• The 2% military spending target

    From David Dalton@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 19 13:27:05 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.countries.ukraine, alt.current-events.ukraine, alt.activism XPost: soc.rights.human, alt.religion.christian.east-orthodox

    In the calculation of Canada’s military spending in terms
    of a percentage of national GDP, is Canada’s spending
    in support of Ukraine’s defence against Russia included?
    If not, it should be, and that would move Canada closer
    to the 2% target (or floor, as some suggest).

    If it was included, perhaps Canada could give even more
    to Ukraine than it has so far, and that might be true of
    some countries other than Canada as well.

    David Dalton dalton@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page) https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page) “And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill; And the
    hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)

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