• Re: The Experiment that Resccued Einstein from Obscurity.

    From Tom Roberts@21:1/5 to Jane on Thu May 4 21:24:55 2023
    On 5/4/23 3:50 PM, Jane wrote:
    Naturally any proof that Einstein's theories are a load of crap
    would be offensive to an incurably indoctrinated member of the
    Einsteinian church.

    This just displays how ignorant and biased you are. Ignorant of how
    science actually works, and biased against science and scientists. There
    is no "Einstein church" -- that's just a figment of your imagination, indicative of your ignorance and bias.

    In the world we inhabit, anyone who was able to demonstrate a
    significant error in SR or GR would be a top contender for a Nobel
    Prize. To date nobody has done so, including "Jane".

    For SR the likelihood of this is so tiny that it is completely
    ignorable, until and unless technology improves to the point that
    quantum gravity is within experimental reach. Note that this requires a
    new experiment -- armchair analyses and gedanken experiments are
    powerless to refute SR (unless they also demonstrate a major internal inconsistency in essentially all of mathematics).

    The validity of GR is much more at risk due to puzzles like dark matter
    and dark energy. To date they do not refute GR, but it appears to me
    that they have the potential to do so if future experiments and
    measurements work out that way (but IMHO it is likely they won't turn
    out that way).

    Tom Roberts

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Maciej Wozniak@21:1/5 to Tom Roberts on Thu May 4 22:36:07 2023
    On Friday, 5 May 2023 at 04:25:09 UTC+2, Tom Roberts wrote:
    On 5/4/23 3:50 PM, Jane wrote:
    Naturally any proof that Einstein's theories are a load of crap
    would be offensive to an incurably indoctrinated member of the
    Einsteinian church.
    This just displays how ignorant and biased you are. Ignorant of how
    science actually works, and biased against science and scientists. There
    is no "Einstein church" -- that's just a figment of your imagination, indicative of your ignorance and bias.

    Yes, there is, and your nonsensical lies won't change

    In the world we inhabit, anyone who was able to demonstrate a
    significant error in SR or GR would be a top contender for a Nobel

    In the world we inhabit, forbidden by your
    bunch of idiots improper clocks keep measuring
    t'=t in improper seconds.
    And your Shit is not even consistent, it was
    proven here many times and fanatic idiots like
    you can only pretend they didn't notice.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Prokaryotic Capase Homolog@21:1/5 to Tom Roberts on Thu May 4 23:26:05 2023
    On Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 9:25:09 PM UTC-5, Tom Roberts wrote:

    The validity of GR is much more at risk due to puzzles like dark matter
    and dark energy. To date they do not refute GR, but it appears to me
    that they have the potential to do so if future experiments and
    measurements work out that way (but IMHO it is likely they won't turn
    out that way).

    Most of the proposed alternatives to GR predict violations of
    the equivalence principle at some level, and if these alternatives
    are correct, experiments testing the equivalence principle are
    probably (?) within only a few orders of magnitude of sensitivity
    of being able to detect EP violations.

    Of course, this would be far from being any sort of "refutation"
    of GR, merely the ascertaining of limits to its applicability.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Maciej Wozniak@21:1/5 to Prokaryotic Capase Homolog on Thu May 4 23:41:04 2023
    On Friday, 5 May 2023 at 08:26:08 UTC+2, Prokaryotic Capase Homolog wrote:
    On Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 9:25:09 PM UTC-5, Tom Roberts wrote:

    The validity of GR is much more at risk due to puzzles like dark matter and dark energy. To date they do not refute GR, but it appears to me
    that they have the potential to do so if future experiments and measurements work out that way (but IMHO it is likely they won't turn
    out that way).
    Most of the proposed alternatives to GR predict violations of
    the equivalence principle at some level, and if these alternatives
    are correct, experiments testing the equivalence principle are
    probably (?) within only a few orders of magnitude of sensitivity
    of being able to detect EP violations.

    Of course, this would be far from being any sort of "refutation"
    of GR, merely the ascertaining of limits to its applicability.

