, and were instead actively prevented from attending trade schools, and/or who were
directed into attending non-productive classes at the University of Saskatchewan College of Arts and Sciences. Many of the people living in the Filipino owned group homes are forced to leave the homes during the day (even in 40 degree below weather),
many of the poor would go to the McDonald’s Restaurant on the corner of 22nd Street and 2nd Avenue in downtown Saskatoon, there the coffee refills were 30 cents, there was always a large group of impoverished who would help each other out to scrape up
enough money for a cup of coffee. People running the city of Saskatoon decided it was wrong to provide a place for these impoverished people to meet and drink coffee together and they had that McDonald’s restaurant demolished and turned into a parking
lot. Around the same time the authorities of morality decided to close the Mendal Art Gallery, which was another place the impoverished could freely attend. A couple decades earlier the City of Saskatoon similarly decided to demolish the Barry Hotel as
this was a place that the impoverished Indians and white people got together for an evening of fun. The reason for the destruction of the Barry Hotel was that people were meeting there and having fun. Now the authorities of morality are getting the
residents to pay over a hundred million dollars for the Remai Modern Art Gallery, and none of impoverished ever enter.
Saskatoon needs to provide places to park horse-drawn carriages. If I bothered to run for mayor and if I was elected the mayor of Saskatoon I would seek to reserve appropriate locations for tying up and corralling horses, as some visitors from out of
town will arrive on horses or in horse driven carriages. People on bicycles will likely come along and pick up the horse shit for free, they will take it back to their gardens in the city, or next to their concrete homes in the country, where they will
fail to compost the material adequately and then spread weeds throughout their communities and neighborhoods.
I believe we should allocate Yorath Island to this purpose of stabling horses and parking carriages, and name the area Matthew Hardy Park and name the future bridge to Yorath Island “Matthew Hardy Bridge”. Matthew Hardy liked the testimony of
Jesus that I gave him, and he visited me while I was being tortured by Hindus at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, his enthusiasm of my testimony got him killed, his remains were found years later on Yorath Island, and so the Hardy family was
denied a son and a brother and I was denied the visitor and was left with parents who demanded that I take a pill (Catholics lobbied my parents to shut me up). Matthew Hardy was thrilled to see the math I showed him, it linked his name to his birthday
and to numbers in the Bible, it provided evidence that his name and birthday were both gifts from God, and the God was the God of the Bible. All of Matthew’s friends saw themselves as some type of witches, they dressed and talked in darkness and were
not happy to hear any testimony of God’s Word. The psychiatrists who were torturing me cited my interest in numbers as a reason to torture me further, the people I showed evidence that their names were in harmony with their birthdays and with the
numbers in the Bible all chuckled, one or two gave me a few coins for my work. Far more people laughed at me, libeled, slandered and assaulted me than those who tossed me a few coins for my work. My Doukhobor relatives only cared about their Catholic
evergreen tree traditions, none had an ounce of compassion for me… all the Doukhobors had become Catholics who did not say anything to jeopardize their peaceful and toiling lives.
Free people are paid in gold and silver coins and are allowed to own land and guns… allowing some Canadians to possess land and possess guns, and allowing them to buy commemorative gold or silver coins at the post offices and banks at greatly
inflated prices, is just a show. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms foisted upon us by Trudeau Senior doth not recognize our right to own neither land nor guns. Those that have gun licenses should be aware that the license is just a temporary permit to
possess a gun and the gun may be removed from them at any time, and similarly those that have land risk similar loss. In some regards the Russian peasants had more freedom than the Canadian slaves. Both the Russian peasants and the Canadian slaves are
provided with priests that wave smoke and splash some water around. The Russian peasants were made to fight for their country while the Canadian slaves are made to eat substandard food while their nation is handed over to Chinese and Islamists. The
Russian Tsars defended their nation while Ottawa strikes secret deals with both the Chinese and the Islamists, and even allows the Chinese to launch legal suits against us in secret courts should we hamper their unfettered access to Canadian resources.
In Russia the Tsar would have people exiled to Siberia if they dared to criticize the priests who claimed to be the sole authority on Scripture, in Canada they had me repeatedly arrested and tortured for daring to speak out against their pagan evergreen
tree idols and their censorship of cannibalism. I said they have Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches, they called me a pedophile and employed Hindus to tortured me, I requested assistance and people laughed at me and called me a pedophile,
the more I cried out against the system, the more the Canadians laughed at me. The churches in both Russia and Canada incorporate phalluses built into their church architecture, not unlike the Moslems, Sikhs and Hindus with their mosque and temple
architectures, but to say that Christians are capping their churches with penises results in their church members and the general pubic laughing at me, libeling me (calling me a pedophile), assaulting me, and ultimately torturing me. Stop psychiatry, it
is so horrible.
An end to Catholic (pagan) fertility rites on city property… no money spent on decorated evergreen trees, decorated evergreen tree wreaths and blinkin’ lights, on their purchase nor on their annual installation and removal. Removal of the pagan
representations of penises on Broadway Avenue. Removal of all Egyptian phalluses located on city owned properties (such as on the Broadway Bridge and at City Hall). An end to the arrest and psychiatric torture of those who criticize the Catholic (pagan)
phallic traditions. An end to psychiatric treatment (torture) within the city… it is the churches that are sick and not the people who criticize the pagan traditions taught by these churches. The city should look at not only ending torture in the
hospitals (a real mismanagement of tax money) but look at compensating people who suffered under the hands of psychiatry. There is a real risk that if we do not stop psychiatry, then increasing numbers of “normal” people across this nation will start
facing widespread torture.
The so-called “Christian” churches teach people to honor pagan fertility tree traditions that are in direct opposition to God’s First Three Commandments… people are taught to honor pagan fertility traditions in place of God’s Commandments
and then these people go on to commit violations of other of God’s Commandments, the resulting crime destroys lives and results in higher taxes for businesses and homeowners. The churches (and mosques and temples) should be taxed in order to alleviate
these higher taxes that they themselves are causing through their pagan teachings. The Doukhobors should pay increased taxes as they too have adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so have become Catholics, they claim to abide by God’s Commandments
but they honor Catholic fertility rites which are in violation of God’s First Four Commandments. Doukhobors used to be a benefit to Canadians, now they negligently teach people to abide by Catholic fertility rites. When people adopt Catholic fertility
rites then they become Catholics, and that includes Doukhobors. It will be difficult to collect increased taxes from the Zoroastrians as they are difficult to find… Zoroastrians faced tremendous persecution from Moslems over the centuries and now they
hide. The Doukhobors (the Old Believers) faced tremendous persecution from Christians over the last few centuries and now they avoid persecution by embracing Catholic fertility rites and by changing their Slavic names to Anglicized names. The Canadian
Ukrainians turn eggs and trees into decorated idols and actively help to teach my Doukhobor relatives to embrace the Catholic fertility rites. Now my Doukhobor relatives love Catholic fertility rites far more than Jesus. The Jehovah Witnesses are a
Catholic church as they embrace the Vatican’s Sunday Sabbath. The Jewish community will not face additional tax burdens because they do not systematically teach people to violate God’s Commandments but teach people to abide by God’s Commandments
instead. Please note that I never stated that one is saved by keeping God’s Commandments, nor do I hold such a view.
People are systematically taught to embrace traditions in place of God’s Commandments, their libraries are filled with books advocating witchcraft and homosexuality, and their media is but a mouthpiece for the Catholic Church that repeats the call
to turn trees into decorated idols and provides encouragement to violate additional Commandments, resulting in crime and higher taxes. So not only should the churches, mosques and pagan temples be taxed to help pay for the costs they impose upon society,
their media should be taxed as well.
Multitudes of soldiers gave their lives for our freedom, and our governments honor their sacrifices by erecting Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) for them, and by placing statues of soldiers next to or on top of these Egyptian penises.
And every winter the soldier’s tombstones are decorated with wreaths made from evergreen trees, which they also turn into decorated idols. Turning evergreen trees into decorated idols is an ancient fertility rite that is now religiously honored the
Catholic church. When Catholics decorate the graves of the war dead with their Catholic symbols of fertility, they are using the dead soldiers to push their Catholic beliefs upon others. These soldiers never fought for your Catholic fertility rites but
for your freedom. These are traditions that have become so important that society is willing to have those who point out the pagan filth be arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities. There are more appropriate ways to thank service men and women
for their service than to honor them with a pagan dink, or with a decorated fertility tree idol.
The city closed down the Mendel Art Gallery, it was a wonderful place that provided free access to art and to a conservatory full of plants. Only once I went to Saskatoon’s new art gallery, I was turned away as the entire facility was closed to the
general public, but other people were still being admitted, those being admitted were arriving in limousines and they were wearing outfits that exceed the cost of what I spend on clothes in three years. I did not return. One would think that with four
stories the new art gallery is large enough to always accommodate people of differing social-economic backgrounds at the same time. One would think that the old gallery would not be shuttered until the new gallery was ready for occupancy, but this was
not the case and the general public was left without a gallery for years - the wealthy among us cared little that the city was without a working gallery while the new gallery was being constructed as they could easily afford to frequently fly to other
communities and other countries to view the art there. I support the re-establishment of the Mendel Art Gallery and an end of cash transfers to the new gallery. A study should be done on the new gallery and determine how it can be repurposed, perhaps it
can be used to teach aviation or perhaps the space can even be used to build small airplanes. There is a much greater desire of city residents to own their own cars, motorcycles, boats, airplanes and helicopters than to spend money for admission into an
exclusive art gallery where people arrive in limousines.
The city used to hold the immensely popular “Louis Riel Relay Race” in the 1980’s and 1990’s, the event drew great crowds to the center of the city. It was a way to bring together people of all cultures, not just Metis, but also Native
Aboriginals, Whites, Chinese and most of the rest of the diverse community. The relay race even involved people riding horses along the river bank, people racing canoes up and down the river, others running with heavy packs, it was truly exciting and
thousands upon thousands of people annually showed up to view the spectacle. Then the city cancelled the event and put Chinese Dragon Boat Races in their place. About the same time the Chinese Dragon Boat Races began, the media stopped their campaign to
demonize the Chinese people, and instead ran “news” stories of how the Chinese were embracing “Christmas” (aka turning trees into decorated idols), saying “Look at their beautiful blinkin’ trees - the Chinese people are just the same as you
and me.” The media played upon people’s love of pagan fertility rites in order to push a pro-Chinese agenda. I support a return of the Louis Riel Relay Race to downtown Saskatoon. If Chinese people want to maintain their traditions they should do so
without cancelling our traditions.
High school students know how to smoke in large groups, resulting in clouds of carcinogenic toxins irritating the homeowners living close to the schools… if the students can afford drugs, tattoos, body piercings, designer clothes, automobiles and
smart phones, then they can also afford fines for littering and jaywalking. Sometimes the weather is such that the cigarette smoke hangs in the air, it makes life miserable for those residents who live adjacent to the high schools. When sleeping people
smell tobacco smoke their hearts speed up and they wake up, people living in apartments suffer and die early deaths, the age quickly because they are unable to sleep soundly due to their hearts racing from the second-hand smoke.
The federal government recently legalized marijuana, but renters have no place to smoke and can face fines for smoking in public places, it is a sorry state of affairs for the smokers who rent. It is also a sorry state for the renters who do not smoke
and have to tolerate the smoke from the other tenants. We should look at providing designated smoking areas for people that smoke tobacco or marijuana. Renters smoking inside non-smoking facilities should consider moving to a tiny house located outside
of the city, which they would become owners of, before they are charged for administering noxious substances. Be aware that just a small amount of second hand smoke, or incense, will wake most non-smokers out of a deep sleep as the smoke makes hearts
beat faster. Abused people, such as those coming out of psychiatric facilities, don’t sleep very soundly, they find themselves living in the worst possible housing scenarios where people smoke and party day and night. The abused people go from
absolutely horrid living accommodations in psychiatric facilities to the absolutely horrid living accommodations of smokey rental facilities in the city where people are literally bouncing up and down the hallways day and night. People coming out of
psychiatric “care” facilities are very close to death and require adequate rest, which is not provided to them in the putrid dumps they end up in after their release. I pity the people who live in apartment buildings located next to the high schools,
where putrid tobacco clouds endlessly hang. Life is short for most people who end up getting “treated” by psychiatrists, and they don’t smile much before they die.
No tax money to be utilized for sports. Institute a program to help military cadets, sports groups and other clubs raise money for their organizations where the members record bylaw violations and have the resulting fines shared between the city and
the organizations. Target the areas where bars are located and impose fines upon people for littering and for urinating in public. Submitting a 5 minute video of an unattached trailer on a city street can earn your organization cold hard cash (it is
illegal to leave a trailer on the street unattached to a vehicle, people should be able to attach it within 5 minutes). Get a video identifying people exposing themselves and urinating in public and win money for your club. Military cadets are not
receiving adequate funding and require additional time practicing marksmanship at gun ranges, it costs money.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff
July 3rd 2022 2:57 pm 127,224 words (143 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“America is ruled by a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who demands that Americans take the death jab. Similarly Trudeau is an Islamist who demands that Canadians take the death jab, squeak squeak.” -Squeak
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I would pay my employees in real money, which is gold and silver coins. The City of Saskatoon could strike its own gold coins to pay their employees. As mayor of The City of Saskatoon I’d give the average worker a 0.06
troy ounce (0.06 AGW), gold coin for eight hours work. This will reduce taxes to homeowners and to business owners considerably. Workers wanting more than a 0.06 Troy Ounce gold coin for a eight hour work day can seek out work elsewhere, they may go mine
gold for themselves or work at alternative businesses, or create their own businesses. Free people are allowed to have guns, land, and are paid in gold and silver coins, back in the day when people were free Mexico made a 2.5 Peso (.0603 oz) gold coin
from 1918-1948, and the coin was alloyed at 90% gold to 10% copper, it was alloyed in order to make the coin harder and more durable to survive circulation. We should have a small gold coin that is similar to that Mexican coin, but containing 0.06 ounces
of gold instead, or less, it would be a savings of at least .0003 ounces of gold per coin, again saving money for the home and business owners by reducing taxes, perhaps. We’ll be rich. And the supposed poor among us would have small concrete homes in
the country - they get their own concrete homes (and pay the city mortgage on the tiny house) and a garden, they can work towards gaining wealth with their gardens and taxpayers wouldn’t have to give money to landlords. People would not pay taxes for
landlords to house the poor, and would obtain access to locally grown produce.
We may alloy the gold with either copper, nickel or silver or combinations thereof, to make the coins harder and more durable to the wear that results from the circulation of the coins. We should determine, using “science”, which particular alloy
of gold we should be using in our coins. We can use “science” to determine which alloy works best. We can try using “science” from time to time, at city hall, if I were mayor.
The City of Saskatoon may strike coins containing the “alloys” of precious metals, we should make gold, silver, platinum and palladium coins, and using “science” we will harden these coins by adding small amounts of either base or precious
metals in a mixture or “alloy”. Whenever the city strikes and sells coins containing a majority of silver, platinum or palladium, the city should strive to always profit from the manufacturing and sale of these white coins and save money for the
taxpayers. But when we manufacture gold coins it is because we require the coins to pay our workers in gold, so “they” may profit. For example we could use combinations of platinum, palladium and silver, and perhaps hardened with small amounts of
copper or nickel or gold, and manufacture commemorative coins, which The City of Saskatoon would sell at a profit, to reduce taxes. I’m sure that a lot of guys and even gals would be more likely to invest in these silver, platinum and palladium alloyed
commemorative coins if they depicted a woman showing off her breasts. It is certainly something to think about.
The City of Saskatoon could seek to manufacture alloys of precious metals (in order to obtain hardness and durability) without the addition of small percentages of copper or nickel added to the mix, but instead make the alloy using small amounts of
alternative precious metals. Perhaps more city employees would opt to be paid with gold coins that were alloyed with small amounts of platinum, palladium or some other precious metal, as opposed to being paid in gold coins that were alloyed with copper
or nickel instead.
The copper, nickel and chromium coins are all known or suspected carcinogens while the gold, silver, platinum and palladium coins are not. If the city is selling commemorative coinage, we would be on better ground by offering coins that are not toxic.
Similarly if the city is paying workers their wages, we would be on better ground by paying our workers in gold coins, which is real money. Some workers will opt to be paid in commemorative silver, platinum and palladium coinage instead of the gold coin,
the city will do the math and benefit on the short term with the exchange, allowing it to lower taxes, while the worker who chooses to be paid with the silver, platinum and palladium coins in place of a gold coin, may profit over time due to the rising
market value of the silver, platinum and palladium. We can start by lowering taxes (stop paying compound interest on our bogus national debt) by paying a small gold coin (maybe 0.0404 Troy Ounces AGW, or perhaps 0.0357 Troy Ounces AGW) to most city
employees for a day’s work, I propose that we call this gold coin a “Namur”, and we can even put the image of my cat Namur on one side. People will wonder why they are not being paid with gold coins containing 0.0603 or perhaps 0.0600 Troy ounces
of gold instead, it would remain a mystery. When I am deceased or defeated, the following mayors may be free to decorate their coins with Mary, whichever pope, Charles, the Easter Bunny, an Egyptian obelisk, or perhaps even Santa Clause and a blinkin’
tree. People like blinkin’ trees, a coin depicting a blinkin’ evergreen tree may prove so very popular among the peasants, the city may rake in a fortune in coin sales and then cease collecting taxes from homeowners. Using metallurgy, “science”
and tasteful art, we would strike coins and thereby reduce or even eliminate property taxes for the home and business owners, maybe even provide rebates. Everybody will be very happy and will break into dance and song. Using “science” we have
determined that chromium, nickel and copper are all known or suspected carcinogens, so why circulate coins containing such toxins? Some people may rejoice when they are paid in a gold coin that is alloyed with silver instead of copper or nickel, others
may rejoice that the gold coin has an image of my Siamese cat on it, others may rejoice in being paid with a gold coin that depicts a woman tastefully showing off her breasts. Our governments teach us that diversity is good, so I would think it would be
equally good to have a variety of images on the coins the City of Saskatoon strikes.
Anticipate a new provincial government that will not pay rent for welfare recipients but will instead help the former renters become homeowners. Home ownership, even if the home is tiny, will go a long way to improve the lives of people. The tiny
homes should have concrete floors, concrete walls and a flat concrete roof to lessen the build time and provide shelters of substance that cannot easily be destroyed. Provide tiny homes (approximately 200 square feet per adult, 100 square feet per child),
eventually the new home owner may get their act together to upgrade the cheap windows and stove provided, add insulation and drywall or some other wall covering, expand the first floor or add a second story to the structure, make an outhouse, add solar
panels or a windmill for electric lighting, or even dig a water well. Provide each new residence with a heavy steel door that cannot be easily kicked in. Rather than giving away tax money monthly to pay rent to a landlord, instead provide some building
materials and kick-start home ownership. Place leans upon each property so that the houses may not be sold without the taxpayers recouping their investments. The City of Saskatoon should not wait for provincial nor federal government assistance with our
homeless crisis, we should purchase a block of four or six sections of land several miles away from the city for the new small homes. The land can be fenced and shared with bison, the houses need to be concrete as the bison would rub against them on
occasion. Some new homeowners would opt to live in bison-free areas - people should have options in life - governments should be providing options for people rather than taking options away. Governments removed building options from people and forced
them to use construction techniques that result in rotting homes of limited life spans… it is likely better to live in a concrete home surrounded with bison than live in the basement of a rotting home surrounded by discarded needles while having your
privacy and the sanctity of your home repeatedly violated by your landlord who refuses to give tenants the legally required 24-hour notice before barging into the premises. The concrete houses should be spaced adequately to allow for bison, moose, deer
and coyotes to walk between, people who want to fence their gardens off from the deer, moose and bison should be allowed to do so but not in such a large amount to prevent the passage of animals, Perhaps allow people to fence off a maximum of 800 square
feet for their personal garden space, and only if they use the space for vegetable or flower garden, otherwise leave the area unimpeded for animal traffic. The automobiles can be left at one of the parking lots at the outer edge of the sanctuary and
people can walk to their concrete houses, some people will want their concrete house to be located close to one of the parking lots. Bringing automobiles into the housing/bison reserve would be sure to disrupt the bison and moose so the vehicles are best
left in parking lots at one of the entrances. Smart automatic fences can be made that will confine the bison and horses while allowing the passage of moose, deer and antelope. The presence of bison or horses in an area would close the fences in that area
to prevent their escape.
Stop funding the downtown Lighthouse shelter and instead provide the impoverished with small homes in the countryside, and find other ways to build confidence in consumers so they will return to the downtown core and patronize the stores. Saskatoon
should use its downtown core for the advancement of commerce rather than showing off impoverished and often dirty and lazy individuals. The Russian peasants living under the Russian Tsars had the right to live in small shacks in the countryside and were
allowed to have gardens or small crops, while the Canadian slaves living at the Lighthouse are fed grossly substandard meals. I’ve seen grown men cry at the Lighthouse, as they were made to wait over an hour for their dinners to arrive, and when the
dinner finally arrives the food provided is unpalatable and the portion insufficient to sustain life. People come out of a six-week psychiatric torture session at the University of Saskatchewan, or at Saskatoon City Hospital, and their Brahmin
psychiatrist has them injected with a long lasting CIA inspired “depot” drug on the final day of that horror, leaving them in utter nauseous misery and horror for another couple of months after they are released. Then they end up at the Lighthouse
and continue to be mistreated, it’s no wonder that grown men cry. Management at the Lighthouse benefits from the donations and are widely known to take food home for themselves while their inmates suffer. Many people who are repeatedly “treated” to
the six-week long psychiatric sessions end up in Filipino (Catholic) run group homes where the food provided consists mainly of starches (bread and potatoes) and minimal fruits and vegetables. The Filipino Catholics don’t open group homes to provide
loving care for the disenfranchised, they open the group homes in order to profit from their misery. What taxpayers pay to keep the poor in group homes, and in homeless facilities such as the Lighthouse, can easily buy concrete homes for these people in
the countryside. And what taxpayers pay to keep people in prisons and psychiatric torture centers could instead easily buy those people multi-million dollar mansions, and for each and every one of them.
The disenfranchised living in the Filipino group homes and at the downtown Lighthouse are mainly white people who did not get the opportunities to advance in society, and were instead actively prevented from attending trade schools, and/or who were
directed into attending non-productive classes at the University of Saskatchewan College of Arts and Sciences. Many of the people living in the Filipino owned group homes are forced to leave the homes during the day (even in 40 degree below weather),
many of the poor would go to the McDonald’s Restaurant on the corner of 22nd Street and 2nd Avenue in downtown Saskatoon, there the coffee refills were 30 cents, there was always a large group of impoverished who would help each other out to scrape up
enough money for a cup of coffee. People running the city of Saskatoon decided it was wrong to provide a place for these impoverished people to meet and drink coffee together and they had that McDonald’s restaurant demolished and turned into a parking
lot. Around the same time the authorities of morality decided to close the Mendal Art Gallery, which was another place the impoverished could freely attend. A couple decades earlier the City of Saskatoon similarly decided to demolish the Barry Hotel as
this was a place that the impoverished Indians and white people got together for an evening of fun. The reason for the destruction of the Barry Hotel was that people were meeting there and having fun. Now the authorities of morality are getting the
residents to pay over a hundred million dollars for the Remai Modern Art Gallery, and none of impoverished ever enter.
Saskatoon needs to provide places to park horse-drawn carriages. If I bothered to run for mayor and if I was elected the mayor of Saskatoon I would seek to reserve appropriate locations for tying up and corralling horses, as some visitors from out of
town will arrive on horses or in horse driven carriages. People on bicycles will likely come along and pick up the horse shit for free, they will take it back to their gardens in the city, or next to their concrete homes in the country, where they will
fail to compost the material adequately and then spread weeds throughout their communities and neighborhoods.
I believe we should allocate Yorath Island to this purpose of stabling horses and parking carriages, and name the area Matthew Hardy Park and name the future bridge to Yorath Island “Matthew Hardy Bridge”. Matthew Hardy liked the testimony of
Jesus that I gave him, and he visited me while I was being tortured by Hindus at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, his enthusiasm of my testimony got him killed, his remains were found years later on Yorath Island, and so the Hardy family was
denied a son and a brother and I was denied the visitor and was left with parents who demanded that I take a pill (Catholics lobbied my parents to shut me up). Matthew Hardy was thrilled to see the math I showed him, it linked his name to his birthday
and to numbers in the Bible, it provided evidence that his name and birthday were both gifts from God, and the God was the God of the Bible. All of Matthew’s friends saw themselves as some type of witches, they dressed and talked in darkness and were
not happy to hear any testimony of God’s Word. The psychiatrists who were torturing me cited my interest in numbers as a reason to torture me further, the people I showed evidence that their names were in harmony with their birthdays and with the
numbers in the Bible all chuckled, one or two gave me a few coins for my work. Far more people laughed at me, libeled, slandered and assaulted me than those who tossed me a few coins for my work. My Doukhobor relatives only cared about their Catholic
evergreen tree traditions, none had an ounce of compassion for me… all the Doukhobors had become Catholics who did not say anything to jeopardize their peaceful and toiling lives.
Free people are paid in gold and silver coins and are allowed to own land and guns… allowing some Canadians to possess land and possess guns, and allowing them to buy commemorative gold or silver coins at the post offices and banks at greatly
inflated prices, is just a show. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms foisted upon us by Trudeau Senior doth not recognize our right to own neither land nor guns. Those that have gun licenses should be aware that the license is just a temporary permit to
possess a gun and the gun may be removed from them at any time, and similarly those that have land risk similar loss. In some regards the Russian peasants had more freedom than the Canadian slaves. Both the Russian peasants and the Canadian slaves are
provided with priests that wave smoke and splash some water around. The Russian peasants were made to fight for their country while the Canadian slaves are made to eat substandard food while their nation is handed over to Chinese and Islamists. The
Russian Tsars defended their nation while Ottawa strikes secret deals with both the Chinese and the Islamists, and even allows the Chinese to launch legal suits against us in secret courts should we hamper their unfettered access to Canadian resources.
In Russia the Tsar would have people exiled to Siberia if they dared to criticize the priests who claimed to be the sole authority on Scripture, in Canada they had me repeatedly arrested and tortured for daring to speak out against their pagan evergreen
tree idols and their censorship of cannibalism. I said they have Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches, they called me a pedophile and employed Hindus to tortured me, I requested assistance and people laughed at me and called me a pedophile,
the more I cried out against the system, the more the Canadians laughed at me. The churches in both Russia and Canada incorporate phalluses built into their church architecture, not unlike the Moslems, Sikhs and Hindus with their mosque and temple
architectures, but to say that Christians are capping their churches with penises results in their church members and the general pubic laughing at me, libeling me (calling me a pedophile), assaulting me, and ultimately torturing me. Stop psychiatry, it
is so horrible.
An end to Catholic (pagan) fertility rites on city property… no money spent on decorated evergreen trees, decorated evergreen tree wreaths and blinkin’ lights, on their purchase nor on their annual installation and removal. Removal of the pagan
representations of penises on Broadway Avenue. Removal of all Egyptian phalluses located on city owned properties (such as on the Broadway Bridge and at City Hall). An end to the arrest and psychiatric torture of those who criticize the Catholic (pagan)
phallic traditions. An end to psychiatric treatment (torture) within the city… it is the churches that are sick and not the people who criticize the pagan traditions taught by these churches. The city should look at not only ending torture in the
hospitals (a real mismanagement of tax money) but look at compensating people who suffered under the hands of psychiatry. There is a real risk that if we do not stop psychiatry, then increasing numbers of “normal” people across this nation will start
facing widespread torture.
The so-called “Christian” churches teach people to honor pagan fertility tree traditions that are in direct opposition to God’s First Three Commandments… people are taught to honor pagan fertility traditions in place of God’s Commandments
and then these people go on to commit violations of other of God’s Commandments, the resulting crime destroys lives and results in higher taxes for businesses and homeowners. The churches (and mosques and temples) should be taxed in order to alleviate
these higher taxes that they themselves are causing through their pagan teachings. The Doukhobors should pay increased taxes as they too have adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so have become Catholics, they claim to abide by God’s Commandments
but they honor Catholic fertility rites which are in violation of God’s First Four Commandments. Doukhobors used to be a benefit to Canadians, now they negligently teach people to abide by Catholic fertility rites. When people adopt Catholic fertility
rites then they become Catholics, and that includes Doukhobors. It will be difficult to collect increased taxes from the Zoroastrians as they are difficult to find… Zoroastrians faced tremendous persecution from Moslems over the centuries and now they
hide. The Doukhobors (the Old Believers) faced tremendous persecution from Christians over the last few centuries and now they avoid persecution by embracing Catholic fertility rites and by changing their Slavic names to Anglicized names. The Canadian
Ukrainians turn eggs and trees into decorated idols and actively help to teach my Doukhobor relatives to embrace the Catholic fertility rites. Now my Doukhobor relatives love Catholic fertility rites far more than Jesus. The Jehovah Witnesses are a
Catholic church as they embrace the Vatican’s Sunday Sabbath. The Jewish community will not face additional tax burdens because they do not systematically teach people to violate God’s Commandments but teach people to abide by God’s Commandments
instead. Please note that I never stated that one is saved by keeping God’s Commandments, nor do I hold such a view.
People are systematically taught to embrace traditions in place of God’s Commandments, their libraries are filled with books advocating witchcraft and homosexuality, and their media is but a mouthpiece for the Catholic Church that repeats the call
to turn trees into decorated idols and provides encouragement to violate additional Commandments, resulting in crime and higher taxes. So not only should the churches, mosques and pagan temples be taxed to help pay for the costs they impose upon society,
their media should be taxed as well.
Multitudes of soldiers gave their lives for our freedom, and our governments honor their sacrifices by erecting Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) for them, and by placing statues of soldiers next to or on top of these Egyptian penises.
And every winter the soldier’s tombstones are decorated with wreaths made from evergreen trees, which they also turn into decorated idols. Turning evergreen trees into decorated idols is an ancient fertility rite that is now religiously honored the
Catholic church. When Catholics decorate the graves of the war dead with their Catholic symbols of fertility, they are using the dead soldiers to push their Catholic beliefs upon others. These soldiers never fought for your Catholic fertility rites but
for your freedom. These are traditions that have become so important that society is willing to have those who point out the pagan filth be arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities. There are more appropriate ways to thank service men and women
for their service than to honor them with a pagan dink, or with a decorated fertility tree idol.
The city closed down the Mendel Art Gallery, it was a wonderful place that provided free access to art and to a conservatory full of plants. Only once I went to Saskatoon’s new art gallery, I was turned away as the entire facility was closed to the
general public, but other people were still being admitted, those being admitted were arriving in limousines and they were wearing outfits that exceed the cost of what I spend on clothes in three years. I did not return. One would think that with four
stories the new art gallery is large enough to always accommodate people of differing social-economic backgrounds at the same time. One would think that the old gallery would not be shuttered until the new gallery was ready for occupancy, but this was
not the case and the general public was left without a gallery for years - the wealthy among us cared little that the city was without a working gallery while the new gallery was being constructed as they could easily afford to frequently fly to other
communities and other countries to view the art there. I support the re-establishment of the Mendel Art Gallery and an end of cash transfers to the new gallery. A study should be done on the new gallery and determine how it can be repurposed, perhaps it
can be used to teach aviation or perhaps the space can even be used to build small airplanes. There is a much greater desire of city residents to own their own cars, motorcycles, boats, airplanes and helicopters than to spend money for admission into an
exclusive art gallery where people arrive in limousines.
The city used to hold the immensely popular “Louis Riel Relay Race” in the 1980’s and 1990’s, the event drew great crowds to the center of the city. It was a way to bring together people of all cultures, not just Metis, but also Native
Aboriginals, Whites, Chinese and most of the rest of the diverse community. The relay race even involved people riding horses along the river bank, people racing canoes up and down the river, others running with heavy packs, it was truly exciting and
thousands upon thousands of people annually showed up to view the spectacle. Then the city cancelled the event and put Chinese Dragon Boat Races in their place. About the same time the Chinese Dragon Boat Races began, the media stopped their campaign to
demonize the Chinese people, and instead ran “news” stories of how the Chinese were embracing “Christmas” (aka turning trees into decorated idols), saying “Look at their beautiful blinkin’ trees - the Chinese people are just the same as you
and me.” The media played upon people’s love of pagan fertility rites in order to push a pro-Chinese agenda. I support a return of the Louis Riel Relay Race to downtown Saskatoon. If Chinese people want to maintain their traditions they should do so
without cancelling our traditions.
High school students know how to smoke in large groups, resulting in clouds of carcinogenic toxins irritating the homeowners living close to the schools… if the students can afford drugs, tattoos, body piercings, designer clothes, automobiles and
smart phones, then they can also afford fines for littering and jaywalking. Sometimes the weather is such that the cigarette smoke hangs in the air, it makes life miserable for those residents who live adjacent to the high schools. When sleeping people
smell tobacco smoke their hearts speed up and they wake up, people living in apartments suffer and die early deaths, the age quickly because they are unable to sleep soundly due to their hearts racing from the second-hand smoke.
The federal government recently legalized marijuana, but renters have no place to smoke and can face fines for smoking in public places, it is a sorry state of affairs for the smokers who rent. It is also a sorry state for the renters who do not smoke
and have to tolerate the smoke from the other tenants. We should look at providing designated smoking areas for people that smoke tobacco or marijuana. Renters smoking inside non-smoking facilities should consider moving to a tiny house located outside
of the city, which they would become owners of, before they are charged for administering noxious substances. Be aware that just a small amount of second hand smoke, or incense, will wake most non-smokers out of a deep sleep as the smoke makes hearts
beat faster. Abused people, such as those coming out of psychiatric facilities, don’t sleep very soundly, they find themselves living in the worst possible housing scenarios where people smoke and party day and night. The abused people go from
absolutely horrid living accommodations in psychiatric facilities to the absolutely horrid living accommodations of smokey rental facilities in the city where people are literally bouncing up and down the hallways day and night. People coming out of
psychiatric “care” facilities are very close to death and require adequate rest, which is not provided to them in the putrid dumps they end up in after their release. I pity the people who live in apartment buildings located next to the high schools,
where putrid tobacco clouds endlessly hang. Life is short for most people who end up getting “treated” by psychiatrists, and they don’t smile much before they die.
No tax money to be utilized for sports. Institute a program to help military cadets, sports groups and other clubs raise money for their organizations where the members record bylaw violations and have the resulting fines shared between the city and
the organizations. Target the areas where bars are located and impose fines upon people for littering and for urinating in public. Submitting a 5 minute video of an unattached trailer on a city street can earn your organization cold hard cash (it is
illegal to leave a trailer on the street unattached to a vehicle, people should be able to attach it within 5 minutes). Get a video identifying people exposing themselves and urinating in public and win money for your club. Military cadets are not
receiving adequate funding and require additional time practicing marksmanship at gun ranges, it costs money.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff August 3rd 2022 9:58 pm 131,371 words (148 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
People wanting to build aircraft, whether in the west or in the Russian far east, should consider making an assembly-line and rolling off copies of a commonly desired model, perhaps a flying boat that seats just four people. Another group of people
will be incessant that they will each have a Short Takeoff And Landing (STOL) aircraft, and so that group would be best served by building assembly-line copies of the same plane… One seater STOL? Two seater STOL? Four Seater STOL? There may be enough
interest to warrant making single, two and four seater STOL’s and rolling these three models off assembly lines. If the majority wants a four-seater STOL, the people who desire a one or two seater STOL may still manufacture what they desire, we should
have the room available to accommodate people’s projects. If city has the ability to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on assorted projects of very questionable worth, and more on projects that they have no business funding, then similarly the city
should be able to spend a bit of money to construct space that is suitable for you to build a project.
Put 100 people together each wanting to build the same aircraft, perhaps a one-seater STOL, this aircraft has a complex wing design. The 100 projects can be approached haphazardly with individuals constructing assorted parts of their aircraft
independently from one another. Or everybody could unite and build the wings for their airplanes at the same time. Or everybody could unite and build 100 copies of the same set of wings to be drawn for after the aircraft are built. Or 20 people could
unite and build the 100 sets of wings for the 100 aircraft while the other 80 people build different components for these 100 airplanes. This latter scenario would likely speed up the process of building the STOL aircraft, and 80% of the builders will
not have to worry about building wings for their aircraft. Hopefully there would be enough interest to get a second set of 100 (or more) people together to build a different aircraft, and perhaps get a third group of 100 people united so they too may
build 100 copies of some third style of aircraft for themselves. If you wanted an airplane and had very limited wealth, you would likely choose to join the group that seeks to make extremely cheap airplanes (likely mostly wooden and cloth) that are light
weight and so can function with lower horsepower engines. Perhaps your group will cooperatively own some engines that you may borrow until you get your act together to purchase your own. There might be some smaller groups of builders, for example there
may be 25 people who desire to build some plans-built airplane who do not wish to join with the other groups of people building other aircraft designs.
The city provides a room for the builders, first large rooms where all the prospective builders may meet and discuss building different designs, then smaller meeting rooms for the builders who decided upon the same design. At first the groups could
make use of smaller building facilities, perhaps sharing machine shops with others groups as they manufacture parts for their own designs, then later the groups would graduate to their own larger facilities that would allow them to build wings and
assemble their fuselages.
I believe many people will want to use welders to fix and customize their automobiles and trucks, we are in need of facilities for these projects that are well separated from other projects. People can start by bringing a clean vehicle that has no
papers or any other materials in the glove boxes or scattered about. Then they can drain the vehicle of fuel and remove the gas tank(s), and leave their gas tanks wrapped up and outside in the empty gas tank storage location. Then they can roll their
vehicle upon a movable platform, then they can remove their wheels and tires and similarly have these wrapped up and stored in an alternative outdoor storage location. Once their vehicle is stripped of paper, fuel and tires (fire hazards), and once their
vehicle propped up onto a movable platform, then they may move their vehicle into the building where there will be a secure storage location for it. When they are ready to work on their vehicle they may roll it out of the secure storage and work on the
vehicle, then return it to the secure storage when they are done for the day. People welding near fabric seats can remove their seats and other flammable materials and leave these items outside as well. People doing bodywork are creating dust and they
can do this in a separate building, people painting vehicles would again conduct this in a separate building. Perhaps other facilities can be made available for people to work on their vehicles without having to remove their gas tanks and tires. Consider
using the facilities to alter the oiling of your engine, relocate the oil filter to the top of the engine in order to easily accomplish future oil changes. Rather than use the facilities to work on your vehicles, use our other facilities where you build
your car from scratch, using anything from carbon fiber and other composites to aluminum, titanium and steel. Help people to innovate and create by providing encouragement and secure facilities, and by legalizing their creations and allowing their daily
use without the added burden of paperwork.
When people get together in groups they can talk and share ideas and share resources and manufacture all sorts of things, people would learn metalworking, woodworking and other skills, and the entire nation would benefit as a direct result of
allowing and helping people to get together and innovate. Innovation is far more apt to occur without having to deal with government and their mountains of paperwork.
There are sure to be accidents and people will lose fingers or other appendages, these can be humorously pickled and placed on display as we should always make the best of our situation. Anyway Stalin was wise to give the students the option to build
the composite Yaks, for those Yaks saved Russia from utter ruin. I bet the Russian kids sang songs in praise of Stalin back then, just as the Canadian kids sing praises for Justin Trudeau today.
And then again there is that issue of Cindy who isn’t quite sure which airplane to build and changes her mind, but still is able to trade the unwanted parts she built for an aircraft that she no longer desires for the parts she now requires, squeak
squeak. Probababbly Cindy would originally want to build a Yak and flee to Yakutia but then changed her mind and built a STOL and fled to Finland instead, in either case Saskatoon’s Aviation Department would strive to assist Cindy to meet her desired
goals, no matter how many times she changes her mind. Saskatoon’s Aviation Department would strive to assist Saskatoonian’s to emigrate to different locations, perhaps to Scandinavia or to the Russian far east, we could help send groups of people to
different locations, perhaps dropping people off at the sprawling and vibrant cities of Magadan and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. And again at the very last minute Cindy and women just like Cindy could again change their minds and could decide to travel
along with Steve to some bleak outpost in northern Siberia. Lucky Steve, it would be due to the flexibility of the Aviation Department to accommodate women like Cindy who decide at the last minute to include themselves and their equipment together with
an alternative Aviation Department convoy. In the end it would be trendsetters like Cindy who would pave the way for a better future for Saskatoonians, and for people like Steve.
Other Civic Issues:
Recently administrators at the main downtown library discarded massive number of books citing that people bound to wheelchairs were unable to reach the books on the highest and lowest shelves, they decided to remove access to books that other people
could reach. Over the last few decades the head librarians have been filling our shelves with material promoting witchcraft and homosexuality, this is in addition to the librarians pushing books advocating Catholic fertility rites. It costs taxpayers
about a million dollars every time a single individual gets infected with HIV, but you won’t read about that in books at our libraries. The libraries are being patronized by drug addicts who have little interest in reading, and who’s presence
negatively affect the learning of those who are so inclined. I do not support spending any money on a new larger downtown library, nor on spending money to annually turn the existing libraries into Catholic temples of fertility, nor on spending any
additional money on new crappy books advocating Catholicism, Islam, witchcraft nor homosexuality. Nor should we be spending money on computers (and computer support technicians) for patrons to play games on, and we can save money by reducing or ceasing
the purchase of adult fiction books. The library is for housing books and making these books accessible, not to cruise the internet and play computer games. We should stop spending money on paying wages for the administrators who turned our libraries
into jokes. We should radically cut the budget on the libraries and find new administrators who will allow books that are critical of the Catholicism, Islam, witchcraft and homosexuality. Rather than censor Michael Rowbotham’s “The Grip of Death: A
Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics” and even purge the record of the book ever having been at the library, we should instead buy several copies of the book. Rather than having hundreds or even thousands of different children
s books advocating witchcraft and homosexuality, we should be providing children with books that encourage independent thinking. Currently far less than 1% of the people in Canada are ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes, we should not be
using taxpayer’s money to encourage the other 99% to do so. Until the homosexual / witchcraft books are removed from the children’s section of the libraries, consider carding people and preventing anybody under the age of 18-years-old from entering
the public libraries, lest the city face a law suit for contributing to the delinquency of children. Children are created by a union of a man and a woman who ideally unite as a family and work together to raise these children, the public libraries (and
Hollywood and the media and the churches and the schools) are being used to contribute to the delinquency of children by advocating the removal of the fathers from the lives of his children and tearing families apart. City council should recognize that
the libraries have been co-opted by individuals that have very dark agendas and do everything possible to prevent additional money transfers that allow these damaging agendas to continue. Michael Rowbotham has a plan where interest-free money can be
created to pay for new infrastructure (bridges, overpasses, sewers, roads, schools, libraries, aircraft factories, homebuilt aviation insurance…), it would be helpful to give the citizens of Saskatoon access to such material. This interest free money
can be “created” by the City of Saskatoon to pay for any liability caused by our homebuilt aviators. At present, so-called “money” is printed by private banks out of thin air, and then loaned to the governments at compound interest, thereby
enslaving us. Recently people have had access to an excessive amount of fiction and are confusing fiction for non-fiction. And then on July 17th 2020 the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix announced that the Saskatoon Public Library has appointed a Syrian sodomite
who is living in Vancouver to be the new “Writer In Residence”, and so Danny Ramadan is now being paid to encourage Saskatoon’s youth to start ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes.
Over the last few decades many millions of dollars were spent just in Saskatoon to encourage people to adopt a homosexual lifestyle, now in 2020 and 2021 people are demonized if they desire to encourage children to adopt a straight lifestyle.
Hollywood, the media, the churches, the schools and the libraries are all teaching your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes… the result is the end of white families. The Moslems have four wives and a house for each wife (paid for
by your tax dollars through Saskatchewan Social Services), but the message from Hollywood, the media, the churches, the schools and the libraries is not for the Moslems to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes, the message for the Moslems is that
male Moslems can now also have white wives. And there is another message being sent out, that white women can be raped and traumatized with little fear of serious consequences to the rapist.
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I would pay my employees in real money, which is gold and silver coins. The City of Saskatoon could strike its own gold coins to pay their employees. As mayor of The City of Saskatoon I’d give the average worker a 0.06
troy ounce (0.06 AGW), gold coin for eight hours work. This will reduce taxes to homeowners and to business owners considerably. Workers wanting more than a 0.06 Troy Ounce gold coin for a eight hour work day can seek out work elsewhere, they may go mine
gold for themselves or work at alternative businesses, or create their own businesses. Free people are allowed to have guns, land, and are paid in gold and silver coins, back in the day when people were free Mexico made a 2.5 Peso (.0603 oz) gold coin
from 1918-1948, and the coin was alloyed at 90% gold to 10% copper, it was alloyed in order to make the coin harder and more durable to survive circulation. We should have a small gold coin that is similar to that Mexican coin, but containing 0.06 ounces
of gold instead, or less, it would be a savings of at least .0003 ounces of gold per coin, again saving money for the home and business owners by reducing taxes, perhaps. We’ll be rich. And the supposed poor among us would have small concrete homes in
the country - they get their own concrete homes (and pay the city mortgage on the tiny house) and a garden, they can work towards gaining wealth with their gardens and taxpayers wouldn’t have to give money to landlords. People would not pay taxes for
landlords to house the poor, and would obtain access to locally grown produce.
We may alloy the gold with either copper, nickel or silver or combinations thereof, to make the coins harder and more durable to the wear that results from the circulation of the coins. We should determine, using “science”, which particular alloy
of gold we should be using in our coins. We can use “science” to determine which alloy works best. We can try using “science” from time to time, at city hall, if I were mayor.
The City of Saskatoon may strike coins containing the “alloys” of precious metals, we should make gold, silver, platinum and palladium coins, and using “science” we will harden these coins by adding small amounts of either base or precious
metals in a mixture or “alloy”. Whenever the city strikes and sells coins containing a majority of silver, platinum or palladium, the city should strive to always profit from the manufacturing and sale of these white coins and save money for the
taxpayers. But when we manufacture gold coins it is because we require the coins to pay our workers in gold, so “they” may profit. For example we could use combinations of platinum, palladium and silver, and perhaps hardened with small amounts of
copper or nickel or gold, and manufacture commemorative coins, which The City of Saskatoon would sell at a profit, to reduce taxes. I’m sure that a lot of guys and even gals would be more likely to invest in these silver, platinum and palladium alloyed
commemorative coins if they depicted a woman showing off her breasts. It is certainly something to think about.
The City of Saskatoon could seek to manufacture alloys of precious metals (in order to obtain hardness and durability) without the addition of small percentages of copper or nickel added to the mix, but instead make the alloy using small amounts of
alternative precious metals. Perhaps more city employees would opt to be paid with gold coins that were alloyed with small amounts of platinum, palladium or some other precious metal, as opposed to being paid in gold coins that were alloyed with copper
or nickel instead.
The copper, nickel and chromium coins are all known or suspected carcinogens while the gold, silver, platinum and palladium coins are not. If the city is selling commemorative coinage, we would be on better ground by offering coins that are not toxic.
Similarly if the city is paying workers their wages, we would be on better ground by paying our workers in gold coins, which is real money. Some workers will opt to be paid in commemorative silver, platinum and palladium coinage instead of the gold coin,
the city will do the math and benefit on the short term with the exchange, allowing it to lower taxes, while the worker who chooses to be paid with the silver, platinum and palladium coins in place of a gold coin, may profit over time due to the rising
market value of the silver, platinum and palladium. We can start by lowering taxes (stop paying compound interest on our bogus national debt) by paying a small gold coin (maybe 0.0404 Troy Ounces AGW, or perhaps 0.0357 Troy Ounces AGW) to most city
employees for a day’s work, I propose that we call this gold coin a “Namur”, and we can even put the image of my cat Namur on one side. People will wonder why they are not being paid with gold coins containing 0.0603 or perhaps 0.0600 Troy ounces
of gold instead, it would remain a mystery. When I am deceased or defeated, the following mayors may be free to decorate their coins with Mary, whichever pope, Charles, the Easter Bunny, an Egyptian obelisk, or perhaps even Santa Clause and a blinkin’
tree. People like blinkin’ trees, a coin depicting a blinkin’ evergreen tree may prove so very popular among the peasants, the city may rake in a fortune in coin sales and then cease collecting taxes from homeowners. Using metallurgy, “science”
and tasteful art, we would strike coins and thereby reduce or even eliminate property taxes for the home and business owners, maybe even provide rebates. Everybody will be very happy and will break into dance and song. Using “science” we have
determined that chromium, nickel and copper are all known or suspected carcinogens, so why circulate coins containing such toxins? Some people may rejoice when they are paid in a gold coin that is alloyed with silver instead of copper or nickel, others
may rejoice that the gold coin has an image of my Siamese cat on it, others may rejoice in being paid with a gold coin that depicts a woman tastefully showing off her breasts. Our governments teach us that diversity is good, so I would think it would be
equally good to have a variety of images on the coins the City of Saskatoon strikes.
