• Universal simultaneity and Langevin's traveler.

    From Richard Hachel@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 25 22:56:47 2024
    XPost: fr.sci.physique

    The theory of relativity is today one of the most misunderstood theories
    in the entire history of humanity.
    I have been saying this for 40 years, and for 40 years, nothing has
    We remain with on my right, the anti-Hachel pretenders, who are real
    cranks, and who, not wanting me to overshadow them, do not listen to
    anything I tell them, to the corrections I propose, and who, wanting to be
    the new Albert Einsteins of the universe (which is a lack of taste),
    prefer to teach 26-dimensional bullshit, where the arrival of flying
    saucers or the relativistic genius of Newton is sufficient according to
    them to explain everything.
    And on my left all those who, very rational, or taking themselves to be
    such, have convinced themselves of the opposite doctrine: Minkowski is
    God, nothing must be added, nothing subtracted.

    All this is very sad, but we do not change a human mentality.

    I see that two speakers (who are interesting speakers by the way) are
    arguing about the notion of reciprocal dilation of time.

    It is obvious that they will never manage to agree.

    Just as Jesus Christ is the only one who leads to the Father, Hachel is
    the only one who leads to the agreement of all on relativistic questions,
    all relativistic questions.

    These two posters are both wrong, and both right.

    Paul is right in saying that we must defend the theory of relativity, and
    that there is a symmetry of dilation of "times".

    On the other hand, Richard is right when he says that a mutual dilation of
    time is absurd.
    It is so obvious that it does not even need to be proven.
    The way Paul answers him is also stupid.

    So why doesn't it work?
    Why can't they get along and listen to TWO minutes of this good doctor
    Hachel who will explain why both are right, but poorly explain why they
    are right and what they are right about.

    The problem comes first from the relativists themselves who do not explain clearly what they SHOULD mean by time dilation.
    However, this sentence is inherently incorrect. There is no time dilation,
    but CHRONOTROPIES. They are not the same thing.
    Constantly, during the outward journey, during the U-turn, during the
    Terrence's watch has an internal mechanism that beats faster than Stella's watch.
    And constantly, during the outward journey, the U-turn (yes, yes, also, if
    we UNDERSTAND what I am saying), the return, Stella has a watch that has
    an internal mechanism that beats faster than the internal mechanism of Terrence's watch.
    There is therefore a reciprocal relativistic dilation of CHRONOTROPIES.

    But we must not correspond global time and chronotropy.

    This is what relativists do, and inevitably, when Dr. Hachel arrives on
    the market of thought (and not only in science) he will immediately
    realize that the confusion is heavy with consequences.

    NOBODY understands anything anymore.

    It is a pity that I am not listened to by religious politics: "We do not
    want this man to be our prophet". This is obviously a stupid position. We
    must simply judge whether what is said is true, and whether it is true
    that everything that is said blows up a multitude of paradoxes (and not
    just the Langevin).

    Let's take this example: Internal chronotropy is the way a watch beats. A watchmaker makes two watches. A systematically beats twice as fast as B.
    We will say that the total time measured by B will be shorter than A.
    However, this is false if B leaves for eight days, and A for one day. In
    total, the measured journeys, that is to say the times on the clocks will
    show that B's journey lasted four days, and A's one day.

    This is a bit like what happens with the explanation of Langevin's
    traveler, which all physicists do very badly. They confuse reciprocal chronotropy (and we must play the card to the fullest each watch, each
    SECOND of their existence, even during the half-turn on a large arc of a circle) beats 1.6666 times faster than the other, at v=0.8c.

    What will cause the shift is not internal chronotropy, and there is, as I
    have just explained, no paradox.

    What will cause the shift (and Paul and Richard must make the effort to understand it, even if the intellectual effort is important since it took
    me decades to understand the last key), is that the two do not see the
    other crossing the same distance in their hyperplane of simultaneity.

    In total, Terrence sees Stella crossing 12 ly, then returning 12 ly.

    That is 24 ly in total.

    But the earth, for Stella, does not move 24 ly in total.

    It moves (the earth) only 4 ly on the way out (if we use the RIGHT
    equation), and 36 ly on the way back.

    This is where the real explanation of the Langevin lies. There is no time
    gap for Stella, nor for Terrence either. Everything is fluid at the level
    of the watches.

    But the distances traveled are not the same.

    Let's recap:

    Terrence sees Stella leave for 27 years, with an apparent speed of 0.4444c
    to travel 12 ly.

    Then he sees her come back for 3 years at a speed of 4c over 12 ly.

    We have 27+3=30 years.

    Stella sees the earth leave behind her for 9 years at 0.4444c (it's
    reciprocal) over 4ly.
    Then come back to her for 9 years at 4c (it's also reciprocal) over 36ly. 9+9=18 years

    Here is Terrence's vision, and the concordances of simultaneity in HIS
    frame of reference.

    The simultaneities FOR TERRENCE are indicated by horizontal lines.
    Be careful, the simultaneity is proper, and in no case is it symmetrical.

    You see, for example, that when Terrence is 9 years old, Stella is only 3. Really only THREE. This is not a Doppler effect, it IS the reality of

    But this is not symmetrical, we cannot say that, on his side, when Stella
    is three years old, in his frame of reference, Terrence is 9. We must not confuse state symmetry and reciprocity of effects.



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