Ampex unix computer for management
Aryavarta@21:1/5 to
All on Tue Feb 23 00:54:16 2021
Ampex unix computer for management
I find each type of computer with its' respective UNIX like operating
system does the job well for the longest time in a sound and cogent way.
For example, I have noticed the Sun Microsystems with the Sparc processor
was, is, and will be the backbone of the networking sysadmin world. Yet, unfortunately, the Jewish trespass has made the Sun Microsystems
corporation into an obscure product to acquire. Please find below the
list of some investment strategies that maybe of interest to you and our
I.T. industry.
The following is a list of operating systems and processors which have
endured the test of time and surpassed all understanding:
CIS Sysadmins:
(Computer Information Specialties) ---------------------------------------------------------
#.discipline - os/processor - consultant/industry ---------------------------------------------------------
1. networking - solaris/sparc : british/grocery
2. databasing - linux/intel : (Terron,Tamil,Taino,Tiwi)/security
3. multimedia - bsd(macintosh os/x)/motorola : european/homeopathy
6. programming - haiku/amd : indian/technology
5. productivity - minix-x11-react os/arm : australian?/hospitality
7. management - ampex/? : african/realty
4. troubleshooting - debian gnu hurd?/? : hispanic/fiduciary
8. gaming - irix/? : russian/legality
9. security – sgi/? : arabian?/spirituality
10. testing - sco?/? : oriental?/sexuality
CIS Devops:
#.discipline - os/processor - contractor/industry ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.tutoring - amix/sid : gypsy/tutoring (outside contractor)
Note:Gypsys are of the Yiddish, Zen, Vudu, Hindu, LGBTQ, Trini, Creole,
Hapa, Hoon, and Roma ancestorys. Name has nothing to do with it. For
example, those of the Ashkinazi, Sephardi, Mizrahi and those of the
Brahmin, Kshatriya, and Vaishya are just some of the ancestorys of the
Gypsys or to say the Jewish diaspora colloquially and even Negroid race.
If you don't mind, kindly consider developing a nice Ampex computer with
a respective processor and Unix that is proven to work for the Computer Information Studies discipline of management. Again, somethings work.
What definitely does not work is the Jewish trespass by those mentioned
above. More civilizations have collapsed due to the Jewish divestment
than by any other means of allurement.
Anyway, God bless and God speed for Jesus Christ is Yah. I find in our
I.T. industry financial, political, spiritual successes are seriously F+
+. Money is not as good as it used to be. That too, each of those
businesses of I.T. have a serious control substance as in psychotropic,
liquor, soya, tobacco, narcotics, and steroids attached to the business practices. That is the issue. The haircut while working just gets more
and more priest like. Moneys are also not being fairly given to our team members who solve serious problems out of their own interest or
employment. The Jewish are quite competitive to setup the whole thing so
that they are able to bilk and swindle whomever for the sake of their
religious war. As well, typical diets while under I.T. employment is
pathetic at best. The level of minimalistic diets is like all over the
place. Everything, from vegetarianism, veganism, macrobioticism, fruitarianism, fastarianism, and whichever other suicide diet of the
niggers of Judea are all over the place. It is that horrible. Jew =
NGR. Kill the NGR. Hiel Hitler.
In my ordeal with I.T. education, employment, and existentialism I have
found such political, financial, and spiritual sabotages implemented by
the Jewish blight of whichever upper caste pagan lineage are ameliorated
by the following endeavors:
Sabotages - Resolutions
A)Spiritual - GURU pragma
Typical brag of the nigger Jews in I.T. is the institutionalization of
the enlightened. I have found the clues I mention in my posting of the 'Deprogram Savoire' to assist in my endeavor to break free from the grasp
of the institutional system. The following are just some of the clues
which have helped me immensely in my endeavor to gain basic needs
successes in food, shelter, clothing, vaccines, technologys, and gaudys.