Anticipate a new provincial government that will not pay rent for welfare recipients but will instead help the former renters become homeowners. Home ownership, even if the home is tiny, will go a long way to improve the lives of people. The tiny
homes should have concrete floors, concrete walls and a flat concrete roof to lessen the build time and provide shelters of substance that cannot easily be destroyed. Provide tiny homes (approximately 200 square feet per adult, 100 square feet per child),
eventually the new home owner may get their act together to upgrade the cheap windows and stove provided, add insulation and drywall or some other wall covering, expand the first floor or add a second story to the structure, make an outhouse, add solar
panels or a windmill for electric lighting, or even dig a water well. Provide each new residence with a heavy steel door that cannot be easily kicked in. Rather than giving away tax money monthly to pay rent to a landlord, instead provide some building
materials and kick-start home ownership. Place leans upon each property so that the houses may not be sold without the taxpayers recouping their investments. The City of Saskatoon should not wait for provincial nor federal government assistance with our
homeless crisis, we should purchase a block of four or six sections of land several miles away from the city for the new small homes. The land can be fenced and shared with bison, the houses need to be concrete as the bison would rub against them on
occasion. Some new homeowners would opt to live in bison-free areas - people should have options in life - governments should be providing options for people rather than taking options away. Governments removed building options from people and forced
them to use construction techniques that result in rotting homes of limited life spans… it is likely better to live in a concrete home surrounded with bison than live in the basement of a rotting home surrounded by discarded needles while having your
privacy and the sanctity of your home repeatedly violated by your landlord who refuses to give tenants the legally required 24-hour notice before barging into the premises. The concrete houses should be spaced adequately to allow for bison, moose, deer
and coyotes to walk between, people who want to fence their gardens off from the deer, moose and bison should be allowed to do so but not in such a large amount to prevent the passage of animals, Perhaps allow people to fence off a maximum of 800 square
feet for their personal garden space, and only if they use the space for vegetable or flower garden, otherwise leave the area unimpeded for animal traffic. The automobiles can be left at one of the parking lots at the outer edge of the sanctuary and
people can walk to their concrete houses, some people will want their concrete house to be located close to one of the parking lots. Bringing automobiles into the housing/bison reserve would be sure to disrupt the bison and moose so the vehicles are best
left in parking lots at one of the entrances. Smart automatic fences can be made that will confine the bison and horses while allowing the passage of moose, deer and antelope. The presence of bison or horses in an area would close the fences in that area
to prevent their escape.
Stop funding the downtown Lighthouse shelter and instead provide the impoverished with small homes in the countryside, and find other ways to build confidence in consumers so they will return to the downtown core and patronize the stores. Saskatoon
should use its downtown core for the advancement of commerce rather than showing off impoverished and often dirty and lazy individuals. The Russian peasants living under the Russian Tsars had the right to live in small shacks in the countryside and were
allowed to have gardens or small crops, while the Canadian slaves living at the Lighthouse are fed grossly substandard meals. I’ve seen grown men cry at the Lighthouse, as they were made to wait over an hour for their dinners to arrive, and when the
dinner finally arrives the food provided is unpalatable and the portion insufficient to sustain life. People come out of a six-week psychiatric torture session at the University of Saskatchewan, or at Saskatoon City Hospital, and their Brahmin
psychiatrist has them injected with a long lasting CIA inspired “depot” drug on the final day of that horror, leaving them in utter nauseous misery and horror for another couple of months after they are released. Then they end up at the Lighthouse
and continue to be mistreated, it’s no wonder that grown men cry. Management at the Lighthouse benefits from the donations and are widely known to take food home for themselves while their inmates suffer. Many people who are repeatedly “treated” to
the six-week long psychiatric sessions end up in Filipino (Catholic) run group homes where the food provided consists mainly of starches (bread and potatoes) and minimal fruits and vegetables. The Filipino Catholics don’t open group homes to provide
loving care for the disenfranchised, they open the group homes in order to profit from their misery. What taxpayers pay to keep the poor in group homes, and in homeless facilities such as the Lighthouse, can easily buy concrete homes for these people in
the countryside. And what taxpayers pay to keep people in prisons and psychiatric torture centers could instead easily buy those people multi-million dollar mansions, and for each and every one of them.
The disenfranchised living in the Filipino group homes and at the downtown Lighthouse are mainly white people who did not get the opportunities to advance in society, and were instead actively prevented from attending trade schools, and/or who were
directed into attending non-productive classes at the University of Saskatchewan College of Arts and Sciences. Many of the people living in the Filipino owned group homes are forced to leave the homes during the day (even in 40 degree below weather),
many of the poor would go to the McDonald’s Restaurant on the corner of 22nd Street and 2nd Avenue in downtown Saskatoon, there the coffee refills were 30 cents, there was always a large group of impoverished who would help each other out to scrape up
enough money for a cup of coffee. People running the city of Saskatoon decided it was wrong to provide a place for these impoverished people to meet and drink coffee together and they had that McDonald’s restaurant demolished and turned into a parking
lot. Around the same time the authorities of morality decided to close the Mendal Art Gallery, which was another place the impoverished could freely attend. A couple decades earlier the City of Saskatoon similarly decided to demolish the Barry Hotel as
this was a place that the impoverished Indians and white people got together for an evening of fun. The reason for the destruction of the Barry Hotel was that people were meeting there and having fun. Now the authorities of morality are getting the
residents to pay over a hundred million dollars for the Remai Modern Art Gallery, and none of impoverished ever enter.
Saskatoon needs to provide places to park horse-drawn carriages. If I bothered to run for mayor and if I was elected the mayor of Saskatoon I would seek to reserve appropriate locations for tying up and corralling horses, as some visitors from out of
town will arrive on horses or in horse driven carriages. People on bicycles will likely come along and pick up the horse shit for free, they will take it back to their gardens in the city, or next to their concrete homes in the country, where they will
fail to compost the material adequately and then spread weeds throughout their communities and neighborhoods.
I believe we should allocate Yorath Island to this purpose of stabling horses and parking carriages, and name the area Matthew Hardy Park and name the future bridge to Yorath Island “Matthew Hardy Bridge”. Matthew Hardy liked the testimony of
Jesus that I gave him, and he visited me while I was being tortured by Hindus at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, his enthusiasm of my testimony got him killed, his remains were found years later on Yorath Island, and so the Hardy family was
denied a son and a brother and I was denied the visitor and was left with parents who demanded that I take a pill (Catholics lobbied my parents to shut me up). Matthew Hardy was thrilled to see the math I showed him, it linked his name to his birthday
and to numbers in the Bible, it provided evidence that his name and birthday were both gifts from God, and the God was the God of the Bible. All of Matthew’s friends saw themselves as some type of witches, they dressed and talked in darkness and were
not happy to hear any testimony of God’s Word. The psychiatrists who were torturing me cited my interest in numbers as a reason to torture me further, the people I showed evidence that their names were in harmony with their birthdays and with the
numbers in the Bible all chuckled, one or two gave me a few coins for my work. Far more people laughed at me, libeled, slandered and assaulted me than those who tossed me a few coins for my work. My Doukhobor relatives only cared about their Catholic
evergreen tree traditions, none had an ounce of compassion for me… all the Doukhobors had become Catholics who did not say anything to jeopardize their peaceful and toiling lives.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff August 31st 2022 4:54 pm 137,346 words (155 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Putin would be sure to issue us a general pass allowing everybody coming on the excursion from Canada (everybody fleeing Canada for their very lives) to bring their guns along with them. I suggest that if Putin dothn’t allow us to bring our guns (
both handguns and rifles) to the Russian far east, that we instead go with our guns (flee with our lives) to Finland instead. Sweden is out of the question, they allow the Islamic immigrants to have guns and bombs and will prevent the immigration of
white people, whether they have guns or not. Norway could open their doors to the Canadians who flee with their lives and who try to immigrate with their guns as they could use more soldiers for their army, navy and airforce, but since Canadians never
fought in defense of Canada, they would be unlikely to fight in defense of Norway either. If Putin dothn’t want Canadians immigrating to the Russian far east with our guns and our metal working tools, then we could go to Finland and make guns and
airplanes there instead. The people of Finland would enter into a debate about why they would ever want a big bunch of Canadians immigrating to their nation again due to the question of those Canadians being unable to fight in defense of Canada, so why
would they suddenly want to fight in defense of Finland???!!! In the end Finland would welcome the Canadians and also allow them to carry their guns with them, but only because they would be bringing huge amounts of metal working machinery along with
them an would help to create employment for the Finnish people. So the Canadians who land in Finland will adopt Finnish culture and will have to learn to speak through their noses, and that is a good reason to go to Magadan instead.
Consider meeting in Sapporo Japan and make arrangement there to secure additional supplies before chartering ships and travelling onwards to Magadan. Winter weather conditions annually close the port of Magadan, while waiting for the harbor to open
you can use the opportunity to shop for and buy used Japanese mini-trucks, snow mobiles and such, secure all sorts of other supplies, and charter a suitable ship to take you and the other emigrants to Magadan. I imagine a tourist office or the main
police station in Sapporo can assist you to get in contact with other westerners in Sapporo who are hoping to sail to Magadan in the spring or summer when the port is accessable. It is possible that Putin would send a ship to Sapporo to pick you
emigrants up. If I was elected as Mayor of Saskatoon, I’d encourage people to flee for their lives and go to Magadan, perhaps to first stop in Sapporo and pick up supplies. With the present state of politics in Canada, it may be wise to sell everything
you have and fly to Japan where you will purchase supplies, and then in the spring board a boat in Sapporo and sail to Magadan, and then from there perhaps travel onwards to Yakutia.
People wanting to build aircraft, whether in the west or in the Russian far east, should consider making an assembly-line and rolling off copies of a commonly desired model, perhaps a flying boat that seats just four people. Another group of people
will be incessant that they will each have a Short Takeoff And Landing (STOL) aircraft, and so that group would be best served by building assembly-line copies of the same plane… One seater STOL? Two seater STOL? Four Seater STOL? There may be enough
interest to warrant making single, two and four seater STOL’s and rolling these three models off assembly lines. If the majority wants a four-seater STOL, the people who desire a one or two seater STOL may still manufacture what they desire, we should
have the room available to accommodate people’s projects. If city has the ability to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on assorted projects of very questionable worth, and more on projects that they have no business funding, then similarly the city
should be able to spend a bit of money to construct space that is suitable for you to build a project.
Put 100 people together each wanting to build the same aircraft, perhaps a one-seater STOL, this aircraft has a complex wing design. The 100 projects can be approached haphazardly with individuals constructing assorted parts of their aircraft
independently from one another. Or everybody could unite and build the wings for their airplanes at the same time. Or everybody could unite and build 100 copies of the same set of wings to be drawn for after the aircraft are built. Or 20 people could
unite and build the 100 sets of wings for the 100 aircraft while the other 80 people build different components for these 100 airplanes. This latter scenario would likely speed up the process of building the STOL aircraft, and 80% of the builders will
not have to worry about building wings for their aircraft. Hopefully there would be enough interest to get a second set of 100 (or more) people together to build a different aircraft, and perhaps get a third group of 100 people united so they too may
build 100 copies of some third style of aircraft for themselves. If you wanted an airplane and had very limited wealth, you would likely choose to join the group that seeks to make extremely cheap airplanes (likely mostly wooden and cloth) that are light
weight and so can function with lower horsepower engines. Perhaps your group will cooperatively own some engines that you may borrow until you get your act together to purchase your own. There might be some smaller groups of builders, for example there
may be 25 people who desire to build some plans-built airplane who do not wish to join with the other groups of people building other aircraft designs.
The city provides a room for the builders, first large rooms where all the prospective builders may meet and discuss building different designs, then smaller meeting rooms for the builders who decided upon the same design. At first the groups could
make use of smaller building facilities, perhaps sharing machine shops with others groups as they manufacture parts for their own designs, then later the groups would graduate to their own larger facilities that would allow them to build wings and
assemble their fuselages.
I believe many people will want to use welders to fix and customize their automobiles and trucks, we are in need of facilities for these projects that are well separated from other projects. People can start by bringing a clean vehicle that has no
papers or any other materials in the glove boxes or scattered about. Then they can drain the vehicle of fuel and remove the gas tank(s), and leave their gas tanks wrapped up and outside in the empty gas tank storage location. Then they can roll their
vehicle upon a movable platform, then they can remove their wheels and tires and similarly have these wrapped up and stored in an alternative outdoor storage location. Once their vehicle is stripped of paper, fuel and tires (fire hazards), and once their
vehicle propped up onto a movable platform, then they may move their vehicle into the building where there will be a secure storage location for it. When they are ready to work on their vehicle they may roll it out of the secure storage and work on the
vehicle, then return it to the secure storage when they are done for the day. People welding near fabric seats can remove their seats and other flammable materials and leave these items outside as well. People doing bodywork are creating dust and they
can do this in a separate building, people painting vehicles would again conduct this in a separate building. Perhaps other facilities can be made available for people to work on their vehicles without having to remove their gas tanks and tires. Consider
using the facilities to alter the oiling of your engine, relocate the oil filter to the top of the engine in order to easily accomplish future oil changes. Rather than use the facilities to work on your vehicles, use our other facilities where you build
your car from scratch, using anything from carbon fiber and other composites to aluminum, titanium and steel. Help people to innovate and create by providing encouragement and secure facilities, and by legalizing their creations and allowing their daily
use without the added burden of huge volumes of government paperwork.
Some airplane builders will share an engine and move the engine from plane to plane, reducing the overall cost of building their airplane. And so people may focus on building the airplane rather than concern themselves about a costly engine. After the
builder completes his or her airplane, then at that time the builder can invest in part ownership of an engine, preferably a very slow revving engine. Many of the airplane builders would be in the same predicament of being short of funds and needing
engines, the members could have some program in place to help others acquire engines at reasonable cost. Hopefully some aviators will join together in their communities and build radial engines (using many existing off-the-shelf parts), and then offer
these engines to the cooperative airplane builders throughout the continent.
When people get together in groups they can talk and share ideas and share resources and manufacture all sorts of things, people would learn metalworking, woodworking and other skills, and the entire nation would benefit as a direct result of
allowing and helping people to get together, innovate, and in the process, learn new skills. Innovation is far more apt to occur without having to deal with government and their mountains of paperwork, making the project so much more doable.
There are sure to be accidents and people will lose fingers or other appendages, these can be humorously pickled and placed on display as we should always make the best of our situation. Anyway Stalin was wise to give the students the option to build
the composite Yaks, for those Yaks saved Russia from utter ruin. I bet the Russian kids sang songs in praise of Stalin back then, just as the Canadian kids sing praises for Justin Trudeau today.
And then again there is that issue of Cindy who isn’t quite sure which airplane to build and changes her mind, but still is able to trade the unwanted parts she built for an aircraft that she no longer desires for the parts she now requires, squeak
squeak. Probababbly Cindy would originally want to build a Yak and flee to Yakutia but then changed her mind and built a STOL and fled to Finland instead, in either case Saskatoon’s Aviation Department would strive to assist Cindy to meet her desired
goals, no matter how many times she changes her mind. Saskatoon’s Aviation Department would strive to assist Saskatoonian’s to emigrate to different locations, perhaps to Scandinavia or to the Russian far east, we could help send groups of people to
different locations, perhaps dropping people off at the sprawling and vibrant cities of Magadan and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. And again at the very last minute Cindy and women just like Cindy could again change their minds and could decide to travel
along with Steve to some bleak outpost in northern Siberia. Lucky Steve, it would be due to the flexibility of the Aviation Department to accommodate women like Cindy who decide at the last minute to include themselves and their equipment together with
an alternative Aviation Department convoy. In the end it would be trendsetters like Cindy who would pave the way for a better future for Saskatoonians, and for people like Steve.
Other Civic Issues:
Recently administrators at the main downtown library discarded massive number of books citing that people bound to wheelchairs were unable to reach the books on the highest and lowest shelves, they decided to remove access to books that other people
could reach. Over the last few decades the head librarians have been filling our shelves with material promoting witchcraft and homosexuality, this is in addition to the librarians pushing books advocating Catholic fertility rites. It costs taxpayers
about a million dollars every time a single individual gets infected with HIV, but you won’t read about that in books at our libraries. The libraries are being patronized by drug addicts who have little interest in reading, and who’s presence
negatively affect the learning of those who are so inclined. I do not support spending any money on a new larger downtown library, nor on spending money to annually turn the existing libraries into Catholic temples of fertility, nor on spending any
additional money on new crappy books advocating Catholicism, Islam, witchcraft nor homosexuality. Nor should we be spending money on computers (and computer support technicians) for patrons to play games on, and we can save money by reducing or ceasing
the purchase of adult fiction books. The library is for housing books and making these books accessible, not to cruise the internet and play computer games. We should stop spending money on paying wages for the administrators who turned our libraries
into jokes. We should radically cut the budget on the libraries and find new administrators who will allow books that are critical of the Catholicism, Islam, witchcraft and homosexuality. Rather than censor Michael Rowbotham’s “The Grip of Death: A
Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics” and even purge the record of the book ever having been at the library, we should instead buy several copies of the book. Rather than having hundreds or even thousands of different children
s books advocating witchcraft and homosexuality, we should be providing children with books that encourage independent thinking. Currently far less than 1% of the people in Canada are ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes, we should not be
using taxpayer’s money to encourage the other 99% to do so. Until the homosexual / witchcraft books are removed from the children’s section of the libraries, consider carding people and preventing anybody under the age of 18-years-old from entering
the public libraries, lest the city face a law suit for contributing to the delinquency of children. Children are created by a union of a man and a woman who ideally unite as a family and work together to raise these children, the public libraries (and
Hollywood and the media and the churches and the schools) are being used to contribute to the delinquency of children by advocating the removal of the fathers from the lives of his children and tearing families apart. City council should recognize that
the libraries have been co-opted by individuals that have very dark agendas and do everything possible to prevent additional money transfers that allow these damaging agendas to continue. Michael Rowbotham has a plan where interest-free money can be
created to pay for new infrastructure (bridges, overpasses, sewers, roads, schools, libraries, aircraft factories, homebuilt aviation insurance…), it would be helpful to give the citizens of Saskatoon access to such material. This interest free money
can be “created” by the City of Saskatoon to pay for any liability caused by our homebuilt aviators. At present, so-called “money” is printed by private banks out of thin air, and then loaned to the governments at compound interest, thereby
enslaving us. Recently people have had access to an excessive amount of fiction and are confusing fiction for non-fiction. And then on July 17th 2020 the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix announced that the Saskatoon Public Library has appointed a Syrian sodomite
who is living in Vancouver to be the new “Writer In Residence”, and so Danny Ramadan is now being paid to encourage Saskatoon’s youth to start ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes.
Over the last few decades many millions of dollars were spent just in Saskatoon to encourage people to adopt a homosexual lifestyle, now in 2020 and 2021 people are demonized if they desire to encourage children to adopt a straight lifestyle.
Hollywood, the media, the churches, the schools and the libraries are all teaching your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes… the result is the end of white families. The Moslems have four wives and a house for each wife (paid for
by your tax dollars through Saskatchewan Social Services), but the message from Hollywood, the media, the churches, the schools and the libraries is not for the Moslems to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes, the message for the Moslems is that
male Moslems can now also have white wives. And there is another message being sent out, that white women can be raped and traumatized with little fear of serious consequences to the rapist.
As suggested by Michael Rowbotham in his book The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics, we can create special money specifically for building infrastructure, such as the construction of a multi-lane lane high
speed hiway linking Saskatoon to Calgary. Currently fines for speeding result in losses of hundreds of dollars, sometimes thousand of dollars, and the penalties balloon higher with increased insurance rates and even loss of vehicles, and much of the fine
money is lost to bureaucracy and to corporations that own the red light and radar cameras. Instead we could utilize the money collected from speeding towards the Saskatoon to Calgary hiway project and use it together with the special infrastructure debt-
free money we create out of thin air specifically for this project. There is no global warming, we should increase our use of fuels and build ourselves a more comfortable future.
Those people wanting to travel an excess of traditional 110 km/hour speed limit on major Saskatchewan hiways could have a permit allowing the excess speed that would cost the traveler a fraction of the traditional fines. If your tires and suspension
are in excellent shape then a permit can be issued for speeds up to 140 km/hour, and a more costly permit can allow for speeds in the 140 to 160 km/hour range. The money raised from these speeding permits would be used for the project. So people wanting
to utilize the existing hiway linking Saskatoon to Regina would be purchasing speeding permits that would help fund the construction of the hiway linking Saskatoon to the Alberta/Saskatchewan border. Similarly people travelling from Calgary to Edmonton
could purchase speeding permits that would help fund the construction of the hiway linking Calgary to the Alberta/Saskatchewan border and complete the high speed hiway from Saskatoon to Calgary. Additional debt-free special money can be created in order
to upgrade other hiways in Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Currently many drivers on Saskatchewan hiways travel 20 to 30 km/hour over the 100 km/hour speed limit, people want better hiways and faster speed limits without the worry of fines. Governments should be providing people with options in life rather
than taking options away. People want to travel fast, we should build better hiways that allow people to travel fast. Rather than listen to Michael Rowbotham and cancel the bogus debt, his book was censored from the libraries in Saskatoon and people are
instead funding the construction of a new library that pushes homosexual, Catholic and Islamic agendas.
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I would pay my employees in real money, which is gold and silver coins. The City of Saskatoon could strike its own gold coins to pay their employees. As mayor of The City of Saskatoon I’d give the average worker a 0.06
troy ounce (0.06 AGW), gold coin for eight hours work. This will reduce taxes to homeowners and to business owners considerably. Workers wanting more than a 0.06 Troy Ounce gold coin for a eight hour work day can seek out work elsewhere, they may go mine
gold for themselves or work at alternative businesses, or create their own businesses. Free people are allowed to have guns, land, and are paid in gold and silver coins, back in the day when people were free Mexico made a 2.5 Peso (.0603 oz) gold coin
from 1918-1948, and the coin was alloyed at 90% gold to 10% copper, it was alloyed in order to make the coin harder and more durable to survive circulation. We should have a small gold coin that is similar to that Mexican coin, but containing 0.06 ounces
of gold instead, or less, it would be a savings of at least .0003 ounces of gold per coin, again saving money for the home and business owners by reducing taxes, perhaps. We’ll be rich. And the supposed poor among us would have small concrete homes in
the country - they get their own concrete homes (and pay the city mortgage on the tiny house) and a garden, they can work towards gaining wealth with their gardens and taxpayers wouldn’t have to give money to landlords. People would not pay taxes for
landlords to house the poor, and would obtain access to locally grown produce.
We may alloy the gold with either copper, nickel or silver or combinations thereof, to make the coins harder and more durable to the wear that results from the circulation of the coins. We should determine, using “science”, which particular alloy
of gold we should be using in our coins. We can use “science” to determine which alloy works best. We can try using “science” from time to time, at city hall, if I were mayor.
The City of Saskatoon may strike coins containing the “alloys” of precious metals, we should make gold, silver, platinum and palladium coins, and using “science” we will harden these coins by adding small amounts of either base or precious
metals in a mixture or “alloy”. Whenever the city strikes and sells coins containing a majority of silver, platinum or palladium, the city should strive to always profit from the manufacturing and sale of these white coins and save money for the
taxpayers. But when we manufacture gold coins it is because we require the coins to pay our workers in gold, so “they” may profit. For example we could use combinations of platinum, palladium and silver, and perhaps hardened with small amounts of
copper or nickel or gold, and manufacture commemorative coins, which The City of Saskatoon would sell at a profit, to reduce taxes. I’m sure that a lot of guys and even gals would be more likely to invest in these silver, platinum and palladium alloyed
commemorative coins if they depicted a woman showing off her breasts. It is certainly something to think about.
The City of Saskatoon could seek to manufacture alloys of precious metals (in order to obtain hardness and durability) without the addition of small percentages of copper or nickel added to the mix, but instead make the alloy using small amounts of
alternative precious metals. Perhaps more city employees would opt to be paid with gold coins that were alloyed with small amounts of platinum, palladium or some other precious metal, as opposed to being paid in gold coins that were alloyed with copper
or nickel instead.
The copper, nickel and chromium coins are all known or suspected carcinogens while the gold, silver, platinum and palladium coins are not. If the city is selling commemorative coinage, we would be on better ground by offering coins that are not toxic.
Similarly if the city is paying workers their wages, we would be on better ground by paying our workers in gold coins, which is real money. Some workers will opt to be paid in commemorative silver, platinum and palladium coinage instead of the gold coin,
the city will do the math and benefit on the short term with the exchange, allowing it to lower taxes, while the worker who chooses to be paid with the silver, platinum and palladium coins in place of a gold coin, may profit over time due to the rising
market value of the silver, platinum and palladium. We can start by lowering taxes (stop paying compound interest on our bogus national debt) by paying a small gold coin (maybe 0.0404 Troy Ounces AGW, or perhaps 0.0357 Troy Ounces AGW) to most city
employees for a day’s work, I propose that we call this gold coin a “Namur”, and we can even put the image of my cat Namur on one side. People will wonder why they are not being paid with gold coins containing 0.0603 or perhaps 0.0600 Troy ounces
of gold instead, it would remain a mystery. When I am deceased or defeated, the following mayors may be free to decorate their coins with Mary, whichever pope, Charles, the Easter Bunny, an Egyptian obelisk, or perhaps even Santa Clause and a blinkin’
tree. People like blinkin’ trees, a coin depicting a blinkin’ evergreen tree may prove so very popular among the peasants, the city may rake in a fortune in coin sales and then cease collecting taxes from homeowners. Using metallurgy, “science”
and tasteful art, we would strike coins and thereby reduce or even eliminate property taxes for the home and business owners, maybe even provide rebates. Everybody will be very happy and will break into dance and song. Using “science” we have
determined that chromium, nickel and copper are all known or suspected carcinogens, so why circulate coins containing such toxins? Some people may rejoice when they are paid in a gold coin that is alloyed with silver instead of copper or nickel, others
may rejoice that the gold coin has an image of my Siamese cat on it, others may rejoice in being paid with a gold coin that depicts a woman tastefully showing off her breasts. Our governments teach us that diversity is good, so I would think it would be
equally good to have a variety of images on the coins the City of Saskatoon strikes.
Anticipate a new provincial government that will not pay rent for welfare recipients but will instead help the former renters become homeowners. Home ownership, even if the home is tiny, will go a long way to improve the lives of people. The tiny
homes should have concrete floors, concrete walls and a flat concrete roof to lessen the build time and provide shelters of substance that cannot easily be destroyed. Provide tiny homes (approximately 200 square feet per adult, 100 square feet per child),
eventually the new home owner may get their act together to upgrade the cheap windows and stove provided, add insulation and drywall or some other wall covering, expand the first floor or add a second story to the structure, make an outhouse, add solar
panels or a windmill for electric lighting, or even dig a water well. Provide each new residence with a heavy steel door that cannot be easily kicked in. Rather than giving away tax money monthly to pay rent to a landlord, instead provide some building
materials and kick-start home ownership. Place leans upon each property so that the houses may not be sold without the taxpayers recouping their investments. The City of Saskatoon should not wait for provincial nor federal government assistance with our
homeless crisis, we should purchase a block of four or six sections of land several miles away from the city for the new small homes. The land can be fenced and shared with bison, the houses need to be concrete as the bison would rub against them on
occasion. Some new homeowners would opt to live in bison-free areas - people should have options in life - governments should be providing options for people rather than taking options away. Governments removed building options from people and forced
them to use construction techniques that result in rotting homes of limited life spans… it is likely better to live in a concrete home surrounded with bison than live in the basement of a rotting home surrounded by discarded needles while having your
privacy and the sanctity of your home repeatedly violated by your landlord who refuses to give tenants the legally required 24-hour notice before barging into the premises. The concrete houses should be spaced adequately to allow for bison, moose, deer
and coyotes to walk between, people who want to fence their gardens off from the deer, moose and bison should be allowed to do so but not in such a large amount to prevent the passage of animals, Perhaps allow people to fence off a maximum of 800 square
feet for their personal garden space, and only if they use the space for vegetable or flower garden, otherwise leave the area unimpeded for animal traffic. The automobiles can be left at one of the parking lots at the outer edge of the sanctuary and
people can walk to their concrete houses, some people will want their concrete house to be located close to one of the parking lots. Bringing automobiles into the housing/bison reserve would be sure to disrupt the bison and moose so the vehicles are best
left in parking lots at one of the entrances. Smart automatic fences can be made that will confine the bison and horses while allowing the passage of moose, deer and antelope. The presence of bison or horses in an area would close the fences in that area
to prevent their escape.
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeak Squeak@21:1/5 to
All on Sat Oct 1 04:59:13 2022
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff September 29th 2022 6:07 pm 140,395 words (158 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Putin would be sure to issue us a general pass allowing everybody coming on the excursion from Canada (everybody fleeing Canada for their very lives) to bring their guns along with them. I suggest that if Putin dothn’t allow us to bring our guns (
both handguns and rifles) to the Russian far east, that we instead go with our guns (flee with our lives) to Finland instead. Sweden is out of the question, they allow the Islamic immigrants to have guns and bombs and will prevent the immigration of
white people, whether they have guns or not. Norway could open their doors to the Canadians who flee with their lives and who try to immigrate with their guns as they could use more soldiers for their army, navy and airforce, but since Canadians never
fought in defense of Canada, they would be unlikely to fight in defense of Norway either. If Putin dothn’t want Canadians immigrating to the Russian far east with our guns and our metal working tools, then we could go to Finland and make guns and
airplanes there instead. The people of Finland would enter into a debate about why they would ever want a big bunch of Canadians immigrating to their nation again due to the question of those Canadians being unable to fight in defense of Canada, so why
would they suddenly want to fight in defense of Finland???!!! In the end Finland would welcome the Canadians and also allow them to carry their guns with them, but only because they would be bringing huge amounts of metal working machinery along with
them and would help to create employment for the Finnish people. So the Canadians who land in Finland will adopt Finnish culture and will have to learn to speak through their noses, and that is a good reason to go to Magadan instead.
Consider meeting in Sapporo Japan and make arrangement there to secure additional supplies before chartering ships and travelling onwards to Magadan. Winter weather conditions annually close the port of Magadan, while waiting for the harbor to open
you can use the opportunity to shop for and buy used Japanese mini-trucks, snow mobiles and such, secure all sorts of other supplies, and charter a suitable ship to take you and the other emigrants to Magadan. I imagine a tourist office or the main
police station in Sapporo can assist you to get in contact with other westerners in Sapporo who are hoping to sail to Magadan in the spring or summer when the port is accessable. It is possible that Putin would send a ship to Sapporo to pick you
emigrants up. If I was elected as Mayor of Saskatoon, I’d encourage people to flee for their lives and go to Magadan, perhaps to first stop in Sapporo and pick up supplies. With the present state of politics in Canada, it may be wise to sell everything
you have and fly to Japan where you will purchase supplies, and then in the spring board a boat in Sapporo and sail to Magadan, and then from there perhaps travel onwards to Yakutia.
People wanting to build aircraft, whether in the west or in the Russian far east, should consider making an assembly-line and rolling off copies of a commonly desired model, perhaps a flying boat that seats just four people. Another group of people
will be incessant that they will each have a Short Takeoff And Landing (STOL) aircraft, and so that group would be best served by building assembly-line copies of the same plane… One seater STOL? Two seater STOL? Four Seater STOL? There may be enough
interest to warrant making single, two and four seater STOL’s and rolling these three models off assembly lines. If the majority wants a four-seater STOL, the people who desire a one or two seater STOL may still manufacture what they desire, we should
have the room available to accommodate people’s projects. If city has the ability to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on assorted projects of very questionable worth, and more on projects that they have no business funding, then similarly the city
should be able to spend a bit of money to construct space that is suitable for you to build a project.
Put 100 people together each wanting to build the same aircraft, perhaps a one-seater STOL, this aircraft has a complex wing design. The 100 projects can be approached haphazardly with individuals constructing assorted parts of their aircraft
independently from one another. Or everybody could unite and build the wings for their airplanes at the same time. Or everybody could unite and build 100 copies of the same set of wings to be drawn for after the aircraft are built. Or 20 people could
unite and build the 100 sets of wings for the 100 aircraft while the other 80 people build different components for these 100 airplanes. This latter scenario would likely speed up the process of building the STOL aircraft, and 80% of the builders will
not have to worry about building wings for their aircraft. Hopefully there would be enough interest to get a second set of 100 (or more) people together to build a different aircraft, and perhaps get a third group of 100 people united so they too may
build 100 copies of some third style of aircraft for themselves. If you wanted an airplane and had very limited wealth, you would likely choose to join the group that seeks to make extremely cheap airplanes (likely mostly wooden and cloth) that are light
weight and so can function with lower horsepower engines. Perhaps your group will cooperatively own some engines that you may borrow until you get your act together to purchase your own. There might be some smaller groups of builders, for example there
may be 25 people who desire to build some plans-built airplane who do not wish to join with the other groups of people building other aircraft designs.
The city provides a room for the builders, first large rooms where all the prospective builders may meet and discuss building different designs, then smaller meeting rooms for the builders who decided upon the same design. At first the groups could
make use of smaller building facilities, perhaps sharing machine shops with others groups as they manufacture parts for their own designs, then later the groups would graduate to their own larger facilities that would allow them to build wings and
assemble their fuselages.
I believe many people will want to use welders to fix and customize their automobiles and trucks, we are in need of facilities for these projects that are well separated from other projects. People can start by bringing a clean vehicle that has no
papers or any other materials in the glove boxes or scattered about. Then they can drain the vehicle of fuel and remove the gas tank(s), and leave their gas tanks wrapped up and outside in the empty gas tank storage location. Then they can roll their
vehicle upon a movable platform, then they can remove their wheels and tires and similarly have these wrapped up and stored in an alternative outdoor storage location. Once their vehicle is stripped of paper, fuel and tires (fire hazards), and once their
vehicle propped up onto a movable platform, then they may move their vehicle into the building where there will be a secure storage location for it. When they are ready to work on their vehicle they may roll it out of the secure storage and work on the
vehicle, then return it to the secure storage when they are done for the day. People welding near fabric seats can remove their seats and other flammable materials and leave these items outside as well. People doing bodywork are creating extremely toxic
dust and they can do this in a separate building, people painting vehicles would again conduct this in a separate building, preferably outside of the city. Perhaps other facilities can be made available for people to work on their vehicles without having
to remove their gas tanks and tires. Consider using the facilities to alter the oiling of your engine, relocate the oil filter to the top of the engine in order to easily accomplish future oil changes. Rather than use the facilities to work on your
vehicles, use our other facilities where you build your car from scratch, using anything from carbon fiber and other composites to aluminum, titanium and steel. Help people to innovate and create by providing encouragement and secure facilities, and by
legalizing their creations and allowing their daily use without the added burden of huge volumes of government paperwork.
Some airplane builders will share an engine and move the engine from plane to plane, reducing the overall cost of building their airplane. And so people may focus on building the airplane rather than concern themselves about a costly engine. After the
builder completes his or her airplane, then at that time the builder can invest in part ownership of an engine, preferably a very slow revving engine. Many of the airplane builders would be in the same predicament of being short of funds and needing
engines, the members could have some program in place to help others acquire engines at reasonable cost. Hopefully some aviators will join together in their communities and build radial engines (using many existing off-the-shelf parts), and then offer
these engines to the cooperative airplane builders throughout the continent.
When people get together in groups they can talk and share ideas and share resources and manufacture all sorts of things, people would learn metalworking, woodworking and other skills, and the entire nation would benefit as a direct result of
allowing and helping people to get together, innovate, and in the process, learn new skills. Innovation is far more apt to occur without having to deal with government and their mountains of paperwork, making the project so much more doable.
There are sure to be accidents and people will lose fingers or other appendages, these can be humorously pickled and placed on display as we should always make the best of our situation. Anyway Stalin was wise to give the students the option to build
the composite Yaks, for those Yaks saved Russia from utter ruin. I bet the Russian kids sang songs in praise of Stalin back then, just as the Canadian kids sing praises for Justin Trudeau today.
And then again there is that issue of Cindy who isn’t quite sure which airplane to build and changes her mind, but still is able to trade the unwanted parts she built for an aircraft that she no longer desires for the parts she now requires, squeak
squeak. Probababbly Cindy would originally want to build a Yak and flee to Yakutia but then changed her mind and built a STOL and fled to Finland instead, in either case Saskatoon’s Aviation Department would strive to assist Cindy to meet her desired
goals, no matter how many times she changes her mind. Saskatoon’s Aviation Department would strive to assist Saskatoonian’s to emigrate to different locations, perhaps to Scandinavia or to the Russian far east, we could help send groups of people to
different locations, perhaps dropping people off at the sprawling and vibrant cities of Magadan and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. And again at the very last minute Cindy and women just like Cindy could again change their minds and could decide to travel
along with Steve to some bleak outpost in northern Siberia. Lucky Steve, it would be due to the flexibility of the Aviation Department to accommodate women like Cindy who decide at the last minute to include themselves and their equipment together with
an alternative Aviation Department convoy. In the end it would be trendsetters like Cindy who would pave the way for a better future for Saskatoonians, and for people like Steve.
Other Civic Issues:
Recently administrators at the main downtown library discarded massive number of books citing that people bound to wheelchairs were unable to reach the books on the highest and lowest shelves, they decided to remove access to books that other people
could reach. Over the last few decades the head librarians have been filling our shelves with material promoting witchcraft and homosexuality, this is in addition to the librarians pushing books advocating Catholic fertility rites. It costs taxpayers
about a million dollars every time a single individual gets infected with HIV, but you won’t read about that in books at our libraries. The libraries are being patronized by drug addicts who have little interest in reading, and who’s presence
negatively affect the learning of those who are so inclined. I do not support spending any money on a new larger downtown library, nor on spending money to annually turn the existing libraries into Catholic temples of fertility, nor on spending any
additional money on new crappy books advocating Catholicism, Islam, witchcraft nor homosexuality. Nor should we be spending money on computers (and computer support technicians) for patrons to play games on, and we can save money by reducing or ceasing
the purchase of adult fiction books. The library is for housing books and making these books accessible, not to cruise the internet and play computer games. We should stop spending money on paying wages for the administrators who turned our libraries
into jokes. We should radically cut the budget on the libraries and find new administrators who will allow books that are critical of the Catholicism, Islam, witchcraft and homosexuality. Rather than censor Michael Rowbotham’s “The Grip of Death: A
Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics” and even purge the record of the book ever having been at the library, we should instead buy several copies of the book. Rather than having hundreds or even thousands of different children
s books advocating witchcraft and homosexuality, we should be providing children with books that encourage independent thinking. Currently far less than 1% of the people in Canada are ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes, we should not be
using taxpayer’s money to encourage the other 99% to do so. Until the homosexual / witchcraft books are removed from the children’s section of the libraries, consider carding people and preventing anybody under the age of 18-years-old from entering
the public libraries, lest the city face a law suit for contributing to the delinquency of children. Children are created by a union of a man and a woman who ideally unite as a family and work together to raise these children, the public libraries (and
Hollywood and the media and the churches and the schools) are being used to contribute to the delinquency of children by advocating the removal of the fathers from the lives of his children and tearing families apart. City council should recognize that
the libraries have been co-opted by individuals that have very dark agendas and do everything possible to prevent additional money transfers that allow these damaging agendas to continue. Michael Rowbotham has a plan where interest-free money can be
created to pay for new infrastructure (bridges, overpasses, sewers, roads, schools, libraries, aircraft factories, homebuilt aviation insurance…), it would be helpful to give the citizens of Saskatoon access to such material. This interest free money
can be “created” by the City of Saskatoon to pay for any liability caused by our homebuilt aviators. At present, so-called “money” is printed by private banks out of thin air, and then loaned to the governments at compound interest, thereby
enslaving us. Recently people have had access to an excessive amount of fiction and are confusing fiction for non-fiction. And then on July 17th 2020 the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix announced that the Saskatoon Public Library has appointed a Syrian sodomite
who is living in Vancouver to be the new “Writer In Residence”, and so Danny Ramadan is now being paid to encourage Saskatoon’s youth to start ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes.
Over the last few decades many millions of dollars were spent just in Saskatoon to encourage people to adopt a homosexual lifestyle, now in 2020 and 2021 people are demonized if they desire to encourage children to adopt a straight lifestyle.
Hollywood, the media, the churches, the schools and the libraries are all teaching your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes… the result is the end of white families. The Moslems have four wives and a house for each wife (paid for
by your tax dollars through Saskatchewan Social Services), but the message from Hollywood, the media, the churches, the schools and the libraries is not for the Moslems to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes, the message for the Moslems is that
male Moslems can now also have white wives. And there is another message being sent out, that white women can be raped and traumatized with little fear of serious consequences to the rapist.
As suggested by Michael Rowbotham in his book The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics, we can create special money specifically for building infrastructure, such as the construction of a multi-lane lane high
speed hiway linking Saskatoon to Calgary. Currently fines for speeding result in losses of hundreds of dollars, sometimes thousand of dollars, and the penalties balloon higher with increased insurance rates and even loss of vehicles, and much of the fine
money is lost to bureaucracy and to corporations that own the red light and radar cameras. Instead we could utilize the money collected from speeding towards the Saskatoon to Calgary hiway project and use it together with the special infrastructure debt-
free money we create out of thin air specifically for this project. There is no global warming, we should increase our use of fuels and build ourselves a more comfortable future.
Those people wanting to travel an excess of traditional 110 km/hour speed limit on major Saskatchewan hiways could have a permit allowing the excess speed that would cost the traveler a fraction of the traditional fines. If your tires and suspension
are in excellent shape then a permit can be issued for speeds up to 140 km/hour, and a more costly permit can allow for speeds in the 140 to 160 km/hour range for use on the existing divided hiways. The money raised from these speeding permits would be
used for the project. So people wanting to utilize the existing hiway linking Saskatoon to Regina would be purchasing speeding permits that would help fund the construction of the hiway linking Saskatoon to the Alberta/Saskatchewan border. Similarly
people travelling from Calgary to Edmonton could purchase speeding permits that would help fund the construction of the hiway linking Calgary to the Alberta/Saskatchewan border and complete the high speed hiway from Saskatoon to Calgary. Additional debt-
free special money (see Rowbotham’s The Grip of Death) can be created in order to upgrade other hiways in Saskatchewan and Alberta. The City of Saskatoon could create some of this special money specifically for upgrading Circle Drive so that vehicles
could maintain a 90 km/hour speed as they drive around the city. Other special-created-out-of-thin-air money can be issued for the construction of other large projects.
Currently many drivers on Saskatchewan hiways travel 20 to 30 km/hour over the 100 km/hour speed limit, people want better hiways and faster speed limits without the worry of fines. Governments should be providing people with options in life rather
than taking options away. People want to travel fast, we should build better hiways that allow people to travel fast. Rather than listen to Michael Rowbotham and cancel the bogus debt, his book was censored from the libraries in Saskatoon and people are
instead funding the construction of a new library that pushes homosexual, Catholic and Islamic agendas.
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I would pay my employees in real money, which is gold and silver coins. The City of Saskatoon could strike its own gold coins to pay their employees. As mayor of The City of Saskatoon I’d give the average worker a 0.06
troy ounce (0.06 AGW), gold coin for eight hours work. This will reduce taxes to homeowners and to business owners considerably. Workers wanting more than a 0.06 Troy Ounce gold coin for a eight hour work day can seek out work elsewhere, they may go mine
gold for themselves or work at alternative businesses, or create their own businesses. Free people are allowed to have guns, land, and are paid in gold and silver coins, back in the day when people were free Mexico made a 2.5 Peso (.0603 oz) gold coin
from 1918-1948, and the coin was alloyed at 90% gold to 10% copper, it was alloyed in order to make the coin harder and more durable to survive circulation. We should have a small gold coin that is similar to that Mexican coin, but containing 0.06 ounces
of gold instead, or less, it would be a savings of at least .0003 ounces of gold per coin, again saving money for the home and business owners by reducing taxes, perhaps. We’ll be rich. And the supposed poor among us would have small concrete homes in
the country - they get their own concrete homes (and pay the city mortgage on the tiny house) and a garden, they can work towards gaining wealth with their gardens and taxpayers wouldn’t have to give money to landlords. People would not pay taxes for
landlords to house the poor, and would obtain access to locally grown produce.
We may alloy the gold with either copper, nickel or silver or combinations thereof, to make the coins harder and more durable to the wear that results from the circulation of the coins. We should determine, using “science”, which particular alloy
of gold we should be using in our coins. We can use “science” to determine which alloy works best. We can try using “science” from time to time, at city hall, if I were mayor.
The City of Saskatoon may strike coins containing the “alloys” of precious metals, we should make gold, silver, platinum and palladium coins, and using “science” we will harden these coins by adding small amounts of either base or precious
metals in a mixture or “alloy”. Whenever the city strikes and sells coins containing a majority of silver, platinum or palladium, the city should strive to always profit from the manufacturing and sale of these white coins and save money for the
taxpayers. But when we manufacture gold coins it is because we require the coins to pay our workers in gold, so “they” may profit. For example we could use combinations of platinum, palladium and silver, and perhaps hardened with small amounts of
copper or nickel or gold, and manufacture commemorative coins, which The City of Saskatoon would sell at a profit, to reduce taxes. I’m sure that a lot of guys and even gals would be more likely to invest in these silver, platinum and palladium alloyed
commemorative coins if they depicted a woman showing off her breasts. It is certainly something to think about.
The City of Saskatoon could seek to manufacture alloys of precious metals (in order to obtain hardness and durability) without the addition of small percentages of copper or nickel added to the mix, but instead make the alloy using small amounts of
alternative precious metals. Perhaps more city employees would opt to be paid with gold coins that were alloyed with small amounts of platinum, palladium or some other precious metal, as opposed to being paid in gold coins that were alloyed with copper
or nickel instead.
The copper, nickel and chromium coins are all known or suspected carcinogens while the gold, silver, platinum and palladium coins are not. If the city is selling commemorative coinage, we would be on better ground by offering coins that are not toxic.
Similarly if the city is paying workers their wages, we would be on better ground by paying our workers in gold coins, which is real money. Some workers will opt to be paid in commemorative silver, platinum and palladium coinage instead of the gold coin,
the city will do the math and benefit on the short term with the exchange, allowing it to lower taxes, while the worker who chooses to be paid with the silver, platinum and palladium coins in place of a gold coin, may profit over time due to the rising
market value of the silver, platinum and palladium. We can start by lowering taxes (stop paying compound interest on our bogus national debt) by paying a small gold coin (maybe 0.0404 Troy Ounces AGW, or perhaps 0.0357 Troy Ounces AGW) to most city
employees for a day’s work, I propose that we call this gold coin a “Namur”, and we can even put the image of my cat Namur on one side. People will wonder why they are not being paid with gold coins containing 0.0603 or perhaps 0.0600 Troy ounces
of gold instead, it would remain a mystery. When I am deceased or defeated, the following mayors may be free to decorate their coins with Mary, whichever pope, Charles, the Easter Bunny, an Egyptian obelisk, or perhaps even Santa Clause and a blinkin’
tree. People like blinkin’ trees, a coin depicting a blinkin’ evergreen tree may prove so very popular among the peasants, the city may rake in a fortune in coin sales and then cease collecting taxes from homeowners. Using metallurgy, “science”
and tasteful art, we would strike coins and thereby reduce or even eliminate property taxes for the home and business owners, maybe even provide rebates. Everybody will be very happy and will break into dance and song. Using “science” we have
determined that chromium, nickel and copper are all known or suspected carcinogens, so why circulate coins containing such toxins? Some people may rejoice when they are paid in a gold coin that is alloyed with silver instead of copper or nickel, others
may rejoice that the gold coin has an image of my Siamese cat on it, others may rejoice in being paid with a gold coin that depicts a woman tastefully showing off her breasts. Our governments teach us that diversity is good, so I would think it would be
equally good to have a variety of images on the coins the City of Saskatoon strikes.
