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    eBook Strategic Compensation in Canada, 6th Canadian Edition, 6e Richard Long, Singh, BELCOURT
    eBook Advertising and Promotion An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective 12e George Belch
    eBook Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach, 4e Peter Norwick
    eBook Biology The Core, 3e Eric Simon
    eBook Business Communication Today 15e Courtland L. Bovee
    eBook Chemistry in Context 10e American Chemical Society
    eBook Contemporary Canadian Business Law 12e John H Willes
    eBook Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses 17e April Hazard Vallerand
    eBook Ecology 5e William D. Bowman
    eBook Ecology, 4e William Bowman, Hacker, Cain
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    eBook Fundamentals of HVACR 3e Carter Stanfield, David Skaves
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    eBook Health Psychology 10e Shelley Taylor
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    eBook Medical Dosage Calculations A Dimensional Analysis Approach 11e June Olsen, Anthony Patrick, Dolores Shrimpton
    eBook Microeconomics 22e By Campbell McConnell
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    eBook Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft Excel 7e David R. Anderson eBook Operations Management Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, 13e Jay Heizer.pdf"
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    eBook Sensation and Perception 5e Jeremy Wolfe.pdf"
    eBook South-Western Federal Taxation 2021 Comprehensive Volume, 44e By David M. Maloney
    eBook Statistics for Business & Economics, 14e David Anderson, Sweeney, Williams
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    eBook The Last Dance Encountering Death and Dying 11e LYNNE, DeSPELDER
    eBook The Law of Work, 2e David Doorey
    eBook The Legal Environment of Business Text and Cases, 11e Frank Cross, Miller eBook Writing in the Biological Sciences A Comprehensive Resource for Scientific Communication, 3e Angelika Hofmann
    eBook Your Office Microsoft Office 2016 Volume 1, Amy S. Kinser
    eBook Accounting Information Systems, 15e Romney, Wood
    eBook An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, 5e Ivan Niven, Zuckerman, Montgomery
    eBook Behavioral Economics, 3e Edward Cartwright
    eBook Bontrager’s Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy, 9e John Lampignano, Leslie Kendrick
    eBook Business Continuity Management Global Best Practices, 4e Hiles, Andrew eBook Clinical Laboratory Mathematics, 1e Mark Ball
    eBook Electrical Engineering Principles and Applications (Global Edition) 7e Allan R. Hambley
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    eBook Introduction to Electrodynamics, 4e David J. Griffiths
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    eBook Measurement of Joint Motion A Guide to Goniometry, 5e Cynthia Norkin, Joyce White
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    eBook Signals and Systems 2e ALAN OPPENHEIM
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    eBook Understanding Nursing Research, 7e Susan Grove, Jennifer Gray
    eBook Employment Law for Business and Human Resources Professionals, Revised 4e Kathryn Filsinger
    eBook Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 7th Canadian Edition, by Richard Brealey, STEWART MYERS, ALAN MARCUS, DEVASHIS MITRA, DINESH GAJUREL
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    SM International Financial Reporting A Practical Guide, 7e Alan Melville
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    Algebra Foundations Basic Math, Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, 1e Marvin Bittinger, Judith Beecher
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    Data Analytics for Accounting, 2e Vernon Richardson
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    Economics, 13e Roger Arnold
