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    From bertietaylor@21:1/5 to David Canzi on Tue Jul 16 00:36:52 2024
    On Mon, 15 Jul 2024 18:20:16 +0000, David Canzi wrote:

    On 7/14/24 19:25, bertietaylor wrote:
    Search and ye shall find.
    Arindam has explained them hundreds of times in his online posts on
    Use Google groups for searching.

    With your extensive knowledge of everything that happens inside
    Arindam's head, you must surely know what N and k represent. It
    would take you less effort to tell us than it would take for me
    to hunt for it. It would take you less effort to tell us than
    you have already spent rationalizing and evading in this thread.

    Ah, well, as you say it nicely unlike the Penisnino. Arindam Banerjee
    is a very nice man, and so here goes...

    Assume that you can somehow with internal energy leading to internal
    force without reaction give with that internal energy a closed mass m an acceleration leading to a gain of velocity v.
    Now this is impossible with our existing notions about physics for it
    will violate Newton's first law.
    Again, suppose it can be done.
    Then with no friction (as in outer space) with N hits the body will gain
    the velocity Nv.
    Energy is required for each hit, that energy coming from sources in the
    closed mass.
    Let kE be the internal energy required for each hit, where E is the
    energy required for accelerating the mass and k is a factor which is
    greater than unity, being a measure of the energy loss in the process of accelerating the mass. In other words, a loss factor relating to heat generation, that is dissipated.

    Right so far? (Apart from the assumption, about which, later.)

    Now, for N hits the internal energy expended will be NkE.

    E=0.5mv^2 - always for every reference frame with velocity reference Nv.
    So the internal energy expended will be Nk0.5mv^2. (1)

    The mass will take a velocity of Nv with a kinetic energy of 0.5m(Nv)^2

    As per the law of conservation of energy they should be the same, but
    that is not the case with large N and a fixed k.

    So there is a gain of energy e for the mass m which is the difference
    between (2) and (1)

    or e=0.5mvvN(N-k)

    Now, about going to the stars.
    Go to speed Nv after N hits. (Gain heaps of energy)
    Then turn around.
    Reach speed -Nv after N hits. (Lose heaps of energy)

    Thus showing energy is eternally created and destroyed in the universe.

    Quod Erat Demonstrandum


    Bertietaylor (Arindam's ghostly cyberpooches)

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