Anticipate a new provincial government that will not pay rent for welfare recipients but will instead help the former renters become homeowners. Home ownership, even if the home is tiny, will go a long way to improve the lives of people. The tiny
homes should have concrete floors, concrete walls and a flat concrete roof to lessen the build time and provide shelters of substance that cannot easily be destroyed. Provide tiny homes (approximately 200 square feet per adult, 100 square feet per child),
eventually the new home owner may get their act together to upgrade the cheap windows and stove provided, add insulation and drywall or some other wall covering, expand the first floor or add a second story to the structure, make an outhouse, add solar
panels or a windmill for electric lighting, or even dig a water well. Provide each new residence with a heavy steel door that cannot be easily kicked in. Rather than giving away tax money monthly to pay rent to a landlord, instead provide some building
materials and kick-start home ownership. Place leans upon each property so that the houses may not be sold without the taxpayers recouping their investments. The City of Saskatoon should not wait for provincial nor federal government assistance with our
homeless crisis, we should purchase a block of four or six sections of land several miles away from the city for the new small homes. The land can be fenced and shared with bison, the houses need to be concrete as the bison would rub against them on
occasion. Some new homeowners would opt to live in bison-free areas - people should have options in life - governments should be providing options for people rather than taking options away. Governments removed building options from people and forced
them to use construction techniques that result in rotting homes of limited life spans… it is likely better to live in a concrete home surrounded with bison than live in the basement of a rotting home surrounded by discarded needles while having your
privacy and the sanctity of your home repeatedly violated by your landlord who refuses to give tenants the legally required 24-hour notice before barging into the premises. The concrete houses should be spaced adequately to allow for bison, moose, deer
and coyotes to walk between, people who want to fence their gardens off from the deer, moose and bison should be allowed to do so but not in such a large amount to prevent the passage of animals, Perhaps allow people to fence off a maximum of 800 square
feet for their personal garden space, and only if they use the space for vegetable or flower garden, otherwise leave the area unimpeded for animal traffic. The automobiles can be left at one of the parking lots at the outer edge of the sanctuary and
people can walk to their concrete houses, some people will want their concrete house to be located close to one of the parking lots. Bringing automobiles into the housing/bison reserve would be sure to disrupt the bison and moose so the vehicles are best
left in parking lots at one of the entrances. Smart automatic fences can be made that will confine the bison and horses while allowing the passage of moose, deer and antelope. The presence of bison or horses in an area would close the fences in that area
to prevent their escape.
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeak Squeak@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Oct 28 23:38:11 2022
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff October 28th 2022 12:22 pm 149,689 words (170 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Should you find yourself landing at the Lena River Delta, travel up the Lena with a boat pulling your raft. I would suggest you also carry (or tow or use as outriggers) three or four smaller and light weight flat bottom boats so you may navigate into
other rivers that you find along the way. You may need several small flat bottomed boats in order to transport your many thousands of pounds of tools and other supplies upstream an alternative river. People landing at Magadan and then travelling up the
Kolyma Hiway should consider towing or carrying boats with them. Go to the expense of making aluminum containers to haul your food and other goods, so they float and so the goods are secure in transit. The aluminum containers, when empty, can always be
used at your chosen destination to assist in housing and mining.
Imagine perhaps as many as one million Canadians emigrating, leaving Canada to greener pastures, each bringing with them a small fortune in dehydrated foods, and bringing with them machining equipment, and construction equipment, portable lumber mills,
metals, fuels, cement and glass, and establishing new communities in places such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Yakutia, Magadan or Kamchatka. Whichever land we emigrate to would be blessed with an economic windfall. Canadians might be wise to build boats,
rafts and aircraft, in preparation of a future migration. I also imagine society will collapse so very quickly that Canadians will not have a chance to flee the messes that Biden and Trudeau are creating. In actuality America is being ruled by Obama, a
homosexual Indonesian Islamist who whispers instructions into Biden’s ear, and his Queen Michelle wears size 12 men’s shoes and played football in college. It is very important to this homosexual Indonesian Islamist that Americans line up and take
the jab. And Obama probably follows orders from Charles, who is an Islamist as well, while Trudeau certainly doths. Anyway, some people in Saskatoon may build Yaks and fly to Yakutia. It would be helpful to those who embark upon an expedition to Yakutia (
or elsewhere) have support from airplane owners, and the airplane owners find support from those carrying supplies up roads and rivers. I image that we can establish several communities in the Russian far-east and have these communities continuously
linked by air and working together developing and manufacturing airplanes, food processing and mining equipment and such.
Those people emigrating away from Canada would of course benefit by having sponsors to assist them with funds to make the boats, rafts, vehicles and to obtain the supplies. Sponsors would of course benefit when they travel to the new communities, or
move to the new communities… the sponsors would have different levels of VIP status depending upon their input. I suggest the Aviation Department, which is in charge of the security of the boat building and most other build options (in charge of the
secure lockers and buildings), utilize the funds in however way the board members see fit. We will need metal lathes and presses as well but I expect people would donate some of their older and unwanted equipment, perhaps equipment in need of repair. And
so likely we would be better off using any donated funds to purchase aluminum in large quantities rather than invest in tools. Putin will charter us a freighter and carry us, our boats and rafts, our guns and other supplies, from Vancouver to the Lena
River Delta or further upstream. Each person who constructed a raft and\or a boat would have a heated cabin built into their rafts and boats that they could occupy during transport.
Especially note that each person who built a raft or boat using donated supplies would be obligated to use a portion of their space to transport Aviation Department supplies and equipment or other members… and so there may be a vehicle or other
supplies on your raft that you do not own, in addition to people, and you may be called upon to utilize your boat as a tugboat and help pull supplies down the Lena River.
Builders who draw upon such donated resources would have to agree to use the finished boats, rafts, planes and vehicles to assist the emigration by helping to move resources for the entire group, and would later have to pay cash for any materials
provided if they decide to keep the finished project for their own private use. The donations would be used for emigration, the builders drawing upon the donated materials would be beholden to the Aviation Department and would be obligated to use the
constructed vehicles, boats, rafts and aircraft to assist in moving supplies to Magadan or Yakutia (Sakha Republic) or Kamchatka or Chukotka, likely depending upon which of these locations would welcome us, and depending upon what Putin would prefer.
Perhaps different Russian far eastern states and regions will compete and lobby for us to establish our presence and metal working facilities at their states and regions, I suggest that you establish a settlement near some coal reserves. The Aviation
Department should assist people to move to either the Russian Far East or to a Scandinavian country, or perhaps to Greenland, and so people who built rafts and are beholden to the Aviation Department would have the option to emigrate in an Aviation
Department Convoy to these different locations if approved by the host country. The Aviation Department hopes to establish communities in these foreign nations to assist Canadians to flee from Canada and continue to help train them in useful trades while
assisting them to build themselves aircraft, boats and homes.
The raft you constructed by using materials owned and provided to you by the Aviation Department, could be half occupied by materials and by wood-working and metal-working equipment the Aviation Department is transporting to the Russian far east.
People making use of the Aviation Department facilities to make rafts and other vehicles will of course be trained in some form of metal working, and so will bring their skills with them to Yakutia (Sakha Republic) should we emigrate there (more gold and
diamonds and coal and there than in Scandinavia, perhaps more freedom too). Some people will construct their boats and planes with no intention of leaving the country, and so will keep their skills in Saskatchewan or another Canadian province, and would
be fully responsible in funding the construction of their own projects.
If people are in the process of fleeing Canada (or the USA) and leaving independently and without the assistance of Saskatoon’s Aviation Department, I suggest you meet at Magadan and make arrangements in Magadan to travel inland and bolster an
existing community, such as Atka (200 km north of Magadan), or Orotukan (300 km north of Magadan). Establish communities or bolster existing communities along the hiway running from Magadan to Yakustk, perhaps space the communities roughly 100 to 200
kilometers apart. If we had communities spaced roughly every 100 to 200 kilometers along the hiway we could assist all who travel the hiway by offering fuel, food, clothes, supplies, lodging, likely jobs and entertainment as well. If we had communities
spread out along the hiway, each community could be constructing specific parts required for our communally-built airplanes, which I suggest be Short Take Off And Landing (STOL) aircraft. The parts can be delivered to Yakutsk and/or to Magadan and the
aircraft can be assembled there. We can space out communities along the hiway, perhaps in or near the communities of Atka, Orotukan, Susuman, and beyond all the way to Yakutsk in the Sakha Republic, and manufacture components for our aircraft from
different factories along the hiway Aircraft can also be assembled in smaller towns located between Yakutsk and Magadan, parts that we manufacture would flow both directions down the Hiway of Bones.
It makes sense to purchase land in The City of Magadan and use it to help Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigrating to the Russian Far East. It also makes sense to purchase some land in the town of Atka to similarly assist those
Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigration, as the town is situated along the hiway and can provide lodging, meals, fuel and information to the travelers who are passing through, and is attractive due to being located close to Magadan.
Also Atka boasts some nearby lakes (about five miles to the south east), making it ideal for canoeing, fishing and camping while waiting for additional members of your party to arrive from Canada or USA.
Establish communities that can serve as depots, where individual may drop off thousands of pounds of supplies and then travel the region until making a decision upon where to settle and move those supplies to. Then the Aviation Department, acting as
an emigrant organization, would secure our supplies in depots in our communities along the hiway, and use our trucks to move the supplies from Magadan to any location along the hiway to Yakutsk or beyond. We could purchase land in both Yakutsk and Nizhny
Bestyakh (or very nearby each community) and build boats, small aircraft and homes there. Instead of building aircraft in Saskatchewan, we can flee to Magadan and Yakutia and build them there.
Putin would be sure to issue us a general pass allowing everybody coming on the excursion from Canada (everybody fleeing Canada for their very lives) to bring their guns along with them. I suggest that if Putin dothn’t allow us to bring our guns (
both handguns and rifles) to the Russian far east, that we instead go with our guns (flee with our lives) to Finland instead. Sweden is out of the question, they allow the Islamic immigrants to have guns and bombs and will prevent the immigration of
white people, whether they have guns or not. Norway could open their doors to the Canadians who flee with their lives and who try to immigrate with their guns as they could use more soldiers for their army, navy and airforce, but since Canadians never
fought in defense of Canada, they would be unlikely to fight in defense of Norway either. If Putin dothn’t want Canadians immigrating to the Russian far east with our guns and our metal working tools, then we could go to Finland and make guns and
airplanes there instead. The people of Finland would enter into a debate about why they would ever want a big bunch of Canadians immigrating to their nation again due to the question of those Canadians being unable to fight in defense of Canada, so why
would they suddenly want to fight in defense of Finland???!!! In the end Finland would welcome the Canadians and also allow them to carry their guns with them, but only because they would be bringing huge amounts of metal working machinery along with
them and would help to create employment for the Finnish people. So the Canadians who land in Finland will adopt Finnish culture and will have to learn to speak through their noses, and that is a good reason to go to Magadan instead.
Consider meeting in Sapporo Japan and make arrangement there to secure additional supplies before chartering ships and travelling onwards to Magadan. Winter weather conditions annually close the port of Magadan, while waiting for the harbor to open
you can use the opportunity to shop for and buy used Japanese mini-trucks, snow mobiles and such, secure all sorts of other supplies, and charter a suitable ship to take you and the other emigrants to Magadan. I imagine a tourist office or the main
police station in Sapporo can assist you to get in contact with other westerners in Sapporo who are hoping to sail to Magadan in the spring or summer when the port is accessible. It is possible that Putin would send a ship to Sapporo to pick you
emigrants up. If I was elected as Mayor of Saskatoon, I’d encourage people to flee for their lives and go to Magadan, perhaps to first stop in Sapporo and pick up supplies. With the present state of politics in Canada, it may be wise to sell everything
you have and fly to Japan where you will purchase supplies, and then in the spring board a boat in Sapporo and sail to Magadan, and then from there perhaps travel onwards to Yakutia.
People wanting to build aircraft, whether in the west or in the Russian far east, should consider making an assembly-line and rolling off copies of a commonly desired model, perhaps a flying boat that seats just four people. Another group of people
will be incessant that they will each have a Short Takeoff And Landing (STOL) aircraft, and so that group would be best served by building assembly-line copies of the same plane… One seater STOL? Two seater STOL? Four Seater STOL? There may be enough
interest to warrant making single, two and four seater STOL’s and rolling these three models off assembly lines. If the majority wants a four-seater STOL, the people who desire a one or two seater STOL may still manufacture what they desire, we should
have the room available to accommodate people’s projects. If city has the ability to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on assorted projects of very questionable worth, and more on projects that they have no business funding, then similarly the city
should be able to spend a bit of money to construct space that is suitable for you to build a project.
Put 100 people together each wanting to build the same aircraft, perhaps a one-seater STOL, this aircraft has a complex wing design. The 100 projects can be approached haphazardly with individuals constructing assorted parts of their aircraft
independently from one another. Or everybody could unite and build the wings for their airplanes at the same time. Or everybody could unite and build 100 copies of the same set of wings to be drawn for after the aircraft are built. Or 20 people could
unite and build the 100 sets of wings for the 100 aircraft while the other 80 people build different components for these 100 airplanes. This latter scenario would likely speed up the process of building the STOL aircraft, and 80% of the builders will
not have to worry about building wings for their aircraft. Hopefully there would be enough interest to get a second set of 100 (or more) people together to build a different aircraft, and perhaps get a third group of 100 people united so they too may
build 100 copies of some third style of aircraft for themselves. If you wanted an airplane and had very limited wealth, you would likely choose to join the group that seeks to make extremely cheap airplanes (likely mostly wooden and cloth) that are light
weight and so can function with lower horsepower engines. Perhaps your group will cooperatively own some engines that you may borrow until you get your act together to purchase your own. There might be some smaller groups of builders, for example there
may be 25 people who desire to build some plans-built airplane who do not wish to join with the other groups of people building other aircraft designs.
If you keep your aircraft simple, smaller and on the lighter side, then you can use a pair of small (and light weight and cheap) jet engines that are originally meant for use on the scaled-down radio controlled airplanes. Find a group of people who
each desire to build the same glider and then modify that glider with the small jet hobby engines that pop up out of the fuselage or tail. My best guess is that there are many hundreds of people in and around Saskatoon that would like to own a pair of
small jet engines for their extremely light weight aircraft, so many so that it would warrant building our own jet engines rather than buy them from Asia.
The city provides a room for the builders, first large rooms where all the prospective builders may meet and discuss building different designs, then smaller meeting rooms for the builders who decided upon the same design. At first the groups could
make use of smaller building facilities, perhaps sharing machine shops with others groups as they manufacture parts for their own designs, then later the groups would graduate to their own larger facilities that would allow them to build wings and
assemble their fuselages.
I believe many people will want to use welders to fix and customize their automobiles and trucks, we are in need of facilities for these projects that are well separated from other projects. People can start by bringing a clean vehicle that has no
papers or any other materials in the glove boxes or scattered about. Then they can drain the vehicle of fuel and remove the gas tank(s), and leave their gas tanks wrapped up and outside in the empty gas tank storage location. Then they can roll their
vehicle upon a movable platform, then they can remove their wheels and tires and similarly have these wrapped up and stored in an alternative outdoor storage location. Once their vehicle is stripped of paper, fuel and tires (fire hazards), and once their
vehicle propped up onto a movable platform, then they may move their vehicle into the building where there will be a secure storage location for it. When they are ready to work on their vehicle they may roll it out of the secure storage and work on the
vehicle, then return it to the secure storage when they are done for the day. People welding near fabric seats can remove their seats and other flammable materials and leave these items outside as well. People doing bodywork are creating extremely toxic
dust and they can do this in a separate building, people painting vehicles would again conduct this in a separate building, preferably outside of the city. Perhaps other facilities can be made available for people to work on their vehicles without having
to remove their gas tanks and tires. Consider using the facilities to alter the oiling of your engine, relocate the oil filter to the top of the engine in order to easily accomplish future oil changes. Rather than use the facilities to work on your
vehicles, use our other downtown facilities where you build your car from scratch, using anything from carbon fiber and other composites, or aluminum, titanium and steel. Help people to innovate and create by providing encouragement and secure facilities,
and by legalizing their creations and allowing their daily use without the added burden of huge volumes of government paperwork.
Saskatoon’s Aviation Department would have a supply of materials, or at least examples of materials that are available for the builders. For example, there exists extremely light weight honeycomb carbon fiber panels that are suitable for the use as
floors or for other structural components. Using a combination of spruce plywood and carbon fiber honeycomb panels, one may construct. The Aviation Department could purchase materials such as carbon fiber honeycomb panels in bulk, having such material on
hand and at the best possible price would be a big benefit to the builders. Similarly we should purchase quantities of sheets of aluminum, and quantities of TIG anodes.
Some airplane builders will share an engine and move the engine from plane to plane, reducing the overall cost of building their airplane. And so people may focus on building the airplane rather than concern themselves about a costly engine. After the
builder completes his or her airplane, then at that time the builder can invest in part ownership of an engine, preferably a very slow revving engine. Many of the airplane builders would be in the same predicament of being short of funds and needing
engines, the members could have some program in place to help others acquire engines at reasonable cost. Hopefully some aviators will join together in their communities and build radial engines (using many existing off-the-shelf parts), and then offer
these engines to the cooperative airplane builders throughout the continent.
If you are quite limited in funds to buy materials and an engine, then build a light weight aircraft that can be powered by a cheaper light weight engine. You can build using combinations of plywood, canvas, aluminum, steel or carbon fiber, but either
way keep the airplane light weight, choose a design that is of lighter weight, you’ll have fewer materials to purchase and you will power the craft with a much cheaper and lighter engine, perhaps even using a pair of those small jet engines meant for
the radio controlled model aircraft.
When people get together in groups they can talk and share ideas and share resources and manufacture all sorts of things, people would learn metalworking, woodworking and other skills, and the entire nation would benefit as a direct result of
allowing and helping people to get together, innovate, and in the process, learn new skills. Innovation is far more apt to occur without having to deal with government and their mountains of paperwork, making the project so much more doable.
There are sure to be accidents and people will lose fingers or other appendages, these can be humorously pickled and placed on display as we should always make the best of our situation. Anyway Stalin was wise to give the students the option to build
the composite Yaks, for those Yaks saved Russia from utter ruin. I bet the Russian kids sang songs in praise of Stalin back then, just as the Canadian kids sing praises for Justin Trudeau today.
And then again there is that issue of Cindy who isn’t quite sure which airplane to build and changes her mind, but still is able to trade the unwanted parts she built for an aircraft that she no longer desires for the parts she now requires, squeak
squeak. Probababbly Cindy would originally want to build a Yak and flee to Yakutia but then changed her mind and built a STOL and fled to Finland instead, in either case Saskatoon’s Aviation Department would strive to assist Cindy to meet her desired
goals, no matter how many times she changes her mind. Saskatoon’s Aviation Department would strive to assist Saskatoonian’s to emigrate to different locations, perhaps to Scandinavia or to the Russian far east, we could help send groups of people to
different locations, perhaps dropping people off at the sprawling and vibrant cities of Magadan and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. And again at the very last minute Cindy and women just like Cindy could again change their minds and could decide to travel
along with Steve to some bleak outpost in northern Siberia. Lucky Steve, it would be due to the flexibility of the Aviation Department to accommodate women like Cindy who decide at the last minute to include themselves and their equipment together with
an alternative Aviation Department convoy. In the end it would be trendsetters like Cindy who would pave the way for a better future for Saskatoonians, and for people like Steve.
Other Civic Issues:
Recently administrators at the main downtown library discarded massive number of books citing that people bound to wheelchairs were unable to reach the books on the highest and lowest shelves, they decided to remove access to books that other people
could reach. Over the last few decades the head librarians have been filling our shelves with material promoting witchcraft and homosexuality, this is in addition to the librarians pushing books advocating Catholic fertility rites. It costs taxpayers
about a million dollars every time a single individual gets infected with HIV, but you won’t read about that in books at our libraries. The libraries are being patronized by drug addicts who have little interest in reading, and who’s presence
negatively affect the learning of those who are so inclined. I do not support spending any money on a new larger downtown library, nor on spending money to annually turn the existing libraries into Catholic temples of fertility, nor on spending any
additional money on new crappy books advocating Catholicism, Islam, witchcraft nor homosexuality. Nor should we be spending money on computers (and computer support technicians) for patrons to play games on, and we can save money by reducing or ceasing
the purchase of adult fiction books. The library is for housing books and making these books accessible, not to cruise the internet and play computer games. We should stop spending money on paying wages for the administrators who turned our libraries
into jokes. We should radically cut the budget on the libraries and find new administrators who will allow books that are critical of the Catholicism, Islam, witchcraft and homosexuality. Rather than censor Michael Rowbotham’s “The Grip of Death: A
Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics” and even purge the record of the book ever having been at the library, we should instead buy several copies of the book. Rather than having hundreds or even thousands of different children
s books advocating witchcraft and homosexuality, we should be providing children with books that encourage independent thinking. Currently far less than 1% of the people in Canada are ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes, we should not be
using taxpayer’s money to encourage the other 99% to do so. Until the homosexual / witchcraft books are removed from the children’s section of the libraries, consider carding people and preventing anybody under the age of 18-years-old from entering
the public libraries, lest the city face a law suit for contributing to the delinquency of children. Children are created by a union of a man and a woman who ideally unite as a family and work together to raise these children, the public libraries (and
Hollywood and the media and the churches and the schools) are being used to contribute to the delinquency of children by advocating the removal of the fathers from the lives of his children and tearing families apart. City council should recognize that
the libraries have been co-opted by individuals that have very dark agendas and do everything possible to prevent additional money transfers that allow these damaging agendas to continue. Michael Rowbotham has a plan where interest-free money can be
created to pay for new infrastructure (bridges, overpasses, sewers, roads, schools, libraries, aircraft factories, homebuilt aviation insurance…), it would be helpful to give the citizens of Saskatoon access to such material. This interest free money
can be “created” by the City of Saskatoon to pay for any liability caused by our homebuilt aviators. At present, so-called “money” is printed by private banks out of thin air, and then loaned to the governments at compound interest, thereby
enslaving us. Recently people have had access to an excessive amount of fiction and are confusing fiction for non-fiction. And then on July 17th 2020 the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix announced that the Saskatoon Public Library has appointed a Syrian sodomite
who is living in Vancouver to be the new “Writer In Residence”, and so Danny Ramadan is now being paid to encourage Saskatoon’s youth to start ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes.
Over the last few decades many millions of dollars were spent just in Saskatoon to encourage people to adopt a homosexual lifestyle, now in 2020 and 2021 people are demonized if they desire to encourage children to adopt a straight lifestyle.
Hollywood, the media, the churches, the schools and the libraries are all teaching your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes… the result is the end of white families. The Moslems have four wives and a house for each wife (paid for
by your tax dollars through Saskatchewan Social Services), but the message from Hollywood, the media, the churches, the schools and the libraries is not for the Moslems to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes, the message for the Moslems is that
male Moslems can now also have white wives. And there is another message being sent out, that white women can be raped and traumatized with little fear of serious consequences to the rapist.
As suggested by Michael Rowbotham in his book The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics, we can create special money specifically for building infrastructure, such as the construction of a multi-lane lane high
speed hiway linking Saskatoon to Calgary. Currently fines for speeding result in losses of hundreds of dollars, sometimes thousands of dollars, and the penalties balloon higher with increased insurance rates and even loss of vehicles, and much of the
fine money is lost to bureaucracy and to corporations that own the red light and radar cameras. Instead we could utilize the money collected from speeding towards the Saskatoon to Calgary hiway project and use it together with the special infrastructure
debt-free money we create out of thin air specifically for this project. Or, simply stop fining people for speeding on the divided hiways and in passing lanes as these roads can accommodate the faster vehicles. There is no global warming, we should
increase our use of fuels and build ourselves a more comfortable future.
. Additional debt-free special money (see Rowbotham’s The Grip of Death) can be created in order to upgrade other hiways in Saskatchewan and Alberta. The City of Saskatoon could create some of this special money specifically for upgrading Circle Drive
so that vehicles could maintain a 90 km/hour speed as they drive around the city. Other special-created-out-of-thin-air money can be issued for the construction of other large projects. Currently many drivers on Saskatchewan hiways travel 20 to 30 km/
hour over the 100 km/hour speed limit, people want better hiways and faster speed limits without the worry of fines. Governments should be providing people with options in life rather than taking options away. People want to travel fast, we should build
better hiways that allow people to travel fast. Michael Rowbotham’s book was censored from the libraries in Saskatoon and people are instead funding the construction of a new library that pushes homosexual, Catholic and Islamic agendas.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff November 17th 2022 3:16 pm 153,888 words (174 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Bring along excavators to help dig in for the winter. Each participant should bring along thousands of pounds of food, thousands of pounds of other supplies (tents, tarps, clothes, 24 volt or 48 volt off-grid electrical systems, lithium powered hand
tools, stoves, screws, books, fuel….), much of the food and supplies brought along on small boats and rafts capable of navigating the Lena River. The Yakutians are fond of metal workers, make sure to bring along your machine shops, portable lumber
mills and road building equipment when you emigrate. Prepare to pay taxes to Putin in the form of gold, so that he may keep his Russian Republic strong. Or stay and pay taxes to Trudeau and have him raise your children… Trudeau uses the media and
schools to teach your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes. Trudeau works at preventing white people from meeting, uniting and forming families, and desires control over all the children, I suggest we take all the machining tools,
also the children, and flee in well-equipped convoys to Yakutia, there we can build wealth, build guns and regroup. At the very least, each participant would be required to have a raft carrying 6,000 pounds of food and other supplies so they would stand
a chance to survive the first winter, and the owner of the raft would require a boat owner to tow said raft upriver. If you are bringing a vehicle on a boat or raft as well, still bring that 6000 pounds (or much more) of food and other supplies. Build
the boats and rafts so they can be easily loaded onto and unloaded from the ships. Then build a community along the Lena River or nearby the Lena River, build it out of rocks and concrete on a south facing slope, build guns, mine gold, coal and other
resources, regroup. Another group can land at Magadan perhaps without rafts and boats and seek out a suitable site for a community along the Hiway of Bones or nearby that hiway either in Magadan or Yakutia. Canadians can sponsor other Canadians to go on
the expeditions, perhaps expecting to follow behind the following year and bringing additional resources when emigrating.
Should you find yourself landing at the Lena River Delta, travel up the Lena with a boat pulling your raft. I would suggest you also carry (or tow or use as outriggers) three or four smaller and light weight flat bottom boats so you may navigate into
other rivers that you find along the way. You may need several small flat bottomed boats in order to transport your many thousands of pounds of tools and other supplies upstream an alternative river. People landing at Magadan and then travelling up the
Kolyma Hiway should consider towing or carrying boats with them. Go to the expense of making aluminum containers to haul your food and other goods, so they float and so the goods are secure in transit. The aluminum containers, when empty, can always be
used at your chosen destination to assist in housing and mining.
Imagine perhaps as many as one million Canadians emigrating, leaving Canada to greener pastures, each bringing with them a small fortune in dehydrated foods, and bringing with them machining equipment, and construction equipment, portable lumber mills,
metals, fuels, cement and glass, and establishing new communities in places such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Yakutia, Magadan or Kamchatka. Whichever land we emigrate to would be blessed with an economic windfall. Canadians might be wise to build boats,
rafts and aircraft, in preparation of a future migration. I also imagine society will collapse so very quickly that Canadians will not have a chance to flee the messes that Biden and Trudeau are creating. In actuality America is being ruled by Obama, a
homosexual Indonesian Islamist who whispers instructions into Biden’s ear, and his Queen Michelle wears size 12 men’s shoes and played football in college. It is very important to this homosexual Indonesian Islamist that Americans line up and take
the jab. And Obama probably follows orders from Charles, who is an Islamist as well, while Trudeau certainly doths. Anyway, some people in Saskatoon may build Yaks and fly to Yakutia. It would be helpful to those who embark upon an expedition to Yakutia (
or elsewhere) have support from airplane owners, and the airplane owners find support from those carrying supplies up roads and rivers. I image that we can establish several communities in the Russian far-east and have these communities continuously
linked by air and working together developing and manufacturing airplanes, food processing and mining equipment and such.
Those people emigrating away from Canada would of course benefit by having sponsors to assist them with funds to make the boats, rafts, vehicles and to obtain the supplies. Sponsors would of course benefit when they travel to the new communities, or
move to the new communities… the sponsors would have different levels of VIP status depending upon their input. I suggest the Aviation Department, which is in charge of the security of the boat building and most other build options (in charge of the
secure lockers and buildings), utilize the funds in however way the board members see fit. We will need metal lathes and presses as well but I expect people would donate some of their older and unwanted equipment, perhaps equipment in need of repair. And
so likely we would be better off using any donated funds to purchase aluminum in large quantities rather than invest in tools. Putin will charter us a freighter and carry us, our boats and rafts, our guns and other supplies, from Vancouver to the Lena
River Delta or further upstream. Each person who constructed a raft and\or a boat would have a heated cabin built into their rafts and boats that they could occupy during transport.
Especially note that each person who built a raft or boat using donated supplies would be obligated to use a portion of their space to transport Aviation Department supplies and equipment or other members… and so there may be a vehicle or other
supplies on your raft that you do not own, in addition to people, and you may be called upon to utilize your boat as a tugboat and help pull supplies down the Lena River.
Builders who draw upon such donated resources would have to agree to use the finished boats, rafts, planes and vehicles to assist the emigration by helping to move resources for the entire group, and would later have to pay cash for any materials
provided if they decide to keep the finished project for their own private use. The donations would be used for emigration, the builders drawing upon the donated materials would be beholden to the Aviation Department and would be obligated to use the
constructed vehicles, boats, rafts and aircraft to assist in moving supplies to Magadan or Yakutia (Sakha Republic) or Kamchatka or Chukotka, likely depending upon which of these locations would welcome us, and depending upon what Putin would prefer.
Perhaps different Russian far eastern states and regions will compete and lobby for us to establish our presence and metal working facilities at their states and regions, I suggest that you establish a settlement near some coal reserves. The Aviation
Department should assist people to move to either the Russian Far East or to a Scandinavian country, or perhaps to Greenland, and so people who built rafts and are beholden to the Aviation Department would have the option to emigrate in an Aviation
Department Convoy to these different locations if approved by the host country. The Aviation Department hopes to establish communities in these foreign nations to assist Canadians to flee from Canada and continue to help train them in useful trades while
assisting them to build themselves aircraft, boats and homes.
The raft you constructed by using materials owned and provided to you by the Aviation Department, could be half occupied by materials and by wood-working and metal-working equipment the Aviation Department is transporting to the Russian far east.
People making use of the Aviation Department facilities to make rafts and other vehicles will of course be trained in some form of metal working, and so will bring their skills with them to Yakutia (Sakha Republic) should we emigrate there (more gold and
diamonds and coal and there than in Scandinavia, perhaps more freedom too). Some people will construct their boats and planes with no intention of leaving the country, and so will keep their skills in Saskatchewan or another Canadian province, and would
be fully responsible in funding the construction of their own projects.
If people are in the process of fleeing Canada (or the USA) and leaving independently and without the assistance of Saskatoon’s Aviation Department, I suggest you meet at Magadan and make arrangements in Magadan to travel inland and bolster an
existing community, such as Atka (200 km north of Magadan), or Orotukan (300 km north of Magadan). Establish communities or bolster existing communities along the hiway running from Magadan to Yakustk, perhaps space the communities roughly 100 to 200
kilometers apart. If we had communities spaced roughly every 100 to 200 kilometers along the hiway we could assist all who travel the hiway by offering fuel, food, clothes, supplies, lodging, likely jobs and entertainment as well. If we had communities
spread out along the hiway, each community could be constructing specific parts required for our communally-built airplanes, which I suggest be Short Take Off And Landing (STOL) aircraft. The parts can be delivered to Yakutsk and/or to Magadan and the
aircraft can be assembled there. We can space out communities along the hiway, perhaps in or near the communities of Atka, Orotukan, Susuman, and beyond all the way to Yakutsk in the Sakha Republic, and manufacture components for our aircraft from
different factories along the hiway Aircraft can also be assembled in smaller towns located between Yakutsk and Magadan, parts that we manufacture would flow both directions down the Hiway of Bones.
It makes sense to purchase land in The City of Magadan and use it to help Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigrating to the Russian Far East. It also makes sense to purchase some land in the town of Atka to similarly assist those
Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigration, as the town is situated along the hiway and can provide lodging, meals, fuel and information to the travelers who are passing through, and is attractive due to being located close to Magadan.
Also Atka boasts some nearby lakes (about five miles to the south east), making it ideal for canoeing, fishing and camping while waiting for additional members of your party to arrive from Canada or USA.
Establish communities that can serve as depots, where individual may drop off thousands of pounds of supplies and then travel the region until making a decision upon where to settle and move those supplies to. Then the Aviation Department, acting as
an emigrant organization, would secure our supplies in depots in our communities along the hiway, and use our trucks to move the supplies from Magadan to any location along the hiway to Yakutsk or beyond. We could purchase land in both Yakutsk and Nizhny
Bestyakh (or very nearby each community) and build boats, small aircraft and homes there. Instead of building aircraft in Saskatchewan, we can flee to Magadan and Yakutia and build them there.
Putin would be sure to issue us a general pass allowing everybody coming on the excursion from Canada (everybody fleeing Canada for their very lives) to bring their guns along with them. I suggest that if Putin dothn’t allow us to bring our guns (
both handguns and rifles) to the Russian far east, that we instead go with our guns (flee with our lives) to Finland instead. Sweden is out of the question, they allow the Islamic immigrants to have guns and bombs and will prevent the immigration of
white people, whether they have guns or not. Norway could open their doors to the Canadians who flee with their lives and who try to immigrate with their guns as they could use more soldiers for their army, navy and airforce, but since Canadians never
fought in defense of Canada, they would be unlikely to fight in defense of Norway either. If Putin dothn’t want Canadians immigrating to the Russian far east with our guns and our metal working tools, then we could go to Finland and make guns and
airplanes there instead. The people of Finland would enter into a debate about why they would ever want a big bunch of Canadians immigrating to their nation again due to the question of those Canadians being unable to fight in defense of Canada, so why
would they suddenly want to fight in defense of Finland???!!! In the end Finland would welcome the Canadians and also allow them to carry their guns with them, but only because they would be bringing huge amounts of metal working machinery along with
them and would help to create employment for the Finnish people. So the Canadians who land in Finland will adopt Finnish culture and will have to learn to speak through their noses, and that is a good reason to go to Magadan instead.
Consider meeting in Sapporo Japan and make arrangement there to secure additional supplies before chartering ships and travelling onwards to Magadan. Winter weather conditions annually close the port of Magadan, while waiting for the harbor to open
you can use the opportunity to shop for and buy used Japanese mini-trucks, snow mobiles and such, secure all sorts of other supplies, and charter a suitable ship to take you and the other emigrants to Magadan. I imagine a tourist office or the main
police station in Sapporo can assist you to get in contact with other westerners in Sapporo who are hoping to sail to Magadan in the spring or summer when the port is accessible. It is possible that Putin would send a ship to Sapporo to pick you
emigrants up. If I was elected as Mayor of Saskatoon, I’d encourage people to flee for their lives and go to Magadan, perhaps to first stop in Sapporo and pick up supplies. With the present state of politics in Canada, it may be wise to sell everything
you have and fly to Japan where you will purchase supplies, and then in the spring board a boat in Sapporo and sail to Magadan, and then from there perhaps travel onwards to Yakutia.
People wanting to build aircraft, whether in the west or in the Russian far east, should consider making an assembly-line and rolling off copies of a commonly desired model, perhaps a flying boat that seats just four people. Another group of people
will be incessant that they will each have a Short Takeoff And Landing (STOL) aircraft, and so that group would be best served by building assembly-line copies of the same plane… One seater STOL? Two seater STOL? Four Seater STOL? There may be enough
interest to warrant making single, two and four seater STOL’s and rolling these three models off assembly lines. If the majority wants a four-seater STOL, the people who desire a one or two seater STOL may still manufacture what they desire, we should
have the room available to accommodate people’s projects. If city has the ability to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on assorted projects of very questionable worth, and more on projects that they have no business funding, then similarly the city
should be able to spend a bit of money to construct space that is suitable for you to build a project.
Put 100 people together each wanting to build the same aircraft, perhaps a one-seater STOL, this aircraft has a complex wing design. The 100 projects can be approached haphazardly with individuals constructing assorted parts of their aircraft
independently from one another. Or everybody could unite and build the wings for their airplanes at the same time. Or everybody could unite and build 100 copies of the same set of wings to be drawn for after the aircraft are built. Or 20 people could
unite and build the 100 sets of wings for the 100 aircraft while the other 80 people build different components for these 100 airplanes. This latter scenario would likely speed up the process of building the STOL aircraft, and 80% of the builders will
not have to worry about building wings for their aircraft. Hopefully there would be enough interest to get a second set of 100 (or more) people together to build a different aircraft, and perhaps get a third group of 100 people united so they too may
build 100 copies of some third style of aircraft for themselves. If you wanted an airplane and had very limited wealth, you would likely choose to join the group that seeks to make extremely cheap airplanes (likely mostly wooden and cloth) that are light
weight and so can function with lower horsepower engines. Perhaps your group will cooperatively own some engines that you may borrow until you get your act together to purchase your own. There might be some smaller groups of builders, for example there
may be 25 people who desire to build some plans-built airplane who do not wish to join with the other groups of people building other aircraft designs.
If you keep your aircraft simple, smaller and on the lighter side, then you can use a pair of small (and light weight and cheap) jet engines that are originally meant for use on the scaled-down radio controlled airplanes. Find a group of people who
each desire to build the same glider and then modify that glider with the small jet hobby engines that pop up out of the fuselage or tail. My best guess is that there are many hundreds of people in and around Saskatoon that would like to own a pair of
small jet engines for their extremely light weight aircraft, so many so that it would warrant building our own jet engines rather than buy them from Asia.
The city provides a room for the builders, first large rooms where all the prospective builders may meet and discuss building different designs, then smaller meeting rooms for the builders who decided upon the same design. At first the groups could
make use of smaller building facilities, perhaps sharing machine shops with others groups as they manufacture parts for their own designs, then later the groups would graduate to their own larger facilities that would allow them to build wings and
assemble their fuselages.
I believe many people will want to use welders to fix and customize their automobiles and trucks, we are in need of facilities for these projects that are well separated from other projects. People can start by bringing a clean vehicle that has no
papers or any other materials in the glove boxes or scattered about. Then they can drain the vehicle of fuel and remove the gas tank(s), and leave their gas tanks wrapped up and outside in the empty gas tank storage location. Then they can roll their
vehicle upon a movable platform, then they can remove their wheels and tires and similarly have these wrapped up and stored in an alternative outdoor storage location. Once their vehicle is stripped of paper, fuel and tires (fire hazards), and once their
vehicle propped up onto a movable platform, then they may move their vehicle into the building where there will be a secure storage location for it. When they are ready to work on their vehicle they may roll it out of the secure storage and work on the
vehicle, then return it to the secure storage when they are done for the day. People welding near fabric seats can remove their seats and other flammable materials and leave these items outside as well. People doing bodywork are creating extremely toxic
dust and they can do this in a separate building, people painting vehicles would again conduct this in a separate building, preferably outside of the city. Perhaps other facilities can be made available for people to work on their vehicles without having
to remove their gas tanks and tires. Consider using the facilities to alter the oiling of your engine, relocate the oil filter to the top of the engine in order to easily accomplish future oil changes. Rather than use the facilities to work on your
vehicles, use our other downtown facilities where you build your car from scratch, using anything from carbon fiber and other composites, or aluminum, titanium and steel. Help people to innovate and create by providing encouragement and secure facilities,
and by legalizing their creations and allowing their daily use without the added burden of huge volumes of government paperwork.
Saskatoon’s Aviation Department would have a supply of materials, or at least examples of materials that are available for the builders. For example, there exists extremely light weight honeycomb carbon fiber panels that are suitable for the use as
floors or for other structural components. Using a combination of spruce plywood and carbon fiber honeycomb panels, one may construct. The Aviation Department could purchase materials such as carbon fiber honeycomb panels in bulk, having such material on
hand and at the best possible price would be a big benefit to the builders. Similarly we should purchase quantities of sheets of aluminum, and quantities of TIG anodes.
Some airplane builders will share an engine and move the engine from plane to plane, reducing the overall cost of building their airplane. And so people may focus on building the airplane rather than concern themselves about a costly engine. After the
builder completes his or her airplane, then at that time the builder can invest in part ownership of an engine, preferably a very slow revving engine. Many of the airplane builders would be in the same predicament of being short of funds and needing
engines, the members could have some program in place to help others acquire engines at reasonable cost. Hopefully some aviators will join together in their communities and build radial engines (using many existing off-the-shelf parts), and then offer
these engines to the cooperative airplane builders throughout the continent.
If you are quite limited in funds to buy materials and an engine, then build a light weight aircraft that can be powered by a cheaper light weight engine. You can build using combinations of plywood, canvas, aluminum, steel or carbon fiber, but either
way keep the airplane light weight, choose a design that is of lighter weight, you’ll have fewer materials to purchase and you will power the craft with a much cheaper and lighter engine, perhaps even using a pair of those small jet engines meant for
the radio controlled model aircraft.
When people get together in groups they can talk and share ideas and share resources and manufacture all sorts of things, people would learn metalworking, woodworking and other skills, and the entire nation would benefit as a direct result of
allowing and helping people to get together, innovate, and in the process, learn new skills. Innovation is far more apt to occur without having to deal with government and their mountains of paperwork, making the project so much more doable.
There are sure to be accidents and people will lose fingers or other appendages, these can be humorously pickled and placed on display as we should always make the best of our situation. Anyway Stalin was wise to give the students the option to build
the composite Yaks, for those Yaks saved Russia from utter ruin. I bet the Russian kids sang songs in praise of Stalin back then, just as the Canadian kids sing praises for Justin Trudeau today.
And then again there is that issue of Cindy who isn’t quite sure which airplane to build and changes her mind, but still is able to trade the unwanted parts she built for an aircraft that she no longer desires for the parts she now requires, squeak
squeak. Probababbly Cindy would originally want to build a Yak and flee to Yakutia but then changed her mind and built a STOL and fled to Finland instead, in either case Saskatoon’s Aviation Department would strive to assist Cindy to meet her desired
goals, no matter how many times she changes her mind. Saskatoon’s Aviation Department would strive to assist Saskatoonian’s to emigrate to different locations, perhaps to Scandinavia or to the Russian far east, we could help send groups of people to
different locations, perhaps dropping people off at the sprawling and vibrant cities of Magadan and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. And again at the very last minute Cindy and women just like Cindy could again change their minds and could decide to travel
along with Steve to some bleak outpost in northern Siberia. Lucky Steve, it would be due to the flexibility of the Aviation Department to accommodate women like Cindy who decide at the last minute to include themselves and their equipment together with
an alternative Aviation Department convoy. In the end it would be trendsetters like Cindy who would pave the way for a better future for Saskatoonians, and for people like Steve.
Other Civic Issues:
Recently administrators at the main downtown library discarded massive number of books citing that people bound to wheelchairs were unable to reach the books on the highest and lowest shelves, they decided to remove access to books that other people
could reach. Over the last few decades the head librarians have been filling our shelves with material promoting witchcraft and homosexuality, this is in addition to the librarians pushing books advocating Catholic fertility rites. It costs taxpayers
about a million dollars every time a single individual gets infected with HIV, but you won’t read about that in books at our libraries. The libraries are being patronized by drug addicts who have little interest in reading, and who’s presence
negatively affect the learning of those who are so inclined. I do not support spending any money on a new larger downtown library, nor on spending money to annually turn the existing libraries into Catholic temples of fertility, nor on spending any
additional money on new crappy books advocating Catholicism, Islam, witchcraft nor homosexuality. Nor should we be spending money on computers (and computer support technicians) for patrons to play games on, and we can save money by reducing or ceasing
the purchase of adult fiction books. The library is for housing books and making these books accessible, not to cruise the internet and play computer games. We should stop spending money on paying wages for the administrators who turned our libraries
into jokes. We should radically cut the budget on the libraries and find new administrators who will allow books that are critical of the Catholicism, Islam, witchcraft and homosexuality. Rather than censor Michael Rowbotham’s “The Grip of Death: A
Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics” and even purge the record of the book ever having been at the library, we should instead buy several copies of the book. Rather than having hundreds or even thousands of different children
s books advocating witchcraft and homosexuality, we should be providing children with books that encourage independent thinking. Currently far less than 1% of the people in Canada are ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes, we should not be
using taxpayer’s money to encourage the other 99% to do so. Until the homosexual / witchcraft books are removed from the children’s section of the libraries, consider carding people and preventing anybody under the age of 18-years-old from entering
the public libraries, lest the city face a law suit for contributing to the delinquency of children. Children are created by a union of a man and a woman who ideally unite as a family and work together to raise these children, the public libraries (and
Hollywood and the media and the churches and the schools) are being used to contribute to the delinquency of children by advocating the removal of the fathers from the lives of his children and tearing families apart. City council should recognize that
the libraries have been co-opted by individuals that have very dark agendas and do everything possible to prevent additional money transfers that allow these damaging agendas to continue. Michael Rowbotham has a plan where interest-free money can be
created to pay for new infrastructure (bridges, overpasses, sewers, roads, schools, libraries, aircraft factories, homebuilt aviation insurance…), it would be helpful to give the citizens of Saskatoon access to such material. This interest free money
can be “created” by the City of Saskatoon to pay for any liability caused by our homebuilt aviators. At present, so-called “money” is printed by private banks out of thin air, and then loaned to the governments at compound interest, thereby
enslaving us. Recently people have had access to an excessive amount of fiction and are confusing fiction for non-fiction. And then on July 17th 2020 the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix announced that the Saskatoon Public Library has appointed a Syrian sodomite
who is living in Vancouver to be the new “Writer In Residence”, and so Danny Ramadan is now being paid to encourage Saskatoon’s youth to start ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes.
Over the last few decades many millions of dollars were spent just in Saskatoon to encourage people to adopt a homosexual lifestyle, now in 2020 and 2021 people are demonized if they desire to encourage children to adopt a straight lifestyle.
Hollywood, the media, the churches, the schools and the libraries are all teaching your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes… the result is the end of white families. The Moslems have four wives and a house for each wife (paid for
by your tax dollars through Saskatchewan Social Services), but the message from Hollywood, the media, the churches, the schools and the libraries is not for the Moslems to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes, the message for the Moslems is that
male Moslems can now also have white wives. And there is another message being sent out, that white women can be raped and traumatized with little fear of serious consequences to the rapist.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff December 17th 2022 5:35 pm 166,899 words (190 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
If there is huge interest then we (with help from the Aviation Department) can develop a prototype of a powered glider that has an enormous wingspan. Many builders will instead choose to build a plans-built plane of a pre-existing design, such as the
BD-4, rather than wait for the development of the prototypes. And smaller TIG welded airframes can be put together cheaply, and quite likely with fewer hours of work than required for the composite aircraft. Note that even the airplanes that are
constructed primarily of wood still require metal parts to be fabricated and securely stored until the builder is ready for installing them, and many metal-bodied airplanes have wooden wings. Many of these metal parts are cheaply constructed, people with
limited resources can start by assembling these lower cost items. People are free to decide which aircraft they wish to construct, but recognize that if you stick to a co-operative plan where several or many copies of the same plane are made, many of
your construction problems will be solved as others are involved working along side of you to help complete the steps. We should be providing options for people rather than taking options away and make it easier for people to start building without delay.
By simply following the principles of aviation and without using complex mathematics nor wind tunnels, people may construct airplanes that fly very well (see “Flight Without Formulae” by A.C. Kermode). Consider that those people who use the
complex mathematical formulas and even wind tunnels end up with airplanes that still undergo revision after revision after revision. Even little girls can fly their own planes and save other children from being abducted by gypsies (see The Girl Aviators
Motor Butterfly by Margaret Burnham, published by M.A Donohue & Company). If the builder chooses to make such an individual and unique aircraft, then of course the parts they manufacture cannot be traded for another design approved and actively
supported by the Aviation Department.
There are lots of projects that can be tackled in Build Option 22, many of them require TIG welding. Many of the projects would have components that would be cut out with lasers or water jets or cutting torches from large sheets of metal, the
individuals building the project would of course pay for that service (unless they own and use a cutting torch), and then assemble their projects in the large TIG welding facilities located in downtown Saskatoon, stretching from Third Avenue to Ave C or
so, and south from 20th or 22nd Street or so to the river. Rowbotham proclaims we can print debt-free money out of thin air to pay for this and other critical infrastructure projects (See “The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and
Destructive Economics” by Michael Rowbotham). This TIG welding facility is a critical project as people would be learning skills and building futures for themselves, and ample opportunities would exist in the facilities to teach them to fly.
Saskatoon requires two or three new airports on the outskirts specifically made for the homebuilt aircraft. We should not allow the homebuilt creations to fly over the city with the exception that the smaller and quieter planes should be allowed to
travel immediately above the South Saskatchewan River and so through the very center of our city - planes could even be launched from a slipway on the roof of the TIG welding facility (a very large building located on the south side of downtown
stretching from Second Avenue and 20th Street to Avenue C South and the river) and then navigate along the river. We could have races and paintball dogfights over the river, an event as such would bring visitors to the city and generate revenue. We could
have a water aerodrome on the South Saskatchewan River, and perhaps limit the aerodrome to small airplanes that meet extremely tough noise limits or perhaps allow noisier aircraft to use the facilities during the day. Consider allowing the children to
fly their own aviation creations at night without any licenses, and re-educating the air traffic controllers.
