• Re: DOE funding

    From KP KP@21:1/5 to Paul M. Koloc on Mon Aug 29 08:28:43 2022
    On Thursday, August 16, 1990 at 6:15:46 AM UTC-7, Paul M. Koloc wrote:
    In article <2...@kaos.MATH.UCLA.EDU> ba...@pico.math.ucla.edu (Barry Merriman) writes:
    p...@prometheus.UUCP (Paul M. Koloc) writes:
    In article <2...@kaos.MATH.UCLA.EDU> ba...@pico.math.ucla.edu (Barry Merriman) writes:

    It has NOTHING to do with cost! It is official policy that DOE won't
    fund NEW alternatives; they might attract the attention of congress.

    I'm not up on current DOE funding policies. Is it actually written
    down that they wont fund new alternatives, or are you just saying
    that this appears to be the case?
    I believe the policy is now that funding of new alternatives should not restart until 2040 when some imaginary tokamak engineering achievement
    is accomplished. That way they can remain "focused" or is fu_____sed.
    That came from Clarke, former fusion boss, who is now in the
    international scam called iter (pronouced ee-ter). I think the policy
    was formulated by Furth and given force by the the mafia of fusion or
    MFAC (now MPAC). There is only an acting head at DoE fusion. Nice dear
    sweet person. M. Davies.
    For example, I recall Bussard eventually got some DOE money, and
    I thinkk dome of the Muonic fusion work was DOE funded (though
    I'm not sure.) Perhaps laser fusion too, at KMS Fusion, Inc.
    Heroic ! The true Heros of this country. Guts John Wayne and
    these precious names. It took Bussard's Hill contacts to get him
    the "dime". Kip Siegel of KMS croaked right there while giving
    testimony Congress!!, in order to get his company some money. What
    timing! And Bussard! A true Giant. This guy is at it again!!
    but.. mum's the word. ps.. it ain't doe.
    And isn't there something like $5 million (from DOE) per year set aside
    for work on novel approaches to fusion?
    If they support some aspect of tokamak (the NATIONAL FUSION PROGRAM GOALS) ===== maybe ... if the price of concrete hasn't gone up to much.
    Why does DOE have to underwrite the DOD?
    The BETTER half of DoE maybe its DoD side. But some good comes from this.
    We need the tritium collected so it can decay to a clean fuel He3 :-)
    what is wonderful about the tokamak is that it is guaranteed that it will >>never work but will allow governments to spend an ever increasing budget
    . .. . . . . In fact, I'd
    be willing to give 10:1 odds that the tokamak program will be able
    to deliver a commercially viable reactor in 50 years.
    You should live so long;
    but with your grand sense of humor you just might +---------------------------------------------------------+**********+
    | +Commercial*
    | Paul M. Koloc, President (301) 445-1075 ***FUSION***
    | Prometheus II, Ltd.; College Park, MD 20740-0222 ***in the***
    | mimsy!prometheus!pmk; p...@prometheus.UUCP **Nineties** +---------------------------------------------------------************
    So the outcome?

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