• Re: The Bismarck Education System

    From Raskolynikov@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 3 12:00:05 2023
    In light of this, one must ask what is the purpose of the "college sex fests", in which group sex is performed en mass, and young girls are ritually used
    by scores of men? What that does to the psyche would probably astonish even
    Dr. Wilhelm Reich. But this ensures that the new ruling class, new judges,
    new lawyers, new engineers and new medical doctors will be women equal
    in rights, but with a dark secret and no moral concerns about whether it is right to bully, mob or eliminate someone who sexually rejects them.

    Often, the accusation will be the opposite - like in Joseph's temptation, the man who rejected sexual immorality was accused of rape, adultery, and
    sexual harassment (Genesis 39).

    This only ensures unconditional support of the new generation of women
    to sexual freedoms, reproductive rights, and gender ideology, for college sex fests are mostly also bisexual and undoubtedly cause many abortions due to unsafe contraception.

    This generation of women is supposed to be the new lawyers, judges, doctors, scientists, and lawmakers, equal in rights with men who actually learned for their degress. They will probably also as judges condemn certain men to jail
    or death, deciding what is right and who is the felon.

    The most disquieting fact is that most of them will actually believe their
    way is the right way and the only right way and would pass a lie detector, while others will only use lies, witchcraft, control, manipulation and domination,
    eventually yearning the status of "goddesses" (the classic way since the first harlot queen Semiramis who was deified and put into constellation as goddess
    of female fertility, war and death - Ishtar).

    in the LORD

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  • From Raskolynikov@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 3 11:33:26 2023
    HIstoria est magistra vitae. (The history is teacher of life.)

    The Bismarck educational system seems to be the logical consequence
    of the industrial revolution, in which it was no longer sufficient for a citizen in a State to know the land tiling craft learned from fathers.

    But it also had one important purpose: the New World Order that started
    already then had the idea of establishing atheist science as the only
    valid dogma in the State. The additional effect was obedience, first
    to the teachers, memorising and then answering the exact same sentence
    as it was read. Any free interpretation was graded as ignorance - the
    material had to be repeated exactly as it was written.

    This is not accidental - the young boys had to learn to obey teachers,
    then obey boss at work, then obey a corporal or lieutenant who had
    influential father and follow his orders to imminent death.

    The additional purpose of State education, unlike educating only the
    talented, was to discover the individuals dangerous for the System
    already in the kindergarten, follow them through the elementary,
    and high school, brainwash them into obedience and mainstream
    political dogma or destroy them before they realised what happened
    to them. But sometimes both, because brainwashing was never complete
    nor completed.

    Today, the masses have to learn to follow commercials and buy
    what the shoplady instructed them to, or they risk being denounced
    and endure the painful treatment of the enemies of the System.
    The danger today is when a person is able to critically count calories,
    add up total expenses or choose the articles in saving manner to reduce
    total expense and escape debt slavery.

    Another way of achieving this is shaming: those who buy what is only
    necessary or sufficient are being shamed and devalued in society,
    mocked and bullied. The kids with brand clothes are bullying those
    who have Wallmart clothes and they are cool kids and leaders,
    dominating only based on what their parents could provide for them externally.

    This is for the students to learn at a very early age that physical
    exercise or achievement in sports is good, and learning is fine, but it is
    all inferior to having influential or rich parents.

    The System brainwashes and sears the idea that man must die to
    defend or achieve world dominance of this rich class or he is a traitor
    or a coward.

    Finally, there comes the sexual freedoms, then reproductive rights,
    then the gender ideology, with new correctness and new rules who
    is being "cancelled" from the society.

    I always said, this is not applied universally, or there would be a criteria
    or rule to obey. One is allowed to seduce fifty virgin girls and use them, while the other is accused of sexual harassment or rape for attempting
    to be with one. Noteworthy, great conquerors in the sexual field are
    seldom accused of rape or sexual harassment, and only if they ascend
    to the position of power and such endeavour becomes profitable.

    This is not accidental, but the absence of rules in the sexual field means
    that there will only be whim and fear, for everyone can be eliminated
    on the basis of sexual harassment or discrimination.

