• Evangelical Deprogram Savoire (7/7)

    From Aryavarta@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 2 02:49:19 2021
    [continued from previous message]

    4)Attack by swamp - Hispania using ambulance to unleash the Coronavirus possibly using used hyperdermic syringes from some Jewish business?

    5)Attack by space - could the Caribbean be attacked using a train like
    the astrotrain they mention in cartoons as Transformers?

    6)Attack by information - could it be the republics of Hongkong,
    Pakistan, Germany, Morocco, and Argentina; the so called lands of “Rule
    by Might”; using motorcycles like they mention is some nigger fucken
    movie of the Jewish propoganda machine controlled Hollywood?

    Will those attacks by space and information be another form of suicide
    ritual of hostages who did not know any better in life? What is this?
    I tell ya, ignorance is not bliss. It is for this reason why I share
    the clues I have gathered in my vector of life traveling through the
    dimensions of this NYC and other parts of the earth planet inundated
    with those niggardly ways of the evil empire of the JUBU. Like you and whomever of the JUBU hostages I was fortunate enough to be reached out
    to here and there. What they say is true in Greek Philosophy, "people
    tend to do the good". But here's the deal, to find that good and even
    to understand it as good we need a higher power as the Christ Jesus to
    call upon regularly through prayer and petition. For Jesus Christ is
    the only one who can show us the truth the way and the life in a world
    filled with more madness and mayhem than we can fathom.

    Spiritual, political, financial countermeasures are needed to offset the
    Jewish religious war endeavors institutionalized through Maoist Transcendentalism, Marxist Communism, and Mussolinist Zionism. The Evangelicalism, Nazism, and Zionism are very helpful in overcoming the
    Jewish trespass and Jew baiting treachery that has collapsed more civilizations, countrys, communitys, collusions, corporations,
    concatentations, and whichever has a ‘c’ in it. That is the issue our humanity has to this day and the reiteration that has weakened over
    time. Again, somethings work. The following are the pragmas and isms
    that seem to go well with one another and the results they present:

    0)GURU like Pragma:
    Seems effective when it concerns the Evangelicalism in reference to the
    Guru Christ Jesus. Such a means of practice of prayer, chanting,
    meditation seems to assist with helping sentient life overcome the
    Jewish brag of “institutionalization of the enlightened” and their
    bullshit culture of the pill. Such practices of prayer, chanting, and meditation seems to engender serious successes in the basic needs of
    food, shelter, clothing, vaccines, technologys, and gaudys(spiritual
    trinkets). Which is good.

    1)FIAT like Pragma:
    Seems effective when it concerns the Existentialism as an economic
    system for our Network of 72 members of the ontology of the Guru Christ
    Jesus. It is important to mention the comfort and belonging with each
    level of the ‘isms’ as a literal or constant because the Guru Christ
    Jesus is a nice focus of success for pursuits when it concerns life,
    liberty, pursuit of happiness, property, faith, and propriety as
    education and compassion are encouraged through such an ontology. In Existentialism the money is the essentia or to say the essence of the
    very life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property, faith, and propriety
    we strive for. The synergy of a mutual success of a hypothetical Greek
    phi ratio of 1.618 is the means of dealing with the economic mire, such
    as paying the bills on time as enough as a motivation to succeed. The
    forms of whichever application as in HTML forms, purchase order forms, employment forms, citizenship forms, collections forms, rebate forms,
    and so on are a means of communicating ideas. More is mentioned in
    books about existentialism by such authors as Sartre, Dostoyevsky, and

    Success in the aims of life seems to be the result when moneys are
    garnered in that of an existential ameunesis. Such aims of life
    successes include education, sex, moneys, faith, property, and
    socialization. At present the Jewish Maoist Transcendentalistism is the reigning economic system of whichever caste like corporate structure of whichever multi-level massacre(mlm). The following are the
    repercussions of involvement into the articles of incorporation that manufacture serious allows of near perfect geometry in the human body of whomever hostaged into the Jewish MLM to be forced to consume the unfit
    for human consumption products as in psychotropics, narcotics, liquor,
    soya, tobacco, and steroids. It is as follows:

    Incorporation : poison - influence - malady ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    C-Corp : Tobacco - degenerates the lungs - muscular dystrophy
    S-Corp : Psychotropics - degenerates the intestines - allergys
    LTD : Steroids - degenerates the eros - diabetes?
    Non-Profit : Narcotics - degenerates the heart? - cancer? or clep?
    Charity : Soya - dgenerates the brain - mental illness
    LLC : Liquor - degenerates the liver - heart desease?