    Stop fucking, poor halfbrain, even you are not
    stupid enough to apply this shit for real. You're
    only pretending.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jane@21:1/5 to whodat on Sat May 6 00:06:36 2023
    On Thu, 04 May 2023 16:51:12 -0500, whodat wrote:

    On 5/4/2023 3:50 PM, Jane wrote:
    On Sun, 30 Apr 2023 23:01:20 -0500, whodat wrote:

    Nature was obviously a lot smarter than relativists.

    That's an unsupportable opinion. Plenty of mistakes have been made by scientists (of course when one adheres to the relativistic viewpoint as
    a matter of belief there is a question whether they are scientists, same applies to opposition.) If relativism is wrong that's just another error
    in the search for truth.

    Einstein's 'Ether version' of relativity is obviously wrong. Newton's relativism has never been shown to be wrong.

    We don't have an accurate record regarding how
    many errors "nature" has made, eg lifeform evolution on earth let alone
    the unknown "attempts" made by nature elsewhere. That assumes there is
    only one "nature" in the universe that also encompasses evolution of the universe as well as control of the basic laws of matter, energy, and whatever. The attempts by humans to understand everything is, consequentially, also a legitimate part of "nature" so while I
    appreciate your sentiment you are relying, in this short argument, on a bifurcation that doesn't actually exist.

    You're awfully quick with criticisms and dismissals but never post
    anything to demonstrate you've actually thought most issues discussed
    here through. I'm not one to care that you criticize Einstein, but
    even there your criticisms there are baseless claims and you provide
    no foundation for any of it.

    Naturally any proof that Einstein's theories are a load of crap would
    be offensive to an incurably indoctrinated member of the Einsteinian

    I think you're missing a very important point. All of science has, since
    the beginning of that human endeavor, very simply been a variation on
    the socially acceptable (everywhere except in Martha Stewart's world)
    called "fake it till you make it." Come on, Jane, aren't you just
    another cog of that universe? OTOH your hedge word "incurably" is the
    saving argument. That opens another discussion regarding how much
    evidence is necessary to topple relativity and what sort of evidence
    would that be? With all the inconsistencies that exist in science the inconsistencies you find in Einstein's and other supporting work is
    simply not enough. I think it needs another Eureka moment to topple the existing well entrenched theories. I'm all ears and so is, I suspect,
    most of the world. Don't be shy, show me all of it, the errors as well
    as the alternative. I'd be very surprised if it ends up simply rolling
    back to a prior "state of the art" but that is as much of an available
    option as anything.

    You see...the difference between a true scientist like myself and a self educated, self proclaimed philosopher like yourself is that I actually
    know what i am talking about and state the facts. I have actually
    provided strong hints regarding the terrible error in Paul Andersen's
    fifty yo 'refutation' of ballistic light and also Michelson's moving
    mirror experiment. I am now waiting to see if any Einstein worshipper has
    the intelligence to also find the mistakes and openly accept that they

    If you are who I think you are,

    I am not. End of story....you must have known my uncle John....

    -- lover of truth

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jane@21:1/5 to Prokaryotic Capase Homolog on Sat May 6 00:07:51 2023
    On Thu, 04 May 2023 23:26:05 -0700, Prokaryotic Capase Homolog wrote:

    On Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 9:25:09 PM UTC-5, Tom Roberts wrote:

    The validity of GR is much more at risk due to puzzles like dark matter
    and dark energy. To date they do not refute GR, but it appears to me
    that they have the potential to do so if future experiments and
    measurements work out that way (but IMHO it is likely they won't turn
    out that way).

    Most of the proposed alternatives to GR predict violations of the
    equivalence principle at some level, and if these alternatives are
    correct, experiments testing the equivalence principle are probably (?) within only a few orders of magnitude of sensitivity of being able to
    detect EP violations.

    Of course, this would be far from being any sort of "refutation" of GR, merely the ascertaining of limits to its applicability.

    Any theory based on constant light speed is obviously wrong.

    -- lover of truth

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul Alsing@21:1/5 to Jane on Fri May 5 18:39:06 2023
    On Friday, May 5, 2023 at 5:07:54 PM UTC-7, Jane wrote:

    Any theory based on constant light speed is obviously wrong.

    And your evidence in support of this claim is what, exactly?

    You can only blow smoke for so long... and your time is rapidly evaporating...