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    Investigations in Environmental Geology, 3e Duncan Foley, Garry McKenzie, Russell Utgard
    Management of Occupational Health and Safety, 8e Kevin Kelloway, Lori Francis, Bernadette Gatien (Nelson)
    Managing Human Resources, 18e Scott Snell, Shad Morris
    Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy, 6e Robert W. Bauman
    Microsoft Visual C#, An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, 7e Joyce Farrell
    Nursing Leadership, Management, and Professional Practice for the LPN LVN, 6e Tamara Dahlkemper (F A Davis)
    Nutrition Therapy and Pathophysiology, 4e Marcia Nahikian Nelms, Kathryn Sucher ORGB 5, 5e Debra Nelson, James Campbell Quick
    Prehospital Emergency Care 11e Joseph Mistovich Keith Karren
    Principles of Pharmacology for Medical Assisting, 6e Jane Rice
    Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365 & Excel 2016 Comprehensive, 1e Steven Freund, Joy Starks, Eric Schmieder
    Small Business Management, 19e Justin G. Longenecker, J. William Petty, Leslie E. Palich, Frank Hoy
    Social Psychology, 10e Elliot Aronson, Timothy Wilson, Robin Akert, Samuel Sommers
    Statistics & Data Analytics for Health Data Management, 1e Nadinia Davis, Betsy Shiland (Saunders)
    Thinking Mathematically, 7e Robert Blitzer
    Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition, 11e Sharon Rady Rolfes, Kathryn Pinna, Ellie Whitney
    Understanding Nutrition, 2e Sharon Rady Rolfes, Eleanor Noss Whitney
    eBook Abnormal Psychology, 18e Jill M Hooley, James Butcher, Matthew Nock
    eBook An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis, 7e by Lyman Ott, Michael Longnecker
    eBook Applying IFRS Standards, 4e Picker, Kerry, Dunn, David, Livne, Janice, Leo van der Tas
    eBook Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 14e Bertram G. Katzung
    eBook Biochemistry, 6e Reginald H. Garrett, Charles M. Grisham
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    eBook Epidemiology 101, 2e Robert Friis
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    eBook Microeconomics, 2e Daron Acemoglu, David Laibson, John
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    eBook New Perspectives on HTML and CSS Introductory, 6e Patrick M. Carey
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    eBook Oracle 12c SQL by Joan Casteel
    eBook for Crafting & Executing Strategy Concepts and Cases, 22e Arthur Thompson, Margaret Peteraf, John Gamble, Strickland
    eBook ORGB Organisational Behaviour 6e Debra Nelson, James Campbell
    eBook Pathophysiology The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children, 8e Kathryn McCance, Sue Huether
    eBook Pathophysiology, 1e Theresa Capriotti, Joan Parker Frizzell
    eBook Preparing for your ACS examination in organic chemistry The official guide 9e I. Dwaine Eubanks
    eBook Principles of Corporate Finance, 13e Richard Brealey, Stewart Myers, Franklin Allen
    eBook Principles of Foundation Engineering, 9e Braja Das, Nagaratnam Sivakugan eBook Principles of Foundation Engineering, 9e SI Edition, Braja Das & Nagaratnam Sivakugan
    eBook Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing 8e Sheila L. Videbeck
    eBook Real Estate Principles A Value Approach, 5e David Ryan, Wayne Archer eBook Shelly Cashman Series Microsoft Office 365 & Excel 2016 Comprehensive, 1e Steven Freund, Joy Starks
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    eBook Statistics, 4e David Freedman, Robert Pisani, Roger Purves
    eBook Supply Chain Management A Logistics Perspective, 10e Coyle, Langley, John, Novack, Gibson
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    eBook The Basic Practice of Statistics, 8e David Moore, William Notz, Michael Fligner
    eBook The Jewish Study Bible 2e Adele Berlin, Marc Zvi Brettler
    eBook The Nature of Mathematics, 12e Karl Smith