Chanting - Beneficiary Race - Benefit
1)Arabic Shahada testimony - Deshi Xanthocroi(mixed color) - Helps with criminality
Ashaadu ila ila-ha ila-allah wa; ashaadu anna mohammadan rasulu Allah
(There is only one God; and Prophet Mohammad is the last and final one of
2)English Salvation testimony - Hispanic Chimangolka(chi-blessed, mangolka-brave) - Helps with homelessness
O Yah, I admit I am a sinner; I believe that I need Jesus Christ to
overcome sin and death; I confess of my sins;
3)Hebrew Shema testimony - Manchurian Cromagnon(cro-yeller, magnon-great)
- Helps with intitutionalization
Shema Israel adonia elohanu adonai ehad; baruch shem kavod malchuto
layolem vaed
(Hear oh Israel, Hashem is our God, Hashem is one; blessed be the name of
His kingdom forever and ever)
4)Greek Symvollum(Symbol of Faith) testimony - African Congoid(congo- mountainous(Bantu), oid-like) - Helps with recidivism
Pistévo se énan Theó,
Patéra Pantodýnamos,
Dimiourgós tou ouranoú kai tis gis,
kai ólon ton pragmáton oratón kai aóraton.
Kai se énan Kýrio Iisoú Christó,
o gios tou Theoú,
genníthike apó ton Patéra
prin apó óles tis ilikíes
Fos fotós,
alithinós Theós tou alithinoú Theoú,
genníthike, den dimiourgíthike,
mias ousías me ton Patéra
metá apó poia óla ta prágmata éginan.
Poios gia emás ántres
kai gia ti sotiría mas
katévike apó ton ouranó
kai ensarkóthike apó to Ágio Pnévma
kai i parthéna María
kai égine ánthropos.
Stavróthike gia emás
ypó ton Póntio Piláto,
kai ypéfere kai tháftike.
Kai sikóthike tin tríti iméra,
sýmfona me tis Grafés.
Anévike ston parádeiso
kai káthetai sto dexí chéri tou Patéra.
Kai tha érthei xaná me dóxa
na kríneis tous zontanoús kai tous nekroús.
To Vasíleio tou den tha échei télos.
Kai sto Ágio Pnévma,
o Kýrios, o Dimiourgós tis zoís,
Poios proérchetai apó ton Patéra,
Poios mazí me ton Patéra kai ton Yió
latrévetai kai doxázetai,
Poios mílise gia tous profítes.
Se éna, ieró, katholikó,
kai apostolikí Ekklisía.
Omologó éna váptisma
gia ti synchóresi ton amartión.
Psáchno gia tin anástasi ton nekrón,
kai ti zoí tis epoménis epochís.
(I believe in one God,
Father Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth,
and of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the ony-begotten Son of God,
begotten of the Father
before all ages;
Light of Light,
true God of true God,
begotten, not created,
of one essence with the Father
through Whom all things were made.
Who for us men
and for our salvation
came down from heaven
and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit
and the Virgin Mary
and became man.
He was crucified for us
under Pontius Pilate,
and suffered and was buried;
And He rose on the third day,
according to the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father;
And He will come again with glory
to judge the living and dead.
His Kingdom shall have no end.
And in the Holy Spirit,
the Lord, the Creator of life,
Who proceeds from the Father,
Who together with the Father and the Son
is worshiped and glorified,
Who spoke through the prophets.
In one, holy, catholic,
and apostolic Church.
I confess one baptism
for the forgiveness of sins.
I look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the age to come.)
5)Russian Sinners Prayer - Polynesian Capoid(cape-cloak, oid-like;
ubiquitous) - Helps with deportation center?
Kyrie Hesous Christea, sinea boziya, pomiluea menea gresnaog
(Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.)
6)Polish Signum Crucis Prayer - British Caucasian(caucas-broad, ian-
gentleman) - Helps with internment camp?
W Imię Ojca i Syna i Ducha Świętego
(In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.)
7)German Sanctus Prayer - Native(Tamil, Taino, Terron, Tiwi) Australoid(austral-southern, oid-likeness) - Helps with indenturement?
Heilig, heilig, heilig
Goel, Herr aller Mächte und Gewalten.
Erfüllt sind Himmel und Erde
von seiner Herrlichkeit.
Hosanna in der Höhe!
Hoch gelobt sei,
der da kommt im Namina des Herrn!
Hosanna in der Höhe!
(Holy, holy, holy, lord God of hosts.
heaven and earth are full of thy glory
Osanna in the highest.
Blessed is he that commeth in the name of the lorde:
Glory to the, o lorde in the highest.)
8)French Serenity Prayer - Jewish Negroid(negro-black, id-instinctive) -
Helps with rehab
O Allah,
accorde-moi la sérénité
accepter les choses que je ne peux
pas changer le courage
de changer les choses que je peux
et la sagesse de connaître la différence.
Vivant un jour à la fois,
profiter d'un moment à la fois.
Accepter les difficultés comme voie
vers la paix.
Prenant, comme il l'a fait,
le monde pécheur
tel qu'il est,
pas comme je le voudrais.