    This System also expects you to die to protect it and to kill for its hegemonistic interest and world domination, even when LGBQT+ people
    swear in love and tolerance with rainbow and peace.

    The absence of rules and universal insecurity in the field of sexuality
    makes only homosexual or transgender or professional prostitutes "safe".
    This also creates interesting side effects that only Dr. Sigmund Freud
    or Dr. Wilhelm Reich would be qualified to analyse. Sexual repression
    is however known by them to increase obedience to authority and
    the System, by the mechanisms which are not fully understood by
    the author of this article, but have to do with the basic instincts and
    the way biological and animal nervous system functions, much like
    Pavlov's dogs.

    The system uses this conditioning with only three goals: increase
    sexual immorality, economic corruption and the cult of personality and
    the power of the politicians - especially when claiming the role of
    the protector of human rights and NGOs.

    Society is treated as a black box with the information system
    as input and obedience and profit as the final result. The purpose is
    deeper: inflation eventually makes loans as devalued as savings,
    but the System can always print new money (the Fed reserve), while
    the workers and farmers have to work for it and miners have to extract
    gold, diamonds and technical metals to get that printed money.

    The retired persons can do neither of those, their retirements are
    devalued and they will eat their soup and readily accept that anyone
    who can add up more than two sentences is the enemy of the Church,
    the enemy of the State or the enemy of the Homeland and Nation.

    What happened with Perestroyka?

    After the initial revolution and sentiment, the movement stopped being
    unable to lustrate the old cadre, but keeping it in power meant that
    the enemies of the State in communism remained as the enemies of
    the State in post-communism and were even more efficiently neutralised
    in the gloves of "democracy". We practically no longer have any dissidents which were driving the resistance to Stalinism.

    The new System was more clever and corrupted financially and through
    flattery and sexual corruption.

    This latter fact made them vulnerable to the NWO and its loving and
    peaceful LGBTQ+ agenda and reproductive rights. As a rule of the thumb,
    the members of the wrong class went from Nazi concentration camps
    directly to the gulags.

    The enemies of communism are now mostly also the enemies of NWO,
    because both are based on deception and propaganda, exploitation
    based on ideology and not on truth, faith, work, learning, saving,
    repaying debts.

    The Western System appears to promote science and technology,
    but by the time once gets a college degree, his or her or its revolutionary sentiment is rather faint, and by the time they get a PhD they are unable
    to think out-of-the-box and mainstream science dogma, all due to
    the indoctrination and mental assimilation.

    The overall bullying and mobbing from kindergarten days is never efficiently stopped by teachers or guardians. How is that?

    It is because it was not meant to be. Bullying and mobbing serve that
    kids learn from childhood that they are not safe and that the stronger rule. They are not safe, but their existence depends on someone's whim or

    Eventually, the futility of learning or even sports to provide a better life
    or future is only escaped one way: at the point of sale to the System,
    where problems disappear and prosperity comes for free. But the result
    is another empty shell that serves as the body that the Matrix agents can posses, use, and dispose of.

    Everything that becomes part of the Matrix, the world ruled by
    the angel of light, becomes the enemy of God Creator, and ruled
    by vices and immorality. Their end is finally that of Sodom and Gomorrah,
    and they will be delivered to corruption due to their atheism, and nobody
    will pity them any more than Sodom once they are destroyed in Armageddon.
    For they will not be "love and tolerance" for long: once they establish
    their domination, they will "cancel" out anything that condemns them
    in their seared conscience.

    That means, any of the seven religions: first the Noble Qur'an, then Jesus, then Moses, then anything that implies that queer is not the right and
    only way to think. This means that yin, yang, Zen and tao will also have
    to go ...

    For the god of this world wants only one thing worshipped: the image
    of the Beast, much like the cult of personality and statues of communist leaders, the Antichrist and false prophet will make an image or statue
    of the Beast and demand that everybody bows to it or they will be
    executed. Maybe they will say that it is a statue of a new saint or Lady.
    Maybe even that will not be enough to them. For the lord of this world
    wants all men to receive the Mark of the Beast 666, permanently
    and irrevocably denying God Creator for good.

    It will thereof have to be something more binding than the satanic
    contract from which Faustus repented.

    in the name of the LORD God Merciful, Almighty

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