    eBook Trigonometry, 12e Schneider, Daniels, Hornsby, Lial
    eBook UNDERSTANDING HEALTH POLICY A clinical approach, 8e THOMAS BODENHEIMER, Kevin Grumbach
    Ebook for Crafting & Executing Strategy Concepts and Cases, 22e Arthur Thompson, Margaret Peteraf, John Gamble, Strickland
    eBook A First Course in Probability, 10e Sheldon Ross
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    eBook Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 7e Charles K Alexander
    eBook Give Me Liberty! An American History (Brief Edition) Volume 1, 5e Eric Foner
    eBook General, Organic, and Biochemistry 10e Katherine Denniston, Topping, Dorr, Robert Caret
    eBook Integrated Principles of Zoology, 18e Cleveland Hickman, Keen, Eisenhour, Larson, Anson
    eBook Marine Biology 11e Peter Castro, Michael Huber
    eBook Marketing An Introduction 14e Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler
    eBook Prehospital Emergency Care, 11e Joseph Mistovich, Keith Karren.pdf"
    eBook Principles of Marketing 18e Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong
    eBook Principles of Marketing,17e Philip Kotler, Gary ArmStrong
    eBook Strategic Management Text and Cases 10e Dess McNamara
    eBook The Essentials of Family Therapy, 7e Michael Nichols, Sean Davis
    eBook The Psychologist as Detective 6e Randolph Smith, Stephen Davis
    eBook Your Office Microsoft Office 2016 (Volume 1) by Amy S. Kinser
    eBook Chemistry in Context 10e Bradley Fahlman, Kathleen Purvis-Roberts, John Kirk, Resa Kelly, Patrick Daubenmire
    eBook Consumer Behavior Buying, Having, and Being, 13e Michael Solomon
    eBook Ethics for the Information Age, 8e Michael Quinn
    eBook Ethics for the Information Age, 7e Michael Quinn
    eBook Chemistry An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, 12e Karen Timberlake
    eBook Daniels and Worthingham’s Muscle Testing Techniques of Manual Examination and Performance Testing, 10e Dale Avers, Marybeth Brown
    eBook Financial Markets & Institutions, 13e Jeff Madura
    eBook Financial Markets and Institutions, 9e (Global Edition) Frederic Mishkin, Stanley Eakins
    eBook Human Biology 15e Sylvia Mader, Michael Windelspecht
    eBook Introduction to Econometrics, 4e (Global Edition) James H. Stock, Mark W. Watson
    eBook Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, 3e David Griffiths, Darrell Schroeter eBook Misbehaving The Making of Behavioral Economics, 1e Richard H. Thaler eBook Molecular Spectroscopy A Quantum Chemistry Approach, 1e (Combined Volume) Yukihiro Ozaki, Marek Januz Wojcik, Jurgen Popp
    eBook Organizational Behaviour Understanding and Managing Life at Work, 11e Gary Johns, Alan M. Saks
    eBook Precalculus, 2e John W. Coburn
    eBook Predictive Marketing Easy Ways Every Marketer Can Use Customer Analytics and Big Data, 1e Artun, Omer Levin, Dominique
    eBook Calculus Early Transcendentals, 11e Howard Anton, Irl C. Bivens, Stephen Davis
    eBook Chemistry An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, 13e (Global Edition) Karen Timberlake, MaryKay Orgill
    eBook Chemistry A Molecular Approach, 3rd Canadian Edition By Nivaldo Tro, Lawton Shaw, Travis David Fridgen
    eBook Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing, 9e Eleanor J. Sullivan eBook The Language of Medicine 11e Davi-Ellen Chabner
    eBook Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity, 6th Canadian Edition, Spencer A. Rathus, Nevid, Mackay
    eBook Steps to Writing Well with Additional Readings, 10e Jean Wyrick
    eBook Steps to Writing Well, 2016 MLA Update, 13e Jean Wyrick
    eBook Basic Clinical Laboratory Techniques, 6e Barbara Estridge, Anna Reynolds "
    eBook Burns and Grove's The Practice of Nursing Research, 8e Jennifer Gray, Susan Grove, Suzanne Sutherland
    eBook College Algebra 6e Mark Dugopolski
    eBook Mathematics for Elementary Teachers A Contemporary Approach, 10e Gary Musser, Blake Peterson, William Burger