We could be building multiple forms, and then allowing builders to utilize our forms, and they would drape their plywood and/or fiber glass and/or carbon fiber and such over our forms, such as was done in constructing the Mosquito. While the forms are
being developed the builders could rebuild engines and build propellers for their engines, build landing gear and other smaller parts. We could have forms for members to borrow that result in sleek and fuel efficient racers, like the Yak. We can also
allow members to build a scaled-down version of the P-38 Lightning. We could build powered gliders that resemble a U-2 Spy Plane, we could make multiple forms for the fuselage out of concrete or some other stiff material. Small jet engines are an
equivalent cost of a cheap used car, buy a pair of these small jets and make them retractable. We could even develop jet engines and make the design or parts available to the members. We can accomplish much when we work together.
We could build a fleet of amphibious aircraft, seaplanes, flying boats or perhaps even floatplanes, having a fleet of these one or more of these four aquatic aircraft would enable us to provide an air taxi service to the northern lakes. By
facilitating the building of low cost aircraft in Saskatoon, and perhaps by building components for these airplanes in other communities, we could link northern and southern communities. Presently it costs more money to fly from Saskatoon to many
communities in northern Saskatchewan, than it costs to fly from Saskatoon to Europe. Check out the retractable wing-tip pontoons on the PBY-5A, by retracting the pontoons on airplanes we will reduce drag and save on fuel.
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I’d encourage both city residents and our neighbors living outside of our city to participate in using the proposed facilities to construct and modify boats, aircraft and ATV’s. We’d provide storage lockers for the
parts you are assembling for your project, and a machine shop where you may manufacture your parts, eventually you will have enough parts stored that you would be provided with a larger secure space to assemble your project. People should have options in
life, governments should be trying to help provide people with options and not take options away.
I propose a very large building along the south side of downtown Saskatoon spanning into Riversdale where visitors could travel on moving and stationary sidewalks and escalators while enclosed inside clear tubes. Visitors could safely view the
airplanes or other projects being completed around them while seated and having coffee at one of the many coffee shops.
The City of Saskatoon should purchase 40, 80, 160 or 320 acres of rural land so these projects can quickly begin while building this proposed facility in the city. Even a small group of people, independent from the City of Saskatoon and who are
interested in one or more of these twenty-eight build options, can unite and pool their money and purchase the required land and erect some cheaper buildings close to the City of Saskatoon.
Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten are a system of similar tracking vehicles. The boats being built should be engineered to carry one or more of the similarly tracked vehicles from Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten, and also engineered to be easily
transported by large ships. The rafts carrying supplies also need to conform to size restrictions to aid in transport by the larger ships. The boats should be loaded upon ships and then unloaded at a distant port, perhaps at the mouth of the gold-bearing
Lena or some other gold-laden river. I suggest that white Canadians should flee Canada, take a well-supplied trip up the mouth of the Lena and establish a community near where a smaller river meets the Lena, where the gold or other mineral prospects look
favorable, perhaps 1000 miles upstream on the Lena. Doing such would establish a community in pretty much the geographical center of Yakutia, work together to survive the first winter and then establish other communities in the region, depending upon
mineral and other resources.
Bring along excavators to help dig in for the winter. Each participant should bring along thousands of pounds of food, thousands of pounds of other supplies (tents, tarps, clothes, 24 volt or 48 volt off-grid electrical systems, lithium powered hand
tools, stoves, screws, books, fuel….), much of the food and supplies brought along on small boats and rafts capable of navigating the Lena River. The Yakutians are fond of metal workers, make sure to bring along your machine shops, portable lumber
mills and road building equipment when you emigrate. Prepare to pay taxes to Putin in the form of gold, so that he may keep his Russian Republic strong. Or stay and pay taxes to Trudeau and have him raise your children… Trudeau uses the media and
schools to teach your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes. Trudeau works at preventing white people from meeting, uniting and forming families, and desires control over all the children, I suggest we take all the machining tools,
also the children, and flee in well-equipped convoys to Yakutia, there we can build wealth, build guns and regroup. At the very least, each participant would be required to have a raft carrying 6,000 pounds of food and other supplies so they would stand
a chance to survive the first winter, and the owner of the raft would require a boat owner to tow said raft upriver. If you are bringing a vehicle on a boat or raft as well, still bring that 6000 pounds (or much more) of food and other supplies. Build
the boats and rafts so they can be easily loaded onto and unloaded from the ships. Then build a community along the Lena River or nearby the Lena River, build it out of rocks and concrete on a south facing slope, build guns, mine gold, coal and other
resources, regroup. Another group can land at Magadan perhaps without rafts and boats and seek out a suitable site for a community along the Hiway of Bones or nearby that hiway either in Magadan or Yakutia. Canadians can sponsor other Canadians to go on
the expeditions, perhaps expecting to follow behind the following year and bringing additional resources when emigrating.
Should you find yourself landing at the Lena River Delta, travel up the Lena with a boat pulling your raft. I would suggest you also carry (or tow or use as outriggers) three or four smaller and light weight flat bottom boats so you may navigate into
other rivers that you find along the way. You may need several small flat bottomed boats in order to transport your many thousands of pounds of tools and other supplies upstream an alternative river. People landing at Magadan and then travelling up the
Kolyma Hiway should consider towing or carrying boats with them. Go to the expense of making aluminum containers to haul your food and other goods, so they float and so the goods are secure in transit. The aluminum containers, when empty, can always be
used at your chosen destination to assist in housing and mining.
Imagine perhaps as many as one million Canadians emigrating, leaving Canada to greener pastures, each bringing with them a small fortune in dehydrated foods, and bringing with them machining equipment, and construction equipment, portable lumber mills,
metals, fuels, cement and glass, and establishing new communities in places such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Yakutia, Magadan or Kamchatka. Whichever land we emigrate to would be blessed with an economic windfall. Canadians might be wise to build boats,
rafts and aircraft, in preparation of a future migration. I also imagine society will collapse so very quickly that Canadians will not have a chance to flee the messes that Biden and Trudeau are creating. In actuality America is being ruled by Obama, a
homosexual Indonesian Islamist who whispers instructions into Biden’s ear, and his Queen Michelle wears size 12 men’s shoes and played football in college. It is very important to this homosexual Indonesian Islamist that Americans line up and take
the jab. And Obama probably follows orders from Charles, who is an Islamist as well, while Trudeau certainly doths. Anyway, some people in Saskatoon may build Yaks and fly to Yakutia. It would be helpful to those who embark upon an expedition to Yakutia (
or elsewhere) have support from airplane owners, and the airplane owners find support from those carrying supplies up roads and rivers. I image that we can establish several communities in the Russian far-east and have these communities continuously
linked by air and working together developing and manufacturing airplanes, food processing and mining equipment and such.
Those people emigrating away from Canada would of course benefit by having sponsors to assist them with funds to make the boats, rafts, vehicles and to obtain the supplies. Sponsors would of course benefit when they travel to the new communities, or
move to the new communities… the sponsors would have different levels of VIP status depending upon their input. I suggest the Aviation Department, which is in charge of the security of the boat building and most other build options (in charge of the
secure lockers and buildings), utilize the funds in however way the board members see fit. We will need metal lathes and presses as well but I expect people would donate some of their older and unwanted equipment, perhaps equipment in need of repair. And
so likely we would be better off using any donated funds to purchase aluminum in large quantities rather than invest in tools. Putin will charter us a freighter and carry us, our boats and rafts, our guns and other supplies, from Vancouver to the Lena
River Delta or further upstream. Each person who constructed a raft and\or a boat would have a heated cabin built into their rafts and boats that they could occupy during transport.
Especially note that each person who built a raft or boat using donated supplies would be obligated to use a portion of their space to transport Aviation Department supplies and equipment or other members… and so there may be a vehicle or other
supplies on your raft that you do not own, in addition to people, and you may be called upon to utilize your boat as a tugboat and help pull supplies down the Lena River.
Builders who draw upon such donated resources would have to agree to use the finished boats, rafts, planes and vehicles to assist the emigration by helping to move resources for the entire group, and would later have to pay cash for any materials
provided if they decide to keep the finished project for their own private use. The donations would be used for emigration, the builders drawing upon the donated materials would be beholden to the Aviation Department and would be obligated to use the
constructed vehicles, boats, rafts and aircraft to assist in moving supplies to Magadan or Yakutia (Sakha Republic) or Kamchatka or Chukotka, likely depending upon which of these locations would welcome us, and depending upon what Putin would prefer.
Perhaps different Russian far eastern states and regions will compete and lobby for us to establish our presence and metal working facilities at their states and regions, I suggest that you establish a settlement near some coal reserves. The Aviation
Department should assist people to move to either the Russian Far East or to a Scandinavian country, or perhaps to Greenland, and so people who built rafts and are beholden to the Aviation Department would have the option to emigrate in an Aviation
Department Convoy to these different locations if approved by the host country. The Aviation Department hopes to establish communities in these foreign nations to assist Canadians to flee from Canada and continue to help train them in useful trades while
assisting them to build themselves aircraft, boats and homes.
The raft you constructed by using materials owned and provided to you by the Aviation Department, could be half occupied by materials and by wood-working and metal-working equipment the Aviation Department is transporting to the Russian far east.
People making use of the Aviation Department facilities to make rafts and other vehicles will of course be trained in some form of metal working, and so will bring their skills with them to Yakutia (Sakha Republic) should we emigrate there (more gold and
diamonds and coal and there than in Scandinavia, perhaps more freedom too). Some people will construct their boats and planes with no intention of leaving the country, and so will keep their skills in Saskatchewan or another Canadian province, and would
be fully responsible in funding the construction of their own projects.
If people are in the process of fleeing Canada (or the USA) and leaving independently and without the assistance of Saskatoon’s Aviation Department, I suggest you meet at Magadan and make arrangements in Magadan to travel inland and bolster an
existing community, such as Atka (200 km north of Magadan), or Orotukan (300 km north of Magadan). Establish communities or bolster existing communities along the hiway running from Magadan to Yakustk, perhaps space the communities roughly 100 to 200
kilometers apart. If we had communities spaced roughly every 100 to 200 kilometers along the hiway we could assist all who travel the hiway by offering fuel, food, clothes, supplies, lodging, likely jobs and entertainment as well. If we had communities
spread out along the hiway, each community could be constructing specific parts required for our communally-built airplanes, which I suggest be Short Take Off And Landing (STOL) aircraft. The parts can be delivered to Yakutsk and/or to Magadan and the
aircraft can be assembled there. We can space out communities along the hiway, perhaps in or near the communities of Atka, Orotukan, Susuman, and beyond all the way to Yakutsk in the Sakha Republic, and manufacture components for our aircraft from
different factories along the hiway Aircraft can also be assembled in smaller towns located between Yakutsk and Magadan, parts that we manufacture would flow both directions down the Hiway of Bones.
It makes sense to purchase land in The City of Magadan and use it to help Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigrating to the Russian Far East. It also makes sense to purchase some land in the town of Atka to similarly assist those
Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigration, as the town is situated along the hiway and can provide lodging, meals, fuel and information to the travelers who are passing through, and is attractive due to being located close to Magadan.
Also Atka boasts some nearby lakes (about five miles to the south east), making it ideal for canoeing, fishing and camping while waiting for additional members of your party to arrive from Canada or USA.
Establish communities that can serve as depots, where individual may drop off thousands of pounds of supplies and then travel the region until making a decision upon where to settle and move those supplies to. Then the Aviation Department, acting as an
emigrant organization, would secure our supplies in depots in our communities along the hiway, and use our trucks to move the supplies from Magadan to any location along the hiway to Yakutsk or beyond. We could purchase land in both Yakutsk and Nizhny
Bestyakh (or very nearby each community) and build boats, small aircraft and homes there. Instead of building aircraft in Saskatchewan, we can flee to Magadan and Yakutia and build them there.
Putin would be sure to issue us a general pass allowing everybody coming on the excursion from Canada (everybody fleeing Canada for their very lives) to bring their guns along with them. I suggest that if Putin dothn’t allow us to bring our guns (
both handguns and rifles) to the Russian far east, that we instead go with our guns (flee with our lives) to Finland instead. Sweden is out of the question, they allow the Islamic immigrants to have guns and bombs and will prevent the immigration of
white people, whether they have guns or not. Norway could open their doors to the Canadians who flee with their lives and who try to immigrate with their guns as they could use more soldiers for their army, navy and airforce, but since Canadians never
fought in defense of Canada, they would be unlikely to fight in defense of Norway either. If Putin dothn’t want Canadians immigrating to the Russian far east with our guns and our metal working tools, then we could go to Finland and make guns and
airplanes there instead. The people of Finland would enter into a debate about why they would ever want a big bunch of Canadians immigrating to their nation again due to the question of those Canadians being unable to fight in defense of Canada, so why
would they suddenly want to fight in defense of Finland???!!! In the end Finland would welcome the Canadians and also allow them to carry their guns with them, but only because they would be bringing huge amounts of metal working machinery along with
them and would help to create employment for the Finnish people. So the Canadians who land in Finland will adopt Finnish culture and will have to learn to speak through their noses, and that is a good reason to go to Magadan instead. In the end the
Canadians would only flee to a country that allowed them to smoke marijuana and hashish, and would happily speak through their noses in Finland if that was what was required to smoke their weed.
Consider meeting in Sapporo Japan and make arrangement there to secure additional supplies before chartering ships and travelling onwards to Magadan. Winter weather conditions annually close the port of Magadan, while waiting for the harbor to open
you can use the opportunity to shop for and buy used Japanese mini-trucks, snow mobiles and such, secure all sorts of other supplies, and charter a suitable ship to take you and the other emigrants to Magadan. I imagine a tourist office or the main
police station in Sapporo can assist you to get in contact with other westerners in Sapporo who are hoping to sail to Magadan in the spring or summer when the port is accessible. It is possible that Putin would send a ship to Sapporo to pick you
emigrants up. If I was elected as Mayor of Saskatoon, I’d encourage people to flee for their lives and go to Magadan, perhaps to first stop in Sapporo and pick up supplies. With the present state of politics in Canada, it may be wise to sell everything
you have and fly to Japan where you will purchase supplies, and then in the spring board a boat in Sapporo and sail to Magadan, and then from there perhaps travel onwards to Yakutia.
People wanting to build aircraft, whether in the west or in the Russian far east, should consider making an assembly-line and rolling off copies of a commonly desired model, perhaps a flying boat that seats just four people. Another group of people
will be incessant that they will each have a Short Takeoff And Landing (STOL) aircraft, and so that group would be best served by building assembly-line copies of the same plane… One seater STOL? Two seater STOL? Four Seater STOL? There may be enough
interest to warrant making single, two and four seater STOL’s and rolling these three models off assembly lines. If the majority wants a four-seater STOL, the people who desire a one or two seater STOL may still manufacture what they desire, we should
have the room available to accommodate people’s projects. If city has the ability to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on assorted projects of very questionable worth, and more on projects that they have no business funding, then similarly the city
should be able to spend a bit of money to construct space that is suitable for you to build a project.
Find 100 people each wanting to build the same aircraft, perhaps a one-seater STOL, this aircraft has a complex wing design. The 100 projects can be approached haphazardly with individuals constructing assorted parts of their aircraft independently
from one another. Or allow everybody could unite and build the 200 wings and the 100 fuselages and perhaps the 100 tails, then draw for these incompleted planes, then leave it to the members to install their own choice of engines, landing gear and
avionics. Or 20 people could unite and build the 100 sets of wings for the 100 aircraft while the other 80 people build different components for these 100 airplanes. This latter scenario would likely speed up the process of building the STOL aircraft,
and 80% of the builders will not have to worry about building wings for their aircraft. Hopefully there would be enough interest to get a second set of 100 (or more) people together to build a different aircraft, and perhaps get a third group of 100
people united so they too may build 100 copies of some third style of aircraft for themselves. If you wanted an airplane and had very limited wealth, you would likely choose to join the group that seeks to make extremely cheap airplanes (likely mostly
wooden and cloth) that are light weight and so can function with lower horsepower engines. Perhaps your group will cooperatively own some engines that you may borrow until you are able to purchase your own. There might be some smaller groups of builders,
for example there may be 25 people who desire to build some plans-built airplane who do not wish to join with the other groups of people building other aircraft designs. There might be only three people wanting to build a certain plans-built plane,
provide them with storage locked and hope they work together.
If you keep your aircraft simple, smaller and on the lighter side, then you can use a pair of small (and light weight and cheap) jet engines that are originally meant for use on the scaled-down radio controlled airplanes. Find a group of people who
each desire to build the same glider and then modify that glider with the small jet hobby engines that pop up out of the fuselage or tail. My best guess is that there are many hundreds of people in and around Saskatoon that would like to own a pair of
small jet engines for their extremely light weight aircraft, so many so that it would warrant building our own jet engines rather than buy them from Asia.
The city provides a room for the builders, first large rooms where all the prospective builders may meet and discuss building different designs, then smaller meeting rooms for the builders who decided upon the same design. At first the groups could
make use of smaller building facilities, perhaps sharing machine shops with others groups as they manufacture parts for their own designs, then later the groups would graduate to their own larger facilities that would allow them to build wings and
assemble their fuselages.
I believe many people will want to use welders to fix and customize their automobiles and trucks, we are in need of facilities for these projects that are well separated from other projects. People can start by bringing a clean vehicle that has no
papers or any other materials in the glove boxes or scattered about. Then they can drain the vehicle of fuel and remove the gas tank(s), and leave their gas tanks wrapped up and outside in the empty gas tank storage location. Then they can roll their
vehicle upon a movable platform, then they can remove their wheels and tires and similarly have these wrapped up and stored in an alternative outdoor storage location. Once their vehicle is stripped of paper, fuel and tires (fire hazards), and once their
vehicle propped up onto a movable platform, then they may move their vehicle into the building where there will be a secure storage location for it. When they are ready to work on their vehicle they may roll it out of the secure storage and work on the
vehicle, then return it to the secure storage when they are done for the day. People welding near fabric seats can remove their seats and other flammable materials and leave these items outside as well. People doing bodywork are creating extremely toxic
dust and they can do this in a separate building, people painting vehicles would again conduct this in a separate building, preferably outside of the city. Perhaps other facilities can be made available for people to work on their vehicles without having
to remove their gas tanks and tires. Consider using the facilities to alter the oiling of your engine, relocate the oil filter to the top of the engine in order to easily accomplish future oil changes. Rather than use the facilities to work on your
vehicles, use our other downtown facilities where you build your car from scratch, using anything from carbon fiber and other composites, or aluminum, titanium and steel. Help people to innovate and create by providing encouragement and secure facilities,
and by legalizing their creations and allowing their daily use without the added burden of huge volumes of government paperwork.
Saskatoon’s Aviation Department would have a supply of materials, or at least examples of materials that are available for the builders. For example, there exists extremely light weight honeycomb carbon fiber panels that are suitable for the use as
floors or for other structural components. Using a combination of spruce plywood and carbon fiber honeycomb panels, one may construct. The Aviation Department could purchase materials such as carbon fiber honeycomb panels in bulk, having such material on
hand and at the best possible price would be a big benefit to the builders. Similarly we should purchase quantities of sheets of aluminum, and quantities of TIG anodes.
Some airplane builders will share an engine and move the engine from plane to plane, reducing the overall cost of building their airplane. And so people may focus on building the airplane rather than concern themselves about a costly engine. After the
builder completes his or her airplane, then at that time the builder can invest in part ownership of an engine, preferably a very slow revving engine. Many of the airplane builders would be in the same predicament of being short of funds and needing
engines, the members could have some program in place to help others acquire engines at reasonable cost. Hopefully some aviators will join together in their communities and build radial engines (using many existing off-the-shelf parts), and then offer
these engines to the cooperative airplane builders throughout the continent.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff January 15th 2023 1:57 pm 172,263 words (197 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
By simply following the principles of aviation and without using complex mathematics nor wind tunnels, people may construct airplanes that fly very well (see “Flight Without Formulae” by A.C. Kermode). Consider that those people who use the
complex mathematical formulas and even wind tunnels end up with airplanes that still undergo revision after revision after revision. Even little girls can fly their own planes and save other children from being abducted by gypsies (see The Girl Aviators
Motor Butterfly by Margaret Burnham, published by M.A Donohue & Company). If the builder chooses to make such an individual and unique aircraft, then of course the parts they manufacture cannot be traded for parts of a design approved and actively
supported by the Aviation Department.
There are lots of projects that can be tackled in Build Option 22, many of them require TIG welding. Many of the projects would have components that would be cut out with lasers or water jets or cutting torches from large sheets of metal, the
individuals building the project would of course pay for that service (unless they own and use a cutting torch), and then assemble their projects in the large TIG welding facilities located in downtown Saskatoon, stretching from Third Avenue to Ave C or
so, and south from 20th or 22nd Street or so to the river. Rowbotham proclaims we can print debt-free money out of thin air to pay for this and other critical infrastructure projects (See “The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and
Destructive Economics” by Michael Rowbotham). This TIG welding facility is a critical project as people would be learning skills and building futures for themselves, and ample opportunities would exist in the facilities to teach them to fly.
Saskatoon requires two or three new airports on the outskirts specifically made for the homebuilt aircraft. We should not allow the homebuilt creations to fly over the city with the exception that the smaller and quieter planes should be allowed to
travel immediately above the South Saskatchewan River and so through the very center of our city - planes could even be launched from a slipway on the roof of the TIG welding facility (a very large building located on the south side of downtown
stretching from Second Avenue and 20th Street to Avenue C South and the river) and then navigate along the river. We could have races and paintball dogfights over the river, an event as such would bring visitors to the city and generate revenue. We could
have a water aerodrome on the South Saskatchewan River, and perhaps limit the aerodrome to small airplanes that meet extremely tough noise limits or perhaps allow noisier aircraft to use the facilities during the day. Consider allowing the children to
fly their own aviation creations at night without any licenses, and re-educating the air traffic controllers.
We could be building multiple forms, and then allowing builders to utilize our forms, and they would drape their plywood and/or fiber glass and/or carbon fiber and such over our forms, such as was done in constructing the Mosquito. While the forms are
being developed the builders could rebuild engines and build propellers for their engines, build landing gear and other smaller parts. We could have forms for members to borrow that result in sleek and fuel efficient racers, like the Yak. We can also
allow members to build a scaled-down version of the P-38 Lightning. We could build powered gliders that resemble a U-2 Spy Plane, we could make multiple forms for the fuselage out of concrete or some other stiff material. Small jet engines are an
equivalent cost of a cheap used car, buy a pair of these small jets and make them retractable. We could even develop jet engines and make the design or parts available to the members. We can accomplish much when we work together.
We could build a fleet of amphibious aircraft, seaplanes, flying boats or perhaps even floatplanes, having a fleet of these one or more of these four aquatic aircraft would enable us to provide an air taxi service to the northern lakes. By
facilitating the building of low cost aircraft in Saskatoon, and perhaps by building components for these airplanes in other communities, we could link northern and southern communities. Presently it costs more money to fly from Saskatoon to many
communities in northern Saskatchewan, than it costs to fly from Saskatoon to Europe. Check out the retractable wing-tip pontoons on the PBY-5A, by retracting the pontoons on airplanes we will reduce drag and save on fuel.
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I’d encourage both city residents and our neighbors living outside of our city to participate in using the proposed facilities to construct and modify boats, aircraft and ATV’s. We’d provide storage lockers for the
parts you are assembling for your project, and a machine shop where you may manufacture your parts, eventually you will have enough parts stored that you would be provided with a larger secure space to assemble your project. People should have options in
life, governments should be trying to help provide people with options and not take options away.
I propose a very large building along the south side of downtown Saskatoon spanning into Riversdale where visitors could travel on moving and stationary sidewalks and escalators while enclosed inside clear tubes. Separated by plate glass, visitors
could safely view the airplanes or other projects being completed around them while seated and having coffee at one of the many coffee shops. I imagine undecided Cindy and her female friends would be roaming the premises, coffees in hand, looking at the
many projects, while the muscular guys would be going shirtless, dripping in sweat, as they labour upon their metal and wood working projects, welding and grinding away. The women can see the projects under construction before they choose what project to
start upon. Friendships would be developed.
The City of Saskatoon should purchase 40, 80, 160 or 320 acres of rural land so these projects can quickly begin while building this proposed facility in the city. Even a small group of people, independent from the City of Saskatoon and who are
interested in one or more of these twenty-eight build options, can unite and pool their money and purchase the required land and erect some cheaper buildings close to the City of Saskatoon.
Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten are a system of similar tracking vehicles. The boats being built should be engineered to carry one or more of the similarly tracked vehicles from Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten, and also engineered to be easily
transported by large ships. The rafts carrying supplies also need to conform to size restrictions to aid in transport by the larger ships. The boats should be loaded upon ships and then unloaded at a distant port, perhaps at the mouth of the gold-bearing
Lena or some other gold-laden river. I suggest that white Canadians should flee Canada, take a well-supplied trip up the mouth of the Lena and establish a community near where a smaller river meets the Lena, where the gold or other mineral prospects look
favorable, perhaps 1000 miles upstream on the Lena. Doing such would establish a community in pretty much the geographical center of Yakutia, work together to survive the first winter and then establish other communities in the region, depending upon
mineral and other resources.
Bring along excavators to help dig in for the winter. Each participant should bring along thousands of pounds of food, thousands of pounds of other supplies (tents, tarps, clothes, 24 volt or 48 volt off-grid electrical systems, lithium powered hand
tools, stoves, screws, books, fuel….), much of the food and supplies brought along on small boats and rafts capable of navigating the Lena River. The Yakutians are fond of metal workers, make sure to bring along your machine shops, portable lumber
mills and road building equipment when you emigrate. Prepare to pay taxes to Putin in the form of gold, so that he may keep his Russian Republic strong. Or stay and pay taxes to Trudeau and have him raise your children… Trudeau uses the media and
schools to teach your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes. Trudeau works at preventing white people from meeting, uniting and forming families, and desires control over all the children, I suggest we take all the machining tools,
also the children, and flee in well-equipped convoys to Yakutia, there we can build wealth, build guns and regroup. At the very least, each participant would be required to have a raft carrying 6,000 pounds of food and other supplies so they would stand
a chance to survive the first winter, and the owner of the raft would require a boat owner to tow said raft upriver. If you are bringing a vehicle on a boat or raft as well, still bring that 6000 pounds (or much more) of food and other supplies. Build
the boats and rafts so they can be easily loaded onto and unloaded from the ships. Then build a community along the Lena River or nearby the Lena River, build it out of rocks and concrete on a south facing slope, build guns, mine gold, coal and other
resources, regroup. Another group can land at Magadan perhaps without rafts and boats and seek out a suitable site for a community along the Hiway of Bones or nearby that hiway either in Magadan or Yakutia. Canadians can sponsor other Canadians to go on
the expeditions, perhaps expecting to follow behind the following year and bringing additional resources when emigrating.
Should you find yourself landing at the Lena River Delta, travel up the Lena with a boat pulling your raft. I would suggest you also carry (or tow or use as outriggers) three or four smaller and light weight flat bottom boats so you may navigate into
other rivers that you find along the way. You may need several small flat bottomed boats in order to transport your many thousands of pounds of tools and other supplies upstream an alternative river. People landing at Magadan and then travelling up the
Kolyma Hiway should consider towing or carrying boats with them. Go to the expense of making aluminum containers to haul your food and other goods, so they float and so the goods are secure in transit. The aluminum containers, when empty, can always be
used at your chosen destination to assist in housing and mining.
Imagine perhaps as many as one million Canadians emigrating, leaving Canada to greener pastures, each bringing with them a small fortune in dehydrated foods, and bringing with them machining equipment, and construction equipment, portable lumber mills,
metals, fuels, cement and glass, and establishing new communities in places such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Yakutia, Magadan or Kamchatka. Whichever land we emigrate to would be blessed with an economic windfall. Canadians might be wise to build boats,
rafts and aircraft, in preparation of a future migration. I also imagine society will collapse so very quickly that Canadians will not have a chance to flee the messes that Biden and Trudeau are creating. In actuality America is being ruled by Obama, a
homosexual Indonesian Islamist who whispers instructions into Biden’s ear, and his Queen Michelle wears size 12 men’s shoes and played football in college. It is very important to this homosexual Indonesian Islamist that Americans line up and take
the jab. And Obama probably follows orders from Charles, who is an Islamist as well, while Trudeau certainly doths. Anyway, some people in Saskatoon may build Yaks and fly to Yakutia. It would be helpful to those who embark upon an expedition to Yakutia (
or elsewhere) have support from airplane owners, and the airplane owners find support from those carrying supplies up roads and rivers. I image that we can establish several communities in the Russian far-east and have these communities continuously
linked by air and working together developing and manufacturing airplanes, food processing and mining equipment and such.
Those people emigrating away from Canada would of course benefit by having sponsors to assist them with funds to make the boats, rafts, vehicles and to obtain the supplies. Sponsors would of course benefit when they travel to the new communities, or
move to the new communities… the sponsors would have different levels of VIP status depending upon their input. I suggest the Aviation Department, which is in charge of the security of the boat building and most other build options (in charge of the
secure lockers and buildings), utilize the funds in however way the board members see fit. We will need metal lathes and presses as well but I expect people would donate some of their older and unwanted equipment, perhaps equipment in need of repair. And
so likely we would be better off using any donated funds to purchase aluminum in large quantities rather than invest in tools. Putin will charter us a freighter and carry us, our boats and rafts, our guns and other supplies, from Vancouver to the Lena
River Delta or further upstream. Each person who constructed a raft and\or a boat would have a heated cabin built into their rafts and boats that they could occupy during transport.
Especially note that each person who built a raft or boat using donated supplies would be obligated to use a portion of their space to transport Aviation Department supplies and equipment or other members… and so there may be a vehicle or other
supplies on your raft that you do not own, in addition to people, and you may be called upon to utilize your boat as a tugboat and help pull supplies down the Lena River.
Builders who draw upon such donated resources would have to agree to use the finished boats, rafts, planes and vehicles to assist the emigration by helping to move resources for the entire group, and would later have to pay cash for any materials
provided if they decide to keep the finished project for their own private use. The donations would be used for emigration, the builders drawing upon the donated materials would be beholden to the Aviation Department and would be obligated to use the
constructed vehicles, boats, rafts and aircraft to assist in moving supplies to Magadan or Yakutia (Sakha Republic) or Kamchatka or Chukotka, likely depending upon which of these locations would welcome us, and depending upon what Putin would prefer.
Perhaps different Russian far eastern states and regions will compete and lobby for us to establish our presence and metal working facilities at their states and regions, I suggest that you establish a settlement near some coal reserves. The Aviation
Department should assist people to move to either the Russian Far East or to a Scandinavian country, or perhaps to Greenland, and so people who built rafts and are beholden to the Aviation Department would have the option to emigrate in an Aviation
Department Convoy to these different locations if approved by the host country. The Aviation Department hopes to establish communities in these foreign nations to assist Canadians to flee from Canada and continue to help train them in useful trades while
assisting them to build themselves aircraft, boats and homes.
The raft you constructed by using materials owned and provided to you by the Aviation Department, could be half occupied by materials and by wood-working and metal-working equipment the Aviation Department is transporting to the Russian far east.
People making use of the Aviation Department facilities to make rafts and other vehicles will of course be trained in some form of metal working, and so will bring their skills with them to Yakutia (Sakha Republic) should we emigrate there (more gold and
diamonds and coal and there than in Scandinavia, perhaps more freedom too). Some people will construct their boats and planes with no intention of leaving the country, and so will keep their skills in Saskatchewan or another Canadian province, and would
be fully responsible in funding the construction of their own projects.
If people are in the process of fleeing Canada (or the USA) and leaving independently and without the assistance of Saskatoon’s Aviation Department, I suggest you meet at Magadan and make arrangements in Magadan to travel inland and bolster an
existing community, such as Atka (200 km north of Magadan), or Orotukan (300 km north of Magadan). Establish communities or bolster existing communities along the hiway running from Magadan to Yakustk, perhaps space the communities roughly 100 to 200
kilometers apart. If we had communities spaced roughly every 100 to 200 kilometers along the hiway we could assist all who travel the hiway by offering fuel, food, clothes, supplies, lodging, likely jobs and entertainment as well. If we had communities
spread out along the hiway, each community could be constructing specific parts required for our communally-built airplanes, which I suggest be Short Take Off And Landing (STOL) aircraft. The parts can be delivered to Yakutsk and/or to Magadan and the
aircraft can be assembled there. We can space out communities along the hiway, perhaps in or near the communities of Atka, Orotukan, Susuman, and beyond all the way to Yakutsk in the Sakha Republic, and manufacture components for our aircraft from
different factories along the hiway Aircraft can also be assembled in smaller towns located between Yakutsk and Magadan, parts that we manufacture would flow both directions down the Hiway of Bones.
It makes sense to purchase land in The City of Magadan and use it to help Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigrating to the Russian Far East. It also makes sense to purchase some land in the town of Atka to similarly assist those
Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigration, as the town is situated along the hiway and can provide lodging, meals, fuel and information to the travelers who are passing through, and is attractive due to being located close to Magadan.
Also Atka boasts some nearby lakes (about five miles to the south east), making it ideal for canoeing, fishing and camping while waiting for additional members of your party to arrive from Canada or USA.
Establish communities that can serve as depots, where individual may drop off thousands of pounds of supplies and then travel the region until making a decision upon where to settle and move those supplies to. Then the Aviation Department, acting as an
emigrant organization, would secure our supplies in depots in our communities along the hiway, and use our trucks to move the supplies from Magadan to any location along the hiway to Yakutsk or beyond. We could purchase land in both Yakutsk and Nizhny
Bestyakh (or very nearby each community) and build boats, small aircraft and homes there. Instead of building aircraft in Saskatchewan, we can flee to Magadan and Yakutia and build them there.
Bring along portable lumber mills. And I suggest that when you flee Canada for your very lives that you bring lots of deck screws, I suggest you each bring along about 100 pounds each of #8x2½, #8x3, #10x3½, #10x4, and about 200 pounds of #10x6.
Bring along those 20 volt drills and 20 volt saws and a great number of screw driver bits and saw blades. If you are intending to spend the remaining years of your life in somewhere in the mountains of far eastern Russia, you are advised to bring along
an abundance of screws as they help to make it easier to construct temporary shelters and permanent homes. Or if you are intending to remain in Canada after society collapses (if you failed to flee for your life), then it would still be nice to have a
supply of screws on hand so that you may construct shelters here.
Putin would be sure to issue us a general pass allowing everybody coming on the excursion from Canada (everybody fleeing Canada for their very lives) to bring their guns along with them. I suggest that if Putin dothn’t allow us to bring our guns (
both handguns and rifles) to the Russian far east, that we instead go (flee for our lives) with our guns (and our screws) to Finland instead. Sweden is out of the question, they allow the Islamic immigrants to have guns and bombs and will prevent the
immigration of white people, whether they have guns or not. Norway could open their doors to the Canadians who flee with their lives and who try to immigrate with their guns as they could use more soldiers for their army, navy and airforce, but since
Canadians never fought in defense of Canada, they would be unlikely to fight in defense of Norway either. If Putin dothn’t want Canadians immigrating to the Russian far east with our guns and our metal working tools (and our screws), then we could go
to Finland and make guns and airplanes there instead. The people of Finland would enter into a debate about why they would ever want a big bunch of Canadians immigrating to their nation again due to the question of those Canadians being unable to fight
in defense of Canada, so why would they suddenly want to fight in defense of Finland???!!! In the end Finland would welcome the Canadians and also allow them to carry their guns with them, but only because they would be bringing huge amounts of metal
working machinery along with them and would help to create employment for the Finnish people. So the Canadians who land in Finland will adopt Finnish culture and will have to learn to speak through their noses, and that is a good reason to go to Magadan
instead. In the end the Canadians would only flee to a country that allowed them to smoke marijuana and hashish, and would happily speak through their noses in Finland if that was what was required to smoke their weed.
Consider meeting in Sapporo Japan and make arrangement there to secure additional supplies before chartering ships and travelling onwards to Magadan. Winter weather conditions annually close the port of Magadan, while waiting for the harbor to open
you can use the opportunity to shop for and buy used Japanese mini-trucks, snow mobiles and such, secure all sorts of other supplies, and charter a suitable ship to take you and the other emigrants to Magadan. I imagine a tourist office or the main
police station in Sapporo can assist you to get in contact with other westerners in Sapporo who are hoping to sail to Magadan in the spring or summer when the port is accessible. It is possible that Putin would send a ship to Sapporo to pick you
emigrants up. If I was elected as Mayor of Saskatoon, I’d encourage people to flee for their lives and go to Magadan, perhaps to first stop in Sapporo and pick up supplies. With the present state of politics in Canada, it may be wise to sell everything
you have and fly to Japan where you will purchase supplies, and then in the spring board a boat in Sapporo and sail to Magadan, and then from there perhaps travel onwards to Yakutia. You are going to look rather silly traveling around Japan with 600
pounds of screws, especially if they are available in Japan cheaper than in Canada.
People wanting to build aircraft, whether in the west or in the Russian far east, should consider making an assembly-line and rolling off copies of a commonly desired model, perhaps a flying boat that seats just four people. Another group of people
will be incessant that they will each have a Short Takeoff And Landing (STOL) aircraft, and so that group would be best served by building assembly-line copies of the same plane… One seater STOL? Two seater STOL? Four Seater STOL? There may be enough
interest to warrant making single, two and four seater STOL’s and rolling these three models off assembly lines. If the majority wants a four-seater STOL, the people who desire a one or two seater STOL may still manufacture what they desire, we should
have the room available to accommodate people’s projects. If city has the ability to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on assorted projects of very questionable worth, and more on projects that they have no business funding, then similarly the city
should be able to spend a bit of money to construct space that is suitable for you to build a project.
Find 100 people each wanting to build the same aircraft, perhaps a one-seater STOL, this aircraft has a complex wing design. The 100 projects can be approached haphazardly with individuals constructing assorted parts of their aircraft independently
from one another. Or allow everybody could unite and build the 200 wings and the 100 fuselages and perhaps the 100 tails, then draw for these incompleted planes, then leave it to the members to install their own choice of engines, landing gear and
avionics. Or 20 people could unite and build the 100 sets of wings for the 100 aircraft while the other 80 people build different components for these 100 airplanes. This latter scenario would likely speed up the process of building the STOL aircraft,
and 80% of the builders will not have to worry about building wings for their aircraft. Hopefully there would be enough interest to get a second set of 100 (or more) people together to build a different aircraft, and perhaps get a third group of 100
people united so they too may build 100 copies of some third style of aircraft for themselves. If you wanted an airplane and had very limited wealth, you would likely choose to join the group that seeks to make extremely cheap airplanes (likely mostly
wooden and cloth) that are light weight and so can function with lower horsepower engines. Perhaps your group will cooperatively own some engines that you may borrow until you are able to purchase your own. There might be some smaller groups of builders,
for example there may be 25 people who desire to build some plans-built airplane who do not wish to join with the other groups of people building other aircraft designs. There might be only three people wanting to build a certain plans-built plane,
provide them with storage locked and hope they work together.
If you keep your aircraft simple, smaller and on the lighter side, then you can use a pair of small (and light weight and cheap) jet engines that are originally meant for use on the scaled-down radio controlled airplanes. Find a group of people who
each desire to build the same glider and then modify that glider with the small jet hobby engines that pop up out of the fuselage or tail. My best guess is that there are many hundreds of people in and around Saskatoon that would like to own a pair of
small jet engines for their extremely light weight aircraft, so many so that it would warrant building our own jet engines rather than buy them from Asia.
The city provides a room for the builders, first large rooms where all the prospective builders may meet and discuss building different designs, then smaller meeting rooms for the builders who decided upon the same design. At first the groups could
make use of smaller building facilities, perhaps sharing machine shops with others groups as they manufacture parts for their own designs, then later the groups would graduate to their own larger facilities that would allow them to build wings and
assemble their fuselages.
I believe many people will want to use welders to fix and customize their automobiles and trucks, we are in need of facilities for these projects that are well separated from other projects. People can start by bringing a clean vehicle that has no
papers or any other materials in the glove boxes or scattered about. Then they can drain the vehicle of fuel and remove the gas tank(s), and leave their gas tanks wrapped up and outside in the empty gas tank storage location. Then they can roll their
vehicle upon a movable platform, then they can remove their wheels and tires and similarly have these wrapped up and stored in an alternative outdoor storage location. Once their vehicle is stripped of paper, fuel and tires (fire hazards), and once their
vehicle propped up onto a movable platform, then they may move their vehicle into the building where there will be a secure storage location for it. When they are ready to work on their vehicle they may roll it out of the secure storage and work on the
vehicle, then return it to the secure storage when they are done for the day. People welding near fabric seats can remove their seats and other flammable materials and leave these items outside as well. People doing bodywork are creating extremely toxic
dust and they can do this in a separate building, people painting vehicles would again conduct this in a separate building, preferably outside of the city. Perhaps other facilities can be made available for people to work on their vehicles without having
to remove their gas tanks and tires. Consider using the facilities to alter the oiling of your engine, relocate the oil filter to the top of the engine in order to easily accomplish future oil changes. Rather than use the facilities to work on your
vehicles, use our other downtown facilities where you build your car from scratch, using anything from carbon fiber and other composites, or aluminum, titanium and steel. Help people to innovate and create by providing encouragement and secure facilities,
and by legalizing their creations and allowing their daily use without the added burden of huge volumes of government paperwork.
Saskatoon’s Aviation Department would have a supply of materials, or at least examples of materials that are available for the builders. For example, there exists extremely light weight honeycomb carbon fiber panels that are suitable for the use as
floors or for other structural components. Using a combination of spruce plywood and carbon fiber honeycomb panels, one may construct. The Aviation Department could purchase materials such as carbon fiber honeycomb panels in bulk, having such material on
hand and at the best possible price would be a big benefit to the builders. Similarly we should purchase quantities of sheets of aluminum, and quantities of TIG anodes.
If you are quite limited in funds to buy materials and an engine, then build a light weight aircraft that can be powered by a cheaper light weight engine. You can build using combinations of plywood, canvas, aluminum, steel or carbon fiber, but either
way keep the airplane light weight, choose a design that is of lighter weight, you’ll have fewer materials to purchase and you will power the craft with a much cheaper and lighter engine, perhaps even using a pair of those small jet engines meant for
the radio controlled model aircraft.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff February 13th 2023 12:56 pm 184,417 words (214 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
We could be concurrently working upon a prototype of a TIG welded single-seat STOL (short take off and landing) airplane, in part to avoid paying a license fee to use some other person’s plans, in part so that the Aviation Department would receive a
license fee if other builders chose to adopt our plans, and mostly so that we learn how to design and build airplanes. We could develop several different one-seater STOL airplanes and evaluate the ease of building, cost of building and performance of
each aircraft. We could encourage those builders who wish to innovate and who desire to build their own design of aircraft, to build a one-seater STOL and compete with others in a competition of one-seater STOL’s, and we will see. And another window
for innovation is to have a second competition where people are invited to build airplanes that resemble World War One fighter airplanes, they can be monoplanes, biplanes or tri-planes, they should have open cockpits and otherwise closely resemble World
War One fighter planes, and people would be invited to paint the planes to match the paint schemes of the planes that flew in WW I so that the film industry can participate in this and make realistic WW I movies. Many of these innovative airplanes the
participants invent could be fitted with paint ball machine guns and the builders could then engage in aerial paint ball dogfights. The Aviation Department could generate a sizable income from the general public who would pay to watch the spectacle, the
funds could be used for developing engines and such. I encourage people who are building their own planes to build one-seater or better yet two-seater STOLs, not necessarily to carry a second person but to carry additional fuel and supplies.
If there is huge interest then we (with help from the Aviation Department) can develop a prototype of a powered glider that has an enormous wingspan. Many builders will instead choose to build a plans-built plane of a pre-existing design, such as the
BD-4, rather than wait for the development of the prototypes. And smaller TIG welded airframes can be put together cheaply, and quite likely with fewer hours of work than required for the composite aircraft. Note that even the airplanes that are
constructed primarily of wood still require metal parts to be fabricated and securely stored until the builder is ready for installing them, and many metal-bodied airplanes have wooden wings. Many of these metal parts are cheaply constructed, people with
limited resources can start by assembling these lower cost items. People are free to decide which aircraft they wish to construct, but recognize that if you stick to a co-operative plan where several or many copies of the same plane are made, many of
your construction problems will be solved as others are involved working along side of you to help complete the steps. We should be providing options for people rather than taking options away and make it easier for people to start building without delay.
By simply following the principles of aviation and without using complex mathematics nor wind tunnels, people may construct airplanes that fly very well (see “Flight Without Formulae” by A.C. Kermode). Consider that those people who use the
complex mathematical formulas and even wind tunnels end up with airplanes that still undergo revision after revision after revision. Even little girls can fly their own planes and save other children from being abducted by gypsies (see The Girl Aviators
Motor Butterfly by Margaret Burnham, published by M.A Donohue & Company). If the builder chooses to make such an individual and unique aircraft, then of course the parts they manufacture cannot be traded for parts of a design approved and actively
supported by the Aviation Department.
There are lots of projects that can be tackled in Build Option 22, many of them require TIG welding. Many of the projects would have components that would be cut out with lasers or water jets or cutting torches from large sheets of metal, the
individuals building the project would of course pay for that service (unless they own and use a cutting torch), and then assemble their projects in the large TIG welding facilities located in downtown Saskatoon, stretching from Third Avenue to Ave C or
so, and south from 20th or 22nd Street or so to the river. Rowbotham proclaims we can print debt-free money out of thin air to pay for this and other critical infrastructure projects (See “The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and
Destructive Economics” by Michael Rowbotham). This TIG welding facility is a critical project as people would be learning skills and building futures for themselves, and ample opportunities would exist in the facilities to teach them to fly.
Saskatoon requires two or three new airports on the outskirts specifically made for the homebuilt aircraft. We should not allow the homebuilt creations to fly over the city with the exception that the smaller and quieter planes should be allowed to
travel immediately above the South Saskatchewan River and so through the very center of our city - planes could even be launched from a slipway on the roof of the TIG welding facility (a very large building located on the south side of downtown
stretching from Second Avenue and 20th Street to Avenue C South and the river) and then navigate along the river. We could have races and paintball dogfights over the river, an event as such would bring visitors to the city and generate revenue. We could
have a water aerodrome on the South Saskatchewan River, and perhaps limit the aerodrome to small airplanes that meet extremely tough noise limits or perhaps allow noisier aircraft to use the facilities during the day. Consider allowing the children to
fly their own aviation creations at night without any licenses, and re-educating the air traffic controllers.
We could be building multiple forms, and then allowing builders to utilize our forms, and they would drape their plywood and/or fiber glass and/or carbon fiber and such over our forms, such as was done in constructing the Mosquito. While the forms are
being developed the builders could rebuild engines and build propellers for their engines, build landing gear and other smaller parts. We could have forms for members to borrow that result in sleek and fuel efficient racers, like the Yak. We can also
allow members to build a scaled-down version of the P-38 Lightning. We could build powered gliders that resemble a U-2 Spy Plane, we could make multiple forms for the fuselage out of concrete or some other stiff material. Small jet engines are an
equivalent cost of a cheap used car, buy a pair of these small jets and make them retractable. We could even develop jet engines and make the design or parts available to the members. We can accomplish much when we work together.
We could build a fleet of amphibious aircraft, seaplanes, flying boats or perhaps even floatplanes, having a fleet of these one or more of these four aquatic aircraft would enable us to provide an air taxi service to the northern lakes. By
facilitating the building of low cost aircraft in Saskatoon, and perhaps by building components for these airplanes in other communities, we could link northern and southern communities. Presently it costs more money to fly from Saskatoon to many
communities in northern Saskatchewan, than it costs to fly from Saskatoon to Europe. Check out the retractable wing-tip pontoons on the PBY-5A, by retracting the pontoons on airplanes we will reduce drag and save on fuel.
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I’d encourage both city residents and our neighbors living outside of our city to participate in using the proposed facilities to construct and modify boats, aircraft and ATV’s. We’d provide storage lockers for the
parts you are assembling for your project, and a machine shop where you may manufacture your parts, eventually you will have enough parts stored that you would be provided with a larger secure space to assemble your project. People should have options in
life, governments should be trying to help provide people with options and not take options away.
I propose a very large building along the south side of downtown Saskatoon spanning into Riversdale where visitors could travel on moving and stationary sidewalks and escalators while enclosed inside clear tubes. Separated by plate glass, visitors
could safely view the airplanes or other projects being completed around them while seated and having coffee at one of the many coffee shops. I imagine undecided Cindy and her female friends would be roaming the premises, coffees in hand, looking at the
many projects, while the muscular guys would be going shirtless, dripping in sweat, as they labour upon their metal and wood working projects, sawing, sanding, welding and grinding away. The women can see the projects under construction before they
choose what project to start upon. Friendships would be developed.
The City of Saskatoon should purchase 40, 80, 160 or 320 acres of rural land so these projects can quickly begin while building this proposed facility in the city. Even a small group of people, independent from the City of Saskatoon and who are
interested in one or more of these twenty-nine build options, can unite and pool their money and purchase the required land and erect some cheaper buildings close to the City of Saskatoon.
Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten are a system of similar tracking vehicles. The boats being built should be engineered to carry one or more of the similarly tracked vehicles from Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten, and also engineered to be easily
transported by large ships. The rafts carrying supplies also need to conform to size restrictions to aid in transport by the larger ships. The boats should be loaded upon ships and then unloaded at a distant port, perhaps at the mouth of the gold-bearing
Lena or some other gold-laden river. I suggest that white Canadians should flee Canada, take a well-supplied trip up the mouth of the Lena and establish a community near where a smaller river meets the Lena, where the gold or other mineral prospects look
favorable, perhaps 1000 miles upstream on the Lena. Doing such would establish a community in pretty much the geographical center of Yakutia, work together to survive the first winter and then establish other communities in the region, depending upon the
location of mineral and other resources.
Bring along excavators to help dig in for the winter. Each participant should bring along thousands of pounds of food, thousands of pounds of other supplies (tents, tarps, clothes, 24 volt or 48 volt off-grid electrical systems, lithium powered hand
tools, stoves, screws, books, fuel….), much of the food and supplies brought along on small boats and rafts capable of navigating the Lena River. The Yakutians are fond of metal workers, make sure to bring along your machine shops, portable lumber
mills and road building equipment when you emigrate. Prepare to pay taxes to Putin in the form of gold, so that he may keep his Russian Republic strong.
Or stay and pay taxes to Trudeau and have him raise your children… Trudeau uses the media and schools to teach your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes. Trudeau works at preventing white people from meeting, uniting and forming
families, and desires control over all the children, I suggest we take all the machining tools, also the children, and flee in well-equipped convoys to Yakutia, there we can build wealth, build guns and regroup. At the very least, each participant would
be required to have a raft carrying 6,000 pounds of food and other supplies so they would stand a chance to survive the first winter, and the owner of the raft would require a boat owner to tow said raft upriver. If you are bringing a vehicle on a boat
or raft as well, still bring that 6000 pounds (or much more) of food and other supplies. Build the boats and rafts so they can be easily loaded onto and unloaded from the ships. Then build a community along the Lena River or nearby the Lena River, build
it out of rocks and concrete on a south facing slope, build guns, mine gold, coal and other resources, regroup. Another group can land at Magadan perhaps without rafts and boats and seek out a suitable sites for communities along the Hiway of Bones or
nearby that hiway either in Magadan or Yakutia. Canadians can sponsor other Canadians to go on the expeditions, perhaps expecting to follow behind the following year and bringing additional resources when emigrating.
Should you find yourself landing at the Lena River Delta, travel up the Lena with a boat pulling your raft. I would suggest you also carry (or tow or use as outriggers) three or four smaller and light weight flat bottom boats so you may navigate into
other rivers that you find along the way. You may need several small flat bottomed boats in order to transport your many thousands of pounds of tools and other supplies upstream an alternative river. People landing at Magadan and then travelling up the
Kolyma Hiway should consider towing or carrying boats with them. Go to the expense of making aluminum containers to haul your food and other goods, perhaps so they are waterproof and can float, and so the goods are secure in transit. The aluminum
containers, when empty, can always be used at your chosen destination for alternative purposes.
Imagine perhaps as many as one million Canadians emigrating, leaving Canada to greener pastures, each bringing with them a small fortune in dehydrated foods, and bringing with them machining equipment, and construction equipment, portable lumber mills,
metals, fuels, cement and glass, and establishing new communities in places such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Yakutia, Magadan or Kamchatka. Whichever land we emigrate to would be blessed with an economic windfall. Canadians might be wise to build boats,
rafts and aircraft, in preparation of a future migration. I also imagine society will collapse so very quickly that Canadians will not have a chance to flee the messes that Biden and Trudeau are creating. In actuality America is being ruled by Obama, a
homosexual Indonesian Islamist who whispers instructions into Biden’s ear, and his Queen Michelle wears size 12 men’s shoes and played football in college. It is very important to this homosexual Indonesian Islamist that Americans line up and take
the jab. And Obama probably follows orders from Charles, who is an Islamist as well, while Trudeau certainly doths. Anyway, some people in Saskatoon may build Yaks and fly to Yakutia. It would be helpful to those who embark upon an expedition to Yakutia (
or elsewhere) have support from airplane owners, and the airplane owners find support from those carrying supplies up roads and rivers. I image that we can establish several communities in the Russian far-east and have these communities continuously
linked by air and working together developing and manufacturing airplanes, food processing and mining equipment and such. Newly formed communities in isolated areas could be supplied by air. Using radios, communities can alert other nearby communities of
their needs.
Those people emigrating away from Canada (those fleeing for their very lives) would of course benefit by having sponsors to assist them with funds to make the boats, rafts, vehicles and to obtain the supplies. Sponsors would of course benefit when
they travel to the new communities, or move to the new communities… the sponsors would have different levels of VIP status depending upon their input. I suggest the Aviation Department, which is in charge of the security of the boat building and most
other build options (in charge of the secure lockers and buildings), utilize the funds in however way the board members see fit. We will need metal lathes and presses as well but I expect people would donate some of their older and unwanted equipment,
perhaps equipment in need of repair. And so likely we would be better off using any donated funds to purchase aluminum in large quantities rather than invest in tools. Putin will charter us a freighter and carry us, our boats and rafts, our guns and
other supplies, from whichever Canadian port to the Lena River Delta or further upstream, or to Magadan. Each person who constructed a raft or boat would have a heated cabin built into their rafts and boats, and they could occupy their cabins during
transport aboard the Russian ship.
Especially note that each person who built a raft or boat using donated supplies would be obligated to use a portion of their space to transport Aviation Department supplies and equipment or other members… and so there may be a vehicle or other
supplies on your raft that you do not own, in addition to people, and you may be called upon to utilize your boat as a tugboat and help pull supplies along the Lena River.
Builders who draw upon such donated resources would have to agree to use the finished boats, rafts, planes and vehicles to assist the emigration by helping to move resources for the entire group, and would later have to pay cash for any materials
provided if they decide to keep the finished project for their own private use. The donations would be used for emigration, the builders drawing upon the donated materials would be beholden to the Aviation Department and would be obligated to use the
constructed vehicles, boats, rafts and aircraft to assist in moving supplies to Magadan or Yakutia (Sakha Republic) or Kamchatka or Chukotka, likely depending upon which of these locations would welcome us, and depending upon what Putin would prefer.
Perhaps different Russian far eastern states and regions will compete and lobby for us to establish our presence and metal working facilities at their states and regions, I suggest that you establish a settlement near some coal reserves. The Aviation
Department should assist people to move to either the Russian Far East or to a Scandinavian country, or perhaps to Greenland, and so people who built rafts and are beholden to the Aviation Department would have the option to emigrate in an Aviation
Department Convoy to these different locations if approved by the host country. The Aviation Department hopes to establish communities in these foreign nations to assist Canadians to flee from Canada and continue to help train them in useful trades while
assisting them to build themselves aircraft, boats and homes.
The raft you constructed by using materials owned and provided to you by the Aviation Department, could be half occupied by materials and by wood-working and metal-working equipment the Aviation Department is transporting to the Russian far east.
People making use of the Aviation Department facilities to make rafts and other vehicles will of course be trained in some form of metal working, and so will bring their skills with them to Yakutia (Sakha Republic) should we emigrate there (more gold and
diamonds and coal and there than in Scandinavia, perhaps more freedom too). Some people will construct their boats and planes with no intention of leaving the country, and so will keep their skills in Saskatchewan or another Canadian province, and would
be fully responsible in funding the construction of their own projects.
If people are in the process of fleeing Canada (or the USA) and leaving independently and without the assistance of Saskatoon’s Aviation Department, I suggest you meet at Magadan and make arrangements in Magadan to travel inland and bolster an
existing community, such as Atka (200 km north of Magadan), or Orotukan (300 km north of Magadan). Establish communities or bolster existing communities along the hiway running from Magadan to Yakustk, perhaps space the communities roughly 100 to 200
kilometers apart. If we had communities spaced roughly every 100 to 200 kilometers along the hiway we could assist all who travel the hiway by offering fuel, food, clothes, supplies, lodging, likely jobs and entertainment as well. If we had communities
spread out along the hiway, each community could be constructing specific parts required for our communally-built airplanes, which I suggest be Short Take Off And Landing (STOL) aircraft. The parts can be delivered to Yakutsk and/or to Magadan and the
aircraft can be assembled there. We can space out communities along the hiway, perhaps in or near the communities of Atka, Orotukan, Susuman, and beyond all the way to Yakutsk in the Sakha Republic, and manufacture components for our aircraft from
different factories along the hiway. Aircraft can also be assembled in smaller towns located between Yakutsk and Magadan, parts that we manufacture would flow both directions down the Hiway of Bones.
It makes sense to purchase land in The City of Magadan and use it to help Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigrating to the Russian Far East. It also makes sense to purchase some land in the town of Atka to similarly assist those
Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigration, as the town is situated along the hiway and can provide lodging, meals, fuel and information to the travelers who are passing through, and is attractive due to being located close to Magadan.
Also Atka boasts some nearby lakes (about five miles to the south east), making it ideal for canoeing, fishing and camping while waiting for additional members of your party to arrive from Canada or USA.
Establish communities that can serve as depots, where individual may drop off thousands of pounds of supplies and then travel the region until making a decision upon where to settle and move those supplies to. Then the Aviation Department, acting as an
emigrant organization, would secure our supplies in depots in our communities along the hiway, and use our trucks to move the supplies from Magadan to any location along the hiway to Yakutsk or beyond. We could purchase land in both Yakutsk and Nizhny
Bestyakh (or very nearby each community) and build boats, small aircraft and homes there. Instead of building aircraft in Saskatchewan, we can flee to Magadan and Yakutia and build them there.
Bring along portable lumber mills. And I suggest that when you flee Canada for your very lives that you bring lots of deck screws, I suggest you each bring along about 100 pounds each of #8x2½, #8x3, #10x3½, #10x5, and about 200 pounds of #10x6.
Bring along those 20 volt drills and 20 volt saws and a great number of screw driver bits and saw blades. If you are intending to spend the remaining years of your life in somewhere in the mountains of far eastern Russia, you are advised to bring along
an abundance of screws as they help to make it easier to construct both temporary shelters and permanent homes. Or if you are intending to remain in Canada after society collapses (if you failed to flee for your life), then it would still be nice to have
a supply of screws on hand so that you may construct shelters here.
Putin would be sure to issue us a general pass allowing everybody coming on the excursion from Canada (everybody fleeing Canada for their very lives) to bring their guns along with them. I suggest that if Putin dothn’t allow us to bring our guns (
both handguns and rifles) to the Russian far east, that we instead go (flee for our lives) with our guns (and our screws) to Finland instead. Sweden is out of the question, they allow the Islamic immigrants to have guns and bombs and will prevent the
immigration of white people, whether they have guns or not. Norway could open their doors to the Canadians who flee with their lives and who try to immigrate with their guns as they could use more soldiers for their army, navy and airforce, but since
Canadians never fought in defense of Canada, they would be unlikely to fight in defense of Norway either. If Putin dothn’t want Canadians immigrating to the Russian far east with our guns and our metal working tools (and our screws), then we could go
to Finland and make guns and airplanes there instead. The people of Finland would enter into a debate about why they would ever want a big bunch of Canadians emigrating to their nation again due to the question of those Canadians being unable to fight in
defense of Canada, so why would they suddenly want to fight in defense of Finland???!!! And they would question why we did not bring along any 4 inch screws. In the end Finland would welcome the Canadians and also allow them to carry their guns with them,
but only because they would be bringing huge amounts of metal working machinery along with them and would help to create employment for the Finnish people. So the Canadians who land in Finland will adopt Finnish culture and will have to learn to speak
through their noses, and that is a good reason to go to Magadan instead. In the end the Canadians would only flee to a country that allowed them to smoke marijuana and hashish, and would happily speak through their noses in Finland if that was what was
required to smoke their weed.
I imagine if we attempted to emigrate (flee for our lives) to Finland, the Finish border guards, speaking through their noses, would ask why we eschewed the 4 inch deck screws. Although they are the ones speaking through their noses, it would be us
that would look pretty silly if nobody in our group knew what an “eschew” was. Saskatoon’s Aviation Department could ameliorate this uncomfortable situation by providing classes in dealing with Finish border guards, and preparing the students for
such awkward questions.
Consider meeting in Sapporo Japan and make arrangement there to secure additional supplies before chartering ships and travelling onwards to Magadan. Winter weather conditions annually close the port of Magadan, while waiting for the harbor to open
you can use the opportunity to shop for and buy used Japanese mini-trucks, snow mobiles and such, secure all sorts of other supplies, and charter a suitable ship to take you and the other emigrants to Magadan. I imagine a tourist office or the main
police station in Sapporo can assist you to get in contact with other westerners in Sapporo who are hoping to sail to Magadan in the spring or summer when the port is accessible. It is possible that Putin would send a ship to Sapporo to pick you
emigrants up. I encourage the Canadians of European descent to flee for their lives and go to Magadan, perhaps to first stop in Sapporo and pick up supplies. With the present state of politics in Canada, it may be wise to sell everything you have and fly
to Japan where you will purchase supplies, and then in the spring board a boat in Sapporo and sail to Magadan, and then from there perhaps travel onwards to Yakutia.
People wanting to build aircraft, whether in the west or in the Russian far east, should consider making an assembly-line and rolling off copies of a commonly desired model, perhaps a flying boat that seats just four people. Another group of people
will be incessant that they will each have a Short Takeoff and Landing (STOL) aircraft, and so that group would be best served by building assembly-line copies of the same plane… One-seater STOL? Two-seater STOL? Four-seater STOL? There may be enough
interest to warrant making single, two and four seater STOL’s and rolling these three models off assembly lines. If the majority wants a four-seater STOL, the people who desire a one or two seater STOL may still manufacture what they desire, we should
have the room available to accommodate people’s projects. If the city has the ability to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on assorted projects of very questionable worth, and more on projects that they have no business funding, then similarly the
city should be able to spend a bit of money to construct space that is suitable for you to build a project.
Find 100 people each wanting to build the same aircraft, perhaps a one-seater STOL, this aircraft has a complex wing design. The 100 projects can be approached haphazardly with individuals constructing assorted parts of their aircraft independently
from one another. Or allow everybody could unite and build the 200 wings and the 100 fuselages and perhaps the 100 tails, then draw for these incompleted planes, then leave it to the members to install their own choice of engines, landing gear and
avionics. Or 20 people could unite and build the 100 sets of wings for the 100 aircraft while the other 80 people build different components for these 100 airplanes. This latter scenario would likely speed up the process of building the STOL aircraft,
and 80% of the builders will not have to worry about building wings for their aircraft. Hopefully there would be enough interest to get a second set of 100 (or more) people together to build a different aircraft, and perhaps get a third group of 100
people united so they too may build 100 copies of some third style of aircraft for themselves. If you wanted an airplane and had very limited wealth, you would likely choose to join the group that seeks to make extremely cheap airplanes (likely mostly
wooden and cloth) that are light weight and so can function with lower horsepower engines. There might be some smaller groups of builders, for example there may be 25 people who desire to build some plans-built airplane who do not wish to join with the
other groups of people building other aircraft designs. There might be only three people wanting to build a certain plans-built plane, provide them with storage lockers and hope they work together and help one another.
If you keep your aircraft simple, smaller and on the lighter side, then you can use a pair of small (and light weight and cheap) jet engines that are originally meant for use on the scaled-down radio controlled airplanes. Find a group of people who
each desire to build the same glider and then modify that glider with the small jet engines that pop up out of the fuselage or tail. My best guess is that there are many hundreds of people in and around Saskatoon that would like to own a pair of small
jet engines for their extremely light weight aircraft, so many so that it would warrant building our own jet engines rather than buy them. The World Economic Forum members fly around in jets, so should we.
The city provides a room for the builders, first large rooms where all the prospective builders may meet and discuss building different designs, then smaller meeting rooms for the builders who decided upon the same design. At first the groups could
make use of smaller building facilities, perhaps sharing machine shops with others groups as they manufacture parts for their own designs, then later the groups would graduate to their own larger facilities that would allow them to build wings and
assemble their fuselages.
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
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All on Sun Mar 12 12:16:16 2023
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff
March 12th 2023 12:23 pm 187,989 words (218 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
We could be concurrently working upon a prototype of a TIG welded single-seat STOL (short take off and landing) airplane, in part to avoid paying a license fee to use some other person’s plans, in part so that the Aviation Department would receive a
license fee if other builders chose to adopt our plans, and mostly so that we learn how to design and build airplanes. We could develop several different one-seater STOL airplanes and evaluate the ease of building, cost of building and performance of
each aircraft. We could encourage those builders who wish to innovate and who desire to build their own design of aircraft, to build a one-seater STOL and compete with others in a competition of one-seater STOL’s, and we will see. And another window
for innovation is to have a second competition where people are invited to build airplanes that resemble World War One fighter airplanes, they can be monoplanes, biplanes or tri-planes, they should have open cockpits and otherwise closely resemble World
War One fighter planes, and people would be invited to paint the planes to match the paint schemes of the planes that flew in WW I so that the film industry can participate in this and make realistic WW I movies. Many of these innovative airplanes the
participants invent could be fitted with paint ball machine guns and the builders could then engage in aerial paint ball dogfights. The Aviation Department could generate a sizable income from the general public who would pay to watch the spectacle, the
funds could be used for developing engines and such. I encourage people who are building their own planes to build one-seater or better yet two-seater STOLs, not necessarily to carry a second person but to carry additional fuel and supplies.
If there is huge interest then we (with help from the Aviation Department) can develop a prototype of a powered glider that has an enormous wingspan. Many builders will instead choose to build a plans-built plane of a pre-existing design, such as the
BD-4, rather than wait for the development of the prototypes. And smaller TIG welded airframes can be put together cheaply, and quite likely with fewer hours of work than required for the composite aircraft. Note that even the airplanes that are
constructed primarily of wood still require metal parts to be fabricated and securely stored until the builder is ready for installing them, and many metal-bodied airplanes have wooden wings. Many of these metal parts are cheaply constructed, people with
limited resources can start by assembling these lower cost items. People are free to decide which aircraft they wish to construct, but recognize that if you stick to a co-operative plan where several or many copies of the same plane are made, many of
your construction problems will be solved as others are involved working along side of you to help complete the steps. We should be providing options for people rather than taking options away and make it easier for people to start building without delay.
By simply following the principles of aviation and without using complex mathematics nor wind tunnels, people may construct airplanes that fly very well (see “Flight Without Formulae” by A.C. Kermode). Consider that those people who use the
complex mathematical formulas and even wind tunnels end up with airplanes that still undergo revision after revision after revision. Even little girls can fly their own planes and save other children from being abducted by gypsies (see The Girl Aviators
Motor Butterfly by Margaret Burnham, published by M.A Donohue & Company). If the builder chooses to make such an individual and unique aircraft, then of course the parts they manufacture cannot be traded for parts of a design approved and actively
supported by the Aviation Department.
There are lots of projects that can be tackled in Build Option 22, many of them require TIG welding. Many of the projects would have components that would be cut out with lasers or water jets or cutting torches from large sheets of metal, the
individuals building the project would of course pay for that service (unless they own and use a cutting torch), and then assemble their projects in the large TIG welding facilities located in downtown Saskatoon, stretching from Third Avenue to Ave C or
so, and south from 20th or 22nd Street or so to the river. Rowbotham proclaims we can print debt-free money out of thin air to pay for this and other critical infrastructure projects (See “The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and
Destructive Economics” by Michael Rowbotham). This TIG welding facility is a critical project as people would be learning skills and building futures for themselves, and ample opportunities would exist in the facilities to teach them to fly.
Saskatoon requires two or three new airports on the outskirts specifically made for the homebuilt aircraft. We should not allow the homebuilt creations to fly over the city with the exception that the smaller and quieter planes should be allowed to
travel immediately above the South Saskatchewan River and so through the very center of our city - planes could even be launched from a slipway on the roof of the TIG welding facility (a very large building located on the south side of downtown
stretching from Second Avenue and 20th Street to Avenue C South and the river) and then navigate along the river. We could have races and paintball dogfights over the river, an event as such would bring visitors to the city and generate revenue. We could
have a water aerodrome on the South Saskatchewan River, and perhaps limit the aerodrome to small airplanes that meet extremely tough noise limits or perhaps allow noisier aircraft to use the facilities during the day. Consider allowing the children to
fly their own aviation creations at night without any licenses, and re-educating the air traffic controllers.
We could be building multiple forms, and then allowing builders to utilize our forms, and they would drape their plywood and/or fiber glass and/or carbon fiber and such over our forms, such as was done in constructing the Mosquito. While the forms are
being developed the builders could rebuild engines and build propellers for their engines, build landing gear and other smaller parts. We could have forms for members to borrow that result in sleek and fuel efficient racers, like the Yak. We can also
allow members to build a scaled-down version of the P-38 Lightning. We could build powered gliders that resemble a U-2 Spy Plane, we could make multiple forms for the fuselage out of concrete or some other stiff material. Small jet engines are an
equivalent cost of a cheap used car, buy a pair of these small jets and make them retractable. We could even develop jet engines and make the design or parts available to the members. We can accomplish much when we work together.
We could build a fleet of amphibious aircraft, seaplanes, flying boats or perhaps even floatplanes, having a fleet of these one or more of these four aquatic aircraft would enable us to provide an air taxi service to the northern lakes. By
facilitating the building of low cost aircraft in Saskatoon, and perhaps by building components for these airplanes in other communities, we could link northern and southern communities. Presently it costs more money to fly from Saskatoon to many
communities in northern Saskatchewan, than it costs to fly from Saskatoon to Europe. Check out the retractable wing-tip pontoons on the PBY-5A, by retracting the pontoons on airplanes we will reduce drag and save on fuel.
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I’d encourage both city residents and our neighbors living outside of our city to participate in using the proposed facilities to construct and modify boats, aircraft and ATV’s. We’d provide storage lockers for the
parts you are assembling for your project, and a machine shop where you may manufacture your parts, eventually you will have enough parts stored that you would be provided with a larger secure space to assemble your project. People should have options in
life, governments should be trying to help provide people with options and not take options away.
I propose a very large building along the south side of downtown Saskatoon spanning into Riversdale where visitors could travel on moving and stationary sidewalks and escalators while enclosed inside clear tubes. Separated by plate glass, visitors
could safely view the airplanes or other projects being completed around them while seated and having coffee at one of the many coffee shops. I imagine undecided Cindy and her female friends would be roaming the premises, coffees in hand, looking at the
many projects, while the muscular guys would be going shirtless, dripping in sweat, as they labour upon their metal and wood working projects, sawing, sanding, welding and grinding away. The women can see the projects under construction before they
choose what project to start upon. Friendships would be developed.
The City of Saskatoon should purchase 40, 80, 160 or 320 acres of rural land so these projects can quickly begin while building this proposed facility in the city. Even a small group of people, independent from the City of Saskatoon and who are
interested in one or more of these twenty-nine build options, can unite and pool their money and purchase the required land and erect some cheaper buildings close to the City of Saskatoon.
Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten are a system of similar tracking vehicles. The boats being built should be engineered to carry one or more of the similarly tracked vehicles from Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten, and also engineered to be easily
transported by large ships. The rafts carrying supplies also need to conform to size restrictions to aid in transport by the larger ships. The boats should be loaded upon ships and then unloaded at a distant port, perhaps at the mouth of the gold-bearing
Lena or some other gold-laden river. I suggest that white Canadians should flee Canada, take a well-supplied trip up the mouth of the Lena and establish a community near where a smaller river meets the Lena, where the gold or other mineral prospects look
favorable, perhaps 1000 miles upstream on the Lena. Doing such would establish a community in pretty much the geographical center of Yakutia, work together to survive the first winter and then establish other communities in the region, depending upon the
location of mineral and other resources.
Bring along excavators to help dig in for the winter. Each participant should bring along thousands of pounds of food, thousands of pounds of other supplies (tents, tarps, clothes, 24 volt or 48 volt off-grid electrical systems, lithium powered hand
tools, stoves, screws, books, fuel….), much of the food and supplies brought along on small boats and rafts capable of navigating the Lena River. Many people will opt to equip their 12 volt vehicles with 12 volt auxiliary electrical systems, as you
wish. The Yakutians are fond of metal workers, make sure to bring along your machine shops, portable lumber mills and road building equipment when you emigrate. Prepare to pay taxes to Putin in the form of gold, so that he may keep his Russian Republic
Or stay and pay taxes to Trudeau and have him raise your children… Trudeau uses the media and schools to teach your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes. Trudeau works at preventing white people from meeting, uniting and forming
families, and desires control over all the children, I suggest we take all the machining tools, also the children, and flee in well-equipped convoys to Yakutia, there we can build wealth, build guns and regroup. At the very least, each participant would
be required to have a raft carrying 6,000 pounds of food and other supplies so they would stand a chance to survive the first winter, and the owner of the raft would require a boat owner to tow said raft upriver. If you are bringing a vehicle on a boat
or raft as well, still bring that 6000 pounds (or much more) of food and other supplies. Build the boats and rafts so they can be easily loaded onto and unloaded from the ships. Then build a community along the Lena River or nearby the Lena River, build
it out of rocks and concrete on a south facing slope, build guns, mine gold, coal and other resources, regroup. Another group can land at Magadan perhaps without rafts and boats and seek out a suitable sites for communities along the Hiway of Bones or
nearby that hiway either in Magadan or Yakutia. Canadians can sponsor other Canadians to go on the expeditions, perhaps expecting to follow behind the following year and bringing additional resources when emigrating.
Should you find yourself landing at the Lena River Delta, travel up the Lena with a boat pulling your raft. I would suggest you also carry (or tow or use as outriggers) three or four smaller and light weight flat bottom boats so you may navigate into
other rivers that you find along the way. You may need several small flat bottomed boats in order to transport your many thousands of pounds of tools and other supplies upstream an alternative river. People landing at Magadan and then travelling up the
Kolyma Hiway should consider towing or carrying boats with them. Go to the expense of making aluminum containers to haul your food and other goods, perhaps so they are waterproof and can float, and so the goods are secure in transit. The aluminum
containers, when empty, can always be used at your chosen destination for alternative purposes.
Imagine perhaps as many as one million Canadians emigrating, leaving Canada to greener pastures, each bringing with them a small fortune in dehydrated foods, and bringing with them machining equipment, and construction equipment, portable lumber mills,
metals, fuels, cement and glass, and establishing new communities in places such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Yakutia, Magadan or Kamchatka. Whichever land we emigrate to would be blessed with an economic windfall. Canadians might be wise to build boats,
rafts and aircraft, in preparation of a future migration. I also imagine society will collapse so very quickly that Canadians will not have a chance to flee the messes that Biden and Trudeau are creating. In actuality America is being ruled by Obama, a
homosexual Indonesian Islamist who whispers instructions into Biden’s ear, and his Queen Michelle wears size 12 men’s shoes and played football in college. It is very important to this homosexual Indonesian Islamist that Americans line up and take
the jab. And Obama probably follows orders from Charles, who is an Islamist as well, while Trudeau certainly doths. Anyway, some people in Saskatoon may build Yaks and fly to Yakutia. It would be helpful to those who embark upon an expedition to Yakutia (
or elsewhere) have support from airplane owners, and the airplane owners find support from those carrying supplies up roads and rivers. I image that we can establish several communities in the Russian far-east and have these communities continuously
linked by air and working together developing and manufacturing airplanes, food processing and mining equipment and such. Newly formed communities in isolated areas could be supplied by air. Using radios, communities can alert other nearby communities of
their needs.
Those people emigrating away from Canada (those fleeing for their very lives) would of course benefit by having sponsors to assist them with funds to make the boats, rafts, vehicles and to obtain the supplies. Sponsors would of course benefit when
they travel to the new communities, or move to the new communities… the sponsors would have different levels of VIP status depending upon their input. I suggest the Aviation Department, which is in charge of the security of the boat building and most
other build options (in charge of the secure lockers and buildings), utilize the funds in however way the board members see fit. We will need metal lathes and presses as well but I expect people would donate some of their older and unwanted equipment,
perhaps equipment in need of repair. And so likely we would be better off using any donated funds to purchase aluminum in large quantities rather than invest in tools. Putin will charter us a freighter and carry us, our boats and rafts, our guns and
other supplies, from whichever Canadian port to the Lena River Delta or further upstream, or to Magadan. Each person who constructed a raft or boat would have a heated cabin built into their rafts and boats, and they could occupy their cabins during
transport aboard the Russian ship.
Especially note that each person who built a raft or boat using donated supplies would be obligated to use a portion of their space to transport Aviation Department supplies and equipment or other members… and so there may be a vehicle or other
supplies on your raft that you do not own, in addition to people, and you may be called upon to utilize your boat as a tugboat and help pull supplies along the Lena River.
Builders who draw upon such donated resources would have to agree to use the finished boats, rafts, planes and vehicles to assist the emigration by helping to move resources for the entire group, and would later have to pay cash for any materials
provided if they decide to keep the finished project for their own private use. The donations would be used for emigration, the builders drawing upon the donated materials would be beholden to the Aviation Department and would be obligated to use the
constructed vehicles, boats, rafts and aircraft to assist in moving supplies to Magadan or Yakutia (Sakha Republic) or Kamchatka or Chukotka, likely depending upon which of these locations would welcome us, and depending upon what Putin would prefer.
Perhaps different Russian far eastern states and regions will compete and lobby for us to establish our presence and metal working facilities at their states and regions, I suggest that you establish a settlement near some coal reserves. The Aviation
Department should assist people to move to either the Russian Far East or to a Scandinavian country, or perhaps to Greenland, and so people who built rafts and are beholden to the Aviation Department would have the option to emigrate in an Aviation
Department Convoy to these different locations if approved by the host country. The Aviation Department hopes to establish communities in these foreign nations to assist Canadians to flee from Canada and continue to help train them in useful trades while
assisting them to build themselves aircraft, boats and homes.
The raft you constructed by using materials owned and provided to you by the Aviation Department, could be half occupied by materials and by wood-working and metal-working equipment the Aviation Department is transporting to the Russian far east.
People making use of the Aviation Department facilities to make rafts and other vehicles will of course be trained in some form of metal working, and so will bring their skills with them to Yakutia (Sakha Republic) should we emigrate there (more gold and
diamonds and coal and there than in Scandinavia, perhaps more freedom too). Some people will construct their boats and planes with no intention of leaving the country, and so will keep their skills in Saskatchewan or another Canadian province, and would
be fully responsible in funding the construction of their own projects.
If people are in the process of fleeing Canada (or the USA) and leaving independently and without the assistance of Saskatoon’s Aviation Department, I suggest you meet at Magadan and make arrangements in Magadan to travel inland and bolster an
existing community, such as Atka (200 km north of Magadan), or Orotukan (300 km north of Magadan). Establish communities or bolster existing communities along the hiway running from Magadan to Yakustk, perhaps space the communities roughly 100 to 200
kilometers apart. If we had communities spaced roughly every 100 to 200 kilometers along the hiway we could assist all who travel the hiway by offering fuel, food, clothes, supplies, lodging, likely jobs and entertainment as well. If we had communities
spread out along the hiway, each community could be constructing specific parts required for our communally-built airplanes, which I suggest be Short Take Off And Landing (STOL) aircraft. The parts can be delivered to Yakutsk and/or to Magadan and the
aircraft can be assembled there. We can space out communities along the hiway, perhaps in or near the communities of Atka, Orotukan, Susuman, and beyond all the way to Yakutsk in the Sakha Republic, and manufacture components for our aircraft from
different factories along the hiway. Aircraft can also be assembled in smaller towns located between Yakutsk and Magadan, parts that we manufacture would flow both directions down the Hiway of Bones.
It makes sense to purchase land in The City of Magadan and use it to help Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigrating to the Russian Far East. It also makes sense to purchase some land in the town of Atka to similarly assist those
Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigration, as the town is situated along the hiway and can provide lodging, meals, fuel and information to the travelers who are passing through, and is attractive due to being located close to Magadan.
Also Atka boasts some nearby lakes (about five miles to the south east), making it ideal for canoeing, fishing and camping while waiting for additional members of your party to arrive from Canada or USA.
Establish communities that can serve as depots, where individual may drop off thousands of pounds of supplies and then travel the region until making a decision upon where to settle and move those supplies to. Then the Aviation Department, acting as an
emigrant organization, would secure our supplies in depots in our communities along the hiway, and use our trucks to move the supplies from Magadan to any location along the hiway to Yakutsk or beyond. We could purchase land in both Yakutsk and Nizhny
Bestyakh (or very nearby each community) and build boats, small aircraft and homes there. Instead of building aircraft in Saskatchewan, we can flee to Magadan and Yakutia and build them there.
Bring along portable lumber mills. And I suggest that when you flee Canada for your very lives that you bring lots of deck screws, I suggest you each bring along about 100 pounds each of #8x2½, #8x3, #10x3½, #10x5, and about 200 pounds of #10x6.
Bring along those 20 volt drills and 20 volt saws and a great number of screw driver bits and saw blades. If you are intending to spend the remaining years of your life in somewhere in the mountains of far eastern Russia, you are advised to bring along
an abundance of screws as they help to make it easier to construct both temporary shelters and permanent homes. Or if you are intending to remain in Canada after society collapses (if you failed to flee for your life), then it would still be nice to have
a supply of screws on hand so that you may construct shelters here.
Putin would be sure to issue us a general pass allowing everybody coming on the excursion from Canada (everybody fleeing Canada for their very lives) to bring their guns along with them. I suggest that if Putin dothn’t allow us to bring our guns (
both handguns and rifles) to the Russian far east, that we instead go (flee for our lives) with our guns (and our screws) to Finland instead. Sweden is out of the question, they allow the Islamic immigrants to have guns and bombs and will prevent the
immigration of white people, whether they have guns or not. Norway could open their doors to the Canadians who flee with their lives and who try to immigrate with their guns as they could use more soldiers for their army, navy and airforce, but since
Canadians never fought in defense of Canada, they would be unlikely to fight in defense of Norway either. If Putin dothn’t want Canadians immigrating to the Russian far east with our guns and our metal working tools (and our screws), then we could go
to Finland and make guns and airplanes there instead. The people of Finland would enter into a debate about why they would ever want a big bunch of Canadians emigrating to their nation again due to the question of those Canadians being unable to fight in
defense of Canada, so why would they suddenly want to fight in defense of Finland???!!! And they would question why we did not bring along any 4 inch screws. In the end Finland would welcome the Canadians and also allow them to carry their guns with them,
but only because they would be bringing huge amounts of metal working machinery along with them and would help to create employment for the Finnish people. So the Canadians who land in Finland will adopt Finnish culture and will have to learn to speak
through their noses, and that is a good reason to go to Magadan instead. In the end the Canadians would only flee to a country that allowed them to smoke marijuana and hashish, and would happily speak through their noses in Finland if that was what was
required to smoke their weed.
I imagine if we attempted to emigrate (flee for our lives) to Finland, the Finish border guards, speaking through their noses, would ask why we eschewed the 4 inch deck screws. Although they are the ones speaking through their noses, it would be us
that would look pretty silly if nobody in our group knew what an “eschew” was. Saskatoon’s Aviation Department could ameliorate this uncomfortable situation by providing classes in dealing with Finish border guards, and preparing the students for
such awkward questions.
Consider meeting in Sapporo Japan and make arrangement there to secure additional supplies before chartering ships and travelling onwards to Magadan. Winter weather conditions annually close the port of Magadan, while waiting for the harbor to open
you can use the opportunity to shop for and buy used Japanese mini-trucks, snow mobiles and such, secure all sorts of other supplies, and charter a suitable ship to take you and the other emigrants to Magadan. I imagine a tourist office or the main
police station in Sapporo can assist you to get in contact with other westerners in Sapporo who are hoping to sail to Magadan in the spring or summer when the port is accessible. It is possible that Putin would send a ship to Sapporo to pick you
emigrants up. I encourage the Canadians of European descent to flee for their lives and go to Magadan, perhaps to first stop in Sapporo and pick up supplies. With the present state of politics in Canada, it may be wise to sell everything you have and fly
to Japan where you will purchase supplies, and then in the spring board a boat in Sapporo and sail to Magadan, and then from there perhaps travel onwards to Yakutia.
People wanting to build aircraft, whether in the west or in the Russian far east, should consider making an assembly-line and rolling off copies of a commonly desired model, perhaps a flying boat that seats just four people. Another group of people
will be incessant that they will each have a Short Takeoff and Landing (STOL) aircraft, and so that group would be best served by building assembly-line copies of the same plane… One-seater STOL? Two-seater STOL? Four-seater STOL? There may be enough
interest to warrant making single, two and four seater STOL’s and rolling these three models off assembly lines. If the majority wants a four-seater STOL, the people who desire a one or two seater STOL may still manufacture what they desire, we should
have the room available to accommodate people’s projects. If the city has the ability to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on assorted projects of very questionable worth, and more on projects that they have no business funding, then similarly the
city should be able to spend a bit of money to construct space that is suitable for you to build a project.
Find 100 people each wanting to build the same aircraft, perhaps a one-seater STOL, this aircraft has a complex wing design. The 100 projects can be approached haphazardly with individuals constructing assorted parts of their aircraft independently
from one another. Or allow everybody could unite and build the 200 wings and the 100 fuselages and perhaps the 100 tails, then draw for these incompleted planes, then leave it to the members to install their own choice of engines, landing gear and
avionics. Or 20 people could unite and build the 100 sets of wings for the 100 aircraft while the other 80 people build different components for these 100 airplanes. This latter scenario would likely speed up the process of building the STOL aircraft,
and 80% of the builders will not have to worry about building wings for their aircraft. Hopefully there would be enough interest to get a second set of 100 (or more) people together to build a different aircraft, and perhaps get a third group of 100
people united so they too may build 100 copies of some third style of aircraft for themselves. If you wanted an airplane and had very limited wealth, you would likely choose to join the group that seeks to make extremely cheap airplanes (likely mostly
wooden and cloth) that are light weight and so can function with lower horsepower engines. There might be some smaller groups of builders, for example there may be 25 people who desire to build some plans-built airplane who do not wish to join with the
other groups of people building other aircraft designs. There might be only three people wanting to build a certain plans-built plane, provide them with storage lockers and hope they work together and help one another.
If you keep your aircraft simple, smaller and on the lighter side, then you can use a pair of small (and light weight and cheap) jet engines that are originally meant for use on the scaled-down radio controlled airplanes. Find a group of people who
each desire to build the same glider and then modify that glider with the small jet engines that pop up out of the fuselage or tail. My best guess is that there are many hundreds of people in and around Saskatoon that would like to own a pair of small
jet engines for their extremely light weight aircraft, so many so that it would warrant building our own jet engines rather than buy them. The World Economic Forum members fly around in jets, so should we.
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeak Squeak@21:1/5 to
All on Sat Apr 15 23:21:06 2023
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff
April 15th 2023 8:05 pm 197,001 words (229 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Check out the DG-808J powered glider constructed by Desert Aerospace, LLC, it can launch itself with a pair of tiny turbine engines (PBS TJ40 engines) and retract these turbines into the fuselage after they cool. Even when the engines are shut down and
are remaining exposed, the glider still obtains a 40:1 glide ratio.
Should have a meeting of those people wanting to build their own airplanes, people could present their ideas of which plane for the group to build. If we had 1000 people at the meeting, 703 of them may end up wanting something similar to the DG-808J
powered glider with the PBS TJ40 engines, so we would be in need of 1,406 engines for them. But the other 297 people wanting to build alternative airplanes may also want one or more of these same engines to power or help power their aircraft as well. It
seems to make sense to me that the Aviation Department builds engines similar to the PBS TJ40 engine.
Ground-effect land-skimming vehicles could periodically be flying perhaps two feet above electrical wires, from which they wirelessly charge and propel themselves. Being quite flat, Saskatchewan makes the ideal testing location for these electrically
propelled ground-effect land-skimming, extremely highly efficient aircraft. We could perhaps actively strive to link Saskatoon with both Calgary and Edmonton with corridors for these elevated automobiles. The Canadian prairies are ideally suited for the
ground-effect land-skimming vehicles. Some people building these electrically powered land skimming vehicles may opt to include a pair of PBS TJ40 engines so they may leave the confines of the electrical grid.
We should be building a prototype of a composite single seat mono-wing airplane (such as a Yak), as the cost per composite aircraft could, depending upon materials used, be lower than constructing TIG welded airframes. Reduce the cost of the airplanes
to make them an achievable goal to work towards. We could reduce the cost of the aircraft by covering concrete, wood, plastic or styrofoam forms with aviation grade spruce plywood. The left side of a composite (plywood) aircraft fuselage can be pulled
out of a secure storage locker and be worked upon, using such a system will allow for greater participation and a larger number of aircraft being started. Once completing one side of the airplane fuselage, the builder will be provided with a second
storage locker for the other half of his or her airplane, eventually the builder will have the two halves to unite and will be provided with a larger storage locker to secure that fuselage while work on other components is conducted. I imagine Cindy
would see some handsome and muscular feller, perhaps Steve, building the right side of his chosen airplane, then Cindy would of course start building the left side of said aircraft, and then actively, or incessantly, seek to unite their projects. Cindy
would flick her hair back, lightly stroke her eyebrow and giggle a little when she asked Steve if he wanted to join their sides together, I’m sure. See “Mosquito: A Pictorial History of the DH98” by Philip Birtles.
Check out the video on YouTube called Building an Airplane Out of Wood - You Can Do It! (27 minutes long). It isn’t easy as every piece of wood must be carefully chosen, it is likely far easier to build the airplane out of metal. The time required
to obtain wood of superior grain is a non-issue with the construction of metal aircraft. Furthermore wooden airplanes require far superior shelter once constructed as the weather degrades the wood. The video says that many airplanes have metal fuselages
and wooden wings.
People should consider buying and using their own cutting blades on the communally used equipment, or at least have spares available for the tools they are using. I imagine a slew of older donated metal working and wood working machines that are kept
operational by people investing into their own cutting blades and drill bits and such. Some people will have tools such as radial arm saws and would not allow the use of the tool for other people in the cooperative, this is fine as people have invested
time and money in the tool and in insuring that their saws cut straight. Those who do not wish their tools to be shared by others should lock their tools up in their personal storage lockers and bring them out when required. Rather than complain that a
tool is not available to you, consider making do without the tool or obtain your own. Used radial arm saws and bench saws are available for about $100 Canadian, it is not a huge amount of money.
Check out the video on YouTube called The Insane Engineering of The Spitfire (22 minutes long), the elliptical wings contain a great amount of space that can be utilized for fuel and landing gear, although originally provided space for guns and ammo.
The wings are built using aluminum tubes that are stacked inside of other aluminum tubes. We can build similar elliptical wings in Saskatoon and attach them to a wide variety of different airplanes, or others may choose to construct airplanes that
resemble Spitfires. People opting to build wings that are not elliptical can still make use of this building strategy, but you would be losing out on the extra storage provided by the elliptical wings.
We could be concurrently working upon a prototype of a TIG welded single-seat STOL (short take off and landing) airplane, in part to avoid paying a license fee to use some other person’s plans, in part so that the Aviation Department would receive a
license fee if other builders chose to adopt our plans, and mostly so that we learn how to design and build airplanes. We could develop several different one-seater STOL airplanes and evaluate the ease of building, cost of building and performance of
each aircraft. We could encourage those builders who wish to innovate and who desire to build their own design of aircraft, to build a one-seater STOL and compete with others in a competition of one-seater STOL’s, and we will see. And another window
for innovation is to have a second competition where people are invited to build airplanes that resemble World War One fighter airplanes, they can be monoplanes, biplanes or tri-planes, they should have open cockpits and otherwise closely resemble World
War One fighter planes, and people would be invited to paint the planes to match the paint schemes of the planes that flew in WW I so that the film industry can participate in this and make realistic WW I movies. Many of these innovative airplanes the
participants invent could be fitted with paint ball machine guns and the builders could then engage in aerial paint ball dogfights. The Aviation Department could generate a sizable income from the general public who would pay to watch the spectacle, the
funds could be used for developing engines and such. I encourage people who are building their own planes to build one-seater or better yet two-seater STOLs, not necessarily to carry a second person but to carry additional fuel and supplies.
If there is huge interest then we (with help from the Aviation Department) can develop a prototype of a powered glider that has an enormous wingspan. Many builders will instead choose to build a plans-built plane of a pre-existing design, such as the
BD-4, rather than wait for the development of the prototypes. And smaller TIG welded airframes can be put together cheaply, and quite likely with fewer hours of work than required for the composite aircraft. Note that even the airplanes that are
constructed primarily of wood still require metal parts to be fabricated and securely stored until the builder is ready for installing them, and many metal-bodied airplanes have wooden wings. Many of these metal parts are cheaply constructed, people with
limited resources can start by assembling these lower cost items. People are free to decide which aircraft they wish to construct, but recognize that if you stick to a co-operative plan where several or many copies of the same plane are made, many of
your construction problems will be solved as others are involved working along side of you to help complete the steps. We should be providing options for people rather than taking options away and make it easier for people to start building without delay.
By simply following the principles of aviation and without using complex mathematics nor wind tunnels, people may construct airplanes that fly very well (see “Flight Without Formulae” by A.C. Kermode). Consider that those people who use the
complex mathematical formulas and even wind tunnels end up with airplanes that still undergo revision after revision after revision. Even little girls can fly their own planes and save other children from being abducted by gypsies (see The Girl Aviators
Motor Butterfly by Margaret Burnham, published by M.A Donohue & Company). If the builder chooses to make such an individual and unique aircraft, then of course the parts they manufacture cannot be traded for parts of a design approved and actively
supported by the Aviation Department.
There are lots of projects that can be tackled in Build Option 22, many of them require TIG welding. Many of the projects would have components that would be cut out with lasers or water jets or cutting torches from large sheets of metal, the
individuals building the project would of course pay for that service (unless they own and use a cutting torch), and then assemble their projects in the large TIG welding facilities located in downtown Saskatoon, stretching from Third Avenue to Ave C or
so, and south from 20th or 22nd Street or so to the river. Rowbotham proclaims we can print debt-free money out of thin air to pay for this and other critical infrastructure projects (See “The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and
Destructive Economics” by Michael Rowbotham). This TIG welding facility is a critical project as people would be learning skills and building futures for themselves, and ample opportunities would exist in the facilities to teach them to fly.
Saskatoon requires two or three new airports on the outskirts specifically made for the homebuilt aircraft. We should not allow the homebuilt creations to fly over the city with the exception that the smaller and quieter planes should be allowed to
travel immediately above the South Saskatchewan River and so through the very center of our city - planes could even be launched from a slipway on the roof of the TIG welding facility (a very large building located on the south side of downtown
stretching from Second Avenue and 20th Street to Avenue C South and the river) and then navigate along the river. We could have races and paintball dogfights over the river, an event as such would bring visitors to the city and generate revenue. We could
have a water aerodrome on the South Saskatchewan River, and perhaps limit the aerodrome to small airplanes that meet extremely tough noise limits or perhaps allow noisier aircraft to use the facilities during the day. Consider allowing the children to
fly their own aviation creations at night without any licenses, and re-educating the air traffic controllers.
We could be building multiple forms, and then allowing builders to utilize our forms, and they would drape their plywood and/or fiber glass and/or carbon fiber and such over our forms, such as was done in constructing the Mosquito. While the forms are
being developed the builders could rebuild engines and build propellers for their engines, build landing gear and other smaller parts. We could have forms for members to borrow that result in sleek and fuel efficient racers, like the Yak. We can also
allow members to build a scaled-down version of the P-38 Lightning. We could build powered gliders that resemble a U-2 Spy Plane, we could make multiple forms for the fuselage out of concrete or some other stiff material. Small jet engines are an
equivalent cost of a cheap used car, buy a pair of these small jets and make them retractable. We could even develop jet engines and make the design or parts available to the members. We can accomplish much when we work together.
We could build a fleet of amphibious aircraft, seaplanes, flying boats or perhaps even floatplanes, having a fleet of these one or more of these four aquatic aircraft would enable us to provide an air taxi service to the northern lakes. By
facilitating the building of low cost aircraft in Saskatoon, and perhaps by building components for these airplanes in other communities, we could link northern and southern communities. Presently it costs more money to fly from Saskatoon to many
communities in northern Saskatchewan, than it costs to fly from Saskatoon to Europe. Check out the retractable wing-tip pontoons on the PBY-5A, by retracting the pontoons on airplanes we will reduce drag and save on fuel.
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I’d encourage both city residents and our neighbors living outside of our city to participate in using the proposed facilities to construct and modify boats, aircraft and ATV’s. We’d provide storage lockers for the
parts you are assembling for your project, and a machine shop where you may manufacture your parts, eventually you will have enough parts stored that you would be provided with a larger secure space to assemble your project. People should have options in
life, governments should be trying to help provide people with options and not take options away.