    The level of spin doctoring they do to justify the blood money
    manufacturing through the kill organizations of:


    is all over the place from rural villages to urban citys to the space
    station to the military submarines. There is not a people, place, or
    thing that has not been affected by the culture of the hyperdermic
    syringe and the world of wanton disregard and disrespect for the sake of
    the Jewish religious war that was never in our favor. The Network of 72 members are as follows that have incurred heavy losses due to such a
    divestment from ages hence.

    Network of 72
    #)smurf - industry
    0)oriental - sexuality
    1)deshi - technology
    2)arabian - spirituality
    3)russian - library
    4)european - homeopathy
    5)african - realty?
    6)british - grocery
    7)hispanic - fiduciary?
    8)australian - hospitality?
    9)caribbeanese(tamil, taino, terron, tiwi) - security? ------------------------------------------------------

    Already, the following has been evidenced by the following Network of 72 members hostaged by the contamination of air, water, food supplys to be
    herded and conditioned through the mind control influenced by through
    the eyes, ears, and nasal passages.

    British – inquisitioned
    Africans – decimated?
    Orientals – massacred
    Hispanics – balkanized?
    Caribbeanese – genocided

    Those are just some of the issues that have been evidenced in my vector
    of life of nearly 45 years. A dark world of dionysian lives. Such has
    been the legacy of the Jewish divestments of ages hence which maybe of
    nearly 5,000 to 1 million years minimum.

    The Cybermatrix or to say open source FIAT like moneys is an attempt at establishing a literal of constant means of money getting that can offer
    man another way of alongside the fuzzy and scalar means of money
    getting. For example, the transcendentalist economic system has time
    and time again been considered a precarious or volatile form of money acquisition. The evangelical entitlements such as ssi, ssdi, ssa, ss,
    veterans benefits, and others through whichever social security office
    are an in-between two extremes form of money getting that has become the desperation of many who have been the victim of whichever criminality.
    Thus, the constant or literal means of money getting helps many to
    juxtapose their financial endeavors through a sound and cogent means
    that can endure the test of time and surpass all understanding. If it
    can be thought of it can done. It if can be believed it will become.
    If it can be said it will spawn. Such is the understand of the
    valorization, inundation, and even amelioration of the network, which in
    this instance is the Cybermatrix.

    The Cybermatrix is basically a network of databases where the
    spreadsheet is the struct or record for this open source FIAT like
    moneys effort. Using the pulse waveform we can maybe able to transmit
    the date wirelessly to whichever television as the portal of this
    financial collective bargaining. The FIAT is the model of relationship
    with the fiduciary industry that is being open sourced to make our money getting efforts on par with a more stable and sufficient process as in
    UNIX for the technology industry. It is like that. The open source
    FIAT like contract is as follows:
    0)The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad.
    1)The meaning and purpose of the Cybermatrix is synergy of a
    hypothetical Greek phi ratio of 1.618.
    2)The basis of the Cybermatrix is to further the ontology of the Guru
    known as Christ Jesus.
    3)The Prime Directive is not to allow for the trespass of the Jewish
    diaspora comprising of the Gypsy ethnicity, Negroid race, and Coptic
    language familys of such lineages as Ashkinazi, Sephardi, and Mizrahi or Priest, Warrior, Merchant of the Yiddish, Zen, Vudu, Hindu, LGBTQ,
    Trini, Creole, Hapa, Hoon, and Roma upper caste ancestorys.
    4)The pragma for the Cybermatrix is the open source FIAT model of
    5)The economic system for the Cybermatrix bank is Existentialism; where
    money is the essentia; synergy is a means of dealing with the economic
    mire; and ideas are communicated through forms.
    6)The Cybermatrix is a network of financial matricees of a given
    dimension in a larger financial matrix of the nth dimension represented
    by the databases.
    7)The established waveform for the transmission of data through the
    Cybermatrix maybe the pulse waveform, which is also known as the
    Tacohead or Rectangle waveform.
    8)The portal preferred for the Cybermatrix is the commonly known
    Television form factor.
    9)The exercise in the meditation of the heart is the saying of the
    Deprogram Savoire to be able to develop the memory and will power needed
    for such an endeavor.
    10)The recommended safetys include the HUFA pragma elaborated as the Hot
    water URN, Unix technologys, Fullys or well and balanced juxtapositions,
    and the Ayn Rand postulates of the self.
    11)Indeed, there is no that of a thing as a hundred percent.
    12)There is some good out there.
    13)Somethings work for the sake of sentient survival with life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property, faith, and propriety.
    14)Silence is death.
    15)Ignorance is not bliss.
    16)Apathy is dangerous.
    17)Kill or be killed and survival of the fittest is the realty we so
    seek to overcome.
    18)Why engage is this wreckless battle of the Jewish multi-level
    massacre of whichever caste like corporate pyramid scheme of whichever
    social disorder?
    19)The following are recognized industrys of the respective smurf
    talents to be invested into:

    A. Oriental - Sexuality
    B. Deshi - Techonology
    C. Arabian - Spirituality
    D. Russian - Library
    E. European - Homeopathy
    F. African - Realty?
    G. British - Grocery
    H. Hispanic - Fiduciary?
    I. Australian - Hospitality?
    J. Caribbeanese(Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi) - Security?
    K. Jewish - Pedagogy

    20)The basis of truth in any decision making is through the evidence of documentary, actual, theoretical, logical, financial, and evangelical
    proofs of the some truth that is out there.
    21)The control substances which the members of the Cybermatrix may
    invest into are to be for the purposes outlined through serious research
    and development for the solutions to complex problems, rather than for
    human consumption. It is as follows:

    A. Psychotropics - Fertilizer
    B. Liquor - Cleaning
    C. Soya - Coloring
    D. Tobacco - Paint production for such strong colors as red, blue,
    black, white, purple, brown, yellow, green, etc.
    E. Narcotics - Perfume ingredient using the Bach flower perfume making technique mentioned by Suneel Ramaney of a well accepted standard
    F. Steroids - Pest control using the forbidden herbals of the
    naturopathy such as aloe of Africa, Ginseng of the Orient, Acai of the Americas, Turmeric of the Himalayan subcontinent(Aryavarta) and so on.

    22)Keep in mind that more civilizations have collapsed due to the Jewish divestment than by through any other form of allurement.
    23)Beware of the sucker punch or being attacked when off gaurd by those
    of the Jewish blight and their forces of the Satanism through the
    worship of deitys as Gandhi, Bodhai(a.k.a. Buddha), and Kudaji through
    such organizations as in Transcendentalist mafia, Dying Arts, Pagan
    occult, Satanic Dharma, Zerosum games, and the Religious war itself.
    24)In the present time line of 2021 A.D. it is recognized that there are
    3 major sabotages by the Jewish blight with respect to Spiritual,
    Financial, and Political endeavors. The Existentialism, Evangelicalism,
    and Egalitarianism(Nazism) is heavily contested by many who are herded
    and conditioned to be mindless automatons of the Jewery to made to force consume stuff from the corporations of Judea known as Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, Insurance, Gambling,
    Utilitys, Legality, and Pedagogy. Such corporations seem to be the
    weapon systems of the evil empire of the JUBU emanating from the
    homelands of the following Jewish tribes:

    0)Taiwan - Empire of the Zen (Dharma Drum[https://www.chancenter.org/en/]) 1)Israel - Empire of the Yiddish (Lebovitch[https://www.lubavitch.com/]) 2)Sicily - Empire of the LGBTQ (Temple of Satan[https:// www.churchofsatan.com/])
    3)Haiti - Empire of the Vudu (Jehova's Witnesses[https://www.jw.org/en/]) 4)Hawaii - Empire of the Hindu (Swaminarayan[http://swaminarayan.org/]) 5)Trinidad - Empire of the Trini (Sai Baba[http://saibaba.org/])
    6)Indonesia - Empire of the Creole (Ravi Das[https://www.shrigururavidasji.com/])
    7)Phillipines - Empire of the Hapa (Suma Ching Hai[http://www.godsdirectcontact.org/])
    8)Tibet - Empire of the Hoon (Dalai Lama[https://www.dalailama.com/]) 9)Brooklyn(NY, USA) - Empire of the Roma (Hari Krishnas[https://www.iskcon.org/])

    The above mentioned republics comprise of the Judea so much lauded by
    those who are possessed by the instruments of destruction encouraging
    the focus on meaningless things as mantra, zazen, and koan for the sake
    of blood money manufacturing, which is the production of alloys of near
    perfect geometrys in the human body through forced ellicit use of
    control substances as in psychotropics, narcotics, liquor, soya,
    tobacco, and steroids that bind to various parts of the human body as in intestine, stomach, liver, brain, lungs, and eros, respectively,
    something like that; thus disrupting the organs assisting the cognition
    that is much needed to further the ontology of the God, Guru, Gnosis
    known as Christ Jesus or to say even life, liberty, pursuit of
    happiness, property, faith, and propriety.
    25)You have to believe in flawless victory.

    "The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

    "The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

    "The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

    "The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice

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