    eBook Probability and Statistical Inference, 10e Robert V. Hogg
    eBook Statistics, 13e James McClave, Terry Sincich
    eBook A First Course in Probability 10e Sheldon Ross
    eBook ECON MICRO, Principles of Microeconomics, 6e William McEachern
    eBook Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses , 4e Nola Schmidt, Janet Brown
    eBook Marketing Management, 5e Dawn Iacobucci
    eBook Microeconomics 9e Robert Pindyck, Daniel Rubinfeld
    eBook Selling Today Partnering to Create Value, 14e GERALD MANNING, MICHAEL AHEARNE, BARRY REECE
    eBook Skills for Success with Office 365, 2019 Edition, Introductory, 1e Margo Chaney Adkins, Stephanie Murre-Wolf
    eBook Social Psychology , 5e Thomas Gilovich Dacher Keltner Serena Chen Richard Nisbett (Scan)
    eBook Statistics, 4e David Freedman, Robert Pisani, Roger Purves
    eBook Abnormal Child Psychology, 7e Eric Mash, David Wolfe
    eBook Business Analytics 4e Jeffrey Camm, Michael Fry, James Cochran, Jeffrey Ohlmann
    eBook Calculation of Drug Dosages A Work Text 11e Sheila Ogden, Linda K. Fluharty
    eBook Children 14e John Santrock
    eBook Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness 9e Rachel Spector
    eBook Employment Law for Human Resource Practice 6e David Walsh
    eBook Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management 9e Norman Scarborough, Jeffrey Cornwall
    eBook Gahart's 2020 Intravenous Medications 36e Betty Gahart, Adrienne, Ortega eBook HR 5, Human Resources, By Angelo DeNisi, Ricky Griffin
    eBook Leadership Research Findings, Practice, and Skills 9e Andrew J. DuBrin eBook Maternal Child Nursing Care, 6e Shannon Perry, Marilyn Hockenberry et al eBook Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary Teachers, (Media Update) 7e de Calvin Long, Duane DeTemple, Richard Millman
    eBook Microeconomics 8e Jeffrey Perloff
    eBook Nursing Care Plans, 9e Meg Gulanick, Judith Myers
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    eBook Stedman's Medical Terminology, 2e Judi Nath
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    eBook Atkins' Physical Chemistry, 11e Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula, James Keeler
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    eBook Guide to Networking Essentials 8e Greg Tomsho
    eBook Introduction to Psychology Gateways to Mind and Behavior 15e Dennis Coon eBook Medical Terminology A Living Language, 7e Bonnie Fremgen, Suzanne Frucht eBook Prescott's Microbiology, 11e Joanne Willey
    eBook Economics 13e Roger Arnold
    eBook Elementary Linear Algebra Applications Version, 12e (Australian & New Zealand Edition) Howard Anton, Chris Rorres, Anton Kaul
    eBook Ethics for the Information Age, 8e Michael J Quinn
    Book Give Me Liberty! An American History (Brief Edition) Volume 1, 5e Eric Foner
    eBook Introduction to American Deaf Culture 1e by Thomas K. Holcomb
    eBook Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry, 12e Mary Campbell, Sara Madsen, Omar Torres, William Henry Brown, Shawn Farrell, Frederick Bettelheim
    eBook OpenIntro Statistics, 4e David Diez, Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, Christopher Barr
    eBook Organic Chemistry Structure and Function, 8e Peter Vollhardt, Neil
    eBook Psychology 2e ROSE M. SPIELMAN et al
    eBook The Language of Medicine, 12e Davi-Ellen Chabner
    eBook Introduction to American Deaf Culture, 1e Thomas K. Holcomb
    eBook Contemporary Nursing Issues, Trends, & Management, 8e Barbara Cherry, Susan Jacob
    eBook Managerial Economics & Business Strategy, 9e Baye, Michael
    eBook Our Sexuality, 13e Robert Brooks, Karla Baur
    eBook Wardlaw’s Perspectives in Nutrition A Functional Approach, 2e Carol Byrd-Bredbenner
    eBook Your Office Getting Started with Project Management Using Microsoft® Project 2016, 2e Amy Kinser, Kristyn Jacobson