Confiant qu'il fera tout bien
si je m'abandonne à sa volonté;
que je puisse
être raisonnablement heureux
dans cette vie,
et suprêmement heureux
avec Lui
pour toujours.
(O God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the
courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the
difference. Living one day at a time,enjoying one moment at a time.
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace. Taking, as he did, the
sinful world as it is, not as I would have it. Trusting that he will
make all things right if I surrender to His will; that I may be
reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with Him forever.)
Simply end each of the above chantings of 12 times recitation with "In
the name of Jesus Christ, who is most gracious and merciful; Amina,
Amina, Amina." I have found prayer works and prayer to Christ Jesus as
the personal Guru works the best. I tell ya, somethings work. Through
such efforts in prayer, chanting, and meditation I was able to overcome a physical disability of a right hip tendon breakage and even psychological disability of a virus infection of somekind, possibly hepatitus a/b, chickenpox, and so on. Nowadays, I tackle functional issues in a world
hell bent on multi-level massacre.
I find most of the issues I have had in life are due to the possession by
the evil ones. Typically, the JUBU(Judeo-Buddhist) regime of Taiwan,
Israel, Sicily, Haiti, Hawaii, Trinidad, Indonesia, Phillipines, Tibet,
and Brooklyn(NY, USA) are the culprits of the religious war. Their
weapon systems are the corporations of Transcendentalism, Allopathy,
Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, Insurance. Each one of those are
heavily divested into by the harbingers of the Religious war who are
namely the licensed and employed priests, politicians, professionals,
police, professors, and phillosophers. At this point in my life I am suspecting those licenses are largely of some multi-leve marketing
businesses. Here in the RUSA such major mlms as in Herbalife, Amway, and Citigroup are maybe the ones which the JUBU use to forther their
religious war aims against humanity.
It maybe that the JUBU through the culture of the pill are able to
hostage 80 pecent of the world's GDP. I would not be surprised as the
typical use of whichever is directly linked to the unfit for human
consumption poisons known as psychotropics, narcotics, liquor, soya,
tobacco, and steroids. So many who are gifted and talented are seriously killed off by this type of Jewish religious war for the sake of which
they call blood money.
Blodd money is nothing more than the manufacturing of serious alloys in
the human body by subjecting the facultys of consciousness such as brain, heart, stomach, lungs, intestines, eros, muscles, and so on to serious contaminations. After the human body is killed there remains serious
alloys of near perfect geometrys such as pyramids, hedrons, cubes,
spheres, tubes, and globulins; to name a few. Such alloys I suspect are
used for things like artificial intelligence or Jewish jewelry. Most
economic systems of the world are based on such blood money
The prevailing economic system of the world is known as
Transcendentalism. It is through the Temples of Satanism of whichever
Yiddish, Zen, Vudu, Hindu, LGBTQ, Trini, Creole, Hapa, Hoon, and Roma
ways of life that sentient beings are indoctrinated into a world of hurt
for the sake of blood money manufacturing. That is the danger the Jewish
pose to sentient life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property, faith,
and propriety. So beware.
The above chantings assist to allow one to develop the exclusive
understanding of the Guru Christ Jesus and be able to escape from the
world of the institutionalization of the enlightened. There is no that
of a thing as a hundred percent. There is some good out there.
Remember, Christ Jesus is the true gift blessed by God.
B)Financial - FIAT pragma
The existentialisma as a viable economic system may assist with our
endeavor toward the open source fiat like moneys initiative I am coining
as the Cybermatrix. The 'cyber' means 'virtual' and 'matrix' is a
network of financial databases of a given dimension in a financial
database of the nth dimension. The FIAT pragma seems to be the one to
open source. The waveform for the transmission of the data maybe pulse
or rectangle or tacohead. The hpothetical greek phi ratio of 1.618 maybe
the one for this synergy as the Phi represents golden rule or level
playing field or mutual success or synergy. The spreadsheet maybe the
ledger to use for the record in the database. The cryptocurrency concept
may work where we invest first and expect work later. Indeed, with money
what else are people going to do but do something that is considered
work. People just get some open source fiat moneys and they work to
acquire it value. Everything from socialization to research and
development and whichever else have you can be considered work. Why
not? Nothing wrong with a life filled with an endeavor to eat, sleep,
sex, socialize, study, suffice, synergy, spirituality, succeed, open
source, and evangelize.