I propose a very large building along the south side of downtown Saskatoon spanning into Riversdale where visitors could travel on moving and stationary sidewalks and escalators while enclosed inside clear tubes. Separated by plate glass, visitors
could safely view the airplanes or other projects being completed around them while seated and having coffee at one of the many coffee shops. I imagine undecided Cindy and her female friends would be roaming the premises, coffees in hand, looking at the
many projects, while the muscular guys would be going shirtless, dripping in sweat, as they labour upon their metal and wood working projects, sawing, sanding, welding and grinding away. The women can see the projects under construction before they
choose what project to start upon. Friendships would be developed.
The City of Saskatoon should purchase 40, 80, 160 or 320 acres of rural land so these projects can quickly begin while building this proposed facility in the city. Even a small group of people, independent from the City of Saskatoon and who are
interested in one or more of these twenty-nine build options, can unite and pool their money and purchase the required land and erect some cheaper buildings close to the City of Saskatoon.
Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten are a system of similar tracking vehicles. The boats being built should be engineered to carry one or more of the similarly tracked vehicles from Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten, and also engineered to be easily
transported by large ships. The rafts carrying supplies also need to conform to size restrictions to aid in transport by the larger ships. The boats should be loaded upon ships and then unloaded at a distant port, perhaps at the mouth of the gold-bearing
Lena or some other gold-laden river. I suggest that white Canadians should flee Canada, take a well-supplied trip up the mouth of the Lena and establish a community near where a smaller river meets the Lena, where the gold or other mineral prospects look
favorable, perhaps 1000 miles upstream on the Lena. Doing such would establish a community in pretty much the geographical center of Yakutia, work together to survive the first winter and then establish other communities in the region, depending upon the
location of mineral and other resources.
Bring along excavators to help dig in for the winter. Each participant should bring along thousands of pounds of food, thousands of pounds of other supplies (tents, tarps, clothes, 24 volt or 48 volt off-grid electrical systems, lithium powered hand
tools, stoves, screws, books, fuel….), much of the food and supplies brought along on small boats and rafts capable of navigating the Lena River. Many people will opt to equip their 12 volt vehicles with 12 volt auxiliary electrical systems, as you
wish. The Yakutians are fond of metal workers, make sure to bring along your machine shops, portable lumber mills and road building equipment when you emigrate. Prepare to pay taxes to Putin in the form of gold, so that he may keep his Russian Republic
Or stay and pay taxes to Trudeau and have him raise your children… Trudeau uses the media and schools to teach your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes. Trudeau works at preventing white people from meeting, uniting and forming
families, and desires control over all the children, I suggest we take all the machining tools, also the children, and flee in well-equipped convoys to Yakutia, there we can build wealth, build guns and regroup. At the very least, each participant would
be required to have a raft carrying 6,000 pounds of food and other supplies so they would stand a chance to survive the first winter, and the owner of the raft would require a boat owner to tow said raft upriver. If you are bringing a vehicle on a boat
or raft as well, still bring that 6000 pounds (or much more) of food and other supplies. Build the boats and rafts so they can be easily loaded onto and unloaded from the ships. Then build a community along the Lena River or nearby the Lena River, build
it out of rocks and concrete on a south facing slope, build guns, mine gold, coal and other resources, regroup. Another group can land at Magadan perhaps without rafts and boats and seek out a suitable sites for communities along the Hiway of Bones or
nearby that hiway either in Magadan or Yakutia. Canadians can sponsor other Canadians to go on the expeditions, perhaps expecting to follow behind the following year and bringing additional resources when emigrating.
Should you find yourself landing at the Lena River Delta, travel up the Lena with a boat pulling your raft. I would suggest you also carry (or tow or use as outriggers) three or four smaller and light weight flat bottom boats so you may navigate into
other rivers that you find along the way. You may need several small flat bottomed boats in order to transport your many thousands of pounds of tools and other supplies upstream an alternative river. People landing at Magadan and then travelling up the
Kolyma Hiway should consider towing or carrying boats with them. Go to the expense of making aluminum containers to haul your food and other goods, perhaps so they are waterproof and can float, and so the goods are secure in transit. The aluminum
containers, when empty, can always be used at your chosen destination for alternative purposes.
Imagine perhaps as many as one million Canadians emigrating, leaving Canada to greener pastures, each bringing with them a small fortune in dehydrated foods, and bringing with them machining equipment, and construction equipment, portable lumber mills,
metals, fuels, cement and glass, and establishing new communities in places such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Yakutia, Magadan or Kamchatka. Whichever land we emigrate to would be blessed with an economic windfall. Canadians might be wise to build boats,
rafts and aircraft, in preparation of a future migration. I also imagine society will collapse so very quickly that Canadians will not have a chance to flee the messes that Biden and Trudeau are creating. In actuality America is being ruled by Obama, a
homosexual Indonesian Islamist who whispers instructions into Biden’s ear, and his Queen Michelle wears size 12 men’s shoes and played football in college. It is very important to this homosexual Indonesian Islamist that Americans line up and take
the jab. And Obama probably follows orders from Charles, who is an Islamist as well, while Trudeau certainly doths. Anyway, some people in Saskatoon may build Yaks and fly to Yakutia. It would be helpful to those who embark upon an expedition to Yakutia (
or elsewhere) have support from airplane owners, and the airplane owners find support from those carrying supplies up roads and rivers. I image that we can establish several communities in the Russian far-east and have these communities continuously
linked by air and working together developing and manufacturing airplanes, food processing and mining equipment and such. Newly formed communities in isolated areas could be supplied by air. Using radios, communities can alert other nearby communities of
their needs.
Those people emigrating away from Canada (those fleeing for their very lives) would of course benefit by having sponsors to assist them with funds to make the boats, rafts, vehicles and to obtain the supplies. Sponsors would of course benefit when
they travel to the new communities, or move to the new communities… the sponsors would have different levels of VIP status depending upon their input. I suggest the Aviation Department, which is in charge of the security of the boat building and most
other build options (in charge of the secure lockers and buildings), utilize the funds in however way the board members see fit. We will need metal lathes and presses as well but I expect people would donate some of their older and unwanted equipment,
perhaps equipment in need of repair. And so likely we would be better off using any donated funds to purchase aluminum in large quantities rather than invest in tools. Putin will charter us a freighter and carry us, our boats and rafts, our guns and
other supplies, from whichever Canadian port to the Lena River Delta or further upstream, or to Magadan. Each person who constructed a raft or boat would have a heated cabin built into their rafts and boats, and they could occupy their cabins during
transport aboard the Russian ship.
Especially note that each person who built a raft or boat using donated supplies would be obligated to use a portion of their space to transport Aviation Department supplies and equipment or other members… and so there may be a vehicle or other
supplies on your raft that you do not own, in addition to people, and you may be called upon to utilize your boat as a tugboat and help pull supplies along the Lena River.
Builders who draw upon such donated resources would have to agree to use the finished boats, rafts, planes and vehicles to assist the emigration by helping to move resources for the entire group, and would later have to pay cash for any materials
provided if they decide to keep the finished project for their own private use. The donations would be used for emigration, the builders drawing upon the donated materials would be beholden to the Aviation Department and would be obligated to use the
constructed vehicles, boats, rafts and aircraft to assist in moving supplies to Magadan or Yakutia (Sakha Republic) or Kamchatka or Chukotka, likely depending upon which of these locations would welcome us, and depending upon what Putin would prefer.
Perhaps different Russian far eastern states and regions will compete and lobby for us to establish our presence and metal working facilities at their states and regions, I suggest that you establish a settlement near some coal reserves. The Aviation
Department should assist people to move to either the Russian Far East or to a Scandinavian country, or perhaps to Greenland, and so people who built rafts and are beholden to the Aviation Department would have the option to emigrate in an Aviation
Department Convoy to these different locations if approved by the host country. The Aviation Department hopes to establish communities in these foreign nations to assist Canadians to flee from Canada and continue to help train them in useful trades while
assisting them to build themselves aircraft, boats and homes.
The raft you constructed by using materials owned and provided to you by the Aviation Department, could be half occupied by materials and by wood-working and metal-working equipment the Aviation Department is transporting to the Russian far east.
People making use of the Aviation Department facilities to make rafts and other vehicles will of course be trained in some form of metal working, and so will bring their skills with them to Yakutia (Sakha Republic) should we emigrate there (more gold and
diamonds and coal and there than in Scandinavia, perhaps more freedom too). Some people will construct their boats and planes with no intention of leaving the country, and so will keep their skills in Saskatchewan or another Canadian province, and would
be fully responsible in funding the construction of their own projects.
If people are in the process of fleeing Canada (or the USA) and leaving independently and without the assistance of Saskatoon’s Aviation Department, I suggest you meet at Magadan and make arrangements in Magadan to travel inland and bolster an
existing community, such as Atka (200 km north of Magadan), or Orotukan (300 km north of Magadan). Establish communities or bolster existing communities along the hiway running from Magadan to Yakutsk, perhaps space the communities roughly 100 to 200
kilometers apart. If we had communities spaced roughly every 100 to 200 kilometers along the hiway we could assist all who travel the hiway by offering fuel, food, clothes, supplies, lodging, likely jobs and entertainment as well. If we had communities
spread out along the hiway, each community could be constructing specific parts required for our communally-built airplanes, which I suggest be Short Take Off And Landing (STOL) aircraft. The parts can be delivered to Yakutsk and/or to Magadan and the
aircraft can be assembled there. We can space out communities along the hiway, perhaps in or near the communities of Atka, Orotukan, Susuman, and beyond all the way to Yakutsk in the Sakha Republic, and manufacture components for our aircraft from
different factories along the hiway. Aircraft can also be assembled in smaller towns located between Yakutsk and Magadan, parts that we manufacture would flow both directions down the Hiway of Bones.
It makes sense to purchase land in The City of Magadan and use it to help Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigrating to the Russian Far East. It also makes sense to purchase some land in the town of Atka to similarly assist those
Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigration, as the town is situated along the hiway and can provide lodging, meals, fuel and information to the travelers who are passing through, and is attractive due to being located close to Magadan.
Also Atka boasts some nearby lakes (about five miles to the south east), making it ideal for canoeing, fishing and camping while waiting for additional members of your party to arrive from Canada or USA.
Establish communities that can serve as depots, where individual may drop off thousands of pounds of supplies and then travel the region until making a decision upon where to settle and move those supplies to. Then the Aviation Department, acting as an
emigrant organization, would secure our supplies in depots in our communities along the hiway, and use our trucks to move the supplies from Magadan to any location along the hiway to Yakutsk or beyond. We could purchase land in both Yakutsk and Nizhny
Bestyakh (or very nearby each community) and build boats, small aircraft and homes there. Instead of building aircraft in Saskatchewan, we can flee to Magadan and Yakutia and build them there.
Bring along portable lumber mills. And I suggest that when you flee Canada for your very lives that you bring lots of deck screws, perhaps bring along about 100 pounds each of #8x2½, #8x3, #10x3½, #10x5, and about 200 pounds of #10x6. Bring along
those 20 volt drills and 20 volt saws and a great number of screw driver bits and saw blades. If you are intending to spend the remaining years of your life in somewhere in the mountains of far eastern Russia, you are advised to bring along an abundance
of screws as they help to make it easier to construct both temporary shelters and permanent homes. Or if you are intending to remain in Canada after society collapses (if you failed to flee for your life), then it would still be nice to have a supply of
screws on hand so that you may construct shelters here.
Putin would be sure to issue us a general pass allowing everybody coming on the excursion from Canada (everybody fleeing Canada for their very lives) to bring their guns along with them. I suggest that if Putin dothn’t allow us to bring our guns (
both handguns and rifles) to the Russian far east, that we instead go (flee for our lives) with our guns (and our screws) to Finland instead. Sweden is out of the question, they allow the Islamic immigrants to have guns and bombs and will prevent the
immigration of white people, whether they have guns or not. Norway could open their doors to the Canadians who flee with their lives and who try to immigrate with their guns as they could use more soldiers for their army, navy and airforce, but since
Canadians never fought in defense of Canada, they would be unlikely to fight in defense of Norway either. If Putin dothn’t want Canadians immigrating to the Russian far east with our guns and our metal working tools (and our screws), then we could go
to Finland and make guns and airplanes there instead. The people of Finland would enter into a debate about why they would ever want a big bunch of Canadians emigrating to their nation again due to the question of those Canadians being unable to fight in
defense of Canada, so why would they suddenly want to fight in defense of Finland???!!! And they would question why we did not bring along any 4 inch screws. In the end Finland would welcome the Canadians and also allow them to carry their guns with them,
but only because they would be bringing huge amounts of metal working machinery along with them and would help to create employment for the Finnish people. So the Canadians who land in Finland will adopt Finnish culture and will have to learn to speak
through their noses, and that is a good reason to go to Magadan instead. In the end the Canadians would only flee to a country that allowed them to smoke marijuana and hashish, and would happily speak through their noses in Finland if that was what was
required to smoke their weed.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff
May 21st 2023 11:59 am 200,495 words (232 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Check out the DG-808J powered glider constructed by Desert Aerospace, LLC, it can launch itself with a pair of tiny turbine engines (PBS TJ40 engines) and retract these turbines into the fuselage after they cool. Even when the engines are shut down and
are remaining exposed, the glider still obtains a 40:1 glide ratio.
Should have a meeting of those people wanting to build their own airplanes, people could present their ideas of which plane for the group to build. If we had 1000 people at the meeting, 703 of them may end up wanting something similar to the DG-808J
powered glider with the PBS TJ40 engines, so we would be in need of 1,406 engines for them. But the other 297 people wanting to build alternative airplanes may also want one or more of these same engines to power or help power their aircraft as well. It
seems to make sense to me that the Aviation Department builds engines similar to the PBS TJ40 engine.
Ground-effect land-skimming vehicles could periodically be flying perhaps two feet above electrical wires, from which they wirelessly charge and propel themselves. Being quite flat, Saskatchewan makes the ideal testing location for these electrically
propelled ground-effect land-skimming, extremely highly efficient aircraft. We could perhaps actively strive to link Saskatoon with both Calgary and Edmonton with corridors for these elevated automobiles. The Canadian prairies are ideally suited for the
ground-effect land-skimming vehicles. Some people building these electrically powered land skimming vehicles may opt to include a pair of PBS TJ40 engines so they may leave the confines of the electrical grid.
We should be building a prototype of a composite single seat mono-wing airplane (such as a Yak), as the cost per composite aircraft could, depending upon materials used, be lower than constructing TIG welded airframes. Reduce the cost of the airplanes
to make them an achievable goal to work towards. We could reduce the cost of the aircraft by covering concrete, wood, plastic or styrofoam forms with aviation grade spruce plywood. The left side of a composite (plywood) aircraft fuselage can be pulled
out of a secure storage locker and be worked upon, using such a system will allow for greater participation and a larger number of aircraft being started. Once completing one side of the airplane fuselage, the builder will be provided with a second
storage locker for the other half of his or her airplane, eventually the builder will have the two halves to unite and will be provided with a larger storage locker to secure that fuselage while work on other components is conducted. I imagine Cindy
would see some handsome and muscular feller, perhaps Steve, building the right side of his chosen airplane, then Cindy would of course start building the left side of said aircraft, and then actively, or incessantly, seek to unite their projects. Cindy
would flick her hair back, lightly stroke her eyebrow and giggle a little when she asked Steve if he wanted to join their sides together, I’m sure. See “Mosquito: A Pictorial History of the DH98” by Philip Birtles.
Check out the video on YouTube called Building an Airplane Out of Wood - You Can Do It! (27 minutes long). It isn’t easy as every piece of wood must be carefully chosen, it is likely far easier to build the airplane out of metal. The time required
to obtain wood of superior grain is a non-issue with the construction of metal aircraft. Furthermore wooden airplanes require far superior shelter once constructed as the weather degrades the wood. The video says that many airplanes have metal fuselages
and wooden wings.
People should consider buying and using their own cutting blades on the communally used equipment, or at least have spares available for the tools they are using. I imagine a slew of older donated metal working and wood working machines that are kept
operational by people investing into their own cutting blades and drill bits and such. Some people will have tools such as radial arm saws and would not allow the use of the tool for other people in the cooperative, this is fine as people have invested
time and money in the tool and in insuring that their saws cut straight. Those who do not wish their tools to be shared by others should lock their tools up in their personal storage lockers and bring them out when required. Rather than complain that a
tool is not available to you, consider making do without the tool or obtain your own. Used radial arm saws and bench saws are available for about $100 Canadian, it is not a huge amount of money.
Check out the video on YouTube called The Insane Engineering of The Spitfire (22 minutes long), the elliptical wings contain a great amount of space that can be utilized for fuel and landing gear, although originally provided space for guns and ammo.
The wings are built using aluminum tubes that are stacked inside of other aluminum tubes. We can build similar elliptical wings in Saskatoon and attach them to a wide variety of different airplanes, or others may choose to construct airplanes that
resemble Spitfires. People opting to build wings that are not elliptical can still make use of this building strategy, but you would be losing out on the extra storage provided by the elliptical wings.
We could be concurrently working upon a prototype of a TIG welded single-seat STOL (short take off and landing) airplane, in part to avoid paying a license fee to use some other person’s plans, in part so that the Aviation Department would receive a
license fee if other builders chose to adopt our plans, and mostly so that we learn how to design and build airplanes. We could develop several different one-seater STOL airplanes and evaluate the ease of building, cost of building and performance of
each aircraft. We could encourage those builders who wish to innovate and who desire to build their own design of aircraft, to build a one-seater STOL and compete with others in a competition of one-seater STOL’s, and we will see. And another window
for innovation is to have a second competition where people are invited to build airplanes that resemble World War One fighter airplanes, they can be monoplanes, biplanes or tri-planes, they should have open cockpits and otherwise closely resemble World
War One fighter planes, and people would be invited to paint the planes to match the paint schemes of the planes that flew in WW I so that the film industry can participate in this and make realistic WW I movies. Many of these innovative airplanes the
participants invent could be fitted with paint ball machine guns and the builders could then engage in aerial paint ball dogfights. The Aviation Department could generate a sizable income from the general public who would pay to watch the spectacle, the
funds could be used for developing engines and such. I encourage people who are building their own planes to build one-seater or better yet two-seater STOLs, not necessarily to carry a second person but to carry additional fuel and supplies.
If there is huge interest then we (with help from the Aviation Department) can develop a prototype of a powered glider that has an enormous wingspan. Many builders will instead choose to build a plans-built plane of a pre-existing design, such as the
BD-4, rather than wait for the development of the prototypes. And smaller TIG welded airframes can be put together cheaply, and quite likely with fewer hours of work than required for the composite aircraft. Note that even the airplanes that are
constructed primarily of wood still require metal parts to be fabricated and securely stored until the builder is ready for installing them, and many metal-bodied airplanes have wooden wings. Many of these metal parts are cheaply constructed, people with
limited resources can start by assembling these lower cost items. People are free to decide which aircraft they wish to construct, but recognize that if you stick to a co-operative plan where several or many copies of the same plane are made, many of
your construction problems will be solved as others are involved working along side of you to help complete the steps. We should be providing options for people rather than taking options away and make it easier for people to start building without delay.
By simply following the principles of aviation and without using complex mathematics nor wind tunnels, people may construct airplanes that fly very well (see “Flight Without Formulae” by A.C. Kermode). Consider that those people who use the
complex mathematical formulas and even wind tunnels end up with airplanes that still undergo revision after revision after revision. Even little girls can fly their own planes and save other children from being abducted by gypsies (see The Girl Aviators
Motor Butterfly by Margaret Burnham, published by M.A Donohue & Company). If the builder chooses to make such an individual and unique aircraft, then of course the parts they manufacture cannot be traded for parts of a design approved and actively
supported by the Aviation Department.
There are lots of projects that can be tackled in Build Option 22, many of them require TIG welding. Many of the projects would have components that would be cut out with lasers or water jets or cutting torches from large sheets of metal, the
individuals building the project would of course pay for that service (unless they own and use a cutting torch), and then assemble their projects in the large TIG welding facilities located in downtown Saskatoon, stretching from Third Avenue to Ave C or
so, and south from 20th or 22nd Street or so to the river. Rowbotham proclaims we can print debt-free money out of thin air to pay for this and other critical infrastructure projects (See “The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and
Destructive Economics” by Michael Rowbotham). This TIG welding facility is a critical project as people would be learning skills and building futures for themselves, and ample opportunities would exist in the facilities to teach them to fly.
Saskatoon requires two or three new airports on the outskirts specifically made for the homebuilt aircraft. We should not allow the homebuilt creations to fly over the city with the exception that the smaller and quieter planes should be allowed to
travel immediately above the South Saskatchewan River and so through the very center of our city - planes could even be launched from a slipway on the roof of the TIG welding facility (a very large building located on the south side of downtown
stretching from Second Avenue and 20th Street to Avenue C South and the river) and then navigate along the river. We could have races and paintball dogfights over the river, an event as such would bring visitors to the city and generate revenue. We could
have a water aerodrome on the South Saskatchewan River, and perhaps limit the aerodrome to small airplanes that meet extremely tough noise limits or perhaps allow noisier aircraft to use the facilities during the day. Consider allowing the children to
fly their own aviation creations at night without any licenses, and re-educating the air traffic controllers.
We could be building multiple forms, and then allowing builders to utilize our forms, and they would drape their plywood and/or fiber glass and/or carbon fiber and such over our forms, such as was done in constructing the Mosquito. While the forms are
being developed the builders could rebuild engines and build propellers for their engines, build landing gear and other smaller parts. We could have forms for members to borrow that result in sleek and fuel efficient racers, like the Yak. We can also
allow members to build a scaled-down version of the P-38 Lightning. We could build powered gliders that resemble a U-2 Spy Plane, we could make multiple forms for the fuselage out of concrete or some other stiff material. Small jet engines are an
equivalent cost of a cheap used car, buy a pair of these small jets and make them retractable. We could even develop jet engines and make the design or parts available to the members. We can accomplish much when we work together.
We could build a fleet of amphibious aircraft, seaplanes, flying boats or perhaps even floatplanes, having a fleet of these one or more of these four aquatic aircraft would enable us to provide an air taxi service to the northern lakes. By
facilitating the building of low cost aircraft in Saskatoon, and perhaps by building components for these airplanes in other communities, we could link northern and southern communities. Presently it costs more money to fly from Saskatoon to many
communities in northern Saskatchewan, than it costs to fly from Saskatoon to Europe. Check out the retractable wing-tip pontoons on the PBY-5A, by retracting the pontoons on airplanes we will reduce drag and save on fuel.
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I’d encourage both city residents and our neighbors living outside of our city to participate in using the proposed facilities to construct and modify boats, aircraft and ATV’s. We’d provide storage lockers for the
parts you are assembling for your project, and a machine shop where you may manufacture your parts, eventually you will have enough parts stored that you would be provided with a larger secure space to assemble your project. People should have options in
life, governments should be trying to help provide people with options and not take options away.
I propose a very large building along the south side of downtown Saskatoon spanning into Riversdale where visitors could travel on moving and stationary sidewalks and escalators while enclosed inside clear tubes. Separated by plate glass, visitors
could safely view the airplanes or other projects being completed around them while seated and having coffee at one of the many coffee shops. I imagine undecided Cindy and her female friends would be roaming the premises, coffees in hand, looking at the
many projects, while the muscular guys would be going shirtless, dripping in sweat, as they labour upon their metal and wood working projects, sawing, sanding, welding and grinding away. The women can see the projects under construction before they
choose what project to start upon. Friendships would be developed. When the women flick their hair back and giggle a little, it is an indication to men nearby that the women are interested in their projects.
The City of Saskatoon should purchase 40, 80, 160 or 320 acres of rural land so these projects can quickly begin while building this proposed facility in the city. Even a small group of people, independent from the City of Saskatoon and who are
interested in one or more of these twenty-nine build options, can unite and pool their money and purchase the required land and erect some cheaper buildings close to the City of Saskatoon.
Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten are a system of similar tracking vehicles. The boats being built should be engineered to carry one or more of the similarly tracked vehicles from Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten, and also engineered to be easily
transported by large ships. The rafts carrying supplies also need to conform to size restrictions to aid in transport by the larger ships. The boats should be loaded upon ships and then unloaded at a distant port, perhaps at the mouth of the gold-bearing
Lena or some other gold-laden river. I suggest that white Canadians should flee Canada, take a well-supplied trip up the mouth of the Lena and establish a community near where a smaller river meets the Lena, where the gold or other mineral prospects look
favorable, perhaps 1000 miles upstream on the Lena. Doing such would establish a community in pretty much the geographical center of Yakutia, work together to survive the first winter and then establish other communities in the region, depending upon the
location of mineral and other resources.
Bring along excavators to help dig in for the winter. Each participant should bring along thousands of pounds of food, thousands of pounds of other supplies (tents, tarps, clothes, 24 volt or 48 volt off-grid electrical systems, lithium powered hand
tools, stoves, screws, books, fuel….), much of the food and supplies brought along on small boats and rafts capable of navigating the Lena River. Many people will opt to equip their 12 volt vehicles with 12 volt auxiliary electrical systems, as you
wish. The Yakutians are fond of metal workers, make sure to bring along your machine shops, portable lumber mills and road building equipment when you emigrate. Prepare to pay taxes to Putin in the form of gold, so that he may keep his Russian Republic
Or stay and pay taxes to Trudeau and have him raise your children… Trudeau uses the media and schools to teach your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes. Trudeau works at preventing white people from meeting, uniting and forming
families, and desires control over all the children, I suggest we take all the machining tools, also the children, and flee in well-equipped convoys to Yakutia, there we can build wealth, build guns and regroup. At the very least, each participant would
be required to have a raft carrying 6,000 pounds of food and other supplies so they would stand a chance to survive the first winter, and the owner of the raft would require a boat owner to tow said raft upriver. If you are bringing a vehicle on a boat
or raft as well, still bring that 6000 pounds (or much more) of food and other supplies. Build the boats and rafts so they can be easily loaded onto and unloaded from the ships. Then build a community along the Lena River or nearby the Lena River, build
it out of rocks and concrete on a south facing slope, build guns, mine gold, coal and other resources, regroup. Another group can land at Magadan perhaps without rafts and boats and seek out a suitable sites for communities along the Hiway of Bones or
nearby that hiway either in Magadan or Yakutia. Canadians can sponsor other Canadians to go on the expeditions, perhaps expecting to follow behind the following year and bringing additional resources when emigrating.
Should you find yourself landing at the Lena River Delta, travel up the Lena with a boat pulling your raft. I would suggest you also carry (or tow or use as outriggers) three or four smaller and light weight flat bottom boats so you may navigate into
other rivers that you find along the way. You may need several small flat bottomed boats in order to transport your many thousands of pounds of tools and other supplies upstream an alternative river. People landing at Magadan and then travelling up the
Kolyma Hiway should consider towing or carrying boats with them. Go to the expense of making aluminum containers to haul your food and other goods, perhaps so they are waterproof and can float, and so the goods are secure in transit. The aluminum
containers, when empty, can always be used at your chosen destination for alternative purposes.
Imagine perhaps as many as one million Canadians emigrating, leaving Canada to greener pastures, each bringing with them a small fortune in dehydrated foods, and bringing with them machining equipment, and construction equipment, portable lumber mills,
metals, fuels, cement and glass, and establishing new communities in places such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Yakutia, Magadan or Kamchatka. Whichever land we emigrate to would be blessed with an economic windfall. Canadians might be wise to build boats,
rafts and aircraft, in preparation of a future migration. I also imagine society will collapse so very quickly that Canadians will not have a chance to flee the messes that Biden and Trudeau are creating. In actuality America is being ruled by Obama, a
homosexual Indonesian Islamist who whispers instructions into Biden’s ear, and his Queen Michelle wears size 12 men’s shoes and played football in college. It is very important to this homosexual Indonesian Islamist that Americans line up and take
the jab. And Obama probably follows orders from Charles, who is an Islamist as well, while Trudeau certainly doths. Anyway, some people in Saskatoon may build Yaks and fly to Yakutia. It would be helpful to those who embark upon an expedition to Yakutia (
or elsewhere) have support from airplane owners, and the airplane owners find support from those carrying supplies up roads and rivers. I image that we can establish several communities in the Russian far-east and have these communities continuously
linked by air and working together developing and manufacturing airplanes, food processing and mining equipment and such. Newly formed communities in isolated areas could be supplied by air. Using radios, communities can alert other nearby communities of
their needs.
Those people emigrating away from Canada (those fleeing for their very lives) would of course benefit by having sponsors to assist them with funds to make the boats, rafts, vehicles and to obtain the supplies. Sponsors would of course benefit when
they travel to the new communities, or move to the new communities… the sponsors would have different levels of VIP status depending upon their input. I suggest the Aviation Department, which is in charge of the security of the boat building and most
other build options (in charge of the secure lockers and buildings), utilize the funds in however way the board members see fit. We will need metal lathes and presses as well but I expect people would donate some of their older and unwanted equipment,
perhaps equipment in need of repair. And so likely we would be better off using any donated funds to purchase aluminum in large quantities rather than invest in tools. Putin will charter us a freighter and carry us, our boats and rafts, our guns and
other supplies, from whichever Canadian port to the Lena River Delta or further upstream, or to Magadan. Each person who constructed a raft or boat would have a heated cabin built into their rafts and boats, and they could occupy their cabins during
transport aboard the Russian ship.
Especially note that each person who built a raft or boat using donated supplies would be obligated to use a portion of their space to transport Aviation Department supplies and equipment or other members… and so there may be a vehicle or other
supplies on your raft that you do not own, in addition to people, and you may be called upon to utilize your boat as a tugboat and help pull supplies along the Lena River.
Builders who draw upon such donated resources would have to agree to use the finished boats, rafts, planes and vehicles to assist the emigration by helping to move resources for the entire group, and would later have to pay cash for any materials
provided if they decide to keep the finished project for their own private use. The donations would be used for emigration, the builders drawing upon the donated materials would be beholden to the Aviation Department and would be obligated to use the
constructed vehicles, boats, rafts and aircraft to assist in moving supplies to Magadan or Yakutia (Sakha Republic) or Kamchatka or Chukotka, likely depending upon which of these locations would welcome us, and depending upon what Putin would prefer.
Perhaps different Russian far eastern states and regions will compete and lobby for us to establish our presence and metal working facilities at their states and regions, I suggest that you establish a settlement near some coal reserves. The Aviation
Department should assist people to move to either the Russian Far East or to a Scandinavian country, or perhaps to Greenland, and so people who built rafts and are beholden to the Aviation Department would have the option to emigrate in an Aviation
Department Convoy to these different locations if approved by the host country. The Aviation Department hopes to establish communities in these foreign nations to assist Canadians to flee from Canada and continue to help train them in useful trades while
assisting them to build themselves aircraft, boats and homes.
The raft you constructed by using materials owned and provided to you by the Aviation Department, could be half occupied by materials and by wood-working and metal-working equipment the Aviation Department is transporting to the Russian far east.
People making use of the Aviation Department facilities to make rafts and other vehicles will of course be trained in some form of metal working, and so will bring their skills with them to Yakutia (Sakha Republic) should we emigrate there (more gold and
diamonds and coal and there than in Scandinavia, perhaps more freedom too). Some people will construct their boats and planes with no intention of leaving the country, and so will keep their skills in Saskatchewan or another Canadian province, and would
be fully responsible in funding the construction of their own projects.
If people are in the process of fleeing Canada (or the USA) and leaving independently and without the assistance of Saskatoon’s Aviation Department, I suggest you meet at Magadan and make arrangements in Magadan to travel inland and bolster an
existing community, such as Atka (200 km north of Magadan), or Orotukan (300 km north of Magadan). Establish communities or bolster existing communities along the hiway running from Magadan to Yakutsk, perhaps space the communities roughly 100 to 200
kilometers apart. If we had communities spaced roughly every 100 to 200 kilometers along the hiway we could assist all who travel the hiway by offering fuel, food, clothes, supplies, lodging, likely jobs and entertainment as well. If we had communities
spread out along the hiway, each community could be constructing specific parts required for our communally-built airplanes, which I suggest be Short Take Off And Landing (STOL) aircraft. The parts can be delivered to Yakutsk and/or to Magadan and the
aircraft can be assembled there. We can space out communities along the hiway, perhaps in or near the communities of Atka, Orotukan, Susuman, and beyond all the way to Yakutsk in the Sakha Republic, and manufacture components for our aircraft from
different factories along the hiway. Aircraft can also be assembled in smaller towns located between Yakutsk and Magadan, parts that we manufacture would flow both directions down the Hiway of Bones.
It makes sense to purchase land in The City of Magadan and use it to help Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigrating to the Russian Far East. It also makes sense to purchase some land in the town of Atka to similarly assist those
Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigration, as the town is situated along the hiway and can provide lodging, meals, fuel and information to the travelers who are passing through, and is attractive due to being located close to Magadan.
Also Atka boasts some nearby lakes (about five miles to the south east), making it ideal for canoeing, fishing and camping while waiting for additional members of your party to arrive from Canada or USA.
Establish communities that can serve as depots, where individual may drop off thousands of pounds of supplies and then travel the region until making a decision upon where to settle and move those supplies to. Then the Aviation Department, acting as an
emigrant organization, would secure our supplies in depots in our communities along the hiway, and use our trucks to move the supplies from Magadan to any location along the hiway to Yakutsk or beyond. We could purchase land in both Yakutsk and Nizhny
Bestyakh (or very nearby each community) and build boats, small aircraft and homes there. Instead of building aircraft in Saskatchewan, we can flee to Magadan and Yakutia and build them there.
Bring along portable lumber mills. And I suggest that when you flee Canada for your very lives that you bring lots of deck screws, perhaps bring along about 300 pounds of #8x2½ inch deck screws, 100 pounds of #8x3 inch deck screws, 200 pounds of #
10x5 deck screws and 200 pounds of #10x6 deck screws. Bring along those 20 volt drills and 20 volt saws and a great number of screw driver bits and saw blades. If you are intending to spend the remaining years of your life in somewhere in the mountains
of far eastern Russia, you are advised to bring along an abundance of screws as they help to make it easier to construct both temporary shelters and permanent homes. Or if you are intending to remain in Canada after society collapses (if you failed to
flee for your life), then it would still be nice to have a supply of screws on hand so that you may construct shelters here.
Putin would be sure to issue us a general pass allowing everybody coming on the excursion from Canada (everybody fleeing Canada for their very lives) to bring their guns along with them. I suggest that if Putin dothn’t allow us to bring our guns (
both handguns and rifles) to the Russian far east, that we instead go (flee for our lives) with our guns (and our screws) to Finland instead. Sweden is out of the question, they allow the Islamic immigrants to have guns and bombs and will prevent the
immigration of white people, whether they have guns or not. Norway could open their doors to the Canadians who flee with their lives and who try to immigrate with their guns as they could use more soldiers for their army, navy and airforce, but since
Canadians never fought in defense of Canada, they would be unlikely to fight in defense of Norway either. If Putin dothn’t want Canadians immigrating to the Russian far east with our guns and our metal working tools (and our screws), then we could go
to Finland and make guns and airplanes there instead. The people of Finland would enter into a debate about why they would ever want a big bunch of Canadians emigrating to their nation again due to the question of those Canadians being unable to fight in
defense of Canada, so why would they suddenly want to fight in defense of Finland???!!! And they would question why we did not bring along any 4 inch screws. In the end Finland would welcome the Canadians and also allow them to carry their guns with them,
but only because they would be bringing huge amounts of metal working machinery along with them and would help to create employment for the Finnish people. So the Canadians who land in Finland will adopt Finnish culture and will have to learn to speak
through their noses, and that is a good reason to go to Magadan instead. In the end the Canadians would only flee to a country that allowed them to smoke marijuana and hashish, and would happily speak through their noses in Finland if that was what was
required to smoke their weed.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff
June 24th 2023 8:14 pm 208,439 words (243 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
We could be concurrently working upon a prototype of a TIG welded single-seat STOL (short take off and landing) airplane, in part to avoid paying a license fee to use some other person’s plans, in part so that the Aviation Department would receive a
license fee if other builders chose to adopt our plans, and mostly so that we learn how to design and build airplanes. We could develop several different one-seater STOL airplanes and evaluate the ease of building, cost of building and performance of
each aircraft. We could encourage those builders who wish to innovate and who desire to build their own design of aircraft, to build a one-seater STOL and compete with others in a competition of one-seater STOL’s, and we will see. And another window
for innovation is to have a second competition where people are invited to build airplanes that resemble World War One fighter airplanes, they can be monoplanes, biplanes or tri-planes, they should have open cockpits and otherwise closely resemble World
War One fighter planes, and people would be invited to paint the planes to match the paint schemes of the planes that flew in WW I so that the film industry can participate in this and make realistic WW I movies. Many of these innovative airplanes the
participants invent could be fitted with paint ball machine guns and the builders could then engage in aerial paint ball dogfights. The Aviation Department could generate a sizable income from the general public who would pay to watch the spectacle, the
funds could be used for developing engines and such. I encourage people who are building their own planes to build one-seater or better yet two-seater STOLs, not necessarily to carry a second person but to carry additional fuel and supplies.
If there is huge interest then we (with help from the Aviation Department) can develop a prototype of a powered glider that has an enormous wingspan. Many builders will instead choose to build a plans-built plane of a pre-existing design, such as the
BD-4, rather than wait for the development of the prototypes. And smaller TIG welded airframes can be put together cheaply, and quite likely with fewer hours of work than required for the composite aircraft. Note that even the airplanes that are
constructed primarily of wood still require metal parts to be fabricated and securely stored until the builder is ready for installing them, and many metal-bodied airplanes have wooden wings. Many of these metal parts are cheaply constructed, people with
limited resources can start by assembling these lower cost items. People are free to decide which aircraft they wish to construct, but recognize that if you stick to a co-operative plan where several or many copies of the same plane are made, many of
your construction problems will be solved as others are involved working along side of you to help complete the steps. We should be providing options for people rather than taking options away and make it easier for people to start building without delay.
By simply following the principles of aviation and without using complex mathematics nor wind tunnels, people may construct airplanes that fly very well (see “Flight Without Formulae” by A.C. Kermode). Consider that those people who use the
complex mathematical formulas and even wind tunnels end up with airplanes that still undergo revision after revision after revision. Even little girls can fly their own planes and save other children from being abducted by gypsies (see The Girl Aviators
Motor Butterfly by Margaret Burnham, published by M.A Donohue & Company). If the builder chooses to make such an individual and unique aircraft, then of course the parts they manufacture cannot be traded for parts of a design approved and actively
supported by the Aviation Department.
There are lots of projects that can be tackled in Build Option 22, many of them require TIG welding. People could practice their TIG welding on freely available tin cans, they may use the cans and a variety of other freely obtained metals to build
stove pipes and other projects. Many of the projects would have components that would be cut out with lasers or water jets or cutting torches from large sheets of metal, the individuals building the project would of course pay for that service (unless
they own and use a cutting torch), and then assemble their projects in the large TIG welding facilities located in downtown Saskatoon, stretching from Third Avenue to Ave C or so, and south from 20th or 22nd Street or so to the river. Rowbotham proclaims
we can print debt-free money out of thin air to pay for this and other critical infrastructure projects (See “The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics” by Michael Rowbotham). This TIG welding facility is a
critical project as people would be learning skills and building futures for themselves, and ample opportunities would exist in the facilities to teach them to fly.
Saskatoon requires two or three new airports on the outskirts specifically made for the homebuilt aircraft. We should not allow the homebuilt creations to fly over the city with the exception that the smaller and quieter planes should be allowed to
travel immediately above the South Saskatchewan River and so through the very center of our city - planes could even be launched from a slipway on the roof of the TIG welding facility (a very large building located on the south side of downtown
stretching from Second Avenue and 20th Street to Avenue C South and the river) and then navigate along the river. We could have races and paintball dogfights over the river, an event as such would bring visitors to the city and generate revenue. We could
have a water aerodrome on the South Saskatchewan River, and perhaps limit the aerodrome to small airplanes that meet extremely tough noise limits or perhaps allow noisier aircraft to use the facilities during the day. Consider allowing the children to
fly their own aviation creations at night without any licenses, and re-educating the air traffic controllers.
We could be building multiple forms, and then allowing builders to utilize our forms, and they would drape their plywood and/or fiber glass and/or carbon fiber and such over our forms, such as was done in constructing the Mosquito. While the forms are
being developed the builders could rebuild engines and build propellers for their engines, build landing gear and other smaller parts. We could have forms for members to borrow that result in sleek and fuel efficient racers, like the Yak. We can also
allow members to build a scaled-down version of the P-38 Lightning. We could build powered gliders that resemble a U-2 Spy Plane, we could make multiple forms for the fuselage out of concrete or some other stiff material. Small jet engines are an
equivalent cost of a cheap used car, buy a pair of these small jets and make them retractable. We could even develop jet engines and make the design or parts available to the members. We can accomplish much when we work together.
We could build a fleet of amphibious aircraft, seaplanes, flying boats or perhaps even floatplanes, having a fleet of these one or more of these four aquatic aircraft would enable us to provide an air taxi service to the northern lakes. By
facilitating the building of low cost aircraft in Saskatoon, and perhaps by building components for these airplanes in other communities, we could link northern and southern communities. Presently it costs more money to fly from Saskatoon to many
communities in northern Saskatchewan, than it costs to fly from Saskatoon to Europe. Check out the retractable wing-tip pontoons on the PBY-5A, by retracting the pontoons on airplanes we will reduce drag and save on fuel.
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I’d encourage both city residents and our neighbors living outside of our city to participate in using the proposed facilities to construct and modify boats, aircraft and ATV’s. We’d provide storage lockers for the
parts you are assembling for your project, and a machine shop where you may manufacture your parts, eventually you will have enough parts stored that you would be provided with a larger secure space to assemble your project. People should have options in
life, governments should be trying to help provide people with options and not take options away.
I propose a very large building along the south side of downtown Saskatoon spanning into Riversdale where visitors could travel on moving and stationary sidewalks and escalators while enclosed inside clear tubes. Separated by plate glass, visitors
could safely view the airplanes or other projects being completed around them while seated and having coffee at one of the many coffee shops. I imagine undecided Cindy and her female friends would be roaming the premises, coffees in hand, looking at the
many projects, while the muscular guys would be goink shirtless, dripping in sweat, as they labour upon their metal and wood working projects, sawing, sanding, welding and grinding away. The women can see the projects under construction before they
choose what project to start upon. Friendships would be developed. When the women flick their hair back and giggle a little, it is an indication to men nearby that the women are interested in their projects.
The City of Saskatoon should purchase 40, 80, 160 or 320 acres of rural land so these projects can quickly begin while building this proposed facility in the city. Even a small group of people, independent from the City of Saskatoon and who are
interested in one or more of these twenty-nine build options, can unite and pool their money and purchase the required land and erect some cheaper buildings close to the City of Saskatoon.
Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten are a system of similar tracking vehicles. The boats being built should be engineered to carry one or more of the similarly tracked vehicles from Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten, and also engineered to be easily
transported by large ships. The rafts carrying supplies also need to conform to size restrictions to aid in transport by the larger ships. The boats should be loaded upon ships and then unloaded at a distant port, perhaps at the mouth of the gold-bearing
Lena or some other gold-laden river. I suggest that white Canadians should flee Canada, take a well-supplied trip up the mouth of the Lena and establish a community near where a smaller river meets the Lena, where the gold or other mineral prospects look
favorable, perhaps 1000 miles upstream on the Lena. Doing such would establish a community in pretty much the geographical center of Yakutia, work together to survive the first winter and then establish other communities in the region, depending upon the
location of mineral and other resources.
Bring along excavators to help dig in for the winter. Each participant should bring along thousands of pounds of food, thousands of pounds of other supplies (tents, tarps, clothes, 24 volt or 48 volt off-grid electrical systems, lithium powered hand
tools, stoves, screws, books, fuel….), much of the food and supplies brought along on small boats and rafts capable of navigating the Lena River. Many people will opt to equip their 12 volt vehicles with 12 volt auxiliary electrical systems, as you
wish. The Yakutians are fond of metal workers, make sure to bring along your machine shops, portable lumber mills and road building equipment when you emigrate. Prepare to pay taxes to Putin in the form of gold, so that he may keep his Russian Republic
Or stay and pay taxes to Trudeau and have him raise your children… Trudeau uses the media and schools to teach your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes. Trudeau works at preventing white people from meeting, uniting and forming
families, and desires control over all the children, I suggest we take all the machining tools, also the children, and flee in well-equipped convoys to Yakutia, there we can build wealth, build guns and regroup. At the very least, each participant would
be required to have a raft carrying 6,000 pounds of food and other supplies so they would stand a chance to survive the first winter, and the owner of the raft would require a boat owner to tow said raft upriver. If you are bringing a vehicle on a boat
or raft as well, still bring that 6000 pounds (or much more) of food and other supplies. Build the boats and rafts so they can be easily loaded onto and unloaded from the ships. Then build a community along the Lena River or nearby the Lena River, build
it out of rocks and concrete on a south facing slope, build guns, mine gold, coal and other resources, regroup. Another group can land at Magadan perhaps without rafts and boats and seek out a suitable sites for communities along the Hiway of Bones or
nearby that hiway either in Magadan or Yakutia. Canadians can sponsor other Canadians to go on the expeditions, perhaps expecting to follow behind the following year and bringing additional resources when emigrating.
Should you find yourself landing at the Lena River Delta, travel up the Lena with a boat pulling your raft. I would suggest you also carry (or tow or use as outriggers) three or four smaller and light weight flat bottom boats so you may navigate into
other rivers that you find along the way. You may need several small flat bottomed boats in order to transport your many thousands of pounds of tools and other supplies upstream an alternative river. People landing at Magadan and then travelling up the
Kolyma Hiway should consider towing or carrying boats with them. Go to the expense of making aluminum containers to haul your food and other goods, perhaps so they are waterproof and can float, and so the goods are secure in transit. The aluminum
containers, when empty, can always be used at your chosen destination for alternative purposes.
Imagine perhaps as many as one million Canadians emigrating, leaving Canada to greener pastures, each bringing with them a small fortune in dehydrated foods, and bringing with them machining equipment, and construction equipment, portable lumber mills,
metals, fuels, cement and glass, and establishing new communities in places such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Yakutia, Magadan or Kamchatka. Whichever land we emigrate to would be blessed with an economic windfall. Canadians might be wise to build boats,
rafts and aircraft, in preparation of a future migration. I also imagine society will collapse so very quickly that Canadians will not have a chance to flee the messes that Biden and Trudeau are creating. In actuality America is being ruled by Obama, a
homosexual Indonesian Islamist who whispers instructions into Biden’s ear, and his Queen Michelle wears size 12 men’s shoes and played football in college. It is very important to this homosexual Indonesian Islamist that Americans line up and take
the jab. And Obama probably follows orders from Charles, who is an Islamist as well, while Trudeau certainly doths. Anyway, some people in Saskatoon may build Yaks and fly to Yakutia. It would be helpful to those who embark upon an expedition to Yakutia (
or elsewhere) have support from airplane owners, and the airplane owners find support from those carrying supplies up roads and rivers. I image that we can establish several communities in the Russian far-east and have these communities continuously
linked by air and working together developing and manufacturing airplanes, food processing and mining equipment and such. Newly formed communities in isolated areas could be supplied by air. Using radios, communities can alert other nearby communities of
their needs.
Those people emigrating away from Canada (those fleeing for their very lives) would of course benefit by having sponsors to assist them with funds to make the boats, rafts, vehicles and to obtain the supplies. Sponsors would of course benefit when
they travel to the new communities, or move to the new communities… the sponsors would have different levels of VIP status depending upon their input. I suggest the Aviation Department, which is in charge of the security of the boat building and most
other build options (in charge of the secure lockers and buildings), utilize the funds in however way the board members see fit. We will need metal lathes and presses as well but I expect people would donate some of their older and unwanted equipment,
perhaps equipment in need of repair. And so likely we would be better off using any donated funds to purchase aluminum in large quantities rather than invest in tools. Putin will charter us a freighter and carry us, our boats and rafts, our guns and
other supplies, from whichever Canadian port to the Lena River Delta or further upstream, or to Magadan. Each person who constructed a raft or boat would have a heated cabin built into their rafts and boats, and they could occupy their cabins during
transport aboard the Russian ship.
Especially note that each person who built a raft or boat using donated supplies would be obligated to use a portion of their space to transport Aviation Department supplies and equipment or other members… and so there may be a vehicle or other
supplies on your raft that you do not own, in addition to people, and you may be called upon to utilize your boat as a tugboat and help pull supplies along the Lena River.