    eBook Abnormal Psychology, 3e Deborah Beidel, Cynthia Bulik, Melinda Stanley eBook Healthcare Finance An Introduction to Accounting and Financial Management, 6e Louis C. Gapenski
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    eBook for Elements of Ecology, 9e Thomas M. Smith, Robert Leo Smith
    eBook Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 7e Charles K Alexander
    eBook Guide to Operating Systems, 5e Greg Tomsho
    eBook Guide to UNIX using Linux, 4e Michael Palmer
    eBook Health Economics and Policy, 7e James Henderson
    eBook Intro STATS, 5e Richard D. De Veaux
    eBook Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 3e By Anany Levitin
    eBook Invitation to Computer Science, 8e G. Michael Schneider, Judith L. Gersting
    eBook Learning Web Design A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics, 5e Jennifer Niederst Robbins
    eBook Linear Algebra A Modern Introduction, 4e David Poole
    eBook Managing Business Ethics Straight Talk about How to Do It Right, 7e Linda Trevino, Katherine Nelson
    eBook Marketing An Introduction, 14e (Global Edition) Gary, Kotler, Marc
    eBook Mathematics A Practical Odyssey 8e David B. Johnson
    eBook Modern Operating Systems, 4e Andrew Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos
    eBook OpenIntro Statistics, 3e David Diez, Christopher Barr, Mine Cetinkaya Rundel
    eBook Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 10e John C. Hull
    eBook Project Management Achieving Competitive Advantage, 5e Jeffrey K. Pinto eBook Raven Biology of Plants, 8e Ray Evert, Susan Eichhorn
    eBook Vander’s Human Physiology; The Mechanisms of Body Function, 15e By Eric Widmaier, Hershel Raff, Kevin Strang
    eBook Web design introductory, 6e Jennifer Campbell, Gary Shelly
    eBook Web Design with HTML & CSS3 Introductory, 8e Jessica Minnick, Friedrichsen
    eBook Precalculus, 2e John W. Coburn
    eBook A survey of mathematics with applications, 9e Allen Angel, Christine Abbott, Dennis Runde
    eBook Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10e Erwin Kreyszig
    eBook Deterministic Operations Research, 1e David Rader
    eBook Effective Human Relations Interpersonal and Organizational Applications, 13e Barry Reece, MONIQUE REECE
    eBook Essentials of Business Statistics, 5e Bruce Bowerman, Richard O’Connell, Emily Murphree, Orris
    eBook Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design, 6e Joseph Valacich, Joey George
    eBook Evolutionary Analysis, 5e Jon Herron, Scott Freeman
    eBook Guide to Operating Systems, 5e Greg Tomsho
    eBook Guide to UNIX using Linux, 4e Michael Palmer
    eBook Health Economics and Policy, 7e James Henderson
    eBook Intro STATS, 5e Richard D. De Veaux
    eBook Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 3e By Anany Levitin
    eBook Invitation to Computer Science, 8e G. Michael Schneider, Judith L. Gersting
    eBook Learning Web Design A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics, 5e Jennifer Niederst Robbins
    eBook Linear Algebra A Modern Introduction, 4e David Poole
    eBook Managing Business Ethics Straight Talk about How to Do It Right, 7e Linda Trevino, Katherine Nelson
    eBook Marketing An Introduction, 14e (Global Edition) Gary, Kotler, Marc
    eBook Mathematics A Practical Odyssey 8e David B. Johnson
    eBook Modern Operating Systems, 4e Andrew Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos
    eBook OpenIntro Statistics, 3e David Diez, Christopher Barr, Mine Cetinkaya Rundel
    eBook Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 10e John C. Hull
    eBook Project Management Achieving Competitive Advantage, 5e Jeffrey K. Pinto eBook Raven Biology of Plants, 8e Ray Evert, Susan Eichhorn
    eBook Vander’s Human Physiology; The Mechanisms of Body Function, 15e By Eric Widmaier, Hershel Raff, Kevin Strang
    eBook Web design introductory, 6e Jennifer Campbell, Gary Shelly

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