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From whodat@21:1/5 to Jane on Fri May 5 21:54:04 2023
    On 5/5/2023 7:06 PM, Jane wrote:
    On Thu, 04 May 2023 16:51:12 -0500, whodat wrote:

    On 5/4/2023 3:50 PM, Jane wrote:
    On Sun, 30 Apr 2023 23:01:20 -0500, whodat wrote:

    Nature was obviously a lot smarter than relativists.

    That's an unsupportable opinion. Plenty of mistakes have been made by
    scientists (of course when one adheres to the relativistic viewpoint as
    a matter of belief there is a question whether they are scientists, same
    applies to opposition.) If relativism is wrong that's just another error
    in the search for truth.

    Einstein's 'Ether version' of relativity is obviously wrong. Newton's relativism has never been shown to be wrong.

    We don't have an accurate record regarding how
    many errors "nature" has made, eg lifeform evolution on earth let alone
    the unknown "attempts" made by nature elsewhere. That assumes there is
    only one "nature" in the universe that also encompasses evolution of the
    universe as well as control of the basic laws of matter, energy, and
    whatever. The attempts by humans to understand everything is,
    consequentially, also a legitimate part of "nature" so while I
    appreciate your sentiment you are relying, in this short argument, on a
    bifurcation that doesn't actually exist.

    You're awfully quick with criticisms and dismissals but never post
    anything to demonstrate you've actually thought most issues discussed
    here through. I'm not one to care that you criticize Einstein, but
    even there your criticisms there are baseless claims and you provide
    no foundation for any of it.

    Naturally any proof that Einstein's theories are a load of crap would
    be offensive to an incurably indoctrinated member of the Einsteinian

    I think you're missing a very important point. All of science has, since
    the beginning of that human endeavor, very simply been a variation on
    the socially acceptable (everywhere except in Martha Stewart's world)
    called "fake it till you make it." Come on, Jane, aren't you just
    another cog of that universe? OTOH your hedge word "incurably" is the
    saving argument. That opens another discussion regarding how much
    evidence is necessary to topple relativity and what sort of evidence
    would that be? With all the inconsistencies that exist in science the
    inconsistencies you find in Einstein's and other supporting work is
    simply not enough. I think it needs another Eureka moment to topple the
    existing well entrenched theories. I'm all ears and so is, I suspect,
    most of the world. Don't be shy, show me all of it, the errors as well
    as the alternative. I'd be very surprised if it ends up simply rolling
    back to a prior "state of the art" but that is as much of an available
    option as anything.

    You see...the difference between a true scientist like myself and a self educated, self proclaimed philosopher like yourself

    I have not made any claims regarding myself but rely on understanding
    by readers of the things I write here. You've missed or ignored the
    nym I've chosen for this newsgroup that clearly disavows any sort of
    personal identification or claims, but you're here thinking you're
    defending those stupidities that have led to knowledgeable participants
    in this newsgroup to pointing out the crankish and trollish aspects of
    your postings.

    I'm not distracted from the critical point I made that human behavior
    is as much a part of "nature" as everything ordinarily associated
    by scientists when using that term. Lashing out, as you do here, will
    not solve the difficulties you create for yourself. All you've done here
    is an attempt to substitute emotion for rational discussion. Simple
    observation should have been enough for you to realize that does not
    work as intended when used as you have here.

    is that I actually
    know what i am talking about and state the facts.

    You and George Hammond are so much on the same page that it verges on
    being scary.

    I have actually provided strong hints

    The very first problem is that you talk out of both sides of your mouth
    with a forked tongue. In the same paragraph you proclaim that you "state
    the facts" and in the very next breath counter your own proclamation
    with having "provided strong hints." Same paragraph, from one sentence
    to the very next you are unable to maintain a level of consistency that
    is essential to being taken seriously.

    regarding the terrible error in Paul Andersen's
    fifty yo 'refutation' of ballistic light and also Michelson's moving
    mirror experiment. I am now waiting to see if any Einstein worshipper has
    the intelligence to also find the mistakes and openly accept that they

    If you were actually a scientist you would not be playing such social
    games but you would get to the matter at hand by submitting a paper
    stating your "discovery" to a peer reviewed journal. This is not a new
    form of criticism by me, but has been a topic of discussion several
    times over the years regarding several posters, so don't feel in any
    way special on account of this observation. You're behaving just as
    the classic sci Newsgroup cranks have over several decades.