Builders who draw upon such donated resources would have to agree to use the finished boats, rafts, planes and vehicles to assist the emigration by helping to move resources for the entire group, and would later have to pay cash for any materials
provided if they decide to keep the finished project for their own private use. The donations would be used for emigration, the builders drawing upon the donated materials would be beholden to the Aviation Department and would be obligated to use the
constructed vehicles, boats, rafts and aircraft to assist in moving supplies to Magadan or Yakutia (Sakha Republic) or Kamchatka or Chukotka, likely depending upon which of these locations would welcome us, and depending upon what Putin would prefer.
Perhaps different Russian far eastern states and regions will compete and lobby for us to establish our presence and metal working facilities at their states and regions, I suggest that you establish a settlement near some coal reserves. The Aviation
Department should assist people to move to either the Russian Far East or to a Scandinavian country, or perhaps to Greenland, and so people who built rafts and are beholden to the Aviation Department would have the option to emigrate in an Aviation
Department Convoy to these different locations if approved by the host country. The Aviation Department hopes to establish communities in these foreign nations to assist Canadians to flee from Canada and continue to help train them in useful trades while
assisting them to build themselves aircraft, boats and homes.
The raft you constructed by using materials owned and provided to you by the Aviation Department, could be half occupied by materials and by wood-working and metal-working equipment the Aviation Department is transporting to the Russian far east.
People making use of the Aviation Department facilities to make rafts and other vehicles will of course be trained in some form of metal working, and so will bring their skills with them to Yakutia (Sakha Republic) should we emigrate there (more gold and
diamonds and coal and there than in Scandinavia, perhaps more freedom too). Some people will construct their boats and planes with no intention of leaving the country, and so will keep their skills in Saskatchewan or another Canadian province, and would
be fully responsible in funding the construction of their own projects.
If people are in the process of fleeing Canada (or the USA) and leaving independently and without the assistance of Saskatoon’s Aviation Department, I suggest you meet at Magadan and make arrangements in Magadan to travel inland and bolster an
existing community, such as Atka (200 km north of Magadan), or Orotukan (300 km north of Magadan). Establish communities or bolster existing communities along the hiway running from Magadan to Yakutsk, perhaps space the communities roughly 100 to 200
kilometers apart. If we had communities spaced roughly every 100 to 200 kilometers along the hiway we could assist all who travel the hiway by offering fuel, food, clothes, supplies, lodging, likely jobs and entertainment as well. If we had communities
spread out along the hiway, each community could be constructing specific parts required for our communally-built airplanes, which I suggest be Short Take Off And Landing (STOL) aircraft. The parts can be delivered to Yakutsk and/or to Magadan and the
aircraft can be assembled there. We can space out communities along the hiway, perhaps in or near the communities of Atka, Orotukan, Susuman, and beyond all the way to Yakutsk in the Sakha Republic, and manufacture components for our aircraft from
different factories along the hiway. Aircraft can also be assembled in smaller towns located between Yakutsk and Magadan, parts that we manufacture would transported both directions down the Hiway of Bones.
If you were to flee for your very lives to Magadan or Yakutia, or perhaps even to Siberia, you will find existing communities that are a shell of their former selves where the remaining residents do not have any power. You would be seen as an absolute
hero if you had a 24 or 48 volt electrical system, with an inverter, and cables, that could provide electrical power to the nearby houses. A 12-volt system and inverter will not be adequate to send power to your neighbors.
It makes sense to purchase land in The City of Magadan and use it to help Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigrating to the Russian Far East. It also makes sense to purchase some land in the town of Atka to similarly assist those
Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigration, as the town is situated along the hiway and can provide lodging, meals, fuel and information to the travelers who are passing through, and is attractive due to being located close to Magadan.
Also Atka boasts some nearby lakes (about five miles to the south east), making it ideal for canoeing, fishing and camping while waiting for additional members of your party to arrive from Canada or USA.
Establish communities that can serve as depots, where individual may drop off thousands of pounds of supplies and then travel the region until making a decision upon where to settle and move those supplies to. Then the Aviation Department, acting as an
emigrant organization, would secure our supplies in depots in our communities along the hiway, and use our trucks to move the supplies from Magadan to any location along the hiway to Yakutsk or beyond. We could purchase land in both Yakutsk and Nizhny
Bestyakh (or very nearby each community) and build boats, small aircraft and homes there. Instead of building aircraft in Saskatchewan, we can flee to Magadan and Yakutia and build them there.
Bring along portable lumber mills. And I suggest that when you flee Canada for your very lives that you bring lots of deck screws, perhaps bring along about 300 pounds of #8x2½ inch deck screws, 100 pounds of #8x3 inch deck screws, 200 pounds of #
10x5 deck screws and 200 pounds of #10x6 deck screws. Bring along those 20 volt drills and 20 volt saws and a great number of screw driver bits and saw blades. If you are intending to spend the remaining years of your life in somewhere in the mountains
of far eastern Russia, you are advised to bring along an abundance of screws as they help to make it easier to construct both temporary shelters and permanent homes. Or if you are intending to remain in Canada after society collapses (if you failed to
flee for your life), then it would still be nice to have a supply of screws on hand so that you may construct shelters here.
Putin would be sure to issue us a general pass allowing everybody coming on the excursion from Canada (everybody fleeing Canada for their very lives) to bring their guns along with them. I suggest that if Putin dothn’t allow us to bring our guns (
both handguns and rifles) to the Russian far east, that we instead go (flee for our lives) with our guns (and our screws) to Finland instead. Sweden is out of the question, they allow the Islamic immigrants to have guns and bombs and will prevent the
immigration of white people, whether they have guns or not. Norway could open their doors to the Canadians who flee with their lives and who try to immigrate with their guns as they could use more soldiers for their army, navy and airforce, but since
Canadians never fought in defense of Canada, they would be unlikely to fight in defense of Norway either. If Putin dothn’t want Canadians immigrating to the Russian far east with our guns and our metal working tools (and our screws), then we could go
to Finland and make guns and airplanes there instead. The people of Finland would enter into a debate about why they would ever want a big bunch of Canadians emigrating to their nation again due to the question of those Canadians being unable to fight in
defense of Canada, so why would they suddenly want to fight in defense of Finland???!!! And they would question why we did not bring along any 4 inch screws. In the end Finland would welcome the Canadians and also allow them to carry their guns with them,
but only because they would be bringing huge amounts of metal working machinery along with them and would help to create employment for the Finnish people. So the Canadians who land in Finland will adopt Finnish culture and will have to learn to speak
through their noses, and that is a good reason to go to Magadan instead. In the end the Canadians would only flee to a country that allowed them to smoke marijuana and hashish, and would happily speak through their noses in Finland if that was what was
required to smoke their weed.
I imagine if we attempted to emigrate (flee for our lives) to Finland, the Finnish border guards, speaking through their noses, would ask why we eschewed the 4 inch deck screws. Although they are the ones speaking through their noses, it would be us
that would look pretty silly if nobody in our group knew what an “eschew” was. Saskatoon’s Aviation Department could ameliorate this uncomfortable situation by providing classes in dealing with Finish border guards, and preparing the students for
such awkward questions. Cindy may ignore my good advice and bring along nothing but the 4 inch deck screws and save the day. Nobody will question why we did not bring any deck screws that are shorter than 2½ inches long, until after we land at our
destinations. Verbal fights would break out, people would be divided on the issue. Some advocates of 4 inch deck screws would start whirling and twirling in a clockwise direction while another group would question Paul’s teachings and the need for so
many 2 ½ inch deck screws, and then this latter group would eventually start to whirl and twirl in a counter-clockwise direction. It would be all such good fun until somebody gets screwed to a cross or loses an eye.
Consider meeting in Sapporo Japan and make arrangement there to secure additional supplies before chartering ships and travelling onwards to Magadan. Winter weather conditions annually close the port of Magadan, while waiting for the harbor to open
you can use the opportunity to shop for and buy used Japanese mini-trucks, snowmobiles and such, secure all sorts of other supplies, and charter a suitable ship to take you and the other emigrants to Magadan. I imagine a tourist office or the main police
station in Sapporo can assist you to get in contact with other westerners in Sapporo who are hoping to sail to Magadan in the spring or summer when the port is accessible. It is possible that Putin would send a ship to Sapporo to pick you emigrants up. I
encourage the Canadians of European descent to flee for their lives and go to Magadan, perhaps to first stop in Sapporo and pick up supplies. With the present state of politics in Canada, it may be wise to sell everything you have and fly to Japan where
you will purchase supplies, and then in the spring board a boat in Sapporo and sail to Magadan, and then from there perhaps travel onwards to Yakutia.
People wanting to build aircraft, whether in the west or in the Russian far east, should consider making an assembly-line and rolling off copies of a commonly desired model, perhaps a flying boat that seats just four people. Another group of people
will be incessant that they will each have a Short Takeoff and Landing (STOL) aircraft, and so that group would be best served by building assembly-line copies of the same plane… One-seater STOL? Two-seater STOL? Four-seater STOL? There may be enough
interest to warrant making single, two and four seater STOL’s and rolling these three models off assembly lines. If the majority wants a four-seater STOL, the people who desire a one or two seater STOL may still manufacture what they desire, we should
have the room available to accommodate people’s projects. If the city has the ability to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on assorted projects of very questionable worth, and more on projects that they have no business funding, then similarly the
city should be able to spend a bit of money to construct space that is suitable for you to build a project.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff
July 24th 2023 7:52 pm 213,072 words (249 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
We could be concurrently working upon a prototype of a TIG welded single-seat STOL (short take off and landing) airplane, in part to avoid paying a license fee to use some other person’s plans, in part so that the Aviation Department would receive a
license fee if other builders chose to adopt our plans, and mostly so that we learn how to design and build airplanes. We could develop several different one-seater STOL airplanes and evaluate the ease of building, cost of building and performance of
each aircraft. We could encourage those builders who wish to innovate and who desire to build their own design of aircraft, to build a one-seater STOL and compete with others in a competition of one-seater STOL’s, and we will see. And another window
for innovation is to have a second competition where people are invited to build airplanes that resemble World War One fighter airplanes, they can be monoplanes, biplanes or tri-planes, they should have open cockpits and otherwise closely resemble World
War One fighter planes, and people would be invited to paint the planes to match the paint schemes of the planes that flew in WW I so that the film industry can participate in this and make realistic WW I movies. Many of these innovative airplanes the
participants invent could be fitted with paint ball machine guns and the builders could then engage in aerial paint ball dogfights. The Aviation Department could generate a sizable income from the general public who would pay to watch the spectacle, the
funds could be used for developing engines and such. I encourage people who are building their own planes to build one-seater or better yet two-seater STOLs, not necessarily to carry a second person but to carry additional fuel and supplies.
If there is huge interest then we (with help from the Aviation Department) can develop a prototype of a powered glider that has an enormous wingspan. Many builders will instead choose to build a plans-built plane of a pre-existing design, such as the
BD-4, rather than wait for the development of the prototypes. And smaller TIG welded airframes can be put together cheaply, and quite likely with fewer hours of work than required for the composite aircraft. Note that even the airplanes that are
constructed primarily of wood still require metal parts to be fabricated and securely stored until the builder is ready for installing them, and many metal-bodied airplanes have wooden wings. Many of these metal parts are cheaply constructed, people with
limited resources can start by assembling these lower cost items. People are free to decide which aircraft they wish to construct, but recognize that if you stick to a co-operative plan where several or many copies of the same plane are made, many of
your construction problems will be solved as others are involved working along side of you to help complete the steps. We should be providing options for people rather than taking options away and make it easier for people to start building without delay.
By simply following the principles of aviation and without using complex mathematics nor wind tunnels, people may construct airplanes that fly very well (see “Flight Without Formulae” by A.C. Kermode). Consider that those people who use the
complex mathematical formulas and even wind tunnels end up with airplanes that still undergo revision after revision after revision. Even little girls can fly their own planes and save other children from being abducted by gypsies (see The Girl Aviators
Motor Butterfly by Margaret Burnham, published by M.A Donohue & Company). If the builder chooses to make such an individual and unique aircraft, then of course the parts they manufacture cannot be traded for parts of a design approved and actively
supported by the Aviation Department.
There are lots of projects that can be tackled in Build Option 22, many of them require TIG welding. People could practice their TIG welding on freely available tin cans, they may use the cans and a variety of other freely obtained metals to build
stove pipes and other projects. Many of the projects would have components that would be cut out with lasers or water jets or cutting torches from large sheets of metal, the individuals building the project would of course pay for that service (unless
they own and use a cutting torch), and then assemble their projects in the large TIG welding facilities located in downtown Saskatoon, stretching from Third Avenue to Ave C or so, and south from 20th or 22nd Street or so to the river. Rowbotham proclaims
we can print debt-free money out of thin air to pay for this and other critical infrastructure projects (See “The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics” by Michael Rowbotham). This TIG welding facility is a
critical project as people would be learning skills and building futures for themselves, and ample opportunities would exist in the facilities to teach them to fly.
Saskatoon requires two or three new airports on the outskirts specifically made for the homebuilt aircraft. We should not allow the homebuilt creations to fly over the city with the exception that the smaller and quieter planes should be allowed to
travel immediately above the South Saskatchewan River and so through the very center of our city - planes could even be launched from a slipway on the roof of the TIG welding facility (a very large building located on the south side of downtown
stretching from Second Avenue and 20th Street to Avenue C South and the river) and then navigate along the river. We could have races and paintball dogfights over the river, an event as such would bring visitors to the city and generate revenue. We could
have a water aerodrome on the South Saskatchewan River, and perhaps limit the aerodrome to small airplanes that meet extremely tough noise limits or perhaps allow noisier aircraft to use the facilities during the day. Consider allowing the children to
fly their own aviation creations at night without any licenses, and re-educating the air traffic controllers.
We could be building multiple forms, and then allowing builders to utilize our forms, and they would drape their plywood and/or fiber glass and/or carbon fiber and such over our forms, such as was done in constructing the Mosquito. While the forms are
being developed the builders could rebuild engines and build propellers for their engines, build landing gear and other smaller parts. We could have forms for members to borrow that result in sleek and fuel efficient racers, like the Yak. We can also
allow members to build a scaled-down version of the P-38 Lightning. We could build powered gliders that resemble a U-2 Spy Plane, we could make multiple forms for the fuselage out of concrete or some other stiff material. Small jet engines are an
equivalent cost of a cheap used car, buy a pair of these small jets and make them retractable. We could even develop jet engines and make the design or parts available to the members. We can accomplish much when we work together.
We could build a fleet of amphibious aircraft, seaplanes, flying boats or perhaps even floatplanes, having a fleet of these one or more of these four aquatic aircraft would enable us to provide an air taxi service to the northern lakes. By
facilitating the building of low cost aircraft in Saskatoon, and perhaps by building components for these airplanes in other communities, we could link northern and southern communities. Presently it costs more money to fly from Saskatoon to many
communities in northern Saskatchewan, than it costs to fly from Saskatoon to Europe. Check out the retractable wing-tip pontoons on the PBY-5A, by retracting the pontoons on airplanes we will reduce drag and save on fuel.
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I’d encourage both city residents and our neighbors living outside of our city to participate in using the proposed facilities to construct and modify boats, aircraft and ATV’s. We’d provide storage lockers for the
parts you are assembling for your project, and a machine shop where you may manufacture your parts, eventually you will have enough parts stored that you would be provided with a larger secure space to assemble your project. People should have options in
life, governments should be trying to help provide people with options and not take options away.
I propose a very large building along the south side of downtown Saskatoon spanning into Riversdale where visitors could travel on moving and stationary sidewalks and escalators while enclosed inside clear tubes. Separated by plate glass, visitors
could safely view the airplanes or other projects being completed around them while seated and having coffee at one of the many coffee shops. I imagine undecided Cindy and her female friends would be roaming the premises, coffees in hand, looking at the
many projects, while the muscular guys would be goink shirtless, dripping in sweat, as they labour upon their metal and wood working projects, sawing, sanding, welding and grinding away. The women can see the projects under construction before they
choose what project to start upon. Friendships would be developed. When the women flick their hair back and giggle a little, it is an indication to men nearby that the women are interested in their projects.
The City of Saskatoon should purchase 40, 80, 160 or 320 acres of rural land so these projects can quickly begin while building this proposed facility in the city. Even a small group of people, independent from the City of Saskatoon and who are
interested in one or more of these twenty-nine build options, can unite and pool their money and purchase the required land and erect some cheaper buildings close to the City of Saskatoon.
Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten are a system of similar tracking vehicles. The boats being built should be engineered to carry one or more of the similarly tracked vehicles from Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten, and also engineered to be easily
transported by large ships. The rafts carrying supplies also need to conform to size restrictions to aid in transport by the larger ships. The boats should be loaded upon ships and then unloaded at a distant port, perhaps at the mouth of the gold-bearing
Lena or some other gold-laden river. I suggest that white Canadians should flee Canada, take a well-supplied trip up the mouth of the Lena and establish a community near where a smaller river meets the Lena, where the gold or other mineral prospects look
favorable, perhaps 1000 miles upstream on the Lena. Doing such would establish a community in pretty much the geographical center of Yakutia, work together to survive the first winter and then establish other communities in the region, depending upon the
location of mineral and other resources.
Bring along excavators to help dig in for the winter. Each participant should bring along thousands of pounds of food, thousands of pounds of other supplies (tents, tarps, clothes, 24 volt or 48 volt off-grid electrical systems, lithium powered hand
tools, stoves, screws, books, fuel….), much of the food and supplies brought along on small boats and rafts capable of navigating the Lena River. Many people will opt to equip their 12 volt vehicles with 12 volt auxiliary electrical systems, as you
wish. The Yakutians are fond of metal workers, make sure to bring along your machine shops, portable lumber mills and road building equipment when you emigrate. Prepare to pay taxes to Putin in the form of gold, so that he may keep his Russian Republic
Or stay and pay taxes to Trudeau and have him raise your children… Trudeau uses the media and schools to teach your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes. Trudeau works at preventing white people from meeting, uniting and forming
families, and desires control over all the children, I suggest we take all the machining tools, also the children, and flee in well-equipped convoys to Yakutia, there we can build wealth, build guns and regroup. At the very least, each participant would
be required to have a raft carrying 6,000 pounds of food and other supplies so they would stand a chance to survive the first winter, and the owner of the raft would require a boat owner to tow said raft upriver. If you are bringing a vehicle on a boat
or raft as well, still bring that 6000 pounds (or much more) of food and other supplies. Build the boats and rafts so they can be easily loaded onto and unloaded from the ships. Then build a community along the Lena River or nearby the Lena River, build
it out of rocks and concrete on a south facing slope, build guns, mine gold, coal and other resources, regroup. Another group can land at Magadan perhaps without rafts and boats and seek out a suitable sites for communities along the Hiway of Bones or
nearby that hiway either in Magadan or Yakutia. Canadians can sponsor other Canadians to go on the expeditions, perhaps expecting to follow behind the following year and bringing additional resources when emigrating.
Should you find yourself landing at the Lena River Delta, travel up the Lena with a boat pulling your raft. I would suggest you also carry (or tow or use as outriggers) three or four smaller and light weight flat bottom boats so you may navigate into
other rivers that you find along the way. You may need several small flat bottomed boats in order to transport your many thousands of pounds of tools and other supplies upstream an alternative river. People landing at Magadan and then travelling up the
Kolyma Hiway should consider towing or carrying boats with them. Go to the expense of making aluminum containers to haul your food and other goods, perhaps so they are waterproof and can float, and so the goods are secure in transit. The aluminum
containers, when empty, can always be used at your chosen destination for alternative purposes.
Imagine perhaps as many as one million Canadians emigrating, leaving Canada to greener pastures, each bringing with them a small fortune in dehydrated foods, and bringing with them machining equipment, and construction equipment, portable lumber mills,
metals, fuels, cement and glass, and establishing new communities in places such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Yakutia, Magadan or Kamchatka. Whichever land we emigrate to would be blessed with an economic windfall. Canadians might be wise to build boats,
rafts and aircraft, in preparation of a future migration. I also imagine society will collapse so very quickly that Canadians will not have a chance to flee the messes that Biden and Trudeau are creating. In actuality America is being ruled by Obama, a
homosexual Indonesian Islamist who whispers instructions into Biden’s ear, and his Queen Michelle wears size 12 men’s shoes and played football in college. It is very important to this homosexual Indonesian Islamist that Americans line up and take
the jab. And Obama probably follows orders from Charles, who is an Islamist as well, while Trudeau certainly doths. Anyway, some people in Saskatoon may build Yaks and fly to Yakutia. It would be helpful to those who embark upon an expedition to Yakutia (
or elsewhere) have support from airplane owners, and the airplane owners find support from those carrying supplies up roads and rivers. I image that we can establish several communities in the Russian far-east and have these communities continuously
linked by air and working together developing and manufacturing airplanes, food processing and mining equipment and such. Newly formed communities in isolated areas could be supplied by air. Using radios, communities can alert other nearby communities of
their needs.
Those people emigrating away from Canada (those fleeing for their very lives) would of course benefit by having sponsors to assist them with funds to make the boats, rafts, vehicles and to obtain the supplies. Sponsors would of course benefit when
they travel to the new communities, or move to the new communities… the sponsors would have different levels of VIP status depending upon their input. I suggest the Aviation Department, which is in charge of the security of the boat building and most
other build options (in charge of the secure lockers and buildings), utilize the funds in however way the board members see fit. We will need metal lathes and presses as well but I expect people would donate some of their older and unwanted equipment,
perhaps equipment in need of repair. And so likely we would be better off using any donated funds to purchase aluminum in large quantities rather than invest in tools. Putin will charter us a freighter and carry us, our boats and rafts, our guns and
other supplies, from whichever Canadian port to the Lena River Delta or further upstream, or to Magadan. Each person who constructed a raft or boat would have a heated cabin built into their rafts and boats, and they could occupy their cabins during
transport aboard the Russian ship.
Especially note that each person who built a raft or boat using donated supplies would be obligated to use a portion of their space to transport Aviation Department supplies and equipment or other members… and so there may be a vehicle or other
supplies on your raft that you do not own, in addition to people, and you may be called upon to utilize your boat as a tugboat and help pull supplies along the Lena River.
Builders who draw upon such donated resources would have to agree to use the finished boats, rafts, planes and vehicles to assist the emigration by helping to move resources for the entire group, and would later have to pay cash for any materials
provided if they decide to keep the finished project for their own private use. The donations would be used for emigration, the builders drawing upon the donated materials would be beholden to the Aviation Department and would be obligated to use the
constructed vehicles, boats, rafts and aircraft to assist in moving supplies to Magadan or Yakutia (Sakha Republic) or Kamchatka or Chukotka, likely depending upon which of these locations would welcome us, and depending upon what Putin would prefer.
Perhaps different Russian far eastern states and regions will compete and lobby for us to establish our presence and metal working facilities at their states and regions, I suggest that you establish a settlement near some coal reserves. The Aviation
Department should assist people to move to either the Russian Far East or to a Scandinavian country, or perhaps to Greenland, and so people who built rafts and are beholden to the Aviation Department would have the option to emigrate in an Aviation
Department Convoy to these different locations if approved by the host country. The Aviation Department hopes to establish communities in these foreign nations to assist Canadians to flee from Canada and continue to help train them in useful trades while
assisting them to build themselves aircraft, boats and homes.
The raft you constructed by using materials owned and provided to you by the Aviation Department, could be half occupied by materials and by wood-working and metal-working equipment the Aviation Department is transporting to the Russian far east.
People making use of the Aviation Department facilities to make rafts and other vehicles will of course be trained in some form of metal working, and so will bring their skills with them to Yakutia (Sakha Republic) should we emigrate there (more gold and
diamonds and coal and there than in Scandinavia, perhaps more freedom too). Some people will construct their boats and planes with no intention of leaving the country, and so will keep their skills in Saskatchewan or another Canadian province, and would
be fully responsible in funding the construction of their own projects.
If people are in the process of fleeing Canada (or the USA) and leaving independently and without the assistance of Saskatoon’s Aviation Department, I suggest you meet at Magadan and make arrangements in Magadan to travel inland and bolster an
existing community, such as Atka (200 km north of Magadan), or Orotukan (300 km north of Magadan). Establish communities or bolster existing communities along the hiway running from Magadan to Yakutsk, perhaps space the communities roughly 100 to 200
kilometers apart. If we had communities spaced roughly every 100 to 200 kilometers along the hiway we could assist all who travel the hiway by offering fuel, food, clothes, supplies, lodging, likely jobs and entertainment as well. If we had communities
spread out along the hiway, each community could be constructing specific parts required for our communally-built airplanes, which I suggest be Short Take Off And Landing (STOL) aircraft. The parts can be delivered to Yakutsk and/or to Magadan and the
aircraft can be assembled there. We can space out communities along the hiway, perhaps in or near the communities of Atka, Orotukan, Susuman, and beyond all the way to Yakutsk in the Sakha Republic, and manufacture components for our aircraft from
different factories along the hiway. Aircraft can also be assembled in smaller towns located between Yakutsk and Magadan, parts that we manufacture would transported both directions down the Hiway of Bones.
If you were to flee for your very lives to Magadan or Yakutia, or perhaps even to Siberia, you will find existing communities that are a shell of their former selves where the remaining residents do not have any power. You would be seen as an absolute
hero if you had a 24 or 48 volt electrical system, with an inverter, and cables, that could provide electrical power to the nearby houses. A 12-volt system and inverter will not be adequate to send power to your neighbors.
It makes sense to purchase land in The City of Magadan and use it to help Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigrating to the Russian Far East. It also makes sense to purchase some land in the town of Atka to similarly assist those
Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigration, as the town is situated along the hiway and can provide lodging, meals, fuel and information to the travelers who are passing through, and is attractive due to being located close to Magadan.
Also Atka boasts some nearby lakes (about five miles to the south east), making it ideal for canoeing, fishing and camping while waiting for additional members of your party to arrive from Canada or USA.
Establish communities that can serve as depots, where individual may drop off thousands of pounds of supplies and then travel the region until making a decision upon where to settle and move those supplies to. Then the Aviation Department, acting as an
emigrant organization, would secure our supplies in depots in our communities along the hiway, and use our trucks to move the supplies from Magadan to any location along the hiway to Yakutsk or beyond. We could purchase land in both Yakutsk and Nizhny
Bestyakh (or very nearby each community) and build boats, small aircraft and homes there. Instead of building aircraft in Saskatchewan, we can flee to Magadan and Yakutia and build them there.
Bring along portable lumber mills. And I suggest that when you flee Canada for your very lives that you bring lots of deck screws, perhaps bring along about 300 pounds of #8x2½ inch deck screws, 100 pounds of #8x3 inch deck screws, 200 pounds of #
10x5 deck screws and 200 pounds of #10x6 deck screws. Bring along those 20 volt drills and 20 volt saws and a great number of screw driver bits and saw blades. If you are intending to spend the remaining years of your life in somewhere in the mountains
of far eastern Russia, you are advised to bring along an abundance of screws as they help to make it easier to construct both temporary shelters and permanent homes. Or if you are intending to remain in Canada after society collapses (if you failed to
flee for your life), then it would still be nice to have a supply of screws on hand so that you may construct shelters here.
Putin would be sure to issue us a general pass allowing everybody coming on the excursion from Canada (everybody fleeing Canada for their very lives) to bring their guns along with them. I suggest that if Putin dothn’t allow us to bring our guns (
both handguns and rifles) to the Russian far east, that we instead go (flee for our lives) with our guns (and our screws) to Finland instead. Sweden is out of the question, they allow the Islamic immigrants to have guns and bombs and will prevent the
immigration of white people, whether they have guns or not. Norway could open their doors to the Canadians who flee with their lives and who try to immigrate with their guns as they could use more soldiers for their army, navy and airforce, but since
Canadians never fought in defense of Canada, they would be unlikely to fight in defense of Norway either. If Putin dothn’t want Canadians immigrating to the Russian far east with our guns and our metal working tools (and our screws), then we could go
to Finland and make guns and airplanes there instead. The people of Finland would enter into a debate about why they would ever want a big bunch of Canadians emigrating to their nation again due to the question of those Canadians being unable to fight in
defense of Canada, so why would they suddenly want to fight in defense of Finland???!!! And they would question why we did not bring along any 4 inch screws. In the end Finland would welcome the Canadians and also allow them to carry their guns with them,
but only because they would be bringing huge amounts of metal working machinery along with them and would help to create employment for the Finnish people. So the Canadians who land in Finland will adopt Finnish culture and will have to learn to speak
through their noses, and that is a good reason to go to Magadan instead. In the end the Canadians would only flee to a country that allowed them to smoke marijuana and hashish, and would happily speak through their noses in Finland if that was what was
required to smoke their weed.
I imagine if we attempted to emigrate (flee for our lives) to Finland, the Finnish border guards, speaking through their noses, would ask why we eschewed the 4 inch deck screws. Although they are the ones speaking through their noses, it would be us
that would look pretty silly if nobody in our group knew what an “eschew” was. Saskatoon’s Aviation Department could ameliorate this uncomfortable situation by providing classes in dealing with Finish border guards, and preparing the students for
such awkward questions. Cindy may ignore my good advice and bring along nothing but the 4 inch deck screws and save the day. Nobody will question why we did not bring any deck screws that are shorter than 2½ inches long, until after we land at our
destinations. Verbal fights would break out, people would be divided on the issue. Some advocates of 4 inch deck screws would start whirling and twirling in a clockwise direction while another group would question Paul’s teachings and the need for so
many 2 ½ inch deck screws, and then this latter group would eventually start to whirl and twirl in a counter-clockwise direction. It would be all such good fun until somebody gets screwed to a cross or loses an eye.
Consider meeting in Sapporo Japan and make arrangement there to secure additional supplies before chartering ships and travelling onwards to Magadan. Winter weather conditions annually close the port of Magadan, while waiting for the harbor to open
you can use the opportunity to shop for and buy used Japanese mini-trucks, snowmobiles and such, secure all sorts of other supplies, and charter a suitable ship to take you and the other emigrants to Magadan. I imagine a tourist office or the main police
station in Sapporo can assist you to get in contact with other westerners in Sapporo who are hoping to sail to Magadan in the spring or summer when the port is accessible. It is possible that Putin would send a ship to Sapporo to pick you emigrants up. I
encourage the Canadians of European descent to flee for their lives and go to Magadan, perhaps to first stop in Sapporo and pick up supplies. With the present state of politics in Canada, it may be wise to sell everything you have and fly to Japan where
you will purchase supplies, and then in the spring board a boat in Sapporo and sail to Magadan, and then from there perhaps travel onwards to Yakutia.
People wanting to build aircraft, whether in the west or in the Russian far east, should consider making an assembly-line and rolling off copies of a commonly desired model, perhaps a flying boat that seats just four people. Another group of people
will be incessant that they will each have a Short Takeoff and Landing (STOL) aircraft, and so that group would be best served by building assembly-line copies of the same plane… One-seater STOL? Two-seater STOL? Four-seater STOL? There may be enough
interest to warrant making single, two and four seater STOL’s and rolling these three models off assembly lines. If the majority wants a four-seater STOL, the people who desire a one or two seater STOL may still manufacture what they desire, we should
have the room available to accommodate people’s projects. If the city has the ability to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on assorted projects of very questionable worth, and more on projects that they have no business funding, then similarly the
city should be able to spend a bit of money to construct space that is suitable for you to build a project.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff August 26th 2023 11:41 am 219,576 words (258 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Check out the video on YouTube called The Insane Engineering of The Spitfire (22 minutes long), the elliptical wings contain a great amount of space that can be utilized for fuel and landing gear, although originally provided space for guns and ammo.
The wings are built using aluminum tubes that are stacked inside of other aluminum tubes. We can build similar elliptical wings in Saskatoon and attach them to a wide variety of different airplanes, or others may choose to construct airplanes that
resemble Spitfires. People opting to build wings that are not elliptical can still make use of this building strategy, but you would be losing out on the extra storage provided by the elliptical wings.
We could be concurrently working upon a prototype of a TIG welded single-seat STOL (short take off and landing) airplane, in part to avoid paying a license fee to use some other person’s plans, in part so that the Aviation Department would receive a
license fee if other builders chose to adopt our plans, and mostly so that we learn how to design and build airplanes. We could develop several different one-seater STOL airplanes and evaluate the ease of building, cost of building and performance of
each aircraft. We could encourage those builders who wish to innovate and who desire to build their own design of aircraft, to build a one-seater STOL and compete with others in a competition of one-seater STOL’s, and we will see. And another window
for innovation is to have a second competition where people are invited to build airplanes that resemble World War One fighter airplanes, they can be monoplanes, biplanes or tri-planes, they should have open cockpits and otherwise closely resemble World
War One fighter planes, and people would be invited to paint the planes to match the paint schemes of the planes that flew in WW I so that the film industry can participate in this and make realistic WW I movies. Many of these innovative airplanes the
participants invent could be fitted with paint ball machine guns and the builders could then engage in aerial paint ball dogfights. The Aviation Department could generate a sizable income from the general public who would pay to watch the spectacle, the
funds could be used for developing engines and such. I encourage people who are building their own planes to build one-seater or better yet two-seater STOLs, not necessarily to carry a second person but to carry additional fuel and supplies.
If there is huge interest then we (with help from the Aviation Department) can develop a prototype of a powered glider that has an enormous wingspan. Many builders will instead choose to build a plans-built plane of a pre-existing design, such as the
BD-4, rather than wait for the development of the prototypes. And smaller TIG welded airframes can be put together cheaply, and quite likely with fewer hours of work than required for the composite aircraft. Note that even the airplanes that are
constructed primarily of wood still require metal parts to be fabricated and securely stored until the builder is ready for installing them, and many metal-bodied airplanes have wooden wings. Many of these metal parts are cheaply constructed, people with
limited resources can start by assembling these lower cost items. People are free to decide which aircraft they wish to construct, but recognize that if you stick to a co-operative plan where several or many copies of the same plane are made, many of
your construction problems will be solved as others are involved working along side of you to help complete the steps. We should be providing options for people rather than taking options away and make it easier for people to start building without delay.
By simply following the principles of aviation and without using complex mathematics nor wind tunnels, people may construct airplanes that fly very well (see “Flight Without Formulae” by A.C. Kermode). Consider that those people who use the
complex mathematical formulas and even wind tunnels end up with airplanes that still undergo revision after revision after revision. Even little girls can fly their own planes and save other children from being abducted by gypsies (see The Girl Aviators
Motor Butterfly by Margaret Burnham, published by M.A Donohue & Company). If the builder chooses to make such an individual and unique aircraft, then of course the parts they manufacture cannot be traded for parts of a design approved and actively
supported by the Aviation Department.
There are lots of projects that can be tackled in Build Option 22, many of them require TIG welding. People could practice their TIG welding on freely available tin cans, they may use the cans and a variety of other freely obtained metals to build
stove pipes and other projects. Many of the projects would have components that would be cut out with lasers or water jets or cutting torches from large sheets of metal, the individuals building the project would of course pay for that service (unless
they own and use a cutting torch), and then assemble their projects in the large TIG welding facilities located in downtown Saskatoon, stretching from Third Avenue to Ave C or so, and south from 20th or 22nd Street or so to the river. Rowbotham proclaims
we can print debt-free money out of thin air to pay for this and other critical infrastructure projects (See “The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics” by Michael Rowbotham). This TIG welding facility is a
critical project as people would be learning skills and building futures for themselves, and ample opportunities would exist in the facilities to teach them to fly.
Saskatoon requires two or three new airports on the outskirts specifically made for the homebuilt aircraft. We should not allow the homebuilt creations to fly over the city with the exception that the smaller and quieter planes should be allowed to
travel immediately above the South Saskatchewan River and so through the very center of our city - planes could even be launched from a slipway on the roof of the TIG welding facility (a very large building located on the south side of downtown
stretching from Second Avenue and 20th Street to Avenue C South and the river) and then navigate along the river. We could have races and paintball dogfights over the river, an event as such would bring visitors to the city and generate revenue. We could
have a water aerodrome on the South Saskatchewan River, and perhaps limit the aerodrome to small airplanes that meet extremely tough noise limits or perhaps allow noisier aircraft to use the facilities during the day. Consider allowing the children to
fly their own aviation creations at night without any licenses, and re-educating the air traffic controllers.
We could be building multiple forms, and then allowing builders to utilize our forms, and they would drape their plywood and/or fiber glass and/or carbon fiber and such over our forms, such as was done in constructing the Mosquito. While the forms are
being developed the builders could rebuild engines and build propellers for their engines, build landing gear and other smaller parts. We could have forms for members to borrow that result in sleek and fuel efficient racers, like the Yak. We can also
allow members to build a scaled-down version of the P-38 Lightning. We could build powered gliders that resemble a U-2 Spy Plane, we could make multiple forms for the fuselage out of concrete or some other stiff material. Small jet engines are an
equivalent cost of a cheap used car, buy a pair of these small jets and make them retractable. We could even develop jet engines and make the design or parts available to the members. We can accomplish much when we work together.
We could build a fleet of amphibious aircraft, seaplanes, flying boats or perhaps even floatplanes, having a fleet of these one or more of these four aquatic aircraft would enable us to provide an air taxi service to the northern lakes. By
facilitating the building of low cost aircraft in Saskatoon, and perhaps by building components for these airplanes in other communities, we could link northern and southern communities. Presently it costs more money to fly from Saskatoon to many
communities in northern Saskatchewan, than it costs to fly from Saskatoon to Europe. Check out the retractable wing-tip pontoons on the PBY-5A, by retracting the pontoons on airplanes we will reduce drag and save on fuel.
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I’d encourage both city residents and our neighbors living outside of our city to participate in using the proposed facilities to construct and modify boats, aircraft and ATV’s. We’d provide storage lockers for the
parts you are assembling for your project, and a machine shop where you may manufacture your parts, eventually you will have enough parts stored that you would be provided with a larger secure space to assemble your project. People should have options in
life, governments should be trying to help provide people with options and not take options away.
I propose a very large building along the south side of downtown Saskatoon spanning into Riversdale where visitors could travel on moving and stationary sidewalks and escalators while enclosed inside clear tubes. Separated by plate glass, visitors
could safely view the airplanes or other projects being completed around them while seated and having coffee at one of the many coffee shops. I imagine undecided Cindy and her female friends would be roaming the premises, coffees in hand, looking at the
many projects, while the muscular guys would be goink shirtless, dripping in sweat, as they labour upon their metal and wood working projects, sawing, sanding, welding and grinding away. The women can see the projects under construction before they
choose what project to start upon. Friendships would be developed. When the women flick their hair back and giggle a little, it is an indication to men nearby that the women are interested in their projects.
The City of Saskatoon should purchase 40, 80, 160 or 320 acres of rural land so these projects can quickly begin while building this proposed facility in the city. Even a small group of people, independent from the City of Saskatoon and who are
interested in one or more of these twenty-nine build options, can unite and pool their money and purchase the required land and erect some cheaper buildings close to the City of Saskatoon.
Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten are a system of similar tracking vehicles. The boats being built should be engineered to carry one or more of the similarly tracked vehicles from Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten, and also engineered to be easily
transported by large ships. The rafts carrying supplies also need to conform to size restrictions to aid in transport by the larger ships. The boats should be loaded upon ships and then unloaded at a distant port, perhaps at the mouth of the gold-bearing
Lena or some other gold-laden river. I suggest that white Canadians should flee Canada, take a well-supplied trip up the mouth of the Lena and establish a community near where a smaller river meets the Lena, where the gold or other mineral prospects look
favorable, perhaps 1000 miles upstream on the Lena. Doing such would establish a community in pretty much the geographical center of Yakutia, work together to survive the first winter and then establish other communities in the region, depending upon the
location of mineral and other resources.
Bring along excavators to help dig in for the winter. Each participant should bring along thousands of pounds of food, thousands of pounds of other supplies (tents, tarps, clothes, 24 volt or 48 volt off-grid electrical systems, lithium powered hand
tools, stoves, screws, books, fuel….), much of the food and supplies brought along on small boats and rafts capable of navigating the Lena River. Many people will opt to equip their 12 volt vehicles with 12 volt auxiliary electrical systems, as you
wish. The Yakutians are fond of metal workers, make sure to bring along your machine shops, portable lumber mills and road building equipment when you emigrate. Prepare to pay taxes to Putin in the form of gold, so that he may keep his Russian Republic
Or stay and pay taxes to Trudeau and have him raise your children… Trudeau uses the media and schools to teach your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes. Trudeau works at preventing white people from meeting, uniting and forming
families, and desires control over all the children, I suggest we take all the machining tools, also the children, and flee in well-equipped convoys to Yakutia, there we can build wealth, build guns and regroup. At the very least, each participant would
be required to have a raft carrying 6,000 pounds of food and other supplies so they would stand a chance to survive the first winter, and the owner of the raft would require a boat owner to tow said raft upriver. If you are bringing a vehicle on a boat
or raft as well, still bring that 6000 pounds (or much more) of food and other supplies. Build the boats and rafts so they can be easily loaded onto and unloaded from the ships. Then build a community along the Lena River or nearby the Lena River, build
it out of rocks and concrete on a south facing slope, build guns, mine gold, coal and other resources, regroup. Another group can land at Magadan perhaps without rafts and boats and seek out a suitable sites for communities along the Hiway of Bones or
nearby that hiway either in Magadan or Yakutia. Canadians can sponsor other Canadians to go on the expeditions, perhaps expecting to follow behind the following year and bringing additional resources when emigrating.
Should you find yourself landing at the Lena River Delta, travel up the Lena with a boat pulling your raft. I would suggest you also carry (or tow or use as outriggers) three or four smaller and light weight flat bottom boats so you may navigate into
other rivers that you find along the way. You may need several small flat bottomed boats in order to transport your many thousands of pounds of tools and other supplies upstream an alternative river. People landing at Magadan and then travelling up the
Kolyma Hiway should consider towing or carrying boats with them. Go to the expense of making aluminum containers to haul your food and other goods, perhaps so they are waterproof and can float, and so the goods are secure in transit. The aluminum
containers, when empty, can always be used at your chosen destination for alternative purposes.
Imagine perhaps as many as one million Canadians emigrating, leaving Canada to greener pastures, each bringing with them a small fortune in dehydrated foods, and bringing with them machining equipment, and construction equipment, portable lumber mills,
metals, fuels, cement and glass, and establishing new communities in places such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Yakutia, Magadan or Kamchatka. Whichever land we emigrate to would be blessed with an economic windfall. Canadians might be wise to build boats,
rafts and aircraft, in preparation of a future migration. I also imagine society will collapse so very quickly that Canadians will not have a chance to flee the messes that Biden and Trudeau are creating. In actuality America is being ruled by Obama, a
homosexual Indonesian Islamist who whispers instructions into Biden’s ear, and his Queen Michelle wears size 12 men’s shoes and played football in college. It is very important to this homosexual Indonesian Islamist that Americans line up and take
the jab. And Obama probably follows orders from Charles, who is an Islamist as well, while Trudeau certainly doths. Anyway, some people in Saskatoon may build Yaks and fly to Yakutia. It would be helpful to those who embark upon an expedition to Yakutia (
or elsewhere) have support from airplane owners, and the airplane owners find support from those carrying supplies up roads and rivers. I image that we can establish several communities in the Russian far-east and have these communities continuously
linked by air and working together developing and manufacturing airplanes, food processing and mining equipment and such. Newly formed communities in isolated areas could be supplied by air. Using radios, communities can alert other nearby communities of
their needs.
Those people emigrating away from Canada (those fleeing for their very lives) would of course benefit by having sponsors to assist them with funds to make the boats, rafts, vehicles and to obtain the supplies. Sponsors would of course benefit when
they travel to the new communities, or move to the new communities… the sponsors would have different levels of VIP status depending upon their input. I suggest the Aviation Department, which is in charge of the security of the boat building and most
other build options (in charge of the secure lockers and buildings), utilize the funds in however way the board members see fit. We will need metal lathes and presses as well but I expect people would donate some of their older and unwanted equipment,
perhaps equipment in need of repair. And so likely we would be better off using any donated funds to purchase aluminum in large quantities rather than invest in tools. Putin will charter us a freighter and carry us, our boats and rafts, our guns and
other supplies, from whichever Canadian port to the Lena River Delta or further upstream, or to Magadan. Each person who constructed a raft or boat would have a heated cabin built into their rafts and boats, and they could occupy their cabins during
transport aboard the Russian ship.
Especially note that each person who built a raft or boat using donated supplies would be obligated to use a portion of their space to transport Aviation Department supplies and equipment or other members… and so there may be a vehicle or other
supplies on your raft that you do not own, in addition to people, and you may be called upon to utilize your boat as a tugboat and help pull supplies along the Lena River.
Builders who draw upon such donated resources would have to agree to use the finished boats, rafts, planes and vehicles to assist the emigration by helping to move resources for the entire group, and would later have to pay cash for any materials
provided if they decide to keep the finished project for their own private use. The donations would be used for emigration, the builders drawing upon the donated materials would be beholden to the Aviation Department and would be obligated to use the
constructed vehicles, boats, rafts and aircraft to assist in moving supplies to Magadan or Yakutia (Sakha Republic) or Kamchatka or Chukotka, likely depending upon which of these locations would welcome us, and depending upon what Putin would prefer.
Perhaps different Russian far eastern states and regions will compete and lobby for us to establish our presence and metal working facilities at their states and regions, I suggest that you establish a settlement near some coal reserves. The Aviation
Department should assist people to move to either the Russian Far East or to a Scandinavian country, or perhaps to Greenland, and so people who built rafts and are beholden to the Aviation Department would have the option to emigrate in an Aviation
Department Convoy to these different locations if approved by the host country. The Aviation Department hopes to establish communities in these foreign nations to assist Canadians to flee from Canada and continue to help train them in useful trades while
assisting them to build themselves aircraft, boats and homes.
The raft you constructed by using materials owned and provided to you by the Aviation Department, could be half occupied by materials and by wood-working and metal-working equipment the Aviation Department is transporting to the Russian far east.
People making use of the Aviation Department facilities to make rafts and other vehicles will of course be trained in some form of metal working, and so will bring their skills with them to Yakutia (Sakha Republic) should we emigrate there (more gold and
diamonds and coal and there than in Scandinavia, perhaps more freedom too). Some people will construct their boats and planes with no intention of leaving the country, and so will keep their skills in Saskatchewan or another Canadian province, and would
be fully responsible in funding the construction of their own projects.
If people are in the process of fleeing Canada (or the USA) and leaving independently and without the assistance of Saskatoon’s Aviation Department, I suggest you meet at Magadan and make arrangements in Magadan to travel inland and bolster an
existing community, such as Atka (200 km north of Magadan), or Orotukan (300 km north of Magadan). Establish communities or bolster existing communities along the hiway running from Magadan to Yakutsk, perhaps space the communities roughly 100 to 200
kilometers apart. If we had communities spaced roughly every 100 to 200 kilometers along the hiway we could assist all who travel the hiway by offering fuel, food, clothes, supplies, lodging, likely jobs and entertainment as well. If we had communities
spread out along the hiway, each community could be constructing specific parts required for our communally-built airplanes, which I suggest be Short Take Off And Landing (STOL) aircraft. The parts can be delivered to Yakutsk and/or to Magadan and the
aircraft can be assembled there. We can space out communities along the hiway, perhaps in or near the communities of Atka, Orotukan, Susuman, and beyond all the way to Yakutsk in the Sakha Republic, and manufacture components for our aircraft from
different factories along the hiway. Aircraft can also be assembled in smaller towns located between Yakutsk and Magadan, parts that we manufacture would transported both directions down the Hiway of Bones.
If you were to flee for your very lives to Magadan or Yakutia, or perhaps even to Siberia, you will find existing communities that are a shell of their former selves where the remaining residents do not have any power. You would be seen as an absolute
hero if you had a 24 or 48 volt electrical system, with an inverter, and cables, that could provide electrical power to the nearby houses. A 12-volt system and inverter will not be adequate to send power to your neighbors.
It makes sense to purchase land in The City of Magadan and use it to help Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigrating to the Russian Far East. It also makes sense to purchase some land in the town of Atka to similarly assist those
Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigration, as the town is situated along the hiway and can provide lodging, meals, fuel and information to the travelers who are passing through, and is attractive due to being located close to Magadan.
Also Atka boasts some nearby lakes (about five miles to the south east), making it ideal for canoeing, fishing and camping while waiting for additional members of your party to arrive from Canada or USA.
Establish communities that can serve as depots, where individual may drop off thousands of pounds of supplies and then travel the region until making a decision upon where to settle and move those supplies to. Then the Aviation Department, acting as an
emigrant organization, would secure our supplies in depots in our communities along the hiway, and use our trucks to move the supplies from Magadan to any location along the hiway to Yakutsk or beyond. We could purchase land in both Yakutsk and Nizhny
Bestyakh (or very nearby each community) and build boats, small aircraft and homes there. Instead of building aircraft in Saskatchewan, we can flee to Magadan and Yakutia and build them there.