Notice the current Transcendental economic system offers scalar or
changing moneys. The welfare, ubi, stimulus, and gambling moneys offer
fuzzy moneys. Fuzzy is something between 2 extremes such as true and
false or 0 an 1. The literal or constant moneys on the other hand are something to consider with this cybermatrix open source fiat like moneys initiative. Let's do it. If it can be thought of it can be done. If it
can be believed it will become.
C)Political - HUFA pragma
The HUFA pragma, which I discovered from the Orientals is something to consider. For political success, securing the property or residence flat
is vital for survival. No form of housing is good without a viable
deterrence against the trespassers, especially the Jewish trespassers.
The following is a laymens elaboration of the HUFA pragma:
H - Hot water Urn
U - Unix technologys, open source or otherwise
F - Fully or well and balanced juxtapositions
A - Ayn Rand postulates of the self using the "I am" or 'soham' with
meaning and purpose.
I have found such things work in helping to deal with those kill
corporations of the JUBU. With respect to fully or well balanced juxtapositionss I have noticed the following uses for the unfit for human consumption poisons. Like they say. One mans' garbage is another mans' treasure.
Liquor - Cleaning solvent - I have found that cleaning the floor with a
bottle of Hieneken is really good. One bottle of Hieneken is like the
perfect amount for a bucket of water.
Soya - Coloring dye - This maybe a viable alternative to harsh
ingredients that are used for clothing and such that may cause rashes and
so on and even bad smells.
Tobacco - Paint ingredietn - This maybe good for the prduction of strong
colors as in red, blue, black, white, purple, yellow, brown, and so on.
In our I.T. industry the need for a viable paint for the labeling of
keyboard keys is much sought for, since in tropical environments and such
the labeling on keys in a keyboard tend to fade away.
Narcotics - Perfume ingredient - Given some standard in the use of
narcotics as in cananbis using the Bach flower perfume making technique
of Suneel Ramaney in Bombay, Aryavarta we maybe able to develop a nice
French perfume that can serious give nice relief and scent that is not challenged by those niggers of the Dying Arts. You would be surprised to
know that using perfumes by the nigger Zen is forbidden. I would suspect
there are places where people use serious nice perfume and are relegated
to a life of abjectness at the breach of such Zen balaltys. Alois S.
Nazi was right in claiming the Jews have a dogmatic vice grip on humanity
and wichever sentient life. PU Chinatown stinks like a mother fucker!
Steroids - Pest control - The forbidden herbals from the world of the naturopathy may assist with a more humane means of pest control. I tell
ya folks, dealing with pestilence is no joke. With all those animal
rights organizations and Temple of Satanism all over the place worshipping animals who the fuck can get away with killing a fly. The level of
retaliation they can do is like more than anything. The animal kingdom
is seriously dangerous in that way. Yet, these forbiden herbals may
assist to ward off the animals someway somehow. Just a hunch. I try to
leave bowls of Snapple and Perrier under the kitchen sink so that
pestilence drink it and maybe pass it on. Could it engender a hormonal
or air and water imbalance that can weakend them to be sucker punched by
the other members of the animals near them? The Arizona cool drinks are
nice in that way.
Psychotropics - Fertlizing - I found through some shear divine
inspiration that injecting a vitamin b12 complex into a dead plant works
to bring the plant back to life. I did this while I was employed in the
Public Affairs department on the 4th floor. The injection was acquired
from my coworker Nancy Jalet who left in on my keyboard work area
incidentally. A whitewoman who saw me do it across the bay window in my
office area wrote a book about it. So that means, there has been
research about it already she called upon t make that of a publication. Something to consider as most medical pills are nothing more than
glorified supplements found in stores like Vitamin Shop.
This use of the unfit for human consumption for things like cleaning,
coloring, painting, perfuming, pestilence, and fertilizing may garner
nearly 1280% of the worlds' GDP. Notice by killing sentient life and
doing wrong things the JUBU are able to garner 80 percent of the worlds'
GDP. So that represents the 0 meaning false. Yet, when we do it the
right way to problem solve with Christ, one mans' guid toward the Golden
Age, we may see a hypothetical 1280% of the worlds' GDP. Let me explain:
0 - 80%
1- 1280%
Notice in whichever programming of the calculator we are dealing with 0,
1, base16(hexadecimal), 2s complement, 1 complement, and parity bit. If
the 0 is .80 could the 1 be around 12.80 since .80 times 16 equals
12.80. Anyway, maybe the hispanic accountant would known better.
As well, the use of a Tazergun of a candybar design is recommended. A
cellpad holter can be used to carry on a belt and then use to kill
whichever assailant. The target of the attack should be the assailants forehead. Since, this will shutdown the niggers brain. Effective kill.