    If you are who I think you are,

    I am not. End of story....you must have known my uncle John....

    No comment.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From whodat@21:1/5 to Jane on Fri May 5 21:56:06 2023
    On 5/5/2023 7:07 PM, Jane wrote:
    On Thu, 04 May 2023 23:26:05 -0700, Prokaryotic Capase Homolog wrote:

    On Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 9:25:09 PM UTC-5, Tom Roberts wrote:

    The validity of GR is much more at risk due to puzzles like dark matter
    and dark energy. To date they do not refute GR, but it appears to me
    that they have the potential to do so if future experiments and
    measurements work out that way (but IMHO it is likely they won't turn
    out that way).

    Most of the proposed alternatives to GR predict violations of the
    equivalence principle at some level, and if these alternatives are
    correct, experiments testing the equivalence principle are probably (?)
    within only a few orders of magnitude of sensitivity of being able to
    detect EP violations.

    Of course, this would be far from being any sort of "refutation" of GR,
    merely the ascertaining of limits to its applicability.

    Any theory based on constant light speed is obviously wrong.

    Actually that depends on what is meant by "consistent light speed."

    The term alone, without further clarification, is not definitive.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JanPB@21:1/5 to Jane on Fri May 5 19:59:45 2023
    On Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 1:50:02 PM UTC-7, Jane wrote:

    Naturally any proof that Einstein's theories are a load of crap would be offensive to an incurably indoctrinated member of the Einsteinian church.

    No, it doesn't work that way. Also, there is no such thing as "Einsteinian church".
    This sort of strawman confabulation is infantile and makes you look like a flake.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JanPB@21:1/5 to Prokaryotic Capase Homolog on Fri May 5 20:03:29 2023
    On Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 11:26:08 PM UTC-7, Prokaryotic Capase Homolog wrote:
    On Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 9:25:09 PM UTC-5, Tom Roberts wrote:

    The validity of GR is much more at risk due to puzzles like dark matter and dark energy. To date they do not refute GR, but it appears to me
    that they have the potential to do so if future experiments and measurements work out that way (but IMHO it is likely they won't turn
    out that way).

    Most of the proposed alternatives to GR predict violations of
    the equivalence principle at some level, and if these alternatives
    are correct, experiments testing the equivalence principle are
    probably (?) within only a few orders of magnitude of sensitivity
    of being able to detect EP violations.

    That would be interesting. It would mean at the very least a
    reinterpretation of the GR model: no curved spacetime but
    a Minkowski spacetime with a symmetric tensor field on it
    (analogous to classical electrodynamics).

    Of course, this would be far from being any sort of "refutation"
    of GR, merely the ascertaining of limits to its applicability.



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From JanPB@21:1/5 to Jane on Fri May 5 20:04:11 2023
    On Friday, May 5, 2023 at 5:07:54 PM UTC-7, Jane wrote:
    On Thu, 04 May 2023 23:26:05 -0700, Prokaryotic Capase Homolog wrote:

    On Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 9:25:09 PM UTC-5, Tom Roberts wrote:

    The validity of GR is much more at risk due to puzzles like dark matter >> and dark energy. To date they do not refute GR, but it appears to me
    that they have the potential to do so if future experiments and
    measurements work out that way (but IMHO it is likely they won't turn
    out that way).

    Most of the proposed alternatives to GR predict violations of the equivalence principle at some level, and if these alternatives are correct, experiments testing the equivalence principle are probably (?) within only a few orders of magnitude of sensitivity of being able to detect EP violations.

    Of course, this would be far from being any sort of "refutation" of GR, merely the ascertaining of limits to its applicability.

    Any theory based on constant light speed is obviously wrong.

    But your post above is not even wrong. It's just word salad.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Maciej Wozniak@21:1/5 to Paul Alsing on Fri May 5 23:19:43 2023
    On Saturday, 6 May 2023 at 03:39:07 UTC+2, Paul Alsing wrote:
    On Friday, May 5, 2023 at 5:07:54 PM UTC-7, Jane wrote:

    Any theory based on constant light speed is obviously wrong.
    And your evidence in support of this claim is what, exactly?

    Well, even your idiot guru was unable to stick
    for this nonsensical assertion for long and his
    GR shit had to withdraw.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)