Bring along portable lumber mills. And I suggest that when you flee Canada for your very lives that you bring lots of deck screws, perhaps bring along about 300 pounds of #8x2½ inch deck screws, 100 pounds of #8x3 inch deck screws, 200 pounds of #
10x5 deck screws and 200 pounds of #10x6 deck screws. Bring along those 20 volt drills and 20 volt saws and a great number of screw driver bits and saw blades. If you are intending to spend the remaining years of your life in somewhere in the mountains
of far eastern Russia, you are advised to bring along an abundance of screws as they help to make it easier to construct both temporary shelters and permanent homes. Or if you are intending to remain in Canada after society collapses (if you failed to
flee for your life), then it would still be nice to have a supply of screws on hand so that you may construct shelters here while the Liberal/NDP (Islamic/Sikh) communist coalition continues to put the screws on you.
Putin would be sure to issue us a general pass allowing everybody coming on the excursion from Canada (everybody fleeing Canada for their very lives) to bring their guns along with them. I suggest that if Putin dothn’t allow us to bring our guns (
both handguns and rifles) to the Russian far east, that we instead go (flee for our lives) with our guns (and our screws) to Finland instead. Sweden is out of the question, they allow the Islamic immigrants to have guns and bombs and will prevent the
immigration of white people, whether they have guns or not. Norway could open their doors to the Canadians who flee with their lives and who try to immigrate with their guns as they could use more soldiers for their army, navy and airforce, but since
Canadians never fought in defense of Canada, they would be unlikely to fight in defense of Norway either. If Putin dothn’t want Canadians immigrating to the Russian far east with our guns and our metal working tools (and our screws), then we could go
to Finland and make guns and airplanes there instead. The people of Finland would enter into a debate about why they would ever want a big bunch of Canadians emigrating to their nation again due to the question of those Canadians being unable to fight in
defense of Canada, so why would they suddenly want to fight in defense of Finland???!!! And they would question why we did not bring along any 4 inch screws. In the end Finland would welcome the Canadians and also allow them to carry their guns with them,
but only because they would be bringing huge amounts of metal working machinery along with them and would help to create employment for the Finnish people. So the Canadians who land in Finland will adopt Finnish culture and will have to learn to speak
through their noses, and that is a good reason to go to Magadan instead. In the end the Canadians would only flee to a country that allowed them to smoke marijuana and hashish, and would happily speak through their noses in Finland if that was what was
required to smoke their weed.
I imagine if we attempted to emigrate (flee for our lives) to Finland, the Finnish border guards, speaking through their noses, would ask why we eschewed the 4 inch deck screws. Although they are the ones speaking through their noses, it would be us
that would look pretty silly if nobody in our group knew what an “eschew” was. Saskatoon’s Aviation Department could ameliorate this uncomfortable situation by providing classes in dealing with Finish border guards and preparing the students for
such awkward questions. Cindy may ignore my good advice and bring along nothing but the 4 inch deck screws and save the day. Nobody will question why we did not bring any deck screws that are shorter than 2½ inches long until after we land at our
destinations. Verbal fights would break out, people would be divided on the issue. Some advocates of 4 inch deck screws would start whirling and twirling in a clockwise direction while another group would question Paul’s teachings and the need for so
many 2 ½ inch deck screws, and then this latter group would eventually start to whirl and twirl in a counter-clockwise direction. It would be all such good fun until somebody gets screwed to a cross or loses an eye.
Consider meeting in Sapporo Japan and make arrangement there to secure additional supplies before chartering ships and travelling onwards to Magadan. Winter weather conditions annually close the port of Magadan, while waiting for the harbor to open
you can use the opportunity to shop for and buy used Japanese mini-trucks, snowmobiles and such, secure all sorts of other supplies, and charter a suitable ship to take you and the other emigrants to Magadan. I imagine a tourist office or the main police
station in Sapporo can assist you to get in contact with other westerners in Sapporo who are hoping to sail to Magadan in the spring or summer when the port is accessible. It is possible that Putin would send a ship to Sapporo to pick you emigrants up. I
encourage the Canadians of European descent to flee for their lives and go to Magadan, perhaps to first stop in Sapporo and pick up supplies. With the present state of politics in Canada, it may be wise to sell everything you have and fly to Japan where
you will purchase supplies, and then in the spring board a boat in Sapporo and sail to Magadan, and then from there perhaps travel onwards to Yakutia.
People wanting to build aircraft, whether in the west or in the Russian far east, should consider making an assembly-line and rolling off copies of a commonly desired model, perhaps a flying boat that seats just four people. Another group of people
will be incessant that they will each have a Short Takeoff and Landing (STOL) aircraft, and so that group would be best served by building assembly-line copies of the same plane… One-seater STOL? Two-seater STOL? Four-seater STOL? There may be enough
interest to warrant making single, two and four seater STOL’s and rolling these three models off assembly lines. If the majority wants a four-seater STOL, the people who desire a one or two seater STOL may still manufacture what they desire, we should
have the room available to accommodate people’s projects. If the city has the ability to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on assorted projects of very questionable worth, and more on projects that they have no business funding, then similarly the
city should be able to spend a bit of money to construct space that is suitable for you to build a project.
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeak Squeak@21:1/5 to
All on Tue Oct 3 07:29:19 2023
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff October 3rd 2023 8:22 am 226,720 words (264 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Check out the DG-808J powered glider constructed by Desert Aerospace, LLC, it can launch itself with a pair of tiny turbine engines (PBS TJ40 engines) and retract these turbines into the fuselage after they cool. Even when the engines are shut down and
are remaining exposed, the glider still obtains a 40:1 glide ratio.
Should have a meeting of those people wanting to build their own airplanes, people could present their ideas of which plane for the group to build. If we had 1000 people at the meeting, 703 of them may end up wanting something similar to the DG-808J
powered glider with the PBS TJ40 engines, so we would be in need of 1,406 engines for them. But the other 297 people wanting to build alternative airplanes may also want one or more of these same engines to power or help power their aircraft as well. It
seems to make sense to me that the Aviation Department builds engines similar to the PBS TJ40 engine.
Ground-effect land-skimming vehicles could periodically be flying perhaps two feet above electrical wires, from which they wirelessly charge and propel themselves. Being quite flat, Saskatchewan makes the ideal testing location for these electrically
propelled ground-effect land-skimming, extremely highly efficient aircraft. We could perhaps actively strive to link Saskatoon with both Calgary and Edmonton with corridors for these elevated automobiles. The Canadian prairies are ideally suited for the
ground-effect land-skimming vehicles. Some people building these electrically powered land skimming vehicles may opt to include a pair of PBS TJ40 engines so they may leave the confines of the electrical grid.
We should be building a prototype of a composite single seat mono-wing airplane (such as a Yak), as the cost per composite aircraft could, depending upon materials used, be lower than constructing TIG welded airframes. Reduce the cost of the airplanes
to make them an achievable goal to work towards. We could reduce the cost of the aircraft by covering concrete, wood, plastic or styrofoam forms with aviation grade spruce plywood. The left side of a composite (plywood) aircraft fuselage can be pulled
out of a secure storage locker and be worked upon, using such a system will allow for greater participation and a larger number of aircraft being started. Once completing one side of the airplane fuselage, the builder will be provided with a second
storage locker for the other half of his or her airplane, eventually the builder will have the two halves to unite and will be provided with a larger storage locker to secure that fuselage while work on other components is conducted. I imagine Cindy
would see some handsome and muscular feller, perhaps Steve, building the right side of his chosen airplane, then Cindy would of course start building the left side of said aircraft, and then actively, or incessantly, seek to unite their projects. Cindy
would flick her hair back, lightly stroke her eyebrow and giggle a little when she asked Steve if he wanted to join their sides together, I’m sure. See “Mosquito: A Pictorial History of the DH98” by Philip Birtles.
Check out the video on YouTube called Building an Airplane Out of Wood - You Can Do It! (27 minutes long). It isn’t easy as every piece of wood must be carefully chosen, it is likely far easier to build the airplane out of metal. The time required
to obtain wood of superior grain is a non-issue with the construction of metal aircraft. Furthermore wooden airplanes require far superior shelter once constructed as the weather degrades the wood. The video says that many airplanes have metal fuselages
and wooden wings.
Some people building wooden airplanes are going to make mistakes and purchase wood that has grain and knots that renders it unusable. People building campers and such are in need of such pieces of wood, and so a service should be offered where people
can place their scrap boards on display and up for sale.
People should consider buying and using their own cutting blades on the communally used equipment, or at least have spares available for the tools they are using. I imagine a slew of older donated metal working and wood working machines that are kept
operational by people investing into their own cutting blades and drill bits and such. Some people will have tools such as radial arm saws and would not allow the use of the tool for other people in the cooperative, this is fine as people have invested
time and money in the tool and in insuring that their saws cut straight. Those who do not wish their tools to be shared by others should lock their tools up in their personal storage lockers and bring them out when required. Rather than complain that a
tool is not available to you, consider making do without the tool or obtain your own. Used radial arm saws and bench saws are available for about $100 Canadian, it is not a huge amount of money.
Check out the video on YouTube called The Insane Engineering of The Spitfire (22 minutes long), the elliptical wings contain a great amount of space that can be utilized for fuel and landing gear, although originally provided space for guns and ammo.
The wings are built using aluminum tubes that are stacked inside of other aluminum tubes. We can build similar elliptical wings in Saskatoon and attach them to a wide variety of different airplanes, or others may choose to construct airplanes that
resemble Spitfires. People opting to build wings that are not elliptical can still make use of this building strategy, but you would be losing out on the extra storage provided by the elliptical wings.
We could be concurrently working upon a prototype of a TIG welded single-seat STOL (short take off and landing) airplane, in part to avoid paying a license fee to use some other person’s plans, in part so that the Aviation Department would receive a
license fee if other builders chose to adopt our plans, and mostly so that we learn how to design and build airplanes. We could develop several different one-seater STOL airplanes and evaluate the ease of building, cost of building and performance of
each aircraft. We could encourage those builders who wish to innovate and who desire to build their own design of aircraft, to build a one-seater STOL and compete with others in a competition of one-seater STOL’s, and we will see. And another window
for innovation is to have a second competition where people are invited to build airplanes that resemble World War One fighter airplanes, they can be monoplanes, biplanes or tri-planes, they should have open cockpits and otherwise closely resemble World
War One fighter planes, and people would be invited to paint the planes to match the paint schemes of the planes that flew in WW I so that the film industry can participate in this and make realistic WW I movies. Many of these innovative airplanes the
participants invent could be fitted with paint ball machine guns and the builders could then engage in aerial paint ball dogfights. The Aviation Department could generate a sizable income from the general public who would pay to watch the spectacle, the
funds could be used for developing engines and such. I encourage people who are building their own planes to build one-seater or better yet two-seater STOLs, not necessarily to carry a second person but to carry additional fuel and supplies.
If there is huge interest then we (with help from the Aviation Department) can develop a prototype of a powered glider that has an enormous wingspan. Many builders will instead choose to build a plans-built plane of a pre-existing design, such as the
BD-4, rather than wait for the development of the prototypes. And smaller TIG welded airframes can be put together cheaply, and quite likely with fewer hours of work than required for the composite aircraft. Note that even the airplanes that are
constructed primarily of wood still require metal parts to be fabricated and securely stored until the builder is ready for installing them, and many metal-bodied airplanes have wooden wings. Many of these metal parts are cheaply constructed, people with
limited resources can start by assembling these lower cost items. People are free to decide which aircraft they wish to construct, but recognize that if you stick to a co-operative plan where several or many copies of the same plane are made, many of
your construction problems will be solved as others are involved working along side of you to help complete the steps. We should be providing options for people rather than taking options away and make it easier for people to start building without delay.
By simply following the principles of aviation and without using complex mathematics nor wind tunnels, people may construct airplanes that fly very well (see “Flight Without Formulae” by A.C. Kermode). Consider that those people who use the
complex mathematical formulas and even wind tunnels end up with airplanes that still undergo revision after revision after revision. Even little girls can fly their own planes and save other children from being abducted by gypsies (see The Girl Aviators
Motor Butterfly by Margaret Burnham, published by M.A Donohue & Company). If the builder chooses to make such an individual and unique aircraft, then of course the parts they manufacture cannot be traded for parts of a design approved and actively
supported by the Aviation Department.
There are lots of projects that can be tackled in Build Option 22, many of them require TIG welding. People could practice their TIG welding on freely available tin cans, they may use the cans and a variety of other freely obtained metals to build
stove pipes and other projects. Many of the projects would have components that would be cut out with lasers or water jets or cutting torches from large sheets of metal, the individuals building the project would of course pay for that service (unless
they own and use a cutting torch), and then assemble their projects in the large TIG welding facilities located in downtown Saskatoon, stretching from Third Avenue to Ave C or so, and south from 20th or 22nd Street or so to the river. Rowbotham proclaims
we can print debt-free money out of thin air to pay for this and other critical infrastructure projects (See “The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics” by Michael Rowbotham). This TIG welding facility is a
critical project as people would be learning skills and building futures for themselves, and ample opportunities would exist in the facilities to teach them to fly.
Saskatoon requires two or three new airports on the outskirts specifically made for the homebuilt aircraft. We should not allow the homebuilt creations to fly over the city with the exception that the smaller and quieter planes should be allowed to
travel immediately above the South Saskatchewan River and so through the very center of our city - planes could even be launched from a slipway on the roof of the TIG welding facility (a very large building located on the south side of downtown
stretching from Second Avenue and 20th Street to Avenue C South and the river) and then navigate along the river. We could have races and paintball dogfights over the river, an event as such would bring visitors to the city and generate revenue. We could
have a water aerodrome on the South Saskatchewan River, and perhaps limit the aerodrome to small airplanes that meet extremely tough noise limits or perhaps allow noisier aircraft to use the facilities during the day. Consider allowing the children to
fly their own aviation creations at night without any licenses, and re-educating the air traffic controllers.
We could be building multiple forms, and then allowing builders to utilize our forms, and they would drape their plywood and/or fiber glass and/or carbon fiber and such over our forms, such as was done in constructing the Mosquito. While the forms are
being developed the builders could rebuild engines and build propellers for their engines, build landing gear and other smaller parts. We could have forms for members to borrow that result in sleek and fuel efficient racers, like the Yak. We can also
allow members to build a scaled-down version of the P-38 Lightning. We could build powered gliders that resemble a U-2 Spy Plane, we could make multiple forms for the fuselage out of concrete or some other stiff material. Small jet engines are an
equivalent cost of a cheap used car, buy a pair of these small jets and make them retractable. We could even develop jet engines and make the design or parts available to the members. We can accomplish much when we work together.
We could build a fleet of amphibious aircraft, seaplanes, flying boats or perhaps even floatplanes, having a fleet of these one or more of these four aquatic aircraft would enable us to provide an air taxi service to the northern lakes. By
facilitating the building of low cost aircraft in Saskatoon, and perhaps by building components for these airplanes in other communities, we could link northern and southern communities. Presently it costs more money to fly from Saskatoon to many
communities in northern Saskatchewan, than it costs to fly from Saskatoon to Europe. Check out the retractable wing-tip pontoons on the PBY-5A, by retracting the pontoons on airplanes we will reduce drag and save on fuel.
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I’d encourage both city residents and our neighbors living outside of our city to participate in using the proposed facilities to construct and modify boats, aircraft and ATV’s. We’d provide storage lockers for the
parts you are assembling for your project, and a machine shop where you may manufacture your parts, eventually you will have enough parts stored that you would be provided with a larger secure space to assemble your project. People should have options in
life, governments should be trying to help provide people with options and not take options away.
I propose a very large building along the south side of downtown Saskatoon spanning into Riversdale where visitors could travel on moving and stationary sidewalks and escalators while enclosed inside clear tubes. Separated by plate glass, visitors
could safely view the airplanes or other projects being completed around them while seated and having coffee at one of the many coffee shops. I imagine undecided Cindy and her female friends would be roaming the premises, coffees in hand, looking at the
many projects, while the muscular guys would be goink shirtless, dripping in sweat, as they labour upon their metal and wood working projects, sawing, sanding, welding and grinding away. The women can see the projects under construction before they
choose what project to start upon. Friendships would be developed. When the women flick their hair back and giggle a little, it is an indication to men nearby that the women are interested in their projects.
The City of Saskatoon should purchase 40, 80, 160 or 320 acres of rural land so these projects can quickly begin while building this proposed facility in the city. Even a small group of people, independent from the City of Saskatoon and who are
interested in one or more of these twenty-nine build options, can unite and pool their money and purchase the required land and erect some cheaper buildings close to the City of Saskatoon.
Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten are a system of similar tracking vehicles. The boats being built should be engineered to carry one or more of the similarly tracked vehicles from Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten, and also engineered to be easily
transported by large ships. The rafts carrying supplies also need to conform to size restrictions to aid in transport by the larger ships. The boats should be loaded upon ships and then unloaded at a distant port, perhaps at the mouth of the gold-bearing
Lena or some other gold-laden river. I suggest that white Canadians should flee Canada, take a well-supplied trip up the mouth of the Lena and establish a community near where a smaller river meets the Lena, where the gold or other mineral prospects look
favorable, perhaps 1000 miles upstream on the Lena. Doing such would establish a community in pretty much the geographical center of Yakutia, work together to survive the first winter and then establish other communities in the region, depending upon the
location of mineral and other resources.
Bring along excavators to help dig in for the winter. Each participant should bring along thousands of pounds of food, thousands of pounds of other supplies (tents, tarps, clothes, 24 volt or 48 volt off-grid electrical systems, lithium powered hand
tools, stoves, screws, books, fuel….), much of the food and supplies brought along on small boats and rafts capable of navigating the Lena River. Many people will opt to equip their 12 volt vehicles with 12 volt auxiliary electrical systems, as you
wish. The Yakutians are fond of metal workers, make sure to bring along your machine shops, portable lumber mills and road building equipment when you emigrate. Prepare to pay taxes to Putin in the form of gold, so that he may keep his Russian Republic
Or stay and pay taxes to Trudeau and have him raise your children… Trudeau uses the media and schools to teach your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes. Trudeau works at preventing white people from meeting, uniting and forming
families, and desires control over all the children, I suggest we take all the machining tools, also the children, and flee in well-equipped convoys to Yakutia, there we can build wealth, build guns and regroup. At the very least, each participant would
be required to have a raft carrying 6,000 pounds of food and other supplies so they would stand a chance to survive the first winter, and the owner of the raft would require a boat owner to tow said raft upriver. If you are bringing a vehicle on a boat
or raft as well, still bring that 6000 pounds (or much more) of food and other supplies. Build the boats and rafts so they can be easily loaded onto and unloaded from the ships. Then build a community along the Lena River or nearby the Lena River, build
it out of rocks and concrete on a south facing slope, build guns, mine gold, coal and other resources, regroup. Another group can land at Magadan perhaps without rafts and boats and seek out a suitable sites for communities along the Hiway of Bones or
nearby that hiway either in Magadan or Yakutia. Canadians can sponsor other Canadians to go on the expeditions, perhaps expecting to follow behind the following year and bringing additional resources when emigrating.
Should you find yourself landing at the Lena River Delta, travel up the Lena with a boat pulling your raft. I would suggest you also carry (or tow or use as outriggers) three or four smaller and light weight flat bottom boats so you may navigate into
other rivers that you find along the way. You may need several small flat bottomed boats in order to transport your many thousands of pounds of tools, gasoline and other supplies upstream an alternative river. People landing at Magadan and then
travelling up the Kolyma Hiway should consider towing or carrying boats with them. Go to the expense of making aluminum containers to haul your food and other goods, perhaps so they are waterproof and can float, and so the goods are secure in transit.
The aluminum containers, when empty, can always be used at your chosen destination for alternative purposes.
Imagine perhaps as many as one million Canadians emigrating, leaving Canada to greener pastures, each bringing with them a small fortune in dehydrated foods, and bringing with them machining equipment, and construction equipment, portable lumber mills,
metals, fuels, cement and glass, and establishing new communities in places such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Yakutia, Magadan or Kamchatka. Whichever land we emigrate to would be blessed with an economic windfall. Canadians might be wise to build boats,
rafts and aircraft, in preparation of a future migration. I also imagine society will collapse so very quickly that Canadians will not have a chance to flee the messes that Biden and Trudeau are creating. In actuality America is being ruled by Obama, a
homosexual Indonesian Islamist who whispers instructions into Biden’s ear, and his Queen Michelle wears size 12 men’s shoes and played football in college. It is very important to this homosexual Indonesian Islamist that Americans line up and take
the jab. And Obama probably follows orders from Charles, who is an Islamist as well, while Trudeau certainly doths. Anyway, some people in Saskatoon may build Yaks and fly to Yakutia. It would be helpful to those who embark upon an expedition to Yakutia (
or elsewhere) have support from airplane owners, and the airplane owners find support from those carrying supplies up roads and rivers. I image that we can establish several communities in the Russian far-east and have these communities continuously
linked by air and working together developing and manufacturing airplanes, food processing and mining equipment and such. Newly formed communities in isolated areas could be supplied by air. Using radios, communities can alert other nearby communities of
their needs.
Those people emigrating away from Canada (those fleeing for their very lives) would of course benefit by having sponsors to assist them with funds to make the boats, rafts, vehicles and to obtain the supplies. Sponsors would of course benefit when
they travel to the new communities, or move to the new communities… the sponsors would have different levels of VIP status depending upon their input. I suggest the Aviation Department, which is in charge of the security of the boat building and most
other build options (in charge of the secure lockers and buildings), utilize the funds in however way the board members see fit. We will need metal lathes and presses as well but I expect people would donate some of their older and unwanted equipment,
perhaps equipment in need of repair. And so likely we would be better off using any donated funds to purchase aluminum in large quantities rather than invest in tools. Putin will charter us a freighter and carry us, our boats and rafts, our guns and
other supplies, from whichever Canadian port to the Lena River Delta or further upstream, or to Magadan. Each person who constructed a raft or boat would have a heated cabin built into their rafts and boats, and they could occupy their cabins during
transport aboard the Russian ship.
Especially note that each person who built a raft or boat using donated supplies would be obligated to use a portion of their space to transport Aviation Department supplies and equipment or other members… and so there may be a vehicle or other
supplies on your raft that you do not own, in addition to people, and you may be called upon to utilize your boat as a tugboat and help pull supplies along the Lena River.
Builders who draw upon such donated resources would have to agree to use the finished boats, rafts, planes and vehicles to assist the emigration by helping to move resources for the entire group, and would later have to pay cash for any materials
provided if they decide to keep the finished project for their own private use. The donations would be used for emigration, the builders drawing upon the donated materials would be beholden to the Aviation Department and would be obligated to use the
constructed vehicles, boats, rafts and aircraft to assist in moving supplies to Magadan or Yakutia (Sakha Republic) or Kamchatka or Chukotka, likely depending upon which of these locations would welcome us, and depending upon what Putin would prefer.
Perhaps different Russian far eastern states and regions will compete and lobby for us to establish our presence and metal working facilities at their states and regions, I suggest that you establish a settlement near some coal reserves. The Aviation
Department should assist people to move to either the Russian Far East or to a Scandinavian country, or perhaps to Greenland, and so people who built rafts and are beholden to the Aviation Department would have the option to emigrate in an Aviation
Department Convoy to these different locations if approved by the host country. The Aviation Department hopes to establish communities in these foreign nations to assist Canadians to flee from Canada and continue to help train them in useful trades while
assisting them to build themselves aircraft, boats and homes.
The raft you constructed by using materials owned and provided to you by the Aviation Department, could be half occupied by materials and by wood-working and metal-working equipment the Aviation Department is transporting to the Russian far east.
People making use of the Aviation Department facilities to make rafts and other vehicles will of course be trained in some form of metal working, and so will bring their skills with them to Yakutia (Sakha Republic) should we emigrate there (more gold and
diamonds and coal and there than in Scandinavia, perhaps more freedom too). Some people will construct their boats and planes with no intention of leaving the country, and so will keep their skills in Saskatchewan or another Canadian province, and would
be fully responsible in funding the construction of their own projects.
If people are in the process of fleeing Canada (or the USA) and leaving independently and without the assistance of Saskatoon’s Aviation Department, I suggest you meet at Magadan and make arrangements in Magadan to travel inland and bolster an
existing community, such as Atka (200 km north of Magadan), or Orotukan (300 km north of Magadan). Establish communities or bolster existing communities along the hiway running from Magadan to Yakutsk, perhaps space the communities roughly 100 to 200
kilometers apart. If we had communities spaced roughly every 100 to 200 kilometers along the hiway we could assist all who travel the hiway by offering fuel, food, clothes, supplies, lodging, likely jobs and entertainment as well. If we had communities
spread out along the hiway, each community could be constructing specific parts required for our communally-built airplanes, which I suggest be Short Take Off And Landing (STOL) aircraft. The parts can be delivered to Yakutsk and/or to Magadan and the
aircraft can be assembled there. We can space out communities along the hiway, perhaps in or near the communities of Atka, Orotukan, Susuman, and beyond all the way to Yakutsk in the Sakha Republic, and manufacture components for our aircraft from
different factories along the hiway. Aircraft can also be assembled in smaller towns located between Yakutsk and Magadan, parts that we manufacture would transported both directions down the Hiway of Bones.
If you were to flee for your very lives to Magadan or Yakutia, or perhaps even to Siberia, you will find existing communities that are a shell of their former selves where the remaining residents do not have any power. You would be seen as an absolute
hero if you had a 24 or 48 volt electrical system, with an inverter, and cables, that could provide electrical power to the nearby houses. A 12-volt system and inverter will not be adequate to send power to your neighbors.
It makes sense to purchase land in The City of Magadan and use it to help Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigrating to the Russian Far East. It also makes sense to purchase some land in the town of Atka to similarly assist those
Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigration, as the town is situated along the hiway and can provide lodging, meals, fuel and information to the travelers who are passing through, and is attractive due to being located close to Magadan.
Also Atka boasts some nearby lakes (about five miles to the south east), making it ideal for canoeing, fishing and camping while waiting for additional members of your party to arrive from Canada or USA.
Establish communities that can serve as depots, where individual may drop off thousands of pounds of supplies and then travel the region until making a decision upon where to settle and move those supplies to. Then the Aviation Department, acting as an
emigrant organization, would secure our supplies in depots in our communities along the hiway, and use our trucks to move the supplies from Magadan to any location along the hiway to Yakutsk or beyond. We could purchase land in both Yakutsk and Nizhny
Bestyakh (or very nearby each community) and build boats, small aircraft and homes there. Instead of building aircraft in Saskatchewan, we can flee to Magadan and Yakutia and build them there.
Bring along portable lumber mills. And I suggest that when you flee Canada for your very lives that you bring lots of deck screws, perhaps bring along about 300 pounds of #8x2½ inch deck screws, 100 pounds of #8x3 inch deck screws, 200 pounds of #
10x5 deck screws and 200 pounds of #10x6 deck screws. Bring along those 20 volt drills and 20 volt saws and a great number of screw driver bits and saw blades. If you are intending to spend the remaining years of your life in somewhere in the mountains
of far eastern Russia, you are advised to bring along an abundance of screws as they help to make it easier to construct both temporary shelters and permanent homes. Or if you are intending to remain in Canada after society collapses (if you failed to
flee for your life), then it would still be nice to have a supply of screws on hand so that you may construct shelters here while the Liberal/NDP (Islamic/Sikh) communist coalition continues to put the screws on you.
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeak Squeak@21:1/5 to
All on Tue Nov 7 04:40:49 2023
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part B - Daryl Kabatoff November 6th 2023 9:51 pm 234,234 words (273 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Ground-effect land-skimming vehicles could periodically be flying perhaps two feet above electrical wires, from which they wirelessly charge and propel themselves. Being quite flat, Saskatchewan makes the ideal testing location for these electrically
propelled ground-effect land-skimming, extremely highly efficient aircraft. We could perhaps actively strive to link Saskatoon with both Calgary and Edmonton with corridors for these elevated automobiles. The Canadian prairies are ideally suited for the
ground-effect land-skimming vehicles. Some people building these electrically powered land skimming vehicles may opt to include a pair of PBS TJ40 engines so they may leave the confines of the electrical grid.
We should be building a prototype of a composite single seat mono-wing airplane (such as a Yak), as the cost per composite aircraft could, depending upon materials used, be lower than constructing TIG welded airframes. Reduce the cost of the airplanes
to make them an achievable goal to work towards. We could reduce the cost of the aircraft by covering concrete, wood, plastic or styrofoam forms with aviation grade spruce plywood. The left side of a composite (plywood) aircraft fuselage can be pulled
out of a secure storage locker and be worked upon, using such a system will allow for greater participation and a larger number of aircraft being started. Once completing one side of the airplane fuselage, the builder will be provided with a second
storage locker for the other half of his or her airplane, eventually the builder will have the two halves to unite and will be provided with a larger storage locker to secure that fuselage while work on other components is conducted. I imagine Cindy
would see some handsome and muscular feller, perhaps Steve, building the right side of his chosen airplane, then Cindy would of course start building the left side of said aircraft, and then actively, or incessantly, seek to unite their projects. Cindy
would flick her hair back, lightly stroke her eyebrow and giggle a little when she asked Steve if he wanted to join their sides together, I’m sure. See “Mosquito: A Pictorial History of the DH98” by Philip Birtles.
Check out the video on YouTube called Building an Airplane Out of Wood - You Can Do It! (27 minutes long). It isn’t easy as every piece of wood must be carefully chosen, it is likely far easier to build the airplane out of metal. The time required
to obtain wood of superior grain is a non-issue with the construction of metal aircraft. Furthermore wooden airplanes require far superior shelter once constructed as the weather degrades the wood. The video says that many airplanes have metal fuselages
and wooden wings.
Some people building wooden airplanes are going to make mistakes and purchase wood that has grain and knots that renders it unusable. People building campers and such are in need of such pieces of wood, and so a service should be offered where people
can place their scrap boards on display and up for sale.
People should consider buying and using their own cutting blades on the communally used equipment, or at least have spares available for the tools they are using. I imagine a slew of older donated metal working and wood working machines that are kept
operational by people investing into their own cutting blades and drill bits and such. Some people will have tools such as radial arm saws and would not allow the use of the tool for other people in the cooperative, this is fine as people have invested
time and money in the tool and in insuring that their saws cut straight. Those who do not wish their tools to be shared by others should lock their tools up in their personal storage lockers and bring them out when required. Rather than complain that a
tool is not available to you, consider making do without the tool or obtain your own. Used radial arm saws and bench saws are available for about $100 Canadian, it is not a huge amount of money.
Check out the video on YouTube called The Insane Engineering of The Spitfire (22 minutes long), the elliptical wings contain a great amount of space that can be utilized for fuel and landing gear, although originally provided space for guns and ammo.
The wings are built using aluminum tubes that are stacked inside of other aluminum tubes. We can build similar elliptical wings in Saskatoon and attach them to a wide variety of different airplanes, or others may choose to construct airplanes that
resemble Spitfires. People opting to build wings that are not elliptical can still make use of this building strategy, but you would be losing out on the extra storage provided by the elliptical wings.
We could be concurrently working upon a prototype of a TIG welded single-seat STOL (short take off and landing) airplane, in part to avoid paying a license fee to use some other person’s plans, in part so that the Aviation Department would receive a
license fee if other builders chose to adopt our plans, and mostly so that we learn how to design and build airplanes. We could develop several different one-seater STOL airplanes and evaluate the ease of building, cost of building and performance of
each aircraft. We could encourage those builders who wish to innovate and who desire to build their own design of aircraft, to build a one-seater STOL and compete with others in a competition of one-seater STOL’s, and we will see. And another window
for innovation is to have a second competition where people are invited to build airplanes that resemble World War One fighter airplanes, they can be monoplanes, biplanes or tri-planes, they should have open cockpits and otherwise closely resemble World
War One fighter planes, and people would be invited to paint the planes to match the paint schemes of the planes that flew in WW I so that the film industry can participate in this and make realistic WW I movies. Many of these innovative airplanes the
participants invent could be fitted with paint ball machine guns and the builders could then engage in aerial paint ball dogfights. The Aviation Department could generate a sizable income from the general public who would pay to watch the spectacle, the
funds could be used for developing engines and such. I encourage people who are building their own planes to build one-seater or better yet two-seater STOLs, not necessarily to carry a second person but to carry additional fuel and supplies.
If there is huge interest then we (with help from the Aviation Department) can develop a prototype of a powered glider that has an enormous wingspan. Many builders will instead choose to build a plans-built plane of a pre-existing design, such as the
BD-4, rather than wait for the development of the prototypes. And smaller TIG welded airframes can be put together cheaply, and quite likely with fewer hours of work than required for the composite aircraft. Note that even the airplanes that are
constructed primarily of wood still require metal parts to be fabricated and securely stored until the builder is ready for installing them, and many metal-bodied airplanes have wooden wings. Many of these metal parts are cheaply constructed, people with
limited resources can start by assembling these lower cost items. People are free to decide which aircraft they wish to construct, but recognize that if you stick to a co-operative plan where several or many copies of the same plane are made, many of
your construction problems will be solved as others are involved working along side of you to help complete the steps. We should be providing options for people rather than taking options away and make it easier for people to start building without delay.
By simply following the principles of aviation and without using complex mathematics nor wind tunnels, people may construct airplanes that fly very well (see “Flight Without Formulae” by A.C. Kermode). Consider that those people who use the
complex mathematical formulas and even wind tunnels end up with airplanes that still undergo revision after revision after revision. Even little girls can fly their own planes and save other children from being abducted by gypsies (see The Girl Aviators
Motor Butterfly by Margaret Burnham, published by M.A Donohue & Company). If the builder chooses to make such an individual and unique aircraft, then of course the parts they manufacture cannot be traded for parts of a design approved and actively
supported by the Aviation Department.
There are lots of projects that can be tackled in Build Option 22, many of them require TIG welding. People could practice their TIG welding on freely available tin cans, they may use the cans and a variety of other freely obtained metals to build
stove pipes and other projects. Many of the projects would have components that would be cut out with lasers or water jets or cutting torches from large sheets of metal, the individuals building the project would of course pay for that service (unless
they own and use a cutting torch), and then assemble their projects in the large TIG welding facilities located in downtown Saskatoon, stretching from Third Avenue to Ave C or so, and south from 20th or 22nd Street or so to the river. Rowbotham proclaims
we can print debt-free money out of thin air to pay for this and other critical infrastructure projects (See “The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics” by Michael Rowbotham). This TIG welding facility is a
critical project as people would be learning skills and building futures for themselves, and ample opportunities would exist in the facilities to teach them to fly.
Saskatoon requires two or three new airports on the outskirts specifically made for the homebuilt aircraft. We should not allow the homebuilt creations to fly over the city with the exception that the smaller and quieter planes should be allowed to
travel immediately above the South Saskatchewan River and so through the very center of our city - planes could even be launched from a slipway on the roof of the TIG welding facility (a very large building located on the south side of downtown
stretching from Second Avenue and 20th Street to Avenue C South and the river) and then navigate along the river. We could have races and paintball dogfights over the river, an event as such would bring visitors to the city and generate revenue. We could
have a water aerodrome on the South Saskatchewan River, and perhaps limit the aerodrome to small airplanes that meet extremely tough noise limits or perhaps allow noisier aircraft to use the facilities during the day. Consider allowing the children to
fly their own aviation creations at night without any licenses, and re-educating the air traffic controllers.
We could be building multiple forms, and then allowing builders to utilize our forms, and they would drape their plywood and/or fiber glass and/or carbon fiber and such over our forms, such as was done in constructing the Mosquito. While the forms are
being developed the builders could rebuild engines and build propellers for their engines, build landing gear and other smaller parts. We could have forms for members to borrow that result in sleek and fuel efficient racers, like the Yak. We can also
allow members to build a scaled-down version of the P-38 Lightning. We could build powered gliders that resemble a U-2 Spy Plane, we could make multiple forms for the fuselage out of concrete or some other stiff material. Small jet engines are an
equivalent cost of a cheap used car, buy a pair of these small jets and make them retractable. We could even develop jet engines and make the design or parts available to the members. We can accomplish much when we work together.
We could build a fleet of amphibious aircraft, seaplanes, flying boats or perhaps even floatplanes, having a fleet of these one or more of these four aquatic aircraft would enable us to provide an air taxi service to the northern lakes. By
facilitating the building of low cost aircraft in Saskatoon, and perhaps by building components for these airplanes in other communities, we could link northern and southern communities. Presently it costs more money to fly from Saskatoon to many
communities in northern Saskatchewan, than it costs to fly from Saskatoon to Europe. Check out the retractable wing-tip pontoons on the PBY-5A, by retracting the pontoons on airplanes we will reduce drag and save on fuel.
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I’d encourage both city residents and our neighbors living outside of our city to participate in using the proposed facilities to construct and modify boats, aircraft and ATV’s. We’d provide storage lockers for the
parts you are assembling for your project, and a machine shop where you may manufacture your parts, eventually you will have enough parts stored that you would be provided with a larger secure space to assemble your project. People should have options in
life, governments should be trying to help provide people with options and not take options away.
I propose a very large building along the south side of downtown Saskatoon spanning into Riversdale where visitors could travel on moving and stationary sidewalks and escalators while enclosed inside clear tubes. Separated by plate glass, visitors
could safely view the airplanes or other projects being completed around them while seated and having coffee at one of the many coffee shops. I imagine undecided Cindy and her female friends would be roaming the premises, coffees in hand, looking at the
many projects, while the muscular guys would be goink shirtless, dripping in sweat, as they labour upon their metal and wood working projects, sawing, sanding, welding and grinding away. The women can see the projects under construction before they
choose what project to start upon. Friendships would be developed. When the women flick their hair back and giggle a little, it is an indication to men nearby that the women are interested in their projects.
The City of Saskatoon should purchase 40, 80, 160 or 320 acres of rural land so these projects can quickly begin while building this proposed facility in the city. Even a small group of people, independent from the City of Saskatoon and who are
interested in one or more of these twenty-nine build options, can unite and pool their money and purchase the required land and erect some cheaper buildings close to the City of Saskatoon.
Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten are a system of similar tracking vehicles. The boats being built should be engineered to carry one or more of the similarly tracked vehicles from Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten, and also engineered to be easily
transported by large ships. The rafts carrying supplies also need to conform to size restrictions to aid in transport by the larger ships. The boats should be loaded upon ships and then unloaded at a distant port, perhaps at the mouth of the gold-bearing
Lena or some other gold-laden river. I suggest that white Canadians should flee Canada, take a well-supplied trip up the mouth of the Lena and establish a community near where a smaller river meets the Lena, where the gold or other mineral prospects look
favorable, perhaps 1000 miles upstream on the Lena. Doing such would establish a community in pretty much the geographical center of Yakutia, work together to survive the first winter and then establish other communities in the region, depending upon the
location of mineral and other resources.
Bring along excavators to help dig in for the winter. Each participant should bring along thousands of pounds of food, thousands of pounds of other supplies (tents, tarps, clothes, 24 volt or 48 volt off-grid electrical systems, lithium powered hand
tools, stoves, screws, books, fuel….), much of the food and supplies brought along on small boats and rafts capable of navigating the Lena River. Many people will opt to equip their 12 volt vehicles with 12 volt auxiliary electrical systems, as you
wish. The Yakutians are fond of metal workers, make sure to bring along your machine shops, portable lumber mills and road building equipment when you emigrate. Prepare to pay taxes to Putin in the form of gold, so that he may keep his Russian Republic
Or stay and pay taxes to Trudeau and have him raise your children… Trudeau uses the media and schools to teach your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes. Trudeau works at preventing white people from meeting, uniting and forming
families, and desires control over all the children, I suggest we take all the machining tools, also the children, and flee in well-equipped convoys to Yakutia, there we can build wealth, build guns and regroup. At the very least, each participant would
be required to have a raft carrying 6,000 pounds of food and other supplies so they would stand a chance to survive the first winter, and the owner of the raft would require a boat owner to tow said raft upriver. If you are bringing a vehicle on a boat
or raft as well, still bring that 6000 pounds (or much more) of food and other supplies. Build the boats and rafts so they can be easily loaded onto and unloaded from the ships. Then build a community along the Lena River or nearby the Lena River, build
it out of rocks and concrete on a south facing slope, build guns, mine gold, coal and other resources, regroup. Another group can land at Magadan perhaps without rafts and boats and seek out a suitable sites for communities along the Hiway of Bones or
nearby that hiway either in Magadan or Yakutia. Canadians can sponsor other Canadians to go on the expeditions, perhaps expecting to follow behind the following year and bringing additional resources when emigrating.
Should you find yourself landing at the Lena River Delta, travel up the Lena with a boat pulling your raft. I would suggest you also carry (or tow or use as outriggers) three or four smaller and light weight flat bottom boats so you may navigate into
other rivers that you find along the way. You may need several small flat bottomed boats in order to transport your many thousands of pounds of tools, gasoline and other supplies upstream an alternative river. People landing at Magadan and then
travelling up the Kolyma Hiway should consider towing or carrying boats with them. Go to the expense of making aluminum containers to haul your food and other goods, perhaps so they are waterproof and can float, and so the goods are secure in transit.
The aluminum containers, when empty, can always be used at your chosen destination for alternative purposes.
Imagine perhaps as many as one million Canadians emigrating, leaving Canada to greener pastures, each bringing with them a small fortune in dehydrated foods, and bringing with them machining equipment, and construction equipment, portable lumber mills,
metals, fuels, cement and glass, and establishing new communities in places such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Yakutia, Magadan or Kamchatka. Whichever land we emigrate to would be blessed with an economic windfall. Canadians might be wise to build boats,
rafts and aircraft, in preparation of a future migration. I also imagine society will collapse so very quickly that Canadians will not have a chance to flee the messes that Biden and Trudeau are creating. In actuality America is being ruled by Obama, a
homosexual Indonesian Islamist who whispers instructions into Biden’s ear, and his Queen Michelle wears size 12 men’s shoes and played football in college. It is very important to this homosexual Indonesian Islamist that Americans line up and take
the jab. And Obama probably follows orders from Charles, who is an Islamist as well, while Trudeau certainly doths. Anyway, some people in Saskatoon may build Yaks and fly to Yakutia. It would be helpful to those who embark upon an expedition to Yakutia (
or elsewhere) have support from airplane owners, and the airplane owners find support from those carrying supplies up roads and rivers. I image that we can establish several communities in the Russian far-east and have these communities continuously
linked by air and working together developing and manufacturing airplanes, food processing and mining equipment and such. Newly formed communities in isolated areas could be supplied by air. Using radios, communities can alert other nearby communities of
their needs.
Those people emigrating away from Canada (those fleeing for their very lives) would of course benefit by having sponsors to assist them with funds to make the boats, rafts, vehicles and to obtain the supplies. Sponsors would of course benefit when
they travel to the new communities, or move to the new communities… the sponsors would have different levels of VIP status depending upon their input. I suggest the Aviation Department, which is in charge of the security of the boat building and most
other build options (in charge of the secure lockers and buildings), utilize the funds in however way the board members see fit. We will need metal lathes and presses as well but I expect people would donate some of their older and unwanted equipment,
perhaps equipment in need of repair. And so likely we would be better off using any donated funds to purchase aluminum in large quantities rather than invest in tools. Putin will charter us a freighter and carry us, our boats and rafts, our guns and
other supplies, from whichever Canadian port to the Lena River Delta or further upstream, or to Magadan. Each person who constructed a raft or boat would have a heated cabin built into their rafts and boats, and they could occupy their cabins during
transport aboard the Russian ship. The Aviation Department should not be showing favoritism to certain members, if some people blessed with resources decide to sponsor and assist a project, it should be up to those donating the resources.
The Aviation Department may find itself with excess funds and be in a position to assist in the creating of boats, rafts or planes. Builders who draw upon such donated resources would have to agree to use the finished boats, rafts, planes and vehicles
to assist the emigration by helping to move resources for the entire group, and would later have to pay cash for any materials provided if they decide to keep the finished project for their own private use. The donations would be used for emigration, the
builders drawing upon the donated materials would be beholden to the Aviation Department and would be obligated to use the constructed vehicles, boats, rafts and aircraft to assist in moving supplies to Magadan or Yakutia (Sakha Republic) or Kamchatka or
Chukotka, likely depending upon which of these locations would welcome us, and depending upon what Putin would prefer. Perhaps different Russian far eastern states and regions will compete and lobby for us to establish our presence and metal working
facilities at their states and regions, I suggest that you establish a settlement near some coal reserves. The Aviation Department should assist people to move to either the Russian Far East or to a Scandinavian country, or perhaps to Greenland, and so
people who built rafts and are beholden to the Aviation Department would have the option to emigrate in an Aviation Department Convoy to these different locations if approved by the host country. The Aviation Department hopes to establish communities in
these foreign nations to assist Canadians to flee from Canada and continue to help train them in useful trades while assisting them to build themselves aircraft, boats and homes.
If you are constructing a raft and hoping to use materials owned and provided to you by the Aviation Department, this raft could be half occupied by materials and by wood-working and metal-working equipment the Aviation Department is transporting to
the Russian far east. People making use of the Aviation Department facilities to make rafts and other vehicles will of course be trained in some form of metal working, and so will bring their skills with them to Yakutia (Sakha Republic) should we
emigrate there (more gold and diamonds and coal and there than in Scandinavia, perhaps more freedom too). Some people will construct their boats and planes with no intention of leaving the country, and so will keep their skills in Saskatchewan or another
Canadian province, and would be fully responsible in funding the construction of their own projects. Anybody wanting to flee to Sweden should be placed under supervision and probation, as they are clearly insane, and would be unlikely to receive any
funding from Saskatoon’s Aviation Department, and their storage lockers would likely face inspection.
If people are in the process of fleeing Canada (or the USA) and leaving independently and without the assistance of Saskatoon’s Aviation Department, I suggest you meet at Magadan and make arrangements in Magadan to travel inland and bolster an
existing community, such as Atka (200 km north of Magadan), or Orotukan (300 km north of Magadan). Establish communities or bolster existing communities along the hiway running from Magadan to Yakutsk, perhaps space the communities roughly 100 to 200
kilometers apart. If we had communities spaced roughly every 100 to 200 kilometers along the hiway we could assist all who travel the hiway by offering fuel, food, clothes, supplies, lodging, likely jobs and entertainment as well. If we had communities
spread out along the hiway, each community could be constructing specific parts required for our communally-built airplanes, which I suggest be Short Take Off And Landing (STOL) aircraft. The parts can be delivered to Yakutsk and/or to Magadan and the
aircraft can be assembled there. We can space out communities along the hiway, perhaps in or near the communities of Atka, Orotukan, Susuman, and beyond all the way to Yakutsk in the Sakha Republic, and manufacture components for our aircraft from
different factories along the hiway. Aircraft can also be assembled in smaller towns located between Yakutsk and Magadan, parts that we manufacture would transported both directions down the Hiway of Bones.
If you were to flee for your very lives to Magadan or Yakutia, or perhaps even to Siberia, you will find existing communities that are a shell of their former selves where the remaining residents do not have any power. You would be seen as an absolute
hero if you had a 24 or 48 volt electrical system, with an inverter, and cables, that could provide electrical power to the nearby houses. A 12-volt system and inverter will not be adequate to send power to your neighbors.
It makes sense to purchase land in The City of Magadan and use it to help Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigrating to the Russian Far East. It also makes sense to purchase some land in the town of Atka to similarly assist those
Americans and Canadians who are in the process of emigration, as the town is situated along the hiway and can provide lodging, meals, fuel and information to the travelers who are passing through, and is attractive due to being located close to Magadan.
Also Atka boasts some nearby lakes (about five miles to the south east), making it ideal for canoeing, fishing and camping while waiting for additional members of your party to arrive from Canada or USA.
Establish communities that can serve as depots, where individual may drop off thousands of pounds of supplies and then travel the region until making a decision upon where to settle and move those supplies to. Then the Aviation Department, acting as an
emigrant organization, would secure our supplies in depots in our communities along the hiway, and use our trucks to move the supplies from Magadan to any location along the hiway to Yakutsk or beyond. We could purchase land in both Yakutsk and Nizhny
Bestyakh (or very nearby each community) and build boats, small aircraft and homes there. Instead of building aircraft in Saskatchewan, we can flee to Magadan and Yakutia and build them there.
Bring along portable lumber mills. And I suggest that when you flee Canada for your very lives that you bring lots of deck screws, perhaps bring along about 300 pounds of #8x2½ inch deck screws, 300 pounds of #8x3 inch deck screws, 100 pounds of #
10x5 deck screws and 100 pounds of #10x6 deck screws. Bring along those 20 volt drills and 20 volt saws and a great number of screw driver bits and saw blades. If you are intending to spend the remaining years of your life in somewhere in the mountains
of far eastern Russia, you are advised to bring along an abundance of screws as they help to make it easier to construct both temporary shelters and permanent homes. Or if you are intending to remain in Canada after society collapses (if you failed to
flee for your life), then it would still be nice to have a supply of screws on hand so that you may construct shelters here while trying to survive under a Liberal/NDP (Islamic/Sikh) communist coalition.
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