Very useful for wild animals as well as the Jewish, who are really the
nigger Blacks. Apparenly, the Jewish are of the Negroid race. Hence,
the niggardly ways of the Jews. If their nigger fucken halotosis stench
of a bad breath does not indicate than I do not know what does. Simply
refrain from investing in the Jewish. Just kill them!
I actually, in my youth tried to gift some nigger Jewish bitch who taught
ESL or to say english as a second language. She literall bludgened me
with a hard cover book at the implication of her nigger fucken bad
breath. I tell ya, the Jews stink like some putrid stench of a plague.
Killing the nigger Jews after poisoning them is the best thing. Try to
master the sucker punch against the Jews. Work with your team(together everyone accomplishes more) to pull this off.
I find the Jews rely heavily on size matters, image is everything, and
surprise attack. So beware. They are incessant about it. It is for
this reason why I recommend the political, spiritual, and financial
clues. Somethings work. You have to believe in flawless victory.
All those spiritual, financial, and political resolutions I mention above reinforce one another in our Cybermatrix open source fiat like moneys initiative. Without calling upon the sword of Islam, body of Christ,
shield of David, Greek fire, iron maiden, verging wall, cloak and dagger,
and so on of the Arabian Abrahamic traditions one is at a loss when
moneys are acquired. There is a world of criminality like more than
anything. The chantings I mention above help to stay safe and are better
than an ADT security system. So think about it.
Also, I am suspecting the Balck-Scholes is an economic weapon of mass destruction on par with the atomic bomb. Quite a number of calculators
seem to have the Black-Scholes hardcoded into whichever tool. That is
the issue. Again, this is yet another evidence of the Jewish niggardly influence of revolving door of issues. All the Jews do is implement a
problem and bilk and swindel the whole of humanity including their own.
That is the issue.
Notice when West Coast went through the Dust Bowl. The mid-west went
through the Great Depression. Now it seems the East Coast may go through
the Black-Scholes, which is supposedly the worst known economic collapse
in recorded history. The 4 corners of central timezone, caribbean, and
the reservations are another target of the Jews in a futures past
scenario. That is the thing.
Regardless of Age of Antagonism whether it is Age of Apocalypse, Age of Armageddon, Age of Attrition, Age of Americanism, and so on the Jewish multi-level massacre is an issue. The Jew is a nigger, a blight upon
humanity, a curse, a bane upon society, a harbinger of the satanism, a fraudist. The Jew is a failed investment time and time again. All you
can do with the Jews is war with them. Like Mao Tzetung said in his
wonderful book "Mao Zushi Yulu" - To fight the [religious war of the
Jews] you have to take up [the holocaust of the Jews]." It is only
through the Holocaust of the Jews the world becomes better. I just
cannot say otherwise. What is there among the Jews but a world of
irritation, frustration, angst, mania, hopelessness, disillusionment. As
the Jews are killed off and whichever of their Jew baiting world we see a satisfaction that mere words cannot explain. Hiel Hitler!
That is why I highly encourage the holocaust of the Jews. Without a
viable deterrence against the Jewish incursion we are seriously at a
loss. So many civilizations have collapsed due to the Jewish divestment
than by through any other means of allurement. That is why the Jews are heavily anti-Christ, anti-Holocaust, and anti-Indian. For it is the ways
of the Christ, Holocaust, and Indians that expose the nigger Jews and
their toxic influence the world over. Alois S. Nazi will rise again
amongst us Deshis of the Indian subcontinent or to say Aryavarta. Our
homeland will become a paradise on earth as the Jewish filth is erased.
Indeed, the Holy Cross is that of the Chrsitians.
Indeed, the Hakenkruz Swastika is that of the Holocaust
Could the Hieroglyph Zietgiest which is the "The Dixie" flag of the
Confederacy be that of us Deshi Indians?
Holy Cross - spiritual
Hakenkruz Swastika - political
Hieroglyph Zietgiest - financial
Anyway, just some clues on something to something. Allah bless and Allah
speed for Jesus Christ is the Yah. All the best. I want you to win over
the forces of the Satanic Dharma. Good luck to you. Remember, Jesus
Christ is the true gift blessed by god. Please be well, happy,
successful, safe, healthy, and prosperous. :-?
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
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